Crafts from bottles with their own. Unusual crafts from plastic bottles with your own hands with a photo

Decor elements 20.06.2020
Decor elements

For people with imagination and skillful hands, it will not be difficult to turn unnecessary things into real masterpieces. Masters and beginners use crafts from plastic bottles for the interior, as garden decor and in the form of practical furniture. Colored plastic bottle caps are an excellent material for mosaic panels on walls and fences. Best Ideas With detailed instructions and the photo is easy to embody in the country, turning a bare area into a "glade of fairy tales", and filling the house with useful little things.

Important advantages of crafts from plastic containers

A well-made souvenir or trinket will eventually develop into a hobby if there are no limits to fantasy. Do not cease to amaze summer residents who have moved from simple hedges on a wire to buildings that delight in scope.

From the available material, which many people throw away, someone constructs:

  • greenhouse;
  • carport;
  • summer shower or bath;
  • country toilet or shed;
  • summer gazebo or sun visor;
  • a teremok for children or a playground;
  • sandbox with decorative borders;
  • various temporary structures on the site.

The main advantage of such structures is the available material. At reliable fastening building wall elements are aesthetic and quite reliable. It all depends on how the plastic bottles are connected. If you approach the matter thoroughly, the desired result will impress even experienced builders.

Plastic eventually becomes a real environmental disaster - it is difficult to recycle. But it is enough to involve all those who are not indifferent to the cleaning of the territory, and there will be a whole mountain of empty PET bottles for the construction of a greenhouse, a cascading flower bed or vertical gardening. The only drawback is the long collection of the same container, since the containers are produced different color and volume.

Some manage to collect enough ornamental material in 1 season, others attract neighbors and friends to collect plastic. Someone decides to clear the area for picnics in order to improve the environment on the way to the dacha and collect material. As a result, both plastic bottles are in use and the territory is clean.

Another advantage is that plastic containers are soft and pliable, easy to cut, and no complex tools are required. With little skill, the material itself "dictates" ideas.

For creating original decoration required:

  • interesting idea;
  • ready-made role model (illustration);
  • craft material with tools;
  • step by step guide training plan.

In the hands of a real master, plastic bottles take on a second life, becoming functional objects. Souvenirs are best done on a seasonal basis. For example, New Year's toys are made in winter, practical country houses - in summer, and in spring and autumn it remains to build a "glade of fairy tales" near the house for children.

Recycling plastic containers is an exciting activity for the family. It is easy to attract children to him by entrusting a simple part of the work. Don't forget to remind them that you don't just make a firebird or "Chunga-Changa Island" with palm trees from bottles, but take care of the environment. A yard or a school class can be involved in ennobling the territory.

Furniture and interior items from plastic bottles

Furniture made from plastic bottles looks like a masterpiece that not everyone can afford. They will need a lot of plastic containers of the same sample. Sofas and pouffes impress with their design and comfort, not inferior to real furniture. There is nothing complicated if the sofa is made in blocks - seat, back, sidewalls. If there are not enough containers, sofa blocks can be made alternately. It is better when they collect bottles from one drink, for example, two-liter kvass or lemonade.

The principle of "assembling" furniture from bottles is simple - they are exposed in layers and tightly wrapped with tape. To make the furniture softer and springier, a little air is released from each bottle and twisted tightly. In the place where the cap is, cut out the cap from another bottle and wrap it with tape. It turns out a block, which has a bottom on both sides - this is the basis of the furniture.

Then it all depends on the imagination, the type of furniture and the number of bottles available. We wrapped 7 containers of the same volume with tape, we get the basis for an ottoman. What will be its appearance and style depends on the master. For a soft seat, you will need a round pillow or a block of foam rubber according to the size of the top. The cover is cut out according to the size of the ottoman in the form of a cylinder, and it is convenient to insert a zipper along the side seams, but it is easier to sew up the upholstery tightly.

If there is not enough furniture for the summer, an ottoman for a summer residence is made from an old wadded blanket and a baby pillow, wrapping a block of bottles around them. Old curtains or a bedspread will go to the sheathing. If the pouffe should have a presentable look, fabric or eco-leather is chosen to be newer and more expensive.

For construction coffee table you will need 4 racks of plastic bottles and a plywood shield as a countertop, which can be hidden long tablecloth. In a similar way they do convenient stand under a laptop or a portable table for giving. For large furniture (sofa, chaise lounge or chair) from plastic bottles, you will need a lot of patience and source material.

Useful little things for the house from plastic bottles

Flowers and vases

It will not be difficult to decorate a schoolchild's bedroom or a children's room with crafts from plastic containers. You can build a whole bunch of artificial flowers. Put the resulting chrysanthemums, daisies or roses in a vase of the same material, adding the middle with diode bulbs on an insulated wire. This is how a night lamp of extraordinary beauty will look like, where a weak light shimmers in plastic petals.

Advice: To give the leaves a special shape, use the heating of the blanks and folding the corners with tongs!

To place a homemade bouquet, you will need a suitable vessel, just cutting off part of the bottle is not aesthetically pleasing. The edges of the cut are marked with a ruler to make a cut, fixing the result by heating the bends. A small transparent bottle is cut off to the very top, about a half is cut off from a large container. We choose a material with a corrugation or a “waist” in the middle so that there is an interesting base.

Then we do as fantasy allows, but we bend the edges beautifully. The fringed cut is obtained from vertical or diagonal notches of the plastic base. The resulting strips are evenly bent to the outside.

Note! It is important that all the notches and the depth of the slot are exactly the same, then the whole product will come out neat.

Depending on which edge is desired, the strips of the vase (the edges of any other product) are fixed in different ways:

  • curly bend;
  • stapler staples;
  • fusing;
  • bonding with transparent polymers.

Planters, flower pots and containers for seedlings

Colored plastic containers in the form of bottles and bottles of various sizes are suitable as containers for growing live plants. It is very easy to make a fragrant balcony from 3-liter tanks - a cascade of ampelous petunias. Fragrant flowers hanging from cut containers will help make the dream of a beautiful piece of paradise come true.

Large bottles and tanks cut in half are hung upside down and with a lid. At the bottom it is recommended to lay large pebbles for drainage. Excess water after watering will go to the plants in the lower rows. In the same containers, plants are grown without soil - in a hydroponic way with the addition of fertilizers. Fresh herbs and seedlings (in urban and country conditions) are also germinated in prepared plastic bottles.

Advice: Use the compact shape and the ability to hang containers for vertical gardening with automatic watering. In the absence of the owners, watering cans with water immersed in the ground will cope with moistening the plants.

Traps and feeders

Using plastic bottles, you can scare away pests or attract birds to the site. To do this, the tank is used as a feeder, and at the roots fruit trees place traps from bottles of chemicals. From a double plastic container, craftsmen build traps for wasps, where they fly into sweet water and cannot get back.

