Pros and cons of an electric and gas oven. Pros and cons of gas and electric built-in ovens

Garden equipment 11.07.2020
Garden equipment

When setting up a kitchen space, it is especially important to choose an oven. Its model determines how quickly food is prepared and whether the process is safe. The external factor is also important: the oven should ideally blend into the interior of the kitchen.

Electric ovens have long won their customers a lot of advantages: they take up little space in the kitchen, look compact, and cook any dish quickly and tasty.

There are these types of electric ovens:

  1. Depending on the connection to the hob - dependent and independent.
  2. From the functional "filling" - multifunctional and low-functional.
  3. Based on the price category - more expensive and cheaper.

Hob-dependent models are called built-in models. They have the main advantage - they significantly save space in the kitchen.

Independent ovens can only be afforded by those chefs who have a spacious kitchen.

If you really want to choose just such a model, and there is not much space, then you should opt for a mini - oven.

The cost depends on how many functions the oven can perform.

Types of gas ovens

Gas ovens will save on electricity consumption, have the same arsenal of functions and do not require special operating skills.

Gas ovens are hob-dependent and stand-alone. The first models are mounted under the worktop. Their minus is that in the event of a surface breakdown, the oven will not be able to function autonomously.

Stand-alone models have one significant advantage - they can be installed anywhere without focusing on the location of the hob. If suddenly it fails, then this type of oven will allow you to quickly cook and reheat food.

You can purchase a gas oven immediately together with a gas oven. It is rational if the kitchen has a place to arrange it. This technique is easily connected to a single backbone network and does not bring unpleasant surprises during operation.

There are also these types of gas ovens:

  1. Depending on the type of air circulation: convection and non-convection.
  2. Depending on the functions performed: multifunctional and simple.
  3. Subject to availability of additional features.

By the type of ventilation, gas ovens are simple - those in which hot air moves naturally.

But buyers are often interested in convection gas ovens, which have a special fan. As a result, the air heats up and is distributed evenly throughout the oven.

Multifunctional gas ovens can be transformed into a microwave oven and replace a lot of kitchen appliances. Such options will cost more, but thanks to their high functionality, they justify the investment.

Additional functions of a gas oven are those that will be a good help to the hostess, but you can do without them if you wish. These include:;

  • auto-ignition - will allow you to quickly light the oven;
  • cold door function. The child will not burn his hand if he touches the door;
  • the presence of built-in filters - this additional function will eliminate all odors inside the camera and will not let them "escape" into the room. This is especially true in the studio kitchen;
  • timer - will not let the dish burn if the cook misses the cooking time;
  • grill;
  • gas control - the function ensures that the gas does not go out. If this happens, the oven switches off automatically.

Electric oven: pros and cons

An electric oven has pros and cons. But most often it is acquired by culinary specialists because of the large list of advantages.

These include:

  1. Even distribution of warm air. The heating elements are also located on the sides. Thanks to this feature, food will cook faster.
  2. The temperature can be set exactly. This is rarely the case for a gas oven.
  3. A wide variety of programs due to a more accurate temperature setting and absolute compliance with the set parameters.

The electric oven has few disadvantages. The main requirement is to have good wiring so that it can withstand the load. It is best if it is reinforced.

This leads to another drawback - an impressive electricity bill. Taking into account the fact that the prices for utilities are only growing every year, this may cause dissatisfaction with such equipment.

What is convection in an electric oven?

When choosing an electric oven, buyers pay attention to the presence of convection. This function will provide air circulation thanks to the built-in fan.

This feature will allow you to make sure that the dish does not burn. Convection cooking is significantly more efficient.

Convection does not need to be turned on every time the oven is used. The cases are considered optimal when you need:

  • get a crispy crust;
  • eliminate too much juice in food;
  • cook a large piece of meat or pie.

In order to fully understand what convection is in an electric oven, several types of it should be distinguished:

  1. With a simple fan - it drives air depending on the volume of the food to be baked.
  2. Based on a fan with an additional heating circuit, which will allow you to cook food many times faster.
  3. Moist convection - thanks to this function, the air is saturated with steam, which allows baked goods to "rise" faster, the meat will not dry out, and you can also cook steam dishes.
  4. With a reinforced fan.

