Dried kelp: benefits and harms. Seaweed salad: delicious recipes with photos

garden equipment 17.10.2019
garden equipment

how to cook frozen seaweed?

  1. To cook from seaweed delicious salads, it takes a little effort.
    First, we go to the market and buy a couple of kilograms of boiled-frozen cabbage in briquettes. Secondly, when we get home, we pour water into a large saucepan, heat it, put our cabbage there (for every pound of cabbage, three liters of water), bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Then we throw it in a colander, rinse, pour acidified water. This is necessary so that the cabbage is not slippery. Then we strain and lay out in packages. What we don’t eat now, we put it in the freezer.
    Then we make salads.
    So, we take:
    500 g of finished seaweed;
    one small onion;
    300 g crab sticks;
    five eggs;
    100 g cherry tomatoes;
    Apple vinegar;
    salt; sugar;
    Cabbage should be lightly marinated. Make a solution - pour 50 ml of apple cider vinegar into a glass. add water to a volume of 150 ml, pour cabbage in a bowl with this solution, mix. Cover with a lid and let stand for half an hour. You have to stir from time to time.
    Finely chop the onion and marinate in the same way.
    Hard boil eggs, cool and chop finely (leave one for decoration).
    Cut the crab sticks into thin circles, cut the tomatoes in half (leave a few pieces for decoration).
    We strain the cabbage and onion from the marinade, mix with the rest of the products. salt, add a teaspoon of sugar, season with mayonnaise. We spread it in a salad bowl and decorate. From crab sticks I made roses, from chamomile eggs. Very tasty, healthy and beautiful salad turned out!
    We cut the onion into thin half rings and quickly fry until golden brown in hot vegetable oil.
    Remove the pan from the heat, put the seaweed there, soy sauce, sugar, ground coriander, vinegar, mix well, cover and cool.
    Then pour the chopped garlic, mix again, put it in a salad bowl and put it in the refrigerator for an hour. Lovers can sprinkle red hot pepper.
    Bon appetit!
    Seaweed ready-250 g;
    red onion - half a head;
    soy sauce - two tbsp. l. ;
    vinegar 6% - two tbsp. l. ;
    sugar - two parts l. ;
    ground coriander - half a teaspoon;
    garlic - two large cloves;
    vegetable oil for frying.
  2. Seaweed salad with squid
    What do you need:

    squid 400 g
    sea ​​kale 400 g
    pumpkin 150 g
    cucumber 1 piece
    vegetable oil

    What to do:

    step 1
    Wash squid carcasses. Remove outer film. Boil salted water in a saucepan, put the squids and cook for 4 minutes. Take out, let cool.
    * Canned squid can be used in this salad.

    step 2
    Chop pumpkin into thin strips and boil in squid broth, 4 minutes.

    step 3
    Wash the cucumber and cut into strips, also cut the squid. Place seaweed, squid, pumpkin and cucumber in a bowl. Mix everything thoroughly, season with salt, pepper and vegetable oil.

People began to eat fresh seaweed many centuries ago. She fed the peoples living on the shores of the oceans - the Arctic and the Pacific. Laminaria not only helped to satisfy hunger, but also prevented the development of various serious diseases. Fresh cabbage contains great amount all kinds of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids, as well as iodine. Regular consumption of fresh seaweed replaces a whole course of taking ready-made purchased vitamins. By the way, you can easily cook fresh seaweed yourself. Unless, of course, a person lives near the place of its growth. How to cook seaweed is described below.

Collect fresh cabbage should be at low tide. During this period, it will be especially easy to find it and prepare it. You can extract sea kale from the soil right from the root, but it is better to specially take sharp scissors with you to cut the plant. When required amount kelp is collected, you will need to remove all the dirt from the seaweed, cut off the roots, damaged and yellowed leaves. At home, you need to thoroughly clean the seaweed again and rinse each leaf. It is most convenient to do this in a bathtub filled with water. Next, you need to cut the kelp into pieces of the same size, approximately the size of a palm. Fresh seaweed selected for cooking should be without any damage or flaws.

