The strongest prayers for good luck, prosperity, wealth, love, career, study. Strong conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck in everything

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Many people have to repeatedly deal with such concepts as happiness, luck, success. Some consider luck to be a certain constant that is outstanding to a newborn at random, but this is not true.

Thanks to conspiracies, spells, spells, prayers, anyone will improve their luck.

Moreover, if some people find it difficult to believe in some “magic things”, then Orthodox Christians are convinced of the efficiency of prayers. Prayer for good luck really works when they read it from the bottom of their hearts, in which case the believer really enters into a kind of dialogue with God, the Guardian Angel.

Going on the road, in difficult moments, we often ask higher powers to reward us with good luck, to grant us success.

Even without believing in the existence of a Guardian Angel, you must have heard of affirmations. They are a kind of analogue of prayers that can instill in a person confidence in own forces, make life filled with successful events. Lucky individuals every day confirm the expression that success is a matter of practice, because it does not come to lazy people.

Combining actions with prayers to the Guardian Angel, other higher powers, they gain confidence in the future, become happier. By the way, Orthodox believers are not the only ones who can pray for success, there is a Muslim prayer for real luck. A good prayer for good luck will help enlist the support of the heavenly forces for any day, change the fate of better side.

Follow the basic rules for reading prayers

It will not be difficult for the Guardian Angel to help if the request is as sincere as possible. Success will accompany every day if you regularly make the way to the temple, ask higher powers for help. Remember, prayer is an appeal to higher powers, so when visiting a church it is advisable to be baptized. Of course, you can pray within the walls of the house, but the most powerful prayer is in the temple.

Prayer is a request to God, coming from the heart, filled with humility and good thoughts. There will be no harm from her. And it can bring a lot of good to a believer.

As mentioned earlier, prayer is only a tool, the intention of the one praying to the Guardian Angel is of great importance.

Even an unbelieving person who has pure intentions, who speaks words from the heart, will surely find success. A prayer for good luck in business is preferably read near the icon of the saint who is being addressed. It is recommended to light candles or a lamp, focus on the flame.

Think about what is missing in your life every day. Try to imagine what you mean by luck, perhaps the word has a very specific image, communicated to the Guardian Angel. High concentration will achieve excellent results.

Choose the best prayer

Some people want to make progress in business, they do it through prayer. In simple words you will bring to life new prospects in business, work. You will be surrounded by the right people, future partners, good colleagues, the authorities will treat you fairly. It is advisable to learn the words of the prayer, this will achieve a better result by reading the appeal day after day.

Prayer "For good luck"

“The spark of the eternal manifestation of the Lord, born by a miracle, will manifest itself in me when my soul is illumined with the Good News. I call on the great Lord to touch my fate, to direct my paths in the direction of good luck and prosperity, and the seven sources of Heaven will unite in my heart when the Lord He will hear me, and by a blessed miracle my life will acquire a new meaning, and I will gain the power of Life, I will gain success in today's business, and in future affairs there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of the Lord will help me. Amen."

In order for the Guardian Angel to protect life, if you are going on the road, it is recommended to address words to him, or to Jesus Christ. One of the most common and effective prayers is the prayer for good luck. Do not be afraid of its size, it is easy to learn, but the result of reading it will be a stunning success in life.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. Lord my God! You are the Almighty God who knows no limits, to whom all things are possible. You have appeared to Your people many times to help and bring them out of any difficult situation. God, only You can solve all our problems. “And the Lord said (to Moses): I saw the suffering of my people in Egypt and heard their cry…; I know his grief and I go to deliver him from the hand of the Egyptians and bring him out of this land (and bring him in) into a good and spacious land, where milk and honey flow ”(Ex. 3:-7-8). My God, I don't accept this situation, I'm tired of suffering! Until when, the devil will keep me in bondage to problems, illnesses and failures. Is it not with You, the living God, that I made a covenant. Didn't You promise abundant life? I don't believe in idols, I don't believe in a dead God, I believe in a living God. Hear my cry! Answer my prayer! Remove shame from my life! Didn't You promise: "Call to Me - and I will answer you, show you great and unattainable things, which you do not know" (Jer. 33:3). Lord, I cry to You and ask for help! Lord, I turn to You, didn't You say: "If you ask anything in My name, I will do it." Lord, in Your name, change my life for the better! Raise me to the height that You have prepared for us, so that our life will be like that city on the mountain. Everyone sees and rejoices in its beauty and splendor. Thank you, Lord, that You hear me and change my life for the better. From today I proclaim you Father and the doors of blessing are opened for me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!"

