How to glue the joints of linoleum at home. Do-it-yourself linoleum joints

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings

When finishing the floor, many homeowners have the question of how to glue linoleum back to back to make the floor even and more durable.

There are many types of floor coverings today, but linoleum does not give up its positions. This material is one of the most practical and inexpensive. It allows you to do even coverage with a beautiful shine. But have of this material there is an important drawback. It is very rare to make a floor from a solid sheet of linoleum, without joints and seams that can ruin appearance... The reason is simple: the web size depends on the standard roll width. This parameter must first be taken into account when choosing a material.

Meanwhile, the likelihood of choosing a roll of linoleum of the desired width is low. Even the closest and narrow room(with the exception, perhaps, of the corridor and small bathrooms) is usually much wider. In addition, the joining of canvases is always carried out in difficult places of the apartment: in the area of ​​the doorway, in case of damage to the layer, as well as when joining linoleum with the topcoat of another room, for example, with tiles or wood.

But all this is not a reason to be upset, since there is an opportunity to fix the matter on your own, without even resorting to the help of a master. It is enough to study the question of how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home, choose the most preferable method and clearly follow the instructions.

Existing gluing methods

Important! It is necessary to decide how to glue the linoleum end-to-end at the installation stage.

It is worth deciding which option is more suitable in a particular situation. There are several ways of gluing linoleum and each of them, in addition to the obvious advantages, has significant disadvantages.

The main connection methods are as follows:

  1. Double-sided tape. This method is good thanks to low price... Docking in this way will not be difficult, even if there is no relevant experience. At the same time, the work does not take much time. On the other hand, scotch tape is extremely unreliable, and the joint of linoleum canvases will still be visible and it will not work to disguise it.
  2. With the help of a nut. The method is more suitable for attaching layers of linoleum in the area of ​​the doorway when moving from room to another. The porch looks aesthetically pleasing, does not allow the edges of the linoleum to bend, and it is also inexpensive. Metal sills are produced in different colors, so you can choose one that will be less noticeable and almost indistinguishable in color from the main coating.

In addition, the problem often arises of how to glue linoleum on a felt-based end-to-end. Nut in this case- the only one possible variant... Otherwise, the use of glue will not bring the desired result: the lower layer will stick, but the upper one will begin to delaminate.

The disadvantage of this method is that the sill will create a small protrusion above the floor level, which can sometimes be traumatic or simply inconvenient. Moreover, among different color options you need to very accurately choose a nut that matches the color of the linoleum.

There are 2 types of welding used when joining linoleum canvases.

Hot welding allows you to firmly glue the linoleum end-to-end. The seam is practically indistinguishable from the base coat. But this method is quite laborious, and you will need special tools to work. Cope with such work without special skills will not work. Hot welding equipment is expensive and also requires certain skills.

Cold welding is more suitable for home use. It is used not only for butt gluing, but also for repairing damaged coatings. It is easy to use, so there is no need to involve professionals in the work. One of the disadvantages: the glue used for work is toxic, therefore, safety rules must be observed during work. It is imperative to work with gloves, and the room must be constantly ventilated.

Methods for gluing linoleum end-to-end

Important! Before gluing the linoleum end-to-end, you must first prepare the surface.

All debris and dust must be removed from the surface with a broom or vacuum cleaner. If the floor is not very even or there are potholes, cracks on it, they can be putty. If necessary, the floor is covered with a layer of primer.

The cut layers of linoleum are laid out on the floor in such a way that the joints of both canvases coincide. You may need to trim the edges. This can be done with a utility knife or scissors.

The adhesive tape is glued to the floor without removing the protective tape. The paper strip is carefully removed from the adhesive layer, gluing the strips to the floor.

The whole procedure does not take much time, moreover, it does not require special knowledge. But the connection in any case will be fragile, since the tape does not withstand, for example, moisture. If at the same time water gets on the connection and flows under the linoleum, then it will gradually begin to collapse. With prolonged use, it gradually loses its strength. In addition, the joint between the canvases should not be masked in this case. If the linoleum canvases are not glued, then when the furniture moves, the canvases will move.

In order for the connection to last as long as possible, the seam must be done good quality, otherwise dirt will accumulate at the joint.

