Why ants are cool, and why you need an ant farm. Ant farm: customer reviews Ant farm assembly

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

An ant farm, or as it is also called a formicarium, is an anthill under glass, a space where one or several colonies of insects live. The owner gets the opportunity to observe life different types ants, as if under a microscope: how they make a tunnel, collect food, raise larvae. Workers, soldiers, womb - it's literally an entire city under the control of one person! In everyday life, formicaria are unpretentious; ants are not walked at 5 am, they are not bathed, and they are not taken for vaccinations.

What is an ant farm

Formicaria originate from the 19th century. At first they were used exclusively for scientific research. The surge in popularity among naturalists led to the commercialization of the project. Since 1929, formicariums began to be made for sale, and in 1931, inventor Frank Austin patented his sample. The world's most famous formicariums are created by the Ant Farm brand, sending ants by mail, AntKing and AntPlanet.

An ant farm is a home anthill for a child. It will be interesting for him to have a whole “kingdom” under his control. By observing unique processes, he will be closer to nature and learn to be responsible for those he has tamed. Adults also like it: in the office it entertains visitors and inspires employees; at home it helps them relax, clear their thoughts and recharge their batteries. In stores there are small models that are convenient to put on the table, and large ones like aquariums.

Formicarium for ants

The farm looks like a neat aquarium or display case with filler inside. There are simple and complex systems, where lighting, acceptable levels of humidity and temperature are automatically maintained. Designer farms are very popular. They have unusual shape, bright colors, the function of connecting the arena (the space where insects walk and hunt), lighting. Sizes - from small to large: there are tabletop ones for the living room or office. Gel, gypsum, and a mixture of soil and sand are used as fillers.


Popular examples have the form of a display, cube or cylinder with double walls (the so-called “Cubus”, “Colosseum” models). Containers are filled with multi-colored sand, in which a family of ants develops and builds tunnels. It is expensive, but the kit includes sand, insect food and other useful items. The soil-sand farm is very visual and fascinating.

Gel anthill

A farm with a gel filler is similar to an aquarium, but is filled not with water, but with a transparent blue gel. It is non-toxic, safe for insects, and simultaneously serves as a living environment and food. The gel ant farm is sealed and convenient. It does not require any maintenance, once every 5-7 days the lid must be opened for a couple of minutes to ventilate and remove dead insects that have already outlived their life.

With gypsum filler

A gypsum ant farm is not as spectacular, but the insects are comfortable there, and the price is reasonable. Plaster is practical, available material. This is the most common type of formicaria. Among the models there are compact ones for the desktop and large ones. The surface of the gypsum is often brightly colored, which makes the anthill a stylish, unusual addition to any interior.

How to choose an ant farm with ants

Artificial ant farms are just becoming popular among domestic buyers, but in the West they have been selling well for a long time. It is convenient to order a farm in the online store, where there are models of all types, designs and sizes. Sellers offer to visit the showroom and choose a product there or make a purchase remotely with delivery. Among the assortment of a regular pet store, especially in the outback, it is usually impossible to buy a formicarium with ants.

Formicarium price

In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, a popular ant farm from Antking or Antplanet can be purchased separately or together with a family of ants, food, and accessories. Average price – 3-6 thousand rubles, models self made, with additional modules are more expensive. You can save a lot by taking advantage of promotions, discounts, sales, and gift coupons.

How much does an ant farm cost in Moscow – review of online stores:

How to make an ant farm with your own hands

You can even create an anthill at home using improvised materials. In terms of price, it will be cheap, and in appearance it will be no worse than a store-bought one. You can save on everything - containers, mixtures, ants. Get a farm with ants original form, different from typical mass-produced models. Alternatively, you can buy a ready-made mold and fill it with the mixture and insects yourself.

What you need for a home anthill

An ant farm at home is made from two jars with wide necks, a flat bottom, and tight lids. One should fit freely into the other so that there is a gap between the walls and necks. For the ant house, you also buy a soil-sand mixture (or a special gel, which is sold in the same place where formicariums are sold), a family of ants.

