The plot of Taras Bulba is a summary. The shortest retelling of "Taras Bulba

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meets sons from the academy. The ataman has 2 sons: Ostap and Andriy. The father examines the lads, makes fun of their clothes and appearance. Ostap says that he will beat his father, a fight begins. Mother at this time groans and is surprised. She missed the children she hadn't seen in over a year. The mother takes pity on her sons, and the father decides that there is nothing for them to bask in, they should go to Zaporozhye. Sich - the best place for men's recreation.

The old mother becomes uneasy at the thought that the children will be at home for only a week. She starts howling and wailing. Bulba arranges a holiday, invites all the centurions and regimental officers to his house. He shows his sons, showing off their article. He addresses the children, teaches them to be faithful to their homeland, wishes them good luck in the war.

The father broke up, began to beat the dishes, the wife quietly sits on the bench. Taras decides not to wait a week, to go to the Sich in the morning tomorrow. The stubbornness of the chieftain was one of his character traits. He imagined how he would come to the Cossacks with two young men ready for war.

Taras fell asleep on the carpet, snored, and his sleep was supported throughout the house. The poor mother could not sleep. She sat at the head of her sons bed, looked at the sleeping ones, combed their hair, stroked their curls. All her thoughts went to the future of the children, what awaits them, how fate will turn out. The mother spent the whole night with her sons. Bulba did not change his mind. He woke up, began to give orders and prepares to leave. The father told the mother to bless the children. She, weak and lost, embraced and hung a small icon around their necks. The sons mounted their horses, under Bulba the horse staggered, the rider was so heavy. The mother realized that her sons were leaving the house, clung to the youngest, but she was taken to the hut. When the children drove out of the gate, the old woman with incomprehensible ease caught up with her sons, hugged one of them. She was taken aside again. Ostap and Andriy could hardly hold back their tears. In the soul, everything was mixed up, confused: fear and joy. Childhood was left behind, something frightening and incomprehensible began ahead.

Chapter 2

The three riders thought each of his own. Taras recalled the past life, friends who had already left, calculated who was waiting for him in the Sich. The sons talked about their own. Ostap and Andriy left for the academy when they were 12 years old. The guys were trained differently. Ostap started with escapes, they returned him, he was flogged. He did not want to study, he buried the primer. No spanking stopped Ostap. The father made a promise that he would give him to a monastery and keep everything there. best years. Ostap heard his father, began to study diligently, and became one of the best students. By nature, the eldest son was an excellent comrade, a fearless Cossack. He did not seek to lead, did not betray his own. The tears of his mother tormented his soul, embarrassed and made him worry.

Andriy studied easier. He was smarter and smarter than his brother. Always knew how to avoid punishment. A hearth of love was kindled early in his soul. He liked beauties, the student envied the life of aristocrats, admired them, climbing into the street to them. Once he met a girl there, from whom he could not look away. The Polish woman was windy, did a bunch of stupid things with the guy, amusing her vanity. Andriy was looking for meetings with the beauty, now heading to the Sich, he thought about her. The father distracted his sons from their thoughts, he offered to smoke and spur the horses. There were no adventures along the way.

The trinity reached the island of Khortytsya, where the Zaporizhzhya Sich was located. On the road lay a drunken Cossack stretched out at full length. Music played, people roared. Taras met a friend, began to ask about friends. He became despondent from the news. Comrades died: hanged, skinned, head placed in a barrel of salt. Good were the Cossacks, whom Taras thought about.

Chapter 3

Taras Bulba lives in the Sich, but there are no military exercises. "Mad revelry of gaiety" was liked by the young guys. They were interested. Everything that men need, except women, was nearby. The sons were surprised that people came from different parts, the koshevoi asked them about faith in Christ, checked whether they knew how to be baptized. Everyone went to their own kurens, about 60 settlements. All the Cossacks prayed in the same church, promising to protect it, to be devoted to the Faith to the last drop of blood. The Cossacks hunted. The sons became noticeable among the Cossacks with their prowess and skillful skills. Taras did not like that his sons could not prove themselves in military affairs. He goes to the koshevoi with a proposal to fight, but is refused. Taras decides to take revenge on the koshevoi, he arranges a drinking bout and overthrows him from his post. They choose a new koschevoi, he became a friend of Taras Kirdyaga. Drunk Sich fell asleep.

Chapter 4

In the morning, Taras was already conferring with the new koschevoi about the upcoming battle, they were considering a trick on how to start a war without breaking the oath. Gather people. At this time, a ferry arrives on the island. The people on the ferry were screaming for trouble. Catholic priests harness Christians to wagons, ride them like horses. It is forbidden to celebrate Christian ceremonies. Visitors spoke about other atrocities. The people got excited. The Jews began to be thrown into the waves of the river, one prayed, Taras led him to the wagon train, stuffed him under the cart, ordered him not to be seen. It was Yankel, the Jew quickly got his bearings in the situation, offered to carry cheap provisions to the Cossacks.

