Conspiracy to get promoted at work. Promotion: accept or refuse

reservoirs 13.10.2019

At first glance, this may seem strange: what kind of specialist would voluntarily refuse career advancement? But in practice, there are quite enough reasons not to accept a promotion. What to do if you're not ready for a promotion?

Why do you want to turn down a promotion?

As you know, any specialist can develop in two conditional directions - they can be designated as career growth and professional growth. The first way of development is hierarchical. Theoretically, it starts in the position of an intern, and the final point is the CEO of the company. That is, managerial and leadership inclinations of a person are put at the forefront. The second option is the development of those skills and qualities that are necessary in the process of work, and not in personnel management. Such specialists are interested in working on themselves, engaging in professional self-improvement, and they are not particularly concerned about the hypothetical achievement of the position of CEO. Becoming a unique specialist in your field is also a very bright and tempting prospect.

Naturally, if you are an adherent of the first path of development, then the issue of refusing a promotion is not relevant for you.

Let's talk about representatives of the second way of development. Imagine that you feel great and comfortable in your position, you are completely satisfied with the functionality, the rhythm of work and the level of responsibility. And now from the top management comes a proposal for a raise. I don’t want to change my position, because it suits me, but at the same time it’s unpleasant not to live up to the expectations of the leadership.

Or some other option. Of course, you are very happy in your position, but you will not refuse the new tasks that the promotion will bring. But here's the problem - you are not yet confident in your capabilities, it seems to you that you are not yet ready to take on additional responsibility and expand your professional comfort zone. How to be?

"There are two options for promotion. The promotion may involve managing people, and the specialist is not ready to take on exactly managerial functions(not ready to be responsible for subordinates, does not know how to delegate authority, etc.). The second option involves the expansion of powers, an increase in the volume and content of duties and tasks.

In any case, additional competencies are required. If a specialist understands that he lacks certain knowledge and skills, then it is necessary to discuss this with the management. worth suggesting possible options: undergo training, organize a gradual entry into a new position (if the situation in the company allows, then make the addition of new powers or functions progressive), take an intermediate position (for example, not immediately work as a leader / boss, but try yourself as a deputy acting with the possibility, in case of failure to complete tasks, to return to the current position). A variant is possible with the implementation of new tasks in the least risky option for the company - to take in a new capacity and in full the least significant tasks for business, so to speak, "to practice on cats." And with a successful set of circumstances, discuss the possibility of a full-fledged promotion," says Anna Raimdzhanova, a leading consultant at the Vizavi Consult recruiting agency.

"If a career offer involves doing what you love, then you should not refuse, even if the specialist does not feel ready. At the same time, you will need to spend time thinking about those competencies that will have to be increased in connection with the promotion. Of course, you should be ready for this and manager. If the proposed increase will lead to the fact that you have to give up a business that brings joy and satisfaction, then you should refuse such an offer and not regret it, "advises the deputy director of personnel and organizational development GC "Novard" Tatyana Iliopulo.

If a decision is made to reject

You have analyzed all the pros and cons, weighed the arguments and made a decision to refuse the increase (at least for now). How to properly convey this decision to management so as not to lose trust and disposition?

As with everything else, honesty is the best policy here.

“The main thing in such a situation for an employee is to be as honest and sincere as possible. If he feels unprepared for the next career step, then it’s better not to take a rash step - because you may not be able to cope with the new amount of work. And correcting mistakes is much harder than preventing them.

Whether family circumstances, acceleration of the work rhythm, increase in undesirable administrative functionality - there can be many reasons for refusing a new position. And the employee needs to try as consistently and clearly as possible to explain to the immediate supervisor the reasons for refusing to instantly accept the promotion.

Another option for responding to a proposal for a raise is to ask to take a break, for example, for 3 months to return to the conversation, since this is the time the employee needs to make a positive decision, "- suggests the possibility of resolving the issue, the head of the department of industry and construction of the recruiting agency Penny Lane Personnel Olga Stepanova.

