Spells to sleep well at night. Conspiracies and rituals for sleep disorders and insomnia

landscaping 17.12.2023

Difficulties at work, financial failures, problems in family life, large volumes of educational material are the main reasons for poor sleep. Subsequently, the person is nervous, irritated, dissatisfied throughout the day, and is unable to establish communication and business relationships. If after an examination it is discovered that there are no health problems, a decision is made to try a sleep spell.

A gentle spell for a good sleep for an adult

The advantage of such rituals is their harmlessness and the absence of magic, and, accordingly, connections with dark rituals. On the contrary, in addition to good dreams, you can resort to luck and learn unusual facts about yourself. If you follow the recommendations and the compiled algorithm of actions, it will be quite difficult to harm yourself. They are simple to carry out and can be more effective than drugs. Insomnia is actually a rare phenomenon in which a person will need a weak spell.

What do we have to do

It happens that you wake up late at night, and then attempts to sleep are not crowned with success. It is possible to fix this problem. First, you need to sit comfortably in bed with your back down. You need to clasp your hands around the celiac plexus. Whisper or silently recite the following text:

“I walked along a sleepy path, did not lead, but the ending is not at all visible, and there is no sleep in my eyes.

I invite you to sleep again, I wish you to reach the end. Let slumber and bliss come to me without hindrance.”

At this moment, keep your eyes closed and your thoughts directed in a good direction. You need to repeat the spell 7 times.

Ritual using charmed milk and honey

If a simple spell to fall asleep does not have an effect, the essence is that heated or boiled milk of any origin is placed on the bedside table or table near the bed of a person suffering from insomnia. While waiting for it to cool down, say 2-4 times:

“The milk cools down and collects honey. And insomnia flies away, taking heavy, restless thoughts with it. Good night to me, and good sleep to me. Amen".

After the milk has become warm, add one spoon of honey to it. This mixture must be thoroughly crushed and gradually drunk, saying the words:

“Insomnia goes away, bliss comes to me. As a heavy thought goes away, a healthy sleep comes.”

If the plot does not work, repeat the procedure next time, increasing the volume of milk and the amount of honey.

A ritual for falling asleep soundly and prophetic dreams in adults

The ritual must be performed on Saturday. For this you will need things:

  • fresh bread products;
  • sacred salt.

Gently sprinkle the bread with a few pinches of salt. Then place the food near the bed. As you gradually fall asleep, say the bread and seasoning:

“Sunday with Monday, Tuesday with Wednesday, Thursday with Friday, and you, beloved Saturday, have no friends, here’s bread and salt for you, and in return give me a clear dream.”

There are no special requirements for food products. The bread just needs to be fresh, and the seasonings can be chosen to suit your taste.

Prophetic dreams can help you discover hidden truths about another person or yourself. There is also a chance to see the life path of loved ones in the form of a film or photo. Meeting family or friends in a dream is a bad sign. If you take away an important thing from a loved one, you can provoke trouble.

A strong spell for sound sleep in an adult

The reasons for poor falling asleep and sleep itself can be not only health problems. Difficulties arise for those who have been damaged, the evil eye and other rituals with a bad purpose. In such cases, the most effective is a spell using seven candles.

Necessary materials

What items are needed to perform the ritual? It is necessary to find or remember in advance the following magical attributes:

  • church candles in the amount of 7 pieces;
  • clean white paper;
  • text of the prayer.

Please note that candles must be purchased from a church, temple or other sacred place. There they are endowed with the energy of peace and tranquility.

What do we have to do

This spell for good sleep has a strong effect on the body of someone suffering from insomnia, so it is important to maintain the sequence of all actions so as not to harm, but to help. Follow this plan:

  1. The ritual is carried out at midnight in a separate room in the absence of household members.
  2. The placement of candles on a wooden table or other stable surface should resemble the shape of a round object.
  3. Sit at the table as comfortably as possible and light the candles.
  4. Watch their flames very carefully.
  5. Focus on the desire to be free from prolonged lack of normal sleep.
  6. The spell text must be read in a whisper:

“Let the Servant (or Slave) of God (or God’s) (say your name) walk and walk during the day, and at night let peace await him. I wish that the dark night would cover me with a soft, warm slumber, so that my thoughts would not circle overhead like black crows. Let the night take my thoughts to itself, and give me a sound sleep. And if suddenly an enemy or foe tried his best and sent damage to me, then let him have a bad ending. He will cry like wax candles. If done to me, it will be returned to him a hundredfold. As soon as the candles go out, all evil will be covered in darkness into lifelong captivity. I will get rid of severe and angry insomnia. I will sleep soundly at night like a baby. Everything I say will come true. Amen".

