Dead Souls Short content 7 10. Short retelling - "Dead Souls" Gogol N.V

Gardening 20.10.2019

"Dead souls" is characterized by the author of the poem itself. The original option was conceived as a work consisting of three books. The first volume of the book saw the first volume, Draft remained from the second, and only some fragmentary information are known about the third volume. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot of the work was used by Alexander Sergeevich's tip. The case of using the dead souls existed in fact, and took place in Bessarabia.

"Dead Souls" summary

The first volume of the book begins with the appearance of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, who all argued that he was an ordinary landowner. Once in a small town "N", Chichikov enters confidence in the residents of the city, which occupies a privileged status. Neither the governor nor other residents of the city are not suspected of the present purpose of Chichikov's visit. The main goal of his actions is to buy, deceased souls of peasants, but not decorated dead and lying in the register alive.

After making a deal with local landlords, Chichikov rewritten the peasants against himself. For his life, Chichikov tried many ways to achieve significant weight and high weight in society. Once he served at customs and collaborated with smugglers, but did not share something with the accomplice and he issued it to the authorities, as a result, the case was headed, but chikhiki, using their non-free mind, communications and money, managed to get off under the trial.


The first visit to Chichikov made to Manilov. The author is very critical regarding Manilov and characterizes him too sugar. After saying chikchikov, the goals of his visit to Manilov, at first a bewiered, just completely without money, gives him the dead souls of the peasants. After the departure of Chichikova, Manilov is convinced that the service provided by Chichikov is so great, and the friendship is so significant that in his submission the sovereign will definitely reward them with both general ranks.

Visit to boxes

The next visit of Chichikov inflicted Nastasya Petrovna box, a woman, of course, very economic and distinguished cleverness. He, who spent in her estate, without unnecessary ceremonies declares her about a desire to buy dead souls from her than the landowner is immensely. To persuade to make a deal, he succeeds only after he promises to buy her additionally honey and hemp.

Failure with Nozdrem

On the road to the city of Chichikov, there is a nostroid, who without long persuasion, is rather unceremonious, fonds to himself. The author characterizes the owner as a light, broken person, very versatile interests and unpredictable mood. Here the main character is waiting for a failure, the owner, seems to be agreed to give the dead soul to Chikchiku, persuades to buy a horse, a dog and a scarmer, which he certainly answers the refusal. All the adventure of Chichikova ends with a nostrid game of checkers, as a result of which the chikchiku succeeds only to a miracle to avoid spanking or even conventional beating, it runs away.

Visiting Sobesevich

Sobachievich, whom Chichikov visited the following, impressed him with his bearish chambers. The owner has a rather sharp opinion about officials in the city, he is a hospital and loves to treat a guest to a rage dinner. Guest message about a desire to buy the dead souls of the peasants was met in business, the price was requested for a hundred rubles for each soul, it was motivated by the fact that the men are all the highest quality, after a long-term auction of Chichikov acquired the peasant souls two and a half rubles.


The displeased trading of Chichikov goes to the Plushhina, which Sobevich told him. The perfect disorder met Chichikov in the estate, and the Barin himself, whom the guest at first accepted for the key, made a depressing impression on him. Life misfortunes turned the once-mastic owner in a stingy little man. Having promised the plush after the acquisition of the shower to pay for them grants, Chichikov was very pleased. Chicchik was leaving in the very cheerful location, because he managed to purchase as many as 120 souls.


After committing all actions, Chichikov enjoys universal respect in the city and adopted for a million miner. The hero will lie down, the nozzles accuse him to buy dead souls. Concerned about the fact that she has extended whether the box arrives in the city. The secret becomes clear. Chichikov's flirting with a governor's daughter, a message box, about buying them dead souls, did not make a favorable impression on the citizens. Yes, there are still rumors and nonsense, expressed by the ladies, the notice of the police officer about the victory of the criminal, the death of the prosecutor, all did not favor the hero, he was denied a reception in all houses. And Chichikov is forced to run.

And again in front of him the road. Critics about the poem Despite the fact that the critics ambiguously met Gogol's poem, they all were united in the uniqueness of the work, both in their internal contradictions and rectinence, and on the beauty of writing, as well, for example, a description of the bird-triple. How harmoniously shows the vital contradictions of the existing world and the world of art. And only Gogol could give the reader a complete understanding of the difference between the reality of life and fiction.

"Dead Souls" is a complex work with a multi-level text where even experienced readers can be worked out. Therefore, no one hurts a brief retelling of Gogol's poem on chapters, as well as it, which will help students penetrate into large-scale ideas of the author.

Remarks about the whole text or image of a particular class he asks to send him personally, for which he will be grateful.

Chapter first

Brica Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova (here) - the college adviser - accompanied by servants of Selifana and Parsley, drives to the city of Nn. Description Chichikova is quite typical: it is not beautiful, but not bad outside, not thin, but not fat, not young, but not old.

Chichikov, showing a master's hypocrisy and the ability to find an approach to everyone, gets acquainted with all important officials and makes a pleasant impression on them. The governor, he meets the landowners Manilov and Sobesevich, and the police officer - with Nosdrey. He undertakes to apply to everyone.

Chapter Second

The author writes about the servants Chichikova: Parsushka and Dr. Kucher Selifane. Pavel Ivanovich rides Manilov (here), in the village of Manilovka. In manners and portrait of the landowner, everything was too tall, he thinks only about abstract things, it cannot fully fulfill one book and dreams of building a stone bridge, but only in words.

Manilov lives here with his wife and two children who call alkid and femistocleus. Chichikov says that he wants to buy "dead souls" from him - dead peasants who are still in the audison lists. He refers to the desire to save a newfound buddy from paying taxes. The landowner after a short scare with joy agrees to give them to the guest for free. Pavel Ivanovich hastily leaves him and goes to a companion, satisfied with the successful start of his company.


On the way to home, Selifana Brica carries far from the right road and falls into an accident. Chichiki is forced to ask for the night to the landowner Nastasya Petrovna Box (here it is).

