Why dream of changing the water in the aquarium. Why dream of an aquarium with fish

The buildings 28.06.2020
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It is almost impossible to guess on your own what an aquarium with fish is dreaming of. This is due to the fact that the image must be interpreted taking into account which fish swam in the aquarium, how clean the water was, what emotions the dreamer experienced when he saw waterfowl and other details. Experts paid attention to all these nuances and provided a clear interpretation of the vision.

It is almost impossible to guess on your own what an aquarium with fish is dreaming of.

When wondering what the fish in the aquarium dream of, many people turn to the dream book of the famous seer Vanga. In her opinion, if a dreamer observes the life of fish in an aquarium, then something is wrong with his own. Probably, at present, troubles are pursuing the sleeper, replacing each other in succession. The situation is complicated by the fact that he has to solve all the problems alone, since there is no close person next to him whom he could trust. A symbol of extravagance is considered to be a removed aquarium, from which water gradually flows out. If there were fish in the container, then this suggests that the dreamer is ruining his life with his own hands. A dream in which an aquarium was dreamed without water, but with marine life, means that the dreamer will soon make claims to his relatives, believing that they pay too little attention to him.

Wondering what the fish in the aquarium dream about, many people turn to the dream book of the famous seer Vanga

A difficult working week is predicted by the white magician Longo if the sleeper in his dreams feeds aquarium fish. The work assigned to him may initially seem monotonous and uninteresting, but over time, it is thanks to her that the sleeper can succeed and declare himself. If there was dirty water in the dream aquarium, then someone will try to denigrate the dreamer's name. Most likely, competitors will consider that the ideal time has come for an attack and decide in this way to harm the sleeper.

What is the dream of the aquarium (video)

Modern and Universal dream book

A modern dream book refers to an aquarium with fish as a positive sign, which portends pleasant meetings and changes in life, replenishment in the family. Moreover, the more active the water inhabitants behave, the more positive events will happen in the life of the sleeping person. However, if you dreamed of dead fish in an aquarium, then nothing good should be expected from fate. Most likely, the dreamer will try to achieve some goal, but all his efforts will be in vain. An exotic aquarium fish seen in night dreams is a symbol of a meeting with an old good friend whom the sleeper has not seen for several years.

Seeing in a dream an aquarium with fish and yourself swimming with them is a big financial loss. The interpreter does not recommend making large purchases for some time or investing in a start-up enterprise. It is better to wait for a more favorable time, but for now, you can simply put the money in the bank so that they bring good dividends. If in the world of dreams you saw a goldfish swimming in an aquarium, then in reality any wish will be fulfilled almost immediately after you make it. Therefore, it is necessary to use this chance to the fullest.

A modern dream book refers to an aquarium with fish as a positive sign, which portends pleasant meetings and changes in life, replenishment in the family

The universal dream book of fish in an aquarium, dreaming of a sleeping person, is interpreted as a fatal change in the dreamer's life. The interpreter suggests deciphering the dream depending on the dreamer's gender. Thus, if a woman dreamed of an aquarium, then in reality she may have an annoying boyfriend. If a lady does not need such a fan, then the interpreter advises her to behave more strictly with representatives of the opposite sex.

And why do a young, unmarried girl dream of aquarium fish? The authors of the publication assure that the unusual color of the fish is a favorable symbol, portending an early marriage and a happy family life. If the dreaming aquarium was dirty, and the girl changed water and pebbles in it, then in reality she should pay less attention to the personal life of strangers.

For a woman in position, aquarium fish swimming in clear water portend a calm pregnancy. If the aquatic inhabitants tried to leave the aquarium, then in reality the expectant mother should contact her doctor as soon as possible, since there is a high probability of a threatened abortion.

Aquarium in a dream (video)

Dream interpretation of Hasse, the Wanderer and the XXI century

What the fish in the aquarium dreams about can also be found from the dream book of the famous medium - Miss Hasse. The clairvoyant claimed that if you see aquarium fish in clear water, then everything will turn out well in life. If the fish tend to leave their habitat, the dreamer is likely to try to change their place of work or residence. Buying aquarium fish is a sign that the dreamer is spending money thoughtlessly, while in the future they will be very useful to him. If the purchase is made by another person, then in reality he may lose a large amount of money, and this will happen due to his stupidity.

