Inexpensive fitness bracelets with a heart rate monitor. Big test of fitness trackers and smartwatches

Decor elements 11.10.2019
Decor elements

People do not always associate their discomfort, headaches, constant tinnitus with an increase in blood pressure, often referring to the consequences of overwork, troubles at work or at home. If they feel unwell, they try to change the situation on their own, forgetting to measure blood pressure.

With increasing age, the pressure usually only increases. Blood vessels lose their elasticity, the gaps narrow and more and more effort is required to ensure the desired blood flow, then blood pressure rises and some measures must be taken to stabilize it. At the same time, the need for periodic or continuous monitoring of blood pressure is growing.

Why is it needed?

Monitoring and diagnosing blood pressure does not require complex instruments, its indicators are easily detected during a routine medical examination. And if the necessary treatment is started in a timely manner, in most patients, blood pressure can be corrected. Everyone, even without a medical examination, can reveal disturbing signs of hypertension.

  • Almost constant headaches of varying degrees;
  • unexpected dizziness;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Frequent sweating, feeling of pulse in the head;
  • Chills and anxiety;
  • Edema of the eyelids, flashing spots before the eyes;
  • Frequent numbness of the fingers, morning puffiness of the face.

Signs appear periodically, but then they will become more frequent and there comes a time when a dangerous form of the disease is diagnosed. Don't expect complications. Consult a doctor and strengthen self-monitoring of blood pressure.


All types of smart bracelets serve the same purpose - monitoring the state of human health in such a complex area as the cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is almost impossible to create a single device that would solve all control tasks in this system. Deep diagnosis and treatment remains with specialists. But preliminary control of some indicators with the help of smart bracelets is quite possible, and for this purpose, more and more advanced types of such devices are being created. Sometimes electronic bracelets are more accurate than stationary ones.

A modern tonometer bracelet records indicators that should be of interest to the attending physician. Modern bracelets, in addition to measuring blood pressure, can show body temperature, heartbeat, respiratory rate and blood cholesterol. A system has been created that captures emergency situations with the elderly, with handicapped disabled since childhood.

A bracelet for this category of people can immediately, through the notification system, warn relatives, guardianship authorities, and medical services. The device is worn by such people on the arm around the wrist and the QMedic system provides round-the-clock communication between the elderly user and the guardian. The condition of an elderly patient is assessed around the clock.

In the event of an emergency, the patient presses the SOS button. QMedic paramedics speak to an elderly patient over the speakerphone and, if necessary, the emergency service is called and family members are notified. According to another program, if there are no signals from the patient for some time, then emergency assistance and a caregiver alert system also work. Another program is designed for people with a weak memory and those who cannot navigate in urban or natural conditions.

A W/me2 bracelet has been created to measure an ECG, its manufacturers claim that this ECG can be sent to doctors and assess your health based on it. But according to the cardiogram from 2 points, it is possible to determine only the heart rhythm or its disturbances. Therefore, in order not to create illusions, it is better to entrust the cardiogram to specialists.

The mass passion for jogging in the morning and in the evening as a whole can be useful, but everyone must determine the limits of the possible for himself. Do not chase personal records and increase the load yourself. There is no need, as in sports, to be the fastest. Enough small loads under the control of doctors and created numerous electronic devices.

Interesting and useful development fitness bracelet. It functions with a pressure and pulse sensor according to a specially developed program. All data on pressure, pulse, distance traveled in kilometers are displayed on a PC or smartphone, as well as on the screen of this device. A fitness bracelet with a screen, in addition to visual signals, can report health data with a sound or vibration signal.

additional characteristics

Different companies add touch elements and convenient buttons for certain actions to their control of the device. The memory capacity of the devices is different, on average, the tonometer bracelet captures about 200 signals, they are synchronized and this allows you to analyze changes in blood pressure over time. certain time. Some models display not only the usual numbers or candles on the display screens, all data can be displayed in a visual graphical form. The amount of accumulated information depends on the duration of wearing blood pressure measurement bracelets, and it is easier for doctors to give a more objective conclusion about the patient's well-being.

Fitness bracelets - devices that help control and measure heart rate do not show negative impact on the body. This is a well-designed accessory in a modern design and at the same time a useful device in many respects. Many models include a distance meter (pedometer), which makes it possible to objectively assess the level of physical activity during the day. Other applications can easily adjust the necessary nutrition system according to the calories burned.

You can buy blood pressure bracelets in many good pharmacies. Following the fashion, you need not only to take care of the appearance of bracelets, but first consult a dermatologist about wearing these devices around the clock on your arm, although manufacturers should first of all take care of their effect on the skin. In all catalogs, they claim that their product is environmentally friendly and complies with the norms and standards adopted in the world and Europe, in many respects this is true, but everyone must personally make sure that nothing will harm him.

Principle of operation

In these devices, the work is based on the principle of measuring a pulse wave, which is fixed by a sensor and, through an electronic circuit, according to the program, converts these signals into values ​​of pressure units in digital, columnar or graphical form, showing the values ​​​​of blood pressure near the heart. According to the results of many years of practice and scientific research, the accuracy of blood pressure measurements using these devices reaches 98%.

Bracelet developers continue to improve them in order to reduce errors and filter extraneous signals and eliminate false signals about the state of blood pressure and general condition patient. The more accurately the sensor works, the more confidence in the correct readings. Sensors that use the properties of piezoresistive fibers take into account that when wristbands are worn on the arm, accuracy can be affected by muscle tension, vibration during exercise, poor adhesion to the surface of the arm, abrasions and other external influences.

