Gogol terrible revenge heroes. Online reading book terrible revenge I

Garden technique 01.10.2019
Garden technique

T Reath and the final film of the series about Gogol's adventures, in those times when he was not yet famous. In this series, everything will be decided, and the identity of the Dark Rider, and the real goal of Guro. We are waiting for both funeral and death. Not to mention what will be as strange and interesting. We rarely write about Russian films, but this presence of viewing.

Immediately after the events of the previous film Nikolai Gogol, allegedly deceased, buried near the dikanka. Having been underground, Gogol sees the ghost of his father: By concluding a contract with a mysterious Mister without a nose, Vasily Gogol went forever in hell, and Nikolay said a stranger: "Live, dark!". As a result, Gogol comes into itself and in front of the frightened crowd is chosen from the grave.

Arrested by Binh, Gogol realizes that the crowd of him is most likely a line as a dark rider or his assistant - in the eyes of Sellian, "Vurdalak" is guilty of the death of girls. Accidentally talked, it still reveals Barina by the secret of the contract between the stranger and Vasily Gogol.

When the Cossacks raise the rebellion, Gogol is trying to burn on the fire, but the little daughter of the camber bed of the vacuum semi-awarely calls on a shower that quit the fire. Then Gogol is trying to hang, and at the last moment Yakov Petrovich was saved, who previously considered the dead. All of them decide that only one person remained, who could be involved in the murders: the landowner Danishevsky.

Danishevsky himself comes to Oksana (which he sees, although he was not) and offers her a deal: returning to life, so that she took from Dikanka Nicholas. Oksana will certainly fall into hell after death, but otherwise Danishevsky will be forced to eliminate the threat in the face of Gogol, killing him. Mermaid, not hesitating, agrees.

The searched destination of Danishevsky, Gogol, Binch and Guro find a secret basement, and in it Danishevsky and on the altar Oksana, resurrected from the dead. In Danishevsky shoot, but it is unexpectedly easily dying: the rider has always been invulnerable to bullets. Already Oksana comes to himself, as a real dark rider appears and immediately kills it. Following, barely thirteenth victim ceases to breathe, the rider returns to the human appearance. They are Lisa, to universal surprise.

Chapter Six. Scary revenge

The events of the present and 163-year old are shown in parallel.

For a half hundreds of years before the appearance of Nikolai Gogol, the Cossack Ataman goes to rebuff the Polish invaders led by a sorcerer Casimir. Only one Cossack is returned from all the troops, saying that the Poles broke them, the Ataman was killed, and soon they would attack. The daughters of Ataman, Lisa and Maria, turn to the sorcerer-hermit, and she says that the Polish sorcerer can overcome, putting on him a conspiracy hoop: then Casimir is lost its strength and will become mortal, but the price for his murder will be terrible. Nevertheless, Lisa and Maria, Introducing the Casimir Tent, capture him and take away to go to court. On the way, Kazimir says that his curse ends only when he is loved by someone, and asks Mary to let him go away: if she reciprocates him, he will be able to renounce the witchcraft and become a man. Lisa decides to finish the sorcerer in place, and comes with Maria into battle, while she does not fall, stuck in the abyss. In the anger, the decapitation of Kazimir, Lisa itself turns out to be under the same curse: every thirty years sacrificed twelve girls and one risen, not knowing death, until she is lying. Maria also meets a fiery voice, velary to go back: if I kill my sister, he will be able to live, and until then he will wander in the appearance of the old woman.

In the present time, Guro shines Lisa to the same conspiracy hoop, and during the interrogation it is confessed that it is not going to betray it to the court: on the task of a secret society, he must deliver an immortal rider to St. Petersburg, so that he shared the secret of eternal life with the Russian Empire. In case of refusal, it threatens to kill Gogol. Having overheard the conversation, Nikolai and Binh rushes to stop Jacob Petrovich, and binh, so as not to give him to make a conceived, shoots in Lisa. Having heard from her that Nikolai himself was to become the thirteenth victim, but from the love for him Lisa spared him and he killed Oksana instead - also the rideway - Gogol takes off the enorted hoop, and Lisa again becomes an immortal rider.

