When to plant the anemone in the spring. Anemone tuber landing and care in the open soil in the fall

Encyclopedia plants 14.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Anemones (Lat. Anemóne) - Decorative herbian perennial plant from the Lutikov family. The second name "Anemone" or "wind daughter" is associated with the unusual flutter of flower petals in the wind. Anemona has about 170 species. Depending on the view of the anemone flowers from the end of April and up to late autumn. The habitat of the flower is the extensive part of the northern hemisphere, including the Arctic.

In horticulture, a gentle flower will perfectly fit into the composition along the border, on the flowerbed or in the mixture. The bowl of the anemone's flower apartment will be the pride of the hostess and the decoration for the windowsill or balconies.

"Daughter of Winds" - unusual flower Heavenly shade.

For anemonia at home

The home anemone has very interesting flowers of different shades: gently-uric, white, purple, lilac, red. The flower diameter can reach up to 7 cm. Anemones in pots are able to delight their owner with beautiful blossoms for six months.

Anemones are not particularly demanding in care. Therefore, for the development of a flower at home, it is enough to have some knowledge: when to plant anemones, how to plant, how to store and plant a flower tuber, must cut old flowers?

Rules landing

A popular method of growing anemona flower - planting in pots.

As a rule, many gardeners complain that often tubers are sold with dry lifeless rhizomes. There is at least 2 ways to awaken them:

  1. The dry tube is placed in a shallow container with gauze at the bottom. Marley should be rich in warm water. Leave the tuber to the container at 22 -24 degrees for several hours, for example, at night.
  2. You can "twist" the bulbs in another way: you need to wrap them with a fabric, which is well moocked by a solution of "epin" or "immunophytocyte" .- Rhizer growth stimulator. It is necessary to hold the plant in a polyethylene package of about six hours.

After that, the anemone can immediately plant in the ground. The best soil for growing anemone in a pot is a clay mixture that is specifically designed For indoor plants.

The flower is planted in a pot in a diameter of at least 20 cm. At the same time, it will be more effectively planted by 5 -6 seedlings. This will allow you to get in one pot up to 150 flowers in one season.

The most famous appearance for growing anemone at home in pots is called "de Kaen". Resistant and hardy, "de kaen" has incredible beauty.

View of anemone - De Kaen variety.

Suitable place for growing

For the most surround flowering, anemone need to provide sufficient lighting. At the same time, it is important not to fall as a bright sun of a plant leaflet, but to provide a scattered light.

Most indoor anemones blooms in winter. A short luminous day for the plant can be compensated by a conventional fluorescent lamp.

Annemon originally from the northern places, is well developed at a room indoor from 12 -17 degrees. At the same time, in the period of growth, it is better to reduce the temperature in the room, and as the plants are "penetration" - increase to 17 degrees. Air predominantly It should be dry, and the room is to constantly ventilate.

How often watered

The plant loves abundant watering. It is always necessary to maintain moderately-lagging soil in the pot, as well as provide high-quality drainage. In the hot season, it is recommended to water at least 2 times a week.

During flowering and bootonization, watering can be increased, and during the rest of the time you need to water moderately.

Leaves are better not sprayed, but always keep dry, especially in the winter season. On wet leaves can develop fungus.

Additional care: transplantation and trimming

Annemon - a gentle plant not only externally. It is extremely not like an extraneous intervention in his vital activity.

Therefore, without much need, the plant is better not to transplant from pot into the pot, especially during flowering.

The same applies to trimming. As a rule, the anemones are cut only for collecting flowers. In addition preventive Pruning plant does not need. All unnecessary parts of the plant die on their own.

Growing anemone in the open soil

The growing and growing anemone in the garden or flowerba, that is, in the open soil. So that the plant gave an extensive and continuous Flowering, it is necessary to follow the following landing rules of the anemones:

  1. For the landing of even one tuber, anemonia is better to provide their own space. Roots anemone gentle and do not tolerate contribution With roots of other plants.
  2. The site for Anemone should be spacious, as this plant is inclined to grow rapidly.
  3. The best time for landing anemone in the open ground is a period when the room temperature comes with a street temperature.
  4. The landing place should be well covered during the day. Therefore, it is better to choose an open space, and not "settle" anemone along the fence or directly near the house .
  5. The first week after landing in the open soil, anemone should be hiding from straight bright sunlights, so as not to burn the gentle leaves.
  6. The soil should be loose, alkaline, double-permeable or neutral, but in no case is not acidic.

Successful cultivation of anemones in open soil.

Care: Watering, wintering, feeding and fertilizer

Growing and care for anemonia in the open ground is somewhat different from room conditions. In order for the plant to give abundant bloom and did not die during frosts, you need to take into account several nuances.

How to water

Anemones are elementary in care. The anemone flower does not tolerate high humidity. In no hot season, it can easily do without additional watering In the summer, depending on soil aridity, watering is rapid up to 2 times a week.

How to survive frosts

Do I need to dig an anemone for the winter? Unfortunately, the anemon flower cannot even transfer the first frosts. Therefore, in the fall, after the end of flowering, you need to dig an anemone and try to keep the plant until the spring landing. For this, the ground part is cut off from the dug plant, and the rhizome is wrapped in a paper bag filled with sawdust.

