Lyrics. Vershinin, Mikhail Maksimovich Mikhail Vershinin Soviet poet biography

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Mikhail Maksimovich Vershinin(real name Shulman; 1923-1987) - Soviet writer, songwriter and editor.

He began as a mass performer at folk festivals, composing poetic miniatures and ditties.

After the start of the Great Patriotic War, commissioned by TASS Windows, he composed captions for military and defense posters that were hung on the streets of Moscow. He was often invited to collaborate with artists Pavel Sokolov-Skalya, Pyotr Shukhmin, Georgy Nissky. Individual poetic works by Mikhail Vershinin appeared during the war in the front-line and central press (Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda, etc.). During this period, he worked intensively as a songwriter with composers Dmitry Pokrass, Boris Mokrousov.

In 1945-1947, he served in units of the Red Army stationed in Czechoslovakia, where, due to official needs, he met with American and Czechoslovak officers. He continued some acquaintances in Moscow after demobilization, which alerted law enforcement agencies. As stated in S. Kruglov’s note: “In 1947-1948, Vershinin-Shulman systematically met with the former adviser of the Czechoslovak embassy in Moscow Kasparek, who betrayed his homeland in 1948 and fled from Czechoslovakia abroad.”

Only his active literary and educational work saved him. He often spoke with memories and stories about the war years, his participation in party political agitation, and published his translations of poems by Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian writers, and poets of Czechoslovakia. The name of Mikhail Vershinin became widely known after the appearance of his famous march song “Moscow - Beijing” (1950), the music for which was written by Vano Muradeli.

In 1953 he was arrested, but was soon released. As stated in S. Kruglov’s note: “the available intelligence and official materials characterize Vershinin-Shulman as an adventuristic and anti-Soviet personality.”

In the 1950s, editor-in-chief of the almanac "Courage". The oratorios “The Tale of Virgin Soil Upturned” and “Day of My Motherland” were written based on his poems.

In the 1960s, he completed work on plays in verse “Chkalov”, “Krasnodontsy”. In recent years I have been working on several novels, on memoirs of

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VERSHININ Mikhail Maksimovich (b. 1923), poet

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VERSHININ, Mikhail Maksimovich (1923–1986), poet 117 Russian and Chinese are brothers forever. “Moscow – Beijing” (1950), music. V. Muradeli 118 Stalin and Mao are listening to us. "Moscow - Beijing" 119 Moscow - Beijing! / Moscow – Beijing! "Moscow - Beijing", line

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LVOVSKY, Mikhail Grigorievich (1919–1994); KRONGAUZ, Anisim Maksimovich (1920–1987) 630 Neither frost nor heat scares me, Even doctors are surprised. “Song about exercise” (1950), music. M.

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TANICH, Mikhail Isaevich (1923–2008); SHAFERAN, Igor Davydovich (1932–1994), songwriters 51 This is how it happens, / This is how it turns out - someone loses, / someone finds. “It just happens” (1969), music. A.

VERSHININ (real name Shulman) Mikhail Maksimovich (1923 – 1987)

Genus. in Minsk, died in M.

Poet, prose writer, publicist. In Moscow since 1924. Initially - a mass performer on the people's stage. festivities, author of poems. miniatures and ditties. In the beginning. Great Fatherland war, on orders from TASS Windows, he promptly composed signatures for the creation. Moscow military defense artists. posters, cat hung on the street. city, informing the population about the heroism of its defenders, about the disruption that will come. enemy plans. Actively interacted with heterogeneous people. propagandist. edition, regularly delivered to the lines of defense of the capital. Afterwards V. more than once recalled the importance of such everyday life. activities, cat. Moscow were busy. writers and journalists. He was often invited to collaborate by artists P. Sokolov-Skalya, P. Shukhmin, G. Nissky. Separate poem prod. V. appeared at the front during the war. and center. press (“Izvestia”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, etc.). During this period, he worked intensively as a songwriter with composers D. Pokrass, B. Mokrousov. In 1945–47 he served in Soviet units. army, stationed. in Czechoslovakia, where on duty. met with Amer. and Czechoslovakian officers. Nekot. They continued their acquaintance in M. after demobilization, which alerted law enforcement. organs. In the agent department materials on V. contain critical assessments and suspicions of adventurism. and antis. activities Only the asset saved him. literary-enlightening. Job. He often spoke with memories and stories about the war. years, his participation in party politics. propaganda, published his translations of poems in Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian. fellow writers and poets of Czechoslovakia. The name V. has become widely known. after the appearance of his famous march song “Moscow - Beijing” (music by V.I. Muradeli). After the death of I.V. Stalin, V. again found himself in a higher environment. attention moscow law enforcement agencies, since among his acquaintances were relatives of L.P. Beria. Through them it became known that V. had been working on the script for f. for a number of years. "Defense of the Caucasus" and met in this regard with a number of high-ranking officials. GB figures (Merkulov, Kobulov, Shariya, etc.). According to information from those interested in V.’s activities, he spoke very unflatteringly about a number of higher-ranking officials. leaders of the party and state, although his creativity. the products were clearly patriotic in nature. The writer called the exposure of Beria a “conspiracy.” On Sept. 1953 V. was arrested, but was soon released and continued his creative work in M. activity Ch. ed. alm. "Courage". On the second floor. 1950s - 1980s published several small books on socio-political issues. topics, wrote the lyrics of a number of songs. Naib. notable of them was “March of Dzerzhintsy” (music. V.I. Muradeli; text and notes published. into gas "Soviet Culture", 1967, December 19).