The old woman is overwhelmed, impassable stupid, but very successful. In her estate reigns the order, it leads trade cases with many merchants. The widow keeps all old things and a guest takes suspicion. In the morning I tried to talk about the "dead souls," but Nastasya Petrovna could not understand how long it could be traded. Finally, after a small scandal, an irritated official makes a deal and goes down on a renovated Briton.

Chapter Fourth

Chichiki enters the restaurant, where the landowner is nostroid (here is it). He is an avid player, an amateur to invent non-residents, Kutil and Boltun.

Nozdrev calls Chichikova in his estate. Pavel Ivanovich asks him about the "dead souls", but the landowner is prettring about the purpose of such an unusual purchase. He offers a hero to buy with the souls with other expensive goods, but everything ends with the quarrel.

The next morning, gambling nostrils offers a guest to play checkers: the prize is "dead souls." Chichikov notices the Fraud of the landowner, after which it runs away from the danger of the fight, thanks to the entered captain-fixer.

Chapter Fifth

Chichikov Brica runs on the carriage, which causes a slight delay. A pretty girl noted by Pavel Ivanovich will later be a governor's daughter. The hero approaches the huge village of Sobevich (here), in his house everything has impressive sizes, like the owner himself, whom the author compares with a clumsy bear. Particularly characteristic of the detail: a massive rudely chopped table, which reflects the owner's temper.

The landowner rudely responds about everyone, Chichikov says, remembering Plushkin, who, without end, dying serfs due to the hostility of the owner. Sobatvich quietly appoints a high price for the dead peasants, he himself begins to talk about selling. After a long bidding, Chichikov managed to buy several shower. Block goes to the landlord of a plush.

Chapter Six

Plushkin village has a poor look: windows without glasses, the gardens are abandoned, houses hurt the mold. Chichikov takes the owner for the old key. Plushkin (here), similar to beggar, spends a guest in a dusty house.

This is the only landowner, the past tells the author. Barina's wife and younger daughter died, the rest of the children left him. The house was empty, and Plushkin gradually sank to such a miserable state. He is glad to get rid of the dead peasants, so as not to pay taxes for them, and with joy sells them chikchiku at a low price. Pavel Ivanovich leaving back to NN.

Head seventh

Chichots along the way considers the collected records and notes the variety of names of the dead peasants. He meets Manilov and Sobesevich.

Chairman of the Chamber quickly draws up documents. Chichikov informs that he bought the fortified conclusion in the Kherson province. Officials celebrate the success of Paul Ivanovich.

Chapter Eighth

The huge acquisitions of Chichikov become famous for the whole city. Different rumors are distributed. Pavel Ivanovich finds an anonymous letter of love content.

On the Ball of the Governor, he meets the girl who saw on the way to the companion. He is fond of the governor's daughter, forgetting about other lanes.

A sudden appearance of a drunken nostride nearly disrupts Chichikova's plan: the landowner begins to tell everyone how the traveler bought his deceased peasants. He is removed from the hall, after which Chichikov leaves the ball. At the same time, the box rides to learn from friends, the right price appointed her guest for the "dead souls".

Ninth chapter

A friend Anna Grigorievna and Sophia Ivanovna are gossipped about visiting an official: they think that Chichikov acquires the "dead souls" to enjoy the governor's daughter or kidnap it, in which the nostrils can become his accomplice.

The landowners are afraid of punishment for the Asphar, so they leave a deal in secret. Chichikova is not invited to dinners. In the city, everyone busies with the news that somewhere in the province is hidden a fake and robber. The suspicion immediately falls on the buyer of the dead souls.

Chapter Tenth

A police officer is disputes, who is so Pavel Ivanovich. Some think he is Napoleon. The postmaster is confident that this is not someone else, like Captain Kopekin, and tells his story.

When Captain Kopeikin fought in 1812, he lost his leg and hand. He arrived in St. Petersburg to ask for help from the governor, but the meeting was transferred several times. The soldier soon ended the money. As a result, he is advised to return home and wait for the help of the sovereign. Soon after his departure in Ryazan forests, robbers appeared, Ataman, who, in all signs, - Captain Kopeikin.

But Chichikov has all his hands and legs, so everyone understands that this version is erroneous. Because of the excitement, the prosecutor is dying, chikchiki is cut the third day and does not come out of the house. When he recovers, he is denied the reception at the governor, and others are also costing with him. Nozdrev tells him about rumors, praises for the idea of \u200b\u200bkidding the governor's daughter and offers his help. The hero understands that you should urgently run away from the city.

Chapter eleventh

In the morning after small delays with the preparations of chikchik, it goes down. He sees how to bury the prosecutor. Pavel Ivanovich leaves the city.

The author talks about the past Chichikova. He was born in the noble family. His father often reminded his son about what everyone should please and take care of each penny. In the school of Pavlusha, it was already able to earn money, for example, selling pie and showing the performance of the trained mouse.

Then he began to serve in the Kazan Chamber. Pavel Ivanovich made his way to a high position, declaring the old official, which is going to marry his daughter. In all the positions of Chichikov used the official position, because of which one day came under the trial for the work of smuggling.

Once Pavel Ivanovich caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying "dead souls" to ask himself to accommodate the Kherson province. Then he could get big money on the guarantee of non-existent people and to nourish itself a great condition.

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/ "Dead Souls"

Chapter I.

The action of the poem unfolds in a single town, which Gogol gave the name "NN". So, in one day the interesting brickeleton arrived at one day to the city hotel. As the author says, only bachelors go to such a bunch. In this bachelor transport, a man was sitting "not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. " No one noticed the arrival of this gentleman, except for two men who stood at the entrance to the Kabak opposite the city hotel. Seeing the approaching bunch, they began to argue - whether she would come to Moscow or Kazan.

The visits Mr. settled in one of the rooms of the hotel with huge cockroaches, which ran out of angle in the corner. They also arrived with a lacquer named Parsley and Selifan, he was a kucher. While Lackey and Kucher disassembled the things of the Mr., he descended into the shared hall and ordered lunch. During the meal, this gentleman had a conversation with sex about landowners with a large number of peasant souls and officials of the local city.