One of the difficult questions of apartment owners is how to glue felt-based linoleum end-to-end. This material consists of 2 layers. When gluing, the felt layer adheres well to the surface, but the top coating gradually begins to deteriorate. One of better ways gluing such linoleum is the installation of sills.

As in the previous case, the edges of the canvases are carefully leveled, if necessary, trimmed with a knife or scissors. Then you need to pick up the sills. The main parameter is the length, it must match the length of the seam. If the nut is slightly longer, it can be adjusted using a metal saw or jigsaw.

The finished part is applied to the joint and fixed with self-tapping screws.

Hot or cold welding?

For those who are thinking how to glue linoleum end-to-end at home, hot or cold welding is recommended. Which method to choose in the end is determined by several factors:

  • type of linoleum;
  • what should be the seam in the end;
  • the ability to comply with the requirements for styling.

For example, "hot welding" makes the seam almost invisible. But this method of gluing is not suitable for all types of linoleum: when exposed to household, it will only melt and lose its attractive appearance. Therefore, in everyday life, such linoleum is used extremely rarely, while any of these methods is suitable for gluing the coating at industrial facilities.

Another important point is what should be the configuration of the seam. A simple seam can also be made by hot welding, but to create complex contours, appliqués or joining linoleum canvases of different colors and patterns, only cold is suitable.

Finally, to obtain the best result, it is necessary to adhere to the gluing technology. Cold welding is easier, since it does not require special knowledge. For hot welding, you need to have tools (a welding hair dryer with different attachments, special knives and cords). All this equipment is quite expensive, and you need to know how to work with it. Therefore for living conditions this method of joining seams is simply unprofitable.

Hot welding technology

Hot welding can produce a strong and almost invisible seam. The gluing itself must be carried out only when both sheets of linoleum are glued. Hot welding technology is complex, so before starting it is better to watch a video on how to glue linoleum end-to-end.

It is necessary to lay sheets of material so that the joint between them is minimal, and then a small groove is cut with a chisel for a construction cord. All debris and dust is removed from the groove.

The cord must be tucked into a special construction hair dryer, and then connect the hair dryer to the network. When exposed warm air the cord expands to fill the entire groove. Linoleum also softens and bonds firmly to the cord.

After processing, a small protrusion from the cord remains above the floor surface, it must be carefully cut off. For this you need a special knife.

The procedure itself does not seem very complicated. But in fact, in order to perform all the work at the proper level, you need to have certain skills. If you perform all the actions yourself, there is a chance that the result will not live up to expectations. Therefore, it is recommended, instead of hot welding, to find another way to glue the linoleum end-to-end.

Cold welding of seams

For cold welding special glue is used. It dries quickly and reliably glues the joints of the sheets. The glue is packaged in tubes with a long pointed tip that allows it to penetrate deep into the seam. Therefore, liquid glue gives very good strength, because the gluing takes place almost at the molecular level.

Due to its structure and quality of bonding, cold welding is suitable for all types of linoleum (household, semi-commercial, commercial) and different types grounds. So, liquid welding can even be used to glue a layer of material onto a foamed base, while hot welding in this case is strictly prohibited. Cold welding is good not only for gluing linoleum sheets, but also for repairing the coating.

The indisputable advantage of cold welding is ease of use. It is enough to watch the video on how to glue linoleum end-to-end with cold welding and you can get to work - general principle will be clear.

The only point is the choice of glue. For cold welding, glue A and C are most often used. The latter is thicker, therefore it is usually used if you need to repair damage to old linoleum. It almost tightly glues the edges of linoleum and allows you to get a whole canvas. If the coating is "fresh", then type A glue is more suitable. It is more liquid, therefore it acts somewhat differently. Glue A "melts" the sheets by gluing them together. The result is a tight and almost invisible seam.

Important! When working with glue, safety must be observed. The room must be well ventilated and all work must be done with protective gloves. The coating must be cleaned of dust and debris.

The advantage of cold welding is its simplicity and reliability.

Adhesive tape is applied to the edges of the canvases that do not need to be "melted" - it will protect the linoleum from the effects of glue and will not give liquid glue creep apart. Cut the tape over the seam and apply glue to the inside of the seam. It is desirable that the glue protrudes slightly above the surface, no more than 5 mm. Then the linoleum must be left for 15 minutes and then remove the tape.