Chapter 5

The Cossacks began to occupy the territory of the southwest. The sons of Taras matured from battle to battle. They were reborn, no longer looked like students after the academy. Ostap calmly assessed the danger, became stronger in body and spirit. Taras saw him as a good colonel. Andriy immersed himself in the music of bullets and swords. He didn't think like a brother, he was into combat like a song. Father was surprised to see where Andriy was rushing. The most gallant Cossack would not have rushed there. The army of the Cossacks came to the city of Dubno. It was not possible to overcome the city on the move, the Cossacks decided to starve the enemies. The sons did not like the siege. At night, when everyone is sleeping, Andriy notices a woman. This is the servant of the lady she loves. Tatarka tells about life in the city. His lover is starving. Pannochka saw Andriy in the crowd and asks him for help - bread. A young Cossack takes a bag of groceries and underground passage sneaks into the city. Passing by his father, Andriy hears a warning that women will not bring him to good, but does not think about the meaning of the words, hurries to his beloved.

Chapter 6

Moving around the city, the Cossack is amazed at its decoration and beauty. A Catholic monastery, a cathedral, music - everything leaves its mark on the guy. People are dying of hunger in the streets. The governor is waiting for help, two Polish regiments should come, so the city does not give up. Andriy gets to the lady's house. She has become even more beautiful, the lovers admiringly examine each other. The young guy did not have enough words to express his feelings. The girl starts to eat. She is grateful for the help. The Cossack offers to take everything she wants, is ready to perform any of her services. He renounces the Fatherland, father and comrades. The maid runs into the room. She happily announces the arrival of regiments, captured Cossacks, and food. Andriy kissed the girl, becoming more and more in the grip of passionate love. The Cossack is dead.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks decide to attack the city, they are ruled by the desire for revenge for their comrades who were captured. Yankel informs Taras about Andriy. The father does not believe the Jew. But he claims that his son is dressed in rich clothes, is preparing for the wedding, and will drive the Cossacks from the city. In the morning, the prisoners are taken to the rampart. They are ashamed of their appearance, half-naked and sleepy, they were captured. The battle begins. Ostap rushes across the field like a hawk. One of the chieftains of the Bearded is killed, they decided to choose a new one, unanimously agreed on Ostap. During the battle, the young ataman led the fighters away from the walls, thereby saving their lives. After the Poles left the city walls, the Cossacks spoke for a long time about their grandfathers. Taras could not sleep, he was looking for the reason for the absence of his youngest son on the battlefield. He hoped to deceive the Jew, swore to pull the Pole by the scythe and drive it across the field, to smash her whole body to pieces. The Cossacks did not drink, the guards did not close their eyes.

Chapter 8

From the Sich brought news of the attack of the Tatars. Koshevoy decides to go to Zaporozhye. Bulba is against, he decides to stay while his comrades are in captivity. The Cossacks are divided into two groups: some go after the Tatars, others besiege the city. Maintain partnership - the main duty of the Cossack. Divided into two sides where is going most of kurenya, there and the whole kuren. They left at night so that the enemy did not notice the movement. Among the rest, despondency settled, it was a pity to part with friends. Taras noticed such a mood and decided to distribute reserved wine. They drank from what they could: a ladle, a barrel, a mitten. Taras added his sacred word to the wine. His speech became a holy prayer.

Chapter 9

The Cossacks went in pursuit of the Tatar detachments, but no one in the city knew about this. Seeing movement among the Cossacks, they decided to make a sortie in Dubno. The exit did not give a result, but the Jews found out that there were fewer Cossacks. Taras understood from the noise from behind the walls of the city that there would be a battle. He turned to his comrades, supported their fighting spirit. The enemy army left the city. Cannons, squeaked, went to the Cossacks, the whole earth was covered with smoke. Taras saw how the battle was going. Ostap fought confidently and boldly. The forces were unequal. The cannons mowed down half of the kuren at once. Taras asks his comrades:

"There is life in the old dog yet?".

They answer him confidently that there is power. The Cossacks are dying with faith in the victory of the Russian land. During a terrible battle, Taras saw Andria and was dumbfounded. He beat his own, clearing the way for himself and his enemies. Taras ordered to drive him to the forest. So the boys did. Andriy accelerated and saw his father in front of him. He was dumbfounded and quiet. Like a mischievous child, he got off his horse and stood in front of Taras. Bulba uttered a phrase that became winged:

"I gave birth to you, I will kill you!"

Andrii turned pale and began to whisper to himself. These were the names of neither the motherland nor the mother. He said the lady's name. "bread ear". He stood over his son and looked at him, admiring and wondering. Why did such a beautiful Cossack disappear because of love like a vile dog. Ostap offered to bury his brother, but Taras refused. There was no time to say goodbye, the battle intensified, trouble approached. 6 people attacked Ostap, Taras tried to break through to his son. He chopped everything around him, waving his saber, but there were more enemies. The father saw that they were pressing on Ostap, but he was seized by a blow of such force that the chieftain collapsed like a stone to the ground, like a cut oak.

Chapter 10

Taras woke up from a dream, saw a friend nearby - Ataman Tovkach. He struggles and tries to remember how he survived. The comrade asks him to be calm, Bulba is all chopped up. The comrade explains that a bounty of 2,000 gold coins has been placed on Taras's head; they have been jumping around for several nights, hiding him from prying eyes. Taras asks where Ostap is. Grief seizes him from the news that his son is a prisoner of the Poles. HE breaks off the dressings, rushes after his son, but falls into a fever, raves and speaks crazy speeches. Tovkach bandages Taras, swaddles him like a child, and again rushes off into the distance. In the Zaporizhzhya Sich, Taras is feeling better, there are medicines here. He gets to his feet. Nothing interests Bulba, he is all in worries about his son. Taras goes to the Jew Yankel. HE asks him for help, he needs to fall to Warsaw, where Ostap is being held. Yankel figured out how to smuggle Taras in unnoticed. He closed it with bricks, made a hole at the bottom to feed, and the cart with luggage set off.

