Can neighbors cause damage? Damaging your neighbor is a sure way to take revenge for insults

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Each of us by nature has a magical gift, and many are faced with a situation when an irresistible desire arises to send damage to the person who has offended you. But how to cause damage and what rituals exist in the practice of sorcerers and psychics, are they all effective - yes, yes, and yes again. We'll talk about them further.

The damage to the photo and the cemetery is very strong

Damage in the photo is the simplest and at the same time effective ritual of inflicting magical damage on the enemy. You can damage a photograph in a cemetery - an effective ritual that can take an enemy to the next world, but it requires a lot of strength and energy.

Come to the graveyard, where you will find a grave with a cross standing on it - attach a photo of the victim to it, face down and upside down, nailing it with 3 nails. Then walk around the grave three times, always clockwise, and stand at your feet, saying:

“They crucified Christ on the cross - they chained 3 nails, but Christ suffered and on the 3rd day ascended to God. I conjure the enemy with 3 nails - suffer for 3 days, and then give your soul to God. The cross and the dead man will drag you into the grave - so I will return my word.”

Say these words 3 times and then, turning around, leave the grave and the territory of the cemetery. A photo of the victim should be left on the cross of the grave.

Damage using volts

Damage to a doll - volts

You can send many misfortunes to the enemy and bring him to death with the help of an ancient magical attribute - the Volta doll. Damage in this case is carried out using a homemade doll and sharp objects and needles. For this ritual you will need to prepare a volt - a rag doll, a candle made of natural wax and 9 machine needles, always new.

When starting the ritual, light a candle from a match and place the doll in front of you. They prick a needle in the flame of a candle and stick it into the doll, pronouncing certain words of the conspiracy for each:

“Let death not burn in fire, it burns with it, let it become a steel wedge for the enemy.” - this is a basic phrase, plus it is supplemented by a separate spell for each needle.

  1. On the first needle, say: “I take away your mind and curse you. Yes, be…name…cursed.” They stick it into the doll's head.
  2. They stick a second needle, and say on it: “I’m taking your heart for myself, so you can rot in the grave.” They stick it into the heart of a potential doll victim.
  3. On the third needle they say: “I cut and stab you, I take away your will - you will not resist me” - it is stuck into the solar plexus.
  4. On the 4th needle, say: “I’m taking away the life force from your stomach - I’m sending illnesses to you, every breath you breathe in and out will respond to you with pain.” It is stuck into the doll’s stomach.
  5. The 5th needle is charmed for loneliness and stuck into the lower abdomen; “I send loneliness and mortal melancholy to you - to lie there like a dead man alone in a coffin.”
  6. 6 the needle is charmed for impotence - it is stuck into the genital area and they say: “I conjure the loins from a new life - I am closing it to you.”
  7. The seventh needle is used to curse beauty - it can be stuck into any part of the doll, saying: “I take away your beauty, I conjure your body with blisters and boils, ulcers and sores.
  8. This needle is also used to conjure the enemy into dislike from all relatives - they heat it up on a candle flame and stick the dolls into any place, saying: “I reward you with hatred and dislike from people and animals - may they shun you like a dung heap.”
  9. 9, the needle speaks to the victim of good luck: “Yes, I’m depriving you of a share of good luck - you won’t know happiness, it’s hard to come into your house and move in.”

After such magical acupuncture, the doll should be taken to the churchyard and buried in a grave where a deceased person with the same name as the potential victim lies.

Black Cemetery Rite

According to esotericists and sorcerers, you can cast the darkest conspiracy to damage the cemetery on someone who has greatly offended you. It is enough to visit the nearest, necessarily active cemetery and only on the night from Friday to Saturday, find an unmarked and abandoned grave there. An aspen stake is driven into it and they say three times:

“Just as Friday is the bearer of all misfortunes, so this nameless man has a dark plan. I drive a stake into the unknown - I wish death for the baptized ... name .... Go and bring inevitable death and an aspen stake to the slave... the name of the enemy... - as it is said, so it will be.”

This ritual is carried out on three Fridays in a row - the death of your enemy will overtake you in the near future, usually within 3-4 weeks.

