Power with hepatitis C disease. List of allowed and prohibited foods in the treatment of hepatitis C

Garden technique 03.07.2020
Garden technique

Hepatitis C is considered the most severe species of viral hepatitis. The causative agent of infection is HCV, which disrupts the work of the liver, provokes strong poisoning of the body. The infectious agent is transmitted by parenteral through (through blood). In most cases, hepatitis has a hidden current and often goes into a chronic form. Get rid of the virus is pretty hard, so treatment must be complex.

If a person was diagnosed hepatitis C, then he should take medical preparations, lead a healthy lifestyle, follow the rules of food. The last item of complex therapy is key. Diet with hepatitis C will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms, and in the absence of negative factors will speed up the restoration of the liver.

Nutrition rules

Diet with hepatitis C is aimed at unloading astounding liver viruses. To do this, it is necessary to adjust (increase or decrease the number of individual components) a standard balanced diet. It is important to choose the products properly in the menu, in addition, you should pay attention to the method of processing them and the power mode. After complying with these rules, the patient damaged cells and tissues are updated, the functionality of the hepatobiliary tract (liver, bubble, its ducts) is normalized, the metabolism is normalized, the formation of own enzymes is accelerated.

Diet for patients with hepatitis includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. At the same time, the number of these substances in the body should be strictly balanced (proteins, fats, carbohydrates - 1: 1: 4). That is, the amount of fats and proteins are limited, instead the diet is replenished with carbohydrates. It is necessary to reduce energy costs during food cleavage and speed up recovery.

The number of animal proteins is up to 60% of their total number. The content of vegetable fats is about 25%.

Carbohydrates are represented by starch, sugar, fiber, pectins. The patient can receive sugars from fruits, berries, dairy products, honey. In addition, it is important to take into account the number of vitamins and minerals that enter the body every day.

Many patients are interested in how to eat during the disease. During the day, the energy value of food should not exceed 2800 - 3000 kcal. It is important to eat from 4 to 6 times per day (at the same time), but in small portions. That is, there are 3 main foods in the diet, and the rest is snacks. As for the preparation method, the products are boiled, baked, prepare for a couple, and sometimes extinguish. From fried dishes, smoked products, as well as salted foods should be refused.

It is strongly recommended to grind products before use. From cold and hot food it is necessary to refuse, the patient should use warm dishes and drinks. It is important to exclude canned food, semi-finished products, as well as products with dubious quality or expired.

The diet of the patient is replenished with fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, bean, croups.

Food with hepatitis should be safe, useful and diverse. It is recommended to alternate the allowed dishes so that the diet is balanced.

If a product from the food basket causes allergies from the patient or it is simply unpleasant to use it, then it should be refused. In addition, it must be remembered that the composition of the diet with concomitant diseases may differ.

Diet Table No. 5 is a specialized methodology for therapeutic nutrition, which Dr. M. I. Pevzner developed. According to this program, the menu reduces the number of products that are rich in fats and cholesterol. The patient may eat with hepatitis vegetables and fruits, but must exclude fatty and fried dishes from diet.

Food takes place from 4 to 6 times a day, in small portions and at a certain time

Diet number 5 reduces the load on the damaged gland and the biliary tract (bile, its ducts) due to the fact that the patient consumes healthy food.

Doctors allocate the following design principles No. 5:

  • A sufficient content of products rich in proteins, carbohydrates.
  • Reducing the amount of oily food.
  • Products can be boil, bake, cook for a pair, and in rare cases - stew.
  • Before use, you should grind food rich in fiber. If the meat contains a large number of solid veins, then you need to skip it through a meat grinder or chopped finely.
  • This method of cooking like frying, contraindicated in the treatment of hepatitis C.
  • It is worth abandoning products that include purines (compounds containing nitrogen) oxalic acid.
  • It is recommended to refuse dishes that provoke fermentation processes in the intestine. In such products there are coarse fiber, extractive substances that increase the development of the secrets of the digestive glands.
  • When hepatitis C is recommended to reduce the amount of salt.
  • The daily amount of food should be divided into 4-6 receptions, while the portions must be small.
  • It is strongly recommended to drink filtered water on an empty stomach.

Powered with hepatitis C, according to table number 5, helps restore the liver. Such a diet is shown in hepatitis at the stage of remission, cirrhosis, pancreatitis (inflammatory damage to the pancreas), HCB, gastritis, etc.

During reception, food should be carefully chewed, fast snacks can worsen the patient's condition. In the diet should be absent canned. Fish and meat are cooking before cooking, and then rushes or extinguished. It is necessary to reduce the amount of sugar, and it is better to refuse it at all. It is recommended to use seeds, vegetable proteins, nuts.

The patient must comply with the above-described power rules for 2 years, and even throughout life. During the day, the patient is recommended to use up to 3 kg of healthy products, and in obesity - about 2 kg.

According to Diet No. 5, the number of proteins in the daily menu is 80 g, from here 60% - animal proteins. The number of fats - 80 g, of which 30% are vegetable. The content of carbohydrates is 400 g for 24 hours, while the amount of sugar is about 80 g. The daily dose of salt is up to 10 g. In addition, the patient should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Hepatoprotectors will help to treat the liver and accelerate her recovery: Esssential, Carsyl, etc.

Diet number 5 is also shown in hepatitis B, about the rules of nutrition in this form of the disease can be found in this article.

List of products with diet №5

Among the patients who have identified HCV, the question of which products can be included in the diet are relevant. According to nutritionists, when infection becomes a chronic, patient can replenish the menu by the following products:

When hepatitis is allowed to use many products that are saturated with the body with useful substances and accelerate the restoration of the liver

1. Drinks:

  • Black tea (faded) with the addition of lemon, milk.
  • A decoction of rose hips.
  • Freshly squeezed juices diluted with warm water.
  • Compote with fruit or dried fruits.
  • Kissel or Morse.