The oratorios “The Tale of Virgin Soil Upturned” and “Day of My Motherland” were created based on V.’s poems. In the 1960s, he completed work on plays in verse “Chkalov”, “Krasnodontsy”. In the last For years he worked on several novels, on memoirs about A. Kruchenykh, D. Shostakovich.

Lived from Tuesday floor. 1960s on Kotelnicheskaya embankment, 1/15, bldg. B.

Op.: Years will pass. M., 1960; From the fog. Pamphlet. M., 1961; “TASS Windows” during the days of the defense of Moscow // Battle for Moscow. M., 1966; Tenderness and courage. Lyrical diary. M., 1966; Morning behind the front line. M., 1968; Soldier's ballad. M., 1969; Continuation - life. Angarsk notebooks. M., 1969; Alexey Machavariani. Notes from a writer about the life and work of the composer. M., 1985.

Moscow Encyclopedia. Volume 1: Faces of Moscow. Book 6: A–Z. Additions. M.: OJSC “Moscow Textbooks”, 2014

Lenin is with us!
Music by A. Novikov

Hear the mountains, valleys and rivers,

We went through difficult wars with him,
Lenin's cry led us to victory.
Lenin is with us! And people are calm
If Vladimir Ilyich is nearby!

Our people have untold strength,
And love for the Fatherland is ardent!
Lenin is with us! And it hasn’t cooled down in us
Ilyich's fighting soul!

Hear the mountains, valleys and rivers,
Every grass on the way hears, -
Lenin is with us! He is with us forever,
He is in a tough fight ahead!

The people and the army are united
Music by S. Tulikov

The sunset floats over Sakhalin,
Evening flames of grief.
In the Carpathian sky like a falcon
The early dawn is barely shining.
Proud of a great power,
Proud of you, my Moscow,
They stand covered in glory,
Victorious troops!

The people and the Army are strong!
And they preserve the epic space
Faithful sons of the fatherland.

Sons of the Soviet people,
Sons of workers and peasants,
In the time of the terrible campaign
The enemies were swept away like a hurricane!
On a difficult, rocky journey
There were no more fearless hearts!
No wonder he's called a communist
Soviet Army fighter!

Chorus: The people and the Army are one,
The people and the Army are strong!
And they preserve the epic space
Faithful sons of the fatherland

For the happiness of free peoples
Music by O. Tevtoradze

We composed a song about peace,
We sing a song about peace!
We have earned the right to peace
On his heroic journey.

Veterans of past battles,
We glorify the October dawn,
And to the most distant countries
Our Soviet greetings are flying.

Chorus: Let's raise a toast to the Motherland!
Let the fire of the Kremlin stars shine!
Let the dawn burn brighter
Great victories of October!
Great victories of October!

Let us sing, friends, about courage,
Let your hearts grow stronger with courage!
We took a holy oath
Fight for peace to the end.

Heroes of fields and factories
They march in victorious formation.
For the happiness of free peoples
We will raise our cup!

Together forever
Music by A. Novikov

Listen to the song, dear Moscow!
Listen to the song, blooming Prague!
In these glorious days
Song of friendship, ring,
Like an oath! Like an oath!

