Wall painting samples. DIY wall painting: types and techniques, materials and tools

landscaping 30.08.2019

Every person wants their home to be light and cozy to make it pleasant to come after a hard day, to relax, relax your body and soul.

Of course, you can equip your home with the right furniture or stylish wallpaper. But perhaps the most original way to create a dream interior is artistic painting of the walls.

This designer technique has been used recently, but already won sympathy apartment dwellers and homeowners.

To bring a little into your home picturesque beauty, it is not necessary to look for professionals. wall painting it is quite possible to do it yourself, which will allow you to create unique impeccable interior tailored to individual preferences.

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Wall painting is not difficult, but exciting!

In this case, it all depends on the ability, creativity and artist's imagination. Yes, yes, this activity will make you feel real artist.

Your canvas - this is a wall like clean slate that provides freedom for creativity. At your disposal paints all kinds colors, brushes, sponges, spray can and other devices.

Wall painting in interior can be the most diverse: from ordinary colors and geometric figures, decorated in the form of an ornament, to whole finished paintings - landscapes, still lifes, illustrations to your favorite books and movies.

It doesn't have to be a professional artist. Even a person without drawing skills can paint a wall using stencils.

Types and techniques of artistic painting

One of the oldest technique used for wall painting. People have mastered it since Ancient Greece, but it gained particular popularity during the period renaissance in Europe.

With each century, this technique has been improved all the time. Fresco is painting on fresh plaster. As a rule, water-soluble paints are used.

When painting, it is necessary track, so that the plaster does not dry out. Only then will a true fresco with rich flowers.

If the plaster begins to dry out, then it must be periodically moisturize.

Important: decorative wall painting is done mainly with large artistic brushes. Paint brushes won't fit here!

This technique is very similar to the fresco technique, only it is already performed on dry plaster (ital. a secco - dry).

The undoubted advantage is that you can take your time, and thoroughly draw a drawing.

However ordinary paints do not adhere well to such material. Therefore, they must be prepared: acrylic grind the paints into a mixture of vegetable glue, eggs and notify. It turns out something similar to tempera. You can apply paint in several layers.

The mural needs some framing, to aesthetically arrange its borders at the joints with the ceiling and glued wallpaper walls. How to do this with decorative moldings, you can learn from

Note: In case of some drawing errors small areas can be slightly corrected by rinsing with clean water. However, this is not recommended, as the pattern will become less durable and may even crumble over time.

Is one of the most labor-intensive technician. Represents scratching drawing ( ital. sgraffito or grafrito - scratched).

Art painting walls using this technique is performed colored plaster, and the number of colors will depend on your idea.

Do not perform complex paintings in this technique and try to use no more than 4 colors. Apply them successively on top of each other, allowing each layer to dry slightly.

Most upper layer will be background Pictures. Can be applied over it outline future image.

Then in the right places scratching plaster to the depth of the desired color. Here it is necessary to show utmost care - nothing can be fixed!

Sgraffito technique


One of the most interesting and unusual technique, from the preparation of paints to the finishing touches.

Here the paint is melted wax, mixed with color pigments.

Such materials are special naturalness, which means non-toxic, so they can paint walls in children's room.

Apply paint should only be on dry plaster.

In this technique, it is best to use tough non-porous brushes, as the paints are very soft.

To make the drawing look be careful you can draw an image in advance with a pencil with a very soft lead.

Encaustic in the interior

One of contemporary and simple techniques, allowing you to create various effects - from light airiness to realistic images and even 3D effects.

Executed using paint cans for small parts and airbrushes for large images.

To use this technique, it is not necessary to prepare surface walls. The paint is easy to apply over other paint, plaster and even wallpaper.

It opens new Horizons for design ideas. For example, in the background colored wallpaper, you can draw any objects, and the room will turn into blooming garden or tropical forest.

airbrushing it is possible to carry out artistic painting of both walls and ceilings.

Airbrushing in the interior

Another fashionable modern know-how in artistic painting, which are full of almost all yards major cities. It can be considered hooliganism, but it can be skillfully used to design in the house.

Most often, painting is done using aerosol cans. Any surface for painting is suitable - be it plaster, dye or wallpaper. But be sure to remember that spray paint is applied only to well dried surface.

Not technology, but piece of art! The drawings are very similar to black and white. pencil sketches on the paper.

