Forewarned is forearmed: what the year of the Yellow Earth Pig is preparing for us. What will be the children born in the year of the earthen pig

Decor elements 23.09.2019
Decor elements

On February 5, 2019, we will hear a timid and persistent grunt - a new ruler, the Pig, will climb the throne, and not some kind of black-and-white, or white, but Yellow and, moreover, Earthy.

The Earth Pig has a noble goal - she wants to make all of humanity happy, and we can be sure that the queen of 2019 will achieve her goal.

If in the year of the Dog we fell in love, twisted novels and hovered in the clouds, then during the reign of the Yellow Earth Pig we will have to move on to action. The registry offices will be overcrowded, and both young couples and experienced lovers will rush to create cells of society. People who managed to get married last year, or earlier, will begin to strengthen the union and think about offspring.

This is where the Pig will turn around - she is a prolific madam, and loves to give the world cute, well-fed piglets. Yes, and storks in the year of the Yellow Pig are active and energetic - neat bundles are everywhere. By the way, more boys will be born in 2019 - such is the whim of the Earth Pig, so we buy blue ribbons and choose male names.

Year of the Pig 2019, what will bring those born in the year of the Pig: a horoscope for the next year for each zodiac sign

Horoscope for 2019 Fish

The mysterious and incomprehensible Pisces in the year of the Dog felt quite comfortable, only sometimes you experienced a strange excitement. A dog this way and that, but Neptune's pets seem to be missing something. But Yellow Puppy ran after the water guys even the next year, and did not take his eyes off the Pisces until February 2019.

Horoscope for 2019 Aquarius

Aquarius last year enjoyed life, did not know sadness, and even forgot that in the dictionary there are such words as "Problems" and "Troubles". Sometimes the signs of the air themselves were looking for difficulties, so that there was something to overcome and something to fight. However, on February 5, 2019, the situation will change dramatically - the Dog will arrange a farewell ball, wave all four paws, and disappear. On the throne, groaning and grunting, the Yellow Earth Pig will climb.

Horoscope for 2019 Capricorn

Yellow Puppy sincerely became attached to serious and thoughtful Capricorns, and all year long helped to solve problems, showing the right path, and barking at arrogant competitors. And on February 5, 2019, the dog house will disappear, and a brand new pigsty will appear in its place. The throne will be taken by the Yellow Earth Pig.

Horoscope for 2019 Sagittarius

Frivolous and restless Sagittarius in the year of the Dog took on thousands of cases at the same time and, oddly enough, managed to do everything everywhere and coped with everything. Difficulties were only in the financial sphere, but the Yellow Dog kept Jupiter's pets from unnecessary spending, and helped save money. And on February 5, 2019, the Puppy barked merrily, handed the keys to the treasure box to Sagittarius, and introduced them to the charming Yellow Earth Pig.

Horoscope for 2019 Scorpion

In the Dog Year, the Scorpios lived and got on, and everything was nice with you. True, the financial sector threw up surprises, and not always pleasant ones - sometimes thick, sometimes, as they say, empty. But you won’t scare Scorpios with money problems, because there is always a trump card in your sleeve, besides, the Earth Dog left the throne not silently, but with wishes: do not offend water signs, and support everything in everything.

Horoscope for 2019 Scales

In the year of the Dog, charming Libra had fun, almost did not know problems, and seeing off the cheerful Earth Puppy can be delayed. Throughout January 2019, yellow lapdogs, dachshunds and mongrels will be running behind the air signs and offering something financial assistance, then support in love affairs, in general, Libra will never have a reason to be sad.

Horoscope for 2019 Virgo

In the Year of the Dog, the Virgo behaved approximately, and deserved encouragement - the Yellow Puppy brought you both financial gifts and love surprises. But on February 5, 2019, something changed - the Earth Dog melted into the air, and stretched out its paw to the throne, on which the Pig materialized. Piggy will put on a Yellow Fur Coat and read the decree: to distribute to all the signs of the earth a box of happiness, and a basket of good luck.

Horoscope for 2019 a lion

Fluffy Yellow Puppy ran after the Lions all year long, squealing merrily and wagging its tail affectionately. In January 2019, Doggie became sad, often went away on business, and on February 5 last year, the owner brought Lviv to the throne and introduced him to the new queen - the Yellow Earth Pig. The ruler of 2019 is a good-natured creature, and there is absolutely nothing to worry about for the pets of the Sun.

Horoscope for 2019 Cancer

In the year of the Dog, the wards of the Moon enjoyed life without noticing minor problems, but with the advent of the Yellow Earth Pig, the situation will change. Cancers have no reason to panic - on February 5, the mistress of 2019 will proudly sit on the throne and read out her rules. Piggy has few requirements: Crayfish must smile and walk more often.

Horoscope for 2019 Twins

Charming Gemini in the year of the Dog only did what they received gifts and had fun. But then February 2019 came, and the pets of Mercury felt an inexplicable excitement. The Dog also said that she was tired of barking, and she wants to grunt. Calm down, dear Gemini - this is the Yellow Earth Pig coming into her own, and on the fifth of February she will put on a crown and begin to rule.

Horoscope for 2019 Taurus

The Taurus, caressed by the Dog, will not immediately notice the change of power - the Yellow Earth Pig will quietly climb the throne on February 5, 2019. But when the charming wards of Venus hear grunting instead of barking, they will not be laughing. Where did the black nose go, and why is there a pink patch instead?

