Scientists affected by convictions. So how many scholars burned clergy

The buildings 22.09.2019

Known in connection with the teachings of N. Copernicus, the fate of Galilee, which, at the request of the Inquisition, arrived in February 1633 in Rome, where the process began against it. He was recognized as guilty of violation of church prohibitions and sentenced to life imprisonment. On June 22, 1633 he was forced to stand on his knees, publicly renounce the teaching of Copernicus. He was invited to sign an act of his agreement to never argue anything that could cause suspicion of heresy. Taking into account these expressions of humility and repentance of the Tribunal replaced the imprisonment of home arrest, and Galilee was 9 years old remained a "prisoner of the Inquisition".

Many personal drams of scientists already in Soviet times associated with genetics. The laws of heredity and genetics discovered and developed A. Weisman, Mendel, T.X. Morgan at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Contemporaries did not pay attention to the results of the work of the monastery's abbot in Brno Gregor Mendel to cross the pea. None of those who have listened to the report of Mendel at a meeting of the Society of Natural Testors and Doctors in 1865, failed to solve in some "strange" quantitative relations found by Mendel in the analysis of pea hybrids, fundamental biological laws, and in a person who discovered them, founder new Science - Genetics. After 35 years of oblivion, Mendel's work was assessed: his laws were renounced in 1900, and his name entered the history of science.

Like any other science, genetics was and remains weapon of unscrupulous scientists and politicians. Such a branch as Evgenik, according to which the development of a person is fully determined by its genotype, served as the basis for creating racial theories and sterilization programs in the 1930-1960s. On the contrary, the denial of the role of genes and the adoption of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dominant role of the medium led to the termination of genetic studies in the USSR from the late 1940s to the mid-1960s. "Genetics - the selling girl of imperialism" is a phrase of solid Soviet biological journals. Many scientists were planted to Soviet prisons and shot, and one of its founders in crop production Academician N.I. Vavilov died in a Saratov prison from hunger in 1943.

Now there are environmental and ethical problems in connection with the work on the creation of "chimer" - transgenic plants and animals, "copying" animals by transplanting a cell core into a fertilized egg, genetic "passport" of people, etc. In leading powers of the world, laws are accepted that the aim of preventing unwanted consequences of such works.

Thus, the ruin of modern russian science, expressed in material suffocation First of industry research institutes, and now academic, leaching a whole generation of young scientists, the breaks of communication is not new to the history of natural science. I usually tee myself to think: "Well, that is not planted!". Although in Russia from Sumy and from prison, do not regain ...

Let us turn to the recent history of the USSR, namely, to the list of repressed members of the USSR Academy of Sciences - the country's scientific elite. The result speaks for himself. 208 repressed - from them 44 shot or dead in prisons and reference. If we consider that with arrest, each of them "pulled" with a dozen employees, friends and relatives, the total number of victims "for science" becomes about several thousand people. What is Jordan Bruno here as an example.

Attention is drawn to the number of repressed historians and ethnographers - 52 (17). Hence it is clear why Russia is a country with an unpredictable history.

One of the traditionally presented religions of reproaches on the part of secular science is obscurantism. In an effort to monopolize a cognitive sphere, establishing ideological dogmas, the religion is allegedly fundamentally focused on the deterrence of the other process of knowledge. Religion since the times of the enlighteners became including the connotation of the obscury. In the vulgar interpretation of the so-called "theory of deception", it is at all about the alleged focused lies of religious institutions for the operation of believers. The enlighteners were created a myth of the "Dark Middle Ages", attributed to which militant retrogradism was associated with Christianity. Religion and knowledge opposed each other many prominent representatives of public thought, which were in the fairway of the educational ideological tradition. History keeps many sayings of outstanding thinkers of this kind. D. Didro: "A person will never be free while he does not drive God from his mind"; "Religion prevents people to see, because she prohibits him under the fear of eternal punishment." P. Golbach: "If the ignorance of nature gave the beginning of the gods, then cognition should destroy them"; "A good Christian must suppress the mind in order to strengthen in faith ...". K. Gelvetiya: "If the discovery of one truth led Galilee in the prison of the Inquisition, then to which torture would be awarded someone who would discover them." Voltaire: "With a religion, it turns out the same thing with a gambling game: I started with a fool, you end the swarm." D. Halifax: "Probably God specifically created people as trusting so that the priests could deceive them." E. Gibbon: "Religion is regarded by ordinary people as the truth, smart - as a lie, and the rulers are like utility." I. Goethe: "The whole story of the church is a mixture of delusion and violence"; "The one who knows nothing, believes everything"; "Who has science, he does not need religion." Gayne: "A random visit to the house of insane shows that faith does not prove anything."

L. Feyerbach: "Where eyes and hands appear, gods disappear there. Dogmat is nothing but a direct ban to think "; "Religion contradicts morality, thereby that it contradicts the mind"; "Religion is a dream of the human spirit. But in a dream, man is on earth, not in the sky. " K. Marx: "Religion is a sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of the heartless world, just as she is the spirit of the soulless orders. Religion has opium of the people "; "The religion itself is deprived of detention, its origins are not in heaven, but on earth, and with the destruction of the perverted reality, the theoretical expression of which it is, it will die by itself." F. Engels: "Any religion is nothing more than a fantastic reflection in the heads of people of those external forces that dominate them in their everyday life- reflection in which earth forces take the form of unearthly. " A.I. Herzen: "Religious views of the love of truth, to the case, the need to detect itself, the need to combat lies and false, in a word, the activity is disinterested incomprehensible. A religious man of the candle of a penny gift will not put God, it is all bills on the future illness, for the future harvest, finally future life" I.S. Turgenev: "That would not pray for a person - he prays about the miracle. Every prayer boils down to the following: "Great God, do that twice two - there were no four!" ". A. Birs: "Prayer is a request for the cancellation of the laws of the Universe on the person of the only suit, according to his own recognition, unworthy." A. Schopenhauer: "Vera and knowledge are two scales: the higher one, the lower the other. M. Twin: "When you read the Bible, you will be more surprised by the ignorance of God than His Alliance."

B. Show: "I don't need a god who does not know how to answer my questions ..." V.I. Lenin: "We must deal with religion. This is the alphabet of all materialism and, therefore, Marxism. But Marxism is not materialism, who has stopped on the alphabet. Marxism goes on. He says: We must be able to fight religion, and for this you need to materialistically explain the source of faith and religion at the masses. " A.V. Lunacharsky: "God is a plot for an unknown hole." A. France: "The basis of theology is the lack of mind and the sacred horror of our ancestors in front of the picture of the Universe." R. Piercing: "When one person obsesses the illusions - it is called the breathtaking. When many people are obsessed with illusions - this is called religion. " V.L. Ginzburg: "I am a convinced atheist. I believe that religion is a consequence of ancient fairy tales, like astrology. There is also predicted by all nonsense. And Darwin's doctrine is a great thing, it shows how the evolution of all the living (not completely, there is still questions). And it finds complete confirmation on experience and observations. " Historically accumulated an extensive collection of similar aphorisms. It should not be thought that these quotation-elimated from the whole life of this or that thinker fully reflects his ideas about such a complex matter. It is important that the citation and aphoristic of saying is not identical to their truth and evidence. Addressing rather to the emotional side of perception, the criticism of religion itself often slides from the position of "Razio". How valid are the accusations of a valid religion in obscurantism? We will try to figure it out. Of course, precedents of persecution of "New Knowledge" have numerous illustrations in the history of denominations. But how are they only characteristic of religion? Maybe the phenomenon is wider and more common and usually in other cognitive spaces?

Analysis of precedents of religious persecution for science

Cases are historically known from the position of religion of persecution on scientists. They are traditionally presented as one of the main accusations against religion, forming a completely definite idea of \u200b\u200bthe obscury of religion. However, interested in the truth, the analysis of the most resonant "cases" shows the ambiguity of their traditional interpretation in the framework of the illustration of the struggle of religion against science. Here are some such stories. 30th. IV century - The execution of the philosopher-neopotonika, the head of the Pergam's school, the apamer's spam. Once upon the courtyard of Constantine I, who established Christianity as a state religion of the Roman Empire, was tried to incline the emperor to traditional in Liteism. Actually, scientific research of the head of the Pergham school did not have any relationship to his execution! Having entered into the struggle of religious groups against the emperor, he fell in this struggle not as a scientist, but as a pagan.

The cause of the imperial anger was the bonuses on the spatra that with the help of his magic art delays the arrival of ships with food to Constantinople and wants to deploy the emperor. Theoretical developments of the Pergamian school did not have this case No attitude to business.

By itself, neoplatonism received a prosperous further development In the framework of Christian theology.