Oven electric glass ceramics

The electric glass-ceramic oven attracts buyers not only by its aesthetic appearance. Such models have optimal thermal conductivity and allow you to easily adjust the cooking temperature.

Safety is another plus of such an oven. In addition, this model has the following advantages:

  • thanks to the surface, the oven is easy to clean;
  • modern and stylish design;
  • the oven heats up quickly and reacts to all the manipulations of the hostess.

Glass ceramics obliges the culinary specialist to deliberately serve such equipment. It is necessary to wash the surface with special means, to exclude scratching sponges. The surface is exposed to external factors, therefore it is necessary to carefully operate such an oven.

Electric self-cleaning oven: pros and cons

Increasingly, the electric oven is equipped with a self-cleaning function. It spares the owner's efforts and time.

The electric self-cleaning oven has pros and cons. The advantages include the cleaning algorithm itself: the oven heats up to a high temperature and turns dirt into ash.

During this process, you need to perform several manipulations:

  • give access to fresh air, leave the room;
  • the rack, baking sheets and dishes from the oven must be removed and washed separately;
  • after the cleaning process, leave the oven to "rest".

The disadvantages of this process include the fact that the user will still have to make an effort. After finishing cleaning, you need to collect the ash and wipe the surface. Another disadvantage is the duration of the procedure. Self-cleaning will take at least 2 - 3 hours.

How to choose an electric oven, what to look for?

To understand how to choose an electric oven and what to look for, you first need to decide what functions are important to a cook.

If the technique will be used often, then you should buy options with a variety of useful functions. You should also think about the future, perhaps someday the owner will use the oven more often.

You also need to pay attention to the format of the oven. If it is built-in, then measurements must be taken in advance.

A few more parameters that need to be analyzed:

  • cleaning type;
  • brand and manufacturer;
  • recommended service life;
  • guarantee period;
  • design.

The best built-in electric ovens

Everyone can independently conclude which are the best built-in electric ovens on the market. But based on the statistics of purchases and purchasing activity, you can make a rating of the best models.

Indesit has been delighting customers with high-quality ovens for a long time. They are distinguished by a long service life, high quality components and attractive design.

Bosch will surprise you with a large selection of functions, various types of cleaning and the presence of convection. This brand with a worldwide reputation, which is famous for the high quality of technology.

Built-in electric ovens from Hotpoint-Ariston are also distinguished by high technology, interesting design and a minimum number of breakdowns.

Best tabletop electric ovens

Best tabletop electric ovens:

  1. Miele - high quality technology with high performance and parameters.
  2. Siemens is the guru of electric ovens. This manufacturer has an impressive experience in the production of tabletop ovens.
  3. Beko - such electric models have a wide range of various functions, they are easy to transport and maintain.

Rating of gas stoves with an electric oven

Buyers often want to combine a gas stove and an electric oven. This tandem is considered one of the best. Therefore, it will be rational to find out the rating of gas stoves with an electric oven.

In the first place - BoscGD 74h H5255. This model has several heating modes, an impressive oven volume (66 l) and a modern design.

Gorenje KC 5355 XV takes second place. It has 11 heating modes, smooth door closing, dynamic cooling and an oven volume of 70 liters.

Gefest 5102 - 03 0023 also deserves to be ranked among the best. The model has an optimal price, convection, spit and electric ignition.

Gas oven: pros and cons

Such an oven is much more familiar to most chefs. It is easy to use, all functions are clear and easily accessible. Despite this, a gas oven has not only advantages but also disadvantages.

Such models are much more economical because gas has a lower cost than electricity.

This is the best option if the electrical wiring in the house is weak. Also, such models break much less often.

The disadvantages include slow heating and limited functions. Sometimes in such models there is not even convection.

Good gas stove with gas oven rating

If a culinary specialist wants to cook on a gas stove with a gas oven, then he should take a closer look:

  1. Gorenje GI 52339 - has full gas - control, auto ignition, strong grates, convection and grill. Minus - the handles are too hot - the regulators during the operation of the oven.
  2. Gefest 6100 - 04 - it is characterized by high safety and many important functions.
  3. Ardesia D 667 - has a cast iron grate, gas control, electric ignition, convection.