Fertilizing and fertilizer

Anemones, both indoor and street, need to be fed at the time of planting plants, as well as at the stage of bootonization and flowering.

Complex mineral fertilizers and liquid organic are used, and at home - fertilizers for flower indoor plants.

Do not allow oversupply of fertilizers. It can destroy the anemone. They do not tolerate fertilizers in the form of manure.

It is recommended to regularly break the soil and remove weeds. It is better to do this manually to not damage the weak root system.


Anemones are wild plants, so they are quite sensitive to the conditions of cultivation. To improve the growth and flowering of anemones, you can try to recreate conditions for them, as close as possible to natural.

An important component of the care for anemones is to maintain the mulching layer - analogue of the forest litter.
Mulching is possible using long-term fertilizers.

These include:

  • compost;
  • humus;
  • compost;
  • loose peat;
  • fallen leaves spicy breeds (oak, apple tree, linden, etc.).

Mulch must be updated before the start of active growth, that is, early spring. Repeat mulching in the fall: the anemone is covered with herbal compost.

Methods reproduction of anemone

There are several ways to reproduce the anemones:


This method is not the most productive, since the percentage of the geogide of the seeds of the anemone is quite low - no more than 25%. The most good result can achieve from seeds, which were collected shortly before germination.

Improve result can for aid method stratificationwithstand seeds in cold. This method actual only for seeds, which sit down spring, but not in autumn.

Seeds not worth it strong deepen in priming. It is better to do soil loose and easy.
Autumn seeds wake up only early spring, but springalready through month.

One of the methods of reproduction is seed.

Vegetative method

Rostic anemone need to separate together from part root and pressure kidneys. Kidney need for recovery plants. Separated rostock sale on the in advance prepared plot..

Spend such method reproduction it is better spring. IN it is case process acceleration plants pass successful. TO autumn plant street and oK pass first cold.

Problems and diseases

Anemone pretty stands to various disease and pests.

Sometimes plant amazed sheet nematode. On the leaves appear spots rusty colors. Everything amazed leaves necessary cutting down, but soil under shrub refresh.

There are cases, when on the anemone attack slug. it pest for flower. Get rid of from them can simple fashion: nearby from plant. need to put capacity from chlorinated water.

Bloom popular species

Anemone in naturehighly diverse plant and party in sore rode about 170 species. but sadovodovamateurs highlight most famous among them:

  1. "Forest"in height about 50 santimeters. Socuagement maybe be simple and terry. Them diameter reaches before 6 santimeters. Leaves pretty large.
  2. "Coron"grows about 30 santimeters in height. Leaves collect in rosette. Socuagement there are before 6 santimeters in diameter, but in center w. hERE located stychkin and pestle black colors.
  3. "Gentle"is different openwork leaves, socuagement simple, maybe be different shades. IN height not exceed exceed 20 santimeters.Japanesebush height before40 santimeters. Leaves dark, saturated colors, color gamma flowers, collected in socuagement, diverse.

Main period flowering anemone have to on the mayjune.

Solid-caliber anemones of several shades and varieties look very beautiful in one bouquet.

Acquire anemone can nearly in anyone flower store. Plant pretty distributed, so as not requires special knowledge by care and growing. Top not less, flowers anemone beautiful, but in big quantities watch highly expressively, as in gorshka on the windowsill, so and on the sadovaya klumberbe.

Anemones (anemone) - perennial herbaceous plants of the family of ilok. Translated from the Greek άνεμος - the wind or daughter of the winds. The subtle petals of the anemones are trembling even from easy blow, it was long that the flowers are so sensitive that they bloom or closed in the wind. The genus is diverse, it includes one and a half hundred of tuber and rhizuy species. Plants are characterized by sizes (from 10 cm to meter), type of inflorescence and flowering timing. Wild-growing anemones are found in the forests of Russia: a dubber, butterior, forest, sleep-grass.

Features of growing anemona

Anemones for flowering time are divided into spring and autumn. W. spring varietieswhich are terry, petals of gentle colors: white, pink, blue, cream, lilac. Blossom continues not long, coming together in May and ends in July. The leaves are preserved until autumn, but they are not too attractive. Autumn bright flowers Please give a variety of colors until late autumn.

There are both unpretentious anemones and requiring special care. Features are explained by differences in the root formation: the anemones with rhizomes grow quite simply, and insufficient care for the tube plants leads to a slowdown in growth, lack of flowering and flower death. When growing anemone, it is necessary to take into account their features:

  • In dry and hot weather, anemones need abundant irrigation.
  • In the fall, you need to feed plants with complex mineral fertilizer, before planting and spring - organic.
  • In winter, the anemones need to be warm foliage.
  • The most reliable methods of reproduction of anemones - seed and vegetative (root siblings).

Landing anemone into ground

Attention! Anemones grow very quickly. For a couple of years, one plant applies to an area of \u200b\u200babout one square meter. Take this in the landing.