Working with glue C follows the same scheme, but you can watch the video on how to glue linoleum end-to-end with cold welding. The only difference is that there is no need to glue the tape. Since this glue is thicker, it will not creep beyond the seam.

Linoleum - rolled PVC material for decorative finishing floor. Professionals recommend buying it in accordance with the size of the room - adjust in width so that there is no joining. But this option is not always possible, often you have to lay with joints.

There are ways how to glue linoleum so that the seams are invisible. Following the recommendations, in the end you can get the perfect flooring.

Docking seams are indispensable if linoleum is laid in offices, large rooms... You will also have to glue the cuts of the material end-to-end, if you had to buy a covering 1.5 meters wide - it always costs less. There are various gluing technologies, which one is better to choose? Here are the selection rules:

  • cold welding is considered a good way, you can learn how to do it even at home - special skills, special equipment is not required;
  • hot welding is a method that allows you to get high-quality gluing, but for it it is worth inviting masters (professional skill is required);
  • small seams can be connected with double-sided tape;
  • if a piece of linoleum ends at the border of two rooms, optimal choice- installation of a nut.

Double sided tape

Joining the joints together with adhesive tape is the cheapest, fastest, but short-lived way. It is suitable as a temporary measure, but gluing it with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. Adhesive tape is not suitable for felt-based coatings - it will not hold on to felt. Also, the disadvantages include low moisture resistance - if water gets on the scotch when washing the floor, it will very soon become unusable. In addition, the connection point will stand out from the general background.

Correctly glue the edges of linoleum like this:

  • clean the floor from dirt, dust, it must be completely dry;
  • if you need to glue the joints to concrete floor, you can start working, if there is a porous base, it must be pre-primed;
  • parts of the canvas must be carefully joined so that they do not overlap, if necessary, trim with a clerical knife;
  • bend the edge of each cut, glue the adhesive tape to the floor with one side;
  • take off upper layer from the tape, cover with linoleum, press firmly;
  • roll the gluing site with a roller (hard).

Cold welding

Despite the name, this method does not require welding machine... Installation technology involves the use of adhesive polymer mixtures, which are "related" to the composition of the linoleum itself. Usually, artificial rubbers or other materials are present in the base. When the base is glued, it comes into contact with the agent, melting the edge. As a result, the glue will hold the edges together so that they will not stand out. In the same way, you can glue a torn piece of cover.

The huge advantage is the water resistance and durability of the joint. used both in offices and at home. The following types of cold welding are available:

  • colorless glue for foamed linoleum;
  • paste for felt material on a polyester backing;
  • thick compound for joints with gaps.

The glue is supplied by a special machine with a needle. Work is carried out strictly with gloves - the compositions are aggressive. For the same reason, the surface of the coating in the joint area must be sealed with masking tape.

Hot welding

You can bond the edges of the flooring in a professional way, he received the name "hot welding". You can get acquainted with it in the video, but independent execution Not recommended!

For work, a special welding cord of the desired shade is used, from tools - a construction hair dryer and a milling machine. The cord is tucked into the nozzle of the hair dryer, it is very hot, as a result of which the PVC melts. Then it can be glued to the joint. Previously, the machine needs to cut a groove up to 1 mm deep, up to 4 mm wide. After carrying out the work with a special knife, remove excess material, and after cooling it, adjust and smooth it.

This method allows you to get the highest quality and durable seam that will not protrude and stand out visually. There are cords for sale the desired color... The variety of shades is so great that there is a chance to choose a material for any linoleum.

Glue gun

Joint glue can be applied to the joint using special equipment. There is a hot glue gun available from hardware stores. It must be connected to the network, pour in glue, which will gradually heat up. Depending on the type of coverage you need correct selection adhesives, they are like this:

  • to work with any new coatings;
  • for patching up defects on old linoleum;
  • for mounting polyester materials.

Before starting the process, clean the floor and linoleum from dirt, dry it. Next, you need to pour the composition into the gun, warm it up. It is necessary to direct the nozzle directly to the place of the weld. The agent that has crawled out from under the edges is removed before it hardens, after which it will be difficult to wipe it off.