Remember how in such drawings they beat shades gray, gradation is recreated. Images are similar to black and white photographs. Recently, such wall decoration has become more stylish than ever.

realistic, volumetric and elegant image captivates. But to paint the walls with your own hands in this technique is extremely difficult and it is unlikely to succeed for a beginner.

Performed on a wall that has undergone whitewashing. Base paint - tempera, which is recommended to be applied with a thin stiff brush with light strokes, as if you are drawing with a pencil. Most small details can be drawn with ink. Be careful in choosing tones.

Author's technique - painting the walls with strokes using a sponge

interesting technology to help transform interior. It is characterized simplicity performance and the special subtlety and beauty of the resulting images.

You will need:

  • several sponges(depending on the amount of paints used);
  • paints(preferably water based)
  • spray with water;
  • soft simple pencil;
  • stencils.

The working surface, that is, the wall, must be pasted over white

Note: artistic painting of the walls in the interior creates a certain ease, a slight mess and at the same time airiness.

To begin with, applied to the wallpaper sketch with a pencil.

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Wall painting in the interior has been widely used for many centuries. Medieval frescoes, antique paintings, modern paintings on the walls - all this testifies to the sophistication of the room and the high sense of taste of its inhabitants.

Not required to be the owner big house with columns to use interior art painting as wall decoration. A small pattern can decorate a wall in a nursery or any other room. Modern materials and technologies make it possible to make a real work of art out of a dull, monophonic surface. And most importantly - for this you do not need to be a professional artist or designer.

The article will describe the most simple and available ways, allowing to revive the living space, make it more interesting for perception and cozy. Everyone can apply them, the main thing is the desire to decorate the room with their own hands so that it looks like a masterpiece from a professional designer.

Choose an artist

To date, there are many specialists who are ready to make a painting in the interior, private room in any, even the most incredible techniques.

Naturally than harder job, the greater the cost for its implementation will be taken by the specialist. But the trouble is, not everyone can create a drawing that meets all the requirements of the customer. And the money for the work, anyway, will have to pay decent. And sometimes you want to decorate the room with your own hands. And let the wall painting in the interior not become a work of art. But with what a sense of pride you will look at the surface, painted by yourself.

This work can also be done collectively. For example, a child will always be happy to paint the interior in a nursery. Of course - if his age allows him to hold a brush in his hands. And the luxurious painting of the wall in will wind up on romantic feelings if you complete the drawing together.

The main thing is to believe that there is nothing difficult in painting walls with your own hands. In the yard of the 21st century, modern materials have high quality characteristics that allow you to create a beautiful picture on the wall, even for those who do not know how to draw at all. The main thing is not to neglect simple rules when painting walls.

wall painting techniques

Fortunately, modern artists have ample opportunity to create incredible wall art. Once upon a time, only one, very complex technology was used - frescoes. Now it's enough just to buy a few cans of acrylic or water-based paint at the hardware store, and start drawing on the wall.

Have you decided to create a masterpiece yourself, but do not have real experience in this area?

So, you should pay attention to such painting techniques:

  • stencil;
  • simple contour drawing;
  • drawing a picture on the projection of the slide.

Stencil - great way make a wall painting in the interior with your own hands, apply a simple monochrome or multi-color pattern to the wall. In the children's room, a child can help you, because to draw a picture, it is enough to attach a stencil to the wall and walk over it with a brush or roller. Using a stencil, you can put on the wall not only an ornament of the same elements, but also other images.

Drawing along the contour is quite simple. The main thing is to find a simple but beautiful image and, using a regular soft pencil, reproduce it on the wall. If something does not work out, the contours can be easily wiped with a damp sponge and drawn all over again.

Even a person who is far from mastery in fine arts. When the contours are applied to the wall, it is enough to decorate the drawing with interior paints. The technology is ideal for decorating a nursery, especially if the child loves to draw.

If you have a slide projector, you can use it to draw a picture on the wall. For example, to reproduce the desired image on the wall surface, redraw its contours on the wall, and then decorate it.

Pattern selection

Artistic wall painting in the interior is simple.

