How to clean polyurethane foam from metal doors. We wash traces of polyurethane foam from surfaces

Encyclopedia of Plants 03.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

The carelessness of the master when using polyurethane foam sometimes leads to contamination of the entire door design. Cleaning any surface from insulation is a labor-intensive process that requires certain knowledge and equipment. The home owner immediately has a question: how and with what to clean the polyurethane foam from the door?

Polyurethane foam is a polyurethane foam sealant that has high insulating properties and good adhesion to various materials. The porous structure of the chemical compound provides reliable protection from external noise and temperature changes. The substance is used to fill cracks, seams and inaccessible cavities.

After expulsion from the container, liquid construction material hardens quickly. The installation tool does not respond to changes in humidity and air temperature, does not conduct electricity and doesn't crumble.

Polyurethane foam sealant is actively used for installing doors and windows for several reasons:

  • hardens quickly;
  • attaches to any type of coating;
  • protects metal elements from corrosion;
  • consists of environmentally friendly components;
  • guarantees a long period operation;
  • does not require the use of additional tools.

The use of foam for installation is characterized by some nuances:

  • for the building material to harden, access to fresh air is necessary;
  • You cannot carry out insulation in the cold - the lower the air temperature, the longer the composition will harden;
  • cylinders with high-quality mounting agents have a high cost;
  • sealant is not suitable for exterior finishing- it needs to be covered with facing material.

How quickly it hardens

After applying polyurethane foam to any material, it hardens. The process takes place in two stages:

  1. Setting - within 20 minutes from the moment of contact with the surface, the outer layer of insulation dries. At this stage, the foam looks like a pasty porous mass that gradually expands.
  2. Curing is the internal hardening of the sealant. Depending on the ambient temperature, moisture level and brand of installation agent, hardening lasts from 4 to 12 hours.

Before filling the cracks, it is necessary to protect the door leaf from contamination with building materials. All areas that may get foam are sealed with masking tape or film.

Cleansing Products Review

Not all cleaning products are suitable for sensitive surfaces. To prevent the substance from corroding the door leaf, you must first consult with the seller at a hardware store. Among the most common cleaners are the following:

  1. Acetone is a clear liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. Cleans any material, but not suitable for plastic.
  2. Cosmofen 5, 10, 20 - means for removing old sealant. Contains powerful household chemicals, capable of dissolving the door leaf.
  3. Macroflex - removes uncured foam, cleans the gun.
  4. Solvent 646-647 is an aggressive liquid that removes stubborn stains from metal coatings, products made from MDF, PVC, but not used for plastic.
  5. IsoFoam R621 is a product for cleaning the mounting gun from unhardened foam.
  6. Soudal PU Remover is a paste for cleaning smooth surfaces. After application, the substance along with the sealant is removed without a trace with a spatula.

Removing cured foam

Cured sealant can only be removed using mechanical methods. Upper part The building material is cut with a knife, blade or razor, and then the remaining clumps of foam are carefully scraped off. If there is a threat of surface damage, resort to the use of solvents.

The most accessible remedy- acetone. It is suitable for cleaning durable materials, but is not used on laminated or varnished door leaves. Some substances can easily be found in your home or garage: nail polish remover, gasoline, white spirit.

All solvents are suitable for smooth surfaces, but does anyone know how to remove polyurethane foam from doors coated with powder coating. Enough to take foam sponge and rub the contaminated area with the rough side. The powder metal layer is susceptible to chemicals, the influence of these substances should be tested in inconspicuous areas. Do not wash off the polyurethane foam with water - this will speed up the hardening process.

Removing uncured mixture

Eliminate stains from polyurethane foam on initial stage hardening, using a spatula or knife. Fresh sealant comes off without much effort, but for a slightly thickened mass the following substances are used:

  • acetone;
  • assembly gun cleaner;
  • vegetable oil;
  • White Spirit;
  • nail polish remover;
  • petrol.

After removing the protruding parts of the foam, the stains are intensively wiped until completely softened. Lumps of sealant are wiped off with a sponge or thick cloth soaked in a soap solution.

How to clean varnished wood panels and MDF

The sealant is most easily removed at the setting stage, since in this state chemical compound amenable to mechanical influence. Contamination is removed by lightly pulling on the protruding edges.

