How many grams per tablespoon. How many grams of sugar, salt in a spoon (table, tea)

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

To accurately determine how many grams in a tablespoon of bulk, solid, or liquid food ingredients, you should have a special table on hand that shows the weight values ​​\u200b\u200bof the most popular products that are most often used in cooking.

For the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes, it is necessary not only to use high-quality products, but also to accurately observe the ratio of ingredients. But not every home kitchen has special scales. It is faster and easier to use ordinary tableware, such as a tablespoon, as measuring utensils.

All recipes that are printed in cookbooks or on websites dedicated to cooking contain information about the weight ratio of the ingredients used. Different products can be quickly measured with ordinary tablespoons or teaspoons, knowing how much of a particular food product such a cutlery holds.

Such a useful memo should hang in the kitchen of every housewife, helping her quickly measure the exact amount of certain products. This will speed up the preparation of breakfasts, lunches and dinners and improve their taste. Knowing exactly how much this or that type of food weighs in a tablespoon, even a novice cook will never make a mistake in the dosage.

Different products have different density and different filling, which is reflected in their weight. A tablespoon has long been a universal measure for determining the weight volume, which is not inferior to scales in terms of measurement accuracy. All bulk ingredients are calculated taking into account the natural slide, which is gained during the normal filling of the spoon.

Weight ratio table for a tablespoon

Name of productsWeight with a slide in gWeight without slide in g
Wheat flour30 20
Sugar25 20
Powdered sugar28 22
Extra salt28 22
Rock salt30 25
Baking soda28 22
Dry yeast11 8
Cocoa25 20
Ground coffee20 15
cinnamon powder20 15
Crystalline citric acid16 12
Rice18 15
Honey30 25
Granulated15 10
table vinegar13
Whole milk13
Vegetable oil12
Melted margarine12

Based on this measure of the volume of different products, you can quickly weigh the right amount of ingredients for preparing a prescription dish. Accurate observance of proportions always has a positive effect on the taste and nutritional qualities of any dish.

How many grams in one tablespoon

Not only young, but also experienced housewives will help weigh a tablespoon. How many grams or ml fit in it does not depend on the volume of a tablespoon, which remains the same even with its different forms, but on the type of bulk or liquid products.

They can have different grain sizes and densities, which affects their "fitting" in a tablespoon. Some components of dishes, such as wheat flour or powdered sugar, have a very fine grinding, so more can fit in a spoon. However, the density of such products is not very high, so they will have a small weight in such a measuring device.

Liquid products also have different densities and viscosities, which affects their weight when using a cutlery as a measuring instrument. The hostess just needs to know about it and take with her a summary measuring table using a tablespoon as a measure of weight for various food ingredients, including the most popular products or those that are often used for preparing homemade lunches and dinners.

Without flour, it is impossible to cook pastries, which require a large amount of this bulk product. In this case, a special measuring cup or cup can be used as a measuring container.

A tablespoon will help measure a small amount of flour when you need to cook:

  • sauce;
  • breading for cutlets or cheesecakes;
  • puree soup;
  • or another dish in which flour is added to thicken.

To quickly prepare such dishes and obtain the desired degree of viscosity, you need to know exactly how many grams are placed in a spoonful of grams without a large slide. The volume of flour or potato starch in a tablespoon will be 25-30 g. Using such a dispenser, which is available in every kitchen, will help you accurately and quickly measure the flour in the right amount.


Healthy and tasty semolina porridge can be cooked correctly only if the exact ratio of milk and semolina is observed. If you can measure the liquid with a glass, then it is not always possible to accurately determine the amount of semolina. Semolina swells strongly in hot milk, and if there is an error in the ratio of products, the porridge turns out to be too thick and not tasty.

If you know how many grams a tablespoon holds semolina, then you can always cook a delicious and satisfying breakfast. It is enough to remember that one tablespoon of semolina contains 20-25 g.