Built-in gas ovens, which are better, reviews

If you go to the official Bosch website, you can read a variety of customer reviews. Most of them are positive.

How to clean a gas oven

There are many ways to clean your gas oven. All of them have a common feature - the owner will have to spend time and considerable effort on this.

chemical cleaning

There are many products available for cleaning gas ovens. The algorithm of actions is simple: you need to apply the product to the walls of the oven (it is better to do this with gloves), wait for the time and gently rinse with a damp sponge.

It is better to cover the fan before the procedure, and preheat the oven. Then the dirt will be washed off better.

natural way

If you don't want to use harmful chemicals, you can make a solution from natural ingredients. Mix baking soda, vinegar, grated laundry soap, citric acid and ammonia.

Wash the surface thoroughly.

cleaning with an abrasive scrubber

This method is very effective, but you need to handle the washcloth carefully. It can scratch the surface.

Gas oven with cleaning function: pros and cons

A gas oven with a cleaning function can significantly simplify the life of the hostess. The algorithm of action is very simple: you need to select the desired function and wait for the specified time.

Minus - the owner of such a model will have to remove dirt on their own by wiping the surface after cleaning. These options are more expensive, which can also be a disadvantage.

Types of oven cleaning

Accumulated fat on the walls of the oven can negatively affect the service life of the equipment. It will be very difficult to manually clean an impressive layer of such dirt. This is where the cleaning system comes in handy.

There are different types of oven cleaning. There are three of them:

  • due to pyrolysis;
  • catalysis;
  • hydrolysis.

Cleaning with pyrolysis means getting rid of contaminants during the cooking process. This is a big plus because you don't have to spend resources on a separate session. The procedure does not take much time and is easy to perform. You just need to enable the desired function on the panel.

Pyrolysis removes fat using high temperatures. But this consumes a lot of electricity.

Hydrolysis - cleaning with water. A little liquid is poured onto a baking sheet. It is sent to the oven and the cleaning function is activated.

Which type of cleaning is best?

Pyrolysis is considered the most effective. It is as effective as possible, but it has some drawbacks. The main one is the significant consumption of electricity. The oven can also heat up so much that it will ruin the adjacent kitchen furniture.

Ovens with a hydrolysis function will be more economical. Their cost will also please, but the owner will have to modify the system behind the system and remove some contamination manually.

Catalysis effectively copes with the task due to the fact that there are special catalysts in the enamel that covers the inside of the oven. They significantly speed up the cleaning process. But the problem is that not all oven walls are covered with such enamel.

Which oven to choose: gas or electric?

To answer the question of which oven to choose (gas or electric), you need to build on the needs of its user.

If the culinary specialist expects to use it often, then it is rational to take the gas model. This way you can save thousands on electricity.

Electric models have more functionality and modern design. This is important for the younger generation.

If the oven is purchased for an old school person, you can stop at the gas modification. It has a simpler control and it will not be difficult to understand its work.

Electric ovens are usually more expensive. This trend is associated with the presence of a variety of functions and modern technologies. It is these models that perform the function of a microwave oven, have self-cleaning and a lot of bonuses.

Choosing an oven is not an easy task. Knowledge of the distinctive features of each type, customer reviews and video reviews of the most popular models will help to facilitate it.

Gas stoves and ovens are still popular today, despite the fact that many manufacturers produce a huge number of electric and induction models. Gas ovens have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Gas oven device

Passing through the highways, natural gas enters the apartment through special pipes. If the shut-off valve is open, then the gas passes through the pipes of the stove and oven.

Old models of gas ovens are very simple. Along the side walls of the cabinet there are 2 pipes forming the burner. Gas enters this burner. For the safe operation of these models of ovens, an open lower gate and precise observance of the gaps between the walls of the oven and the walls of the kitchen or furniture are required.

Modern gas ovens are more complex, but more safely... They have a round shaped burner and gas monitoring system... Many modern ovens are equipped with an electric ignition, a grill and a convection system (blowing). The doors have up to 3 layers of glass to reduce heat loss.