The name of the visit of Mr. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. The next day, Pavel Ivanovich inflicted all the city authorities and minor officials, including the governor. Chichikova distinguished the courtesy and ability to quickly conquer the confidence of their interlocutor. For example, in front of the governor, he could not rejoice at the city roads. For this, the latter invited Pavel Ivanovich to his home to celebrate some events. Other seduced officials invited Chichikov to taste tea home to them.

Not much spoke about himself the main character. Only what wants to settle in this city, and therefore wants to meet all the city officials.

In the evening Pavel Ivanovich went to visit the governor. There were many people: men - in black frishes with white shirts, women - in evening dresses. All those present men could be divided into two types: thick and thin. Next, Gogol talks to the reader that subtle people are suitable only for small, minor cases, and fat more judicial and achieve significant results in their activities. Chichikova author refers to fat people.

In the house of the governor, Chichikova acquaintance and two landowners - Manilov and Sobesevich. The landowners invite Paul Ivanovich to visit their villages.

A few more days of Chichikov visits the urban official. In the city of Nn, Solva went about him, as a business and decent gentleman.

Chapter II.

For about a week, Pavel Ivanovich lived in the city of NN, visiting all sorts of officials, and after thought to visit his new familiar landowners Manilov and Sobesevich. Next Gogol describes us a lacquer parsley. The favorite occupation of the latter was reading books. It should be noted that the parsley read everything in a row without giving preferences. By character, he was silent. Petrushka highlighted two things: he slept, which went; From him constantly imagined with some same odor.

The first thing Chichikov decided to visit the Manilov landowner. His estate stood on the hurry, blown by the winds. Near the landowner's house there was a gazebo, on which the inscription "Temple of secluded reflection" was seen. Manilov was very delighted by the arrival of an expensive guest and immediately invited him to go to the house.

Looking at Manilov, it was very difficult to understand what he he had. Gogol talked about Manilov, that he was neither her nor. His features of the face were pleasant and seemed sugar. The manner of his speech was the arrangement and seeking friendship. We can say about Manilov that he was a dreamy in nature, he almost did not watch the farm, but constantly reflected about something. Once he even wanted to break through the underground tunnel from his home, but this idea remained the idea, in the office of the landowner for two years a book was dustped on one page. With his wife, Manilov lived together and happily. And they had two sons - femistocos and alkid.

Chichiki decides to make a business conversation. He asked Manilov the registry of peasants who died after the last census. After that, Pavel Ivanovich makes the landowner an amazing offer to buy dead souls of these peasants. For all documents, the eyes pass like alive and manilov was obliged to pay tax for them. This proposal was in charge of a landowner, but Chichikov assured that everything will be decorated in properly. According to the documents, the deceased peasants will pass like alive.

Manilaov refuses the money and gives the dead souls of peasants chikchiku. After that, Pavel Ivanovich leaves the estate of the landowner, and Manilov plunges into their next dreams, seeing how the king gifts him and Chichikova by the general pagons for their strong friendship.

Chapter III

Chichikov leaves the estate of Manilov in a very good mood, he is glad to a good deal. Chercher Selifan, talking to a horse, completely distracted and moved off the road. Brica Chichikov went on plowed land and eventually turned over, and Pavel Ivanovich landed in dirt.

Only in the evening the travelers drove up to some village. It was the ownership of the box of Nastasya Petrovna. Nastasya Petrovna was an elderly and very melancholic woman. She grunted when there was a cripplence, or the farm suffered losses, but at the same time gradually copied the money and hid them in drawers in the chest. By nature, the landowner was a very leaning man.

For Chichikov, a separate room was prepared for overnight chairs, whipped to the ceiling itself. The next day, Pavel Ivanovich woke up late. The room has already lay his clean clothing. Looking out the window, Chichikov saw a large farm, the peasants lived in prosperity, the estate reigned order and cleanliness.

After that, Pavel Ivanovich went to the room of the hostess of the estate and did not immediately have a conversation about selling the dead soul of peasants. Nastasya Petrovna could not understand what her guest was talking about, but he felt that the point was profitable. Without withstanding, Chichikov called the Bulk Bulk box, "damned old man." The landowner refused to sell dead souls, she wanted to first explore the demand to not be made. Nevertheless, Chichikov managed to persuade Nastasya Petrovna to sell him dead souls of peasants. For this he bought honey and hemp at the landowners. The box was glad to such a deal, she treated Paul Ivanovich, after that he leaves the estate of the landowner.

Chapter IV

Deciding to eat, Chichikov visits the restaurant. There he has a conversation with the hostess of this institution. She says that Manilov's landowners and Sobevich's landowners know well. From her words, it can be understood that Manilov delicate man. He loved to order a lot of dishes, but he did not eat everything, but only I tried. Sobesevich, on the contrary, ordered one dish, which completely eaten, then asked additives for which he had deflected.

At this time, a familiar Chichikova Nozdrev appeared in the restaurant. Nozdrev was a landowner. It was distinguished by average height, strong physique, snow-white teeth and resin buoybards. He was a man from which he emitted health. Nozdrev began a conversation with Chikchikov in that he visited the fair, where he lowered all the money and things. He appeals to Pavel Ivanovich, as an old friend, he gets him for the fact that he still did not go to him. Later, Nozdrev brings Chichikov to his estate.

Next Gogol introduces us to the identity of the Nozderval landowner. About the landowner, the author says that he was a walk that was one of those who often start friendship and those who often find himself beaten by new friends. Next, we find out that his spouse has already died, leaving two children who did not do the landowner. Nozdrev never sat at home, but constantly drove in fairs and bales. He loved to play cards. Since I played not honestly, I often returned home beaten and battered. And what is the most amazing, with his abuser could be friends the next day.

Nozdrev was in line by nature. It rarely started the stories about the pink or blue horse. He loved the landowner to pump close to people and friends, the blizzard rumors, telling non-residents. He was restless. At any moment it could break from the place and go where the eyes look. Offered ridiculous exchanges of everything for everything. And he did it not for the sake of benefits, but for the sake of action and his curious nature.

The estate of Nozdrev was the same reckless as his master. In the dining room house there was a building goat. On him, men whiten the walls. Nozdrev immediately led Chichikov examining his estate. The landlord had many dogs of all the masters. They had very original nicknames: shoot, wrap, cape.

