Refine the table of political regimes. Political regimes

garden equipment 21.09.2019

By exercising political power, the state influences the population of the country. The nature of this impact depends on the type of political regime. What is a political regime and how to define it we will find out in this lesson.

Political regime are ways, means and methods of implementation political power state. There are democratic and non-democratic (totalitarian and authoritarian) regimes.

signs totalitarian regime

The principle of a totalitarian regime is as follows: "Everything that is not permitted by law is prohibited". The word totalitarianism in translation from Latin means general, complete. The main feature of a totalitarian regime is the complete domination of the state over all aspects of society. The question arises how such control was achieved in reality. Very simple. The fact is that the mood of mutual surveillance and denunciation was implanted in society. There was a nomenclature - numerous secret workers who encouraged denunciation. In totalitarian states, there is a single political party whose ideology becomes the official policy of the "leader" and is implanted in society. There is no opposition or it is in deep underground. The influence of the church and the intelligentsia on public consciousness. There is censorship – active power control over content and distribution printed publications, works of art and even private correspondence, if it contains information objectionable to the authorities. Thus, in a totalitarian state, any "dissent", opposition of people to power is suppressed by punitive measures and mass repressions aimed at intimidating people and suppressing their will. The totalitarian regime was established in the 1920s. XX century in Fascist Italy, in the 30s. Nazi Germany and during the reign of Stalin (1924 - 1953) in the USSR. V modern world the totalitarian regime exists in North Korea (North Korea). Why did such a brutal regime emerge? The reason for the emergence of totalitarianism in Italy, Germany and the USSR lies in the need for a rapid modernization of the economy, which could only be achieved under the full control of the state and punitive methods.

The principle of an authoritarian regime is as follows: "Everything is allowed except politics". The word authoritarianism in Latin means power, influence. There have been a lot of authoritarian states in the history of mankind. There are authoritarian regimes at the present time in the developing states of Asia, Africa, Latin America. Totalitarian and authoritarian regimes are similar in that they have a monopoly of power of one group and one party, the leader of which is recognized as the national leader. The role of parliament is reduced to a minimum. Political opposition is allowed, but strictly controlled and in the event of a threat ruling regime ruthlessly suppressed. The retention of power is ensured with the help of the army, but excessively cruel measures, as under totalitarianism, are not applied. In addition to the army, authoritarian power relies on the church. The role of traditions is great. The difference between a totalitarian and an authoritarian regime is that under totalitarianism, complete control is exercised over all spheres of the life of society, while under authoritarianism only political sphere. Citizens are granted economic rights, freedom of personal life.
There have been regimes in history that combined features of totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, for example, the Franco regime in Spain between 1936 and 1975. The signs of the regime were the dictatorship of the leader, the prohibition political parties, the lack of political rights and freedoms, the importance of the church and the support of traditions.

Signs of a democratic regime

The principle of a democratic regime is as follows: “Everything that is not prohibited by law is allowed”. The word democracy in Greek means democracy. The main difference of this regime is the control of the authorities by the society, which is ensured through the active work of the free media, the political opposition and public organizations. Other important sign democracy is division state power into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. This is necessary to prevent the monopolization of power by one body. Democracy is inherent in guaranteeing the rights and freedoms of citizens in various fields society, for example, in the political sphere - the right to elect and be elected, in the economic sphere - freedom entrepreneurial activity, v social sphere- the right to education, in the spiritual sphere - freedom of conscience and religion. An important feature is the equality of all citizens before the law. The people are the source of power, which is enshrined in the constitutions of democratic states. For example, in Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which the multinational people of the Russian Federation exercise power both directly, that is, directly, and through their representatives - elected authorities. Thus, there are two forms of democracy: direct and representative. Manifestations of direct democracy are the participation of citizens in elections, when a president or deputy is elected, and participation in a referendum, when voting is held on the most significant issues for the state and society. For example, citizens of the Russian Federation adopted the Constitution in 1993 through a referendum, according to the results of the referendum, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol joined Russia on March 16, 2014. Representative democracy is carried out by citizens not personally, but through elected representatives, for example, deputies State Duma who, when issuing laws, must proceed from the interests of their constituents.
The lesson was prepared by a teacher and tutor in social studies Abulova B.T.

Political regime(from Latin regimen; French regime - management) is way of functioning political system society that defines the character political life in the country, reflecting the level of political freedom and the attitude of authorities to the legal foundations of their activities.