Early anemones flourished earlier than trees have time to be covered with thick foliage, so boldly arrange them in the garden. Flowers look great in the neighborhood with the young foliage of Barbaris and Sparies.

Methods landing

In order for the raid rhizome to wake up, it is placed in a container with good moisturized gauze before planting soil. After that, the anemone is planted into the pot with loose soil and a layer of drainage, and installed in a lit place.

Council. When landing into the solar, soak the tubers for 30 minutes in a weak solution of manganese. Soil rubbing and clean out of weeds. In the hole, put the scoop overnight and half a cup of wood ash. Place the tuber down the bottom and fall asleep the earth. The height of the layer is three tubers. Palm with complex fertilizer.

Spring landing

On the area, protected from the wind, the tubers of the anemone showed in the spring. Sutting down the nodules in several techniques, you will extend the flowering, and the flower bed will live from July to the beginning of the autumn. At the end of flowering, corrodial anemones should be dried, dry and trim the above-ground part. Blue-shaped rhizomes dry four weeks at a temperature of + 10-15 ° C with roots and soils on them. Store the tubers in the winter separately from each other in boxes with a slightly wet peat, sawdust and sand. Tubers should not dry, so remove them into a cool place.

Landing in autumn

In areas with a mild climate, the tubers of the anemones can be planted in autumn by climing the landing. The anemone planted before the winter will bloom in late May - early June.

Crowded anemones are suitable for winter pastures, push the tubers for 3 days in the moistened sand, after that they can be planted in pots. Pour the tubers and determine the dark cool place (about + 5 ° C). When shoots appear, transfer the pots into the light, the room temperature should be about + 10 ° C. Watering from this time should be regular.

In the first year, the anemone grows slowly, but after they actively grow up, forming a colony. Sharing plantation is preferably in the fall, when the flowering is over, or at the beginning of spring.

Soil for anemona

All anemones grow well on fertile and loose soils. Coronal, Apennine and Caucasian varieties like alkaline soil, the rest prefer the weakness and neutral soils (pH 5-8). The exception is a forest anemone, which feels perfectly on the poor sandy soil, but on fertile soil Flowers will be larger.

The most demanding of the soil are Korneotprosk Anemone: Wilshaw and Canadian. For such varieties, light soil is required (sand or peat), on which water does not cause.

The tube anemones are well evolving on the cumulative soil with the acidity of pH 7-8. Before planting tubers, it is recommended to make wood ashes in the ground. When adding ash in the process of growing, the earth sprinkles ash and loose.

Hybrid varieties love loose fertile land, possibly with the addition of sand. Hybrids need feeding organic fertilizers: reworked manure, compost.

Features of the care for anemone in the open soil

To create anemonium favorable conditions for growth and long-term flowering, it is necessary to comply with some conditions.

Location and lighting

Requirements for illumination are different for Anemone different origin. So, species growing in natural conditions In the forests, love shadow. These are anemones that blooming in early spring And leaving on peace at the beginning of summer. They bloom together, shelting the ground with a dense carpet, and at the same time reset the petals. These include varieties with long root systems: smooth, amur, oak, Altai and other species. Rannetic grades can be planted from the northern side of the house, under the trees, in wet and cool places.

Anemone, whose homeland can be considered the Mediterranean, light-headed. This is Caucasian, Apennine, Coronated and other species. Such varieties lack the sun in the middle strip, so you choose the bright southern slopes for them. Actively bloom in the sun Narcissocet and long-haired anemone.

Air humidity

The need for moisture moderate in all types of winds, they need additional moisture only on the hottest days. On wet areas, these flowers grow very well under the condition of good drainage - stagnation of water ruins the plants. Cheer-like anemones are particularly resistant to droughts. Some time tolerate moisture deficit without prejudice to the flowering long-haired and forest varieties. In the arid summer, the anemone is preferably sprayed early in the morning or at sunset.

How to water

All windows prefer wet and light humus soils. In the spring, water colors once a week. Anemones are well transferred by moisture deficit, they have developed root systemallowing you to maintain viability for quite a long time. In the period of growth and during the formation of buds, daily water the anemons if a hot dry summer has been established. Additional watering during rains is not required.

For new landings of the anemone, complex mineral fertilizers are useful, but only during flowering. If you support ground before boarding, you can not repeat this procedure in the future.

Also well affects the fresh landing mulching by huming or peat. Mulching is desirable to carry out foliage maple, oak, linden and apple trees. Plants will be provided with a litter, similar to the forest, and it is favorable to reflect in their condition.

Council. If you grow flowers to cut them for bouquets, make fertilizers when forming buds.

During the period of active growth of stalks and leaves, it is necessary to feed the azot with nitrogen and organic fertilizers. When the budding of buds is based and the flowers are revealed, you can extend the flowering, making complex mineral fertilizers rich in potassium, manganese and phosphorus.

Council. Each year in spring and autumn, carry out the top layer of the soil with subsequent loosening.


Trim anemones make sense only if you want to make a bouquet of them. Overhead parts of this plant after flowering die. It is not recommended to trim the leaves even after digging the anemone for wintering. Try not to disturb the flower without having to not disrupt its natural development.

