Which churches baptize. Godfather and godmother

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Christening is a fateful event for every child and parents. This is the acquisition of spiritual peace, integrity of spirit, God's reliable protection of a person. In addition, the baby has second parents who are always ready to provide help and assistance. The responsibilities of a godmother are especially valuable in later life.


Before agreeing to baptize a child, a woman must accept the great responsibility placed on her shoulders. It is important to understand what it means to be a godfather, and not to superficially follow the traditions of Orthodoxy. It is imperative to choose a suitable candidate with faith in your heart and full responsibility. This could be a relative or friend, not necessarily married, but a believer and an exemplary one. If she is not baptized, it is important to be baptized before the fateful day for the baby and be sure to receive communion.

Responsibilities of a Godmother

You should not conduct an interview or casting for the role of second parents. You just need to draw a conclusion about the attitude of the applicants towards God, the people around them and all living things. If the baby’s mother thinks that godparents should only buy a cross and a kryzhma, and then participate in church sacrament, and this is where participation in the fate of a new person ends, then he is very mistaken. Spiritual education and development of a child is what a godmother should be able to do throughout her life. IN in this case We are talking about the following responsibilities of godparents:

  1. Be with the child all the time, help with difficult situations.
  2. Teach prayers and simply talk about God, his role in the life of every person, and attend church together.
  3. Every year, congratulate you on your birthday and give gifts on Angel’s Day.
  4. Take communion regularly, involve your godson/goddaughter in the ritual.

How many times can you be a godfather?

Every Orthodox person can take part in this church rite, an unlimited number of times, if the child’s parents request it. A truthful and informed decision is welcome. Another important question that worries us before the sacrament is who can be godparents, according to church scripture? All believing relatives and friends can take on responsibilities, for example, an older brother, sister, girlfriend, friend, grandfather, grandmother, even stepfather. Cannot be godparents:

  • non-believers;
  • church ministers;
  • people of other faiths;
  • unbaptized;
  • mentally unstable people;
  • biological parents.

Baptism of a child - rules for the godmother

The baptismal towel and clothes are made or purchased by the future godmother, and this is an obligatory stage of preparation for the upcoming sacrament. In addition, a woman must first receive communion and confession; on the day of christening, she must have a cross on her chest. There are other rules for baptizing a child in the Orthodox Church, which are important to include in the ritual.

Girl's christening - rules for the godmother

It is important for a girl to have a spiritual mother, since she is the first one, after the child’s mother and father, to be responsible for him. It is one thing to baptize a baby, and quite another to become a support, support, and spiritual mentor in life for a growing person. The responsibilities of the godmother at the baptism of a girl are as follows:

  1. Before the sacrament begins, read by heart prayers for the child, including the “Creed.”
  2. Wear a modest long dress for the christening and tie a scarf around your head.
  3. Take your goddaughter in your arms after immersion in the font, dress her in clothes white.
  4. Hold your goddaughter in your arms while walking around the font behind the priests, while reading prayers, and the procession of anointing.

Boy's christening - rules for godmother

During the christening of a boy, not only the godmother, but also a father who in the future will provide him with spiritual support in everything. The main responsibilities of the godmother during the baptism of a boy are identical, as during the church ceremony of a girl. The only difference is the following: after immersion in the font, the baby is picked up Godfather; The priest also carries baptized boys behind the altar.

Prayer for the baptism of a child for godparents

During the procession, the priest leaves a reminder of what the godparents should do: say out loud three times the prayer “Creed”, “Our Father”, “Hail to the Virgin Mary”, “Heavenly King”, answer honestly several traditional questions about faith. Each prayer for godparents at baptism gives a powerful energy charge and helps the child receive grace.

What do you give a girl at christening?

What should the godmother do after the completion of the sacrament? Buy and present your godson or goddaughter with a memorable gift. This is where the problem arises with choosing a suitable present. So what does the godmother give to a girl’s christening?

What does the godmother buy for a boy's christening?

For future men, there are also certain requirements for gifts. This one needs to know what is needed for a boy’s christening, so as not to be taken by surprise during the sacrament. Here's what a second mom should do:

  • buy a white vest, blanket, towel;
  • present a Bible, a personal icon as a gift;
  • make another memorable present.

What should a godmother do?

