Preparations for the winter from peppers are the most recipes. Preserving sweet peppers for the winter - the best recipes

Engineering systems 18.10.2019
Engineering systems

Since February, the pepper marathon begins: and nurture it like a little child, plant it in the ground, protect it from the cold, find a suitable neighborhood, shade, water, fertilize, expel adversity and so on. And now, finally, the harvest is received, but what a plentiful one! How now to dispose of this wealth, so that everything useful that is contained in is enough for everyone and for a long time? Or maybe at the end of the summer you bought a bag of this juicy and tasty just in order to prepare it for the winter and now you regret your thriftiness, puzzling over how to process it.

There are a lot of options, pepper preparations for the winter are very popular, and the technologies for their preparation are diverse and easy to perform at home.

Harvesting pepper for the winter: how to freeze a vegetable

The fresh vegetable is stored in suitable conditions until late autumn, but its stocks soon run out, and it is very pleasant to feast on pepper in the winter. Freezing is a great way to prepare it. Properly frozen peppers do not lose their vitamins and can be stored until the next season without changing the taste and useful composition.

Important! Peppers, as, indeed, and other fruits, it is desirable to harvest during their mass appearance, when they are as saturated as possible with useful substances.

Products are frozen for the purpose of their long-term storage without significant loss of nutrients.
People have been using this method for a long time, especially those living in places where the winter is long and cold. However, information about the long-term storage of products with the help of ice came from ancient rome. In Russia, products were stored in special glacier cellars, which were supplied with ice and snow at the end of winter.

Peppers can be consumed thawed, but it should be borne in mind that the water that is part of its cells, after turning into ice and subsequent defrosting, changes the structure of the vegetable, and it ceases to be crisp and elastic. During heat treatment, this feature does not matter.

Peppers are frozen for stuffing, adding to vegetable soups and stew, for cooking scrambled eggs with vegetables, eggplant caviar and other dishes that, thanks to freezing, it has become possible to cook all year round.

Important! Peppers need to be prepared for freezing in such a way that at the right time it is easy to get it out of the freezer and send it to the pan or pan, bypassing the defrosting process.

For freezing, ripe fresh fruits are selected, not rumpled, without signs of spoilage or rot. The shorter the time between removing the pepper from the bush and freezing it, the more vitamins it will retain for you. Ideally, if the plucked pepper is immediately processed. In any case, it's best to get it processed as quickly as possible.
Selected peppers are washed and dried with a paper or cloth towel. After that, it should be cleaned and cut. It is no longer necessary to wash it, the seeds are shaken out of the middle, and not washed out, so as not to saturate the raw material with unnecessary moisture, which will turn into frost after freezing. There are different ways to clean peppers, and they depend on the purpose for which it is harvested.
  • If you need to freeze it for stuffing, you should make an incision around the circumference below the “shoulders” with a knife, remove the seed box, shake out the seeds and use your fingers to remove the partitions. After that, put the pods one into the other in the manner of glasses in the amount that you need for a single preparation of the dish. If you use the method in which boll is pressed inward, and then removed by the tail, it will be impossible to put the fruits into each other, and the hollow fruits frozen individually will take up a lot of space in the freezer.

Important! Always freeze everything in portions so that you can use the entire contents of one package at a time. Re-freezing is strongly discouraged. All raw materials should not be stored in one common package: when part of the contents is removed, the rest will be depressurized, while part of the useful substances will be lost and the shelf life will be reduced.

  • For borscht and soups, stews and other dishes, peppers are frozen in pieces that you are used to using for their preparation: slices, rings, half rings, quarter rings, cubes, thinner or thicker. It is convenient to clean the pod for subsequent cutting in the following way: cut the whole unpeeled pepper lengthwise into two halves, select the contents with your fingers and, after tapping the half several times, shake out the stuck seeds.
  • If you have not yet decided which dishes you will cook and how you want to cut the raw materials for them, you can freeze it in halves. They are nested "troughs" in each other, compact in storage, and they are easy to cut even when frozen. True, there is a risk of breaking such fragments when cutting, but this is easily avoided if you hold them at room temperature for a couple of minutes. The cleaning method is the same as above.

Peppers prepared in the right way are laid out on a tray, suitable in size for placing in the freezer, and placed in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. During this time, unnecessary condensate will evaporate, and the raw material will be ready for freezing. After removing the towel, the tray is placed in the freezer. If your freezer has the “intensive freezing” function, it is advisable to use it: the faster the product freezes, the more vitamins it will retain.

After 2-3 days, the tray is removed and the product is very quickly packaged in portions, releasing or pumping out all the air from the bags. Packages are labeled (contents, date, weight, desired use - whatever information you need), because it can be difficult to determine what it is from the appearance of a frozen product and remember when it was sent to the freezer.

We offer several recipes for frozen sweet peppers for the winter:

Quickly put minced meat into frozen peppers, holding them with a glove or towel so as not to damage the skin of the hands, put in a saucepan, pour tomato juice or sauce with sautéed onions and carrots, tomato paste and water and simmer until tender.
  • Preparation for vegetable stew or soup with pepper and tomatoes
Take 1 kilogram, and 200 g. Cut the pepper into half rings, onions and tomatoes into cubes, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the parsley. Stir the mass, arrange in portions in sealed bags and, giving a compact shape, freeze. Use the mixture as a dressing for soup, vegetable stew, meat dishes, adding it at the end of cooking directly in the frozen form. After waiting for defrosting, boil for 3 minutes and turn off the heat.
  • Fried eggs with vegetables "Summer"
On a mixture of sunflower and butter, pass the onion, cut into half rings, add a handful of frozen peppers, fry them together until the moisture evaporates and the vegetables brown (if any, you can add frozen tomatoes, with which you should stew the vegetables), salt and pepper to taste, pour the eggs on top of the mass and fry over low heat until cooked. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with chopped.


Drying is the removal of liquid from the mass of a substance for the purpose of its long-term storage.

Dried peppers, or paprika, are convenient in every way: they retain vitamins, have an excellent aroma, are compact in storage, add piquancy to any dish and enrich its taste and color.

Did you know? Drying is the oldest way of preparing food for the future, the history of which is impossible to trace due to the fact that written sources appeared quite recently in comparison with it. It is a widely known fact that some animals, obeying instinct, prepare food for themselves in this way in order to be able to spend the winter without starving, or simply eat a treat later.

Dry the vegetable in the air and with household appliances: electric dryer, electric or gas oven. You can do it in the oven, but this method has now become exotic.
Washed and dried fruits are cleaned and rid of seeds by any convenient way, cut lengthwise into 4 parts and cut into thin transverse strips. Scatter the prepared raw materials on pallets or baking sheets in which it will undergo drying.