There are many ways to do this, from stationary measurements to the use of strictly individual ones. One of the most convenient modern devices for monitoring blood pressure is a bracelet. In order for the bracelet to give the correct readings, you need to know its device, characteristics and procedure for use. A fully charged device works without recharging for 5 days.

There are models that help to assess the depth of sleep, get data on the level of fatigue of the wearer of the bracelet. It is easy to buy such devices. It's not about the price, although the more expensive ones have more options, but about measuring reliably main indicator health status - blood pressure blood pressure. With such a beautiful and reliable bracelet on your hand, you can monitor your health indicators during any activity. You can get a signal about overloads on the body in time and build a training program in the optimal mode.

Overview of the best models

V07 Smart Wristband

The sensor of this bracelet operates on the principle of photoplethysmography. Changes in the size of the vessel under the action of arterial pulsation of the blood flow affect the magnitude and shape of the signal amplitude. The monitor controls the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and signals with vibration in case of deviations.

See the video below for more details.


  • The presence of a monitor for blood pressure;
  • Charging via USB;
  • No charging cable needed;
  • The option to measure the distance traveled works;
  • Ability to track all results;
  • All body parts and cuffs are made of TPU;
  • Signal output: Android 4.4/iOS 8.0 and others;
  • 12 languages, including Russian.

  • Smart bracelet CK11 measures heart rate, has a reliable heart rate sensor and pedometer, measures pressure in motion and at rest.
  • Makibes b15p monitors the magnitude and fullness of the pulse, displays blood pressure data (static and dynamic) and cardiogram data from two points in memory.
  • The h2 omron polar blood pressure monitor is a good and lightweight device that can give a reliable blood pressure signal within 20 seconds.
  • H09 is a good device made in China, basic options for heart rate and Hell. In addition, it works like a clock, controls the pulse, allergies and arrhythmia. The dial is round, there is a memory of calls, SMS. Sleep quality control, alarm function. Battery 100mAh for 4 days of work.
  • Omron RS1

Tonometer with measurements high level Intellisense gives a fairly objective signal about the state of heart rhythms. Measurements take place when air is inflated into the cuff, this method is the most reliable for a quick and reliable measurement. All data from the conductive fibers enter the appropriate measuring center and, after transformations, give out blood pressure indicators and others on the display or sound generator.

Date: 05.12.2017 Time: 00:15 59229

We bring to your attention an overview of fitness bracelets and smart watches with a smart alarm clock and a heart rate monitor that help us improve the quality of our sleep. But before the list of devices, we will find out what a smart alarm clock is, what its functions are, and we will also understand the phases of sleep: how they affect awakening and our general state throughout the day.

The very concept of "alarm clock" is well known to all of us: in order to wake up, we need to be awakened. But the problem with traditional alarm clocks is that their sudden signal "pulls" us out of sleep, no matter what stage we are in.

When awakening occurs during the “wrong” part of the sleep cycle, such as in the middle of a deep dive, our natural rhythm is disrupted, leaving us feeling tired, unsteady, and dissatisfied.

The development of new technologies has led to better ways to wake up, which should make you feel less stressed in the morning and more energized during the day. In the wearables market, there are gadgets such as fitness trackers, smart bracelets or smart watches with smart alarms pre-installed. Many of them have a sleep quality tracking feature.

Smart alarm clock with sleep phases is designed to make it easier to wake up, and is able to do it at the most opportune moment.

How a sleep tracker helps improve sleep quality

Many wearable devices have a built-in heart rate monitor, or heart rate monitor. With it, the smart alarm monitors the heart rate and can determine what phase of sleep the wearer of the bracelet or watch is in.

Also, any of the devices contains a body motion sensor to determine its mobility or rest, thereby analyzing the state of a person: wakefulness or sleep. In addition, devices can offer a tri-band sensor that measures Sp02, allowing you to track oxygen in the blood, and as a result, monitor for such an abnormality as apnea.

Every time the sleep bracelet determines the right time to wake up, a smart alarm clock can wake you up in the morning even a little earlier than you planned, but this will be the very moment when your body will be ready for it.

In addition, by monitoring sleep tracking applications installed on your smartphone, you can analyze its quality and, possibly, draw certain conclusions. For example, going to bed earlier or paying attention to what reason can serve as constant awakenings at night (drinking coffee before rest, physical activity, etc.).

Another advantage of smart alarm clocks is their gradually increasing signal or its absence at all, which is compensated by the vibration of the wearable device itself. In this case, the vibration alarm clock bracelet will not disturb the sleeping person nearby.

So a fitness tracker with a heart rate monitor and a smart alarm on your wrist can help improve your sleep quality.

How a fitness bracelet determines sleep phases

Before understanding how the smart alarm function works, let's look at what phases a person goes through when he sleeps.

The first state in the cycle is non-REM sleep followed by light and deep sleep. The second is REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.

If it is relatively easy to wake up in a state of light sleep (falling asleep), then it is difficult to wake a person during deep sleep: it is at this time that those dreams come that the sleeper in most cases does not remember. Slow-wave sleep covers 75-80% of the entire cycle, while fast sleep occurs sporadically throughout the night, making up 20-25% of the total nighttime rest. It is in the REM phase that a person wakes up easily and clearly remembers his vivid dreams.

Thus, REM occurs after light and deep sleep after 70-90 minutes and lasts 5-10 minutes, but with each cycle, the REM phase increases and in the morning can reach up to 20-60 minutes, while becoming more and more superficial. This period is considered similar to wakefulness.