If you want to turn directly to the Lord, then there are special words for this case.

Prayer to the Lord God

“Our Lord Almighty! Glorifying Your name in all ages, people did not know the refusal of their prayers. Lord Our Almighty, give me the strength to overcome misfortunes and grave misfortunes. Take bad weather away from my house, from my body and my soul. Hear the requests of your servant (name) and do not leave them unanswered. To the glory of the Lord, amen."

It is believed that it is not necessary to learn them, just write them on a piece of paper, keep in your breast pocket. A strong prayer for good luck is read until the situation with luck in life stabilizes.

There are also alternative views prayers to the Guardian Angel, for example, Tatar.

The result will be stunning

Since everyone has a unique representation of luck, the outcome will be different. In any case, the effect of reading a prayer will be unambiguously positive. And combining prayer with work, not sitting idly by, it is worth waiting for good luck, which itself will knock on your door.

Perhaps, for the unbaptized, the Tatar prayer is more suitable, which is not difficult to find. Although, as mentioned above, the Lord will listen to a request coming from the heart, even if a person rarely visits the temple of God.

Video: Prayer for good luck

Since ancient times, believing people, before starting any business, turned to the Higher Powers for support and help. This made it possible to bring good luck to life, which means that it was faster to achieve your goals. It should also be remembered that after the completion of the work begun, one should definitely thank the Lord. You can offer prayers not only in the temple, but also at home. But at the same time, it is necessary to pray before the icon.

Strong prayers for good luck and luck

Strong prayers for good luck and luck allow you to improve your position at work, climb the career ladder, get a salary increase or, if you aspire to this, find a more suitable job that will not only improve your financial condition, but will also be a pleasure.

It is believed that prayer for good luck in work and luck helps only the baptized, for all other people it is simply useless. In order for good luck to accompany you, you need to offer special prayers every day and do it better in the morning.

Prayer for good luck in business and work

The most powerful and effective prayer is considered to be an appeal to the Savior.

It sounds like this:

“Son of God Jesus Christ, Almighty Savior of the human race, I, the Servant of God ( given name I lift up a prayer to You. I appeal to You, the All-Merciful, with a request from the depths of my heart, attract good luck into my life. Grant me the opportunity to improve my work affairs. May it be so that daily work brings me pleasure and joy, and also be for the good and benefit of everyone around. Make sure that my work brings me a good income and my financial situation stabilized. Let everything around me turn out well, and good people meet on my way. Protect me, Savior, from human evil and the envy of enemies. Save me from the unkind looks of ill-wishers, so that they do not harm me. Help me fix a good relationship with my colleagues and make management treat me kindly. I ask You, Lord, hear me and do not disregard my request. I sincerely believe and glorify the power of our Lord and accept everything that does not happen to me. Amen".

The above prayer is read three times in the morning hour every day. It needs to be learned by heart. Positive changes in the field of work will be noticeable in as soon as possible. Even if it seems to you that you have achieved what you want, you still need to continue to pray, this will allow you to stabilize working position and accelerate progress. It is very important during the period when you use prayer not to conflict with anyone. It is important to tune in to the positive, and with this attitude, everything will definitely work out.

The power of prayer to St. Nicholas the Pleasant has long been known. In ancient times, seafarers and travelers turned to this Saint with a request for good luck. Today, believers bow before the image of St. Nicholas with a request to perform a miracle and help in a variety of everyday affairs.

It is necessary to pray to the Saint for help in the work of his icon as follows:

“Oh, the All-holy God-pleaser Nikolai, the real protector of every person in sorrow and sorrow. I ask you for help, the Servant of God (proper name), beg the Lord for the forgiveness of my sins, since they were committed out of ignorance and ignorance. Help me, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, throughout my life in word and deed. Deliver me, Pleasing God, from ordeals and spiritual torments. Give me strength to work for pleasure and for the benefit of everyone around. I pray the Lord for this and glorify his name. Amen".

Prayer for the return of prosperity and luck in life

When you are angry or in conflict with people from your immediate environment, then around you accumulates negative energy that destroys your aura. This is manifested, as a rule, by the fact that luck leaves you and constant difficulties arise on the way to the goal. In order to return well-being to life, it is necessary to use special prayers.