Chapter 11

The merchant Yankel is carrying Taras, who is hoping for help or a meeting with his son. He tries to negotiate with the Jews to let Stepan go, but nothing works out for him. Taras cannot stand the insults when he is taken on a date with his son. He has to come back with nothing. The father was able to get to the execution of his son. Ostap went first. The execution for the Cossacks is striking in cruelty and sophistication. Ostap endures pain and torture like a mighty giant: broken bones - silent. Ostap didn't even let out a groan. The father said:

"Good, son!"

At the last moment before his death, Ostap cried out, turning to his father to see if he could hear him. In the silence, I heard: "I hear." A million people in the square shuddered at this word, fear swept through their souls. The riders rushed into the crowd, but Taras was gone.

Chapter 12

The patience of the people went beyond the borders, and all of Ukraine rose to the fight. The hetman agreed to let the enemy Potocki go, to forget the enmity. But Taras Bulba remained adamant. He believed that such behavior is similar to "woman's". Poles cannot be trusted, according to Taras Bulba. The ataman's prediction came true. The hetman's head flew off after a short amount of time. Taras continued to walk and "celebrate a wake for Ostap." It was ordered to catch the violent ataman, 5 regiments went after him. Has come decisive battle, and Taras would not have been defeated, but he decided to bend down for a cradle with tobacco that had fallen out in the battle. The thugs grabbed him. 30 people hung on the mighty Cossack shoulders. The brother of the pannochka, who had bewitched Andriy, raced in pursuit. The Cossacks rushed headlong into the Dniester and sailed away with faithful horses from the enemies. The beauty's brother, relying on himself, jumped and crashed on the rocks of the cliff. Taras watched everything from above and rejoiced: the bullets of his comrades did not reach him.

Chapter 6

Andriy goes through an underground passage, gets into a Catholic monastery, finding the priests praying. Zaporozhets is amazed by the beauty and decoration of the cathedral, he is fascinated by the play of light in stained glass windows. The music impressed him the most.

A Cossack with a Tatar go out into the city. It starts to light up. Andriy sees a woman with a child, who died in the throes of hunger. A man, distraught with hunger, appears on the street, begging for bread. Andriy fulfills the request, but the man, having barely swallowed a piece, dies - his stomach has not received food for too long. The Tatar woman admits that all life in the city has already been eaten, but the governor ordered not to give up - not today, two Polish regiments will arrive tomorrow.

The maid and Andriy enter the house. Where the young man sees his beloved. Pannochka became different: “she was a charming windy girl; this one is a beauty ... in all her developed beauty. Andriy and the Polish woman cannot see enough of each other, the young man wanted to utter everything that was in his soul, but he could not. Meanwhile, the Tatar cut bread and brought it - the panna began to eat, but Andriy warned her that it was better to eat in parts, otherwise you could die. And neither a word nor a painter's pen could express how the Polish woman looked at the Cossack. The feelings that seized the young man at that moment were so strong that Andriy renounces both his father, and his faith, and his Fatherland - he will do everything to serve the young panna.

A Tatar woman appears in the room with good news: the Poles have entered the city and are carrying captured Cossacks. Andriy kisses the lady.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks decide to attack Dubno, to avenge their captured comrades. Yankel tells Taras Bulba that he saw Andrii in the city. The Kozak changed his outfit, they gave him a good horse, and he himself shines like a coin. Taras Bulba was dumbfounded by what he heard, but still cannot believe it. Then Yankel informs about the upcoming wedding of Andriy with the pan's daughter, when Andriy with the Polish army will drive the Cossacks from Dubno. Bulba is angry with the Jew, suspecting him of lying.

The next morning it turns out that many Cossacks were killed when they were sleeping; from Pereyaslavsky kuren, several dozen soldiers were taken prisoner. The battle between the Cossacks and the Polish army begins. The Cossacks are trying to break the enemy regiment into pieces - it will be easier to win this way.

One of the kuren chieftains is killed in battle. Ostap avenges a Cossack killed in battle. For his bravery, the Cossacks choose him as atamans (instead of the killed Cossack). And immediately Ostap is given the opportunity to secure the glory of a wise leader: as soon as he ordered to retreat from the walls of the city, to stay as far away from them as possible, all kinds of objects rained down from there, and many got it.

The battle is over. The Cossacks buried the Cossacks, and the bodies of the Poles were tied to wild horses so that the dead dragged along the ground, along mounds, ditches and ravines. Taras Bulba pondered why his youngest son was not among the soldiers. He is ready to take cruel revenge on the lady, because of which Andriy renounced everything that was dear to him. But what is Taras Bulba preparing for a new day?

Chapter 8

The Cossacks say goodbye to each other, raise toasts to the faith and the Sich. So that the enemy would not see a decline in the Cossack army, it was decided to attack at night.

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 2 - summary

The children of Bulba are a stern, hard Ostap and dexterous, greedy for feminine beauty Andriy - did not resemble each other. Ostap thought only of military glory, and while still studying in Kyiv, Andriy burned with a passionate love for a Polish woman he accidentally saw - the daughter of a Kovno governor. Once he even made his way to her house through the chimney.

