Ketchup from tomatoes for the winter You will lick your fingers: recipes at home. How to make delicious homemade tomato ketchup for the winter

garden equipment 17.10.2019
garden equipment
  1. Rub the tomatoes through a colander with very small holes.
  2. Place the mass in an enamel pan and add salt, sugar, vinegar.
  3. Place the spices in a gauze bag and put in the tomato mass
  4. Cook this mixture over very low heat.
  5. After the appearance of a stable taste and aroma, when the mass takes the form of a sauce, stop boiling, remove the bag with spices.

Remember that when preparing delicious ketchup, not tomatoes, but spices play a decisive role. It is they that set off its tomato flavor and add piquancy.




  1. Ripe tomatoes are thoroughly peeled.
  2. Then boil them under the lid for two hours over low heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Rub the finished mass through a fine sieve and add vinegar and all the above spices to 1 liter of paste. Spices are added to the sauce only in ground form.
  4. Mix the mixture well and boil to the desired density for 20-25 minutes.
  5. Properly cooked sauce has a thick texture and spreads easily on bread.
  6. Pour hot ketchup into sterilized bottles and seal immediately.
  7. Store in a cold place.

Homemade tomato ketchup WESTERN EUROPEAN


  • 5 kg of tomatoes,
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 teaspoon prepared mustard
  • ½ teaspoon ground red pepper
  • a pinch of grated nutmeg
  • 2 cloves
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of 3% vinegar


  1. Wash tomatoes, rinse with boiling water and peel.
  2. Cut and cook for 30 minutes, adding salt.
  3. Then wipe the resulting mass through a sieve, and add all the spices and vinegar to the resulting puree.
  4. Boil the mixture again for 40 minutes over low heat without a lid.

Ketchup can be made spicier by adding more vinegar and pepper, or sweeter by adding more sugar.



  • 4 kg tomatoes
  • 500-600 g minced onion and root celery
  • 4 liters of water
  • 100 ml 10% vinegar
  • 750 g sugar
  • 50g salt
  • 1 g red pepper
  • 5g ground ginger
  • 3 g ground cinnamon
  • 3 g ground cloves


  1. Grind tomatoes, add onion and celery to them.
  2. Pour in water and simmer enamelware until soft, stirring constantly.
  3. Rub the softened vegetables through a fine sieve.
  4. And boil again ready mix with frequent stirring, adding spices in a gauze bag.
  5. Evaporate the prepared mass to the required density, avoiding its burning.
  6. Ready ketchup must be poured into sterile bottles.
  7. Store in a cool place.

Try to cook homemade ketchup follow these recipes and enjoy its extraordinary taste and aroma!!!

A sauce with centuries of history is ketchup. For modern man this seasoning for dishes is associated with red bottles and store shelves. Ketchup at home for the winter earlier, before development Food Industry, cooked in many families. Now natural nutrition is gaining popularity, and housewives tend to make sauces themselves, without preservatives, dyes and other unnecessary chemicals.

Recipes for making homemade ketchup for harvesting for the winter

To prepare delicious ketchup, which will be stored all winter and will not deteriorate, you need high-quality tomatoes, ripe, strong, without defects. Rustic or country tomatoes grown without chemistry are ideal. Factory sauces contain not only tomatoes or tomato paste, but also flavor enhancers, modified gum and starch. Ketchup brewed at home for the winter is healthier, tastes better than industrial counterparts, and besides, it can be done as classic sauce and use the original and unusual recipe.

Classic tomato recipe

The sauce from which ketchup got its name did not contain tomatoes. The Chinese condiment ge-tsup was prepared with fish entrails, and later with anchovies. The British changed the recipe in their own way, replacing the fish with mushrooms and walnuts, then included olives. Much later, tomatoes were added, and a variant was born, today called the classic. Classic Ketchup Ingredients:

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • cloves - 2 buds;
  • black pepper - 20 peas;
  • coriander - 10 peas;
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - half a tablespoon;
  • greens (any) - a bunch.

How the sauce is made:

  1. Select the tomatoes, rinse, remove the stalks with a knife, cut into small pieces, place in a saucepan, wait for the boil. Add water if necessary, and the juice that stands out is enough. Switch the stove to medium heat, cook for 20 minutes.
  2. Cool the boiled tomatoes, pass through a sieve, into the same pan. Boil the mass of future ketchup until thickened, an hour or more.
  3. Put the spices in a piece of gauze, tie the ends, get a bag, dip it in liquid tomatoes, add salt, vinegar, sugar, mix the mixture, cook for 10 minutes, making a slow fire.
  4. Pour the finished ketchup into sterilized containers, cool, place in the refrigerator or cellar.