“It is true for all that the Lord gave people bread, it is true that Jesus Christ is the son of the Lord, it is also true that the Lord is merciful to people. I ask You, Almighty, turn, Lord, good luck around me from west to east, from north to south. And if luck has three roads, then let one of them go to my doorstep. May all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes go along another road, going far from my threshold, leading straight to the snake's womb. May they remain there forever and ever. And it remains for me to sincerely pray in order to gird myself with gold and silver. Yes, it will happen that from this moment I will not know misfortune, and I will not count the money earned in a righteous way. Amen".

After reading the prayer, a piece of bread must be eaten, after which a sip of holy water should be taken. This prayer should be read every day until life begins to improve.

It is quite natural that every person has anxiety before the exam and this can interfere. You can cope with anxiety and attract luck with the help of prayer. In addition, prayer appeal will help to gain self-confidence. One of the reliable assistants before the exam is the Guardian Angel.

Prayer to him is as follows:

“My all-merciful and reliable Guardian Angel, given to me by the Lord on the day of my birth, I ask you to strengthen me, facilitate my path of knowledge and grant the ability to easily comprehend the teachings, so that over time I become a faithful support to the Almighty and serve with dignity for the benefit of other people and to his Fatherland. I ask you to contribute to the successful passing of the exams, make sure that the teachers treat me favorably, let them treat me condescendingly and kindly at my test, not noticing my accidental mistakes. Amen".

After this prayer is read, it should be copied onto paper and put in the pocket of the clothes in which you will go to the exam. If suddenly a feeling of confusion arises during the exam, you should try to remember that your Guardian Angel is always there.

Prayer for luck in money

Prayer for luck in money allows you to attract wealth into your own life.

It is very important to fulfill the following requirements before reading the prayer:

  • Prayer in order to attract luck in the financial sector should be read in the morning.
  • You should read the prayer appeal alone, fully concentrating on the goal.
  • It is advisable to memorize the prayer text.

The simplest and most effective is the prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for well-being.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Saint Nicholas, the intercessor of the afflicted, the Pleasant of God, the helper of all of the human race! Help me, hear my sincere prayer. Help me so that I do not know poverty and mental anguish. Ask, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, for the well-being of my family. I will glorify your name, and thank you in prayers. Amen".

Repeat the above prayer text at least seven times. You need to read a prayer within a month.

If you are unlucky in life and want everything to turn out well, then it's time to say a strong prayer for good luck, which will make sure that now everything always works out for you, failures bypass you, and success accompanies you at every step.

How to read a prayer correctly?

In order for the prayer to work, it is very important to correctly conduct the ceremony during its pronunciation. First of all, in no case should it be read either from a piece of paper or from a prayer book. Before you start praying, it is very important to learn the words of the prayer, so that you can then mentally pronounce it to yourself without hesitation, referring directly to God or the saint to whom it is dedicated. It is also important during your spiritual communication to get rid of all extraneous and bad thoughts, to think only about the good, imagining how light energy passes through the whole body. And finally, to read a prayer for good luck and luck in everything, like all other prayers, one should immediately after waking up, early in the morning, facing the east and repeating the prayer words three times. And you should do this every day until everything gets better.

Prayer to the guardian angel

Every person from birth has his own angel who keeps him from troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, it is he who should pray so that luck and happiness accompany you always and in everything.

  • Oh, my benefactor, holy angel, my protector and guardian, what will be with me all the time as long as I live. I call to you, hear me, I ask, and condescend to me with your grace. As you have already been able to do me a favor many times, do it now. I did not sin either before God or before people, I lived with faith and will continue to live like this, and for this the Lord God bestowed his mercy on me, sending you to me for protection and protection from adversity. So let the will of our Lord be done now, and you, my guardian angel, will fulfill it, making my life and the life of my family happy, and this will be the highest reward for me. Amen.

Prayer for good luck to Nicholas the Wonderworker

The destitute Blessed Nicholas the Wonderworker also helps, so you can also pray for him to gain good luck.

  • Oh, the great Blessed Nicholas, the Lord's saint, our protector and intercessor, a quick helper in sorrows! Help me, sad and sinful in my real life May you beg our Lord to grant me the remission of all my sins, created by deed, thought or word. And I ask you tearfully, beg our Creator to save me from eternal torment and terrible ordeals. To live me from now on in abundance and prosperity, glorifying the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord God

With constant bad luck, it can still help powerful prayer good luck to the Lord God, which is best pronounced right in front of the icon.