At home, you need to thoroughly clean the seaweed again and rinse each leaf. It is most convenient to do this in a bathtub filled with water. Next, you need to cut the kelp into pieces of the same size, approximately the size of a palm. For subsequent processing of the plant, you will need a large capacious pan. It is necessary to lay algae in it to about half the capacity. Then you need to pour into the pan cold water put it on medium heat and slowly bring to a boil. As soon as the kelp boils, you need to wait 5-7 minutes, drain the water, pour in a new cold one and put it on fire again. When the water boils again, the pan can be removed from the heat.

Boiled algae should be slightly cooled, and then rinsed thoroughly with cold water. running water. Then you can grind kelp with any convenient way. To do this, you can use a thin sharp knife or even a blender. Fresh seaweed cut into thin noodles looks very beautiful and appetizing. Sliced ​​kelp can be stored in the refrigerator, and during cooking, add it to soups, salads, meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Seaweed prepared in this way can improve the taste of many dishes, as well as make it interesting and savory.

If you plan to store seaweed for a long time, then you should prepare a special spicy marinade for it. This will require 500 milliliters of hot boiled water, a pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 bay leaves, cloves and black or red ground pepper. All this mixture should be boiled over medium heat for 12-15 minutes, and then add a tablespoon of vinegar. Then, with the resulting marinade, you need to pour the finished seaweed and leave for 7-9 hours to marinate. After this time, the cabbage marinade can be drained, and the kelp itself can be transferred to a glass jar.

It is also worth noting that in the process of cooking fresh seaweed in the kitchen there will be a strong and possibly very bad smell iodine. But this is not dangerous and not harmful, banal airing of the room will help get rid of this aroma. By the way, pickling helps to completely eliminate this pungent smell. But there is one more the old fashioned way cooking fresh seaweed. To do this, it is laid out in the sun in whole, not cut layers.

Thus, within a few weeks, the kelp dries up and becomes ready for use. But this process is very long and not always effective. Sometimes the result can upset the cook, especially if not all days during this time will be warm and sunny. As for further use, you should not be afraid of experiments, sea kale goes well with most products.

Seaweed salad - the benefits and harms.

Details about useful properties seaweed and contraindications to its use, as well as how to get it, we talked in a previous article. The same can be said about salads consisting of seaweed. If you do not add to them frankly harmful additives, then salads will be extremely useful. Now let's talk about how to cook seaweed at home.

Laminaria most often comes to our table in the following forms: fresh, dried, frozen and boiled. The species are listed in descending order of utility. But since our site is about switching to a raw food diet, I believe that it is permissible here to give recipe options for all of the above types of seaweed processing.

How to cook seaweed?

The first and most useful...

How to cook fresh seaweed salad (aka Korean seaweed salad (raw version)):

Required products:

  • fresh, freshly frozen sea kale - 0.250 kg;
  • marinated onion- 1 PC. (more if you wish)
  • lemon juice 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic 3 large cloves;
  • unrefined sunflower oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground black pepper and Korean seasoning for carrots - to taste.

Fold thawed or fresh, cut into thin noodles, kelp in a deep bowl and wash for 30 seconds in warm water.

The thinner you cut the cabbage, the easier it will be to chew later 😉

Drain in a colander and wash for about a minute under running water. You may have to spend more time washing seaweed. The goal is to get rid of mucus and sand, if any. Put the washed kelp in a salad bowl. Put on top. Drizzle onion with lemon juice and add spices. Finely chop or squeeze the garlic through a garlic press. You can add greens if you like. Then mix the salad well and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Then add unrefined oil and you can eat - Korean-style fresh seaweed salad is ready. This salad seriously and for a long time satisfies hunger.

How to cook dry seaweed?

On sale, kelp is also found in a dried state. How to be in that case? - Soak it for several hours (from 2 to 8), and then use it in the same way as raw.

How to cook dried seaweed?