2. Liquid dishes are the base of the diet:

  • Soups with potatoes, cabbage, swallow, zucchi, pumpkin, carrot.
  • First dishes with croups (buckwheat, manka, rice, barbell or noodles).
  • Macaronium soup on a dairy basis.

3. Dishes with croups:

  • Buckwheat, oat, rice, millet porridge on water or milk.
  • Casseroles, souffle, puddings from croup.
  • Porridge with dried fruits.
  • Porridge from Bulghig or Kuskus.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Pasta from Makaroni from solid wheat varieties.

4. Meat, fish, seafood dishes:

  • Channel meat, rabbit, chicken, turkey.
  • Milk sausages (small quantity).
  • Dishes from Heck, Palc, Sudak, Tuna, Cod.
  • Fresh oysters, minimal number of squid and shrimp. This limitation applies to salmon.

5. Flour products:

  • Bread with bran or rye flour (better as a worried).
  • Galetny cookies.
  • Breads from germinated whole grains of wheat.
  • Bran.

6. Milk and products from it:

  • Cheese (not acute variety).
  • Equalochka with fatty about 2%.

7. Vegetables:

  • Dish from potatoes, color, pumpkins, zucchini, carrots, swables.
  • Salads with neutral flavor (Iceberg, Romano, etc.).
  • Some paprika and tomatoes.
  • Sea cabbage.
  • Podkok beans.
  • Broccoli, celery.

8. Fruits and berries:

  • Sweet apples, bananas and grenades (a little), dried fruits.
  • Watermelon (2 pieces per day).

9. Oils:

  • Creamy oil (30 g per day).
  • Purified vegetable oils are not more than 15 g per day.

10. Sweets:

  • Boiled or baked fruits and berries.
  • Jelly, mousse.
  • Marmalade, candy without chocolate.
  • Homemade jam.
  • Minimum sugar.
  • Lollipops (better home).
  • Caramel without seeds, sesame, nuts.
  • Biscuit without cream and glaze.

When hepatitis, you can eat chicken or quail eggs, while the amount of yolk per day should not exceed ½.

The list of dishes for the disease can be supplemented with vegetable salads, cabbacked caviar, weathered herring, boiled meat salads, vinaigrette, etc. Also, patients can fill with fruit, milk, vegetable, sour cream, soy sauce. Parsley and dill are not contraindicated. From the spices allowed to use vanilla and cinnamon.

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to drink coffee with hepatitis C. According to Diet No. 5, this drink is included in the list of prohibited. This restriction applies to cocoa, a drink based on chicory, carcade, soda. In addition, it is worth abandoning alcohol, lactic serum, shopping juices.

Patients are contraindicated soups with fatty fish, meat, mushrooms, sorrel, spinach, beans. It should be abandoned with bias, corn cereals, lentils. According to Pevznera, it is forbidden to eat luxury, sausage, smoked, canned products, fats.

Exclude from the menu of layer, feather products, pancakes, fresh bread. Refuse salty cheese and fatty acidic acid.

The question is quite relevant about whether it is possible to have garlic when hepatitis. From garlic and green onions, too, better refuse. It is forbidden to eat in the fresh form of raspberries, oranges, tangerines, dates, pears, etc. Read more about the prohibitions during diet number 5 will advise the attending physician.

Diet number 5A

For the treatment of hepatitis with acute current, the patient must adhere to a strict diet. Such is the table number 5a, which as much as possible the digestive system.

Diet number 5a are prescribed with acute hepatitis

The diet menu with hepatitis C includes 80 g of proteins, 75 g of fats, 350 g of carbohydrates. The amount of salt is reduced to 8 g, and the volume of the liquid is increased to 2.5 liters. Patients are asked about how much calories in the patient's diet with acute hepatitis. Energy value of daily diet - 2400 kcal.

The patient eats often (5-6 times), but by average portions. From the diet exclude acid-containing products rich in cholesterol and purines.

You can eat boiled or cooked foods. This method of preparation, like baking, is also allowed, but so that there are no crispy crusts on the products.

Patients with acute hepatitis can use almost all dietary food from the table number 5. Patients are wondering that it is impossible to eat when aggravating the disease from the above food basket. This limitation applies to rye bread, biscuit dough products, steep eggs.

It is also relevant to the question of what can be used in hepatitis C in acute form. It is recommended to use thoroughly crushed products, such as soups, puree, cutlets or meat meat meat.

An example of the menu for a week

The nutritionists accounted for an example of a diet, which corresponds to the rules of the table No. 5 for the week. It contains the necessary useful substances and does not overload the liver.

Read more about the menu with hepatitis C consults doctor

Menu with hepatitis from for 7 days:
1. Monday:

  • oatmeal with dry fruit, black tea;
  • soup with vegetables, baked chicken, compote;
  • robber branch, gallery cookies;
  • potato mashed potatoes, fish cutlets, tea.

2. Tuesday:

  • protein omelet, tea;
  • vegetable soup with buckwheat, meatballs (for a couple), compote;
  • vegetable Salad;
  • meat pilaf, kefir.
  • Rice casserole, tea;
  • crazy, vegetarian borsch, kissel;
  • apple puree, oat gingerbread;
  • buckwheat with meat, wild rose.

4. Thursday:

  • egg Ski, puree from fruits, tea on herbs;
  • boiled turkey, pea mashed potatoes, juice;
  • dry biscuit, tea;
  • buckwheat porridge, butter bread, tea.

