Types of steamers. How to choose the right steamer (expert advice, video Test purchase) Which steamer is better

garden equipment 16.06.2019
garden equipment

On the modern kitchen there are many techniques that make life much easier for housewives. An example of such a technique is a steamer. It is very popular among fans of healthy eating.

Exist different types double boilers, so sometimes it is too difficult to understand which device is worth buying in the end. This article will help you understand all the differences between them and the intricacies of choosing a steamer.

What is it: device and principle of operation

If you have never encountered such a technique, then you, first of all, should figure out what it is. A steamer is a convenient electric appliance that allows you to process food with hot steam. This method of cooking is much more useful, because it allows you to save all the important trace elements in the products. The result is a healthier and more nutritious food.

If you look at its description, you can understand that the technique consists of several components. The main base contains everything heating elements. When you turn on the steamer, it begins to heat the liquid poured into a container specially available for this purpose. You can pour water in there and when it warms up, steam will begin to be released. It is he who is used to process products.

On the same part is the control panel, which allows you to select different modes and simply turn the steamer on and off. Depending on how modern and multifunctional your steamer is, the number of modes varies.

Above are steam baskets. They should be made of durable material, but not too heavy so that the pallet does not sag under pressure. Their number varies, depending on which unit you have. Food containers can be from one to three. This is very convenient, as you can put one basket on top of another, preparing several dishes at once. Since a power of 2000 watts is not uncommon for steamers, baskets are made of durable plastic, stainless steel or special glass so that they do not emit any harmful substances under the influence of high temperature.

At the bottom of the baskets, no matter how many there are, there should be special holes. They allow steam to pass through and allow you to get tasty and nutritious food.

Also, each steamer should have a tray. It collects all excess liquid. After all, when processing products with steam, condensate is released. As a rule, in double boilers it is only one for all baskets. But there is more expensive models, in which their number is equal to the number of baskets. This option is more convenient, but also costs, respectively, more expensive.

Now that we have dealt with the basic technical issues, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of this kitchen appliance.

First of all, such a double boiler, of course, will please those who take care of their health. At home, with the help of this technique, you can cook delicious and complex dishes without any effort. And steam cooking instead of frying makes any food healthier, which has been confirmed by more than one study.

Another useful feature of a double boiler is that you can use it to defrost food and reheat food. And moms will be pleased with the fact that you can also sterilize children's dishes in it. Hot steam treatment instantly kills all bacteria, which is very convenient.

Another undeniable dignity is that when you buy a double boiler with several massive baskets, you can cook several dishes at a time. This is convenient for large families and those who often host guests. This technique will make your life easier and save you a lot of time.

The temperature of the steam in the lower basket will always be higher, so if you put something that takes longer to cook there and something that will be ready faster on top, you will get your food almost at the same time. So, you can put meat in the lower container, and vegetables in the upper one, and get a delicious and hearty dinner for the whole family, cooked at the same time.

The steamer is very easy to use, because nothing burns in it, even for those who are not very good at cooking. The fact is that when the time that is needed to prepare a certain dish expires, the device automatically turns off, or goes into the keep warm mode. This means that even if you are distracted by extraneous matters, your dish will still not burn.

In addition, under the influence of steam, food always turns out juicy and very tasty. So, if your dishes often turn out to be dryish, then a double boiler will definitely save you.

This technique is also very easy to clean. To do this, just open the steamer and rinse the grate and containers with warm water with detergent. After washing, the parts of the steamer must be thoroughly dried, and only then close it. Thus, you will extend the life of your equipment by several months, or even years.

Another useful action of a double boiler that you should pay attention to is the function of delayed cooking or heating food. With a simple double boiler, you can put food to cook in slow motion from the very morning. And it will be ready just in time for you to come home. The maximum time for which you can postpone the process of complete cooking is twelve hours.

You can also cook food right away and put it on a timer. So she will immediately cook, but will not cool down by the time you return home. This is a very handy feature. She will save both busy women and those who cook for the whole family. If you dine and dine in different time, then this feature will be very useful for you.

Such double boilers and students have chosen. It is always forbidden to keep in hostels electric stoves, but a double boiler will allow you to make delicious food without the risk of starting a fire or being evicted. In this case, it is not necessary to buy a multi-level model. One basket will be enough for you to cook delicious food for yourself.

As is clear from the description, a high-quality double boiler is a very multifunctional unit. It can be used in any home. Its characteristics make the steamer suitable for both young girls and experienced housewives. The main thing here is to choose the right technique.