If a woman has her own children, nephews, younger brothers and sisters, she should not forget about her own godchildren. There are a number of beliefs and signs about what they are needed for. God-parents. This is what a godmother must do last day life:

  1. Pray for your godson every day, ask God for a bright path for him.
  2. Attend church with him, take communion, confess.
  3. Participate in spiritual formation, growth and development.
  4. Become a role model in his mind.
  5. Take full responsibility for the baby if the blood parents die.

Video: what godparents need to know before baptism

Baptism of a baby: what parents need to know

For Orthodox Christians, baptism is the second (but in a certain sense the main) spiritual birth of a person, his purification for subsequent existence, a kind of “pass” to heaven - the Kingdom of God. The newly enlightened person receives remission of previous sins. That is why Baptism, among all the Sacraments, is the first sacrament and is necessary for every person, looking for salvation and the meaning of life.


Who are godparents?

The sacrament of baptism is a special rite. This is the purification of the soul and the spiritual birth of a person. According to the tradition of the Church, an infant should be baptized on the eighth or fortieth day of life. It is clear that at this age it is impossible to demand from him faith and repentance - the two main conditions for union with God. Therefore, godparents are assigned to them, who undertake to raise their godchildren in the spirit of Orthodoxy. So the choice of godparents should be approached with all responsibility. After all, in theory, they should become a second mother and a second father for your baby.

How to choose godparents?

When choosing a godfather for your baby, find someone you trust completely. These could be your close friends or relatives with whom you constantly support a good relationship. According to church tradition, if something happens to the parents, godparents are obliged to replace them with a godson.

Only an Orthodox believer who is able to give an account of his faith can be a godfather. Actually, a boy needs only a godfather, and a girl only needs a godmother. But according to the ancient Russian tradition, both are invited. At your request there can be two, four, six...

According to the laws Orthodox Church godparents cannot be:
- parents cannot be godparents of their child;
- husband and wife godparents of one baby;
- children (according to the decrees of the Holy Synod of 1836-1837, the godfather must be no younger than 15 years old, and the godmother no younger than 13 years old), because they are not yet able to vouch for the faith of the person being baptized, and they themselves do not know enough about the laws of Orthodoxy;
- immoral and insane people: the first because they do not deserve to be godparents by their very way of life, and the second because, due to illness, they are unable to vouch for the faith of the person being baptized or teach him the faith;
- non-Orthodox - the successors of the Orthodox.

What are the responsibilities of godparents?

Unfortunately, not every godparent understands why his new “position” is called that way. Visiting your godson and giving gifts on an angel’s or birthday day is, of course, good. However, this is far from the most important thing. Caring for a growing godson involves a lot.

First of all, this is a prayer for him. Learn to turn to God once a day - before going to bed. It's actually not difficult at all. Ask the Lord for health, salvation, help in raising your own children, the well-being of godchildren and relatives. It will be useful to master the path to the temple together with your child and take him to communion on a church holiday. It would be great to play educational games with your baby and read books to him. For example, many adults enjoy reading the children's Bible. It clearly describes all the main events of Sacred History.

In addition, godparents can make life much easier for young mothers who find it difficult to find time to spend with their baby. If everyone, to the best of their ability, spends their free hours communicating with the child, then they themselves will enjoy it.

Appearance of godparents

At the ceremony, the recipients (this is another name for the godfather) must come with pectoral crosses consecrated in the church. In tradition Slavic peoples in the temple, women always had a covered head and a dress below the knees with covered shoulders (little girls may be an exception). You should not wear high-heeled shoes, as the baptism ceremony lasts from 30 minutes to 2 hours and most time you will have to stand with the child in your arms. As for men, there are no requirements for their clothing, but it is better to refrain from shorts and T-shirts. Such an outfit would look out of place in church.

Don't let the good old ways become a burden for you, because your nice trousers and new fashionable haircut can be shown off in other places. In church, it is better not to attract attention to yourself, focusing on the purpose of your parish.

Preparation for the ceremony

Currently, the ritual is performed mainly in churches. Only in exceptional cases, if, say, a child is very ill, can the sacrament be performed at home or in a hospital. Then a separate room must be allocated for performing the ritual. clean room.

To baptize a child, you must first choose a church. Walk through the temples, listen to your feelings. But keep in mind that baptism does not always take place directly in the church. Most cathedrals have a baptistery (or baptistery) - this is separate room on the territory of the church, specially adapted for this ceremony. In large churches, baptism usually takes place quite pompously and solemnly. But perhaps someone will like the secluded and calm atmosphere of small churches. Talk to the priest or the novices, they will tell you in detail about how the baptismal ceremony takes place in this church.