It is important to choose the theme of the picture for a particular room:

  • Decided to paint the wall in the living room? Flowers, trees and natural landscapes are ideal. Only a professional can draw a forest or mountains on a wall. But lilies, dandelions or snowdrops are not so difficult to reproduce on their own. You can use a simple stencil for applying ornaments.
  • The optimal solution for the kitchen is painting the walls in the interior with still lifes of fruits and vegetables, images of any food. Many will be able to draw a plate of fruit or a head of cheese. The main thing is to choose a simple drawing.
  • In the nursery, you can depict cartoon characters. For a girl, images of flowers, butterflies, a fairy-tale castle are suitable. Need to decorate the walls in the boy's nursery? Images of superheroes and cars will do. When both a boy and a girl live in the nursery, in a room on different walls different pictures can be drawn. Clouds or a starry sky is a universal solution for a children's bedroom.

When painting the walls in the bathroom, you should pay attention Special attention for the type of paint. Bathroom is different high humidity. Can be used in another room water-based paint, for the bathroom it is better to take acrylic. For the bathroom, images of waterfalls, Roman baths, the ocean floor, and fish are suitable. Is this too difficult for you? So, the image of large soap bubbles on the wall will do.

wall painting technology

The wall will be painted in the bedroom, or another room, you should follow the technology of applying paint to the wall. Wall painting is the decoration of the room. But all work begins with the alignment of the wall.

It is not necessary to apply plaster or level the walls with drywall yourself. You can entrust this process to professionals.

If you decide to do this work yourself, they should include the following steps:

  • leveling the wall with plaster or drywall;
  • a layer of starting putty;
  • a layer of finishing putty;
  • painting the wall in the background color.

On plaster or drywall, as well as layers of putty, a primer should be applied, otherwise it will begin to delaminate over time. After drawing the picture on the wall, it is opened with a transparent varnish. This measure allows you to make the image as resistant to mechanical damage as possible, and the colors will not fade and fade for a long time.

Where to place the drawing

Have you chosen a pattern for the wall? Has the paint been bought and the walls prepared? Now you need to decide on the place of drawing the image. First you need to plan the entire design of the room. Do-it-yourself wall painting in the interior should not contrast with the color of the furniture, it should correspond to the style and purpose of the room. So that as a result there are no unpleasant surprises, you need to put a plan of a room with furniture on paper, and depending on it, look for a place for a drawing.

It is better if the wall with a picture is well lit. If possible, this should be the surface opposite the window.

If the drawing is placed on a far, poorly lit wall, you can lay under the ceiling led strip. Or - hang a small lamp on the wall.

Drawing in the nursery or bedroom will burn to decorate the area above the bed, or near it. Not necessary . You can choose a small drawing that fits the theme of the room. For example, in a children's room we draw clouds on the wall or stars under the ceiling. In the kitchen - a still life or an image of fruit over the table.

To make the interior of a room with artistic painting even more interesting, you can resort to some design tricks.

Use fluorescent paint. Even a simple drawing with fluorescent elements will look as impressive and unusual as possible.

The drawing can be applied to decorative plaster, or – surround the image with it. If the level of skill allows, we use the technology of relief painting, some of the elements here are made using plaster or putty. Do not be afraid to experiment, and your creative ideas will be embodied in the interior of the room with exclusive hand-painted.

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Painting on the wall is a great alternative to wallpaper and other decorative materials used for interior design. A hand-made drawing has many advantages: durability, exclusivity, it looks quite expensive and presentable in the interior. But there is also negative factors, because of which many owners of apartments and houses prefer alternative options: the high cost of the work of the master and materials. This is the reason to think about painting the walls with your own hands.

Can a layman paint the walls in a room

Even a simple painting often costs customers a round sum, all because a professional artist takes on it, highly appreciating his work. But the artistic painting of the walls in the interior can be quite simple and does not require artistic skills. Many people are afraid to paint the walls in apartments for a simple reason: lack of experience and fear of ruining the repair in the room. But in this case main - good choice images and techniques in which the drawing will be performed.

In order for the composition to look as profitable as possible in the room and emphasize its advantages, hiding the flaws, you should familiarize yourself with the simplest and most available options wall paintings in the interior.

Pattern selection

Decorative wall painting begins with the choice of a background and an image that will be present on it. It is also important to choose a location decorative element on the wall and consider the following factors:

  • the size and shape of the room;
  • purpose of the premises;
  • source location natural light how bright the room is;
  • general style in the interior.