Pros of gas ovens

Gas models of ovens have the following advantages:

  • Price... First of all, gas devices have a price several times lower than electric and induction ones. At the same time, the cost of different models of gas ovens also differs - from 10 to 50 thousand rubles, so everyone can choose a model, depending on their budget.
  • Lower cost of housing and communal services... Gas prices are lower than electricity prices, so it is cheaper to operate a gas oven. Many summer residents specifically install gas stoves in the house, despite the fact that the house is equipped with electricity to make it cheaper.
  • Possibility of separate installation... Like electric ovens, gas ovens can also be installed separately from the hob - at body level, so that it is more convenient to open and close the door. However, few manufacturers produce independent models of gas ovens, so the choice is limited.
  • Lack of multiple modes and ease of use... For some, this will turn out to be a minus, but for those who rarely use the oven and are not very well versed in technology, this is a huge plus. Using this model is very simple - light the burner, set the desired temperature and that's it. And in electrical models, you need to set the desired cooking mode, etc.
  • Work regardless of electricity... If the electricity in the house is cut off, it will still be possible to cook food. But there is also a nuance - if the stove is equipped with an electric ignition, then when the electricity is turned off, it will need to be ignited manually, with a match.
  • Longer service life... Gas ovens and stoves can last more than 30 years without breaking. Therefore, many elderly people still have stoves from the last century installed in their apartments.


  • Uneven heating... Due to the fact that the burner in gas ovens is located at the bottom, the cabinet does not warm up evenly. Therefore, the food below can burn, and the top may not be baked yet.
  • Impossible to install in modern homes... In new, multi-storey buildings, only electric or induction hobs and ovens can be installed, since the houses are not connected to gas mains.
  • Danger of gas leaks... No one is immune from this, but fortunately, this rarely happens. In addition, many modern models of gas ovens are equipped with a gas sensor that shuts off the gas supply if the burner is not lit.
  • No automatic timer... Unlike electric ovens, gas ovens do not have a timer and do not turn off automatically. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the cooking process in order to prevent a fire.
  • High pollution... Gas with various impurities can enter the apartment, which settle on the walls of the oven and pollute it.
  • The need to install a hood... In a kitchen with a gas oven, an extractor hood must be installed so as not to be poisoned by carbon monoxide. The device also cleans the room from vapors and impurities.

To make the oven last longer, you need to know how to use it correctly:

  1. When the appliance is in operation, only a baking sheet or baking dish may be in the appliance. The rest of the utensils that many housewives like to put there should not be for safety reasons.
  2. Before starting cooking, it is necessary to determine the level at which the dishes with food will be placed. You cannot move the baking sheet from level to level while the cabinet is in operation. You also need to set the heating temperature in advance.
  3. The oven must be preheated for 7-10 minutes. Most cooking recipes require food to be placed in an oven that is already heated, but there are some that require placing in a cold oven.
  4. Do not open the oven door too often during cooking. This will cause heat to escape and the cooking process will increase.

To determine to what temperature the oven has heated up, you need to sprinkle a baking sheet with a small amount of flour and place it in the oven:

  1. If the flour very quickly became ruddy, then the temperature about 220-230 degrees.
  2. Golden flour - temperature no more than 180 degrees.
  3. If the flour does not change color for a long time, the temperature about 100 degrees.

It is better to place the dishes on a medium baking sheet - so that the dish is baked evenly from above and below. If you want to get a golden brown crust, then shortly before the end of cooking, you need to raise the dish to the upper level.

The gas oven is durable, economical and easy to use. It is ideal for summer cottages and old apartments, it is also worth choosing it if the electrical wiring in the apartment is weak. But if you plan to often use the oven and cook various interesting dishes, then it is better to purchase an electric model, since it has more functions and capabilities.

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The oven is the most demanded device for preparing and cooking food. The modern market provides a fairly diverse selection of ovens: whether they are powered by gas or have the ability to connect to the electrical network. However, the latter is gaining high popularity, despite the noticeable power consumption. Many people ask the question: tabletop or built-in kitchen set? In this article, we will take a closer look at the desktop oven.

The electric desktop oven is a convenient and mobile device for cooking.

Pros and cons

Main advantages:

  • Large selection of control modes.
  • Self-cleaning function based on steam.
  • Sound signals, thermostats can also take place, especially when it comes to modern models.
  • Uniform heating of food (convection).
  • Fits perfectly into the overall interior of the kitchen.
  • The convenience of use. The oven can be placed at any height, depending on preference.
  • The presence of minor useful functions.