How to choose the day of baptism?

There is no church establishment of Baptism on the fortieth day; this is primarily due to the fact that until the fortieth day the Church keeps a woman-parent from entering the temple due to her postpartum infirmities and discharges that she experiences at this time. And the mother’s first entry into the temple after the break is accompanied by the reading of special cleansing prayers, before reading which she should not be present at the services.
But you don’t need to take the day of baptism literally; you can baptize the baby a little later, a little earlier. And now sometimes, at the request of the parents, a child is baptized before the fortieth day, especially when there is at least some danger to the child’s health (baptism in this case is considered as a protective rite).

In ancient times, the celebration of the sacrament was most often timed to coincide with the greatest Christian holidays, for example Easter. But gradually baptism turned into family celebration. And now, on the contrary, the ritual is carried out almost every day, with the exception of such major church holidays as Christmas, Easter, Trinity. These days, churches are usually overcrowded and priests advise postponing the ceremony. You can come to most temples without an appointment. Usually the sacrament of baptism begins at 10 o'clock, immediately after the service. True, in this case there is a high probability that several more people will be baptized besides you and you will either have to wait, or you will be baptized along with others. It is much more convenient to agree in one or two weeks with the priest who will perform the sacrament on a specific date and time. Then your baby will be baptized first and in splendid isolation. In addition, when choosing the day of baptism, try to ensure that it does not fall on critical days godmother. The fact is that during this period a woman should not venerate shrines: kiss the cross, icons, or better not enter the temple at all.

Preparing godparents for the baptismal ceremony

If you want to follow all the rules, start preparing for the ceremony in advance. Godparents need to go to church to confess, repent of their sins and receive communion. It is advisable (but not necessary) to fast for three to four days before the ceremony. But on the day of baptism, as well as before communion, godparents are not allowed to eat or have sex. At least one of the parents must know the “Creed” prayer by heart. As a rule, when a girl is baptized, the Creed is read by the godmother, and when a boy is baptized, by the father.

And one more point: according to the unspoken rule, godparents bear all the costs of baptism. In some churches there are no official prices; it is believed that after the ceremony, godparents and guests make donations as much as they can. These costs are not obligatory and their amount is not specified anywhere. But the custom is, as a rule, respected.

By church custom, the godmother buys kryzhma or “rizka”. This is a special fabric, or just a towel, in which the child is wrapped when taken out of the font. In addition, the godmother gives a baptismal shirt and a cap with lace and ribbons (for boys - with blue ones, for girls - with pink ones, respectively). The baptismal shirt is kept for life. The towel, according to custom, is not washed after the child’s baptism, but is used if the child is sick.

The godfather, again according to custom, buys a baptismal cross and chain. Some believe that the cross and chain should be gold, some - silver, and some are of the opinion that small children should wear a cross on a ribbon or string.
What prayers do you need to know?

Every conscientious Christian needs to know the basic prayers: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God”, “Creed”. During baptism, the godparents say the “Creed” prayer for the baby. All these prayers are in a short prayer book, which can be purchased at the church store if desired.

What to bring to the temple?

As already mentioned, baptism is birth into a new sinless life. Receiving the newly baptized person from the holy font, the godparents accept an absolutely pure being, without sin. A symbol of such purity is white clothing - kryzhma, which is brought to the temple along with a cross on a chain or thread. Who should buy a cross and who should buy a chain, let the godparents decide for themselves. At the end of the ceremony, the priest will bless them and put them on the baby.

The cover for a small child will be an openwork diaper, a baptismal shirt or a new towel that has not yet been washed.

What happens during the sacrament of baptism?

The priest, godparents and child are the main participants in the sacrament. According to ancient customs, the child’s mother and father should not be present when the sacrament is performed. Although recently the church has been more loyal to this prohibition and allows the father, and sometimes the mother of the baby, after saying a special prayer, to observe the ceremony together with those invited.

Throughout the entire ceremony, the recipients stand next to the priest and one of them holds the person being baptized in his arms. Before performing the ceremony, a priest in white robes walks around the baptismal room or temple and reads three prayers. After which he asks the godparents and godson to turn their faces to the west - symbolically this is the abode of Satan. And, turning to the person being baptized, he asks several questions.