About what are good induction steamers with mechanical or electronic system management, and will be discussed Further.

Varieties: advantages and disadvantages

Among the many varieties of steamers are different types aggregates. The main thing in which they differ is power and control features. Just these characteristics are recommended to pay attention to when buying.

In most steamers, power is a parameter that can be adjusted. But remember when buying that it should not be lower than 650 watts. In this case, the food will cook too slowly.

The size of the baskets also affects the speed of cooking. In a large container, food will cook much longer. Even if you do not fill the container completely with products. But too compact baskets, or containers made of low-quality material - this is not the best option for a steamer.

Another important point is that the steamer should have the simplest possible control system. It can be mechanical or electronic. Professional steamers are always supplemented with an electronic control system. This is what allows you to use such convenient functions as delayed cooking. On such equipment there is a display that shows which mode is selected and how much time is left until the end of cooking.

Another option is a unit with mechanical system management. Such steamers are easier to manage. When cooking, you just need to press a few buttons, turning on the steamer and setting the cooking time. And she herself will do everything for you.

There are also steamers with additional features. If you need a smoker, convection oven or food processor, then the double boiler may well become a replacement for all the previously listed units. The main thing is to choose a technique with the modes you need. After all, a folding double boiler with a chopper, no matter how versatile it may be, will not be needed in any kitchen.

Another convenient option pressure cookers are a foldable travel model. A mini steamer is the thing that will save you when traveling to another city or relaxing. A good compact steamer taken on the road will save you from having to spend a lot of money on food in public places.

Important point when choosing - the number of baskets in the steamer. As already mentioned, they are single-tier, two-tier and three-tier. The most convenient option is a technique that has 3 tiers at once, and each of them is supplemented with a pallet. This allows you to cook several dishes at once without mixing their tastes and smells.

Indeed, if in a three-level double boiler there is no separate tray for each tier, then the food from the bottom will be saturated with condensate or broth. And an insert in the form of a tray in which all the liquid collects will easily prevent this.

A multi-level steamer at first glance seems too cumbersome. But, considering how many functions it performs at once, this is quite justified. By installing such a multifunctional thing in your kitchen, you can get rid of the frying pan, microwave and even air grill. So, despite the fact that the tiered steamer is quite large, you should not refuse it for this reason alone.

But if you have too little space in the kitchen, and you are just starting to be interested in proper nutrition, then you can buy a two-level steamer. This is a kind of golden mean. It does not look too bulky, and allows you to cook a little more than the usual single-level model.

Material and accessories

As well as the number of baskets, the material from which they are made also plays an important role. Most often in double boilers, the containers are transparent. This is both aesthetically attractive and very convenient, because you will constantly see what is happening inside your steamer and control these processes.

Such baskets can be made of glass or plastic. But these materials are far from the most durable. In addition, they eventually lose their attractiveness, and mechanical damage may not survive at all. Both glass and plastic can easily crack under pressure from the top container.

A more durable option is their steamer. of stainless steel. It is more durable than glass. In addition, a metal basket retains its visual appeal longer than a glass product.

By the way, the shape of the baskets also plays an important role. They can be square or round, but that's not what matters here. Much more value is whether they are all the same size. If one of the baskets is smaller and the other is larger, then you will not be able to swap them. And this very often saves when products are cooked at different speeds.

In addition, such dishes can have a different volume. For a large family, a 12-liter container is suitable, but for those who live alone, you can choose a smaller steamer with a basket the size of a small deep plate.

But not only bowls should be durable and resistant to damage, but also the mesh through which the steam passes. The sieve must be of high quality so that the food does not taste like cheap plastic.

This technique is very often supplemented with additional attachments and all sorts of functions. The most popular functions are slow cooking and warming up.

A less useful feature is the water indicator. It allows you to determine how much liquid is in the tank. But you still add water before each cooking process, so this detail is not particularly important.

Some models are also equipped with a special hole that allows you to add water to the tank directly during cooking. So, if you notice that the liquid evaporates, and the food is not ready at all, then this problem can be completely solved. When you are not using it, an inconspicuous flap can hide it.

New models: reviews

Technological progress does not stand still, and manufacturers are constantly releasing more and more modern and multifunctional steamers. It is difficult to decide which of the new models is the best. It's even harder to know if the next new feature will be useful to you. Customer reviews help facilitate the process of finding the perfect technique.

To date, among experienced housewives and fans proper nutrition steam products from five leading brands are popular. If you want to find good technique, then we recommend looking at technical innovations from the brands Braun, Moulinex, Philips, Tefal and Scarlett.