Pergamsk school continued to function. 372 - the execution of the new head of the Parchment School of Filosophane Pleasonika Maxim Efesse. Maxim Ephesis had a determining ideological influence on Julian an apostate in the restoration of paganism and persecution of Christians. After the death of Julian, the pagan party should have been objectively in position by persimple. The actual philosophical development of Maxim Efensian persecutions were not subjected. Among the neoplatonists were both pagans and Christians, and by themselves neoplatonism did not have a relation to the persecution. Initially, Maxim landed in prison at all for philosophy, but on charges of Mzoftiv. To avoid the most severe punishment, he managed because of the intercession of another prominent philosopher femiste (afterwards

prefect Constantinople). The very fact of this intercession refutes the idea of \u200b\u200bthe totality of obscurantial persecutions in the medieval Christian society, at least in this story. The death sentence was made by Maxim Ephesis again not for philosophy, but for witchcraft and participation in a conspiracy in order to kill the emperor. 415 - killing a crowd of religious fanatics women-scientist - philosopher, mathematics, astronomer, scholharch of the Alexandrian School of Neoplatonism Gipathia Alexandrian. Parabalanes killed gipathy - representatives of one of the Christian demonish communities. They differed in particular conflict in religious disputes. Their fanaticism caused condemnation by church hierarchs. The church did not sanctifia over gipathic. The version that the murder was indirectly involved in the Holy Cyril Alexandria (one of the main developers of the dogma about the Trinity), is not confirmed by anything. Kirill, according to the testimony of the historians of the church, was, despite his temperament, the opponent of the practice of a mob by the crowd. Parabalan reprissance motifs over gipathia were not directly related to her scientific activities. Parabalanes have not disappeared with scientists, but with pagan magicians. And Gipathy suffered in this capacity. "It cannot be said - reasoned in this regard S.S. Averintsev - that superstitious contemporaries on ignorance accepted scientists for magicians. Scientists themselves gave themselves for magicians, and moreover with a deep inner conviction. Of course, they were victims of superstition, but the superstition, which themselves justified and distributed. What they were not, so these are martyrs of science. At best, they were the martyrs of the pagan religion. " In historical analysis it turned out that in the described incidents, such as the death of gipathy, there was not a struggle of religion against science, but an interreligious conflict. First, the pagans arranged the persecution of Christians, then Christians in the pagans.

But it was not a persecution of obscurity to scientific. Hypathy itself was subsequently a prototype of the Christian martyr of St. Catherine Alexandria. Her life was drawn up in the X century. The establishment of the cult of Catherine - Philosopher, Mathematics, Astronomer, who died from the hands of an enraged crowd, testified, whose side between obscurantism and cognition was the church herself. In the XVI-XVII centuries. The persecution on the Heliocentric system N. Copernicus is widely known. Large-minded persecution of the church on heliocentrism is simply a myth. The heliocentric approach was widespread among the ancient thinkers and did not make a secret for the formed part of the medieval society. For example, I referred to him in the XIII century. Thomas Akvinsky. Discussion with supporters of geocentrism was a discussion with Aristothelism, and not with religion. Two scientific theories faced. One relied on the authority of Aristotle and Ptolemy, the other was torn to Aristarchm Samos. Religion has long been aside from this dispute, in view of the fact that none of the approaches did not contradict the religious explanation. In Islamic environment, the theory of heliocentrism was long before N. Copernicus developed in the works of created by Ulugbek Samarkand school. There was no condemnation of its development from the standpoint of Islam. There was a controversy with other scientific schools, but the religion of the ban on this controversy was not established.

In Europe, also to N. Copernicus philosophically heliocentrism justified by Nikolai Kuzansky. And it was the figure not only a scientist, but also prominent church hierarch. Nikolay Kuzansky held posts of Cardinal, Bishop, Vicar General in Vatican.

And if such a person could justify heliocentrism, then it means a special dissonance against religion in this concept is not detected. N. Kopernik himself was not subject to N. Copernicus himself. Being a doctor of canonical law, he served as canonika, which would hardly have been possible in determining his views as heretical. Dad Leo X invited N. to Pernik to take part in the development of reform church calendarthat demonstrates quite definite confidence. Papa Clement VII listened to the lecture with the statement of Helio Centrist theory and expressed a benevolent attitude towards it. As a lecturer, her supporter Cardinal Wigmanstadt. The first edition of the main Copernikovsky labor "On Circular Movements heavenly Tel"It was devoted to Pope Paul III and accompanied by a laudatory letter of Cardinal Schönberg. Only in 1616, i.e. more than seventy years after the death of N. Copernicus, the Catholic Church on the initiative of Pope Paul V tried to establish a ban on the spread of heliocentric theory. The book "On the circular motions of the celestial bodies" was included in the prohibited book index. However, the "ban" was soft enough. For the possibility of publication of the book, only a reservation was required that the heliocentric system is a scientific mathematical model. Really, many reprints of Copernikovsky labor continued to go out and without the relevant reservation. 1600 - Burning at the fire of Jordano Bruno. For what burned on the fire of Jordan Bruno? Least for his scientific views. Heliocentrism in 1600 was legal, and no one was executed for his commitment. The astronomical view of Bruno was mentioned during the investigation along the way, not constituting the main content of the process. It was understood by another - alternative Christianity of the Bronovskaya system of religious views.

J. Bruno was a Pythagorean and hermethylast. But not even this was put in guilt, but specifically - Hula for Christianity and Christ. The main proven accusation is the denial of the accused miracle of the liberation of bread in the body of Christ during the rite of communion. Among the accused addressed bruno - the assertion of the imaginaryness of the wonders committed by Christ; denial of voluntary adoption Christ death on the cross; denial of posthumous retribution for sins; faith in the resettlement of souls; The intention to create a new religion. Bruno, therefore, condemned precisely as heretic, but not as a scientist. This conclusion came, in particular, a prominent Russian connoisseur of the philosophy of Renaissance A.F. Elsev. "... For what, - he put the question in the" aesthetics of the Renaissance ", - in the end, burned Gordano Bruno? Obviously, not at all for neoplatonism and not at all for Heliocentrism. After all, neither Copernicus, nor Kepler, nor Galilee, were burned. Bruno burned for impersonal neoplatonism, and not for neoplatonism at all, for the fight against monotheism, for anti-Christianity, not to mention anti-church. In other words, as if Bruno, he animated his universe, he could talk about the creator of the world only in a figurative sense, and in fact, he could not recognize anyone as a supmime absolute person. " 1633 - Process over Galileo Galileem. Another "victim" of "religious obochiesia" is considered to be Galileo Galilea. A scientist, as you know, suffered for my commitment to Copernicania. However, the process over Galileem should not be represented in the form of confrontation of the obscurantist church and lonely free-rope. The heliocentric approach by that time was shared by many prominent Catholic theologians, including a number of church hierarchs. Ideano was close to Galileo, in particular, Cardinal Matteo Barberini, who climbed in 1623 to the papal throne under the name of Pope Urban VIII.

He was even the author of ODA in honor of the scientist. But it was under Urban VIII a process over Galileem. In the discussion arising, as the time has shown, the scientific rightness is far from all issues on the side of the Galilean party. Galilee, in particular, believed that comet had no more than optical The effect in the Earth's atmosphere, whereas his opponents among Jesuites defended the Aristotelian version of comets as the bodies of extraterrestrial origin. The main prosecutor at the antihalilev process on the part of the church was not less bright than the scholar himself, theological Sovipopolemist Roberto Bellarmini.

Bellarmini Galilee's controversy took place on all the rules of scientific discussion. Pope Urban VIII personally spoke highly about Galileev The book "Types of Master".

They were prescribed by Jesuitis to stop the controversy with Galileem. Arranged in 1633 in Rome, the Antigalileevsky process contradicted in this regard to the entire previous logic of the development of science at the papal throne. The motives of the court were predominantly personal. In the published Galileem in 1632, the book "Dialogue about two major systems The world - Ptolemaeee and Copernicon "grotesque, in the image of one of the participants in the controversial, the ruling dad itself was depicted. A patronage of Urban VIII perceived this as a personal insult. And only after that there is the topic of Galilean melet. Nevertheless, the sentence of Galilean was made relatively soft. He was forbidden to continue to promote heliocentric teachings. However, the Book of Galilee "Dialogue about the two main systems of the world - Ptolemaeva and Copernicovaya" actually immediately after the process was translated into a number of European languages \u200b\u200band spread throughout Europe. Thus, the most resonant episodes, traditionally interpreted as proof of the chasters of the Church on scientists, as a reflection of the nature of religious and religion, do not actually definitely talk about them as a conflict of religious and scientific models of knowledge. Rather, these are later interpretations for the purposes of "persecutions" on religion, and not on science. Most often in the described precedents, there were not the position of religion and science, but the positions of two different religious systems. The struggle was expressed not in the search for truth, but in the search and justification of heretics, understood from the position of the official church for supporters of alternative theology. It is characteristic that the apoge of the activities of the Inquisition falls not on the classical Middle Ages, but on the transit period between average centuries and new time. And this was the time when the Catholic Church did not occupy an unconditional dominant position in Europe. A number of European countries who have accepted the Reformation did not obey the Religious Plan with the Papal See.

