What can be grown on the windowsill from seeds. Features of growing fresh herbs on the windowsill

Landscaping and planning 20.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

A miniature home garden with aromatic herbs is not only a storehouse of vitamins, which is always at hand for the hostess, but also an original interior detail. By planting plants of various colors and textures in one container, you can create interesting compositions - this is another argument in favor of growing greens on the windowsill at home.

Preparation of containers and soil

So, you have decided to grow greens on the windowsill. First of all, you should take care of the environment in which the future crop will grow.

As containers for sowing seeds and propagating seedlings, it is desirable to use fairly wide, but shallow containers and flower pots. It is better if they are plastic or clay, because wood rots quickly.

As soil, you can use both soil from the garden, and specially prepared compositions from the store. A prerequisite for the successful growth of home greenery is drainage layer at the bottom of the container. You can buy ready-made drainage or use fragments of a clay pot, brick or foam chips as it. Without drainage, plant roots are in danger of rotting.


You are unlikely to be able to grow herbs on a windowsill without enough sunlight. You can compensate for the lack of lighting in spring and winter with the help of lamps. You can install a fluorescent lamp next to the container, but a fitolamp is best. In order for homemade greens to grow tasty and juicy, it will need lighting for 12-14 hours. But in the spring it is easier to grow greens on the windowsill, especially if you have a sunny side, then you will not need additional lighting.

Seeds and seedlings

There are 2 ways to plant greens at home: be patient and grow greens on the windowsill from seeds, or you can use the faster vegetative method of propagating greens (using seedlings and dividing the root system).

If you decide to grow greens on the windowsill from seeds, purchase fresh planting material from the store that is suitable for indoor breeding. Before sowing seeds, moisten the soil well with a spray bottle. or watering cans with small holes. Then cover the seeds with a thin layer of earth, water again and compact the surface of the soil with the palm of your hand. To sprout faster, cover the container with plastic wrap and place in a dark place. After the first seedlings appear, remove the polyethylene and transfer the container to a well-lit area.

You can plant greens at home by propagating herbs sold in the store in a pot. This is done very simply, it is enough to divide the root system of the plant. Some plants, such as basil, can be planted by first sprouting roots in water.

Popular aromatic herbs and salad plants will easily take root on the balcony garden: parsley, dill, basil, spinach, lettuce, mint. Let's talk about each plant in more detail.


You can grow this green on the windowsill by sowing seeds or sprouting roots.

Before planting the seeds in the ground, hold them a little under running warm water, and then soak for a day. Do not plant parsley in a deep pot, the fertile soil layer should not exceed 1 cm, the same layer of seeds is sprinkled on top. Before germination, the parsley container is kept in a dark place and moderately watered every other day. It will be possible to taste the harvest in 6 weeks.

For forcing parsley from root crops, pick up short, but wide enough roots (at least 2 cm in diameter). It is good if there are petioles on the root crops. Roots should be planted in richly moistened soil, then keep in a cool place for some time. After the petioles grow, the containers should be transferred to the window. Parsley harvest from planted roots can be obtained in 3-4 weeks.


Dill for the home garden is grown from seeds. The harvest will please you for quite some time if you update the crops every 30-40 days. For a 15 x 40 cm container, you will need at least 3 g of seeds. Watering dill should be plentiful, fertilizing is recommended every 2 weeks.


Mint is easiest to grow from a seedling aged 3-4 days in water for root germination. Mint should be watered every other day. For greater bushiness, pinch the buds regularly. When cutting a crop from a bush, be sure to leave 10 cm of the shoot.

By the way, mint or lemon balm is good, you will breathe much easier.


Growing watercress on a windowsill is very easy. This plant is unpretentious and, with proper moisture, sprouts from seeds even on an ordinary household sponge or rag. When sown in the ground watercress seeds can not be sprinkled with earth. The plant will give the first shoots in a week, and the leaves - after a few weeks. Lettuce will need abundant daily watering.


