How to open a massage parlor without a license? How to open a massage parlor from scratch without a license.

reservoirs 16.10.2019

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 13 minutes


Highly profitable business minimum investment at the start attracts novice businessmen. It is from this point of view that the salon providing massage services is interesting. How to organize a massage parlor from scratch? What are the nuances of organizing a massage parlor: documents, equipment, personnel, advertising, marketing, etc.? How much does it cost to open a business?

What documents are needed to open a massage parlor from scratch?

In fact, the list of required papers differs from the organization of a regular business only in the presence of sanitary and epidemiological documentation:

  • You must register in the status individual or obtain the status of a legal entity if hired personnel are expected. Although it’s quite enough to start a small business.
  • The next step is to determine the activity code in accordance with the OKVED classifier. It is recommended to choose a sports and recreation direction with the code 93.04. Carrying out therapeutic massage involves obtaining a license, which is not always acceptable for beginners in this field.
  • Further registration in funds - Pension and others.
  • Conclusion of a contract for the lease of premises.
  • V without fail a program for sanitary production control is drawn up and sent to Rospotrebnadzor for approval. This is a complex type of document, including a set of sanitary and epidemiological measures.
  • It is also necessary to draw up internal documentation (list of services provided, etc.).

You can not do without the conclusion of special agreements:

  1. For the performance of works of deratization, disinfection, disinfestation nature. In practice, this is the fight against microbes, insects and rodents.
  2. For systematic disinfection of the air conditioning system.
  3. For disposal and disposal of garbage (other waste).
  4. For washing clothes.

Requirements and permissions to open a massage parlor

The main part of the requirements from the SES concerns the selected premises:

  • At least 8 "squares" for the work of one massage therapist.
  • The presence of a bathroom.
  • Tiled floors and walls. By the way, it is permissible to stick washable wallpaper on the walls. One way or another, all surfaces will be subjected to special treatment weekly.

Thus, it is already clear that the relevant permits are issued by the SES and fire supervision.

The final stage is a document from Rospotrebnadzor that allows the massage parlor to operate in a particular room.

Location and premises for a massage parlor: buy or rent?

To begin with, it is important to determine the target audience. Clients attending a massage as prescribed by a doctor are of little interest in the location of the office. They come to any place, but only to a good specialist. This option is not considered in this article.

A different approach to choosing a room, if the main goal of the massage is to have fun, when a person, in fact, just wants to relax. Proximity to home is important here.

Therefore, the most successful place is considered:

  1. One of the sleeping areas.
  2. New neighborhood with luxury buildings.

Important think about customer convenience. It is desirable to place the office on the 1st floor. V ideal- a separate room is provided to one massage therapist. It is allowed to place two specialists on an area of ​​at least 12 m². Sometimes this approach is even in demand. For example, married couples and girlfriends who prefer to receive massage services in the same room.

The calculation of the total area of ​​the cabin depends on the number of specialists, the size of the reception and administrative rooms. The salon can be placed on 35 and 70 "squares".

According to expert assessment, the number of massage therapists in one salon should not exceed 5 people. This is the optimal figure, which is based on economic feasibility.

Tangible benefits can be expected from small salons opened in different urban areas than from one, but large.

Buying premises at the start of activity is undesirable. All of a sudden the business doesn't pick up. It is easier to give up the lease than to adapt your own property for other activities. Most interesting option- a lease with the right to buy.

Equipment necessary for organizing a massage parlor

The list of equipment for a salon that provides massage services does not include expensive equipment, but there are still costs.

Purchase required:

  • Massage tables (according to the number of specialists working on one shift).
  • Several couches.
  • Portable couch – massages may be performed at clients' homes.
  • A table for the administrator and a sofa for visitors waiting in line.
  • Several cabinets for bathrobes, towels, napkins and more.
  • Racks that can conveniently accommodate cosmetics.

In the general part, the expenditure item for equipment is 70,000 rubles or more.