The papacy was in the crisis and took desperate efforts to hold power. Representing the crisis period of one of the denominations as a representative reflection of the whole history of religion is obviously incorrect. Within a few centuries, the Vatican made up an "prohibited book index". The last time he was published in 1948. Bans on books were traditionally regarded by anti-chillery propaganda as a bright illustration of opposition to religious retrogradment of advanced science. However, it is interesting that the analysis of the lists offered by the "indices" allows you to state what actually scientific work In their rare exceptions are absent. Bans concerned mainly fiction and moral philosophy. Mostly the "index" of the Vatican is a tool of moral censorship. Such censorship exists in secular society. The compilation of the lists of prohibited books, as a rule of extremist content, is established by the legislation of modern states, including Russian Federation. It is well known as modern Western legislation acutely reacts to books and work with the audit of the "Holocaust" topic, forming an even criminal responsibility for such works. The principled situational difference in the secular sense between the last example and response of the Inquisition to the revision of the Gospel Tradition about the Flour of Christ in general is not. The church itself did not endure sentencing against heretics, and even more so it did not lead them to execution. It was the prerogative of the state. Another thing is that the medieval state was guided in its decisions by the authority of the church. Protection of faith and feelings of believers amounted to one of the most important state prerogatives. Any attempts of blasphemy were triggered hard. And such attempts were not only the fiction of the devilobors.

The psychology of protest against blasphemy is easy to see and in modern times. For example, in the stories associated with Pussy RiOt and the film "Innocence of Muslims". The very recognition of persecution of scientists from representatives of denominations and religious organizations does not mean recognizing the causes of persecution in the very nature of religion.

Authors do not have goals real history religion. The story contains many examples of non-aggative activities of religious organizations. There are also precedents of persecution of scientists and counteracting scientific knowledge. But this is a history illustration, complete contradictions and always such. Proof of the nature of religion in terms of its obscurantism according to the rules of scientific logic by acting examples is not correct. An example confirming the provable position can always be found an example, refuting it, which was given above. In the long history of religion, there are, respectively, examples of active support for religious organizations of scientific knowledge. The first medieval universities emerged on the basis of theological schools. University teachers had a priestly san. The name of one of the oldest universities in Western Europe - Sorbonne in Paris comes from his creator, prominent French theologian, royal defender Robert de sorbon. Before the emergence of media communication, it was the church in the west of the function of the main translator of advanced scientific knowledge. The role of the Christian Church in the spread of culture and knowledge in ancient Russia is well known. Traditionally, this educational effect is indicated as one of the main results of the Christianization.

East did not perceive the theory of two truths in the West. The relevant ideas of a number of Arab thinkers did not lead to the transformation of Islamic education. Accordingly, the cognitive process in the East was carried out beyond gap with religious tradition. Many prominent scientists representing the color of world science had a priestly san. And this applies not only to the medieval period of history. Characteristic example - Archbishop Simferopol and Crimean Luke (in the world V.F. Waro-Yasenetsky) - Professor of Medicine, the developer of the theory of purulent Surgery, the winner of the Stalinist premium of the first degree 1946. That is, examples can be many and all varieties. In this case, the statement is important that the predeterminations of the conflict of religion and scientific knowledge due to the nature of religion was not. Moreover, the claims of the protectic nature of religion can be attributed to ... to the most secular science.

"Monopoly on the Truth" "Academic Science" and scientific revolutions

Historically, famous contradictions of retrogradihood and new knowledge are not only related to the relationship between religion and science. New knowledge is always affirmed in the conflict with the knowledge of the old. It is always breaking stereotypes. Such a conflict is the general logic of the process of knowledge. Opponents of new knowledge can, of course, appeal to " religious tradition" Like, the dogma does not make agreement. But this appeal is not really unique. No less inertially than clerical medium often showed itself at all times in relation to the new knowledge, a scientific corporation. And such a reaction is quite understandable - new knowledge approved as a result of discoveries left the previous scientific construction. The scientific revolution took place. A scientist Corporation could ignore them, and could enter into harsh controversy, even in the format of "etching". Of the domestic history, the practice of such persecutions is well known. Pogrom from the "Academic Science" was at their time genetics and cybernetics. Not only power, but the scholars themselves performed pokers of these pogroms. Someone will say - this is in the past. No matter how. Here is the real quote 2011 from the controversy of one of the authors with a very famous Moscow professor to the political analyst: "Join the fact that I do not understand and do not consider a qualified product, I will not." I do not understand, but I consider it a non-discharged product. This is said in a scientific dispute. What is it how not to enter into a scientific process of insecientic argument? Previously, the like and qualified as a obscurantist: "I do not understand, but I give the assessment." Based on what is given this assessment? Fortunately, there is no reason for the diagnosis from one "eminent" scientist for all modern science. It has already been said that the example method is only part in the proof of truth. Namely, only the necessary part.

The sufficiency of the proof does not give any example. Loud scientific pogroms seem to have sunk in the fly. Time passed, and new sciences and discoveries were recognized as the original science knowledge. But isn't it in modern times the "Academic Science" does not ignore other times advanced scientific developments? And does not happen that the actual injury of scientists is inhabited, similar to the resonant case of "condemnation" of the textbook on the history of A.I. Vddina and A.S. Barsenkova. Speech on behalf of science is still not the science itself. From the standpoint of "scientific authorities", anti-scientific, and erroneous provisions were often approved. Thomas Kun, recognized today as a classic of science studies, described the historical development of science as the process of changing the scientific community of explaining scientific paradigms. The explanatory model of Aristotle, paid attention to T. Kun, essentially dispelled with the explanatory model of Newton. There was a change in the theoretical frame. Then the same inversion occurs due to the extension of the Einstein concept of relativity. "Scientific revolutions" occur. Initially, according to the Kunov scheme, each new discovery or empirical fact is amenable to explain from the standpoint of the existing theory. However, phenomena appear inexplicable within the framework of the previous paradigm. They are first not recognized as a fact. But their number increases, actualizing the nomination of an alternative explanatory model. Being originally alternative, the new theory overwhelms the former outdated. If the theory is large-scale, then what is happening called the scientific revolution. The conflict is important in this change. It is he who checks the intra-scientific world and its ability not to go beyond the scope of scientific relationship: keep a dispute with the help of argument and logic, and not an estimate of the opponent; Do not apply the arguments of type: it is naive, excessively unscientific, it is ideologically, it is not serious. (All - quotes.)

In modern science, the so-called cognitive weapon used in the information and psychological war is used. In it, purposefully scientific truths are replaced by false constructs, in order to mislead the enemy, hit him in knowledge. The consequences may be of the most ambitious nature, for example: erroneous government construction, economic entry that cause real material damage to the enemy, sometimes such a value, which no bombardment will apply. For example, the adoption of the post-Soviet Russian authority of the theory of monetarism brought almost two annual budget from the sovereign financial turnover of Russia (about 4 trillion dollars, which is comparable to the losses of the USSR in World War II). The adoption of post-industrialism theory actually led to the deindustrialization of Russia, a decrease in its economic sovereignty. In the way, in the science itself, the so-called "obscurantism" and obscurantism also occur as border and inevitable phenomenon in the complex social process. Science, on T. Kuhun, develops on the principle of alternation of the periods of "normal" and "revolutionary" science (Fig. 1). What is perceived today as something "revolutionary", tomorrow becomes generally accepted.

And the fact that today in the scientific plan "normally" will be tomorrow with a dense archaic. Not everything, however, philosophers recognize the revolutionism of transitions in science itself. In particular, it was fundamentally objected to the Khunovsky methodology Karl Popper. Indicatively, the analysis of its critical objections. First, it was indicated by K. Popper, "Normally" in science may be present not one, but immediately somewhat competing paradigms. And secondly, a new theory, as in the event of a change of Newtonian on Einstein model, does not cancel the former, but gives new horizons of vision. Both comments must be recognized, just, but they do not cancel the idea of \u200b\u200bscientific revolutions. What collapses the frame is not one, but the many theories, does not cancel the fact of changing paradigms. Let this paradigm be unnecessary. In the singular in science, she never existed. The fact that the new theory can absorb the previous one does not cancel its paradigm novelty. The indisputable fact of continuity scientific knowledge Does not mean the staticness of theoretical models. It is important here for the topic studied. Other: Fixing the contradictions between old and new scientific paradigms. Representatives of the old paradigm, as a rule, "inertia" resist the approval of the new knowledge. Thus, retrogradism turns out to be an indispensable concomitant circumstance of scientific progress. The fundamental difference in its origin, the religious whether, scientific, in general, is not. Inertia, as a manifestation of conservatism inherent in the human nature, in the adoption of new knowledge and certain more new scientific paradigms exist in the church, and in the academic community. Inertia prevents the mutual approach of religion and the science, necessary to both thought spaces and arising from the logic of the mega -amentive process of knowledge. However, it seems that Overcoming the existing state of affairs is inevitable.

However, V.I. Lenin emphasized that in relation to the state, religion should be a private matter, but in relation to the party of the socialist proletariat, religion is not a private matter. "Anyone should be completely free to confess any religion or not recognize any religion, i.e. Being an atheist, which is usually all sorts of socialist "52. The Bolshevik seal after the edition of the decrees about the versoity clarified the masses that these decrees were one of the means of struggle against freedom that the Orthodox Church continued to poison the masses with religious dope, trying to lead them from the class struggle. The Bolsheviks said that the priests instead of freedom of conscience continued to carry intolerance in the mass, instead of light - spiritual darkness. Speaking in May 1909 at a meeting of the State Duma, when a bill on freedom of conscience was discussed, a member of the State Duma Bolshevik Belousov talked about the Bolshevik Party's attitude to this draft law. "The Social Democratic Fraction," said Belousov, "does not deceive himself with the illusion, which can change anything in the position of Old Believers, to change anything in the government's relations to other verbs. The black-made Vakhanalia is played with might and main. Religious persecutions grow. Only then will be the religious freedom of conscience when with these benches that are now engaged in these ministers of internal and other cases, these people will go away and people who are responsible for the national representation "53 will sit on them.