Questions and answers are repeated three times. After this, the godparents must read the “Symbol of Faith” - this summary the fundamentals of the Christian faith, which all Orthodox Christians should know by heart. Then the anointing takes place. Having dipped the brush into a vessel with myrrh, the priest anoints the forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, arms and legs of the person being baptized with a cross. And with each anointing he says: “The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen". The godparents and the priest repeat: “Amen.”

After anointing, a lock of hair is cut from the head, which remains in the temple as a pledge of dedication and a symbol of sacrifice to God. If a child is being baptized in the cold season or conditions do not allow him to undress (low temperature in the baptism room), free the baby’s arms and legs in advance.

Then the priest takes the child from them and directly performs the rite of baptism - immersing the person being baptized three times in the font. If the baptismal room is warm, then most likely your baby will be dipped naked. But when it is cold in the temple, only the neck, arms and feet are exposed for anointing. Then one of the godparents takes the baby from the hands of the priest. That is why godparents are also called godparents. It is believed that, having accepted the baby in their arms after the ceremony, the parents undertake the obligation to raise their godson in the Orthodox spirit throughout their life and to be responsible for this upbringing. Last Judgment. If they cannot see their godson often, they should at least mention him in their daily prayers.

Prayer Creed

I believe in one God, Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, everything visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all things were created.

For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation, He came down from heaven, and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, and became human.

He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And rose again on the third day, according to the Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father.

And He will come again with glory to judge the living and the dead; His Kingdom will have no end.

And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, worshiped with the Father and the Son, and glorified, who spoke through the prophets.

Into one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

I recognize one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.

I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age to come.

Twins are baptized on different days, but the same people are allowed to be their godparents.


During the ceremony, parents and godparents must wear a pectoral cross. Also, according to the rules, they have a certain appearance.

Women should have their heads covered, wear a skirt below the knee and a blouse that has sleeves and fastens at the neck. Men should be in the temple without a headdress and in clothes that cover their shoulders and legs. Thus, even in very hot weather, you cannot appear in the temple in a T-shirt and short pants.

What should godparents buy?

The godfather or godmother must buy the cross. According to the rules, they make a donation for the ceremony. When buying a cross, you should pay attention to the fact that it is completely safe for the baby and cannot hurt him. The golden cross is not used during the ceremony. A pectoral cross should be made of metal or silver.

Godparents also purchase a baptismal shirt, towels and kryzhma (the sheet in which they are baptized). What is needed for a child’s baptism is donated by future godparents, and this has been a long-established rule.

If there is any doubt that all the things necessary for the ceremony are available, you need to check the list in advance with the church. It is worth considering that for baptism child - girl you need to buy a scarf or a lace cap.

Preparation for the ceremony

Preparation for the baptism of a child is required from persons who are chosen as godparents. A few days before the sacrament, they must observe strict fasting, during which a complete renunciation of any entertainment and sexual contacts is also required. Also, before the ceremony, they receive communion after first confessing.

It will be good if the parents also confess and cleanse themselves before the sacrament. When it is best to do this is determined with the priest.

The godfather must also learn the prayer read at the baptism of a child - the “Symbol of Faith.” It is read 3 times during the sacrament. The godfather may also be required to read it over the baby by heart.

Nuances of the ritual

Baptism takes place in most cases in a church or a specially designated room on the church grounds. However, if necessary, you can agree that the sacrament should be performed at home or in the hospital. In this case, parents will need to pay all expenses for the organization.

There are certain features of the ritual that require mandatory compliance:

  • baptism of a child is allowed on any day;
  • the godfather must bring the child into the temple, and the parents enter after him;
  • if the baby is a girl, then her head should be covered with a scarf or an openwork cap;
  • During the ceremony, only close relatives should be in the church - everyone else who wants to be invited to the christening comes home to celebrate this event and is sure to give gifts, which can be toys or things. What is given for a child’s baptism largely depends on financial situation families;
  • During the sacrament, the mother must pray for her child.
  • if there are two godparents, then before the boy is immersed in the font the woman holds him, and after that the man holds him. The girl is held before and after only by the woman;
  • During the baptism process, boys are carried behind the altar by their godfather, but girls are not.

If necessary, additional prayers may be included in the baptismal ceremony. This is required if there have been linings, or the child is seriously ill. The priest must be informed about this in advance, and then, if necessary, he will expand the baptismal service. Because of this, it is impossible to say exactly how long the baptism of a child in the church lasts. On average, the ceremony takes from 1 hour to one and a half hours.