Let's take a look at them so you can compare and see what works best for you.

Let's start with Tefal. This brand has recently pleased its fans with high-quality steamers that can do a little more than their predecessors. Among them, it is worth highlighting options with the ability to maintain heat, delayed start of cooking and quick heating of food with hot steam.

If you decide to purchase a double boiler for the convenience of cooking, then the question arises of choosing a model, because the variety of double boilers can lead any buyer into long reflections. In order to decide which model of a double boiler should be preferred, we offer to understand with us the intricacies of choosing this kitchen device.

The main types of steamers

The very first model of a double boiler is a lid with many holes known to our grandmothers, which, when installed on a pot filled with boiling water, created the effect of a water bath. It is still available for sale today, however, more modern and user-friendly models are more likely to attract your attention.

Depending on the control method, a steamer for the home can have both mechanical and automatic or electronic control. We will study their differences, pros and cons during operation.

Steamers with mechanical control

This is the simplest steamer model. It does not require special skills for its work - it is only necessary to be able to control the rotary power levers and the time counter. quite practical and inexpensive models, such double boilers are in great demand and allow you to cook healthy and tasty dishes without special trouble.

A variety of colors, several levels for placing products on them depending on the number of family members - all this makes mechanically controlled steamers convenient, and the cost of their purchase is minimal.

Electronic control panel

Choose a steamer electronic control already more difficult. After all, such models have a higher cost, you will have to manage them at the acquaintance stage with the help of the attached instructions, but there are many more cooking options.

The main thing when working with such a double boiler is to prepare those products that are necessary for preparing the selected dish, and the double boiler itself will be able to calculate the cooking time and the necessary strength of the steam jet, and at the end of the time it will give a signal that the dish is ready.

Features of the steamer device: attention to detail

To choose the right steamer, you should understand which parts carry the load during its operation and take this into account in the process of choosing a model.

The electric steamer has three main parts - the base element, the water tank, the steam basket and the condensate tray.

The basic element of the steamer

The function of the base element is to heat the collected water and turn it into steam. Its power determines the speed at which dishes will be cooked. The standard power rating is 1000 watts.

Storage tank

It is in the tank that water is collected, which is then used to turn it into steam. It is located slightly above the base of the double boiler. The depth of the tank indicates the need to pour more water into it.

steamer tray

After the transition of water from a liquid to a vapor state, it returns back to the liquid phase. A tray is used to collect the resulting condensate. In different models, there can be either one or several pallets, which are located under each basket.

steam basket

With the help of this part, the products that are cooked in it are placed in the double boiler. If there are several such baskets, it becomes possible to cook several dishes at the same time.

Functional features of the steamer

Among all the functions of steamers, the most popular are the possibility of topping up. required amount water, protection against possible overheating, the ability to reheat food, delayed start time and accelerated cooking in a double boiler.

Let's consider them in more detail.

Topping up water in the tank

AT modern models steamers, this function allows you to add water directly during the preparation of the product. This is convenient, because in most models of double boilers, when water is completely evaporated from the tank, the operation of the unit completely stops, and after replenishing with water, the double boiler must be re-configured.

Protection against possible overheating

With especially long cooking, the body of the appliance is significantly heated, which is dangerous from the point of view of household safety. The possibility of fire and the inconvenience of use make such a function as protection against overheating of the case convenient and useful.

Heating food

If the moment of the end of cooking was missed and the dish became cold, it is the possibility of heating the finished food that will make possible to obtain hot food again. In this case, it is possible not only to reheat the cooled dish, but also to maintain the temperature for a long time.

Delay start option

If you need to cook food at a predetermined time, this function will come to the rescue. It is difficult to overestimate its convenience, since it allows you to get ready-made food on time.

Fast Cooking

Raising the temperature level by using the maximum power of the unit will significantly reduce the cooking time of your favorite dishes.

What is it for you to choose?

Having decided to buy and choose the right steamer, you should take into account all the properties listed in our article and useful features that will be the most relevant. If you are alone, then a double boiler with one or two tiers will be enough for cooking. If the family consists of 3-4 people, then a model with the ability to cook more food at the same time will already be required.

In order to get better acquainted with the range and models of steamers offered, you should also find out which models and why are considered the most popular today.

The most commonly bought models of steamers

The steamer from the manufacturer Bork, model F700, according to consumer reviews, is considered one of the most popular and in demand.