That is why in the morning it is in this state that it is easiest to wake a person up.

It is worth noting that fitness bracelets or smartwatches with a heart rate monitor can more accurately recognize your condition, because even in REM sleep, the sleeper arrives in complete stillness.

When you set a scheduled wake-up time (for example, 7:30 - 8:00), the smart alarm will go off when the device on the user's arm detects increased physical activity (change of body position) or an increase in heart rate. But if this does not happen at the appointed interval, the alarm clock will work according to the last pointer of the time interval: in the case of the example, 8:00.

Sleep Tracking Apps

The quality of sleep is monitored not only by trackers, but also by programs that collect statistics for the whole night and, using accelerometer data (a motion sensor in a wearable gadget), have the ability to provide the user not only with information, but even analyze and model plans to improve rest.

Through the application installed on your smartphone, you can set the wake-up time and signal type in the smart alarm clock. Some programs have a function to record night sounds, such as snoring, conversations or rustling, in order to understand whether a person is sleeping or not.

The software allows users to view trend graphs that include total sleep time, sleep length and interruptions, and wake up time.

You can install programs on both iPhone and Android smartphone. iOS and android apps sleep quality tracker and smart alarms are available for free on the App Store and Google Play. But, perhaps, some of them will require a fee for the full or premium version, which has important additional features.

Here is a list of some of the best apps:

  • Sleep Time (for iOS and Android)
  • Sleep as Android (Android only)
  • Sleep Bot (Android only)
  • Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock (iOS only)
  • MotionX-24/7 (iOS only)
  • Sleepmaster (Windows Phone)

Review of the best fitness bracelets for tracking sleep in 2018

Today, in specialized stores, there are a huge number of smart bracelets and watches with which you can track not only your active lifestyle and your sports achievements, but also your sleep, since almost every sports tracker contains a motion sensor, or accelerometer, to detect movement . The principle is simple: mobility is wakefulness, its absence is sleep. And most wearable devices are based on this principle.

Of course, the built-in heart rate monitor is the key to a more accurate determination of the user's state based on recognition of changes in heart rate and a deep understanding of the various phases of sleep.

We'll take a look at the top 5 fitness bracelets and watches that offer quality sleep monitoring, whether it's through the optional Smart Alarm app or their built-in technology.

Various Jawbone fitness trackers that support vibration based alarms include the Up, UP24, UP3 models.

While FitBit uses silent signals (vibration) as a "silent alarm" feature, Jawbone calls this feature a "smart alarm" but the principle of operation is the same. The clock will only wake you up, not your neighbor in bed or room.

The Jawbone tracker can wake you up at the most optimal time based on your sleep phases as it comes with a built-in smart alarm clock.

It is worth noting that these trackers will soon disappear from store shelves, as well as customer support and future updates, as the company announced the liquidation.

The fitness bracelets of this company are famous all over the world not only for their good work in monitoring the active activity of the user, but also for the quality of his sleep. Particularly noteworthy are the Fitbit Charge HR, and models, which continuously monitor heart rate variability along with heart rate.

The devices use the previous night's heart rate and movement data to estimate sleep cycles with this morning's metrics. Thus, the tracker compares and analyzes past and present results for complete information about the quality of your sleep.

And although Fitbit does not claim to recognize the stages of sleep, gadgets quite accurately detect how sensitively or soundly a user is sleeping.

The Misfit Shine 2 is a waterproof fitness tracker designed, like most sports bracelets, for an active lifestyle. However, the gadget offers pretty good sleep tracking capabilities.

One reason for its popularity is its low price compared to, for example, Fitbit products. Along with this fact, Shine 2 distinguishes between light and deep sleep, provides total hours of sleep, and also allows you to set a smart alarm to help you get a good rest.

Xiaomi fitness bracelets are popular among users due to their low price compared to other similar devices on the market. Although, of course, you can find other budget options from China, for example, which comes with a heart rate monitor.

Both the original Pebble and the Pebble Time (as well as their variants) have built-in vibration alarms. Vibration is the only non-visual way the Pebble can interact. When you set an alarm, the watch will vibrate violently on your wrist at the appointed time to wake you up.

While Pebble doesn't have a personal smart alarm clock, it works great as a sleep optimization tool thanks to the integration of popular apps like Sleep as Android.

By default, Pebble does not have sleep quality tracking options, so you can use third-party companion apps that provide detailed graphs and the data you need.

How to choose a fitness bracelet to use a smart alarm clock

The main criteria when choosing a sleep tracker are the following:

Design. Make sure that the device fits comfortably on your wrist: not too tight, but not too loose. The gadget should not be heavy and bulky, as this may affect the quality of your sleep. The presence of a display is not the most important factor in the design of a sleep tracker, as most of the time you will be using a smartphone app to view graphs and other information collected during the night by the bracelet.

Functional. Sleep tracking is a feature found in almost every fitness tracker or sports smartwatch. Therefore, pay attention to what features a wearable device provides and whether they are necessary if, say, you only need to count steps and calories during the day and track sleep at night. The more functions, the more expensive and, most likely, the more massive device.

Compatibility. Not all watches and bracelets may fit your smartphone. It is worth paying attention to whether the device will work in tandem with the platform of your phone (unless, of course, it provides a smart alarm function independently of the mobile device). Recently, developers and manufacturers have been trying to provide support for both iOS and Android platforms.