Overhead nut

If the joint is in the middle of the interior opening, a good option its fastening is an overhead nut. In the store, you should immediately pick up the product, combining it with the main coating in color. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Cut the nut with a jigsaw, hacksaw to achieve the right size(across the width of the doorway).
  2. Place the plank on the floor in the seam area, mark with a pencil in the holes for the fasteners.
  3. Remove the nuts from the floor. Insert the drill bit at "6" into the drill, make the holes according to the marks.
  4. Attach the bar again, secure with dowels and self-tapping screws.

Soldering iron application

A soldering iron will not work to seal large seams. The soldering method can only be considered for joining small pieces or patching up defects. Small joints after using a soldering iron will not be conspicuous, but significant ones will spoil the whole aesthetics of the room. They turn out to be ugly, rude. There are other disadvantages of the method:

  • fragility of the seam, its rapid destruction if the coating is subjected to strong friction;
  • the inability to melt modern types of linoleum - only old material is suitable for this.

The technology is as follows: the soldering iron must be turned on, heated, melted the edges of the coating. Next, connect them together, press. After complete cooling, cut off the tubercles and other protrusions. If the seam turns out to be too rough, even before freezing, you need to pass over it with a hard roller.

Bonding with mastic

You can glue the joints of linoleum with mastic, it is very much in demand for floor repair. But we must remember that such products include a number of additives that can be glued without the possibility of separation. It will not work to remove the coating without damaging it - it will begin to tear in pieces.

Sequence of work:

  • clean and prime the floor;
  • treat linoleum joints with a degreaser safe for PVC materials;
  • after complete drying, open the mastic, apply it to the floor with a small spatula;
  • press the edges of the coating, roll the seam with a roller - this way its parts will better connect to the base.

You cannot walk along the seam within 24 hours, but it is imperative to put a load on it. The complete immobility of this site is important.


There are two main groups of adhesives used to fix linoleum. These are dispersive and reactive compositions. They will be discussed in more detail below.

Dispersion adhesive

A distinctive feature of such compositions is the presence water base as well as acrylic or modified cellulose. Dispersion adhesives include the necessary fillers that impart strength and elasticity to the joint. It is easy to apply adhesives even without work experience, while they will not harm even in the children's room, they are completely safe. Of the minuses, it is necessary to indicate low moisture resistance, the inability to operate or store at low temperatures. Typically, these adhesives are used in rooms with low to medium traffic.

The following types of funds are sold in hardware stores:

  • bustilate - suitable for material on a foam base, on felt and pile, the composition contains latex, chalk, carboxymethyl cellulose;
  • humilax - used for linoleum, which has a natural fabric backing, based on rubber, latex;
  • bituminous mastic - also suitable for material with a fabric base;
  • acrylate glue - very thick, suitable for natural or synthetic fabric base, gives the most reliable seam;
  • conductive adhesive - necessary in rooms where there is a lot of electronic equipment, provides an antistatic effect.

The layer of dispersion adhesives is usually up to 0.6 mm thick, it is laid with a spatula, then linoleum is applied to it.

Reaction adhesive

Such means are used for cold welding of linoleum, as an example is the Econ glue. They are composed of aggressive chemical components, capable of dissolving part of the coating, so work with them requires extra care. Of the minuses - a pungent smell, a high price compared to dispersion adhesives, quick ignition. These adhesives are not suitable for fabric backed coatings.

The advantages of funds include:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • long service life;
  • very strong connection of linoleum edges.

There are several types of reactive adhesives. The first ones are used only for gluing a new coating onto a clean base. The latter help to close up old defects, seam divergence points. Still others include particularly strong additives, used mainly in offices. According to the above description of the methods, you can choose the right one and fix the linoleum with your own hands, efficiently and quickly!

Aesthetic appeal and good performance characteristics, a variety of design and color solutions, safety and durability of use distinguish linoleum in a separate group of modern floor coverings, and the ideal ratio of high quality and affordable price makes its use almost ubiquitous.

Methods for connecting linoleum

As a versatile floor covering, linoleum is successfully used in residential and office type, warehouse and production areas. To perform high-quality linoleum flooring, the performer must have extensive experience and knowledge of the basics of laying technology, a professional approach and accuracy. When arranging the floor with linoleum, non-standard situations may arise that require prompt, and most importantly, correct decisions. So, for example, in the process of work, quite noticeable gaps can form at the joints of the canvases, which can be hidden and made into a single canvas only with the use of hot or cold welding for linoleum. To get a high-quality seam, you must observe certain rules and recommendations.

