A simple script for the new year for children. Funny and modern scenes for the new year for children

The buildings 10.10.2019
The buildings

This New Year's script for kindergarten or elementary school plays up the upcoming Year of the Dog. But the scenario of the New Year's party can be changed - adapt it for a home holiday or change characters. After all, the main thing in the scenario for the New Year is a fun intrigue and a lot of New Year's songs and games, and in this scenario of the holiday there are even plenty of them!

The Magic Boiler, or New Year's Adventures of the Dog Toshka


Doggy Toshka
Cockerel Stepan
Swamp swell
Lokhudra forest
Father Frost
Snow Maiden

Children stand in a round dance. There are lights on the tree. Solemn music sounds, voice-over.

GZK: Attention! Attention!
Is brought to the attention
Everyone who came early
And those who are late
What's in a few minutes
(Minutes go by fast)
We start the show
Surprise to all viewers!
Hurry to us, hurry everyone
For the New Year's holiday!
We will start the show
For you, friends, today.
Let's tell the truth, as it is
Or how it should happen.
Hurry everyone - there is a possibility
You will find yourself in a fairy tale!

The song "In the New Year's Forest" sounds (lyrics by E. Shklovsky, music by A. Varlamov, performed by the show group "Smile")

New Year's stars hung on a cheerful Christmas tree,
And the bear is cheerful today, and the wolves are dancing.
Again Santa Claus walks through the forest apartments,
He treats with lollipops, creamy ice cream.
Squirrels are dancing, hares are dancing,
Very happy forest people
Meet with song, meet with dance
New Year!

The cockerel Stepan and the dog Toshka run out onto the stage.

Stepan: A clean forest, a blizzard field,
The winter holiday is upon us!

Toshka: So let's say together:
Hello, hello New Year!

Toshka: Boys and girls, let me introduce myself: I'm a dog Toshka, I came to visit you for a whole year.

Cockerel: And I'm a cockerel Stepan, I've been living with Grandfather Frost for twelve months now.

Toshka: Stepan, can I say hello to the guys the way only dogs can do it?

Stepan: Of course, Toshka!

Toshka: Then, guys, prepared spouts. Twist your tails! And now they turned to each other and rubbed their noses with their neighbors, twirled their tails and barked loudly, joyfully. Go!

Cheerful music sounds. Toshka runs around the hall and thus greets the guys.

Toshka: Great, so we said hello like real dogs! Guys, are you ready for the New Year? (Children answer.). But I’ll check this now, see how friendly and attentive you are. We repeat the movements after me!

The game "Clap-stomp" - Toshka and Stepan show movements to rhythmic music, and the guys repeat.

One, two, clap, clap!
Three, four, stomp, stomp!
One, two, smile!
Three, four, pull up!
jumped high,
Legs kicked,
Shouted "Hi!" each other,
Everyone turned around.
Right, left leaning
And they bowed to each other.
And now the knees together -
We start running in place.
Run fast, run fast.
All finished. Tired?

Stepan: Well done guys, and now let's sing one New Year's song with us. Sing together, and then you will find out who will come to us for the holiday!

The song "New Year is Coming!" sing in roles.

The New Year is coming!
You can hear the snow falling.
Someone walks at the gate
He has a big bag.
Maybe it's Barmaley? (The guys and Stepan answer "No, no, no!")
Maybe Koschey is wandering around here? ("No no no!")
Maybe Cinderella has arrived? ("No no no!")
Did Yaga come to us? ("No no no!")
(Father Frost.)

The New Year is coming!
Who comes to us with a staff,
He sings about the Christmas tree
Everyone at home is waiting for him.
Maybe it's a crocodile? ("No no no!")
Maybe it's Moidodyr? ("No no no!")
Harry Potter has arrived? ("No no no!")
Serpent Gorynych flew in? ("No no no!")
How to answer the question? Who is this? (Father Frost.)

The New Year is coming!
Means, old year will leave.
Who will come to the holiday to us
And bring gifts?
Maybe it's Aibolit? ("No no no!")
Pinocchio is in a hurry to us? ("No no no!")
Maybe just a freshman? ("No no no!")
So this is Cheburashka? ("No no no!")
How to answer the question? Who is this? (Father Frost.)

Stepan: That's right, Santa Claus. Let's all call him together for a holiday. (The name is Santa Claus.)

The radio jingle "Magpie Plus" sounds.

Magpie Voice: Attention, attention, says DJ Soroka-Beloboka. I greet you on the waves of radio "Soroka Plus". Urgent message: a truck with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden got stuck somewhere on the Nizhnekamsk highway, help is needed! Help, help! Toshka and Stepan, help!

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Toshka: Guys, we urgently need to run, help Santa Claus, something happened to him.

Stepan: Don't be bored, we're fast!

They run away. On stage under contemporary music two forest girls come out.

Swell: I told you, listen to me Lokhudra, me, clever, me, capable.

Lokhudra: It's a great idea you came up with - to put a board with nails on the road. Now, until Santa Claus gets here, we'll do the whole thing here!

Swell: Quiet, look how many spies. (Points to the guys.) Well, hello, guys - girls and boys. Let's get to know each other, swamp swell and forest Lokhudra are your guests!

Lokhudra: Well, why are you silent, didn’t they teach you how to say hello? And let's say hello, in my opinion, in a lokhudrovsky way. So, get ready:

The game "Smile to the neighbor on the right": Lokhudra shows, the children are reluctant to repeat.