The advantages of the model include its aesthetic appearance– nickel-plated surfaces look advantageous in any interior, and the possibility of using huge amount functions and electronic control will make it possible to cook a large number various dishes. Such a model of a double boiler will be a godsend for a large family, because it has as many as three baskets, the total amount of food that can be cooked in it at a time is 8 liters.

The presence of additional functions (the possibility of adding water during cooking, delayed start, warming up previously prepared dishes, the possibility of accelerated cooking) makes the use of this steamer model especially pleasant.

The disadvantages include its rather high cost and significant dimensions.

A good steamer from Tefal, model VS 4003 is also one of the top three sellers among steamers.

The ability to monitor the cooking process, the convenient and aesthetic shape of the steamer, as well as additional functions and electronic control make it especially comfortable to use. compact form, classic design and color performance of the model in question allow you to organically fit it into any kitchen interior. The amount of food you can cook allows you to cook meals for family members of three to four people.

Additional functions steamers make its use the most simple and comfortable. This is the possibility of adding water during the operation of the steamer, a sound signal at the end of cooking, the ability to set the start time of cooking.

The cost of such a model is already more democratic and affordable.

Steamer Kenwood FS 620, being the most voluminous, allows you to cook a large number of dishes at the same time. Its acquisition will be justified in a family of a large number of people.

However, the appearance of the double boiler has somewhat worsened here, and the significant dimensions are not always convenient in a small kitchen.

In addition, there is no possibility of a delayed start. The cost of such a model of a double boiler is democratic, which allows anyone to purchase it.

Having decided on your needs and weighed your own capabilities, you can use the information from our article to make right choice, and the steamer will become a real helper in the kitchen.

Happy shopping!

In contact with

Today, many people are concerned about healthy eating. And this applies not only to the products themselves, but also to the way they are prepared. What happens if there is a demand? That's right, an offer. This is the basic law of economics, which also works in this particular case. The desire to eat right has led most manufacturers of small household appliances to start producing a relatively new appliance for themselves. Thus, the steamer was born. Rating of the best, review of models, photographs of cooked dishes - all this information appeared in large volumes in various sources.

What is a steamer for?

The steamer allows you to cook healthy food quickly and efficiently. True, preference is given more to quality than speed of preparation. But if the device model is really good, then it will allow you to combine both of these indicators. This is the main difference in which, for example, a slow cooker and a double boiler differ. Rating best devices will allow you to choose the best option.

Functions that steamers can have

Recently, many hostesses in the kitchen have such an interesting device as a double boiler. The rating of the best of them is created taking into account some specific characteristics. But in order to compare models, you need to know exactly what functions a double boiler can have in general. Among the functions of the device are:

  • Timer. It is found in almost all models. The hostess sets the time during the cooking process. When it passes, the device will beep or turn off the steamer. So the cooked dish will not burn.
  • A thermostat, thanks to which the temperature is maintained at the level set by the user.
  • The ability to add water to the container during cooking. In this case, there is no need to turn off the steamer and interrupt the cooking process.
  • "Fast steam". This function allows you to prepare the device for operating mode in thirty seconds.
  • The control may be mechanical or electronic. The last option allows you to configure large quantity parameters.
  • Switching off the steamer in automatic mode when there is a lack of water. This function will keep the device in good condition.
  • Delayed start. It will help in cases where the cooking process needs to be started after a specific period of time in automatic mode.

This is a list of options that the most “tricked out” steamer has. The rating of the best, user reviews are created on the basis of the availability and proper operation of these particular functions. Let's look at a few lists compiled by experts and users with these options in mind.

Budget steamer

  • Zauber X-560 is made of stainless steel with comfortable handles. Three tiers will allow you to cook a large family at once. It is possible to add water if necessary without turning off the steamer.
  • Sinbo SFS 5703 allows you to not only cook, but also defrost, reheat, sterilize. The power is only four hundred watts. But this ensures that the food does not burn. The body is made of stainless steel. Timer for one hour.

  • SUPRA FSS-201 has a shutdown function in the absence of water. The internal volume is three and a half liters. Power 750 watts. Timer for one hour.
  • "Ladomir 502K" has the best cost among analogues with two tiers. The steamer is made of stainless steel. The model is easy to assemble. There is a water level indicator.
  • Smile SC 1703 is characterized by a good cooking speed. Power of eight hundred watts allows you to cook any dish. Three tiers that can be interchanged.

The best inexpensive steamers according to users

What should be an inexpensive double boiler? Rating best models, based on customer feedback, includes the following models.