"Rejection of a promotion always carries risks, since later a higher position may be filled by another specialist who will be successful in it. long time, or the management may regard the refusal as a lack of self-confidence. If a specialist has the motivation to move to the next step, but there is an understanding of the lack of competencies in this moment, then it is necessary to discuss with the management a delayed increase in time and make every effort to "grow" these competencies in oneself. For example, go to study, get involved in projects in which you can acquire the necessary skills. If the employee is not interested in promotion, then he needs to clearly and reasonably state his position, showing his value in the capacity in which he now works in the company," adds Anna Raimdzhanova.

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Career growth is considered to be a natural process, during which positions are replaced according to certain rules. In practice, this is far from the case. Belief in widespread myths and misconceptions causes people to be deceived in their expectations.

You probably think that promotions are awarded for excellent work and that these awards are given absolutely fairly - in accordance with the merits of each employee. Career advancement is considered to be a natural process, during which positions are replaced according to certain rules (like heirs to the royal throne). Despite the prevalence, this assumption is not entirely true.

It is caused by our belief in justice. Good work, we believe, will always be noted and rewarded, a diligent employee cannot be left without encouragement. A promoted boss will not forget his loyal subordinates. In addition, it is in the interests of the organization to give everyone an equal chance to get a new position. Unfortunately, in practice this is far from being the case. I make appointments for other reasons.

No, I do not mean to say that arbitrariness rules everything, or that only flatterers who flatter the vanity of leaders are promoted. It is absolutely impossible to predict a new appointment, since each case has its own reasons. Only the myths and misconceptions associated with job transfers are repeated, which is why people are so often deceived in their expectations.

The first misconception: The place must be appropriate

In the recent past, this was indeed the case: they were looking for the most competent employee for the position. Everyone wanted to get a smart head. In the hectic third millennium, the laws have changed. Now, without finding the right candidate, the position is simply liquidated. Today, a completely different logic determines new appointments. Not a person is selected for a specific place, but a position is created for a specific employee.

The manager's experience makes me welcome this trend. In our company, it is customary to solve personnel issues in this way.

It's hard for me to imagine that a person who has the same qualities as his predecessor will be appointed to the vacant position (the only exception is lower positions that involve a constant set of skills). As a rule, there is no predecessor, no dismissal, no vacancy. The new appointment is due to the following reasons:

1) the company is developing;

2) an employee capable of performing more complex tasks appears in the field of view of management;

3) a new position is created, involving an expansion of the range of responsibilities.

Sometimes a new assignment is completely unrelated to the employee's previous job. It can not even be called an increase, rather, a new profession. In modern dynamic organizations, worthy people are not transferred to someone else's place, but new ones are created for them. This must be understood for one's own benefit. Hoping for a vacancy at the top is like waiting for a canceled train.

The second misconception: The position goes to the most deserving

Companies like to emphasize the equality of all applicants for a new position. In fact, behind every personnel decision is personal sympathy. Such is human nature.

A family business will always be run by a son, daughter, nephew or cousin. The boss will promote his protege, the mentor will remember the ward. Even in the absence of close personal relationships, the leader will still have favorites. The boss will favor those with whom he has previously worked or who is patronized by senior management. In personnel moves, someone will always have an advantage. Suppose you are applying for a new position at the same time as other candidates. If you are not sure of your superiority, then you should not count on it.

Misconception #3: Managers like those who are like them.

There are some grounds for such an assertion. Bosses do hire and then promote people who look like them. The similarities are not just about education or professional interests. Character traits, manner of dressing and speaking also become the cause of sympathy. However, forward-thinking leaders realize that for the good of the case, it is necessary to diversify staffing: professional quality employees must be different. If all departments are filled with clones, the company will have quite predictable problems in the future.

Expecting to get a higher position solely due to your likeness to the boss, you may fail, and colleagues marching to different music will leave you behind.

Fourth misconception: good workers always encourage

Without a doubt, great job should be rewarded, but, unfortunately, reality shows otherwise. It is unlikely that the incompetence or bias of management is the reason. By not encouraging highly professional employees, companies are hurting themselves.

However, not everything is so simple, and often a variety of circumstances influence personnel decisions. I have had to delay appointments because it is too difficult to find an equivalent replacement. Sometimes the appointment was made because someone was on hand (say, there was a merger of departments, some project was completed and valuable personnel were released).