Criticizing the royal laws aimed at prohibiting freedom of conscience, the Bolsheviks at the same time clarified the masses that the requirement of freedom of conscience is typically for bourgeois parties and that the bourgeois freedom of conscience is nothing but tolerance to any religion, to any freedom of conscience, the working party She strives to free conscience from religious dope. The Bolsheviks emphasized that the conscience is classified and depends on the consciousness and from the entire lifestyle of a person and that the conscience in the immutors other than that of the poor.

Fighting against religious persecution, demanding an amnesty to fighters for political and religious freedom, the Bolsheviks exposed together with the ideological content of sectarian and other religious exercises that were trying like orthodox church Having worked out the class struggle.

Only as a result of the conquests of the Great October Socialist Revolution, religious persecution were destroyed in Russia, any discrimination associated with national and religious affiliation. Soviet power actually provided complete freedom of conscience regardless of racial, national and religious affiliation. Each citizen of the Soviet Union is granted the right to confess any religion or not to confess any, i.e. to be an atheist.

1.A. Men. Racism in front of the court of Christianity. - "Journal of Moscow Patriarchate", 1962, No. 3, p. 22-23.

2.e. Pockets. Christianity and racial discrimination. - "Journal of Moscow Patriarchate", 1962, No. 2, p. 35-37.

3.I. D. Bonch - Broevich. Time sign. M., 1921, p. 76.

4.D. Tsvetaev. From the history of foreign confessions in Russia in the XVI - XVII of it. M., 1886, p. 41.

5. "Readings of the OUMR", KN. III, 1884, section. II, p. 13 - 14. 118

6.N. S. Tikhonravov. Quirin Kulman. - "Russian Bulletin", KN. XI, XII, 1867, p. 568 - 593; See also Sat. "Russian state in the XVII century.". M ... 1961, p. 327.

7. "Russian Archive", 1867, p. 1152; See also N. D. Sergeevsky. Punishment in Russian law. St. Petersburg, 1887, p. 126 - 127.

8.Day, t. X, No. 107.

9.D. Tsvetaev. Decree. Op., p. 308.

10.N. Ustortyov. The story of Peter the Great, t. II, ad. IX. St. Petersburg, 1863; See also D. A. Tolstoy. Roman Catholicism in Russia, t. I. SPb., 1876, p. 117.

11.A. I. Bobryov - Pushkin. Court and splitters - sectarians. St. Petersburg., 1902, p. 73.

12.N. G. Chernyshevsky. Complete Writing Collected, T X. M., 1951, p. 131 - 132.

13. "Reading of the Odre", KN. I, dep. 4, 1866, p. 165.

14.N. M. Kostomarov. RUSSIAN HISTORY IN BIFTRIES, TH. II. Ed. 2, M., 1886 - 1893, p. 365.

15.I. Orshansky. Russian legislation on Jews. St. Petersburg., 1877, p. 18.

16.SB "Survived", KN. II. St. Petersburg, 1910, st, r. 1 - 48; See also N. N. Golitsyn. Legislation on Jews, t. I. SPb. 1866, p. 28 - 42.

17. "Russian literature in the fight against religion." M., 1963, p. 23.

18.N. Golitsyn. Decree. Op., p. 614 - 616.

19.A. I. Herzen. Works, t. VIII. M., 1956, p. 232-233.

20.I. Orshansky. Decree. Op., p. 49.

21.V. I. Lenin. Complete writing collection, vol. 12, p. 147.

22.V. D. Bonch - Broevich. Time sign. St. Petersburg., 1921, p. 259.

23.V. I. Lenin. Complete writings, vol. 25, p. 64.

24.V. I. Lenin. Complete writings, vol. 2, p. 289.

25.V. M. Skvortsov. Missionary staff, t. I. SPb., 1912, p. 518 (the number of splitters has been significantly understated).

26.K. Marx and F. Engels. Works, t. XVI, p. 165.

27.V. I. Lenin. Complete writings, vol. 7, p. 173.

28.N. Varadinov. History of the Ministry of the Interior, t. 8. SPb., 1862, p. 472 - 473.

29.E. N. Tarnowsky. Religious crimes in Russia. - "Bulletin of Law", 1899, No. 4, p. 2 - 17.

30.V. I. Lenin. Complete writings, t. 4, p. 228.

31.V. I. Koretsky. Modern sectarianism and its overcoming. - "Questions of the history of religion and atheism", t. IX, 1961, p. 45.

32. "Ancient and New Russia", 1878, № 8, p. 312.

33. "Meeting of decisions in part of the split, held on the department of Holy Synod", KN. II. St. Petersburg, 1860, p. 54.

34.A. I. Bobryov - Pushkin. Decree. Op., pp. 173 - 174, 175.

36.And, p. 290.

37.And, p. 137.

38. "Missionary Review", KN. XI, 1903.

40. "Report Ober - Synod Prosecutor for 1911-1912". St. Petersburg, 1913,

41. "Church - Public Bulletin", 1913, No. 47.

42. "Missionary Congress in Orel ...", p. 143.

43.V. I. Lenin. Complete writings, t. 6, p. 270.

44. "Stenographic report of the State Duma". 3rd convocation, 2nd session, meeting May 23, 1909

45. "Church Bulletin", 1911, No. 26.

46.V. M. Skvortsov. Missionary staff, t. I. M., 1912, p. 458.

47.m. I. Shakhovich. Lenin and the problems of atheism. M. - L., 1961, p. 31.

49.V. I. Lenin. Full collected works, vol. 6, p. 206.

50.V. I. Lenin. Complete writings, vol. 7, p. 173.

51.Same, p. 125.

52.V. I. Lenin. Full collected works, vol. 12, p. 143.

53. "Stenographic report of the State Duma", 3rd convocation, 2nd session. Session on May 23, 1909

Chapter VIII. Enlightenment and Science

1 Implementation of the modern Orthodox Church are trying to hide the reactionary activities of this church in the past and its fight against enlightenment and science. They argue that the enlightened enlightenment and science in Russia, if it was, it was random, and that the church never denied the need and benefits of education and science. Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy A. Ivanov during a meeting in 1956 with representatives of the US Church in their report "Christian faith and modern science" assured that both faith and science - each has its own special area and does not prevent one other. Professor of the Leningrad Spiritual Academy L. Parisian in the report on the same topic argued that religion could not contradict science, since he said, "the Bible and Nature are two books written by God and intended to man." With this praise, the representative did not agree at the meeting at the meeting church organizations US Dr. Boyl. He reminded his Orthodox colleagues the recent history of the church, when science and scientists were pursued as threatening religions2. Other representatives of the Orthodox Church did not deny the reactionary role of this church in the history of the cultural development of the Russian people, but they said that the Orthodox Church was forcibly delivered to the service of the autocracy, which the church was oppressed, forced to create a dogma of the divine origin of the royal authority that the reaction preaching was carried out at insistence self-adjusting.

Representatives of the modern Orthodox church are trying to hide the reactionary activities of this church in the past and its fight against enlightenment and science. They argue that the enlightened enlightenment and science in Russia, if it was, it was random, and that the church never denied the need and benefits of education and science. Professor of the Moscow Spiritual Academy A. Ivanov during a meeting in 1956 with representatives of the US church in his report "Christian faith and modern science" assured that both faith and science - each has its own special area and does not interfere with one other. Professor of the Leningrad Spiritual Academy L. Parisian in the report on the same topic argued that religion could not contradict science, since he said, "the Bible and Nature are two books written by God and intended to man." With this praise, the representative of the Church Organizations of the United States, Dr. Boyle, who was present at the meeting did not agree. He reminded his Orthodox colleagues the recent history of the Church, when science and scientists were pursued as threatening religions 2. Other representatives of the Orthodox Church did not deny the reactionary role of this church in the history of the cultural development of the Russian people, but they said that the Orthodox Church was forcibly delivered to the service of the autocracy, which the church was oppressed, forced to create a dogma of the divine origin of the royal authority that the reaction preaching was carried out at insistence self-adjusting.

In fact, it was not so. The church in the Union with the autocracy was the persecution of the people's enlightenment and imposed ignorance and obscurantism. Enlightenment was used to justify the serfdom and exploitation of the people. The government and the church tried to prevent the spread of literacy, to raise the people in the spirit of devotion to autocracy and religion, to lead it from the revolutionary struggle. The Orthodox Church recognized only such an enlightenment, which was based on religion. Enlightenment, not consecrated by the fellow influence of religion, they spoke her representatives, rather, perniciously than helpful. Treating hostility to enlighten the people and the development of domestic science, the church was often the initiator of the most talented scientists and progressive teachers. She slowed down the development of enlightenment and science, sought the destruction of books of advanced scientists.

