Are stretch ceilings harmful to health consumer reviews. Is a stretch ceiling harmful to health: composition and harmful additives Which ceilings are harmless

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Among ceiling coverings, stretch ceilings have become very popular, relatively recently appeared on construction market. An amazing variety of configurations, a wide choice of materials, the ability to choose the one you like according to your financial capabilities, as well as many advantages, have earned them an ever-increasing popularity. However, not everyone is delighted with them: some argue that the materials used to install them, and the structures themselves, are not at all safe for health.

Manufacturers claim that their products are absolutely safe.

The reason for the alarm was the assertion of some buyers that among the components that make up the products, there are harmful and dangerous. In addition, they release into the air toxic substances, which provide Negative influence on the well-being of residents. Manufacturers themselves claim that all their products meet safety requirements.

The materials from which stretch ceilings are made meet all safety standards

To resolve these disputes, it is worth getting acquainted with the authoritative opinion of professionals - doctors who know firsthand how harmful or safe stretch ceilings are. Analysis of products presented on the construction market led to the following results:

  • most of the products used for the installation of ceiling coverings meet the requirements of international environmental ISO standards and do not pose a health hazard;
  • negative consequences can occur in case of individual intolerance and allergic reactions to the components included in the materials;
  • a reliable guarantee of safety is the purchase of high quality materials.

However, doctors do not recommend installing tension structures using PVC film in bedrooms and nurseries, if buyers do not have accurate information about its quality. The best option will use a fabric cover that is completely safe.

To fully protect yourself, use fabric stretch ceilings

Signs of poor quality PVC film

PVC film deserves special attention, since most of the claims and concerns are associated with it; partly they are not unfounded.

Indeed, after installing the film coating in the room, there may be a specific chemical smell, but with good ventilation it quickly disappears, so the issue of ventilation is relevant.

Stretch ceilings can be dangerous if they are made of poor quality material.

Poor-quality material can be recognized by obvious signs, these are:

  • low price;
  • persistent phenolic odor that persists for a long time.

The cheaper the polyvinyl chloride coating, the more likely it is to purchase a low-quality product, and the phenol “aroma” that does not disappear for a long time, poisoning the air, is a sure sign of an unsuccessful purchase.

If the cost of the material is underestimated, it means that it is made of poor material.

Harmful components of PVC film

The most harmful material stretch ceilings, as many believe, this is a PVC film. In fairness, it is worth noting that its use can indeed be hazardous to health if acquired frankly. cheap material. It contains components that can be found in other products, but their concentration in one product is an extremely dangerous "bouquet".

PVC film is harmful only if low-quality material is purchased

Element name

Key Features


Has a strong chemical odor

Violation of the kidneys, liver, heart, nervous system

The period of withdrawal from the body is several decades

Promotes the development of oncology, settles on the internal organs

High toxicity, pungent odor

Penetrates the body by inhalation, penetrates the skin

Causes nausea, vomiting, can lead to acute poisoning

Has a specific smell

Causes irritation of mucous membranes, frequent inhalation leads to lung damage

Advice. In order not to endanger life and health, you should not save on quality. If in doubt, the seller must require a certificate confirming the safety of the material. If there is no such document or they refuse to present it, it is better to refuse to purchase the goods.

In addition, even when using high-quality PVC, experts do not recommend installing lamps with incandescent lamps in close proximity to the material: when heated strongly, it may begin to melt, which will lead to release into the air harmful substances.

It is not recommended to place incandescent lamps close to the material.

Are fabric stretch ceilings harmful?

The fact that only high-quality PVC film can be used for ceilings is already known, but many people are also concerned about the possibility of using fabric: are there any health risks lurking in it?

No harmful substances are used in fabric ceilings

Experts conducted a study of the composition of fabrics and found that this species material is made of polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane. She is familiar to many from waterproof or special protective clothing, which gives the right to claim that such a coating:

  • will not pose a threat to human life and health;
  • in its composition there are no toxic or dangerous substances, including those that cause an unpleasant odor.