Why do fish dream in an aquarium can also be found from the dream book of the famous medium - Miss Hasse

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation also explains what fish in an aquarium dream of. If the sleeper tried to catch them with his hands, it means that in reality he will take up a business that will soon bring him good profit. The meaning of sleep is enhanced if the dreamer catches a goldfish and holds it in his hands. A dead fish in dirty water is a bad sign, portending trouble to the dreamer and all his relatives. A pleasant acquaintance promises a vision in which the sleeper catches fish and transplants them into another, clean container with clear water.

The 21st century dream book is sure that an aquarium with fish that a woman has dreamed of may indicate pregnancy. Moreover, the more colorful the colors of the aquatic inhabitants, the more talented the future baby will be. For a man, a dream in which a glass vessel inhabited by fish breaks means the collapse of all his desires. Everything that he has achieved will turn out to be empty and will not bring him either satisfaction or enrichment.

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We try to decorate our houses with different things. Many people like to have an aquarium at home, because it is so exciting to watch colorful fish scurrying back and forth.

But in night dreams, an aquarium can also appear to those who have not even thought about such a home “accessory” - as the Modern Dream Book says, an aquarium in a dream can promise a happy future and business success.

As with the interpretation of many other dreams, you need to carefully recall the details from the dream: was the water clean in the “fish house”, what kind of fish it is inhabited, what you yourself did with the aquarium. Consider the main plots of dreams, where the aquarium appears:

  • The water in the “fish house” turned out to be transparent, and the fish were bright.
  • I dreamed about the process of feeding aquarium inhabitants.
  • The aquarium turned out to be running, the water turned cloudy.
  • The cat was hunting for fish.
  • Or you yourself for some reason caught fish from a glass vessel.
  • I dreamed about the process of cleaning the aquarium and replacing the water.
  • We saw an empty aquarium.
  • Or he crashed in your nightly dreams.
  • You bought a new container from the store to decorate your home.
  • It is also important who had a dream about an aquarium - a woman or a man.

Order or desolation?

According to the 21st Century Dream Interpretation, to dream of an aquarium inhabited by beautiful, bright fish or amphibians is a very good symbol.. After such a dream, you can expect that luck will smile at you in business matters, and the joyful perception of current events will not leave you. If you dreamed of a large aquarium - luck will be significant, and if not too large or even small - you can enjoy even the daily joys of life.

The dream book of summer birthdays believes that for those who were born in the hot months, such a dream means a long-awaited meeting. I dreamed of a large aquarium - get ready for fruitful communication with people whose status is higher than yours, at this meeting you can solve business issues that are relevant to you.

A container of small or medium size with colorful and crystal water and promises fun communication in a friendly circle and a pleasant pastime. For a woman, a dream about an aquarium with fish is often a harbinger of the fact that she will soon become a mother.

Did you dream of a "fish house" full of fish that you feed? The magical dream book advises to take a closer look at the size, color and appetite of the fish. Watching the eating fish, you can tell how your business activity will develop in the near future. If there were a lot of them and they ate with great eagerness, then you will have to do a lot of small things.

Large fish with bright colors means that you will need to complete some serious business or responsible assignments. After a dream in which you fed the fish, you should not neglect either big work or small work if it requires your attention.

Perhaps at first you will not be too eager to deal with new chores for yourself, but your further well-being will depend on the quality of your work, and besides, if you can “persuade” yourself, you will soon begin to enjoy new work.

I dreamed that in a dream you were showing someone your “fish house”, which you yourself really like - the magical interpreter says that soon fate will give you a chance to take a different look at the person about whom you previously had not the most flattering impression . You may even be able to change your own opinion about this person.