Where to get ants

There are two ways to provide a formicarium with hardworking residents:

  1. Buy ants for an ant farm at a pet store (where ant farms are sold). This is convenient, since you can immediately buy ants with a queen plus special soil for them. The disadvantages are obvious - increased cost, risk of damaging its inhabitants during shipment.
  2. Find it near the house or in the forest. In the second case, you need to take soil nearby so that the insects do not experience stress. In order for the colony to reproduce, dig up the queen, that is, destroy the nest. When catching ants, wear gloves only to avoid bites.

Farm structure

The preparation for an ant house is two jars placed one inside the other. It is important to close the inner lid tightly. A mixture of soil and sand (proportion 2 to 1) is poured into the opening between them. The farm is ready. All that remains is to create a depression with a stick and launch 20-25 ants so that they begin to dig tunnels. The structure is tightly closed with a lid with small holes to allow air to flow inside. You cannot use fabric or paper for this; the ants will gnaw through them and run away.

A real colony is a self-regulating system. How to care for the inhabitants of the farm is explained in the instructions for the ant farm with photos, as well as the video below. In order for insects to live long and comfortably, it is important to observe simple rules:

  1. feed with sweet compounds or special food;
  2. moisten the soil - just put a piece of wet cotton wool on the lid once a week;
  3. ensure that the room temperature is not lower than +15 degrees;
  4. close the jar from sunlight(ants live in the dark);
  5. remove dead specimens using a cotton swab or pad.

What you can’t do with the farm:

  1. Close the jar tightly - the insects will suffocate. Make only small holes so that pets do not escape.
  2. Leaving the farm in the cold will cause the ants to hibernate. They also do not tolerate intense heat, so it is better to keep the jar away from direct rays of light.
  3. Shaking or dropping the container - insects experience severe stress.
  4. If you pour water, the ants will die. You should also not forget to moisturize, this leads to the death of the colony.

Feeding the ants

The best food for ants is honey, sugar syrup, jam or pieces of sweet fruit; you can prepare a glucose solution. It is allowed to feed insects if they are definitely not poisonous. Eating is no more than once every few days, the amount of food is small, otherwise the entire colony will stop developing. If the litter is gel, you don't need to worry about the food at all. For a small family, the supply of gel is enough to feed them for 3-6 months, then they buy more.


Some people keep dogs or cats at home, others raise rabbits or ostriches. Some people keep bees in their hives for honey, while others like to watch the life of an ant family. How to set up an anthill at home, or rather, an ant farm, and how to care for such unusual pets is the topic of our article.

What is this

Formicarium for ants- This is an anthill made by human hands.

The first man-made anthills were built by scientists back in the 19th century for scientific observations. Over time, thanks to popularizing naturalists, social behavior ants became interested in people far from science, and as a result, the simplest designs of home anthills began to appear.

Did you know? The famous French writer Bernard Verber wrote three science fiction novels about ants in 1991-1995: “Ants”, “Day of the Ant”, “Revolution of the Ants”, which are still bestsellers.

The first formicarium was patented in 1931 by Frank Austin.- research professor School of Engineering Thayer University at Dartmouth College. Since then, ant farms have been sold all over the world and even sent cash on delivery, such as Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm. About 20,000,000 educational “toys” under this brand have been sold.

Types of formicaria

Structurally, ant farms are very different: from an ordinary can to an intricate climate-controlled system.

All designs have a filler with pre-made passages and compartments that imitate internal organization colonies. Or they are created by the insects themselves, immediately after settling.

Often this is a transparent aquarium for ants with filler and a well-lit arena - a free area where the ants feed and do other things outside the anthill.

There are several types of formicaria.

From building material.

A quickly hardening filler (gypsum, cement, concrete, etc.) is poured into the tank, moves in which are made either by pouring this mass into complex shape, repeating future rooms and corridors, or these ant communications are cut out in already hardened filler.

Important! When choosing a filler, give preference natural materials and make sure that they do not contain toxic impurities. Otherwise, the insect colony may die from an “unknown disease.”

Designs of such farms:

  • Horizontal- This horizontal tank with cameras and passages adjacent to the upper, transparent wall, through which the life of insects is observed.
  • Vertical- this is a vertical container in which the chambers and ant passages are adjacent to the side, transparent wall.
  • Curly- for example, “Tower”, when the mass is poured into a tall transparent jar, and its top serves as an arena.