Attention . The work of the salon is associated with the use of various special oils(base and essential), creams. It is cost-effective to buy them in bulk at the appropriate bases. Retail prices are 20-30% higher. It is also important to take into account the cost of purchasing towels for visitors. On average, you need to have up to 20 pieces for one day of work.

How to design a massage parlor in an original way: examples of interior design

The design of the salon plays an important role in shaping the environment conducive to the massage procedure. Interior elements should create a warm, cozy atmosphere for customers.

This is facilitated by:

  1. Calm tones.
  2. The presence of candles and aroma lamps.
  3. Muffled light.
  4. Floor with artificial heating.
  5. Of course, one cannot do without a mirror, shelves for clothes, benches and other little things that provide complete comfort to the visitor.

Relevant decor elements are:

  • Bubbling fountains.
  • Original dimmable lamps.
  • Natural attributes in the form of sea shells, bamboo, dried herbs.

It is important to determine in what specific style everything will be done. . In Chinese, Japanese or otherwise. The main thing is not to get carried away. The abundance of objects is fraught with visual overload and looks tasteless. It is probably best to consult with an experienced designer.

Recruitment for a massage parlor: is it possible to work without a medical education?

The selection of good specialists is the key to the further profitability of the business. It is to the high-class master that clients strive to get . Professionals who own various massage techniques are needed. Sometimes their search is difficult for only one reason: high-class masseurs already have their own salons.

There is another option: pay attention to those who are just starting a career in the field of massage services. That is, to take over the training of employees, and in the future to improve their skills. The method, of course, is somewhat risky. It must be understood that a trained person may well leave for another job at the first opportunity.

What are the requirements for massage therapists? Providing a certificate of completion of massage courses using a particular technique.

Attention . The presence of a medical education is mandatory when performing a massage of a therapeutic type (as prescribed by a doctor) and manual procedures. Any type of treatment is licensed.

What services does a massage parlor provide: an approximate price list

Salon services are reduced to the following types of massages:

  • Medical (do not forget about the license).
  • Hygienic, carried out for health-improving and preventive purposes, to enhance blood circulation or psychological relaxation.
  • Sports, increasing muscle tone and restoring strength after sports activities.
  • Cosmetic, favorably acting on the condition of the skin.

Also, massage procedures differ in the degree of influence. Massage happens:

  1. Dotted.
  2. Classic.
  3. Fragmentary.

Approximate list prices:

The demand for exotics is also important to consider when compiling a list of services:

Of course, the list can be supplemented in accordance with requests. According to statistics, the preferences of the majority of clients (75%) relate to relaxation types of massages.

Massage parlor promotion: how to promote a business from scratch?

  • Distribution of leaflets.
  • Posting ads.
  • By posting ads on a local Internet forum and in city newspapers.

The main events are held in the area where the salon is located. The main task is to attract the first customers. "Word of mouth" is assigned not the last (perhaps the first) role in the further advertising campaign.

Ready business plan for a massage parlor with calculations

Initial data:

  1. Salon area - 35 m².
  2. Staff - 4 massage therapists working in shifts.
  3. Five-day work week in the mode of 8.00-18.00.

Preparatory stage costs:

Monthly expenses:

The question of how to open a massage parlor is quite reasonable if you want to organize an entrepreneurial business with small investment and quick payback.

Capital investment in the salon: 290,000 rubles.
Business payback: from 4-6 months.

If you are pursuing the goal of organizing an entrepreneurial business with relatively small investments and a quick payback, the question is, how to open a massage parlor, is quite justified.

Although this business has many pitfalls and tricks, it is enough to disassemble the organization process in stages and everything will become simple and clear.

How to find a room to open a massage parlor?

The main factor that you will start from when looking for a room for a massage parlor is the future target audience that you will begin to focus on.

For example, a service such as medical massage is a separate case.

Even if you are far away on the outskirts, but have a professional of the appropriate profile on staff, people will go to the salon from other parts of the city.

But the situation is completely different with those for whom massage is just a way to relax and have fun.

It is important for them that the road is convenient and as short as possible.

Ideally, the salon should be right under the house.