But a large neglected aquarium with cloudy and obviously unhealthy fish is a warning sign. Water in our dreams often symbolizes emotions, and if it becomes cloudy, it means that the sleeper is accumulating resentment and other negative emotions that can erupt at the wrong time and in the wrong place. To prevent this from happening, you need to “let off steam” - for example, sign up for the “martial arts for beginners” section, or at least say all your grievances out loud while no one hears you.

Weird "fishing"

It is not so often possible in reality to see that domestic mustachioed-striped-tailed meowing pets try to catch a fish from an aquarium. Of course, there are some desperate cats who decide on this adventurous act, at the risk of being caught by the owner. But rather, a pet who decides to eat domestic fish is a character in cartoons and Internet memes.

However, in night dreams, it may not be like that. So why dream of an aquarium when it hunts for a fish swimming in it? If in your dreams you don’t drive away the meowing impudent “fisherman”, writes Miller’s Dream Interpretation, in reality you should be more serious in your attitude to business and people around you.

Frivolity in the near future can cost you too much, - the interpreter is sure. If you decide to interrupt unauthorized “fishing” and drive away the tailed fisherman, your serious attitude towards business and business partners will bring you not only personal luck, but also the well-being of your entire family, says Miller’s Dream Book.

If you yourself caught fish in an aquarium in night visions, then you can be calm about the things that you have planned for the next week. They will end up quite successfully for you. If a deal is planned, then most likely it will turn out to be profitable, meeting with the right people will open up new prospects, and all examination and certification events will show a high level of your knowledge.

“Hunting” for fish with a net in your hands - for example, to transplant them into another container of water - means that you will soon meet new people in reality. At the same time, the Worldly Dream Book advises immediately at the moment of meeting you to set the necessary distance between yourself and new acquaintances, otherwise they will be tempted to treat you familiarly, and this may not be very convenient for you.

For a woman, such a dream can mean the appearance of an annoying boyfriend in her life. If you do not need such a fan, approach as strict as possible to new acquaintances of the opposite sex.

If, after you caught all the fish in a dream and transplanted them into another container, you began to clean and wash your aquarium, the interpreters talk about the dreamer's thirst for renewal. Washing an aquarium in night dreams means that now is the most favorable time to get rid of all that is superfluous.

You can painlessly end relationships with people who are unpleasant to you. Or throw away all the things that have served their time or have ceased to please you. If you dreamed of not only washing the aquarium, but also pouring fresh water into it, it means that you will succeed in the operation to “reboot” your own life in full.

empty and new

When you dreamed about an aquarium without inhabitants, without water, plant bases, and even without pebbles at the bottom - that is, completely empty - the General dream book believes that soon you will be invited to a fun party. You will be expected not only by a plentiful table, but also cheerful communication.

For a young female, a dream with an empty aquarium says that her fears about a possible pregnancy are unfounded. The magical dream book believes: an empty glass vessel for the “residence” of fish is a call not to be offended by loved ones for inattention. Perhaps they simply do not understand what you need at the moment - a frank conversation can significantly defuse the situation.

Be that as it may, from the whole variety of interpretations, you can choose the most favorable explanation for yourself - you should not believe in "bad" interpretations and set yourself up for failure. It is much better to see new possibilities in the interpretation of your dreams. And when explaining dreams with an aquarium, women should remember that they need to make allowances for personal relationships, and not for the business sphere.

Dream interpretation of fish in an aquarium

Every person to some extent is a predictor of his own destiny. Of course, not many can look into the future by an effort of will. But at night we can see predictions in a dream. The main thing is to be able to correctly unravel the message of higher powers, to understand why we dream of symbols.

For example, why do fish dream? It is worth studying the dream book, and then, armed with knowledge, draw up a correct and complete picture of sleep.

Dream interpretation

Fortunately, at the moment there are several dozen dream books, many of which have a good reputation. It is to them that you should turn in the first place.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of fish in an aquarium

An aquarium filled with fish promises change. They will be especially noticeable if in a dream you change the water in it.

She dreams that the cat is trying to get and eat a fish - the dream book indicates that in the future be careful, naivety can turn against you.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

Freud, as a true psychologist, that is, a doctor, first of all associates a dream about an aquarium with possible enuresis in a sleeping person. Such dreams show that it is time to consult a specialist.