Council. If you have formed a flowerbed on which there are sites from the anemones, try not to mow the lawn until the windmakes are filled.

In regions with a mild climate, after the end of flowering, tall views of the anemones can be cut to the ground level. In places where harsh frosts are, it is better to leave the stalks for the winter, having compulsory mulching.

Anemone Transplantation

Anemones in a new place are coming out without problems. Spring Anemones multiply rhizomes and quickly grow. If the wind men spread too much and began to close their neighbors, you can stop them by transplanting some of the plants. The optimal time for transplantation is the middle of the season, while green leaves, but, if necessary, replant the anemones at the beginning of flowering, and even in his midst. Equipping the plant entirely optionally, it is enough to extract the rhizomes with the kidneys and put them in well-humidized wells about 10 cm deep.

Root varieties are preferably transplanting in the spring when the first sprouts appear. At this time, the sections of the roots with the sprout and kidneys are digging, and transplanted into the right place. The autumn transplant is not so simple, but if necessary, the anemone can be transplanted in early September.

Council. Find a plant after the end of the vegetation is not easy - do not miss the moment, dig an anemone before the leaves completely dried.

Plants, transplanted in the summer, bloom the next spring.

Transplantation in autumn

Anemones can be resettled at the end of August - early September. Ensure the ground of the soil with the anemons and disassemble into fragments with rhizomes. If the roots are too long, gently cut them out - each part must contain several kidneys. Cuts are preferably sprinkled with gross coal, but this condition is necessarily only for the anemone delicate. Pour and promulate transplanted plants.


Anemones can be multiplied by tubers, rhizomes or seeds.

Tuberous reproduction

We need to divide the tubers at rest - in July-August. The tuber is divided into parts in such a way that the kidney is on each fragment. When landing, determine the growth point - the top of the tuber is always more flat. Distop the hole with a depth of 10 cm and a diameter of about 30-40 cm, cover the bottom with a mixture of ash and humus, place part of the tuber, pour into the soil, accumulate and pour.

Reproduction of seeds

Seed reproduction in many garden species is difficult, seedlings only in 2-3 years old. Usually, the anemone is breeding in the site, but you can achieve the desired effect with the planned crop. The probability of getting full flowers increases when sowing fresh seedscollected in July (in early sorts). In boxes with fertile loose soil are placed seeds and bury in the ground on the shaded area. It is better to cover the soil with branches. Thus, you can multiply the anemone under the winter. Sprouts will appear in the spring of next year.

Forest anemona seeds can be made immediately into loose and wet soil immediately after ripening. Place sowing with branches to keep the soil moisture.

Attention! The germination of seeds in all varieties of anemones is low - no more than 25%.

Reproduction of rhizomes

Views with a clearly designated rhizome breeding segments. After the end of flowering, the rhizome is divided into parts, each of which is a one-year increase in the renewal kidney. Most varieties in July-August kidney have already been formed, and next year the plant will develop and blossom.

Anemones with vertical root can be multiplied by the division of the bush. Do it better in early spring or summer, after flowering. On each separated area of \u200b\u200bthe root must be at least 2 renovation kidneys. In fertile loose soil, the plants are rooted very quickly.


The species of these perennial plants are much, combines their lack of cups in the flower. Petals, devoid of supports, tremble at the slightest blow. Back in the 16th century were bred decorative varieties Anemones with terry flowers. In Russia, gardeners prefer to plant the Rannywood species with long roots and one flower.

Flowers in the form of petals can resemble chamomile or poppies. Spring Anemones grow up to half a meter, and late varieties Mostly low. Flowers are large, from 4 to 8 cm, can be collected in inflorescences. Painting of petals is the most different: from snow-white and yellow to rich blue and raspberry.

Depending on the variety, the anemone flows when the snow has not yet completely descended in the spring, or at the end of summer - until late autumn.

Diseases and pests

Perennial anemones are almost not susceptible to diseases and are not afraid of pests. The usual problem of this plant is nematodes, in which the leaves are covered with rusty spots. If you notice signs of illness, remove the diseased plants and update the infected soil.

Popular species

The most common appearance. Perennial anemones grow to 45 cm in height, flourishing large simple or terry flower. The color palette is very diverse. Annemon boring a few weeks in August-September.

Very rosy autumn variety - Up to 70 cm. The Japanese anemone blooms long and smells pleasantly.

Blooming in April. The tube's tube anemones appear first, sometimes breaking through through the remains of snow.

The terry summertime anemone is up to 40 cm in height with large 8-centimeter flowers. Long bloom in July-September.

Annemon Gentle

A low tube (up to 15 cm) with flowers resembling chamomile. It appears in early spring and blooms about three weeks.

Unpretentious and resistant varieties, blooming to late autumn. Perfectly feel in fertile soil.

Answers to readers

Life expectancy Plant

As with all perennial herbaceous plants, Anemonev has roots remain viable for many years, and the above-ground part is dying every year. Anemones of non-cultural species in a natural environment live up to 50 years. Garden flowers easily multiply, self-saming and reproduction of roots often occurs, so the existence of the plant can be extended indefinitely. At the same time, it is necessary to create anemonium favorable conditions for wintering, because precisely unprotected flowers often die.

