Types and functions of social communication. Communication concept

The buildings 14.10.2019

Communication (from lat. communicatio- message, transmission) - the process of information exchange that occurs in any society. Joint activities of people, reproduction and creation of cultural heritage represent the transmission and perception of certain messages.

The communication process is a property of many complex systems. Therefore, speaking about human society, the term "social communication" is usually used.

Social communication includes a number of components:

  • ? subjects of communication (individuals, groups, institutions);
  • ? means of communication;
  • ? the content of communication, certain meanings and meanings transmitted during the interaction;
  • ? the communicative environment in which information is exchanged (depending on the characteristics of the communicative environment, the same signs can be interpreted in different ways).

Communication in human communities (as opposed to communication in animal communities) is always symbolic - mediated by certain meanings and meanings that are assigned to material or non-material objects (words, objects, images, actions, gestures, etc.) that serve as means of communication.

The most important means of communication is language. Communication carried out through language is called

verbal communication and is basic for a person. However, along with the verbal language, there are other systems of symbols - non-verbal who also serve as intermediaries in the communication process. These are facial expressions, gestures, as well as the so-called "secondary languages" - Morse code, programming languages, etc.

Culture as a whole and its "subsystems" - art, science, religion, etc., which also use specific "languages", can be considered as a linguistic system - a sign system. For example, complex sign system is Russian icon painting. Each element of the image has its own symbolic meaning- the location of the figures, their size and posture, the color of the robes and background, etc. People who do not know the specific language of the icon are not able to perceive all the information it carries, and only notice the unusual style of the image, which seems to them "primitive".

According to the definition of the German philosopher E. Cassirer, man is a creature that creates symbols. Indeed, a person perceives the world and acts in it based on certain meanings and meanings that he himself assigned to the objects of this world. Any object endowed with meaning can be viewed as a symbol. Communication as an exchange of meanings, interpretation and creation of symbols is at the same time a process of constructing and maintaining the reality in which a person is immersed. We see the world through the prism of the symbols that make up our culture. Culture exists only through continuous communication.

Communication can be oral, written, visual(transmission of messages using visual images), etc. Various types of communication involve specific forms of encoding the transmitted information. Alphabet letters, hieroglyphs, digital and musical notation are all different forms of encoding information.

By the method of transferring information, communication can be direct(direct) and mediated(indirect).

Immediate communication involves the transfer of a message, the exchange of information in a situation of direct interaction. Mediated communication can occur without personal contact between the sender of the message and its recipient. For the emergence of this type of communication, an invention was needed additional ways storage and transmission of information in addition to oral speech... So, the advent of writing made it possible to exchange information between people, separated not only by space, but also by time.

Communication is not only the "exchange" of messages, signs, signals. It is a process by which subjects influence each other's behavior. Thus, communication exists wherever there is joint activity. Communication itself is necessary condition joint activities and, ultimately, survival - both in animal communities and in human society. The forms and means of communication not only changed in the process of cultural development, but also themselves became a significant factor in cultural and social changes.

The emergence of verbal language meant a qualitative breakthrough in the evolution of forms of communication. Language makes it possible to operate not only with "real" objects, but with signs, images of objects, not only real, but also arising due to the very presence of language. U. Maturana writes: “... the appearance of language in people and of the entire social context in which language emerges generates a new (as far as we know) phenomenon - mind and self-consciousness as the deepest life experience of mankind. Without having an appropriate history of interactions, it is impossible to penetrate into this sphere inherent in man (remember at least the wolf girl). At the same time, mind, as a kind of lingualization phenomenon in the network of social and linguistic conjugation, is not something that is in the brain. Consciousness and reason lie in the area of ​​social conjugation - this is where the source of their dynamics. As part of social dynamics human, mind and consciousness participate in choosing the path along which our ontogenetic structural drift follows. In addition, since we exist in language, the discourse areas (fields of judgment) that we generate become part of our area of ​​existence, as well as a fragment environment where we preserve identity and adaptation. "

Thus, not the phenomenon of communication itself, but a new form of communication, which became the property of man at a certain moment of evolution, contributed to the emergence of qualities that distinguished man from the animal world.

The assimilation of language and the social experience mediated by it is a necessary condition for the formation of a human personality. A person becomes a full-fledged person precisely as he assimilates social experience and cultural heritage, which is impossible outside of linguistic communication.