I barely coping with Guro, Lisa, Gogol and Binh see Christina from the village on the threshold, who suddenly appeals to Maria. Madly wounded and binch, and Gogol, she forces Lisa to pay his immortality to Nicholas, and then cuts her head as her sister once Casimir. From the death of Gogol and Guro saves the daughter of a vacuum: a nee witch, she distracts Maria long enough so that from the neck of Gogol closed the hoop. Gogol is impressed by Guro offers membership in a secret society, since his mission was crowned with success, because the immortal is captured. After receiving a refusal, he returns to Petersburg. Gogol also returns home, and writes books based on their adventures.

In St. Petersburg, Gogol, now the famous author, during one of the meetings with readers faces a witch trying to kill him, but he is saved from the death of Pushkin and Lermontov. Having introduced himself as members of the Brotherhood, who wore with the secret society of Yakov Petrovich, they offer Gogol to join their ranks. Nikolay agrees.

Esaul Gorobets celebrates the wedding of the Son. Among the guests is the twink of Eustula Danilo Burulbash with his wife Katerina. In the midst of fun, Esaul takes the icons to bless young. Suddenly one of the guests turns into an ugly old man. All guests were frightened. But Esaul is coming forward with icons and drives the sorcerer.


Late night across the Dnieper floats the boat, he returned home Chet Burulbash. Katerina is alarmed, she is concerned about the appearance of a sorcerer. The boat saves past the old castle, in which the old man lives. It is located opposite the house of Burulbash. Near the castle a cemetery is seen.

Suddenly there is a terrible moan, from the grave one after another the dead appear. Katerina is frightened, even rings in a boat from fear lost hats. Only Danilo is not afraid and soothes his wife. The rowers are put on the oars, soon the terrible place remains behind.


The next morning Danilo quarrels with the father of Katerina. Burulbash does not like the father-in-law. He does not behave like a Cossack and a Christian. Men are enough for sabers and are fighting for a long time, then they take the muskets. Burulbasch bullet passes by, and the old man manages to hurt son-in-law. Then the boarlbash removes the gun from the wall. Katerina rushes to her husband and begging him to stop the sake of a one-year-old son. Danilo cools. He even asks for forgiveness from the old man, but he does not want to put up.


Katerina tells her husband's husband: her father is that terrible sorcerer. In the evening, Danilo notes that the light burns in one of the windows of the Black Castle. He goes to see what is happening there. Burulbash sees that the Father of Katerina descends to the river. Danilo watches him. The old man rents the boat and floats to the castle. Burulbash is selected to the lair of the sorcerer, but can not get inside. Then Danilo climbs onto the oak and looks into the window.

He sees how to eat in the room and turns into an ugly old man. The magician causes the soul of Katerina. She reproaches the father in the murder of the mother. The sorcerer requires the daughter to become his wife. The girl's soul with indignation refuses.


In the morning, Katerina again tells her husband's husband, but Danilo explains her that it really was. He regrets that he married a fragment of Antichrist. Katerina cries and reproaches her husband in cruelproof: after all, she did not choose their parents. Burulbash softens and promises that he will never leave her. Katerina refuses his father and swear, which will not have anything in common with such a terrible sinner.


The sorcerer is sitting in the basement of the house of Burulbash, chained in the chain. He was grabbed for collusion with lyhas, and the castle was burned. Tomorrow the sorcerer must execute. He can't get out of the basement, since it is the former Ski Skimnik.

Catherine passes by. The sorcerer begs the daughter to listen to him. He deserved a penalty, but now he is thinking about the salvation of the soul. The cunning warlock asks Katerina to release him and swear, which will go to the monastery. Katerina believes an old man and releases it. Only now a woman is aware of horror, which has done. Katerina falls without feelings.