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 3 - summary

Trying to quickly acquaint his sons with military affairs, Bulba suggested that the main Zaporizhian leader - the ataman - organize a campaign against the Tatars or Turks. The guarded ataman refused, citing treaties. Then Taras staged a Cossack revolt and gathering in the Sich. Having run out to the main square, the Cossacks deposed the Koschevoi and chose Bulba's comrade, Kirdyaga, in his place.

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 4 - summary

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 5 - summary

The Cossacks betrayed terrible devastation all the southern regions of Poland. Ostap and Andriy, delighting Bulba, showed unheard-of courage in this war. In the end, the Zaporozhye army besieged the city of Dubno and decided to starve it out.

One night, when the entire Cossack army was sleeping under the city walls, Andriy suddenly saw the face of an old Tatar woman in front of him - a servant of that Polish lady whom he fell in love with in Kyiv. The Tatar woman said that her mistress was in Dubno and was already close to starvation. From the city walls, she saw Andrii among the Cossacks and now she asks him for at least a piece of bread.

Andriy's heart skipped a beat at this news. Slowly picking up food in a bag, he followed the Tatar woman to a secret underground passage that led beyond the city walls.

Taras Bulba. Feature film based on the novel by N. V. Gogol, 2009

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 6 - summary

The Tatar accompanied Andrii to the city, to the house of her mistress. The lady, who had become even more beautiful, looked tenderly at her savior. Love clouded the Cossack's mind. He immediately swore to the beautiful Polish woman that he would renounce his homeland, father and Cossacks for her sake.

A Tatar woman who ran in brought news to Andriy and panna: strong Polish reinforcements had entered the city.

Andriy and the Polish beauty. Illustration by S. Ovcharenko to Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 7 - summary

The Poles managed to get into the city, suddenly attacking a drunk Pereyaslavsky hut at one of the gates. Many Cossacks died at the same time. Taras Bulba could not find Andrii and thought that he was also killed. However, an acquaintance of the Jew Yankel said: he saw his son in the city. Fascinated by the beautiful Polish woman, he ordered to tell the Cossacks that they were no longer his brothers.

New bloody battles began to boil under the walls of Dubno. When the ataman of the Uman kuren fell in them, the Cossacks chose Bulba's son, Ostap, in his place.

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 8 - summary

The news came to the Cossacks that the deserted Sich was brutally plundered by the Tatars. The Zaporizhzhya army was divided: one half of it rushed after the Tatars, and the other half remained to besiege Dubno.

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 9 - summary

Taras tried to encourage those who remained under the walls of the city with a proud speech about comradeship. Having learned about the retreat of half of the Cossacks, the gentry came out from behind the walls with strong detachments. In the mortal battle, many glorious warriors fell on both sides. At the decisive moment, Polish reinforcements suddenly flew out of the city gates, at the head of which, Bulba's son, Andriy, galloped, chopping the Cossacks.

The enraged father caught up with his son near the forest, grabbed his horse by the reins, cursed Andriy for betraying the people and faith, and shot him with a gun. (See Death of Andriy.) Ostap drove up to Bulba. From the forest, a crowd of Poles suddenly rushed at them. Taras saw how Ostap was seized and they began to knit. He rushed to help his son, but lost consciousness from a terrible blow.

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 10 - summary

The old comrade Tovkach carried the wounded Bulba out of the battle and took him on horseback to the Sich. There, Taras's wounds healed, but he knew nothing about the fate of Ostap. The thought of a son did not give Bulba peace.

Taras decided at least at the cost own life find out what happened to Ostap. The Poles valued Bulba's head at two thousand chervonny, but the familiar Jew Yankel, for a generous bribe, secretly drove him through the outposts to Warsaw at the bottom of a wagon covered with bricks on top.

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 11 - summary

In Warsaw, Yankel, with the help of other crafty Jews, learned that Ostap was in the city dungeon. An attempt to get him out of there, or at least to get a meeting with him for money, failed. Bulba soon learned that the next day Ostap and other Cossacks were being executed in the city square in the presence of a huge crowd.

Taras wished to go to the place of execution. Ostap was brought to the executioner first. He endured with unwavering courage terrible agony. "Good, son, good!" - Bulba said to himself with bated breath, looking at this. Just before his death, in terrible suffering, Ostap exclaimed: “Father! Do you hear?

"I hear!" came the answer in the midst of the general silence. The Polish guards rushed to look for Taras, but he had already slipped away. (See Death of Ostap.)

Ostap before execution. Illustration by S. Ovcharenko for Gogol's story "Taras Bulba"

Gogol "Taras Bulba", chapter 12 - summary

Hetman Ostranitsa and his comrade Gunya were raised in Little Russia new Cossack uprising. The regiment fought best of all, led by Taras Bulba, who avenged the murdered Ostap. The Cossacks defeated the most crowned hetman, Mykola Potocki, but then their leaders imprudently made peace with the enemy.

Bulba dissuaded from this world, and when they did not listen to him, he continued to fight with one of his regiments. Five Polish regiments overtook him on the banks of the Dniester. The gentry seized Taras, chained him to a tall tree on a hill, and began to burn him at the stake. But even in the last minutes of his life, Bulba managed to shout to his comrades-in-arms galloping to the river about the place where the boats were hidden. Already engulfed in flames, he loudly prophesied that a great Orthodox kingdom would rise on Russian soil, and there would be no power in the world that would not submit to him. (See Death of Taras Bulba.)