5. Friday:

  • milk soup with noodles, compote;
  • soup with potatoes, boiled fish, kissel;
  • carrot and apple salad;
  • mashed potatoes, meat, kefir.

6. Saturday:

  • Cottage cheese, refilled by sour cream, boiled egg, compote;
  • vegetable soup with vermicellus, cutlets, decoction of rosehip;
  • fruit juice, cookies;
  • rice dairy porridge, bread with butter, cheese.

7. Sunday:

  • lazy dumplings, tea;
  • vegetable soup, casserole of noodles and boiled meat, kissel;
  • banana;
  • manka on milk, herbal tea.

Diet No. 5 demonstrates restoring effect on the liver. The main thing is to adhere to the power rules.

Recipes dishes when hepatitis with

With inflammatory disease, the ration can be replenished with delicious and useful meals.

Vegetarian borsch is one of the most popular dishes with hepatitis with

Dish recipes:

  • Vegetable soup. Take 150 g of Zucchini, 100 g of carrots, tatch and snatch in olive oil. Cut 300 g potatoes, lean in 1 liter of water, add carrots, zucchini, salt and bring to a boil. Before use, add carrots juice into the dish.
  • Borscht. Peretrate 2 coarsals on the grater. Cut with straw 70 g cabbage, 3 potatoes, 2 carrots. Extinguish the coat with carrots, add in 250 ml of vegetable broth, in which potatoes and cabbage are already located. When vegetables are decorated, add to the liquid for 1 tsp of tomato and sugar. After a few minutes, remove the dish and give it.
  • Protein omelet. Separate the protein from the yolk, sweep. Add some salt and milk to the protein. The mixture is pouring into the double boiler, leave for 20 minutes. The finished dish can be decorated with greens.
  • Take 100 g of low-fat meat, skip through the meat grinder, boil the cabbage leaves. Fill 15 g rice with water after boiling, insist for 20 minutes, then drain the water. Mix rice with minced meat, add 20 g of vegetable oil and 30 g of greens. Form the cabbageans, put them in the cauldron, pour with water and extinguish.

There are still many popular dishes that can be used when hepatitis C: meat barebresses, cottage cheese pudding, rice casserole, berry kissel, baked fish with vegetables, etc. Therefore, food even in treatment may be delicious and diverse.

Proper nutrition will help restore the liver tissue, normalize bile outflow and intestinal motor. In addition, the patient strengthens immunity, the body becomes resistant to infectious diseases. True, the first results should not be expected earlier than in 3 months. Although many doctors advise to keep a diet throughout life. Patients may be eligible for free treatment of hepatitis C in a medical institution, which implements the State Target Social Program for the treatment of this pathology at the place of residence.

Diet with hepatitis C eliminates the infectious liver damage. Consider the rules of food, prohibited and allowed products, an exemplary diet and recipes of delicious dishes.

Infectious disease arises due to the injection of the virus in the blood. The disease is quite common among drug addicts, persons inclined to messy sexual relations, clients of unscrupulous masters of tattoo, piercing and manicure. There is no special vaccine from the virus, so in the process of treatment, a special role is assigned to prophylaxis. A special diet is designed to restore the normal functioning of the liver.

This type of hepatitis is the hardest. Feature of illness in a long asymptomatic flow. Very often, infection is detected by testing. If the disease is aggravated, then the patient has weakness, no appetite and jaundice. If these symptoms are not treated, their progression can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, affecting the stomach (ulcer, gastritis) and the pancreas (pancreatitis).

To protect the liver cells, use a mechanically and chemically gentle diet, the prescriptions of which largely depend on the state of the patient. Healthier nutrition favorably affects patients' well-being, reduces pain and improves general condition. The basis of the diet should be food that unloads liver cells. The main purpose of such treatment is to provide the body with useful vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain health and protect the liver.

Treatment of hepatitis with diet

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the therapy of any disease. Treatment of hepatitis diet helps at the acute stage of illness, reducing the load on the liver and digestive organs. This allows you to reduce painful sensations and translates the disease in the step of remission. If this is not done, then the increased food load will slow down the process of restoring the damaged organ and recovery. In addition, without proper nutrition, the efficiency of antiviral therapy will significantly reduce, the main task of which is the suppression and elimination of the virus from the body.

Nutritionists recommend to reduce the daily caloric content of the diet and reduce the use of protein, since its digestion gives a load on all digestive organs. It is worth paying attention to carbohydrate food, which supplies the body with a sufficient amount of energy. If the disorder is in the stage of exacerbation, then patients are prescribed diet No. 5a. At the stage of recovery, that is, during the remission, food should not be too strict. The diet should be balanced in order to provide the body all the necessary nutrients.

Essence of diet when hepatitis with

Any therapeutic nutrition is based on the body's supply with the necessary nutritional trace elements under the condition of decreasing calorie and abandonment of harmful products. The essence of the diet with hepatitis from is based on these rules. Patients are prescribed diet No. 5 or No. 5A, which consists of products that do not annoy the liver. Food included in the diet provides consumption of all nutrients within the normal range.

The basic principles of therapeutic nutrition:

  • The daily diet should not exceed 3000 kilocalories. There are no more than 100 g of proteins, 100 g of fats (30 g of vegetable), up to 450 g of carbohydrates (50 g of sugars), 10 g of salt. It is necessary to provide daily arrival in the body of such trace elements: calcium, 1.5 g of phosphorus, 0.5 g of magnesium, 15 mg of iron, 0.5 mg vitamin A, 10.5 mg Carotene, 2 mg vitamin B1, 4 mg vitamin B2, 20 mg Nicotinic acid and 200 mg vitamin C.
  • Portions must be small, about 5-6 meal meals. Special attention should be paid to the cooking method, the dishes are better cooking, prepare for a couple, bake or stew. From fried it is worth refuse or minimize its use.
  • Discard the transgins that are contained in baking fats, fastfood, margarine, canned products. Avoid partially hydrogenated oils and products with cholesterol.
  • Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and greenery. Please note that dried fruits and juices are not a full-fledged replacement of fresh fruits, and contain many calories.
  • Minimize sugar use, give preference to whole grain products. In the diet should be plant proteins, nuts, seeds, legumes.
  • Pay attention to the water regime. On day you need to drink up to 2 liters of water. Avoid diets that limit the amount of nutrients. Do not starve, eat room temperature.

