Name Olga analytical mind. Female name Olga - which means: name description

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Meaning of the name

Olga seems to be an independent, stubborn and passionate person who is constantly preoccupied with some of her own problems, and she has the ability to create problems for herself even where they do not exist. It is better not to anger her, because in a rage she is terrible. But Olga is extremely devoted to close people.

She becomes self-reliant and independent too early. Maybe that's why she constantly lacks human warmth, love and happiness. The nature of this versatile personality largely depends on what time of the year Olga was born.

Characteristics of the name Olga

Winter Olga - a calm woman who attaches great importance to intimate relationships, but the basis of her life is the creation strong family and raising healthy children. She appreciates kindness, affection and care in a man, since she herself possesses such qualities (and in general it is common for winter Olga to demand from others the same dedication with which she approaches the solution of certain problems). Olga's negative qualities are arrogance and ambition.

Spring Olga feminine and charming (they say about such people - "personality with a twist"). She can easily and naturally lure a man, flirt with him, but she approaches the choice of a life partner seriously and carefully. Whatever spring Olga does, and wherever she is, she will always strive to be in the spotlight, so it is not surprising that she is of great interest to the representatives of the stronger sex.

Summer Olga distinguished by amorousness, gullibility and naivety. This is an easy woman who finds with everyone mutual language. Olga, born in the summer, will not be difficult to find friends and make the right connections. Her naivety often fails her, because not all people are honest and disinterested (in fairness, we note that Olga quickly reveals two-faced people, excluding them forever from her life).

Autumn Olga - This is an overly practical and enterprising woman. She likes it when everything happens just the way she wants it. She is prudent and purposeful. In relations with men, most often, autumn Olga is led by a cold calculation, which becomes an obstacle on the way to building a loving and happy family. But it is prudence that helps her to rapidly move up the career ladder.

Stone - talisman

Olga's talisman stone is amber, symbolizing strength, health, and happiness. Since ancient times, amber has been used as a talisman and amulet against corruption.

This stone is used as a powerful amulet that enhances intuition and gives its owner faith and optimism.

In the modern world, amber is also widely used in medicine in the treatment of headaches. In addition, this stone helps to reduce sensitivity to pressure drops, prevents diseases of the spleen, relieves toothache and improves cardiac activity.



The lucky number for Olga is one (you can read about the meaning of this number in the article).


The patron of the name of Olga is the planet Moon (for more information about the symbolism of the Moon, see the article "The influence of the elements, planets and numbers on human life").


Olga's element is Fire (which means the patronage of this element, you can read in the article "The influence of the elements, planets and numbers on human life").

The animal is a symbol

Animal symbols for Olga are the leopard and the owl.


This beast symbolizes cruelty, aggressiveness, quick reaction, valor and fearlessness.

Interesting fact! In the countries of Asia and Africa, the skin of a leopard was worn as clothing by shamans and sorcerers, thereby showing superiority over the demonic power of this predatory beast. But in the Christian tradition, the leopard was a symbol of evil and personified Satan.


This unusual bird symbolizes wisdom and knowledge, as well as nostalgia and loneliness.

People who are patronized by this symbol are credited with the gift of prophecy, the ability to see what others cannot see.



Favorable plants for Olga are ash and buttercup.


This tree symbolizes protection, health, prosperity, harmony. People born under this sign are distinguished by their correct judgments, analytical mind and excellent memory.


This flower symbolizes naivete and goodwill. Dried buttercup petals are recommended to carry with you in order to relieve mental fatigue and stress.


Talismans-metals for Olga are gold and aluminum.


This noble metal symbolizes power, wealth, truth, reason and immortality. Gold prevents the exhaustion of the nervous system and clarifies the mind.

Interesting fact! Family gold jewelry that is inherited accumulates powerful energy, which is transferred to the owner, so the donated gold must have positive energy. But stolen gold brings bad luck.


This metal symbolizes the lightness and strength of love and friendship. It is believed that aluminum brings good luck and helps to achieve your goals.

auspicious day

bad day



Favorable time of the year for Olga is summer.

Important years of life

Significant years of life for Olga: 16, 19, 21, 25, 30, 34, 42, 46, 48, 51 and 60.

Origin of the name Olga

Name translation

The name Olga has Scandinavian roots and comes from the name Helga, which means "holy", "sacred", "bright".

Name history

The very first mention of the name Olga is found in the early Old Russian chronicle called "The Tale of Bygone Years" (that is, in 945 - 957). Since then, this name has become widespread in Russia.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Olga: Olya, Olenka, Olyusya, Olyunya, Olyasha, Olechka, Olgunya, Olgusya, Lesya.

The legend about the name Olga

In 945 Grand Duchess Olga, left a widow, took over the responsibilities for the management of Kievan Rus. In 954, she went on a pilgrimage, during which she visited many Christian shrines and temples (the shrines of Constantinople made a special impression on her). It was in Constantinople that Olga was baptized with a cross from the life-giving tree of the Lord.

After Princess Olga returned from a pilgrimage, she diligently engaged in the conversion of pagans to the Christian faith. In addition, according to her decree, the first Christian temples over the graves of the holy people of Russia. After the death of Olga in 969, she was buried in a Christian way in the tithe church in Kyiv, and her relics turned out to be incorrupt. Princess Olga was canonized and elevated to the rank of saints in the pre-Mongolian period.

The secret of the name Olga

Angel Day (name day)

February: 10 number.

March: 6th and 14th.

July: 17th and 24th.

November: 23 number.

Patrons named after Olga

  • Grand Duchess Olga.

Famous people

Famous actress named Olga:

  • Olga Aroseva;
  • Olga Ostroumova;
  • Olga Androvskaya.

Famous TV presenters named Olga:

  • Olga Buzova;
  • Olga Milanova;
  • Olga Chepurova;
  • Olga Freimut (Konyk).

Famous singers named Olga:

  • Kormukhina Olga;
  • Olga Voronets.

Famous writers named Olga:

  • Olga Gromyko;
  • Olga Bergholz.

Olga Kurilenko is a French actress and model.

Olga Harla - Ukrainian fencer and Olympic champion.

The meaning of the name Olga

For a child

Olenka is a very serious, touchy, vulnerable, but at the same time calm, friendly and kind girl. She can burst into tears even because of a harmless remark, so parents in dealing with her must carefully control their emotions and actions. Olya is stubborn beyond her years: even if she is guilty, she will never fundamentally ask for forgiveness. He is on equal terms with both girls and boys. She is a very capable girl, so she does well at school, but on the condition that she is patient and diligent.