For example, fairy-tale motifs, simple images of animated characters, flowers, bubble, cute and simple scenery. For the kitchen, motifs with fruits, vegetables and dishes are ideal. Walls in bedrooms and living rooms can be painted with plant compositions.

Wall painting in the apartment - the ability to hide the defects of the room: bumps on the walls, too low or high ceilings, lack of lighting.

Do-it-yourself artistic painting of the walls will be more successful if you first sketch the room on paper and plan the location on it.

Proper preparation of walls for painting

Wall painting in the bedroom or any other room should be carried out only on the correct prepared surface. It is subject to the following processing:

  • with traces of old finishing materials they should be removed;
  • significant irregularities are leveled with a mortar or adhesive mixture;
  • after it dries, the walls are plastered;
  • a primer is applied over the plaster for subsequent better adhesion with putty;
  • the surface is puttied and polished sandpaper, then primed again.

After all these works, the walls are painted. The material should be applied evenly, preferably in two layers. Only after the paint has completely dried, you can start drawing a picture using one of the available methods.

It is better to use as a background acrylic paints: the layer of material will be characterized by increased strength and durability, as well as excellent external characteristics.

What colors to paint

  • ease of mixing and application: to obtain lighter shades, the color should be diluted with white paint;
  • the material adheres well to the surface;
  • to obtain the desired consistency, the paint is diluted with water.

You should also acquire materials for drawing drawings:

  • soft colored pencil for making contours, if necessary, it can be easily removed with a regular eraser;
  • for large strokes, large wide flat brushes;
  • for thinner lines, small kolinsky round brushes are suitable;
  • if you plan to draw flower petals, you should get a foam rubber round roller, the edge of which will draw the details.

To achieve maximum strength and durability of the finish layer, after applying the pattern and drying the paint, the wall is covered with a special varnish. You should also take care of its acquisition in advance.

Easy ways to paint on the wall

There are two main options for drawing pictures on the wall in the apartment. Even people who do not have experience in wall painting can use them:

  • by hand;
  • using a stencil.

If you have at least some skills in drawing, then you can use the first option and draw a simple image with a brush and acrylic paint. But if such a prospect is frightening, and there is no desire to experiment in fine art, you can buy a stencil in a hardware store and use it to create an interesting and original decor in the room.

Screen decorative wall painting in the interior - faster and practical option. Before you paint the walls in a room, it is important to find harmonious shades of the background and pattern.

How to paint a wall by hand

The first thing you need is a suitable drawing. As a template, you can take the image of a tree. You can draw a dark tree on a light background, or vice versa. White or beige acrylic paint will stand out clearly against a dark wall. Work must be carried out in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. A contour is applied to the wall with a soft colored pencil. It is not necessary to monitor the evenness of the lines. If they are a little crooked, the quality of the drawing will not suffer from this. The line, if desired, can be erased or corrected with a rubber eraser. It is worth making sure that the pencil does not violate the integrity of the paint layer on the wall. The drawing can be partially transferred to the adjacent wall and ceiling. When drawing a contour, you should constantly step aside to evaluate appearance Images.
  2. Contours and small branches are drawn with a thin brush, if they are present in the drawing. The paint is applied in several strokes, so the drawing will look more professional even if the artist cannot draw a short, even line.
  3. The contours are carefully filled with a thicker brush. This should be done carefully, without going beyond the contours. The tree is “painted over” from the bottom up, the paint is applied in a thin, even layer. First, larger elements of the picture are sketched, then transitions are made to smaller details.
  4. A tree may have leaves, butterflies or birds may fly near it. It is important to choose the colors of these parts. As an option - monophonic elements. It is better not to experiment with bright shades, if additional small elements differ in color from the tree trunk, it is better to take soft pastel colors. The edges can be decorated with thin lines of gold or silver acrylic.

The walls in the apartment with your own hands can be painted with other drawings, but the above technique is the basis for the successful application of any image to the surface.

Large flowers are another popular option for wall painting in living rooms. It can be a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, a nursery or even a bathroom. Bright elements of juicy shades will look favorably on a light background.