If we analyze the statistical data for the country for the last year, these categories were distributed as follows:

As for the number of floors, it is most prestigious and convenient to open a massage parlor on the ground floor or in a separate building.

But SES requirements, which you need to focus on in order to obtain a work permit, are as follows:

  • for each person in the salon that you are going to open, there will have to be at least 8 sq.m. space;
  • it is desirable to organize the work so that each massage therapist has separate room;
  • it is permissible to put two couches in the same room, and sometimes it is even more appropriate - when friends or couples come for a massage;
  • otherwise, the requirements for a massage parlor are the same as for another institution serving visitors;

Thus, to open an average massage parlor, you need to look for a room with an area of ​​at least 70-90 sq.m.

This is enough to organize the work of several massage therapists in accordance with all the rules, as well as for utility rooms, a waiting area and an administrator's place.

If you have big ambitions and do not want to start with a small team, it is better to open several small salons than one large one.

Experienced entrepreneurs are sure that it is not advisable to maintain a staff of more than 5 massage therapists.

How to equip a massage parlor before opening?

In addition to jobs, in order to open a full-fledged massage parlor, you will need to equip a bathroom.

Some install a bath in this room for relaxation after the procedure, but this is an optional element - be guided by the available budget.

The walls in the restroom must be covered with tiles to a height of at least 180 cm.

The same coating is used for the entire floor.

It is important that the tiles are not slippery and that the wallpaper (if any) is washable.

This is necessary so that all surfaces can be washed regularly with disinfectants.

For massage therapists, you should purchase massage tables as well as a few extra couches.

If you plan to provide field services, one should be purchased compact (portable).

The rest of the pieces of furniture that you will need are cabinets for cosmetics, racks for clients' outerwear, and for the waiting area - a sofa, armchairs, a small table.

It would not be superfluous to put a rack with a mirror so that after the procedure, visitors can correct their appearance.

If you have several craftsmen working on the same territory, it is worth stocking up with screens.

After all, it is not necessary that a couple of people who come together will receive on the couches at the same time.

Another essential element of massage parlors is clean towels.

Before you open an institution, you will carry out financial calculations and audience analysis.

Based on this data, you can roughly imagine the number of daily visitors.

Each person must be allocated 1 clean towel in perfect condition.

Plus another 20-30% off total number additionally should be kept as spares.

In order not to buy a supply for a week or two of use and regular payment for dry cleaning, it is better to buy a washing machine in the salon.

This cost will quickly pay for itself.

What kind of staff is needed to open a salon?

In order to open a massage parlor, you need the main thing - masseurs.

They usually work in one of two ways:

  • several massage therapists work in the same salon in shifts to provide daily customer service;
  • The massage therapist does not come out according to a stable schedule, but based on records - that is, for specific clients.

To choose one of these schemes, you will need to focus on demand, business scale and other factors.

Often entrepreneurs choose one option and then switch to another, adjusting to the circumstances.

Depending on the scheme of work, the payment method is also chosen - a fixed rate or a percentage of completed orders.

The latter option is more popular and convenient.

After all, not all massage therapists will serve the same number clients.

One worker can do the procedure to 8-9 visitors, while the other can't handle even four sessions.

Masseur courses have now become a fairly common option. Considering that medical education is not required for relaxation massage, finding a specialist with experience has become more difficult.

However, it is precisely those applicants who have already worked in this position that should be given preference.

You don't have to make up your entire team of newbies.

In addition to massage therapists, the staff of the salon must have administrators working in shifts.

Instead of a security guard, it is enough to install a video surveillance system and an emergency button in case of an emergency.

And transfer the accounting concerns to.

Cleaners are usually hired on an hourly basis.

In the dry season, a quick cleaning once every two days is enough; in the wet season, it is advisable to increase the number of visits to daily.

Marketing strategy for promoting a massage parlor

Best Advertising for a massage parlor - grateful customers who bring their friends and can simply recommend you.

But if you just decided to open an institution, you need to use other advertising methods.

After all, how else will they find out about you and talk about you?