Little Olya prefers to stay "in the shadows", despite her sociability (in general, she does not cause trouble to her classmates and teachers).

Olya often becomes a role model, so it is not surprising that this diligent and disciplined student becomes the head of the class. I must say that from an early age boys fall in love with Olya, but she clearly understands that everything has its time.

For girl

With age, Olya becomes quite a temperamental and stately girl who seriously follows fashion trends and tries to keep up with innovations. She takes her studies seriously, but does not forget about her leisure time, which she prefers to spend in the company of her friends and friends, with whom she enjoys attending various cultural and social events.

Olya loves to dream, which has a beneficial effect on the formation of her character, because her dreams are so strong that in the future they often turn into reality with the help of perseverance and diligence. The main thing is to clearly distinguish between illusions and reality, which Olya is good at.

Olya starts her first novels early, because she is very popular with men, but for a long and serious relationship she chooses a man who is worthy pass the test time.

For woman

Mature Olga is focused more on children and her family than on building a successful career.

It should be noted her excessive pride, which, in tandem with obstinacy, makes up an "explosive mixture": Olga is used to insisting on her own, it is not common for her to compromise. On the one hand, this helps her in business, and on the other hand, it alienates her from loved ones.

At the same time, she is a good-natured and gentle woman who will always come to the rescue and close person, and just a friend. And here Olga’s dedication and good nature must be given credit, therefore she has many friends (and she most often maintains warm relations with her colleagues).

Olga is an ambitious nature and by no means lazy, therefore she often achieves great success in life. She is completely devoted to her beloved work and never envies other people's successes (on the contrary, she sincerely rejoices at the promotion of her colleagues). Olga has a strong femininity: she is charming, sexy, flirtatious and incredibly feminine, which attracts a lot of fans to her.

Description of the name Olga


Olga is a deeply principled and moral woman who herself will not give up, and will not allow others to do so. She always has everything under control, and even when she is having fun, she does not go beyond the bounds of decency. However, often such restraint prevents Olga from building her personal life.


Olga has fairly good health and a large supply of vital energy, so fatigue and serious illnesses do not threaten her. The liver may be weak. In addition, Olya has a predisposition to gaining excess weight and developing diabetes Therefore, she is advised to eat foods that are low in fat and sugar.


At its core, Olga is a very amorous, but at the same time devoted nature to her chosen one, who craves romance. It should be noted that even in her romantic illusions, she does not forget about a sober calculation, so her personal relationships do not always develop.


As a rule, Olga does not get married for a long time. The stumbling block is her first man, after which she compares all subsequent ones with him. Her ideal is a strong and independent man who can accept Olga with all her shortcomings and will not "re-educate" at the same time. The main thing is not to expect humility and resignation from Olya, because she is used to being independent and independent.

Family relationships

AT family relationships Olga does not strive to be a leader, but she does not particularly have a soul for equality. Her husband needs to find golden mean in a relationship with his wife, because a man's attempts to become an indisputable authority in the family usually fail.


Olga is an overly sensual woman, but not many men can approach her sexually, because she needs a special approach. A man who combines passion, kindness and warmth can find the key to such a temperamental nature.

Mind (intelligence)

A distinctive feature of Olga is a well-developed intellect. It is the ability to think analytically, deliberately and prudently that gives her confidence in life, allowing her to achieve her goals.

Olga combines intelligence and beauty, which is the key to success in life.


Work for Olga is both a hobby and a vital necessity. She does not agree to be a housewife, on the contrary, she wants to get the most out of life. Olga likes professions that require full dedication (she will find herself in the field of a doctor, politician, manager). She excels in leadership positions.


As a rule, Olga is not able to successfully run her own business, because she is indifferent to numbers. In addition, her adherence to principles is overshadowed by naivety, and stubbornness by kindness, which negatively affects the state of financial affairs.


Olga loves to go to the cinema, but her main passion is cooking. She loves to cook and constantly improves her talent in cooking gourmet dishes. Her work is also a hobby for Olga, especially if it brings her real pleasure.

Character type


Olga has a rather unstable psyche. She is too emotional, which can cause nervous breakdowns. She loves to dream, but even in the illusory world she is guided by logical thinking and prudence.

Olga does not like to feel sorry for herself or others (in principle, she does not accept weaknesses in people). You should also beware of her rancor: she will not only not forgive her offenders, but will even take revenge on them if possible (Olga is vengeful, although she rarely loses control over herself).


Despite her prudence, Olga has a fairly powerful intuition. She often follows her intuitive impulses and firmly believes in their practicality. Moreover, often important decisions are made by her precisely at the "order" of her inner voice.

Horoscope named after Olga

Olga - Aries

This is an emotional, temperamental and often unbalanced personality with irrepressible energy. The problem of Olga-Aries is that she cannot always correctly distribute her forces and correctly draw up a plan of action. As a result, she takes on one thing, then another, while none of them brings to its logical conclusion. Her straightforwardness both attracts and repels at the same time, especially when it comes to relationships with the opposite sex. Olga-Aries tries to dominate in relationships, which her chosen one does not always like.

Olga - Taurus

Sensuality and complacency distinguish Olga-Taurus. Her emotions prevail over her mind, which prevents her from building not only a career, but also a strong family. Her actions are inconsistent and impulsive. In general, for Olga-Taurus, the support of the people around her is extremely important, which will help her gain self-confidence. At the same time, she wants to patronize and protect, so her man should be, first of all, an affectionate and gentle protector.

Olga - Gemini

This is an independent, sociable and active woman who loves to be in the spotlight. Her originality is appreciated at work, but in order to achieve her goals, Olga-Gemini needs to learn to ignore the opinions of others. She is overly impressionable and takes her failures hard. Olga Gemini attracts men like a magnet, but her love of freedom prevents her from fully trusting and opening up to her partner.

Olga - Cancer

She is romantic and sentimental, original and inventive. It is important for her to bring something unusual into life that will fill gray everyday life with bright colors. Olga-Rak is a wonderful manipulator who, thanks to her intelligence and charm, skillfully achieves her goals through the people around her. She will open her heart only to a strong and reliable man, on whom she can rely one hundred percent.