If weight butter is used, then cooking with its use will be greatly simplified if you know that in solid form it fits 20 g in a tablespoon, and 17 in melted butter. Knowing how many grams of butter are in a tablespoon, you can quickly calculate it weight for a particular dish.

Sunflower oil

When weighing vegetable oil in this way, it should be remembered that it must be without sediment, otherwise its weight will increase and the ratio of ingredients will be disturbed. You also need to remember that when chilled, its weight decreases, so you should weigh such a product only when it reaches room temperature.

If ml is indicated in the recipe, then you can make a calculation by counting the ratio of the number of spoons to a faceted glass. In a tablespoon is placed 12 g of an oily product.


This product is used as often as salt. Sugar is put in baking, and also added in a small amount to spice up and emphasize the brightness of taste sensations in different dishes:

  • salads;
  • gas stations;
  • fills;
  • pickles and blanks;
  • second courses;
  • fruit drinks and other drinks.

Always remember how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon, a table from a cookbook or thematic Internet resources will help. It should be remembered that sugar absorbs water well and increases its density, which leads to a decrease in its volume for the same weight.


Almost all dishes in the cooking process have to be salted. The exact ratio of salt to the volume of the dish will allow you to create a bright flavor range, avoiding undersalting and oversalting food. When weighing such a product, it should be remembered that it has a heavy specific gravity.

In one tablespoon in dry form, it holds 25-30 g. The weight of salt may differ depending on the grinding, which is of the 1st or 2nd type. If a spoon scoops it up with a large slide, then the weight of salt then reaches 30-35 g.


Unlike other viscous products, honey is heavy in weight. In a tablespoon, its weight is 40 g. To accurately determine the weight, candied honey should be melted in a water bath. This will simplify the calculation of the amount of its weight in the preparation of confectionery and other dishes that require its use.

Honey is one of the few products that is always measured only in spoons, because when weighed on a scale, it remains on the walls of the dishes that are placed on the weighing platform.


Vinegar is used in sauces and salad dressings, in the preparation of marinades and canned vegetables, and also to extinguish soda in the preparation of dough. It holds 10 g in one tablespoon. When taking measurements, you need to pay attention to the concentration of this product, which can be from 6 to 9%.

Other products

Measuring the weight of ingredients when cooking with a tablespoon will allow beginners and experienced housewives to create not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. You can measure other products with such a cutlery, knowing what it includes with a slide:

  • cocoa - 30 g;
  • gelatin in granules - 15 g;
  • water - 12 g;
  • rice - 17 g;
  • dried yeast - 11 g;
  • medium grind coffee - 20 g;
  • cow's milk - 13 g;
  • cinnamon powder - 20 g;
  • ground nuts - 12 g;
  • dry grass, tea - 6 g;
  • raw herbs - 10 g.

Housewives can make their own table of the volume of different food ingredients, using the ratio of glasses and spoons, writing how many of the latter fit in a glass. Knowing the volume of a large glass container and the number of spoons included in it, you can accurately calculate the ratio of certain food components of a particular recipe.

Secrets of weighing products without scales

It will be easier to prepare delicious food without using a kitchen scale, knowing the average weight of a number of products. The indicators are as follows:

  • a small chicken egg - 50-55 g;
  • yolk - 15 g;
  • protein - 35 g;
  • regular chicken egg - 55-65 g;
  • large chicken egg - 65-70 g;
  • medium potato tuber - 150-200 g;
  • medium onion - 150 g;
  • small garlic clove - 5 g.

All this useful information can be beautifully arranged and hung in your kitchen for ease of use in the cooking process.


When using cutlery to calculate the weight of the ingredients specified in the recipe, it should be borne in mind that the volume of glasses and spoons may vary slightly depending on their shape and size, so they can fit a different amount of food. If you need to make accurate calculations, you can purchase culinary measuring bowls and scales in specialized stores.

