Eastern zodiac horoscope: Bull - Aries. Characteristics of the Aries-Ox man in Love

Encyclopedia of Plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Eastern zodiacal– Your zodiac sign endows you with a certain set of characteristics, but the annual Eastern sign also endows you with certain qualities, and interacting with each other, these signs can give a third character, and endow you with the so-called combination character. In addition, signs can be in harmony, or they can be dissonant with each other.

If you were born in January or February , then you can find out exactly your sign by going to the page East elemental horoscope. After all, the onset of the new year according to the Chinese calendar does not coincide with the onset of our new year on January 1, but depends on the lunar cycle.

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You are lucky with the horoscope, and therefore rejoice and have fun. If you don’t know how to have fun, get a job in a circus school, get hired as a student in some theater of miniatures. In a word, do something, because there are only two such successful horoscopes in the world - yours and another Rooster-Sagittarius. If you are a big and serious person and you don’t want to spew jokes, sit by a chair and not get your hand in your sleeve, then just smile, be optimistic, cheerful and loving, otherwise you may be overtaken by a terrible bacillus of misanthropy. Jesters who don't joke are the scariest people on Earth.

As for examples, there are an incredible number of them. In the first lines, of course, "the king of laughter" Charlie Chaplin (April 16, 1889), who created the standards of the funny for many decades. The contemporary American comedian Eddie Murphy (April 3, 1961) approaches his level of popularity. But external data did not suggest anything funny in him - tall, foldable, handsome ...


Rejoice people, the nature of laughter is open! Laughter is born from a minimal discrepancy between the annual sign and the zodiac sign (shift plus or minus one). This is theory, but in practice we are talking about an elementary parody. It is in parody, imitation that the basis of the Jester's funny worldview.

If we remove professional parodists, clowns and other mass entertainers from the conversation, then what should everyone else do? Whom to laugh, how and why? Laugh and ridicule, and over everyone and everything. A jester is one who is allowed not to have shrines and expose everything to the purifying fire of mockery, ridicule, parody.

In any team, a person is needed who is allowed to criticize the boss of any level and he will get nothing for it. It was for this that jesters were kept at the royal court, so that at least someone would not fall ill with sycophancy.

Much has been said about the healing properties of laughter. For example, this: "Humanity, laughing, parted with its past." That is why laughter is not just entertainment, it is a whole mechanism for the collapse of frozen dogmas, political, scientific, cultural. That is why Jesters are so needed in those places (in those collectives) where everything is overgrown with moss, covered with dust and cobwebs.

It is clear that the Jester in such a situation is more of a satirist than a humorist, although for a satirist he lacks revealing pathos. The jester is not a pretentious figure and with equal pleasure mocks both his superiors and his subordinates, but he can also mock himself. Irony, once again irony and no pathos.

In general, the moment of truth for the Jester is the presence or absence of a sense of humor. If it is - already a victory! It is already possible to distinguish the funny from the sad. Well, if the sense of humor is active, then this is already a celebration of life, and then everything will work out.

Finally, a few words about intelligence. Thanks to some TV shows, the business of laughter began to seem the apotheosis of cheerful stupidity. The real Fool is a bright intellectual, for his wit is evidence of his sharp mind.


An energy flurry similar to what the Leader creates, the Jester does not have in stock. The Jester cannot run and pull everyone in a row, charging with vivacity and enthusiasm. He has a different virtue, a different finer tuning. The jester brings with him light, joy, a genetic smile that can illuminate half the world and finally drive away the night. The most striking example here is, of course, Yuri Gagarin (Dog, Pisces), with his fantastic smile. There was no other such smile in the history of mankind.

The light modification of the Jester is, perhaps, even more valuable than the comic one, because it is practically not amenable to falsification. You can play a laughing joke by memorizing a couple of collections of jokes. But to teach a person to radiate light is almost impossible. An energetically sincere smile is the most difficult action in the world of virtual technologies. False and forced industrial smiles of clerks of different levels do not count.