Main disadvantages:

  • Uneconomic operation associated with a sufficiently high power consumption.
  • The quality of the power supply wiring must be of a high standard.

Criterias of choice

When choosing an oven, you should focus on certain points. The sizes of the dishes used, in order to give preference to a more mobile option, if necessary. You should also take into account such a nuance as the composition of the family and the estimated budget.

An important point! when choosing a cabinet, you should count the number of devices powered by electrical energy. An overload in operation can lead to a short circuit and the subsequent shutdown of the entire network in the apartment.

For many people, the appearance of the cabinet also plays an important role, so that it fits harmoniously into the interior of the kitchen. It is worth paying attention to usability.

The device with many different buttons, displays and panels attracts attention, promises full automation in cooking. However, it may not be very convenient and understandable for everyday use. This should also include cabinets that are too bulky for a small kitchen.

The main criteria are primarily:

  • Safe use.
  • Convenience in everyday use.
  • Harmonious combination with the interior of the kitchen.
  • The presence of additional "smart" functions.

Modes and functions

The electric oven is divided into classic, with a standard program and simple instructions, and multifunctional models. One of the important points that you should pay attention to when purchasing an oven is its functionality. Below are the main functions and modes of operation:

  • If a person is a lover of meat with a fried, crispy crust, the grill function will come in handy. By design, it has the shape of a small spiral and turns on in a few minutes.
  • Convection. This function makes it possible to uniformly heat the atmosphere inside the stove. In this case, burning of the prepared food is completely excluded. It is a special fan of small dimensions.
  • Hydrolysis and pyrolysis cleaning. Very handy features that many will like. Especially for those who do not want to waste time cleaning and washing the inner walls. In the first case, the principle of purification is heating. A temperature of the order of 300 degrees is created, which causes all contaminants to burn out. To start the hydrolysis system, pour water onto a baking sheet. In the process of work, water will evaporate and drain into the pan along with the remaining fat.
  • The presence of a retractable cart. A very useful accessory that will protect your fingers from burns.
  • Timer. With its help, you can set the required time for the preparation of a particular dish.


Power selection

When choosing a power, consider the size of the oven and the amount of energy consumed. Of course, large and powerful cabinets have certain advantages in terms of cooking speed. However, electricity consumption and subsequent costs for it are significantly higher. It all depends on the budget: if a person is able to "maintain" a more powerful cabinet, then the choice should be given to him. Replace old, rotten wiring for fire safety purposes.

Independent manufacturers took this nuance into account, so they came up with special markings. They help you navigate the choice of an oven. Class A is the most economical option. The cooking process may take a little longer, but the energy consumption will be minimal. Class C is a fairly energy-intensive class. It should be borne in mind that the consumption of electricity will be large, and therefore the costs for it are similar. The average consumption of an oven is 2 to 5 kilowatts. Save

  • Rommelsbacher BG 1055 / E - the presence of several operating modes. Good overheating protection.
  • FirstFA-5045-2 Stell - the possibility of simultaneous operation of the tile and the cabinet itself.

Which was installed as standard in all apartments - is it worn out or have you made a euro renovation and your old oven no longer satisfies you? Then it's time to think about a new functional oven, but the problem is how to make the right choice and not be mistaken in a million proposals. After all, I really don't want to throw money down the drain and get a really worthwhile thing for the best price.

Gas or electricity

Contemporary oven- very convenient household appliances that combine many functions, thanks to which all kinds of delicious dishes are always on the table. The initial actual question when choosing an oven is the way to heat it. Since in most cases, modern homes have both sources of energy, this is not an easy task.

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of models on electricity and gas.

An electric oven is a win-win option, you can cook the most whimsical dish with it, since it maintains the baking temperature with an accuracy of 5 ° C, and at the same time reaches it in a matter of minutes. They are of different power, respectively, and consume a lot of energy, and the price of an electric oven grows along with its power. To install such a miracle in your kitchen you need "Get" a special socket, which can withstand the load, the same applies to the wiring.