Equipment of the suburban area

At the dacha "in haste" it is easy to build crafts from plastic bottles in the form of an impromptu washbasin by hanging a full bottle upside down. It is worth unscrewing the lid a little, and a small stream of water will help to wash and wash your hands. It is also worth making a bench and organizing lighting with beautiful owls or gnomes of their plastic. Any garden decor for inspiration - on interesting illustrations.

Multifunctional items for the home

Make an original cosmetic bag from 2 bottoms of plastic bottles, sewing the edges with a zipper. This box can be used as a multifunctional item - a piggy bank, a case for large beads, hairpins or jewelry.

From a similar ball, suspended somewhere nearby, it is convenient to knit, pulling the thread from the ball inserted inside. Nail polish or a lipstick collection is easier to find in a makeshift zipper box.

New Year's decor

Bright Christmas balls, garlands or plastic bottle toys are a worthy use for transparent containers. From one bottle, cut into round strips, a transparent ball will come out. After fixing the sphere with a stapler, decorate in any way:

  • winding "rain";
  • pasting with crushed foam (snow);
  • decoration with sequins, beads and stones.

New Year's decor of white plastic bottles "with a waist" is suitable for snowmen or penguins. You can use black nail polish to draw eyes and other elements, cotton wool (snowball), sparkles, small buttons, beads and everything at hand. Funny caps for characters - from colored socks without a pair, knitwear strips are used as a scarf.

Advice: From homemade winter characters, a candle, ready-made tinsel and a couple of pine branches with cones, create an original New Year's composition so as not to buy a Christmas tree.

Curtains made of colored plastic caps and bottles

Space zoning is a popular design technique, where a do-it-yourself translucent curtain is often used. original curtain able to decorate any living space, cottage or covered terrace. In the interior, original hanging partitions made of unusual materials are widely used.

In modern decor, plastic is in demand, including bottles and caps for them. For curtains there are options:

  • from scraps of the bottom of small containers - stripes on a thick fishing line, swaying with air movement;
  • from colored covers - a fantasy panel of tightly strung elements;
  • a garland of plastic and lights to give the curtain on the diodes more aesthetics.

Original all-season flower beds

The summer season is over, and home-made plastic flowers are replacing the living flower beds, which are not inferior in beauty to real ones. Their advantage is the ability to decorate the territory at any time. These flower gardens pale against the backdrop of living plants, but in early spring and late autumn they are the only ones that attract admiring glances.

For daisies you will need small plastic containers white color(petals), yellow (middle) and green (leaves). You will also need an awl and a candle (for heating), “liquid nails”, scissors and hard wire in green insulation.

We cut the base of the white bottle to the center, marking 16 segments - these are the petals. We bend the neat edges over the candle flame, we also make 2-3 chamomile corollas, which we connect in the center with an awl. Here the stem with leaves is fixed on the green wire, closing with the middle. We fill the center of the flower with a yellow basket with small cuts from 2 finely dissected circles with a fringe bent over the candle. We supplement the flower with green sepals from the bottom, collect all the parts and fix them together.

From the remaining pieces of green plastic, cut out leaves with a hole at the base (for stringing) and give the desired shape by heating over a candle flame. We fasten leaves on a wire handle, they should slightly bend around it. It remains for chamomile to make a few "companions" and find a decent place for the bouquet.

Using patterns and imagination, it is easy to build plastic lilies of the valley, roses, chrysanthemums or tulips. To do this, you need a plastic of a suitable color, from which several layers of petals are made to achieve a resemblance to real flowers.

All-season flower beds include mosaic compositions from containers filled with earth. Made from lids wall panels. "Butterfly" or " ladybug"- in different versions.

Crafts from plastic bottles for the playground

The incredible beauty of a bird with plastic plumage is a whole “field of fairy tales”. This is a peacock or firebird, swans, doves, bullfinches and parrots. All of them are made from empty PET bottles according to the general principle:

  1. Design an aesthetic bird head with eyes and a beak;
  2. Build the torso and neck;
  3. String plastic plumage;
  4. Provide wings and tail;
  5. Plant on paws or fix on the selected surface.

Plastic swans can be fenced off with a blue "lake" of inverted plastic bottles. Outlandish birds will decorate the trees in the corner of the garden, which is reserved for children's games. You can choose themed decor, for example, desert island with palm trees and parrots.

Plastic animals, birds and insects, familiar to our latitudes, as well as favorite fairy-tale characters, are complemented with other materials. Tires, wood and empty containers that are easy to paint will be used.

How to make decorations from plastic bottles for summer cottages and gardens

Original garden decor from improvised material is another way to give the site a personality while the young plants come into force. From green plastic bottles, it is easy to make funny frogs on the edge of the pond, watching dragonflies and butterflies from the same material.

Palm trees - a popular garden decor, consists of trunks (up to 15 brown bottles) and palm leaves (green plastic 5-10 pcs.). This is a simple process that even children willingly participate in.

Prepared brown cups with notches are strung on a thick steel rod (bamboo rod), having previously pierced the base. It is better to use brown containers (1.5-2 l) as a whole, cut in half, then you will only have to punch through the bottom.

We leave green bottles without a bottom and a neck, with the exception of the last one with a neck, which will be needed as a loop. We cut these containers lengthwise into 3 parts to the loop and cut them like leaves. If longer leaves are required, we attach the second half of the sheet with a stapler. All parts of the stem are strung on the base and attached to the top, connecting with a common loop. It remains to be securely installed on the site of "exotic guests" with a lush crown.

The material is collected for a whole year, but it is easier to involve neighbors and acquaintances in the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"ecological" cleaning. In the yards there are special containers for plastic - it is much easier to collect.

Preparation for work - removal of labels and glue residues from plastic bottles, it is important to rinse well and discard the deformed material.

If vertical fences are being built, they need to be filled. Depending on the idea, sand, stone chips or dry soil are poured into PET bottles, burying 1/3 with the neck down.

For selected purposes, plastics of different elasticity are used. Heat treatment is required for filigree work (flowers). It is important not to overheat the fragments cut into strips.

Fairy tale characters sometimes require additional painting. For example, pink piglets for a playground are best covered with an aerosol spray, fixed with transparent acrylic paint.

Plastic bottles are an excellent material in capable hands. Using them as a basis, it is easy to teach children a lesson in environmental education and fill the house or yard with practical things. With a creative approach, the color, volume and shape of plastic bottles themselves will prompt new ideas for an exciting creative process.

69 photos of plastic bottle craft ideas

Interest in DIY plastic bottle crafts, probably will never disappear, because an incredible amount accumulates in the house. And besides, if you really want to do creativity, keep the children busy during the holidays or rest in the country, do something cheap and practical - then the best material than PET packaging is hard to imagine.

That is why today another, but very interesting selection of the best ones is waiting for you, which are suitable for all the tasks mentioned above.

DIY crafts from plastic bottles photo

Of course, there is no rating of the best, simplest works, because everyone has their own requirements both for the master class and for the finished result. For many, the result is not as important as the creative process itself, but for others, useful and practical do-it-yourself crafts from plastic bottles, photo which you can see in our article, will serve for a long time and will be excellent helpers in the household.