The Jester's smile can rise so high that it seems to pierce the boundaries of what is permitted, becoming stupid. Well, for the Jester it's not scary. I could not become bright, you will be funny again.


The jester may seem like a ridiculous and awkward figure. Everyone is ready to throw their stone at the Jester, everyone is ready to downplay the Jester's abilities. Nevertheless, the Jester has an ability, which is absolutely impossible to remain silent about. We are talking about the psychological insight of the Jester.

Psychologists-theorists, as a rule, do not fight for a person, but for some regular fashionable doctrine. But a practicing psychologist, a person who really knows how to fit into the shoes of another person is always at a great price. So, it is the Jester who has developed the most talent of this kind.

It is not difficult to understand this. If the Jester could become a parodist, if he has the gift of imitation and the talent of a mockingbird, if he could really make fun of a person, then it means that he was able to unravel the psychology of this subject. A simple exercise: try copying another person's facial expression, and you will immediately understand the structure of his thoughts. This is the trick that the Jester does masterfully.

In short, as it should be, in a good fairy tale the fool turns out to be, if not the most intelligent, then at least the most perceptive character.

As for the ability of a psychologist not only to understand a person and sympathize with him, but also to find a way out of a difficult situation, here the Jester's sense of humor can provide invaluable help, because it is known that most psychological problems arise precisely where we cannot laugh, cannot look at yourself with humor from the outside.

The character of women Bulls - Aries: They shine with energy and interest in others. Their energy is so contagious that others succumb to it against their will. However, such a bright beating energy often creates difficulties for them. They go astray, forgetting about the golden mean in everything. They often act on the first thought, instead of thinking carefully, and this leads to the fact that mistakes follow one another.

These natures are temperamental and impulsive. They rarely think about their deeds and actions, try to act. This upsets and excites others, so they rarely find understanding. Self-confidence and dynamism are inherent in them, so they rarely sit still, they are always in search. However, their main drawback is the inability to complete all the cases to the end.

Ox women - Aries in love and relationships: They are good at acting, so they often try to play on the feelings of other people out of curiosity. And this rarely leads to a positive result. Even having found their soul mate, they spoil everything themselves. They should not build relationships at an early age, because during this period they are too impulsive and do not control themselves, which leads to disappointment and misunderstanding of themselves and others.

Women Bulls - Aries in finance and career: Only in adulthood can these Pisces achieve something worthy. In maturity, they forget about the impulsiveness of their nature, get rid of all the difficulties in communication. And as a result, they make a good career. The material side of life may not excite them, because it does not matter. Only in maturity they will appreciate comfort, coziness and all the possibilities of money. Then these women do everything to get them. And here already the financial condition is affected by what they have achieved at the moment.

Ox women - Aries in family and marriage: Family relationships in these women are built with great difficulty. They may not understand the requirements of loved ones, they try to avoid obligations. And this leads to a break. Creating their own family, they repeat the same mistakes. Only a patient soulmate will help them overcome this vicious circle, get out of it. Only in this case, these Pisces will be happy, but for this you need to meet the right person.

Advice for women Bulls - Aries: These women should learn to manage their emotions. Too strong emotions destroy their lives and plans, so you need to better control them. They are also encouraged to engage in self-improvement more, try to look for spiritual development paths. All this will give a feeling of fullness of life and peace. And such a state will surely attract prosperity, good women and positive events to them.

Zodiac horoscope: Aries sign

The combination of the unshakable Ox with the windy Aries creates a person who has a good imagination and at the same time is consistent in his actions. These are interesting people – they are both skillful and original.

The symbol of the Ox in ancient astrology is considered hardworking, tenacious and reliable. This is a creature with a contemplative and slightly shy nature. The combination of the Ox with Aries gives rise to very determined personalities. Such a person is persistent with great enthusiasm. They tend to be very assertive and self-confident, and often like to express themselves verbally as they think very deeply.