Each model of an electric cabinet has its own advantages in the form of options and all kinds of additions, but the main advantages that all models of such household appliances have include:

  • no gas pipeline is needed, this aspect is relevant for non-gasified settlements;
  • it does not burn oxygen, so there can be no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning;
  • in terms of functionality, it is ahead of gas cabinets;
  • heating is carried out from below and from above, in more expensive models from the side panels and from the rear wall

The disadvantages of electric ovens include:

  • the most important is considered - high energy consumption - with daily use, you need to be prepared for a significant increase in electricity bills;
  • you need powerful wiring and a special socket;
  • may cause electric shock in case of malfunction.

It should be noted that electricity is cut off quite often, unlike gas.

Gas ovens are a standard option, since our parents had such a stove and the first experience of "communication" with baking took place in a gas oven. And there is gas in almost any apartment or house. In gas models, the nozzles are built into the bottom, so heating occurs only from the bottom. Of course, there are models with heating in the upper part, but they are much more expensive than their counterparts.

The main advantages of gas ovens for baking include:

  • fast heating;
  • profitability, since the price of gas is much lower than that of electricity;
  • alternatively, operation from a gas cylinder.

Speaking about the cons, it should be noted:

  • burns oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide;
  • in case of attenuation, gas leakage is possible, there is a danger of explosion;
  • do not provide uniform heating.

Characteristics are essential for good functionality of the oven

Having decided on the source of energy for the operation of the oven, you should pay attention to the following mandatory characteristics necessary for high-quality operation of the appliance, regardless of whether it is electric or gas.

Required technical characteristics.

Appearance and dimensions.

Dimensions directly depend on the place and space allocated in your kitchen for the oven. The type is selected according to the same principle, built-in or independent. Built-in, it is combined with the interior of the kitchen and furniture. It is better to take an independent one from the same company with a hob, in this case this composition in one style solution will fit well and complement the interior of the working area in the kitchen.

Brand is a matter of taste. The color, handles, buttons and design are selected based on personal preferences with a focus on the overall style of the room.

Additional functions required:

  • Pyrolytic cleaning, eliminates the constant "washing" of the inner surfaces of the cabinet.
  • A non-heating door, ideal if there are children in the house, and don't get burned yourself.
  • Timer - will save the dish from burning if you forget about it.
  • Grilling is not an obligatory option, but lovers of appetizing chickens with a golden crispy crust can not go anywhere without it.
  • Temperature Probe, will help maintain the desired cooking temperature.

Nice options.

To make the work of the hostess as easy as possible, you can purchase an oven with such additional options.

Often the question of which oven to choose arises when it is possible to place it independently of the hob. Both gas and electric ovens have their advantages and disadvantages, therefore, before making a purchase decision, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them.

How to choose a gas or electric oven: video tips

Photo by Shutterstock

Advantages and disadvantages of gas ovens

An independent gas oven works in the same way as an oven in a conventional hob, with the same range of functions. In this he loses to the electric one, in which there are many more modes. But a significant advantage of a gas oven is that it is much cheaper to operate it, since the cost of gas is much lower than the tariffs for paying for electricity, and its electric cabinet will consume quite intensively.

You can place such an oven either directly under the hob or separately. Another plus is the ability to work regardless of the presence of light, from the occasional shutdown of which the residents of both apartment buildings and private houses are not insured. The disadvantage of gas ovens is one, but very significant: their cost is an order of magnitude higher than similar models that operate from an outlet, and only specialists from gas companies can install them.

Independent gas ovens are not produced by all manufacturers of household appliances, therefore their choice is not so wide in comparison with electric ones.

Pros and cons of electric ovens

The main advantage of an electric oven is that it can be placed not only at the lower level of kitchen furniture, but also raised to eye level. This is important for housewives and makes it more convenient to use, since you do not need to bend down to control the cooking process.

Another indisputable advantage of such models is the presence of a timer function and an automatic shutdown. That is, if you wish, you can set a certain program, put the food in the oven and leave the house: at the end of cooking, the oven will turn itself off. But for this you need to clearly know how long it takes to cook a particular dish, otherwise you can get coals.

A number of models also have the functions of a microwave cabinet, which allows you to combine two appliances in one, saving free space in the kitchen and money. Modern stoves can be equipped with a catalytic or pyrolytic cleaning function, which is also quite convenient, since all the fat on the walls simply burns out. Feedback on this feature is positive as it makes cleaning easier.

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