Thanks to language, culture is formed - endlessly diverse world meanings and meanings that arise, change and persist in the process of constant communication. Language did not arise as a means of knowing the world. It took shape as an instrument social interaction providing adaptation human species medium. However, the emergence of language, the need to master it for human development made possible and necessary the process of knowing the world, which ultimately means the development of those meanings that are encoded in the language.

Cognition now means not just direct experience (this kind of "cognition" is available to animals as well), but the assimilation of information about the world. And the possibilities of such knowledge are endless. Language takes a person far beyond the boundaries of direct experience. While forming, language creates not only a means for cognition, but also the object of cognition itself. Language does not reflect reality. He constructs it - for the human consciousness.

“Language has never been invented by anyone just to perceive external world... Therefore, language cannot be used as a tool for discovering this world.

Rather, it is with the help of lingualization that the act of cognition generates the world in that behavioral coordination, which is language. We spend our lives in mutual linguistic conjugation, not because language allows us to reveal ourselves, but because we are educated in language in a continuous becoming that we create with others. We find ourselves in this ... interconnection not as a previous reference correlation and not as a correlation with some beginning, but as an incessant transformation in the formation of the linguistic world, which we build together with other human beings. "

Means and forms of communication have changed and improved in the process of human cultural development. For millennia, oral communication, communication as direct communication in a face-to-face situation was virtually the only one. It is this form of social communication that underlies tradition as a mechanism for the preservation and transfer of cultural experience.

With this form of preservation of cultural heritage, human memory plays a huge role - only what people remember is preserved. The translation of cultural meanings takes place in the course of direct daily activities, woven into the usual way of life. There is no specialized “learning only” activity, only information transfer. A person, acting, assimilates cultural experience. This applies to both household skills and religious beliefs.

Tradition as a mechanism for inheriting cultural experience is usually associated with inertia and immobility, rejection of the new. This is partly true, because tradition is the experience of ancestors, the experience of previous generations, possessing, from the point of view of traditional consciousness, indisputable authority. And nevertheless, the very specificity of the functioning of the tradition, the form of communication on which it is based, turns the tradition into a living and sub-

a visible phenomenon. After all, if tradition is passed down "from mouth to mouth", if the only way to store information is human memory, then this inevitably generates both distortions and the emergence of new elements. Something is inevitably forgotten, something, on the contrary, is added. Thus, tradition carries both constancy and variability. However, the specificity of traditional consciousness is such that even new elements of tradition are interpreted as ancient, inherited from their ancestors.

Societies dominated by oral tradition live as if outside of time, for them there is no history. The events that took place several decades ago are of a much older origin. The past quickly turns into myth and legend. The same applies to outstanding personalities, the memory of which is quickly overgrown with fictional details, thanks to which they often turn into characters in myths, along with deities and spirits. A society dominated by oral tradition lives, as it were, in an eternal present, reproducing the experience of the past and not expecting any changes in the future. Everything that can happen has already happened.

The emergence of writing - new form preservation of information and a new way of communication - became the next an important milestone in the development of culture.

The earliest prototype of writing was mnemonic signs - notches on a tree, nodules ("nodular writing"), tattoos, i.e. various symbols that were supposed to help preserve some meaningful information in memory. Even today we use similar signs. But with the help of mnemonic signs, only a limited amount of information could be stored, in addition, only a fairly narrow circle of people could understand the meaning of these signs.

Early enough - even in the Neolithic era - the so-called pictographic letter- in other words, a sequential series of "pictures" that realistically depicted objects, phenomena or events. Pictographic writing is not writing in the full sense of the word, since it captures not the speech itself, but its content.

Writing itself occurs when graphic symbols begin to capture elements of speech. The letter is characterized by a constant composition of the characters used (although over time, both the number and the style of the characters may change). Each sign fixes either a word, or a sequence of sounds, or a separate sound. The forms of the signs used can be different: pictorial, pictorial, geometric, etc. But it is not the form that is important, but the essence - the letter allows you to fix the elements of speech. However, different types of writing solve this problem with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Ideographic writing implies the use of graphic signs (both realistic "pictures" and rather schematic, abstract images), which have a fairly wide range of meanings.