The political regime usually reflects the ways of the relationship between power, society and the individual.


Russian political scientist A.L. Gromyko:

    it is advisable to distinguish between the concepts of "state regime" and "political regime"

    "If first generally characterizes methods of exercising state power, then second… there is environment and conditions of the political life of society, in other words, defined political climate, existing in this society Currently historical development» .

The characteristics of the three main types of political regimes identified in modern political science are given in tables 4 and 5.

Table 4. Political regimes: essence

and prerequisites for the formation

Mode type





a regime striving to establish total (absolute) control over all spheres of society and the individual

-systemic crisis of society (economics, politics, culture)

-marginalization of social groups

-weak civil society

-formation of the apparatus of repression

- propagandistic and manipulative activities of the authorities and the media

a regime in which there is a concentration of power in one center (leader, group, authority), striving for complete control over the political sphere, while maintaining the autonomy of society and the individual outside of politics

- the need for a strong monocentric power in the conditions of:

a) threats of disintegration of society

b) democratic transition

c) in the early stages of the formation of the political system

- oligarchization of elites

military coups, etc.


a regime based on the recognition of the people as a source of power, the most important political actor, on endowing them with a wide range of rights and freedoms

-economic and political pluralism, market, high level welfare

-developed civil society

- large middle class

-democratic traditions, activist-civil political culture

Table 5. Political regimes:

Comparative characteristics

Comparison criteria

Totalitarian regime

Democratic regime

Principles of formation and functioning of power

Monopolization of power by the only mass party merging with the state. Ideocracy

The concentration of power in one center (leader, group of persons, authority). Violation of the principle of separation of powers

Separation of powers, election of representative bodies of power (parliament, president)

Ways to select the political elite

Nomenclature (appointment from above), non-alternative "elections"


co-optation, "controlled" elections


elections (alternative, equal, secret ballot)


and methods


Strength (repression); totalitarian indoctrination and socialization, etc.

Force, coercion, manipulation, inducement

Legal (defined by laws)

State of civil society


Strong, controls power



private character,

militarization of public life, leaderism

Often: pseudo-democratic procedures: elections, parliamentary debates

The priority of citizens' rights.

Tolerance, activist political culture

Model of political management




As can be seen from the last table, the type of political regime and model political management are closely interrelated and largely mutually condition each other.

The categories of political science discussed in this lecture are most actively used in political and managerial science, creating, together with other categories (management, management theory, psychological, etc.), the conceptual "framework" of the theory of political management.

Questions and tasks

    Why is it possible to give more than one policy definition?

    Expand the content of the four most important paradigms of policy explanation. Why is the rational-critical paradigm of greatest interest to the political sciences?

    Name the most important functions of politics. What function, as the main, singled out R. Debre? Do you agree with the French thinker? Justify your answer.

    What are the main elements of the political system, according to the theory D. Easton.

    What is the meaning of the term "political institution"? Give examples of various political institutions.

    Is there a connection between the type of political regime, on the one hand, and the model and style of political governance in the country, on the other hand?


    Butenko A.P., Mironov A.V. Comparative political science in terms and concepts. Proc. allowance. M.: NOU, 1998.

    Introduction to Political Science: Dictionary-Reference / Ed. V.P. Pugachev. Moscow: Aspect Press, 1996.

    Weber M. Politics as recognition and profession // Anthology of world political thought. T. 2. M., 1997.

    Gromyko A.L. Political regimes in the modern world: comparative analysis. M., 1999.

    Zimina V.D., Borisov N.A. Political management: Textbook. M.: Ros. state humanit. un-t, 2008.

    Kozyrev G.I. Political science: Tutorial. M.: Publishing house "Forum": INFRA-M, 2010.

    Kuhn T. Structure scientific revolutions: Sat: Translated from English. / T. Kuhn. M .: AST Publishing House LLC, ZAO NPP Ermak, 2003.

    Ledyaev V.G. Power: a conceptual analysis. M., 2001.

    Sidelnikova T.T., Temnikov D.A., Sharagin I.A. Political science: comments, diagrams, aphorisms. M.: VLADOS, 1999.

    Solovyov A.I. Political science: political theory, Political Technologies: A Textbook for High Schools. Moscow: Aspect Press, 2006.

    Khalipov VF Encyclopedia of power. M., 2005.