Passages and compartments are cut out in a thick board, and then it is tightly closed with a transparent lid. the main problem such a truss - deformation of the wood due to moisture.

Sand and soil.

Here the filling mass sand or ordinary soil serves. The inhabitants of the nest themselves break through the corridors and rooms in the filler, creating housing for themselves that is close to natural. True, they can make passages and chambers away from the transparent walls, which makes observing the life of the anthill difficult.


IN in this case passages and chambers- this is a complex of glass vessels connected to each other, for example, many test tubes connected to each other by tubes. Options are possible here, both with and without filler.

Did you know? The language of communication of ants is smells. Their glands produce different pheromones for different messages. If an insect stumbles upon its own trail, it will walk in a circle called the “carousel of death.”

Acrylic and polymer.

They have outer walls, as well as communication walls are made of acrylic.

Gel ant farm.

This is an analogue of a ground artificial anthill, where ants break through corridors and rooms inside a special gel.


These are designs that combine elements of different types of formicaria. In them, the arena can even be separated from the artificial anthill.

Separately about gel

The gel anthill was developed by NASA scientists in the USA to study the life activity of ants in space. The filler itself is both housing and food for its residents. After all, it is made from algae. Insects make passages in it and build chambers, which, thanks to the transparency of the filler, are clearly visible from all sides, so that you can observe the secret life of ants. This is why gel ant farms are attractive.

Important! When buying a gel formicarium, pay attention to the instructions for it: how many individuals it is designed for and how long they can live in it. Usually this is: up to 15 individuals and no longer than 3 months.

They are also compact and can be backlit, making them decorative element interior None special care such nests do not require, except for periodic addition of gel.

The gel contains antibiotics, so the development of mold in the gel formicarium is impossible.

Disadvantages of gel anthill:

  • lack of ventilation, as a result of which ant waste begins to rot in the passages and chambers, which they are not able to completely remove outside;
  • due to the risk of rot, it is impossible to feed insects with other products;
  • monotonous diet, poor in proteins and vitamins, due to which the uterus is not able to fully reproduce offspring, or its development stops. And adults do not live long;
  • Not all types of ants can live in them. Species that feed on grains will not be suitable for gel nutrition.

The appearance of the gel nest is its main advantage, however, due to exposure to light and the waste of its inhabitants, it very quickly loses its attractiveness: it darkens, becomes cloudy and changes color.

How to choose the right one and how much it costs

What you need to pay attention to when choosing a formicarium:

  • arena features;
  • humidification system;
  • possibility of modifying the design;
  • main module type.

Did you know? In a natural anthill there may be not one, but several candidates for the role of the queen. Then they fight among themselves for the title of queen. The ants watching the fights recognize the winner as their queen, and kill the losers.

An arena for ants is also a dining room., and a place for waste, so it should be convenient.

Convenience criteria:

  1. The arena must be reliable and easy to maintain.
  2. The arena must be well ventilated and at the same time prevent the escape of insects.
  3. For ease of maintenance, the farm should have a convenient lid.
The humidification system is several compartments, isolated from other communications, having different humidity levels and arranged in such a way that moisture is supplied from one side of the nest, without the risk of flooding the anthill. The formicarium must have:
  • porous material;
  • auto-humidification element - a test tube with a cotton or gauze swab, which is connected to the humidification compartment.
Possibility of modeling, i.e. the permissibility of separating the chambers of the farm or adding new compartments. This is important because there should be no empty chambers in the nest, otherwise they will carry garbage into them, which in conditions high humidity leads to the development of rot.

Did you know? Because ants receive information through odors, they are unable to identify a dead body until it begins to decompose, releasing a corresponding odor. Only then is he taken out of the anthill.

Main module type- these are horizontal, vertical or figured structures, which have already been mentioned above.

Horizontal designs have large area and shallow cameras, thanks to which you can clearly observe the life of the colony. True, such formicaria occupy quite a lot of space.

Vertical structures take up little space and can be placed in almost any corner of the room, but due to the large depth of the chamber and the secretiveness of the passages, it is almost impossible to see the entire colony.