The following methods will bring the effect:

    It should be a bright and beautiful sign, a banner on the building or standards nearby.

    If you are away from places of movement of people, you need to install some signs.

    An interesting option - drawings on the asphalt.

    But an ordinary counter with instructions on how to find the entrance to the salon will do.

  1. A good result also brings the distribution of flyers near the salon in crowded places.
  2. Place an announcement that you are going to open an institution in local newspapers, on bulletin boards - virtual and real.

At the same time, it requires significant investments, which not every entrepreneur who decides to open a massage parlor is ready to do.

Financial investment in a massage parlor

The most important point that an entrepreneur has to decide before opening a massage parlor is the amount of capital investment.

They are divided into two main groups: investments directly into opening an institution and regular expenses for its operation and development.

Capital investment in the idea of ​​opening a massage parlor

Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total:RUB 290,000
Repair and decoration of premises150 000
Purchasing a stock of towels (20 pieces)2 000
massage tables26 000
Purchase of couches (2 pieces + portable)12 000
Purchase of furniture for the entire salon50 000
Quality washing machine15 000
Launch of an advertising campaign25 000
Unexpected expenses10 000

Regular investments in the work of a massage parlor

The fact that you need to invest money not only in opening an institution must be taken into account even at the time of business planning.

Before reaching the payback point, you must have a source of funds to invest in the work.

These are the costs:

In order not only to open a massage parlor, but also to be successful in this service sector,

from an interview with the owner of such a business:

Profitability of the idea to open a massage parlor

When you first decided to open a massage parlor, you should count on 4-5 clients per day.

Subsequently, their number, with a competent marketing policy and management, will grow to 8-10 visitors.

If you achieve such indicators, you will be able to recoup the institution after 4 months of work, and then expand your business.

The level of profitability on average is about 25-30%.

After reading the article, you should have understood the main points of how to open a massage parlor.

This business is really profitable, although it is accompanied by many small worries.

But if you take their decision seriously and act purposefully, everything will definitely work out!

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People began to take care of themselves more, monitor their health. Opening a massage parlor today is very profitable business. Initial capital, of course, is needed, but it is relatively small, but it pays off quickly.

Let's try to clarify the necessary steps to organize and conduct such activities.

You need to get a license from the Ministry of Health. It is completely legal to invite massage therapists not only from ours, but also from other countries. For example, by Thai massage. After obtaining a permit, it is necessary to register and register foreign citizens invited to work.

A license is required if the office will be engaged in medical massage and manual therapy.

In other cases, if Thai, relaxing, cosmetic and similar massages are performed, it is not needed. Permit without expiration date perpetual. You will have to pay a license fee and a fee for it. Working without a license is less expensive, but there will be fewer customers, as the range of services will decrease.

Before opening the object is registered. Documents are submitted to tax office, after which the payment of tax for entrepreneurial activity. Permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and fire supervision are required.

If the office is opened by one person and is going to do everything himself, then enough. If it is supposed to hire workers, it is better.

There is a lot of hassle with obtaining documents. Only in order to obtain a permit from the fire supervision, it is necessary to go through 3 stages:

  1. First, the requirements are studied and fulfilled.
  2. Next, an examination of the premises is carried out. It is checked whether it complies with the fire safety regulations.
  3. A conclusion is issued. A number of documents are attached to it and an application for permission is submitted.

You can watch an interesting interview with the owner of such a business in the following video:

Location and premises

For the convenience of customers, the institution should be located close to their home. Thus, the salon should be located in a residential area, preferably in an elite one. In any case, the place should be easily accessible.

Equally important is the office space. To obtain a permit from the sanitary and epidemiological station, it must meet its requirements. It is forbidden to operate in the basement or semi-basement floors. For the convenience of customers, you should look for a room on the ground floor.

One massage therapist must have at least eight square meters of area. Ideally, each specialist has a separate room. The required area is calculated from the number of massage therapists plus space for the administrative part. For example, if there are 5 massage therapists in the salon, you need an area equal to 90 square meters.