  • Oh Lord, our heavenly Father! In the name of your son Jesus Christ, let me bear more good fruits in those areas in which you have rewarded me with talents and skills. Grant me the opportunity to bring high-quality and durable fruits that will benefit people and your eternal kingdom. Give me the skills and knowledge to do this and make your dreams and desires come true. grant me a meeting with the right people, the opportunity to be at the right time in the right place, and give me life circumstances that will help make my dream come true. Amen.

Prayer for good luck in the work of the Lord God

If you cannot find a job for a long time, then you should pray to God every morning about it, and do this until the desired and long-awaited job is found.

  • Oh Lord, our heavenly Father! In the name of your son Jesus Christ, I ask you tearfully, grant me a job that you love and such that your servant can ( full name) to realize on it all your skills and abilities that you endowed me with. Let it give me money income, pleasure and joy, so that I could (la) benefit people there and your eternal kingdom. Amen.

Pray for Jesus Christ to get a job

To get a job, you can also say a prayer for good luck in business and finding a job in front of the icon with Jesus Christ. And just as when praying to the Lord God for a job, you need to say these prayer words until the long-awaited job is found.

  • Oh Son of God Jesus Christ! I tearfully ask and beg you, let me find good luck in my everyday work. May my work please and give only pleasure, may it never make me sad, but only benefit me and all people, may everything work out for me, and my work will please everyone. And protect me, a servant of God (full name), from gossip, hatred, envy and the looks of evil. Do not leave my request, Son of God Jesus Christ, help me find good luck in business and work. Amen.

Prayer for money

If you have been in serious need of money for a long time, then a short but strong prayer for good luck and money, written by Vanga, will suit you here.

  • Oh, the Bright Angel that looks down on us from above! I bow before you and turn to you with a tearful request. Help me find my luck and get rich. But not for the sake of evil, I'm looking for wealth, but in order to live a secure and peaceful life. Oh, Bright Angel, my whole future depends on your help and mercy. As the sun is extremely important for light, so getting your help is very important for me. Bring good luck and wealth on me, for the sake of all the good I ask. Amen.

Prayer to Mother Matrona

The holy old woman Matrona of Moscow was blind from childhood and knew a lot of grief, but she herself never refused the destitute either during her life or after death. Therefore, experiencing life's hardships, it is she who can whisper a prayer for good luck, so that trouble will bypass you, and only success will accompany you in life.

  • Oh, righteous holy Mother Matrona! Please pray to God for us! Help the servant of God (full name) with your saints' prayers to gain good, which will lead to my salvation and spiritual growth. Let me grow rich in God, so that I don’t waste my soul on worldly things. And protect me from all evil and the temptation of the devil. Amen!

Prayer to Saint George

To achieve success in trade affairs, household chores, job search and military affairs, a prayer for good luck to George the Victorious will help.

  • Oh, the great saint George the Wonderworker! I turn to you with tearful help so that you beg the Lord God so that he does not condemn us according to our iniquity, but in return bestows upon us his bright mercy. Ask for us from Christ God a charitable and calm life, health, both bodily and spiritual, land fertility, abundance in everything. We will not turn this into evil, but for the good of the name of the holy God and for his glorification. And may he protect us from hard ordeals and the wiles of the evil one, so that we stand uncondemned before the Throne of our Lord and glorify the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit until the end of our lives. Amen.

We pray to Saint Tryphon

Also, for a successful job search and success in any business, you can whisper a prayer for good luck to the holy martyr Tryphon, who will always help those who ask him about it with a pure heart and soul.

  • Oh, holy Christ's martyr Trofim, you are a quick helper to everyone who comes running to you and prays before your holy image! Hear now and at every hour and my prayer, your unworthy servant, who honors your memory. For you, the saint of Christ, before your departure from life promised to pray for the Lord for us and asked him for a gift so that everyone who in sorrow and need would call on your name would be delivered from all evil. Yes, be my helper and drive away evil demons, and stand at the throne of God and pray to our Lord that we also become involved in fun and joy and together with you begin to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Four important conspiracies for success and good luck

In addition, having certain problems, you can attract long-awaited success with the help of conspiracies and prayers for good luck, which, if the ritual is strictly followed, will certainly help you achieve what you want.