Olga - Leo

Her character combines impulsiveness, willfulness, sincerity and authority. It is important for Olga Leo to please everyone around, and to achieve this goal, she uses flirting and coquetry. But she does not tolerate hypocrisy and duplicity, so she chooses her friends very carefully. She is diligent and responsible, always keeps her word, which is appreciated by her superiors. If we talk about relationships with the opposite sex, then she has a lot of fans, so it is not surprising that there are many novels in her life. And only by truly loving, she will become a devoted and reliable wife.

Olga - Virgo

This is a restrained, diplomatic and domineering nature, which resembles a prim and inaccessible queen. However, such an impression is deceptive, because behind the guise of an "iron lady" lies an insecure woman who finds it very difficult to open up to people. At work, Olga-Deva is valued for her responsibility, discipline and diligence. In family life, her tenderness and sensitivity will become the key to well-being (it is also important that she is happy to create a cozy family nest).

Olga - Libra

The tact and patience of this woman can only be envied. Olga-Libra is attentive to others, regardless of her personal attitude towards a person.

However, she never imposes her personal opinion and prefers not to give "practical" advice. She is independent and knows how to properly organize the work process, therefore she achieves a lot in the labor field. Her man should be restrained, gallant and noble.

Olga - Scorpio

This is a rather contradictory nature that lives in a world of dreams. Olga-Scorpio craves thrills and new experiences. She tends to idealize people, which often leads to serious disappointments and nervous breakdowns. She is not able to soberly assess the situation, so she rarely reaches career heights. For Olga-Scorpio, love is suffering, through which she achieves spiritual catharsis. Her man must be a realist and pragmatist, able to bring her down from heaven to the "sinful" earth.

Olga - Sagittarius

This is an exalted dreamer, who lacks consistency and solidity for complete happiness. Olga-Sagittarius is in search of herself and her place in this world. She is open to new experiences, but at the same time she is afraid of losing what she has. Love for her is an adventure that can completely absorb her. At the same time, her love can quickly both flare up and go out. Only an original and inventive man can give Olga-Sagittarius all the range of feelings that she needs in a love affair.

Olga - Capricorn

Scrupulous and judicious Olga-Capricorn prefers to stay apart, in which she is helped by a mask of indifference and arrogance. In fact, her feelings are deep, she’s just not ready to open her soul to everyone. In her actions, she is guided by reason, but at the same time she does not know how to distinguish the main from the secondary. Olga-Capricorn's man must be understanding, gentle and patient, otherwise he will not be able to win her trust.

Olga - Aquarius

Responsiveness, kindness and vulnerability of Olga-Aquarius often interfere in life than help. Moreover, the listed qualities are combined in this woman with a penchant for daydreaming. She is overly sentimental and susceptible to other people's misfortune, which is often used for selfish purposes by others. Her ideal man is a strong and experienced hero-lover. In search of her ideal, she may not notice "her" reliable and kind man.

Olga - Pisces

This is a timid, insecure and melancholy nature who does not know how to defend her interests, which is why her life is subject to the rules that are established by everyone except herself. Olga-Pisces is extremely impressionable, so even small troubles can lead her to depression. She will be happy only with a strong and self-confident man who will support and protect her in everything.

Olga name compatibility with male names

Olga and Alexander

This couple is unlikely to be able to be together, because Alexander is not distinguished by constancy, while Olga, on the contrary, dreams of a strong and reliable family. However, a union between them is possible, but on the condition that the man devotes more time to his beloved woman.

Olga and Dmitry

Such relationships may well develop into a serious, reliable union. Dmitry takes care of all organizational family issues, and Olga can only help her man create, maintain and increase family well-being.

Olga and Sergey

An overly ardent and passionate couple who constantly strive for perfection. Olga and Sergey are in perfect harmony with each other, complementing their relationship with joint hobbies. They never cease to discover new facets in each other, which allows them to prolong passion and love.

Olga and Andrey

Such a couple complements each other, and this also applies to the emotionality of the partners, and their desires, and characters. Olga and Andrey are not only loving spouses, but also excellent partners. Meanwhile, such an alliance must beware of a frivolous attitude towards each other.

Olga and Alexey

There are many problems in such a pair: he is timid and soft, therefore he is not always successful at work, and it is quite difficult for Alexei to resist the strong Olga. For a woman in this union, stability and order are important. As a result, quarrels are not rare in this pair.

Olga and Ivan

Olga and Vitaly

Such a couple knows how to enjoy life together and make joint plans. Absolutely disinterested Olga and Vitaly always act together, while material wealth is not a priority for them.

They are open and good-natured, responsive and ready to help.

Olga and Artem

These are two very strong-willed people who find it difficult to control their thirst and desire for leadership. If Olga and Artem want to be together, then they will have to sacrifice their ambitions.

Olga and Anton

A great combination of names for love and marriage. Olga and Anton will be able to create a full-fledged and happy family. Together they are able to learn from each other all the nuances of family life and constantly improve their relationship.

Olga and Mikhail

though they are enough different people, but have great chances for a joint relationship. Mikhail is far superior to Olga in his desire to make life a holiday, and the conservative Olga is an adherent of traditional life rules. Happiness in their marriage depends on how much they will listen to each other.

Olga and Roman

This couple is initially prone to a fleeting outburst of passions, but when Olga and Roman begin to build a joint life, problems arise. To live together, this union lacks mutual understanding, because they cannot overcome their obstinacy, and this applies to literally all aspects of life together.

Olga and Nikolay

This union arises on the basis of a fit of passion (often acquaintance takes place in some kind of romantic or original setting). Olga and Nikolay love to spend together free time and have fun. There is passion in their relationship, but it passes very quickly.

Olga and Igor

Such a couple is created more to fulfill the tasks associated with material wealth and a pleasant pastime, while there is no love in such a union. Olga and Igor can be colleagues, do business together, but their relationship does not contribute to the creation of a full-fledged family.

Olga and Ilya

People with these names have a melancholy relationship. Olga and Ilya love a calm, quiet relationship, in which the main thing is a measured course of life. Although they are not distinguished by violent passions, their love is strong, therefore the union between them is reliable and stable.

Olga and Vladislav

Their union is filled with all sorts of adventures and adventures. They like extreme pastime (the main thing is not to sit in one place). With the same intermittent success, they may even change their place of residence. But often a change in love relationships for Olga and Vladislav is also the norm.

Olga and Pavel

Their desire to be together is impressive, but far from always Olga and Pavel manage to create a truly strong union. A wall of misunderstanding rises between them, because Olga and Pavel look differently at the fundamental foundations of marriage.