It is estimated that opening a salon with more than 5 seats is unprofitable. It is more profitable to open 2 or 3 small points than one large one.

The required norms are controlled by the sanitary and epidemiological station. In addition, she requires that the walls in the massage rooms have a washable coating. Disinfection of premises is necessary once a week. You should have an agreement with the organization conducting such procedures.

Required Equipment

The work requires equipment and furniture. It is necessary to provide for the situation of the reception room and offices. The receptionist should have:

  • sofa;
  • coffee table;
  • wardrobe for outerwear;
  • reception desk;
  • telephone;
  • cash register;
  • preferably - TV, music center, coffee machine.

The office needs:

  • a massage table;
  • whatnot;
  • screen and so on.

You also need to buy everything you need for bathrooms and shower rooms. Visitors must be provided with clean towels.


Good specialists are the key to future success. Clients for the sake of such will go to the salon from all over the city. We must take people with good honey. education, at least secondary, and preferably higher. Well, if they know the technique of several types of massage.

Work massage therapists can be organized in two ways. This is either in shifts or on order. In the second case, the client makes an individual request, and the specialist arrives at the appointed time.

The massage therapist receives from 30% to 50% of the order value, good specialist can serve 9-12 people per shift. Between sessions, he needs a mandatory rest.

Also needed two administrators, they must be able to communicate with visitors, correctly respond to phone calls. Required cleaner and accountant. The last position, at least at first, can be occupied by the director or owner of the salon, then you can find a part-time person. All employees must have medical records.

Drawing up a business plan

All the described steps for creating a massage parlor are done in turn, some in parallel. For example, while applying for a license, you can look for a building, think over a place where it is better to open. But the first thing the future owner should do is to draw up the right business plan. This is very important step in preparation for opening.

The document analyzes all points future activities, the necessary costs are considered, the costs for all directions and the expected profit are taken into account. Risks need to be calculated.

Regular expenses are calculated in advance. These are rent, utility bills, taxes, employee salaries, marketing expenses (advertising and other events), the purchase of massage oils, creams and other consumables, entertainment expenses.

A properly organized salon should pay for itself in six months and start making a profit. If for some reason the business does not go well, the enterprise is closed legally.

With a good income, you can expand your business. There are three directions for this:

  1. This is a massage and cosmetology salon. Definitely with an experienced beautician.
  2. You can open a SPA-salon.
  3. Center for rest and relaxation. Here you can find a swimming pool, sauna and all kinds of massage services.

Marketing strategy

Marketing in business is a set of factors that affect the popularity of an institution, its popularity.

  • This includes choosing a location. The salon should be removed from competitors, have parking spaces for customers, high level service with a personal touch.
  • Competitiveness and price stability, their moderation, programs for different segments of the population - children, pregnant women, the elderly are important.
  • Sometimes a special item for busy people is included - a day of relaxation. For such a visit, the client can immediately receive a range of services.
  • The sonorous name of the salon, an attractive signboard are important. This is the very first publicity stunt. Reputation will be earned later, but for now the task is to attract customers.
  • Most effective way- advertising. Flyers should be handed out and pasted at stops nearby, information should be provided on the Internet, and all available means- advertisements in the media, in social networks.
  • Good advertising before opening is especially important. She must inform future clients that a wonderful salon is opening that helps to preserve beauty and youth, announce what services can be received in it, and explain the advantages of this particular institution.
  • In the cabin should be the most popular services. Now it is anti-cellulite programs and relaxation. They need to be emphasized. This service is ordered by 70% of visitors.
  • For the convenience of customers, a telephone appointment should be arranged.
  • A successful marketing move is personal business cards.
  • Regular visitors should be supported and encouraged. There should be a system of discounts for them.


Massage parlors provide the following services. With a license:

  • Medical massage.
  • Manual therapy. A very popular and effective treatment for persons approaching the age of forty. Almost everyone has back pain.

All other types can be carried out without a license:

  • General massage.
  • Classical.
  • Sports.
  • Reflex.
  • Anti-cellulite.
  • Canned.
  • Aromatic.
  • Energy and so on.