  1. For a successful working day, before going to work, you should wash yourself with cold water and say three times: "Work is good, and if I am given to work, then let all the blessings and success be present in it and in me."
  2. If you are competing with someone, then to win this competition you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy by the light of a candle over a bowl of water: “As the day submits to the night, fire to water, and ice to the sun, so let my opponent (full name of the opponent ) will be subdued in impotence, discouraged and broken in weakness. Amen." After these words, the candle should be hidden, and the charmed water should be poured out at the road intersection.
  3. If you need to do an important thing, then in order to succeed in it, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, you should take a cotton rag with you, light a candle, go to the mirror and say: “Lord, deliver me from the evil, cunning and bogomerzsky Antichrist and hide me from his nets in the secret temple of Your salvation. Give me, Lord, strength and courage, so that I do not retreat because of fear and do not renounce the holy Church and You, my Redeemer and Savior. Amen. " And after the conspiracy is uttered three times, the candle will need to be extinguished on the fabric and hidden under the mattress so that no one finds these attributes of the ritual.
  4. If a woman wants to succeed, then she should take her favorite precious jewelry, which she will often wear later, hold it over the flame of a church candle, put water on the windowsill so that the starry sky is reflected in it, and whisper: “Oh, I’ll go out as a slave God's (your full name) at night - not during the day, at the door - not through the window, by the path - not by the path, in the field - and not in the swamp. take care of it, call good luck to it, drive away sadness and sadness, and bring money in. Amen! After that, the precious jewelry should be lowered into the water, and in the morning it should be taken out, put on and worn without taking it off.

But it doesn’t matter whether you uttered a conspiracy for success in business or a prayer to the Miracle Worker for good luck, prayed to one of the saints or the Lord God, after finding what you want, you must definitely thank the higher powers for the blessing given to you. To do this, as soon as everything in your life begins to develop successfully, you should say: “You brought the fulfillment of all blessings, Christ, filled my soul with joy and merriment and saved me, like the all-merciful Lord! Glory to you! Amen.”

There are few things in life that can be 100% sure. People live in the world of their habits, accept their comfort and security as something ordinary. But in fact, it is largely a matter of luck, good luck. Therefore, before each important matter, whether it's job hunting, start own business, even a trip to the dentist - it does not hurt to pray for a successful end to the case.

To whom to turn for help, who is better to read prayers for good luck and luck? There are no unequivocal recommendations here, there are many options, you need to choose the one to which the soul is more disposed. Then the prayer will be sincere and will be heard.

"Do not leave me, guardian angel!"

At birth, each person is given an angel that accompanies him throughout his life. He also meets the soul after death to lead to heaven. Therefore, it is quite logical to turn a prayer to your heavenly intercessor.

At any difficult situation, with every difficulty in life, you can turn to the guardian angel both with a prayer from the prayer book, and in your own words. It is important at this moment not to get involved in your own experiences, emotions. After all, the Angel perfectly sees the confusion of the one who addresses him. It is necessary to ask as specifically as possible, clearly formulate thoughts.

Orthodox prayer will bring good luck only if the request does not contradict the 10 Christian commandments. For example, a wish to harm someone will not be fulfilled.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel for Good Luck

“My holy guardian, the Angel of God, Given to me from heaven from the Lord for observance, I pray to you, I ask you, save me from all evil, enlighten and save, direct me to good luck on the path to good deeds. Amen!"

Saint Nicholas - Helper of the Dispossessed

Saint Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in the entire Christian world. He was born around 270, in the city of Lycia, this is on the territory of modern Turkey. Remember the gospel story about Christ and the rich young man (Matt. 19:21)? The Savior told him that in order to achieve perfection, all possessions must be given away. Then the young man became sad and left. And St. Nikolai put this instruction into practice. He spent all the money to help the underprivileged.

Several poor girls were given in marriage, thanks to the help of the saint. So they escaped complete poverty, and yet their father already wanted to send his daughters to sell bodies. St. Nicholas gave them enough money to buy a dowry. The saint saved the unjustly accused from execution, appeared to the fishermen during a storm. Therefore, it is believed that Nicholas the Wonderworker is able to help in worldly storms.

The saint patronizes travelers. Many drivers in the car place a scapular of St. Nicholas. Before the road, you can take a moment and turn to Saint Nicholas with a request to protect him from any troubles on the road. Luck means a lot on the road. Before traveling (by plane, any other form of transport), many pious Christians order a prayer service in the temple. After him, the priest gives them to venerate the cross and sprinkles those who set off on the journey with holy water.

Protect St. Nikolai and the children, because it was not for nothing that the people's consciousness turned him into the good wizard Santa Claus. Visiting any Orthodox church, you can see there the image of the saint, usually in bishop's vestments, with the gospel in his left hand, and his right hand raised in a blessing gesture. You need to put a candle near the icon, pray for your need with firm faith.