Ritual on the mirror

Damage through mirrors can take the victim into the looking glass

Damage to the enemy can be caused at home and with the help of mirrors - as magicians note, they can drag a person’s soul and consciousness into the looking glass. The ritual itself is carried out during a full or waning moon; it is better if it is Tuesday or Saturday - prepare in advance:

  1. There are two large mirrors, the same size.
  2. A black candle and the same thread, always a new skein.
  3. A recent photograph of the victim.

Using a match from a new box, light the wick of the match and place it between two mirrors, then wrap the entire structure cross-wise with thread. While you wind the threads, say 13 times:

“In the name of the sleeping one, by the power of the punishing, by the dark power I call. You and the enemy, retreat from me, turn away and turn around, disappear into the smoke. I will surround you with a dark curse, I conjure you with three tongues, I will reward you with shares. You should not wander the land of the enemy, you should not be underground and lie peacefully in a coffin. I will hide you from the light and put you in a mirrored coffin - I said, and so be it.”

Then tie a knot at the ends of the thread, seal it with wax from a burning candle and be sure to say:

“Yes, according to that word it will come to pass.”

Place such an improvised mirror coffin in the northernmost corner and leave it there for 9 days - after this period of time, bury it near the cemetery fence.

Send damage through the lining

Damage through the lining takes effect almost instantly

Damage can also be caused through lining - magicians use a variety of attributes and objects, needles and even gifts. If the victim picks it up, the negative program becomes firmly attached to it, destroying the aura and energy. Through damage caused through the lining, one can nullify a person’s health and financial situation, make it so that he is always alone and cannot have children, and luck and good luck leave his life.

Using needles

Lining with needles is done by professionals according to a special conspiracy ritual in a cemetery - on the territory of the graveyard, find a grave where a deceased person is buried with the same name as the future victim. The needle is left in the grave for a whole lunar month, after which it is stuck into the doorframe of the potential victim’s front door - as soon as she crosses the threshold, the ritual of damage begins to take effect. In this case, there is no need to pronounce special spells or perform magical rituals - the needle absorbs the negative energy of the deceased, and after contact with a living person it will give it to him.

You can also saturate the needle with black destructive energy through dead water - the one with which the deceased was washed. At the very beginning, wrap new needles in a black scarf and place it in dead water - leave them there for three days and then throw them into the house of a potential victim. It is advisable to stick it into clothes, a pillow, a soft toy, or all those objects with which a person is constantly in contact. In this case, after a month of magical attacks, the potential victim will die in the most unexpected way.

Through a gift

As strange as it may sound, the words of parents to their children that they should not take gifts from strangers have a certain sacred meaning. So you can dump your negativity on your enemy or a stranger, or take away your enemy’s luck and health, financial wealth and happiness in a love relationship.

Most often, soft toys are used as a gift - everyone loves them and accepts them very willingly, but in the end the victim pays with his own problems and failures in life. The ritual of making a lining through a gift is carried out with the call of dark forces and the subsequent ransom. At the very beginning, you buy the gift that you personally and the potential victim like - this is a prerequisite for the ritual. Then they slander him 5 times:

“Like a gray snake crawls through a damp and dark forest, but sees the sky and hates people, bites and tears - so you are a servant of God ... the name of the enemy ... the servant of God ... your name ... you saw and hated, bit and tore. So now that snake will eat you and drag you underground with cheese.”

Then give a present to your enemy - after some time his happy life will come to an end.

To death

Damage to the offender can also be caused by his imminent death - the ceremony is held in an active graveyard, on Friday evening, after sunset. First, it is worth finding an abandoned grave in the churchyard - it is best if there is neither a cross nor a sign on it. They bury a photograph of the victim in it, but everything is in order.

For this ritual you will need:

  • Black head scarf.
  • A photo of the enemy and a new needle.
  • A candle made of natural wax and a few small coins for sale.

Having already arrived at the cemetery, you make an even number of punctures in the victim’s photograph on the unmarked grave. Take a few handfuls of earth from the grave and wrap it in a dark scarf - place a pierced photo on top. Light a candle and drip its melted wax into all the outlines of the victim’s body, thus, as if sealing the magical attribute.

Tie a handkerchief with soil and a charged photo into a knot and bury it on the grave at the feet of the deceased. Leave the cemetery immediately, without looking back, but not the way you came to it. When you go back, count 3 intersections, and at 4 be sure to throw coins and say:

“Yes, it was paid for by me personally.”