Most recipes list ingredients in grams, but scales are rare in home cooking. And therefore they are measured mainly with improvised means: a glass, a tablespoon and a teaspoon. But for everything to work out, you need to know what is in different products. The taste, aroma and even the appearance of ready-made dishes often depend on this.

Spoons vary...

However, any hostess, looking at the available spoons in the kitchen, can easily notice that they clearly have different capacities. And how then to measure? After all, this changes in a tablespoon. In fact, everything is easier than it seems. You just need to follow some simple rules.

It is believed that an ordinary tablespoon holds 18 ml of water. Thus, using a beaker or a regular syringe, you need to measure the volume of all the spoons in the house. In this case, water should be poured to the very brim. The one that will fit the specified volume, in the future, and should be used to measure products. Today, you can do it easier and not look for a suitable cutlery at home. In any utensil store, you can easily find a special kitchen set, consisting of a measured dining room, a tea room, and sometimes a convenient one is attached to it.

How to measure correctly

But it is important not only to choose the right spoon, but also to measure the products correctly. The weight of the products in a tablespoon also depends on this. So, all liquids must be poured flush with the edges, or, as they say, vklyany. But thicker products, such as sour cream, honey or jam, should be measured in such a way that they are with a small slide.

You should also measure with a tablespoon and bulk products. At the same time, they do not need to be pre-shaken, tamped, or, conversely, sieved. This can greatly affect their number in a tablespoon. Do not forget that the final weight of the contained product can be affected by its humidity and general condition. So, fermented kefir is always a little thicker than fresh, and wet sugar is heavier than dry.

Table. A measure of weight in a tablespoon

Bulk products
Wheat flour25
Potato starch30
Powdered sugar25
Granulated sugar30
ground crackers15
Ground coffee25
Baking soda28
Lemon acid20
Viscous products
Sour cream25
Cottage cheese17
Condensed milk30
tomato paste30
Vegetable oil25

The table shows data on products commonly used in cooking. Of course, it is almost impossible to remember all this. Therefore, you should always keep such a table at hand. For example, you can print and place on the refrigerator or in any other accessible place. Then it will be possible to know exactly what measure of weight in a tablespoon of the desired product.

And a little more about the rules of measurement

Of course, it is important to follow the chosen recipe. However, an error of 2-3 grams cannot affect the taste and quality of the finished dish. In addition, many ingredients (for example, spices) are completely put to your liking, not at all focusing on what is indicated in the recipe. Only with experience can one achieve that even by smell to determine whether certain products are enough.

Those who are not yet confident enough in their abilities can focus on how much food is contained in a tablespoon and measure exactly according to the recipe. It is even better if a kitchen scale is used for measurement. They can be easily purchased in specialized stores. This is especially important when baking bakery products and preparing desserts. But when making soups, main courses and snacks for homemade, it is quite possible to experiment and add spices and products to your liking.

Often, hostesses strive to please their family members with something new - fragrant soup or delicious pastries, or maybe a second course. But many experts in the field of food preparation, when compiling recipes, indicate the proportional ratio of products in ml or in other units. What to do if you want to do everything according to the recipe, but there is no way to measure a certain amount. After all, not every housewife managed to acquire scales for carrying out measured procedures. In addition, practice shows that spoons are the most convenient way to measure the amount of ingredients. Consider, how many grams in a tablespoon of sugar, salt and other ingredients: table will answer all of them and help solve any problems. In this article, the main indicators of certain ingredients will be considered.

  • 2. How many grams of flour in a tablespoon
  • 5. How many grams of sugar in a tablespoon

Salt is one of the most sought-after ingredients in many dishes, so it is important to know how to accurately measure it in grams, especially if there are no scales at home, so let's look at how much salt fits in a tablespoon and a teaspoon, and how to measure salt in grams with a spoon according to a recipe.