In addition, the fabric conducts air well.

Fabric ceilings are not only safe but also perfectly breathable.

How to choose an environmentally friendly stretch ceiling

The issue of environmental cleanliness of the ceiling is, in the literal sense, vital. Options for the safe use of PVC film and fabric have been the subject of heated debate until recently. Today, however, all priorities have been identified, and final conclusions have been drawn.

Do not buy cheap materials, most likely they are made of poor material
  1. Polyvinyl chloride is not a toxic substance, as it serves as a raw material for the production of children's toys and overalls.
  2. It does not have the properties of an allergen, so PVC film is widely used for installation even in children's and medical institutions.
  3. Actively used in rooms with high humidity, since it is impossible for the reproduction of harmful fungi, bacteria, mold.
  4. If the material is certified, it can be safely used in residential premises.
  5. Reduce the level of safety of fakes, where poisonous and hazardous substances are present. Such products, as a rule, do not have certificates.
  6. Fabric canvases have no contraindications for use and are environmentally friendly.

Attention! Whatever type of material is preferred, it is important for the buyer to understand that a truly high-quality product cannot be too cheap.

Fabric ceilings are environmentally friendly

Is there a difference in manufacturers

The quality of the products offered depends on the manufacturer and his reputation in this market segment. Today, on the stands of construction supermarkets, you can find products from Europe, China, Russia; there is a difference between them.

High quality and a variety of colors and textures are distinguished by European materials, the suppliers of which are Germany, Italy, France. They meet all safety requirements, but their price is quite high.

Give preference to trusted manufacturers

Recently, Chinese goods have significantly advanced in quality to European standards, while their price is much lower than that of European manufacturers.

Russia takes only the first steps in the production of ceiling coverings, so their choice is small, and the quality leaves much to be desired, however, domestic suppliers offer their products at fairly low prices.

Choose materials based on your budget

But, in the end, the buyer gives preference to one or another company, as they say, "voting with their wallet."

Video: Do ​​stretch ceilings affect health

Video: The whole truth about stretch ceilings

There are various rumors about the harm of stretch ceilings, but the opinions of consumers about their veracity are contradictory. To choose the most harmless interior solution, it is worth understanding the available facts. The composition of the materials from which stretch ceilings are made is suggestive, although manufacturers claim that they are safe. But is this true or just a publicity stunt?

What causes dissatisfaction?

Stretch ceilings are a relatively recent European trend, which at one time caused a stir among Russian connoisseurs elegant interiors. But very little time passed, and the enthusiasm subsided, giving way to doubts. Those who initially noticed only the positive aspects of decorating living quarters with PVC sheets, willingly following the new fashion, later had to listen to the increasingly widespread negative opinion.

So here are the accusations:

  • constantly emit a strong chemical smell;
  • prevent air exchange in the room;
  • cause allergic reactions;
  • provoke the development of cancer.

Yes, to date, a lot of speculation has appeared about the dangers of the notorious stretch ceilings for the health of citizens constantly under their shadow, which are only partially based on facts. However, it is unlikely that anyone who has at least an approximate idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe composition of polyvinyl chloride will be able to unequivocally deny the likelihood of it harmful effects on the body. That is why now even specialists in their installation do not recommend installing PVC stretch ceilings in a nursery.

The composition of the ceiling film

According to manufacturers, ions heavy metals, chlorine, toluene and phenol are indeed found in ceiling coverings, but only in small quantities, so the release of toxins cannot adversely affect the health of people living in the room and pets. However, many happy owners of stretch ceilings immediately after their installation noted a characteristic persistent smell, which weakens over time, but does not completely disappear.

Even if this fact leads to some disappointment, few people decide to immediately redo an expensive repair, changing the ceiling covering to a more traditional one. The obsessive unpleasant amber has become tolerable - which means that you can not be afraid of harm. In fact, there are options. After all, under the condition of using a truly high-quality polymer fabric, the smell occurs only when installed under the influence of a heat gun, disappearing immediately after the fabric cools down.