Horoscope for 2019 Aries

Back in 2018, Aries realized that a defender is always present nearby - everything is going too smoothly. In the year of the Earth Pig, the situation will not change - the fiery guys are under guardianship higher powers, and the bright yellow color of Piggy has a beneficial effect on Aries.

According to astrologers, the horoscope has a direct impact on the character and destiny of a person. The eastern horoscope affects not only specific people, it governs the annual cycle. The New Year 2019 is patronized by the Yellow Earth Pig, which promises abundance and abundance. bright events. Those who expect the birth of a child are interested in what the baby will be like, born in the year of the Yellow Pig.

Features of children, characteristic of the year of the Pig

If the baby was born between February 5, 2019 and January 24, 2020, he will be patronized by the Yellow Pig. The horoscope promises such a child an open and cheerful disposition, incredible charm. The kid will be energetic, creative, optimistic. He does not like swearing and quarrels, does not participate in disputes. At the same time, it cannot be called weak-willed: if necessary, the child will be able to show determination, but all this will be only for the subsequent achievement of peace.

In the future, a self-confident personality with many talents, the ability to reach heights and accept the challenges of fate will grow out of your child.

The baby boar shows interest in everything around him, knows how to dream, but his interests are unstable, so the main task of parents is to teach the child to bring what has been started to its logical end and gain in-depth knowledge.

Characters of boys and girls

Some parents consciously plan the appearance of children precisely for the year of the Yellow Earth Pig. After all, kids receive a lot from the patroness of the year positive qualities:

  • pragmatism;
  • purposefulness;
  • sensitivity;
  • optimism;
  • independence;
  • kindness
  • equilibrium;
  • generosity;
  • luck;
  • tolerance.

If we talk about negative traits, then boar children suffer from:

  • lack of patience;
  • frivolity;
  • vanity;
  • extravagance;
  • addiction to excesses;
  • inconstancy;
  • materialism.

Children's health

A child born in the year of the Boar has good health and good appetite. But parents will have to control the appetite of the crumbs so that the child does not get a problem in the future in the form of extra pounds. Excess weight may appear in adolescence, when he begins to seize problems with goodies. You will have to organize physical activity in the gym to combat weight.

The baby easily copes with a cold, as it has a strong immune system. But the baby is very vulnerable, and therefore can become depressed due to the accumulation of negative emotions. Emotional swings can cause disturbances in the functioning of internal organs. This is most often expressed in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and organs. respiratory system.

Features of education and training

Babies who are born in 2019 of the Yellow Pig are very cheerful. They like to participate in everything, from an early age they are interested in everything that happens. The child requires constant attention to himself and will achieve his goal by any means. The little “pig” shows character from childhood and, if necessary, will defend its principles, so parents will have to show respect for some of its habits.

Children patronized by the Earth Pig are generous by nature: they will always share, even if the last candy is in their hands. At the same time, they will show genuine joy if you refuse the offer and leave the delicacy to them. Baby pigs happily accept praise, because it is important for them to feel loved.

If the child was born in the year of the Pig, be prepared for constant movement. little fidget lives in his own world, hardly accepts prompts and is undisciplined. Parents will have to make a lot of efforts to develop perseverance and patience in him. The unpretentiousness of the crumbs is also striking, which, unlike other children, can endure inconvenience.

Moms and dads should not abuse the softness of the crumbs, who can agree to the most unfavorable conditions. It is necessary to explain the situation to the child, to bring up a real outlook on life, so that dishonest people cannot take advantage of his credulity. If a baby from an early age learns to distinguish between truth and lies, it will be easy for him to cope with various difficulties in life and even solve problems. challenging tasks.

Discuss his everyday life with the baby, be interested in what is happening so that he learns to pronounce all his experiences. If a child has harmony in his soul, he is not afraid of life's troubles, but apathy leads to the fact that he ceases to be interested in the world around him and cannot correctly respond to what is happening. "Piglets" have a fine mental organization, a stubborn and vulnerable character, so take this fact into account when raising them so as not to injure the child.

It is important for children born in the year of the Pig to feel the support of relatives and friends. By themselves, they are independent and responsibly approach decision-making, but it is a helping hand and a strong shoulder that allow them to walk through life with inspiration.

Studying, born in the year of the Pig, is given well, because they are inquisitive and approach everything with interest. But there is another side - restlessness, which interferes with the assimilation of knowledge. It is important that educators be able to interest and constantly maintain the interest of the piglet. Otherwise, the kid does not see the point in learning and his craving for science is weakening. Such children catch the essence quickly, but do not delve into what they are studying, so they often get a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe subjects. At the same time, they often argue about a particular issue, being completely convinced that they are right.

If parents want to give their baby a quality education, without individual lessons teachers are indispensable. You will have to look for a tutor who knows how to captivate learning so that the child achieves maximum results.

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Who can become - life prospects and career

Sensitivity and emotionality often lead to the fact that pigs show a genuine desire to help others. Hence their desire to participate in various projects, charity events. Many devote themselves to volunteer work. It is worth noting that with the attentive attitude of parents to the process of obtaining an education, their child will be able to become a highly professional doctor or psychotherapist.

Also, these children often grow up social workers, lawyers and good businessmen. Some devote their lives technical specialties.