For example, the image of a hand can mean both the word “hand” and the words “take”, “hold”, “rule”, etc. The possibilities of ideographic writing for conveying information are limited precisely because of the “polysemy” of the graphic symbols used. Therefore, this type of writing existed only as a transitional to verbal-syllabic (logographic-syllabic).

Verbal and syllabic writing preserves the ambiguity of graphic symbols. However, it uses additional signs to clarify the meaning of words. Despite its "cumbersomeness" and complexity, verbal and syllabic writing made it possible to convey any information - from economic reporting to religious myths. However, mastering this type of writing was a rather laborious process, since the number of characters used could be counted in hundreds or even thousands.

The verbal-syllabic type of writing includes the writing of Ancient Egypt and China, Sumerian, Cretan writing, Mayan writing, etc. Not all ancient systems of verbal-syllabic writing have been deciphered. V modern world the only surviving system of verbal and syllabic writing is Chinese.

Syllabic writing uses signs that convey sequences of sounds. Elements of such a letter could be present in the verbal-syllabic writing system, and the syllabic writing itself could arise as a result of the simplification of the verbal-syllabic one. Syllabic writing in antiquity was widespread in India, Southeast Asia.

There are fewer signs in syllabic writing than in verbal and syllabic, but, nevertheless, much more (hundreds) than in the alphabetical writing we are used to.

V alphabetic letter one sign (letter) conveys, as a rule, one sound (while vowel sounds may not be transmitted in writing). The source of the alphabetic writing was the Phoenician script. The Phoenician proto-alphabet, which included only 22 characters, in addition to Asia Minor, was perceived (and, naturally, modified taking into account the peculiarities of the language) in Greece and Italy, giving rise to Western alphabets and, one might well say, western civilization... The beginning of the "Western alphabets" was given by the Greek letter, which probably arose in the 8th century BC. e.

Slavic letter(Cyrillic) arose from the addition of new specifically Slavic phonemes ("sh", "h", etc.) to the Byzantine Greek alphabet (although even before cultural contacts with the Greeks, the Slavs may have used their own writing. It is still unclear, for example , the origin of another Slavic letter, supplanted by the later Cyrillic alphabet - the Glagolitic alphabet).

Alphabetic writing is much more convenient and "democratic" than other types of writing. It allows you to encode information of any level of complexity, including abstract logical constructions. At the same time, mastering the alphabetic writing requires much less time and effort. It is no coincidence that ancient ideographic and verbal-syllabic writing systems existed in societies where a powerful priesthood was formed, which was the main guardian of the written tradition, and literacy was far from accessible to everyone. The acquisition of literacy (for example, in Ancient Egypt) opened "the path to a successful career - the profession of a scribe was highly respected.

writing, literacy was much more widespread (however, in addition to the complexity or simplicity of writing, there were other, specifically social factors that could hinder or contribute to the spread of literacy).

The emergence of a new type of communication - communications, graphics-mediated, encoding the content of spoken language- has had many important social and cultural implications.

The letter made it possible to store information. Thus, human memory has ceased to serve as the only "repository" of cultural heritage. A new efficient way of storing information opened the way for virtually unlimited accumulation of information. With the advent of writing, it became possible to record historical events, and thus humanity had a real, not a mythical past.

Writing made it possible to accumulate knowledge about the surrounding world, which created the conditions for the emergence of ancient science. With the advent of writing, religious myths were codified, sacred texts and holy books appeared, which also meant the complication and enrichment of the cultural heritage.

It should be noted that along with writing, which transmitted speech itself, other systems of graphic symbols arose - for example, symbols associated with the development of technical and mathematical knowledge.

The letter changed the nature of communication, making possible its "mediated" forms that do not require the direct presence of the participants. With the help of writing, communication became possible between people separated not only by space, but also by time.

Writing contributed to the complication of the culture of society, creating the so-called "written", or "high" culture of "scientists", educated people. Representatives of the written culture lived in a different, much richer information space than the illiterate bearers of the oral tradition. In traditional societies, access to written culture served as one of the social “delimiters” that separated the privileged minority from the illiterate and powerless majority. Mass access to education ("written culture"), characteristic of modern societies, is a phenomenon that is actually unique in history.