So you call upon the dark forces for help and pay them through the crossroads to bring the enemy to the grave. In addition, you can charge salt in the cemetery with negative energy - buy a new package in the store and wrap it in a bag, leave it for a month on the territory of the cemetery in a secluded place.

When you pick her up from there in a month, leave the ransom, sweets and small change, vodka, and so on. After that, throw it under the threshold of an enemy, a car, or on the threshold of an office, without bringing it into your own home. The main condition for the ritual to work is that the potential victim must step on it.

For impotence

All sudden changes in the male body can be signs of damage

Most often, it is women who undertake to inspect and damage a man’s impotence – abandoned spouses or mistresses, and simply envious neighbors. For this ritual, prepare a simple cotton rope in advance - use it to weave a small braid, no more than 2 fingers long, one finger thick. This is a symbol of the male phallus and its strength.

Fold it in half and tie it into a knot, at that very moment saying:

“May I deprive you of your strength - while the braid is twisted and tied, so will the servant of God have everything tied up. Yes, there is power in my word - as I command, so it will be.”

After this, the braid should be hidden in a secluded place or buried away from human eyes - until it rots, the man will suffer from induced impotence.

To destroy a marriage

Damage to marriage can destroy even the strongest bonds

Damaging the destruction of a marriage can be carried out using a variety of rituals, but the most effective will be the ritual with a sacrificial black rooster. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  1. Black rooster and clay bowl.
  2. With a sharp blade, a well-sharpened knife and needles - their number should be equal to the number of household members.
  3. A black wax candle and a piece of natural opaque fabric, also necessarily black.

They begin the ritual in the evening, when the sun has set below the horizon. You cut off the head of a bird with a knife and collect its blood in a clay bowl - it is into this that you throw the needles, having previously calcined them over an open fire with candles. You leave them in this form until the morning, and after sunrise, take them out and, wrapping them in black cloth, take them to the enemy’s house. When you toss the needles, do not touch them with your hands and be sure to remember to speak;

“Not in the name of the Father, not in the name of the Son, not in the name of the Holy Spirit - I attract and call the dark demons to this threshold, bring troubles and anxiety to it, harm everyone living in the house. Yes, from this moment and from this day - you will not have life and health, neither day nor night. My word is strong and demonic.”

Afterwards, take the bird carcass and ritual blood to the crossroads as a ransom - leaving it there, be sure to say:

“I and the devils paid for the ambulance assistants.”

Then quickly and silently, and most importantly, without turning around, leave.

For obesity

Obesity can cause many health problems

You can also damage your appearance and beauty by inducing magical obesity. From the very morning on Sunday, go to the temple and hold a service there, and upon completion, wait until everyone leaves the church. Next, so that no one sees, take a small stub of a candle that has not yet gone out from the icon of the Mother of God.

You go home with it and after sunset, fill any container with water, place 4 candles around it, forming something like a square, light them with a match. You light the end of the candle brought from the temple from the lower right candle and drip the wax into the water, saying:

“The candle melts - you have a servant of God ... name ... weight and gain "

Let it melt completely, and when finished, collect all the drops of wax from the water, putting it in a bag. The next day, go to the enemy’s house and try to quietly put him in a secluded corner of the kitchen. While the wax is there, the victim will be unbearably drawn to food, she will feel constant hunger, become fat and gain weight.

A negative impact on a person carried out through a special ritual is called damage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and scares many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program embedded in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks beneficial energy and replaces it with negative energy.

An offended, disappointed person, in a fit of emotion, often wonders how to damage a person. And not everyone understands the power of such a ritual and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and choosing a ritual, it is best to once again weigh the pros and cons of this ritual, because its consequences can affect all participants, and not just the victim.

Damage to death is considered the most powerful effect and, naturally, the most dangerous. This ritual involves the death of the person at whom the ritual is directed. However, you cannot do damage thoughtlessly, so as not to cause harm to yourself. Damage should be done with a cool head, so you will not confuse important words and actions in the ritual.

Methods of negative magical influence

In most cases, a person interested in the question of how to spoil death, impose a curse, or maybe even put the evil eye on a person, dreams of one thing - revenge. Moral harm, physical injuries, financial troubles - revenge is dictated by rather strong emotions, it is very difficult to fight them.

However, it should be remembered that damage must be carried out either by a professional magician, a person familiar with the esoteric sphere. Errors and inaccuracies in the ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes a ritual performed correctly is accompanied by side effects and consequences that manifest themselves in the performer.