1 In 546 BC. e. landed in the Marathonai area and soon occupied Athens, eliminating the aristocratic opposition without loss, and finally seized the tyrannical power in Athens. Peisistratus helped the peasants financially, provided income for the urban poor, pursued a protectionist policy in relation to the trade and craft strata and established a good relationship with aristocrats. Based on the increased wealth of Athens, he began to pursue an active foreign policy, the purpose of which was to spread the influence of the Athenian policy throughout Greece. Under him, a number of new cults and festivals were introduced in Athens.

Comparison criteria


1. Translation/meaning

"authoritarianism" comes from the Latin autoritas and means "power". But in order to adequately understand at least the original meaning of the word, one must turn to its ancient Greek roots: "auto" means "self", "autocracy", respectively, - "autocracy", "autocracy".

"totalitarianism" comes from the late Latin word totalis - "whole", "whole", "complete" and in relation to the form of government means "omnipotence".

The term "totalitarianism" is used not only to designate a form state government, but also in relation to relationships within certain groups of people (for example, "totalitarian sects").

2. Definition (from the old BES)

"AUTHORITARISM, anti-democratic system of political power, characteristic of the most reactionary capitalist states (for example, fascist regimes in Germany, Italy). Usually combined with elements of personal dictatorship."

TOTALITARISM, one of the forms of the authoritarian bourgeoisie. state-va (.totalitarian state-in), characterized by its complete (total) control over all spheres of life about-va. Also the direction of the bourgeois. watered, thoughts justifying statism, authoritarianism; from the 20s 20th century became official. fascist ideology. Germany and Italy. At the same time, the concept of T. was used by the bourgeois-liber. ideologists for critical fash ratings. dictatorships. Starting from the period cold war"is actively used by anti-communist propaganda in relation to socialist states, which are slanderously identified with "totalitarian" regimes and are opposed to a "democratic", "free" society.

3. Definition (from the new BES)

"AUTHORITARISM, a system of power characteristic of anti-democratic political regimes. Usually combined with personal dictatorship. To historical forms authoritarianism include Asian despotisms, tyrannical and absolutist forms of government of antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times, military-police and fascist regimes, various options totalitarianism".


1) one of the forms of the state (totalitarian state), characterized by its complete (total) control over all spheres of society, the virtual elimination of constitutional rights and freedoms, repression against the opposition and dissidents (for example, various forms totalitarianism in fascist Italy, Germany, the communist regime in the USSR, Francoism in Spain, etc. - from the end. 20s 20th c.)…

2) The direction of political thought, justifying statism, authoritarianism. From the 20s. 20th century totalitarianism became the official ideology of fascist Germany and Italy."

4. Purpose of the regime / slogan

Preservation of the existing regime, order, getting rid of the threat (imaginary or real) and changing it.

Creating a perfect society in the country, a utopian dream directed against liberal democracy. Overcoming the previous social order.


Absence of totality. ideologies

Unitary ideology

6. Mode principle

What is not related to politics is allowed

What is allowed is what is ordered by the authorities

7. Class division

Traditional, class, estate or tribal "partitions"

No division.

Turns "Classes into Masses"

8. Power structure

The state has the highest value, being the concentration of power functions. In its activity, it is subject to the set of norms fixed in the legislative codes and, in fact, carries out

managerial function.

The center of power is one party and party organs that permeate the entire state apparatus, general functions and industrial structures.

9.Shape modes

Monarchy, dictatorship.

Totalitarian, post-totalitarian.

10.Legitimacy of power



11. Separation of powers

Rejection of the real separation of powers and the balance of the branches of power with their formal recognition.

Complete disregard for the principle of separation of powers

12. Requiring power



13. Requirements for people

Obedience and professionalism

Obedience, modesty, silence.

14. The nature of power

15. The role of repression in regimes

Terror aimed at eliminating the opposition of deputies, etc. disagreeing with the regime's policies. Creation of psychological control over the state.

Systematic terror against opponents (legally and in an organized manner).

Held secret security service, which eventually tries to compete with the ruling party for power.

16. The role of the head of state

"Cult of personality" and "cult of the party"

17. The extent of the invasion of the economy

Preservation of the former social and economic structure. Managed by civilian specialists, controlled by the state.

Full control of the economic sphere

18. Population support

Lack of mass support

The masses who have lost their class divisions are completely ready to trust their leader.

