Fashionable wall painting. Wall painting in the interior (54 photos): original decor for the apartment

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

One of the most popular and sought-after ways of decorating empty walls new apartment, country house is increasingly painting. Photos of interiors in which, thanks to the decision of the owners to decorate the walls in the apartment, the most ordinary rooms turned into stylish rooms if desired, can be found in a variety of blogs, magazines.

Is painting in the apartment possible?

Wall painting has been used in a variety of ways for more than a year. Suffice it to recall the medieval frescoes depicted in school textbooks, the painting of ancient times. Today, modern painting on plain walls confirms the high sense of taste of its inhabitants.

It is erroneous that to use artistic painting must be a huge house. It is quite possible to decorate a boring gray wall in the hallway, any other room chosen for repair, up to the living room, with a small, interesting pattern.

Technologies used in modern world, high-quality materials make it possible to turn any dull surface of one tone into an unsurpassed work of art. The most important thing is that it is not necessary to complete special design courses for this, to be a born artist.

Ways to transform a room

The following describes the most financial plan affordable, easy ways that will quickly enliven the room, make it comfortable to stay.

Any person can apply the wall painting they like in the interior without any problems, the main thing is a sincere desire to decorate the room on their own in such a way as if it were a masterpiece created by an interior designer.

Today, there are various techniques that can be used for original painting. To begin with, you will only need to decide what is closer to you: embossed, popular planar painting, perhaps a drawing made on the wall and in 3D.

The more complex the chosen drawing, technique, the higher the cost of the work performed by the specialist. The nuance lies in the fact that not every professional manages to create a drawing that would correspond to the wishes prescribed by the customer, but cash for the time spent, it will be necessary to give.

In this case, the ideal option is to paint the walls with your own hands, which is quite possible that it will not be a work of art, but definitely look at the wall every time, show it to guests, you will be incredibly proud of yourself.

For painting the new interior of the children's room, you can choose a child as your assistant if he can already hold the brush on his own. Painting works in the bedroom can turn the most ordinary evening into a romantic one if you work together with your soulmate.

The main thing is to sincerely believe that art wall painting today is quite simple, because in the 21st century there is everything you need to achieve a beautiful drawing, even if you don’t know how at all, you have never even tried to draw. For example, stencils for wall painting, which are becoming more and more popular every year.

How to choose a drawing?

The choice of the theme of the drawing should depend on the room in which the painting is planned.

If the living room signs, then it is advisable to choose landscapes, beautiful flowers, trees. Of course, mountains, coniferous forests will look original, but a professional can draw them carefully.

But it will not be difficult to depict dandelions and lilies on the wall. To make the ornament really interesting, it is advisable to use the above stencil.

For the kitchen, the ideal option for decorating the wall, given the vast majority classic designs- still life, made in the colors of bright vegetables. Most will be able to draw a plate of fruit with interesting patterns, and glasses of wine with cheese slices. The main thing is to stop at a relatively easy drawing.

For a child in his room, it is customary to depict cartoon characters, fairy-tale palaces, cars, in the case when the boy's room is being repaired. The most acceptable solution for a room if a brother and sister live in it are pets.

We saw a photo of wall painting and set about trying to repeat the drawing on our own, but you are upset that you had no experience in painting before. fine arts? No need to worry beforehand. It is enough to pay attention to the following techniques:

  • Drawing made along the contour;
  • Stencil;
  • Making a drawing using a slide projection.

Wall painting with acrylic paints

You need to prepare the following materials:

  • a container that will be needed for water;
  • brushes of various sizes;
  • acrylic paint of those colors that will be used in the painting;
  • roller (it will be useful when painting large areas with one color);
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler

The first thing to do is to decide what the drawing will be. At the same time, in addition to stylistic decisions premises, other factors, such as personal preferences, should also influence this, because the main thing is that the owners of the house like the drawing.

Perform priming, puttying the wall and paint it in the color that was chosen for the background of the painting. Using the cage, carefully transfer the selected pattern to the wall. To do this, the drawing must first be divided into small cells on paper, and then transferred from the sketch to the wall on a scale, that is, proportionally enlarged.