Let's take a look at the most common reasons a chemical fragrance lasts:

  • the use of material that does not have an environmental certificate;
  • installation of a stretch ceiling in a room with high temperatures.

In the first case, we can talk about a deception, which is deliberately committed by an organization that carries out installation work, and about self-deception on the part of the customer himself. The problem is that real harm Stretch ceilings are often the result of their too affordable cost. To avoid acquiring toxic counterfeit material, when choosing a contractor, you should still focus on average prices. An overly attractive offer is clearly a warning sign.

The second point most often concerns specific premises. If stretch ceilings decorate a kitchen, bathroom, bath or sauna, it is rather strange to be surprised, since the reaction of PVC to strong heat is well known. A heating pipe passing under a stretch ceiling or a chandelier with incandescent lamps adjacent to it also make the smell stable. High temperature is a guarantee of the release of toxins even from fabrics processed in full compliance with European environmental standards.

Fabric alternative

Those who have already heard about the dangers of PVC, but who are unable to give up the idea, most often become interested in fabric materials, positioned as a breathable, environmentally friendly alternative, "recommended by pediatricians." Probably, high-quality fabric stretch ceilings are really capable of causing harm to health no more than, say, furniture upholstery. But, unlike PVC, "breathable" fabric will turn into another "dust collector", which is also dangerous.

The special processing of the canvas intended for decorating the ceiling reduces the risk for the inhabitants of the room who are prone to allergic reactions or problems with respiratory system, over time, begin to suffer from dust no less than from toxins emitted by polyvinyl chloride. If the quality of processing is doubtful, harm from fabric stretch ceilings cannot be avoided either. And this again brings us back to the careful choice of a company offering specialized services.

Another interesting detail is the actual composition of the material. Only very optimistic people can consider it natural, since only synthetic fibers are capable of possessing the strength and durability indicators declared by manufacturers. Of course, it will be the ubiquitous polyester, the harm of which in modern world unreasonable. But it does not hurt to be slightly skeptical about the "environmental friendliness" of the oil product, which has become indispensable in many industries and even in everyday life.

Waterproof or breathable

Stretching a popular polymer on the ceiling is recommended as a sure remedy for flooding, since it does not let water through. If the roof leaks or an accident occurs at the neighbors from above, the PVC will simply sag, after draining the water, taking its original shape. However, it should be borne in mind that the waterproof material is unable to pass air. The harm from the violation of the circulation of air masses is especially noticeable in rooms with stretch ceilings and PVC windows, devoid of ventilation.

The use of fabric sheets eliminates this problem, but, as already mentioned, they have their drawbacks. In addition, there are not so many design options when choosing polyurethane-treated polyester stretch ceilings, so most people prefer stylish PVC products that can fit into any interior and decorate it, but harm air exchange. Ventilation and regular airing is the only way out.

Bathroom interior after renovation.

Remedies for Harm

Of course, the harm of stretch ceilings is a reality. But, having the information, it can be leveled to some extent by taking precautions:

  • never give in to the temptation of unrealistically low prices;
  • order only from reliable organizations with a reputation, making sure that they have environmental certificates;
  • carefully weigh the benefits and harms of PVC and polyester in order to choose the lesser of the possible evils;
  • do not use PVC sheets in rooms with elevated temperatures near the ceiling;
  • provide good ventilation to avoid air stagnation.

As for the risk of developing cancer from excreted toxins, there is some evidence. However, we are talking about toxic fumes, which in a modern city do not come only from ceiling coverings, and it is impossible to avoid their impact even by moving away from the world into the wilderness of the forest. We can only practice a reasonable approach to the choice of goods, in abundance offered by civilization today, and hope for luck.

Stretch ceiling coverings are very popular due to their many advantages. The stretch ceiling well levels the ceiling surface, is quickly mounted, hides the flaws in the base and communications, protects against flooding, is washable and looks beautiful. But, despite the numerous advantages, there is a constant debate whether stretch ceilings are harmful? Such beliefs appeared due to the fact that after installing a polyvinyl chloride film in a room, for several days bad smell rubber.