The baptized person is allowed to take communion immediately. Further, the date of his first communion depends only on when his parents bring him. More often than not, parents take their child to communion for the first time when he can already understand what is happening, and this is 4-5 years old. At the same time, there is no prohibition on an infant who was baptized even the day before taking part in the sacrament of communion. Communion after the baptism of a child can be held from the next day.

If the child is under 3 years old, then he must be fed for the last time 2 hours before communion. Children over 3 years old must refuse food on the day of communion before it.

Must be worn during communion pectoral cross. You should not take part in the sacrament of communion without a cross.

Required gifts at baptism

There are a number of gifts that a child must receive at baptism. This is an established tradition that should not be violated. What a grandmother needs to know about baby christening gifts is a serious topic. It is the grandmother who gives the obligatory gifts. Traditionally, gifts related directly to the ritual and further to faith are given by godparents and grandmothers.

There are several obligatory gifts for christening:

  • Bible.
  • An icon can be the face of the baby’s patron saint, Nicholas the Wonderworker or the Virgin Mary.
  • Ladanka.

It is also an established tradition for a child to be given a silver spoon for his first feeding by his grandmother or grandfather at his baptism. This is not just a beautiful object, but useful for the child, since silver ions have an antibacterial effect.

The baptism of a child is not just a traditional beautiful ritual that is supposed to be carried out, but the introduction of a little person to spiritual life. It is important to approach the ritual competently and with an understanding of what is happening. In the future, the child must, through the efforts of his parents and godparents, realize the importance of spiritual life and follow the rules of the Church.

Useful video if there is a disagreement about whether or not to baptize a baby

According to Orthodox teaching, after baptism the baby has a guardian angel who protects and saves the baby. There is no specific age and requirements for how many months and when it is better to baptize a newborn child. However, church representatives advise doing this in the first year of a baby’s life.

But it is also not recommended to carry the baby to baptism immediately after he is born. After all, the baby is still too weak and has not adapted to the new conditions. Let's take a closer look at what age a newborn can be baptized. And we will learn how to do it correctly.

When is the best time to baptize a baby?

Many parents are interested in the question of what day is best to baptize their baby. Since ancient times, the baby was brought to church on the eighth day, baptized and given a name. Today there are no strict rules or requirements. The best time The eighth and fortieth days are considered. Since, according to church traditions, eight days after birth, the naming ceremony is carried out, and on the fortieth day a cleansing prayer is read to the mother.

It is believed that the sooner a baby is baptized, the faster he receives protection. However, this is not recommended in the first month, since the mother and newborn are still too weak. Organisms must adapt.

If the baby is sick, was born premature, or is in intensive care, you can invite a priest to the hospital or call the priest from the hospital church and baptize the baby. A child can be baptized in winter if the church is heated and there is warm water in the font. Many people advise baptizing a baby in the first six months. At this age, the baby sleeps most of the time, and the procedure will not be too stressful for the baby.

Baptism is allowed on any day, including Lent, Easter and various church holidays. However, keep in mind that on such days the priest may be busy, and the temple may be crowded. The day of the week doesn't matter either. Is it necessary and possible for a child to fast, see.

It is important to choose a convenient day according to the calendar that will be remembered by parents, relatives, and the child, if the child is already grown up. Nothing should worry or burden you. It is important to prepare for the event; be sure to agree with the temple and priest in advance. Choose the temple you like.

Name and godparents

It is not necessary to name a child according to the calendar and the holy calendar. Parents have the right to choose any name. If the name is not included in the calendar, choose a name that is similar in sound and will be used to baptize the baby. For example, Elena is suitable for Alina, Alexandra is suitable for Alice, and so on. In the future, when performing various church rites, the name taken at baptism will be used. This determines the baby’s heavenly patron and the day on which the baby has Angel Day.

One of the most important questions is who can be godparents for the baby. Despite popular belief, there can be only one godfather. The main thing is that for a girl they choose a woman, and for a boy - a man. In addition, godparents must be Orthodox and church people, girls must be over 13 years old, boys must be over 15. These cannot be monastic people.

For one child, you cannot choose a husband and wife or a couple who is going to get married as godparents. The child's natural parents cannot become godparents, since the former must replace the latter if necessary. There are no more conditions. Therefore, godparents can be married, unmarried, divorced people, pregnant women, and so on.