When transferring a drawing, it is best to use a simple pencil, since it will be easier to remove all unnecessary lines. After drawing the drawing, all grid lines can be safely removed and the coloring of the picture can begin.

For interesting colors acrylic paints can be mixed, add paint to them white color or water. If we talk about the consistency, then it should resemble low-fat sour cream. If you make it too liquid, then there is a risk of running off the wall.

First of all, paint should be applied to everything large areas and only then on small details and borders of transitions between colors.

When completing the work, it is important to wait until the paint dries completely, after which the artistic painting of the walls must be covered acrylic varnish. This will increase the resistance of the new decorative element to UV radiation and significantly increase wear resistance.

When choosing a picture for painting, remember that such a wall will definitely become the semantic center of the interior, so it is important that it does not suppress or dominate, but only decorates the room.

Wall painting photo

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

One of the original decorative techniques in the interior, allowing you to escape from the captivity of everyday life and standard solutions, is the artistic painting of walls and ceilings. She can transform any room: shift the boundaries of the familiar, fill the space with light and air, add romance and bright colors, picturesquely zone and place accents.

Basic principles for choosing art painting

When choosing an image for painting, which you plan to decorate the walls or ceilings of your apartment, you need to start from several important points.

  • The plot of wall painting is a powerful factor influencing the psychological mood of all the inhabitants of the house. This dominant touch of the interior will set the bar for feelings and sensations, so the choice of style, colors and themes of painting should be given special attention.

The basic moment, the sweetest highlight in artistic painting - handmade. Yours or a professional artist is the second question. It is precisely the fact of painstaking individual approach, a thoughtful look and a willingness to combine rough work with creativity.

  • The purpose of each room where artistic painting is planned should be the starting point in choosing a drawing, its plot and color. You can, of course, destroy stereotypes further, but, perhaps, it is worth observing the tradition and leaving the kitchen with its still lifes, and the bedroom with nude scenes.

It is permissible to vary the themes of images within the framework of compatibility: for example, a food theme in the kitchen can be diluted with cool abstraction, clouds and stars in the nursery can be replaced with bright cartoon plots, and the living room and bedroom can be painted in a lyrical style.

  • You should pay attention to the ratio of the scale of the wall painting and the size of the apartment. Grandiose historical plots or complex reproductions will look crumpled and defiant at the same time within a small room.

A suitable solution for painting in a small area would be an ornament or a discreet abstraction.

Important! All inaccuracies and errors in painting with acrylic paints should be corrected immediately. dried paint very difficult to clean and impossible to wash off.

Oil paints

Before the advent of new types of compositions, oil paints for a long time held the lead in terms of durability and strength. These paints allow you to smoothly move from tone to tone and retain bright colours after drying. But such shortcomings oil paints, as the difficulty in preparation and application, toxicity, prolonged drying, cracking and yellowing over time have shifted them from the leading positions.

tempera paints

Tempera is most often used in combination with acrylic paints, allowing for complex designs. Images made with tempera paint do not darken, do not fade, they are distinguished by a velvety matte surface.

Wax-oil tempera deserves special attention, combining all the advantages of oil and water colors. It contains pigments, the binder for which is the compound linseed oil, beeswax, resin, water and other components. This is a transparent paint that allows you to create a variety of shades by applying one color to another. Does not change tone when dried, does not dissolve in water, resistant to the external environment.

Sequence of work

A clear work plan and an impeccable, healthy surface will be the key to the success of any finish, and even more so - artistic painting. At the very beginning, you need to decide on the questions:

  • Where will the painting be done?
  • what is the task of painting - creating a unique artistic accent, visual expansion of the space, correcting the proportions of the layout, masking interior defects, etc.;
  • what will be the plot of the image;
  • what paints and painting techniques will be chosen;
  • how to prepare a wall or ceiling for painting.

Wall and ceiling preparation

Preparation for painting takes place in several stages.

Wall and ceiling cleaning

The surface chosen for painting also needs other types of coatings. Thoroughly clean all irregularities with a spatula, brush or grinder.


Degreasing is necessary for good adhesion of the paint to the surface. Using a sponge or rag, you need to treat the walls and ceiling with any degreasing agent - white spirit, turpentine, vinegar, acetone or special primer.


