Thanksgiving prayer to God for help. Prayers of thanks every day

landscaping 15.10.2019

Thanksgiving prayers for Holy Communion is a sequence of prayers read in the Church after the acceptance of the Divine Body and Blood of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist .

Prayer is a conversation with God. But it is not always easy to find words for such an important conversation, so Orthodox believers often carry a prayer book with them, and we have collected prayers of thanks for you. Having received help from the Lord, according to our pleading prayers, we turn with a prayer of thanksgiving. But even when it seems to us that nothing good has happened, the Lord cares for us. It is not for nothing that the Scripture says - “Give thanks for everything,” therefore, such a prayer can be said not only for some kind of good deed, but also for every day you live. After all, even bad events God wraps for the benefit of the human soul. You can read the thanksgiving prayer of Simeon Metaphrastus, St. Basil Valiky, thanksgiving Holy Mother of God and other prayers that are read after Holy Communion. Perhaps in time you will be able to learn them by heart. God always answers those who turn to Him, even if this answer is not always obvious. “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you” (1 Thess. 5:18)

Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God.

Thanksgiving Prayer, 1st

I thank you, Lord, my God, as if you did not reject me as a sinner, but you made me worthy of being a companion of Your holy things. I thank Thee, as if I were unworthy to partake of Your Most Pure and Heavenly Gifts, thou hast vouchsafed me. But the Lord, Lover of mankind, for our sake died and rose again, and granted us this terrible and life-giving Sacraments for the good deed and sanctification of our souls and bodies, let me be this and me for the healing of the soul and body, for driving away every opposing one, for enlightening the eyes of my heart , in the world of my spiritual strength, in shameless faith, in love without hypocrisy, in fulfillment of wisdom, in keeping Thy commandments, in the application of Thy Divine grace and appropriation of Thy Kingdom; yes, in Thy sanctuary we preserve them, I always remember Thy grace, and I do not live for myself, but for Thee, our Lord and Benefactor; and tacos of this life have come about the hope of the eternal belly, I will reach eternal peace, where the unceasing voice of celebrating, and endless sweetness, beholding Your face, kindness inexpressible. You are the true desire, and the inexpressible joy of those who love You, Christ our God, and all creation sings to You forever. Amen.

Prayer of thanksgiving 2nd, St. Basil the Great

Lord Christ God, King of the ages, and Creator of all, I thank Thee for all who gave me the good, and for the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Sacraments. I pray to Thee, O Better and Lover of mankind: keep me under Thy shelter, and in the canopy of Thy wings; and grant me with a pure conscience, even until my last breath, worthy to partake of Your holy things, for the remission of sins, and for eternal life. You are the bread of animals, the source of the holy, the Giver of the good, and we send glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Thanksgiving Prayer 3, Simeon Metaphrastus

Giving food to me the flesh of Your will, this fire and scorching the unworthy, but do not scorch me, my mate; rather, go into my heart, into all the compositions, into the womb, into the heart. The thorns of all my sins fell. Purify the soul, sanctify the thoughts. Approve the compositions with the bones together. Feelings enlighten a simple five. Nail me all to Your fear. Always cover, keep, and save me from every deed and word of the soul. Cleanse and wash, and adorn me; fertilize, enlighten, and enlighten me. Show me Your village of one Spirit, and not to anyone the village of sin. Yes, like your house, the entrance of communion, like fire, every villain, every passion runs to me. I bring prayer books to You all the saints, the officials of the incorporeal, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, to these Your undefiled pure Mother, accept their prayers graciously, my Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. Thou art the sanctification and one of ours, Blessed, souls and lordship; and it is beautiful to Thee, as to God and the Master, we send up all the glory for every day.

Thanksgiving Prayer 4th

Thy Holy Body, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and Thy Honorable Blood for the remission of sins: be this thanksgiving to me in joy, health and joy; in your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinful statue at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and all the saints.

Thanksgiving prayer 5th, to the Most Holy Theotokos

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy, I thank Thee, as you have vouchsafed me to be unworthy, a partaker of being the Most Pure Body and Honest Blood of Your Son. But giving birth to the true Light, enlighten my intelligent eyes of the heart; Even the Source of immortality gave birth, revive me, mortified by sin; Even the merciful God, the compassionate Mother, have mercy on me, and give me tenderness and contrition in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and an appeal in the captivity of my thoughts; and vouchsafe me to the last breath, uncondemnedly accept the most pure Mysteries, sanctification, for the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession, in a hedgehog and glorify Thee all the days of my belly, as if you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.
Now let your servant go, Lord, according to your word, in peace: as my eyes have seen your salvation, if you have prepared before the face of all people, the light for the revelation of tongues and the glory of your people, Israel.
Trisagion. Holy Trinity... Our Father...