A woman is afraid that her husband will kill her if he finds out about the liberation of his father. Danilo confirms these concerns. He says there is no such car, which is worthy of such an offense. But Burulbash believes that the sorcerer escaped with his charms. In the basement instead, they find an old stump in the skies.


In the roadside korchme you are lying with your xence. Drink, play cards, fade away, dance and loose, mock the cortonar. In drunken conversations, references to the farm Burulbash and his beauty-wife are heard. Unknown, apparently, they have conceived these lyhas.


Burulbash overcome bad premonitions, as if somewhere nearby his death goes. The Cossack Stretko runs and reports that they attacked the lihai. Long fighting, many enemies have chosen the Cossacks. Suddenly, Burulbash sees the father of his wife, who is aiming in it from the musket. Danilo rushes to the enemy, but falls, the baton. The sorcerer is hiding out of sight. Katerina Gorky treasures her husband. Dust flowed smoothly - this is in a hurry to help Esaul Gorobets.


The magician now lives in the dugout. He is gloomy - a lot of Lyakhov killed, the rest were captured. The sorcerer takes a pot with a potion and begins to cause Katerina's soul. Under the action of the spell, a white cloud appears, and an unfamiliar face appears in it. The sorcerer covers horror. He overturns the pot, and then the vision disappears.


Katerina and his son settled at Esaul. But there she cannot find peace. A woman sees a dream again in which the sorcerer threatens to kill the child if Katerina won't be his wife. Esaul calms the alarmed mother, he will not let the sorcerer into his house. At night, everyone is arranged in the same room, the Cossacks sleep under the door. But Katerina wakes up with a cry and runs to the cradle. It lies a dead child.


A huge rider appears in the Carpathians, dressed in the lats. With a peak and a saber on his side he rides on a horse through the mountains. But the eyes of the hero closed, and for his back - a sleeping child. Here, he boys on the highest mountain in the Carpathians and stops at its top. The clouds are covered by him from human eyes.


Katerina goes crazy. She calls his old nanny witch. It seems to her that the son is sleeping, and her husband was buried alive. Then the woman takes dancing and sings insane songs.

Guest comes to Esuulu. He claims to be friends with Katerina's husband, wants to see widow. Guest tells her about the campaigns with Danila, and Katerina listens to a man quite reasonable. But when Guest says that Burulbash punished him to marry Katerina, if he perits, a woman recognizes his father. Katerina rushes on it with a knife. The sorcerer manages to snatch the weapon from his daughter, kill her, and then hide.


In Kiev, it happens Divo: suddenly it became clear everything far away to the Carpathians. And on the highest mountain, a knight appears on horseback. The sorcerer knows the face that he saw during a burning. In a panic, he rushes to holy places.


The old man sits in his cell in front of the lamp. Suddenly, the sorcerer breaks down to him and begs to pray, but the spiker refuses. In the book, from where he reads prayers, the letters flooded with blood.

In the anger, the sorcerer kills the sample and rushes away. He intends to go to the Crimea to Tatars, but it turns out on the way to the Carpathians. No matter how hard the sorcerer trial to turn on the other side, he falsily moves to the mountains until the knight appears before him.

Bogatyr grabs a sorcerer and throws into a deep failure. The dead are immediately run away and the sorcerer's body is beginning to gnaw. The biggest dead man wants to rise from the ground, but can not do this. From his unsuccessful attempts are shaking the Earth.


In Glukhov, the Bandurist entertains the people. He talks about how two brothers lived in ancient times - Ivan and Petro. All they had robbed: both grief, and joy. Once the king announced that you need to capture Turkish Pasha. Who will take captivity, get a big award. The brothers try to try their luck in different directions.

Soon Ivan brought Pasha and received a reward. He immediately divided her with his brother, but Petro looked at Ivan's malice. When relatives passed by a deeply abyss, Petro collided his brother down with her horse and a little son, who was driving in his saddle. So he seized all wealth.