Each case is unique. Always have to take into account subjective factors. Relying only on professional qualities, you can overestimate your capabilities and make mistakes in career forecasts.

Fifth misconception: Any appointment is good

One cannot agree with such a statement. After all, a position that does not correspond to the qualities of a person will adversely affect a career. There is a danger of not working well with the new environment. In addition, you may get the site on which your predecessors were defeated. Why are you sure that you will be more lucky? What steps will you take to avoid failure?

And working in the quiet of an office is unlikely to be considered a successful career growth if you used to actively communicate with customers and competitors. Now you will surely lose your business acumen. Cons can be listed further. I think the point is clear. When you get your next promotion, remember the saying: when the gods want to punish us, they grant our wishes.

The beginning of the year in many companies is associated with personnel changes. The structure of the organization, positions and salaries of employees are changing. And behind the festive fuss, it is often forgotten that all such personnel shifts need to be correctly arranged. Read about how to do this in this article.

Promotion of an employee

Let's start with the option that occurs most often - promotion of an employee. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for a special procedure for this case - transfer to another job in the same organization (Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For such a transfer, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the employee himself. Moreover, this must be done even before the issuance of the corresponding order on the transfer of the employee. The algorithm of actions in this situation will be as follows.

First compiled supplementary agreement to employment contract. It must indicate the new position of the employee, his new duties, as well as the date from which he must start working in a new status. The agreement is drawn up in duplicate, signed by the employer and the employee. One copy is handed over to the employee, and on the second, a mark of delivery is made, certified by the employee's handwritten signature.

Only after such an agreement has been signed can a transfer order be issued ( unified form No. T-5, the form itself and instructions for filling it out were approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.04 No. 1). Pay attention to filling in the column in which the date of transfer is noted. In line "c" of this column, it is necessary to put down not the date of signing the additional agreement, but the day from which, according to this agreement, the employee must begin to perform his new duties. Since the translation into this case is permanent (this is noted in the corresponding field of the order), a dash is placed in the line “by”. The column "Basis" contains the details of the additional agreement. Do not forget to familiarize the employee with this order under the signature.

The final step in processing an employee's promotion will be making entries in a personal card (unified form No. T-2) and work book. In these documents, as the basis for the transfer (column 4 of the work book and section III of the personal card), it is no longer an additional agreement, but an order for transfer.

Company structure optimization

Often, a change in the structure of the organization is timed to coincide with the new year. For example, new subdivisions (divisions, departments) can be created, old ones can be liquidated, their names can be changed, etc. To deal with personnel registration of all this variety of ways to change the structure of the company, we will conditionally divide them into three options. The first - only the unit in which the employee is registered changes, while the duties of the employee remain. The second option also implies the preservation of the duties of the employee, but at the same time the name of his position changes. Finally, the third option is to rename positions and change the functions of employees.

Consider the execution of personnel documents in each of these cases. So, the first option is to change the department in which the employee is registered. In this case, first of all, you need to find out if the employee’s employment contract indicates the unit where he works (department, department, shop, etc.). If such a record is available, then registration must be carried out through a transfer in the same manner as when an employee is promoted in a position (that is, sign an additional agreement to the employment contract, issue an order in the form No. T-5, make changes to the work book and personal card ). If the unit is not specified in the employment contract, then the transfer is formalized (Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). To do this, an order is issued (in any form) to move the employee to another unit. The employee gets acquainted with this order against signature. And that's it. This completes the registration process. Neither the work book nor the personal card information is entered.

The second option is to change the name of the employee's position (but not functions). In this case, the employer can amend the employment contract unilaterally (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But this will require a significant number of documents. So, first you need to issue an order to change the staffing table, then hand over (against signature) to each employee a notification about the upcoming renaming of positions, as well as the reasons that led to the need for such changes. Moreover, the list of such reasons is very limited. These include: changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of the company or other change in organizational or technological working conditions. And only two months after the employee receives a notification, you can make changes to the employment contract, work book and personal card. Thus, this path is far from the most optimal.