Figured designs conceal in themselves different advantages and disadvantages, which a beginner cannot figure out on his own. Therefore, they are recommended only for experienced keepers; a whole article would not be enough to discuss them.

How much does an ant farm cost? The answer to this question depends on the type and size of the formicaria.


Did you know? Many types of insects disguise themselves as ants. Some of them imitate aggressive ants for the purpose of protection, while others - for the purpose of hunting the ants themselves, such as anteater spiders that penetrate deep into the anthill.

There are also designs made to order.

Settlement of residents

After you have purchased and assembled the structure, we need to find tenants for the farm.

Where to get ants

There are three options for purchasing insects:

  1. Catch them in the wild during the season.
  2. You can buy pets at a pet store throughout the year.
  3. Buy on specialized web resources.
If you plan to catch ants, then it is not advisable to destroy established anthills. After all, the likelihood that you will find the queen is small. But the risk of injuring her is very high. But keeping a formicarium without a queen is not interesting. Therefore, we recommend catching a fertilized female during the mating summer, a mass mating of winged females and males at a certain summer period, by the way, very short.

Important! A fertilized female differs from an unfertilized female by the absence of wings. It can be distinguished from wingless worker ants by its developed chest (due to the remaining flight muscles) and massive abdomen.

After mating, the females land, break their wings and look for a place to build a nest. At such a moment, you need to catch them, one or several at once.

Move-in process

The caught queen should not be placed immediately in the nest, because it will be difficult to care for her. To begin with, it is placed in a regular medical test tube with moist soil, or in a special core filled with soil or plaster. Egg laying begins a few days after summer. The first babies appear after 60-90 days, and new family You can now feed him carbohydrate and protein food. When the colony has more than 20 individuals, it can be moved to a prepared artificial anthill.

If you still decide to just watch the ants and then breed a full-fledged colony, then collect workers from the anthill and place them in your farm.

There is an easy way to catch ants - lure them into a jar with sweet bait.

Once you bring the insects home, place them in the refrigerator until they become sleepy, about 15 minutes. After this, carefully move them to the farm, to the arena. Do the same with an ant family bought in a store.

Important! Do not shake ants into the arena, especially pupae, larvae and eggs. This way they can be injured, and the brood will stop developing or be born with defects.

After placing the incubator in the arena, humidify the farm, darken it and wait until the scouts examine the new housing and report to the queen. After this, she will move from the incubator to the formicarium, and the workers will transfer the brood there. When there is no brood left in the incubator, You can use light taps to drive out the last adult individuals from there.

Farm care

If you ask:“How to care for ants?”, then any ant expert will answer you: “Gently.” But seriously, this hobby requires a lot of patience.


In the first week after housewarming, the colony should be closed from light. Then the darkening is removed, after which the ants begin to become restless and even suspend their everyday activities. After all, in nature their cameras are not illuminated. For next week they get used to the lighting, gradually restoring their way of life. In general, light does not harm them (only ultraviolet radiation is dangerous to the brood, but the glass of the farm protects them from rays in this range), but intense sunlight and powerful artificial lighting should be avoided.

Did you know? Ants have a vaccination system. An ant infected with a fungus transmits a small dose of spores to its relatives, which strengthens their immunity against this infection.

Bright lighting of the arena is allowed, but so that it does not heat up.

Humidity and temperature

The anthill rooms must be constantly maintained high humidity- up to 95%. Otherwise, its inhabitants will die. A sign of drying out is the lightening of the nest and a change in its color.

But overmoistening the nest leads to the formation of mold, which is just as destructive for insects as it is for people. A sign of excess moisture is the shine of the floor of the compartments due to condensation. Then you need to stop watering for several days.

The normal watering schedule is daily. Water is poured into the humidification channel using a regular syringe. The dosage is determined by the “scientific poker method”. You can also put a test tube of water in the formicarium, sealed with gauze or cotton wool, so that insects can collect moisture from it and independently distribute it throughout the rooms of their home. A formicarium with such an “auto-watering” system does not need humidity control for a whole month.