So you can conditionally divide all the options into useful, decorative and mixed works, that is, those that also perform a practical function, but at the same time, say, decorate the interior (carved).

For example, such works include original pendants and lampshades for lamps, photos of which you can see above. They are created from many top parts of the container, that is, before doing the work, you only need to cut off the top third, and leave the bottom for any other work.

The ways of decorating pendants can be different - it can be appliqué with fabric, ropes, laces, pebbles, the surface can be painted both inside and outside with paints, it can be perforated with interesting patterns.

Before you is the process of performing such DIY plastic bottle crafts step by step, which results in a wonderful lampshade for a small lamp (naturally, it should be LED lamp, which does not heat up and does not heat the surrounding objects like an incandescent lamp, which can cause a fire). We cut off the upper part, and burn the lower part to create.

Try to work the edges with a hot surface so that they are not sharp, or when gluing the cord, put it behind the wrong side of the plastic. In our example, the craft is done using a technique similar to papier-mâché, when plastic surface adhesive tape or polyethylene is glued on purpose so that the lace does not stick to it.

The lace is well impregnated with PVA during operation, so when the glue dries, the bottle can simply be removed from the inside and only the rope frame will remain. But if this technique is too complicated for you, then leave the bottle inside, just decorate it with paint or another layer of rope.

So you can create magnificent New Year's decorations if you leave transparent plastic inside, and process the top and bottom with hemp by inserting a small Christmas decoration. in the same style can become a pretty vase or an interior decoration in an oriental style, it all depends on your imagination and on the interior of the room where you are going to hang your new homemade decor.

There is nothing more beautiful than, but only on the condition that these flowers are made carefully, in an interesting technique, using several shades of plastic, as in the master class that is presented to you above. And, on the contrary, there is nothing worse than terrible and clumsy flowers, for example, from a cut bottom, somehow painted with paint. In such decor there is neither beauty nor aesthetics, even country cottage area so decorating is not recommended for anyone.

Dacha do-it-yourself crafts from plastic bottles

Real treasure interesting tips always touches decoration cottages with their own hands. Crafts from plastic bottles always help us make country life a little more beautiful, more convenient, more practical. And for families with children, these are a great way to keep the kids busy for a while and entertain them with ready-made garden decor.

For quite a long time, empty containers have been used as a container for seedlings or as small pots (planters) for flowers, herbs, and salads. All this can be organized so beautifully that you get both a country decor and useful system storage fresh herbs for kitchen, cooking.

Just such examples are shown in the photo, moreover, it works Golden Rule that if the plants are beautiful in themselves, have lush, elegant greenery and bright flowers, then you can not decorate the bottles at all or make the decorations minimal. On the other hand, if you're growing kitchen herbs like parsley or watercress right in your summer kitchen, then it's a great idea to decorate these pots, make decoupage or other appliqués for them.

Attracting birds to your yard with feeders is great idea both for winter and summer period. Many simply do not think about how many pests an average sparrow or starling can eat in one summer season. Moreover, the more grain and seeds the birds have at their disposal, the less attention they will pay to valuable cherries. You have options DIY garden crafts from plastic bottles- not only cute feeders, but also a drinker, which is also very necessary for a comfortable stay of birds in your garden.

Maybe they are valuable for their decorative effect, but useful things created with the help of ordinary plastic in the country are needed no less.

We present to your attention an interesting broom for outdoor cleaning, because, as any summer resident knows, in the countryside any broom or broom wears out with space speed, especially if you need to remove fallen leaves or fruits. To get a broom, you need to assemble a structure from a long stick and a cross board, the initial workpiece will resemble a mop.

With the help of self-tapping screws, several covers are attached to the horizontal board, as shown in the photo, into which the necks can be screwed. The containers themselves are opened with scissors or a boat into strips, first cutting off the bottom. Try not to make the strips too thin, as the broom will eventually work worse, it is necessary that all the “twigs” remain elastic.

Children's crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands

Entertaining or creating an interesting decor is ideal children's crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands must combine both of these concepts. It would not be very nice if, as a result of painstaking and exciting work, you get something not too beautiful. Therefore, choosing among a variety of ideas, pay attention not only to the ease of implementation, but also to the final result, which must definitely find its place in the nursery.

For example, such a place can be very easily found by a stand for pencils and pens, made in the form of a space monster, not at all scary, but very funny.

For work, you will need a container that is suitable in shape, preferably already painted, so that you do not have to additionally use spray paints, as well as paper for applying the application - face, hands, teeth, and so on. For more delicate natures, pencil cases with the image of cats are suitable, which are also quite simple to make, the faces are not glued, but are carefully drawn with markers of different colors.

DIY crafts from plastic bottle caps

If the rest of the material has already gone to beautiful ones, then we suggest that you use absolutely all the spare parts and make DIY crafts from plastic bottle caps intended for children. It is the lids that accumulate in the household a lot, due to their strength, good shape and variety of colors, they will be very easy to use as educational toys, items for applications and even for didactic material that helps children's development.

The photo shows options for games that you can organize with or for children using plastic multi-colored covers. Worthy of attention is the option of turning the covers into chips for playing tic-tac-toe.

And if you insert small magnets from the back inside the lids and fix them with glue, you can play not only on a specially drawn field, but also on any iron plate or refrigerator.

Animal toys created on the basis of covers will help you make a home puppet theater, with their help you can easily tell any fairy tale, from classics to stories of your own composition. As for drawings, this is a great way to teach children to count at an older preschool age or learn colors at a younger age.

To do this, the figure shows circles of different colors, and the baby will need to find a suitable one among all the multi-colored covers and place it on right place. It will turn out a simple and quite exciting game.

DIY crafts from plastic bottles for children

Fulfill crafts from plastic bottles with their own hands for children may not be very easy, because plastic is difficult to process, sharp scissors or a knife are needed, special paints, hot glue, etc. Therefore, it will be better if you do all the work together, as a friendly team, trusting the children to complete simple steps, and leaving work with cutting or surface treatment at high temperatures for yourself.

In the photo you can see how easy it is to make small toys if you combine the bottom, stable part with the top. They can be securely connected with glue, or they can remain autonomous, similar to neat boxes. Be sure to paint with acrylic or stained glass paints, children will like it much more. The idea with bottle nesting dolls painted in folk style is also interesting. To create them, you just need to find containers of different sizes, but of a similar shape, that could fit into each other.

This workshop on making a lampshade based on a container and a lot of plastic spoons is a great option for more complex collaboration. But the finished product will turn out to be so interesting and elegant that it can be used to decorate the interior, especially in a modern style.

What they don't do skillful hands from unnecessary (junk) items. Crafts from bottles with their own hands are made for arranging summer cottages, playgrounds. And they look very attractive and original. Plastic is the cheapest and most affordable and very flexible material. From it you can create figures of animals, flowers, dolls, baby transport, curbs. Some craftsmen use them in the construction of arbors, fences, greenhouses, garden furniture and even boats.