Protection. Moisture, sweat and dust are a serious threat to a device that is constantly in use: on the skin, under clothes or in bed. Therefore, it must necessarily have an indicator of protection against water and dust.

See table of meanings for special designations.

Battery. It's always better to invest in a product with a battery life of more than two days, especially if you forget to charge your gadgets.

Price. Expensive doesn't mean what you need. The high price of the device may indicate not only its reliability, but also its various additional features. For example, these may include:

  • automatic tracking of a whole range of sports activities
  • multisport option
  • Can be used while swimming
  • increased durability and protection against damage to the case or display
  • Availability of GPS/GLONASS, Wi-Fi
  • long battery life
  • support for third-party sensors for sports
  • color display
  • heart rate monitor
  • additional accessories
  • various sensors (compass, barometer, altimeter, thermometer, etc.)
  • other

You may not need most of the above options, so choose the device according to your needs and preferences.

The name fitness bracelet with heart rate monitor and pressure means a small wrist device with functions that come in handy different categories of the population - those who are seriously involved in sports, periodically train or simply monitor their health.

And, although such gadgets cannot replace real medical devices, they can be used to determine a change in the work of the heart and understand that it is time to stop training.

Features of devices with a tonometer and heart rate control

To the benefits of devices with built-in blood pressure and pulse functions include:

  • the ability to monitor your health indicators at any time - at home, at work, on the street, during training and even in a dream;
  • small size, allowing you to practically not notice the bracelet on your hand;
  • synchronization with smartphones to transfer information about training and indicators of the bracelet's sensors for a certain period of time;
  • the use of hypoallergenic materials for the production of bracelets and their straps that do not rub or irritate the skin;
  • a huge selection of design solutions - most manufacturers offer bracelets in different colors, allowing you to choose the right option.

In the list of features a number of shortcomings can also be found. These include, first of all, cumbersome and not always convenient built-in applications that have to be reinstalled. Some models do not have a built-in vibration mode, while others are characterized by large errors in measurement accuracy (including even those because of which they were bought - heart rate indicators and pressure).

Bracelet selection

The main factors that guide the choice of a wrist device for monitoring blood pressure and pulse are are:

  • functionality- although than more possibilities for a bracelet, the higher its price;
  • design and dimensions- some users choose small models, for others functions are more important than size, others prefer smart watches (being not exactly fitness bracelets, many of them can be used as such, having similar functionality);
  • strength and degree of protection(some models are protected), which will directly depend on service life gadget;
  • price category.

In search of a suitable fitness bracelet, many users pay attention to its description on the network and face one common problem - the titles of articles and reviews often indicate the possibility of measuring pressure, which is actually not there.

These include, for example, models and FitBit Flex, whose capabilities in terms of measuring pressure are greatly exaggerated - although they are quite capable of measuring the pulse.

Tab. 1. Characteristics of fitness bracelets for monitoring pressure and heart rate.
Name Screen Functionality Battery, mAh / hours price, rub.
Eastor CK11S 0.66" watch, pulse and pressure measurement, receiving SMS and messages from social networks, stopwatch, sleep monitor, pedometer, calorie control 110/120 1350
X9 Plus Smart Band 0.95" watch, measurement of heart rate, pressure and amount of oxygen, sleep monitoring, counter of steps and calories 100/144 1800
Rooti With Me 2 0.6" receiving calls, monitoring sleep, counting calories, stopwatch, measuring pulse (using a special application, pressure is determined and an ECG is built with display on a smartphone screen) 100/120 15000
Herzband Elegance 0.95" heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, sleep monitoring, pedometer, clock, alarm clock, call and SMS notification 100/144 3700
Smartix v07 0.96" pedometer, heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, calorie and distance counter, sleep monitoring, clock, alarm clock, notification of SMS and messages from social networks 80/96 1600
No.1 Smart Band F1 0.91" pressure, heart rate, clock, date, sleep monitoring, graphing and saving activity indicators, smartphone camera control, notifications from social networks and SMS. 230/250 1300
Makibes QS80 0.42" heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, blood oxygen determination, vibration alarm clock, clock, call notification, counting steps, calories and distance 70/72 1400

Eastor CK11S - the best ratio of price and functionality

Fitness bracelet CK11S is another model from the brand Eastor, which received more features and improved accuracy.

The gadget is able to measure pressure and pulse and monitor heart rate during sleep.

When synchronizing with a smartphone, the model is able to display information about incoming calls and new messages on social networks on a 0.66” display.

  • case waterproof (IP67 standard);
  • good functionality;
  • affordable cost;
  • long time work.
  • Among the minuses, it is worth noting the 0.66-inch screen - one of the smallest of all the models in the review. Although the dimensions do not affect functionality too much, and due to the compactness of the display, the entire gadget turned out to be small and light.

Vitaly K.: I bought myself such a watch with a tonometer. For a relatively small price good device with the ability to monitor their health indicators. Yes, the accuracy of measuring pressure is not the same as that of a real blood pressure monitor, but with its help it is still easy to understand when a critical situation is approaching.

X9 Plus SmartBand - compact and affordable

The X9 Plus bracelet received a standard set of functions from the manufacturer - from checking the pulse to measuring the number of calories and steps taken.

On the small display of the gadget, information is provided on the indicators of oxygen in the blood and arterial (upper and lower) pressure.

To protect against external influences, the model is housed in a dust and moisture-proof housing and can be submerged to a depth of up to 1 m.