But not everyone knows how to remove polyurethane foam from varnished wooden door, if the material has long hardened. Typically, Dimexide is used - medicinal product, which destroys the structure of the sealant. Cleansing is carried out in this way:

  • cut off the protruding part of the building material, avoiding damage to the wooden panel or MDF;
  • moisten a piece of fabric in the cleaner and treat the stain for several minutes;
  • After the foam has softened, remove the residue with a sponge or toothbrush.

Dimexide corrodes skin cells, so you should wear gloves when handling the drug.

To avoid accidental lightening of the door leaf, Dimexide is tested in an inconspicuous place. A drop of the substance is kept on the surface for 10-15 minutes. If the wood is not deformed or lightened, proceed to cleaning the contaminated areas.

How to remove dried foam from eco-veneer

Used to imitate the natural structure of wood. It is obtained by pressing wood fibers and fastening chemical substance. Dimexide is not used to remove dried sealant from eco-veneer - the product corrodes the fibers of the material.

Clean mechanically in two stages:

  • the sealant is cut off with a thin sharp object (blade, knife, spatula);
  • foam residues are processed baking soda and then removed with a damp sponge.

Grains of soda will not spoil the coating, since eco-veneer is a durable material that is resistant to mechanical damage. It does not form scratches, chips or dents.

An alternative method for removing foam clots is to use white spirit. Exposure to the solvent will allow you to remove the contamination using a dry cloth.

How to remove foam residue from a metal door

Those who have equipped their home with metal structures (steel) are not afraid of contamination. The question: “how to remove polyurethane foam from a door if it has dried out” can be solved quite simply. Frozen splashes are soaked with Dimexide, acetone or another solvent for 15-20 minutes. Remains of the substance are removed from the surface using a sponge or cloth.

Cleaning glass and decorative inserts of interior doors

Some . Decorative glass elements clean from foam using vegetable oil or vinegar. The only condition is that the building material must be fresh. The procedure is as follows:

  • the foam is separated with a knife, the remains are treated with table vinegar or oil;
  • after 15-20 minutes, the softened mass is removed with a soft sponge;
  • The oil stain is washed off with a soap solution.
It will not be possible to mechanically clean glass from frozen foam, since the coating will be scratched. Building materials stores sell special solvents that are suitable for glass surfaces.

Depending on the scale and duration of contamination, they apply Various types cleansers. Removing cured polyurethane foam from various doors requires special skills. The right cleaning agent will remove stains without leaving a trace and maintain an attractive appearance. appearance housing.

When installing the door, all gaps between the frame and the wall are filled with foam. If used carelessly, this material can get on the door leaf, and it is not possible to wash the surface with ordinary or soapy water. How to clean polyurethane foam from a door in different situations?

When looking for solutions, pay attention to the coating material. Depending on the type of door, this may be:

  • a layer of varnish or paint;
  • metal (including fittings that may get dirty);
  • decorative spraying on metal;
  • acrylic, plastic.

You may notice the mistake immediately or discover it after the foam has hardened. A soft, freshly applied substance differs in its properties from a hardened one, so we will talk about two types of contamination.

Precautions before operation

Regardless of the choice of product, it is necessary to protect your hands and the surface being cleaned from chemical and mechanical damage. Hands must be covered with thick rubber gloves; when using strong-smelling compounds, cover the lower part of the face with a respirator or cotton-gauze bandage.

Before starting work, apply a few drops of the selected product to an inconspicuous area of ​​the door or frame, wait 10-15 minutes, and rub the surface with a sponge. If the coating is not damaged and no marks remain on it, you can use this composition for work.

To cut foam, choose small, not too sharp spatulas, knives and sponges with a moderately abrasive surface. You should not use an iron mesh; it can scratch almost all types of coatings.

How to remove fresh foam from a door?

If the work was carried out recently, it will not be difficult to wash the foam from the metal door. Until the composition has polymerized, most it can be removed with a spatula. Residues are removed using various chemical means:

  1. Acetone.
  2. Liquid for cleaning mounting guns.
  3. White Spirit.
  4. Solvent for automobile paints.

If you don't have any of the above products on hand, try using nail polish remover. They will have to wipe the surface longer, but often this is enough. After using any product, wipe the surface with soap and then clean water.

For more sensitive types of coating, the susceptibility test chemical composition required. And even metal doors are often coated with a layer of polymers or powdered metal, so it is necessary to check the safety of the chosen cleaner.