Sound continuously until the candles go out completely at home. Next you need to go to bed with the mood for a good and sound sleep full of good things. Provided that all points are done correctly, there should be no problems with falling asleep.

Spells for a baby to sleep soundly

Difficulties with putting small children to bed occur in every young family. Subsequently, constant whims, crying, hysterics, discontent. You can help your baby without turning to magicians, psychics or other magical practitioners at home, because the energy of a loving mother is the strongest. If the baby does not want to go to bed but is capricious from fatigue, this may indicate the consequences of an unkind look from the outside, in such a case, plotting the baby to sleep soundly will be the most correct choice.

A simple spell for a child to sleep soundly

High-quality actions will lead to the child sleeping soundly and seeing bright dreams. Stroke the baby's face with your fingers very lightly and tenderly. When putting a restless baby to bed, there should be no other children in the room. The child's eyes must be closed. You need to read the entire fragment:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, by the Power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, and the Holy Guardian Angel of my child, and for the sake of all the saints who care for us, have mercy and save me and my child, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. Amen"

After the ritual, kiss all the children and the baby on the top of the head. A feeling of security and sincere maternal love will make the baby's sleep peaceful.

An easy ritual and spell for a child’s peaceful sleep

First of all, wet your baby’s feet, hands and face with water blessed in the temple. The procedure should be carried out during sunset, turning the baby towards it. Say the text below:

“Don’t ruin my baby’s insomnia, don’t wake me up. Find the owl bird, walk with it, don’t hurt my child. Sleep is not a bad thing, fly away, I’ll drive you away.”

Be sure to repeat about 3-4 times for effective action. You can also do this while standing by the window.

Folk spells and prayers for the sleep of young children

Observant individuals have long noticed that a baby’s sleep can really be regulated with the help of special words, that is, sometimes using a spell for a child to sleep soundly. But many experts also recommend paying attention to the prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary. But you need to understand their power and use them only in critical situations. If a child has a problem falling asleep but the doctor finds no abnormalities, folk spells and prayers for the sleep of young children will be a worthy alternative to strong drugs.

Spell for children to sleep: folk ritual with prayer

Slavic peoples have always believed in the power of nature, so often an effective spell for a baby to sleep is associated with it. Having chosen a spell for a child’s peaceful sleep, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Dress your baby in a clean white shirt or nightie.
  2. Stand near the bed and stroke the baby with all your mother's love.
  3. It is necessary to read the spell words:

“Have a healthy dream, you are sweet! Put my child (indicate the name of the child) to sleep, take him to sleepy mansions. So that his spirit rests, So that my baby sleeps soundly.”

It is advisable to give the baby chamomile or other herbal tea in a bottle. This will enhance the effect of the ritual, strengthen and strengthen the spell for the child to sleep. Before reading, you need to put your thoughts in order so as not to be distracted by anything.

Spell for baby's sleep using plants

Fridays are ideal days for reading the spell text. It is necessary to read them when your beloved child falls asleep. The parent who will speak the text to the baby needs to prepare:

  • grass or a bouquet of greenery, but preferably dream grass;
  • fiery red thread made of durable wool;
  • the text of the prayer memorized.

When these attributes are prepared, you need to do the following:

  1. Gather the branches of sleep grass into a neat bundle.
  2. Tie a bright red wool thread around this herbal bouquet.
  3. Cross the baby with the resulting product three times.
  4. Speak phrases:

“I baptize with the cross, I lay down the servant of God’s child (name of the child) to sleep. Sleep soundly, don’t be afraid, and when you wake up, have fun from the heart. Amen".

It is better to do this several times to avoid similar sleep problems in newborns in the future. A restful night's sleep for children is primarily the key to their health and proper development.

Spell for a child's sleep from N. Stepanova

Natalya Stepanova was a very kind and intelligent woman, her responsiveness and participation in the lives of children had already helped many mothers. Many Steppanova rituals are used by mothers to treat children, but there are also special rituals for sleep and getting babies to sleep well. With the help of a certain conspiracy, the problems of poor sleep and crying babies during the day and at night can really be eliminated.

How is the ritual performed?