This list is very long. When conducting medical massage, techniques are distinguished for various diseases. There is a relaxing massage, acupressure. A separate list highlights procedures for elderly family members and children, starting from infancy. Various water, cosmetic options, masks, body wraps. The better the institution, the greater the range of services it offers.


Such an institution can be opened at home if you are a massage master. This is not prohibited by law. It is necessary to undergo training and obtain a certificate, if not already. This is a path for those who want to open their own business, which does not require serious expenses at the start, but at the same time is profitable, with a good income.

If you do not provide therapeutic services, but only engage in massage, a license for such activities is not needed. It is necessary to register a private enterprise and register with the tax service.

Services can be provided on the go. Need Consumables, a folding massage table, a car is desirable. The cost depends on the qualifications of the massage therapist.

If you plan to open an office in an apartment or in a rented room, you will have to take care of its equipment. It is best to rent a room in a hairdressing salon, beauty salon, medical center. Although clients can be found anywhere, especially if the massage therapist is a master of his craft.

The office needs a massage table. Preferably good and comfortable, it is better not to save on its purchase. The choice here is huge, in addition to the finished one, it is possible to make a table to order. Further consumables and elements that create a pleasant relaxing atmosphere. Well, if there are flowers in the office. Due attention must be paid to impeccable cleanliness and smells. Nice music would be nice too.

A stable income will appear if you have a base of regular customers. This is the concern of the masseur himself. It is necessary to advertise on the Internet, in the newspaper, wherever there is an opportunity. Notify friends and acquaintances. Services should be provided with high quality, be polite and courteous, and people will be drawn to your small, cozy office.

Taking care of your health is the trend of today. So it's not surprising that now spas and massage parlors are popping up like mushrooms after rain. But even with such a situation, the market still lacks such establishments. So massage can be a good business idea that will help you make good money. So, how to open a massage parlor?

Business specifics

Before you start processing documents for opening a massage parlor, you should familiarize yourself with the regulatory and legislative acts that regulate this area, and decide what kind of massage services you plan to provide. This is important, because according to the All-Russian classifier of services to the population, medical massage is a medical activity that requires a license, and hygienic massage refers to other services that are provided both in baths and saunas, and in hairdressers, as well as massage parlors and do not require obtaining licenses.

So if you choose hygienic massage, you do not have to issue a license for medical services. Well, if you want to open a full-fledged massage parlor that will specialize in different types of massage, including medical, then you will have to go through licensing.

Business Profitability

I must say that the massage parlor - profitable business, which fully pays off in the first six months of work. According to experts, its profitability is 25% and you can really make good money on it. But its specificity is such that it is not enough just to have a session (or a series of sessions) of massage, you need to create such conditions for clients and provide services of such a level that visitors not only become regular customers, but also bring their friends and relatives to the salon. It may seem quite simple to some, but in practice, creating a stable client base is quite difficult. It's even harder to retain customers. This will require not only high-quality services, but also special discounts, promotions, expanding the range of services provided and other marketing techniques.

We draw up documents

Having decided on the specifics of your future business, you can begin the process of registering it. For this you need:

  • Find a suitable room and conclude a lease agreement with the owners (or purchase a room if finances allow).
  • Choose the legal form of your business. By the way, this is something to seriously consider. If you choose medical massage as the services provided and apply, you will need to prove that you have a medical education in order to obtain a license, since you will receive a license for an individual entrepreneur. What if you don't have it? Then register entity(easiest), hire CEO, who has the necessary education, and calmly get a license. Although, of course, you can provide massage services, being an individual entrepreneur, without special education and without obtaining a license. To do this, you will simply need to hire a licensed masseur (you can just conclude with him civil contract). But in this case, the services will be provided not by you, but by him.
  • Pass the state registration in the tax authority and obtain the relevant documents (OKVED codes can be as follows: 93.05 Provision of other personal services, 85.14 Other health protection activities, 85.14.1 Secondary medical staff, 85.12 Medical practice - required for the work of a chiropractor).
  • Make repairs and equip the salon with everything you need.
  • Get a license to provide medical services (if you plan to provide medical massage services).
  • Get the conclusion of the SES, the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor.