If you are absolutely healthy, then the interpretation of sleep may be as follows, you are a real family man, for whom home and relatives come first in the priority table.

The aquarium is filled with fry - the desire to have children, and most likely several.

Big fish - the desire to change partners. For an imminent divorce, that's what such a dream is about for people who are married.

When interpreting sleep, Freud paid special attention to women. If a woman has such a dream, it reflects her sexuality. The more fish in the tank, the higher the female libido. Accordingly, an empty aquarium is interpreted not in favor of the sleeping one. It can also mean that she is infertile.

Family dream book

It is a dream that you are cleaning the aquarium - big changes in life, a change of job, place of residence, partner, field of activity.

A dirty vessel with fish for a woman promises trouble in the family; you will not reach mutual understanding with your husband.

The family dream book also emphasizes women's dreams. If an aquarium with clean and clear water, healthy fish - a favorable dream. The sleeping woman will receive a loving husband, many children and a “full cup” house.

Dream Interpretation Longo

If you fed the fish

In this source, the entire emphasis is on the manipulations that you do with an aquarium in a dream:

  • change water, or feed fish - good changes;
  • break an aquarium - there is gossip about you;
  • someone praises your fish - in reality you will meet this person. Communication with him will be extremely unpleasant, and you will not be able to restore your peace of mind for a long time.

Detailed interpretation

Seeing a fish in a dream is a rather extensive topic. Such a dream can have dozens of interpretations. Therefore, the dream book tried to break this dream into groups.

Gender of the sleeping person

The fact is that the same dream for men and for women will be radically different. In addition, the status of a person is important, whether he is married, whether he has children, what age he is.

Dreams of a female

To receive a vessel with fish as a gift is a positive dream. But to give it yourself - to the troubles that will come from a loved one, most likely a spouse.

A cat catching its prey from an aquarium is a turmoil for you and your loved ones.

Seeing a lot of exotic fish in a dream - you will be happy, the more of them, the more joy.

In a dream, you do something for your pets, change the water, rearrange the decor - a mirror image of reality. In everyday life, you behave the same way, constantly climbing into someone's life. Stop doing this, otherwise you will turn everyone against you.

Girlish dreams

For an early marriage

Many dream books define dreams filled with fish as an early engagement or wedding. But such a prediction works only if the girl is already an adult and she has a serious relationship with a young man.

“The fish itself is always change, it is also responsible for our emotional sphere. Therefore, after such a dream, you will definitely change internally, under the influence of some event.

What is the dream in which the girl feeds the fish? To a happy marriage, a quick replenishment in the family. But, if the water is muddy and dirty, then you will not meet your spouse soon.

To break a container with waterfowl - turmoil with the boss - a man at work.

Buying a small fish tank - change your job, and possibly your priority goals in life.

Why do fish dream of the male half of humanity

If for girls to see waterfowl in a dream for good, happiness, marriage, pregnancy. That guys will not be happy with such a dream. It means the collapse of plans, the unfulfillment of hopes.

A live big fish promises a man financial stability. That's what small fish act for - to a lot of small troubles, which, however, will not bring much harm.

Your actions

If you wanted to catch

You can find out what the events in a dream will lead to only when you remember all your actions.

  • Swim with the fish - you will incur material losses. Take care of your finances.
  • Buying an aquarium - you will make unnecessary purchases.
  • Watching another person make a purchase - in reality, he will make rash spending.
  • Kill fish - your reputation will suffer, you will lose your job, you will be left without support.
  • Catching fish - your body is weakened, there is a danger of catching an infectious disease. Try not to put yourself in danger in the near future.
  • Holding an aquarium pet in your hands is a pleasant chore.
  • To clean - troubles, troubles.
  • To break and see how the fish blur - a quick enrichment.

Aquarium condition

Before puzzling over what your dream is about, it is worth recalling the state of the vessel itself and the water in it.

For example, an empty tank may dream of deception, you should keep your ears sharp.

Dirty musty water with dead fish is a very negative sign. Trouble will enter your home.