A prerequisite is for the baby's mother to read the prayer text. Having prepared the necessary attributes, follow these steps:

  1. Place coal residues from the fireplace or fire in your hand.
  2. Early in the morning, fill the desired container with liquid (you can choose plain water).
  3. Whisper the spell words:

“You are angry at noon and you are tired at noon,

You are a midnight tormenter and you are a tormenting midnight owl,

Day, night, midnight, don’t play around, don’t mock your little child,

Do not rule over the servant of God (insert the name of your beloved child),

Baptized child, my praying blood,

Galsya, dean over the black soot, and over someone else's bow,

Over the transverse path, and over the unnecessary galitsa. Amen."

Wash or pour the charmed water over different parts of the baby’s body throughout the day in the morning, during the day and in the evening. The best solution would be to learn prayer.

Always monitor your child's behavior and health. If any deviations are noticeable, consult a doctor or use spells.

Achieving a restful night's sleep is quite difficult, but such rest is simply vital for a person's health and energy. Medicines are often powerless, and can also have numerous consequences for the body. In such cases, we recommend resorting to folk rituals: a sleep spell will help you solve all problems with night's rest and get you and your loved one a good, restful sleep.

Types of rituals

A spell for sound sleep of any kind is a relatively safe white household magic and does not entail negative consequences. However, without such a ritual, a full-fledged human existence is hardly possible: night rest gives us something that no other thing can give us - restoration of vitality and balance.

A person who is forced to stay awake for days becomes irritable because his energy is not replenished naturally.

It is almost impossible to solve such problems using the usual methods: medications are most often powerless, and in addition, they carry many harmful consequences.

Rituals for a restful sleep can solve various problems:

  • Insomnia, up to the chronic version.
  • Night owl, which most often affects children, but adults are also affected by this problem.
  • Will solve the problem of frequently waking up.
  • Will provide you with a calm and quick fall asleep when you cannot do it on your own.

Almost all such units are performed very simply and easily; you practically do not need any additional preparation. In addition, they are often universal, which allows them to be used with equal success on your entire family: such magical interventions are absolutely safe for children and very useful for your beloved man.

Take into account such magical spells, and your whole family will be provided with sound and restful sleep.

A simple bedtime prayer

The simplest magical ritual for a good sleep is this prayer. To perform it, it is enough to know the spell words and read them just before going to bed.

This ritual is convenient because the prayer can be applied not only to yourself, but also to any other person, including your beloved baby:

“I plow, plow, insomnia from the servant of God (name), from his clear face, from his bright eyes. I smell deep sleep on his bright eyes, and on his white face, deep sleep, daytime sleep, night sleep, morning sleep, and evening sleep. My words are strong, my will is strong, everything that I said will come true. Come quickly to the servant of God (name). I close my words with a golden key, but I throw that key to the bottom of the blue sea. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This universal ritual will allow you to fall asleep faster and provide you with a good night's rest. It can also be used without restrictions, that is, according to your personal need.

Spell for a child's sleep

This ritual has a milder effect, so it is recommended to use it when poor sleep bothers the child. It is recommended that it be carried out personally by the closest female maternal relative: most often, this is, of course, the baby’s mother herself, or his grandmother.

When you put your child to bed for the night, but sleep still won’t come to him, begin to lightly stroke his face with your fingers, paying special attention to his closed eyes. Your actions should be accompanied by the following conspiracy words:

“Angels, you are guardian angels, you are heavenly warriors. Stand at the head of the servant of God (name), stand on his right side, stand on his left, guard the servant of God (name). Protect him from evil spirits, from black tongues, from all evil. Let him fall asleep quickly and sleep a calm, good sleep. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Such movements and words will quickly calm your baby and encourage him to sleep soundly and peacefully.

Ritual for chronic insomnia

This ritual is quite strong and will require additional preparation from you to successfully carry it out. With its help, you can eliminate the insomnia from which you yourself suffer and which annoys your loved one: even chronic lack of sleep is subject to this magical intervention.

In addition, if you have magically induced insomnia, it can only be eliminated with the help of such a ritual.

To carry out the ritual, you will need to purchase seven church candles in advance. It is best to carry out such a ritual at exactly twelve o'clock at night on the day when the month is waning: such lunar power can very quickly take away your sleep problems.

Before the ceremony itself, you should remain alone in the room and place all the purchased candles in a circle on the table. Light them from a new box of matches and carefully look into the flame: your thoughts should be completely cleared of extraneous feelings and emotions. Think about how you would like insomnia to stop tormenting you. The more similar feelings you put into the conspiracy, the stronger and more effective it will be in the end.