Thermoregulation is necessary if you plan to keep one colony for many years. If you want to observe the family for just one season in order to release it into nature in the spring, then temperature control is not required.

Ants feel fine at room temperature. Perhaps the brood grows more slowly. True, colonies of red forest beetles, or rather their larvae, require heating, otherwise they will not develop. Temperature should be changeable and close to natural: +22...+27 °C - during the day and +15...+18 °C - at night.

When it gets cold, the formicaria need to be warmed up using table lamp with a red lamp.

What to feed unusual pets

The question “What to feed the ants?” It seems complicated only at first glance. In fact, everything is very simple: the ant diet consists of carbohydrates and proteins. Squirrels, by the way, are needed only when there are larvae in the colony. Protein sources: flies and their larvae, cockroaches, crickets, worms, caterpillars, etc., and in winter - meat broth and small meat crumbs.

Did you know? Some species of ants have food storage individuals in their colonies. During the harvest season, they are filled with syrup or honey in order to pump out this supply in times of famine. Such reservoir ants are hidden further away, deep into the nest, so that strangers do not steal them.

Bread crumbs, cereals, pieces of fruit, as well as sugar (3 tsp per 1 cup of water) or honey (1:1) solution are suitable as carbohydrates. True, the shelf life of the honey drink is only 24 hours. After all, honey begins to ferment, turning into poison for insects. But, unlike the sugar solution, it contains vitamins that are very necessary for all living beings. Crumbs of vegetables and the same fruits are also suitable as vitamins.

Liquid food, like water, is supplied by soaking a cotton swab, otherwise the insects may drown. The cotton wool itself is laid out on a tray so as not to stain the arena.

You shouldn't serve a lot of food either. Otherwise, instead of dragging it to the storerooms, the ants will be busy in the arena.

Features of wintering

All European ants hibernate during the winter. Therefore, in the fall, your pets become lethargic, rarely come to the surface and refuse proteins.

To activate the colony, you need to do the following.

  • First, the formicarium is cooled. The nest is moved to a place with a temperature from 0 ° C to +10 ° C (usually a cellar or refrigerator), wrapped in PET film, periodically ventilated and moistened;
  • after a couple of months, the farm is transferred back to the room and little by little warmed up: in the first week - just at room temperature, in the second week - heating with a red lamp for an hour, in the third week - increasing the session time daily: from 2 hours to 8 hours by end of the week.
If a lot of eggs appear in the colony and the larvae begin to develop quickly, it means that the colony has moved away from hibernation.

Remember, ants are living creatures just like us. Therefore, think carefully about whether you are ready to take responsibility for the lives of other creatures, whether you have enough patience for such a painstaking hobby. Only after this, proceed to choosing a formicarium and populating it with pets.

When it comes to ants, there seems to be little black insect, which sometimes flies and loves sugar. But this is only a superficial idea of ​​these amazing living creatures.

In the article we'll talk not about a couple of annoying bugs, but about creating a full-fledged formicarium with your own hands.

Types of ants there are different ones. But no matter what species is chosen for breeding, the same rules for creating a cozy anthill apply to everyone. Where to start?

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How to make a formicarium for ants?

As you can see from the photo, this is a special aquarium, an ant farm. They are different sizes, formats, with different contents. Can be used as a primer sand. The ants will use it to build nests, create passages and an arena.

Perfect fit finely sifted natural sand. You should stop using garden soil, as it contains various bacteria and chemicals. It is acceptable to use plaster. It is poured into a special mold, forming passages and burrows. After hardening, the formicarium will be ready.

The third option is to use special gel. Insects will use the gel both for construction and as food.

Features of keeping domestic ants

An important component happy life ants is moisture. Its level varies from 80 to 90 percent.

Lack of moisture is tantamount to the death of the entire anthill. If there is excess moisture, fungus and mold can appear, which is also destructive. If perspiration appears on the walls of the formicarium, this is a sure sign that you need to stop moisturizing for a while.

The required level of humidity is determined practically.

For drinking You can put a small saucer or a tin bottle cap in the anthill. The ants will use this water to humidify their home and build new tunnels. It is important to remember that only filtered water can be given to ants.