  • The disadvantage of X9 Plus is the need to connect to a smartphone to get all the features provided by the manufacturer.
  • In addition, despite the several colors of the strap, the device itself is only available in black.

Oksana L.: Pleasant to the touch strap with ribbed stripes, which makes the bracelet look like an adult toy. Magnetic charging is very convenient - it's just super that the manufacturer came up with such a thing. I also liked the favorable price - with such functionality, it is unlikely that you will be able to find a cheaper device.

Rooti With Me 2 is a truly medical bracelet

The most functional and accurate model was able to measure blood pressure, build electrocardiograms, monitor sleep and count calories spent during training.

However, due to the small screen, all this data is shown using special software and a smartphone on and.

The operating time declared by the manufacturer reaches 6–7 days, and among additional features There are breathing exercises.

  • The advantages of the model include the possibility of using it as a real medical device.
  • The accuracy of measuring pulse and pressure is much higher compared to other bracelets.
  • It is convenient and easy to manage the fitness bracelet, it weighs only 16 g, and looks much more original on the hand than other models.
  • real time of active use sometimes does not exceed 2–3 days;
  • the cost of Rooti With Me 2 is 15,000 rubles;
  • the screen is too small to accommodate all the data issued by the bracelet on it - most of information is transferred to another device - for example, to a smartphone;
  • errors in measuring the number of steps and distance.

Alena K.: Pros of the bracelet - measures blood pressure, stylish appearance and user-friendly interface for mobile application. Cons - inaccuracy in measuring steps and distance. In general, I am satisfied with the device - especially since it is needed, first of all, to monitor health at any time of the day, and not to calculate any distances.

Smartix v07 - versatile and lightweight


  • cost - about 2-3 times higher than the average price for a fitness bracelet.
  • in the sun, reading information from the screen is quite difficult.

Vitaly V.: The bracelet is comfortable, I use it for training. I go in for professional sports, so I often need to control my blood pressure - but I don’t have a regular blood pressure monitor at hand. With Smartix v07, the problem has disappeared - all indicators are displayed on the screen as soon as necessary, and the rest of the time it serves as a regular clock.

Herzband Elegance - fitness bracelet and smart watch

In appearance, the Herzband Elegance model resembles an ordinary classic watch.

However, the functionality allows you to attribute the gadget to the category of fitness bracelets - it can be used to measure pressure and heart rate, count calories and distance traveled.

From smart watches, the model received a larger screen size than bracelets, notifications from SMS and calls received on the smartphone, the ability to synchronize with smartphones and work with.

  • good design, thanks to which the gadget looks like a stylish electronic watch;
  • full set options for health monitoring;
  • affordable price.
  • the disadvantages include the low brightness of the screen. In sunny weather, it is problematic to read readings from it.
  • on the hand, the bracelet is constantly felt due to its form factor, although it weighs relatively little.

An active lifestyle and regular exercise have become fashion trend the last time. People are increasingly starting to change a cozy chair for a training room. This allows you to make the body beautiful, and good health. Here you can not do without progressive gadgets, which should always be with you. Fitness trackers collect the most important information about the state of the body, and then show the results to the user.

We present the top 10 really most best fitness-trackers 2018 - 2019 in terms of price-quality ratio. This rating was compiled not only in the opinion of buyers, but also took into account the reviews of professionals.

10 Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Pulse

Very cheap, but extremely interesting in everything - this is how you can briefly characterize the Xiaomi Mi Band 1S Pulse fitness bracelet, which has got balanced functions and a stylish appearance. A device for measuring important indicators human body It's cheap, but it can be much more. Such a device is almost not felt in Everyday life, so you can swim, run, sunbathe, sleep or take a shower with equal comfort.

The official application has all the necessary modes for everyday use. It is especially worth highlighting the presence of a built-in heart rate monitor, which allows you to monitor the state of the heart. And a truly smart alarm clock will wake you up exactly at the most appropriate and right moment, when the fast phase of sleep occurs.


  • Balanced filling at the lowest possible price.
  • Practical appearance and long autonomy.
  • It has many functions that work properly.


9 Jawbone UP Move

Another successful device was the Jawbone UP Move. This bracelet is made of soft silicone, but does not have the usual screen. But now the fitness tracker can be placed not only on the arm, but also on any clothing thanks to a special design. It instantly transforms into a miniature clip, which is securely fixed on jeans, shorts, shirts, backpacks, on any pocket. The device lacks advanced features, which is the only drawback of this amazing model.


  • Innovative design that allows you to place the gadget anywhere.
  • Favorable price for a progressive product.
  • Extremely compact and decent measurement quality.


  • There is no familiar screen and additional functions.

8 Striiv Fusion

One of the most profitable investments Money will be the purchase of a Striiv Fusion bracelet, which fully fulfills its value. Stylish and concise accessory has an LED touch screen coated with a special protective glass. Thoughtful straps allow you to "tune" the bracelet to your own wrist.

Deserves special words highest precision step counting, made possible by innovative technology. The battery charge will definitely last for 5-6 days, and interchangeable straps will help you choose the color according to your clothes.


  • Quality workmanship and high reliability.
  • Progressive step count.
  • Excellent value for money.


  • There is no smart alarm clock (there is only a regular one).

7 Jawbone UP2

Unusual fitness bracelet Jawbone UP2 differs in that it does not have a built-in screen. Such a tracker received a fairly standard functionality, which is complemented by water protection. There is a smart alarm clock, and there is also monitoring of sleep, calories, distance traveled and physical activity. The clasp, although adjustable, is far from the most successful. Since there is no display, the price seems a bit high compared to competitors.