  • Air drying peppers. Place a container with raw materials in a shady place where direct Sun rays, and cover it with fly gauze. From time to time, the mass must be stirred for uniform drying. At night, trays should be brought into the house. In summer, when the air temperature reaches 30 degrees and above, the pepper is dried in 3 days, on warm autumn days it may take a week. The drying time depends to a large extent on the size of the slices.
  • Drying peppers in an electric dryer. Spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200binto the trays in an even layer, set the 50-degree mode, bring to the desired state, allow to cool with the device turned off. This takes approximately 12 to 24 hours.
  • Drying peppers in the oven. The chopped raw materials are laid out with a layer of no more than 1 centimeter on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. The baking sheet is placed in the included oven, temperature regime- 50 degrees. The door must be ajar for the free evaporation of the liquid. If the oven is equipped with a convection mode, it should be used. Stir the mass several times in 2 hours with a spoon or spatula, turn it off after 2 hours and let it cool with the door open. After complete cooling, after mixing the mass, repeat the steps. Process until completely dry. The whole procedure can take 2-3 days.

Important! If the paprika is well dried, its slices break easily, losing elasticity.

The finished product in the form of slices or in the form of a powder obtained by grinding in a blender is stored in sealed jars in a dark place.

Air-dried paprika is pre-calcined in an oven heated to 100 degrees, which is turned off immediately after the tray is placed in it and cools down along with the product. Application of dried pepper

Almost every hot dish with the addition of dried peppers will benefit. In collaboration with other vegetables, it works great, emphasizing their taste and bringing original notes. Stews, sauces, meat, fish, first courses will sparkle with shades of taste and be enriched with vitamins and other useful substances, while sausages, cheeses and marinades will acquire a unique range of flavors, as well as a beautiful shade.

Did you know? Ground paprika can be used as an additive to bread dough or seasoning, alone or in combination with other dried vegetables and herbs.

Pairs well with paprika.
  • spicy pepper.
No dried peppers long time subjected to heat treatment so that it does not lose its valuable qualities. Thus, dishes prepared in winter enriched with such a vitamin and flavoring additive will remind you of summer and support you during beriberi.


Marinating is a method of food preservation, where the preservative is acid in combination with salt, which inhibit the development of microorganisms. Sugar, vegetable oil, are often added to marinades.

However, the concentration of acid that is acceptable for food consumption is not a long-term obstacle to the development of bacteria, mold and fungi, therefore, if the product is not supposed to be consumed in the near future, it is subjected to subsequent pasteurization or storage at low temperatures close to zero.
Pickled peppers are a great appetizer and addition to salads for the winter. It is marinated as an independent product and as an ingredient in assorted vegetables.

People engaged in harvesting most often use proven family recipes and share their experience on how to pickle other vegetables for the winter.

Pickled Pepper Recipes:

Pickled peppers in tomato

For the marinade you will need:

  • 2 liters of tomato juice mixed with 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar;
  • 1 glass of sunflower oil.

For this amount of marinade, you need 3 kilograms of washed and cleaned thick-walled bell pepper.
Pour some of the prepared marinade into a deep frying pan or stewpan, bring to a boil, dip a few peppers into it, cover and simmer until they become soft and the skin begins to peel off them.

Put the finished peppers in clean, dry jars, roll up with sterile lids, turn upside down, wrap and let cool. Top up the marinade as needed for each subsequent batch of vegetables.

You can store such preservation at room temperature.

Pickled peppers with vegetables

Put the washed and chopped peppers in 3-liter jars, pour boiling water for 15 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan, boil and pour again for 15 minutes.

In the water drained for the second time, add 2 tablespoons of salt, sugar and vinegar, as well as spices to taste: hot, black peas or allspice, Bay leaf etc.
Boiled marinade with spices for the third time, pour the jar with the contents to the very top, so that it flows out a little, cover with a sterile lid and roll up. Turn the jar upside down, wrap and leave to cool.

This recipe is good because you can add any other vegetables for a vegetable platter to a jar of peppers:

  • garlic;
Another way to prepare pickled peppers is through pasteurization. The vegetables laid in a jar are poured with marinade and pasteurized liter jar 40 minutes, three-liter - 60.


One of the ways to preserve food is salting. A high concentration of salt prevents the development of microorganisms that poison products with their toxins, leading to their deterioration and unsuitability for consumption.
Salt leads to rapid dehydration of the product, the released fermented moisture adds to salt, an already powerful preservative, also lactic acid, which is formed, although in a smaller amount than with sourdough, but in tandem with salt, it perfectly preserves products.

Did you know? In ancient times, salt was mined very hard and was expensive, hence the superstition that spilled salt leads to a quarrel. Then it really was a cause for contention. Nevertheless, for winter preparations, even the poorest households tried to get at least a little salt.

The fruit of any degree of maturity is suitable for the salting process. It usually needs to be cleaned, although there are recipes that do not require cleaning. Peppers are salted with herbs, spices, spices, but salt in a fairly large amount remains an indispensable ingredient.

To prevent mold from appearing on the surface, mustard powder is sprinkled on it or the liquid is “corked” with an airtight oil layer.

Salted peppers, harvested for the winter, before being eaten, are well washed and soaked to remove excess salt.

For salting pepper, grate the prepared fruits cut into two halves with salt, put the skin down in a container, tamp, put oppression. When the juice stands out, transfer it to a jar along with the juice, if it does not cover the halves, add brine (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water), press around from the cut out plastic lid and jar of water, keep for 2 weeks in a cool place. Cover with a paper lid and store in the refrigerator or cellar.

How to ferment pepper

Fermentation is a method of preservation, in which the juice released with the help of salt as a result of the fermentation of lactobacilli with the sugar contained in the product releases lactic acid, which preserves the product.

Important! Many sources write that fermentation and salting are one and the same technology. This is not true. Indeed, in both cases, salt is present, which “expels” the liquid, and it ferments, producing lactic acid. Only when salting, the main preservative is salt, and when fermenting, lactic acid. The difference between the preservation methods is in their ratio.

Fermented foods do not need soaking and taste sour, while salted ones are too salty to eat and need pre-treatment.

Harvesting pepper for the winter using sourdough technology is simple, it is not difficult to find recipes and ways to preserve it. Here, for example, is one of them.
Dry the pods at room temperature for a couple of days, spreading them out on a table or windowsill. Wash and chop the pods before cooking. After laying the fruits prepared in this way, sprinkle them with chopped garlic and herbs and pour cold 5% salt solution. After drowning the peppers and putting oppression on them, leave for 3-4 days of fermentation at room temperature.

Important! At the end of fermentation, the vegetable should remain crispy, albeit somewhat changed in structure.

After draining the brine and letting it drain, put the pods tightly in jars washed with soda, tamping and draining the brine that stands out.