The most common methods of inducing negativity on a person:

  1. Curse and damage from the photo.
    A fairly popular and very affordable way is to use photography. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the photograph, if taken no earlier than a year before the ritual, is a strong link between the performer of the ritual and the victim. It is not difficult to damage a photograph and, depending on your intentions, the impact is on various areas of a person’s life.
  2. Using genetic material.
    Among magicians, it is considered great luck to possess the genetic material of a person. In this case, managing the owner of hair and nails becomes a simple process. Using human body particles to induce a negative effect is an option that is highly effective. In addition, the curse can also be made using the hair and nails of the victim.
  3. Using needles, nails and other piercing objects.
    Damage can be carried out using piercing objects. A conspiracy is read on these items. Usually the last stage of the ritual is driving, threading a charmed nail or needle into the doorframe of the victim, burying it in a place where a person usually walks.
  4. Using water.
    Casting a spell on an unwanted person often involves the use of water. The water you will need is not ordinary. Most often, water is used after washing the deceased, as well as swamp liquid. The use of this composition is also used when a curse is made.
  5. Using cemetery items.
    Earth from the cemetery, elements of the grave and other similar attributes can be used by those wishing to cause damage or impose a curse.
  6. Damage to the figure.
    This ritual is similar to voodoo damage. A figurine identifying the victim will be required. Its creation, depending on the ritual, involves the use of photography and/or human genetic material.

Types of negative impact on humans

Black envy and hatred are strong feelings. And, if a person in love, in order to achieve a goal and bind his beloved, makes a love spell, then hatred and envy can push a person to perform a spell of death, loneliness.

Depending on the area where a person’s troubles should begin to occur, black influence is divided into several types:

  1. Damage to death.
    The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends in death. However, it is dangerous not only for the “corrupted” person, but also for the person performing the ritual. Performing this ritual may also become a black seal on the performer.
  2. Negative health effects.
    If a person does not wish death for another, but only major health problems, then this ritual is performed. Although it is believed that such exposure can also be fatal.
  3. Damage to relationships.
    This ritual allows you to destroy even the strongest families. Often this influence is done by a mistress with one single goal - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife whose husband another woman wants to take away.
  4. Damage to loneliness.
    This ritual is usually done out of revenge against an abandoned lover.
  5. Damage to business.
    This influence is exerted on business competitors, on more successful partners, whose success can harm a person in the field of work.
  6. A ritual for good luck.
    A ritual is done out of envy, to destroy a happy coincidence of circumstances for a certain person.
  7. Negative impact on money.
    Damage is done both to business and simply to failures in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person’s life.

The most common types of negative impacts on humans are discussed above. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic due to the possible consequences.

Who among us has not wanted to take revenge on the offender? To incinerate with a look, responding to an insult with the power of thought. Sometimes a person brings us so much pain and suffering that the heart burns with the desire to respond with anger to evil.

From birth, most people are not endowed with magical and supernatural abilities. However, there are many ancient, magical ways of causing harm from a distance. Damage to health, career, personal life, removal of luck, happiness and prosperity. All this is called damage. In this article we will talk about the old methods of causing damage that our ancestors used. Whether or not to implement this insidious plan is up to you to decide. Always remember that any evil committed by you can turn into disaster not only for you, but also for your loved ones.

Damage and its types

There are many types of damage, as well as ways of inducing it. But whatever the type of damage, it has only one function - destruction. Types of damage:

To loneliness;

For illness;

To destroy a marriage;

For infertility;

On relationships;

For impotence;

For money or property;

For business;

For fornication;

For fear.

How to spoil impotence

Along the path of life, many women met men who abandoned, cheated and caused mental pain. After such a relationship, all that remains is emptiness inside and a strong desire for revenge. For this case, our ancestors had a strong ritual from the Russian Black Book - ancient and powerful Russian magic. You can’t imagine a more sophisticated way of taking revenge on your negligent ex than depriving him of his male power. This way you can punish not only him, but also the one who is now next to him.

Before you begin the ritual, think about whether you really want to hurt a man in this way. Maybe we should just turn this page and move on? If he hurt you, fate will definitely punish him, do not rush to take justice into your own hands. But if you still decide, read on and you will find out how to make a spell for male impotence. One can only sympathize with a man who falls under your witchcraft spell.