Where Volga and Don embraced,
Where the Vltava waters foam,
The powers of the world are growing,
They glorify our free work
All nations! All nations!

The communists are leading us forward
With a pure heart and a joyful look!
We can't be defeated
We are forever friends
Stand next to each other! Stand next to each other!

Siberia - Belarus
Music by A. Novikov

For a feat of courage and honor
In the fire of campaigns and attacks
We walked shoulder to shoulder together
Both Belarusian and Siberian!

Chorus: Siberia - Belarus!
Ermak and Kastus!
Taiga and dense forests!
We've been friends for centuries
And friendship is strong

With a straight soul and clear eyes
We were faithful to the Motherland!
Zaslonov with Karbyshev next to him
They stand in the history of war!

Our union is eternal, it is under fire
Strengthened in harsh years!
The Irtysh and Neman sing about this -
In a time of peaceful labor!

Both Minsk and Omsk are brothers,
You won't find a more beautiful friendship!
We opened our arms
To each other on a valiant journey!

Chorus: Siberia - Belarus!
Ermak and Kastus!
Taiga and dense forests!
We've been friends for centuries
And friendship is strong
And our coming age is joyful!

John Reed walks through Petrograd
Music by A. Novikov

John Reed walks through Petrograd.
The sunset over the Baltic is on fire.
Behind the barricade, behind the barricade
John Reed passes with a pass.
Dear long and difficult,
Dear anger and resentment
He is from America far away
Striving for Lenin, John Reed!

Friends, don't stop! You can't take a nap!
In the blue sky the dawn of Russia,
All of Russia is ringing the alarm bell!

In the blue sky the dawn of Russia,

And for ten days he is with us,
The thunderstorm of uprising does not sleep!
Goes with Putilov's detachment
Fearless fiery John Reed!
He answers questions
He speaks to the Russian people,
Soldiers and sailors are coming,
And John Reed is next to them!

John Reed walks through Petrograd.
The sunset over the Baltic is on fire.
Behind the barricade, behind the barricade
John Reed passes with a pass!
Those ten days are equal to centuries,
The ominous darkness of the dawns is broken,
And we will meet again
The dawn of the world, John Reed!

Chorus: Peter, Peter! Anxious Peter!
Friends, don't sleep! You can't take a nap!
In the blue sky the dawn of Russia,
All of Russia is ringing the alarm bell!
Peter, Peter! Anxious Peter!
Friends, don't sleep! You can't take a nap!
In the blue sky the dawn of Russia,
All of Russia rises to the feat!

Fuchik remembers Russia
Music by A. Novikov

Fuchik remembers Russia
On Pankrats, in a black casemate.
Listen, comrades!
Listen, comrades,
A song about the Unbroken Soldier!

Fuchik remembers Russia,
He remembers with a noose around his neck
Kremlin and Red Square,
Kremlin and Red Square,
Lenin in the granite mausoleum.

Fuchik remembers Russia,
Behind the wall night Prague does not sleep.
- People, be careful!
- People, be careful!
There is bitterness and courage in every heart.

Fuchik remembers Russia.
Maybe tomorrow Fuchik will not be there.
The people's wrath is fiery,
The people's anger is fiery
The black executioners will condemn him!

Fuchik remembers Russia,
On Pankrats, in a black casemate.
Listen, comrades!
Listen, comrades,
A song about the Unbroken Soldier!

Who are you, Doctor Sorge?
Music by P. Savintsev

This was in the nineteenth century.
There lived a great communist, ally of Marx,
Son of Big Time, Flame Tribe
My heart rose to my future grandson.

Our time is both simple and harsh,
We walk along rocky roads.
Walked towards horrors
With unforgettable courage
Valiant intelligence officer of the era of communism.

Many new things will open up in history,
There are many exploits of soldiers and entire armies.
The name Sorge is glorious,
Maybe it's not important
But it is one of the most legendary!

Chorus: Who are you, who are you, who are you, Doctor Sorge,
In this formidable amazing age of ours?
The brave one is with us, the strong one is with us, the vigilant one is with us,
A wonderful Soviet man!

Hello to the Seventeenth Regiment!
Music by V. Muradeli

Seventeenth Regiment,
Seventeenth Regiment!
Soldiers march through Paris.
Soldiers of the regiment look into the clouds,
And I see these clouds.

And the clouds are looking at us,
The evening city fell silent.
In Belleville they sing:
- Salute to the soldiers!
Hello, Seventeenth Regiment!