When you are ready, start saying the magic words:

“Let the servant of God (name) wander during the day, and at night peace await him. The dark night will cover me with slumber, all my thoughts that hover like black crows above my head will be taken away by the night, and will give me a good sleep. If the enemy tried his best here, and sent some kind of damage to me, the servant of God (name), then he will have an evil, harsh ending. That enemy will cry the way these candles cry; everything he did will come back with a hundredfold force. As my candle goes out and only ashes remain from it, so I will lock up the evil against me in lifelong captivity. I, servant of God (name), will get rid of evil insomnia. I will sleep like a baby at night when I return home. Let what is said come true. Amen".

They are pronounced as long as the candles are burning: they should not be extinguished artificially, let them burn out on their own.

As soon as the candles go out, collect the remaining wax in a white sheet of paper and leave it like that until the morning. Now you should go to bed in order to wake up early in the morning and go to the nearest forest: in a completely deserted place you should bury the remains of the wax in the ground.

After a month, you can repeat the ritual to get rid of particularly severe insomnia for good.

A simple ritual for interrupted sleep

This simple ritual will help you continue your night's rest if it was unexpectedly interrupted. If you suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and can no longer fall asleep on your own, say three short words of prayer:

“I walked the road of sleep, but did not come to the end. I want to reach the end, I call on sleep here again.”

Remember these simple words and use them whenever necessary.

Ritual for warm milk and honey

Warm milk with honey in itself is an excellent sedative that will help you fall asleep faster. But if you back it up with magic words, the effect will be much greater.

For the evening ritual, heat a cup of milk so that it is very hot and place it near your bed. While it cools, speak to it with this phrase:

“The milk cools down, insomnia flies away.”

When it reaches a suitable temperature for consumption, add a spoonful of honey to it and start drinking, accompanying each sip with these words:

“Insomnia goes away, healthy sleep comes.”

After you drink the entire glass, go to bed immediately: insomnia will no longer bother you. You can use this ritual for your loved one.

Prophetic dreams predict the future for us, good or bad, depending on your luck. But not everyone is able to see them, and some, having seen them, cannot remember or interpret them. In order to have a dream about your future, you can use a conspiracy.

Conspiracy for a prophetic dream of the Mother of God

The plot is read before going to bed, when going to bed, you need to quietly say it to yourself: I’m going to another world, I’m going for knowledge. The Mother of God will lead me along the heavenly roads, so that I know all the unknown events, so that the future becomes a reality, and life is pleasant.

Read a prophetic dream spell on a guy before going to bed

In the evening, lay a tablecloth on the table near the bed, put a glass of water and a candle on it, and before going to bed read the spell: Christmas candle, wedding ring, show me my husband, show his image. Whoever appears in a dream will become a husband.

Read the spell for a prophetic dream on Friday, Tuesday

To carry out the ritual you will need holy water, pour it into a glass and drink it before going to bed, saying to yourself: Clean water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) to see a prophetic dream, so that she dreams of everything that will come true and happen, so that she remembers everything so that she knows. My word is law, as I said, so it will be.

How to see a prophetic dream in the near future, conspiracy

To see a prophetic dream about the near future, you need to perform a small ritual. In the evening, take a relaxing bath, fumigate the room with sleep-herb and go to bed alone. When falling asleep, say to yourself: Let yourself dream about what should come true.

Plot for a prophetic dream read I go to bed

A conspiracy that allows you to see the near future: I, servant of God (name), go to bed on the Zion Mountains - three angels in my heads: one hears, the other sees, and the third will tell me everything. Amen.

Read a spell for a prophetic dream at baptism at home

For baptism, you can use this simple ritual: write your wishes on 12 pieces of paper and put them under your pillow; the ones you dream about will definitely come true this year.

A spell for a prophetic dream to dream about the one who caused damage

Before going to bed, a conspiracy is read: Lord, forgive, forgive your slave’s sins. Just leave love in me, imagine who spoils my blood. Amen.

The answer to the question in a dream is a conspiracy

For this spell you need to use water. Pour it into a glass and place it near the bed, when going to bed, say the following words: Clean water, holy water, help the servant of God (name) to see a prophetic dream, So that she dreams of everything that will come true and happen, So that she remembers everything, so that she knows. My word is law, as I said, so it will be. Amen!

Sleep spell to make your loved one dream, proven ways

I’m leaving for another world, and I’m sailing to a sweet one. Let him see me in a dream, and not forget me in the light of day. Amen.