  • Accurate and lightweight fitness tracker.
  • Good quality software.
  • There is a smart alarm clock and useful reminders.


  • Serious reliability issues.
  • Inconvenient clasp of the existing strap.
  • There is no official service center.

6 Polar Loop

The Polar Loop tracker is a real workhorse. The device has a rather attractive appearance with streamlined shapes, but without any frills. A heart rate monitor is freely connected to it, which makes the gadget multifunctional. The monochrome display looks stylish, while being slightly archaic. The bracelet easily connects to almost all devices with a variety of platforms. It's great for intense workouts.


  • Practical fitness tracker in a waterproof case.
  • Ability to connect a special heart rate monitor.
  • Support for all modern platforms.


  • Poor strap and buckle design.
  • It is not possible to swim with the device.

5 Sony Smart Band SWR30

The Sony SmartBand SWR30 sports bracelet is equipped with a curved E Ink screen that is safe for the eyes. There is the possibility of high-quality voice control. The device analyzes the state of sleep and counts the steps. This smart bracelet has an attractive design inspired by the Japanese brand. Serious protection against moisture (IP68) allows you to even dive with this tracker without any consequences.


  • High-end design with elongated display.
  • Always performs its functions perfectly.
  • Convenient voice communication and quick response to calls.


  • Plastic cover of the screen, which is instantly scratched.
  • Modest battery life.
  • Limited in terms of synchronization.

4 Garmin vivofit

Lightweight, compact, not afraid of water - all this applies to the Garmin vivofit model. The main duty of a fitness tracker is to count the steps taken by the user. At the same time, the miniature device is powered not from a battery, but from two “tablets”, which allows it to work smoothly for up to a year. This device cannot compete with many rivals in terms of functionality, but it performs its tasks with dignity. A nice bonus is the presence of activity monitoring, sleep, and calories.


  • Simple and compact fitness tracker with incredible autonomy.
  • High accuracy of body measurements.
  • Effectively replaces conventional wrist watch.


  • No backlight on 1" screen.
  • Intermittent sync issues.

3 Huawei TalkBand B2 Sport

Huawei TalkBand B2 Sport boasts appearance. Fitness tracker got an innovative design. This bracelet resembles a quality wristwatch in sports style. The strap made of a special alloy is extremely practical, and also does not cause discomfort. Pleasantly surprised by the box in which the product is delivered. At the same time, the accessory got a basic set of features without any surprises. The software here is not the most thoughtful, but it is possible to use the gadget as a Bluetooth headset.


  • Combination of a fitness tracker and a wireless headset.
  • Magnificent appearance.
  • Excellent quality of materials used.


  • Severely scratchy touch screen.
  • Not the most secure strap.

2 Mio Fuse

At first glance, the Mio Fuse bracelet may seem bulky. And this is true, so it will not be very convenient to do certain workouts with the gadget. The device looks brutal, having its own style. An important feature of this fitness tracker is the ability to monitor the pulse without a chest strap. Since the built-in software causes negative impressions, the compatibility of the device with other fitness devices is very useful.


  • Heart monitor without smartphone and accessories.
  • Decent implementation of water protection.
  • Excellent measurement accuracy.


  • Questionable software.
  • Massive dimensions and controversial design.
  • Weak vibration.

1 Samsung Gear Fit2

The much-awaited Samsung Gear Fit2 fitness bracelet is a truly stylish and elegant device with comfortable ergonomics, realized from high-quality materials. The comfortable strap does not rub your hand, and IP68 water protection allows you to use the device even while swimming. The bracelet is able to determine workouts in automatic mode. There is also GPS with more accurate measurements outdoors, which allows you not to take your smartphone everywhere with you.

The gadget has learned to play music without a phone, which is extremely convenient. Complementing the overall picture is a chic AMOLED display. But here, for some reason, there is no smart alarm clock. The battery life of the tracker is extremely low, so the charge will last for a maximum of several days. Also, inaccurate measurements of some sensors are common, which leads to erroneous readings. Otherwise, this is a beautiful and technologically advanced fitness tracker worthy of attention.


  • Stylish design and comfortable strap.
  • Built-in GPS and music playback without smartphone.
  • Very high degree of protection IP68.


  • It sins with inaccurate measurements of important indicators.
  • Some useful features are missing.

Smart watch with heart rate monitor in 2017 is not uncommon, almost every smart watch manufacturer has taken care of the heart rate sensor in their device. This is not surprising, the function is really necessary, and sometimes even critical, especially for athletes and for people with heart disease. Athletes get a unique opportunity to adjust their training, adjusting to the appropriate heart rate zone, depending on the purpose of the training.

Such huge assortment in the market of smart watches with a heart rate monitor makes the buyer get lost in the choice, for this, in order to ease the agony of choice, we made the TOP 7 smart sports watches with a heart rate sensor.

Herzband Elegance

Editor's rating:

Average price - $70

Estimated life time: 5 days

Herzband is a brand that is steadily gaining popularity in the CIS, it has gained fame for its ability to measure pressure, or rather, calculate it based on the indications of the heart rate. On the this moment these are the best.

Design. They have a classic design, the dial is round with a mechanical button on the right, the leather strap complements the classic surroundings.

Functionality and characteristics. The display is monochrome, with a fairly low margin of brightness. The controls are convenient, turn on the brush, but there is no voice control. Receive notifications from applications of all messengers. Track all physical activity like any other fitness tracker. They have a fairly low margin of brightness, in sunny weather it will be difficult to make out something.