Olga and Konstantin

Such a couple has everything to become successful. Although Konstantin in such a tandem positions himself as a rather lazy person, Olga is not a burden to play the role of a diligent housewife and monitor the proper state of family affairs.

Olga and Vyacheslav

Such a pair is doomed to failure from a practical point of view. Olga and Vyacheslav are not able to properly lead a joint life. Their couple is not capable of a healthy compromise. However, in relation to passions and love, they also do not just add up.

Olga and Egor

A very emotional and bright couple: for example, Olga and Yegor complement each other. He is a cheerful and slightly frivolous person, and she is a lover of order who knows what she wants from life. Although confrontations between Olga and Yegor are possible in everyday life, they, as a rule, cope with all their problems.

Olga and Vadim

She strives to achieve recognition in her career. He is also a lover of freedom, who is indifferent to material wealth. However, such a union can last for a long time, because Olga and Vadim do not like frequent and significant changes in life.

Olga and Oleg

For such a couple, rapprochement occurs gradually. Olga and Oleg are adherents of the fact that it is necessary to think everything over thoroughly before taking serious steps towards rapprochement. But there are big pluses in such caution - these relations only strengthen over time.

Olga and Valery

In this tandem, Olga is a real generator of ideas, which Valery brings to life with pleasure (he fully trusts the analytical mind and intuition of his chosen one). They feel good both at home and in intimate life, which is the key to a strong relationship.

Olga and Yuri

This is a union in which feelings and passion do not fade over time, but flare up. Cheerful Yuri knows how to nurture relationships, while Olga and her man are completely liberated. This relationship will be long and happy.

Olga and Anatoly

Opposites are known to attract. And in the case of Olga and Anatoly, such an attraction can be very successful. Passionate Anatoly is able to awaken sensuality in Olga. A woman in this union feels loved.

Olga and Ruslan

In this relationship, both partners pursue the same goal - to create a harmonious family, but Olga makes too high demands on her chosen one, which he does not always meet, because of which his pride suffers. As a result, family relationships can fail.
Ruslan - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Olga and Nikita

These different people form a bright love union, in which Nikita is cheerful and energetic, which suits the practical Olga, who draws strength from her chosen one. Next to him, she rests both in soul and body.

Olga and Kirill

These two, despite love and passion, cannot create a lasting union, as they are not able to share spheres of influence in their own family. Both Olya and Cyril have a strong character, while they do not want to make concessions and admit their guilt, and life together is impossible without compromise.

Olga and Viktor

There is romance in these relationships, which is very important for the pragmatic Olga, who feels loved and desired next to Victor. It is with him that she ceases to be strong, turning into a tender and weak woman, protected from any misfortunes.

Olga and Stanislav

The love of Olga and Stanislav does not fade over the years, but only flares up, because they know how to enjoy life. In addition, they have many friends who bring new emotions and events into their lives.

Olga and Arthur

Arthur is a dreamer who dreams of amazing adventures, while Olga, on the contrary, prefers to live in real world. But such a different attitude to life does not prevent them from creating a strong union, in which matriarchy often reigns, which suits a man quite well.

Olga and Grigory

Absolute trust reigns in this couple, but jealousy and suspicion are unacceptable for Olga and Gregory. Everyone has a certain amount of freedom, while none of the partners crosses the line of what is permitted. Gregory, knowing Olya's stubbornness, does not consider it shameful to be the first to go to reconciliation.

Olga and Peter

This couple can become a strong family in which love, respect and mutual support will reign. Olga and Peter live in accordance with high moral principles, so there is no place for betrayal and scandals in their family.

Olga and Vasily

The stubbornness of both partners can become an insurmountable obstacle to family happiness. Any little things infuriate Olga, and Vasily is not ready to put up with the shortcomings of his chosen one. Bottom line: a bright and passionate, but short romance.

Olga and Daniel

Strong and domineering Olga is not easy to find a common language with an independent and energetic Daniil. But this union has great chances for a happy life if both can make mutual concessions, especially since they are united by a common interest.

Olga and Gennady

Both partners are not without the spirit of adventurism, they strive to diversify their lives and bring novelty into it, which has a positive effect on their relationship. But in the pursuit of new sensations, it is important not to forget about stability.

Olga and Leonid

Only by making concessions, Olga and Leonid will be able to build a strong family. The fact is that both have a sharp temper, which does not contribute to the establishment of calm and stable relations in the family. These two should become each other's friends first, and only then loved ones.

Olga and Edward

This is a stable alliance that needs time to develop. They have common goals, but Olga's bossiness can alienate the impressionable and vulnerable Edward. If these two can find a compromise model of behavior, then this union will be very successful.

Olga and Semyon

Both Olya and Semyon are stubbornly moving towards their goal of creating a strong family. And they do it measuredly, without Italian passions and scandals. The diligence and assertiveness of these two people provide them with material wealth and confidence in the future.

Olga and Boris

This emotional and very passionate tandem, built on love, simply has no right to be unhappy. In the relationship between Olya and Boris, there is a real rainbow of feelings, which has a beneficial effect on their family life.

Olga and Yaroslav

Yaroslav does not think about the future, but prefers to live here and now, which absolutely does not suit the prudent and reasonable Olga. She is able to guide her chosen one on the right path for a long time, but one day she gets tired of it, which leads to a break in relations.

Olga and Timur

Both Olga and Timur have ambition in their blood, and they are ready to support each other in any endeavors. For the sake of the family, she is ready to become a caring wife, and he is a faithful and reliable husband. This family is able to overcome all the difficulties prepared for them by fate.

The primary meaning of the name Olga is an independent, stubborn, passionate nature, capable of creating problems from scratch. In a rage, this woman is simply terrible, so others should not provoke her anger. But with all this, she is selflessly devoted to her loved ones. Olga's desire to gain independence and independence as soon as possible deprives her of simple human warmth, happiness, and love.

Brief meaning of the name Olga

Origin of the name Olga

It is believed that the origin of the name Olga is Old Russian, which previously came to us from languages. The Old Norse female name sounds like Helga. Another version says that the origin of this name is associated with the male name Oleg.

The meaning of the name Olga is sacred, bright, holy, clear. It is similar to the interpretation of the Scandinavian name Helga or Helgla.