The ritual for impotence, like any other ritual of inducing damage, will not work immediately. It will all start with a gradual fading of sexual desire, cooling off towards women, oddities in bed, aggression, anger and end with absolute sexual impotence. Next, we will tell you how to do damage to male impotence correctly and effectively.

What is needed for the ceremony:

A clay or wax figurine of a person, made by hand;

Black candle;

2 red candles;

Black tablecloth or cloth;

Bowl of salted water;

3 new needles that have not been used before (the needles must be new).

You need to make a human figurine with your own hands. It does not have to be a work of art or an exact copy - just a figurine of a man made with his own hands. When you prepare a figurine, be sure to imagine the person you are going to spoil, or look at his photo. The most important thing is that the figurine must have a genital organ. Cover the table with a black cloth, place a figurine in the center, and light two red candles on the sides. Don't touch the black candle yet. Sprinkle salted water from a bowl on the man's figurine six times, saying his name each time. Then take the first needle and stick it into the figurine’s genitals with the words “I’m sticking this needle, I’m taking away your (name) power!” Having inserted the second needle, say: “By piercing this needle, I take away carnal desire!” Stick the third needle in and say: “Let this organ hang like a whip for a whole century!” Then light a black candle and drip wax onto the figurine’s genitals, saying: “When this candle burns out, my plot will reach you.” All candles must burn out. The figurine must be buried in the ground, away from crowded places.

How to spoil financial failure

Damage can be caused not only by health or failure, but also by financial difficulties. With this simple ritual you can deprive a person of financial success. Money will flow through his fingers, and luck and financial well-being will leave him forever. We will tell you how to spoil lack of money with the help of a simple ritual.

To do this, we need a banknote, 6 coins, a candle and a photograph of the person who needs to be damaged. The ceremony must be performed on the waning moon. We put the bill on the table, put a candlestick with candles and a stack of coins on the bill. We put a photo and light a candle. Looking at the photograph, we say: “Just as the eyes of the deceased will no longer see the light, so you, (name) will no longer see money.” We leave everything on the table until the candle burns out. Then we take coins and a candle stub and bury it in the ground. We bury it carefully, since the ritual will last as long as the coins are in the ground. Well, the bill will have to be tossed to the person who is being damaged. He must definitely touch her. We told you how to cause damage, but you will have to figure out how to toss a bill yourself.

How to spoil a person to destroy a marriage

Inflicting such damage will cause very heavy damage to a married couple. Before you begin the ritual, think carefully about whether you need it. Do not forget that the consequences of damage can affect you and your family. We’ll tell you how to put a spell on a person, but whether it’s worth putting it into practice is up to you to decide.

This ancient ritual from the arsenal of black magic is one of the most mysterious types of damage. For this ritual, we will need a photograph of the couple that needs to be divorced (not necessarily a common one) and a jack of spades from a deck of cards. The deck must be new. And also some holy water from the church. Sprinkle holy water on the card. Then write the husband's name on one head of the jack, and the wife's name on the other. The map must be buried near the cemetery gate. Now we need to do a little work with the photo. A jack should be made from the image of the partners. Cut off the head of the husband and wife and glue them together like a jack. When working with a photograph, say: “Just as heads of a jack can never lie together, so you can never be in the same bed, so you can’t share food and shelter.” You need to give the photo to the couple you are going to quarrel with. One of the spouses must touch the photo, otherwise the ritual will not work. The ritual is very strong; if everything is done correctly, the spouses will separate very quickly. Now you know how to spoil a person to destroy a marriage. This is a very powerful ritual, use it only as a last resort.

How to cause damage at home - dirty types of damage

There are humorous or nasty types of damage - they come in handy when a person needs to be taught a little lesson. If you are interested in how to damage your home in order to punish your offender, stay with us.

How to cure an upset stomach

For this ritual you will need... cat excrement. It's best not to use your cat's excrement. Then our ingredient must be spoken in words:

“Like three coffins standing, and the womb in them is heavy like stone, the boards are breaking, (name of the victim) is shitting itself. I close my word with a padlock. So be it!". The charmed excrement must be thrown under the victim's door, or the handle must be stained with it - the person must touch it. This is a one-time plot that lasts from several hours to a day. If another person touches the enchanted material, it’s okay, because the ritual was not performed for him. This is how you can take revenge on a malicious boss or a hated neighbor.