What to take for baptism

All necessary things are purchased by the godparents. Items are purchased at a church store or elsewhere and consecrated in advance in the church. Let's look at what and how to choose the right one for baby baptism.

  • Church aluminum or silver cross. It is better not to use copper as the material for the cross, as it most often causes an allergic reaction on the skin. You can also choose gold, but it is not recommended by priests, as it indicates a passion for wealth and luxury;
  • Can also be used pectoral cross which is passed down in the family from generation to generation. The main thing is that it does not have sharp edges and cannot scratch the baby’s delicate skin;
  • Baptism towel or kryzhma;
  • Christening set: white shirt or light color and socks. You can choose a shirt with a border, blue for a boy, pink for a girl. For girls, they also take a cap or scarf on their head;
  • The shirt should be made of soft natural fabrics. Do not take synthetics, as they can cause an allergic reaction and discomfort;
  • An icon of the saint whose name the baby will bear.

In addition, you can take a small donation for the temple. After the process, the baptismal towel and shirt are stored along with other mementos of the baby. By the way, a towel is often used when the baby is sick. It is believed that if a child is wrapped in kryzhma, the disease will immediately recede.

It is advisable to wear the cross constantly and not take it off. It is better to put the product on a short thread that will not get tangled. Use an inexpensive cross if you are afraid that your baby might lose it.

How does baptism work?

Before the ceremony, the child is wrapped in a shirt. During the process, only the godparents hold the baby in their arms, the parents stand behind and just watch. The priest dips the baby into the font three times and performs the ritual of anointing, gives a blessing to the child and places smears of church water on the body and face.

A cross is put on the child, and several locks of hair are cut off from the head. After the procedure, a baptismal certificate is issued, which indicates when the newborn child was baptized and the date of Angel Day.

After baptism, you must come to church again for communion. Subsequently, baptized children should receive communion as often as possible. According to church recommendations, a child should be given communion once every one to two weeks. At the age of one or two years, the child already begins to be told about God and the Orthodox faith.

If you want to photograph the baby and capture this event in memory, be sure to first consult with the priest. Find out if you can take photographs in the temple, use flash, etc. On average, the ceremony takes 30-60 minutes. During this time, small infants may become hungry. Feeding is allowed in the temple. At the same time, for the convenience of a nursing mother, it is better to wear special clothes for feeding or an apron.

Today, the rite of baptism occupies a very important place in the life of almost every Orthodox person. How does the sacrament of christening take place, what is required of godparents and what do the child’s parents need to know?

At what age should a child be baptized?

There are no clear restrictions on this. But it is still recommended to baptize the baby at an early age. Thus, original sin will be removed from the child and he will become a member of the church. It is recommended to baptize the baby after forty days from the birth of the child. This is explained by the fact that it is during this period of time that the child’s mother is in physiological impurity, and she cannot be present in the temple, but her presence is so necessary for the baby. After forty days from the moment of birth, a prayer is read over the mother, and from that moment she can be allowed into the temple, and can also participate in the sacrament of baptism of her child.

The church also recommends baptizing children at the age of eight days. It was at this age that Jesus was dedicated to his Heavenly Father. An adult can also be baptized. To do this, he must undergo catechesis, after which both original sin and all other sins will be removed from the adult. For children, the baptism ceremony is best done in infancy, since the child is almost always asleep at this time, and he will not experience very strong stress from an unfamiliar environment and from the accumulation of many unfamiliar people.

What is necessary for baptism?

To baptize a child, it is necessary to have a pectoral cross; usually, according to tradition, it is bought by the baby’s godfather; a baptismal shirt, outfit or dress is bought by the godmother. When choosing an outfit, you should pay attention to the fact that it is comfortable and pleasant, and that the fabric is soft. It is best to purchase a cross from silver. Crosses are sold in churches or in stores. But it is worth remembering that in the church the crosses have already been consecrated, and the cross that was purchased in the store must be dedicated. It is also necessary to have kryzhma.

Kryzhma is a white openwork diaper in which the baby is taken from the font. Kryzhma must be present in the baptismal ceremony. It is a heirloom and has been kept for years. Very often, the date of the child’s baptism and his name are embroidered on the corner of the kryzhma. After baptism, the kryzhma becomes endowed large forces healing the baby if he gets sick in the future. Kryzhma should also be purchased by the godmother. Some parents purchase a special bag for the baptism ceremony, in which the cut off hairs of the baby will be stored in the future. Sometimes they buy a Bible with a satin cover.