Already in ancient Russia The church performed as a persecution of education and science. On the church cathedrals XIV - XVII her. The indices of prohibited books were considered and approved. The oldest church monument is a feeding book - a church curse prescribed for reading such books. Books recognized by harmful were offered to burn on the bodies of those who were found. Especially hated were the spiritual authorities of the books who came from the West. In an effort to preserve the dominant religious ideology in immunity, the consecration of the serfthine and exploitation of the people, the spiritual authorities fought with the penetration of Western European ideas into Moscow, destroyed the book from there, and the distributors of these ideas and the keepers of prohibited books were subjected cruel execution. With Ivan III for storing and reading foreign books in Moscow burned in the wooden cage of Prince Lukovsky together with the translator Matias Lyakh, accusing them in sorcery and evil intent. At the same time, as a sorcerer, who knew with the unclean force, was executed by a foreigner Anton Erenshtein's doctor, and in 1580, in the reign of Ivan IV, burned as "Lyutogo Waving" of the court-to-judiciary.

Intolerance to enlightenment and science was manifested by spiritual authorities and in the XVII century. Under Tsar Fyodor Alekseyevich, they wanted to burn the Dutch paramedician Quirinus on charges of magic. Boyari Artamon Sergeevich Matveyeva for his addiction to books in 1676 was accused of magazine and exiled to the emotion monastery. When organizing in 1687, the "Enlightenment" - the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy was entrusted to her the duty to observe that foreigners would not produce the "contractions" of the Orthodox Church. The Inquisitors of the Academy should have burned with heretical, gadal and "blasphemous" books, and those responsible for their distribution, to deliver the court for punishment in the Gradsky.

In the XVIII century, strengthening the power of destroyers, the government was covered with fashionable at that time the slogan "Enlightenment". But the government and the spiritual department continued to relate to extreme hostility, exposing the persecution of progressive thinkers and scientists. Already at the beginning of the XVIII century. The authors and distributors of the essays against the church were asked to interrogate with "cleaning" and send to a synod with questioned speeches. Even the Academy of Sciences was not free from vigilant control of representatives of the Church. They checked her editions, looking for the "Bulk and Nasty Christian laws, government and Dobron" in them. At their insistence, in 1743, the Astronomical calendar was published by the Academy of Sciences, in which spiritual censors managed to find information about the planets, "to the temptation of popular people". They also objected against the Academy of Sciences of the publication of Russian chronicles - this is the most valuable source to study Russian history. According to the reviews of spiritual censors, the chronicles contain "a lot of lies are obvious."

The hatred of the Synod and the clergy caused the Great Russian scientist M. V. Lomonosov, whose studies undermined the basics of religion. Lomonosov rejected the church doctrine of the invariance of nature and creating it by God. "They think in vain," he wrote, "that everything, as we see, first created by the Creator." Such reasoning is very harmful to the increment of sciences. Easy to be a philosopher, having learned three words: God created it, - and I give in response instead of all reasons "3. Lomonosov ridiculed the stupidity and ignorance of the clergy speaking against science. In 1740, at the initiative of Lomonosov, the book of French scientist, Academician Fontione "Talk about the many worlds" was published, in which the scientific data of astronomy, which went wrong with religious myths about creating peace in popular form. The Synod recognized the book of phongrounde "Nasty faith and morality"; The book was seized and destroyed. An annoyed performances of M. V. Lomonosov against religion and church, Synod wanted to prevent his scientific activities. He demanded that the works of Lomonosov were burned, and Lomonosov himself was sent to the synod "for admission and correction" 4. Synod attacks did not intimidate Lomonosov, he continued to insist on freedom scientific research, demanded that the clergy "did not bind" to science and did not swiggle scientists in their sermons.

In 1756, Moscow University wanted to publish the philosophical poem of an outstanding english writer Alexandra Pop (1688-1744) "Experience about a person." In this book, the author opposed medieval scientific views on the structure of the Universe. Naturally, it caused sharp attacks of spiritual censors, which were found in the book "Half Copernicus ideas about many worlds, Nasty Scripture," and the book was banned. "Correction" of the book requested the Moscow Metropolitan Amvrosia. He redid the poem of the pop, replacing the poems, which referred to the many worlds and the Copernikovskaya system, with their verses. In such a distorted form, the book was published in 1757.

The progressive scientist, Professor of Mathematics, Moscow University D. S. Anichkov (1733-1788), who issued the dissertation "reasoning from natural theology about the beginning and origin of glooming among different, especially ignorant peoples in 1759. Anichkov rejected the divine origin of religion and accused the clergy in ignorance and quantity. Review of the dissertation Anichkova gave the Moscow Metropolitan Ambrose. The book was recognized as "harmful and seductive." In his insistence, Anichkova's book was publicly burned in Moscow on the frontal place. Another Professor of Moscow University, I. Melman, for criticizing the religion and the church on the denunciation of the Moscow Metropolitan Plato, was removed from teaching and sent to a secret office, where he was subjected to torture. Then the scientist was sent to Eastern Prussia. In the seizure of madness he committed suicide.

The hatred of the spiritual department aroused the activities of the outstanding Russian educator N. I. Novikov, who had a lot of books in a short time in a short time in the whole branches of knowledge. In the books sharply criticized religious fanaticism and superstition. According to Petra Alekseeva, the Archpriest of the Moscow Arkhangelsk Cathedral, Novikov arrested, and the books published by him were confiscated. For the opposition relationship to autocracy, for active educational activities and criticism of the religion and the church of Novikov, as a dangerous state criminal, concluded in the Shlisselburg fortress, from where he came out only after 15 years, after the death of Hedid Catherine.

Did not escape the chains of spiritual inquisitors and another outstanding Russian writer, A.N. Radishchev, author of the famous "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow." Radishchev was a materialist, he believed that matter and nature exist forever that they could not destroy them or create. Radishchev defended the unity of the soul and body and criticized the religious views on the immortality of the soul, condemned the royal despotism, religious superstitions. Reviews of Radishchev were found by "Nasty Law of God, the Ten Commandments, Holy Scripture, Orthodoxy and Civil Law". The book of Radishchev, destroyed, and it was sentenced to him as a "bunter worse than Pugachev" death penaltywhich was replaced by a 10-year-old carriage. More than a hundred years have passed, and again this book of the materialist writer was condemned by the Church. In 1903, spiritual censors found that Radishchev's book is still dangerous for religion and church, that it undermines the authority of secular and spiritual power. At the request of the Church, the entire circulation of the book was destroyed.

The French bourgeois revolution of 1789 frightened autocracy and landowners. Fewing the penetration of revolutionary ideas into Russia, the autocracy strengthened the censorship repressions. Many cities organized censorship committees with the participation of representatives of the spiritual department. These committees were real inquisition tribunals. They burned down the "harmful" books, pursued their authors and persons suspected of storing these books. Not content with the activities of these Inquisition tribunals, the Synod organized in 1797 a special spiritual censor, which was provided by the broadest possible authority. Spiritual censorship invaded all the fields of science, in literature, socio-political life, tried to root all the progressive. She put her hand on everything that had at least a distant attitude towards religion.

The talented books of French materialist philosophers who exposed the reactionary essence of religion were met by a spiritual office with special hostility. Already since the 80s of the XVIII century. Churchings fought with the spread of these ideas. The spiritual department published the literature in which the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Voltaire and materialist philosophers criticized, the confiscation and burning of their works sought. The persecution of these works did not stop in the XIX-XX. So, in 1868, in the work of Voltaire "Philosophy of History", spiritual censors found "mockery over the truths and refutation of the Holy Scriptures." At their insistence, this work of Voltaire was destroyed. In 1890, they destroyed the "Satyric and Philosophical Dialogues" of Voltaire, and in 1893 - his poetic works in which "antireligious trends" 5 were found.

The same fate has suffered the works of "Corimogue of Harmlessness", an outstanding representative of Domarksov of materialism and atheism Denis Didro (1713-1784). Beginning with end of XVIII c., The spiritual authorities have sought the prohibition and destruction of not only his philosophical, but also artistic works. The hatred of the spiritual department caused and atheistic treatises of Golbach (1723-1789). His famous book "System of Nature" was considered one of the most scary books And it was rightly called the "Bible of Materialism". Back in 1770, Catholic Inquisitors were betrayed this "hellish book" and since then it was repeatedly prohibited in Russia. Even in 1898, fearing the "hellish" action of this book, destroyed, according to spiritual censors, the main principles of religion, spiritual inquisitors insisted on its destruction. Also, they also dealt with the book of the English philosopher materialist of Thomas Gobbs (1588-1679) "Leviafan", which Catholic Inquisitors included in the list of harmful books in the XVII century. and subjected it to public burrows. After 200 years, it was condemned by Orthodox Inquisitors. They recognized the book of Hobbes "Nasty Scripture and Orthodox Church" and achieved her burners in 1874 for the presentation against the church and feudal ideology were destroyed in 1871 the book "On a man" of another outstanding philosopher-materialist XVIII century. - Gelving.

In the second half of the XIX century. In connection with the growth of the revolutionary movement for the protection of autocracy, extremely reactionary measures were taken. To enhance the influence of the clergy in the field of people's enlightenment, a wide network of church parish schools was organized. They had to raise children in the spirit of devotion to autocracy, the Orthodox Church and the so-called "Russian nationality".