Ways to preserve pickled peppers:

  • 10-minute sterilization of jars without (!) brine and hermetic sealing;
  • pouring freshly prepared hot brine of the same concentration and seaming;
  • pouring with freshly prepared cold brine of the same concentration, capping with a polyethylene cap and storing in a cold place.

There are many recipes for preparations with this vegetable, and all of them deserve to be given their due, since these recipes are family-owned, passed from hand to hand, tested and loved many times. Below are some of them.

Did you know? Sometimes the brine can become viscous, this is because the microflora living on the surface of the vegetable takes part in the fermentation process. The viscosity of the brine is caused by a special stick.

Salad with pepper and rice "Ministerial"
  1. Boil 1 liter vegetable oil, fry in it for 10 minutes 1 kilogram of onion, cut into rings.
  2. Add 1 kilogram of grated carrots to the onion, simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Attach to the mass 4 kilograms of tomatoes, cut into 4 parts, simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Introduce 1 kilogram of pepper cut into slices, simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Put in a mass of 2 cups of dry raw rice, 0.5 cups of sugar, 2 tablespoons of salt.
  6. Simmer everything together until the rice is fully cooked, it will take about half an hour.
  7. Without turning off the fire, apply hot salad into clean, dry jars and roll up.
  8. Wrap the jars turned upside down with a blanket, cool completely.

This salad is exceptionally tasty, satisfying and prepared without the addition of vinegar: preservation occurs due to the acid contained in. Salad "Ministerial", cold or heated, can successfully replace the side dish.
Pepper salad with vegetables "Lecho"

  1. Prepare a marinade from 1.5 liters of tomato juice, 1 cup of sunflower oil, 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 cup of sugar and ¾ cup of vinegar, boil.
  2. Dip into the gravy alternately and simmer for 15 minutes: 1 kilogram, grated on a coarse grater, 1 kilogram, cut into rings, 5 kilograms of pepper, each pod is cut into 6-8 parts.

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Each housewife at the end of summer and at the beginning of autumn is going to make preparations from pepper for the winter. After all, canned bell pepper is insanely delicious, and incredibly healthy!

Pepper blanks for the winter can be very diverse, this is a popular lecho, pepper caviar, a variety of salads, peppers with honey, peppers stuffed with vegetables.

In general, pepper is a versatile vegetable, and bell pepper for the winter can be prepared in a variety of ways, depending on your taste preferences.

Read also:

I bring to your attention proven recipes for pepper blanks from the notebook of my mother and grandmother. I spied some ways on how to prepare bell peppers for the winter from my friends and former work colleagues. If you have your favorite and proven pepper blanks for the winter - write in the comments, or in the Home Restaurant group on the VKontakte social network!

Velvet lecho without vinegar and oil

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Baked peppers for the winter "for gourmets"

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Bulgarian pepper for the winter in Armenian

This recipe was shared with me by a friend: she knows what I love delicious preservation, and if it is also simply done - even more so. The recipe for bell pepper for the winter in Armenian is just like this: with a minimum of time, with a minimum of hassle in processing the ingredients, you get an excellent snack for the winter: moderately spicy, appetizing, fragrant and tasty. Recipe with photo see

Bell pepper caviar

Bulgarian pepper caviar, previously baked in the oven, is incredibly tasty and fragrant. I prepare this preservation every year, it always ends faster than the rest. From the indicated amount of products, 3 half-liter jars are obtained, so feel free to increase the portion several times. See the recipe with photos.

Bulgarian pepper salad for the winter with carrots

I love simple preservation very much - when the ingredients are available, and the cooking process itself is quite easy, but in the end it turns out tasty and very appetizing. The recipe for bell pepper salad for the winter with carrots, which I want to tell you about, is just that. It is really a pleasure to cook it - without sterilization, simply and quickly. Recipe with photo see

Peppers stuffed with cabbage for the winter

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Snack of bell pepper for the winter with a pear

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Bulgarian lecho: a classic of conservation!

How to cook real Bulgarian lecho, you can see .

Pepper salad for the winter "In the apple!"

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Lecho from bell pepper for the winter "Lick your fingers"

Lick your fingers pepper lecho - delicious and very fragrant preservation, just like the sun in a jar. In our family, lecho is simply adored and eaten together with tomato sauce, it's very tasty. Therefore, we usually close lecho for the winter according to this recipe in large batches, so that there is enough for the whole winter. See recipe with photo.

Pepper in oil for the winter "Harmony"

Do you like classic pepper blanks for the winter? Then this recipe is sure to please! Highly delicious recipe pepper in oil for the winter. Preserving bell peppers for the winter will not take you much time, it is done quickly and not troublesome. I recommend with all my heart! Recipe.

Bell pepper lecho with beans

You can see how to cook bell pepper lecho with beans.

Sweet peppers for the winter can be rolled into jars, or you can cook in small portions and serve immediately as an appetizer. In the recipe, the proportion is just for several servings. Increase the proportion for blanks.

Preparation description:

Sweet pepper for the winter should be prepared from ripe juicy fruits. Tomato paste can be replaced with ripe juicy mashed tomatoes. Banks are sterilized in boiling water for 10 minutes half-liter, liter - 25 minutes. Sweet peppers for the winter can be made spicy by adding chili peppers or hot peppers. Sweet pepper for the winter goes well with meat and can be included in a complex side dish. Good luck with your cooking!


  • Sweet pepper - 1 Kilogram
  • Red onion - 3 pieces
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 Art. the spoon
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt, pepper - 1 to taste

Servings: 8

  1. Onion cut into half rings.
  2. Wash peppers, remove seeds.
  3. Pepper cut into equal pieces.
  4. Pour the onion into the heated oil, fry for 2 minutes, add the pepper and fry for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Add water, tomato paste, spices and simmer vegetables for 20 minutes. At the end add vinegar.

Serve the finished pepper cold with herbs or roll it into sterilized jars hot and boil the jars.

Pepper blanks for the winter - the best recipes

Pepper blanks for the winter, the recipes of which are passed down from generation to generation in every family, are considered the simplest and “budget” type of preservation. Therefore, with the onset of September, when the price of this delicious and healthy vegetable becomes “penny”, the housewives try to prepare pepper as much as possible for future use, so that in winter they don’t think about what to serve to the table.

Preparations for the winter from bell pepper: recipes with photos

From sweet pepper for the winter, you can cook a lot of interesting and tasty twists, as this vegetable is considered one of the most versatile among its “bed counterparts”. Lecho, filled with original assorted marinades, is far from full list recipes delicious preparations from pepper for the winter, which can be prepared in a matter of minutes.

"Spicy" Pickled Peppers

This recipe for harvesting sweet peppers for the winter will be an excellent alternative. A vegetable prepared in this way can be served not only as a salad, but also as an addition to the main vegetable dishes, sauces and original sandwiches.