Therefore, usually a change in the name of an employee's position is drawn up differently. Namely: an additional agreement is concluded to the employment contract on the change of position. In this case, you do not need to wait two months, and all adjustments in staffing, an employment contract, a work book and a personal card are entered on the basis of an additional agreement concluded and an order adopted on its basis in form No. T-5 (on transfer to another job).

Finally, the third optimization option is to change not only the name of the employee's position, but also the functions performed by him. In this case, only one course of action is possible - transferring the employee to another department or to another position (if the employee's functions change, but he is still listed in the same department). Accordingly, an additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract, on the basis of which an order is issued in the form No. T-5. And already this order serves as the basis for making an entry in the work book and in the personal card.

Changes in salaries of employees

If the decision is made to change the salaries of employees, the accountant needs to be especially vigilant. After all, the amount of salary is taken into account in expenses and affects the calculation of taxes and insurance premiums.

Labor legislation offers two options for processing salary changes. The first is to draw up an additional agreement to the employment contract. After the employee and the employer sign this document, the accountant can safely charge the employee a new salary. Naturally, provided that the new salaries are already fixed in the staffing table. If this is not done, then it is necessary to issue an appropriate order for the organization.

The second option is designed for cases where the employee does not agree to sign an additional agreement, since it is supposed to reduce the salary or change its structure not in favor of the employee (allocation of the bonus part from the salary, etc.). This option provides for a preliminary (two months) notification of employees about changes in wages (Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). These notices are issued on the basis of an order to amend the staffing table. The order indicates the reasons for the change in salaries.

note that Labor Code The Russian Federation allows a reduction in wages without the consent of the employee only if the previous amount of wages cannot be maintained due to changes in equipment and production technology, structural reorganization of the company, or other changes in organizational or technological working conditions. Accordingly, one of these reasons must be indicated in the notification. In addition, it is advisable to stock up on documents confirming the reality of its existence (paragraph 21 of the decision of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 17, 2004 No. 2).

Complete collection and description: a prayer for promotion at work for the spiritual life of a believer.

Many years of work in one company, fulfillment of all the requirements and instructions of the management, a loyal attitude - these factors are very rare, because people are in constant search for themselves, in search of more money and better conditions labor. But still there are those who hold on to one place, having proven themselves to be an excellent worker. For many years of work, a person is treated with respect, only career advancement is constantly frustrated.

There are those who stick to one place, having proven themselves to be an excellent worker.

Why is a conspiracy needed?

As soon as we are talking about a promotion, something happens: either the position was reduced, or a person was taken “from the street” because he has more experience in this area, or they offered a place to a colleague, it is not entirely clear by what selection criteria, or a relative Director is very suitable for this position. At such moments, it becomes clear that justice once again bypasses you and hands fall from hopelessness, demotivation comes into force.

To correct the "hanging clouds" in this situation, you can turn to magical rituals. In many cases related to a promotion or salary increase, the assistant becomes an appeal to higher powers.

Before reading a conspiracy for promotion or promotion wages, be sure to listen to the recommendations of successful magicians and sorcerers who in their practice met various situations with desired and undesirable results after the rite.

  1. Before starting the ceremony, think about whether it makes sense to conduct it, whether this company is your dream job. Are you satisfied with everything except the promotion?
  2. Remember that magic does not like jokes and experiments. It is not worth conducting ceremonies and rituals just out of interest, because the outcome can be sad.
  3. Read the instructions for the ritual. Find feedback about the consequences so that you don’t regret what you did later. You will get a pay rise, but official duties add a few more points - this is not quite what you want.
  4. Do not read the plot for the position you wish to receive a short time for interest or in order to try your hand at this work.

More than one prayer and conspiracy will help you advance at work, in order to achieve the result you dream of, you need to choose the option that suits you 100%. To understand that the conspiracy is right for you, analyze the situation and rely on intuition.

Conspiracies for successful work

A work conspiracy can be done often, it will help you not only achieve positive results, but also enjoy and have a working atmosphere. There are many such conspiracies, among them you can choose the one that will help in your work.