Troparion of St. John Chrysostom, tone 8

Your lips, like the lordship of fire, having shone grace, enlighten the universe: not the love of money of the world, the treasures of the world, the height of our humility of wisdom, but punishing us with your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray for the Word of Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6

Glory: Thou hast received Divine grace from heaven, and with thy mouth teaches all to bow in the Trinity to the one God, John Chrysostom, all-blessed, reverend, worthy of praise to you: thou art a mentor, as if divine.
And now: The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to the aid of us, faithfully calling Ty: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

If the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was performed, read
troparion to Basil the Great, tone 1:
Your broadcast has gone out into the whole earth, as if you had received your word, and thou hast taught it divinely, thou hast clarified the nature of beings, thou hast adorned human customs, royal sanctity, reverend father, pray to Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Glory: Thou hast appeared as an unshakable foundation to the church, giving all unstolen dominion by man, imprinting with your commands, unrevealed St. Basil. And now: The intercession of Christians...
If the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was celebrated, read the troparion to St. Gregory the Dialogist Basil the Great, tone 4: Even from God from above we perceive divine grace, glorious Gregory, and we strengthen Him by strength, deigned to march like the gospel, from there, from Christ, you received the retribution of labors all-blessed: God pray that save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 3

Glory: Thou didst appear to the Chief as the shepherd of Christ, the monks of the line, Father Gregory, instructing the heavenly fence, and from there taught the flock of Christ by His commandment: now rejoice with them, and rejoice in heavenly blood.
And now: The intercession of Christians...
Lord have mercy. (12 times) Glory, and now.
The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify You. After Communion, let everyone remain in purity, abstinence, and laconic speech, in order to worthily preserve in himself the accepted Christ.

Thanksgiving Prayers for Holy Communion

Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God.

Thanksgiving Prayer, 1st

I thank you, Lord, my God, as if you did not reject me as a sinner, but you made me worthy of being a companion of Your holy things. I thank Thee, as if I were unworthy to partake of Your Most Pure and Heavenly Gifts, thou hast vouchsafed me. But the Lord, Lover of mankind, for our sake died and rose again, and granted us this terrible and life-giving Sacraments for the good deed and sanctification of our souls and bodies, let me be this and me for the healing of the soul and body, for driving away every opposing one, for enlightening the eyes of my heart , in the world of my spiritual strength, in shameless faith, in love without hypocrisy, in fulfillment of wisdom, in keeping Thy commandments, in the application of Thy Divine grace and appropriation of Thy Kingdom; yes, in Thy sanctuary we preserve them, I always remember Thy grace, and I do not live for myself, but for Thee, our Lord and Benefactor; and tacos of this life have come about the hope of the eternal belly, I will reach eternal peace, where the unceasing voice of celebrating, and endless sweetness, beholding Your face, kindness inexpressible. You are the true desire, and the inexpressible joy of those who love You, Christ our God, and all creation sings to You forever. Amen.

Prayer 2, Saint Basil the Great

Lord Christ God, King of the ages, and Creator of all, I thank Thee for all who gave me the good, and for the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Sacraments. I pray to Thee, O Better and Lover of mankind: keep me under Thy shelter, and in the canopy of Thy wings; and grant me with a pure conscience, even until my last breath, worthy to partake of Your holy things, for the remission of sins, and for eternal life. You are the bread of animals, the source of the holy, the Giver of the good, and we send glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3, Simeon Metaphrastus

Giving food to me the flesh of Your will, this fire and scorching the unworthy, but do not scorch me, my mate; rather, go into my heart, into all the compositions, into the womb, into the heart. The thorns of all my sins fell. Purify the soul, sanctify the thoughts. Approve the compositions with the bones together. Feelings enlighten a simple five. Nail me all to Your fear. Always cover, keep, and save me from every deed and word of the soul. Cleanse and wash, and adorn me; fertilize, enlighten, and enlighten me. Show me Your village of one Spirit, and not to anyone the village of sin. Yes, like your house, the entrance of communion, like fire, every villain, every passion runs to me. I bring prayer books to You all the saints, the officials of the incorporeal, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, to these Your undefiled pure Mother, accept their prayers graciously, my Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. Thou art the sanctification and one of ours, Blessed, souls and lordship; and it is beautiful to Thee, as to God and the Master, we send up all the glory for every day.