Pickled Pepper Recipe for the Winter

For 2.5 kg of pepper you will need:

  • 250 ml of vinegar 6% and rast. oils
  • 150 g liquid honey
  • black pepper, bay leaf, cloves
  • 1 head of garlic
  • cinnamon (1 tsp) and salt

Cooking: wash the pepper and cut lengthwise into 4 parts (can be smaller). Boil marinade from rast. oil, vinegar, honey, spices and a tablespoon of salt. Put the chopped pepper into the boiling mixture and boil for 5 minutes over low heat. Transfer the peppers to jars and pour over the boiling marinade. For long-term storage, jars are recommended to be sterilized for 15 minutes.

Vegetable pilaf "Breakfast of a tourist"

This recipe for harvesting peppers for the winter will become a lifesaver in the arsenal of every housewife. Such a hearty twist is not only a tasty and healthy side dish for a meat dish, but also a real salvation for a “hungry” family when there is sorely not enough time for cooking.

For 2 kg of pepper:

  • tomatoes (1.5-2 kg)
  • carrots and onions (0.5 kg each)
  • 2 cups rast. butter (maybe less)
  • 2 tbsp. rice
  • glass of sugar
  • 4 tbsp salt

Cooking: Boil rice in salted water until tender. Cut vegetables into cubes and put in one pan, pour vegetable oil and add spices. In the meantime, fry the onion and put it to the vegetables, simmer the mixture for 10 minutes, add the rice and boil for another 10 minutes over low heat. Arrange pilaf from sweet pepper from a jar, sterilize for 15 minutes.

Adjika "Lick your fingers"

This recipe for harvesting sweet peppers for the winter is the most the simplest option twists from this vegetable. Adjika from pepper turns out to be moderately spicy, but incredibly juicy and fragrant, so even the most demanding gourmets will like it.

Pepper adjika recipe

For 1 kg of sweet pepper:

  • 250 g chili pepper
  • 1 head of garlic (or more)
  • 4 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 50 ml 9% vinegar

Cooking: grind all the ingredients for adjika from pepper through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Bring the vegetable mixture to a boil and simmer for 3 minutes. Then add salt and sugar to adjika, boil for another 3 minutes. At the last stage, add vinegar to the vegetable mixture, boil for 3 minutes, pour into jars and roll up.

Hot pickled pepper "Men's joy"

Hot pepper blanks for the winter, whose recipes are especially loved by men, practically do not differ from sweet pepper spins. This spicy vegetable can also be pickled, salted and twisted into adjika.

hot pepper recipe for the winter

Marinade for 1.5 kg of hot pepper:

  • water 1000 ml
  • ½ cup rast. oils
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt and sugar
  • 30 ml of vinegar (one tablespoon per 0.5-liter jar)
  • cloves and a few sprigs of mint

Cooking: Pepper whole pods put in jars, add cloves and mint, pour boiling water. After 10 minutes, drain the water and boil the marinade from it, adding oil, sugar and salt. Add vinegar to jars with peppers, pour over the resulting marinade and roll up.

Note: Pepper recipes for the winter do not always involve pickling and heat treatment. Sweet pepper can also be frozen and in winter this vegetable will always be at hand fresh for cooking any dishes. Freezing peppers is easy and simple - cut vegetables into strips, put in airtight bags and send to freezer with dry freeze.

Pickled peppers are known not only for their palatability, but also options for subsequent use in winter, not only as cold appetizer. This vegetable is pickled whole, cut into strips or halves. The inside and seeds can be removed, but can be left. A delicious and special appetizer will diversify the winter table and add a pleasant touch of variety to the daily menu.

Pickled peppers are known not only for their taste, but also for their subsequent use in winter.

Pickled peppers: a simple recipe for the winter

There are recipes that allow you to cook pickled peppers quickly, without unnecessary hassle and time.

For fast food pickled sweet vegetable you will need:

  • half a kilogram of the main ingredient;
  • a small spoonful of citric acid.

Peppers for this preparation should be taken juicy and ripe, without spoiled barrels and with intact integrity.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the vegetables, remove the stalk and seeds inside. Preservation of the fruit is carefully preserved, so the seeds are removed carefully.
  2. Peppers are carefully placed in a container previously washed and heated over steam, filling to the top.
  3. Pour the vegetable in a jar with boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Drain the liquid and bring to a boil again.
  5. Pour the contents of the containers, enter citric acid and roll up immediately.

Canned simple peppers are used in winter to fill with minced meat or mushrooms, as well as simply cut into thin strips in a salad.

Pickled Peppers: Grandma Emma's Recipe (video)

Quick Pickled Pepper Recipe

Quick pickling of a Bulgarian vegetable can be done by cutting it into halves or quarters.

Also read: How to salt cauliflower: TOP-5 simple recipes

To quickly pickle juicy peppers for the winter, you will need the components of the recipe:

  • 4 kilograms of the main ingredient;
  • 200 grams of vinegar;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • 40 grams of salt;
  • spices according to preference.

You don’t have to worry about the safety of such pepper in the marinade.

In order to quickly pickle a vegetable for a winter snack, follow the sequence:

  1. The vegetable is washed, the insides are removed and the stalk area is cut off, chopped into halves or quarters, depending on the size of the vegetable.
  2. The components of the marinade are introduced into a liter of liquid, a liter of oil is added there and sent to the fire. Boil for 5 minutes, add vinegar at the end.
  3. Immediately after this, the prepared halves are laid and boiled for 7 minutes after boiling.
  4. Slices are transferred to clean and thoroughly steamed containers, trying not to lay the vegetable tightly. Pour in boiling brine and close immediately.

You don’t have to worry about the safety of such pepper in the marinade: it survives the winter well in any conditions.

Bulgarian pepper marinated with butter

Canning sweet aromatic peppers with garlic and oil will not seem difficult even for young and novice housewives.

The main products for such a snack are:

  • one and a half kilograms of vegetables;
  • Chile;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • 20 grams of rock salt;
  • 75 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 75 grams of vinegar.

The finished dish has a special pleasant aftertaste and a slightly spicy aroma.

Preservation of aromatic peppers begins with the preparation of containers: they are thoroughly washed and steamed for several minutes.

How to cook:

  1. The main ingredient is cleaned, the seeds and stalk are removed and crushed into cubes. The peeled garlic is crushed, and the chili is cut into rings.
  2. Salt, sugar, oil and the remaining ingredients are added to 350 grams of liquid. Stir and send to the fire, bring to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.
  3. Vegetable cubes and vinegar are introduced into the boiling brine, boiled for 10 minutes.
  4. The vegetable is transferred to sterile containers, poured with hot brine and immediately rolled up.

The finished dish has a special pleasant aftertaste and a slightly spicy aroma. It is served at the table as a cold appetizer, as an ingredient in salad dishes or as an addition to hot dishes.