Diet 5 when hepatitis with

To eliminate diseases related to the functioning of the liver and digestive organs, in addition to drug therapy, it is recommended to follow the advice of nutritionists. Diet 5 When hepatitis C is the option of therapeutic nutrition, which not only supports the body, but also improves well-being. With it, it is reduced painful sensations in the right side, the feeling of constant fatigue and energy deficiency is due.

Diet 5 allows you to consume food such as:

  • Any dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, kefir, rippy, yogurt, sour cream).
  • Fish and meat of lean varieties (baked and boiled).
  • Porridge from whole grain croup: buckwheat, rice, oats.
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits, greens.
  • Soups, broths, salads, stew vegetables.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Fresh berry, fruit and vegetable juices.
  • Herbal and green teas

It is necessary to reduce the use of salt and fats. It is necessary to adhere to fractional nutrition, about 5-6 meals should be per day. If hepatitis takes place in chronic form, then a softer diet version is used.

Prohibited products:

  • Fatty meat and fish.
  • Meat and fish broths.
  • Marinated, salty and canned blanks.
  • Smoked smoked
  • Canned food.
  • Spice.
  • Culinary fats.
  • Baking.
  • Sweets.
  • Sparkling water, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

Note, regardless of the form of the disease, the above list of products does not change. Under these rules, hepatitis effectively treats.

Diet 5A with hepatitis with

To restore the functions of the liver and organs of the gastrointestinal tract, therapeutic nutrition is used. Diet 5A with hepatitis C helps with acute form of illness and cholecystitis, any lesions of the biliary tract, inflammatory intestinal and gastric diseases, as well as ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenum. It has a full-fledged energy value, since there is a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vegetable fats in the diet. At the same time, restrictions relate to products rich in nitrogenous extractive substances, coarse tissue, cholesterol and oxidic acid.

Daily calorie and chemical composition of the table number 5a:

  • Carbohydrates - 350-400 g (90 g of sugar).
  • Proteins - 80-100 g (60% of animals).
  • Fats - 70 g (25% vegetable).
  • Liquid - 2-2.5 liters.
  • Craw salt (sodium chloride) - 8 g
  • Calorie - 2000-2750 kcal.

The list of allowed products includes: Vegetables, low-fat row and meat (cooked for a couple), dairy cereals (buckwheat, manka, rice), yesterday's bread made of top grade flour, fresh vegetables, fruits, greens, dairy products.

During treatment, it is necessary to minimize, and it is better to completely abandon such products: fatty varieties of fish, meat and poultry, mushroom and meat broths, liver, kidneys, brains, legumes, sausages, canned food, eggs, garlic, solid cheese, acid berries and fruits, coffee, carbonated drinks and water, strong black tea.

Diet with cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis

Diseases that cause major changes in the work and structure of the liver negatively affect the functioning of the entire body, causing a number of complications. The diet under cirrhosis and hepatitis is most often used, which improves well-being and has a therapeutic effect.

Hepatitis refers to infectious diseases if it proceeds in a launched form, it may cause a cirrhosis. For this complication, serious changes in the work of the body are characterized. Treatment is based on medication therapy and significant changes in lifestyle. The main task of a healthy diet is the minimum load on the digestive tract. This will allow to normalize the functioning of the liver and establish a bile separation.

Therapeutic diet is based on the correction of the patient's food habits. Based on the features of the patient's condition, the severity of the main disease and the presence of accompanying ailments, a suitable diet is selected.

  • The diet should be balanced, nutritional value from 2600-2700 calories.
  • You need to eat fractionally, that is, in small portions - 5-6 times a day.
  • During the day, it is necessary to drink up to two liters of pure water.
  • The food is recommended to cook for a couple, cook, bake or stew.
  • The food must be warm, hot and cold do not take.
  • When using a housing meat or vegetables with an increased amount of fiber, the products must be supplied in a cooler form.

Special attention must be paid to the method of preparation. From the diet it is worth eliminating any fried dishes, since toxic substances are distinguished during the frying due to incomplete decomposition of fats. It is better to cook for a couple, cook or bake. If plant or animal fats are used, they should be used in natural form, that is, not to be thermal processing.

Diet with chronic hepatitis from the liver

Any launched diseases significantly worsen the quality of life and negatively affect the functioning of the entire body. The diet with chronic hepatitis from the liver is aimed at improving the work of the organ and relieve painful symptoms. A severe progressive course of illness may lead to the disability and death of the patient. The main danger of chronic form in its asymptomatic flow at the first stages.

Therapeutic diet involves compliance with strict nutrition guidelines. As a rule, doctors prescribe table number 5 by Pevznera. It is necessary to completely abandon fatty varieties of meat, fish and poultry, products with preservatives and dyes. In addition, you need to exclude alcohol consumption and get rid of bad habits, such as smoking. Power must be fractional, about 5-6 receptions per day.