The main methods of welding linoleum with your own hands are 2 ways:

  • hot way
  • cold way,

each of which has its own undeniable advantages. At the same time, we note right away that the simplest and less laborious method that does not require special skills is cold welding of linoleum with glue, while hot welding is a very painstaking work, the implementation of which can only be mastered by an experienced professional using special tools.

Hot welding

Hot welding is applicable for sealing the seams of commercial linoleum, in those rooms where there is a significant intensity of mechanical stress on the floor surface, for example, in public buildings... Such a coating is characterized by increased strength and high cost, which means that professional skills and special tools will be required - a welding heating pad (soldering iron) and filler rods of a rounded or triangular profile made of plasticized polyvinyl chloride. Note that high-quality welding is possible only after gluing the coating to the floor surface, therefore best time for welding operations - the next day after gluing.

The linoleum welding technology is as follows:

Before starting work on adjacent panels, the edges are pre-cut specifically for the shape of the bar, thereby forming V-shaped grooves. A heating pad is used to generate hot air streams. Moving through heating elements, temperature compressed air rises and reaches 300-400 ° C in the area of ​​the tip. During the welding process, the torch, and with it the filler rod, is guided along the joint. The flow of hot air softens the surface of the linoleum and the two canvases are reliably welded under the action of a pressure roller. After the seam has cooled down a little, using an arched knife or flat chisel, the part of the fused cord protruding above the coating is carefully cut off and the seam is sanded until a flat surface is obtained.

If you do not have a welding torch at hand, then you can use an ordinary soldering iron, which, for sure, can be found on the workbench. However, the result can be disappointing - you will not be able to get a uniform, beautiful seam along the entire length of the coating. Therefore, if you need a high-quality, perfectly even seam and you do not have special equipment, then it is better to use cold welding.

Cold welding

So, what does the expression "cold welding for linoleum" mean - a combination of seemingly two opposite concepts? The answer lies in the technology of joining two canvases - a special glue, being a solvent, turns the edges of the material into a liquid state in a short time period. The canvases are bonded, and after evaporation of the solvent, an aesthetic bond of increased strength is formed. Technological process cold welding completely eliminates the treatment of linoleum with hot air.

The end result - a strong and smooth connection - is in no way inferior in quality to the result of a melt-based connection, while there is no need to purchase an expensive soldering iron. Therefore, to connect household coating canvases, as well as to obtain an intricate or complex (in shape and configuration) seam, experts recommend using the method of cold welding of linoleum, the price of which is affordable for any category of buyers. The main disadvantage method - the content of volatile solvents harmful to human health in the composition of the adhesive. Therefore, when doing cold welding, provide fresh air movement in the room.

Cold welding of linoleum with glue: varieties

Depending on the glue used, cold welding can be of two types:

  • cold welding with A-glue,
  • cold welding with C-glue.

Have you purchased linoleum and, having barely had time to spread it, want to combine several parts of it into a single piece? Then use the first type (A), designed specifically for welding seams of "freshly laid" coating. But if your floor covering managed to lie down for some time in the apartment, and you began to notice slightly parted seams, then it is better to use the second method (C). The main difference between glue A and glue C is consistency, in other words thickness.

C-glue is much thicker, since its task is to connect the parted joints of two canvases, and this is a few millimeters. By pouring adhesive C between the sheets of the covering, you fill in the empty space, which, after drying, forms an extremely strong bond. Cold welding can be done without tape, since the thick adhesive will not spread, which means there is no chance of unwanted melting of the coating.

How to glue linoleum with cold A-glue welding?

A-glue "works" in a completely different way: new, tightly stacked linoleum parts are subject to bonding. The glue actually melts the edges of the coating, forming a solid and perfectly flat panel. Unique properties adhesives provide a high-quality and durable weld on the floor covering, especially if it is firmly adhered to the sub-floor.

Technological features of cold welding

Create a weld

If the flooring has been purchased but has not yet been installed, the first priority will be to trim the canvases to obtain a minimal seam. To do this, overlap two parts of linoleum (at least 5 cm). The cut line will be in the middle of the overlap. With the help of a pencil and a ruler, markings are applied, along which the material is subsequently cut with a special wallpaper knife. The edges obtained in this way will fit perfectly.