The creation of writing contributed to the codification of linguistic norms, the preconditions were created for the formation of a "literary", "correct" language. The structure of the language also became more complex. Communication mediated by written text did not allow the use of additional communication channels, which is possible with direct communication (gestures, facial expressions). Written communication does not provide an opportunity to "re-ask" the interlocutor in order to achieve a better understanding. Therefore, the development of written communication contributed to the gradual improvement of linguistic means of transmitting information - the emergence complex sentences, various ways of structuring the text - for example, highlighting paragraphs, separate spelling of words, etc. All this contributed to the development of abstract thinking skills.

The formation of writing is closely related to another important and turning point in the development human societies- the emergence of ancient states. The written language allowed for improved management.

First, it became possible to formulate and fix legal norms. Secondly, there was "remote" control - with the help of decrees, orders, messages, the ruler could give orders and control subordinates without being directly next to them. The written language made it possible to formalize the management process and make it more orderly.

Finally, writing also contributed to the improvement of economic activity. The most ancient written documents that have come down to us are not only decrees of rulers and inscriptions glorifying their deeds, but also materials on economic reporting associated with the activities of ancient temples, as well as ordinary merchants. but

the written heritage of ancient civilizations is not limited only to this.

Thus, the emergence of writing was directly related to the formation of ancient civilizations, with the emergence of mankind on the next, new stage of historical development. Literary works, religious and philosophical teachings, descriptions of the life of various peoples of antiquity, even private correspondence that have come down to us thanks to writing, make it possible to recreate, although not completely, the appearance of ancient civilizations. It was writing that made it possible to understand them. the spiritual world, i.e. communication between different eras. The "unwritten" past of mankind still remains "dumb". Items material culture that have come down to us, only allow us to speculate about the world of ideas, ideas and beliefs in which their creators lived.

In the era of antiquity and the Middle Ages, written culture was the property of a minority. Written communication coexisted with oral communication, which dominated traditional societies. The invention of writing made it possible to replicate texts. But this was done most often by rewriting, so the number of texts in traditional societies was very limited.

The situation changed radically when in Western countries ah, the very type of traditional society began to collapse. The development of the capitalist economy, changes in the social structure and culture led to a change in the forms of communication. This will be discussed in more detail later.

  • Maturana U., Varela F The tree of human understahding. - http: // www.uic.nnov.ru/chi-bin/htconvent.cgi7maturana.txt
  • Maturana U., Varela F. The tree of human understahding. - http: // www.uic.nnov.ru/chi-bin/htconvent.cgi7maturana.txt

Bibliographic description:

A.K. Nesterov The role of communication in modern society [ Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia site

Humanity is accumulating information at an ever-increasing pace, the volume of already accumulated data has exceeded the volume that amenable to simple human perception. Arrays of newly created information are transmitted so quickly that a person cannot and does not have time to perceive and process them.

The role of mass communication

Mass communication is a consequence of the growth in the rate and increase in the volume of transmitted information, while technical solutions for the accumulation, transmission and transmission of information have long been ensuring the massive nature of the transmission of any amount of information. It should be noted that the process of raising the technological level of mass communication began a long time ago. The first stage was various print media, then newspapers and magazines appeared. The second stage is the emergence of radio. The third stage is television. The fourth stage is computerization and the Internet.

In modern conditions, mass communication plays an essential role in society, allowing an unlimited circle of people to receive various information, using it for their own purposes. At the same time, Internet communication allows you to transfer text, sound, image, video.

Mass communication today covers all spheres of human activity and social relations: from communication between relatives and friends, ending with the management of large enterprises.

At the same time, the development of mass communication, the complication of transmitted information, an increase in the volume of transmitted data, has led to an increase in the value of information itself, an increase in its value, requirements for its content, as well as the importance of new technologies, innovations and a set of knowledge in all areas. The advancing development of information and telecommunication technologies is observed in comparison with the development of public and human perception, which determines the possibility of adequate processing of the transmitted information. On the one hand, this requires the quickest adaptation of a person to the new conditions of communication, on the other hand, it increases the role of mass communication in society, and in such a form that can be perceived most of society.

The role of social communication

In modern society, communication is an elementary system, which includes three elements, as shown in the figure.