Permitted products:

  • Dietary, low-fat meat and fish.
  • Milk products.
  • Ceres.
  • Dried or yesterday's bread.
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables, greens.
  • Marmalade, Fastille, Honey (sweets with easily digestible carbohydrates)


  • Fried, smoked, oily, pickled, sharp, salty.
  • Fresh bread and double baking.
  • Mushrooms and mushroom broth.
  • Bean.
  • Eggs (boiled, fried).
  • Cream.
  • Sour cottage cheese.
  • Cannedize

Food requires an integrated approach and patience, as the diet will follow for many years. This will allow you to restore the functions of a damaged organ and establish the functioning of the body. Properly organized food intake in chronic hepatitis C will remove an excessive load from the liver and will relieve from a number of serious complications, such as cirrhosis.

Diet with exacerbation of hepatitis with

To eliminate any disease, an integrated approach is used, which consists of drug therapy and therapeutic nutrition. Diet with exacerbation of hepatitis C is necessary to minimize the load on the damaged organ and the digestive tract as a whole. At the stages of exacerbation, patients prescribe a hard power supply, and during remission is more free.

Patients are recommended to adhere to the dietary table number 5a. The main task of the diet is to minimize the load on the internal organs and speed up the process of restoring the liver. Power should consist of chemically and mechanically gentle food with a normal amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. On the day there should be 5-6 meals. Going it is better to cook for a couple, bake in the oven, cook or stew. Fried food is contraindicated.

The main threat to the liver is alcoholic beverages, which has a direct toxic effect on its cells. During therapy, alcohol must be completely eliminated, as it can cause the cirrhosis and exacerbation of hepatitis. Many patients note that subject to dietary recommendations, well-being is improved, lethargy and weakness, which are characteristic of the ailment.

Diet for a week when hepatitis with

The aggravation of chronic disease is a difficult period in the life of any person. In order to reduce the painful sensations and minimize the negative impact of the illness to the body, a specially designed dietary table is used. Diet for a week when hepatitis C is built on the nutrition guidelines No. 5 and No. 5a. This system is based on a decrease in the use of bold products and salts. The daily diet should not exceed 2400-2600 calories per day, under the condition of the normalized content of proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats. It is necessary to eat fractionally, about 5-6 receptions per day. Particular attention should be paid to the water regime, you need to drink about two liters of purified water per day.

Consider an approximate menu for a week for the treatment and prevention of hepatitis C:


  • Breakfast: Cottage cheese with fruits, green tea.
  • Snack: baked apple, rye loaves.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup with noodles, buckwheat and steam chicken stuffing cutlets.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, vegetables.
  • Second dinner: a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: dairy buckwheat porridge, green tea.
  • Snack: Handful of dried fruits.
  • Lunch: Cabbages, soup with oatmeal.
  • Snack: baked apple.
  • Dinner: steam oslet with sour cream.
  • Second dinner: Cottage cheese and a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: boiled fish and rice.
  • Lunch: Lean Borsch, buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Snack: a glass of yogurt, rye loaves.
  • Dinner: Rice porridge on milk with dried fruits.
  • Second dinner: a glass of kefir and a gallery cookie.
  • Breakfast: carrot and apple puree, green tea.
  • Snack: cottage cheese casserole.
  • Lunch: Potato mashed potatoes and boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad.
  • Snack: Fresh apple.
  • Dinner: dairy buckwheat porridge.
  • Second dinner: a glass of yogurt and dried fruits.
  • Breakfast: handful of nuts or dried fruits, a glass of kefir.
  • Snack: steam oslet and vegetable salad.
  • Lunch: Soup with meatballs on a vegetable broth, rice porridge.
  • Snack: boiled vegetables.
  • Dinner: boiled fish with rice.
  • Second dinner: Banana and a glass of kefir.
  • Breakfast: vegetable salad and steam oslet.
  • Snack: a glass of yogurt and a gallery cookie.
  • Lunch: Vegetable soup, stew vegetables with meat.
  • Snack: Green tea with waffles.
  • Dinner: Milk soup with vermicelline.
  • Second dinner: a glass of jelly and a gallery cookie.


  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with fruit and green tea.
  • Snack: Fresh apple or banana.
  • Lunch: lean borsch, vegetable salad with steam cutlets and buckwheat.
  • Snack: carrot puree with honey.
  • Dinner: baked fish with vegetables, rice.
  • The second dinner: a glass of yogurt and a gallery cookie.

Recipes diet

Faced with dietary food, many patients have questions about the method of cooking and various diet recipes. So, when treating lesions of the liver, it is better to take food in a boiled baked or cooked on a pair. From fried you need to refuse and minimize the use of stewed dishes. In the process of preparation, products can be combined, but with minimal use of salts and various seasonings.

Delicious diet recipes:

  1. Beet soup
  • Beet Borschevaya.
  • Boiled water 1.5 liters.
  • Fresh cucumbers 1-2 pieces.
  • Boiled chicken breast 150-200 g
  • Sour cream 50-70
  • Greens to taste.

My beets, we clean from the skin and three to a large grater. The crushed vegetable is placed in a saucepan and fill with water for 1-2 hours. Chicken meat mode cubes, cucumber cleaning from the peel and also cut into cubes. Sanding beet water we merge into a saucepan, cake can be thrown out. We add to the future soup sour cream and a little salt for taste, mix thoroughly. Add chicken meat, cucumber and greens, mix well and put cooling.

  1. Dietary stuff
  • Figure 150
  • Chicken minced 400
  • Capping leaves.
  • Carrot.
  • Apple

Rice must be boiled. Onions, carrots and apple crush and pass on slow heat with the addition of olive oil. Cabbage leaves wash, cut a solid veil. Ready rice mix with minced meat, add some salt and ¼ part of vegetable refueling, mix well. We put the finished filling on the cabbage leaves and wrapping well, we put in a saucepan. We fill the future waters and put on the middle fire for 20 minutes. As soon as the water boils, add vegetable refueling into the pan and cook for 10-15 minutes.