The reliability and durability of the weld, and of linoleum as a whole, is determined by the strength of the fastening and the immobility of its edges. It should be remembered that glued linoleum does not deform during operation, it is not afraid of it wet cleaning indoors and even rearranging pieces of furniture. The floor covering can be glued with glue or double-sided tape.

If your room has an area of ​​more than 20 square meters, then gluing the coating is an obligatory stage in the design of the floor space.

Cleaning the future seam

Since the glue contains harmful volatile solvents, gloves are becoming an essential part of the welding process. Using a vacuum cleaner, thoroughly clean the joint from dust and dirt particles. If water gets into the seam, wipe it dry.

Since cold welding, coming into direct contact with the front surface of the floor covering, can make it less attractive and spoil the overall impression of the interior, you should think about protecting the edges of the linoleum panels, especially if the linoleum has a glossy surface. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of a spoiled, melted coating, you should use a wide, one-sided masking tape. It can be glued in two strips to each panel along the edge, or one strip can be glued to the future weld seam. Then carefully cut the tape at the joint, avoiding possible damage cover.

The photo shows soft linoleum, for welding of which two strips of masking tape are used.

Cold welding

To perform cold welding, it is necessary to carefully cut the tape over the joint of the panels, and when applying the adhesive, take into account the presence of a "needle" on the tip of the tube, through which the glue will flow. Therefore, keep a cotton swab ready to avoid getting excess glue on the surface of the coating. Slowly apply the adhesive to the joint between the fabrics to be bonded. To do this, it is enough to run the tube along the seam, evenly dispensing the composition along the entire length of the treated surface. In the process, maintain the height of the glue bead 4 mm and follow the movement of the needle strictly along the cut.

There are two ways to apply glue:

The first way - glue is applied to two canvases at once, as in our example. Glue trapped in the seam interacts with the coating and polymerizes.

The second way - glue is applied to only one panel, which is processed separately, and then attached to the floor surface. Next, the adhesive is applied to the second sheet. They are laid as tightly as possible next to the first and carefully leveled, thereby ensuring high-quality joining of the pieces to be glued.

The method you choose is determined by the convenience, the consistency of the adhesive, the current condition of the flooring and other factors.

After the glue has dried (1-2 hours), you can safely walk on the floor.

Removing excess adhesive

After the glue dries, you can remove the masking tape.

During cold welding, some of the adhesive may come out. There is no need to rush to remove the excess during the welding process, as the adhesive may peel off from the coating, and this is fraught with a decrease in the quality of the weld. In addition, there is a possibility that, using dirty tools, the wet layer of glue will get dirty. And, finally, the last argument - it is more convenient to cut off dried glue.

Note! Fresh cold welding is a little springy, and at the moment of tension during cutting, a depression may appear, therefore it is recommended to remove the excess in two passes.

As you can see, cold welding of linoleum is a simple job, which absolutely anyone can successfully cope with!

About how at a high quality level and in short time you can learn how to cold weld linoleum from the video on youtube.

Despite the huge selection of various types of flooring, linoleum has been and remains a highly sought-after material. This is because it has a number of advantages over other floor coverings and is cheaper than most of them. In this article, we will consider one of the types of this material - linoleum with a felt base. We will analyze its advantages and disadvantages, structural features, as well as the laying technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of linoleum on a felt base

Like any material, this type of coating has certain "pros" and "cons". Let's figure them out.

The advantages of linoleum based on felt are:

  • Simplicity and ease of installation, which can be done without the help of specialists. In addition, the task is also facilitated by the fact that this coating fits perfectly even on the subfloor without preliminary preparation.
  • No burdensome care. Dirt on it is almost invisible, and if it appears, it is perfectly removed during wet cleaning.
  • Ease of use. Walking on such a floor is comfortable and pleasant even with bare feet, because it is very warm and soft.
  • High values ​​of thermal and sound insulation, which are provided by the felt base.
  • Affordable material cost.

The disadvantages include the following points:

  • Perhaps the main disadvantage of this floor covering is considered to be its service life, which is no more than ten years.
  • If we compare this type of linoleum with its analogue, which has a foamed base, then the latter has greater mechanical strength, and, therefore, is more wear-resistant.
  • Felt-based linoleum is very afraid of water, so laying it in rooms with high humidity not recommended, as in this case the material will soon become unusable.