An elementary scheme of communication in modern society

In the context of an increase in the volume of transmitted information, an increase in the nature of mass data transmission, the development of information transmission technologies, the main obstacle appears, which is concentrated in the person himself. A person's capabilities are objectively limited, therefore, he is not able to perceive the flow of information that exists today, a person is no longer able to grasp a huge array of accumulated data and knowledge. It is impossible to have sufficiently extensive knowledge in several areas, to be at the same time a competent engineer, welder, accountant, historian, physician, etc.

Social communication is understood as movement in social space in the time of various knowledge, skills, emotions. In fact, it is general form transmission of information in the form of objectively defined data arrays, grouped according to any criterion.

The role of social communication is determined by the fact that individual recipients of information must have all the necessary capabilities to receive the transmitted information, an array of knowledge, a set of data, etc., to understand them, to understand the meaning and to assimilate.

If it is impossible to receive, understand, comprehend or assimilate the transmitted information, social communication is impossible. In other words, if someone transmits information over the Internet, then those who watch TV will not be able to receive it. To understand certain information, you need to have knowledge: for example, information about the characteristics of an oil well does not tell the surgeon much. A certain level of knowledge is required for comprehension, roughly speaking, it is impossible to convey information about integrals to a fifth-grader. Finally, the assimilation of information will depend on the person himself, if he does not consider it important enough, he will ignore it.

It is also determined by the communicative characteristics of both the society itself and its communication space.

Communication features of modern society

Communication in society is of great importance for the functioning of its social structure, ensuring the work of all social institutions, power, economic relations, education, etc. For modern society, the role of communication is determined by the characteristics of its structure.

In Russia, the communication characteristics of society are determined in modern conditions by the following aspects:

  • Formation of sustainable social groups - interest clubs, professional communities, social groups e.g. car enthusiasts, students, as well as political parties, non-profit organizations etc.
  • The interaction of social groups is determined by the structure of interests, group norms, conflicts, which is manifested in different forms and at different levels of society. If the social group is large enough, for example, at the level of economic sectors, interaction is carried out at the state level.
  • Public communication is high-tech and massive. This determines the existence of many forms, types, formats of communication in modern society, which increases the role and importance of its unification.
  • The extreme degree of saturation of communication in modern society - information and new knowledge are becoming more and more main value in society.
  • High penetration rate of digital and electronic communication in various areas public life: electronic hospital registration, electronic sick leave, electronic business registration, electronic registration and receipt of public services, electronic interaction with authorities, enterprises and between them.

Defined by the following aspects:

  1. The high role of effective communication in solving social conflicts.
  2. Mechanisms for using communication to form positive attitudes in society.
  3. Implementation of communication by socially significant subjects (politicians, authorities, organizations, public figures).
  4. Raising the cultural level and ethics of society.
  5. Changing speech patterns of behavior, the formation of new forms of communication between the subjects of communication.
  6. The role of communication in raising the level of civic responsibility and consciousness in modern society.
  7. The use of communication by business representatives for projects related to the implementation of the principles of social responsibility.
  8. Communication, as the very fact of the transfer of information by the media, also determines its role for modern society.

It is important for modern society to use all conflicts in a positive way, since objective contradictions between group interests exist due to the complex structure of our society. In this regard, any conflict of interest, being a conflict, must be resolved in a constructive way, which can only be achieved under conditions rational use communication between social groups. Rational communication in society involves active discussion, refusal to avoid avoiding existing problems, taking into account various grounded points of view, comprehensive coverage of existing problems, adherence to the norms of behavior adopted in society.

Communication space

The role of communication in society is largely determined by its communication space, which includes both a complex of ethical, linguistic, cultural issues and aspects, and a means of communication.

In modern society, communication is mainly carried out through various technological means, including television, radio, printed editions, Internet. Modern Information Technology ensured the expansion of the communication space beyond any community or previously isolated social group. If earlier social groups were looking for means of effective communication with each other, now more and more separate social groups appear that seek to reduce the amount of information received through communication channels.

From a technical point of view, the modern communication space includes three components:

  1. The Internet that spans the entire planet.
  2. Hardware and software systems that ensure the work of mass communication, including television and radio broadcasting.
  3. Interaction tools information systems providing communication in modern society.

As a result, the role of communication in society is determined not only by the transmitted information, but also by the space in which it is distributed. From the point of view of socially significant interests, issues, requests - it is necessary to form a unified communication space in which you can get the necessary information.