In most cases, such people are honest and open and do not try to hide their self-confidence. Such a person will always give a straight answer to a question. They are eloquent, but their answers can be too direct, but at the same time truthful. Ox Aries are not great at compliments or romance, but in relationships they are passionate and loving people. They want to take the lead in the relationship, but it won't be premeditated or overwhelming.

Their home may not be tidy, they are just very busy and find housework tedious. They are generally happier being outdoors than at home. Housework is incredibly boring for them, but they are hardworking in any other task. They enjoy activities that include the opportunity to progress based on effort. They are ambitious and don't give up on an idea lightly. Often successful in life due to their determination.

Representatives of these signs can perfectly manage the motivation of other people. They can be a little overbearing due to their high standards of endurance and efficiency. To make friends with them you need to be on the same level with them. These are not the most sociable people and will rarely be the initiator of friendship. He has close friends, but these are those whom they acquired in childhood. These Aries are not easy to be friends with, but they are very loyal to their old acquaintances.

Constant stubbornness for no reason is a small disadvantage of these people. Sometimes such individuals are prone to rather impulsive actions and a willingness to take unnecessary risks. Sometimes they are prone to gambling, willing to risk everything for one thing. Moments of insanity happen to them at times, especially when they do stupid things, and even more so with money. All these weaknesses pass with time, older they become wiser and more reasonably control their expenses.

Aries bull relies on his opinion in everything - he is confident in his abilities and knows that he can cope with all difficulties. Outwardly, he looks slow, but he does everything thoroughly and carefully. A buffalo ram does not have ambition, he will strive to take a leading position wherever he is. He has enough willpower, temperament, and mind for this.

The Ox Aries man is always prudent, able to maintain his composure in any situation, but it is better not to anger him. If he starts to fight with someone, he will definitely bring the matter to the end. The same applies to the woman of the year of the bull of the zodiac sign Aries.

Aries buffaloes prefer never to ask for advice or turn to anyone for help. In life, they rely only on themselves. Aries the bull is the defender of his land, his home, his family, who will never allow encroachment on his territory.

Today brings a lot of opportunities for new things that require imagination, logic and cold calculation. It seems that you are ready to take on everything at once, but the forces and time do not contribute to this. This period is more suitable for generating ideas than putting them into practice. Therefore, devote your energy to drawing up long-term plans, and you will deal with the implementation of your plan a little later.

love horoscope

On this day, it is likely that you will take a fresh look at an old acquaintance. It could be an old friend, colleague, or just a neighbor. It is not a fact that a serious relationship will immediately begin between you, but a couple of sparks can easily translate ordinary communication into something more romantic.

Financial horoscope

Today you can not do without the help and support of friends, because you should not rely on your own opinion. There are so many thoughts and worries in my head that it will be easy to make a mistake. Be careful with new projects and investments: on the one hand, you can make big profits, and on the other hand, you can get bogged down in financial affairs that will bring disappointment and fatigue.

Health Horoscope

The time is right to visit an experienced specialist. Especially if something has been bothering you for a long time. For those who decide to improve their fitness, the stars give the green light. Any training at the beginning of the day will benefit you, and it is better to spend the evening in a relaxed atmosphere, enjoying the fresh air and a leisurely walk.

The whole of January, and even the middle of February 2018, the Cockerel will rule the world, so Aries can calmly deal with things, take stock, and slowly make plans for the future. But already in March, Aries will have to tighten up - the kind Yellow mistress of 2018 will throw so many tasks that there will be no time to sit on the stove.

A dog is a peaceful creature, Aries can calmly solve problems with their competitors and not be afraid that rivals will think of deceiving you. Nothing like this will happen - in 2018, all the doors in the business field will open for the pets of Mars - if you want, start selling furniture, or if you want, write poems to order. By the beginning of summer, the fiery guys will achieve good results - influential people will fight for the right to sign an agreement with you.

Personal life in 2018 is full of changes and all sorts of surprises. For example, July will be a month of romance, flirting, and bright meetings. Pets of Mars will not be left alone by last year's fans - they will follow you on your heels. Yes, and new suitors in the year of the Dog will become unusually active - the stars advise Aries to look both ways: admirers are capable of any tricks.