  1. Snack from Kabachkov
  • 1-2 zucchini.
  • Garlic 1-2 teeth.
  • Bread crumbs or chopped in a large crumb of oatmeal.
  • 2 egg whites

If the zucchini is old, then we clean them from the peel, if you are young, then just mine and cut into small lumps 2 cm thick and 5-7 in length. Eggs whipped in a thick foam and envelop zucchini in it. Garlic shred and mix with breading. Gently run through the zucchini in breading and lay down on the baking sheet, lined with bakery paper. We send a dish in the oven until the zucchini is shaking and will not be soft. Scooked with garlic and dill are perfectly suitable as sauce.

  1. Stuffed pepper
  • 3-4 Bulgarian or salad peppers.
  • Cottage cheese 500 g
  • Apple.
  • Carrot.

My pepper, cut out the fruit and cleaner the seeds. Carrots and an apple to three on a large grater, mix with cottage cheese. Fill the filling of peppers and send it into the oven for baking for 20-30 minutes.

  1. Pumpkin dessert with honey
  • Pumpkin 300-400 g
  • Honey 150 g
  • Lemon.
  • Raisins.
  • Walnuts.
  • Zucchini seeds.

My pumpkin, we clean from the peel and the mode to small portion pieces. Prepare a dish better in glassware in a microwave or oven. Add dried fruits, nuts and honey to pumpkin, water all lemon juice. We ship prepare until the pumpkin becomes soft and ruddy.

  • Porridge (buckwheat, rice, oatmeal).
  • Dairy products.
  • Low-fat varieties of fish, meat and poultry.
  • Vegetable, dairy and fruit soups-broths.
  • Herbal teas and infusions.
  • Fresh vegetables, fruits, greens.
  • Vegetable, berry and fruit juices (freshly s).
  • Olive and vegetable oil.
  • Pasta made of top grade flour.
  • Dried fruits (dried, raisins, prunes, dried banana).
  • Beekeeping products and honey
  • At first glance, the list of permissible products seems monotonous. But patients very quickly get used to healthy food and prepare a variety of delicious dishes. As a rule, diet No. 5-5a is designed for the entire life of a person, to maintain health and as preventing the disease.

    What can not be with hepatitis C?

    Dietary nutrition always implies restrictions in the choice of products. In case of diseases of the liver, products, chemically and mechanically irritating organs fall under the prohibition. Consider what you can not eat when hepatitis with:

    • Fresh baked pastry.
    • Culinary fats.
    • Synthetic additives, spices, seasonings, sauces.
    • Sickles, smoked, marinades.
    • Fatty varieties of fish, meat and birds.
    • Meat, fish and mushroom broths.
    • Sharp, fried, pickled, canned, smoked.
    • Any strong broths.
    • Mushrooms.
    • Sorrel.
    • Sour cottage cheese.
    • Cocoa and coffee.
    • Chocolate, ice cream and other sweets with synthetic additives.
    • Any strong drinks, including tea and carbonated water

    All the above products are prohibited for a patient with liver damage. Nutrition is designed by nutritionists, so abandoning unwanted products, the patient has every chance to restore health and maintain it on the proper level.

    Each of us at least once in his life was sitting on a diet. Diets are different, depending on the goal set before man. But there is a nutritional limit category associated with diseases available in the body. In most cases, the special menu is necessary if a person has any problems with the organs of the digestive system.

    One of these serious problems in the body is the development of hepatitis C. With such a diagnosis, a special menu is prescribed to delivering the body from this ailment. It is the observance of a special diet and an exception from the diet of the patient of some types of products serves as a cornerstone in the treatment of the disease. In this article, we will consider the features of development in the body of hepatitis C, as well as make an exemplary diet of dishes that contribute to improving the condition of the patient and accelerating its recovery.

    Hepatitis C is a rather complex disease that develops in the field of human liver. This disease may proceed both in the acute form of lesion and in chronic.

    The nature of the development of the disease directly depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the factors acting on it. The disease develops as a result of penetration through the blood into the organism of the virus, causing damage to the liver cells.

    This virus can get into the body and sex with frequent change of partners. Finding into the body of a person, and then in the blood in the body comes an incubation period, which continues from different people in different ways. It usually lasts from five to ten years. It is found in the body only by examining a sample of human blood.

    Often hepatitis C reveals itself on the following signs:

    • Yellow skin in the facial zone.
    • Attacks of fatigue.
    • Yellowing eye scler.
    • Frequent depression.
    • Downtime leaps of temperature.
    • Weakening immunity.

    Hepatitis with pretty cunning. His threat to the body lies in the ability of the transition to and subsequent cancer of the authority. In other words, with the lesions of the liver, hepatitis C in the body occurs its irreversible destruction. In contrast to other forms of hepatitis, hepatitis with difficulty is treated, even if the patient unlocked all the recommendations of the attending physician.

    The patient for a long time has to sit on a special diet and stick to its menu, only in this case it will be easier for it to cope with this disease.

    A variety of drugs that are able to suppress the development of hepatitis C in the body were discovered by the world-famous and numerous studies in the field of medicine, but many of them are quite expensive and able to have a side effect on the body. Therefore, it is not necessary to do only to medicine at hepatitis.

    Finding hepatitis with in the body, doctors try to construct treatment in such a way that primarily the enhancement of the body's immune system. One way to enhance it is the correction of the diet of the patient. People with hepatitis C are prescribed special diets and a menu, in which there are no products harmful to the liver. By observing the menu with a given disease, a person has a significant improvement in well-being and the load on the liver is reduced.