Spinach loves cool weather and bright light. For its cultivation, a room with a temperature not higher than 18 ° C and windows facing south is suitable. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked for several days, and then sown in grooves to a depth of no more than 2 cm. Abundant watering is required.


Basil can be grown from a bunch of fresh herbs purchased from the market. To do this, it is enough to place the branches in water for 5 days so that they take root. When germinating basil from seeds, the container should be covered with foil until sprouts appear. When the 5-6th leaf appears, the basil should be pinned down so that it begins to grow in breadth. Buds appearing on the plant should be cut off.


By the way, some greens can be planted in old dishes, it will look rustic cute.

Good luck to you and good harvest!

Few of the zealous housewives did not try to grow onions on the windowsill, because even the most inexperienced gardener can get a green feather of an unpretentious vegetable.

Method 1. It is enough to fill a small glass or plastic container with water, cover it with cardboard with a hole for onion roots - and get fresh greens really without soil.

Select bulbs that do not rot, scald with boiling water and remove the top. Dip each spine into the water so that it is well fixed on the cardboard. Cut off the greens and grow a new one. As the heads shrink, replace them with new ones.

Method 2. To grow onions at home in a container with soil, choose planting material that is about the same size. Soak the bulbs for a day in hot water, then remove the top husk and remove the damage. Cut off the top of each head by 1-1.5 cm and plant it shallowly in the ground, leaving a distance of 2-2.5 cm between the planting material.

Water the soil and keep the container in a warm place for 6-7 days, and when strong green feathers appear, put it on a bright windowsill. Water the soil every other day with warm water. 3 weeks after you planted the onions, you can cut the first greens to the table.

Growing garlic on a windowsill at home is also not difficult, as the vegetable is easy to care for. The first home planting can be carried out as early as October, the second - in April, so that you can have a spicy, vitamin-rich supplement to the menu all winter and demi-season.

To plant garlic in a container, choose a loamy soil, the easiest way is to take it ready in a flower shop. Separate healthy, whole prongs and place in a damp cotton cloth to germinate.

Plant in damp soil in a row at a distance of 7-8 cm, to a depth of 2 cm, place the container in a warm sunny place. If you have chosen a flower pot for growing a vegetable, it is enough to plant 4-5 heads in it.

To grow garlic greens at home, special care is not required, it is enough to moderately water the soil 2 times a week. Plantings should not dry out or stand in moisture, and also be out of sunlight, then garlic feathers will please with juiciness.

Parsley, cilantro

To grow lush parsley, you need to germinate healthy seeds and choose the right soil. You can buy ready-made peat soil in the store, or pre-prepare your own earth mixture. Mix two parts of garden soil with a part of peat and a part of humus, pour over with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

In a deep container with holes and a 1.5 cm drainage layer, place the prepared soil. Parsley seeds, preferably early varieties, soak for a day in warm water, do not forget to change it regularly. Wrapping the hatched seeds in a cotton cloth, dip for a few minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Moisten the soil and plant the parsley in the holes, leaving a distance of 4-5 cm between the grooves. Cover with a 1.5 cm layer of earth, carefully pour and cover with a film. Keep in a bright, warm place for about a dozen days until sprouts appear. After that, the film coating must be removed.

To grow parsley on a windowsill, remember to water your plantings 2-3 times a week. Similarly, you can harvest cilantro at home. Fragrant greens will spice up the everyday and festive menu. For the home, it is recommended to choose varieties of cilantro "Yantar", "Ray".

Dill beds on the windowsill can sprout already on the tenth or twelfth day and will delight you with fresh greens for a long time, which can be sown regularly. Seeds need to be chosen large, healthy, kept in warm water for 5 hours, drained of moisture and moved the seed for a couple of hours into a pink solution of potassium permanganate at room temperature.