  1. In the morning, going to work, tear off a little birch bark from a birch. Try to tear off in such a place that there is more white. When the sun rises, you need to read the following words seven times:

“I took it for good deeds, for promotion and for approval. Not for evil and gossip, not for worsening, but for raising the working mood.

This birch bark will become your amulet at work, place it in a cloth bag and always in working time keep to yourself.

  • On the clean slate write the words in the box and carry with you during working hours:

    “Strengthen my position, Lord, protect me from trouble, reward me with encouragement and promotions. Be always with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    It is desirable to write at midnight on the first five days of the new moon.

  • Going to work, you can read the plot three times:

    "My Guardian Angel, may the working day bring good luck, joy, and good news."

    When you cross the threshold of an office or production (general front door), the following words should be read:

    “As I am a servant of God (name), I start the day at work, so I will spend it. No conflicts and troubles, no quarrels and reprimands. With new achievements and praise. Amen".

    Write the words on a clean sheet in a box and carry it with you during working hours

    Conspiracy on the boss

    The boss is always higher than you, and what kind of relationship develops with the management greatly affects further increase on service. It happens that the boss, as a person, is very good, but as a leader, he is picky and constantly goes into conflict, does not accept reports the first time and does not increase his salary. There are many options for conspiracies that need to be read before going to work on the first three days of the growing moon.

    To make the boss softer and more humane towards you, read the plot before entering his office, before a planning meeting or meeting, or at random in the office:

    “The lamb trembles before the wolf. The wolf avoids the lynx. And you, servant of God (name), treat me with respect and be afraid to offend and offend me. Amen".

    Conspiracy for career advancement

    There are always several candidates for a promising position in the company. Competitions are often held for a vacant position, sometimes everything turns out only by appointment of the boss. In order to win and get the desired position and corresponding salary, magicians recommend certain rituals.

    • Seven times on a blank sheet, write with a black marker the last name, first name, patronymic of the competitor. Cross out all the words with a straight line, and whisper:

    “I conclude your decisions, deeds and thoughts. May all wishes come true. Amen".

    Roll this sheet into a tube and put it in a glass dish. Pour in the vinegar and close the lid. Then go to a place where only you will be, stand facing the west, and say out loud the words:

    “Always be behind me, in any business, in any performance. All awards, promotions and honors to me. I am taller and stronger in all endeavors. May it always be so.”

    Throw glassware behind your back over your left shoulder and return home or to work. On the way, do not talk to anyone and in any case do not look back.

  • On the appointed day of the interview, so that the whole process goes in your favor, cast the spell:

    “Conversation and deeds are moving forward in my favor, all the heavenly powers are defending for me. May I, the servant of God, be lucky and rewarded for the labors and forces spent. Amen".

    Cast the spell three times. You can repeat it even before the event itself - it does not hurt.

  • In addition to conspiracies, professionals in magical affairs advise you to always have a black tourmaline stone with you. It performs the function of an amulet and brings the owner protection from negativity and trouble, from an evil boss and restless gossips.

    And, of course, work hard, complete all tasks on time, prove yourself a good employee and remember: “Patience and work will grind everything!”.

    • 12/11/2017 Anonymous I want to meet the buyer in person, so that he can.
    • 10.12.2017 Maria I wonder if I can get the very first napee.
    • 12/09/2017 and the obscurantism of the authors is impressive. black magic devils.
    • 08.12.2017 Aki I want to kill God.

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    Orthodox Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in business and work

    In the life of every adult, there must be a favorite thing - a job that brings income. It is bad if the position held does not give pleasure and does not satisfy material needs, but it is even worse when there is no work at all.

    To alleviate their situation and find a job, people often turn to magic and read various conspiracies for work. For those who are categorically against the use of magic and those who are skeptical about witchcraft, I recommend using Orthodox prayers. The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for help in work and deeds showed itself on the good side and helped many.

    With a prayer to the saint can be addressed:

    • people who are looking for a job or wish (for one reason or another) to change jobs;
    • people whose position at the current workplace is not stable due to the impending threat of reduction or dismissal;
    • people who want to get promoted;
    • students and young professionals who want to find a job and find their life purpose;
    • representatives of dangerous professions: firefighters, truckers, builders, etc.