Features of plastic as a material

Many people throw away plastic containers, considering them garbage, but this is a unique material for crafts that will certainly find application in the household. Its features as a material for creativity are that:

  • For the manufacture of crafts and work, you will not need any complex tools or devices, except for those that every good owner has in the house: scissors, sharp knives, candles, glue, stapler, drills, glue gun and so on.
  • Not only the bottle itself will fit in the work. From the covers you can create colorful panels, paths, decorate old furniture with them.
  • Thanks to the flexibility of the fluorescent bottle, even flexible structures can be created both indoors and outdoors.
  • crafts may have different forms and dimensions, so both very small bottles and large bottles will come in handy.
  • Plastic is considered a safe material, so you can create crafts from it for playing at home or in kindergarten.

What bottles can be made for kindergarten or kindergarten

Creating characters and all sorts of figurines for children is a special area of ​​​​amateur creativity. It is advisable to do them together with them. So it is easier to accustom them to perseverance, to teach attentiveness, concentration, to develop imagination. Consider, using the example of master classes, how to create simple figurines and fairy-tale characters for children.


There are several options for making this delicate flower.

Option 1

White bottles are required for work. They usually sell their milk and should be picked up a little. In extreme cases, you can use transparent, but then repaint it in white. For each chamomile we need 3 bottles. All of them must have the same neck diameter, otherwise we will not be able to put together the magnificent parts.

We cut off the upper part (neck with a lid), just below the place of expansion. We do this with only two bottles, we leave one. It is desirable that the lid is yellow.

Cut out about 8 petals on each neck. Only so that they hold on, and do not fall apart. Bend them one by one in the opposite direction.

Let's start collecting the flower: we put on one of the blanks on top of the one that remained uncut.

Then the second in the same way.

We unfold and bend the petals so that the chamomile looks natural and lush.

We fix all three layers with a lid, we try to make it tighter.

Such flowers can be left as is, or you can paint them in different shades after assembly. They can be planted on a wire stem or attached to a fence.

Option 2

This daisy is more complex in design, but it also looks more natural and beautiful.

We cut circles from the cylinder of the bottle (about 8 cm in diameter, more if you want to create a large chamomile). Each will require three mugs

Each circle is subsequently cut into 16 strips and we form flower petals from them.

In the center with an awl, hot on fire, we make a hole.

A little later, when we collect the workpiece, you need to hold it a little over the fire. So the petals wrap themselves, creating the correct shape of a camomile.

We cut out the core of the flower from the yellow cover, pierce it and fasten it with wire with the inflorescence.

We make a sepal from a green bottle, also melt it a little over the flame.

We first attach the sepals to the stem, then three blanks of petals, the core and bend it with pliers so that the chamomile does not fall apart. After bending, we draw the wire through the sepal again and twist it with the stem.

The stem will be a wire, on which thin strips (about 5 mm) of green plastic are wound. In order for the layers to stick together well, they also need to be scorched.

If you want to create a whole composition, make leaves by cutting them out of green plastic, singe them a little, wind them around the stem.

You can bouquet and diversify the bouquet by combining them with cornflowers. Here you need blue plastic, the petals are cut out in the shape of cornflowers. A flower is going to be similar to a chamomile.

With this technique, you can make any kind of wildflowers, and even roses, if you can roll them correctly.

Option 3

Now let's try to make a giant daisy.

As you can see, in order to create such wonderful decorative flowers, it will take only a few hours of time, a bottle, an awl, a candle, glue and scissors.


Plastic Coke bottles are useful for creating a penguin, due to their narrowed shape in the middle and expansion at the bottom, a believable penguin body is obtained from it.

Tools and materials:

  • 2 bottles of the same size;
  • scissors;
  • cool gun with silicone pencils;
  • brushes;
  • black marker;
  • a piece of dense fabric;
  • white, black and red colors.

Step by step penguin assembly:

  • We cut the container in this way: the first, acting as the bottom, is cut in the middle or a little closer to the bottom, the second is the top of the penguin, so we only need the bottom. Rice. one
  • Now we connect both parts with slices to each other. Fig.2
  • When connected, fix with glue (you can use a silicone gun). Fig.3
  • Next, according to the plan, we will paint the body of the penguin. Select the type of paint so that it is not afraid of moisture. We paint the future toy in several layers. Rice. four
  • When the paint coating dries, outline the chest and muzzle with a black marker. Fig.5
  • Paint over the outer part (behind the contours) completely with black paint. Leave only the top - this will be the place of the cap. Rice 5. and 6.
  • In principle, the penguin is almost ready. It remains only to paint the place left under the cap with red paint. You can, as shown in Figure 8, decorate it with black dots.
  • Draw eyes and a beak on the muzzle. This can be done with a thin brush and paints, or you can use colored markers. Rice. 9.
  • Cut a scarf from a small piece of fabric, tie it on a penguin.


Let's try together to make another toy for kindergarten - a crocodile.

Prepare for work:

  • two plastic bottles, 0.5 l;
  • twist plugs from the same container - 4 pcs;
  • sharp knife;
  • stationery scissors;
  • thin cardboard;
  • glue;
  • brushes;
  • waxed paper;
  • paints for drawing;
  • eye buttons.

Manufacturing and assembly instructions:

Cut the bottles first in half, then so that a distance of about 7 cm remains to the neck.

It is necessary to form the edges so that the body of the crocodile is slightly bent during assembly. As shown in the photo.

Glue the covers in place of the legs.

Form dense balls from cardboard - eyes, attach to the body.

Cover the entire body of the alligator with green colored paper.

Cut out eyes, teeth, paws from paraffin paper.

Paint the teeth (white), nostrils (black), eyes (also black) with a brush, or use dark buttons as eyes.


These funny insects are very easy to make.

Option 1

Prepare ahead of time:

  • plastic containers with a capacity of 0.33 l;
  • sharp scissors;
  • acrylic paints;
  • cup 0.5 l;
  • brushes;
  • glue;
  • black tape;
  • wire;
  • stationery knife.

Instructions for execution:

From a plastic cup, cut out the wings of a bee, as shown in the photo.

The bottle does not need to be cut completely. We make only small cuts on the sides, with a clerical knife. These will be the placement of the wings.

Insert the wings into place, glue them.

Next, proceed to painting the bee. There are two ways to paint: paint the body black, then make yellow stripes, or vice versa, make it completely yellow, then draw black stripes. Let's use the first one - paint it dark.

Draw the eyes in white on the lid, and the mouth in red.

Option 2

You can make it in one copy, you can create a whole hive

To create a hive, prepare:

  • plastic bottles according to the number of expected number of bees;
  • yellow enamel or paint;
  • black electrical tape;
  • wash brushes - 4 pcs;
  • for the eyes - beads or buttons;
  • glue gun;
  • synthetic thread;
  • leg-split.

We paint plastic bottles yellow. You can do it a little differently - pour yellow paint inside, twist the bottle so that the paint evenly lies on the entire inner surface.