In containers with holes at the bottom, put expanded clay drainage, then special soil from the store or prepared on your own. Recommended land mixture with biohumus and coconut fibers (1:2). Plant the seeds shallow in the ground in a row, water and arrange a greenhouse effect by covering the container with a film.

Already after 10 days, the first sprouts of dill may appear and the film can be removed. For the first week, keep seedlings at night in a cooler place, for example, on a glazed loggia. Then still keep a small green vegetable garden on the windowsill and water regularly. Hardening off will help the dill grow in thicker clumps without stretching too much.

If you have learned how to grow greens on the windowsill and got a taste, you can surprise your family and guests with something. For example, to drink them in the middle of winter with fragrant tea with fresh lemon balm. Take care of this in advance - dig up the plant in the fall, without damaging the earthen ball, and transplant it into a flower pot. Keep lemon balm at room conditions.

You can grow a plant from seeds, although this is quite troublesome. First you need to treat the seed with a solution of potassium permanganate, then sow to a depth of 1 cm in a container with a fertile earthen mixture. Water the plantings and provide a greenhouse effect until the two-centimeter sprouts appear. The soil should not dry out, as well as mold.

When the plants get stronger, they must be transplanted into separate pots and dive at the same time. Water the soil regularly and spray the leaves with a spray bottle. With a little patience, you can have fresh herbs at home any time of the year. Experienced growers successfully grow spinach, lettuce, mint, and other tasty and healthy vegetables and seasonings at home. Do not be afraid to experiment, and even in the cold you will always have a piece of summer nearby.

And fruit.

Modern technologies make it possible even for beginners to organize a garden on the windowsill in winter.

For beginners, there is a lot of practical advice from professionals and home gardening enthusiasts.

Having studied the right approach, you can pamper yourself with juicy vegetables and herbs all year round without leaving your home.

To create a homemade small garden for the winter, you will need careful preparation:

  • Plastic containers (cut bottles, glasses will do) or flower pots.
  • Polyethylene to organize a mini-greenhouse.
  • High-quality soil and fertilizers that are designed for vegetables and herbs.
  • UV lamps to create daylight.
  • Thermometer to control the temperature of the home garden.
  • A small watering can for watering the garden.

The soil can be purchased at any specialized gardening store. Then they need to fill the prepared containers and water it so that the earth gets wet. Then seeds or seedlings are planted. In the case of seed planting, containers should be placed in a warm place and covered with foil to create a greenhouse effect until the crops begin to germinate.

As soon as the sprouts appear, the polyethylene must be removed to ensure air circulation and transferred to the windowsill, where the plants will have access to daylight.

The key to quality plants and a successful home harvest is timely watering, fertilizing and access to daylight. Since there is little natural light in winter, you will need a fluorescent lamp.

If there is no desire to plant seeds, you can buy already sprouted crops in the store and simply transplant them at home into containers.

Growing greenery

Greens are not only a flavoring seasoning for many dishes, but also a source of vitamins that every body needs, especially in winter. On the windowsill you can grow absolutely any kind of greenery.

Consider the most popular, which are very easy to plant at home.


You don't have to plant everything at once. It is enough to plant 7-10 heads, after 2 weeks the same number and so on.

Thus, you can provide yourself with green onions all year round uninterruptedly, and without cluttering up all the window sills.


Watercress, like green onions, is not whimsical and does not require a lot of attention in a room garden. It grows very quickly, which is important for a home window sill, already 2 weeks after planting, you can enjoy the greenery.

In addition to taste, this type of salad has many beneficial properties for the body:

  • improves blood circulation
  • normalizes blood pressure
  • contributes to the production of hemoglobin
  • Saturates the body with vitamins A, B, C, E

Cress does not require special lighting or temperature conditions. For him, a perfect environment is considered to be +15 degrees and above. The main thing is to water it all the time, because the plant dies from a lack of moisture. For a constant crop of greens, portions of seeds are recommended to be planted once a week.