The Internet largely meets this requirement:

  • The presence of universal protocols allows you to transfer any information in such a way that it can be received by any recipient.
  • The ability to use the Internet in personal communication, for professional purposes, in education, to obtain up-to-date information.
  • The ability to organize complex communication: individual individuals, an individual with a group, groups with groups.
  • Productive information exchange - thematic exchange of information through personal communication, impersonal information dissemination, electronic publications, databases, collaboration.

The role of communication for society in the future

Communications have significant potential for society, which is due to both the development of public communication systems and the improvement of technologies for the transmission and dissemination of information. In the future, the role of communication for society will only increase:

  • The complication of the transmitted information increases the requirements for its perception, awareness and assimilation.
  • Scaling of information systems into complex functionally defined structures with unlimited possibilities for storing and processing the accumulated information.
  • Increasing requirements for the quality of transmitted information will lead to increased responsibility for the disseminated information, the accuracy of information and data.
  • Reducing the ability to mislead social groups or society as a whole.
  • The transboundary nature of communication for society means the ability to contact and exchange information between representatives of different peoples.

Mass communication is closely related to the development of modern society, its economy, politics and culture; it covers international, intergroup and interpersonal relations.

State of the art Russian society allows to build state cultural policy on new democratic principles. This presupposes the development of relations between the center and the regions, the expansion of interregional interaction, a dialogue with society on issues of cultural policy, stimulation cultural diversity in Russian regions, accessibility and participation of citizens in cultural life. Economy and culture are relatively autonomous, self-organizing, coupled and mutually influencing components of a complex system formed, in general, for them in the information and communication space of the state. For Russia, carrying out economic and social reforms, the state, which is the main institution of its social development, is designed to create conditions for the interaction of culture, economy and society, to develop and maintain their mutually reinforcing communication.

Civil society is characterized by the presence of public institutions, so that between the individual and the state there are intermediate instances in the form of various public organizations. These organizations are a continuation state structures and are governed by the same rules. Public communication plays an important role in the functioning of the social structure.

Civil society is based on a number of principles. Of these, the most important are representative democracy, the rule of law and a free market economy. On this basis, a lot of free associative connections arise between individuals, which lead to the formation of stable social
groups from hobby clubs to political parties... The interaction of such groups is governed by a complex structure of interests, moral values ​​and manifests itself in different forms public communication.

Another important aspect is that public communication is high-tech and information-rich. Information and new knowledge are increasingly becoming the main value in the public consciousness. Mass
cultural communication is one of those important phenomena of modern society, which noticeably affects the development of social relations within each country and between countries and peoples.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of successful communication in the development of civil society. The following aspects and spheres of socially significant communication can be distinguished: the role of communication strategies in solving social conflicts; communicative mechanisms for the formation of positive attitudes in public opinion; successful public communication of socially significant figures (politicians, public figures); ethics in public communication; changes in speech patterns of behavior; the role of relations with society (public) in the formation of civic responsibility in the corporate world; the role of the media.

Public opinion in civil society is an important factor in development. Public opinion is the result not only of a given social structure, but also of the historical and cultural experience of a given society. The possibilities for influencing public opinion are largely limited by cultural stereotypes,
and in periods of accelerated social development by the direction of its vector. But in addition to cultural factors, the emergence, consolidation and disappearance of certain ideas in public opinion also depends on the methods of communication. In today's dynamic, multi-ethnic and multicultural Russian society, a situation has developed that suggests that ethical issues, linguistic and cultural aspects of public communication are acquiring a special role.

In a high-tech global world public communication acquires another important component, and
namely professional communication. Professional communication refers to the specificity of communication skills defined by professions, whose essential component is the obligation to engage in communication. These professions include teaching, political activity, management, social work, civil service... For each of these professions, we can talk about a certain amount of knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of successful professional communication and, accordingly, successful professional activity.

The development of social relations is accompanied by the deepening of communication relations and the ramification of relations between man and man, people with people, society with society, that is, the development of processes of social communication. The ongoing transformation of the mass media is having an impact on both the material and
production, as well as the socio-political, cultural and ideological areas of the life of the entire civil society. In this environment, there are processes leading to the expansion of the framework for the development of culture, there is a process of cultural interaction and interpenetration. In modern civil society, the cultural space of a person is mainly formed by various media. Television and the Internet have ousted visiting theaters, libraries, museums from the cultural needs of a modern person.