Characteristics of children by zodiac signs

The character traits of a person are determined not only by the eastern, but also zodiac horoscope. I bring to your attention brief information about representatives of different zodiac signs born in the year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

  • Aries. Incredibly sensitive, impulsive personality. Since childhood, the Aries child has been attracted to extraordinary things.
  • Taurus. They have a wild imagination, a lot of ideas. The realization of personality largely depends on the parents.
  • Twins. Restless and curious, often become participants difficult situations. These kids need to be supervised at all times.
  • Cancer. They grow up beyond their years, from childhood they are prone to analysis, they have a balanced character.
  • A lion. Like many representatives of this zodiac constellation, they always know what they want. Since childhood, they have a purposeful character. It is important for parents to properly direct the energy of the child so that he can reach heights.
  • Virgin. A consolation for parents, their pride. Little Virgos are obedient, responsible, executive, have a restrained character.
  • Scales. The kid grows sociable, knows how to avoid conflicts. May suffer from fears of being alone.
  • Scorpion. Possesses perseverance, ingenuity and practicality, has a rich inner world. In some situations, he behaves inconsistently and hot-tempered.
  • Sagittarius Little creative fidget with an incredible sense of justice. He loves communication and trusts people too much.
  • Capricorns. Practical and careful from childhood. These kids are touched by their curiosity and love to imitate adults.
  • Aquarius. They love everything new, animals and nature. If parents pay due attention, perhaps little Aquarius will connect life with veterinary medicine.
  • Fish. Subject to mood swings, incredibly mobile, kind and vulnerable. It is important for parents to help in choosing a future profession.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year 2019, but despite this, many are already beginning to wonder which of the twelve signs of the Chinese horoscope will be the patron of the year next year. According to the Eastern calendar 2019 a year will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Pig. The symbol of the coming year has a sociable and cheerful disposition. The pig is kind, patient, but at the same time cautious and reasonable. Pigs are balanced, calm and completely non-conflict, they prefer to find a common language with everyone. Such a character will have a positive impact on the whole year, 2019 is a period of calm, prudence, harmony, success. Have you already wondered what to expect from the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig 2019? First of all, you should find out the preferences of his patroness and give her maximum respect when meeting!

The nature of the symbol of the year

If you have seen a pig at least once in your life, you may notice that this animal is always in a cheerful and good-natured mood. She has a cocky temperament and sincerely enjoys everything that happens. Do not underestimate the mental abilities of a pig. You might think that a pig does not have a lot of intelligence, but watch her actions! You also need to look for a more prudent animal with excellent intuition - it can even predict events and sense danger long before it approaches.

For a pig, there is no such thing as fatigue, especially when it comes to its behavior in the natural natural environment. She is able to tirelessly wander through the forests and dig the ground with a snout in search of acorns and other food. The Chinese appreciate this animal for its cheerful and cheerful character - it is believed that under its auspices the whole year will pass easily and naturally. If you do not contradict the rules of this symbol of the year, sadness and sadness will bypass.

On New Year's Eve, I want to create and create something new, wonderful and romantic. This can be arranged together with the whole friendly family and turned into a real magic castle.

General information about the Year of the Pig

According to Eastern horoscope The year of the Pig completes the cycle of 12 signs of the zodiac, so this year has absorbed all the factors contained in the previous 11 cycles. The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig 2019 is one of the most calm for all signs of the horoscope, it is believed that it will bring together maximum amount positive emotions. It will be especially lucky for those who were born in the year of the Pig. In the last century, there were only 9 such years: in 1911, 1923 and 1935, 1947 and 1959, 1971, 1983 and 1995. In the 21st century, the Yellow Pig was born once - in 2007. Once again, the Pig will be born in 2019 and the year promises to be a good and positive, kind and positive period in the life of almost all signs of the horoscope.

The Eastern calendar designates 2019 as the year of the "earthly" Pig, and yellow color. The color of this "eastern" calendar sign suggests that the year must be fruitful. it's the same good sign for those who in 2019 want to strengthen relationships or get married, the most the best time in order to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel or make a new acquaintance. The fact that the Pig is “earthen” is also important, which means that gardening and horticulture will flourish. On the other hand, in 2019, a person should protect the earth in every possible way and respect it.

What kind of people are born in the Year of the Pig?

The opinion of astrologers and predictors about what will happen in 2019 of the Pig coincides in some ways, but diverges somewhere. But with the fact that the Pig in the eastern calendar is a symbol of peace and kindness, the beginning of something new and unknown, everyone agrees. Therefore, the coming year 2019 promises changes in the life of every person.

People born in the Year of the Boar have a very interesting character trait - they believe in the real kindness of people. But sometimes people use the trust of the Pigs for their own selfish purposes, and this faith brings trouble to the Pigs. But, no matter what, they always try to do good and improve the lives of those around them. Although Boars have inexhaustible vitality and energy, life for those born under this sign is not so cloudless. Periods of constancy can be replaced by drastic changes in life, and sometimes it even has to start with white sheet. But in the year of their sign, people are usually always lucky, especially Pigs should be lucky in their financial situation. A sense of humor will help the Pig survive her problems, because no one is immune from them. Pigs are bad at making compromises, despite their gentleness. If they are confident in the correctness of their judgments, then they will insist on their opinion to the last, but if they realize that they were wrong, they will be able to apologize.

In work, representatives of the Boars are thorough and unhurried. But if they need to do something urgently, then they will not feel sorry for themselves and give their all.