In the vast majority of cases, room temperature is suitable for ants, about 25 degrees Celsius. If the room is cool, this will slow down the development of the ant farm. In such cases, it is advisable to use special lamps or heating pads. A terrarium thermometer will help you track the correct temperature level.

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Ants feel best when moderate lighting. It is advisable to darken not only the chambers, but also the entire formicarium.

Insects will also get used to open lighting, and quite quickly, but for comfortable life It's better to leave them in the shade. Especially harmful effects sunlight affects the larvae. Adults are also not recommended to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation for a long time.

If for some reason the owner needs lighting for a formicarium at home, experts recommend using moon-colored lamp. Such a lamp will be able to warm ants in a cool room and will not cause them stress.

What to feed the ants?

Contrary to popular belief, sugar is not the most the best food for ants. Protein source Worms and cockroaches may appear. To provide carbohydrates, make honey water, diluting 1:1. It is important to remember that such water can ferment quite quickly, and this is harmful to insects. As solid food suitable for ants: pieces of vegetables and fruits, bread crumbs, dead insects and mixtures for parrots.

Like many living things, ants hibernate. Insects become inactive, refuse proteins, and rarely leave their nests. During this period, you should change your approach to caring for the formicarium with your own hands. The temperature must be maintained between 0 and 10 degrees Celsius. The aquarium can, for example, be placed in the refrigerator.

Periodically, but not so often, you need to moisten the soil. Hibernation lasts 1-2 months. After this period, you need to bring the formicarium into the heat again and gradually warm it up to the usual temperature. The warming process may take up to 7 days.

Here's how to make your own ant farm. At proper care, the owner can get a very interesting and developed ant world. It is interesting to watch him, he is interesting to both children and adults.

Who hasn’t dreamed at least once of feeling like a Creator, a supreme being who has the power to invent his own, new world? No, these are not excerpts from the life of patients in the yellow house, but today’s realities, and they also could not do without the use of space technologies. So, what are we talking about? Attention! In front of you is an ant farm, or, in other words, an ant farm.

Everything about her - about the farm

This regular aquarium, made of organic glass, comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The whole point is in its strange filler: a transparent gel created in space laboratories USA in order to study the behavioral patterns of ants in space. Now any earthling can see the ant bustle. Moreover, such farms are already becoming a fashionable fad, having moved from virtual world to normal. According to reviews, people who purchased such an ant house are very satisfied and actively recommend it to their friends.

Essentials for breeding ants

First of all you need special gel, which will serve as both a habitat and food for unpretentious insects.

In addition, it is necessary storage tank, in which this material will be located. The kit also includes a stick for making indentations in the jelly-like mass.

Of course, we need it directly ourselves ants necessarily of the same type, so that there is no hostility likely created by strangers in a small ant society.

What do you think?

“There are even clubs for ant lovers. I would join. Well, interesting and informative. Again, we can share farming experience, impressions, and exchange information.”

Where can I find or purchase residents for a newly-made terrarium?

  1. A simple and unpretentious way is to catch it yourself. Ants live almost everywhere, but there is a nuance: they can be found before ant hibernation begins, that is, exclusively in the warm season. This is a significant disadvantage free type hunting.
  2. You can buy your own pets in specialized pet stores or marketplaces.
  3. There are still many online shops that will gladly offer you swarming goods.
  4. There are also sites that host private advertisements for such a trading segment. The advantage is that there is a choice and bargaining is appropriate.

Where to begin?

Let's face it: from the beginning. An aquarium is bought, filled with gel, a depression of up to 6 cm is made using a stack or even a finger, and the residents of the ant house are released in quantities of no more than 10-20 pieces. Then the ants will orient themselves: these amazingly smart insects will begin to create a system of passages and tunnels, while simultaneously feeding on the viscous mass.

Difficulties of care

They don't exist. Ants can take care of themselves. Hardworking creatures even carry their dead comrades and accumulated waste upstairs on their own, after the next cleaning of their home. The owner of the ant universe can only wipe it all with a cloth or remove it with an ear stick.

It is also important to regularly ventilate the farm: ants need air.

When complete replacement gel, you need to thoroughly wash and dry the tank, that’s all. Then, add new filler and the process repeats.