At about five o'clock in the evening, Nozdrev invited Chichikov for lunch. Food, like everything in the landlord's house, was not the main thing. Some dishes were burnt, others were damp. During the meal Pavel Ivanovich triggers the conversation about the sale of dead souls. The landowner agrees to deal with one condition: Chichots had to buy another horse with a dog and a scarmer. Pavel Ivanovich does not agree.

The next day, nozmens call Chichikova to play checkers on the dead souls. The latter agrees. During the game of Chichiki, it notices that the landowner plays not honestly, and stops the game. When the nostrils orders the servants to beat Paul Ivanovich. At that moment, Captitip-Favornik enters the estate of Nozdrev and reminds Nozdreva that he is under the trial for the beating of Maximov's landowner. Chichikov, taking advantage of the moment, leaves from the estate of Nozdrev.

Chapter V.

On the way to the village of Selifan's companion, Koncher Selifan, without citing the control of the Brich, is faced with another BRICH, in which six horses were harnessed. The reins were confused and both vehicles were stuck on the road. This event attracted the attention of local men who gave ridiculous tips to Kucheramas, thereby interfering to quickly eliminate the problem. In the brick of Chichikov, he noticed an old woman and a girl with golden hair. It was about sixteen years old. Chikchiku attracted young specials, and he tried to start the conversation, but he did not work. At this time, the reins were rapidly and the travelers left.

The estate of the Sobevich was significant in size. Everything in it was done for centuries. It was noticeable that the owner had troubles on the housework, because the order was reigned everywhere.

Gogol compared the companion from the "Central Bear". This image emphasized the fracture of bearish color, long sleeves and pantalonons and lining gait. His face was kalen. The neck of the landowner did not turn at all. Because of this, practically never when did not look at his interlocutor. To all of the name, Mikhail Semenovich was Mikhail Semenovich.

Sobekevich invited Chichikova to go to the living room to dine. The living room hung huge paintings, depicting Greek commander. All of them were depicted with "thick lies and unheard of mustes."

All homemade utensils seemed to be similar to his owner and complemented it. For example, in the corner of the living room there was a "Puzzled Walnut Bureau on Parelup Four Legs", which resembled a bear.

About five minutes of chikchikov, Sobashevich and his spouse sat in silence. To start a conversation, Pavel Ivanovich decided to speak of urban officials. About them, Sobesevich immediately did not flatterly responded, calling them fraudsters and hypocrites.

Dining dishes were very nutritious. The landowner lived according to the rule: if a pork is served for lunch, then you need to eat all the pig. With lamb and beef, they also managed. In confirmation of this, the Rule of Sobesevich independently ate most of the Baran Boca, the abbreak of even bones.

Later, when the spouse of the companion left the living room, Chichikov had a conversation about buying dead peasant souls. Sobekevich immediately wanted to sell them at a price of a hundred rubles per soul. The price explained the fact that all the peasants were masters of their affairs and were famous for the entire district. Pavel Ivanovich such a price embarrassed and after long negotiations the parties agreed at the price of 2.5 rubles per soul.

Later, Chichikov leaves the village of Sobesevich very displeased. He believes that Sobekevich simply absorbed him. Pavel Ivanovich goes to the estate of a plush landowner.

Chapter VI

Plushkin village was a mirror reflection of the village of Sobesevich. The houses were very dilated here, roofs on them with holes, and the windows in the windows were not at all. There were huge skirds of master's breads behind the rustic sinks, they were only lying around there for a long time ago from what the grass came down.

Plushina Gogol house compares with a "stray disabled person." Almost all windows were clogged with boards, the plaster on the walls was covered. Around the house grew old dried garden. Everything around said that sometime a stormy life was boiling here, and now everything died and is in oblivion.

In the center of the courtyard of Chichikov, I got a "some kind of figure," which spacked with a man. Understand who it was: a man or woman was impossible. Clothing on it was female, a bundle of keys dangled on the belt. Deciding that this woman chichikov called her and said he was waiting for a barin. She told him to go to the house.

From the house pulled cold and basement damp. The atmosphere inside the house was even worse than outside. It seems that all furniture was demolished in one room. The table was Zavalin with some papers, glasses with a liquid in which the guys swam. All this was covered with a thick layer of dust. What was not needed, it was just jerked in the corner of the room.

A little later, the figure of a woman from the courtyard appears a little later in the room. As it turned out, it was Plushkin. He was a man with a huge chin, small eyes and dense eyebrows. His clothes were so lost and grilled that it was impossible to understand that it was generally dressed. With the form of Plushkin, it was similar to the most ordinary beggar, which is asked to alms at the church.

In fact, Plushkin was one of the richest landowners of this edge. He had more than a thousand fortress peasants. His storerooms and barns were littered with goods. But this landowner lacked. Every day he collected all sorts of things in the village and everything dragged into the house, dumping in the corners.

Next Gogol tells us that Plushkin was not always like that. He used to be an exemplary owner. His farming worked like a clock, bringing a huge profit to her owner. But after the death of his wife, Plushkin has changed, he began to greading every day. After his older daughter escaped from home to Headquarters, Plushkin cursed her, the estate was empty even more. Son of the landowner without the permission of the father decided on military service. After he lost in the card, Plushkin cursed him, and never more interested in his fate. When the youngest daughter died, Plushkin remained with everything alone. This lonelyness every day gave rise to an insurmountable feeling of greed and misfortune.

Soon, the merchants stopped visiting the estate of Plushkin. All goods of the landowner turned into alert, and the estate was declining.

Talking with Chichikov Plushkin began with the fact that he is very poor. Pavel Ivanovich offered him help in the form of buying dead souls. Plushkin was very happy and even treated Chichikova tea with a sukrem.

Chichikov bought at Plushin more than a hundred twenty dead shower. After that, he returned in the excellent location of the Spirit to his city hotel.

Chapter VII

Waking up in the morning, Chichikov began to study the lists of acquired peasant souls. During the time Pavel Ivanovich was in the city "NN" he managed to buy four hundred dead souls. I get acquainted with their last names, he thought about the hard life of a simple serf peasant. In one of the lists of peasants whom Chichikov bought from Sobesevich, he discovered a female name: Sparrow Elizabeth. After that, Pavel Ivanovich said: "Skolkogo Sobekevich, and here praised!"