God invited Ivan to appoint Karu's brother. Ivan asked none of the descendants of Peter was happy. To live in the greatest sinners, and after death suffered terrible flour. And when the last in their family will die, Ivan will overthrow him into the abyss. The ancestors of this sinner will rise from the graves, and then the body of his relative will forever gnaw.

God agreed with terrible revenge, but Ivan ordered to stand on the mountain and look at his punishment. So it happened. Always stands on Mount Knight and looks down, where the dead gnawing the dead man.

The "terrible revenge" is a mystical story that entered the collection "Evening on the farm near Dikanka." The product dates back to 1831. Initially, it was called "terrible revenge, an old day,", but in subsequent editions, part of the name was abolished.

In the story, the Ukrainian life, customs, Zaporizhia Cossacks are described. The story is replete with images from Ukrainian folklore. With reading, it becomes obvious the influence of folk songs, parables and dum.

The Cossack is coming to the wedding of the Son of Esuula Gorobash - Danilo Burulbash with the young wife Katerina and a one-year-old son. The celebration was quite usually, but as soon as the Father made an icon to bless the newlyweds, one of the guests suddenly turned around the monster and escaped, frightened by images.

After this incident, the Father of Katerina suddenly declare, missing many years ago. Katerina is beginning to torment nightmares about the sorcerer, who escaped from the wedding, and there is her father. In dreams, he asks her daughter to give up her husband and love him. With his strange behavior, the father only confirms her fears: he does not eat anything and does not drink, except for some liquid from the bottle that wears with you. Cossacks because of this, too, begin to suspect something wrong.

At this time, sinister phenomena occur: the dead were the dead from the graves on the old cemetery, which spoke of terrible flour.

Exposure of the sorcerer, Danil's death and madness of Katerina

There was a quarrel between Danil and the test, which led to a fight, but Katerina managed to river her husband with his father. But Danilo still did not trust the strange test and decided to trace him. And not in vain. Once at night, the Cossack noticed that in an abandoned castle, which was all worried, light up the light in one of the windows. He went to the castle and saw through the window as a sorcerer, wrapped the monster, caused Katerina's soul and demanded that she would love him. But the soul was adamant.

Danilo grabbed the test and sharpened behind the bars fortified by the prayers of the priest so that any witchcraft in this dungeon was powerless. However, the sorcerer, playing on the feelings of his daughter and promising that he would hold stands into the monks, persuaded her to release it. Danilo does not recognize who freed the prisoner, and Katerina is experiencing strong experiences because of his act.

Meanwhile, the news came about the attack of Lyakhov on the farm. Danilo, volunteered by the forebrocerance of the ambulance, went to battle, Vella wife take care of the Son.

Intuition did not deceive the Cossack. In the field of Brahi Danilo suddenly noticed in the ranks of his father's opponent. Deciding to deal with the sorcerer, Danilo rushed to him, but the sorcerer killed the son-in-law with an exact shot.

Katerina, having received the news of the death of her husband, began to see nightmares again. In dreams she was a father demanding to become his wife. In case of refusal, he threatened to kill her one year old son. Esaul Gorobets took the widow to his house, worked for his people to guard her and a child from the sorcerer. But one day at night, Katerina jumped out of bed with shouts: "He's slaughtered!" Going into the room, she really saw a dead baby in a crib.

It is not able to cope with the grief from the loss of a husband and a son, Katerina lost the reason: dismissed braids, sang and danced the half-range among the street. Soon she secretly escaped from Eaaul home, on the farm.

After some time a man arrived on the farm. He told that he fought side by side with Danila and was his best friend. The man also stated that he was given his last will before his death: he asked his friend to take him widow in his wife.

Then Katerina realized that this Cossack was not at all her late husband. She recognized the hated sorcerer and rushed to him with a knife. But he grabbed his weapon from his daughter's hands and stabbed her, after which he escaped from the farm.