19. The degree of regulation of aspects of public life

Deliberate depoliticization of the masses, poor political awareness.

Realization of the utopian ideal in all spheres of public life. Creation of a new system of values ​​and the formation of a human individual who is subordinate to collectivity.

20. Availability of information

Formal recognition of pluralism, noun-e parties that do not constitute a real opposition to the ruling party.

Complete rejection of pluralism, undivided dominance of one ruling party.

21. Media control

Partial censorship remains.

Monopoly state control

22. Attitude towards the church

loyal relationship

The church is separated from the state.

23. Attitude towards other countries

Partial closure

The desire to spread their ideology to other countries

Each state successively and gradually passes from one type of regime to another.

State (political) regimes, depending on the set of methods and means of state power, are divided into democratic and anti-democratic.

Democratic regime is a way of exercising state power, characteristic features which are: the formation of authorities by election; political pluralism, guaranteed existence of political rights and freedoms of citizens.

The concept of "democracy" means, as you know, democracy, the power of the people. However, the situation in which all the people exercised political power, yet nowhere implemented. It is rather an ideal, something that everyone should strive for.

Signs of a democratic regime:

recognition of the people as the main source of state power;

• freedom of enterprise and recognition of private property;

Real guarantee of human rights and freedoms;

· exercise of state power on the basis of the principle of separation of powers;

decentralization of state power;

a real opportunity for citizens to participate in the formation of state bodies and in monitoring their activities;

Lack of a universally binding official ideology, multi-party system, freedom of opinion and belief;

presence of legal opposition.

The types of democracy are:

1. Liberal Democratic Regime.

It exists in those countries where market relations have developed. An example is industrial the developed countries Europe and USA. Such a regime is now being established in Russia. The liberal state not only proclaims rights and freedoms, but also promotes their use. In a liberal state, there are many parties of various political orientations, including opposition ones. State bodies are formed on the basis of free elections, when each person is given the right to express his opinion regarding a particular candidate.

State power is exercised on the basis of the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. This is what reduces the possibility of abuse of power.

2. Self-democratic regime.

This is a more developed and more free mode for people. The Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway) came close to him. Main hallmarks such a regime are: the solution of many government issues by taking into account the opinion of the people expressed in referendums, in the course of polls, with the help of popular initiatives; high standard of living, humanism and morality of people.

Anti-democratic regimes.

Among the anti-democratic regimes most often called totalitarian and authoritarian.

1. Totalitarian regime.

The term "totalitarian" in Latin means "whole", "whole", "complete" was introduced into political circulation by B. Mussolini in 1925 to characterize fascist movement. Like a political regime totalitarianism is a comprehensive state control over the population, all forms and spheres of society and is based on the systematic use of violence or the threat of its use.

The totalitarian regime existed in former USSR, now - in Cuba, North Korea, Iraq. The essence of the totalitarian regime is manifested in the control of power over all aspects of human life. Not only a person's views on social order but even his personal life. And if a person's beliefs do not coincide with the attitudes of the authorities, then measures of coercion are applied to him. Recall that, for example, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was serving a sentence in Stalin's camps only because he wrote a letter to a friend from the front, where he doubted the correctness of Stalin's policy.

The leader is the center of the totalitarian system. His position is akin to the divine. He is declared the most wise and infallible, just, constantly thinking about the welfare of the people.

In a totalitarian state, a person is limited in rights and freedoms, although formally they can be proclaimed in the constitution.

Fascism is considered a form of totalitarianism. Its characteristic feature is the oppression of people on a national basis.

Signs of a totalitarian regime:

· the ideologization of all public life on the basis of an official ideology for the whole country;

intolerance to dissent;

a monopoly on information;

· suppression of human individuality, mass terror against the population;

merger of the state and party apparatus;

centralization of power (often led by a leader);

· denial of private life and private property, the dominant position of state property.

Such a regime is considered more “democratic” than a totalitarian one. Its main specificity is that the state is led by a narrow circle - ruling elite, which is headed by a leader and enjoys great privileges and benefits. Such a regime existed in the USSR during the reign of L. Brezhnev, M. Gorbachev.

Under an authoritarian regime, the authorities do not so openly violate human rights and freedoms. For example, academician Andrei Sakharov, the authorities did not dare to imprison him for his views, in particular for his condemnation of the war in Afghanistan. A. Sakharov was exiled to the city of Gorky, where he lived in an ordinary city apartment, but under the vigilant control of the KGB, without the right to leave the city.