How to damage loss of voice

This is a very simple ritual that leads to distortion or short-term loss of voice. A person can wheeze and grunt, but he will not be able to speak for several days. Not a bad way to shut up an overly sociable mother-in-law. How to do damage at home and what is needed for this - read on.

The ritual does not require anything exclusive - just a needle, dry wormwood, wax and black thread. And one more component – ​​chicken neck. We warn you: for this ritual you do not need to hunt your neighbor’s chicken and take its life. A chicken neck can be purchased at any butcher shop - its freshness will not affect the spell in any way. The ritual is performed on the waning moon. Take a sprig of wormwood, apply it to your neck and seal it with hot wax from a candle. Then take a thread and make a few stitches along the neck, saying: “I am sewing up this neck, depriving you of your voice, walk without a voice (name), spit wax and breathe wormwood. When I sew up this neck, I will take your voice away. So be it." After the ceremony, bury your neck in the ground.

How to spoil lice

If someone's thick hair doesn't give you peace of mind, you can populate it with a small zoo. For the ritual for lice, we only need fallen dry spruce needles. We take the needles, burn them and take away the ashes. The ashes must be spoken with the words: “The old woman has greasy hair, she sits, fingering her hair, and lice run through it. She takes off the lice and puts them on (name)’s head. My word is as strong as flint. So be it." We throw the ashes to the person on whom we send the damage. After this ritual, it is very difficult to remove lice.

How to cause severe damage - a ritual for nightmares

This ritual can be used to induce nightmares in a person. How to cause strong damage so that it is effective? When casting a spell, you need to concentrate on a specific person, accurately imagining his face. If you can’t concentrate and keep the image of the right person in your head, keep his photograph in front of your eyes.

For a spell for nightmares, we need a white chicken egg. Imagining the image of the person you are casting a spell on, put his name on the egg. The ceremony is performed only during the full moon. You can find out the exact date of the full moon using the lunar calendar; such a program is very easy to find on the Internet.

At night, bury a chicken egg in the ground, saying: “Witches and devils, mermaids and kikimores, hanged men and drowned men flock to the hellish egg under the bone roof. They gathered and said: we will come to (name) at night, as soon as he closes his eyes, he will see us. He will not have a restful sleep. My word is as strong as a stone. As soon as the egg hits the ground, a nightmare will come to (name).

How to spoil a rival for fornication

To create in our rival an irresistible desire to walk left and right, we need her photograph, a bottle of valerian and a little honey. The ceremony is performed on the waxing moon or on the full moon. The ritual is carried out at night at a crossroads (the road must be earthen, without asphalt or concrete). Before the ritual, it is better to wear gloves so as not to get dirty with honey or valerian, otherwise the spell will partially affect you.

We take a photo of our rival, smear it with honey on one side, and valerian on the other side. Holding the photograph in our hands, we say: “Lustful men, run to (name), like cats to this valerian, push her into fornication, so that she doesn’t refuse anyone, she gives it to the first, and second, and third, but she doesn’t let her husband come to her. So that men look like flies at (name)’s honey, and her womb burns with lust for them.” There is no need to bury the photo, just leave it at the intersection and throw away the gloves. After this spell, your rival will walk like a March cat. But over time, the power of the spell will weaken, then the ritual will need to be repeated.

What methods do people resort to to achieve their desired goals!

Many do not disdain occult methods.

For example, by causing damage. Any enemy or person who has caused hatred or envy in any way can come under attack.

Such people can be relatives, colleagues, acquaintances and even neighbors.

How to spoil your neighbors?

We will not find out what exactly caused the hatred towards neighbors that led to such an extreme. It's better to get straight to the point.

Damage can achieve a variety of results - baldness, muteness, deafness, which no doctor can cure. You can also make sure that the residents of the neighboring apartment begin to get sick, swear and get into unpleasant situations.

First way.

In order to spoil your neighbors, you will need some weeds and a few bird feathers. Collect it all in a bundle, tie it with red thread, and throw it into the neighbor’s apartment. In this case, you need to read the following words:

“Whoever lives in this house, let misfortunes come to him. As I said, so be it.”

Second way.

