How to cook delicious chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven. Chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven

The buildings 18.10.2019
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Chicken meat is more popular among other types, as it has the most delicate taste. In addition, it takes much less time to cook it, unlike beef or pork.

An ideal duet for this dish is potatoes and other vegetables, and the best cooking method is baking. It is in the oven that the chicken gets its sophistication, tenderness and special aroma.

Recipe for chicken thighs with potatoes

There is the most elementary basic recipe for chicken thighs marinated in sour cream with potatoes in the oven. Thanks to sour cream, the finished dish has a special delicate taste.

Cooking order:

First of all, the chicken must be rinsed in warm water and cleaned of excess fat. To do this, remove the film enveloping it with a sharp knife.

If desired, the thighs can be chopped or left whole. In the first case, it is better to cut them along the joint line into two equal parts.

Using kitchen paper towels, it is necessary to dry the meat from the water.

The thighs should be seasoned with the finished mixture, distributing it evenly.

Sour cream will act as a marinade, using half of the total, she needs to generously lubricate the chicken.

Marinated meat must be closed with a lid and left in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Sour cream and spices should soak the thighs well, so, as a result of cooking, they will be more tender.

Potatoes must first be peeled and properly washed from dirt.

It should be cut into either oblong slices or bars.

Just as in the case of meat, it is better to pepper the potatoes with a special seasoning.

The rest of the sour cream needs to be greased with potatoes.

Special dishes suitable for the oven should first be greased with vegetable oil. The bottom layer of dishes should be evenly covered with potatoes, and pickled meat should be placed on top.

After placing the dishes in the oven, you must leave the dish to cook for an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Recipe for a hearty dish with potatoes in foil

Cooking chicken thighs using foil is valued above the basic recipe. This is due to the fact that meat baked in foil in the oven releases more juice. So, the taste is richer.

Required Ingredients:

Cooking order:

  1. You should start by rinsing and cleaning the meat from fat.
  2. Next, you need to either leave the thighs whole, or cut them in half.
  3. It is important to dry them from excess water using wet towels.
  4. Then you need to grease the chicken with vegetable oil and roll in seasoning, leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Potatoes must be washed and peeled, cut into slices or bars.
  6. All remaining vegetables should be washed and cut as follows:
  • Tomatoes - thin slices;
  • Garlic - thin plates;
  • Pepper - thin straws;
  1. They should be mixed together, including potatoes, salt.
  2. Each thigh must be placed on a separate piece of foil, covering the top with a mixture of vegetables.
  3. Having wrapped all the hips, you need to put the rolls of foil on a baking sheet, leave in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Recipe for baked chicken thighs with potatoes in the sleeve

Baking meat in the sleeve is becoming more and more popular. The sleeve saves time and effort on packing meat, and the finished dish is juicy and retains a rich aroma.

List of required ingredients:

Cooking order:

  1. First rinse the meat, get rid of excess fat.
  2. Next, dry the thighs by blotting them with paper towels.
  3. Then cut the garlic into slices.
  4. It is necessary to carefully move the skin of each chicken thigh, put chopped garlic inside.
  5. Mix ketchup and mayonnaise, add ready-made seasoning to the sauce.
  6. It is necessary to grease the chicken thighs in the sauce, leave to marinate.
  7. Peeled and washed potatoes should be cut into large bars, salt.
  8. In the baking sleeve, you must first put the potatoes, and only lay the pickled thighs in the top layer.
  9. Putting a package on a baking sheet, it remains to bake chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees.

Fans of healthy and wholesome food will surely like ours. Diet steamed chicken cutlets in a slow cooker is another recipe that will help you stick to the right diet. How to cook juicy, tender chicken goulash read in ours.

Regardless of which of the following methods is used to prepare this dish, it has the following advantages:

  • Saves money;
  • Prepares extremely quickly;
  • harmless;
  • Ideal with vegetables and any side dishes;
  • Does not require high culinary skills.

Bon Appetit!

According to statistics, chicken meat is the most popular in our country. Housewives choose it for its delicate taste and the absence of problems during cooking. Chicken dishes take much less time to cook than other types of meat. For example, chicken khashlama takes only 1 hour to cook, and lamb khashlama takes as much as 4!

Tender chicken can be easily combined with various side dishes. It goes well with cereals and vegetables. But the most favorite combination, often used by housewives both on holidays and on weekdays, is chicken with potatoes. Today we offer you a universal recipe for this dish.

Chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven

You will need:

  • chicken thighs - 6 pieces;
  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • spices - paprika, dried tomatoes, ground black pepper, salt.