Leaf salad

According to experts, two types of leaf lettuce are ideal for a vegetable garden on a windowsill: Lollo Rossa and Lolla Bionda.

But these, unlike onions or cress, require additional lighting.

In order for the leaves to turn out juicy and soft, it is important to adhere to neutral moisture, drought or excessive watering will lead to bitterness.

When the seeds begin to germinate, it is important to break through them at a distance of 1-1.5 centimeters.

When the plants get stronger, the distance between them must be increased to 4 centimeters. In cramped conditions, the lettuce will weaken and produce juicy fruit leaves.

Given the compactness and diminutiveness of the garden, you should not wait until the leaves grow to full size. You can feast on young leaves, cutting them off in time and allowing new leaves to appear.


This type of greenery is one of the most not picky and fast-growing. There are several ways to plant parsley:

  • Sowing seeds. Seeds previously soaked in Guma are sown in a container with moistened and fertilized soil. Then they are covered with a layer of earth from above and placed in a warm place for germination. With the advent of greenery, it can be rearranged on the windowsill. With this planting, you need to know that parsley seeds germinate very slowly.
  • Planting distillation - pre-prepared roots. This option is a little easier, since you do not need to sow the seeds. Medium-sized roots are planted in moist soil. A plastic box, container or flower pot is perfect as a container.

Parsley does not require much watering or lighting. It is enough to moisten the soil, as needed. This plant also does not need thinning.


In order for the chives to please with a juicy harvest throughout the winter period, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation in the fall. Onion jackets should be planted in a container and sent to the balcony or basement. When the time comes to plant it on the windowsill, the blanks are brought into a warm room. Feathers grow back very quickly.

As practice shows, two crops can be obtained from one fruit, after which the plant deteriorates. Therefore, several containers need to be prepared for the winter.

It is not necessary to fill the chives with water, but you should not allow the soil to dry out either. When dry, the feathers become bitter, and flower stalks form. For a quality harvest, it is recommended to add a hydrogel before planting in the ground.


Basil is planted by cuttings or sown by seeds.

Both in the first and in the second case, an excellent harvest is obtained.

At a temperature of +18 and above, the seeds germinate on the 6th-7th day.

Cuttings take root from 10 to 15 days.

In the case of basil, it is better to use the sowing method.

This plant loves loose soil, and in order to create favorable conditions for it, coconut fibers are placed in a container with soil. They can be purchased at garden stores.

You need to water the basil as needed, preventing the soil from drying out. As for lighting, a natural light regime in the winter is quite enough.


Mint is easiest to grow on a windowsill, as it is not capricious of light, moisture, or soil quality. Different species get along well with each other, even if you plant mint platter in one pot.

It is not recommended to sow mint at home with seeds - it is too long. It is better to buy seedlings with roots in a store or on the market. Mint takes root up to 12 - 14 days, and then it begins to grow rapidly, spreading an incredible aroma throughout the apartment.


The rosemary stalk is immediately planted in the ground for rooting. It is not necessary to plant it in water first. From above you need to create a greenhouse - a film or a glass jar will do. The root will get stronger in 2 weeks, then the "greenhouse" must be eliminated.

Drainage should be placed at the bottom of the container with soil. Rosemary loves fresh air, but is afraid of drafts. There are no special instructions for watering this plant, but you need to spray the leaves with water from time to time.

Growing vegetables

In addition to greenery, you can grow it in the garden on the windowsill in winter. For beginners, lighting should be of the highest quality so that there are no problems with plants. Those who have already practiced growing crops already know from their own experience what kind of vegetable, what kind of light is needed.


It seems that growing cucumbers in an apartment is unrealistic. With the right approach and proper care, everything is real! Cucumbers are not very whimsical, so in December and March you can enjoy a fresh salad.