Flower care in winter time

Many anemones are perfectly leaving in conditions middle strip Russia, some can tolerate frosts with almost no shelter for the winter. But some species, for example, anemone crown, truly warm-loving, their full development Perhaps in the south. In order not to lose the anemone in the open ground due to harsh frosts, cover the flower leaf in the fall with compost, leaves and layered manure.

Some species, such as anemone gentle, preferably digging out for the winter. The fact is that the thermal-loving grades suffer not only from frosts, but also from excess moisture. After the yellowing of the leaves, the tubers need to dig, dry and leave to the landing in a cool place. In October, break the major tubers and put them in containers with loose peat soil. Concrete containers in the garden and cover with foliage and film until spring.

26.02.2017 15 128

Anemone, landing and care - create a beautiful garden

Decided to grow gentle and beautiful flowers In the garden, then the anemon, landing and care for which will certainly require time and sufficient attention, as the plant is quite capricious. The fact is that the anemones can be grown by dividing rhizomes or from the tuber, also through seeds, and depending on the landed variety further carewhich can be both casual and thorough ...

How to land anemone seeds - instructions

Depending on the type and planted variety, the requirements of the anemone sunlight, moisture and the composition of the soil can differ significantly. But there are universal criteria that are suitable for all types of anemone, so landing and further care will not be difficult:

  • put anemone in the half;
  • organize good drainage before landing;
  • take care of fertile and loose soil.

These conditions are particularly well reproduced when the Anemone variety is not known for landing. To obtain a good loose soil, river sand should be made, which contributes to the circulation of airflows and dilute heavy soil. In addition, the presence of sand improves waterproof, like drainage. Sour lands are diluted with dolomite flour, puffing lime, and wood ash is also made.

Landing the seeds Anemone - one of the ways of reproduction of these beautiful flowers. Decided to sow for the first time, consider the germination of the anemone pretty tight, out of the total conventional conditions Only the fourth part will grow, but under stratification for 45-60 days, the germination increases.

Seedlings Anemone grown of seeds - in the photo

Depending on whether you have purchased seeds or your own collection, and Sowing Anemone. Usually, planting material It is already stratified from the store, therefore additional manipulations in the form of staying in the cold is not required. Own seeds must be stratified.

Take the seeds, spread to fertile looser, sand either peat crumb and spray well from the sprayer. Next maintain sufficient humidity while the seeds of the anemone do not swell. As soon as the seeds decide and begin to slander, plucked on top of a slightly loose fertile soil and do not forget to moisten.

Cover with glass or film, leave in a warm place. When the first sprouts appear, the protective film is removed and crops are put up in the lightest and warm place. The temperature during the entire period after the start of the landing is desirable to maintain within +20 ̊ ... + 25 ° C. Sprouts after sowing will begin to appear no earlier than in a month.

The care for the seedlings of anemone to the dive is in timely watering, good lighting and maintaining the necessary temperature in the room. With the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, anemone picking is made in separate pots (cups). After the plant, they fuse in a greenhouse or greenhouse and planted for the second year at a permanent place.

Tip: Use for sowing, pre-showing seeds for 12 hours in solution, after lay out into a fertile substrate and observe the technology of germination.

Landing anemone tuberma and rhizomes

To plant the anemone with tubers, planting material must be properly prepared. Soak the muscles in warm water for one or two days so that Nobuchley. You can add any cornsulating drug - epin, heteroacexin, and others (dilute according to the instructions). The swollen tubers are planting in fertile soil or a mixture of peat crumbs and sand, observing the depth of the seal of 5 cm.

tubers anemone - in the photo

To properly plant the tubers anemone. Determine the growth point. The feature of the planting material is that the top of the clubs of these colors is flat, so the landing is made with an elongated part down. If you can not decide, place the lateral side. In the hole, you can additionally pour humid and ash wooded.

soaking tubers anemone - in the photo
Landing tubers anemone - in the photo

The landing of tubers Anemone is produced in April or May or September-October. The distance between the plants is left quite spacious, at least 10-15 cm, because Over time, the roots grow strongly and can take up to 1 m2 of the area. Watering anemone after landing is required moderate, it is not worth flooding plants, because Excessive moisture can adversely affect the appearance of green sprouts.

The vegetative reproduction of the anemone is made by root siblings, segments or the division of the bush and tuber. Planting root offspring anemone is carried out in early spring or in late August. Root offices (roots) must be cut into parts (blank cuttings), 5-6 cm long. Roots can also be treated with any drug that improves the root formation process.

Dry cutlets in the prepared loose substrate so that the top of the cutting was at the level of the substrate surface. The soil is slightly compacted, supraated with sand, moisturized, covered with a film and sent to the greenhouse or a greenhouse. Watering should be rare so that the Zrenkov Anemone does not occur. When the green stems and the first leaves appear, the film shelter is cleaned. Anemone landing is recommended for a permanent place for the next year.