Prayer 4th

Thy Holy Body, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and Thy Honorable Blood for the remission of sins: be this thanksgiving to me in joy, health and joy; in your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinful statue at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and all the saints.

Prayer 5, to the Most Holy Theotokos

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy, I thank Thee, as you have vouchsafed me to be unworthy, a partaker of being the Most Pure Body and Honest Blood of Your Son. But giving birth to the true Light, enlighten my intelligent eyes of the heart; Even the Source of immortality gave birth, revive me, mortified by sin; Even the merciful God, the compassionate Mother, have mercy on me, and give me tenderness and contrition in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and an appeal in the captivity of my thoughts; and vouchsafe me to the last breath, uncondemnedly accept the most pure Mysteries, sanctification, for the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession, in a hedgehog and glorify Thee all the days of my belly, as if you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now let your servant go, Lord, according to your word, in peace: as my eyes have seen your salvation, if you have prepared before the face of all people, the light for the revelation of tongues and the glory of your people, Israel.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (thrice).

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord have mercy (thrice).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Yes, shine your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion of St. John Chrysostom, tone 8

Your lips, like the lordship of fire, having shone grace, enlighten the universe: not the love of money of the world, the treasures of the world, the height of our humility of wisdom, but punishing us with your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray for the Word of Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6

Glory: Thou hast received Divine grace from heaven, and with thy mouth teaches all to bow in the Trinity to the one God, John Chrysostom, all-blessed, reverend, worthy of praise to you: thou art a mentor, as if divine.

If the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was performed, read

troparion to Basil the Great, tone 1:

Your broadcast has gone out into the whole earth, as if you had received your word, and thou hast taught it divinely, thou hast clarified the nature of beings, thou hast adorned human customs, royal sanctity, reverend father, pray to Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Glory: Thou hast appeared as an unshakable foundation to the church, giving all unstolen dominion by man, imprinting with your commands, unrevealed St. Basil.

And now: The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to the aid of us, faithfully calling Ty: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

If the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was celebrated, read the troparion to Saint Gregory the Dialogist Basil

Great, voice 4:

Even from God, from above, we received divine grace, glorious Gregory, and we strengthen Him with strength, deigned to march like the gospel, from there, from Christ, you received the retribution of labors all-blessed: God pray that save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 3

Glory: Thou didst appear to the Chief as the shepherd of Christ, the monks of the line, Father Gregory, instructing the heavenly fence, and from there taught the flock of Christ by His commandment: now rejoice with them, and rejoice in heavenly blood.

And now: The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to the aid of us, faithfully calling Ty: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

Lord have mercy (12 times). Glory: And now:

The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify You.

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From the book of the Missal (rus) of the author

Thanksgiving prayers after Holy Communion When you are rewarded with grace-filled Communion / life-giving sacramental Gifts, / sing at once, give thanks diligently. / And fervently from the heart say this to God: Glory to Thee, O God! (3) Prayer 1 Thank you, Lord my God, that you

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Thanksgiving prayers after Holy Communion (Exhortation Poems:) When you are rewarded with the grace-filled Communion of the life-giving sacramental Gifts, sing at once, give thanks diligently. And fervently from the heart say this to God: Glory to Thee, O God! (Thrice) Prayer 1 Thank you,

Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God.

Thanksgiving Prayer, 1st

I thank Thee, O Lord, my God, for thou hast not rejected me a sinner, but thou hast vouchsafed me to be a companion of Thy holy things. I thank Thee, as if I were unworthy to partake of Your Most Pure and Heavenly Gifts, thou hast vouchsafed me. But the Lord, Lover of mankind, for our sake died and rose again, and granted us this terrible and life-giving Sacraments for the good deed and sanctification of our souls and bodies, let me be this and me for the healing of the soul and body, for driving away every opposing one, for enlightening the eyes of my heart , in the world of my spiritual strength, in shameless faith, in love without hypocrisy, in fulfillment of wisdom, in keeping Thy commandments, in the application of Thy Divine grace and appropriation of Thy Kingdom; yes, in Thy sanctuary we preserve them, I always remember Thy grace, and I do not live for myself, but for Thee, our Lord and Benefactor; and tacos of this life have come about the hope of the eternal belly, I will reach eternal peace, where the unceasing voice of celebrating, and endless sweetness, beholding Your face, kindness indescribable. You are the true desire, and the inexpressible joy of those who love You, Christ our God, and all creation sings to You forever. Amen.