The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "Taras Bulba", which is part of the cycle of stories "Mirgorod" (2 parts), was written in 1834. This is one of the most outstanding Russian historical works in fiction that time, different large quantity actors, the versatility and thoughtfulness of the compositions, as well as the depth and capacity of the characters.

History of creation

The idea to write a large-scale historical story about the feat of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks came to Gogol in 1830, he worked on the creation of the text for almost ten years, but the final editing was never completed. In 1835, the author's version of the story "Taras Bulba" was published in the 1st part of "Mirgorod", in 1942 a slightly different edition of this manuscript was published.

Each time, Nikolai Vasilievich remained dissatisfied with the printed version of the story, and made corrections to its content at least eight times. For example, there was a significant increase in its volume: from three to nine chapters, the images of the main characters became brighter and more textured, more battle scenes were added vivid descriptions, life and life of the Zaporizhzhya Sich acquired new interesting details.

(Viktor Vasnetsov's illustration for Gogol's Taras Bulba, 1874)

Gogol very carefully and meticulously proofread the written text in an effort to create that unique combination that perfectly reveals his talent as a writer, penetrating into the depths of the characters' characters, showing the unique self-consciousness of the entire Ukrainian people as a whole. In order to understand and convey in his work the ideals of the era he describes, the author of the story, with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, studied a variety of sources that described the history of Ukraine.

To give the story a special national flavor, which was clearly manifested in the description of life, the characters' characters, in bright and juicy, epithets and comparisons, Gogol used works of Ukrainian folklore (thoughts, songs). The work was based on the history of the Cossack uprising of 1638, which hetman Pototsky was instructed to suppress. The prototype of the protagonist Taras Bulba was the chieftain of the Zaporizhzhya Army Okhrim Makukha, a brave warrior and ascetic of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, who had three sons (Nazar, Khoma and Omelko).

Analysis of the work

Story line

The beginning of the story is marked by the arrival of Taras Bulba with his sons to the Zaporozhian Sich. The father brings them in order to, as they say, “smell the gunpowder”, “gather the mind of reason”, and having hardened in battles with enemy forces, they become real defenders of their homeland. Finding themselves in the Sich, young people almost immediately find themselves in the very epicenter of developing events. Without even having time to really look around and get acquainted with local customs, they are called up for military service in the Zaporizhzhya army and go to war with the gentry, which oppresses the Orthodox people, trampling on their rights and freedoms.

The Cossacks, as courageous and noble people, loving their homeland with all their hearts and sacredly believing in the vows of their ancestors, could not but interfere in the atrocities committed by the Polish gentry, they considered it their sacred duty to defend their homeland and the faith of their ancestors. The Cossack army sets out on a campaign and bravely fights against the Polish army, which far outnumbers the Cossack forces both in terms of the number of soldiers and the number of weapons. Their strength is gradually drying up, although the Cossacks do not admit it to themselves, so great is their faith in the struggle for a just cause, fighting spirit and love for their native land.

The battle near Dubno is described by the author in a peculiar folklore style, in which the image of the Cossacks is likened to the image of the legendary heroes who defended Russia in ancient times, which is why Taras Bulba asks his brothers three times “if they have gunpowder in their powder flasks”, to which they also answered three times: “Yes, father! The Cossack strength has not weakened, the Cossacks still do not bend! Many warriors find their death in this battle, dying with words glorifying the Russian land, because dying for the Motherland was considered the highest valor and honor for the Cossacks.

main characters

Ataman Taras Bulba

One of the main characters of the story is the Cossack ataman Taras Bulba, this experienced and courageous warrior, along with his eldest son Ostap, is always in the forefront of the Cossack offensive. He, like Ostap, who was already elected chieftain by his brothers at the age of 22, is distinguished by remarkable strength, courage, nobility, strong-willed character and is a real defender of his land and his people, his whole life is devoted to serving the Fatherland and his compatriots.

Eldest son Ostap

A brave warrior, like his father, who loves his land with all his heart, Ostap is captured by the enemy and dies a heavy martyr's death. He endures all tortures and trials with stoic courage, like a real giant, whose face is imperturbable and stern. Although it hurts his father to see his son's torment, he is proud of him, admires his willpower, and blesses him for a heroic death, because it is worthy only of real men and patriots of their state. His Cossack brothers, who were taken prisoner with him, following the example of their chieftain, also with dignity, and with some pride, accept death on the chopping block.

The fate of Taras Bulba himself is no less tragic: having been captured by the Poles, he dies as a martyr. terrible death he is sentenced to be burned at the stake. And again, this selfless and brave old warrior is not afraid of such a cruel death, because for the Cossacks the most terrible thing in their life was not death, but the loss of their own dignity, violation of the holy laws of comradeship and betrayal of the Motherland.

Youngest son Andriy

This topic is also touched upon in the story, the youngest son of old Taras, Andriy, having fallen in love with the Polish beauty, becomes a traitor and goes into the enemy camp. He, like his older brother, is distinguished by courage and courage, however, his spiritual world richer, more complex and contradictory, the mind is more sharp and dexterous, its mental organization is more subtle and sensitive. Having fallen in love with a Polish lady, Andriy rejects the romance of war, the rapture of battle, the thirst for victory and completely surrenders to the feelings that make him a traitor and traitor to his people. His own father does not forgive him himself terrible sin- betrayal and pronounces a sentence on him: death by his own hand. So carnal love for a woman, whom the writer considers the source of all troubles and the creations of the devil, eclipsed the love for the Motherland in Andriy's soul, not bringing him happiness in the end, and eventually ruining him.