In general, the seers thought this: clean, clear water - good changes, muddy and musty - life will change for the worse.

gold fish

The fish world has hundreds of species. All of them are of different colors and sizes, sometimes the fish is even golden. It is the goldfish that brings people luck in all fairy tales. I dreamed of a big gold one - you got a ticket to a fairy tale.

A big goldfish is dreaming - it is impossible to imagine a better dream. The appearance of such a symbol in a dream promises a real fairy tale in reality. All your desires will be fulfilled by magic, but on one condition, they must be within the law and not harm anyone.

A big golden fish is dreaming of being in your hands - the wish will come true literally tomorrow.

If the fish dreamed of being golden, and at the same time it swims around the aquarium, make a profit.


Sometimes we dream of fish jumping out of the aquarium. Such a dream promises change. If the water was clean - for the better. Muddy - for the worse.

But it is worth remembering, no matter what kind of fish you dream about, big or small, simple or golden, basically such a dream is positive. The two main points are the purity of the water and whether it is alive or dead. But even with the most negative prediction, it is in your power to take action and cope with all difficulties.

Why dream of an aquarium with fish for a woman or a man? Dreams in which this piece of home interior appears are often related to the personal life of a sleeping person. You can understand their meaning if you pay attention to the state of the water in the glass tank and the appearance of its inhabitants. Was the aquarium clean? What did the dreamer do with him? By answering these and some other questions, a person will find out the true meaning of his night vision.

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    Explanation of the image according to the 21st century Dream Interpretation, General and Eastern dream interpreters

    The 21st century dream book considers an aquarium with inhabitants a good sign that promises the dreamer happy events in life. Did you dream that in a large glass tank filled with perfectly clean water, a lot of colorful fish frolicked? A dream promises a person mutual love, true friends, career growth and success in any endeavor. If the fish from the aquarium suddenly disappeared somewhere, then in the coming days the sleeper will face a deceit or a quarrel with a person who promised to help him in solving an important problem for him.

      To break a full aquarium in a dream - to improve the financial situation, make a profit or inheritance. For a businessman, a dream with such a development of events promises success in entrepreneurial activity. Soon he will be able to conclude a profitable business deal and enlist the support of influential people in business circles. How to understand a dream in which a person swam in an aquarium with fish? The interpreter is sure that such a vision does not bode well for him. In the near future, unplanned expenses, losses and theft await the sleeper.

      A pleasant surprise from a loved one promises a dream in which the dreamer admired the fish swimming in the aquarium. Such an interpretation can be found in the General Dream Book. If the inhabitants of the glass tank turned out to be dead in a dream, then in reality the dreamer will be overcome by doubts about the appropriateness of the work he has done. But before abandoning its further implementation, the sleeper should consult with relatives. To look into the aquarium and not see the fish there - to participate in an entertainment event with a lot of drinks and snacks.

      Why do fish in an aquarium dream of a representative of the weaker sex? An oriental dream book predicts a young woman a wedding with a very wealthy and influential man. However, this marriage will not bring happiness to the dreamer, since her chosen one will turn out to be a domineering, jealous and cruel person. Dreamed of changing the water in the aquarium? Such a vision predicts the sleeping person unexpected turns in fate that can change his life for the better.

      Interpretation according to Miller, Freud and the Combined Dream Book

      Watching a cat trying to catch a fish from an aquarium and not driving it away is frivolous behavior. A similar interpretation can be seen by looking at Miller's dream book. The interpreter strongly advises the dreamer to take life more seriously, since his carelessness can create a lot of trouble not only for him, but also for the people around him. Seeing an aquarium in a dream and changing the water in it is an encouraging sign that promises a person getting rid of old problems and the beginning of a happy life stage.

