How to grow an olive tree from a seed. Oliva: indoor care How to prune an olive tree

Decor elements 16.06.2019
Decor elements

Oliva is often grown not for its fruits, but because of its attractive, decorative look. To date, many varieties of this culture have been bred, each of which has its own characteristics. distinctive features. For growing in room conditions suitable varieties of olives, reaching no more than 2 m in height, suitable for growing in a container.

These include:

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To obtain edible fruits palatability you should choose table varieties.

The indoor olive is an evergreen, miniature tree with a compact, spherical crown. The bark of young individuals is light gray, older ones are dark. The leaves are narrow, dense, lanceolate, dark green. They stay on the branches for a long time, without falling even in winter period. Gradually renewed every 2-3 years. The flowers are small, white, bisexual, with a goblet calyx. The fruits are one-seeded, elongated-oval drupes 0.7-3 cm long with a pointed or blunt end and a fleshy pericarp. The color of the fruit depends on the variety, it can vary from green to dark purple. Average weight walnut is 15 g.

Indoor olive tree at home

The olive is propagated at home by seeds, cuttings, grafting. For decorative purposes, the tree is propagated by seeds. Before planting, they are stratified by soaking for 12-16 hours in a solution of caustic soda. After that, the seeds are rinsed and planted in a small pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm to a depth of 2 cm in a moist nutrient soil. Sprouts will hatch in 2 months. During this period, you need to regularly care for the crops, monitor soil moisture, water as the earthen clod dries out, and prevent it from drying out or waterlogging. Germination of seeds of this plant is 40-50%. In some cases, the seeds do not germinate, or weak, non-viable sprouts appear, which soon die. Trees obtained in this way begin to bear fruit in 8-10 years. In order to speed up the period of flowering and fruiting, grown seedlings are grafted onto varietal plants.

When propagated by cuttings, the tree retains all maternal signs, the fruits appear 2-3 years after planting. To do this, take cuttings of 2-3-year-old branches. The sections are treated with a growth stimulator, then the cutting is buried in the sand to a depth of 10 cm, covered with glass or polyethylene on top to create a greenhouse. Optimum temperature for rooting 25-27°C. Within a month, the plant will take root, shoots will begin to form. After 3-4 months, the root system will be fully formed, after which the seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place in a large one.

The houseplant olive is photophilous, so it should be grown in bright sunlight. South windows are suitable for young individuals, adult trees can be placed in a room in any bright place, or in winter garden or greenhouse. In the warm season, it is useful to take the pot out into the open air, for example, into the garden or onto the balcony. An abundance of light is especially necessary during the period of tree growth and the formation of flower buds. With its lack, the growth of the olive will slow down, the shoots will begin to stretch in length. In winter, the tree needs to be provided with additional lighting in order to avoid leaf fall.

The most comfortable air temperature for this crop is 18-22°C. In the winter dormant period, the temperature should be 10-13 ° C. Wintering in such conditions will contribute to the laying of flower buds. The number of waterings at this time is reduced, top dressing is not applied.

Blooming olive: home care

Caring for the olive at home, it is important to monitor the condition of the earthy coma. Watering is carried out as the topsoil dries. The lack of moisture negatively affects the plant, the leaves fade, curl and fall off, which can lead to its death.

The olive tree at home tolerates dry air well, but in extreme heat it is necessary to spray the crown. Up to 4 years of age, an annual plant transplant is required. This work is carried out in early spring, changing upper layer soil to fresher and more fertile.

You can give the crown a neat, spherical shape using pruning. When forming, weak, dry branches are removed, too long shoots are shortened, and they are given the desired shape. If the tree is grown for nuts, it should be remembered that most of crop is formed on last year's growth, so pruning in this case must be done very carefully.

Despite the rather laborious process of growing the olive, it is unpretentious, easily tolerates drought, and is not subject to invasion. By carrying out regular, proper care, already 2 years after planting, it will be possible to observe what a blooming olive looks like, and receive good harvest fruits (up to 2 kg of nuts per year).