The composition of the canvas stretch PVC ceilings

To understand whether a stretch ceiling is harmful to health, you need to understand the constituent components of the product. To begin with, consider the composition of PVC films, because they are the most popular among the population. The composition of this material includes petroleum products and polyvinyl chloride. The last of these is a polymer, which consists of petroleum products and chlorine.

Vinyl chloride is organic matter, which is a derivative of ethylene. In fact, it is a colorless gas with a characteristic sweet smell. Vinyl chloride is an explosive and flammable substance that releases toxic substances during combustion.

In addition to vinyl chloride, the composition of the stretch film includes toxic toluene and phenol. But they have a toxic effect on humans only in high concentrations. Toluene and phenol are released into the air as a result of heating and melting of the stretch film.

Since PVC is an unstable compound, stabilizing additives are included in the composition. To reduce the brittleness and hardness of polyvinyl chloride, plasticizers are added to the material. To give the desired shade, dyes and metals are introduced into the composition, and biocides are used to protect against damage by microorganisms.

Important! There are about 150 additives in the composition of PVC film. All together they occupy 60% of the total volume of components.

Composition of fabric stretch ceilings

If we talk about the environmental friendliness of stretch ceilings, then first of all it is worth mentioning fabric coatings. They are made of polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane. The latter substance resembles rubber. It increases the elasticity of the product, its resistance to aggressive substances and different temperatures.

Unlike film coatings fabric ceilings do not contain such harmful components as chlorine, phenol, toluene, cadmium. The material does not exude an unpleasant odor either after installation or during operation. Thanks to the woven base, the product allows air to pass through and does not interfere with the ventilation of the overhead space.

Important! It is more difficult to fake a fabric coating, since the manufacturer's marking is directly on the fabric, and not on the packaging, as is the case with PVC films.

Environmental standards for stretch ceilings

You can talk about the harm of stretch ceilings only if you buy a fake or a low-quality product. Therefore, when ordering a stretch ceiling, ask the company for a certificate of conformity. This document, according to the rules of the certification system, must be issued to confirm the compliance of products with established standards, requirements and rules.

There are the following types of certificates:

  1. yellow certificate issued for products that must undergo mandatory certification.
  2. blue certificate issued for products that are not included in the list of products for mandatory certification. That is, the film is certified on a voluntary basis.

As a rule, certified products of foreign and domestic manufacturers meet safety standards. Quality products in their composition should not exceed the following hygienic standards:

  • phenol - no more than 0.003;
  • smell - maximum 1 point;
  • formaldehyde - 0.01;
  • xylene - no more than 0.04;
  • toluene - maximum 0.6;
  • ethyl acetate - not more than 0.1;
  • acrylonitrile - maximum 0.03;
  • acetone - no more than 0.35;
  • butyl acetate - not more than 0.1;
  • pseudocumene - maximum 0.05.

How to distinguish low-quality material

It is not difficult to understand whether you have safe stretch ceilings or not. First of all, pay attention to how long the stretch ceiling smells after installation. Usually, the smell from a PVC stretch ceiling within a couple of days after installation is considered normal. It is enough just to ventilate the room more often and the smell disappears.

If the stretch ceiling smells after installation for several weeks, then a pungent odor can cause:

  • prolonged headaches;
  • deterioration of the sense of smell;
  • the formation of allergic rhinitis and other dangerous reactions of the body;
  • reduced concentration of attention;
  • depression, weakness and lethargy.

Order stretch ceilings only in reliable proven companies. Such companies must have a registered office. The company should provide you with product samples (catalogues and film samples). The offered production has all necessary certificates and documents. When ordering, you must conclude an agreement that specifies the obligations of the parties and warranty cases. The company must not only sell tension panels, but also install them itself. All measurements of the premises are carried out by the installer company.