With apples and bell pepper

Ketchup for lovers of interesting flavor combinations complements any meal. Little secret: if you add dried onions, or smoked, you get an unusual aroma. This addition is useful for those who are not against culinary experiments with ketchup. If you're unsure if your eaters will approve of an unusual taste, stick with the original recipe. To make this savory ketchup you will need:

  • red soft tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
  • apples (green is preferable) - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper (yellow, red) - 1 kg;
  • onion (turnip) - 1 kg;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 cup;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • salt - half teaspoon;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • allspice - 6 pcs.;
  • garlic - 5 teeth;
  • savory - to taste.

Step by step recipe making ketchup:

  1. Cut the tomatoes and onions, remove the core from the apples, cut the middle with the seeds from the peppers.
  2. Pour a few tablespoons of water into vegetables and fruits, put on fire, boil until gruel.
  3. Rub the mixture through a sieve, pour into a saucepan, dip the spices in a gauze bag, boil to a thick consistency.
  4. Pour sugar and salt, pour in vinegar, add squeezed garlic, chopped savory.
  5. Pour the hot mixture into bottles (heated), tighten the lids tightly, put in a sterilization container (large pot, tank), sterilize, then cool.

Preserved spicy tomato chili sauce

The popular "hot" sauce is made simply, with a minimum of ingredients, the chili will still kill all other flavors. You can season them with many dishes, with care. Chili is combined with pasta and their varieties, potatoes, rice, fish, meat. It is important to remember that if you intend to season a dish with this sauce, do not add pepper when cooking it, otherwise there will be a fire in your mouth. For hot sauce you need to take:

  • fleshy tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • chile (or Cayenne pepper) - 1-3 pods;
  • salt - a tablespoon with a slide;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • peppercorns, allspice and black - 10 pcs.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Wash, cut tomatoes into slices, pour into a saucepan, put on fire (medium). Cook until soft, about 40 minutes, stirring all the time.
  2. Cut and peel the chili, add to the tomatoes at the end of cooking. If desired very spicy sauce do not remove the seeds from the pepper. Add peppercorns, cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Rub the mixture with a sieve using a wooden spoon or spatula. The skin, seeds, spices will not pass through the sieve. Grinding can be simplified using a juicer that has the function of squeezing juice with pulp, or a conventional appliance, but then the peel from the tomatoes must be removed before cooking.
  4. Boil the pureed mixture, season with salt, vinegar, sugar, pour ketchup into jars or bottles, close.

From tomato juice with starch in a slow cooker

In the preparation of ketchup at home for the winter, starch is rarely used; housewives prefer to boil off excess moisture without adding thickeners. Sometimes the obtained degree of density is not enough, for example, when cooking pizza. The sauce may spread, the dish will turn out wet. The dish of the day will be saved by homemade ketchup with the addition of starch. For him you will need:

  • very ripe tomatoes- 5 kg;
  • onion - 400 g;
  • apple cider vinegar - 50 g;
  • sugar - a glass;
  • allspice - 15 peas or 1-2 teaspoons;
  • hot pepper, garlic - to taste;
  • starch - 2 tablespoons.

The sauce is prepared like this:

  1. Squeeze out the tomato juice, preferably with a juicer, or you can scroll the tomatoes in a meat grinder with a fine grate, discard the pulp in a colander, let it drain. Leave a glass of juice, pour the rest into the multicooker bowl, select the stew mode.
  2. Peel and chop the onion: use a meat grinder or puree in a blender.
  3. Wait for the boil tomato juice, add onion puree. Simmer in a slow cooker for an hour and a half.
  4. Pour salt, vinegar, sugar into the multicooker bowl.
  5. In the previously prepared glass of juice, stir the starch and pepper. While stirring the ketchup, pour in the resulting mixture. When the mixture thickens, turn off the multicooker.
  6. Pour into jars, twist hot.

Thick homemade plum ketchup for meat

Ripe plums are the basis for a fragrant, sweet and sour sauce, ideal for barbecue. In nature, this seasoning will be a huge success. The chef regulates the sharpness of ketchup on his own, the recipe does not set a clear framework for how hot such a sauce should be. Everything is done based on the desires of consumers, ketchup will not become less tasty from a decrease in the amount of pepper, the main ingredient of the sauce is plums, they set the tone. Ketchup Ingredients:

  • ripe plums - 5 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper - 500 g;
  • garlic - 300 g;
  • red pepper (hot) - to taste;
  • so - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 300 g.