The drawing can be done in warm or cold colors, if desired, they are combined. After filling the main volume with paint, the contours are drawn with a thin brush using black acrylic. This should be done after the color paint is completely dry.

screen painting

Construction stores have big choice stencils to create decor on the walls in the apartment. They are glued to the wall and then easily removed. Such a pattern can be applied both on top of a painted surface and on wallpaper. In the second case, they must be suitable for staining. In addition to acrylic paint and a stencil, you should purchase a narrow roller. Drawing is quite simple:

  1. The stencil is glued to the wall.
  2. The roller is dipped in paint, for this purpose it is better to take a special container for paint, so its excess will not remain on the tool.
  3. Even before the paint dries, the template is carefully removed from the wall and can be reused.

If the wall is opened on top of the picture with a transparent varnish, this should be done only after all layers of paint are completely dry, otherwise the image will be damaged.

More details on the video:

Decorative indoor painting is a way to create an exclusive, fashion design in a residential area. Painting a wall by hand is quite simple, the main thing is to carefully consider the image on the wall and how it will be in harmony with other interior elements.

One of the popular ways to decorate a house or apartment is to paint the walls in the interior: photos of exquisite paintings that turn typical rooms into stylish corners can be found in fashion magazines and on the net. Decorating your home with such images is becoming fashionable, but often in a desperate desire to make their home more attractive, the townsfolk forget about style and relevance. It is wall painting that is considered the very technique that can both spoil and decorate the interior.

Wall painting: exquisite decor for all rooms

Interior painting, according to the designer, is appropriate in almost any room and in any style. This versatility decorative reception, as well as its originality, make such images popular in modern design. Artistic painting can change the mood of the room and make it more aristocratic and sophisticated. A high-quality pattern on the wall will remain unshakable for many years, as the techniques used make it possible to create extremely durable coatings.

ADVICE! An image for wall painting should be selected based on the style of the room: pastoral paintings for Provence, pop Art for modern or abstract art in a minimalist interior.

Artistic wall painting in the interior of an apartment is a great way to create a unique design. choice of subjects, color solution and features of the decoration of the picture will help to bring into each room its own unique trait. This decoration technique is appropriate in all rooms of the house:

  • To decorate the living room, a neutral plot is suitable, which will appeal to all family members. At the same time, it is important to select plots and motifs that set you up for positive: for example, a seascape or a garden view. In addition, it is for the living room that plots are often used that can visually expand the space.
  • Wall painting in the bedroom is used as often as it is. Peaceful sea and mountain landscapes, images of flowers or the starry sky, as well as all kinds of romantic paintings are considered traditional. You should not abuse the abundance of details in the picture in the bedroom - this can be annoying for the inhabitants of the room.
  • No less popular painting walls in the children's room. Instead of typical photo wallpapers with long-familiar cartoon characters for the children's room, they use individually designed stories that take into account the hobbies and passions of the child. The standard color scheme for a children's bedroom is delicate pastel colors, calm and expressive. Flashy and bright colors are appropriate only in the interior of a teenager's room.
  • To finish the kitchen, painting is used a little less often because, as a rule, the small size of this room, which does not allow using the wall plane as competently as possible. Most often, they paint a wall in the dining area, applying an image of an urban or summer landscape.

All options for wall painting ideas should be selected only with an experienced designer, since a seemingly attractive picture in a large format on the wall may not look very good. In addition, a specific plot should be selected according to the style of the room, its layout and the furniture that is planned to be placed in the room. Since such a wall inevitably becomes the semantic center of the interior, it should not dominate or overwhelm.

Types and techniques of wall painting

Work in wall painting is carried out by specialists in wet or dried plaster. These techniques differ as radically as watercolor and oil painting.

Experts distinguish the following technologies for painting walls in a room:

  • Fresco is the application of an image on wet plaster, involving the use of water-soluble paints. This way of working with wall paintings is considered quite complicated and requires the maximum professionalism of the master, which is associated with the instant drying of paints and the difficulty of making adjustments to the picture.

One of the most popular and sought-after ways of decorating empty walls new apartment, country house is increasingly painting. Photos of interiors in which, thanks to the decision of the owners to decorate the walls in the apartment, the most ordinary rooms turned into stylish rooms if desired, can be found in a variety of blogs, magazines.

Is painting in the apartment possible?

Wall painting has been used in a variety of ways for more than a year. Suffice it to recall the medieval frescoes depicted in school textbooks, the painting of ancient times. Today, modern painting on plain walls confirms the high sense of taste of its inhabitants.