Housewives add sea or table salt, so it is important to know the content in a particular container so as not to oversalt the food. It's no secret that the content of different components in the same container will vary. Therefore, it is necessary to know their exact number in order not to miscalculate during cooking and create unique recipes. Considering ordinary table salt fine, it can be noted that its amount is 22 g without a slide. And 28 gr. with a slight, medium slide. If we take into account rock salt, then it fits a little more because of its light weight. And the figure is 25/30 gr. respectively.

It is important to know!

The indicator of sea salt and its other types differs from the content of the given species. Therefore, during cooking, the hostess must clarify what kind of salt is contained in the recipe.

In the measurements below for the weight of salt in spoons, coarse table salt is used, while these data are also relevant for sea salt (you can measure how much sea salt fits in a spoon in grams)

How many grams of salt fit in one tablespoon?

In a tablespoon of salt with a slide 30 grams

In 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide 20 grams

Important: if you collect coarse salt in a tablespoon with the maximum possible slide, then its mass can reach up to 35 grams (we take this into account when we measure the weight of salt with a spoon without weights).

How many grams of salt are in 1 teaspoon?

In a teaspoon with a slide 10 grams of salt

In 1 teaspoon without a slide, 7 grams of salt

Important: the above mass of coarse salt in a teaspoon with a slide is relevant when the slide is medium, if you collect coarse salt in a teaspoon with the maximum possible slide, then its weight can reach 15 grams.

How to measure salt without scales using spoons

Using an ordinary tablespoon and teaspoon as a measure of weight in the kitchen is very convenient for measuring the required mass of salt in grams at home. Below is a list that calculates how many tablespoons of salt correspond to a certain mass of a given product:

  • 400 grams of salt = 13 heaping tablespoons + 1 heaping teaspoon of salt.
  • 300 grams of salt = 10 heaping tablespoons of salt.
  • 250 grams of salt = 8 heaping tablespoons of salt + 1 heaping teaspoon of salt.
  • 200 grams of salt \u003d 6 tablespoons of salt with a slide + 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide.
  • 190 grams of salt = 6 heaping tablespoons of salt + 1 heaping teaspoon.
  • 180 grams of salt \u003d 6 tablespoons with a slide.
  • 170 grams of salt \u003d 5 tablespoons with a slide + 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide.
  • 160 grams of salt = 5 heaping tablespoons + 1 heaping teaspoon.
  • 150 grams of salt \u003d 5 tablespoons of salt with a slide.
  • 140 grams of salt \u003d 4 tablespoons with a slide + 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide.
  • 130 grams of salt \u003d 4 tablespoons of salt with a slide + 1 teaspoon with a slide.
  • 125 grams of salt \u003d 4 tablespoons of salt with a slide + 1 incomplete teaspoon (without a slide, just below the edges of the spoon).
  • 120 grams of salt \u003d 4 tablespoons of regular salt with a slide.
  • 110 grams of salt \u003d 3 tablespoons with a slide + 1 tablespoon without a slide.
  • 100 grams of salt = 3 heaping tablespoons + 1 heaping teaspoon of salt.
  • 90 grams of salt \u003d 3 tablespoons of table salt.
  • 80 grams of salt \u003d 2 tablespoons of salt with a slide + 1 tablespoon without a slide.
  • 60 grams of salt \u003d 2 tablespoons of regular salt with a slide.
  • 50 grams of salt \u003d 1 tablespoon of salt with a slide + 1 tablespoon without a slide.
  • 45 grams of salt \u003d 2 tablespoons of salt with a slide + 1 incomplete teaspoon without a slide \u003d 1 tablespoon of salt with a mound + 1 tablespoon without a slide.
  • 40 grams of salt \u003d 2 tablespoons of salt without a slide.
  • 35 grams of salt \u003d 1 tablespoon of salt with a mound (small slide) + 1 teaspoon of salt with a slide.
  • 30 grams of salt = 1 heaping tablespoon.
  • 25 grams of salt \u003d 1 tablespoon with a mound (small slide).
  • 20 grams of salt \u003d 1 tablespoon of salt without a slide.
  • 15 grams of salt = 1 heaping teaspoon of salt + 1 partial teaspoon (slightly below the brim).
  • 10 grams of salt = 1 heaping teaspoon of salt.
  • 5 grams of salt \u003d 1 incomplete teaspoon of salt (just below the edges of the spoon).