    You can pray to St. Nicholas not only for yourself - you can ask for your own native person- husband, son, daughter, brother, sister, parents and just friends, if their fate is not indifferent to you.

    The text of the prayers

    In general, there are 2 popular prayers for work addressed to Nicholas:

    • One of them is used when a person is busy looking for a new position, experiences some difficulties in an already occupied workplace or in their affairs.
    • The goal of the second is to help those who have suffered from the intrigues of ill-wishers in their work (and every person can have them).

    The first prayer goes like this:

    Text of the second prayer:

    You can use these two sacred texts at any time and any number of times - until St. Nicholas helps you cope with the problem that has arisen. Don't forget to thank the old man. This can be done through thanksgiving.

    thanksgiving prayer

    The text of which is given below, it is customary to read at dawn. There are no special requirements regarding the frequency of pronunciation, but Orthodox Church recommends thanking the saint either once a month (this will be enough), or at the moment when your problem with work is resolved.

    To express gratitude to St. Nicholas for his assistance, you need to use the following words:

    How to pray?

    The day before you pray to Nicholas for help in business, be sure to visit the church. Women should go to the temple on women's days (which are considered Wednesday, Friday and Saturday), for men it is preferable to do this on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday). Place a candle in front of the icon of the saint in the temple and ask him to help you. Also buy your own home. church candles and the image of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    An important feature: on the day of visiting a liturgical institution, one cannot give alms to the poor and make large purchases, spend large sums of money, lend money. If you still need to visit the store, you need to pay for purchases with paper bills, calculating them in such a way as to be sure to get change.

    It is necessary to read prayers with lit church candles, in front of the icon of the elder. The environment should be quiet, calm and secluded. No one and nothing should distract you in the process of pronouncing the sacred text.

    The fact that you turned to Nikolai Ugodnik for help cannot be spread - at least until you get what you want. It is also not worth placing all your hopes on prayer, but at this time you yourself should not act and not take any steps to improve the current situation. It is necessary to consider all possible solutions, draw up a clear plan of action - only in this case you will receive the support of St. Nicholas and be able to get out of difficulties.

    1. You must have pectoral cross. In addition to it, you will need the icon of Nicholas, church candles, holy water and prosphora.
    2. You need to start saying the prayer with the morning ritual: cross yourself three times before the image of the saint, eat the prosphora, washing it down with holy water, and say: “For the healing of soul and body” .
    3. Say a prayer without being distracted in the process. The clergy advise to read it every day at the same time. The duration of the ceremony is 40 days (even a day cannot be missed). Usually within 40 days the problem with the work is solved.
    4. Must read in 40 days thanksgiving prayer. You can thank in your own words, the main thing is that they are pronounced sincerely, from the heart.

    Even when there is no trace left of the problem, one should not forget to thank the saint - this item applies not only to Nikolai Ugodnik, but, in general, to all saints. Only in this case they will always help you in difficult moments of life.

    For a long time I could not find a job after high school, everywhere they demanded work experience. Grandmother advised Nicholas the Wonderworker to pray (she is very pious, from my very childhood she took me to church with her). Followed her advice. I soon found a job to my liking. I've been working there for 6 years and recently got a promotion. Saint Nicholas really works wonders!

    Thank you for the text of the prayer! 2 months ago I got laid off, I can’t find a permanent job, how many interviews I have already passed ... I was completely desperate ... I will pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

    © 2017. All rights reserved.

    Unexplored world of magic and esotericism

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    Strong prayer for success in work

    Most people are familiar with the feeling when it seems that a black streak has begun in life, luck has treacherously turned away, and all circumstances are working against the desired goal. This is especially unpleasant when it comes to the material basis of life. After all, as you know, it is better to be sad with a full wallet. To correct the situation, you need to pull yourself together, tune in to the positive and take action. However, you can ask for support from above. A sincere, faithfully uttered prayer for success in work will certainly help. Here are some good examples for this purpose.