Life will be in full swing until autumn. But Aries will not be able to forget about the affairs - the Dog will not allow you to relax, and will endlessly throw up contracts, deals and other delights from the life of businessmen. The financial situation in the year of the Earth Dog will be nowhere better - Aries, just looking, will be able to issue banknotes with their own image (the main thing is to choose a good background).

The winter months of Aries will definitely not disappoint. The Yellow Dog will bury in the snowdrifts and delicious bones in reserve, and chests with jewelry, and other useful things that will decorate life. Despite the cold, the sphere of love relationships will indulge Aries with warmth and tenderness. Free fiery guys until the end of the year will walk arm in arm with Cupid, and meticulously look at future chosen ones. Well, the family pets of Mars can gather households at the same table at least every day - the Dog will arrange everything in the best possible way, Aries will be scratched behind the ear, and festive food will be prepared, and the hostess of the year will wag her tail for you every now and then.

The stars almost forgot about the vacation - hardworking and energetic Aries definitely need to find one month a year to have a good rest. Take a laptop, phone, a bunch of friends and a crowd of household members to the resort - only the picture in front of your eyes will change, and this is how you work and relax to the glory. Just do not fall asleep under the hot sun, otherwise you will get so tanned that vacationers will take you for a black waiter and demand cocktails and snacks.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, Aries can throw their strength into home improvement - turn your home into a palace, or a teremok, and the Dog will gladly drag warm hay there and help with the alarm - not a single ill-wisher will pass unnoticed by the faithful Earth guard.

Love horoscope for pets of Mars for 2018

2018 is good for novels and dating - Cupid's arrows will hit the target every now and then, the main thing is not to get confused and choose the right candidate.

The instinct of the mistress of the year will be transferred to you - you will unmistakably choose the right person. But intuition is intuition, and it is also desirable not to turn off the mind. Although if you are free, then fall in love with your health, and the Dog will protect you from overly annoying admirers. With family Aries, everything is much simpler - an endless honeymoon, that's all.

Your charm literally rolls over - just wink, and all members of the opposite sex are at your feet. But blink less often, suddenly the fans will fight, and you will have to visit them with flowers and oranges. If you are family guys, it is better to wear dark glasses in general - a jealous chosen one does not want someone else to see your beautiful eyes.

The Year of the Earth Dog will not disappoint you. Flirt, flirt and enjoy life to the fullest - this advice applies to both family and free representatives of the sign. Just do not flirt - the year is rich in the birth of children, and an ordinary romance can end with a trip to the registry office. Children born in 2018 will be smart and pretty - the Dog will protect them from any trouble.

Business horoscope for Aries for 2018

Bucks, euros and rubles - there will be plenty of any banknotes in the year of the Dog, the main thing is to find the right and reliable bank to store capital.

Aries 1st decade (March 21-March 30). Read the horoscope and go for a suit - now you have a lot of chances to become ministers, financial tycoons or deputies. Yes, and carry a talisman in the form of a small dog with you - at the right time, she will definitely bark. There is a crisis in the world, but you don’t care - all your deals, the main thing is to get useful connections.

Aries 2 decades (March 31-April 10). In 2018, you are just lucky - the Dog will throw so many great offers that the choice will be difficult. A couple of times you can take a chance, but, of course, without excessive fanaticism - in an underground casino you are unlikely to be happy. But the lottery is what you need. Try to be more positive, and money luck will definitely stick to you - she just loves cheerful guys.

Aries 3rd decade (April 11-April 20). In the Year of the Dog, you will be able to bring to life any ideas that come to your mind. Carry a piece of paper with you, and preferably a thick notebook - smart thoughts can arise at any moment. And remember - in 2018, monetary success loves silence, so try to share your plans less often. And when you sit down in your personal palace, then you will give an interview and tell how you turned into financial magnates.

Family forecast for Aries for 2018

2018 can be safely called the year of family, love and, of course, fidelity - a great time to improve relationships with loved ones.