Roasted Pickled Peppers

Bulgarian pepper pickled with whole fruits is considered a delicious snack. Everyone will like its unforgettable taste, besides, this dish turns out to be satisfying.

Also read: Most delicious salads for the winter: TOP-5 recipes

Salting is prepared from the following products:

  • kilogram of the main ingredient;
  • half a glass of vinegar;
  • 30 grams of salt;
  • 10 garlic cloves;
  • 70 grams of refined oil.

Such an appetizer can be closed without sterilization

An appetizer is being prepared with a phased observance of the actions:

  1. Peppers are thoroughly washed, dried with a paper towel together with the stalk.
  2. Fry whole fruits on both sides in oil until soft.
  3. Salt is mixed with vinegar, each pepper is dipped in this mixture and immediately placed in sterile containers, sprinkled with chopped garlic.
  4. A couple of tablespoons of refined oil are added to each container and immediately rolled up.

Such an appetizer can be closed without sterilization, it will keep well during the long winter. It is sent for storage in a pantry or cellar; this preservation will withstand the winter even at room temperature.

Preserving Sweet Peppers Without Sterilization

You can make pepper without sterilization in the filling in a different recipe. In this case, the vegetable is pickled in small long "boats", it is especially tasty as a cold appetizer.

For preparation you will need:

  • kilogram of pepper;
  • 100 grams of refined oil;
  • 100 grams of vinegar;
  • 90 grams of sugar.

The dish cooks quickly

The sequence of preparation of pickled snacks:

  1. Vegetables are thoroughly washed, cleaned of the stalk and seeds. Cut into quarters.
  2. Pour oil, vinegar and sugar into a clean container, mix well, bring to a boil.
  3. Lay the quarters and slices in the marinade, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Quarters are placed in pre-sterilized containers, lightly pricking each with a fork.
  5. Filled jars are poured with boiling brine and immediately closed with lids.

To New Year's table such "boats" will become an indispensable addition. Their aesthetic and elegant appearance will also allow them to be used to decorate other dishes.

Sweet snack vegetable

Salty and at the same time sweet pickled vegetable causes surprise and bewilderment among guests, as its taste is unusual and refined.

Also read: Bulgarian pepper for the winter: simple and tasty recipes

In order to make a snack for the winter, stock up on ingredients:

  • 3 kilograms of pepper;
  • a glass of apple cider vinegar;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • 40 grams of salt.

Prepare a gourmet snack in compliance with the sequence of actions:

  1. Vegetables are thoroughly washed, dried with a paper towel, without violating the integrity of the fruit and preserving the stalks.
  2. Blanch whole fruits in boiling water for three minutes, then remove with a slotted spoon and allow excess liquid to drain.
  3. The fruits are placed in sterile containers.
  4. Salt, sugar, oil are added to the liquid in which the peppers were boiled, mixed and brought to a boil. Enter vinegar.
  5. Vegetables in jars are poured with hot brine, covered with lids and sent to be sterilized in a water bath for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Roll up and let cool naturally.

You can also prepare a sweet marinade with honey, it will add a special aroma and taste to the finished dish. After opening, the jar should be kept refrigerated to avoid damage to the finished product.

Pickled hot peppers (video)

You can pickle peppers for the winter in different ways: someone prefers salted vegetables, someone likes sweet and sour. The available variations allow you to satisfy the taste preferences of even the most sophisticated gourmets, and the finished dish will diversify the winter table, add vitamins and remind you of a warm summer.

Delicious and fragrant pickled sweet bell peppers are a great choice for harvesting for the winter. Try with butter, garlic, spices.

Today I propose to make delicious bell pepper marinated in instant pieces.

the preparation is good in itself as a cold pickled appetizer, but its huge plus is that there are no extra ingredients and we marinate without sterilization, which means that everything will take a minimum of time. Therefore, if you have a lot of pepper, but little time, then I suggest trying to roll sweet bell pepper in the marinade for the winter. A simple, step-by-step recipe with photos at your service. Let's try to prepare pickled peppers for the winter ?!

  • sweet pepper - 3 kilograms;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon with a slide;
  • vinegar 6% - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 1 glass;
  • peppercorns;
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces;
  • water - 1 liter.

To begin with, we need to wash the pepper well and peel it from the seeds inside and cut into pieces according to the height of the fruit. Slices can be of any width. What size pieces I made can be seen in the photo.

Of course, you can not cut, roll up the whole peppers, but it is more convenient to work with small slices. Try to close it this way and that, and then decide which is more convenient for you.

Now we take a larger pan, pour water into it. You need to add everything for the marinade to the water, that is, salt, sugar, vinegar, vegetable oil, bay leaf, peppercorns.

While the marinade is boiling, you need to think about sterilizing the jars.

If there are not many of them, then I usually process them in the microwave. As for me, it is fast and convenient, no extra pots or kettles. Just fill a clean jar of water, about halfway, and put in the microwave for 10 minutes at maximum power.

The marinade boiled. We take about ⅓ of our pepper and put it in the marinade. You need to boil for 3-5 minutes and that's it.

We tightly put the processed pepper in a jar and pour the marinade up to the shoulders. We carry out this procedure until the pepper or marinade runs out.

Filled jars just need to be rolled up with clean lids and wrapped until cool. Store such a workpiece in a cool place.

Recipe 2: pickled sweet peppers for the winter

Highly good recipe! Delicious marinated in winter Bell pepper will become both an appetizer and a component of a vegetable or meat stew, and a side dish for meat or fish. In a word, there would be pepper - but there is a use for it.

  • 3 kg pepper

for the marinade:

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt
  • 1 cup quality vegetable oil
  • 1 cup 3% table vinegar (or a third of a cup 9%)
  • 1-1.2 liters of water
  • 3-4 peas of allspice
  • 4-5 black peppercorns
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • 2-3 cloves (optional)

We will prepare the jars and lids in advance. Clean and dry, they stand next to the stove. We put water for the marinade on the burner, add all its components.

We thoroughly wash the sweet peppers - it is better to take red and orange or yellow ones for pickling - we divide each in half, free from the stalks and seeds.

Depending on the size, cut into 4-6-8 pieces or just straws.

We arm ourselves with a slotted spoon, dip the pepper slices in portions into the boiling marinade, blanch (cook) for 1-2 minutes and lay it tightly! immediately to the banks. We cover the jar with a lid after each serving and, of course, when it is full.

We taste the marinade, perhaps we need to add salt. Do not forget to take out the bay leaf and cloves, peppercorns. Pour the peppers in jars with boiling marinade and immediately roll up. Flip over and let cool. Sweet peppers prepared in this way have a long shelf life. 3 kg of sweet pepper is about 3 liter jars or 4 jars of 750-800 ml each.