The integrity of the character of any woman bearing this name is associated with the power, beauty, and determination of the ancient Russians. If we associate the origin of the name with the ancient Varangians, then they are also not inferior in strength and power to the entire population of the European part of the continent of that time.

In Russia, this name is quite popular. It is customary for us to use its different forms: Olya, Olenka, Olyusha, Olyushka, Olka, Olyunya, Olyusya, Olechka, Lesya, Olyasha, Olgusha, Olgunya, Olgusya.

The name Olga in Orthodoxy

In history ancient Russia for the first time this name is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. Olga was the wife of Prince Igor. Its origin is not known for certain. According to one version, Oleg brought her for Igor from the Bulgarian lands, according to another - from Pskov. After the death of her husband, she ruled Kievan Rus for her infant son Svyatoslav. Princess Orthodox Church canonized as a saint and patronizes all the Olgas.

According to the Orthodox calendar, all Olgas celebrate the day of the angel several times a year: February 10, March 6.14, July 17, 24, November 23.

Characterization of the name by letters

The name Olga consists of five letters. This speaks of the humanitarian inclinations of its owner, the ability to appreciate art. Therefore, men always see in her not only beautiful woman but also an interesting companion. Consider what the name Olga means, based on the alphabetic decoding.

Oh - wealth inner peace, exceptional intuition, the ability to see the main thing in what seems secondary to others.

L - Creative skills, the love of beauty is closely intertwined with the desire for physical pleasures.

b - peaceful, soft temper; the secret of a successful marriage lies in the ability to listen and not resist the actions of a husband.

G - intelligence, conscientiousness, increased attention to detail.

A - purposeful activity, leadership skills striving for spiritual and physical perfection.

This interpretation gives an answer to the question - what does the name Olga mean? The owners of this name are characterized by a sense of style, intelligence, a powerful maternal principle, and a penetrating mind.

Declension of the name Olga by cases

Olga is a noun, animated, feminine, 1 declension. In Russian, the declension of the name Olga in cases is as follows:

Nominative case - Olga

Genitive - Olga

Dative case - Olga

Accusative - Olga

Instrumental case - Olga

Prepositional case - Olga

Characters of women born at different times of the year

The nature and fate of this difficult personality is directly related to the time of birth.

For Olga, who was born in the winter months, the family will always come first. It is characterized by calmness, balance. Winter Olya attaches great importance to intimate relationships. It is important for her that a man possess such traits as kindness, care, affection. Such a woman is always aimed at prosperous family and raising healthy children. The negative aspects of character are ambition, ineradicable arrogance.

Feminine and charming spring Olenka will easily fall in love with any man. And although flirting is a natural state for her, a woman approaches the choice of a life partner seriously and thoroughly. The increased interest from the opposite sex is due to the fact that the light fluttering spring Olya always strives to be in the spotlight.

Olenka, born in the summer months, is distinguished by a naive character, gullibility, amorousness. She easily finds a common language with absolutely every person. Summer Olya easily makes friends and the right connections. However, her naivete can be cruelly let down, because not everyone is also honest and disinterested with her. But we must pay tribute to Olenka, who easily recognizes any deception.

Autumn Olga is enterprising and practical. The prudence and purposefulness of character make all events develop only according to her scenario. These traits contribute to a quick take-off on the career ladder. They also interfere with creating a strong friendly family, since cold calculation is not a companion of trusting warm relationships.

Characteristics and meaning of the name Olga for a girl, a girl, a woman

Despite the fact that the meaning of the name Olga sounds like a saint or bright, her owner is often a victim of her own strong emotions. A woman can be vengeful, although she never loses control of herself. Prone to introspection, jealous of more successful girlfriends. However, her devotion deserves the highest praise.


The character of little Olya seems calm, friendly, balanced. Behind this lies resentment, vulnerability, a serious attitude to literally everything that happens around the baby. The girl does not always manage to hide this secret of hers, therefore, in response to the most insignificant remark, she may burst into tears.

Little Olya is persistent and stubborn. It is almost impossible to get a request for forgiveness from her, even when she knows that she is to blame for what she has done. The baby feels great both in the company of girls and in the company of boys. Learning is easy if she puts in enough effort and effort.

At school, the girl Olya will never cause trouble for teachers. Teachers often set her as an example, praising diligence and accuracy. Attention to the girl on the part of the boys manifests itself quite early. But Olya clearly knows that everything has its time.

Young woman

Temperamental and stately Olya at a young age tries to keep up with fashion trends and innovation. Although she devotes a lot of time to studying, she does not forget about rest. Olya is a regular participant in various social events.

The secret of her future success lies in the fact that Olya dreams a lot as a girl. Young dreams educate character and are so strong that over time they are successfully translated into reality. The further fate largely depends on what the girl dreams of at a young age. Perseverance, diligence, the ability to distinguish reality from illusions help her in the implementation of ideas.

Young Olya easily starts novels, as she is popular with the opposite sex. But only one who can stand the test of time can become her life partner.


A successful career is good, of course. But mature Olya will give all her love, strength and attention to her beloved family with great pleasure. Husband and children are the main wealth for her.

Such character traits as the inability to compromise, obstinacy, persistence, pride help her in all matters. But sometimes it can cause distance between loved ones.

Olya is a sympathetic person, always ready to help, as evidenced by the interpretation of her name. Therefore, there are always many friends around, and she maintains warm relations with colleagues.

Olya's successful fate is the result of ambitious intentions and hard work. A woman always gives herself completely to her favorite pastime. In the character of Olenka, the feminine principle is clearly expressed. She is sexy, feminine and charming.

Professional fate is developing well, but only where there are no numbers and financial affairs. After all, naivety in her character completely closes her adherence to principles, and where perseverance is required, kindness crosses out everything.

Very often, Olya makes important decisions, following not the voice of reason, but pure intuition. But her decisions are almost always correct.

Famous people

Olga Fadeeva - Belarusian and Russian theater and film actress

Among famous people there are many women who bear the name Olga. AT different areas activities are quite well-known names such as:

- Aroseva, Ostroumova, Androvskaya - women whom we know from our favorite films;

- Buzova, Milanova, Chepurova - famous TV presenters;

— Kormukhina. Voronets - favorite performers;

— Gromyko, Bergholz are famous writers.