Under authoritarianism, a parliament can exist, but it does not play any role in the state. In reality, social life is directed by the party (religious) leadership. The decisions of the central government do not take into account the opinion of the people, and therefore for their implementation it is necessary to use coercion. That is why in such a state the power of punitive organs (police, security agencies) and the army is strong.

The power of the elite is not limited by law;

· the people are removed from government and cannot control the activities of the ruling elite;

· in political life, the existence of a multi-party system is allowed, but there are really no opposition parties;

· the presence of areas free from political control - the economy and private life. It is mainly the political sphere that is subject to control;

the priority of the interests of the state over personal interests.

In addition to the above types of anti-democratic regimes, there are other types:

3. Despotic regime.

It existed, for example, in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs, in Babylon, in Assyria, in Russia under Ivan the Terrible.

In despotism, power is exercised exclusively by one person. The despot entrusts some managerial affairs to another person who enjoys special confidence in him (for example, the vizier in the East). The will of a despot is arbitrary, and sometimes autocracy borders on tyranny. The main thing in a despotic state is obedience, the fulfillment of the will of the ruler.

Under despotism, any independence, discontent, indignation and disagreement of the subject are brutally suppressed. The sanctions applied in this case stagger the imagination with their severity (hanging in the square, stoning, burning, quartering, wheeling, etc.). The authorities strive for visibility in the application of punishment in order to sow fear and ensure obedience.

A despotic regime is characterized by the utter lack of rights of its subjects.

4. Tyrannical regime.

It is based on one-man rule and is characterized by the presence of a governor. Usually, tyranny was established in the process of territorial conquest (Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, etc.), accompanied not only by physical and moral violence against people, but also by violence against the religion and customs of the people. Yes, in Ottoman Empire literally slaughtered part of the population that opposed the imposition of Islam.

The power of a tyrant is cruel. In an effort to suppress resistance and sow fear among the population, he executes not only for expressed disobedience, but also for the discovery of intent to this effect. Tyrannical power is perceived by the people as oppression, and the tyrant as an oppressor, tormentor.

5.military regime.

This is a political regime in which the head of the state is a military group (junta), which received its power as a result of a coup d'état.

Methodological development of a lesson in social studies

Grebenshchikova Veronika Vasilievna

social studies teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 302

Saint Petersburg

Topic: Forms of political regime


Educational aspect: be able to define the concepts of "political regime", "authoritarianism", "totalitarianism", "democracy"; name the main characteristics political regimes; express their attitude to the current political conditions in the Russian Federation.

Development aspect:development of communicative and informational competencies.

educational aspect: the formation of the worldview of students on the basis of humanism, freedom of choice and democratic values.

Lesson objectives:

  1. to acquaint with the forms of political regimes;
  2. develop skills in processing and structuring information;
  3. distinguish the main features of the types of political regimes; formulate own judgments and arguments, apply knowledge in solving cognitive problems, reveal with examples different types political regimes;

Lesson type: learning new material.

Used techniques, methods, teaching technologies:

Receptions: brainstorming, own support, point of view, ZHU table.

Teaching methods:verbal, practical, visual.

Technologies: TRCMCHP.

Forms of organization used cognitive activity students: frontal, training in microgroups.

Main activities in class:

- study and processing of information in tabular form

Equipment and main sources of information:

didactic material (tasks, support sheets).

TCO: Computer, multimedia projector, screen, speakers, presentation

Predicted results:


Willingness to solve problems, that is, the ability to analyze situations, set goals, plan the result of their activities and develop an algorithm for achieving it. Development of skills to adequately assess the results of each other's activities;

Information competence -the ability to use the proposed information resources for planning and implementing their activities; pick up necessary material, build oral and written statements, analyze, compare, draw conclusions; making decisions based on critically meaningful information.

Communicative competence- willingness to work in a team; engage in dialogue, publicly present the results of group activities; present the results of their work; design your product.


Know political regimes and their distinctive features;

To form the skills of converting textual information into a table;

Develop teamwork skills.