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how to measure salt at home without weights with a tablespoon and a teaspoon will be useful to every housewife in the kitchen, due to its simplicity. We leave our feedback and advice on the topic, how many grams of salt in a spoon (table and teaspoon) in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

How many grams of flour in a tablespoon

Sometimes flour is not added to dishes in glasses. For example, to make a thick gravy or puree soup, as well as for other purposes. Usually, the recipes assume premium wheat flour, for a container it is 20 gr. in the minimum case, and 30 g. Sometimes you have to make a replacement (if you are on a diet, and the ingredient in the recipe is contraindicated for you, and also if you don’t have a suitable type of component at home).

It is important not only to correctly carry out the replacement so as not to disturb the taste, but also to observe the proportions. Therefore, it is important to take into account the lookup table. It is relevant not only for flour, but also for sugar, salt, and other products. For example, 1 kg of soy flour is equal to 1 kg of wheat flour. However, 1 kg of refined sugar does not equal 1 kg of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

It is important to know!

Using the case, consider the proportional content of some other products: 1 kg of butter is represented by 850 gr. powdered milk, 1 liter of whole milk contains only about 4 liters of condensed milk, and so on.
Knowing how much flour to put in a dish, you can cook delicious food.

Honey is a product that has proven itself well in the field of folk treatment, as well as in the preparation of delicious pastries and other dishes. When weighing honey, special attention should be paid to the volume of the glass, since the amount of weight of the product can be completely different.

It is important to know!

For the convenience of using various ingredients, there is a special table. Of course, you can remember its values, but it is not necessary to do this: it is enough to keep this tool in the kitchen near the desktop so that during cooking at any time you can look and find the necessary content of any components.

This summary record will help convert capacity to weights from volumetric criteria. And also measure weight characteristics without the need to use scales. Based on the tabular data, it turned out that the presented container contains 25 g of honey without a slide.

9% vinegar is widely used in baking to extinguish soda, as well as in the preparation of canned food for the winter. Apple cider vinegar (of course, the slide is not taken into account here) contains 13 g. This indicator is of particular importance, since busting with vinegar usually negatively affects the overall taste of any dish. And also on the health of people who eat it.

How many grams of sugar in a tablespoon

The generally accepted meaning of "art. l. sugar" - means the presence of a small slide in it. In rare cases, it is absent, this is necessarily stated in the recipe. In this case, dishes of a standard size are taken into account. Based on the calculations of specialists, the following data were obtained.

  • 1 container is 20 and 25 gr. respectively;
  • powder "hides" 22 g and 28 gr. without and with the presence of a slide.

There are other types, for example, crushed product or refined sugar, their quantity is different, but powder or sand is usually used for cooking. Knowing this indicator for sugar plays an important role. Since many have tried dishes with a lot of sugar, and they do not seem tasty. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions.

Olive and sunflower oils are more commonly used, but other varieties can often be used. For sunflower oil per dish, the weight indicator is 12 g. You need to know this for preparing salads and dressings for them. And also in order to create delicious soups, side dishes and meat dishes.

If there are no scales in the kitchen, our plate is always available for hostesses. In which it is clearly noted how many dimensional units are in the container. This tool is convenient to use in any situation. We recommend printing out the values, putting them in the kitchen and keeping them handy for all occasions.

Weight characteristics of other products table

Also presented is how many other types of food are contained in the proposed dishes.