Recipe 3: how to pickle sweet peppers for the winter (with photo)

Pickled sweet peppers for the winter are a very light and tasty vegetable snack that can easily complement any menu. Those people who have to diligently monitor their figure will be especially happy with such pepper. The thing is that the dish we offer is low-fat and low-calorie. Well, for lovers of baked meat, pickled vegetables with garlic will generally be a joy, in addition to such pepper, even the driest meat will turn out to be incredibly juicy and appetizing. Also, using this preservation, it is very easy to cook delicious quick salad with cabbage and butter, which can be easily served even at the festive table.

To make the appetizer we offer more vivid and colorful, we recommend pickling sweet peppers of several colors at once. Even if you use only red and green peppers, the workpiece will still come out very beautiful and attractive in appearance. However, for contrast, it does not hurt to use yellow pepper as well!

Using this simple recipe with step by step photos, you can preserve whole peppers at home. You can also supplement it with cucumbers, onions, or other suitable vegetables. The main thing is that you can prepare all these blanks for the winter without sterilization, which often takes a lot of time!

So, let's start cooking!

  • sweet bell pepper - 1 kg
  • water - 200 ml
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 80 ml
  • sugar - 80 gr
  • honey - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • salt - ½ tbsp.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • bay leaf - to taste
  • black peppercorns - to taste

First of all, stock up on the freshest and highest quality sweet peppers. Advice! To make the pepper snack not only tasty, but also very attractive in appearance, we recommend using several colors of pepper for its preparation.

Prepare all spices, as well as water, vinegar, vegetable oil and honey. Note! honey in this case it is advisable to use only bee honey, since it is such honey that has really useful healing properties.

Now combine all the previously prepared ingredients in one container so that you can make delicious marinade. In the resulting mixture, do not forget to add the garlic squeezed through the press.

Next, bring the marinade to a boil, then place the chopped sweet pepper in it. Boil vegetables for ten minutes, stirring constantly. At first, it may seem to you that there is not enough marinade for so many vegetables, but this is only at first. During the cooking process, the pepper will give its own juice, which, believe me, will be enough for such a volume of pepper.

It is not necessary to boil the pepper until softened, even after cooking it should remain dense and elastic. Arrange the semi-prepared pepper in sterile jars, then fill it with hot marinade. Close the filled jars tightly with lids and place upside down in a convenient place to cool. Do not forget to cover the preservation with a warm blanket.

Delicious pickled sweet peppers with honey are ready for the winter. You can store it in any suitable place.

Recipe 4: pickled sweet peppers with butter and garlic

Bulgarian pepper marinated in oil with garlic and herbs will be the best addition to any dinner in winter period. Well, how can you do without pickled vegetables in cold weather! For example, I always want to uncork a delicious marinated preparation as a side dish for meat or fish, which will please not only my taste, but also the summer aroma.

For today's preparation, we will use sweet bell peppers of different colors. It is better to choose a different color so that the pepper looks more elegant in a jar. How can you resist when the workpiece smells just magical, and the color of the pepper is pleasing to the eye. I love bell peppers not only fresh, but also pickled, so in the summer market I immediately buy a couple of extra pounds so that when I get home I can roll them into jars.

  • 1 kg sweet bell pepper,
  • 1 bunch dill,
  • 2 heads of garlic
  • 150 grams of vegetable oil,
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar,
  • 150 grams of vinegar,
  • 1 tables. l. salt.

I wash my bell pepper, I clean it so that in winter the seeds do not interfere with the meal. I cut the prepared peppers into slices.

I boil water and put bell peppers in boiling water. You can blanch in boiling water for 3-4 minutes or turn off the heat and let the peppers lie in hot water 7-8 minutes. With such procedures, the pepper will become softer and it will be easier to put it in canning jars.

Peel all the garlic and cut the cloves into thin slices.

Chop the dill with a knife. fresh greens Pairs perfectly with pepper.

Put a piece of pepper in a jar so that all colors alternate.

Also put garlic and dill between the peppers. A colorful and at the same time tasty mosaic will learn, so to speak. Fill the jar to the top, alternating all the vegetables.

Boil the butter with sugar and salt, then pour in the vinegar and remove from heat.

Pour hot marinade over bell peppers in jars. So we blanched the pepper, then it is not necessary to sterilize the workpiece additionally.

Immediately roll up and let the jars cool under a warm blanket.

Recipe 5: pickled peppers with garlic for the winter

Sweet, juicy and very fragrant pickled peppers with garlic for the winter, cooked according to simple recipe, will be the best snack in your family menu. Rolled in slices, it retains its shape and at the same time it is quite soft. Spicy twist looks very appetizing, due to the fact that the colors remain bright and saturated. This conservation is not only complete snack, but can also be used as an additive in borscht or vegetable stews, and a few slices placed on a layer of pizza will give it an original taste.

  • 5 kg sweet peppers
  • 3 heads of garlic
  • 1 st. vinegar,
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
  • 1 st. granulated sugar,
  • 1 st. water,
  • 3 tbsp salt,
  • a few peas of black and allspice.

To make sweet peppers with garlic in oil look beautiful and bright on the table in winter, we choose vegetables for canning different colors. We wash the peppers and remove the tails, as if pushing them inside. Then they are easily removed, and immediately with the core. But, in order to completely clean out adhering seeds, cut in two and rinse under the tap. Then we divide the halves into several more parts to make slices.

We clean the garlic from the husk. Large cloves can be cut into pieces. Pour some water into a saucepan. As soon as it boils, add peppers and blanch for 3-4 minutes. Then we take out the vegetables and leave to cool on a plate.

AT enamelware mix all other ingredients except peppercorns - this will be the marinade. Bring to a boil. Dip peppers in it for 3-5 minutes.

Then we catch them with a regular spoon or slotted spoon. Then add the garlic to the marinade. And let it boil for about 3 minutes. It may seem that the liquid is uneven - this is due to the combination of water and oil, layers are formed.

Now we catch 2-3 cloves of garlic and put them on the bottom of a sterilized jar.

We fill the rest of the space with slices of vegetables, making sure that peppers of different colors get into one jar.

Pour still hot marinade, slightly turning the jar so that the liquid gets into all the gaps. Sweet peppers in oil with garlic are rolled up for the winter with a key or screwed with special lids.

To increase the cooling time, wrap the preservation with a blanket or wrap it in a towel.

Tips: hot marinade can crack glass. To prevent this from happening, between the table and the bottom of the jar, we put the blade of the knife.

Bon appetit.

Recipe 6: pickled sweet peppers with honey (step by step)

When it comes to bell pepper, I can't resist it. I eat it fresh and canned. Preserving this vegetable is a thankful task; in preparations, it reveals its aroma even more. Sweet peppers marinated with honey for the winter is one of my favorite recipes.

If not everyone can buy fresh peppers in winter because of the high price, then stocking up on canned peppers for the season is affordable for everyone. True, you will have to make some efforts, but how tasty such a multi-colored bright blank is!