  • "Mulineks MV 1401". Includes two interchangeable baskets, two removable racks, egg-boiling recess. The only drawback noticed is the small volume (only six liters).
  • Vitek VT 1560 is one of the most capacious models with a volume of eleven liters. The power of 1650 W is enough to cook four dishes at the same time. Four, since the set includes two baskets and two grids.
  • "Skarlet SL 1550" has a volume of ten liters. Its power is 800 watts. There are three baskets, but there are removable grills. Due to this, you can cook up to six dishes at once.

The best devices in the middle price category according to experts

"Philips ND 9124" allows you to cook fragrant dishes due to the presence of containers for spices and herbs. In addition, there is a deepening for eggs, a bowl for rice. The steamer switches off automatically when the water level is insufficient. The "Refill" option works even during cooking.

"Tefal VC 1301 multicompact" has a very small size. But at the same time, the working volume is seven liters, divided into three bowls. There is a special container for rice. An audible signal sounds when the water level is low.

"Vitek VN-1560" is distinguished by the presence of a liquid crystal screen. Two bowls and two removable grids are included. It has such functions as delayed start, auto cooking, water level indicator, spice bowl, quick steam.

Average price category

Here we will try to determine which is the best steamer in this price category. Rating of the best, photos, characteristics - a little lower. It should be noted that this rating was compiled not by experts, but by users.

  • "Philips ND 9170" with a basket volume of 8.6 liters and a power of 2 kW. Baskets of different capacities. You can add water. But there is no timer.
  • "Brown FS 20" with a capacity of 6.2 liters and a relatively small power of 850 watts. Made from quality plastic. There is a separate bowl for coloring products. But there is no function of topping up water.

  • Polaris PFS 0410 has a tank volume of 8 liters. Its power is 1360 watts. The main difference is as many as 4 baskets. Egg niche, rice bowl, delayed start, water volume indicator. But, as in the previous model, there is no water topping function.

Dear steamer. Rating of the best according to experts

This includes the following models.

  • Braun FS 5100 is distinguished by the presence of a steam accelerator. The water boils within a minute. The internal volume of the baskets is 6.3 liters. Made from tinted plastic. Baskets can be washed dishwasher. The model is equipped with such options as sterilization, a recess for boiling eggs, a container for making cereals.

  • Philips AVENT SCF870 includes steamer and blender functions at the same time. Not only cooks food, but also grinds them. The model was produced mostly for families with small children.

Users' choice among expensive steamers

Let's see which, according to buyers, is the best expensive double boiler. Rating of the best, an overview of their functions further.

  • Bork F700 1650 watts. The volume of the baskets is eight liters. The maximum timer time is sixty minutes. Equipped with the function of adding water during cooking.

  • "Tefal VS 4003" has unique opportunity cook not only for a couple. In a special tray, you can cook food in your own juice or any sauce.
  • Kenwood FS 620 is suitable for the largest families. This model holds twelve liters. There is a noise regulator, the possibility of adding water. The special "Bost" function allows you to cook at an accelerated pace.

The most reliable devices

When choosing any products, you need to consider value for money. This indicator must correspond to the selected double boiler. The rating of the best models, taking into account this criterion, includes the following devices.

  • Tefal VC 1002 Ultra Compact has three baskets. Their total size is nine liters. Management occurs only mechanically. The body is made of durable plastic. The timer counts down no more than one hour. During cooking, you can add water.

  • REDMOND RST-M1106. All three baskets of this model have a volume of 4.7 liters. The result is a value due to which the model can be used in a large family. Power: one kilowatt. Made from stainless steel. It has such functions as: delayed start, adding water during cooking, "quick steam".
  • Tefal VC 3008 Steam "n" light has three tiers, which form a total volume of ten liters. The duration of cooking is checked by a timer for one hour. Even large quantities of food can be cooked. The power of nine hundred kilowatts allows you to do this. With this model, you can defrost any food. In addition to standard bowls and baskets, the package includes special ones and so on). Differs in high reliability, absence of noise.
  • Zauber - X-570 is made of food grade steel. It has three tiers with a total volume of nine liters. It is convenient to follow the cooking process through the transparent plastic that was used to make the bowls.

In fact, with a steamer you can cook delicious meals, without a single drop of oil, which will appeal to the most spoiled gourmets. For baby food a double boiler is an indispensable thing, it prepares the first complementary foods for a baby. Which steamer to choose so that it does not disappoint and becomes a real helper in the kitchen? We will talk about this right now.