A little later, Chichikov went to the Chairman of the Judge Chamber for registration of the bomp. There he met Manilov and Sobesevich. Pavel Ivanovich walked for a long time in the cabinels of officials, until he gave a paw. After the transaction, he went to the Chairman to wash the purchase. All Chichikov told that he buys peasants to export to the Kherson province. At one point he himself believed said. All evening they drank everything for Pavel Ivanovich and for his future bride, which they wanted to find in the city.

Chapter VIII.

After the loud purchases of Chichik, the focus of all residents of the city "NN" was in the center of attention. He began to read as a very rich and noble person. All others treated him with love and care. Also at that time Pavel Ivanovich began to use the demand among the female population of the city.

One day Chichikov was invited to another ball, which was held in the house of the governor. There Pavel Ivanovich was a person number one. There was no minute to Chichikov, someone did not hug or shook his hand. Women surrounded the main character with a dense ring and occupied him with their conversations. In one moment Chichikov noticed the chille girl with whom he tried to get acquainted earlier, on the way to the village of Sobesevich. It turns out she was the daughter of the governor. Pavel Ivanovich immediately switched his attention to her. The girl, as if not noticing his signs attention, periodically yawned. The surrounding ladies were called by such behavior of Chichikov.

A little later, a landowner Nozdrev appears on the ball, who declares the peasants in the whole voice that Chichots do not bury the peasants, and their dead souls. No one of those present paid no attention to the words of Nozdrev, because the landowner was wondering the lison. The rest of the evening Pavel Ivanovich spent with a negative sediment in the soul.

At the hour of height of the ball in the house of the governor in the city, a brush was drunk, similar to a thick watermelon. The landowner was sitting in it, which came to find out the true price of dead souls who sold chikchiku.

Chapter IX.

The next day, one resident of the city "NN" came to his girlfriend and informed her news: Chichikov buys dead souls of peasants. About it said the landowner box, which personally sold them to him.

Nothing thinking, the ladies decided that all this is just a cover. The true goal is the daughter of the governor, which Chichikov decided to kidnap. This news with the speed of light spread around the city. The townspeople simply rebelled. In their heads, everything was mixed, and no one could understand what was the case. News every day turned new details. Whether Paul Ivanovich threw his spouse for the sake of the governor's daughter, with whom secretly met under the lunar light. Officials of the city also solely, having heard the news about the purchase of dead souls. Everyone began to look for sins in themselves, which was not.

Just at the time of Apogee news about Chichikov, the governor comes to a message about the fled criminal. This finally knocked off everyone. And in order to find the truth of the city officials went to the Politzmer.

Chapter X.

All urban officials were excited about the events. Only the postmaster was calm and balanced. He said that Pavel Ivanovich is Captain Copeikin and told tale of Captain Copeikin.

Captain Kopeikin during the military company of the twelfth year lost his hand and leg. Together with the wounded soldiers was taken to St. Petersburg. As it turned out, there were no orders regarding the wounded, and the captain found himself in a hopeless state. To clarify the situation, he decides to go to the sovereign. In St. Petersburg, Captain Kopeikin removes the cheapest room, after which it goes to the noble to ask for sovereign mercy.

Having stood about four o'clock in the queue, Kopeykin managed to talk with no one. The latter asked him to go in a few days. The next day, Kopekin came again to noble. He stated that it was necessary to wait for the order of the king about the wounded. Captain could not wait. He penetrates the house of Velmazby and declares that it will not move from the place until his problem is solved. For such behavior, Kopeykin is sent from St. Petersburg. Nobody heard more about the captain. After a few months, rumors stretched out that in the forests near Ryazan, the gang of robbers was operating under the leadership of Captain Copeikin.

This story did not produce a special impression. Chichikov had and legs and legs were intact, so he could not be captain of Copeikin. Then the thought appeared that Pavel Ivanovich is Napoleon. To confirm this thought, officials turn to the landowner Nozdrev. He confirms that the chickens are sent to the nose. From these rumors at the prosecutor, most likely, a heart attack happened, and he died, coming home.

Due to Chichot's disease, he lay three days in his room and knew nothing about the events in the city. After his recovery, he decides to visit the city officials, but no one else is allowed. In the evening, Nozdrev comes to Pavel Ivanovich, who tells him about what happened. Chichiki decides to leave the city to leave the city and tell Selifan to prepare a britcher for the trip.


The next day, it was not possible to go from the city "NN" to Chikchiku. Selifan did not prepare a brich (it was necessary to cut horses, drag the wheel), and Pavel Ivanovich himself woke up late. All these cooking took another five hours. After that, Chichiki sat down in a brickeleton, and they were touched.

One of the streets of the city was blocked by a mourning procession. Pavel Ivanovich hid in the Brachka, because he did not want to see him. Through the time of the bridge, finally left the city.

Chichikov was born in the noble family. Ros Pavlusha without friends in a small room. Later, his father transported him to the city, where the main character began to attend the school. The last instruction of Chichikov's father was words: "Most of all please teachers and bosses." It was they who became the basic principle of the life of the chief hero.

Special abilities for education in Chichikov was not. He was always a modest and quiet student. Pavel Ivanovich was a man with a practical warehouse of the mind. That fifty dollars, who left his father, he did not spend, but managed to increase, selling in his comrades. All the life of Chichiki copied money from greed. He wanted a beautiful and fed life.

Later he entered the serving of the Casual Chamber, where he ranked the lowest position. There, as he can, he pleases the boss, has the sign of his daughter's attention, promises even to take her to his wife. Later, having received a higher position, Chichikov forgets about marriage.

Through time, he became part of the commission on the construction of a government house. Six years have continued construction, but the government house has not been built. But each member of the commission acquired his own new home. Later, the boss was changed, and all the property was confiscated.

Chichots left again without a penny in his pocket. He is set to work in customs. There shows his abilities in the search of smugglers, for which it receives a promotion. After that, Pavel Ivanovich concludes a contract with smugglers, receiving a huge profit from this. Over time, this connection has become apparent, and the chikchik come under the trial. Somehow the main character eludes criminal punishment. He is again deprived of his condition.