You will need a thin wax candle from the cemetery church and a fresh grave. The burial must be no more than a month old. In front of this grave you need to stand with a candle and say the following words 10 times:

“Shatna shtan shakrada.”

Then extinguish the candle and leave the cemetery without talking to anyone or turning around. Then go to the threshold of your neighbors’ house and draw a cross with the same candle. The next morning, take the candle to that grave and light it. Wait until it burns out and leave the cemetery.

These methods are the most well-known and frequently used. If performed correctly, they are guaranteed to bring misfortune to the enemy's home. But before you decide on this method of revenge, you need to weigh everything. After all, black magic is no joke. And the damage that was removed comes back tripled.

Well, what should you do to remove the damage caused by your neighbors?

You can resort to the help of a priest. He, like no one else, can help solve this problem. Doing this on your own is not so easy, but it is also possible. First you need to thoroughly clean the house and throw away all unnecessary things. The whole secret is that cleaning is done with the addition of holy water. The fact is that simple dirt attracts energetic dirt. And by getting rid of ordinary dirt, you can get rid of the negative energy in the apartment.

You should also have amulets and various talismans, placing them in each room. It is worth regularly burning candles brought from church; they perfectly destroy negativity.

To summarize, I would like to say that this information is provided for informational purposes only and in no way encourages the reader to use black magic. After all, this is far from the only way out of even the most unpleasant situation.


If you want to quickly get results and finally “put your neighbors in their place,” you can turn to me for help!

Magical texts, rites and rituals of corruption are created for deliverance. You can get rid of anything and anyone. For example, from illness. But there are also texts that help pacify your neighbors, who often listen to music at full volume.

Or they just like to make noise with a drill on a day off at 6 am. You don’t have to choose those who live next to you in the vestibule, but spoiling your neighbors is an effective way to evict unwanted tenants or pacify a neighbor who loves to make trouble.

Damage to neighbors

This type of magical influence on a person is completely harmless. It does not cause harm to health, does not act to the detriment of either itself or others. Created so that a person can feel calm under the protection of his own walls at home. For one thing, the rowdy neighbors should also say thank you.

After all, after such actions there will be no complaints against them. They will also stop arguing with them. In cases where they rent an apartment nearby, the owners who let in noisy tenants will not be offended. Since after damage, the tenants will move out, which means that all their property will be safe and sound.

You do not need to have special data to cause damage. The technique is quite simple and does not require any effort. The main thing is to decide what you want:

  • So that noisy neighbors leave the apartment;
  • They became quieter, but remained to live nearby;
  • They stopped arguing and swearing in their living space (their quarrels interfere with the rest of everyone living nearby);
  • They didn’t bother you personally with their questions or arguments. Stopped discussing your life and appearance.

The last option is the most common, since there is always a huge number of grandmothers under the entrance. They are the ones who most often are unfriendly and scandalous neighbors.

How to spoil your neighbors?

So, having chosen the option that suits you the most, let’s move on to the question of how to spoil the neighbors. And first in line will be everyone’s beloved grandmothers, quarreling about it or not. She loves to discuss everything and also poke her nose into things that aren’t their own.

Words on the door

Every time you pass by the apartment of an annoying neighbor, or by her herself, say mentally (you can also out loud) the words:

“I didn’t touch you, I didn’t know you, I didn’t want to make trouble with you. You yourself stuck to me, like a leech sucking blood and erasing all my nerves. I'm not a thorn, and you're not an eyesore. Look where you want, but don't notice me. Look at others, but erase me from your memory.”

Then spit (you can symbolically). It is enough to say such a conspiracy several times so that you are no longer noticed. Belongs to the category of whispers. The simplest damage.

Damage to neighbors' water.

It will help not only to shut the mouths of neighbors outside your living space, but also while in it. After the procedure, it becomes quieter already on the second or third day. The plot is read about water, which should be poured under the doors at 12 o'clock at night.

“Water, girl. Calm the servant of God (name of the neighbor), send her peace. So that she wouldn’t swear anymore, she wouldn’t throw herself at people. I would sit in my pool. She was counting the frogs, but fell behind me. Let there be silence now. Let her sit at home alone. He doesn’t mumble, he doesn’t say nasty things. He bites himself like a snake, but leaves others behind. Key. Language. Lock".

This text can be applied to both a neighbor and a married couple. To do this, change the phrase “servant of God” to “servant of God” or “servants of God.”