Brief astrological forecast for each zodiac sign

On the eve of the New Year 2019, you should tune in to a positive wave. The Year of the Yellow Earth Pig promises to be stable and favorable. Positive and prosperity will be observed in all spheres of life. The coming year will be especially favorable for people engaged in agriculture or agricultural work. People whose activities are related to finance will also be successful. Most transactions will be successful, and investments will bring excellent returns. The business contacts made in 2019 will be useful and bring many pleasant changes. Marriage unions concluded in the year of the Yellow Pig will be happy.

It just so happened that each period of 365 days according to the eastern calendar passes under the sign of one of the animals. And in 2019, namely on February 5, he will cede his rights to the Pig (Boar). Her reign will fall on the earth element, and therefore the color will be appropriate - yellow.

This is Last year from a 12 year cycle. According to a well-known oriental legend, explaining why this or that period of time has its own specific name, it is believed that Buddha called various animals to him in honor of the holiday, promising to give them a gift.

He kept his promise. All 12 animals that came to him first received a segment of 365 days in their possession. And also they have the opportunity to endow this year with their own character traits. Since then, one of them has become unlike the other.

The first in front of the Buddha was the Rat, and therefore it is she who opens the 12-year cycle. And the pragmatic Pig came to him last. She was in no hurry, and wanted to see what kind of gifts they were handing out. She needs it or she doesn't. And when she realized what was happening, then she appeared before the Sage. As a result, it was she who received the honorable right to complete the cycle.

When the order was established, and each animal took its place in it, people born at one time or another also began to receive special character traits that corresponded to eastern sign their type.

Horoscopes appeared, according to which it became possible to determine what to expect from the coming period. This made it possible to plan certain cases or events. That is, a whole science has arisen that contributes to a successful life in all undertakings and spheres of people's lives.

Characteristics of the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig according to the horoscope for all zodiac signs

Let's look at the characteristics of the sign of the Pig (Boar) in order to know what other signs should expect from the coming period of life of 365 days.

As I have already noted, this is the twelfth and last year in the cycle Eastern calendar. In 2019, it starts on February 5 and ends on February 20, 2020. Therefore, during this period, you should think about completing the work you started earlier and prepare for some interesting updates in your life.

According to all forecasts, this time promises to be calm and favorable for many undertakings. The hostess of this period, the Pig, although a leisurely animal, always achieves its goals. She is slowly but surely moving forward and knows exactly what she wants.

Therefore, success awaits her from the moment when she is just starting to think about some business. And rest assured, she will think over everything to the smallest detail, and then, in spite of any difficulties, she will hit the road, and will certainly reach her destination.

  • Astrologers predict that this year will be especially successful in all areas of life for the Dog, Tiger and Rooster. Therefore, if these signs do not specifically contradict the principles of the Pig (Boar), then they can open the gate wider. Benefits will be poured on these signs, as from a cornucopia.

Take advantage of the moment, boldly make plans and move in the intended direction, the Mistress will certainly see your diligence and help you reach your goal.

  • This is especially worth paying attention to the Dragon. In business and business, success awaits him.

Sometimes it may seem that the Pig is too stupid, naive, simple-minded, but it is not. Under this mask, she sees and notices absolutely everything, and when she feels that the time has come, she will immediately gather herself and do everything as it should, and even better.

Piggy is always successful. Because she's not used to stopping halfway. And she is not used to achieving her goals at the expense of someone. She relies only on her own strength, and does not use others for this. In any business, she will achieve growth and prosperity with her diligence.

  • Career growth during this period of time awaits representatives born under the sign of the Snake. Feel free to go on the road, you will succeed.

Such qualities as honesty, delicacy and nobility are known to Piggy firsthand. She is already born with them, and throughout her life and development, these character traits become even more conscious.

The pig is always ready to help, absolutely in any business. However, she has great patience and generosity. Therefore, she is ready to help again and again, even when she is being deceived. She easily forgives the offender if he simply says that he was wrong. She believes that the world is good and is ready to do everything to make it even better.

The hostess is thrifty, she loves her house and is ready to improve it in every possible way. However, she can always save money for this. Apparently it is not by chance that many piggy banks are made with her image. She will not scatter money right and left, everything will go to the right thing with her.

For some, this period of time will be good in that it may be possible to complete repairs that have been started a long time ago. Feel free to contact the Mistress of the Year and finish what you started with her help.

  • This is especially true for those born under the sign of the Goat. If they do not scatter money and be distracted by dubious love affairs, then they will definitely be able to finish everything that they started a long time ago. By the way, this applies not only to repairs, but also to all other unfinished business.

The pig is not accustomed to living in need, it always has the most necessary in stock in order to adequately provide for both its own life and the life of its family. In relation to all her loved ones, she is very scrupulous. She loves them unconditionally. She works a lot with children, honors her parents and is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of love.

Home is her castle, her refuge. In difficult times, it is the home that is her main comfort and place of strength. Only here can she calm down and gather herself. And it is here that she mobilizes energy for new things, not only physical, but also moral.

Characteristics of the year for women born under the sign of the Pig

A woman born under this sign is always calm, balanced and complaisant. She is also kind, sympathetic and compassionate.

She strives for perfection, so she constantly tries to improve the space around her. In order to be self-confident, she is constantly looking for answers to questions, always sensitively listens to the opinions of others, and knows how to draw the right conclusions.