After that, he comes to the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying dead souls, because under them you can get a bank loan and hide with money. It is for this purpose that Chichikov arrives in the city "NN".

To his hero, Gogol refers as to Heazyin to the acquirer. He may not like many. What the author recommends that everyone look into his soul and answer the question: "But is there any part of Chichikov?"

The poem ends with the fact that the Chichikov Brica rushes along the road, and the main character himself smiles, as he loves a quick ride.

Tom First

The proposed story, as it becomes clear from the further, occurred somewhat shortly after the "adestrate expulsion of the French". The college counselor comes to the provincial city of NN Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov (He is not old and not too young, not a thick and no thin, appearance rather pleasant and somewhat rounded) and settles in the hotel. He makes many questions of a tavern servant - both relative to the owner and revenues of the Tavern, and implanting the foundation: about urban officials, the most significant landowners, asks for the state of the region and there was no "what diseases in their province, cooking hotels" and other similar nasty.

Having left visits, visitors discovers extraordinary activities (visiting everyone, from the governor to the inspector of the medical board) and the court order, because it is able to say pleasant to everyone. He speaks something foggy about himself (which "experienced a lot on the age of his own, has undergone his truth in the service, had many enemies who even had to live on his life," and now looking for residence). At the Governor's homepal party, he managed to decline the universal location and, by the way, to get acquainted with the landowners Manilov and Sobashievich. In the following days, he documens at the police officer (he gets acquainted with the landlord Nosdrekh), visits the Chairman of the Chamber and the Vice-Governor, the otkupeker and the prosecutor, - and goes to Manilov's estate (which, however, is preceded by a fair-made author's retreat, where, justifying love of the circumstance, The author certifies in detail parsley, serving serving: his passion for the "reading process" and the ability to carry a special smell with them, "responded by a few residential peace").

Driving, against the promised, not fifteen, and all thirty miles, Chichikov Enters Manilovka, in the arms of the affectionate owner. House ManilovHeruer, surrounded by several blurred flower beds and arbors with the inscription "Church of a Second Reflections", could characterize the host, who was "neither either", was not aggregated by any passions, only excessively pronounced. After the recognition of Manilov, that the visit of Chichikov's "May Day, the name of the heart", and lunch in the company of the hostess and two sons, femistocleus and alkid, Chichikov detects the cause of their arrival: he would wish to buy peasants who died, but not yet stated in Audiv Help, making everything in a legitimate way, as if alive ("the law - I am not a law before the law"). The first fright and perplexity are replaced by the perfect location of the kind owner, and, to accomplish the deal, Chichikov is departing to the Schemevich, and Manilaov places the dreams of Chichikov's lives next door, about the construction of a bridge, about the house with such Belvedere, which is visible to Moscow, and about Their friendship, who behaved about which the sovereign would complain their generals. Chercher Chichikova Selifan, a lot of Manilov's yard-owned people, in conversations with horses, she misses the desired turn and, with the noise of the shower, tipping the barin to the dirt. In the dark, they find the night in Nastasya Petrovna boxes, a few fearful landowners, in the morning of chikchiki also accepted trading dead souls. Explaining that now it will be to pay for them to serve, having cursed the stupid of the old woman, promising to buy both hemps and pork bales, but in another time, Chichikov buys the soul in her fifteen rubles, gets their detailed list (in which Peter Savelyev is unreasonable -Korto) and, having fallen off a fresh cake with an egg, pancakes, pies and other things, departs, leaving the hostess in great anxiety as to whether she was too extended.

Having left for a pillaby to the Tractor, Chichikov stops to eat, the author supplies the author with a lengthy argument about the properties of the appetite gentlemen of the middle hand. Here he meets his nostrils, returning from the fair in the Bird of the son-in-law of his Mijueva, because his horses and even a chain with a clock - all lost. Painting the charms of the fairs, the Pitey qualities of Dragun officers, some Kuvshinikov, a big amateur "to use the strawberry" and, finally, presenting a puppy, "real face", Nozdrev will take off Chichikov (thinking to get together here) to himself, picking up and rewarding son-in-law. Describing Nozdrev, "in some respects of a historical person" (for everywhere, where he did not do without history), his possessions, ubuildness of dinner with an abundance, however, drinks of questionable quality, the author sends a diligent son-in-law to his wife (Nozdrev snatching him by breaking and word "Fetuk"), and Chichikova forces to appeal to its subject; But it cannot be established, nor to buy a shower he does not manage: Nozdrev offers to remove them, take it in addition to the stallion or make a stack in the card game, finally scares, quarrels, and they break up overnight. In the morning, persuasions are resumed, and, having agreed to play checkers, chikchikov notes that the nozzles are unscrupulous. Chikchiku, whom the owner with a caustion is attempted to beat, it is possible to run due to the appearance of Captain-Corps, announcing that the nostrils are under court. The Khachikov's stroller is facing a certain crew, and, as long as the reclining seva will be diverted by the dead horses, Chikchiki admires the sixteen-year-old young lady, indulges to the arguments on her account and dreams of family life. A visit to the companion in his strong, as he himself, the estate is accompanied by a thorough dinner, discussion of urban officials, koi, by the conviction of the owner, all scammers (one prosecutor's decent man, "Yes, and that, if you say the truth, a pig"), and married guests of interest transaction. It was not frightened by the oddity of the subject, the companion traded, characterizes the favorable qualities of each serf, supplies Chichikov a detailed list and forces it to give it to the leak.

Way Chichikova To the neighboring landowner, the plush mentioned by the Sobehevich, is interrupted with a man with a man, giving a plush, but not too printed penetment, and a lyrical reflection of the author about his old love for unfamiliar places and now indifferent. Plushina, this "bandwidth in humanity", at first he initially takes the key or beggar, the place to be in pellets. The most important feature is an amazing scarcement, and even the old sole of the boot carries herself into a bunch, launched in the Lord's quiet. Showing the profitability of his proposal (namely, he will take on the dead and runaway peasants for the dead and runaway peasants), Chichiki fully time in his enterprise and, abandoning the tea with a sukhara, supplied with a letter to the Chamber of Commerce, is serving in the very cheerful arrangement of the Spirit.