In our new article we prepared for you a brief content of Gogol "Taras". This great work is permeated with the spirit of heroism and respect for the great soldiers of the Zaporizhzhya Schash.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the truthful comedy of Gogol "Auditor", where the author drew a picture of universal fraud, bribery and arbitrariness of Russia, images of communions and bribes who became the heroes of his play.

After that, a strange phenomenon appeared near Kiev: suddenly the Carpathians were visible. On the mountain road, Katerina's father rushed on the horse, trying to leave the rider with closed eyes. The sorcerer discovered the cave in which the Schermnik lived (monk-rejection). The killer appealed to him with a request to let him go. However, the Skimnik refused, because sins were too grave. Then the sorcerer killed a spiker and again went into the run, but whatever he would drive, any led him to the Carpathian mountains and the rider with his eyes closed. Finally, the rider caught the sorcerer and killed.

Then I saw the sorcerer, how the dead began to appear around with faces like his own. And they began to nibble his flesh.

Union: Bandurist Song

The reasons for the whole occurrence are clear from the song of Old Bandurist. He tells the story of two brothers, Peter and Ivan, who lived long before the events described. It becomes clear from this story that the fate of Katerina, her father, her husband and son was long been predicted.

One day, the King Stepan promised a generous remuneration to someone who can catch Pasha, who could cut the entire regiment with one to dozen Yanychar. The brothers decided to take up this mission. Ivan smiled good luck, and he received a reward, but from generosity decided to give his brother half. However, the pride of Peter was still to be bored, because of what he was removed to take revenge on his brother. When they rode the land donated by Stepan, Petro dropped Ivan from the cliff with the child, whom he was driving. Ivan clinched for the bitches during the fall and began to pray to spare at least the Son, but the brother threw them into the abyss.

When Ivan after death appeared before God, he asked the terrible fate for Peter and his descendants: none of them would be happy, and the last of the kind of brother would become such a monster, which light did not see. After death, his flesh will be born ancestors for the whole eternity. Petro himself will lie in the ground, too, breaking the descendant, but will not be able to get up, from which the own flesh will be nibble and experience terrible flour.

Effect of work
Gogol's "terrible revenge" is considered to be one of the significant works of the early period of the author's creativity. It was she who prompted V. Rozanov to create a "mystical page from Gogol", influenced the creation of A. Reizov "Dreams and Presense". A. White and Yu. Mann dedicated to the "terrible revenge" pages of some of their works.

  • Description of nature, which schoolchildren ask to learn by heart in the framework of the work of Creativity N. V. Gogol, is part of the story of "terrible revenge."
  • The surname Gorobets is also wearing one of the characters of the second plan.
  • King Stepan, to whom the Ivan and Peter brothers are served - a real person. The King of Polish and Grand Duke Lithuanian Stephen Batorium is meant. He gave a resolution of Cossacks to independently choose the hetman and distribute other high positions. Stephen also helped the Cossacks with the Organization. There is a historical confirmation of the episode of the story, in which the king is referenceing to the brothers Ivan and Peter Land Putners. Stefan Batori really gave the lands of the hearing Cossacks. The story is mentioned by the war with the Turks, which is also a historical fact.
  • The period in which the basic narration occurs, refers to the time of the Board of the hetman Sagaidachny (the first half of the XVII century). The story about Peter and Ivana occurred in about the middle of the XVI century.

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In Kiev, celebrates the wedding of Son Esaul Gorobets. Honorary Guests at the Wedding - Bold Cossack Ataman Pan Danilo Burulbash with his wife Katerina. In the midst of the noisy fun, the Gorobets takes out and raises two vintage icons to bless young. But from the festive crowd there are horror cries: at the sight of icons, one of the Cossacks standing among the people of the people suddenly turns into a terrible humpback old man with a long fang in the mouth. Climbing your teeth, the old man disappears. Older people say that this old man is a long-known damn sorcerer, whose appearance always foreshadows misfortune.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter II - Summary

Danilo Burulbash with his Cossacks and his wife, Katerina floats on the boat on the Dnieper home from Kiev, guessing that the sorcerer brought at the wedding misfortune. Not far from the farm of Danils on the other side of the Dnieper is a gloomy old castle, and near him - a cemetery with dilapidated crosses. When the Cossacks swim past them, three dead men risen from the graves. They shrill shout: "It is stuffy for me!" - And again disappear. Grave Duma Rubet Burulbasch is stronger. He really does not like recently who came to visit them from a foreign land, the sullen, harsh father of Katerina, who does not look like the Cossack with his chassis at all.