This method is a little more difficult and longer, but the coloring will turn out to be more effective and with gloss. In addition, it will not wear out, break or deteriorate.

This should be done in several stages to evenly paint the entire surface. Fill the bottle with paint, shake and lay on its side. As soon as the first layer of paint begins to set, twist it to paint the next area and so on until the end.

When the bodies of the bees take on a yellow color, we make transverse strips with black electrical tape.

On the lid we glue eyes, a nose from pre-prepared beads and buttons.

From another plastic container, we cut out shapes that look like wings. To them, at the same stage of work, we attach threads. For them, we will then hang the bee to the tree.

To the body of the bee, with the same glue gun, glue the thread with wings.

Color it yellow too. You can, again, use the complex method of painting. Or, in order not to lose a lot of time, just paint on top with a brush.

We will make the roof of the hive from wash brushes. We take them in a pile, tie them with twine.

On the lid of the bottle - this is our roof area, we apply a thick layer of glue. We spread the wash brushes on it so that they are evenly distributed on all sides. If somewhere they are a little unstuck, glue it.

Leave the craft for a while at rest to dry.

Everything is ready and the bees and the hive. It remains only to take it to the kindergarten and hang it on a tree.

In a similar way, you can make many bees, but without a hive and hang each one from a tree. Thus creating a real child Center beekeeping.

Creating bee crafts is an interesting activity, the work is not difficult. If the child himself makes it, under your strict guidance, it can be a good souvenir for grandparents. Such a craft will look very impressive against the background of the abundant foliage of a tree.


Simple in execution and very interesting model of crafts.

Option 1

Let's prepare the materials:

  • plastic containers (a few pieces will be enough);
  • paper, not smaller than A4;
  • stationery scissors;
  • silver and brown nail polish;
  • sequins;
  • gel red pen;
  • rhinestones;
  • butterfly in a stencil.

Let's start making the insect:

First, let's prepare the bottles for work: wash, preferably with soap, release it from the label, dry it.

On a blank sheet of paper, scan or transfer the figure of a butterfly through carbon paper. For this we need a stencil. You will find it at the end of this subsection.

With a gel pen, you need to circle the contours of the insect on the plastic surface and cut it out.

We got a figure with wings curved down.

Turn it over, we need them to look up.

We take the gel pen again and draw all the lines, as shown on the stencil.

Paint over the middle (trunk) and antennae with silver nail polish. Let's draw the contours of the wings in the same tone.

Now with varnish you need to draw all the rulers, including the smallest ones, which were previously drawn with a gel pen.

Before the edges we put small dots (blotches).

Against the background of the silver drawing of the wings, we also put dots, only in brown.

We decorate the body of the butterfly with rhinestones. To do this, with any nail polish, put droplets and plant a pebble on top.

The butterfly is ready, for everything about everything, it took us a little time and material, which, for sure, will be found at home on the farm and with mom.

Similarly to the previous butterfly, we make another one, only this time it is plain and without pebbles.

We got two plastic butterflies, painted in the same tone.

If you stick a magnet to them, they will serve as a good decoration on the refrigerator or any other metal surface.

Option 2

Let's look at another implementation. We will paint it not with nail polish, but with stained glass paints. In the first version, we drew a butterfly on plastic, cut it out, and only then proceeded to coloring. Here the technology is different. We will draw an insect on the bottle, and we will paint it on it.

Let's prepare everything that is useful in the work:

  • stencil drawing paper:
  • plastic containers;
  • stained glass paints;
  • wire or thick fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • beads (several pieces of small size);
  • awl.

Step-by-step instructions for execution:

We transfer the butterfly from the stencil to the paper.

Redraw the insect on plastic. You can do it like this. We cut the bottle, adjust the drawing from the inside so that we can clearly see it from above. With a gel pen we transfer the contours to the plastic.

When we finish drawing, we can start coloring. Recall that we paint without cutting out the insect, the paint falls on the bottle, along the contours. After painting, leave the workpiece to dry. After it dries well, cut it out. Give the desired shape with your fingers.

We form the body. To do this, take the wire or fishing line that we have prepared, string a few beads on it. You can take the same color, or you can make it multi-colored, it's as your heart desires.

A butterfly, or not one, if you have made several of them, are ready. They can decorate indoor flowerpots, hook onto curtains by attaching a pin from below, it is better to glue.

If the insect is made by a child's hand, then it will be pleasant surprise and a gift for March 8 for mom, teacher or grandmother.

Stencils for making butterflies


Waste material has a lot of opportunities and ways to extend its life. Moreover, in every family there is at least something. Here you don’t need to buy or invent anything special, much less spend money on them. Let's try to make a hedgehog from the same waste material as used plastic containers.

For work we will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • pine cones, about a dozen, as long as they are the same size;
  • two white caps, from the same bottles;
  • glue (you can use "Moment" or, if there is mounting foam);
  • colored plasticine.

Hedgehog creation technique:

First, we bring the container into the proper form: wash it, clean it from the label, wipe it and dry it.

On the prepared container, glue the cone directly on top with glue or foam (you can also use a glue gun if there is such an item on the farm). We start from the center, this will be the back of the hedgehog. We glue each cone as a separate element, after making sure that the previous one is firmly held.

If at least one of them falls, and the neighboring ones hold on tightly, then it will be difficult to “put” it in place. Take this into account and don't rush.

When all the cones - the needles of our hedgehog, are planted in their places, we will begin to form the muzzle. To do this, glue the bottle cap with black plasticine.

For the eyes, you will need white covers prepared by us. On them, in the center, we glue circles from the same black plasticine - these will be the pupils of the hedgehog.

Glue the eyes to the muzzle of the animal.

Now let's embellish our craft a little. What is a real hedgehog without stocks. We will make mushrooms, leaves, fruits with berries from plasticine. Then carefully lay it on his back.

You can create a baby for the company of an adult hedgehog by molding him with their plasticine. And since its dimensions will not make it possible to experiment with pine cones, the needles on the body can be made from sunflower seeds.


An interesting craft that you can do with your son for kindergarten. In this way, you will teach him to use various waste materials as a material for creating toys and other necessary things.

Prepare for work:

  • a small plastic bottle, you can use baby yogurt;
  • one tailor's pin;
  • 3 tubes for juice;
  • scissors;
  • one ping pong ball
  • stapler.

Step by step work:

First, make a hole in the lid so that the tube can freely enter there.

Cut the bottle so that the upper (with a thickening) part remains intact.

Take the remaining 2 tubes, cut them to the length of the intended propeller blades.

Cross them and pin them in the middle with a pin. Insert the tail of the helicopter into the cork of the bottle. Make skids from the two remaining parts of the tubes, connect with a strip cut from the unnecessary part of the bottle with a stapler.

Attach the main part of the helicopter with skids with a stapler too. Insert a ping pong ball into the hole.

The helicopter is ready. A minimum of time was spent on it, and the child will have a lot of pleasure from a toy created by his own hands.