As long as Chikchiki sleeps in the hotel, the author with sadness reflects on the lowestness of the items picturesque. Meanwhile, pleasedly, waking up the boss fortresses, studies the lists of the acquired peasants, reflects on their alleged destinies, and finally goes to the civilian chamber, in order to conclude a matter. The guilt of Manilan hotel accompanies him. Then the description of the first place, the first Names of Chichikov and a bribe of a kind of pitcher, as long as he does not enter the chair of the chair, where he acquires the way and the Sobevich. The Chair agrees to be a plush attorney, and at the same time accelerates other transactions. Chichikov's acquisition is discussed, he bought the peasants and to the conclusion and in which places. Finding out that on the conclusion in the Kherson province, discussed the properties of the men who sold sold (here the Chairman remembered that Kurse Mikheev seemed to be died, but the companion assured that the prospectless and "became healthier former"), they are completed with champagne, go to the police officer, "Father And the benefactor in the city "(the habits of which are immediately outlined), where they drink for the health of the new Kherson landowner, come into perfect arousal, forcing Chichikov to remain and eat it.

Chichikov's purchases are made in the city of Furore, rumor rumors that he is a millionmaker. Ladies crazy about him. Separate a few times to describe the ladies, the author robeth and retreats. On the eve of the ball, the chicker governor receives even a love message, however, unsigned. Used as usual a lot of time on the toilet and remaining satisfied with the result, Chichikov goes to the ball, where it moves from some hugs to others. Ladies, among whom he is trying to find the sending of the letter, even quarreling, challenging his attention. But when the governor suits him, he forgets everything, for her accompanies her daughter ("Institution, just released"), sixteen-year-old blonde, with whose crew he ran into the road. He loses the location of the ladies, for it climbs a conversation with a fascinating blonde, scandalously neglecting the rest. To top item is nozzles, the nostrils are and loudly promotes, many chicchikov anticipated the dead. And although the nostrils are obviously drunk and the embarrassed society is gradually distracted, Chikchiku is not asked either Vista nor the next dinner, and he leaves upset.

The Tarantas with a landowner in the city entering the city, the increasing concern of which forced her to come, so that they still know at what price dead Souls. In the next morning, this news becomes a kind of pleasant lady, and she hurries to tell her another, pleasant in all respects, the story becomes amazing detail (chikhiki, armed to the teeth, in a deaf midnight breaks down to the box, requires shower that died, harrily fear - " The whole village escaped, the children cry, all shout "). Her friend concludes that dead Souls Only cover, and Chichikov wants to take away the governor's daughter. Having discussed the details of this enterprise, an undoubted participation in it of the nostroid and the quality of the governor's daughter, both ladies are dedicated to the entire prosecutor and go to the Bunning city.

In a short time, the city of Burlit, the news is added to the appointment of a new governor-general, as well as information about the received papers: about the Madelee of fake assegnations, announced in the province, and about the robber ran away from legitimate persecution. Trying to understand who chichotists, remember that he was certified very foggy and even spoke of his attempted him. The postal officer's statement that Chicchikin, in his opinion, Captain Kopeykin, who was tightened on the injustice of the world and became a robber, rejected, because from the concentrated postmaster of the story it follows that the captain lacks his hands and legs, and the chischik is a whole. There is a suggestion, not disguised whether Chichots Napoleon, and many begin to find a well-known similarity, especially in the profile. Distribution boxes, Manilov and Sobehevich do not give results, but nozzles only multiplies confusion, declaring that chikhiki is exactly a spy, the Major of Fake Appliances and had an undoubted intention to take away the Governor's daughter, what the nostrils took him to help (each of the versions were accompanied by detailed details up to the name Pop, who took the wedding). All these fools are extremely acting on the prosecutor, a blow happens to him, and he dies.

Chichikov himself, sitting in a hotel with an easy cold, surprised that none of the officials visits him. Finally, going with the visits, he discovers that the governor does not accept it, and in other places they are frightened. Nozdrev, visiting him in the hotel, among the total noise produced by him partly clarifies the situation, declaring that he agrees to consolidate the abduction of the governor's daughter. The next day, Chichikov hops hastily leaves, but stopped by the funeral procession and forced to see the entire light of the official, flowing behind the coffin of the bridge of a bridge from the city, and the open spaces for both sides brings the author sadness and pleasant thoughts about Russia, the road, and then only sadness about Hero chosen by him. I conclude that it is time to give a virtuous hero and rest, but, on the contrary, stick to the scoundrel, the author sets out the history of the life of Pavel Ivanovich, his childhood, training in classes where he has already shown a practical mind, his relationship with comrades and teacher, his service is later in Kazny the ward, some commission to build a treated building, where he first gave free to some of his weaknesses, his subsequent care for others, not such bread places, the transition to the customs service, where, which is honesty and integrity almost unnatural, he made big money On collusion with smugglers, struggling, but did not know from the criminal court, although it was forced to resign. He became an attorney and during the harness about the pledge of the peasants folded the plan in his head, began to travel around the spaces of Russia, so that so that binding to the dead souls and laying them into the treasury like alive, get money, to buy, perhaps the village and provide the coming offspring.

After having posted on the properties of the hero of his hero and partly justifying it, the name of the "host, acquirement" name, the author is distracted by the pouring horses, to the similarity of the flying trip with the bell, completes the first volume.

Tom two

Opens the description of Nature, which is the estate of Andrei Ivanovich Tetenemikov, who calls the "Smoke Sky". Behind the story about the stupidity of his pastime, the history of life, hopped by hopes at the very beginning, overshadowed by the petty service and trouble subsequently; He comes into resign, intending to improve the estate, reads books, cares about the man, but without experience, sometimes just human, it does not give the expected results, the man is idle, the tenters lowers hands. He breaks out acquaintance with the neighbors, who insulted by the appeal of General Betrischev, stops riding to him, although it cannot forget his daughter streets. In a word, without having someone who would tell him the invigorating "forward!" He completely zaks.