All surface defects larger than 5 mm must be . Minor irregularities are eliminated by applying putty.

Important! Do not use putties on an oil-glue or alabaster basis. They do not allow moisture to be absorbed, which entails peeling the paint layer.


  1. A wall or ceiling is marked: the boundaries of the image, the horizon level, the vanishing points of the perspective are outlined.
  2. Large lines and the most significant objects are drawn.
  3. Smaller details are applied in detail.

Important! To draw a sketch, use colored pencils from the colors present in the plot. It is generally not recommended to use a slate pencil: black lines are poorly washed off and can show through the finished painting.

To avoid errors when drawing a picture, the method of transferring a scaled image to the surface is used. To do this, the sketch is drawn into squares and transferred to the walls with the help of a level.

A convenient option would be to project a picture from a slide onto the surface.

most creative and interesting job– giving the image color and volume. The algorithm for coloring a sketch of a mural may look like this:

  • On the palette, the main color is brought to the desired consistency. To do this, the necessary colorants are added to the white paint.

Advice. It is better to dilute the paint for painting immediately with some margin, because it can be difficult to get exactly the same shade again. But the paint dries quickly, and you can’t leave it and used brushes in the air for a long time.

  • You need to apply paint, moving from dark shades to lighter ones.
  • From time to time it is useful to move away from the image, evaluate it from a distance and just give your eyes a rest, refresh your perception.
  • It is convenient to paint small details with the help of small brushes or stamps.

Wall painting was very popular in the past: it adorned the walls of palaces and estates. Now it can be seen less often, but modern technology allowed her to fit into stylish interiors. We invite you to consider different kinds wall paintings, as well as appreciate the most successful examples- some we took from our reports.

So, by There are two types of imaging techniques: traditional and modern. We will consider the latter - they are more relevant and are much more common.

Acrylic painting

Painting with acrylic paints is the most popular type of painting on the walls in the interior. For such a painting, it is very important to prepare the “canvas” well: the wall must be perfectly flat. Acrylic is painted on top of the top layer of plaster, after applying a layer of acrylic primer to better hold the drawing.

Price acrylic painting is quite high and depends on the complexity of the drawing and elaboration small parts. The price of simple drawings varies from 3,000 to 6,000 rubles / m 2, medium in complexity (for example, detailed landscapes) - from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles / m 2, and really complex (portraits, copies of famous paintings) - from 15,000 rubles / m 2.

The artist must provide customers with a sketch, according to which he will create a panel on the wall, so that later there will be no surprises.

Here interesting example work done by the guys from Studio 7, which is engaged in wall painting.

During our reports, we saw beautiful acrylic painting several times. So, for example, designer Masha Kolesnikova herself painted the bedroom wall for the birth of her daughter Zlata. The little girl is already two years old, and she recently asked her mother where this fabulous tree came from in her room, and when she heard the answer, she exclaimed: “Mom, what a fine fellow you are!”. Masha recalls this incident with a smile.

The most complex and at the same time the most interesting wall art we saw in. His p The first floor is dedicated to the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland".The pride of the hostess is a painted library with a secret entrance to the Looking Glass. There are several references to the fairy tale on the panel: the book of the same name, a jar of magic potion "Drink me", the Cheshire cat and the queen's chess piece.

I love my family and friends very much, and I wanted them to contribute something to our home. We gave them a task: to think about what kind of book they would like to write in their life. And when the wall library was made, we “put” all these “works” in a cupboard: the artists drew a lot of books, and each family could choose the series, color and thickness of their folios, and then inscribe them.

And some good examples.


Many are familiar with airbrushing thanks to the painted cars found on the roads. But airbrushing is not necessarily associated with cars, it can also decorate walls in the interior. Airbrush drawings are made using a special tool - an airbrush. The lines are smooth, and thanks to the transparency of the layers, you can adjust the color. The price of simple compositions starts from 1000 rubles / m 2, and complex ones, including even photorealism, - from 7000 rubles / m 2. By the way, airbrush painting of refrigerators is a popular trend.