Amazing in its properties, the oil is eaten, as well as the stone fruits themselves. You can successfully grow an olive tree at home if you know the simple technology of planting and care.

The plant is a wonderful decoration for the interior, which is illustrated by numerous photos:

And how to grow at home, you can read on this page.

How an olive tree blooms and looks, how long it lives and what is its history (leaves and fruits in the photo)

Family: Olive (Oleaceae).

Homeland: Mediterranean, Africa.

About how the olive tree looks like an olive tree has been known to people for more than 4 thousand years. Its homeland is considered Asia Minor and Greece. According to some reports, olive trees were already cultivated in the Crimea in the 13th century. Even in our time, you can find individual patriarch trees that are 400-500 years old. This is how long an olive tree lives on average under suitable living conditions for it. The history of the olive tree is closely connected with the history of the Mediterranean peoples.

The image of a dove with an olive branch in its beak is found in Old Testament legends. Remains of ancient butter churns have been found in the Mediterranean. Images of olives and amphoras for oil are typical for ancient culture Egypt. The "father of botany" Theophrastus (372-287 BC) wrote that the olive tree grew in Thebes and the oases of the Libyan desert. The ancient Phoenicians spread the olive throughout the Mediterranean. The ancient Greek epic is especially rich in legends about the olive tree. The olive tree, along with the fig, pomegranate and pear, is sung in the Odyssey. The requirements for the cultivation of the olive are contained in the laws of Solon. The huge olive trees of the island of Corfu have gained great fame. Greek settlers in Asia Minor, in the Western Mediterranean and on the southern coast of Crimea brought olive trees with them and planted (or sowed) it on new lands.

In the wild, the European olive is not found anywhere. This is a real cultivated plant. One of the progenitors of the cultivated olive is considered the golden-leaved olive - Olea chrysophylla Lam., which grows wild in North Africa today. In our country, olives are grown only in the Black Sea regions of the Krasnodar Territory.

Olive trees live a very long time, this is a champion among fruit crops by lifespan. In Palestine, trees are known that are over 2,000 years old.

thermophilic culture.

As cultivated plant Olive trees were cultivated in 3000 BC. e.

How indoor plant bred olive European(O. europea).

The olive is an evergreen tree or shrub. The curved trunk in the lower part is strongly thickened, the crown is widely spread. The bark is ash gray or greenish gray in color. The leaves of the olive tree are leathery, small, opposite, from narrowly lanceolate to oval-elongated, dull on the upper side, and silvery gray on the lower side, entire. The life of one leaf is about a year, it appears in the spring from the kidney, and the next year is replaced by a new one.

Flowers small, 0.4–0.5 mm, yellowish white, collected by 15-30 pieces in small axillary brushes, very fragrant. Each olive tree has two kinds of flowers. Some of them consist of male and female parts and are perfect, while others have only stamens. When more than one olive tree is planted, cross-pollination is observed, due to which the yield increases. See how the olive tree blooms indoors and outdoors.

The fruit of the olive tree- fleshy drupe black or purple, often covered with a bluish wax coating. The weight of the fruit in different varieties varies from 3–4 to 6–10 g.

The fruits of this evergreen tree have been used by man since ancient times.

The olive tree can be called a long-lived tree, because now you can find olive trees that have been growing for more than five hundred years. Trees are unique in that even when cut completely, a tree can survive and regenerate.

Exist different types olives.

wild european olive delight in flowering sacred jerusalem will bring more fruit. It has dense, leathery, dark green leaves that will catch the eye even without flowers, and an almost white trunk. The European wild olive has a grayish trunk, the leaves are not so dense and also with a gray tint.

Jerusalem willingly grows in the house, even prefers room mode to natural conditions.