Important! Do not attempt to wash off fresh foam with water, as this will speed up the hardening time. In addition, water will interfere with the use of some other liquids.

How to clean the surface if aggressive agents damage it? Use regular vegetable oil, heated to 50-60 degrees. It should be applied liberally to the stained area, and a piece of oily cloth should be applied for a couple of minutes. After this, the remaining stains will not dissolve, but will be amenable to rubbing.

Soak a regular dishwashing sponge in the oil and scrub the door vigorously until it rolls completely and removes any residue. If the door surface is smooth, oil can be replaced with vinegar. It perfectly removes polyurethane foam from plastic.

Removing dried foam from the door

If the foam has hardened, it will not be easy to remove. All of the listed products, including liquid for mounting guns and acetone, are not capable of destroying this substance after polymerization.

The first step: you need to carefully cut off as much foam as possible with a sharp knife, avoiding cuts to the surface. After all, even on metal surface the knife will leave a noticeable scratch. If the door is made of metal, it can be scraped with a spatula or a stiff sponge. However, even after this there will be traces.

They can be removed with a product that is sold in pharmacies as an antiseptic. A liquid called “Dimexide” destroys the bonds between the molecules of the mounting substance. It should be applied to a piece of dry cloth and applied to the stain for 3-5 minutes. The softened foam can be scrubbed off with a sponge, an old toothbrush or a stiff cloth, although this will require some effort.

This product can also leave marks on the paintwork, so don't forget to do a sensitivity test. If this is also contraindicated, you can only mechanically remove the remaining stains. Fortunately, in most cases, persistent scrubbing of dirt with soft abrasives (soda, household sponge) gives excellent results.

Remember that after installation it is necessary to carefully inspect the entire surface of the door and frame, including fittings. The sooner traces of polyurethane foam are discovered, the easier it is to remove it.

Polyurethane foam, or polyurethane foam, is an excellent building material that is used as a sealant, heat and sound insulator, and even as an adhesive. Behind all the advantages there is one drawback - few people know how to wipe off polyurethane foam that has landed where it shouldn’t have.

One builder I know often used to say: “Dirty hands reveal a bad craftsman.” Perhaps there is some kind of pattern in this - a specialist who is good at his job knows how to handle tools and building materials carefully, knows which side to approach the plane from so that splashes do not get on clothes or skin.

Of course, dust and fine dirt will stick to even the most careful builder. But while small splashes of concrete or plaster can be easily washed off with plain water, even a drop will cause a lot of inconvenience - firstly, the material expands and hardens upon contact with water, so it cannot be washed off under the tap; secondly, polyurethane foam adheres very tenaciously to almost any surface; thirdly, standard cleaners are very poisonous, so you should not wipe your hands with them. Ordinary white spirit cannot cope with foam.

The skin of your hands most often “suffers” when working with foam. Even gloves don’t always save you – you can get dirty at any time even after application. To tell the truth, polyurethane foam does not cause any particular harm to the skin. None toxic substances, which can cause burns or lead to diseases, are not included in the material. So if you are not embarrassed by such “decoration” on your hands, you don’t have to worry - in a couple of days, due to the natural death of epithelial cells and the release of sebum, everything will disappear on its own.

What if after work, say, on a date?! It is unlikely that your girlfriend will be pleased to feel the rough texture of the foam instead of a gentle touch. Fortunately, it has been tested by many builders folk remedy– solution table salt. Before scrubbing off the mounting foam, soak your hands in this solution for about five minutes, and then gently scrub the problem area with a piece of pumice. After this procedure, lubricate dry hands with cream and go to your beloved.

For these purposes, manufacturers offer special cleaners, and rightly divide them into products for foam that has not yet hardened and for foam that has already polymerized. If possible, when purchasing material, buy a cleaner from the same company for both cases. Don’t forget that each polyurethane foam manufacturer has its own secret ingredient, so a “native” cleaning product can be much more effective than others.

It is best to clean stains that have not yet hardened. Firstly, they are more pliable, and secondly, the fresh foam cleaner is more gentle on the surfaces themselves. If you quickly apply it and quickly clean it, rinsing the surface with soap and water afterwards, you will not cause any harm. This can be used to clean fabric, leather, lacquered or laminated surfaces.

There are a number of special cleaners for dried foam. Buy branded ones, even though they are more expensive. When using products, follow basic safety rules: clean in a well-ventilated area, wear protective clothing and gloves on your hands, make sure that the product does not come into contact with the skin of your hands and especially your eyes.