Toxic Substances

Poor-quality tension products contain the following toxic components:

  1. Phenol is considered a highly toxic substance, therefore, in many developed countries it is forbidden to use it in the composition of the product. The main danger of using phenol lies in the fact that the substance causes the formation of cancerous tumors. In addition, it negatively affects the nervous and cardiovascular system, causes pulmonary edema, burns the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and adversely affects the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Phenol is also dangerous because it leads to infertility.
  2. Cadmium is a heavy metal that accumulates in the human body in the liver, kidneys, spleen and bone tissues. Cadmium causes malfunctions in many organs, contributes to stone formation in the kidneys and liver, and causes disruption of the excretory system. It is also the culprit of cancerous processes in the body.
  3. Toluene belongs to a group of volatile compounds that enter the human circulatory system through the respiratory system. Toluene causes poisoning of the whole organism. If there is a stretch ceiling in the room that emits toluene, then the person does not sleep well, he is disturbed by headaches, weakness, loss of appetite, depression, deterioration of the central nervous system and memory. The organs of hearing and vision suffer, the reaction rate slows down. Toluene is especially harmful for pregnant women, who increase the risk of having a baby with pathologies.
  4. Chlorine in the composition of the stretch coating is in a bound state, so it usually does not negative impact per person. But if the manufacturing technology of the material is violated, then there is an excess of chlorine in the composition. With a long stay in a room with such ceilings, characteristic symptoms of chlorine poisoning appear: fever, difficulty breathing, dry cough, and mucous membranes.

Attention! Even high-quality stretch fabrics can cause hypersensitivity to individual components. As a result, an allergy to the installed coating appears. Characteristic symptoms: difficulty breathing, sneezing, watery eyes, runny nose, choking or swelling of the respiratory system.

Myths about the dangers of stretch ceilings

The fact that all stretch ceiling coatings are harmful to health is a myth when it comes to high-quality certified coatings. Even the smell in the room a couple of days after installation is not a reason to think that the coating is harmful to health.

The only thing that doctors and experts advise is not to install PVC sheets in rooms with high temperatures, because when heated, the coating can release some volatile toxic components.

Repair work is the scourge of any sane person. Ideal cannot be achieved, but small parts are still being finalized to at least get closer to it. However, this is still a rather light version, but if it comes to capital, the problems become quite gigantic.

Stretch ceiling

The installation of such surfaces is a tribute to fashion. Still, of course, it is beautiful and quite practical.

But here's the problem: some users claim that they are not entirely hygienic. It will be discussed here whether stretch ceilings are harmful, a myth, or what you can do to protect yourself from even a ghostly threat.

Underestimate the danger building materials not worth it. To reduce the cost of production, entrepreneurs can literally do anything. But such businessmen know how to hide their flaws very well - you won’t undermine.

Why can they be harmful?

There is a third option - allergy sufferers with weakened immune systems. Such people can become ill in any room. But the answer to the question of whether a stretch ceiling is harmful to health lies elsewhere. Today, most of the population is in full swing weakening immunity. This is due to many factors, which it makes no sense to analyze here.

But the possibility of harm cannot be denied. Otherwise, you can pay for it with health - both yours and your loved ones.

International Standards

All manufacturers, whether they like it or not, comply with ISO environmental safety standards. Such norms are common to all, so in most cases there is nothing to fear. So, stretch ceilings: are they harmful or not? At correct selection materials, they will not affect the body of their users.

So always check the quality of the products, as well as the reputation of the factory itself. Quality products can cost you more, but using counterfeit products will be harmful in almost any case.

PVC ceilings

Thin plastic film used almost everywhere, mainly because of its cheapness.

Fabric ceilings are quite expensive, and it is difficult to care for them. The disadvantage here is that it is impossible to recognize high-quality polyvinyl chloride visually, in fact.

There are no special markings, and therefore you have to act at your own peril and risk. However, whether they are harmful or not, they should be purchased only from official representatives.

European products have, so to speak, a guarantee of quality. It does not depend on the honesty of the manufacturer, but on the amount of fines for any violations in the manufacturing process.

So it’s not worth buying film from incomprehensible people somewhere on the construction market - there is a high probability that you will be sold something of poor quality at the price of a real French film.