The structure of linoleum on a felt basis

Such coatings have a rather complex structure, consisting of several layers (usually there are five or six such layers).

The lowest layer is the backing made of felt. This material has excellent thermal and sound insulation, despite its small thickness, which is usually no more than three millimeters. To give the product additional rigidity, many manufacturers add a layer of fiberglass. The next layer is decorative. The pattern of this layer usually imitates parquet, parquet board or wood and penetrates the layer along its entire thickness, due to which it does not wear off and retains its original appearance for a long time. This is followed by a protective transparent layer of polyvinyl chloride. In most cases, it ranges from 0.15 to 0.8 millimeters. A layer is applied on top that creates additional protection against the penetration of dirt and dust into the structure of the product. This layer consists of polyacrylic or polyurethane.

Linoleum on felt trade mark Tarkett

Tarkett is considered one of the leading companies in the field of flooring. Tarkett produces only the highest quality products. Felt linoleum from this manufacturer is represented by a wide selection of textures and colors. Therefore, find a solution even for the most unique design will not be difficult. The material is thick protective covering, which gives it high wear resistance and makes it possible to use it even where there is high permeability. Tarkett linoleum with a felt base belongs to the 23/32 class, has a thickness of 3.2 millimeters, of which 0.5 millimeters falls on the protection layer.

Methods for gluing felt linoleum

When buying linoleum, you should choose the right width, but if this was not possible, you can glue it. There are several bonding methods, all of which have positive and negative aspects.

Bonding using double-sided tape

The subfloor, on which it will be executed, is thoroughly cleaned and, if there is such a need, primed. Then the joints are checked for coincidence. In places where it is necessary, correct them with scissors or a knife. Scotch tape is glued to the subfloor at the junction of the floor covering. Carefully and little by little, removing the protective film from the sticky layer, align the edges of the linoleum.

The "advantages" of this method are the simplicity of execution, as well as the low cost of the material, in this case double-sided tape.

The disadvantages are the unreliability of the fastening and the visibility of the joints.

Docking by installing the nut

This method is used in cases where the edges of the pieces of material are on the border different rooms... Stages of work:

  1. Aligning abutting edges.
  2. Measurement of the size of the threshold.
  3. Adjusting the nut along the length by cutting with a jigsaw or a metal saw.
  4. Securing the nut with self-tapping screws screwed through the prepared holes.

The advantages of this method include the reliability of the docking and the low cost of materials. And to the disadvantages is the protrusion of the nut above total surface floor, which can lead to inconvenience during operation and the difficulty of matching the color of the threshold itself to the color of linoleum.

Hot-welded bonding

This method is quite labor-intensive and requires special knives, a welding hair dryer and a nozzle for it, as well as special welding cords.

Before starting welding, the flooring sheets adhere well to the floor. A recess is cut along the length of the joint, from which all pieces of the cut material are removed. Then the welding gun is heated to a temperature not lower than 400⁰C and a special nozzle is put on it. The welding cord is laid along the length of the recess. A hairdryer is passed along the entire length of the laid cord. When the resulting seam cools, it is cut with a special knife.

The resulting seam has almost the same composition as the floor covering itself, and the joint glued by this method is very reliable.

But there are also downsides to this method:

  • so, it cannot be used for gluing household-type linoleum, because this material quickly melts under the influence of elevated temperatures.
  • the need for a lot of expensive equipment;
  • working with welding equipment requires certain skills and abilities.

The above material makes it clear that this method can only be used in the process of performing professional work, and for home use it doesn't fit.

Cold-welded bonding

This is a simple and reliable way of gluing linoleum joints. To complete it, you will need cold welding, painting tape, a ruler and a knife.

At the first stage, the edges of the material are carefully adjusted until the pattern completely matches. Next, the abutting edges are glued with masking tape or adhesive tape. This is to avoid cold welding the edges of the flooring. Then the seam is cut with a knife. The slot is filled with cold welding. When the weld is completely dry, remove the tape.

Attention ! Removing cold welding, if it gets on the linoleum, is almost impossible without damage to the surface, so work should be done as carefully as possible.

"Pluses" of this method:

  • suitable both for gluing during installation and for subsequent repair of linoleum floor;
  • ease of use, thanks to which gluing can be done on their own without involving professionals.
  • the aesthetic appearance that the flooring receives.