      In Freud's dream book, an aquarium with fish is personified with the family life of a sleeping person. For a girl, such a symbol promises the onset of pregnancy. If she does not want to become a mother in the near future, she should pay more attention to contraception. An aquarium without inhabitants in a woman's dream is a harbinger of infertility. Do you see yourself in a dream launching fry into a glass tank? Freud personified such a dream with the dreamer's desire to have children. If, in night dreams, a person filled the aquarium with adult fish, then soon he will want to have a new sexual partner. To let go of a full aquarium and break it - to discord in relationships. If the dreamer values ​​his soulmate, he should be extremely careful, as the upcoming quarrel can lead to a break with her.

      And how does the Combined Dream Book interpret the aquarium? If a fish dreamed in an aquarium, then soon the well-being of a sleeping person will worsen. In the near future, he is threatened with indigestion as a result of eating poor-quality food. To avoid malaise, the sleeper should refrain from visiting dubious catering establishments and carefully monitor the freshness of food.

      Explanation of sleep according to Longo's dream book

      What is the dream of a fish in an aquarium according to Yuri Longo's dream book? The white magician advises paying attention to its details when interpreting a dream. If a person dreamed of feeding aquarium fish, then in reality he will have to perform uninteresting and monotonous work that requires dedication and perseverance. Having done it, the dreamer will receive invaluable life experience, moral satisfaction and material reward.

      In a dream, did a person clean an aquarium, fill it with clean water and launch fish into it? In reality, he is surrounded by envious people who are waiting for the right moment to stab him in the back. The dreamer should be careful and refrain from close communication with people whose decency and sincerity he is not sure.

      Watching in night dreams how someone is looking at fish in an aquarium is a sign that promises the dreamer a meeting with a person about whom he had not previously had the most flattering impression. The dream interpreter recommends that the dreamer take a closer look at his friend. It is possible that his opinion of him will soon change for the better.

      To break an aquarium in a dream, according to Longo, is an alarming sign. The dreamer's dream warns of a major quarrel that will occur with his direct participation. If he wants to avoid a bad omen, he needs to be more calm about criticism in the coming days and not get involved in conflict situations. Was a glass tank with fish broken in night dreams by one of the relatives or friends of a sleeping person? In real life, the dreamer will be in limbo due to a constant lack of time. The interpreter recommends calming down and focusing on solving the most important issues. Friends and relatives will help him cope with minor problems.

A dream associated with fish, with a body of water, usually has a favorable interpretation. Life on Earth originated in the depths of the ocean - perhaps this partly explains the positive interpretation of such dreams. Let's see what the fish in the aquarium dream of, according to various interpretations.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

According to the compilers of the dream book of Catherine the Great, those who see an aquarium in their dreams are distinguished in real life by a passion for collecting. If you are just watching fish and other inhabitants of your home pond, there is a possibility of a pleasant surprise that your loved one will present to you in the near future.

Women's dream book

Seeing, buying, installing an aquarium in a dream means a change of job for a young girl.

If a woman looks at an aquarium in a dream, admiring its pretty inhabitants, it means that her life is well arranged, she is satisfied with herself and her partner, happy and calm. This applies to all aspects of family life, including sexual.

If you are going to feed aquarium fish in a dream, expect guests soon.

Eastern dream book

Why does a woman dream of an aquarium with fish? For a young lady of the fair sex, this is a sign of imminent marriage, and the spouse will be wealthy. The couple is not in danger of financial problems, but there may not be mutual understanding in such a marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in September - November and December

For the birthdays of the autumn (and the first winter) months, an aquarium in a dream portends the appearance of offspring.

Dream Interpretation Longo

For those who prepare food for fish in a dream, intending to feed the beautiful inhabitants of the aquarium, such a dream means long-term monotonous work in the near future. If you treat it responsibly and with patience, it will give excellent results.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Seeing an aquarium with fish in a dream means enjoying peace and all kinds of pleasures in life.

Miller's dream book

Do you see in a dream that you are going to change the water in the aquarium? Get ready for the upcoming changes in your life.

If someone wants to take a fish out of the aquarium, and you just watch without interfering, this is an occasion to think about your behavior. Perhaps you have become frivolous lately. This can cause a lot of trouble if you do not adjust your own behavior in accordance with generally accepted standards.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a pretty aquarium with cute fish in a dream is a sign of happiness and success in all endeavors.

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