To obtain a license and permits from the fire service, SES and Rospotrebnadzor, you must have agreements with third-party organizations for the removal of household waste, disposal of fluorescent lamps, disinfection, deratization, disinfestation, maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning systems, washing and dry cleaning of employees' overalls.

Massage room

Choosing the right place for a massage parlor important point business organization. There are several conditions here: the room should not be on ground floor, and its area should be such that the sanitary standard is observed (eight square meters per massage therapist). In addition, the room must be cold and hot water, bathroom, shower, separate ventilation and air conditioning. At the same time, the walls should be finished with washable materials that can be regularly treated with disinfectant solutions.

Often, for massage parlors, they rent or purchase apartments on the first floors of residential buildings. This is quite a suitable room, but it must first be removed from the housing stock to non-residential.


The premises have been selected and the lease agreement has been concluded? It's time to start repairing. And this process must begin with the fact that to study all the sanitary and fire requirements for such establishments. This is important, as a ready-to-work salon will have to "accept" the relevant services, without whose permission you will not be able to work. And so that later in a hurry not to redo the layout or not to change the decoration of the walls, it is better to know in advance what exactly they should be.

As soon as all questions about the resolved building materials and interior equipment will be removed, you can start work. The main thing here is to create a comfortable, harmonious space in which it will be convenient for employees to work, and for customers to rest and relax. To do this, choose a concise color scheme and select the appropriate equipment. And at the reception desk, it’s a good idea to organize a recreation area, highlighting it with a certain color, where customers can wait for their turn.

Necessary equipment

Concerning necessary equipment, then the massage parlor will definitely need massage tables and couches (it is better to buy modern massage tables with the ability to adjust and change the position of the massage surface), racks for massage products, towels, oils, sheets. If you have plans for a masseur to visit clients at home, then you should also purchase a special folding mobile table.

Reception needs a sofa or soft chairs for clients, coffee table, reception desk, computer, communication facilities. It is also necessary to equip a bathroom, a shower room and a staff room where employees can relax.

Salon services

When compiling a business plan for a massage parlor, you need to consider the range of services that you want to provide. When it comes not to providing massage services in a beauty salon or hairdresser, but about a massage parlor, it goes without saying that the institution will different types massage. And the more services will be provided, the more popular the salon will be with customers. Of course, the main type is a wellness, relaxing massage. As for other types of procedures, it all depends on the level of the massage therapist and his competence.

For business, it is desirable that the institution provides exotic, sports, medical and hygienic massage services. It is good if the specialist owns hardware techniques or does not only manual, but also foot massage.

Legal advice: clarifying controversial issues

When providing massage services, you can get into a difficult situation due to the fact that in legal and legislative terms this line of business is not very well regulated. So, when opening a business, it is worth consulting with a lawyer on controversial issues and clarifying which services will have to be licensed and which can be classified as household.


As for the number of massage therapists, it all depends on the level of the salon and its working area. But in any case, there should be several specialists. It is convenient if each of them will specialize in certain types of massage. Then it will be possible to form special programs for clients and make an appointment with a specific specialist who will work according to his own schedule.

In addition to several massage therapists with a specialized education (this is a mandatory requirement!) You will need a salon administrator who will keep records of clients, control the recording and time of sessions, and accept payment for services. We also need an office cleaner and a director with the functions of an accountant and personnel officer (this can be either an employee or a business owner).


A massage parlor, like any other service business, needs high-quality advertising. Why should clients come to your salon? Why is your salon better than others? This information needs to be conveyed to potential customers. You can do this in different ways:

  • post ads,
  • organize mailing,
  • leave salon business cards in mailboxes surrounding houses,
  • hold a presentation in the nearest shopping center,
  • conduct an advertising campaign in local media,
  • arrange a grand opening of the institution with the distribution (or draw) of discount cards.

The main thing is to attract the attention of potential customers.