  • Ordinary tap water - 18 g;
  • Shelled peanuts - 25 g. This weight also has raisins, citric acid, cocoa powder, fresh strawberries, sour cream, egg powder (melange);
  • Any jam is placed in the amount of 50 gr., The same applies to strawberry puree and some other products.
  • If you decide to please yourself and your loved ones with an exquisite cherry dish, then it contains 30 gr. fresh. The same indicator is available for the kernel of almonds, condensed milk, potato and wheat flour, salt.
  • 20 g each is contained in the following products: ground cinnamon and coffee, liqueur, poppy seeds, milk powder, sago.

Possession of this information will allow you not only to cook deliciously, but also to develop your culinary skills in the future.

Have you yourself estimated how many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar, salt and other bulk products? Did our table help you? Leave your opinion or feedback for everyone on the forum!

How many grams are in spoons? Let's figure it out.

You wanted to cook something and already found the recipe on the Internet. But then there were difficulties with the fact that you do not have a kitchen scale. This is not a problem if you know how many grams are in a tablespoon, teaspoon and dessert spoon.

Most importantly, spoons are much easier and more convenient to use than scales. Very often people wonder how many grams are in a tablespoon of sugar, flour and dry yeast. In this article, you will find answers to your questions in full.

  • tea spoon, 5 ml is about 5 grams;
  • dessert spoon- 10 ml of liquid - 10 grams;
  • tablespoon- 15 ml of liquid - 15 grams.

How many grams in spoons table

Measures of products in grams are used in order not to oversalt the dish, and also not to oversweeten. Usually, recipe authors indicate the weight of the products with a spoon with a small slide. Sometimes recipes with a spoon without a slide are used, but the author must indicate this. The measure of weight in our table is indicated in a generally accepted spoon with a slide and without a slide.

How many grams in a tablespoon table

If we talk about bulk products that are contained in a tablespoon, then it means that they are collected flush with the rims of the spoon. In some cases, a small slide is provided. If you want to know how many grams are in a spoonful of certain foods, then refer to the table.

Bulk products

Product without slide with slide
Flour 20 30
Sugar 20 25
Powdered sugar 22 28
cocoa powder 20 25
Starch 20 30
Extra salt 22 28
Rock salt 25 30
baking soda 22 28
Rice 15 18
Ground coffee 15 20
Gelatin 10 15
Dry yeast 8 11
Cinnamon 15 20
Lemon acid 12 16
Barley grits 25 30

liquid products

The table shows the weight of liquid products (in grams). This takes into account the fact that liquids are collected in a spoon with a slide, and if the products are rarer, then they are poured to the edges of the spoon.

Product gram
Honey 30
Water 18
Jam 50
Vinegar 16
Whole milk 18
Condensed milk 30
Vegetable oil 16
Melted margarine 15
Peanut paste 16
Sour cream 25

How many grams in a teaspoon table

If 1 teaspoon of flour is indicated, then this means a spoon with a small slide. Accordingly, in recipes they can also prescribe 1 small spoonful of flour without a slide, then it is necessary.

Bulk products

Product without slide with slide
cocoa powder 9 12
Buckwheat 7 10
Starch 6 9
Mustard dry 4 7
Dry yeast 5 8
Raisin 7 10
Gelatin 5 8
ground cinnamon 8 12
Ground coffee 7 9
Instant coffee 4 5
Groats (barley, barley) 8 11
Cornflakes 2 4
Lemon acid 5 8
Poppy 8 12
Manka 8 12
Powdered milk 12 14
Potassium permanganate 15 18
Flour 9 12
Oat flakes 6 8
nuts 10 13
ground pepper 5 8
Rice 5 8
Baking powder 5 8
rock salt 8 12
Sugar (and its powder) 7 10
Soda 7 10
Extra salt 7 10
Crackers ground 5 7
Sorbitol 5 7
Powdered cream 5 6
Dry mashed potatoes 10 12
Beans 10 12
medicinal herb 2 3
Lentils 7 9
Egg powder 10 12
Tea 2 3

liquid products

Liquid products (water, milk, vinegar) need to fill the spoon completely. It is worth noting that the given grams are relative, so if you need to know the exact weight, it is better to use an electronic or kitchen scale.