Gogol. Scary revenge. Audiobnig

"Scary Revenge", Chapter III - Summary

The next day, on the farm, Pan Danilles are gloomy, the mysterious Father of Katerina begins rudely asking her daughter and son-in-law, why they returned home so late yesterday. A quarrel boats between him and the borulbash. Danilo indignant: Why does the father-in-law goes to church? Both Cossacks begin to beat on the sabers, and then shoot each other from muskets. The battle is stopped by insincere reconciliation only because of the tears of Katerina's tears.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter IV - Summary

Another day, later, Katerina tells her husband that she had a dream, as if he was the sorcerer, who appeared to people in Kiev - her father, and as if he persuaded her to marry him. Katerina and Burulbash sit down to dine, calling and father. At dinner Danila was divided into: the father-in-law does not want to eat Christian dick, bearing and pork, like a Muslim or liquid.

In the evening, Burulbash looks out the window and notices that in the gloomy lock on the side of the Dnieper, the window caught fire. Taking with me the Cossack Stretko, he goes to the river. Starting in the thickets of the thorns, they suddenly see how the father of Katerina passes by them in the same direction. It is recreated through the Dnieper and hides in sight near the castle.

Scary revenge. Cartoon on the story of N. V. Gogol

Stetka and Burulbash follow him. The Wall of the castle Pan Danilo climbs on a high oak and sees a creek room through the window, covered with mysterious light, with incomprehensible signs on the walls where the bats fly. Father of Katerina appears in the room - and turns into the very sorcerer, which appeared in Kiev.

The sorcerer creates the spell and appears to be woven from the air fog of his daughter's soul. Knowing clearly more than Katerina itself, the soul begins to accuse the Father: Why did he kill her mother? Why continues to create terrible villains? The soul places, noticing the boarlobas looking into the window. And Pan Danilo quickly descends from the oak and returns home.

Gogol "terrible revenge." Lithography V. Makovsky

"Terrible revenge", chapter V - summary

Burulbash tells Katerina about his night trip, and it turns out that everything that happened in the magic room of the old castle she saw in a dream. Danilo is convinced: his father-in-law is a villain and a bogoto.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter VI - Summary

By order, the Burulbasha Cossacks throw a sorcerer into a deep basement. The next day is waiting for a terrible execution. In the longing sits chained in the chain sorcerer and sees: his daughter, Katerina go past. With a hot passion, he begins to persuade Katerina to unlock the basement Castle, saying that he was not afraid of the execution, but eternal flour on the world for the defeated villains. Father convinces the daughter that if she releases him, he will go to the monastery and grave mobility with at least part of his sins. Gone to female weakness, Katerina releases the father-sorcerer - and faints the dunger's door.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter VII - Summary

Waking up, Katerina sees that his father disappeared. No one knows what she herself released him.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter VIII - Summary

In Korchma, armed lies are going to the borulbash farm. In the middle of the beach, the card game and vile dancing they are preparing to attack the Cossack Earth.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter IX - Summary

Pan Danilo sits at the table and in the sad premonition of a close death tells Katerina about his former Cossack feats. The held servant informs him about the approximation of many Lyakhov. At the head of its Cossacks, Burulbash leaves on horseback and heroically beating with cruel enemies. In the midst of the battle at the next hill, the father of Katerina appears, he shoots the son-in-law from the musket and kills him. Flooded from the house, Katerina with sobs rolled on the body of her husband, and Lyakhov turns to the flight at the help of ESAUL Gorobets.