You can clean varnished or laminated surfaces without any products at all. The whole “trick” of the process here is to let the material harden a little. Between liquid and solid there is also a “rubber” form - foam, having slightly hardened, retains its plasticity and no longer sticks to your hands. So, carefully lifting one edge of the “stain”, pull it up, and all the dirt will easily come off the coating.

If you doubt the ability of the material or surface that you have stained to withstand the influence of the cleaner, conduct a small test experiment - drop the substance onto the surface in an inconspicuous place. If nothing bad happens after 5-10 minutes, you can safely start cleaning.

For small stains of fresh foam, there are special wipes soaked in cleaner. To clean tools (mounting gun), whole bottles of solution or cylinders are sold. The latter are especially convenient because they screw onto the gun, and a few pulls of the trigger ensure it is completely cleaned.

What and how can we wash dried polyurethane foam? In a panic, we are looking for at least some useful advice. Most of the advisers incline us to buy the strongest cleaners, the formula of which can significantly soften even hardened polyurethane. However, the formula does not spare the surface either!

It is very easy to harm other materials with solvents of dried polyurethane foam - they dissolve paintwork, can damage PVC.

Once foam has hardened on clothing, it cannot be washed off. The attempt will only result in serious damage. As much as possible, cut the layer down to the base using a thin blade or sharp knife, being careful not to snag the fabric. Very carefully apply the solvent to the stain with a cotton swab and let it sit for about 10 minutes. Then try scraping off the foam again - you may be able to remove the remaining layer.

If the attempt is unsuccessful, the only way to save the clothes is with creativity. For example, if it is a work suit, you can sew a pocket onto the stain. If the clothes are casual, decorate with a fun patchwork patch. In a word, use your imagination.

Cleaning polished or painted surfaces is doubly difficult, because sometimes it is simply impossible to do without mechanical action (scraping, rubbing, grinding). Strong solvents, which promise to soften even hardened foam, can equally well do the same to the coating or to the material itself that you have stained with foam.

In this case, choose the lesser of two evils. If the surface is smooth, a sharp knife or slightly sharpened spatula can easily remove foam stains. You can try to polish the scratches using an angle grinder (grinder) and a special attachment. This treatment is much more gentle than the use of chemicals.

If you prefer solvents and cleaners, rummage through the shelves with such chemicals - some compositions are very gentle on paint and varnish materials and plastic. They may be more expensive, but the results are worth it. In any case, do not forget to test for material compatibility.

Polyurethane foam has become an indispensable tool when installing windows and doors - it simultaneously seals, insulates, soundproofs, and strengthens the frame in the opening. But no matter how hard you try, several stains of polyurethane foam will appear on a clean surface. The cleaner, as we already know, is a last resort, because your doors probably shine with a layer of varnish or other coating.

So, the first method is oil. To begin with, we carefully cut off the dried foam right to the very root - only a thin film will remain on the doors, which is the most difficult to get rid of without damaging the surface. Apply regular sunflower oil to it and wait 15-20 minutes until the oil softens the structure. Then, using a sponge that has a rough pad, intensively rub the stain, alternating the soft and hard sides. When the stain can be completely removed, use water and diluted washing powder or detergent wipe away the greasy mark.

The second method is pharmacy. You need to buy joint gel for it at the pharmacy. Dimexide. It is sold without a prescription and softens dry polyurethane foam very well. Apply it with a brush or with your hands dressed in latex gloves, as it may burn your skin. Otherwise, the process is similar to the first method - wait, wait, wash off. If you need to clean wooden surface, which is not yet covered with anything, everything is simplified - the usual one will help you in this matter sandpaper. Cut off as much foam as possible, and the remainder can be easily removed with a sanding belt.

To avoid damaging the new door when cleaning, find out in advance how to wipe off the mounting foam from PVC, MDF, metal, wood doors or decorative glass. Use special means: “Macroflex”, “Cosmofen” or sunflower oil, soda or pharmaceutical Dimexide. Select the substance depending on the volume and age of the contamination. Remove as much excess foam as possible, treat the canvas and remove the residue along with the product after 15 minutes.

When installing a door leaf, even a highly specialized craftsman makes mistakes, and residues of polyurethane foam remain on the surface. Then you have to restore the appearance of the door, which is not easy to do, since polyurethane foam is a good sealing material. Removing it incorrectly may result in scratches on the surface. new door. To avoid this, it is important to know how to remove polyurethane foam from MDF doors, plastic, metal, wood and eco-veneer.