I always take sweet peppers in different shades: from yellow to red. Thus, the workpiece will look bright and attract attention.

  • sweet bell pepper - 500 g
  • honey (forbs) - 100 g
  • sunflower oil - 100 g
  • table vinegar 9% - 50 g
  • coarse table salt - 20 g
  • granulated sugar - 10 g
  • water - 700 g.

I cut the pepper into halves and quarters so that it is convenient to put it in jars.

I cook the marinade from water with the addition of salt, granulated sugar. After boiling, keep on low heat for no more than 3-4 minutes.

Then I pour sunflower oil into the marinade.

I put in the pepper slices and start blanching. It lasts 5-7 minutes. The peppers are softer on the top and still crispy and juicy on the inside.

I take out the pieces of vegetable from the marinade and carefully transfer them to glass, sterilized jars.

The remaining liquid is used for pouring pepper. I also add vinegar to the jar.

I do not forget about the place for honey, which I pour into the jar at the very last turn.

I put the workpiece to sterilize for 15 minutes. Initially, the water in the dishes should be warm so that the glass jar does not react to the temperature difference and does not burst.

I close the finished workpiece tightly with lids.

I put the cooled jars in the pantry, where they will stand all winter. At any suitable moment, I open it and enjoy the taste and smell of wonderful peppers.

Recipe 7, step by step: Bulgarian pepper with honey and vinegar

Bright and colorful bell peppers make a great appetizer or vegetable salad before serving the main course or as an addition to it. 15 minutes will be enough for you to prepare this fragrant aperitif, the smell of which will spread throughout the house and will call all your relatives to the table. However, in addition to color and aroma, the bell pepper appetizer also has an unforgettable sweet taste, which is given to it by fragrant honey. That is why pickled bell peppers with instant honey are so popular!

  • 4-5 bell peppers of different colors
  • 3-4 bay leaves
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp honey
  • 1 tsp 9% vinegar
  • 1 -1.5 st. l. vegetable oil
  • greens to taste

We clean the bell pepper by cutting off the cap with the tail and cutting out the seeds inside the pepper. Let's wash it in water. Cut each peeled pepper into wide ribbons and put them in a bowl. By the way, for pickling, be sure to choose fleshy varieties of this vegetable - they are more fragrant.

Move the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpepper to a saucepan or pan and pour hot water. Add salt and bay leaves. Place the container on the stove and bring its contents to a boil. Boil the pepper strips for 10 minutes.

At this time, prepare the honey dressing. Grind the washed parsley or dill in a bowl. Add honey, vinegar and vegetable oil. Thoroughly grind so that the honey is completely dissolved in the dressing.

With a slotted spoon, remove the boiled pepper strips from the pan and transfer to a container. We will also add the prepared dressing there. Gently mix everything together and let cool for 5 minutes. This time is quite enough for the sliced ​​​​pepper to absorb the honey aroma and wrap itself in the dressing.

Marinated Bell Peppers with Instant Honey Serve immediately while still warm. But even when cold, such an appetizer is unusually tasty, it can be prepared in advance and stored for about a day in the cold.

Recipe 8: pickled sweet bell pepper

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 100 grams
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 100 grams
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 grams
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Hot pepper (optional) - 2 pieces

Wash two kilograms of bell pepper, remove the stalks and seeds and cut each pepper into 4-6 parts.

Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, bring to a boil, add 100 grams of sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of salt, 100 grams of 9% vinegar and 100 grams of vegetable oil. Lay half of the prepared pepper. If desired, you can add 1-2 hot peppers. Bring to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes.

We shift the pepper from the marinade into a 3-liter jar. Put the remaining pepper in the marinade, cook for 3-5 minutes, add to the jar.

Pour the remaining marinade, let cool and put in the refrigerator. After 2-3 days, ready-made pickled peppers can be served with fresh bread, as an appetizer for meat or fish.

A tasty and healthy vegetable is used to prepare many dishes. There are several ways to prepare bell peppers for the winter fresh or after heat treatment. Depending on the method chosen, it can be stored at home for 2-24 months. Many types of preparations greatly simplify the process of cooking, as they are almost ready-made semi-finished products or full meals.

How to save bell pepper for the winter

Depending on the type of fruit processing, a vegetable can be harvested in several ways. You need to choose the right one, taking into account the dishes that you plan to cook in the winter. The most common ways:

  • fresh in the cellar;
  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • fermentation;
  • conservation.

Fresh bell pepper blanks are used for cooking in the usual way. If the fruits were previously frozen, then for fresh vegetable salads they need to be thawed, and for cooking hot dishes in 15 minutes. until the rest of the ingredients are ready, add to a saucepan or frying pan. The dried vegetable is used as a spice.

Storage of canned sweet peppers is 6-24 months depending on the recipe (salted or pickled) and conditions.


Most often, this method is used to keep the product fresh. Wash the fruits, remove the core with seeds, cut into cubes, straws, slices, half rings, rings. It is common to freeze peeled whole heads, they can be pre-blanched for 30 seconds. in boiling water to make them less brittle. You can cook a stuffed semi-finished product, which will only be stewed.

Baked sweet peppers are frozen for the winter, used for cooking salads and hot dishes. For vegetables, it is advisable to use special containers with lids or zip bags for freezing. Storage conditions from -8 to -20 °C.


salted pepper for the winter is prepared by cold and hot methods. In the first case, a fermented product with a short shelf life is obtained, in the second, after sterilization, the jars can be stored longer in winter (up to 6 months). After some time, fermentation occurs as a result of the formation of lactic acid. Optimal conditions storage -1…+4 °C, relative humidity 85-95%. You can salt pepper for the winter with the addition of spices, herbs and other vegetables.


Preservation for the winter by the preservation method is the longest, the product is good for 24 months. A pickled vegetable differs from a salted one in that the recipe contains acetic acid. The rest of the set of ingredients may be identical. Refined vegetable oil is used, coarse rock salt. A container is a sterilized jar closed by seaming.

With pickling, you can make vegetable salads completely ready for use. Recommended storage temperature +0…-25 °C, humidity up to 75%. Rolled jars should be placed on the lids upside down, wrapped in a blanket. You can transfer to storage after cooling, after waiting 2-3 days.

How to salt bell pepper

Before conservation, it is important to properly prepare the product. Rinse the fruits thoroughly, cut off the stalk, clean from seeds and partitions. When using a whole pepper, it is required to pierce several times with a toothpick. To speed up the salting process, bell peppers can be cut into pieces.

From spices and spices, the addition of lavrushka, black pepper and sweet peas, green sprigs of parsley, celery, dill umbrellas is practiced.

Dissolve 80 g of coarse rock salt in 1 liter of boiled water; fine, iodized salt cannot be used for preservation. Transfer the fruits to a pre-prepared container, sprinkle with spices, pour with chilled saline. Cover with gauze on top, put oppression. Salt for 10-12 days at room temperature, store the finished product at +3…-8°C.