Features of compositional construction

In this work, the great classic of Russian literature portrayed the confrontation between the Ukrainian people and the Polish gentry, who want to seize the Ukrainian land and enslave its inhabitants from young to old. In the description of the life and way of life of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, which the author considered a place where “the will and the Cossacks for the whole Ukraine” develops, one can feel especially warm feelings of the author, such as pride, admiration and ardent patriotism. Depicting the life and life of the Sich, its inhabitants, Gogol in his brainchild combines historical realities with high lyrical pathos, which is main feature a work that is both realistic and poetic.

The images of literary characters are depicted by the writer through their portraits, described actions, through the prism of relationships with other characters. Even a description of nature, such as the steppe through which old Taras and his sons travel, helps to penetrate deeper into their souls and reveal the character of the heroes. In landscape scenes, there are an abundance of various artistic and expressive devices, there are many epithets, metaphors, comparisons, they give the described objects and phenomena that amazing uniqueness, fury and originality that strike the reader right in the heart and touch the soul.

The story "Taras Bulba" is a heroic work glorifying love for the Motherland, its people, Orthodox faith, the holiness of the feat in their name. The image of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks is similar to the image of the epic heroes of antiquity, who harrowed the Russian land from any misfortune. The work glorifies the courage, heroism, courage and selflessness of the heroes who did not betray the holy bonds of camaraderie and defended their native land until their last breath. The traitors of the Motherland are equated by the author with the enemy offspring, subject to destruction without any twinge of conscience. After all, such people, having lost their honor and conscience, also lose their souls, they should not live on the land of the Fatherland, which the brilliant Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol sang with such great fervor and love in his work.

Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" is part of the cycle "Mirgorod". There are two editions - 1835, and 1842. Gogol was against the publication of the second version without agreeing with it on certain points. However, the story was still published without copyright corrections.

The events in the book "Taras Bulba" unfold around the 17th century. Interestingly, the author himself often mentions the 15th century, thus emphasizing the fantastic nature of the story. In the work, two narrative planes can be conventionally distinguished: on one plane, the life of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and their campaign against Poland is described, and on the other, a dramatic story about the glorious Cossack Taras Bulba and his two sons.

For a deeper understanding of the story "Taras Bulba" summary chapters are listed below.

main characters

Taras Bulba- main character. Dear Cossack in the Setch, a good warrior. The main values ​​for him are the Christian faith and the Fatherland.

Ostap- the eldest son of Bulba, graduated from the seminary. In battles, he showed himself as a prudent and brave Cossack, able to analyze the situation and accept right decisions. A worthy son of his father.

Andriy- the youngest son of Bulba. He subtly feels the world and nature, able to see beauty in minor details, nevertheless, in battles he was distinguished by courage and an unconventional approach.

Other characters

Yankel- a Jew, looking for his own benefit in everything. Taras Bulba turned to him for help.

Pannochka- the daughter of a Polish pan, beloved Andria.

Tatar- Pannochka's maid, who informed Andriy about the underground passage in Dubno and about the terrible famine in the city.

Chapter 1

Bulba meets his sons - Ostap and Andriy, who returned from Kyiv after graduating from the seminary. The father kindly jokes about their appearance, but Ostap does not like it. Instead of a greeting, a small brawl between father and son begins, ending as suddenly as it began.

Taras decides to send his sons to the Sich, so that they become real fellows and brave Cossacks, and studying at the academy, books and motherly care will only spoil and pamper them. The mother does not agree with this decision, but what can she do but resignedly agree. Such is her share - to serve her husband and wait for him from campaigns for months. On the occasion of the arrival of Ostap and Andriy Bulba, he called together all the centurions who approved the idea of ​​sending their sons to the Sich. Inspired by the strength and excitement of the upcoming trip, Taras decides to go with his sons.

The old mother did not sleep - she hugged her sons, dreaming only that the night would not end. It was very difficult for her to part with them. Until recently, she hoped that her husband would change his mind or decide to leave a week later. But Taras Bulba was stubborn and unshakable.

When the sons left, the mother rushed to them with ease and speed, not characteristic of her years. She could not stop her relatives - the Cossacks took her away twice.

Chapter 2

The riders rode in silence. Taras thought about his youth, which was full of adventures, about his fellow Cossacks, about how he would show off his sons to them. Ostap and Andriy were busy with other thoughts. When they were twelve years old, they were sent to study at the Kyiv Academy. Ostap tried to escape several times, buried his primer, but each time he was returned back and bought new book until finally his father threatened to send him to a monastery for disobedience. From that moment on, Ostap became much more diligent, and soon became on a par with the best students.

Andriy studied more willingly, without making any special efforts. He was more inventive and was often the instigator of some kind of adventure. He managed to avoid punishment thanks to the flexibility of the mind. Andriy's soul was open to other feelings as well. Once he saw a beautiful Polish woman and fell in love at first sight. Andriy was fascinated by her beauty and femininity. The next night, the young man decided to sneak into her chambers. At first, the lady was frightened, but later she laughed merrily, putting on Andriy various decorations. A Tatar, a servant of a Polish panna, helped Andriy out of the house as soon as there was a knock on the door.

Travelers galloped across the endless expanses of the steppe, which became more and more beautiful. Everything here seemed to breathe freedom. Soon they arrived on the island of Khortytsya. Ostap and Andriy rode into the Sich with a kind of fear and pleasure. On the island, life went on as usual: the Cossacks walked, danced, mended clothes, staged fights.