Chorus: Oh, Pari.
Oh, Pari.
The days of our lives are flying by.
From dawn to dawn
The song is heard about soldiers!

In working people
In working people
The soldiers were ordered to shoot!
But a firm “no”
In response to the corporal
The soldiers of Paris have spoken!
Let the bourgeois tremble in anger,
We don’t want to know their speeches!
We are all poor
And we can't get away with it
Fight for the power of the rich!

Singer Montagus
Singer Montagus!
Factory owners are no match for you!
You're a simple guy
Your pocket is empty
You are a true son of a communard!
Let it not be the first time that we go on strike,
The suburbs are full of anger!
Our brother is calm
For honest soldiers,
Soldiers are loyal to the people!
Chorus: Oh, Pari.
Oh, Pari.
The days of our lives are flying by.
From dawn to dawn
The song is heard about soldiers!

Commander and soldier
Music 3. Company

At the dawn of Soviet power,
In a war in a harsh hour
We got it
Such happiness:
Lenin was in our regiment.

Chorus: And on patrol,
And on a hike
We meet Lenin
In the first company,
In the first platoon
In the first section!

We are the strongest in the world
We love our Motherland.
Our honorable
Red Army soldier
In every heart and in formation!

This is not a fairy tale or a song, -
That's what the soldiers say
That it's always him
Together with the people
Commander and soldier!

Chorus: And on patrol,
And on a hike
We meet Lenin
In the first company,
In the first platoon
In the first section!

Along the narrow bridge
Music by K. Akimov

Over the bridge, bridge, bridge
I passed by once.
Katya in a silk scarf
My keen eye saw it.

Chorus: Along the narrow bridge
Yes to the Russian forest
You're coming dressed up

I haven't seen her all year
He served in the Army.
Maybe someone offended her?
Maybe someone bewitched?

Why are you sad, Katya?
Don't you sing your old songs? H
then you lowered your eyes?
Or don't you recognize me?

Here it is, the long-awaited evening,
Loved by my heart!
Before you is your desired one -

So let's go along the same path;
Lean on me
Because you and I
Never break up!

Chorus: Along the narrow bridge
Yes to the Russian forest
You're coming dressed up

On the cherished day
Music by A. Novikov

When the fields are full of flowers on the cherished day,
When the nightingales sing in all dialects,
I remember your beloved face again,
Your kind look and your faithful hands.

When the spring rains float over the whole earth,
When the dawn rises in a blue haze,
I remember our resurrection
Happy day when we met you.

When a rainbow rises above the world again in the sky,
When you just want to hug the whole earth,
I believe that joy will last for a long time,
That our happiness begins again!

First love
Music by B. Mokrousov

Silence over the city
The clock can be heard striking.
It spreads across the river
Echo of voices.

Chorus: Heart in ecstasy,
It beats again and again.
First excitement.
First love.

I don't know now
Where should I go:
All roads are confused
The paths are entangled!

It happens, maybe
In my youth alone -
My eyes are spinning
The whole globe!

How many stars does he know?
Blue evening
So many years and months
We can be friends with you!

Chorus: Heart in ecstasy,
It beats again and again.
First excitement.
First love.

Alexander Vershinin is one of those actors without whom it is difficult to imagine Russian cinema. Talented and charismatic, he always literally gets along with his characters and conveys his feelings and thoughts to the viewer in every detail. In addition to film works, Alexander also has many theatrical roles, which at one time brought fame and audience interest to the actor.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Vershinin was born on November 29, 1965 in Moscow. Alexander developed an interest in acting at a young age, but after school the young man chose a more “earthly” profession. Vershinin entered the school to master the specialty of radio mechanics.

After graduating from college, the young man worked for some time at a research institute. It seemed that there would be no surprises in Vershinin’s life. However, Alexander soon left his job, realizing that he had made the wrong choice. Deciding to trust his childhood dream, Alexander tried to enroll in the Mikhail Shchepkin Theater School.

Surprisingly, Vershinin passed the competition the first time and was enrolled in the course. Later in an interview, the actor often gratefully recalled Viktor Ivanovich and his colleague, Natalya Sharonova, as the most sensitive and talented teachers.


As often happens, the creative biography of Alexander Vershinin began on the theater stage. After graduating from college, the actor joined the official troupe of the Maly Theater. The young talent was soon noticed by both the audience and the directors, and Vershinin began to be trusted with serious character roles.