Are there any days when it is forbidden to baptize a child?

There are no such days. A child can be baptized on absolutely any day, even on Easter. The most important thing is to discuss the baptism date and time with the clergyman in advance. Of course, it is not recommended to set the day of christening on the date church holiday, as this may cause some difficulties regarding technical organization.

What is included in the sacrament of baptism?

Baptism is often carried out in the temple, but this sacrament can also be performed outside the temple. Baptism lasts about half an hour (sometimes an hour). The priest first reads the prohibition prayers. Thus, in the name of the Lord, he drives out Satan from the child. After this, the child’s godparents renounce Satan three times and three times proclaim spiritual union with Christ as God and as King (if a child is baptized at an age when he can speak independently, then it is not the godparents who say this, but he himself) . Next, the Priest reads the Creed three times and the oil (oil) and water are blessed. The child is anointed with oil as a symbol that he has now joined the ranks of Christ's Church.

The person being baptized is given a name, which should only be Christian, after which he is lowered into sacred water three times. The baby is taken from the water to the Crimea. Next, the priest conducts the Sacrament of Confirmation. The Gospel is also read by the Apostle, during these prayers the baby’s hair is cut off and a cross is put on his neck. This symbolizes that the child is now a Christian.

Is it allowed to baptize a child at home?

The rite of baptism symbolizes that a person joins the ranks of the church. After he undergoes the sacrament of baptism, he becomes a full member of the church. After this, the person is called a daughter or son of God. For this reason, boys are brought into the altar, because only clergy can enter there, and girls in church kiss icons, which are usually not kissed. All this gives special significance to the full rights of a person in the temple. This explains that a child can be baptized at home, but it is best to do this in a church, since that is where it has the fullest meaning.

Who can be godparents?

Only Christians should be the child's godparents. The following cannot be godfathers: non-believers, non-believers and unbaptized people. Also, members of various religious organizations, sects, or sinners cannot become godparents for a child. The norms of Church Law state that the following cannot become godparents: monks and nuns, mentally ill people, minors (for the reason that their religious development has not yet been fully formed), parents for their own children, people who are married to each other in marriage, the bride and groom (since married life between people who are spiritually related is unacceptable). Usually two godparents are chosen, but in some cases there can be one godparent, for a boy - godfather, for a girl - godmother. This absolutely does not contradict the canons. When choosing godparents for your baby, you need to pay attention to how good advisors and spiritual mentors they will be for the child.

Before baptizing a child, godparents must confess so that they can begin the sacrament with a clear conscience. Godparents have a very great responsibility, responsibility for the spiritual upbringing of the child, they must teach the child the basics of faith, take care of him in difficult times, support him, suggest something. Regarding material support, this is the concern of the parents. Godparents can give gifts to the child, but it will be best if these gifts have a religious content.

Are there any requirements for the clothing of those present during a baptism?

There are no special requirements, but still, everyone present, when choosing their outfit, must understand what the essence of baptism is. You need to dress in a Christian manner. After all, in church you shouldn’t attract attention to yourself; it’s better, of course, to focus on the purpose of coming here, to pray. As for women, they must definitely remember about scarves or headscarves, the best option the clothing will be a long skirt.

What are the requirements for the naming process?

Before baptism, the child is always given a name. The name must be Christian. The child's name is given by the parents, after which the name is registered on the birth certificate. The church has no right to influence a name change. The baby can also be given a second name - a church name, it may differ from the name that is registered on the birth certificate. Church names are used in church ceremonies, and registered names in ordinary life. Church name the child corresponds to the name of the saint who has the closest name given at birth.

Why is the mother prohibited from attending the ritual?

This requirement is not observed in all temples. Traditionally, both parents are allowed to be present at the baptism, especially if the child is still young, because the baptismal ceremony is their responsibility. Before the sacrament is performed, the priest reads cleansing prayers.

How is christening celebrated?

After the end of baptism, they celebrate. A ceremonial table is set, which symbolizes a significant event in the family. The most important guests at a christening are the godparents. At the holiday, everyone wishes the child to grow up healthy, successful, and happy; guests present gifts. It is better to give gifts that have spiritual content. At the end of the celebration, the godfathers are the last to leave. Thus ends the celebration.

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