Aries 1st decade (March 21-March 30). Your soul mate dreams of climbing on a pedestal - arrange a small miracle for your beloved marriage partner. Just do not be surprised when the rest of the household also want honors and glory, and the whole family is unlikely to fit on the pedestal. You will have to make a list - today you praise your grandmother, and tomorrow you give surprises to your great aunt.

Aries 2 decades (March 31-April 10). Family life in 2018 is full of miracles. Some will meet with birds (we are talking about storks). You can also look for Kinder surprises in cabbage - the Dog knows how to surprise. And do not forget to improve your home - it's time to equip the reception room to the highest standard. Weddings, christenings, name days - all joyful events cannot be listed in a short horoscope.

Aries 3rd decade (April 11-April 20). In the year of the Dog, you just need to learn how to compromise - of course, relatives will not bark capriciously and whine plaintively, but they will become very impressionable and vulnerable. “Walk” your loved ones as often as possible - pack your backpacks and arrange trips and picnics for your family. And do not forget about the elderly family members - they prefer a comfortable ride in a limousine.

Health Horoscope for 2018 for Aries

2018 will be a good year in terms of health, but bad habits need to be waved away - for example, the Dog does not tolerate tobacco smoke.

Aries 1st decade (March 21-March 30). In 2018, you will be overwhelmed with energy - direct it in the right direction and go in for sports. You look, and prepare for the next Olympiad - all the coaches have already pricked their ears, and they dream of luring you into their team. And watch the quality of food - the hostess of the year, of course, is not picky, but she will not eat any nonsense like chips and whites.

Aries 2 decades (March 31-April 10). In the positive year of the Yellow Dog, there is no place for sadness and blues - rather, learn to relax. Auto-training, color therapy and other newfangled charms are at your service. The mood can also be improved with the help of music, only the howling of pop music should be avoided, because the classics did not work in vain in their time: Bach, Mozart and Schubert will save you from any sores in a couple of moments.

Aries 3rd decade (April 11-April 20). You are in excellent physical shape, and the Dog barks only one piece of advice: follow the daily routine. Down with night vigils and meaningless correspondence on the Internet - this is just an illusion of a busy life. It’s better to run around the stadium once again, and there the rest of the lovers of a healthy lifestyle will catch up: become a coach, change jobs - these are such pleasant and amazing prospects.

Horoscope for little Aries for 2018

Aries kids in the year of the Dog will become unusually independent, but you need to watch them carefully, without violating their personal space.

Little Aries 1st decade (March 21-March 30). Get ready for the fire imps to be extremely curious. If they take apart a vacuum cleaner, or decide to find out what a hair dryer is made of, it will seem like complete nonsense. But when you find children in the pantry, you should be wary - an umbrella in small hands can easily turn into a parachute, or a catapult (to move the cat to another dimension).

Aries children 2 decades (March 31-April 10). All sharp objects under lock and key, including household chemicals - in the year of the Dog, your kids will show rare activity. Take your restless Aries to the store of musical instruments - little drummers and guitarists will amuse you and your neighbors around the clock. But you will always know what the offspring are doing.

Aries kids 3 decades (April 11-April 20). In the year of the fiery fidget dog, you can safely send to star in Yeralash - it is precisely such actors as your children that are not enough there. Your children's imagination will run wild. Today, little Aries are sewing a toy out of their grandfather's earflaps, and tomorrow they are making a time machine out of the phone (which you bought for yourself for work). You can be sure that your geniuses will achieve results.

Horoscope 2018 Aries by year of birth

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Rat

The frivolous Aries-Rats will be in search of their ideal throughout 2018. The dog will set you up with interesting fans, but don't rush to make a choice. Numerous novels will tire, and you will have one desire - to hide in a secluded mink. And there the chosen one was hiding. The conclusion suggests itself - get ready for the wedding, and save money (the financial situation allows you to arrange a chic celebration).