How long does it take for foam to dry completely?

Foam for installation is made from polyurethane foam, which has high adhesive and sealing ability.

Once it has hardened, it is almost impossible to remove it without a trace, so act on fresh building material immediately after it hits the door surface.

Principle of removing fresh sealant:

  1. Take a spatula or construction knife. Carefully remove the sealant from the door, but do not scrape, otherwise you risk damaging the door covering or the external structure.
  2. Soak cotton wool or a napkin in car paint thinner or acetone. Rub the surface.

If you start processing the door right away, you won’t need much effort. Then you can remove the remaining sealant in 5-10 minutes.

Installation sealant removers

To wash the mounting foam, prepare a scraper and a special solvent.

However, their choice depends on the surface being treated.

  • For iron, wood and varnished veneers, you can use a sharp object, such as a knife, and for glass, ceramic, eco-veneer, you can use a wooden spatula.
  • For sealant that has not yet hardened, solvents are suitable - Waller, PENOSIL Foam Cleaner, and for old sealant - PENOSIL Premium Cured PU-Foam Remover. They can be purchased at any hardware store.

The processing principle is simple. Select a scraper according to the recommendations described above, carefully scrape off any remaining foam and treat with solvent. After 10–15 minutes, thoroughly wipe the entrance or interior door opening from any remaining sealant.

Note ! Solvents made from concentrated acetone can damage paint or laminating coating. Be sure to monitor the processing process or use gentle methods.

We clean MDF and wooden (varnished, glossy) surfaces

Wood surfaces, polished/varnished, MDF can be cleaned with inexpensive pharmaceutical Dimexide.

The product is used if you have missed the moment when the foam resembles rubber and is easily separated from the surfaces if you pull it by the edge.

Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) - destroys the molecular binders of the sealant and is inexpensive, therefore it is used by many experienced specialists.

Be careful! Before treating the surface, wear protective gloves to remove dried foam without damaging the skin of your hands.

  1. Take a scraper and scrape off most of the stuck foam from the wood.
  2. Soak a piece of non-abrasive cloth in the product and soak the remaining sealant for a few minutes.
  3. Once softened, remove with a toothbrush or hard cloth.

To preserve the paint of the door, it is recommended to check in advance how the surface will tolerate Dimexide treatment, even if the manufacturer claims to provide a product of the highest quality. Apply the product to an area that is not visible to strangers and leave to soak in for 15 minutes. If the shade does not change, feel free to use it to remove the mounting sealant on any part of the door.

How Dimexide cleans wood from polyurethane foam, watch the video:

Cleaning eco-veneer with folk remedies

Eco-veneer is a wood-textured material made from wood fibers and colored synthetic substances by pressing under gradually increasing pressure.

The disadvantages of veneered materials include their low ability to withstand mechanical damage. If you remove the mounting foam carelessly, you risk irreversibly damaging the coating and the product itself, so strictly adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Scrape as much of the mounting sealant off the veneer as possible.
  2. Wet the surface with a wet sponge and treat with powdered soda.

Cleaning glass decorative surfaces

Majority interior doors have decorations in the form of transparent or frosted glass(with or without a picture).

Accidental contact of polyurethane foam on the glass deteriorates the overall attractiveness of the door, but it is possible to remove the sealant without damaging the coating or scratching the surface only if the contamination is fresh.

Not all solvents may be on hand and safe for glass; in this case, it is also better not to use soda.

And homemade vegetable oil is safe and dissolves well.

  1. Carefully remove excess foam with a knife.
  2. Lubricate the stain with vegetable oil.
  3. Leave the area treated for about 15 minutes.
  4. Wash off the oil along with the limp foam.

Using the same method, you can clean fresh foam from a metal or plastic door. After that it won't be difficult.

Note ! If you are doing professional installation doors, purchase a sandblasting device. Thanks to it, you can clean metal and glass (frosted and decorative) surfaces from polyurethane foam.

When the repair is complete, it's time to move on to spring cleaning. It is important to remove contamination from various surfaces, including from doors, especially if it is polyurethane foam. This material consists of polyurethane foam and has a high degree of adhesion. For this reason, polyurethane foam is very difficult to clean. When choosing effective method the characteristics of the door must also be taken into account, since some compounds, in addition to removing dirt, can harm the door leaf.