Prayer 2, Saint Basil the Great

Lord Christ God, King of the ages, and Creator of all, I thank Thee for all who gave me the good, and for the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Sacraments. I pray to Thee, O Better and Lover of mankind: keep me under Thy shelter, and in the canopy of Thy wings; and grant me with a pure conscience, even until my last breath, worthy to partake of Your holy things, for the remission of sins, and for eternal life. You are the bread of animals, the source of the holy, the Giver of the good, and we send glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3, Simeon Metaphrastus

Giving food to me the flesh of Your will, this fire and scorching the unworthy, but do not scorch me, my mate; rather, go into my heart, into all the compositions, into the womb, into the heart. The thorns of all my sins fell. Purify the soul, sanctify the thoughts. Approve the compositions with the bones together. Feelings enlighten a simple five. Nail me all to Your fear. Always cover, keep, and save me from every deed and word of the soul. Cleanse and wash, and adorn me; fertilize, enlighten, and enlighten me. Show me Your village of one Spirit, and not to anyone the village of sin. Yes, like your house, the entrance of communion, like fire, every villain, every passion runs to me. I bring prayer books to You all the saints, the officials of the incorporeal, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, to these Your undefiled pure Mother, accept their prayers graciously, my Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. Thou art the sanctification and one of ours, Blessed, souls and lordship; and it is beautiful to Thee, as to God and the Master, we send up all the glory for every day.

Prayer 4th

Thy Holy Body, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and Thy Honorable Blood for the remission of sins: be this thanksgiving to me in joy, health and joy; in your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinful statue at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and all the saints.

Prayer 5, to the Most Holy Theotokos

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy, I thank Thee, as you have vouchsafed me to be unworthy, a partaker of being the Most Pure Body and Honest Blood of Your Son. But giving birth to the true Light, enlighten my intelligent eyes of the heart; Even the Source of immortality gave birth, revive me, mortified by sin; Even the merciful God, the compassionate Mother, have mercy on me, and give me tenderness and contrition in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and an appeal in the captivity of my thoughts; and vouchsafe me to the last breath, uncondemnedly accept the most pure Mysteries, sanctification, for the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession, in a hedgehog and glorify Thee all the days of my belly, as if you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now let your servant go, Lord, according to your word, in peace: as my eyes have seen your salvation, if you have prepared before the face of all people, the light for the revelation of tongues and the glory of your people, Israel.

Trisagion. Holy Trinity... Our Father...

Troparion of St. John Chrysostom, tone 8

Your lips, like the lordship of fire, having shone grace, enlighten the universe: not the love of money of the world, the treasures of the world, the height of our humility of wisdom, but punishing us with your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray for the Word of Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6

Glory: Thou hast received Divine grace from heaven, and with thy mouth teaches all to bow in the Trinity to the one God, John Chrysostom, all-blessed, reverend, worthy of praise to you: thou art a mentor, as if divine.

And now: The intercession of Christians is shameless, an immutable intercession to the Creator, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if Good, to the aid of us, faithfully calling Ty: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

If the liturgy of St. Basil the Great was performed, read the troparion to Basil the Great, voice 1:

Your broadcast has gone out into the whole earth, as if you had received your word, and thou hast taught it divinely, thou hast clarified the nature of beings, thou hast adorned human customs, royal sanctity, reverend father, pray to Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4

Glory: Thou hast appeared as an unshakable foundation to the church, giving all unstolen dominion by man, imprinting with your commands, unrevealed St. Basil.

And now: The intercession of Christians...

If the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was served, read the troparion to St. Gregory the Dialogist, voice 4th:

Even from God, from above, we received divine grace, glorious Gregory, and we strengthen Him with strength, deigned to march like the gospel, from there, from Christ, you received the retribution of labors all-blessed: God pray that save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 3

Glory: The leader appeared to the Head as the shepherd of Christ, the monks of the series, Father Gregory, instructing the heavenly fence, and from there taught the flock of Christ by His commandment: now rejoice with them, and rejoice in heavenly blood.