Care for anemone

Caring for anemonia after landing is necessary, because It is required to preserve the optimal level of humidity so that the plants began and began to grow. The excessive amount of water in the soil destructively affects the roots of flowers, exactly as the disadvantage.

To save water balance On the required limits and facilitate the care for the anemons, join the elevated sections of the flower beds, or specifically arrange a place in the garden higher, use a mulch if dry and hot climate.

As a mulching material, you can take a peat crumb that fallen trees or special decorative raw materials sold in gardens stores. Mulching space, evaporation of moisture is slow motion and weeds it is quite difficult to break through the dense layer of mound.

Caring, you need to fertilize the anemones (anemone), best in the period of bootonization and flowering, using complex mineral feeding or, except for manure. A spool solution, peat, humus, is well suitable.

Annemon is rarely susceptible to disease and damage to pests, but slugs and snails, sheets of nematode and winter worm can still look at the flowerbed with a tender beauty. Use drugs and means of protection that usually use the garden to destroy the unreasonable guests.

Caring for anemonium, as prevention, it is recommended to handle the flower in the insecticidal agents against the tribes and rot. Anemones should be kept in a pure form without weeds, and it is necessary to carefully use such garden tools for weeding and loosening such as FOKINE, Tinet, Rake, TC. Closely located root system to the surface of the soil may be damaged.

The young autumn anemone is better to hide for the winter, also hybrid forms. For these purposes, they take compost, peat and laid on top of the anemone layer 15-17 cm. Pay attention to the backfill, leaves and root stems are sure to cut off. Also, tubers and rhizomes can be scattered for the winter when the above-ground part of the outstand. Storage Anemone in winter assumes the presence of a temperature of +15 ̊ ... + 19 ̊c indoors before the onset winter period, then before the spring, the degree must be reduced to + 2 ° ... + 5̊С.

Important, transplant Anemone is not always desirable, because Some species can germinate long, especially hybrid varietiesSo many dacms and gardeners prefer better to cover flowers on the flowerba than waiting for the recovery of plants after wintering at home.

Common Types of Anemone

Perennial herbaceous floors of the Familic Family include more than 160 species, the most popular and interest among flower goods are considered the following types of anemone:

  • crown
  • gentle;
  • forest;
  • japanese.

Anemone (anemone) crown - The most popular view that is most widely used for cultivation in the greenhouse and open soil. Compact plants, up to 40-45 cm high. Rhizomes crowning flowers fleshy, dashed (up to 5 cm with a diameter). Stems straight with a small amount of leaves, at the ends of which is formed by a single large flower, diameter 8-9 cm.

Annemon crown - in the photo

Flowers can be simple, terry, white, pink, blue, purple, lilac. If the landing of the anemone core (tuber) is carried out in April-May, bloom will begin in August or September and will continue for several weeks.

Annemon Gentle - low frost-resistant plants (up to 20-25 cm) with dark green leaves of a neat form. Flowers depending on the variety can have blue, white, dark pink, purple-blue, dark red with white print coloring. Feature of chamomile flowers is early appearance Simultaneously with the leaves, almost from under the snow already in April.

Annemon tender - in the photo

Blossom continues for 2-3 weeks. At the end of May, the leaf plates begin to adapt, in June completely disappear. Lack of anemone gentle - tight germination of tubers. According to gardeners, gentle anemone is better to plant in autumn. But you should not despair, if from ten pieces, a sprouter one tuber, in a couple of years from the plant will be beautiful flower carpet.

Forest anemone
this species It is plants having a height from 25 to 50 cm with flowers 3-5 cm. Flowers can be larger, up to 8-9 cm, terry and white. Blossom begins in the last days of May or in early June and continues until 25 days. In a half-tree, the flowers are longer not withering, dry faster in the sun.

Annemon Forest - in the photo

- The type of herbaceous tall plants (up to 1.5 m) having slender stems, dissected sheet plate. Additional support for growing in the garden is not required. Japanese Anemone Flowers, which appear at the end of August, September and continue to delight beautiful blooming for a long period of time. Color in white or pink Tones with core golden color. In this group, the anemon hubeyskaya and hybrid is most distinguished.

Japanese anemonon (autumn) - in the photo

With the onset of spring, the shelves of flower shops are beginning to literally break from all sorts of seeds, seedlings, tubers and other planting material. One of the most popular flower goods are the tubers of anemones - pretty colors resembling poppies. Anenemo can rightly be considered one of the most spectacular spring primroses, but with its cultivation at home, problems often arise. In this article, we will look at one of the most attractive varieties - anemone crown.

Corn anemone is annual plant With flowers, strongly resembling an ordinary field poppy, however, their form is more accurate and noble. It is different and painting, which can be scarlet, azure, white, purple, pinkish, blue and even pallet with multi-colored specks and edging. In the center of the flower there are many pestles and dark-colored stamens collected in a tight bundle. Power-shaped petals themselves and rather large. They are terry, semi-grade and smooth.

Annemon attracts with its diverse coloring and unpretentiousness. She can grow with the same success on the flower bed or at home on the windowsill. The plant perfectly gets around with other cultures, which allows you to use it in landscape design. It loves the neighborhood with daffodils, Spanish hyacinthoid, flitch articles and other bully. They will also look profitable against the background of low-speed perennials, for example, outdoor or evergreen Iberis. Very beautiful anemone looks in the composition with forget-me-not and violets.