Often in the life of every person there are situations when you do not know what to do or cannot even imagine what this or that action will lead to.

Few agree to tempt fate through predictions, but no one will refuse to watch a prophetic dream. A prophetic dream spell will help to summon him, then all that remains is to spend time deciphering what you saw. Before you begin the ritual, you need to properly prepare your bedroom and also prepare yourself to watch a prophetic dream.

Preparing a person to receive a dream begins with a quiet evening, being in a peaceful state. This day is completely unacceptable for overload, nerves or overstrain. Folk legends say that such a day is best spent alone, and you need to go to bed alone. Shortly before your night's rest, it is recommended to take a warm bath with essential oils. Oils of fir, lavender, rosemary or mint will have a beneficial effect. Then the person should take a glass of warm milk.

Ordering prophetic dreams from the subconscious is available only on certain days - the last ones during the waxing Moon.

Preparing the room begins with preparing the bed. To do this, you will need to change the old bedding for new ones and carefully make the bed with them. Shortly before bedtime, it is recommended to fumigate the room with the smoke of sleep herbs or aloe, and these herbs must be dried in advance. You should go to bed long before midnight. At this moment you need to pray, only then is it permissible to start reading the text of the conspiracy. It is important that the rest is continuous, lasting about 8-9 hours, as it should be for healthy sleep.

What will the mirror tell you?

The most popular today is a strong prophetic dream spell. It is carried out using a small mirror. This effective plot is recommended to be read exclusively on Saturdays during the waxing Moon. When going to bed, a person will need to take a mirror with him, and before going to bed, read the text of the plot. It should be read three times, after which the mirror should be hidden under the pillow.

Spell “For a prophetic dream” on a mirror

“Monday pairs Sunday, Tuesday pairs Wednesday, Thursday pairs Friday! And only Saturday was left without a couple! May I have a prophetic dream on Saturday, for which the night will be a match! Amen!"

After the ceremony, a person should try to immediately fall asleep soundly. Analysis of what is seen is carried out in the morning, as soon as the person wakes up.

It is recommended to write down all the memorable moments from the dream on paper so as not to miss the slightest detail. It is very important that the ritual be performed in one’s own home, since all its things are saturated with the energy of a given person.

To avoid a possible unplanned awakening, it is recommended to turn off all possible irritants - alarm clock, radio, mobile and landline phones, as well as other equipment. The most truthful dreams come to a person around midnight, and they are remembered better than others. Prophetic sleep - early, not deep.

Bread and water will predict the future

On Friday night, it is recommended to read the spell for bread and water - with their help you can also order predictive dreams. To perform a magical ritual, you will need very little - a crust of bread with a glass of holy water. These items must be placed under the bed at night, then the words of prayer must be said. The text is repeated 7 times, after which the gratitude is read once.

Spell “For a prophetic dream” for bread and water

“Monday and Thursday nights, Tuesday and Sunday day, Saturday and Wednesday moon, Unite on Friday. Help me see dreams-harbingers, Give strength to Friday night! What I see will come true, what I hear will come true, what I learn will come true! Amen!"

Spell “For a prophetic dream” for bread and water (gratitude)

“Thank you to the forces of Monday and Thursday, Tuesday and Sunday for your participation, thank you Saturday and Wednesday for your support! Friday dreams are my real ones, thank you!”

To evoke a dream showing the near future, you just need to read a special bedtime prayer and then fall asleep. No other actions are required. However, it is important to remember the preparatory phase, which includes preparing the room and yourself.

Conspiracy “For the near future”

“I go to bed on the Siena mountains, three angels stand at my head, one sees, the other hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth - what I buy, and what I find, maybe I’ll accept a gift, let it come true, and if I lose it in a dream , I sell or give away, then let such a dream dissolve.”

There are conspiracies against insomnia, with the help of which you can easily calm your nerves and fall into a sound sleep.

To fight against insomnia, just read a prayer before going to bed. Immediately before going to bed, a special conspiracy is read against his absence. If all requirements are met, the person falls asleep for some time.

If you have insomnia, you should put your left hand on the solar plexus, and relax your right hand along the body, close your eyes, calm down, and whisper three times:

“Where I went, I haven’t reached the end yet.
I'm lying, calling you (meaning sleep).

A spell for healthy sleep.

Before going to bed, cross your bed three times and read:

Fourth option.