Removing fresh foam

If renovation work were carried out not so long ago, then remove the polyurethane foam from metal structure it won't be difficult. If the composition has not hardened, most of it can be removed with a spatula. Dried residues can be quickly removed using the following means:

  • acetone;
  • liquid for cleaning mounting guns;
  • White Spirit;
  • solvent for automobile paints.

If you don’t have any of the above products at hand, you can use the following methods for removing fresh polyurethane foam:

  1. Nail polish remover. And although it takes longer to wipe the surface, you can still get a positive result from this procedure. After using any product, the door surface should be wiped with soap and then with clean water.
  2. Sunflower oil. If aggressive agents damage the surface of the door, it is better to use regular vegetable oil. Heat it to a temperature of 50-60 degrees, and then apply it with a brush to the contaminated area. Place a cloth soaked in oil on top. After such manipulation, dirty stains will not dissolve; they will be amenable to scrubbing.
  3. If fresh foam remains on plastic doors, then instead of oil, ordinary vinegar will do a great job. Simply apply it to a washcloth and scrub vigorously.

Attention! To avoid damaging the coating, it is necessary to conduct a chemical sensitivity test in advance. To do this, apply the selected product to small area and check its condition after 15-20 minutes. The fact is that even metal door structures are covered with a layer of polymers, so such a check will not be superfluous.

But it is not recommended to use water to remove fresh foam, as this will only accelerate the polymerization of the latter. In addition, water prevents the penetration of certain other liquids.

Removing dried foam:

If it was not possible to immediately remove the polyurethane foam from the door, it will harden firmly after some time. In order to clean it and not damage the surface, you need to choose a composition taking into account the material of the door structure.

Varnished wood panels and MDF

It is best to remove polyurethane foam from a varnished wooden surface when it resembles rubber. Simply pull on it and it comes off easily. And if time has been lost, then a purifier will come to the rescue.

Dimexide has a destructive effect on sealant molecules. Sometimes you don’t even need to buy it, since it’s in your home medicine cabinet. You can clean the surface with Dimexide as follows:

  1. Using a sharp knife, remove the foam. Do this carefully so as not to damage the wood or MDF panel.
  2. Wet a cloth or soft sponge with cleaner and rub the stain (for 2 minutes).
  3. When the foam becomes soft, it can be removed with a toothbrush or a hard sponge.

Attention! When working with Dimexide, you need to wear gloves, as the drug can corrode the skin of your hands. In addition, before applying the drug to the entire surface, you need to treat the door leaf in an inconspicuous place and wait 10 minutes, so as not to further harm the entire structure.


This material is used to imitate wooden doors. Its appearance is not much different from natural material. Eco-veneer contains compressed wood fibers and a binder component. To remove polyurethane foam from such a surface, it is better to use mechanical method, for which a sharp knife with a thin blade is suitable.

Attention! You should not use the drug Dimexide to clean foam from eco-veneer, as it destroys the fibrous structure of the material.

You can remove foam from the door using sharp object and then wipe the surface damp cloth, and at the end treat with soda. Don't worry that food supplement will damage the veneer surface.

If the above method does not produce results, then you can remove the contamination with white spirit. Apply it to the stain for 30 seconds, and then remove the foam with a dry rag.

From a metal door

Metal is a material resistant to mechanical stress. To clean polyurethane foam from its surface, compounds such as acetone or Dimexide are suitable. You just need to apply the product to the lumps of foam and leave to soak for 15 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove all dirt with napkins.

Glass door

It is necessary to remove contamination from the glass surface as quickly as possible, since glass is a very fragile material and mechanical cleaning is not suitable for it. It is recommended to use vegetable oil in this case.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Using a blade, cut off the top of the frozen mass and apply the oil to the stain for 15 minutes.
  2. After this, the sealant will soften, and you can remove it with a regular sponge.
  3. You can remove traces of oil with a soap solution.

If the stain is old, then the oil method will not help. In addition, it is not recommended to use this product for cleaning door structures made of wood, veneer and MDF, as it will only disfigure the foam stain.

You can easily clean doors from polyurethane foam at home. For this you can use the most various means, including acetone, pharmaceutical preparations, vegetable oil, nail polish remover. You need to choose the appropriate method taking into account the degree and duration of contamination, as well as the material from which the door was made.


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