However, there are some conditions of planting a crowning anemone, observing which, you will achieve intensive growth and lush flowering. One of the most important is the absence of drafts and frosts. If you are going to grow anemone on a slice, you can save a place and put them on vegetable beds.

Bright anemone flowers will become a real decoration of the rocky garden. Put tubers in the soil in spring, and you will enjoy blossom until the end of summer. Anemones bloom depending on the time of landing, so you can control this process and make it so that in your garden will constantly reign the atmosphere of the spring holiday.

Types of anemones Koronchoya

There are several varietal forms of crowning anemone. All of them differ in flowering period and color color characteristics.

Varieties of anemone crown:

Features of growing anemone crown

To lush flowering Having satisfied your eyes as early as possible, planting plants are needed under the winter, if you are willing to wait, take the landing of the anemone crowning in the spring. However, before this it is necessary to buy high-quality planting material and how to prepare it. From competently spent preparatory work depends most of Success, but unfortunately, many do not take it into account, after which they are disappointed in the anemons and refuse their breeding. Since that bulbous plant, It is necessary to buy these very bulbs. Choose them very carefully, rejecting too small and deserted stains. If there are stains on the bulb, it means it is amazed by mold or other diseases, and nothing can grow out of it.

Germination of tubers anemone crown

Before boarding anemone, a born in a pot or open primer needs to soak tubers for a while. It is necessary to do this in a special way, not lowering bulbs in the water. If this is done, the planting material simply will behave in itself, and then rotates.

How to prepare landing material:

Landing anemone coronal

After the transplantation of young anemone, it is necessary to continue to maintain in the room not too high the temperature in the range of 12-14c. Otherwise, the color sprouts will not harde and develop very weak, which will at best lead to their clogs after the dissolution of large flowers, and at worst to death. Also, with too warm conditions, tubers can be contrary. After complete rooting and the appearance of full-fledged sprouts, it is possible to carry plants in a warmer room or plant in open ground.

If you keep flowers in the house, put pots with anemons in such a place where sun rays They will fall all day or at least 5-6 hours. After the dissolution of the buds, you can cut several flowers at the request - it does not damage the general condition of the plant. After a bunch, do not cut off the foliage so that through it the plant absorbed solar energy - photosynthesis will strengthen the bulbs for the next season. At the end of August-early September, the anemone starts the period of natural peace. Now you can cut off the foliage and leave the plant alone for several months, having rearranged it into the cool room.

In the open soil, tubers can be planted immediately after soaking:

  1. Pick up a place on a plot with well-drained soil. It is easy to determine this: if a few hours after the rain, there are still puddles in this place, it means that the land does not well miss moisture well, and it is necessary to try happiness elsewhere, or step up soil and mix it half with river sand. Together with sand, it is not bad to make a body in the form of moss, peat, compost, crushed bark or overworked compost. And even though the anemone is not too demanding to the fertility of the soil, never hurts to easily prevent it (it is important not to overdo it and remember that the main thing is good drainage).
  2. Survey the anemone on a well-lit plot, where the sun rays fall at least 4-5 hours per day.
  3. Keeping on the described instructions of the tuber anemone described above in shallow pits at 3-4 cm. So you protect them from birds and dryness and do not create an irresistible barrier for germination if the tubers are located upside down.
  4. Pretty Moisten the Earth and cover the bed of a film for a week. The first signs of life will appear after 10-14 days, after which it will remain only timely to water the flowers and wait for the dissolution of buds.

Nonemona Corn

Coronated anemones are particularly well feeling at sunny areas, but if necessary, can grow in half. The only factor with which the plant will not put up - the increased acidity of the soil, so if necessary, neutralize it by entering a little dolomite flour into the ground. Perhaps you will be interested in the article "". Also, the flower will not be delighted, if you put it in the lowland, because there will be moisture, and about good drainage of the soil can not be speech. Optimal option - Light and loose soil with an alkaline or neutral reaction.

Unlike the convergence, leading to the death of the anemone, the lack of moisture they carry quite painlessly. By and large, the plants need regular watering only during periods of intensive growth and swelling of buds, and then if the weather has been arid. If it rains on the street periodically, it is possible not to be distracted.

As for feeding, the anemone will fit the complex fertilizers to be made before flowering. Diseases and pests very rarely draw attention to Anemone and almost always bypass, so that in this regard, care does not cause any problems. For favorable conditions Development around the main tuber will form daughter small bulbs, which can be used for subsequent reproduction. Perhaps I. seed reproductionHowever, such anemones will bloom only on the second or third year. If it suits you, choose to collect seeds only the brightest flowers, since the color of the offspring will noticeably pale.

The crown of the anemone is not adapted to wintering in the ground, and even a good shelter will not protect the tubers from the freezing, so it must be turned off in the fall. It is necessary to do this after the end of the flowering period when the stems will die a bit, and the leaves are taped. Carefully dig the tubers with your hands, smooth the extra earth and spread it in a well-ventilated place for drying. Keep the material in paper bags or tissue bags, shifting sawdust, sand or peat, at a temperature not higher than 7c.