And now: Representation of Christians...

Lord have mercy. (12 times) Glory, and now.

The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify You.

The text was prepared by Yarkin Valentin

Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!

Thanksgiving prayer, 1st.

I thank you, Lord my God, that you did not reject me a sinner, but made me worthy to be a partner in Your holy things. I thank you that you honored me, unworthy, to partake of Your most pure and heavenly gifts. But, Lord, philanthropic, who died and rose again for us, and bestowed on us these wonderful and life-giving Sacraments for the benefit and sanctification of our souls and bodies, give them to me too for the healing of soul and body, for the reflection of every enemy, for the enlightenment of the eyes of my heart, for appeasement of my spiritual strength, in shameless faith, in unhypocritical love, in the multiplication of wisdom, in fulfillment of Thy commandments, in the multiplication of Thy Divine grace and communion with Thy kingdom. Yes, so that in Your sanctification protected by them, Your grace always remembers and not only lives for itself, but for You, our Lord and benefactor. And so, after finishing real life with the hope of eternal life, I have reached eternal rest, where unceasing singing of You and the infinite joy of those who contemplate the inexpressible beauty of Your face, for You are the true delight and inexpressible joy of those who love You, Christ our God, and You are praised by all creatures forever. Amen.

Prayer of Saint Basil the Great.

Lord Christ God, King of the ages and Creator of everything, I thank You for all the blessings that You have given me and for the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Sacraments. I beg You, merciful and philanthropic, keep me under Your shelter and in the shade of Your wings and grant me with a clear conscience until my last breath worthy to partake of Your holy things for the remission of sins and eternal life. For You are the bread of life, the source of holiness, the Giver of blessings, and we glorify You with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer three.

May Thy Holy Body, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, be to me for everlasting life, and Thy precious Blood for the remission of sins. May this thanksgiving be to me in joy, health and fun. In your terrible second coming, make me a sinner to stand at the right hand of Your glory through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy, I thank You for deigning me, the unworthy, to partake of the most pure Body and the precious Blood of Your Son. But, having given birth to the true light, enlighten the spiritual eyes of my heart! You who gave birth to the source of immortality, revive me, mortified by sin! As a merciful God, merciful Mother, have mercy on me and grant tenderness and contrition to my heart, and humility to my thoughts, and liberation from the captivity of my thoughts. Grant me to my last breath uncondemnedly accept the most pure Mysteries of sanctification for the healing of soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession to sing and glorify You all the days of my life; for you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now you release Your servant, Lord, according to Your word, in peace, for my eyes have seen Your salvation, which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to enlighten the Gentiles and the glory of Your people Israel (Luke 2:29-32).

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (thrice).

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse our sins, Lord, forgive our iniquities, Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities for Your name's sake.

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread this day, and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God. Glory to Thee, God.

Thanksgiving Prayer, 1st

I thank Thee, O Lord, my God, for thou hast not rejected me a sinner, but thou hast vouchsafed me to be a companion of Thy holy things. I thank Thee, as if I were unworthy to partake of Your Most Pure and Heavenly Gifts, thou hast vouchsafed me. But the Lord, Lover of mankind, for our sake died and rose again, and granted us this terrible and life-giving Sacraments for the good deed and sanctification of our souls and bodies, let me be this and me for the healing of the soul and body, for driving away every opposing one, for enlightening the eyes of my heart , in the world of my spiritual strength, in shameless faith, in love without hypocrisy, in fulfillment of wisdom, in keeping Thy commandments, in the application of Thy Divine grace and appropriation of Thy Kingdom; yes, in Thy sanctuary we preserve them, I always remember Thy grace, and I do not live for myself, but for Thee, our Lord and Benefactor; and tacos of this life have come about the hope of the eternal belly, I will reach eternal peace, where the unceasing voice of celebrating, and endless sweetness, beholding Your face, kindness indescribable. You are the true desire, and the inexpressible joy of those who love You, Christ our God, and all creation sings to You forever. Amen.