The meaning of the name Olga in the video

There are several versions about the origin of the beautiful female name Olga. The first option says that the name was formed from the Old Norse Helga and means “holy”, “bright”, “clear”, “wise”, “sacred”, “fatal”. According to the second version, it originates from the Old Slavic language, comes from the names Volga, Volkh and acquires the meaning of “sunny”, “good”, “significant”, “great”. Currently considered one of the most common in Russia.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Cancer
  • Ruler Planet: Moon
  • Talisman Stone: Amber
  • Yellow color
  • Wood: ash
  • plant: ranunculus
  • Animal: leopard
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

Little Olya is serious and thoughtful beyond her years. She is not too disposed towards school, has average knowledge, but tries to study diligently. He communicates with his peers calmly, without conflicts. The teachers are pleased with her behavior and never complain to her parents.

An adult representative named after Olga combines external activity and internal isolation. She has a cold and calculating mind. But she, as a rule, lacks imagination and inspiration. The reason for this is that she is always guided only by logic. Negatively refers to weakness, sentimentality and violent expression of their feelings.

The secret of the name Olga lies in a strong and difficult character, hard work, willpower and intelligence. positive qualities are prudence, responsiveness and honesty. He considers his and his family's reputation important. Spends a lot of time on self-education and self-improvement. If he sets himself any goal, he always stubbornly achieves the intended result. To do this, she needs to remain independent.

Olga is a supporter of strict moral standards. She is feminine, constantly monitors her appearance and wardrobe. Does not tolerate various advice and teachings. Tends to introspection. Inflicted grievances are going through a long time, but will not flaunt it.

Olga's negative character traits are resentment, arrogance, irascibility and vindictiveness. The girl loves to gossip, loves adventures. In communication with people beneficial to her, she shows courtesy, correctness and hypocrisy. In relation to addicts, he behaves rudely and arrogantly. Sometimes evil and vindictive, but never loses self-control. A woman with this name is not the kind of person who, admitting she was wrong, will apologize.

Interests and hobbies

Olya is a versatile person. She loves family trips to the cinema, theater and exhibitions. Interested in culinary arts. Often visits the pool and gym.

Profession and business

AT professional activity Olga shows great ability to work. Can work in any direction. She equally copes with both physical and intellectual labor. In the team, he can occupy the unofficial positions of the leader and the “gray eminence”. Enjoys the respect and authority of the leadership. He achieves great heights in science, medicine, industrial and creative professions. Olga can be a political and public figure, leader, journalist, screenwriter and translator. She copes well with the conclusion of various kinds of contracts, she is able to become a good loan officer. If, as a result of the analysis, he finds a benefit in his business, then he is ready to work for days.


Olga is in good health. She does not succumb to fatigue and disease. It has good immunity, is not prone to seasonal infections and epidemics. Weak points are the nervous system, pancreas, liver and genitals.

Sex and love

Olga is endowed with attractive external data, she was created for vivid passionate experiences. Always in love with her partners, often unable to distinguish sexual attraction from a great tender feeling. The representative named Olga is very sexy. She is dissatisfied with her intimate life. In dealing with men, he tries to behave like a highly moral person. With all the fans and suitors, he draws an analogy with his first love. The result of this behavior is that she, as a rule, marries late.

Family and marriage

In family relationships, Olga is a faithful wife and an excellent hostess. In marriage, she does not try to occupy a dominant place, but it remains important for her to maintain a spiritual connection with her husband throughout her life. In the house of a woman is always order, warm, comfortable and cozy. She treats her parents and children with love and care.

The meaning of the name Olga: this name for a girl means "sacred", "wise". Another meaning of the name Olga is "sunny". This is the female form of the male name Oleg.

Origin of the name Olga: Old Russian.

Diminutive form of the name: Olya, Lelya, Olyunya, Lyunya, Olyusha, Lyusha, Olyanya, Lena.

What does the name Olga mean? The girl monitors her behavior and appearance, she makes a good impression on others. Olechka can be quick-tempered and impatient, she is a responsible employee, but at the same time she does not strive for leadership. First love is the brightest feeling in her life, and if the chosen one does not offer marriage, then the girl will worry for a long time. Olya is an impeccable hostess, a strict and attentive mother.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Olga once a year celebrates a name day: July 24 (11) - St. Blessed Princess Olga, in holy baptism Elena.

Signs: On Holguin's day, they tell fortunes from the thunder: if it is deaf, it will rain quietly, the thunder is booming - to a downpour.


  • Zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Yellow color
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Treasured plant - buttercup
  • Patron - owl
  • Talisman stone - amber

Characteristics of the name Olga

Positive features: The meaning of the name Olga from the point of view of psychology. Since childhood, Olya has been serious, thoughtful, prone to introspection. She does not tolerate familiarity, frivolity, repeated requests, female tears, adheres to strict moral standards.

Negative Traits: She takes grievances hard, is prone to delving into her own feelings. Sometimes she lacks perseverance in actions. It is difficult for her to ask for forgiveness, and she herself does not forgive anything, she will be able to recall old faults. As a rule, Olya is the ruler of the family. In order to suffer less in dealing with her and be on an equal footing with her, one should have emotional strength and strong-willed stability.

The nature of the name Olga: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Olga? Here is what the great Russian philosopher P.A. Florensky about the bearers of this name: “Oli usually have significant facial features and a figure, and rather beautiful, but not thin; almost unfeminine strength breathes in them, at least according to modern concepts ... The girl’s mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the most correct way to achieve the desired. The girl does not tolerate when she is given advice, and she treats those who know something worse than her from above: this shows the limitations of her nature. Olya is characterized by hypocrisy; very amiable with superiors, and with people dependent on her, she is often dismissive. This is a faithful wife, but women with this name are traditionally considered cold: games of the heart are not for them.

Olya is a serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. Vulnerable Olechka may suddenly withdraw, after some harmless remark, tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will never ask for forgiveness. The girl is equally friendly with both boys and girls, she always finds something to talk about with both. The young one who owns the name is capable, but studies without much desire, within the limits of what the school curriculum requires. Keeps in the shadows, never commits daring acts, there are no troubles at school, but sometimes she can be rude with loved ones.

For all her pleasant appearance, she has a rather tough character. Olya always knows what she wants, and nothing and no one can be an obstacle to her. This girl is smiling, sociable, will always support the company, but will not relax enough to forget where the boss is and where the subordinate is. She has a rather difficult, domineering character, but even in anger she does not lose control over herself. Olya treats failures calmly, overcoming any obstacles with endurance and patience.