Thus, Alexander was involved in the plays “The King of the Jews”, “The Cliff”, “The Silver Prince” (here Vershinin had the main role), “Tsar Boris” (based on the work). Alexander Vershinin still remembers his years of work in Maly with special warmth.

Soon the actor had his first fans among theatergoers, and some time later the actor’s successes were noted by strict critics. The list of roles played by Alexander Vershinin was constantly updated - “Secrets of the Madrid Court”, “Resurrection” based on, “Woe from Wit” based on the play, “Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man” based on the play. Each actor’s character appeared before the audience not as a fictional character, but as a living person with his own passions, feelings and experiences.

Soon people began to go to the theater specifically “to see Vershinin”, the actor began to be recognized on the street, and photos of Alexander Vladimirovich appeared, perhaps, in the collection of every avid theatergoer.


Alexander Vershinin first appeared on screen in 1997. The actor’s first role turned out to be the main one: Vershinin played a poet in the biographical film by Vasily Panin “At the Dawn of Foggy Youth.” The plot is based on stories by a talented writer and publicist.

Next came the films “Russian Revolt” directed by Alexander Proshkin and “Free Woman” by Valery Akhadov. “Russian Revolt” would later be called one of the best films with Vershinin’s participation. This historical drama, based on prose works, did not leave the audience indifferent. Alexander Vladimirovich played the role of Kharlov here.

Vershinin did not refuse roles in television series. In the project “Thief 2. Happiness for Rent,” the actor played Oleg Lopakhin. The second part of “The Thief,” already beloved by viewers, turned out to be no less interesting than the beginning of the story. The focus is on the fate of two girls, one of whom stole her lover from her friend. A friend, having moved to another city, begins to make plans for insidious revenge on the “thief” of her happiness.

This melodrama left neither women nor men indifferent. Other talented actors also became Alexander Vershinin’s colleagues on the set. After the series was released, Alexander Vershinin, by his own admission, noticed that on the street they began to call him the name of the hero Lopakhin.

2009 was marked by roles in the films “Time of Happiness”, “Isaev”, “Law and Order: Criminal Intent”. In 2010, Alexander Vershinin appeared in the popular television series “Margosha” with and, which tells the story of the fate of a young man Gosha, who was transformed into a woman by the will of an evil witch.

Gosha, who took the name Margarita, is trying to regain his rightful position as editor-in-chief, which he previously occupied, and is also constantly faced with the difficulties of the female lot. Alexander Vershinin here got the episodic role of Vadim Shepelev.

Personal life

The actor met his future wife while filming the film “At the Dawn of Foggy Youth.” A whirlwind romance began, the lovers tried to devote every free minute to each other. Soon the actors got married, and some time later Natalya gave her husband their first child, son Artem.

Unfortunately, this marriage lasted only five years. The difference in views, as well as a busy schedule and constant rehearsals, did not allow Alexander and Natalya to find a common language. After the divorce, Artem stayed to live with his mother.

The actor’s further personal life did not work out. Perhaps Alexander Vershinin was afraid of repeated failure, perhaps he simply never met the right woman. Be that as it may, the actor prefers not to comment on matters of the heart.

Alexander Vershinin now

Now Alexander Vershinin continues to work in the theater and act in new television series and films. In 2017, the detective series “” was released with and starring. Alexander Vladimirovich played Shorokhov here.

The film “Seven Evil Couples” is also being prepared for release. This project is a film adaptation of the writer's work of the same name. The film takes place literally one day before the start of the Great Patriotic War and tells about the fate of the passengers of a small ship transporting prisoners. The premiere of the film is scheduled for 2018.


  • 1997 - “At the Dawn of Foggy Youth”
  • 1999 - “We have to live again”
  • 2000 - “Russian riot”
  • 2002 - “Thief 2. Happiness for rent”
  • 2003 - “Firefighters”
  • 2004 - “Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is being conducted by amateur-2."
  • 2005 - “District Detectives”
  • 2008 - “Moscow. Voices of elusive truths"
  • 2009 - “Isaev”
  • 2009 - “Margosha”
  • 2011 - “Furious, furious, furious...”
  • 2012 - “Emergency: Emergency”
  • 2016 - “Murka”
  • 2017 - “House of Porcelain”
  • 2017 - “Second Sight”

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