Chapter 3

The Sich was a "continuous feast". There were also artisans, and merchants with merchants, but most of them walked from morning to evening. On Khortitsa there were those who never studied or left the academy, but there were also learned Cossacks, there were fugitive officers and partisans. All these people were united by faith in Christ and love for their native land.

Ostap and Andriy quickly became imbued with the atmosphere that reigned there and merged into that environment. The father did not like this - he wanted his sons to be tempered in battles, so he was thinking about how to raise the Sich to such an event. This leads to a quarrel with the koshevoi, who does not want to start a war. Taras Bulba is not accustomed to not being the way he wants: he planned to take revenge on the koshevoi. He persuades his comrades to get the others drunk so that they overthrow the koshevoi. Bulba's plan works - Kirdyaga, an old but wise Cossack, Taras Bulba's comrade-in-arms, is chosen as the new kosher.

Chapter 4

Taras Bulba communicates with the new Koschevoi about a military campaign. However, he, being a reasonable person, says: “Let the people gather, but only by my own desire, I will not force anyone.” But in fact, under such a permission is hidden a desire to absolve themselves of responsibility for violating peace between states. A ferry arrives on the island with Cossacks who managed to escape. They bring disappointing news: priests (Catholic priests) ride carts harnessing Christians in them, Jews from priestly robes sew outfits for themselves, and people are not allowed to celebrate Christian holidays without the approval of the Jews. Such lawlessness angered the Cossacks - no one had the right to insult their faith and people like that! Both old and young are ready to defend their Fatherland, fight with the Poles for the disgrace of the faith and collect booty from the captured villages.

The Cossacks made a noise, shouting: “Hang all the Jews! Let the Jews not sew skirts out of priestly robes!” These words had a huge impact on the crowd, which immediately rushed to catch the Jews. But one of them, Yankel, says that he knew the late brother of Taras Bulba. Bulba saves Yankel's life and allows him to go with the Cossacks to Poland.

Chapter 5

The earth is full of rumors about the military glory of the Cossacks and about their new conquests. The Cossacks moved at night and rested during the day. Taras Bulba proudly looks at his sons who have matured in battles. Ostap, it seemed, was destined to be a warrior. He showed himself to be a brave warrior, possessing analytical mind. Andrii was attracted more by the romantic side of the journey: chivalrous exploits and battles with a sword. He acted according to the dictates of his heart, without resorting to special reflections, and sometimes he managed to accomplish what no experienced Cossack could have done!

The army came to the city of Dubno. The Cossacks were about to climb onto the rampart, but from there stones, arrows, barrels, sandbags and pots of boiling water rained down on them. The Cossacks quickly realized that the siege was not theirs. forte and decided to starve the city out. They trampled all the fields on horseback, destroyed the crops in the gardens, and then settled down in kurens. Ostap and Andriy do not like such a life, but their father encourages them: “be patient with the Cossack - you will become an ataman!”

Yesaul brings icons to Ostap and Andriy and a blessing from the old mother. Andriy misses her, but does not want to return, even though he feels stuffiness squeezing his heart. At night, he admires the sky and the stars.
Tired of the day, the warriors fell asleep. Everyone except Andriy. He wandered around the kuren, looking at the rich nature. Suddenly he accidentally notices a certain figure. The stranger turns out to be a woman, in whom Andriy recognizes a Tatar who serves the same lady with whom he was in love. The Tatar woman tells the young man about a terrible famine, about a lady who has not eaten anything for many days. It turns out that the lady saw Andriy among the soldiers and immediately remembered him. She told the maid to find Andriy and ask him to pass some bread, and if he does not agree, then let him come just like that. Andriy immediately begins to search for supplies, but the Cossacks even ate the porridge cooked with excess. Then the young Cossack carefully pulls out a bag of groceries from under Ostap, on which he slept. Ostap wakes up only for a moment and immediately falls asleep again. Andriy quietly sneaks along the hut to the Tatar woman, who promised to lead him to the city through an underground passage.

Andria calls out to his father, warning that women will not bring him to good. Kozak stood neither alive nor dead, afraid to move, but Bulba quickly fell asleep.

Chapter 6

Andriy goes through an underground passage, gets into a Catholic monastery, finding the priests praying. Zaporozhets is amazed by the beauty and decoration of the cathedral, he is fascinated by the play of light in stained glass. The music impressed him the most.

A Cossack with a Tatar go out into the city. It starts to light up. Andriy sees a woman with a child, who died in the throes of hunger. A man, distraught with hunger, appears on the street, begging for bread. Andriy fulfills the request, but the man, having barely swallowed a piece, dies - his stomach has not received food for too long. The Tatar woman admits that all life in the city has already been eaten, but the governor ordered not to give up - not today, two Polish regiments will arrive tomorrow.

The maid and Andriy enter the house. Where the young man sees his beloved. Pannochka became different: “she was a charming windy girl; this one is a beauty ... in all her developed beauty. Andriy and the Polish woman cannot see enough of each other, the young man wanted to utter everything that was in his soul, but he could not. Meanwhile, the Tatar cut bread and brought it - the panna began to eat, but Andriy warned her that it was better to eat in parts, otherwise you could die. And neither a word nor a painter's pen could express how the Polish woman looked at the Cossack. The feelings that seized the young man at that moment were so strong that Andriy renounces both his father, and his faith, and his Fatherland - he will do everything to serve the young panna.