How to grow a houseplant olive tree at home

The olive tree is a wonderful houseplant olive tree: formed in the form of a bush, it has a beautiful elegant appearance, it can be grown in winter gardens, offices. An indoor olive tree can grow up to 10-15 years of age.

Location. The most important thing in caring for an olive tree at home is to provide it with a sunny, warm place.

Temperature. In winter, the olive must be kept in a cool room (at a temperature of 10–12 ° C). In summer, it should be taken out into the open air.

Before growing an olive tree at home, learn that watering is regular in summer, but not plentiful; in winter, the plant is rarely watered. The main thing is that the earthen lump does not dry out.

Top dressing. The olive is very responsive to fertilizers. From April to September, they should be applied 2-3 times a month. The best fertilizers for top dressing olives are granular fertilizer for flowers or liquid concentrated fertilizer.

Pruning. Pruning and pinching are possible at any time of the year if the olive continues to grow actively. This stimulates the formation of young shoots. The plant is rarely affected by pests.

How to propagate an olive tree

Before propagating an olive tree, you need to choose suitable way. An olive tree can be grown from a stone, after splitting it; but it is also easy to root a cutting taken from a one-year growth or a growth of the current year, as well as a shoot that forms around the trunk.

Soil for the olive tree and disease

root system olives for the first few years (about 5) are formed slowly, so there is no need for an annual transplant - it is enough to carry it out once every 2 years. For an adult plant - with a frequency of 1 time in 5-7 years. The best soil for an olive tree, this is the soil “Rose” or “Bio-soil”.

Diseases and pests. Most often, the plant is affected by olive moth and whitefly. Of the diseases, olive pox can be affected. All diseases of the olive tree are highly treatable and well studied.

The use of the olive

Since ancient times, olives have been pickled - both ripe and, judging by the excavations in Pompeii, and its green fruits. However, this crop owes its wide distribution mainly to oil, easily squeezed from ripe fruits: its production is probably of the same age as winemaking. Olive oil has long been used not only for food, but also for sacrifices, for lighting, anointing the hair and body, it was used as fuel.

Olives have a peculiar bitter and salty taste.

Unripe greenish olives are most often pickled (and pickled ones are preserved), while fully mature ones, with a dark reddish tint, are salted.

Store them in a glass container.

In home cooking, olives are mainly used salted or pickled - as an appetizer, as a side dish and as a seasoning for fish and meat dishes (hodgepodges, salads, etc.). When cooking, olives are placed at the end of cooking, as they lose their taste during long cooking. They taste best when kept in vegetable oil by adding chopped parsley or lemon slices.

In China, fragrant olive flowers are used as one of the components of most tea collections.

Olive seeds contain 20% oil, and fruit pulp - 70%.

AT traditional medicine exist medications olive based. AT traditional medicine it is used to treat atherosclerosis, kidney stones and liver. An infusion is prepared from olive leaves, which helps to normalize arterial pressure and has a diuretic effect in edema. Although the use of medicinal products from the olive in small doses of consequences has not been identified, it is recommended to take them after consulting a doctor. The cosmetic industry also uses the olive for its own purposes, making lotions, ointments, and emulsions.

The seeds of the olive tree contain approximately 20% fatty oil, consisting almost entirely of pure triolein (iodine value 75-88). There is much more oil in the pulp - up to 70%.

Fresh olives serve as raw materials for food (for example, Provence), technical and medical olive oil.

Medicinal olive oil is almost colorless, it is best solvent for injection forms of camphor, hormonal drugs, as well as their synthetic analogues and a number of other drugs.

Olive oil is similar to almond oil.