The Pig Woman is excellent hostess. She has everything in the house, and everything for the house. She is constantly ready to improve her living conditions, making them more convenient and comfortable, and appreciates comfort very much.

Family and children are the most important thing in life for them.

If you plan to replenish your family this year, then the Mistress will be the patroness of your child.

At the same time, women born under the sign of the Pig are not only housewives. For them, their favorite work is also important, where they give themselves to it entirely. They know how to make good money there. The word "need" is not for them, they do everything to avoid even thinking about it. And just like that, they don’t get money, and they don’t fall from the sky, they are used to earning it with their own labor.

They will succeed in any job, and everywhere they will be able to show all their best qualities. You can always rely on them, as they will not let you down.

  • Those who have long been looking for a job to their liking, then most likely this year you will be able to find it. Success in work awaits representatives of absolutely all signs of the zodiac. The pig itself is happy to work hard, and will always help those who want to succeed in this.

Piggy girls love to dress up and adorn themselves. However, they are always sweet, kind and a little shy. They are also slightly naive and gullible. It's pretty easy to fool them. But despite this, they can always stand up for themselves. And it is better at this moment to get out of their way.

Women of this sign love to receive and give gifts. However, they can choose the right thing and don't spend too much. They possess impeccable taste and it helps them in their choice. They also apply to donated things, the thing must be practical and correspond to the taste of its recipient.

In love, women born under the sign of the Pig are rather reserved, they are not used to openly expressing their feelings and emotions. However, if they feel in a partner loved one who truly loves, they can open up completely and become completely different - trusting, soft and gentle.

However, they are very vulnerable, and always experience failure especially strongly. Especially if they are offended by the one they idealized.

Therefore, in life they expect a lot of disappointments and sorrows, which they will not complain to anyone. And they will experience and cope with difficulties on their own.

  • In love, everything will be just fine with representatives of such zodiac signs as the Rat, Tiger, Rabbit. And the Bulls are even expected to have an addition to the family.

In friendship, the girls of this sign are very picky. They usually don't have many friends. But having made friends once, this friendship often lasts until the end of days. Them open communication, the desire to give a helping hand at any time is captivating, their patience, tact and sincerity make them the most devoted and loyal friends.

With age, many women born under the sign of the Pig dream of their own plot where they can plant. At the same time, they not only grow natural gifts inherent in their nature, but they also love flowers and other decorative plantings. And they devote a lot of time to the improvement of the site, trying to achieve the ideal here too.

Zodiac sign Pig for men

Men who were lucky enough to be born in the year of the Boar are real knights. They are brave, courageous, honest and devoted.

They do not want war in any of its manifestations, and against all sorts of disputes and strife, they resolve all issues only through negotiations. At the same time, they do not seek to impose anything on anyone. Their arguments and prudence help to overcome any disagreements, and bring peace and understanding to a seemingly hopeless situation.

At the same time, in life they are not too talkative, especially in an unfamiliar company. It is better for them to remain silent than to be misunderstood. Although this does not prevent them from being attentive gallant gentlemen, being able to joke, chat with friends incessantly, and be visible in society.

They have their own understanding of life, and their own ideals, and they try to follow this with all their deeds and actions. Sometimes because of this they are considered somewhat stupid and naive, but they do not care. They believe only in good things, and will trust what the world sends them.

Male boars have a kind, sensitive heart, and are able to selflessly help even a stranger. They idealize people, and completely refuse to see bad qualities in them. And when they realize that a person is not at all the one he claims to be, they are sincerely upset and disappointed in people.

  • That's what a Monkey can be. And therefore, she needs to be more attentive during this period of time. The boar will help her only if she does not grimace and grimace. Otherwise, she should rely only on her own strength.

Boars believe in justice, and will stand up for their principles, even if they have to raise their voice to do so. In this they can be fanatical and even aggressive. At such times, it is better not to stand in their way. From a kind cute Boar, they instantly turn into an aggressive evil boar.

Men born under this horoscope sign are excellent and loyal friends. And we are ready to help at any moment.

  • The Boar is friendly with the Horse, and in 2019 it can provide such assistance to her. He knows how hard she can work, so he is always ready to give her his shoulder. Therefore, Horses should think at this time about increasing their material well-being.

In general, Boars are very reliable in friendship, be 100% sure that they will never betray you or deceive you. Rarely seen on your life path A boar that will lie. He can deceive only as a last resort, when it is necessary to protect himself and a loved one. Yes, and he always does it clumsily, his deceit can be revealed in no time.

Although it would not be difficult to deceive him. He is very trusting, and takes almost everything at face value.

  • In this period of 365 days, deception should be feared by those born in the year of the Ox. Be careful with different deals and new projects.

The boar is hardworking, and always fulfills the tasks that he sets himself, or their life sets for him.

He is stubborn, persistent, has inexhaustible energy, which allows him to slowly but surely get to any goal. He achieves everything only by his own labor and does not rely on fortune. And work brings him prosperity and wealth.

  • This can be used in this moment Rat. The year will be especially successful for her. If at the same time she does not mindlessly spend what she has earned, she will be able to save and set aside a decent amount. And for the Tiger, in general, huge opportunities open up in any business started. The main thing is not to sit back, but to act.

As a wife, he chooses a calm, balanced woman, in whom he most appreciates sincerity and trust.