As always, the name P.A. very accurately characterizes. Florensky: “Olgas usually have facial features and figure significant and rather beautiful, but not thin; almost non-feminine strength breathes in them ... Her mind is also strong, above average, and, moreover, not formal, and not abstract, but very flexibly applied to circumstances and finding the surest way to achieve what is desired.

Olga and her personal life

Compatible with male names: Favorable marriage with Anatoly, Barzda, Boris, Boyan, Bryachislav, Viktor, Gavrila, Zakhar, Ignat, Igor, Leo, Oleg. The name Olga is also combined with Semyon. Difficult relationships are likely with Andrei, Bazhen, Bashilo, Bogdan, Bazan, Denis, Mal, Peter.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Olga promise happiness in love? If the first love does not end in marriage, then Olya worries for a long time, compares new fans with the first man in her life, and will not be able to get married for a long time.

Olechka has a negative attitude towards weakness, sentimentality, a violent expression of feelings, but if she likes someone, she does not keep it a secret. Most often, she marries quite early and will devote her whole life to her husband, firmly believing that her chosen one is the smartest and best. If she suddenly has a rival, then it’s easy with what she has in her hands, Olya will not part. She is a fighter with a strong character, and her devotion deserves the highest respect.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Work means a lot to her. A woman named Olga can become a leader public organization, lead the opposition or choose the path of a lone rebel. She Olya is able to perform male work, both intellectual and physical. If she is forced to do only household chores, then sooner or later she is likely to protest against routine and thankless work. Olechka has many plans, and she wants to realize them. Purposefulness and vanity allow her to achieve success in sports, ballet, cinema, theater.

Business and career: She can make incredible efforts, overcome herself and do such work, which not everyone will undertake, and for this she will be rewarded.

The ability of the name Olga to work hard, a heightened sense of responsibility - all lead to significant career success, including in leadership positions. The latter is important for Olya in most cases. A doctor, a political or public figure, the head of an enterprise is Olechka's field of activity. In extreme cases, she can be a store manager, manager, work in the service sector.

The meaning of the name Olya implies the possession of a cold, prudent mind, adheres to strict moral standards, does not forgive anything and will always be able to recall old faults.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Olga: The meaning of the name Olga from the point of view of medicine. In infancy, Olechka is calm, there are no difficulties with feeding. All difficulties begin at the age of six. At this time, she often suffers from respiratory diseases. Many diseases are inherited. So, psoriasis or diabetes can be transmitted from Olya's father, which can manifest itself both in childhood and in adulthood. As a child, Olechka, like all children, suffers from respiratory diseases, childhood infectious diseases. There are no special deviations in health. The lungs and bronchi are somewhat weakened.

A December girl may be deaf and mute from birth, but she is a very smart girl, and if you start dealing with specialists with her in time, she will begin to speak and understand by her lips what they say to her. Such a child requires increased attention, she is irritable, emotional. Very affectionate and kind, needs human warmth.

She Olga is prone to complications after the flu, can get sick with infectious meningitis, after which mental development slows down a bit. In this case, it is very important to make the correct diagnosis. Often, doctors state mental retardation, while this may be a mild form of mental retardation. The name Olya perfectly assimilates everything, only a little slower than her healthy peers.

Olga's health problems arise in adulthood. She has bad teeth, after giving birth she quickly loses them. There may be an overbite, but this can be corrected if the parents convince Olya that treatment is necessary, she is very stubborn and reluctant to wear corrective plates, takes them off when her parents are away, and puts them on only in their presence so that they do not scold her.

In the "October" - there may be complications after childbirth, the formation of a cyst on the ovaries is possible. A summer girl suffers from jaundice already in adulthood. High probability of removal of adenoids. Olya, born in August, may have impaired blood circulation, which leads to varicose veins. Olya is not suspicious and turns to doctors in extreme cases. By old age, the named Olya is disposed towards fullness, although until old age she remains mobile and easy-going. Her hip joints are weak.

The fate of Olga in history

What does the name Olga mean for women's fate?

  1. St. Olga is a Russian princess, the wife of Igor Rurikovich. According to the chronicle story, she cruelly took revenge on the Drevlyans who killed her husband, destroying their prince Mal, along with his most important associates, and established "charters and lessons" in the Drevlyan land, that is, tribute and natural duties; then she went to Novgorod land and set up graveyards here, that is, administrative centers, and determined dues and tributes in favor of the prince. The princess died in 969 at a ripe old age, having bequeathed to bury her according to the Christian rite. She is considered a saint by the church.
  2. Olga V. Lepeshinskaya - ballerina, People's Artist of the USSR. In 1933–1963 danced at the Bolshoi Theatre. Among the parties: Kitri ("Don Quixote" by L.F. Minkus), Tao Hoa ("Red Poppy" by M.R. Glier), Cinderella ("Cinderella" by S.S. Prokofiev), etc. Was a teacher-consultant in Hungary , Germany, Sweden, etc. Four times awarded the State Prize of the USSR.
  3. Olga Spesivtseva - (1895 - 1991) Russian ballerina.
  4. Olga Zabelinskaya - (born 1980) Russian cyclist, two-time bronze medalist of the Summer Olympic Games 2012 - in the group and separate race. World Junior Champion 1997.
  5. Olga Knipper-Chekhova - (1868 - 1959) Russian and Soviet actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1937). Laureate of the Stalin Prize (1943). A.P. Chekhov's wife.
  6. Olga Berggolts - (1910 - 1975) Russian Soviet poetess, prose writer.
  7. Olga Korbut - (born 1955) Soviet Belarusian gymnast, four-time Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1972). Olga Korbut was the first to perform the unique element "Korbut's Loop". The gymnast stands up high part uneven bars and does a back somersault, clinging to the upper crossbar of the bars with his hands. The element was performed during her routines on uneven bars at the Munich Olympics.
  8. Olga Khokhlova - (1891 - 1955) ballet dancer of Russian-Ukrainian origin, better known as the first wife of Pablo Picasso and mother of his son Paul Olga
  9. Olga Rozanova - (1886 - 1918) artist, one of the brightest representatives of Russian futurism.
  10. Olga Rubtsova - (1909 - 1994) world chess champion.
  11. Olga Sadovskaya - (1849 - 1919) Russian actress, Honored Artist of the Imperial Theaters (1911).
  12. Olga Aroseva - (born 1925) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985). Known for performing comedic, poignant roles.
  13. Olga Voronets - (born 1926) pop singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1978). In 1956, at the International Folklore Festival in France, the Russian folk song "Kalinka" performed by Voronets enjoyed such success that the singer was nicknamed Olga-Kalinka.
  14. Olga Androvskaya - (1898 - 1975) real name- Schultz; Soviet theater and film actress, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1948). Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1952). Aunt Alexei Batalov.
  15. Olga Ostroumova - (born 1947) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
  16. Olga Kabo - (born 1968) Soviet and Russian actress, Honored Artist of Russia (2002), member of the Russian Stuntmen Association (1995).