Annex 1

Competence-oriented task

Job Description

Topic: The form of the political regime

Level: 1


Information (extraction of primary information, primary processing of information), communication


Familiarize yourself with the forms of political regimes


Upon reaching the age of majority, you will have the opportunity to take an active part in the political life of the country and you can fully use this right if you know the political regimes and their features

Task formulation

Study the material, fill in the column in the table of the selected mode, prepare a presentation

The source of information

reference abstract

Check Tool

Model response

Form of political regime

Democratic regime. “Everything that is not forbidden by law is allowed.”

Democracy (from the Greek demos - people + kratos - power) is a political regime based on the recognition of the rule of law and democracy.

  • electivity - there is an election of citizens to the bodies of state power by universal, equal and direct elections;
  • opposition - a party or group that opposes the dominant party or opinion supported by the majority;
  • equality - all have equal civil and political
  • rights and freedoms, as well as guarantees for their protection;
  • pluralism - Respect for other people's opinions and ideologies, including those of the opposition, prevails, full transparency and freedom of the press from censorship are ensured;

Characteristic features of the regime:

  • Election of public authorities, their responsibility to voters.
  • The people are the source of power.
  • Separation of powers (legislative, executive, judicial).
  • Priority of law. Individual rights are enshrined in law and guaranteed.
  • political pluralism.
  • Multi-party system, legality of political opposition.
  • The media is free from censorship.
  • The actions of the army and special services are regulated and limited by law. Maintaining law and order is the function of the police and the judiciary.
  • Lack of any official ideology.

Form of political regimeis a set of ways and methods of exercising state power

Characteristic features of the regime:

  • Alienation of the people from power.
  • Strong unlimited power of the head of state.
  • The executive power is in the hands of the group, its powers are superior to legislature. The powers of Parliament are limited.
  • The political rights and freedoms of citizens are limited. The law is on the side of the state, not the individual.
  • Opposition actions are limited and sometimes impossible.
  • One-party system, other parties may be banned and prosecuted.
  • There is censorship of the media.
  • There is an official ideology.
  • Power structures not only ensure law and order, but are also punitive organs of the state.

It is interesting:

Everything else had to be “gotten” or wait for a queue, sometimes a long one.

Form of political regimeis a set of ways and methods of exercising state power

Totalitarian regime."Everything that is not ordered is prohibited."

Totalitarianism (from Italian totalitario) is a political regime characterized by comprehensive (total) control over all aspects of society.

The cult of personality is exaltation of an individual (usuallystatesman) means of propaganda , in works of culture, state documents, laws.

Characteristic features of the regime:

  • Monopoly ruling party, headed by a leader.
  • Leadership cult.
  • No separation of powers.
  • The rights and freedoms of citizens are not respected. Laws protect only the state.
  • Complete subordination of society and the individual to power, regulation of the behavior of citizens.
  • There is no legal political opposition.
  • The existence of only one ruling party.
  • Strict censorship of the media, the government's monopoly on information.
  • Special services, in addition to law enforcement, perform punitive functions. The presence of a repressive apparatus.
  • There is only the official state ideology.

It is interesting:

Totalitarianism took place in our country during the period of political power Soviet type more precisely, during the years of mass repressions. At that time, wide sections of the population were involved in a campaign of total surveillance of the private lives of their employees, neighbors, and even family members. Numerous public meetings were held with the condemnation of "enemies of the people." Many people sincerely participated in these actions.

Annex 2

Lesson topic: _______________________________________________

ZHU table

Characteristics of political regimes

The main characteristics of the mode



The relationship between people and government

The role of the leader

Party system

Opposition actions


The role of law enforcement agencies

Annex 3

  1. What is this passage about?
  2. In what form does the king do this?
  3. What is the function of the king in the state?
  4. Can Fedot disobey? Why?
  5. Could Fedot have been asked differently?

Appendix 4

Political jokes

Three workers went to jail. They ask each other who sat down for what. The first one says:
- I was always ten minutes late for work - they accused me of sabotage.
- I always came to work ten minutes earlier - they accused me of espionage, - says the second.
- And I always came on time - they accused me of having an imported watch, - a third complains.

The customer enters the bakery:
- You don't have milk?
- You are mistaken. We have a bakery - we have no bread. And there is no milk - in the dairy, across the road.

An American and a Russian argued. American: I can go out in the middle of the square with a sign "Down with the American President!" - and nothing terrible will happen to me, they won’t arrest me! English: And I can go out in the middle of the square with a sign "Down with the American President!" - and nothing bad will happen to me either, they won’t arrest me either!

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