Olive- is pertaining to olive family. Its homeland is Africa, Australia, southern parts of Europe and Asia. In the world, the olive tree is known for the fact that it is made from healthy oil, and the fruits - olives - pickle. There are many legends about its origin. Despite the fact that the olive grows only in warm countries, it can also be grown at home. It is possible to do this from a seed - a bone. However, this will not work to enjoy delicious fruits - they will be tasteless and will appear only 10 years after planting. in this way can be grown only for decorative purposes. For information on how to grow an olive tree at home, read our article.

planting material requirements

If you were already going to put in a bone from a canned olive just eaten, then we hasten to disappoint you - such planting material won't grow. You will only need seeds of fresh fruit, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

When choosing a seed planting method, you should be aware that the germination process will be quite lengthy - about two and a half months. And the germination rate in this case is quite low - for example, out of five planted seeds, only two, or even one, can sprout. Usually germination is not more than 50%.

Did you know? The ancient Greeks revered the olive as the tree of life and longevity. It was considered as such because it was almost impossible to destroy it. Even shattered by lightning, it could live for a long time. If you need to uproot a tree, then for this you need to remove its roots within a radius of five meters, otherwise even from a small remnant it will grow again. In the wild, an olive grows on average for half a century.

Preparation: sprouting

To begin with, the bones should be placed in an alkaline solution (10%) for 18 hours. This is necessary in order to somewhat soften the shell, which in this state can already be pierced by hatched sprouts. After treatment, the seeds are washed and dried. They must be placed in the soil only in a completely dry form. The sharp end is cut with a knife, secateurs or filed before planting.

You can also place the seeds for several weeks in a bowl with wet for germination. The container must be kept at warm temperature, constant humidity and sufficient sunlight. This procedure can help increase the percentage of germination.

The soil

The following composition will be the best for planting olives

  • river sand - two parts;
  • sod land - one part;
  • garden soil - one part.
In the soil for the olive tree, you will also need to add a little powder of dry slaked lime (20-25 g per 1 kg).

If you will be using a purchased substrate, then you need to mix the growing soil (three parts) and ordinary land(one part), slightly diluting the mixture with sand.


Olive planting container must initially be large- at least 60 cm in depth and width. A prerequisite are drainage holes that will well let in excess moisture or take it from the pan required amount liquids. The main enemy of the evergreen tree is high humidity soil, death is like its stagnation.

At the bottom of the pot, as a layer, you need to lay a layer of small or brick chips.


Planting seeds in the prepared soil should not be too deep - at a distance of 2-3 cm.

For successful rooting and germination in the room, it is necessary to maintain the temperature at +20°C. You also need to support high humidity, proper lighting.

The appearance of sprouts should be expected after two to three months.

Conditions and care of the seedling

The best place to grow olives is a window sill located in the south or southwest. That is where she will do enough sunlight. If there is not enough of it, the plant will signal this to you by dropping foliage. In this case, it will be necessary to look for a brighter place for the pot or additionally install a source of artificial lighting.

Caring for an olive tree at home is simple and no different from caring for the majority. It will consist of watering, spraying when the air is dry, pruning and transplanting.

Watering is needed regularly, as the topsoil dries up. The plant does not tolerate drought well - its foliage begins to dry out and fall off. However, the tree will react even worse to constant waterlogging - up to complete death.

Important! Watering the olive should be carried out only after a few days. tap water room temperature.

In the growing season (April to September) the tree needs to be fertilized. should be alternated with It is recommended to do this once every two weeks during the period of active growth and weekly in the spring-summer period. Starting from October, all top dressing should be stopped, otherwise it will be difficult for the plant to survive the winter period, and it will not bloom in the end.

In summer, it is necessary to periodically wipe the olive leaves from dust. In winter, during the period when the heating is turned on, they will need to be sprayed.

AT winter time the olive should be left alone - water as little as possible, do not feed and transfer to a cool place (+ 10-12 ° C). Only under such conditions will it be able to bloom.

When flowering has occurred, the tree must be placed in a room with a temperature of + 18-20 degrees.

A year or two after planting, the plant should be transplanted. For this, the transshipment method is used (together with an earthen clod, without opening the root system). Carry out a transplant in the spring. The olive is transplanted annually until it reaches the age of five. Then the intervals between transplants should be increased to two to three years.