Prayer 2, Saint Basil the Great

Lord Christ God, King of the ages, and Creator of all, I thank Thee for all who gave me the good, and for the communion of Your most pure and life-giving Sacraments. I pray to Thee, O Better and Lover of mankind: keep me under Thy shelter, and in the canopy of Thy wings; and grant me with a pure conscience, even until my last breath, worthy to partake of Your holy things, for the remission of sins, and for eternal life. You are the bread of animals, the source of the holy, the Giver of the good, and we send glory to You, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3, Simeon Metaphrastus

Giving food to me the flesh of Your will, this fire and scorching the unworthy, but do not scorch me, my mate; rather, go into my heart, into all the compositions, into the womb, into the heart. The thorns of all my sins fell. Purify the soul, sanctify the thoughts. Approve the compositions with the bones together. Feelings enlighten a simple five. Nail me all to Your fear. Always cover, keep, and save me from every deed and word of the soul. Cleanse and wash, and adorn me; fertilize, enlighten, and enlighten me. Show me Your village of one Spirit, and not to anyone the village of sin. Yes, like your house, the entrance of communion, like fire, every villain, every passion runs to me. I bring prayer books to You all the saints, the officials of the incorporeal, Your Forerunner, the wise Apostles, to these Your undefiled pure Mother, accept their prayers graciously, my Christ, and make Your servant a son of light. Thou art the sanctification and one of ours, Blessed, souls and lordship; and it is beautiful to Thee, as to God and the Master, we send up all the glory for every day.

Prayer 4th

Thy Holy Body, Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, may it be with us in eternal life, and Thy Honorable Blood for the remission of sins: be this thanksgiving to me in joy, health and joy; in your terrible and second coming, vouchsafe me a sinful statue at the right hand of your glory, with the prayers of your Most Pure Mother, and all the saints.

Prayer 5, to the Most Holy Theotokos

Most Holy Lady Theotokos, the light of my darkened soul, hope, protection, refuge, consolation, my joy, I thank Thee, as you have vouchsafed me to be unworthy, a partaker of being the Most Pure Body and Honest Blood of Your Son. But giving birth to the true Light, enlighten my intelligent eyes of the heart; Even the Source of immortality gave birth, revive me, mortified by sin; Even the merciful God, the compassionate Mother, have mercy on me, and give me tenderness and contrition in my heart, and humility in my thoughts, and an appeal in the captivity of my thoughts; and vouchsafe me to the last breath, uncondemnedly accept the most pure Mysteries, sanctification, for the healing of the soul and body. And give me tears of repentance and confession, in a hedgehog and glorify Thee all the days of my belly, as if you are blessed and glorified forever. Amen.

Now let your servant go, Lord, according to your word, in peace: as my eyes have seen your salvation, if you have prepared before the face of all people, the light for the revelation of tongues and the glory of your people, Israel.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Thrice)

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion of St. John Chrysostom, tone 8:

Your lips, like the lordship of fire, having shone grace, enlighten the universe: not the love of money of the world, the treasures of the world, the height of our humility of wisdom, but punishing us with your words, Father John Chrysostom, pray for the Word of Christ God to be saved to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 6:

Thou hast received Divine grace from heaven, and with thy mouth all teach to bow in the Trinity to the one God, John Chrysostom, all-blessed reverend, worthy of praise to you: you are a mentor, as if divine.


And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If the Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great was performed, read troparion to Basil the Great, tone 1:

Your broadcast has gone out into the whole earth, as if you had received your word, and thou hast taught it divinely, thou hast clarified the nature of beings, thou hast adorned human customs, royal sanctity, reverend father, pray to Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 4:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Thou hast appeared to the unshakable foundation of the church, giving all unstolen dominion by man, imprinting with your commands, unrevealed St. Basil.


And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The intercession of Christians is shameless, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, like the Good, to help us, who faithfully call Thee: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

If the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts was served, read troparion to St. Gregory the Dialogist, tone 4:

Even from God from above we perceive divine grace, glorious Gregory, and we strengthen Him by strength, deigned to march like the gospel, from there, from Christ, you received the retribution of labors all-blessed: God pray that save our souls.

Kontakion, voice 3:

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The leader appeared to the Head as the shepherd of Christ, the monks of the series, Father Gregory, instructing the heavenly fence, and from there taught the flock of Christ by His commandment: now rejoice with them, and rejoice in heavenly blood.


And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The intercession of Christians is shameless, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, like the Good, to help us, who faithfully call Thee: hasten to prayer, and rush to supplication, intercession ever, Theotokos, honoring Thee.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

The most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, without the corruption of God the Word, who gave birth to the real Mother of God, we magnify Thee.

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