Prayer for Good Luck St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, the servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and despondent in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me the remission of all my sins, having sinned from my youth, in all my life, deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and in the outcome of my soul, help me the damned, implore the Lord God, all creatures of the Sodetel, to deliver me air ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Saint George - a courageous warrior

Saint George the Victorious (George of Lida), highly revered in Russia, was from Palestine, born at the end of the 3rd century. His brilliant military career at the court of Emperor Diocletian ended in arrest after he openly declared himself a Christian. For a week, the former commander was subjected to various severe tortures, but every morning he appeared healed before the tormentor.

Such is the power of faith, which should be an example for every Christian. It is thanks to her that miracles can happen in the life of any person. After his martyrdom (they cut off his head on the chopping block), St. George did many good deeds. Saved from certain death the royal daughter, who was given to the dragon to be torn to pieces. It is in the image of an equestrian warrior slaying a dragon that this brave holy man is depicted.

In what cases do Christians turn to the Great Martyr George?

  • If you need help with business. Here a lot depends on luck, especially today, when people have become more demanding, and the well-being of the people is in no hurry to increase. By investing all the savings in their own business, entrepreneurs are often very risky, so there is no way to do without help from above.
  • If you need to find (or keep) a job to feed your family. Such a prayer can be read not only for yourself, but also for your spouse. It happens that the work takes a lot of energy, there is a misunderstanding with colleagues, management. Then prayer will soothe, help to withstand all trials.
  • Prayers for good luck in household chores are also addressed to St. George. Farmers and cattle breeders believed that in this way it was possible to increase the harvest, to get a good offspring. Working in the spring suburban area, it will not be superfluous to read a prayer. After all, generous fruits are not only budget savings, but also healthy foods for the whole family.
  • During his lifetime, being a military commander, the saint is rightfully considered the patron saint of all who are related to military service. Luck also plays an important role here, so many seek protection from a heavenly warrior.

Prayer to George the Victorious for a successful outcome

“O all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker George!
Look upon us with your quick help, and implore God, the Lover of mankind,
may he not condemn us sinners according to our iniquities, but may he deal with us according to his great mercy.

Do not despise our prayer, but ask us from Christ our God a quiet and charitable life, health of soul and body, fertility of the earth, and abundance in everything, and may we not turn the good that you give us from the All-Merciful God into evil, but to the glory of the holy in His name and in glorification of your strong intercession, may He give our country and the entire God-loving army to overcome adversaries and strengthen it with unchanging peace and blessings. Rather, let His holy angels protect us with His militia, in a hedgehog get rid of us, after our departure from this life, from the wiles of the evil one and his heavy air ordeals, and appear uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of Glory.

Heard, passion-bearer of Christ George, and pray for us unceasingly the Trinitarian Lord of all God, but by His grace and philanthropy, with your help and intercession, we will find mercy, with the angels and archangels and all the saints at the right hand of the Just Judge, and I will take out to glorify Him with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

The book of psalms was written primarily by King David, and they are intended to praise God and also to ask for help when times are hard. King David himself experienced more than one black streak: he succumbed to sin, was persecuted by powerful enemies. But prayer helped him survive everything, as well as become the author of inspired books of Holy Scripture.

No wonder the texts of the psalms are widely used in Orthodox worship. These words are perfectly designed specifically for prayer. But you can resort to them not only during worship. Psalms can and should be read at home, when a person can fully concentrate.

Many believers even bring church candles home and light them in front of the icons during prayer. These rituals in themselves do not replace prayer, but contribute to the proper mood. But what kind of psalms-prayers contribute to good luck in business and at work?

  • 26, 37, 90 - the owner of the business in the field of trade will be helped to attract success.
  • 3, 39, 10, 76 - will help to establish difficult relationships with colleagues, settle problems with superiors.
  • 51, 62, 73 - will help the unemployed to quickly find a good place.
  • 52, 27 - if you need to earn a large amount of money for the family budget.

Prayers to God for Luck

The veneration of saints is an established tradition, but do not forget to pray to the Lord. There are special prayers to God the Father, Jesus Christ. FROM short prayer By the Holy Spirit, devout Christians begin their day. She calls for help from above for everything that a person does. We can say that this prayer brings good luck in any business. Of course, provided that the undertaking is kind, creative, which will not harm anyone. Otherwise, you should not count on God's protection.

Prayers can be offered not only in the temple, but also at home. This is usually done after waking up, also before going to bed. A person whose mind is dormant during sleep feels insecure. Therefore, he asks God to wake up, full of strength for new things. Even in such a matter as rest, people need the support of a heavenly Father.