Initial investment

How much does it cost to open a massage parlor? This question is asked by everyone who wants to work in this business. Let's calculate the initial investment, based on the fact that the salon is rented two-roomed flat in the city center on the ground floor of a residential building with an area of ​​43 square meters, and the cost of rent per square meter per month is 3,000 rubles:

Of course, the costs at first glance are quite large, but we must not forget that this business has a high profitability and you will return all investments in about six to eight months of the salon's operation. And then you will work only for profit.

If there is a goal of creating a business with high profits and low costs for its organization, you can open a massage parlor (salon). Here you can download the business plan.

The massage business has its own characteristics due to the past massages in medical facilities. Nowadays, it is not necessary to contact the Ministry of Health for permission and licenses for relaxation and beauty massages, if there are no manual therapy services or other types of medical massages.

Business plan

We present to you for free finished example business plan of a massage parlor (office) with calculations. This material contains all the items of expenses that you may encounter when opening and maintaining an office.

This type of business is most relevant for big city, because in the small you are unlikely to have many customers, because the number of people taking care of themselves in them is usually less.

How to open a massage parlor

So, consider the information about what you need to open a massage parlor (salon). The first step in setting up a business is to find the right space. 1 massage therapist should have at least 8 sq.m. area, otherwise the sanitary and epidemiological station will not give permission, which cannot be obtained for objects located in the basements. It is allowed to provide massage services if there are two specialists in one room, the area of ​​​​which is 12 sq.m. This is due to the fact that in our time, simultaneous massage done to two people is popular. The calculation of the area of ​​the room depends on the number of massage therapists and the premises where the administration is located. Usually enough 80-90 sq.m. for a massage parlour. It is recommended to create several small offices around the city rather than one large one. This should be done because of the economic inexpediency of one massage parlor with more than 5 jobs.

At the second stage, you need to find a staff consisting of massage therapists with a secondary medical education, as well as a specialist certificate allowing them to engage in this type of activity. This rule is set by sanitary and epidemiological standards. It is recommended to follow the advice of experienced entrepreneurs and hire professional massage therapists who know European and Eastern massage techniques. Then the services of the new massage room will be complemented by unusual types of massages. But professional experts private practice and want to receive wages about 50 percent of the price of a massage, although the usual salary is 30 percent.

It is also necessary to purchase equipment and other necessary items and furniture. According to the rules established by the sanitary and epidemiological station, the office should have a bathroom, and the walls should have tiles or wallpaper that can be washed. In the room of the office, it is necessary to do prevention and disinfection once a week, as well as keep records of consumption. disinfectants in a special journal. In addition, you need to buy massage tables and couches in the medical equipment store. A sofa and counters must be placed in the reception area. You should also purchase clean towels and a washing machine.

At the next stage of opening a massage parlor (office), the status of an individual entrepreneur is issued for paying taxes. Since 2011, the rules for processing documents have become simpler. If you personally submit documents to open a massage parlor, to the registering tax authority, the notary will not certify them. If individual entrepreneur wants to stop the activities of his massage parlor, he may not submit a certificate received from the Pension Fund, which is not valid for every subject in this moment. After the report has been accepted by the FIU, it is necessary to submit a certificate to in electronic format to the registering tax authority, and some entities do not require a report to be submitted until the IP is closed.

Experts have calculated the period during which the massage room (salon) will pay off. It turned out to be equal to 6-7 months, and the profit amounted to 20-30 percent. To start your own business, you need to spend a relatively small amount. According to experts, in order to open an office whose area is 70 square meters, having two massage tables and salon staff in the amount of 4 specialists working in shifts, an amount equal to 290,000 rubles is needed, along with the repair of the premises, the purchase of furniture and other expenses. fixed costs for payment of utilities and rent of rooms amounted to 100,000 rubles. Masseurs receive a salary that is outstanding from the income from the services provided. As a result, you need to have about 390,000 rubles to open an office, as well as free funds if additional expenses arise during the first months of work. The profit received from the business at the massage parlor (office) in this case will be 60,000-90,000 rubles per month.

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