Our testing showed that The watch's heart rate monitor is working properly.


  • pressure measurement;
  • stylish design
  • low price


  • low display brightness
  • lack of GPS

Verdict: Good option for those looking a budget option smart watches with a heart rate monitor with a classic design and the functionality of a fitness tracker.

Editor's rating:

Average price - $200

Estimated life time: 25 days

Design and interface.Withings Steel HR has a truly "Swiss" watch design, only a small OLED display that is designed to show all watch notifications gives them away. Due to the mechanical button, it switches between the Withings Steel HR screens, where you can see the pulse, steps and calories.

Functionality and characteristics. The main advantage of watches is their record life, which is 25 days active, an incredible result for modern smartwatches. To achieve this result, sacrifices had to be made, and this sacrifice was the display, which received a very small size. But it is worth noting that it copes with all its functions perfectly. Due to the bright backlight, all information is perfectly perceived even on a small display.

Another interesting feature is the high water resistance, which is 5 ATM. This allows the watch to be submerged to a depth of 50 meters. The watch is equipped with a soft silicone strap, which will allow you to dive with the watch in the pool and at sea.

The "brains" of the device are not too far behind the design and amaze with their functionality. So, they can independently determine what type of physical activity you are currently engaged in (paired with a connected smartphone), determine sleep phases, but without a smart alarm clock.
The operation of the heart rate monitor in hours quite accurate, but during intensive training, the data is distorted.


  • record life time
  • stylish design
  • high degree of protection against water


  • inconvenient control
  • no GPS
  • inconvenient charging
  • heart rate monitor can't handle intense workouts

Verdict: A great option for a smart watch with a heart rate monitor and a pedometer for those who appreciate classic style and don't like to charge their gadgets.

Editor's rating:

Average price - $150

Estimated life time: 11 days

Xiaomi AmazFit Pace is the first smart watch from a famous Chinese brand, which went on sale quite recently, at the beginning of 2017. They have already gained a lot of fans around the world due to their stylish design and fitness tracker capabilities. In this review, we are interested in these features and in particular the operation of the heart rate monitor.

Functionality and characteristics. Xiaomi AmazFit is not just a smartwatch with a heart rate monitor, it's also a good one GPS-tracker capable of tracking your movements. This combination of functionality should be appreciated by fans of jogging on fresh air. It should be noted here that when GPS is turned on, the autonomy of work decreases from 5 days to one day, and in domestic use manufacturer promises to work up to 11 days, which is a very impressive figure with such a display.

Another interesting feature of the watch is the presence of memory - 4 GB, where you can store music that you can listen to using a wireless headset.

Among other things, the watch has the standard function of tracking sleep, steps, calories burned. There is no smart alarm clock, there is only a regular alarm clock from vibration. Operation of the heart rate monitor I was very pleased, a series of comparative tests with chest heart rate monitors did not reveal serious errors.

Design and interface. Xiaomi AmazFit Pace boasts a juicy display where you can easily view basic data, the brightness is automatically adjusted due to the built-in sensor. At the same time, the display has a number of control disadvantages. Firstly, the gadget does not support voice control, and secondly, to activate the display, you need to press a small mechanical button in the upper right corner.

Like any smart watch, Xiaomi AmazFit Pace can receive notifications from applications. Unfortunately, this area is not fully developed. So, the functions "Answer", "View dialogue" do not function. The interface is presented only in English or Chinese.


  • availability of GPS
  • quality display
  • long life time


  • inconvenient inclusion of the display
  • underdeveloped notification software
  • no Russian language support

Verdict: Great option for those who prefer sports design and does a lot of outdoor activities.

Average price - $375

Estimated life time: up to 4 days

Design and interface. The watch was released in two design versions, which are noticeably different, but at the same time quite similar. Samsung Gear S3 Frontier is a brutal version, similar to what we see on the covers of magazines with harsh models. The Samsung Gear S3 Classic is a timeless classic design, smaller than its bigger sibling and not as impact and shock resistant, while the Frontier version is MIL-810G protected.

Of the main features and the main control feature of this watch is the "bezel", this is a swivel ring around the watch, with the help of which gadgets are controlled. This solution turned out to be very successful and simplified the interaction with the device by an order of magnitude.

The watch uses a standard strap that can be easily detached and replaced with yours. The body is made of high quality 316L steel.

Display with a SUPER AMOLED matrix does not raise any complaints, all data is read without any problems in any light.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch runs on its own Tizen platform, which is noticeably more convenient than Android Wear. There are fewer applications here, but they are quite enough for everyday use.

Like any fitness tracker, the watch can track steps, calories, and sleep. From interesting features you can highlight the definition of the height of the rise, as well as the ability to compete with friends in the number of steps. To experience all the fitness features of the watch, you need to use the S Health app, which is only available for Samsung's Galaxy series. Such exclusivity is a definite drawback of the gadget.

The watch has GPS and Glonass, which can remember the route of your movement. Separately, I would like to note that there is a version with LTE, which will allow you to call directly from the watch without a smartphone. A nice plus of the gadget is its long duration of work, taking into account huge amount functions that require battery power.

The third generation of gears significantly improved heart rate measurements, which served as the watch's entry into our TOP. The heart rate monitor works correctly even during intensive movement.


  • display
  • availability of Wi-Fi and GPS
  • convenient control
  • MIL-810G protection in Frontier version


  • branded fitness app only available for Samsung's Galaxy series

Verdict: Ideal for everyday use at work, in the gym, on vacation, if you also have a Samsung Galaxy series smartphone.