Before prayer, you need to sit in silence, calm your thoughts, emotions, try to clearly formulate your request. It should be remembered that the Lord sees people's needs, but never imposes His will. He is waiting for the conversion of the person himself. must be conscious own mistakes but at the same time do not despair, but trust in the goodness of God the Father.

Prayer to God for luck and good luck

“I ask the Lord to give great help from Heaven. There is no place for man in the world without the power of the Lord. I will bring a bowl of water of painful suffering to the bright face of Heaven, and I will ask the three powers of the Lord to give me good luck and give Light on my paths. Touch my life, Lord, with your hand and draw a line of Light from me to Yourself. Give me the strength to live until the end of my days in my mind and bodily natural state, and do not give grave tragedies to my loved ones. By faith I will draw near to You for the suffering of relief, and my gratitude to You has no limit. Amen".

Luck seems to us an integral part of any business, especially one where far from everything depends on the efforts of a person. For example, often women dream of getting pregnant, but cannot. Many managed to endure, give birth to a long-awaited child thanks to an appeal to the holy old woman Matrona of Moscow.

Although she lived not so long ago, the life of Matronushka (as the people affectionately called her) is shrouded in legends. Being deprived of physical sight from birth, mother had a spiritual gift. She predicted that after death, crowds of people would come to her asking for help, and she promised to hear everyone.

They turn to St. Matrona, when you need help in finding a job, if you are overcome by a serious illness - for any need that requires the intercession of higher powers. It is his people used to call "luck." Today there is a lot of evidence that these prayers have great power.

“Old Lady Matrono, righteous saint, pray to God for us! Servant of God ( your name) with your holy prayers, help to find the Good for spiritual growth, and salvation! In order to grow rich to me in God, And do not waste my soul on worldly things. Yes, protect the servant of God (your name) From temptation and all evil. Amen!"

Reverend Father Sergius

Some saints have taken root in the popular consciousness so much that the majority considers them to be the indigenous inhabitants of Russia. As for St. Sergius, this is actually the case. Any resident of Moscow and its environs can easily get to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in order to feel the atmosphere in which the saint labored, to defend a prayer service. They are constantly served near the shrine with relics so that everyone can pray. Those who live far away can also call on the help of the reverend.

As a child, the monk studied very poorly, unlike his brothers. But one day a pious old man appeared to him, whom he asked to pray to God. After this incident, the lad Bartholomew (that was the name of the monk before becoming a monk) began to study successfully. The young man began ascetic deeds as a child, strictly observing fasts, spending a lot of time in prayer.

The reverend assists in studies, you can turn to him for help on the eve of a difficult exam. If at school children have difficulty mastering the material, it is also necessary to pray to St. Sergius. However, do not forget that you need to make efforts, try, and not place all your hope only on a miracle. There will be no help for the lazy!

O reverend and God-bearing Father our Sergei!

Look at us graciously, and those who are attached to the earth, raise us to the heights of heaven. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in the faith, and we certainly hope to receive all that is good from the mercy of the Lord God through your prayers.

Ask for your intercession for the gift of understanding science and all of us assisting (with the help of your prayers) prayers on the day Doomsday get rid of a part of the land, and hear the blessed voice of the Lord Christ: “Come, bless my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Amen.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

The saint became famous for the fact that even after death he walks the earth, helping people. This is evidenced by his shoes, which now and then turn out to be worn out. The relics of the saint rest in Greece, on the island of Kerkyra. This island was never conquered by the Turks, thanks to the intercession of St. Spyridon, who appeared during the battle along with the angelic host. The enemy was crushed.

During the life of St. Spiridon performed many miracles according to his faith, even resurrected the dead. He was the protector Orthodox faith, severely denounced the erring. All the life of St. Spiridon took care of the poor, so he will definitely help in financial difficulties. Prayers addressed to him will bring good luck in household chores and at work. It is only important to have pure intentions, to pray sincerely - it will not be possible to deceive St. Spyridon, he will recognize a deceitful heart.

Lucky in love?

Many young girls face the question - how to choose a life partner? Today a person can be very liked, but suddenly later it turns out that he is unreliable, serious shortcoming character? It is very difficult to solve such an issue without prayer, because divorce is prohibited for believers. You can pray for a successful marriage to St. Great Martyr Catherine.