This period will be successful in choosing a life partner. Therefore, take a closer look at those girls that you will meet on the path of life.

In general, it is very comfortable to be around such a man. He is always calm, he is not afraid of any troubles in life. All problems for him are trifles that can be easily overcome.

With his confidence, he tunes in to the positive and you can always rely on his strong shoulder.

How to celebrate the New Year under the sign of the Yellow Pig

A pig is essentially a pet, and therefore it is best to celebrate the New Year with your family among the closest people. Here the Hostess will feel calm and the atmosphere will be the most comfortable for her.

Since the Symbol of the Year loves children, it will be ideal to gather everyone from young to old at one table. Children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters. The bigger and friendlier the family, the better and more fun.

At the table, it is desirable to create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, kindness and love. More smiles and sincere warm words. Do not be afraid to tell them to your loved ones on a festive night. Let everyone feel how precious and irreplaceable they are. Sometimes we skimp on it, but in vain. See how people's faces bloom when you say simple kind words to them!

But not only in the family circle you can celebrate the holiday, the Pig will be happy to share his table with his most faithful friends. Therefore, you can invite them to your place, or go to visit them yourself. When friends help each other in life, share all the joys and sorrows, they are often also considered their family. And they are always warm and cozy.

Since the Pig loves the Earth, and she herself is Earth this year, it is quite acceptable to gather with the whole world and set the table in the country. At the same time, you can decorate the Christmas tree right in the yard and find time to go out to it and dance round dances with the kids, or start fireworks.

And you can play snowballs, or go downhill on a sled.

Noise and bustle is not for the Pig, especially in the company of strangers. Therefore, it is better to refuse from going to a restaurant or cafe, and it is also better not to consider an offer to celebrate a celebration in a circle of strangers. In such an environment, the Pig will not be able to relax and rest.

By her nature, she will always be on the alert, will begin to study new personalities, compare herself and everyone else. And definitely not able to enjoy the holiday.

It will be great if you think over the scenario of the evening. If everyone just sits and gets bored, Pig will definitely not appreciate it. In the circle of friends and relatives, she likes to have fun from the bottom of her heart - to laugh, joke, sing songs and enjoy the coming of the New Year.

So come up with some "zest" for the holiday. Then you will please yourself, and show the Mistress that she will not be bored in your house. When the chimes strike 12 o'clock, do not forget to "grunt" together to show the Pig that you are on the same wavelength with her.

You can serve whatever your heart desires, except pork of course! Who will be pleased to be eaten on their holiday!

And the rest you can not be modest. Piggy loves to eat, and she likes not only acorns, believe me. Therefore, put everything that you have prepared on the table. And salads, and, and second courses, and desserts. sample menu You

It can be Christmas tree decorations, or just fir branches with their own unique aroma. This smell always brings a sense of celebration and good mood into the house.

Here it is also better to stick to the colors that have already been determined. The pig must see that you are preparing for her arrival. She must be attracted to the house and made so that she likes it and she stays with you for the entire period of her reign.

When choosing clothes for New Year's Eve also choose the appropriate colors in your outfits. Do not forget that the Symbol of the Year does not like excessive pretentiousness in clothes and jewelry, and also does not tolerate any vulgarity and pomposity at all. Therefore, try to choose an outfit that is rather modest in style, but made of good fabric and with an impeccable cut.

Do not forget at the same time that the Pig is a fashionista, and luxury is not at all alien to her. Therefore, you can wear beautiful gold or silver jewelry, as well as any other accessories.

The main thing is that the outfit itself should be pleasant, comfortable for you, and you feel comfortable and cozy in it.

Dear friends, these are the wishes. But of course, these are just recommendations. Knowing the basic rules, you can make your own rules. And perhaps in your house there are already good old traditions that you have been adhering to for more than one year. And it will be just great!

In general, for all the signs of the Zodiac, even according to the eastern, even according to the western horoscope, it is always great when there is a friendly family with its own foundations. And this is what we all need to strive for. Then every holiday, every year, month and day will be filled with only the best moments.

But still, attract the Pig into the house, the eastern sages knowingly put each animal at the head of the year. They are called to help us, protect the house from adversity, ward off illnesses and attract good luck. And it will be great when she helps us, and we help her - we ourselves will be kind, loving, fair and honest.

And then the Pig or the Boar will gain strength from us and become even stronger and more generous.

Happy New Year everyone! All happiness, peace, kindness, love and prosperity!

Hello dear readers!

If you are here, then preparations for the new year have already begun. And it's time to decide on clothing options. How to meet the coming year? Probably every woman and man will face a similar question. And of course, he will find the answer by devoting a little time to my article.

So let's figure out what is coming to us in a year. We all know that pigs, but what? Yes, that's right, Earth Yellow. The name itself already speaks about the color of our outfit. No, it's definitely not pink. Despite this, the color will be close to the piglet. I do not suggest that you wear a boar costume, but I advise you to figure it out and approach this issue responsibly. It says, "as New Year If you meet him, you will see him through." Well, let's follow these cherished words.

You know that in the new year you need not only to dress correctly. Although this is also not unimportant, stock up on cold appetizer recipes. Which I wrote about in . We sorted out there not a small selection of cooking options, I wonder? You can go through and get acquainted with each salad in more detail.