Painting with invisible paints

Perhaps the most fantastic option from our selection. Painting is applied to the wall an invisible fluorescent paint that only shows up when ultraviolet light (UV lights) is turned on. Sometimes such a pattern is applied to an existing acrylic one, adding fabulousness to it, and sometimes designers choose a simple plain wall, which, when natural light doesn't even hint at the secret he's hiding. This is very convenient, as the drawing does not bother.

The photographs are of the designer's project.Svetlana Krasnova.

Painting with luminous paints

Luminous paints containing a phosphor differ from invisible ones in that they are most often applied over an acrylic pattern so that it does not get lost at night. During the day, they accumulate light and then give it off for another six to eight hours after dark.Such paints are rarely used in the interiors of apartments, since few people want the walls to glow at night, but they are very popular in the interiors of bars, bowling alleys and cafes.

This option is perfect for a child's room. Big photo project with Avatar, see.

An interesting option- paint with this paint not walls, but individual decor items, such as vases or mirror frames - at least accessories are easy to remove if their glow interferes.


Street graffiti art, although rare, still finds its way into interiors. Most often, such wall painting is chosen by young, creative and loving people. this species drawings.

Graffiti is painted with spray paint in spray cans or special markers. The advantage of this paint is that it dries instantly, lays down on almost any surface (from wood to brick), and such a pattern is much cheaper than acrylic painting (from about 1000 rubles / m 2).

3D painting

3D technology has firmly entered our lives. It is difficult to find a person who has never seen a movie for which it is worth putting on 3D glasses. So this fashion came to wall paintings. Such drawings are usually made with acrylic paints and differ from ordinary acrylic canvases only in the approach to writing the pictures themselves. The cost of work depends on the complexity, prices vary from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles / m 2. 3D drawings on the walls can visually enlarge the room, for this you need to choose a plot with a perspective.

In the photo: three-dimensional abstractions by the artist Denis Kovalenko.

Photos:,,,, Vanyantseva Elena

Painting walls in a house or apartment is far from new element finishes. Various subjects decorated the walls of private dwellings in ancient times. Then wall painting was available only to aristocrats, and today everyone can decorate an apartment with exquisite paintings. Modern designers and artists can paint a wall even in small room so that the pattern blends harmoniously into the interior. You don't have to be the owner of a luxurious mansion to have a piece of art on the walls of your house.

Wall painting in a house or apartment is far from a new element of decoration.

Decorative wall painting in the interior is very popular today. There are many agencies and private artists involved in this art form. They work in various techniques and genres, so you can pick up the most incredible pictures on the wall. As a rule, there are 3 main techniques:

  • planar;
  • embossed;
  • 3d painting.

There are a lot of varieties of planar technique - these are frescoes applied with water-soluble paints on wet plaster, encaustic, which is melted wax, and grisaille, depicting old black and white photographs. In one technique, the pattern is applied using aerosols. This, for example, graffiti or airbrushing. Others use various devices for applying the image with paints.

Modern designers and artists can paint a wall even in a small room so that the drawing harmoniously fits into the interior.

Relief painting is more complicated than flat painting. This is a very tricky technique. It is only suitable for a room in a classic style, baroque or rococo. Relief painting is a combination of drawing and three-dimensional details made of gypsum, plaster, decorative stone etc. It is similar to the technique of three-dimensional painting. However, they are not the same. A three-dimensional drawing is created with the help of paints, but thanks to the skillful combination of light and shadow, it seems that there is a tunnel or a magical portal in the wall.

Only professionals can perform a three-dimensional painting, because this is an ordinary drawing with paints that seems voluminous. The secret is that the paint applied to the surface rubs off, acquiring the effect of depth and space. Graphics in the interior can also be three-dimensional. The 3D effect is achieved due to the geometry of the picture, which is very difficult to achieve.

Gallery: wall painting in the apartment (25 photos)

Simple do-it-yourself wall painting (video)

Choice of location and subject

Artistic painting in the interior is a task for real designers, because not every surface is suitable for work. Painting on the walls should correspond to the purpose of the room, in harmony with the style and color scheme of the interior. Graffiti will look strange and out of place in classic styles, and hi-tech or minimalism, on the contrary, do not tolerate pomposity. It is best to draw a plan of the room with all the objects and already look for a place for the drawing on it.