    Prayer for success in business and work

    This prayer can be said in any difficult situation related to work. For example, for success in finding a suitable job. Or if you want to move up the career ladder. She is addressed to the holy martyr Tryphon. Therefore, it would be nice if you had his icon. However, this is optional. The main thing in prayer is sincerity and faith, and the accompanying paraphernalia plays a role in the psychological attunement to the process.

    “Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon! Quick helper of Christians, I call on you and pray, looking at your holy image. Hear me as you always hear the faithful who honor the memory of you and your sacred death. After all, you yourself, dying, said that the one who, being in sorrow and need, calls you in his prayers, he will be freed from all troubles, misfortunes and unfavorable circumstances. You freed the Roman Caesar from the demon and healed him from the disease, hear me too and help me, keeping me always and in everything. Be my helper. Be my protection from crafty demons and be a guiding star to the King of Heaven. Pray to God for me, may he have mercy on me with your prayers and give me joy and blessing in my work. May he be by my side and bless what I have planned and increase my well-being so that I work for the glory of the name of his saint! Amen!"

    Prayer before going to work

    Before the beginning labor day It's good to ask for blessings and help from above. For this, below is a prayer for good luck and success in work. Reading it every morning will help you in your duties and prevent unpleasant events. Additionally, it can also be pronounced before business meeting and, in general, before especially important and responsible events.

    “Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of the Father without beginning! You yourself said when you were among people on earth that "without me you can't do anything." Yes, my Lord, I believe with all my heart and with all my soul what you have said and I ask your blessings for my cause. Grant me to start it without interference and safely complete it for your glory. Amen!"

    Prayer after work

    When the working day ends, be sure to thank God. By doing so, you show your appreciation and secure new blessings in the future. remember, that strong prayer success in work becomes strong not from what words you pronounce, but from the heart with which you approach the higher powers. If you treat the sky consumeristically, then you will be treated the same way by colleagues and your customers. If you show sincere gratitude, then you will subsequently be treated the same way. The following words will help you express your gratitude to Heaven:

    “Having blessed my day and my work, O Jesus Christ, my Lord, I thank you with all my heart and offer you my praise as a sacrifice. My soul praises you, God, my God, forever and ever. Amen!"

    Prayer for a successful career

    This prayer for success in your work will bring you much more than you think to get. The secret is that it means not just well-being at work, but also a harmonious relationship professional activity and other areas of life. It is also a prayer for success, good luck in work and with superiors. After all, a comfortable atmosphere in the workplace depends not only on good work, but also on relationships with management, both business and purely human.

    "How star of bethlehem, a wonderful spark of your patronage, O Lord, may it enlighten my path and may my soul resound with your good news! I, your son (daughter), I call you, God - touch my fate with your hand and guide my feet along the path of prosperity and good luck. Send down on me a blessing from heaven, O God, and fill my life with new meaning and clear light, so that I may gain the strength of true life, success in today's affairs and future labors and know no obstacles under your blessing hand. Amen!"

    Prayer for good luck at work

    Sometimes it happens that everything seems to be fine, but there is literally a little bit of luck missing. Prayer for success in the work that is proposed below will help correct the situation:

    “Lord God, heavenly father! You know which paths I should follow in order to bear the good fruits of my labors. I humbly ask you, according to your goodness, in the name of Jesus Christ, direct my steps in your ways. Give me the opportunity to learn quickly and strive forward. Let me desire what you desire and leave what you dislike. Reward me with wisdom, clarity of mind and understanding of your will so that I can move towards you. Lead me to meet the right people, give me the right knowledge, help me always be in the right place at the right time. Do not let me deviate from your will in anything, and above all, I ask you to grow a good fruit through my labors for the benefit of people and your glory. Amen!"

    Prayer for success in business and work to St. George the Victorious

    The next prayer, like the first in our review, is dedicated not to the Lord, but to one of the saints. The Great Martyr George is to whom the text of this prayer is addressed. You can also pray to George the Victorious for success in work, especially if your profession is related to public service, since this saint of God is considered the patron saint of Russia.