Spring B. flower stores Tubers are sold coronated Anemonerepresented by the queen among spring colors. Her flowers are very similar to poppies. I heard a lot that I could not germinate these tubers, and the most ever had a sad experience with the anemons.

Gardening of tubers anemone

It turns out that the tubers anemone must be soaked before landing, and the tubers themselves can not be lowered into the water: they absorb a lot of water, just like a sponge, and then hesitated.

Pour in a warm water saucer, add epine or zircon drop. You can use biological stimulants, for example, Aloe juice, as well as any other stimulants of root formation, for example, Riba-Extra. Watch the fabric in this solution, a little squeeze (water should not flow from the fabric). Tubers anemone Complete into this moistened fabric and place it in a plastic bag. In such a state, the tubers anemone must be no more than 5-6 hours.

While the tubers are shuffled, take a shallow dishes, put a little soil, mix with sand (you can take advantage of even one sand). An earthy mixture for the extension of the anemone should be lightweight. Lightly moisten the earth and lay out the clumsy tubers anemone straight on the surface. After that, the tank with the tubers of the Anemone cover the glass or put in the package and place in the cool place. Tubers Anemone must periodically check, the Earth should not dry, maintain it in a wet state.

After about ten days, roots and growth points appear on the tubers. Now it is already visible which side you need to plant the tubers anemone. If a small sprouting snapped on the club, then this tuber can already be put in a separate pot on germination. If there are no growth points - continue to moisten the soil slightly, and contain tubers in a cool place. With this method of germination, all the tubers anemone usually germinate if they did not rot, of course. In the pots, germinated by the anemone blossomed up on two heights of the tuber.

Landing anemone

After the tubers of Anemone put in the pots to grow, it is desirable that the temperature of the room does not exceed +12 0 C, otherwise, from the high temperature in the room sprouts, the anemone will be very chilly. However, not only anemons, but also to others garden Colors Reduced temperature only benefit. If the temperature is higher, the tubers anemone can be contrary. When the anemones root and give full-fledged sprouts, then the rise in temperature is not scary.

When the temperature on the street comes with the room temperature, the anemone can safely transplanted into the garden. It would be good to take them on the first days so that the spring sun did not burn gentle leaves.

Tubers Anemone can be seated in open ground immediately after soaking. When landing in an open ground, observe the landing depth of the tubers anemone - it should not exceed 5 cm or two heights of the tuber anemone.

Care for anemonia

The anemones grow well at sunny places, but also in a half-door in the neighborhood with the host, the gamehria their bloom is not worse. The only thing that the anemone does not put up is with acidic soil, fresh manure, reduced areas in which water accumulates. All of these risk factors will lead to reinforcement of the roots of the anemone.

Anemones grow well in mild, loose, nutrient ground with neutral or alkaline reaction. To increase the pH of the soil, in the soil with autumn resistance you can make lime, dolomite flour. If the soil is on the plot of hard, loam - add to the landing site anemone sand, peat, compost or humus.

Anemones Coronated easily endure the lack of moisture in the soil. You can water the anemones and you only need during the period of growth and bootonization, if the weather is hot and dry, there is no rain at all. With precipitation of additional irrigation, the anemons are not required.

Anemones are responsive to feeding with complex fertilizers, especially during the bootonization period. Anemones are practically not amazed by diseases and pests.

For proper care The club is formed by subsidiaries, they are separated when they are separated and used for further reproduction of the anemone. Anemones breed and seeds, but they only bloom after 2-3 years. If you decide to multiply the anemone from seeds, then collect seeds only with flaky-colored flowers, because the anemones grown out of seeds have a larger color of flowers.

Preparation for winter, storage of tubers anemone

Annemon crown - too southern plant for our harsh winters, her tubers can be frozen even under the shelter.

After the leaves and stems from the anemone will dry out, carefully dug the tubers. It can be stored in a dry in paper bags or cotton bags in a substrate from sawdust, sand and peat to autumn at +20 0 C, from autumn to spring tubers anemone must be stored at a positive temperature to +5 +6 0 C. Paper or fabric They will be given to the tube, and the mixture of sawdust, sand and peat will prevent tuber drying.

But if you could not find the place where the anemones were planted (after all, there are different situations), do not despair: knowing an approximate place of landing anemone, try to cover it with a dry mixture from sawdust, peat, sand, and on top of all this is covered with a waterproof film, or other priests. The main thing is that no autumn sediments and spring flood water (well, it is rather a backup option). In the spring, at this place, you can make a small greenhouse, in order for the anemons as soon as possible. If you are lucky, and the tubers anemone will not freeze in winter, then the next year you can see the re-blossom of Anemone in the fall.

But if you want, you can make an eversion for anemona at home and get gorgeous flowering in winter time.

The rights to images belong to Flickr.com: Zenzer0zer0, Beppenob (Sometimes - A Volte), Ajadawn, Macgibbs61, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, JAM343, CILLA64

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