Matryoshka is probably the only toy that more than one generation has grown up with. In addition, it is considered a symbol of Russia. Many foreign tourists, coming to our state, buy them as souvenirs. Is it possible to create such a complex figure with your own hands, and even from waste plastic? Yes, you can, let it not be as functional as modern ones in toy stores, but it will be personal and, for sure, the most beloved.

In creating such crafts, not only plastic food containers are suitable, we will consider this a little later. The toys that you see in the photo below are made only from the tops of the flasks. So they will be more stable. So that the edges are not too sharp, they can be processed with electrical tape.

In this photo, the top part is inserted into the bottom, the middle one is generally removed. This nesting doll has a more respectable appearance, looks more natural and believable. Painted with acrylic paints. Children will not succeed in doing the same, but there are many stickers and patterns of a similar image on the Internet. As a last resort, they have a lot of options to learn and draw nesting dolls on such a layout.

The following photo and the model itself can be attributed to multifunctional. Here is a nesting doll in its own design and a pencil case for storing pencils and pens. As you can see, it is not made from a food bottle, and their containers are from shampoo or cream.

Approximate drawings and schemes for creating nesting dolls from plastic containers in kindergartens and at home.

Bottle cut diagram

Do not rush to throw away used plastic containers, because you can still find a useful use for it. In a new review, the author has collected the most interesting and practical examples of what else you can use unnecessary plastic bottles for.

1. Decoration in a marine style

To create a unique piece of jewelry nautical style you will need a small plastic or glass bottle, which should be filled with plain water and seabed attributes: sand, shells, large pearl-like beads, coins, shiny beads and glass fragments. When all the components of the composition are folded, drop a drop of blue food coloring into the bottle, a few drops vegetable oil and some glitter. It remains only to tighten the cork well and the stunning decoration is ready.

2. Stand for books and magazines

Simple manipulations will allow you to turn an unnecessary canister of milk or juice into a convenient stand for books, newspapers and magazines.

3. Faucet attachment

A handy faucet nozzle can be cut out of the shampoo bottle, which will allow the child to wash their hands or wash their hands without outside help without flooding the entire floor.

4. Napkin holder

bottle from detergent can be used to create a bright and practical napkin holder, the design of which is limited only by your imagination.

5. Stationery organizer

Instead of just throwing away the next bottles of shampoo and shower gel, make bright and cheerful coasters out of them in the form of funny monsters. To get started, just cut off the necks of the bottles and mark the places for future cuts. From colored paper or fabric, you can cut a variety of decorative elements, like eyes, teeth and ears, and attach them to the bottles with superglue. Finished goods It is best to attach to the wall with double-sided tape.

6. Containers for cosmetics

Cut plastic bottles are great for making adorable storage containers for makeup brushes, make-up, ear sticks and more.

7. Pouf

From a large number plastic containers, you can make a charming pouf, the process of creating which is quite simple and understandable. First you need to make a circle of plastic bottles of the same height and secure it with tape. The resulting structure must be well wrapped with a sheet of foamed polyethylene, securing all joints with adhesive tape. The base of the ottoman is ready, it remains only to sew a suitable cover for it.

8. Bracelets

Plastic bottles are an excellent basis for creating original bracelets. Use fabric, thread, leather, and any other materials to decorate the unsightly plastic base.

9. Stand for sweets

The bottoms of plastic bottles of different sizes, painted in the desired shade, can be used to create a spectacular multi-level stand for convenient and beautiful storage sweets.

10. Scoop and spatula

Plastic milk and juice canisters can be used to create a practical scoop and a handy little spatula.

11. Protective cap

A simple cap that can be made from a regular plastic bottle will help protect your phone from snow or rain.

12. Lamp

A small plastic canister can be a wonderful base for creating an original lamp.

13. Jewelry Organizer

A stunning multi-level organizer that can be made from several plastic bottle bottoms strung on a metal needle.

14. Planters

Storage containers for spare parts.

Spacious containers made from waste plastic canisters, which are perfect for storage, will help to put things in order and maintain order in the garage. small parts, nails, screws and other small things.

17. Toy

Armed with scissors, felt-tip pens and paints, you can turn unnecessary plastic containers into fun toys, the process of creating which, as well as the result itself, will undoubtedly attract the attention of children.

Continuing the topic with your own hands.

From an ordinary plastic bottle, you can form products that will be useful in playing with children, in the household, and in the interior of the house. From unpretentious material, you can prepare crafts for kindergarten. Children can independently cope with elementary manufacturing schemes with little or no help from adults. In addition to plastic bottles, you may need a glue gun, paints and scissors.

To make any craft from a plastic bottle, you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials:

  • plastic bottles - the main material;
  • scissors, blade and clerical knife - used for cutting;
  • acrylic paints - useful for decorative finishes;
  • brushes of various thicknesses for drawing;
  • candle for burning sharp cuts;
  • glue gun for joining parts;
  • construction stapler to attach other elements to the base.

Depending on the complexity and decorative finishes, additional materials are selected.

Do-it-yourself ottoman from plastic bottles

Craft from a plastic bottle for home improvement is the best option for price and quality. Diverse furniture can be made from raw materials, in particular, an ottoman.

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • 38 plastic bottles of the same size and shape;
  • a skein of wide stationery tape;
  • plywood sheet;
  • jigsaw, scissors, clerical knife;
  • roll synthetic winterizer;
  • construction stapler;
  • measuring tape and pencil;
  • thick fabric for upholstery.

Craft from plastic bottles with your own hands: step-by-step production of a round ottoman

Algorithm for creating an ottoman:

  • Arrange the bottles so that they resemble a honeycomb in shape. In the 1st row there are 4 elements; in the 2nd - 5; in the 3rd - 6; in the next - 7. The remaining 3 rows are set according to the principle of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
  • Wrap tightly with stationery tape. You need to make several layers and wind from the top of the bottles to the very bottom in a spiral - you will get the basis of the future ottoman.
  • Measure the diameter of the resulting honeycomb. On plywood, draw a sketch of a circle with the resulting diameter. Make 2 such details. It is advisable to try on circles so that they correspond to the parameters of the base figure.
Craft from plastic bottles with your own hands: step-by-step production of a square ottoman
  • By using construction stapler nail plywood circles on top and bottom of the base of the pouffe.
  • Wrap the sides with synthetic winterizer. Cover the circles with soft material too. Fix the soft base with a construction stapler.
  • Take measurements from the resulting workpiece and make textile patterns. Sew a cover, which is then put on the body of the pouffe.

Furniture of this type can be made in a few hours, it looks presentable, the costs are minimal.

Flowers from plastic bottles

There are many options for creating flowers from plastic bottles.

The easiest way to create a three-dimensional flower:

  • Cut off the bottom of the bottle so that the height of the resulting object corresponds to 5-6 cm.
  • Divide the circle into 5 equal parts with a marker. The markup is made so that each part includes the bulge of the bottom. Cut through the plastic to the very bottom of the bottom at each of the marks.
  • To form attractive petals, you need to round each resulting strip.
  • Treat the edges of the cuts by dusting over the flame of a candle.