From fresh kelp you can cook homemade tasty and healthy salt , and then fill her salads. It is done like this: well-washed kelp thalli are ground on a grater, laid out on a tray in a thin layer and dried for about a week (drying time depends on weather conditions, room humidity, etc.). When the seaweed dries, it must be ground in a coffee grinder. By adjusting the degree of grinding of dried kelp, you can get useful salt, both coarse and fine enough.

Frozen seaweed - how to cook?

There are two options:
- defrost kelp, rinse it well and prepare salads from it;
- Boil after washing.

How much and how to cook seaweed?

During the transition to a raw food diet, you can make a salad of boiled seaweed, only you need to cook it for 5 minutes, with open windows(if you use frozen kelp) because its smell is not very pleasant. And, finally, a gentle method of cooking - thoroughly wash the defrosted kelp in warm water so that the mucus leaves, throw it into boiling water, wait until the water boils again and immediately turn it off. Pour out the water, and prepare a delicious salad from seaweed.

List of recipes

Seaweed or, in other words, sugar kelp, brown algae, which is abundantly harvested in coastal waters Pacific Ocean, is well known among us for its medicinal properties. Its low calorie content high content The highly digestible protein has made this seaweed popular among nutritionists and people looking to lose weight.
Domestic cooking also actively uses kelp to prepare a wide variety of dishes, from salads to borscht and casseroles. Numerous recipes with her participation are very diverse.
Therefore, the number of lovers of seaweed is constantly increasing, although the Russians are still far from the residents in this regard. East Asia where this product has long been one of the main components of the daily diet.
How to cook seaweed depends on how much the useful qualities of fresh algae, healing and taste, are preserved in the finished dish.
Its main way heat treatment- cooking, but before cooking seaweed, it must be thoroughly washed to remove grains of sand and mucus.
How much to cook sea kale depends on the condition of the algae and in what kind of dishes cooking is carried out. Therefore, the cooking time can vary from a few minutes to an hour. But in any case, kelp is boiled on a fire of low intensity to avoid the destruction of fiber.
We offer recipes that can give an idea of various ways cooking kelp.

The recipes for many of our popular kelp dishes originate from Korean cuisine. Therefore, the first dish we will have is seaweed in Korean. List of products needed for its preparation:
A kilogram of chopped boiled kelp (in this form, it is often sold in stores);

Seaweed in Korean is prepared in this way:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the laminaria and transfer it to the pan. Then we fall asleep washed, peeled and chopped onions and garlic there.
  2. We mix the vinegar with soy pepper, add red and black pepper to it and pour this marinade for seaweed into the pan.
  3. Mix, season with vegetable oil fried in a pan and add, at your discretion, spices.

Ready salad insist hour in a cool place.
The calorie content of this simple and delicious dish is no more than 75 kcal, so it can be used for those who want to lose weight.

This dish is an example of how Korean cuisine recipes are adapted by domestic culinary specialists.
The recipe uses dried kelp. It deserves special mention. The fact is that in addition to it, trade offers seaweed for sushi.
Dried kelp is dehydrated seaweed. After soaking, it takes on all the conditions of fresh seaweed.
Sushi cabbage is a sublimated product obtained as a result of deeper processing. It is sold in the form of chips and is ready to eat. Moreover, according to Korean technology, in the manufacturing process, seaweed is fried in sesame oil.
In the Japanese production scheme, this item is missing so that the taste of sesame does not clog the taste of kelp.
To make a salad, take the following ingredients:

To prepare the dish, we will proceed in the following order:

  1. We wash the cabbage, put it in cold water for an hour, then boil it for 20 minutes.
  2. We clean and cut the onion with carrots.
  3. We heat the pan with oil and put chili pepper in it for half a minute. After removing the pepper, fry the sesame seeds.
  4. After removing the sesame seeds from the pan, we sauté the onions and carrots in it so that they do not have time to brown.
  5. Shinkuem bell pepper with cabbage and, pouring them into a pan, mix, after which we add crushed garlic cloves and vinegar to the mixture.
  6. We extinguish the fire and add monosodium glutamate with soy sauce.
  7. Close the pan tightly with a lid.