Chichikov comes to him, apologizing the breakdown in the crew, curiosity and desire to testify respect. After going down the location of the host by the amazing ability to adapt to any, chikhiki, having lived a little from him, goes to the general who was taking a story about the dyed uncle and, as usual, hesitates the dead. On the launching general, the poem gives a failure, and we find Chikchikov heading to Colonel Koshkarev. He falls against Peter Petrovich Rooshu, whom he finds at first completely Nagishch, who was passionate about the hunt for sturgeon. Rooster, without having something to get, because the estate is laid, he is only scary, getting acquainted with the bored landowner Platonov and, having having having his journey in Russia, goes to Konstantin Fedorovich Kostagglo, married to Platonovsky sister. He talks about the ways of the management, which he in tens of times increased income from the estate, and chikchiki is terribly inspired.

It is very rapidly visiting the Colonel Koshkarev, who shared his villages for committees, expeditions and departments and arranged perfect paper produce in the mortgaged, as it turns out. Returning, he listens to the curse of the gall perjugo to factories and manufactices, corrupting a man, who was discarding the guy to enlighten and neighbor Hlobueev, who launched a fair estate and now descending him for a snot. Having experienced a lover and even crashing for a honest work, having listened to the story about the deposit of the Muzowa, impeccable by the forty million, Chichots of the next day, accompanied by Kostagglo and Platonov, goes to Hlothuyev, observes the riots and the carelessness of his farm in the neighborhood with a governess for children, fashion dressed Wife and other traces of ridiculous luxury. Having granting money from Kostaggoglo and Platonov, he gives a deposit for the estate, assuming it to buy, and travels to Platonovsky estate, where he gets acquainted with Brother Vasilya, a little managing economy. Then he suddenly be the neighbor of the Lenityna, obviously a plut, reducing his sympathy with the ability to skillfully chase the child and gets dead souls.

After a plurality of withdrawals in the manuscript of Chichikov, it is already found in the city at the fair, where it buys fabric such a cute lingonberry color with spark. He faces Hlochev, who, as can be seen, pleased, or having deprived, whether almost depriving his inheritance by some kind of life. Muzzling Hwlobuev will widdle, who convinces Hlothuyev in the need to work and defines it to make funds to the church. Meanwhile, denunciations are found to Chichikov and about the bench, and about the dead souls. The tailor brings a new fracture. Suddenly he is gendarme, intending in Chichikov's elegant Chichikov to the Governor-General, "angry, like anger himself." All of his atrocities are glad here, and he, a fashioning general boot, will lead to the ullation. In the Dark Chulana, the feling hair and Foldd, Frak, mourning the loss of the caskets with papers, finds Chichikova Muzzles, the desire to live honestly and go to mitigate the Governor's general, wish to live in it. At that time, officials who wish to attack wisdom to their superiors and get MZDU from Chichikov, deliver the box to him, kidnap an important witness and write a lot of denunciations with the goal at all confuse the case. In the provinces itself, riots open, strongly concerning the governor-general. However, Muzhov knows how to felt the sensitive strings of his soul and submit to him the faithful advice, for the Governor-General, letting him go Chichikov, is going to use how "the manuscript is broken."

In front of you a summary of the chapter of the work "Dead Souls" N.V. Gogol.

A very brief content of the "dead souls" can be found, and the below presented below - quite detailed.
Total content on chapters:

Chapter 6 - summary.

Pretty soon chikchiki drove into the middle of an extensive village with a lot of wilds and streets. Special dilapidation was noticeable in all rustic buildings. Then the Lord's House appeared: " someteading disabled people looked at this strange castle " When Pavel Ivanovich drove into the courtyard, then one of the buildings saw a strange figure. This man scolded a man. Chichikov could not for a long time to understand how the floor is this figure:

the dress on it was completely indefinite, very much like a female hood, on the head cap, which rustic yard worn women.

The guest decided that this is a key, and asked her where the Barin could be found. The key led Chichikov in the room.

The house reigned a full confusion: the furniture was sticky, on the tables lay a lot of things all sorts, in the corner of the room there was a bunch of some things. Chichiki was able to consider a piece of wooden shovel and the sole of an old boot. In the house, the guest saw that she had a matter after all with a man, and not with a woman. This is a creature and turned out to be a plush.

Pavel Ivanovich was very surprised by such a Nishchensky view of a landowner owned by a thousand souls, full of barns of all the dangle, inventory of canvas, cloth. Tree, dishes, etc. Not satisfied with this, Barin went through the streets of his village every day and picked up everything he came across. Sometimes he even attracted from the peasants.

There was a time when Plushkin was just a leaning owner. He had a wife, 2 daughters and son. The landowner was heard by a clever man, they were called to learn to lead the economy. Soon the wife died, the eldest daughter escaped with an officer. In the landlord began to be discovered. The son did not obey his father and signed up in the regiment, for which the inheritance was deprived, the youngest daughter died. Plushkin remained alone and every year became more stupid. He himself forgot what riches he has. Gradually, he turned into an intimate creature, which was found by his chikchiki.

Pavel Ivanovich could not start a conversation attracted by such a picturesque type of owner. Finally he started talking about the peasants. The dead shower in Plushkin numbered more than one hundred and twenty. The owner was delighted when he learned that the guest was taken to pay for them to submit, and he still wishes his case with a clerk. The speech came about the runaway peasants, whom Plushkin had more than seventy. Chichiki immediately decided to buy these peasants and offered twenty-five kopecks per soul. After the bidding, new acquaintances came up on thirty kopecks per soul. At the joys of Plushkin, I wanted to treat Chichikova Liqueur, which got into different goats, and last year's cake. Pavel Ivanovich refused than he had gained even more location of the owner. Immediately made a bunch, and for the power of attorney, the owner, fastening the heart, allocated the quarrel of the old paper. In addition, Pavel Ivanovich issued twenty-four rubles ninety-six kopecks for runaway peasants and made Plushkin write a receipt.

Colored by itself. Chischikov spread up with the owner and ordered to return to the city. Arriving at the hotel. Pavel Ivanovich found out about the new guarantor who came to the new guarantee, he posted on the air in the room, ate the easiest dinner and climbed under the blanket.

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