The little things in small life

The creation of a society in captivity will be slightly different from the natural existence of ants. Such a delicate moment as reproduction is possible only after acquiring a worthy female capable of laying eggs. Then the owner of the farm will see a step-by-step picture of the birth of a new life: transformation of egg into larva, the care of a potential member of society by the entire ant world, the amazing transformation of a banal larva into a pupa, and, finally, the miraculous birth of a new recruit. The whole fascinating process lasts about one and a half months.

If there is no suitable female, then you can purchase eggs or larvae - the effect will be identical.

A little about the forbidden

Ants on a farm can live up to 3 months. It is possible to periodically add new residents and, thus, life in the artificial anthill will seethe and develop for years. But there are some taboos:

  • you cannot overcrowd the anthill, otherwise the gel will be eaten prematurely;
  • the residents must be of the same type, if the rule is not followed, then the strongest will survive and destroy the rest;
  • you need to constantly monitor the amount of filler;
  • the anthill should be in a dark, cool place, away from sunlight and central heating communications;
  • it is better to choose smaller tenants - they are long-lived;

If the gel remains, but there are no more ants, then replacing it is not necessary, you can populate the next batch there, they themselves will arrange everything to their liking. Ants use gel sparingly, so if you do everything correctly, you can raise several more ant generations without changing the filler.

“Employees recently handed over a terrarium and a box of matches with ants for the load. Since then, observing work on the farm has become office fun, they even tried to give names to the workers, it’s a pity that this is impossible. But by the end of the third month, the ants became lethargic, the gel was almost gone, probably because we had introduced too many insects, and I released the survivors onto the grass. We need to wash the aquarium, buy gel and add new ones.”

Valentina from St. Petersburg.

Why not butterflies?

The reality is that it is the small, tireless workers that people’s attention is now focused on. What are the reasons for such active research into the life of ants? If you immerse yourself in the world of encyclopedic knowledge, you can find out that these insects:

The information received encourages people to learn more about them and observe the amazing society of ants in nature. And recently the opportunity to purchase home farms has become available and now you can see the active and organized life of these interesting creatures around the clock.

Terrarium for ants: an entomologist's dream

Who might need an ant farm and why?

Some buy a farm for your curious children, hoping to awaken in them an even greater thirst for knowledge.

There are people who need formicarium as a means of relaxation, stress relief: they say, all life is an ant fuss, and we don’t notice really important things, and so on. In addition, if you take a closer look at the activities of small, but such hardworking and persistent creatures, then this will greatly motivate.

Doctors say contemplating an ant terrarium regulates horse races blood pressure, effectively calms nervous system, distracts from life's difficulties. And if you use the farm as a night light (such illuminated models are available for sale), then this item will also decorate the room, giving it a futuristic charm.

“A friend recently gave me such a toy. Brought it from Moscow. I praised it a lot, but I still don’t dare to move ants there: either I don’t have time, or it’s cold, and they’ve all gone into hibernation. But my friend says it’s just a bomb: better than fish calms down and it is very interesting to observe how thoughtful actions emerge from chaos, tunnels are built, work is in full swing. Fascinating."

Sveta from Ufa.

“My husband and I are always worried that ants will scatter around the apartment, but so far nothing: they are building and swarming.”

Choosing a formicarium

The choice is huge. Models, sizes, shapes, filling can be selected to suit every taste.

The most common the trusses are made of plexiglass and filled with gel.

Flat models with sand filling look like an exotic African souvenir. The sand for them is selected natural from different places on the planet, and each layer laid in the formicarium is different in color, and sometimes resembles a rainbow.

Gypsum terrariums They lose outwardly, but, apparently, they are convenient for the ants, and this is the most important thing. The passages and galleries in such farms have already been made.

Farms equipped with lighting, there are any types, but they look most advantageous in tandem with gel.

Exclusive models in the form of paintings, drawn in the background - expensive and impressive.

“And I heard that you can build a hyperfarm (connect several murofarms), that would be interesting to watch!”

Whatever the reviews, one thing is undeniable - the ant farm has a right to exist and will always find its admirers.