Church-parish school was considered as an addition to the church. In its program, church items occupied the main place - the law of God, Church Slavonic, church singing, worship service. From day to day, children inspired that the power of the king was given from God, they were told about the "chosenness" of the Russian people, they preached religious intolerance and national enmity. In the lessons of the Russian language, the history of the priests convinced children that God is the Creator and Springman of the world to which children should be imbued with love and gratitude. The textbooks of progressive teachers - K. D. Ushinsky, I. A. Khyshova, V. P. Vakhterov, were expelled from church schools, as they - according to the reviews of spiritual censors - prevented the development of religious feelings. They were replaced by anti-scientific textbooks drawn up in a religious monarchical spirit. To light primary schools Spiritual authorities treated extremely hostile, calling them a "gun of the plant of the people." The clergymen accused these schools in the fact that they were infected with "anticipating", "immorality", tried to set up peasants against them and achieve their closure.

Church-parish school did not satisfy the folk masses. The peasants compared this school with an emptycle light bulb, which skips dim light. As I wrote in 1912, the Bolshevik "True", "the peasant mass eagerly was looking for knowledge, a broad knowledge that would give answers to their questions" 6. But these knowledge church school did not give. Under the influence of the Bolshevik ideas about the enlightenment of the people, the peasants were spoken against church schools. They stopped their vacation for them and demanded the opening of secular schools, as well as the church separation from the school. In response to these requirements, the government and spiritual agency strengthened terror in the field of popular education.

Advanced teachers tried to expose the lies of the religious interpretation of nature phenomena, give children the rigging scientific idea of \u200b\u200bthe world. But these attempts met opposition from the clergy. Representatives of the Church wrote a denominations on progressive teachers, sought their dismissal. They said: "Let the children stay better with dark people, but the good Christians and the faithful sons of the king and the fatherland, which will be competent, but the recorded poison of the revolution" 7. Special hatred caused propaganda at the school of the ideas of Darwinism. The priests inspired the children that Darwin is a glory, who rebelled against the Holy Scriptures that Darwin's theory is heretical, as it contradicts the Bible. Priests banned to use teaching benefits - paintings in geography, zoology, even a globe, for the school should not develop the mind, but heart and religiosity.

Speaking B. State Duma Against the appropriation of funds for the maintenance of spiritual schools, the Bolsheviks exposed the reactionary activities of the Orthodox Church in the Enlightenment of the People. They said that the priests try to raise the slaves into the school, darkening the people's consciousness that the peasant, like the worker, need not Popovsky, but a genuine education. Church-parish schools they called "Duffers" and demanded to pass them into museums as monuments of national ignorance, faded people in the interests of autocracy to the church.

Reaction objectives were pursued by autocracy and in high school. Pupils were brought up "in the spirit of truths of religion, respect for property rights." Ancient languages \u200b\u200band the law of God did not leave time on natural sciences. The writer A.Serafimovich, remembering his student years, wrote: "We were suling in the gymnasiums in Latin, Greek, the law of God, pressed everyone, just to strangle the living soul" 8

The spiritual authorities expect that the teaching of the Law of God will save students from religious indifference, from disbelief. Therefore, the law of God was considered the main subject, he was taught in all classes, starting with the preparatory. For religious education, other items of the school program were used - Russian, history, lawwork, etc. Representatives of the church were extrunted by the importance of the Orthodox Church in the history of Russia, they praised the "love" of the clergy to the people, they said that the Russian people allegedly characterize special religiosity. They attended the role of class struggle in the history of society, fled the national and religious mosses.

Religious ideology at school was imposed by police measures. Teachers needed to support anti-scientific religious views. The study of natural science and other exact sciences, priests said, acts negatively to the morality of young people. Salvation from disbelief was seen in propaganda religious ideologues. Pupils and teachers were obliged to regularly go to church, confess, take part in church services, in church choir. Behind them there was a relax supervision; Pupils who neglected church duties were expelled from school as unreliable. Progressive teachers were expelled, who tried to bring a living word to teaching, to acquaint students with genuine science.

The dominance of religious views caused protest from students, especially he was very much manifested during the first Russian revolution. The disciples refused to attend church services, hesitated, insisted from the school program of the Law of God, destroyed the hatcharity "Catechism" of Filaret. They openly showed disrespect for priests, demanded removal from schools of the most reactionary of them. Despite the "Classic Nightmare" and a police terror that dominated at the school, Darwin's doctrine, revolutionary ideas began to enter the school. Students began to understand that religion and church support autocracy and that priests are the worst enemies of the people. Among the students there was a negative attitude towards the Church and Religion. This caused the strengthening of terror from the spiritual authorities, especially after the suppression of the Russian revolution of 1905. Trying to expel the revolutionary spirit from the school, the spiritual department began to strengthen the "church" in it. At school, again, the religious ideas about the origin of the world and man were reigning, from the school program, everything that contradicted the religious idea of \u200b\u200bthe world was excluded. In the language of priests, it was called the fight against "moral debrity".

In the 60s of the XIX century. In connection with the development of capitalism in Russia, there was a need for competent workers. Sundays and evening schools began to arise, where progressive teachers taught working diplomas, acquainted them with the foundations of science, as well as with the ideas of revolutionary democrats. The government closed these schools, considering their revolution rates. In exchange, new schools were opened, the control of which was entrusted to the priests. Instead of science, religious obscurantia gave here. Of unwanted teachers who entrust genuine knowledge, clergymen with the help of the police were expelled. However, despite the atmosphere of the cheek and terror, Sundays and evening schools with the assistance of progressive teachers often turned into the centers of the propaganda of revolutionary Marxism and contributed to the awakening of the working class self-awareness.

Angrily condemning the policy of the autocracy and the church against the enlightenment of the people, A. I. Herzen wrote: "Do everything so that wherever a person has turned around, in front of his eyes would be or the executioner, or the Ball of Heaven, - one with a rope, ready to finish everything, Another with fire, ready to burn all the eternity "9.

Instead of books, which would give the people of knowledge, the spiritual department published in large circulations of books and brochures designed to plant the people, to distraction from class struggle. Speculating on the taigt of the people to know, the spiritual department contributed to the publication of the Zhithiya "Saints", as well as books and painted paintings with the image of events from the Old and New Testament history, with scenes of the terrible court, hell and the torment of "sinners". Such literature muddy flow She walked into the village, filled the libraries for the people, bought on his labor penny and poisoned the people's consciousness.

Books of scientific and popular and arts were very small. The government and the church believed that the development of literacy and the love of reading corrupt people, contribute to the growth of materialistic ideas and the development of the revolutionary movement. In the 60s of the XIX century. The publication of a fascinating novel Jules is faithful "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Spiritual censors found that this novel can develop anti-religious ideas and destroy confidence in the sacred scriptures and clergy. In 1886, at the insistence of representatives of the Church, a veto was imposed on the book of the famous French scientist Astronomom K. Flamarion "Peace to the creation of a person"; She de refutes biblical legends about miracles, about the creation of a person and undermines the religious foundations 10. The spiritual censors and the book of Robert Koch "Nature and Humanity in the light of the development of development", in which the famous scientist introduced readers with discoveries in the field natural Sciences. In the lists of prohibited books, in 1893, the book of an outstanding scientist G. N. Getchinson "Autobiography of the Earth" and achieved its destruction.

As the class self-consciousness and the revolutionary struggle grow, the persecution of scientific and popular literature increased. Even in 1905, representatives of the censorship agency and the clergy said that scientific and popular literature is harmful to the people, as it supposedly gives little knowledge, he parses to the top riding, corrupts the folk soul. They demanded the prohibition of scientifically popular literature and expanding the publication of church, so-called religious-moral books and brochures. But such literature did not satisfy the masses, greedily sought for education. "Do you know," wrote the Petersburg "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class" in appeal to the Russian society in 1896, - that in Russia there is no such other environment that would be full of such a thirst for knowledge? Light, knowledge, give us the opportunity to learn, give us the opportunity to read, - hear the relentless voices of the working people "11.

Fearing mass enlightenment, government and clergy carefully watched libraries for the people. These libraries were replenished mainly by the books of religious-moral content, the works of the best Russian writers - Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ch. Uspensky, Nekrasov, Korolenko, Chekhov, Shevchenko and others. They were not allowed. As one worker wrote in the "spark", in libraries, they preferably gave books that had religious workers, brought up religious views in it. The workers were, however, against the vigorous publications and Popov instructions, all kinds of Popovsky trap.

Reading fiction The spiritual department considered a sin, for he saw a threat to religion. The spiritual department tried to prevent the spread of fiction, seeking its prohibition and destruction. With the publication in 1853 a complete collection of works by N. V. Gogol, from his works, at the request of the spiritual authorities, many places were excluded, which were found offensive for the Church.

Many chagrins reinforced spiritual inquisitors to the famous writer M. Zagoskin. The Moscow Metropolitan Filaret found in the works of Zagoskina "Mixing" of church and secular objects, and in favor of Filaret, the author had to thoroughly remake his works so that they could see the light 12. From spiritual censorship suffered and N. S. Leskov. When publishing in 1889, the collections of its writings, the spiritual censorship "confused" the sixth volume, in which works were collected from the life of the clergy. The whole circulation of the book was destroyed. Talking about the massacre of "Popov Tolstopus" above their book, the fishing ravines called this massacre "for forgiveness and self-balance from all sorts of change" 13.