Product gram
Peanut paste 8
Water 5
Jam 17
Red caviar 7
Potassium permanganate 5
Honey 10
Mayonnaise 10
Liquor 7
Whole milk 5
Condensed milk 12
Vegetable oil 5
Butter 5
melted margarine 4
Fruit puree 17
Sour cream 10
Cottage cheese 4
Soy sauce 5
tomato paste 5
Apple vinegar 5

How many grams in a dessert spoon

How many grams are in spoons? A dessert spoon is in size between a tablespoon and a teaspoon. Its purpose is to serve as a table device for eating sweets. The dessert spoon copes with the measurement mission no worse than its older and younger “sister”. Find out how many grams of products (liquid and bulk) it contains in the table.

Product gram
Sugar 15
Vanillin 4,5
Lemon acid 12
Salt 20
Flour 16
Water 10
Milk 10
Vegetable oil 11
Vinegar 10

Today in the article you learned in detail how many grams are in spoons (table, tea and dessert). This table does not have to be memorized, you just keep it at hand and open it when you need to. Now you will not have difficulty with how to weigh certain products. Delicious food and bon appetit!

When preparing new dishes, each of you has definitely come across a situation where you need to accurately measure the amount of certain ingredients. Very often in recipes, and indeed in any cooking instructions, they give only general information, using terms like "a tablespoon of flour" or "a glass of buckwheat".

That is, measurements in grams, kilograms or milliliters are omitted. But if you think about it, can you immediately tell how much a couple of drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of mustard or vanillin weigh on the tip of a knife? Indeed, from the correct laying of the ingredients, your dish can turn out to be either very tasty or completely unsuitable for food. How many grams of salt are in The answer to this question, any hostess or cook should know without hesitation, because the taste of your soup or main course depends on the lack or overkill of this ingredient.

Salt is not a component that you can add by eye, that is, as much as you think you need. You need to put it exactly as much as indicated in the recipe. So, today in our article we will once and for all answer the question of how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon. Also, your attention will be offered a table for converting products from measures of volume (tablespoons and teaspoons) to measures of weight (grams) and vice versa. You can print it out and keep it in the kitchen so that if you have any doubts, you can immediately find out the exact answer. After all, not everyone and not always has a kitchen scale at hand, which also takes up enough space. The proposed table is a good alternative to this

We answer the question of how many grams of salt are in a tablespoon

So, remember once and for all: 25 grams of white small crystals can hold one tablespoon. Therefore, for example, if when preparing pickles you need to put 50 grams of salt, then feel free to put 2 tbsp. without a slide. These measurements are correct when the spoon is 7 cm long and 4 cm wide, because each kitchen utensil may be different, so also take into account a small error when introducing the ingredient into the dish. Taste it several times during cooking. But keep in mind that if we answer the question of how many grams are in a tablespoon of coarse salt, then there will already be a different value - 20 grams. And if you take a spoonful of ordinary salt with a slide, then its contents will already weigh 30 grams. It's that simple. In the future, this will help to put exactly as much seasoning as necessary according to the recipe, because what could be worse for the hostess than an oversalted dish, the taste of which is sometimes very difficult to correct?

Conversion table (spoons - teaspoons and tablespoons) to measures of weight (grams)

When you already know how many grams of salt are in 1 tablespoon, it is very useful to keep in mind the measurements of other commonly used foods in the cooking process.

We hope that our article was useful for you, and the question of how many grams of salt is in a tablespoon will no longer arise. We remind you: 25 grams of regular salt is in 1 tablespoon; 20 grams, if you take large crystals, and if you like to pour with a slide, then the weight of the ingredient will pull all 30 grams. Keep this in mind, and do not oversalt your dishes.

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