Cooking process

  1. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil. If you do not want to wash it for a long time after cooking, cover it with parchment paper and grease it with oil.
  2. Peel the potatoes, divide each into 4 equal parts. Distribute evenly on a baking sheet, add salt.
  3. Rinse chicken thighs, remove everything unnecessary (feathers and traces of burnt skin may remain on the meat after poor-quality cutting). You can divide the thighs into 2 parts along the line of the joint, or you can leave them whole. Dry the meat with paper towels.
  4. Mix spices and salt, spread evenly over each piece of chicken.
  5. Lay the meat on top of the potatoes.
  6. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  7. Bake until potatoes are done. On average it takes 50 minutes. Do not add water to the baking sheet: the fat will help the potatoes “reach condition”, which will be rendered from the meat.
  8. Serve the dish with a delicious golden brown crust on a large tray or in portions. For decoration, use fresh herbs or colorful vegetables.

Using these recipes, you can bake chicken drumsticks in the oven with potatoes. But they need to be taken at the rate of 2 drumsticks per serving.

Honey recipe for chicken thighs in the oven

If you are bored with potatoes and want something a little more refined, cook chicken in honey sauce. This recipe is especially popular with children, because the meat acquires an unusual sweetish taste.

You will need:

  • chicken thighs - 3 pieces;
  • liquid honey - 2 salt spoons;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 1 salt spoon;
  • water - 1 tablespoon;
  • spices - basil and coriander ½ teaspoon each;
  • salt.

Cooking process

  1. Divide the thighs into 2 parts at the joint. From each you get a shank - for children and a thigh - for adults. Clean the meat of fat, remove the tails, if any. Rinse, dry.
  2. Make a marinade: mix liquid honey (if there is no liquid, melt it in a microwave or water bath), soy sauce, olive oil and water. Add basil and coriander to the marinade, mix.
  3. Send the pieces of meat to the bowl with the marinade, thoroughly brushing each one. It is better to do this with a silicone brush. Leave the chicken to marinate for at least 2 hours.
  4. Place the meat on a baking sheet (it does not need to be lubricated), salt lightly.
  5. Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees for 45 minutes.

This delicious dish always goes with a bang at feasts and will be the highlight of everyday cuisine. Therefore, the thighs can be cooked more. With an increase in the volume of meat by 2 times, the volume of the marinade must also be increased by the same amount.

Chicken thighs in the oven in foil

These chicken thighs baked in the oven will be a great solution for those women who want to please the family with delicious. And he never forgets about the need to keep himself in shape. Low-calorie chicken meat combined with vegetables will not harm the figure.

You will need:

  • chicken thighs - 4 pieces;
  • sweet bell pepper (red, yellow) - 500 grams;
  • tomatoes - 400 grams;
  • carrots - 300 grams;
  • onion - 250 grams;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • spices (for meat or poultry), ground black pepper, salt;
  • greens for serving.

Cooking process

  1. Rinse and dry the thighs, if necessary, divide into 2 parts.
  2. Rub the meat with spices (do not salt!), leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Cut vegetables: onion - half rings; carrots - lengthwise into 2 parts and again each half lengthwise into 2 parts; garlic - thin plates; tomatoes - thin slices; bell pepper - straws.
  4. Lay each piece of meat on a sheet of foil. Top with onions and garlic, then peppers, carrots and tomatoes. Salt the vegetables and wrap in foil.
  5. Fold the portioned pieces on a baking sheet and send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 1 hour.
  6. Serve tender and juicy thighs, decorated with herbs, with a side dish or separately.

Now you know how to bake chicken thighs in the oven. And get an original, tasty dish that your loved ones will definitely like. Pamper your family with an unusual chicken, it's so easy!

In order not to waste time on the separate preparation of meat and side dishes, you can make a common tasty hearty dish. For example, just bake chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven. A particularly tender carcass is obtained after preliminary pickling.

Chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven - a simple recipe

Ingredients: 730 g of chicken thighs, a kilo of potatoes, 120 g of fat mayonnaise, half a bunch of fresh herbs, coarse salt, a mixture of any aromatic herbs.

  1. The potatoes are peeled, together with the meat, they are washed well with water and dried with paper napkins.
  2. For the sauce, mayonnaise is mixed with chopped herbs, salt, aromatic herbs.
  3. The potatoes are cut coarsely, a third of the mayonnaise mixture is laid out to the pieces of the vegetable. Next, the vegetable component is placed in the prepared baking dish.
  4. If the thighs are very large, they should be cut into 2 parts. The meat is smeared with salt, after which it is covered with the remaining sauce and laid out on top of the potatoes. This will protect the vegetable from dryness during the roasting process.