Reviews of the ant farm confirm that this design is becoming more popular every year. Users get the opportunity to see the life of an anthill from the inside. This whole world of insects resembles another civilization, where everyone is engaged in a certain business. This cannot be observed in ordinary anthills, because most of The goose bump is not on the surface, but in the ground.

What it is?

Reviews of which are given below are a home anthill consisting of a tank filled with a special gel composition or sand. This design allows you to observe all the processes occurring in the family. The scientific name of such a device is formicarium. Despite the fact that this is a relatively exotic product for the domestic market, its popularity is growing day by day.

As customer reviews indicate, an ant farm is a kind of home nursery. The maintenance of the structure does not require special attention and costs. In the process of observing the inhabitants, you get a complete picture of the formation and arrangement of the life process of insects. Stationary versions or compact versions for the office are available for sale. This thing will become very an original gift an adult or a child.


There are several among them, there are even peculiar Amazons who kidnap individuals from other settlements and make them their slaves. But an ant farm with harvester ants is a colony in which insects build their own mycelium from leaves, which serves as the main source of food. They build their homes from the same material. In nature, gigantic representatives are known, reaching up to 40 millimeters in length.

Ants are primarily divided into gatherers and hunters. The second category needs protein foods and carbohydrates, which contribute to the passion for hunting. This process is quite interesting and exciting. With the help of sensitive antennae, insects pursue prey. After finding a treat, individuals mark the path with their abdomen, which makes it easier for their brothers to find the path to food. In the formicarium these moments can be clearly observed.

Gel ant farm with ants

Reviews of this design require special attention. A subsidiary farm is an anthill with a special substance that contains all the necessary nutrients. The disadvantages of such a farm include limited sizes, since they are standard. In such a formicarium you can observe not only the life of insects, but also the process of housing construction.

Typically, a settlement contains from 20 to 100 individuals. In such a design it is observed increased level humidity, so preference should be given to dry technologies. It is not recommended to place the anthill under straight lines sun rays or near heating devices. Optimal temperature to ensure the normal functioning of insects is an indicator of 15 and above degrees Celsius.


Gel ant farm (reviews confirm this) does not require additional security food. Otherwise, the insects will simply stop working. In other configurations, it is recommended to provide the colony with proteins for larvae and carbohydrates aimed at feeding adults. For this purpose, crickets and other similar types of food insects are purchased. You can add egg whites, boiled meat, and shrimp as food. Street views It is better not to feed the population, as they may be contaminated with pesticides.

As carbohydrates regular will do sugar or syrups based on it. Fresh fruits, marmalade, marshmallows and other sweets are added to the diet. Some types of ants require special seed food. There will be no problems purchasing it; one pack is enough for a whole year (this means analog food for parrots or canaries). Food should always be fresh and in required quantity. The inhabitants of the formicarium will figure out for themselves what and how much to eat.

Types of Ant Farms

Reviews indicate several main popular types of settlements: vertical screen, horizontal formicarium and combined variations. In addition, home anthills are distinguished by the type of fillers. In this capacity, soil, sand, clay, gypsum, wood, gas cement, and alabaster are used. All materials have their disadvantages and advantages. In the domestic market, practical gypsum is most often used, and aerated concrete is used abroad. The main element of the farm is the arena, which serves main part for aboveground life of the population. Here pets find food and water, and also set up a dump. As a rule, the far corner of the site is allocated for it.

As reviews indicate, the Antplanet ant farm is a real work of art. By showing ingenuity and imagination, you can build a real kingdom. For example, parts of colonies with aphids are organized, which the ants will “milk”, or modules that imitate natural forest, where insects can build an anthill that is as similar as possible to its natural counterpart. Do not be afraid of the apparent difficulties in organizing and arranging the structure in question. In fact, the formicarium is a completely clear organism with well-functioning self-regulation.

Maintenance and care

The main individual in the colony is the queen. All insects of the same family are born from it and are relatives. The main role of the uterus is the birth of new goosebumps. She is not only fed, but also protected. There are large colonies with several queens. You should not introduce insects from different families into one farm, as this will provoke hostility between clans. Any anthill has a unique smell that is responsible for a certain genus, even if the ants are of the same species.

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