The image should be well lit, so the ideal option is to choose a wall in the apartment opposite the window, or draw over the picture led strip or hang a lamp. The painted area does not have to occupy the entire wall. It can be some part, a small picture on a plain background. Recently, it has become fashionable among designers to paint on several surfaces. For example, it can be a landscape that stretches over several rooms, a beautiful floral ornament, “curling” from the floor to the ceiling, or an abstraction that goes to the door or furniture.

Hand-painted walls are appropriate in any room, but you will have to think about the plot. The main room in the house is the living room. Comfort and tranquility reign in it, the whole family gathers in this room, guests are received there. Ideal themes for this room are landscapes in soothing colors, delicate flowers or images of animals. If the living room is combined with the hallway, then the theme of the drawing can smoothly move from one room to another. For small corridors and hallways, plots are chosen in light colors to visually expand the room.

The image should be well lit, so the ideal option is to choose a wall in the apartment opposite the window.

The bedroom is a place to sleep and rest. Painting in the bedroom should not be aggressive. The motive is usually associated with sleep: peaceful landscapes, sunset, starry sky, signs of the zodiac. Often in the bedroom they do wall painting in oriental style. Intricate arabesques fill the room with the atmosphere of oriental fairy tales. Graffiti and contrasting drawings for the bedroom are not suitable.

A nursery is a special room in which a child is in charge. The interests of the baby do not always coincide with the desires of adults. Ideas for painting walls in the nursery should come from the child, because this is his territory. No matter how much parents want to do everything to their taste and draw a flower field or a sky in the clouds, you will have to come to terms with the desires of the child. Preschoolers often choose stories from cartoons, children school age- pirate ships and castles, teenagers prefer graffiti, abstractions, etc.

In the kitchen, pictures depicting food are appropriate. It can be various still lifes, Orchard, an old fireplace, etc. Extensive panoramas from beautiful views. It is better to paint the wall in the kitchen on the surface opposite from the place of cooking, so that grease and water do not get on the painting.

Unusual do-it-yourself wall decor (video)


Professional wall painting is expensive, because it is handmade. The price depends on the complexity and size of the drawing. For do-it-yourself wall painting in the interior, the techniques used by artists are, of course, complex and require certain skills and abilities. But a simple pattern can be created by everyone. Do-it-yourself wall painting in an apartment is usually done using:

  • stencil;
  • contour;
  • slide projection.

Work should begin with surface preparation. The wall is leveled with plaster or drywall. Then several layers of putty should be applied. Moreover, a primer is applied to each layer so that the putty does not crack over time. On such a surface, the paint will lie well and last a long time. Before painting and applying the drawing, the wall is painted in the background color and wait until completely dry.

The stencil allows you to quickly apply a color or plain pattern. With it, you can draw graffiti, floral pattern, interesting ornament. You just need to attach the stencil to the selected surface and draw with a brush.

Applying a contour image is also quite simple. The finished drawing you like is reproduced along the contour on the surface. However, the image should not be too complicated. The outline is drawn with a pencil, and if something fails, then the drawing can be wiped off with a damp cloth and start over. Further, the drawing is simply painted with paints. Even a child can cope with a simple plot.

Those who have a special apparatus will be able to apply a painting according to the projection of the slide. The image is simply projected onto the surface, then the contours need to be outlined, and the drawing needs to be colored. With the help of slide projection, it is quite easy to put graphics on the wall.

You can choose any paint for work. Usually use water-based or acrylic paints. Acrylic is indispensable for the bathroom, where the humidity is always high. Watercolor walls look beautiful, but they are far from suitable for every room. A nursery can be painted with a child even with gouache, but on the condition that no one will rub and wash the image with water. It is even better to cover the masterpiece with several layers of varnish. modern industry releases great amount various decorative paints, which are sprayed onto the surface, glow in the dark, etc. Even a novice artist can create unusual drawings on the walls with their help.

Do-it-yourself artistic wall painting in the interior is not the easiest job. But such an image is created with warmth and love, because every artist leaves a piece of his soul in his works. In addition, do-it-yourself wall painting is original design which no one will have.

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