For literary activities L.N. Tolstoy watched personally, the Ober-Prosecutor of the Synod of the victorious. In his insistence, many works of Tolstoy, as opposed to the teachings and spirit of Christianity, did not see the light at one time. Back in 1901, the Synod achieved the prohibition of the novel of Tolstoy "Resurrection" for "disrespectful reviews of the Orthodox Church and Christianity." The persecution of spiritual censorship was subjected to Maxim Gorky, who was accused of noting the spirit of his works, and the body, and the body, and the religious foundations of society.

Orthodox censors, like Catholic inquisitors, with great hostility treated the works of progressive foreign writers who exposed the reactionary essence of religion and obscure activities of its ministers. Works of the Great German writer Henry Heine "Book of Songs", "Gods in exile" and others were recognized as blasphemous and at the insistence of spiritual censors were destroyed. Even in the last pre-revolutionary full meeting of Works, G. Heine (1904), many places "undermining" piety were excluded. The spiritual authorities imposed a ban on many works of outstanding French writers: Podava Flaubert, Anatol França, Emil Zol, Henri Barbus, and others. They were found "blasphemy and blasphemous" thoughts, mockery over Christianity. In 1908, one of the best works A. France "Penguin Island", and in 1914 - Roman "Agelov's uprising". These works of A. France in 1922 were included in the Catholic Church in the lists of prohibited literature 14.

Representatives of the Church with folk spectacles, with the theater, were dissolved. In the XVII century They selected musical instruments from the people - domra, sums, beeps, husli and burned them on the squares. In the XIX-XX of her. The spiritual authorities compared the theater with the opium and achieved a prohibition to arrange spectacles on the eve of the festive and Sunday days, and for visiting the theater on the days of the Great Post, they threaten the excavation from the church and church curse. The spiritual department was followed that there were no criticism of religion in the plays, not only a Christian, but even pagan. At their insistence, whole pages were drawn out of the play and opera libretto for the fact that the religious feeling of believers was allegedly insulted. So, the comedy of Gogol "Auditor" was injured - for mocked attitudes towards religion and church; Opera A. Rubinstein "Demon" - for the provisions that are incompatible with the teaching of the Orthodox Church (libretto had to redo the pointer of spiritual censors); Drama L. N. Tolstoy "And the light in the darkness shines" - for criticizing the Orthodox Church. The spiritual department in 1910 achieved the prohibition of its production.

Spiritual authorities treated hostile and advanced science, to its best representatives. Fewaling that the development of natural science and the spread of materialistic ideas will undermine the basis of the Christian religion - faith in the immortality of the soul, the spiritual authorities fought against the spread of these ideas. In 1866 there was a wonderful book of the Russian scientist I. M. Sechenov "Brain Reflexes", in which religious ideas about man and his soul were exposed. At the insistence of spiritual censors, this book "For the presentation of the most extreme materialistic views" was recognized as harmful and imposed on her arrest. The author wanted to exit to the Solovetsky monastery "for humility and correction." But the attention of society was attracted to the book I. M. Sechenov, and, afraid to arouse special interest to her, the censorship agency was forced to remove the arrest from it. However, the work of I. M. Sechenov continued to be listed on the lists of prohibited books for a long time. The author of the book was credited among the "unreliable" and banned him to lecture for the people 15.

Moscow Metropolitan Filaret was also against the development of domestic science. He condemned the lectures of the outstanding Russian natural scientist K.F. The steering wheel (1814-1858), defending the materialistic principles in biology, and accused him that he undermines faith in biblical myths about the creation of the world. The persecution of an outstanding scientist led him to premature death 16. The other outstanding scientist - historian, Professor of Moscow University, T. N. Granovsky, was also subjected to persecons from the Philaret. He was accused of having a harmful influence on students, since in his lectures on history he did not mention the role of divine fishery in the historical process. Under the censorship ban was the works of an outstanding representative of Russian materialism A.I. Herzen, who in passionate and angry words exposed the reactionary essence of the Orthodox Church, the protection of the autocracy and landowners, the hostile attitude of the Church to the development of domestic science. In 1893, an attempt was made to publish in Russia the writings A. I. Herzen, but from four thousand pages of his essays censored more than three thousand, and the publication did not see light. The reason for the prohibition, as the defenders of the spiritual department, was "Atheism A. I. Herzen and his social ideas" Representatives of the spiritual department, seeking the prohibition of works by A. I. Herzen, produced dirty dirty books against him, in which Herzen's "Bogoto and the enemy of Christian faith, an opponent of Orthodoxy".

With a big host, the spiritual authorities met the teachings of the Great English scientist Charles Darwin, the founder of the materialistic teaching on the origin of the species that caused a crushing blow to religion. Darwin de and his followers undermine the foundations of religion, not leaving the place for morality. Proceedings, Ch. Darwin was pursued and destroyed. In 1890, an attempt was made to acquaint Russian readers with a book, popularizing the idea of \u200b\u200bDarwin: "Charles Darwin and his teaching." This book, spiritual censors called the "Catechism of the materialistic denial of religious ideas." She was banned. In 1895, for materialistic nature, the book of Ch. Darwin "The origin of a person and sexual selection" was banned. Russian readers and the book of Sudek Albert about the life and teachings of Darwin did not see. It was recognized by antireligious and destroyed 17.

Fighting against the teachings of Darwin, the spiritual authorities were not limited to the prohibition of the works of Darwin, books and articles, popularizing his views. They opposed Darwinism in their sermons, published articles in journals, books directed against Darwin and his teachings. Calling the teachings of Darwin "Boguhul", they tried to prove his "badness", accused Darwin in the fact that he destroys morality. Spiritual censors wrote that there is a contradiction between evolutionary theory and Christianity, the most fundamental thing is that Darwin's teachings denies what constitutes the most essence of religion.

Spiritual censorship also condemned the materialistic ideas of Ernest Geckel (1834-1919) - the largest German scientist, natural scientist and follower of Darwin. In his writings, Geckel branded idealism and church obscurantism, revealed the reactionary role of the church, exposed religious superstitions, and the heads of the church called "unscatorant charlatans and deceivers." At the insistence of the clergy, the work of hekkel fell into black lists. Thus, in 1873, the prohibition of Gekkel's "Natural History of the Universe" was subjected to the prohibition of the Natural History of the Universe, especially because the author developed in it the materialistic doctrine of the universe and, as spiritual censors believed, mocked over biblical fairy tales on the origin of peace and man. In 1879, his "History of the tribal development of organisms" was also the lists, in which the evolutionary theory was set out; The book was burned. In 1902, the world famous book by E. Geckel "World Riddles". For the merciless criticism of idealism and Popovshchina, for "bold tricks against the highest objects of Christian worship" this book was listed in black lists back in 1916. 18

The most dangerous enemy of religion was also considered the largest materialist Domarksov of the period of Ludwig Feyerbach (1804-1872). Fairbach works "On the Essence of Religion", "History new philosophy"," Theogony "," Thoughts about death and immortality ", the" essence of Christianity "were considered censors destructive for religion and Christianity, as they criticized the biblical legends on the creation of peace, man, life on earth, about the immortality of the soul, the religious worldview was exposed. . Back in 1907-1910. At the insistence of spiritual censors, the works of Feyerbach, who undermined the foundations of religion, were destroyed. Fearing the destructive strength of the ideas of the philosopher, a censorship, defended the interests of the Orthodox Church, did not allow the views of Feuerbach even in the magazine articles.

The great ideas of scientific communism were angry and the hatred of government and spiritual authorities, especially during the period of deploying acute class struggle. Pointing to the huge revolutionary force of the great ideas of Marx and Engels, called the proletariat to combat exploiters, royal officials and representatives of spiritual censorship every time noted the atheistic nature of these ideas. In 1888, for materialistic views, a ban was imposed on the work of F. Engels "Ludwig Feyerbach and the end of German classical philosophy." After 20 years, this piece of Engels again prohibited. In 1914, the Engels "Principles of Communism" banned the work of Engels, and in 1915 recognized the "blasphemous" work "from classical idealism to dialectical materialism"; The whole circulation of this book was destroyed 19. The spiritual authorities could not forgive the Engels of his materialistic views and exposure to them the reactionary role of religion and Christianity, as well as the opening of the social roots of religion. The prohibitions were also subjected to the collection of works by the founders of scientific communism: clergymen rightly believed that these immortal works incendially act on the minds' minds.

The Orthodox Church, as we have seen, belonged to science, especially materialistic, with an irreconcilable hostility. Thus, Kharkiv Bishop Ambrose wrote in 1901 that the development of science leads to an increase in disbelief. Progressive scientists he called "the most dangerous enemies of the church" 20. Another bishop, Innocent, called for abandoning scientific worldview and return to faith 21. With a special force, obscurantism was revealed during the first Russian revolution. Churchmen were ready to put on the fire and the flag of all who did not share their reactional views on science. Thus, Moscow Bishop Nikon accused of 1905 Moscow professors in the fact that they de thuted youth and involved him in a revolution 22. The St. Petersburg Metropolitan Anthony Vadkovsky joined this point of view.