A Tatar woman appears in the room with good news: the Poles have entered the city and are carrying captured Cossacks. Andriy kisses the lady.

Chapter 7

The Cossacks decide to attack Dubno, to avenge their captured comrades. Yankel tells Taras Bulba that he saw Andrii in the city. The Kozak changed his outfit, they gave him a good horse, and he himself shines like a coin. Taras Bulba was dumbfounded by what he heard, but still cannot believe it. Then Yankel informs about the upcoming wedding of Andriy with the pan's daughter, when Andriy with the Polish army will drive the Cossacks from Dubno. Bulba is angry with the Jew, suspecting him of lying.

The next morning it turns out that many Cossacks were killed when they were sleeping; from Pereyaslavsky kuren, several dozen soldiers were taken prisoner. The battle between the Cossacks and the Polish army begins. The Cossacks are trying to break the enemy regiment into pieces - it will be easier to win this way.

One of the kuren chieftains is killed in battle. Ostap avenges a Cossack killed in battle. For his bravery, the Cossacks choose him as atamans (instead of the killed Cossack). And immediately Ostap is given the opportunity to secure the glory of a wise leader: as soon as he ordered to retreat from the walls of the city, to stay as far away from them as possible, all kinds of objects rained down from there, and many got it.

The battle is over. The Cossacks buried the Cossacks, and the bodies of the Poles were tied to wild horses so that the dead dragged along the ground, along mounds, ditches and ravines. Taras Bulba pondered why his youngest son was not among the soldiers. He is ready to take cruel revenge on the lady, because of which Andriy renounced everything that was dear to him. But what is Taras Bulba preparing for a new day?

Chapter 8

The Cossacks say goodbye to each other, raise toasts to the faith and the Sich. So that the enemy would not see a decline in the Cossack army, it was decided to attack at night.

Chapter 9

Due to incorrect calculations, the city again lacks food. The military leader hears rumors about the Cossacks who went to take revenge on the Tatars, preparations for the battle begin.
The Poles admire the fighting skills of the Cossacks, but the Cossacks still suffer heavy losses - guns were brought out against them. The Cossacks do not give up, Bulba encourages them with the words "there is still gunpowder in the flasks." Bulba sees his youngest son: Andriy is riding a black argamak as part of a Polish cavalry regiment. Bulba went mad with anger, seeing how Andriy cuts everyone - both his own and others. Bulba catches up with the young man, who, at the sight of his father, sharply loses his fighting spirit. Andriy obediently dismounts from his horse. Before his death, the Cossack did not say the name of his mother or fatherland, but the name of his beloved Pole. The father kills his son with a shot, saying the phrase that has become famous: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you!" .

The eldest son of Taras Bulba becomes an involuntary witness to the murder, but there is no time to grieve or understand: Polish soldiers attack Ostap. Broken, but still alive, Ostap is captured by the Poles.

The Cossack army is thinning greatly, Taras Bulba falls from his horse.

Chapter 10

Bulba is alive, the Cossack Tovkach is taking him to the Zaporozhian Sich. After a month and a half, Bulba was able to recover from his wounds. Everything is new in the Sich, the old Cossacks are gone, and those who left to fight the Tatars did not return. Severe, indifferent was Taras Bulba, did not participate in parties and general fun, he was weighed down by thoughts about his eldest son. Bulba asks Yankel to take him to Warsaw, despite the fact that Bulba's head was given a reward of two thousand reds. Taking a reward for the service, Yankel hides the Cossack at the bottom of the wagon, laying the top with a brick.

Chapter 11

Bulba asks the Jews to release his son from the dungeon - but it's too late, because the execution is scheduled for the next day. You can only see him at dawn. Taras agrees. Yankel disguises the Cossack in foreign clothes, both enter the prison, where Yankel flatters the guards. But Taras Bulba, offended by the remark of one of them, reveals his incognito.
Bulba demands to be taken to the place of his son's execution.

The Cossacks went to the execution with "quiet pride", Ostap Bulbenko was in front. Before his death, deprived of any hope of an answer, Ostap shouts into the crowd: “Father, where are you now: Can you hear me?” . And they answered him: “I hear!”

Chapter 12

The whole Sich has gathered under the leadership of Taras Bulba, the Cossacks are coming to Poland. Bulba became more cruel, and hatred for the Poles only intensified. With his Cossacks, he reached Krakow, leaving behind 18 burnt cities. Hetman Potocki was assigned to capture Taras Bulba, which led to a bloody battle that lasted 4 days. The victory was close, but Taras Bulba was captured when he was looking for a lost cradle in the grass. They burned him at the stake.

The Cossacks managed to escape, sailing in boats, they spoke and praised their chieftain - the indispensable Taras Bulba.


The themes and problems raised in the work "Taras Bulba" will be relevant at all times. The story itself is fantastic, and the images are collective. Gogol successfully combines easy language writing, colorful characters, an adventure plot with a finely written psychologism. His characters are remembered and forever remain in memory. Reading "Taras Bulba" in abbreviated form, you can get information about the plot and plot, but it's amazing beautiful descriptions nature, monologues, saturated with the spirit of freedom and Cossack prowess, will only be in the original work. In general, the story was warmly received by critics, although some points were condemned (for example, the assessment of the Poles and Jews).

Despite the above brief retelling"Taras Bulba" by Gogol, we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with full text works.

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