In this article, we will touch on the topic of not only outfits, but also accessories. Which you need to select according to your attire. Or vice versa, they bought earrings and beads, and dresses for him. Although this option will be much more difficult. Well, I think it's time to move on to the note itself, go down below and begin to study.

How to celebrate the New Year 2019: suggested colors

Let's remember one thing before proceeding to the outfits important detail. Did you know that the year of the pig is Chinese calendar completes a full 12-year cycle. And this means that such a holiday should be celebrated twice as good. So to speak on the widest foot. The table should be bursting with all possible snacks and hot dishes. Therefore, the attire should correspond to the status of this day.

Despite its rounded shape, the Yellow Pig loves to dress beautifully. Well versed in fashion trends. And it picks up colors very well. By the way, there will be quite a few of them and it will not be difficult to make a choice. Here are the main color preferences:

  • yellow, golden;
  • beige, cappuccino color, chocolate;
  • orange, terracotta;
  • green.

Agree that the color scheme is very extensive and it will not be difficult to decide on the option. The main thing is to start doing everything on time, so that later the whole choice is not made in a hurry.

Since the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, the emphasis should initially be on this option. And consider in more detail the outfits in this range.

Despite the brightness of this color, it looks quite elegant. And when the dress is made with rhinestones, it takes you up another step. Giving some uniqueness among the rest.

Pay attention to the style of the skirt part. It is advisable to consider more luxurious options. If you believe the signs, choosing a dress with such a hem promises you a lush and chic life in the coming year.

To believe signs or not is everyone's business. But I would not focus on this and would pick up an outfit that suits me.

If you do not see yourself in yellow clothes. And you think that you look like a chicken in it, I suggest considering a more modest option in color, but not in style.

Milky color on such a day will not only refresh you, but will also give you some modesty, zest. In addition, you can add a few accessories, giving the outfit even more elegance.

Floor-length dresses have always seemed the most chic at any celebration. And I think this day is no exception. If you choose this option, you won't go wrong. Such an outfit will emphasize the silhouette of your figure and hide the flaws, if any. But keep in mind that the size must be chosen correctly. Try not to stretch your figure by choosing clothes that are a size smaller. Believe me, it will not lead to anything good.

Do not forget about your preferences when following fashion trends. I don’t think you should buy a yellow dress if it doesn’t look good on you at all. It's okay if you stop at darker options. And focus on accessories, such as gold. Perfectly combined with the year of the Yellow Earth Pig.

It can be not only bracelets and earrings. You can choose shoes to match the bag. Looks impressive and quite elegant.

And you can complement your image with a light scarf. It is desirable that it contains decorative elements.

If you are still a lover of yellow. And already got the right dress. I don't think you should change your preferences. It would not be bad to purchase accessories to match the clothes.

Just don't get too hung up on it. And then you really will look like a chicken. Dilute your bright preferences a tone higher.

If you are not a fan of all these dresses, you can choose a slightly different option. For example, a blouse with an elegant decor, and a fluffy skirt. Or stop at the version with overalls, by the way it looks very good.

I think we have decided on clothes. As for makeup, I will say just a couple of lines. The first is, of course, it must be expressive. This also applies to the eyes and lips, you can paint arrows on anything. Remember that on this day you must be on top. The second is the water resistance of your cosmetics, pay more attention to this point. Otherwise, when everything will flow, it will be too late to think about such a thing.

Despite all these recommendations with clothes, color and makeup. Remember one thing "meet by clothes, see off by mind." Therefore, it is important not only what you are, but also your conversation. Properly delivered speech and conversation play a very important role in the outfit of every woman.

What color to celebrate the year of the Pig according to the zodiac signs

Many people listen to their horoscope, and try to select things according to the rules that it says. And our dear astrologers help us in this. Which from year to year make some recommendations and give advice on choosing clothes. And yes, life in general. They tell us what awaits us today, tomorrow and even next year. And most of their words come true.

That is why I propose to choose the appropriate outfit for yourself following a few rules.


The image should certainly be a little strict, but not vulgar. The dress will look perfect on the floor. It will be great if the choice falls on a blouse with decorative ornaments and a dainty pencil skirt.

Fabrics should be natural, such as silk. You can choose accessories peculiar to this material.


In this version, you can wear dresses with a simple cut. Here, the emphasis will be on massive jewelry. It wouldn't be bad if it was gold. This sign the zodiac is a symbol of prosperity and wealth.

The colors of the outfit will be according to the elements of Taurus - the earth:

  • brown;
  • beige;
  • dark yellow;
  • amber;
  • gold;
  • olive.

Also, the emphasis can be placed not on the outfit, but on the chic makeup.


They will perfectly meet the new year in a dress of a simple cut with extravagant decorations. The ideal solution would be a trouser suit or overalls. AT this case experts recommend choosing paired jewelry, for example, 2 bracelets or 2 chains. It should be noted that the color scheme of such jewelry should be in silver shades.

The color palette in this case will be as follows: gray, silver, pale blue, white, pale lilac, mother-of-pearl, purple.


We opt for a dress below the knees. Or choose a floor-length outfit with a closed neckline, but an open back. For hair, we choose a slightly different image. It is necessary to collect them in a bundle and decorate with an elegant decoration made in the form of a feather. Or decorate with rhinestones and pearls. In no case do not overload your image with jewelry. Stop at one thing, or you focus on the hair and dress. Or complete your look with gorgeous sets of beads and earrings.

Color palette for your outfits: beige, pearl, pale pink, light yellow, lemon, white.