Make a hole in the center of the bottom using a heated nail, awl or soldering iron. Pass a thick wire through it, which will become the stem of a plastic flower.

Plastic bottle toys

A craft made from a plastic bottle can become a strong, interesting and budget toy for a child of almost any age.

Several toy options:

apple box Octopus piggy bank
Cut off the bottoms of two identical bottles. The height of each element must be the same and be more than 6 cm.

Make a hole in the center of one of the parts with a hot nail.

Cut a strip from the canvas of a green bottle, twist it into a tube - you get a stalk. Cut out a leaf from the same strip.

Glue a leaf to the handle, thread the tube through the hole in the bottom. Everything is fixed with a glue gun.

If you insert one bottom into another, you get a full-fledged apple in which you can store little things.

Cut the bottle in half. Measure a distance of 5-8 cm from the cut. Divide the circle into parts, each should be 1-2 cm thick.

When cutting plastic along the marks, strips are obtained. Twist the elements with a scissor blade.

Make eyes out of lids. Draw the pupils with a marker, and then attach the blanks with a glue gun to the body of the octopus.

Make a hole in the bottom, thread a thread through it. You get a toy-analogue of "Yo-Yo".

Pick up a bottle with a wide bottom. Use a marker to draw the nostrils on the lid, and the eyes on the bottle itself.

Cut a narrow rectangular hole in the base of the body.

From the covers, make stable legs-stands by attaching the elements with a glue gun.

Cut out ears from thick cardboard and glue to the base.

You can make any toy out of bottles by creating a product layout:

  • Zhukov;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • transport;
  • dolls;
  • figurines.

house made of plastic bottles

From plastic bottles, you can create a house that will be a refuge for kids in the yard, the basis of a sandbox.

You need to make preparations:

  • more than 500 tons of bottles of the same volume and shape;
  • timber and plywood;
  • nails, wire, construction stapler;
  • sharp knife, nails;
  • 4 hemp;
  • tools for making measurements and markings.

Algorithm of "construction":

  1. From a bar to make the body of the future house. Wooden bases are knocked down in such a way that frames are formed - the foundations of future walls. Knock down 2 more frames, which will become the roof slopes. Install the body on the hemp-legs. Lay the plywood underneath.
  2. Determine the container diameter. Mark the top and bottom bars according to the received parameter. Drive a nail into the center of each strip.
  3. From each bottle, cut off the neck so as to remove the narrowing of the element. In the center of each bottom with a red-hot awl hole.
  4. String so many blanks on a piece of wire so that they form a full-fledged strip from the upper beam to the lower body. In the process of forming a strip of the wall, you need to make sure that all parts sit tightly relative to each other.
  5. Fasten one end of the wire to a nail driven into the top beam. Stretch the metal base like a string and fasten it to the nail of the lower wooden base. Make as many stripes to make a wall.
  6. To strengthen the walls, you can knock the bottles together with a construction stapler.

The roof is made according to the same principle. The ceiling can also be made flat using the wall manufacturing algorithm. By changing the direction of the "strings" on which the containers are strung, windows can be made.

plastic bottle doll

A plastic bottle craft can be a fully functional doll that you can play with.

List of tools and materials:

  • plain fabric in pastel color;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • 2 buttons;
  • Knitting;
  • printed fabric;
  • needle with thread;
  • marker;
  • bottle;
  • glue gun.

Manufacturing technique:

  • Head shaping. Cut out a circle from the fabric. Sew along the edge with a small line seam. Slightly pull the workpiece, fill it with padding polyester. Fully tighten the thread and fix the seam. Sew on buttons for eyes, draw a nose and lips with a marker.
  • Neck making. From the same textile cut a wide strip. On one side, sew a cut, slightly tightening the textile. Attach the element to the seam of the head and sew the pattern. Get a kind of skirt at the bottom of the head.
  • Hairstyle creation. Cut the knitting thread into equal pieces. Pass each part through a needle. Make a stitch on the "head" of the doll. Pull out the needle and tie the thread into 2 knots. It turns out immediately 2 hairs. After repeating the manipulations with scissors, trim the hair.

  • Hand making. Cut 2 strips from pastel fabric. Sew each strip to form a tube. Fill the space with padding polyester, sew up the edges.
  • Torso. Cut off the bottom of the bottle. Treat the area near the neck with a glue gun. Set the head on top, and lay the skirt-neck on the adhesive part. Using a glue gun, attach the hands to the base of the container.
  • Take measurements from the container and sew a sundress or dress for the doll. Put clothes on the doll. You can fix the element with glue.

You can make a more complex doll model using other auxiliary materials.

Do-it-yourself bird from plastic bottles

It is easy to make a parrot or an owl out of plastic containers, since the silhouette and manufacturing principle are identical.


  • 2 identical containers;
  • several multi-colored bottles;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue gun;
  • 2 lids and marker.

Manufacturing algorithm:

  1. Make a base from identical containers. Cut out the middle part from one container and connect the cuts to each other, cut off the bottom from the second to expand. Using a glue gun, connect the bottoms together. Get a kind of hourglass.
  2. Cut out the middle parts from the rest of the containers. With a marker, draw the number of ovals that will fit on the canvas.
  3. use a glue gun to attach the ovals to the base. It is necessary to make sure that each next element breaks 1/3 of the lower one. It turns out feathers superimposed in layers.

Ovals are stacked in a certain pattern. When making an owl, eye circles are first formed, then the rest of the head is filled. In a parrot, feathers are distributed evenly throughout the body - from top to bottom. The lids make eyes.

Flowerbed from a plastic bottle

A neat, compact and at the same time roomy is a two-tiered flower bed made of plastic bottles.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Prepare a place for a flower bed, decide on the parameters and shape of the product.
  2. Dig a small groove, which will become the outline of the flower bed fence.
  3. Fill the containers with sand or earth, tighten the lids.
  4. Bury the filled container into the groove. Immerse containers in the ground a little more than half. Bury neck down.
  5. Having formed the lower tier of the flower bed, you need to fill the inside with earth. To prevent the bottles from spreading under the action of the soil, you can tighten them with wire. Tamp the earth.
  6. Thanks to measurements and calculations, determine the center of the flower bed and make another one of the same fence, but smaller. Cover with earth and tamp.

The flower bed is ready for planting. Additionally, the structure can be strengthened natural stone, brick, tile.

Birdhouse from a plastic bottle

For the manufacture of a birdhouse, it is better to take a 5-liter plastic bottle. Additionally, you need to prepare scissors and a glue gun.

Manufacturing features:

  1. Cut off the bottom.
  2. Remove half of the base of the bottle.
  3. At the base of the neck (parallel to it), with the help of folds, form the silhouette of a house with a gable roof. You can bend plastic using scissors.
  4. In accordance with the layout, bend the rest of the bottle.
  5. Attach the layout to the cut bottom and cut out the shape from it. Glue to the house with a glue gun.

You will get a full-fledged house, the “entrance” to which is carried out through a wide neck.