The saint herself never married, although the richest young men of Alexandria, where young Catherine lived, wooed her. She dreamed of meeting someone special, thanks to her mother she found Christ. Only to Him she decided to devote her life, refusing the proposal of the emperor himself. Neither the arguments of the pagan sages, nor the threats shook her faith. She laid her head on the chopping block, and the angels transferred her body to Mount Sinai.

But God does not require monastic vows from everyone; a worthy Christian family will have many blessings. Just before choosing a spouse, do not rush. If a person truly loves, then he will give time to think. You should consult with the priest, and also pray earnestly to St. Catherine. The answer will be received, not necessarily in a visible way, but by the knowledge that will appear in the heart.

Each of us often read prayer words in order to solve a problem in life or to make a very correct decision. It is important enough to say prayers for good luck and luck before starting a new business, to perform an act, so that only success will accompany you directly. In order for luck not to leave you, it is very important to sincerely believe in incredible success, as well as to have an extremely positive attitude. It is worth noting that there are many conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck, and then the most common of them.

Prayers for Good Luck and Luck

It is imperative to note how exactly it is necessary to pronounce the following text of the prayer. Before one word such a ritual, it is extremely necessary to prepare. Wash the floor in your house, take a bath, and put on clean clothes. You need to read three times, and in the most big room your house:

“Lord Jesus Christ and his saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! I turn to you, I ask for your help. Lies in open field stone, does not say anything, does not go anywhere, does not conduct business. The stone is to lie, and to me, the servant of God (name), get up, go, walk around the world, catch my luck. Catch, luck, into my nets, go luck into my hands. Amen!"

Prayer for good luck in business and luck

In the event that a very long time ago Lady Luck completely stopped coming to visit you, you should ask for help from Higher powers. A prayer for good luck in business and luck is said directly before making a deal or opening your own business. Light a church candle, purchased in turn in the temple, and say the following:

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray You for success in all the works of my hands. Whatever I do (a) and whatever I undertake (a), grant me success in abundance. Grant me abundant blessings on all my deeds and on the fruits of my deeds. Teach me to work effectively in all those areas where You have given me talents and deliver me from fruitless deeds. Teach me success in abundance! Teach me what and how I need to do in order to have abundant success in all areas of my life.

It is important to note that prayer words are extremely helpful in improving the state of mind and life in general.

Prayer for good luck

“Lord Heavenly Father! You know what I need to do so that I bring (la) many good fruits in Your Kingdom and on this earth. Please, in the name of Jesus Christ, guide me in the right direction. Grant me to learn quickly and effectively and move forward. Grant me Your dreams, Your desires, destroy dreams and desires that are not of You. Give me wisdom, clarity and understanding on how to move in the direction of Your will. Grant me the necessary knowledge necessary people. Grant me to be in the right place at the right time to do the right things in order to bring many good fruits.

Prayer for luck

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ, help me bring forth many good fruits in my life in the areas where You have given me abilities and talents. Grant me to bring beautiful, very necessary, durable and high-quality fruits that will bring many benefits to people and many benefits in Your Kingdom. Teach me what I need to do in order to bear many good fruits, teach me how I can do it. Give me the necessary knowledge and skills for this, teach me to pray for fruits, give me Your dreams and Your desires. Give me the necessary literature for this, the necessary software and others necessary tools. Grant me the necessary acquaintances and meetings with the right people at the right time. Lord, grant me life circumstances that will contribute to this dream of mine. Grant me to be in the right place at the right time. Amen".

Conspiracies and prayers for good luck and luck

The following fairly simple ritual for good luck and luck is performed for success in business, in trade, and just in life. In order to perform the ceremony, you need the following: any coin, an absolutely small remnant and a cockroach. Further, on Thursday, it is necessary to dig a completely small hole near your house, in which you directly place all of the above. After digging a hole and over it, say the words conspiracies for good luck and luck:

“As quickly as soap lathers, so quickly my bad luck disappeared. As a bad hostess has so many cockroaches, I have so much luck, luck and money. Amen".

Attracting good luck and luck

The actions performed will help absolutely every sincere believer to gain strength and energy to attract good luck and luck. You need to take any plate and pour exactly three tablespoons of salt directly into it. Next, on top of the sprinkled salt, also pour three tablespoons of sugar, and absolutely the same amount of raw rice. Taking a safety pin, it is necessary to stick its needle exactly from above into the contents of the plate. Everything done should stand in this form throughout the night, and in the morning next day you need to pin this pin to your clothes, but so that they were completely invisible to others.

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