The dish is prepared in a little less than an hour in a well-heated oven.

Hearty dish in foil

Ingredients: 3 medium potatoes, 3 chicken thighs, 3-4 garlic cloves, 70-80 g of semi-hard or hard cheese, onion, salt, spices.

  1. Meat pieces are washed well, excess skin is cut off from them. It is not necessary to completely remove it, otherwise the pieces may turn out to be dryish.
  2. Garlic is released from the husk, divided into 2-3 parts. Pieces of it need to be stuffed with chicken. To do this, several shallow punctures are made in the meat with a knife.
  3. The thighs are generously rubbed with salt and selected spices. You can take special mixtures for chicken meat.
  4. The onion is peeled and cut into large rings. They must be kept intact. It is not necessary to disassemble the vegetable into layers.
  5. The peel is removed from the potatoes, after which the vegetables are washed and cut into large strips. Remove any excess moisture from the component with wet wipes.
  6. Cheese is cut into thin long strips.
  7. Prepared ingredients will be wrapped in small pieces of foil. Several onion rings are laid out in each blank, then a handful of salted potato straws. On top is the thigh, which is covered with slices of cheese.
  8. Products are wrapped with the free edges of the foil.
  9. The resulting envelopes are laid out on a baking sheet.

There are a lot of variations of the Chicken + Potato dish. Today I want to tell you about one of the least expensive options both in terms of time and budget. Nevertheless, the result will please you: the chicken is very tender, and the potatoes melt right in your mouth.

Peel and wash a kilogram of potatoes.

Cut the potatoes into sharp slices, similar in shape to triangles. So the potatoes will turn out softer and tastier.
For the sauce, mix the following ingredients in a deep bowl (I took a saucepan for this purpose):
1. Mayonnaise. It is better to take thick mayonnaise, such as Provencal.
2. Soy sauce. I took 30g of sauce, but you can use a little more or a little less. In addition to soy sauce, no salt is used in the recipe!
3. Garlic. Pass through a press or rub on a fine grater.
4. Greens. Can be used both fresh and frozen. I had green onions, dill and nettles.

Mix all the marinade ingredients together thoroughly.

First, put the chicken thighs in the marinade and generously grease them with sauce.

After the chicken parts are well soaked, add potatoes to them. Mix everything and put it in a cool place for 30 minutes to marinate.

The oven is heated to 200 degrees Celsius. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the chicken and potatoes in the marinade. Then put in the oven for 40-60 minutes. The cooking time will depend on how big your thighs are and how hot your oven is. My dish was ready in 50 minutes.

How sometimes you want something really satisfying and quick for dinner, especially after a hard day. Why not bake chicken thighs? This can be done immediately with a side dish and even vegetables. The aroma when baking will instantly gather the whole family at the table.

  • 6 chicken thighs;
  • spices;
  • 10 potatoes.

Time: 1 hour.

Calories: 135.

How to bake chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven:

Chicken thighs in the oven with potatoes, tomatoes and cheese

  • 12 potatoes;
  • 260 g of cheese;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 kg chicken thighs;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 3 g ground coriander;
  • 80 ml sour cream;
  • herbs and spices.

Time: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Calories: 133.

Baking a dish:

  1. The meat should be washed, after which all the moisture should be removed with napkins and put the thighs in a bowl;
  2. Add here seasonings for meat and be sure to black pepper, one chopped clove of garlic;
  3. Then add some more sour cream and mix. Sprinkle coriander, stir again, let it brew;
  4. Remove the peel from the potatoes, wash them, cut into thin circles or small pieces;
  5. Coarsely grate the cheese;
  6. Wash greens and chop finely;
  7. Wash the tomatoes, cut their stalks, cut the fruits themselves into slices;
  8. Free the onions and finely chop them;
  9. At the bottom of the baking dish, which is greased with a piece of butter, put half the onion;
  10. Then lay out all the potatoes;
  11. Salt and pepper, and then put the onion again and grease everything with the rest of the sour cream;
  12. Put pieces of meat on top and sprinkle them with tomatoes;
  13. Cover with foil and send to the oven at 200 Celsius for half an hour;
  14. Then remove the foil, bake for another twenty minutes;
  15. Ten minutes before readiness, sprinkle with grated cheese over the entire surface, add finely chopped garlic and herbs. Let it finish baking and serve immediately.