In modern conditions, the rapid development of cultural communication occurs in various spheres of human life: culture, science, education.

The importance of mass communication in the spiritual culture of society is due to:

Communication in modern civil society should be considered as a specific cultural form of spiritual communication between people, and significant cultural values ​​should play the role of certain information signals that are disseminated in society in a sign, symbolic and figurative form. In the course of communication, cultural values ​​should facilitate the transfer of life experience within and between generations. Thus, the exchange of spiritual values ​​will be the main content in the developing culture of society.

Communication means act as a material, material component of the communication process and always
express a way of transmission, preservation, production and dissemination of cultural property in society. The study of the media is all the more important that in recent decades, and especially in last years, there is a reassessment of the significance of these funds, coinciding with the heyday of the scientific and technological revolution.

Today the Internet is the most popular means of transmitting information and in the near future this popularity will not subside, but will grow. Most likely, new technologies will not automatically replace old ones, such as newspapers and magazines, radio and television. These broadcasting areas will adapt to the new economic conditions. On the one side, scientific and technological revolution creates optimal conditions for the technical development of mass media
information, but, on the other hand, gives rise to certain illusions about their power and the weakness of the means of mass communication that existed before. Media systems are interconnected
through the environment, through the field of communication, that is, they are connected with each other by a word that was initially oral. The development of communications also includes such processes during which information is not only transmitted, but also distorted,
can spontaneously increase or fade away. Mass communication is by its very nature dynamic and requires
innovation. In conditions of freedom of speech, publicity, the right of everyone to receive and disseminate information, society must learn to use the possibilities of mass communication with maximum effect.

The mass media are actively involved in the formation of public opinion today. The development of means of processing and transmission of information, the increase in the speed of information processes have led to the formation of a new type of organization of society, its functioning and management. Mass communication system
provided a new and effective cohesion of society, its life and psychology.

Culture is a system of values ​​and social codes, preserved and passed down from generation to generation, designed to serve as the basis for preserving the identity of a society. Culture in its modern sense is also social model reality created by people in the processes of communication. This understanding of culture is especially important for understanding the role that the mass media play in modern society.

Traditionally, Russian society consists of diverse groups. This heterogeneity is based on the multinational structure of society, remoteness of territories, significant differences in living conditions in urban and rural areas. During the years of the formation of the market economy, the social stratification of society increased. The transitional period led to the disruption of established cultural ties and traditions, the replacement of social guidelines and values.

In modern conditions social change there is a rethinking of the role of culture, renewal of its forms and
functions. On the one hand, culture continues to reproduce traditional attitudes and patterns of behavior that largely determine the behavior and thinking of people. On the other hand, modern media forms (television, cinema, print) and advertising are widely spread, which enhances the formation of ideological and moral stereotypes of mass culture and a “fashionable” lifestyle. Various meanings and new identities are offered through the media, people's thinking is being transformed. Therefore, the interaction of culture and mass communications as a process that forms “ human capital»And a moral resource for the socio-economic development of the state.

The common cultural and information space of Russia, in this context, is understood as a semantic, communicatively connected common system spiritual values ​​and state interests, programmatically organized space cultural and informational events that contribute to the formation of civil society and the unification of people. A new understanding of the constructive role of culture in the development of Russia in the 21st century is also required in the context of globalization processes. The social changes associated with them are complex and ambiguous. These changes often generate tension and instability in society. The search and self-determination of a person, the building by people of new value systems in a world covered by global flows of information, are becoming
foundation for new socio-cultural priorities.

For modern Russia this search is especially relevant. Experiencing complex processes socio-economic transformation and structural reforms, Russia faced a real threat of destruction of national identity. The preservation of its integrity and unity on the basis of cultural diversity is the most important prerequisite for the successful development of Russia in the era of globalization, in the era of the formation of societies based on knowledge and
skills to use this knowledge effectively. In this context, the decisive role of culture in the general process of modernization of Russia is in the formation of the individual as an active subject of civil society. All projects of socio-economic development should include a humanitarian component, contribute to
the development of spiritual strength and human health, his awareness of the high meaning of his existence.

Rethinking the role of culture in the life of society inevitably entails the need to reform management in the field of culture and mass communications.