Types of steamers, the advantages of each of them

The oldest type of double boiler is a kind of water bath in Russian cuisine. A lid with holes was installed on a pot of boiling water, on which the products for cooking were laid out. "Manual" steamers can be purchased to this day, they are very cheap in price, easy to operate.

If you are not averse to purchasing a device that is more expensive and more interesting, then you should pay attention to electric steamers for the home.

These steamers differ from each other in the way they are controlled. How to choose the right steamer so that the first use does not become fatal? There are two types of control system, choose the most optimal for yourself.

Mechanical control

Uncomplicated control panel. It has a power button, rotary levers for setting the time and power as standard. Very simple and intuitive, quite practical. The price for such a device does not bite. You can buy within reason. Such a double boiler perfectly copes with its main task - steaming without any hassle.

Electronic control

Electronically controlled steamers are not a cheap option. Display, touch control, built-in cooking programs, all this will allow you to cook correctly favorite dish practically without interfering with the process. Your task is only to prepare the food, and the electronic steamer will calculate the cooking time, the strength of the steam, and upon completion will give a signal that the dish is ready and turn off.

Steamer device: pay attention to details

Before choosing a device for the home, you should know what kind of object it is and what parts it consists of. This knowledge will help you navigate the selection easier. The electric steamer consists of 3 parts:

  • The base element is designed to heat water and convert it into steam. The power of the base is above 1000 W - your food will be ready faster, more dishes can be cooked at the same time;
  • A water tank, usually located just above the base. The deeper the tank, the less often you need to add water to it;
  • The drip tray collects the condensation that forms during cooking. There is most often one tray, but there may be several trays under each steam basket. You can choose a suitable tray using simple logic - if you plan to cook several dishes in a double boiler at once, then it is better to take a device with a tray under each container so that the juice from the upper baskets does not fall on the products from the lower ones;
  • A steam basket is an installation designed directly for placing food on it. Several installations of the basket on the basket allow you to cook 2-3 dishes at the same time. Choose baskets of at least 1 liter so that a family of 3 can cook food with one switch on.

Functionality of the steamer

This is the most important item for potential buyers who are already on the doorstep of the store and are about to buy a steamer. The manufacturer can integrate more than 20 functions into a particular model, but the most valuable will be those that bring you positive emotions, thanks to which the steamer will become a really necessary device for you. We list the most important characteristics that will be quite useful in a kitchen unit.

1. The function of adding water to the tank

If the water in the double boiler suddenly evaporates all, the device will automatically turn off, and all modes will have to be set up again. But if the double boiler has the function of adding water right during the cooking process - you can safely add 100-200 ml each, the device will continue to cook your dinner without stopping.

2. Overheat protection

This function was given Special attention in the program "Test purchase" on channel 1. Safety is paramount, especially in the kitchen. Steamer - household appliance which gets very hot when used for a long time. If you do not have time to turn it off in time, then the next time the steamer may refuse to work. It is worth choosing a steamer with overheating protection, and then at the slightest risk it will turn off from the mains.

3. Food warming function

The steamer has prepared the dish for a long time, but you missed the moment and now a cold lunch is waiting for you. This can be avoided by choosing a device with a food warming function. After preparing the dish, the steamer will automatically turn on the food heating mode and keep the dish warm for the time that you determine yourself.

4. Delayed start

Do you need to steam vegetables for breakfast? No problem. A steamer with a delayed start function will give you the opportunity to choose exactly the time to start cooking that you set yourself.

If you know that the chef is planning an important meeting today, then you can cook a simple dish for your loved ones without even being at home. Just cut into cubes in advance and put potatoes and champignons in the appliance basket, salt. Turn on the delayed start function, for example, at 17.00. And in an hour your family homes will be able to dine delicious potatoes with steamed mushrooms.

5. Fast cooking function

This will probably be one of the most frequently used functions by you. With a lack of time to quickly prepare a meal is not an easy task. Some steamers have a "Quick steam" function. It doubles the cooking time by raising the heat and producing more steam. It is important to remember here that water with this function will also evaporate faster, and it is worth adding it more often.

In conclusion, we note that the choice of the optimal steamer for the most part affects the number of your family members.

For a large family, it is a good idea to choose a steamer for a house with three tiers, a large water tank and several trays. For a family of 2 people, or for one person, a steamer with 1-2 baskets, mechanically controlled, is suitable, and the size of the pallet does not matter here.

Choose a steamer to your liking, and it doesn’t matter which company is listed on the label - the main thing is that the device is a joy to you and has served you well for many years.

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