Average price - $350

Estimated life time: up to 2 days

Polar is the 2nd company from this TOP, which did not come from the world of technology, but from the world of sports watches. And this fact significantly influenced the Polar M600 in terms of functionality.

Design and interface. The design of the watch is sporty and futuristic, the case is made of plastic, there are metal inserts on the sides, and the strap is made of silicone. The design is very amateurish and not everyone will like it, plus the device has already turned out to be quite bulky.

The main control is due to the touch screen, there are also two mechanical buttons, on the left is the “Stop” or “Back” button, below the display there is a button responsible for starting the workout.

Display juicy and bright, but with direct sunshine there are difficulties in reading the data.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch is made based on Android Wear, which means that more than 4,000 applications will be available for the owner under various purposes. Fitness opportunities are implemented through Google Fit and a special Polar Flow service, which records all the information about the training session, and you can schedule them in it. The service is very good and will appeal to many athletes.

Runners and cyclists will appreciate the presence of a full-fledged GPS. Another nice feature of the gadget is its water resistance and the ability to dive up to 10 meters, which is more than enough for the pool.

Due to the 6-LED sensor, the heart rate monitor can compete in accuracy with chest heart rate monitors. During testing, the heart rate monitor did not cause any complaints.

Of the unpleasant features, one can single out the short life of the gadget, only 8 hours in training mode and 2 days in normal mode with Android, but with IPhone only work for a day.


  • availability of Wi-Fi and GPS
  • branded sports software


  • amateur design
  • short period of life

Verdict: A good option for professional athletes who need the most functional smartwatch.

Apple Watch Series 2

Average price - $400

Estimated life time: one day

It is not for nothing that watches from the legendary brand fall into the majority of reviews of smart watches and fitness trackers. Apple Watch Series 2, as a watch with a heart rate monitor, they also did not disappoint.

Design and interface. The design is quite futuristic and not everyone will like it, at the same time, many will find it very attractive. It is presented in the form of a rectangle with rounded corners. There are two control buttons on the right side. The number of varieties of straps is striking in variety, the case itself is presented from the options of the main material aluminum, steel, ceramics. The updated version has got quick access to the necessary applications through the button, from this the management has become quite convenient.

Display juicy and bright, all data is read without any problems in any weather. There is an automatic brightness sensor, the operation of which can be adjusted in the settings.

Functionality and characteristics. Apple Watch Series 2 is real multifunctional machine among smart watches, which can do almost everything that modern smart watches can provide. Functions in brief:

  • Ability to answer calls and receive messages;
  • Tracking the physical activity of the wearer;
  • Support for many additional applications from the App Store;
  • Measurement of calories burned, steps taken, heart rate
  • GPS route recording
  • Internet access via Wi-Fi

The watch boasts not only the usual Bluetooth, GPS modules, but also a Wi-Fi module that will allow you to access the Internet directly from the gadget. The gadget is waterproof, it can be used in the pool, even a separate functionality that tracks strokes has been created for this.

All the ideality of watches is killed by their lifetime, which is one day, which is an anti-record of this top, and it’s hard to find smart watches in 2017 who live so little.

The app for measuring heart rate is very primitive and is suitable only for lovers of an active lifestyle, but not for professionals. But it is worth noting that the The heart rate monitor works flawlessly. Moreover, an independent scientific study at Stanford showed an error of a heart rate monitor on an exercise bike of only 2%, which is comparable to the data of an electrocardiogram, for walking the indicator turned out to be slightly higher than 2.5%.


  • wide range of applications
  • presence of GPS and Wi-Fi module
  • juicy display


  • very short lifespan
  • high price

Verdict: A great option for those Iphone owners who need the widest possible range of features from smartwatches.

Estimated life: 9 days in watch mode, 11 hours in GPS training mode

The ForeRunner series of watches is designed for running, as the name of the same name clearly testifies. The Garmin ForeRunner 235 is one of the best value for money running heart rate sports watches on the market. This model is suitable for both professionals and runners who need much more than the functionality of a regular fitness tracker, but at the same time need a watch for everyday use.

Design and interface. The ForeRunner 235 is designed in a sporty style and will not go well with a formal suit to emphasize the status of the wearer. But they will perfectly fit into any other wardrobe and not only in sports.

Display big and bright enough, all notifications and data are read without any problems, even in the sunniest weather. Management is carried out by 5 mechanical buttons, which is quite convenient in rainy weather. The entire interface is intuitive and doesn't take long to figure out. Russian language is supported.

Functionality and characteristics. The watch is equipped with GPS and the GLONASS system, which made it possible to implement a wide range of possibilities, so in addition to the classic data on steps, calories and sleep, it offers a number of other options. While running, they can show an estimated finish time based on their current momentum. Evaluate the training effect of the lesson. They will predict your best result based on the data already obtained. Advise on post-workout rest. Support cycling.

Also, many will find it useful to estimate VO2 max to assess the effectiveness of the training process in athletics.

Additional features include smart notifications and music control on your smartphone. It is also the only smartwatch with a heart rate monitor suitable for this review.

Operation of the heart rate monitor does not cause complaints even with intensive training. It is possible to track heart rate zones.


  • Availability of GPS/Glonass
  • Windows phone support
  • advanced features for running training


  • not suitable for a formal suit
  • lack of app store and internal memory

Verdict: An excellent option for those who are engaged in professional running training.

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