Sauce preparation:

  1. Wash the vegetables, remove the pits of the plums.
  2. Scroll plums, peppers, tomatoes in a meat grinder.
  3. Place everything in a saucepan, cook for 2 hours, stirring occasionally.
  4. Grate the garlic on a fine grater, or pass through a garlic press, add to the pan, cook for another 40 minutes.
  5. Pour hot ketchup into jars, roll up. Turn the jars over, wrap in a blanket until cool.

Find out more recipes on how to cook delicious.

Quick Tomato Paste Recipe

Ketchup is being prepared hastily with a minimum of ingredients. Tomato paste bought in a store is more natural than factory ketchup in its composition. Read the label, choose pasta with only tomatoes and salt. Boiled tomatoes contain lycopene, this pigment is not destroyed by high temperatures, it is an antioxidant, good for the heart. Ingredients for "quick" ketchup:

  • tomato paste - 100 g;
  • seasonings: a mixture of dry herbs, garlic, black pepper - all together 50 g;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • mustard (ready) - a tablespoon.

How to cook:

  1. dilute the paste boiled water(about 200 ml).
  2. Pour sugar, salt, spices into one glass, pour boiling water over it, let it brew, pour into the paste.
  3. Put on the stove, cook for 2 minutes on low heat.
  4. Pour into a processed jar. Store in refrigerator for up to three weeks.

Aromatic redcurrant ketchup with spices without vinegar

The national Georgian delicacy, tkemali sauce, is made from sour plums. Its classic unique taste is not easy to reproduce, there are modifications of the sauce, plums are replaced by some other sour fruits or berries, for example, red currants. If you want to bring the taste of ketchup closer to classic tkemali, among the seasonings should be cilantro, add it to the ingredients below:

red currant (without green twigs) - 1 kg;

  • water - a quarter of a glass;
  • garlic - medium head;
  • dry dill - 2 tablespoons;
  • coriander seeds, ground - 3 teaspoons;
  • hot red pepper (ground) - 1.5 teaspoons;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - 2 teaspoons.


  1. Put currants in a saucepan, pour in water, bring to a state of mashed potatoes over low heat (do not bring to a boil).
  2. Drain the liquid, taking a separate container, wipe the berries through a sieve.
  3. Mix juice and puree, put on fire, boil until thickened.
  4. Grind spices and spices to a state of powder, add to mashed potatoes, salt, add sugar, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Pour into jars, cool.

Video: how to cook ketchup for the winter at home

Store-bought ketchup contains sodium benzoate. Manufacturers love this additive because it prevents molds and yeasts from developing, allowing ketchup to be stored for a long time. A substance with such an effect contains cinnamon, cloves, mustard, cranberries, apples, if you see these components in recipes, know that they protect the sauce from spoilage. For the same purpose, culinary experts use vinegar. Practical Tips how to cook your favorite seasoning for the winter, you will hear in the video below, reproduced there step by step cooking ketchup at home.

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Useful vegetable soup from red cabbage with celery, red onion and beets - a vegetarian soup recipe that can also be cooked in fast days. For those who decide to lose a few extra pounds, I advise you not to add potatoes, and slightly reduce the amount olive oil(1 tablespoon is enough). The soup turns out to be very fragrant and thick, and in fasting you can serve a portion of soup with lean bread - then it will turn out satisfying and healthy.

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Nowadays, it is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not know what ketchup is and what it is eaten with, but to find someone who has not tried homemade ketchup, much easier. Of course, to prepare your own ketchup at home, you need to spend time, but at the same time, such ketchup is much tastier and healthier than the production one.

It certainly does not contain stabilizers, flavor enhancers, and other harmful additives. Actually, make ketchup at home quite easy and no more difficult than, for example, preparing adjika or lecho. The basic basis of ketchup is ripe tomatoes, although home-made ketchup recipes based on purchased tomato paste are also known. Interestingly, the first ketchup was not at all the way we know it, and it was not prepared from tomatoes at all.

It was prepared from anchovies, beans, mushrooms and walnuts, seasoned with fish brine, wine and spices. Yes, you must admit that such a pun on products is not appetizing enough. Fortunately, over time, they began to cook from tomatoes, and this happened in the 19th century. Since then, this tomato sauce became popular all over the world and gained a lot of fans.