Important! Soil acidity is important for olives. She prefers an alkaline substrate and cannot tolerate too acidic soils. Thus, when transplanting, peat should not be introduced into the soil.

After transplanting, as a rule, the tree grows quickly. Two or three years later, in the spring or early summer, the olive tree in the pot sheds its leaves and acquires a new one.

Sanitary pruning of dry branches should be carried out annually. You can also carry out a formative haircut - it is not difficult for the plant to recover from it. The olive tree is great for bonsai enthusiasts because it can form a variety of miniature trees from its crown.

The lower branches and leaves should be removed regularly - so the plant will grow better.

Since this evergreen tree has rather tough foliage, it is not damaged.

Olive Tree, or the olive tree belongs to the olive family. AT natural environment occurs in the form of shrubs and trees. The European olive is especially popular. There are about sixty types of culture. The plant is native to Africa, Southern Europe, Australia and South Asia. Trees have an uneven structure. They have long branches. Life cycle olive tree is about 300 years old. Culture is considered to be long-livers. An olive tree can be kept at home for up to 10 years. Then you need to land in open ground. The olive produces valuable fruits. The mass of one is no more than five grams. The leaves of the olive tree have a gray-green tint. The vegetative organs of the plant contain a high concentration of starch. Thanks to this, the culture copes well with prolonged drought. Olive wood is painted grey.

To grow an olive tree, it is necessary to create warm microclimatic conditions.


The olive tree prefers warm conditions. In nature, the plant can be found on brightly lit shores. Does not tolerate shaded areas.

Temperature regime

The olive tree can withstand temperatures as low as -15 degrees. With severe prolonged frosts, the plant will die.

During the period of active vegetative development, it is recommended to maintain the temperature at a level of + 18 to + 20 degrees. During the flowering stage, return frosts can affect yields. Extreme heat combined with dry air also harms the tree.


The culture responds well to uniform soil moisture. In the spring-summer season, it is advisable to regularly water the substrate. Prolonged exposure to dry soil leads to leaf fall.

In winter, the amount of watering should be reduced. Moisten enough as the substrate dries. For the olive tree, it is advisable to use warm, soft water.


The plant does not require special conditions. In the hot season, it is recommended to increase the level of water content in the air. This will require several times a day to spray the plant with water at room temperature.

In the dry season, it is advisable to spray warm water on the tree.

Transplant Features

An olive tree can survive a change in soil and substrate. It is not advisable to transplant adult olive representatives. The root system of a tree is often damaged.

For transplantation, you need to prepare a suitable place. Growing in rotten, dry soil often results in wilting. In its natural environment, the plant can be found in the rock. Therefore, it is possible to add charcoal and brick pieces to the soil during planting.


The olive tree needs to be sanitized in a timely manner. The plant is often damaged by pests. Outdoors in early spring affected areas should be removed.

Indoor culture can be given a compact form. To do this, remove weakened shoots and long branches. The plant tolerates shearing well. For one growing season, the culture will give excellent growth.

If the plant is cultivated for harvesting, the peculiarity of the olive tree must be taken into account. The fruits are formed exclusively on the shoots of the previous year. Therefore, cardinal pruning can destroy a large number of olives.

Plant in the area

In the open air, the tree takes root well and bears fruit in the southern part of the Crimea and the Mediterranean region. In more severe conditions, the crop can be grown in spacious room, winter garden, greenhouse or room.

Frost at -5 degrees will damage the weakened branches of the olive tree. At -15 degrees, the whole plant will die. Even with a slight decrease in temperature, a sharp deterioration in the taste of fruits and olive oil was noted.

For abundant fruiting, you should choose the right tree varieties.

To harvest, you must purchase garden varieties. Bred subspecies guarantee regular fruiting.