After an hour, the infused salad can be served at the table.
The calorie content of this salad is not at all high. In addition, it can be stored in the refrigerator for a week without compromising its beneficial qualities. Therefore, it is often used for weight loss.

Recipes for weight loss rarely do without pickled cabbage, the calorie content of which is slightly higher than the calorie content of fresh kelp. To prepare it, we need:

You can marinate kelp at home in this way:

  1. Let's start with the seaweed marinade. To do this, boil three liters of water and pour sugar and salt into boiling water. After stirring, close the lid tightly and continue to boil for another five minutes. Then let the marinade for seaweed cool.
  2. We wash the kelp several times and put dried garlic with paprika and black pepper in it. Mix again and pour marinade for seaweed.
  3. Now it remains to season the cabbage with vinegar and knead with your hands.
  4. After that, we put our dish for 10 hours in the refrigerator. Then we transfer it to a colander and, letting the marinade drain, mix with finely chopped garlic and onions.

Our dish is ready.

The calorie content of this salad is 76 kcal / 100 g, while the dish is very tasty and satisfying. Cooking seaweed with crab sticks will require from us the following set of products:

Let's break the preparation of seaweed with crab sticks into stages:

  1. We wash the canned kelp, squeeze it out of the water.
  2. Cut the washed and peeled onion.
  3. Preparing marinade for onions. To do this, dilute vinegar in water and season it with salt and sugar.
  4. Place the onion in the marinade for 20 minutes.
  5. We chop kelp into strips along with boiled eggs and crab sticks and mix them with onions, salt and pepper.
  6. After that, it is necessary to fill the mixture with mayonnaise and mix well again.

Salad ready.

Let's take these ingredients:

We will prepare the dish in the following order:

  1. Slice half an onion into small strips.
  2. Boil the chicken and cut it into small pieces.
  3. Pass the onion, put shredded kelp and chicken pieces in the pan and mix.
  4. After that, you need to fill the mixture chicken broth, approximately 100 ml.
  5. When the mixture boils, it should be salted, seasoned with melted bacon and simmer for several minutes over low heat, tightly covered with a lid.

Braised seaweed is ready.

Recipes for soups with kelp can please any gourmet. One of these dishes is pumpkin puree soup. Everyone can appreciate how delicious it is. To make soup, take:

Recipes for any cream soup are built according to the same scheme. In order to prepare our dish, we will perform the following operations:

  1. Fill the pumpkin cut into cubes with water, so that it barely covers it, and simmer under the lid.
  2. When the pumpkin softens, add grated kelp to it.
  3. Saute parsley and onion with carrots in oil and rub them on a grater.
  4. We heat the milk to 60 degrees, add the fried flour with egg yolks to it and shake it properly.
  5. We prepare a weak solution of vinegar and salt, boil the peeled mushrooms in it and partly wipe them, partly cut them into small strips.
  6. We fall asleep in a pan where pumpkin with kelp, onions, parsley, carrots, mushrooms and milk sauce are stewed, after which we continue to simmer for another quarter of an hour under the lid.

For the vinaigrette, we will need to take:

We will prepare the vinaigrette as follows:

  1. Place dry kelp in cold water. After three hours, add two cups of boiling water and put the pan on the fire. Two minutes after the broth boils, we take out the kelp from the pan and squeeze the liquid out of it.
  2. We cut the fish, cleaned of bones and skin, into small pieces.
  3. Boil beets with carrots and cut into cubes, cut tomatoes and cucumbers.
  4. We mix kelp, fish and vegetables in one container. Add spices and salt to your taste and mix again. We fall asleep peas, chopped greens, plums, ginger and season the vinaigrette with mayonnaise.