    “Oh, holy martyr George, saint of the Lord, our warm intercessor and intercessor, and always a quick helper in sorrows! Help me in my real work, pray to the Lord God, may he grant me his mercy and blessing, success and prosperity. Do not leave me without your patronage and help. Help solve all problems and, to the greater glory of the Lord, ensure my work with success, deliver me from quarrels, strife, deceit, envious people, traitors and the anger of those in authority. I gratefully bless your memory forever and ever! Amen!"

    You've been working hard for a promotion, but your boss gave the job to your co-worker. HR professionals explain hidden meaning chief's comments.

    "He's been working with us longer, that's fair"

    1. Apparently, the leader is not very experienced or did not find other arguments. In fact, it is completely irrational to use work experience as the main, and even more so the only argument, since it does not stimulate more efficient work in any way.

    2. For a leader, a sign of loyalty is the length of service both in the company and together with this leader. Despite the merits and potential, such a leader sees the main thing in the career of subordinates is the duration of being nearby, in his inner circle.

    3. The answer is acceptable if the company has a policy of retaining specialists. Yet this argument should not be the only criterion for advancement. It is clear that a person can work incompetently for ten years, and can prove himself in the best possible way in six months. Loyalty and long term jobs can add 5-10% to the basic qualities of a candidate for promotion, but no more.

    "You are doing great in your place"

    1. Apparently, the subordinate is really good in his place, but the manager did not see him (at least not yet) as a worthy candidate for a promotion. With proper intonation, such an answer may well satisfy the subordinate.

    2. It is worth asking such a leader what needs to be done for a career? What are the criteria for the appointment? What can you do to demonstrate both your loyalty and your career achievements.

    "Lately you've lost a lot"

    1. It is necessary to clarify what exactly the leader has in mind. Perhaps you have not been proactive enough lately or missed the deadlines for submitting reports or completing assignments. Perhaps they did not track the change in the criteria for evaluating the result on the part of the manager.

    2. This is only half the answer. In addition to such an assessment, there should be specific arguments. The leader must explain what mistakes were made. In addition, such an explanation should be given not after the person has been passed over in office, but in the process of making a decision. In this case, the employee is already offended, and it is likely that he will stop trying at all.

    "Next time we'll promote you, don't worry"

    1. Apparently, an even more deserving employee was chosen for promotion. But it is advisable not to limit yourself to such a short answer, but to make it clear to the subordinate that he is still appreciated and noted.

    2. This is an excuse and a way to delay the solution of the problem. It is not clear when the next time will be.

    3. Hope is a good motivator. Due to hope, a person can work for a long time, but motivation will only work if the hope is justified. Waiting should not last a year or six months, a maximum of two or three months. It is also advisable to skip the second part of the answer, since the phrase "Don't worry" sounds like an excuse.

    "But aren't you satisfied with your position?"

    1. Perhaps the leader decided to "play naivety", perhaps even internally realizing his miscalculation. A good boss should always know which of his subordinates is and how satisfied he is with his work and position, and who is striving for what. But this situation creates good conditions to correct the situation and a detailed conversation with the employee about his career aspirations.

    2. Answering a question with a question is incorrect in any case. An employee may perceive this form of response in different ways. Such a response can increase resentment, since aggression and unwillingness to communicate can be heard in the response, even if the leader did not put this meaning into the message.

    “You are a brilliant specialist, but I don’t see you as a leader”

    1. Most likely, the way it is. Not everyone is destined by nature to be bosses and lead people. But the tone of the answer is unsatisfactory. Instead of such a categorical and demotivating answer, it would be necessary to explain to the subordinate that he is very good and valuable as an expert, that it is in this direction that the leader is going to promote him.

    2. It is worth asking what criteria the appointments are based on. Maybe you should demonstrate your capabilities within the framework of the project? Moreover, it is best to propose such a project yourself, and not wait for the “good will” of the leader.

    3. Indeed, not everyone can be good leaders, but do not forget that bosses are not born, but become. It is better to tell what qualities the employee lacks and how to work on it. For development leadership qualities the employee can be entrusted with some tasks related to management. It is necessary not to pronounce a sentence on a person, but to state existing problems and suggest ways to solve them.

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