Olga in different languages ​​of the world

Translation of the name into different languages has a similar sound. On the Belarusian language translates as Volga, on Italian: Olga, German: Olga, Polish: Olga.

The female name Olga has Scandinavian roots, is it because the temper of its owner is distinguished by perseverance and willpower? The meaning of the name Olga in Scandinavian is "saint". Her life is far from holiness, but in her character there is a desire to improve herself, develop, become better.

As a child, our heroine is a cheerful, carefree and at the same time stubborn child. She has adult character traits from an early age. She is ready to defend her opinion and it is difficult to force her to do something through “I don’t want to”. If a girl refuses, for example, to eat porridge, then it is impossible to force her to do this either by persuasion or threats. She would rather stand in the corner for half an hour than go against her will.

The meaning of the name Olga for the child is favorable. The interpretation of the name in the early years is a combination of childish naivety, carelessness and playfulness with adult willpower and the ability to stand up for oneself. Growing up, Olya becomes a serious and thoughtful girl. She is fond of sports, looks after her appearance. Despite her sociability and sociability, she has few friends.

The meaning of the name Olga for a girl in school years- it is diligence, self-esteem and independence. Olya does not sit all day long over her textbooks, but she studies well and has developed erudition. In the class, she is respected and listened to her opinion. Often a girl becomes a "black sheep" in the school team because she has her own opinion and is ready to defend it, and not dutifully agree with the majority.

Adult Olya is an attractive woman with a pronounced sexuality. She is distinguished not only by feminine charm, but by wit and developed intellect.


From an early age, the girl is distinguished by amorousness and the ability to find a common language with the opposite sex. This means that if she liked a man, then she will fall in love with him, achieve reciprocity. Our heroine has been looking for a life partner for a long time. There may be several marriages in her life, especially if her first marriage was early.

At a young age, passion, feelings, romance that arise between her and her future chosen one are of great importance for her. Having matured and become more experienced, she is looking for a partner without material problems, who can make her life cloudless. Our heroine is a temperamental woman for whom the sexual component of relationships is very important.

If a man does not satisfy Olya sexually, she says goodbye to him without regret. In marriage, not only love from her husband, but also his ability to diversify their family life is of no small importance for her. Monotony and monotony in relationships have a detrimental effect on her feelings. She begins to look for entertainment and fresh emotions on the side, which eventually leads to parting with her husband.

A family

Family life for our heroine is important. This means that, being the mother of the family, she feels fulfilled, happy woman. For Olya, the family is the crown of her life, her pride. She puts her soul into children, gives them the best of what she can give. Moreover, from the moment the child appears in the family, relations with her husband go by the wayside for her. Because of this, conflicts often break out with her husband.

A woman takes great pleasure in arranging home life. Her house is a comfortable dwelling, with modern furniture and the latest technology. She is zealous about cleanliness, so her house is always clean and tidy. Relations with her husband's relatives are friendly if the family of our heroine lives separately from them.

Business and career

Our heroine has an analytical mindset and a comprehensively developed intellect. Her element is the exact sciences, which means that she will make an excellent economist, accountant, banker. Olya can become a brilliant specialist even in such seemingly masculine professions as a programmer, design engineer, designer. She will achieve great success in any profession that requires precision, thoroughness and concentration.

In the work team, a woman behaves neutrally. She does not gather a team around her and does not weave intrigues. Communicates with everyone equally friendly and adequately. In case of conflicts, she is ready to defend her opinion, and if she is wrong, she compromises and is able to admit her mistakes.

For our heroine, work is primarily earnings. Great importance for her has a material reward for her work. She will devote more time to work and work hard if she is paid a good bonus or a salary increase. A woman is not attached to one place of work for a long time. Finding more profitable terms work and earnings, she will move to a new place without regret.

Origin of the name Olga

The origin of the name Olga has Scandinavian roots. In the Scandinavian chronicle where it comes from, Helga means "holy". Also, the etymology is attributed to the ancient Slavic name Volga, which means "miracle". The history of the name indicates Olga as a derivative of the male name Oleg.

The mystery of the name is also connected with Christianity. The Holy Princess Olga, whose name is commemorated in the Saints, is the patroness of all women named Olgas.

Characteristics of the name Olga

The characteristic of the name Olga has its pros and cons. Olya's character is distinguished by sociability and friendliness. She knows how to keep up a conversation on any topic, even if she is not completely versed in it. Our heroine has good analytical skills, which helps her to understand people well. She is also characterized by gaiety, hospitality, generosity. She knows how to be a true friend and is always ready to help.

The negative traits of a woman's nature include self-interest, envy, and ambition. Olya always strives to be better than her friends in everything. The success of her friend, of course, pleases our heroine, but envy appears in her soul and she, with her characteristic ambition, seeks to “surpass” her friend. She also seeks benefits in any relationship, whether it be love, friendship or even family ties. A woman attaches great importance financial situation of your surroundings.

Mystery of the name

  • Stone: amber.
  • Name days: February 10, March 6, March 14, July 17, July 24, November 23.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign: Cancer, Virgo.

Famous people

  • Olga Kurylenko - French actress, model;
  • Olga Budina - Russian theater and film actress, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation;
  • Olga Arntgolts is a Russian theater and film actress.

Different languages

The translation of the name Olga from Scandinavian is “saint”. How is the name translated according to its meaning on Japanese: 光り (Hikari)
Consider the spelling and sounding of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages:

  • Chinese: 奥尔加 (ao-er-jia).
  • Japanese: オリガ (o-ri-ga).
  • Arabic: أولغا (tol-ha).
  • Hindi: ओल्गा (ol-ga).

Name Forms

  • Full name: Olga.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options: Olya, Olenka. Olyushka, Olka, Lyolya, Lyunya, Olyunya, Olyushka, Olyasha, Olgunya.
  • Name declension: Olga, Olga.
  • Church name in Orthodoxy: Olga.

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