Trying to justify the doctrine of God as the creator and ruler of the Universe, the representatives of the Church attacked primarily on the principle of the materiality of the world. They also denied the objective nature of the laws of nature, her eternity. God, they say, wins the laws of nature, therefore miracles are possible. The only source of wisdom and knowledge was declared the Bible, and the only criterion of truth is religion; The scientific worldview was rejected as contrary to this criterion, any knowledge coming against religion was considered a pseudo-native, false. The ministers of the cult tried to convince the people that science did not bring humanity to humanity that she was barren and meaningless, not needed for practical life. Thus, the clergy set up the people against science and its progressive representatives.

However, the church could not prevent the development of scientific ideas, the victorious spread of materialistic science in Russia. She was forced to adapt to a new time. Now the clergy stated that there is no contradiction between science and religion that natural science and social sciences do not refute revelations and miracles, but are consistent with them. Falsifying science data, the clergy began to prove that modern natural science Confirms the biblical fairy tales on the creation of the world that the evolutionary theory does not reject the dogmas of the Christian Church (the creation of a person, his fall and atonement) that the development of natural science does not lead to atheism and is not dangerous for religion that science and religion can live among themselves in the Union. The church began to fight with genuine science with more subtle methods. Religion, they say, does not contradict science, but protects it, "sound" scientific knowledge-de completely get along with a sincere faith. This preaching need to reconcile religion with science. The clergy sought to distract the masses from the revolutionary struggle.

Progressive representatives of the Russian society conducted an irreconcilable struggle against Popovshchina and Markobesia, against the reactionary policy of the church and tsarism in the field of enlightenment and science. The Bolshevik Party fought with religion and the church as one of the main supports of autocracy. However, in the conditions of autocracy, this struggle could have only limited scales. Only after conquering power by the proletariat in October 1917 it became possible to the genuine education of the people and the victorious procession of science in the name of the happiness of the people.

We sought to show in which forms the inquisitorial activity of the Orthodox Church was manifested. As we have seen, in ancient Russia, the Orthodox church fought with anti-refortion movements, who took the religious shell - heresy of Strigolnikov, Novgorod-Moscow, etc. The church theoretically substantiated the need to use to heretics and church rebels of "LuThivny" and tried to transplant to Russian soil Morals of Catholic Inquisition. Like its Catholic brethren, Orthodox Inquisitors distributed and supported the people of faith in existence unclean power. Vedovo processes, Ringing Raskolnikov - here are "decent" imitation of the Spanish Inquisitors.

The widespread cheese and the legend of the Court of Raskolniki were made with the direct participation of specially created church organs. Under the flag of the struggle for the purity of Orthodoxy, a massive terror was carried out over the splitters using the "Gradsky" court to them. One of the forms of protest against this terror was their mass self-immolation.

The inquisition methods were affected by Orthodoxy among non-Russian peoples. The newest memory of himself left the Novocremascular office. Its activity was the cause of numerous folk unrest. The violent Christianization is the main method of the colonial policy of the autocracy, which puts his task to enjoy the peoples of non-Russian nationality, destroy their national culture.

Burning on fires, cortish works, deprivation of civil rights, reference and persecution - these means of protection orthodox faith. Under the guise of preserving her "purity", religious intolerance was imposed. The transition from Orthodoxy to other religions is cruelly punishable. In the royal legislation, there was a whole system of punishments to combat freedom of conscience. The initiator was performed by a spiritual department. Equipment and silencers "brought up" in monastery prisons in the most severe conditions for many years. Doubts in faith and criticizing religion were excreted from the church and betrayed Anathema.

Such was the activities of the Orthodox Inquisition. And although the Orthodox Church did not have such an organized apparatus, which was at the Catholic Church, it was painted with church "rebels" with no less cruelty than Catholic inquisitors did.

The reader may ask: how was the case with innovative from representatives of other Christian and non-Christian religions - Lutheran, sectarians, Jews, Muslims? Representatives of these religious exercises were also cruel inquisitors and tried to strangle the sprouts of freightness with fire and sword, criticizing the official teachings of these religions. Each of these religions, preaching its exclusivity, was intolerant to other religions, its representatives were resorted to violence over the conscience of citizens for the "evidence" of the superiority of the faith, especially if they were punitive apparatus of the state.

Thus, any religion, whether Christian or non-Christian, incompatible with freedom of conscience. At the same time, the bourgeois "freedom of conscience" is nothing more than tolerance to all types of religious freedom of conscience. Almost this comes down to take all religions on the spill and with their help fading the working masses. The working party, as Marks indicated, should strive to free conscience from religious dope 23.

  1. For more information about it, see E. F. Grekulov. The Orthodox Church is the enemy of the Enlightenment. Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1962.
  2. "Journal of Moscow Patriarchate", 1956, No. 5, p. 66.
  3. M. V. Lomonosov. Selected philosophical works. M, 1950, p. 397.
  4. P. P. Pekarsky. History of the Academy of Sciences, t. II. St. Petersburg, 1873, p. 603 - 604.
  5. "Archival case", 1938, No. 1 (45), p. 93.
  6. "True", June 27, 1912
  7. P. S. Ivashchenko. Folk school in Belarus with end XIX. in., Diss, p. 54.
  8. Sh. Hanelin. Essays by history high School. M, 1954 p. 45.
  9. A. I. Herzen. Collected Works, vol. 14, p. 481.
  10. "Archival business", 1930, No. 1 (45), p. 90.
  11. "Leaflets of the St. Petersburg Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class 1895 - 1897." L., 1934, p. 646.
  12. A. Kotovich. Spiritual censorship in Russia. St. Petersburg., 1909, p. 559.
  13. "Book News", 1937, № 12.
  14. "Literary inheritance", vol. 22 - 24, 1935, pp. 627, 635 - 673; vol. 33 - 34, 1939, p. 583 - 584.
  15. "Materials on the revision of existing censorship and press resolutions", Part I. SPb., 1870, p. 499 - 505; V. Prokofiev, Atheism of Russian revolutionary democrats. M., 1955, p. 88.
  16. Russian Starina, 1903, No. 12, p. 687.
  17. "Questions of the history of religion and atheism", 1960, № 7, p. 411 - 421.
  18. "Philosophy Questions", 1958, No. 9, p. 89; See also "Archival Business", 1938, No. 1 (45), p. 86 - 87.
  19. "Historian-Marxist", KN. 8 - 9, 1935, p. 65 - 88.
  20. "Vera and Mind", 1901, No. 12.
  21. In the same place, p. Xi.
  22. Newspaper "Rus", 1905, No. 164.
  23. K. Marx and F. Engels. Selected works, t. II. M., 1955, p. 26.

In the USSR, the Bolsheviks put science into the role of the maid, which was supposed to serve the objectives of the construction of atheistic communism. Those branches of science that did not meet these goals were destroyed or persecuted. First, the defeat of Social Sciences: stories, philosophy. Of course, now historians and philosophers should have covered the history of mankind and his quest from the standpoint of the dominant ideology.
Another of the victims of the communist regime became genetics. One of the first victims was Professor S.S. Tserkov and his laboratory. According to the ridiculous denunciation, it is arrested and without trial referred to Sverdlovsk. The laboratory breaks down, a number of its members are also subject to reference. However, genetics have not yet ceased studies.
In 1932, a medical and biological institute was created in Soviet Russia, which issued 4 volumes of original work, many of which have not yet lost relevance. However, in 1936 the institute was closed, and its director S.G.levitu is soon shot.
In 1940, Vice President of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences was arrested. V.I. Lenin (Vaschnil) N.I Vavilov. By the decision of the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court, he was sentenced to shooting on charges of belonging to the anti-Soviet organization "Labor Peasant Party", in hydration and espionage. (By the way, in 1930, A.V. Storenov and other large economists-agraria were arrested in 1930.). Later on the initiative of Beria, the death sentence was replaced by 20 years in prison. The remaining scientists who held in this case were shot on July 28, 1941. Vavilov himself died in a suicide chamber in 1943.

But the final defeat of genetics followed after the session of Vaschnil in August 1948. The operation was led by the sadly famous GD Lysenko, according to Stalin's direct approval.
In 1948, all genetic studies in the USSR were discontinued. Dozens and hundreds of leading professors and teachers were immediately dismissed. The libraries were withdrawn and destroyed on the lists of biological books based on Mendel genetics. The flame of the pogrom shifted on cytology, embryology, physiology and has reached even such remote areas as quantum chemistry, where "their Lysenks" appeared.
Another persecution page refers to cybernetics, which was banned until the end of the 50s.
Similar events in relation to scientists took place in Communist China, and the Polvot Campucci; In the latter, in general, almost all scientists and humanities were physically destroyed.
Atheists everywhere spread the myth that the church was always against science, and atheism they say, on the contrary, relies on science. In confirmation of their words, they lead separate cases of the persecution of the Catholic Church in some scientists: Galilee, Copernicus (or rather, its works) and the poor Bruno, who actually, and scientists were not. Well. If they consider that individual cases indicate the regression of not only one Catholic Church, but even the whole Christianity, the same can be concluded about atheism.

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