The nuances of cultivation at home can be found in the video:

Growing technology

soil mixture

Waterlogged substrate and poor throughput soil - the main reasons for the withering of the olive tree. Areas where water accumulates should be avoided. When planting, be sure to make a thick layer of drainage.

You can protect the plant from excessive rainfall by planting on a gentle slope. It is advisable not to use a fertile substrate. An excessive amount of nutrients causes intensive growth of the tree. As a result, the percentage of yield decreases.

The ideal soil for growing a tree should meet several requirements:

  1. good drainage;
  2. looseness;
  3. fineness.

If possible, fill the planting hole with a mixture of sandy and loamy soil.

How to feed

Nutritional deficiencies can be replenished with nitrogen. The procedure should be carried out once a year. For one hundred square meters you will need no more than 1.2 kg. Can be planted next to olives natural producers of nitrogen (legumes). It is also recommended to periodically add compost to the soil.

The olive tree should be fed with nitrogen and compost.

container growing

To grow olives indoors, you first need to prepare the right variety. It is advisable to purchase a dwarf culture. The container should initially be chosen large enough. The dimensions of the pot should be at least 60 cm deep and wide.

Be sure to make a few additional large holes in the bottom of the container. The main enemy of olives is constant soil moisture. Therefore, to grow house tree Loamy or sandy soil should be prepared. Before the next watering, the soil should dry at least three centimeters deep.

Container olive is more demanding. For full development indoor tree should be regularly pruned gently. It is not recommended to allow thickening of the main branches. It is enough to leave no more than four main branches on the tree.

Major problems and pests

The evergreen tree is especially vulnerable to pests and diseases. The greatest danger to the plant is represented by black worms. Excessive use of chemical protective preparations is not the best way to affect the yield of olives. Therefore, it is desirable to support the immunity of the tree with organic and mineral means.

The tree has a low threshold of resistance to pests and diseases.

The culture is often damaged by whiteflies and olive moths. Outdoors, eaten buds and leaves indicate a colony of caterpillars.

Sudden wilting of branches and leaves is indicative of Verticillium wilt infection. Fungal disease is not treatable. If you do not save the evergreen tree in a timely manner from the affected areas, the plant will die. When infecting in an open area, a place for further planting of olives should be avoided.

Influence of culture

At proper care cultivating olives at home is not a problem. It is enough to provide the culture with full coverage and timely nutrition. In a few years, fragrant inflorescences and healthy olives will appear on the tree. A container plant is capable of producing about two kilograms of fruit.

Olive oil contains lecithin. An intolerance to an element causes an allergic reaction.
Allergies can also be cross-prone. People prone to reactions to lilacs, olives and jasmine of the genus Paniaceae react especially to olive oil.

Often the occurrence of a reaction is associated with a hereditary predisposition. It is advisable to use refined oil to reduce possible manifestations.

Olive propagation

An evergreen tree can be propagated by seeds and cuttings. The rudiments before sowing must be treated with an alkali solution. Softened shell guarantees better germination. For planting, a permeable substrate should be prepared. The mixture must contain leaf ground and coarse sand. You can also add crushed wood ash and broken bricks to the soil.

Sowing depth should not exceed three centimeters. It is important to constantly maintain the humidity of the substrate. Even freshly harvested seeds have less than fifty percent germination. The olive tree from seeds is characterized by late fruiting. The first inflorescences may appear only after 10 years. The tree can be used for grafting.

The oil tree can be propagated by seeds.

Cuttings will ensure the preservation of all maternal varietal characteristics. Fruiting will come in 2 years. Seedlings need to be placed in the soil under a slope. For creating greenhouse effect it is desirable to prepare polyethylene. The cuttings should be regularly aired and sprayed. After rooting, you can transplant the olives into separate pots.

Why the plant does not bloom

An evergreen tree will begin to bear fruit a few years after planting. The period of the first formation of fruits depends on the method of cultivation. favorable conditions encourage faster flowering.