Benefits of planting cucumbers on the windowsill:

  • it is not difficult, even a beginner can easily cope with this task
  • already a month and a half after planting, you can enjoy juicy and healthy fruits
  • all year round you can provide the table with delicious fresh salads

Before breeding in an apartment, it is important to know that not all varieties are suitable for this. It is better to give preference to self-pollinated, bush and shade-tolerant. The following varieties are suitable for this:

  • F1 legend
  • Marinda F1
  • Connie F1
  • Debut
  • Athlete
  • Babylon
  • Claudia F1

For you need to create favorable conditions so that the plant is quickly saturated with vitamins and soon bears fruit:

  • Light. Cucumbers are photophilous, so natural light will not be enough for them. It is necessary to purchase fluorescent lamps to illuminate the plant when it gets dark or cloudy outside.
  • Warm. For these plants, it is important to provide a mode from +20 to +24 degrees. At a lower temperature, the fruits will ripen for a long time and will not turn out juicy and crispy.
  • Moisture. Cucumbers do not tolerate drought either in the garden or on the windowsill. It is necessary to strictly monitor the moisture content of the soil.

Bush hybrids are best planted in a plastic container or flower pot (large). Seedlings are planted immediately. You can buy it, or prepare it in advance, since the fall.

You can watch the video on how to grow cucumbers and tomatoes on the windowsill:


A tomato on the windowsill is the dream of every housewife. Bush indoor tomatoes are not whimsical to moisture and temperature. They need to be watered as the soil dries and keep the temperature from +17 to +24 degrees. The room where the tomatoes are located can be ventilated, since, unlike cucumbers, they are not afraid of drafts. For a home garden, seedlings of the following varieties are best suited:

  • balcony miracle
  • room surprise
  • betta
  • Bansai
  • Cherry
  • Florida
  • Talisma

As a rule, the seeds indicate that this variety is suitable for growing in an apartment.

In order for the tomato bush to be beautiful and even, and the fruits to ripen evenly, it is recommended to turn the tomato pot daily to the window in different directions.

Sweet pepper

Bell peppers are one of the easiest vegetables to grow at home.

It does not require special heating or lighting.

But the first fruits appear 6 months after the seed sprouts.

That is, in order to provide yourself with peppers, you can plant several bushes every month, which will result in an uninterrupted harvest.

Indoor varieties:

  • Patio-Ivo - bright yellow juicy fruits
  • Jupiter F1 - produces red and green fleshy peppers
  • Oda is one of the most productive sweet pepper varieties.

Initially, you need to sow the seeds and create a greenhouse for them. After sunrise, the sprouts are moved to a container of fertilized soil for a "permanent residence". Peppers are unpretentious, but require sun and warmth. The best mode for them is + 22-26 degrees. Additional lighting should also be present, since, after all, this is a southern plant.

It is better to protect sweet pepper from room bitter. Otherwise, hybrid pollination may occur, as a result of which both varieties will deteriorate.

hot pepper

Hot indoor pepper will bear fruit, regardless of the temperature and the presence of light. Enough 3-4 hours a day of the sun or artificial lighting. After sunrise, fruits appear in 8-10 weeks. One plant can bear fruit for up to five years. In addition, bitter pepper is very beautiful and will complement any interior. Varieties that are suitable for the windowsill.

Half a century ago, growing vegetables and herbs in apartments was much more difficult. Not everywhere there was central heating, most had wooden windows, the industry did not produce pretty pot containers - they had to be knocked together from improvised materials or use jars of sour cream.

Today, all the conditions have been created for a room garden in our apartments: uniform temperature, double-glazed windows, large windows, wide window sills. And in stores for gardeners, you can buy everything from soil and seeds to top dressing and growth stimulants.

Table of aromatic plants that can be grown on the windowsill

It is easy to grow on a windowsill. The plant can be propagated by cuttings, or sown by seeds. In winter, when the apartment is hot due to the heating being turned on, the seeds will sprout already on the 7th day. Cuttings take root for about two weeks (if you use growth stimulants - faster). For cuttings, you need to cut off (or pinch off) a twig from a bush of an adult plant and put it in water. After 10-14 days, when the shoot takes root, it is transplanted into the ground.