Bird feeder from a plastic bottle

A plastic bottle craft can be a bird feeder.

Simple production option:

  1. Pick up a bottle in the form of a barrel with a volume of 1.5-2 liters.
  2. Cut out large arched windows at the base of the container. It is better to make 4 openings.
  3. In the neck area, burn 4 holes at the same level. Thread a wire or thread - you get fasteners.

Grain is poured into the bottom, through the windows the birds will be able to get inside the feeder.

Palm tree from plastic bottles

To create a plastic palm tree, you need to collect more than 100 brown and 100 green bottles, prepare a construction stapler.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. Cut off the bottom of each brown container. From the canvas of the container, form 5 rounded petals 5-7 cm long.
  2. Sticking the neck of the bottle into the bottle with the petals up, fix each element with a construction stapler.
  3. The neck and bottom are cut off from green containers. Bend the cylinder in half along the heights. Cut the element along the fold. Using scissors, make a terry along the long sides of the rectangle, cutting the edges into thin strips.
  4. Place the green part on half of the other and fix with a stapler. Leaves are obtained.

At the end, the crown and trunk of the palm tree are assembled. You need to connect the parts tightly - it is advisable to use a wire. To make the barrel stand, you need to thread the workpiece with a metal pin.

Crafts from plastic bottles for preschoolers

A child can make a toy or craft out of plastic bottles preschool age, which is relevant for all kinds of competitions in kindergarten.

Worth choosing simple options and schemes of work, so that the child can do everything at once, help from adults is minimized.


Pick up containers from yogurt or milk. It is desirable that the lid has Orange color, and the container itself is white. Cut the bottle in half. Divide the base of the top of the bottle into 8-10 equal parts.

Cut into strips up to the neck. Round the edges and twist slightly with a scissors blade. Make a bend of each petal to the bottom. Screw on the cover.

Make a hole in the center of the twist by burning the base with a hot nail. Thread the wire - get a stem. Cut leaves from green plastic and glue them to the metal base with glue.


Take 2 identical curly bottles. Cut one in half - leave the part with the bottom. From the second cut off the greater half, leaving only the lower part. Connect the blanks, fastening them with glue.

Paint over the form with black paint, the bottom with any other. With white paint, paint the base for the front. Form a muzzle. Glue a pom-pom from threads to the colored bottom. At the transition point, tie a ribbon that will play the role of a scarf.


2 green containers will come in handy. From the first cut off only the bottom and the hard part of the neck. Glue the edges of the smaller cut. From the second container, cut off the dense part of the bottom and top. At the point of narrowing, cut off half the bottle along.

Cut out 20 triangles from white paper. Make eyes out of colored paper, fix on the base. Glue the elements along the cut. Connect the bottles together. At the bottom of the form, glue 4 covers - these are paws.


Paint over a small bottle with yellow, form black stripes along the entire “body” of the bee. Glue decorative eyes on the lid. You can draw with a marker. Cut an oval from a transparent or brown bottle medium size(wings).

Attach the manufactured parts to the base of the container. From narrow strips cut from the same container as the wings, make paws. Make a hole between the wings through which you can thread a thread - such a detail will allow you to hang an insect.


Cut out the soft part from the plastic container, forming a canvas in the form of a rectangle. In accordance with the size of the base, choose a butterfly stencil. Apply a plastic base to the stencil, fix the components at 4 points with clothespins or clerical clips. Circle the contours with a marker, transferring the drawing to the plastic.

Lay the sketch on the board and cut out the shape with a clerical knife along the contour. Additionally, you can cut out some parts of the wing pattern. Nail polish can be used to paint the product along the marked lines. To add shine, you can use sequins, beads and rhinestones.


Prepare 20-25 brown plastic containers. A transparent base is also suitable, which will then have to be painted over. Cut all pieces in half. Make a fringe by cutting strips to a tight place in the neck area.

Assembly is in progress - insert the bottles into each other. On the first container, draw the eyes of the animal. The cork represents the nose of the animal. On the "needles" you can put an apple made from bottles.


Pick up a table tennis ball and a container, the diameter of which will be the same as that of a sports equipment. Additionally, you will need cocktail straws, glue, scissors, and a safety pin.


  1. Cut off the bottom of the container, leaving the neck twisted with a lid. It is enough to use a part with a length of 5-8 cm.
  2. Make a cross out of the straws and fasten it with a safety pin. Attach to bottle cut.
  3. Cut off a strip from the container along the circumference, divide in half.
  4. Glue a piece of straw to a narrow strip along the edges. Use the part of the device in which there is a fold.
  5. Glue the part on the bottom of the helicopter body - on the other side relative to the blades.
  6. Insert a tennis ball into the cut hole of the container.

Glue the tail on the lid, which is made from cocktail straws. The model of this part of the helicopter can be made on the model of a real aircraft.


Matryoshka is made using two techniques - working with plastic containers and papier-mâché. Choose the maximum curly capacity. Glue pieces of white paper on the surface that are dipped in PVA glue.

Cut off the hard throat. Close the hole in the same way as the base of the bottle. When the base is dry, smooth the surface with a damp brush. Paint the blank according to the sketch of the nesting doll. You can use gouache or acrylic paints for this purpose.

fly agaric

Prepare 2 containers - with a capacity of 2 liters and 0.5 liters. Cut off the bottom from the larger one, paint over with red paint. Make white dots. Treat a smaller container with white paint. Cut a rectangle out of paper, form a fringe on one side.

Glue to the middle of the white bottle. Fix the "cap" of the fly agaric on the white leg. You can make an additional fly agaric smaller and glue it to a larger element.

Household supplies from plastic bottles

From a plastic bottle, you can make not only jewelry or children's toys, but also functional products that are relevant in everyday life.

Item options:

  • Country washbasin. Cut off the bottom. Fix the container upside down. With a slight loosening of the lid, water begins to pour out.
  • From 10 identical containers you can make a broom for cleaning the street. Cut off the bottom pieces. Fold each element in half lengthwise and make a fringe. Thread the elements by connecting them with wire.

  • Containers cut in half can be ideal caps for seedlings in the garden. If you remove the covers, then the cover will be additionally ventilated.
  • If you cut off 1/3 of the top of the bottle, you get a wonderful container for storing pencils, crayons and other small things.

  • plastic containers can become the basis for weaving diverse baskets that can be used on the farm.
  • If there is a zipper between the two parts of the cut container, then you get an original organizer for storing cotton wool, bandages.
  • Cut off the bottoms from several containers, string them through the center of the part element onto a metal rod. Distribute the bowls evenly along the rod. Get a jewelry stand.

  • Cut the bottle in half. Cut out a square at the base. Such a device will become a pocket for the phone, which is worn on the base charger, and the phone fits into the bowl.

You can decorate the craft decoratively by using paints, rhinestones, beads, glass stones, beads, ribbons. Elements can be attached to a plastic bottle using a construction stapler or glue gun.

Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

Video about plastic crafts

Craft from a plastic bottle with your own hands - video instructions for making:

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