This is a rather powerful sign, symbolizing its power and strength. The image here should be the best, so to speak, on top. A bright dress on the floor, decorated with rhinestones and sequins, will look perfect. Or you can stop at the Greek version of the outfit.

Ideal color palette: yellow, orange, golden, purple, mustard.

Your outfit can be complemented with a diadem or a headband made of gems. Such an image will personify the imperious nature of the lion.


Quite a practical sign that does not require much attention. Therefore, the outfit will be characteristic: elegant and practical. So to speak, two in one. The cut of such a garment should be simple and concise. There should be little jewelry, stylists suggest using earrings, or not. big bracelet. And as an additional accessory, a pearl necklace is suitable.

The color of the dress in this case will be as follows: brown, beige, burgundy, cream.


In this image, stylists recommend using outfits made of chiffon, velvet, fur. In a word, if this dress is supposed to be chic. Just below the knees, shoulders open. Over a cape made of boa or fur, you can artificial.

Color palette: white, black, blue, pale pink, burgundy, silver, brown.

You can add a small decorative feather decorated with rhinestones or pearls to your hair.


In this case, the emphasis should be on shoes. Choosing an unusual color. It is desirable that the heel was not high. Necessarily decorative trim in the form of a metal insert, fur or feathers. The rest of the accessories should be in the usual design, not attracting attention.

Colors for choosing an outfit: red, orange, mustard, purple, lilac, burgundy.

A passionate scorpion is perfect for dresses of any style. Options to the knees or to the floor will look more elegant. Open neckline or back. You can slightly lower the shoulders, which will give your image a certain zest.


The costume should be delicate and elegant. The ideal option there will be products with drapery or a modest print. A layered skirt would go great with a blouse. The shoulders of which will be slightly lowered.

In this version, the color palette is very delicate: light beige, light pink, blue.

You can add brightness to the image with the help of additional decorations. In the form of earrings or necklaces, play with color.


A one-color option is what you need. And as an addition, you can use massive jewelry on the neck and arms. The ideal option would be vintage necklaces with large stones.

Any decoration is interchangeable with bright makeup. Which will be in theme with your outfit. Highlight the lips, they should be a beautiful bright color.

The outfit can be: gray, beige, white, pale pink.


The character of this sign is quite easy, I would even say a little playful. Like a Hollywood movie actress, this is exactly the image we need. The dress should be elegant, plain, just below the knee. With a closed neckline, but with a large cutout on the back.

On the hair are huge curly curls. Slightly tucked into the side, and don't forget that famous Hollywood smile.

The color scheme of the outfit: red, gold, black, white.


This is a romantic nature that must be emphasized. And it should be an outfit in a light style. A dress in the Greek version is ideal here. To give more elegant look use a cape or bolero.

Jewelry should be similar. Thin chains, light earrings, small bracelets studded with stones. Everything should be so easy and effortless. This image should remind us of a butterfly.

The color of the costume should be: turquoise, light yellow, blue, coral, light green.

What to wear to a corporate party on New Year's Eve

Any self-respecting man wants to look elegant and attractive enough on New Year's Eve. In general, the strong sex is no different from the weak. But they have one advantage, they do not need to run for hours in the store to choose the right suit. Any tuxedo worn by a man is already a holiday and believe me, not only for him.

The ideal option would be to combine several colors in one image. so to speak combination bright colors with calmer ones. And of course listen to color palette, which we talked about in the previous subheading.

See how interesting a well-matched shirt looks with regular jeans. And most importantly, everything corresponds to the recommendations of the upcoming year of the Boar.

If your man prefers a suit or a tuxedo. No worries, this is the perfect choice. But remember, it's a new year. And the highlight in this outfit should be. I suggest focusing on a tie or shirt.

Be sure to pay attention to cufflinks. On this day, they should be just beautiful. Pick them up together, I think your man will be happy with the advice. Such a trifle is no less important decoration in the new year.

Video presentation, choosing outfits and jewelry for the new year

And in conclusion of this article I want to bring to your attention a short video. Where is it told in what color scheme celebrate the New Year. And several product options are shown. Look, maybe you will make your choice in the direction of an evening dress or suit.

If you have not yet decided what to do on your head, I suggest using wonderful jewelry. They look great with or without hair. The main thing is to decide on the type of decoration. They are manual and shop. If you have the opportunity, it is preferable to stop at manual work.

It can be an elegant hairpin made in the "beaded technique" style. They look so soft and light. Also perfect for any hair length.

Headbands in the same technique look no less interesting. Which can be selected not only according to the knitting pattern, but also predetermined with the color.

These unique pieces of jewelry can look perfect on your head. I advise you to consider this option. After all, only you will have such a little thing made in this topic. And what lies in the store on the shelves is made in in large numbers, and their copies simply cannot be counted. Imagine how it will be a shame when one of your colleagues comes to a corporate party in the same decoration as you.

We do the same with beads around the neck. We decide on the color of the dress and select a suitable necklace. It can be a regular chain with your favorite pendant. Or voluminous vintage beads, which, by the way, can also be made with your own hands.

This is such a wonderful presentation. Decide, there is still a lot of time, but do not pull.

Guys, it's time to say goodbye. I would like to wish that you have already decided on the color and style of your outfit. Mentally set the table and all that remains is to wait for the magical New Year's Eve.

Until we meet again friends!

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