Basil loves loose soil, so you need to add coconut fiber to the pot. Also, the plant loves light, high humidity and needs frequent haircuts. The more often you pluck the basil, the more magnificent and abundant it grows.

Cultivation of chervil

Chervil is not picky about lighting conditions, it loves shade. However, he needs regular watering - when dehydrated, chervil quickly goes into color, and the quality of greenery deteriorates significantly. Grows in light soils with good drainage.

Chervil does not require special care. It is propagated by seeds, which are sown before winter in boxes to a depth of 1.5 cm. Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked for several hours in water to speed up germination. Shoots after sowing will appear in 12-14 days. Sowing is carried out either in grooves or scattered. When the seedlings grow to 5 cm, it is necessary to thin out, remove the weakest plants, and transplant the strong ones into individual pots.

Advice! In order for the yield of chervil greens to be higher, it is necessary to remove flower stalks in a timely manner, to prevent flowering of plants.

Growing onions on a windowsill

Feather onions are the best source of vitamins

Feather onions are the best source of fortification. Their feathers are tender, juicy, do not coarsen even a month after regrowth. They need regular watering, fertile soil and timely loosening. Then their feathers will stay fresh and green for a long time.

Advice! So that the feather of perennial onions grown on the windowsill does not shrink, it is necessary to rejuvenate the plant every three years and make sure that they do not thicken in the pot.

Ordinary onions are grown from the mother bulb or nigella. Chives propagate by dividing the bush. Onions are best sown from seeds.

  1. For forcing in winter, summer bushes are dug up on the window sill of chives and stored in sand or peat on a cold balcony or in a bag in the refrigerator until November. In November, you can plant in pots and put in heat. By the beginning of winter there will be greenery.
  2. Nigella can be sown in the ground, starting in autumn and all winter. Onion bulbs for greens can also be planted in boxes with soil, or they can be germinated in water.
  3. Onions are sown with seeds in boxes with soil to a depth of 2-3 cm. The soil is coconut fiber with biohumus. Crops should be covered with foil before germination. Greens can be cut off after two months. Batun, sown with seeds, will live on the windowsill for 2-3 years.

Marjoram and its cultivation in winter

Grows great from seed. It is also possible to cut and divide, subsequently transplanting into other containers, marjoram. When sowing seeds, they immediately take a large pot, and then dive the seedlings into cups and, as they grow, plant each bush in a separate pot.

Sowing is carried out to a depth of 0.5 cm. Pre-seeds are well held with potassium permanganate. In heat, the seeds will sprout in 7-8 days. The temperature of marjoram content is normal room temperature. It does not require special conditions and special cultivation. Marjoram loves water very much, so it will have to be watered more often than other spicy plants.

Mint is a great idea for winter growing

Mint is an unpretentious indoor plant

The simplest and most unpretentious indoor plant is mint. Any variety of it grows quickly and does not require special care. Peppermint is commonly grown in pots because of its rich aroma. It's a good idea to plant assorted mints in one container. Fragrant family get along well with each other.

You can grow mint from seeds, but for a long time. You can get seedlings in a store or a bazaar (grandmothers often sell bunches of greens with roots). Each seedling must be placed in a personal pot. Do not worry if the landing does not look very decorative at first. Mint after rooting begins to grow very quickly. You will not even notice how in a couple of months a thin sprout will turn into a fragrant bush.

Growing oregano on the windowsill in the apartment

This plant, in addition to culinary, also has healing properties. Aromatizes the air, kills bacteria. Oregano is light-loving - it can only be grown in a sunny window. He does not like waterlogging and stagnant water in the soil, so a baking powder is added to the soil when planting. You can grow oregano from a seedling or sow seeds. The seeds of the plant are small, so they are not sown in the grooves, but are distributed over the surface and slightly sprinkled with peat. Seeds will germinate in the room in 12-14 days. Best of all, the bush grows in coolness - at + 16 ... 20 ° C.