Manufacturers and labeling

The latter has already been said - it simply does not exist. If we talk about manufacturers, then everything is more complicated. European goods on Russian market practically none - only a few distributors with a limited selection.

The point here is that they are reluctant to buy such ceilings - because of their price, of course, but also because of their small width. Welding a stretch ceiling takes time, which means it costs money.

Chinese brands, which are mainly sold, have a large width, and, to be honest, they are cheaper. Actually, it is not difficult to find a quality Asian manufacturer. The main thing is not to get lost in the mass of unscrupulous people and not pay attention to "certificates". The latter, if they talk about the sale of French or German PVC, automatically become invalid.

The question of whether a stretch ceiling is harmful to health is irrelevant here. The point is the seller's conscience - there are almost no supplies of ceiling film from Europe. So to meet such models on the market is more like a miracle or a hoax. Calculate the probability of both.

How to choose a quality PVC ceiling?

So, the film will have to be bought from China - this is certain, and beyond doubt. Are stretch ceilings harmful to health? The facts show that everything depends on production. The composition, working conditions are important, as well as, of course, correct installation. The main way to determine the quality is the presence of smell:

  • The ceiling after installation does not smell at all, or the smell is almost imperceptible, disappearing in a day or two. After airing, no foreign inclusions remain. This means that the operation will be safe.
  • Average film quality is determined by light chemical the smell that stretch ceilings emit. Are they harmful to health in this case? The first days, even a week and a half - yes. Therefore, at this time it is better not to use the premises. In addition, their installation in the bedroom will not be at all best solution. Here in the kitchen or hallway - quite.
  • There is also a third option. A viscous, sweet smell - very strong and for an insensitive nose, even sharp. Is this kind of stretch ceiling harmful to health? Definitely yes. If this smell is present, then your film has phenol in it. It is very poisonous, so you should not use such ceilings in principle.

Definition of quality

It is impossible to understand whether you are buying a quality film before installation.

So, are stretch ceilings harmful to health? The reviews of those who installed them indicate that in the case of high-quality coverage, no negative consequences not worth the wait. You can take the advice of relatives about this, friends.

Of course, before repair, any person is interested in whether stretch ceilings are harmful to health. Reviews on this topic are quite positive. Manufacturers for the most part care about quality, which is reflected in the opinion of buyers. As a negative - most often we are talking about strong unpleasant odors. The reason for the appearance of the latter was said a little higher.

What can harm?

It is not easy to determine whether a stretch ceiling is harmful to health. But this effect can have a variety of reasons. In any case, you will feel discomfort from an unpleasant odor, and with a long inhalation of fumes, the consequences can be as unpleasant as possible. There are four harmful substances, at least the main ones:

  • Phenol, which has already been mentioned. It is practically eternal, because it does not decompose, but it is excreted from the body rather quickly. Although this does not prevent him from causing serious damage to internal organs.
  • Cadmium - like any other heavy metal, it settles in the liver, kidneys or bones. Because it causes cancer.
  • Toluene is dangerous for vision and the nervous system. Inhalation is fraught with loss of appetite, lethargy, insomnia, and in the worst case, even blindness.
  • Chlorine - causes severe damage to the mucous membranes. It is dangerous with a constant cough, lung diseases (up to oncology), as well as fever and shortness of breath.

In general, answering the question: "Stretch ceilings - are they harmful to health?", We can say: definitely yes. But this applies only to low-quality or counterfeit goods. If you purchase high-quality film, then such problems will bypass you.

Considering the harm and benefits of stretch ceilings, you should decide on the material of manufacture. If we consider a fabric canvas as an example, then it is absolutely harmless. Another thing is a film made of polyvinyl chloride. If it is produced by well-known companies, it means that they comply with all technological processes and produce completely harmless material. This is evidenced by rare reviews about the dangers of stretch ceilings, posted in in social networks and on thematic sites.

Damage to stretch ceilings

Aluminum profile carries no threat, which cannot be said about the composition of the film, which is made from a thermoplastic vinyl chloride polymer in violation of technological processes. The material includes the following components: phenol, chlorine, toluene and chemical elements heavy metals. All this is securely held in the film and is not released into the atmosphere in the form of harmful substances.