There are no significant disadvantages to this gluing method.

You can watch the process of cold welding of linoleum joints in the following video:

Among all floor coverings, linoleum is the most popular due to its availability and good performance... However, during the laying of the floor at home, the question may arise: how to glue the linoleum so that the joints between the sheets are not visible and so as not to damage it? Read about it in our article.

To cover the floor with linoleum, you need to choose the right width. But even if this does not work out, it's okay: linoleum can be glued with your own hands.

You can decide what kind of glue to glue linoleum with immediately after joining. There are several ways to glue this flooring, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at all the nuances.

Before you start gluing the coating with double-sided tape, you need to sweep well the joint. It can be primed if necessary. Then you need to check the coincidence of the joints and trim all unnecessary. After that, the tape is glued to the floor, and then, gradually removing the protective film, the joints of the linoleum are glued together.

Advantages of the method:

  • simplicity;
  • cheapness.

Cons of the method:

  • unreliable docking;
  • noticeable seams.

Everyone can glue linoleum in this way. If you need to master it, watch the tutorial video, which is easy to find on the Internet.

This method of joining linoleum at home is most often used at the joints located on the floor between rooms, that is, where it makes no sense to glue the edges. With this method, the edges of the linoleum must be trimmed. The lugs are measured, cut off with a jigsaw or a metal file and screwed to the floor through the holes obtained using self-tapping screws.

Advantages of the method:

  • reliable connection;
  • aesthetics;
  • inexpensive materials.

Cons of the method:

  • difficulty in choosing colors;
  • sill protrusion above the floor surface.

Some people have a question: how to glue a felt-based coating with your own hands? The use of traditional glue in this case will not lead to a positive result: only the felt part will seize, and the top coating will peel off. In this case, the use of sills is more than justified.

The sills have another significant plus: glue for linoleum is made on the basis of toxic components, and after working with it, the room must be ventilated, while working with sills, such actions are not required.

The answer to the question of how to glue linoleum end-to-end can be cold or hot welding. This is effective ways joining linoleum sheets together. Let's consider each of them in a little more detail.

Hot welding is a rather laborious method. To glue linoleum with this method, you will need additional tools:

  • welding gun and welding cords;
  • special knives;
  • nozzles.

Before starting work, linoleum is carefully glued to the floor, with a special tool cut out recesses along its entire length. Then the welding gun is heated up to working temperature(about 400 degrees) and put a nozzle on it. The welding cord is inserted into the groove and blown through the joint with a hairdryer. After the seams have cooled, they are cut with a special knife along the entire length.

Advantages of the method:

  • identity of the composition of the seam to the composition of linoleum;
  • reliable connection.

Cons of the method:

  • the need to use expensive equipment;
  • the complexity of working with a welding gun in the absence of skills;
  • the inability to work with household linoleum that does not withstand high temperatures.

Cold welding is a method of joining materials without the aid of high temperatures. In fact, it is a special glue based on epoxy resins... It's simple and reliable way do-it-yourself joints between the coating sheets. In order to glue linoleum in this way, you will need:

  • masking tape;
  • ruler;
  • directly cold welding.

How to glue linoleum with cold welding? Linoleum sheets are carefully adjusted, the edges are leveled. Then they need to be pasted over with masking tape and cut through this coating. The slot must be filled with cold welding, and after drying, the masking tape can be removed.

If the glue is on the surface of the floor, it will not be possible to quickly remove the marks. You will have to wait until it dries completely, then the stain can be cleaned off with a knife.

Advantages of the method:

  • ease of work in everyday life;
  • no need to call the master at home.

Cons of the method:

  • glue composition harmful to human health;
  • visible seam on a heterogeneous coating.

Choosing the best way

Now you know how you can glue linoleum with glue, but the choice of method is still yours. Preferences here will depend on the following conditions:

  • type of material;
  • compliance with the rules for laying the coating;
  • required seam location.

In any case, using cold or hot welding is much better than using duct tape. To learn about the features of the correct connection of linoleum joints with your own hands using cold welding, we recommend that you watch the training video.

How to glue linoleum - cold or hot welding, tape, sills - it's up to you. The first two methods are by far the most reliable. Nut and tape - budget options, so their use can only be justified with material point vision or when other methods are ineffective, such as in the case of felt-based linoleum.

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