Parsley and its cultivation on the windowsill in winter

For successful indoor growing of parsley, only a few conditions are needed. The plant is sown with seeds in boxes. The soil must be fertile. Parsley loves moisture, so you should not place the box next to the battery. Watering is done carefully so as not to erode the soil. Drying of the soil should not be allowed.

Advice! The temperature for parsley is the same as for oregano - + 16 ° C ... 20 ° C. Both plants love light, so you can put them side by side.

If the room is cold, the growth of parsley greens will slow down, and if it is too hot, the leaves will dry.

The first harvest can be harvested after 1.5 months, when the parsley grows by 8-10 cm.

Rosemary and how to grow it

A rosemary bush can appear on your windowsill in two ways - either you buy a ready-made plant in a pot, or you ask someone for a cutting.

Rooting of the cutting occurs in the soil (do not put it in water). For the best effect, you can first hold the stem in a root solution. Landing is covered with a glass jar for a period of about two weeks. This is how long it takes rosemary to take root.

Rosemary needs light, drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and fresh air without drafts is shown. This plant will not make any claims to the lack of moisture. He likes occasional thorough watering and foliar spraying.


Stevia is a natural sweetener

Stevia has recently been grown on the windowsill. Mostly those who suffer from diabetes and need natural sweeteners. The plant turned out to be so unpretentious that many novice gardeners wanted to have it on their windowsill. Stevia leaves are used for tea, to add sweetness to any dessert or other dish, as well as for medicinal purposes.

The plant needs light sandy soil, a large pot volume, constant intense lighting and heavy watering. Stevia should be watered with boiled water. She loves heat up to + 25 ° C and frequent pruning, as soon as the bush reaches 25 centimeters.

Growing dill on a windowsill in winter

Dill grows well and quickly. The main thing is that he has enough nutrition, light and moisture. The plant propagates by seeds. Before sowing dill seeds, sand must be added to the soil. Seeds are sown in boxes. Make wide grooves at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
After moistening the soil, the seeds are sown thickly and covered with peat.

Advice! It is not necessary to water the soil in the box after sowing, otherwise the seeds will deepen and there will be no seedlings.

Dill should be grown on a windowsill that gets enough sunlight. Plant care will consist of thinning, regular watering and loosening the soil. To avoid early flowering of dill, you need to provide it with abundant watering.


It is necessary to grow thyme in shallow, but wide containers, no more than 15-20 cm deep. When sowing, the seeds are not deepened by 10 mm, carefully covered with earth, well moistened and kept in a moist state all the time until germination. In no case should the soil be allowed to dry out, otherwise the seedlings will die.

Advice! To maintain a humid microclimate, thyme crops are recommended to be covered with a film or glass.

Thyme is drought tolerant. You can water it no more than three times a month, with an interval of 8-10 days. To make the plant bush more actively, pinch the central shoots.


Tarragon not only flavors sweet drinks, but also goes well with meat, fish, vegetables in a salad, is added to soups and sauces, and is used in canning.

Tarragon reproduces in three ways - vegetatively (dividing the mother bush into several parts), seeds and cuttings. Cuttings are cut and rooted, as with other plants. The bush divided in autumn is planted in separate pots. After rooting, it takes about five months before the first leaves are removed.

In an apartment, it is best to grow tarragon from seeds. They need to be sown at the end of winter. Shoots will appear in 18-20 days.

Start growing greens on your windowsill. You can always find a sprig of fragrant dill for soup or a mint leaf for tea. In addition, your home will be filled with essential oils and healing aromas, and the air will become fresh and cleansed of all harmful impurities.

Video - Greenery on the windowsill

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