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Ox

An honest Dog will protect Aries-Oxen all year round - she really likes sincere and straightforward fiery creatures. Aries-Gobies will bathe in money and in love, most importantly, periodically emerge, so as not to miss insidious rivals. Although you are easy to communicate with, and competitors will be crazy about you - just look, they confess their unearthly feelings and offer profitable and long-term contracts.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Tiger

The dog will see a kindred spirit in you - expect surprises. Aries-Tigers in 2018 will acquire useful connections - both the oligarchs and other guys are delighted with you. Advice of the hostess of the year: be sincere, and even when talking with scammers, look them in the eye (swindlers will not resist and will reveal secret plans). Grace on the love front, but don't trip over the fans who fell for your unearthly beauty.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Rabbit (Cat)

In the year of the Aries-Cat Dog, you are at your best - you are so masterful in solving problems that the Earthen Princess of the year yelps with delight and presents more and more surprises. Stars advise sometimes to be distracted from business and take care of appearance - shiny fur and manicured paws will attract a bunch of new boyfriends. And hear your intuition already - it is hoarse, telling you where the treasure chest is.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Dragon

In 2018, Aries Dragons fly with happiness - that's what it means to be born with wings. People around you suspect that you really have three heads, like a fairy-tale character - how else to explain the appearance of brilliant ideas. Implement plans, and do not be afraid of competition. You don’t need to call the dog for help - the enemies will scatter from one of your roars. And don't be fire-breathing, suddenly set the fans on fire.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Snake

Aries-Snakes are wise and reasonable - how can you not admire you?! Naturally, the Yellow Dog will give you a lot of chances - you won’t have to hiss and show a sting, the main thing is to come for gifts on time. In 2018, your hypnotic abilities will manifest - oh, and competitors will jump. But in your personal life, it is better to turn off clairvoyance - why do you need to guess Cupid's plans, because then it will not be interesting.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Horse

Jump on the lawn, pinch the grass, and don't worry - the Dog will save you from any trouble. In 2018, Aries-Horses have everything in chocolate - it's time to open your own business, and you can buy a new stable. You will become unusually businesslike - the minister of finance is about to knock on the door, or some local businessman. Don’t even think about competitors - you are so cute that your opponents are ashamed to intrigue.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Goat (Sheep)

Hide your horns in the far corner - you won’t have to butt and sort things out in the year of the Yellow Dog. And finally update your wardrobe - in your office you need to look more impressive so that your business partners gasp with admiration. Aries-Goats are especially lucky on the love front - local dressmakers have already gathered in your yard and chased all the fans out of the shops to lay out wedding dresses.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Monkey

The dog is in a hurry to bark the rule for this year: you can only make faces at Aries-Monkeys at home. And in public it is desirable to maintain equanimity, although it is difficult, because the bird of happiness constantly sits on your shoulder. The hostess of 2018 will confiscate the troubles of the year - only a fat wallet and a pretty bank card will remain. And, of course, there will always be a dozen fans nearby so that you do not get bored.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Rooster

It is advisable for Aries-Cockerels to refrain from hasty decisions - a thoughtful approach is welcomed in the year of the Dog. But what about your eternal craving for adventure?! That's what business is for - risk your health. There is enough money, and the loss of a couple of millions will not be significant. But it’s better to spend your “extra capital” on buying a new perch, in your case it’s a house in the village, or a hut on Rublyovka.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Dog

The mistress of 2018 will become a friend for Aries-Dogs. You can wag your tails at least the whole year, because the situation is simply fabulous. If you work in a large company, then it's time to show off your talents - the career ladder is high, but there is a chance to climb up as early as the middle of the year. Personal life is full of surprises - storks are about to settle on the roof, so hurry up for wallpaper for the children's room.

Horoscope for 2018 Aries - Pig (Boar)

Perky Aries-Pigs will be able to please the Dog, and the Earthy mistress of 2018 will protect you from problems. Serious passions will flare up on the love front, but shake-ups will strengthen the relationship of family representatives of the sign, and diversify the life of free Pigs-Aries. Abandoned fans will not take revenge, except perhaps they will throw flowers under the door (the main thing is that the bouquets are not made of banana skins).

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