Video recipe: Seaweed salad with squid

Seaweed - recipes with seaweed. And also what can be cooked from seaweed - tips from the magazine "site"

sea ​​kale - This is the commercial name of sea brown algae from the genus Laminaria. Unfortunately, one of the most accessible and useful products not found wide application in home cooking, and remained an amateur. We invite you to take a fresh look at sea kale and you will be convinced that with a minimum of costs and effort, you can cook from it, if not a culinary masterpiece, then certainly a very tasty and healthy dish.

What can be cooked from seaweed - recipes

Spicy seaweed with chicken fillet

Ingredients: 200 gr. dried seaweed, 100 gr. chicken fillet, a clove of garlic, a teaspoon of soy sauce, 0.5 tsp each. seasonings hops-suneli and red ground pepper, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

How to cook. Soak seaweed for 2-3 hours in cold water, then wash thoroughly. If it is leafy, then cut into pieces and roll into a tube, then cut into thin strips. Rinse again. Heat oil in a frying pan, fry cabbage. Add seasonings, minced garlic and soy sauce. Simmer for 15-20 minutes. Boil or fry the chicken meat, cut into pieces and add to the cabbage.

Shchi from seaweed

Ingredients: 500 gr. pork, 30 gr. dried seaweed, one carrot, one onion, sour cream to taste, vegetable oil.

How to cook. dried cabbage pour cold water in a ratio of 1: 8 (for one part of cabbage 8 parts of water). Rinse thoroughly, add water again, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. Drain the decoction. Pour the cabbage with warm water, bring to a boil again, cook for another 20 minutes and drain the broth again. Repeat the process one more time. With such training, not only improves appearance cabbage, but also its taste, excess iodine is removed.

Cut the meat into pieces, fry in oil. In the fat that will stand out when frying the meat, sauté chopped seaweed, onions and carrots. Next, cook the cabbage soup as usual, when serving, put a spoonful of sour cream and pieces of meat in a plate.

Seaweed Vinaigrette

Ingredients: 150 gr. pickled seaweed, 3-4 potatoes, 3 carrots, 3-4 beets, 1-2 pickles, 1-2 onions, 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and 3% vinegar. Add salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook. Boil beets, carrots and potatoes (preferably in a double boiler), cool, peel and cut into cubes. Finely chop the onion and pickles. Mix everything with seaweed. Season the vinaigrette with vegetable oil, vinegar, salt and pepper, add a couple of pinches of sugar. Let it brew a little and serve, sprinkled with finely chopped green onions.

Canned seaweed salad

Ingredients: a jar of canned seaweed, half a jar canned corn, 1 onion, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 tomato, 2 boiled eggs, vegetable oil. Salt, garlic, lemon juice and mayonnaise to taste.

How to cook. Finely chop the onion, sauté in oil. Cucumber, tomato, eggs finely chopped. Mix all the ingredients, salt and pepper a little. pour over lemon juice(you can without it) and season with mayonnaise.

Salad with seaweed and mushrooms

Ingredients: 300 gr. mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons, mushrooms), 2 onions, 1 carrot, a jar of canned seaweed, 3 eggs, vegetable oil for frying, fresh herbs.

How to cook. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry onions in oil first, then add carrots, after five minutes - mushrooms. Cook over low heat until the liquid from the mushrooms has evaporated. Put seaweed (without filling) in a salad bowl, add cooled vegetables with mushrooms and finely chopped boiled eggs. Mix everything, if desired, you can season the salad with mayonnaise and sprinkle with herbs.

Seaweed salad with rice

Ingredients: 400 gr. seaweed, 0.5 cups of boiled rice, 3 eggs, 1 onion, mayonnaise to taste.

How to cook. Finely chop the onion. If you don't like the taste of raw onions, saute them in oil. Boil the eggs, cut like a salad. Cut the seaweed into not very long strips. Mix everything and season with mayonnaise to taste.

Laminaria or seaweed is a versatile product. It can be marinated, baked, stewed, dried and preserved, so with a creative approach, prepare a healthy snack or full meal will not be difficult.

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