In mass television broadcasting, there is an urgent need to organize a national public
television. Such television will make it possible to realize the long-overdue need of society and the state to change the content of information flows. Changing their content should significantly enhance the cultural and educational component of the information field with an increase in the share of children's and youth programs. Such
television is a necessary condition for the development of civil society. Establishment of independent bodies state power and private interests of TV and radio broadcasters, financed from public sources and controlled by civil society institutions, creates more complete opportunities to meet the demand of citizens for objective coverage of social and political events, for the development of educational and children's television, cultural programs, as well as programs that meet the interests of various social , age,
national, religious and other groups of Russian society.

Modern mass culture acts as a complex form of organizing and structuring the cultural life of society, producing both a cultural product and its consumer, which is largely due to the efforts of the media. Taken together, the media create certain ideas about the world, about human values ​​and concepts.

The social essence of mass communication boils down to the fact that it is a powerful means of influencing society in order to optimize its activities, socialize the individual and integrate society. However, this influence is not always positive.

Mass communications today have become a powerful tool that not only shapes public opinion, but also often influences the adoption of certain political decisions, promotes the interpenetration of cultures and the spread of cultural patterns and standards beyond the borders of one culture, creating a global cultural space.

If at its first stages the process of building a democratic society in Russia was aimed, first of all, at the formation of market economy mechanisms, at the formation of socio-political structures characteristic of Western countries, which was often accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of life of the bulk of the population, an increase in social apathy and an aggravation of many social problems, then at the present stage this process is closely
approached the problem of the formation of civil society structures, which are designed to create conditions and guarantees in society for constructive communication, social consensus, civil peace and understanding, as well as to resolve many social problems that neither the market economy nor the state is able to solve.

Mass media play a significant role in the formation of civil society in strengthening the unity and mutual understanding of the peoples of Russia. Mass communication in the new Russia is acquiring paramount importance, which is determined, first of all, by:

Since the time of Plato and Aristotle, the role of communication and information in the life of society has attracted the attention of scientists, gave rise to research in the field of philosophy, sociology, political science.

Information, despite the existing economic, political, cultural and other differences, has turned the world into a single communicative environment that affects the system of power both within the country and throughout the world. The information environment, characterized by the free flow of information, has radically changed the nature of
relations between society and the state. Communication exchange in modern society contributes to the formation of a more complex environment, new social and moral values, a different way of life and other principles of management.

Rational management of the informatization process implies the development of strategic goals and objectives of socio-economic growth, the introduction of effective technologies for the regulation of public life and ensures the stability and sustainability of its development. Thus, information interaction is not carried out spontaneously, but is a programmed and controlled process. The information society changes the feeling and perception of the world, on the basis of which a person's views are formed. “Information is not easy yet
one characteristic of society is a qualitative change in the entire human environment ”.

As a result, through communication channels, the audience is already receiving ready-made schemes, algorithms of behavior, which, in turn, facilitates perception, since it does not require rethinking. We can observe similar trends in other areas, for example, in the education system, where the Internet prevails, textbooks, short manuals and dictionaries containing a concentrate scientific knowledge and limiting the possibility of in-depth analysis. Development of electronic media, network communications, widespread transition to digital standards, coding and
decoding of information forms a kind of "digital" mass consciousness.

A feature of this process is that a person does not seek to know, comprehend, analyze anything. The need for him is a simple collection of various information, while in an absolutely compressed, concentrated form. There is a merging of the categories "knowledge" and "awareness", "awareness".

Considering the abundance of information flows, many of which serve as background or semantic noise, the necessary information is either forgotten or remains unclaimed. The lack of the necessary filtering of incoming information, their logical and critical comprehension prevents the formation of a person's own positions and views.

This circumstance negatively affects the development of the opposition in the state. The lack of opposition is a sign of the weakness of democratic foundations, and, consequently, the underdevelopment of socially organized structures.

Information and communication technologies will enable citizens to more effectively exercise their rights. Communication forms and activates feedback, thereby ensuring the interaction of the subject and the object.

Thus, communication between people existed in all eras, and in our time they simply appeared technical means its implementation. The improvement of mass communication, based on the development of human culture, shows how the speed of information exchange has gradually increased in order to preserve the path to man's mastery of the knowledge obtained by previous generations of people.

Cm. Lisova S.Yu., Bulletin of ISEU, no. No. 1, 2008

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