    Features of the nourishing menu of the patient

    As already mentioned, the efficiency of getting rid of hepatitis C depends on the properly selected menu of the patient. Experts and nutritionists are working on the preparation of the dietary menu, specialists and nutritionists work.

    The results of their activities were already presented at various seminars and forums, where there were many positive responses and recognition.

    The basis of the menu with a patient hepatitis C represents:

    • Light diet capable of unloading liver cells. But, this menu, in spite of its ease, should fully provide the body with the necessary trace elements and vitamins, as it is very weakened and needs support. In this case, the diet of the patient should not contain dishes, severely processed by cells of the patient of the liver.
    • Fat food gradually excluded from the diet.
    • People, in whose body, hepatitis C is developing in the "snacks" or dinners in public catering, as the technology of cooking dishes in these institutions does not provide for compliance with the norms of patients with hepatitis C. Best of all dining at home, observing its menu and technology of cooking , as well as saving a family budget.

    Diet with hepatitis B should be gentle and balanced. The main task is to facilitate the work of the liver, including the menu only simple and easy dishes, refusing bad habits and normalizing the drinking mode. In acute and chronic phases, various rations should be followed, carefully following well-being.

    Diet during exacerbation

    Hepatitis B - infectious disease affecting the liver. Since this body is actively involved in the digestive process, it is necessary to especially closely close to the choice of dishes to reduce the load and reduce the amount of harmful substances entering the body. It is especially important to monitor the diet during the period of exacerbations. From the menu you need to exclude:

    • heavy and oily food;
    • alcohol;
    • sweets;
    • pickles;
    • smoked delicacies.

    It is important to eat often, but in small portions. Food is preferable to cook or extinguish, to facilitate digestion, it is silent. During this period, puree soups are recommended on vegetable broth, semi-liquid porridges on water, baked fruits and vegetables whipped in a blender. It is necessary to limit the amount of salt and sugar, ideally excluded them at all.

    Very important drinking mode. During exacerbations, carbonated drinks and packaged juices, strong tea and coffee are prohibited. Instead, you need to drink more pure non-carbonated water, herbal tea, homemade berry horses, unsweetened compotes from dried fruits. During the attacks, doctors recommend abandoning food for 1-2 days, trying to drink more fluid and relax.

    What is in chronic hepatitis

    Diet with hepatitis B, which passed into the chronic phase, can be more diverse. Explain that you can eat at the moments of remission, can the attending physician. The main task is not to provoke exacerbations, stabilize the condition and successfully resist the disease. The list of allowed products is expanding, the power becomes more diverse and interesting. Doctors nutritionists recommend cooking food at home without visiting restaurants and fast food, where it is impossible to precisely control the composition and quality of dishes.

    Stop List: Prohibited Products

    Explain that it is impossible to eat when hepatitis B should have a doctor. It takes into account the individual condition of the patient, the presence or absence of other chronic ailments.

    In the period of exacerbations, fresh bread and snobs, meat, fish and mushroom broths, fatty varieties of fish and meat, cream, rustic milk, greasy cottage cheese are prohibited. From the diet completely excluded fried, smoked and cooked dishes on open fire.

    In the chronic stage, the list of allowed food is expanding, but many bans remain in force. It is not recommended to use acidic fruits: citrus, kiwi, immature apples. Under the ban on all kinds of chocolate candies, ice cream, baking from a fatty test (puff or sandy). It is necessary to limit the amount of sugar, salt and sharp spices. Nutritionists do not recommend using too cold or hot dishes that can provoke exacerbation.

    To decide that it is impossible to eat when hepatitis should do a doctor. If any product provokes a deterioration in the patient's condition, it is removed from the diet forever or for a while. Dietary food can be diluted with tasty, but not too useful dishes in minimum quantities. For example, baking lovers can occasionally indulge themselves with fresh fruit pie, dry biscuits or trimmed buns. Those who cannot refuse sausage products, you can 1-2 times a week there are high-quality dairy sausages, complementing them with a vegetable side dish.

    Sample menu

    The patient with hepatitis B, the diet of which is rather balanced, can eat delicious and varied. Nutritional specialists recommend in advance to think through the menu for a week, including different dishes. Before bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or home yogurt, eat an apple or another fruit.

    Days of the week Breakfast Dinner Afternoon person Dinner
    Monday Oatmeal on the water, mint tea Fresh vegetable salad, peas soup, steamed chicken, apples compote Yogurt Vegetable stew
    Tuesday Cheesecakes with sour cream, drink from chicory Vinaigrette, soup with meatballs, potato casserole, brushing drink Baked apple Cod with vegetables
    Wednesday Omelet with croutons, tea with milk Green Salad, chicken broth, potato puree, dried fruit compote Banana Buckwheat porridge with milk
    Thursday Cottage cheese with berries, herbal tea Green Bean Salad, Broccoli Soup, Blogs, Cranberry Kissel Kefir with greens Pasta with shrimps
    Friday Wheat porridge, green tea Salad of white cabbage, pea soup, pike perilege, fruit jelly Tomato Cherry. Cottage cheese casserole
    Saturday Sandwich with cheese, beverage made of hips with honey Vegetable salad, beetter, rabbit stew, apple juice Carrot juice Turkey fillet with cauliflower
    Sunday Oat porridge, mint tea Carrot Salad, Long Sleepers, Suffle Cod, Cherry Compote Apple pie Rice with vegetables

    Diet after hepatitis can be more diverse, but general principles are saved. It is important to avoid heavy and greasy dishes, eat small portions, completely abandon the bad habits. The food must be freshly prepared, it is impossible to store it in the refrigerator for a long time.

    The basis of the diet during hepatitis should be a dish based on fresh vegetables, croup, lean meat of poultry and low-fat sea fish. From this set, you can cook dozens of delicious dishes, which will help make meals as delicious and diverse.