Stretch ceiling is not only fashionable, but also practical and aesthetically pleasing. In addition, the push to install it is incredible low prices. Prices depend on the quality of the film, as well as the popularity of the manufacturer. However, from this does not depend on harm and benefit stretch ceilings. Everything depends on the production technology. Rumors that the film emits an endless smell of chemistry are not confirmed.

Smells last only a few days, while the material is completely new. The film, like fabric, cannot harm health. And as for unpleasant sensations, this concept is relative. Each person reacts to the same smells differently. For people suffering from allergies, a stretch ceiling made of pvc is better do not install. They are covered in fabric. The film may not be unacceptable to everyone equally.

To understand if a stretch ceiling is harmful to health specific person, the product needs to be mounted and live in such a house for some time. What about general norms according to international environmental standards, well-known manufacturers must adhere to them. Therefore, before purchasing or installing a ceiling covering, you should familiarize yourself with the certificates of conformity.

The benefits of stretch ceilings

The basis for the production of film ceilings is polyvinyl chloride. He is enough solvent resistant, acids, as well as alkalis and temperature extremes. Based on extensive research by scientists on the thermoplastic vinyl chloride polymer, they concluded that this film does not contain volatile substances. This gives reason to believe that rumors about the dangers of stretch ceilings for human health are greatly exaggerated.

As for the benefits of such products, it is rather aesthetic. In addition, they help to visually increase the space of the room. In order for the film to be harmful to health, it must emit fumes in the form of toxic and other harmful substances. But polyvinyl chloride does not evaporate and does not emit anything like that. It is possible that something stands out during the installation of the film coating, since the film is heated with a heat gun. But at this time, there should be no one in the room except for the workers, and then the room is thoroughly ventilated.

Thanks to scientific research, the developers realized how harmful stretch ceilings are. They have a negative effect on human health only in a very hot state. It is at this time that the smell of the film is felt. After installation, when it cools down, the smell will disappear. And as for the low-quality PVC film, it even in a cooled state negatively affects human health. Read reviews about whether stretch ceilings are harmful to health. Perhaps this is another reinsurance of medical workers?

The choice of high-quality film is carried out according to the following criteria:

  • After its installation with the help of a thermal “gun”, the smell disappears and does not appear again.
  • The smell of chemistry stably keeps indoors for a week. However, he soon disappears without a trace.
  • The unpleasant smell of chemistry eats into the walls and furniture. This suggests the idea of ​​counterfeit products manufactured without observing technological standards.

In this case, the question of whether a stretch ceiling in a bedroom or other room is harmful disappears by itself.

This suggests that it is not always possible to determine the harmfulness of a stretch ceiling to health until it is installed and tested. In order not to get an outright fake, any canvas, even fabric, must be bought from dealers of well-known manufacturers.

A fabric ceiling covering, if it was made by amateurs, can also adversely affect human health. Compliance with technological norms requires more time for the production of material and financial costs, which means the cost finished products gets higher. This is not profitable for small firms, so they save on everything and on people's health.

The opinion of doctors about the dangers of stretch ceilings for health cannot be unambiguous. They also believe that all negative comes from low-quality canvases. As for fabric ceiling coverings, they are made from synthetic fibers and impregnated with polyurethane. It turns out durable and beautiful material, free of cadmium, phenol and other similar chemical elements.

A lot of reviews have been written about the benefits and harms of stretch ceilings on numerous forums and social networks.

When choosing such products, many buyers are interested in the question of which stretch ceilings are less harmful or more useful. Naturally, such products cannot bring health benefits. Some experts are of the opinion that fabric canvases are completely harmless, other experts disagree with them. It all depends on the quality of the product.

Many parents are interested in whether the stretch ceiling in the children's bedroom is harmful or can it be installed in any room? If the product was purchased from a dealer of a well-known company, then it cannot emit harmful substances, which means you can not be afraid of negative consequences.

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