"Scary revenge", chapter X - summary

Gogol gives the head of the "terrible place" the famous poetic description of the Dnieper with quiet weather and in the storm. In the middle of the storm in a secluded place moored by the boat to the shore of the sorcerer. Going to a secret dug among burnt stumps, he begins to create spells. A white cloud is condensed before him, and a familiar sorcerer is clearly discussed in it. Seeing him, the villain whites, as a canvas, and shouts by a wild voice.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter XI - Summary

Katerina in Kiev tells Esuulu Gorobsu on his new terrible dreams. The father again was a daughter in them, demanded married him and threatened in case of refusal to kill her baby-son from Danil. Gorobets promises to defend Katerina, but the same night of her child are coiled in the cradle.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter XII - Summary

Between Poland, Hungary and Malorossee are high Carpathian Mountains. At night, on the tops of the mountains rides a huge rudeness of sleeping knight, holding the reins in his hand from the horse, on which behind him - also in a dream - the babe of the baby ...

"Scary Revenge", Chapter XIII - Summary

Katerina, half losing the reason, wanders on thick dumbers, crucial songs about the killed Cossacks. Early in the morning, a statutory young guest comes to her the farm, saying that he was an old fighting companion of the fallen Pan of Danil. Their friendship was allegedly so strong that Burulbash even bequeathed him to take Katerina's wives if she remains a widow. Katerina looks at the arrival - and suddenly understands that this is her father. She rushes on him with a knife, but he disappears from the view.

"Scary Revenge", Chapter XIV - Summary

In Kiev, the people are divided by a miracle: a wide, majestic picture of countries neighboring countries and land opens in the sky. Among them are the Carpathian Mountains, and on them - a rider with closed eyes. The sorcerer also sees this picture and recognizes the face of the knight: it was it that he was with a recent majority in the dump truck at Dnipro. The hair on the head of the sorcerer rose on the horror. Shrill, like a sacred, he jumps up on horseback and swirl rushes to Kiev, to holy places.

"Scary revenge", chapter XV - summary

The sorcerer breaks into the cave to the Kiev Schermnik and asks to pray for his sinful, deceased soul. The Schermnik unfolds his book, but sees that the holy letters in it flooded - it means there is no sinner and there will be no forgiveness. The sorcerer kills the Schermnik, jumps back to the horse and tries to get to the Tatar to the Crimea, but the horse, contrary to his will, drives straight to the Carpathian Mountains. Near them, the mountain clouds are cleaned at once, and a huge rider appears before the sorcerer in terrible magnitude. Shooting, he grabs the damned wizard with his hand, from which he immediately dies. From Kiev to the Carpathians rose from the graves similar face with the sorcerer of the Dead. The rider, again shook, throws the body of Katerina's father in the abyss. There are also the dead, starting with the teeth gnawing the corpse of the sorcerer. And one is the most terrible dead man grieved in the ground, but in his huge growth can not rise out of her.

Gogol "terrible revenge." Lithograph I. Kramsky

"Terrible revenge", chapter XVI - summary

In the final, the XVI chapter of "terrible revenge", Gogol explains the essence of the sin of the sorcerer. In the city of Glukhova, Bandurist tells people a legend as two friends-Cossacks, Ivan and Petro lived in the old days. For a long time they were inseparable, as brothers, until Ivan caught on the orders of King Stephen, the Batory of one glorious Turkish Pasha. Half the Ivan received for this salary shared with Peter, but that black envy envied the feat, performed by his best friend. She hated Petro Ivan and once on the mountain road pushed him into the abyss along with the baby. Ivan managed to grab the bitter and with his son, he began to climb up, but Petro, not squeezed to the prayer of a friend, the peak pushed them both back.

The king of Heavenly asked the soul of Ivan, whatever the flour she self appointed Judea-Petro. And Ivan Ivan, so that God would curse the whole of Petro. Let the latter in this family be such a villain so that his grandfathers and great-grandfather in their cersis because of his sins, and Petro tormented the flour to the greatest: ate ground, unable to rise from her.