Damage so that the neighbors quickly move out.

How to get rid of neighbors with the help of magic, so that they move out? Then use the third method. In this version, crumbs from the cracker are read. In this case, the cracker must be crumbled by you personally.

While sorting through the crumbs, read the text:

“I’m crumbling, crumbling, I’ll go through all the crumbs. The servant of God (name of the neighbor) should not walk in the stairwell. Do not knock, do not rattle, do not sing songs. Let him move away from my home. Let him knock, rattle, sing songs and bother others far from me. I’m not the only one who wishes this; everyone around me wishes for their departure. So be it. It was ordered by me, reinforced by others. Key. Language. Lock".

Place crumbs under the doors of noisy neighbors for 6 days. A little bit each time so that it’s not too noticeable.

How to protect yourself from damage?

Unfortunately, damage to neighbors can be done not only to move the latter, but also to ruin life, break up a family, damage health, or even cause death.

Is it possible to protect yourself? What to do if your neighbor is constantly causing damage? Of course, put protection on your home. Even in cases where they make a lining or add (add) a charmed liquid (cereals, crumbs, needles, earth), everything can be neutralized.

Follow these rules:

  • If you notice your neighbor casting spells under your door, immediately start reading either “ Our Father", or " May God rise again" Both prayers are very powerful and instantly neutralize all negativity. Read at least three times. Odd number only;
  • Every time, before leaving the house, cross yourself three times, the doors are closed, and after opening the threshold itself. Be sure to say:

    "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit"

    every time you make a cross;

  • If it has been noticed more than once that one of the neighbors whispers something when you are walking home or from the house, it is better to put the muzzle in your pocket. This is how protection against black influence occurs. You can use another method: say the words to yourself (until the ill-wisher disappears from sight):

    “What she gave to me, she took for herself. If she caused damage, she ate it herself.”

Quite often, those neighbors who cause damage and do various kinds of dirty tricks are completely invisible. Sometimes a friendly old lady who always smiles and says hello may not be very good in terms of magical knowledge.

Such people try to gain trust in order to visit their neighbors more often to drink tea. At this time they themselves read black spells. To avoid this, you should install protection on your apartment. There are several options. Many people put everything at once. This will in no way harm, but will only improve the atmosphere in the house and protect against all misfortunes:

Ritual for protection with blood

The blood of the apartment owner is used. Please note that it is the head of the house who must install protection on the entrance doors. Pin the ring finger of your right hand and make a cross with your blood on the lintel of the front door. While you are drawing a cross (it should not be large), say the words:

“For protection, for guardianship. From the black eye, from the enemy and misfortune. Amen".

Before applying the cross, be sure to do a thorough cleaning. Be sure to remember the date. Blood protection lasts for six months. After 6 months, the same ritual must be performed. Don't be surprised if many people stop coming to visit. Blood weeds out only those who wish harm to your home.

Protection ritual with candle and icon

The second ritual must be performed weekly. You will need a wax candle and a small icon of the Virgin Mary. Starting from the east side of the apartment reading " Our Father“It is necessary to cross each corner clockwise. This is done with a lit candle. You cannot baptize a latrine (toilet and bathroom). It is necessary to place the cross on both windows and doors.

If you can’t do the ritual every week, you can also walk with holy water and place crosses in the same way. Only this time all the actions are done with water. The third time you need to apply the cross with air.

Just walk around the apartment and cross every corner, window and door. This way you can protect your home from damage from your neighbors once a month. The icon should always be located above the front door. It is fastened after the first ritual of protection.

Both methods do their job perfectly. And not only do they not allow “friendly” neighbors into the house, but they also do not give them the opportunity to bring pads or other cursed materials into the house.

To keep the neighbors quiet

Neighbors who like to listen to music at full volume day and night are better off You can just wean yourself off this by using damage to headaches. So, with the help of a simple influence, you can show people how difficult it is for those living nearby due to loud music. The result appears immediately.

Draw an image of your neighbor. It doesn't have to be a portrait, just how you can portray it. You should put your emotions aimed at a specific person into the drawing. We light a candle. And sticking a needle into the drawing we say:

“Test what I feel for you. Your noise will give you a headache. I'm having headaches and can't sleep. And now you feel sorry for your head because of your noise. As soon as you make noise, damage will stick to you. Key. Language. Lock".

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