"Sleepy sleepyheads,
Come here everyone
Howler-crying monkeys,
Get away from us." source http://www.prisnilos.su/magiya/zagovori/_ot_bessonnitsi.html

.Folk plot for insomnia, told by grandmother Maria

If you don't sleep well, you often wake up at night, and you can't sleep for a long time.
Place your right hand (if you are right-handed; if you are left-handed - your left hand) on the solar plexus, and the second - anywhere, close your eyes and several times as you exhale say to yourself: “Where you went, you haven’t reached the end yet. I'm lying, calling you (dream, that is). Amen".

2. An ancient folk plot for insomnia

Before going to bed, make the sign of the cross three times and say: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I consecrate with holy words, I invite you to a good dream. Amen".
After this, cross yourself.

If children or adults cannot sleep peacefully, then I have this spell for sleep. This plot must be read every evening, before bed, for a week.

“I plow, I plow from the servant of God (name) insomnia, from a white face and from clear eyes.

And I smell the white face and clear eyes of sound sleep, both day and night, both morning and evening.
And my key words are stronger than stone and damask steel. The key to them is in the blue sea, and the lock is in a green field. Amen".

(Anastasia Vishnyakova, from the collection of Ilyinskaya and Smirnov)

A spell for a restful sleep will work better if, when saying the sentence, you lightly run your right hand from top to bottom over the child’s closed eyes. I used this ritual for my children and I must say that it always worked.

Conspiracies for insomnia a very good remedy if you or your children, or any of your relatives and friends have trouble sleeping at night. Don’t rush to run to the pharmacy, buy sleeping pills and swallow them in huge doses. Try to cope with this problem with primary folk magic, that is, the following conspiracies.

Conspiracies for insomnia:

# The words of this ancient conspiracy whispered onto wax, which is then placed at the head of the bed.

“Dawn-lightning, red maiden, the mother queen herself; the moon is bright, the stars are clear, take away from me insomnia, sleeplessness, night owl, give me sleepiness and drowsiness. In the middle of the night, come to me, even as a red maiden, even as a mother queen, and put it with me, and take away the accursed evil power from me, and give me the hand of Savior, the castle of the Mother of God. My angel, my archangel, save my sinful soul, strengthen my zealous heart; enemy Satan, abandon me. I am baptized with the cross, I am protected with the cross, with the cross I call on the angel, I drive away the evil one with the cross. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I know and remember the holy signs!"

# “Ah, you, night owls, envious, joyful, ducklings, from the evil sorcerer-man, go to the mosses, to the swamps, to the rotten logs: you all belong there, you will not be in the white body. Get out of the white body of the servant of God (servant of God) (name)."

# Plot for insomnia in a child need to read three times...

“I, the servant of God (servant of God), will get up, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from hut to hut, from door to door, from gate to gate to the east, to the eastern side. Over the eastern side walks Mother Mary, the morning dawn, the evening dawn Maremyana, the mother-cheese land of Pelageya and the blue sea Elena. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Arise, morning dawn Maria, evening dawn Maremyana, come to him (her), the servant of God (servant of God (name), to the baby, take from him (her) a night owl and a tickler from the white body, from the hot blood, from the zealous heart, from all the flesh, from the clear eyes, from the black eyebrows, from everything human, from every vein, from seventy-seven joints, carry them over the high mountains, over the dense forests, over the wide seas, over the deep rivers, over the trampling mud to the sharp teeth of the beluga pike, carry them into the blue sea. The pike is in the sea, the tongue is in the mouth, the castle is in the sky, and the key locked in the sea and drowned the key in the water!”

# “Dawns, lightnings, there are four sisters of you in total: morning, midday, evening, midnight. Take away, lightnings, from the servant of God (the servant of God (name)) melancholy, sadness, screaming, insomnia, give him sleep from all sides, from all the saints , from all heavens."

# "The blue sea is locked. The waves are dozing in the open space. The ships are rocking. My eyes are closing. Waves, sea, don't wake up. Midnight, go away! My eyelids are locked. Insomnia is at the threshold. Words are strong. Deeds are strong. Amen."

# “Kurushki-kurushki, take away insomnia, and give your sleep-rest, good rest, to the servant of God (servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

# This CONSPIRACY you need to read three times for three days in a row:

“Zarya-lightning, red maiden, morning Irina, midday Daria, come, take the daytime cry and the midday half-cry, take it to the dark forests, to distant lands, beyond the blue seas, to the yellow sands. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

We recommend reading