And God agreed when the highest measure of the villains of the latter from the genus Petro, commit terrible revenge : Raise Ivan with the murdered son from the coffin on the high mountain, lead to a sorcerer to him, so that it could be innocently killed to throw a villain in a deep abyss. And grandfathers and great-grandfathers, coming out of the graves, will torment him in this abyss of the teeth - except for Petro himself, which in the ground can only nibble himself ...


Noise, threatening the end of Kiev: Estaul Gorobets celebrates his son's wedding. A lot of people have come to visit Esuulu. In the old days they loved to eat well, they loved to drink even better, and even better loved to have fun. He arrived at the cote of his and Zaporozhets Mikitka directly from a ragged booze with a raving fields where he was seven days and seven nights of the royal gentle of red wine. The named Brother Essula came, Danilo Burulbash, from the other shore of the Dnieper, where, in front of the two mountains, he was his farm, with the young wife, Katerina and with an annual son. Guests to the White Pani Pani Pani, black, like a German velvet, eyebrows, elegant clips and a blue semi-bench, boots with silver horseshoes; But even more was that the old father did not come along with her. Just only a year he lived on the rearprovier, and twenty one disappeared and grew up to his daughter, when she married and gave birth to her son. He, right, would have grown out a lot. Yes, as not to tell, formerly so long in someone else's land! Everything is wrong there: and people are not those, and there are no churches of Christ ... But he did not come. Guests were brought to Varenuhu with raisins and plums and a cordic dish. The musicians began to argue him, sintered along with money, and, while having embarrassed, the cymbals, hidridges and tambourines put themselves near themselves. Meanwhile, the Miloders and the Divechat, after strangling with spikes, performed again from their rows; And the Boxes, clutching into Boki, proudly looking at the sides, were ready to go to meet them, - as the old Esaul carried out two icons to bless young. Those icons went to him from an honest spiker, the elder of the Bartholomew. Utensils are not rich on them, neither silver nor gold burns, but no unclean force will not dare to touch the one in the house. Raising the icons up, Esaul was preparing to say a short prayer ... As suddenly they shouted, kids playing on Earth; And after them, the people backed up, and everyone showed with the fear of the Kozak standing in the middle of them. Who he is like - no one knew. But he already told the Kozachka to glory and had already managed to embrace his crowd. When Esaul raised the icons, suddenly all his face changed: the nose rose and leaned over the side, instead of Karich, jumped up the green eyes, the lips were zasineli, the chin trembled and sharpened, like a spear, the mouth ran out, from behind the head rose, and became a Kozak - an old man. - It is he! It is he! - shouted in the crowd, closely pressing each other. - The sorcerer seemed again! - I shouted my mother, grabbing their children. Great and Sanovito spoke forward Esaul and told a loud voice, putting an icon against him: - Progress, the image of Satan, there is no place here! - And, Zashipev and clicking like a wolf, teeth, a wonderful old man disappeared. Let's go, went and loose as the sea in bad weather, and speech between the people. - What is this sorcerer? - Ask young and unprecedented people. - The trouble will be! - They spoke old, twist heads. And everywhere, throughout the wide house of Esoula, began to gather in a bunch and listen to stories about the wonderful sorcerer. But everyone almost told different, and probably no one could tell about him. The courtyard was riveted on the courtyard and not a little put a bucket of walnut wine. Everything was cheating again. Musicians were killed; Divechat, Molod, Lychy Catheress in Bright Towns rushed. Ninetyly years old and centenary, poured, settled and walked for himself, remembering missing the missing years. They drank until late at night, and saw as they are no longer shed. There were guests to diverge, but little walked Eusoisi: a lot remained to spend the night from Esaul on a wide yard; And even more of the goal fell asleep itself, non-crumb, under benches, on the floor, near the horse, near the chlev; Where the Kozatskaya Head was shaken, and she lies and snoring on all Kiev.

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