For the winter, it is recommended to cook salted bell peppers in rolled jars. Blanch fruits for 2 minutes. Spices can be anything. Salt solution is prepared in a proportion of 2 tbsp. l. salt per 1 liter of water. Put the spices on the bottom of the sterilized container, compact the vegetable mass tightly. Pour in brine, wrap the neck with gauze, leave warm for 2-3 weeks. Store salted bell peppers in the refrigerator.



  • spicy pepper - 1-2 kg;
  • dill - 4 umbrellas;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 5 l.

Cooking technology:

  1. This variety is something between a spicy and sweet look, gives piquancy to dishes. Wash the pods, pierce several times with a fork.
  2. Put the spices on the bottom of the sterilized container, then the main vegetable, pour the salt solution.
  3. Set oppression, put in the room until yellowing.
  4. For seaming for the winter, remove the spicy pepper from the brine, distribute it in sterilized jars. You can prepare a fresh saline solution, pour it over the pods or leave it as it is.
  5. Sterilize for an additional 10 minutes, cover with lids, put in the refrigerator.

The best pickling recipes

The most delicious and long-stored product is canned with 9% vinegar (table, apple, wine). There are many recipes for cooking, the fruits are used raw, blanched, fried, baked. Rolls are stored for a long time, so it is important to follow all the rules of preparation so that the product remains safe for health. You can cook for the winter only green pepper or color. A vegetable that has reached biological maturity is softer and more fleshy, which should be taken into account when choosing a recipe.

You can preserve it whole, stuffed or cut into strips, rings, half rings, slices. Banks must be sterilized, tightly rolled up, storage conditions should be as recommended. If the lid is damaged, use the product immediately, since an unhermetically sealed canned vegetable cannot be stored.

Marinating is often used to prepare salads from tomato and sweet pepper, lecho, adjika, eggplant, vegetable mixtures.

in Armenian

Main components:

  • reddish peppers - 5 kg;
  • garlic - 250 g;
  • celery sprigs - 1 bunch;
  • parsley (optional) - 1 bunch;
  • water - 1 l;
  • vinegar - 0.5 l;
  • oil - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • lavrushka - 8 leaves;
  • allspice and black pepper - 20 peas each.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. For the Armenian pepper for the winter, stuff the fruits with herbs and garlic. This is not necessary, it is enough to cut into halves, lay layers with spices. Pre-peel the garlic, disassemble into teeth, cut large ones. Chop the greens with a knife by 3-5 cm.
  2. Pour vinegar and refined oil into a container with a diameter sufficient for 8 fruits, add spices, salt, sugar, water. Boil quickly, then reduce the heat, put the prepared vegetable in one layer, blanch in the solution for 2-3 minutes. It is impossible to digest, it should only become more flexible, not soft. Remove from the solution, put in a bowl, cover with a lid.
  3. Sterilize the jars in a wide saucepan with water, while hot, spread greens with garlic and a vegetable over them in layers. In this case, the lower and upper layers are spices. If the main ingredient was not cut, but stuffed with stuffing, then simply fold.

Try to leave fewer voids so that there is enough filling. If necessary, you can add a small amount of boiling water to each jar. Filled containers are sterilized again.

Remove spice peas from the marinade with a spoon, distribute in jars. Remove bay leaf and discard. Boil the marinade, pour peppers to the brim with them. Lay out prepared lids. Sterilize for 12-14 minutes, starting with boiling water in a large container. Banks to get, roll up traditional way. In this case, it is not necessary to wrap, it is enough to put it upside down until it cools.



  • pepper - 10 pcs.;
  • oil - grease the pan;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. For fried bell peppers for the winter, wash the fruits, dry them, fry them whole in oil with the stalks.
  2. Mix crushed garlic, vinegar, sugar and salt.
  3. Transfer the vegetable to a sterilized jar with a fork, tamp.
  4. Drizzle with garlic dressing, roll up prepared lid.

baked peppers


  • pepper - 1 kg;
  • oil - 50 ml;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • parsley - 2 branches;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • a mixture of peppers - 0.5 tsp.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. For baking, take washed specimens with stalks. Line a baking sheet with foil, put fruits in 1 layer, put in the oven at +200 ° C for 30 minutes, turn over to the other side approximately in the middle of the process. After baking, wrap in foil, cover with a bowl for 10 minutes to steam.
  2. Mix finely chopped garlic and parsley, oil, vinegar, salt. Expand the vegetables, let cool slightly, peel, core and seeds. Drain the juice that stands out into a bowl with garlic dressing. Cut the pulp into strips.
  3. To prepare baked peppers for the winter, you need to put hot spice on the bottom of sterilized jars, then prepared pulp, add filling. Sterilize, cover, roll up. If you plan to serve it to the table in the near future, then the last manipulation is not needed, it is enough to cover with a soft lid and refrigerate for a day.

in tomato


  • pepper - 4 kg;
  • tomato juice- 3 l;
  • acetic acid - 9 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 pcs.;
  • oil - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. l.

The sequence of actions:

  1. To roll pepper in tomato sauce for the winter, wash the fruits, cut out the middle with seeds, cut into large slices.
  2. Boil the juice, add salt, sugar, acid, mix thoroughly.
  3. Boil, add crushed garlic, pieces of vegetable.
  4. Pour into jars, roll up in the standard way.

in Georgian


  • pepper - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hops-suneli, ground pepper - to taste.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. For the winter, Georgian pepper is prepared from fruits cut into 4-6 parts.
  2. Mix them with chopped garlic and parsley, salt, sugar, butter, spices. Postpone for 1 hour.
  3. Put on fire, boil, cover with a lid, boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Pour in the vinegar, turn off the stove. Arrange in jars, roll up as usual.

In oil


  • pepper - 0.9 kg;
  • vinegar - 165 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • oil grows. - 165 ml;
  • water - 350 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel the fruits, cut into 2-4 parts.
  2. Boil water, sugar, salt and butter together. Introduce vinegar and cutting, cover with a lid.
  3. When it begins to boil, reduce the intensity of heating, cook for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. To prepare pepper in oil for the winter, gently put the vegetable in a jar (1 l), pour hot solution over it, roll it up.

With honey


  • pepper - 1 kg;
  • natural honey - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • vinegar - 80 ml;
  • oil - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • allspice and black pepper with peas - 5 pcs.;
  • water - 200 ml.

Cooking technology:

  1. For seaming pepper with honey for the winter, peel the main product, cut into strips.
  2. Chop the garlic cloves.
  3. Mix everything except the main ingredient, boil.
  4. Add fruits, cook until half cooked.
  5. Arrange in two 0.5 l sterilized jars, roll up.

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