It is an erroneous opinion that in order to use artistic painting, there must be a huge house. It is quite possible to decorate a boring gray wall in the hallway, any other room chosen for repair, up to the living room, with a small, interesting pattern.

Technologies used in modern world, high-quality materials make it possible to turn any dull surface of one tone into an unsurpassed work of art. The most important thing is that it is not necessary to complete special design courses for this, to be a born artist.

Ways to transform a room

The following describes the most financial terms affordable, easy ways that will quickly enliven the room, make it comfortable to stay.

Anyone can apply the wall painting they like in the interior without any problems, the main thing is a sincere desire to decorate the room on their own in such a way as if it were a masterpiece created by an interior designer.

Today there are various techniques, which can be used for the original painting. To begin with, you will only need to decide what is closer to you: embossed, popular planar painting, perhaps a drawing made on the wall and in 3D.

The more complex the chosen drawing, technique, the higher the cost of the work performed by the specialist. The nuance lies in the fact that not every professional manages to create a drawing that would correspond to the wishes prescribed by the customer, but cash for the time spent, it will be necessary to give.

In this case perfect option- do-it-yourself wall painting, which is quite possible that it will not be a work of art, but definitely every time you look at the wall, show it to guests, you will be incredibly proud of yourself.

For painting the new interior of the children's room, you can choose a child as your assistant if he can already hold the brush on his own. Painting works in the bedroom can turn the most ordinary evening into a romantic one if you work together with your soulmate.

The main thing is to sincerely believe that art wall painting today is quite simple, because in the 21st century there is everything you need to achieve a beautiful drawing, even if you don’t know how at all, you have never even tried to draw. For example, stencils for wall painting, which are becoming more and more popular every year.

How to choose a drawing?

The choice of the theme of the drawing should depend on the room in which the painting is planned.

If the living room signs, then it is advisable to choose landscapes, beautiful flowers, trees. Of course, mountains, coniferous forests will look original, but a professional can draw them carefully.

But it will not be difficult to depict dandelions and lilies on the wall. To make the ornament really interesting, it is advisable to use the above stencil.

For the kitchen, the ideal option for decorating the wall, given the vast majority classic designs- still life, made in the colors of bright vegetables. Most will be able to draw a plate of fruit with interesting patterns, and glasses of wine with cheese slices. The main thing is to stop at a relatively easy drawing.

For a child in his room, it is customary to depict cartoon characters, fairy-tale palaces, cars, in the case when the boy's room is being repaired. The most acceptable solution for a room if a brother and sister live in it are pets.

You saw a photo of a wall painting and got inspired with the idea to repeat the drawing yourself, but are you upset that you had no experience in the fine arts before? No need to worry beforehand. It is enough to pay attention to the following techniques:

  • Drawing made along the contour;
  • Stencil;
  • Making a drawing using a slide projection.

Wall painting with acrylic paints

You need to prepare the following materials:

  • a container that will be needed for water;
  • brushes of various sizes;
  • acrylic paint of those colors that will be used in the painting;
  • roller (it will be useful when painting large areas with one color);
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler

The first thing to do is to decide what the drawing will be. At the same time, in addition to stylistic decisions premises, other factors, such as personal preferences, should also influence this, because the main thing is that the owners of the house like the drawing.

Perform priming, puttying the wall and paint it in the color that was chosen for the background of the painting. Using the cage, carefully transfer the selected pattern to the wall. To do this, the drawing must first be divided into small cells on paper, and then transferred from the sketch to the wall on a scale, that is, proportionally enlarged.

When transferring a drawing, it is best to use a simple pencil, since it will be easier to remove all unnecessary lines. After drawing the drawing, all grid lines can be safely removed and the coloring of the picture can begin.

To get interesting colors, acrylic paints can be mixed, add paint to them white color or water. If we talk about the consistency, then it should resemble low-fat sour cream. If you make it too liquid, then there is a risk of running off the wall.

First of all, paint should be applied to all large areas and only then to small details and borders of transitions between colors.

When completing the work, it is important to wait until the paint dries completely, after which the artistic painting of the walls must be covered acrylic varnish. This will increase the resistance of the new decorative element to UV radiation and significantly increase wear resistance.

When choosing a picture for painting, remember that such a wall will definitely become the semantic center of the interior, so it is important that it does not suppress or dominate, but only decorates the room.

Wall painting photo

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