    Treatment of hepatitis B with diet therapy will help to avoid frequent attacks. It is important to stick to the selected menu constantly, not allowing disruptions. Solving which products to introduce into the diet should be advised to the attending physician: it will pick up dishes taking into account the individual condition of the patient.

    If you do not adhere to a strict diet with hepatitis C, then the load on the already affected liver will be colossal, which will accelerate its defeat.

    As a result - cirrhosis or liver cancer. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully adjust the diet of the patient in order to ensure optimal conditions for possible recovery and productive treatment.

    So, the basic nutrition principles for the patient with hepatitis C:

    • Providing the body of a sufficient amount of protein (while in the period of exacerbation of the disease, its quantity should be reduced to a minimum, but not to output completely from the diet);
    • Organism saturation with carbohydrates to ensure energy;
    • Exception from the diet of fried and fatty products and dishes;
    • You can not allow in the menu using various spices (except salt and sugar);
    • Do not allow a patient with hepatitis with heavy grade of meat or fish;
    • Fully abandon any alcohol when hepatitis C and drugs.

    In general, doctors are recommended both during the remission and during periods of the acute form of the disease to adhere to a diet number 5. This diet will allow the body to provide the body all the necessary minerals, vitamins and microelements in the desired quantity.

    Features of the diet with hepatitis with

    The main power rules for hepatitis C disease can be attributed to:

    1. The daily rate of calories consumed should be 3100 kcal. This amount allows you to provide the body with decent conditions for combating the virus;
    2. In the diet of the patient, there should be such a ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - 100/100/450, respectively;
    3. Salts are not more than 10-15 grams per day.
    4. It is worth remembering that when hepatitis, you need to eat in small portions five or six times a day. In this case, all foods should be approximately one temperature.
    5. The dishes in the diet of the patient with hepatitis C should be prepared or for a pair, or by extinguishing and cooking. Fried completely exclude.

    During the exacerbation period, it is necessary to translate the patient to a stricter diet - table 5a, which implies a decrease in the daily amount of salt to 7-8 gr., And a decrease in fat to 70 grams. instead of 100.

    What products are prohibited in hepatitis with

    When aggravating viral hepatitis C, it is necessary to completely abandon such dishes:

    • Fried meat of fatty varieties (and in general all roasted dishes);
    • Marinated or smoked dishes;
    • Radish meat and mushroom dishes that have an increased level of carcinogenicity, thereby poisoning the body even more;
    • You can not use sharp vegetables (onions, pepper, radishes, radish);
    • Fresh baking and any fats for confectionery origin;
    • Sour fruits;
    • Chocolate;
    • Hot strong coffee and tea;
    • Any carbonated drinks;
    • It is categorically impossible to alcohol when hepatitis C in any form.

    There are all these products with hepatitis with hepatitis with strictly prohibited.

    What can be a patient with hepatitis with

    Despite the large number of forbidden dishes, the patient's diet with hepatitis C can be quite varied and, importantly, delicious.

    So, in the menu of the patient with hepatitis C such products may be present:

    1. Milk and dairy products are non-fat;
    2. Solid cheese (non-master and low-fat);
    3. You can eat low-fat varieties of meat and fish;
    4. Any cereals and porridge on a water or milk;
    5. Fruits and vegetables in fresh or boiled (beam, blanched, baked);
    6. You can eat nuts, seeds, dried fruits;
    7. Herbal beams, green tea, compotes, kisins, water;
    8. Yesterday's baking;
    9. Marmalade, jelly, mousse, caramel.

    What a diet should be with exacerbation of hepatitis with

    During the recurrence, the patient with hepatitis C is fully translated into a strict diet - table 5a. Recipes of dishes with such nutrition imply preparation only on a pair or baking / boiling method.

    With such a gentle diet, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be: 80/70/350. At the same time, the calorie content of the total daily diet must be reduced from 3100 to 2300-2500.

    The patient's menu with acute hepatitis C should be such dishes:

    • White crackers;
    • Vegetable light soups;
    • You can eat overhead porridge;
    • Flew in puree low-fat varieties of meat or birds;
    • Running cottage cheese with sugar;
    • Can be boiled frost vegetables;
    • Freshly squeezed fruit juice diluted with a small amount of water;
    • Rubber branch;
    • Compote or Kissel;
    • Tea, water.

    Diet number 5a suggests recipes for cooking with a thorough mistress. This will ensure that the mechanical and chemical gentle regime for all the instruments of the patient's trap with hepatitis C for the period of treatment.

    It should be remembered that fasting during the period of acute hepatitis with extremely not recommended.

    Diet during the rehabilitation period after hepatitis with

    If the treatment has passed successfully and the patient stands on the way to complete recovery, it is necessary to provide the body with decent conditions for consolidating the result and complete restoration of the liver function. In this case, it is necessary to translate the patient again on the treatment diet number 5. It also implies the daily rate of the content of fats of proteins and carbohydrates in the patient's body in the 100/100/450 ratio. Moreover, 50 of the total carbohydrate rate must be simple, that is, you can ordinary sweets.

    During the period of recovery and after the transferred hepatitis with the total daily rate of calories should be equal to the indicator 3100. At the same time, the dishes can no longer sort and reduce meals to 4-5 times.

    Patients who suffered hepatitis with or being its carriers can be adhered to a less strict diet. However, while still need to completely exclude alcohol.
    In any case, the power must be healthy and frequent. During periods of testing remission or after the suffered disease, some of the prohibited 5 products can be used. However, in small quantities.

    And it is worth remembering that your health and well-being exclusively in your hands. Stay healthy and happy!

    Useful video about hepatitis with

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