There are varieties that, regardless of the propagation method and care conditions, will produce fruits only ten years after planting. It is recommended to clarify all the characteristics of the planting material before buying.

How to choose an olive

The plant is sold in the form of seeds and grown seedlings. The average price for a package of 5 small-leaved olive seeds is 132 rubles. A container olive 30 cm high can be bought for 1250 rubles.

) are very unpretentious, not without reason they are considered a symbol of prosperity, they are able to grow and bear fruit where many other plants do not survive. During flowering, olives spread a very pleasant aroma, tasty and useful fruits. The leaves of this tree have medicinal properties.

At home, this is a very stable tree, puts up with many violations in care, but will show itself well only if certain rules. Olive can be recommended for landscaping offices, but you should not count on flowering and fruiting in such conditions.

Illumination. Good growth requires bright sunlight, preferably in the summer to take the olive to the garden or balcony in full sun. Although the olive tree can tolerate shady conditions, its growth will stagnate and it will not flower. The olive tree is a classic tub plant, from spring to late autumn it is kept outdoors in the garden, and winters in a cool greenhouse.

Temperature. The olive tree tolerates well summer heat, and in winter it needs to be provided with a cool content at a temperature of + 5 ... + 10 ° C. At home, it is optimal to keep the olive on the balcony all year round, where there is a lot of air in summer and cool in winter, but the temperature should not fall below +5 ° C.

Watering. Adult olives in nature are drought-resistant, their trunks are able to store moisture. At home, the olive can also tolerate short periods of dryness, but this should not be abused, especially in young specimens, they should be watered regularly. The soil of an adult plant between waterings should dry out almost completely, then it is necessary to water abundantly, but be sure to remove excess moisture from the pan. From excessive moisture, brown spots appear on the leaves, leaf fall may occur. In winter, when the tree is resting in cool conditions, watering is kept to a minimum.

Air humidity. When growing a tub plant, there is no need to artificially increase the humidity of the air; in the summer in the open air, and in the winter in a cool greenhouse, the humidity is sufficient. If the olive tree conducts all year round on the balcony, then she does not need spraying, except in extreme heat. If the tree grows at home with the batteries turned on, then spray the crown several times a day.

Soils and transplant. The olive is undemanding to the composition of the soil, but prefers fertile and necessarily well-drained mixtures. You can add a little to the finished peat substrate sod land and perlite (or coarse sand), which will allow water to easily pass through the soil. Transplantation is carried out only by careful transshipment, young plants usually every year, increasing the volume of the pot by one size (1-2 cm in diameter), and older ones every few years, as the roots master the previous volume.

top dressing contribute from the moment of resumption of growth in spring and until autumn, starting and ending with half doses. In winter, all top dressing is canceled. As fertilizers, it is better to use ready-made universal mineral complex mixtures with trace elements.

Flowering and fruiting. For laying flower buds, the plant in winter should be at least 2 months at a temperature not higher than +10 ° C. Bright sunlight is also needed, especially with the resumption of growth in spring. There is a chance that you will be pollinated with your own pollen, but it is better to have two different specimens for cross-pollination. It is necessary to carry out artificial pollination, transferring pollen from one flower to another.

Cutting and shaping. The olive tree can be grown as a lush, low bush or standard tree.

If flowering is not important, then you can prune at any time, shortening too long shoots. If you expect flowering, then do not prune in the spring.

reproduction it is preferable to do it vegetatively - by rooting cuttings or layering. The olive is well cut by both young and old shoots according to the standard method.

Propagation by seeds is difficult. Since the fruit has a very dense shell, germination is low, and germination occurs unevenly. Treating the pits with concentrated sulfuric acid for 24 hours facilitates germination.

Diseases and pests. Olive has excellent health and is not prone to disease. Only excessive moisture in the soil can lead to root rot. Pests on the olive tree also do not attack much, but it is possible to be damaged by a scale insect or mealybug.

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