Homemade ketchups - recipes

Make homemade ketchup the easiest is their tomato paste. Homemade ketchup from tomato paste is thick and rich in taste. Try this recipe.

Homemade ketchup from tomato paste - recipe


  • Tomato paste - 500 ml.,
  • Salt - half a teaspoon
  • Table vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sugar sand - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Ready dining room - 1 tbsp. the spoon,
  • Spices: bay leaf, black peppercorns, a mixture of dried Italian herbs
  • Hot water- 1 glass.

Mix the tomato paste with the mustard, sugar, salt, and vinegar in a bowl. Put the spices in a separate bowl and pour hot water over them. Let it brew for 2 hours. After that, strain the infusion of spices through a colander. Let it cool and then add it to the tomato paste. Stir and ketchup is ready. It tastes better if you chill it in the refrigerator.

Homemade ketchup from tomato paste can be prepared for the winter.

Homemade tomato paste ketchup for the winter - recipe


  • Tomato paste - 500 ml.,
  • Bay leaf- 2 pcs.,
  • Dry mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Onion- 1 PC.,
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • Ground black pepper, cloves,
  • - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt to taste.

Dilute the tomato paste with water. The mixture should be as thick as kefir. Pour it into a saucepan. Add sugar and salt. Finely chop the onion and add to the ketchup. When the ketchup boils, reduce the heat. Pour mustard powder, black pepper, cloves. After 10 minutes, add vinegar, garlic, passed through a press, into the pan. Boil it, stirring for another 10 minutes. Pour hot into sterile jars. Ready jars of ketchup must be turned over and wrapped. Homemade ketchup, recipe which we have considered is best stored in a cellar or basement.

Classic tomato ketchup - recipe

To make homemade apple ketchup you will need:

Tomatoes - 1 kg.

Homemade ketchup with apples - recipe

The first step is to peel the tomatoes from a thin skin. To do this, they must be put in a pan with boiling water for 3-5 minutes. After this procedure, the peel will move away from the tomatoes very simply, it will be enough to pry it with a sharp knife.

Next, the tomatoes should be cut into 4 parts or cut into smaller pieces. In the final, the vegetable mass is whipped with a blender, so the beauty of the pieces and their size is not important.

Chop the onion.

And add to the pot with the tomatoes.

Put on low heat and simmer for about half an hour. The mass should be completely stewed, become soft and thick, so you do not need to add water and oil.

Cut apples into thin slices. The blocks are stewed with vegetables for literally 5-10 minutes, so it will be better if their slices are thin, and the apple variety is loose and sour.

Add apples to vegetables, simmer and gently beat with a blender until soft and even.

Instead of apples, you can use pineapples or plums. Don't be afraid to experiment! Only in this way you can discover a new taste of your favorite blanks. For example, if you add to this homemade ketchup with apples fresh plums, then its taste will be more reminiscent of southern Tkemali sauce, and by adding nuts to this homemade tkemali, you will get a new, bright in taste and appearance topping for meat or salad dressing.

After you have beaten the ketchup with a blender, boil it again and pour into jars with tight lids. You can serve this ketchup with meat, pasta, and also prepare various spaghetti or pizza based on it! Bon appetit!

Homemade ketchup with apples. A photo

My favorite ketchup. It can be used for cooking, or you can just eat with a spoon. It's how delicious it is. I cook ketchup with bell pepper under sunset for the winter. You won't have to conjure over it for a long time. Everything is very simple. Grind, cook, roll up. And all winter you have excellent ketchup of your own preparation.


  • tomatoes 3 kg.
  • 6 items
  • peeled garlic 1 cup
  • tomato paste 1 cup
  • salt 2 tbsp. spoons
  • granulated sugar 0.5 cups
  • sunflower oil 1 glass
  • ground red pepper 1 tbsp. spoon (I add less)
  • parsley and dill 1 bunch each
  • vinegar (9%) 50 grams


We chop the tomatoes in a meat grinder and place them in a cooking container, or, more simply, a basin. Add salt, sugar and bring to a boil. We will definitely remove the foam. Add sunflower oil and cook for 25 minutes.

Garlic and bell pepper are also passed through a meat grinder and put in our brew. Red ground pepper and tomato paste also “go” there. Dill and parsley finely chopped and put in ketchup. We cook everything together for another 15 minutes after boiling. At the end, add vinegar, mix thoroughly, pour into jars and roll up. That's the whole technology of making ketchup with bell pepper. Be sure to cook and in the winter you will not regret it. Bon appetit everyone!

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