How to bake chicken thighs with potatoes in foil

  • 3 chicken thighs;
  • 3 potatoes;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 60 g of cheese;
  • 1 bow.

Time: 1 hour and 10 minutes

Calories: 153.

Baking method:

  1. Wash the thighs well, cut off the excess parts, check for the presence of “stumps” from the feathers, then remove all the water with napkins;
  2. Release the garlic cloves from the husk, cut them into two or three parts;
  3. Make several punctures in the thighs with a knife and insert a piece of garlic into the resulting holes;
  4. Grate the meat with your favorite spices and be sure to salt;
  5. The peeled onion should be cut into large rings, they must be kept whole, not disassembled into layers;
  6. Peel the peel from the potato, then wash it and cut it into cubes or large straws, remove all moisture;
  7. Grate the cheese into long strips. If it is mozzarella, it must be cut into circles;
  8. Cut a sheet of foil into medium-sized rectangles;
  9. On each leaf, first put a couple of onion rings on the edge, then potatoes and a little salt;
  10. Next, put the thigh and sprinkle it with cheese;
  11. Close the products with a second free piece of foil, wrap the edges, put the finished envelopes on a baking sheet;
  12. Bake for no more than an hour at 190 Celsius, then unwrap or serve directly in foil.

How to cook chicken thighs with new potatoes and garlic in the oven

  • 15 g paprika;
  • 1 kg of young potatoes;
  • 8 chicken thighs;
  • 4 garlic cloves;
  • 45 ml of oil;
  • 5 g Provence herbs.

Time: 2 h 15 min.

Calories: 147.

Baking principle:

  1. Rinse the meat and dry it well;
  2. Pass the peeled garlic cloves through the press into a small bowl;
  3. Pour paprika here, add a little salt, oil, pepper, mix everything;
  4. Grate the chicken with this paste and send it to marinate for an hour in the refrigerator;
  5. Take a small young potato and wash it well, then cut it into two parts together with the peel;
  6. Transfer the pieces of the root crop to a mold with a small amount of oil, sprinkle with Provencal herbs and salt;
  7. Put pickled thighs on top;
  8. Bake for about fifty minutes on medium heat. Turn the thighs several times during cooking to ensure they cook evenly.

Chicken thighs in the oven with potatoes and mushrooms

  • 160 g of cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 chicken thighs;
  • 2 potatoes;
  • 260 g mushrooms.

Time: 1 hour and 20 minutes

Calories: 144.

Baking steps:

  1. Large potatoes should be peeled, washed and cut into wide rings. Lay them as the first layer in a refractory form. Season, salt;
  2. Wash the meat, remove all excess parts, put the thighs on top of the potatoes. Top with additional salt and add your favorite spices;
  3. Wild mushrooms, collected independently, should be boiled. Any will do, but noble ones are better: porcini mushroom, boletus, boletus, etc .;
  4. To do this, they need to be cleaned, washed, sent to boil for fifteen minutes, then drained into a colander;
  5. Purchased champignons do not need such processing. They immediately move on to the next stage;
  6. On a small piece of butter, fry the mushrooms in a pan, the fire should be medium;
  7. Add finely chopped onion to the mushrooms, it should turn golden. Be sure to salt;
  8. Put the fried mushrooms in an even layer on the rest of the ingredients in a mold and cover everything with one sheet of foil;
  9. Bake for forty minutes at 200 Celsius, then pull out and remove the foil;
  10. Grate a piece of cheese over the entire surface of the mushrooms and send the dish to the oven for another ten minutes, you do not need to re-cover with foil. If you use the grill function, then five minutes is enough. Then serve.

For a richer taste, you can marinate the meat in advance. Any marinade is suitable: wine, spices, onions, soy sauce, etc. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, or better - overnight. Cover with cling film.

Not only cheese is used to give a crust. You can just take some mayonnaise or any vegetable oil suitable for high temperatures. For example, peanut or corn. It is enough just to grease the products with a brush before baking. Also, the crust is formed by honey and mustard.

Turmeric will give a bright color to the potatoes, it will also contribute to the golden appearance of the meat. As for paprika, it is added to the dish for a characteristic orange hue and its taste is felt much stronger. From spices it is worth using cumin, rosemary, marjoram.

Baking chicken thighs with potatoes is a simple matter, but it smells like a fire and summer picnics. They are even convenient to take with you in airtight containers, saturating the body for the whole day. Try serving this yummy with garlic sauce - it's amazing!

Another recipe for delicious chicken thighs with potatoes in the oven is in the next video.

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