Smile at the neighbor on the right.
Smile at the neighbor on the left.
Pinch the neighbor on the right.
Pinch the neighbor on the left.
Scold the neighbor on the right.
Scold the neighbor on the left.
Slightly kick the neighbor on the right.
Slightly kick the neighbor on the left.
Bite the neighbor on the right...

Swell: (interrupts). Everything, everything, that's enough. That said hello, now it's time to act.

Lokhudra: But how to act?

Swell: We need to come up with something so that the New Year does not exist at all.

Lokhudra: Listen, forest swell, does Santa Claus have a false jaw?

Swell: I don't know what?

Lokhudra: And the fact that if we slam this false jaw, well, steal it, then Santa Claus will not be able to speak at all. He will come to congratulate the guys, he will want to say: “Congratulations on the New Year, I wish you happiness and joy,” and instead he will get one a-o-s-e, yes a-o-u-e (Grim, depicts Santa Claus.)

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Swell: Here it is - done! Now ours will definitely take it, follow me!

They run away. Stepan and Toshka appear.

Stepan: That's bad luck, guys, we did not find Santa Claus.

Toshka: What are we to do, friends?
We can't live without Frost!

Stepan: Just do not despair, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will definitely come to us for the holiday. Guys, do you know how not to behave when Santa Claus comes? Let's practice.

The cockerel offers to perform the famous song-game "If you like it, then do it" with other words: "If Santa Claus comes, don't do it."

If Santa Claus has come, don't do it...

If Santa Claus has come, it's very good.
If Santa Claus has come, don't do it...

Variants of gestures that should not be done: “threat with a fist”, “finger at the temple”, “show tongue”, “we threaten with a finger”.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Toshka: Faster, Stepan, we run into the forest. Guys, we will definitely find Santa Claus and his granddaughter!

They run away. Mysterious music sounds. Tsatsa and Lokhudra come out, carry a package.

Swell: Well, everything is in the bag! Now Santa Claus will definitely lose all his teeth. Look. (Takes out a large Chinese boiler from the parcel.) This is a gift from my water brother from China - a Chinese boiler. Well, turn it on. (Hurries.) Turn it on, turn it on, turn it on!

They turn on the boiler, put it in a bucket, gurgling sounds. There is a thunder, a roar. The lights on the tree go out.

Hooray! Now in about thirty minutes everything will melt and summer will come!

Lokhudra: Thing! I respect.

Swell: And then! Soon all the snow will melt, and what is the New Year without snow? No snow - no New Year.

Lokhudra: So guys, are you hot? Ah, it's baking! That's it, the cranes will soon arrive, the toads will croak.

Cheerful music sounds, Stepan and Toshka run out.

Stepan: Guys, we have good news for you, we found Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden!

Toshka: He will now distribute gifts to the squirrels and will immediately come to us. Guys, why is it so hot in here?

Swell: Hello, Flea! In general, you will not have a New Year ... at all!

Toshka: And why is that?

Lokhudra: Yes, because we have a super-mega Chinese boiler! And in exactly twenty minutes it will be summer! The birds will croak, the toads will fly!

Toshka: Yes I, yes I ... yes I will bite you for this (barks.)

Swell: But, but, be careful, poodle, I myself can bite anyone you want. But let's compete better: whoever wins will get the boiler.

Lokhudra: What are you, why?

swell(Lohudre): Yes, you are quiet. We need to stretch the time. (To the guys.) So, if you prove that you are dexterous, skillful, capable of anything, so be it: we will give you the boiler.

Stepan: Well, guys, let's prove it? (Children answer.) Otherwise, everything will melt and we will be left without a New Year. We agree!

Swell: Then let's start! First, I want to check how you can dance.

Toshka: Guys, let's dance a fun New Year's polka! And the movements there are as follows: turn to each other, stand in pairs, hold hands and repeat the movements after us! Heel-toe, heel-toe, all together we go to the middle! Heel-toe, heel-toe and all together we go back! We clap on the knees - one, two, three! Clap your hands - one, two, three! We clap on the knees - one, two, three! Clap your hands - one, two, three! Let's join hands and spin! Well done, now to the music!

Dance "Merry Polka"

Lokhudra: Yes, you dance well! Kids, do you like sports? Some of them are all small, thin, probably, and you don’t do exercises in the morning?

Toshka: And we do sports, and we do exercises! Guys, let's show how athletic we are!

Perform movements under the poem.

To always be healthy
To not lie in bed
To not be afraid of diseases
Gotta play sports!

Well, boys and girls,
We'll play football. (Playing football.)
One hit, another hit.
Finally scored a goal!

Together we got up on skis,
And we go, we go, we go. (They go skiing.)
Once a jerk, another jerk,
And now you are the champion!

And now we take a racket,
We beat the ball aptly. (They play tennis.)
One hit, another hit
, Your opponent sobbed!

And now everyone sat down together,
They took the barbell and - a push. (Raise bar.)
Once a jerk, another jerk,
New world record!

We are a hockey team
Sticks in hand and go! (They play hockey.)
One hit, another hit
Victory lies ahead!

Now let's dive into the pool
And we swim, we swim, we swim. (They float.)
Once a dive, another dive,

Lokhudra: And now you're a float! (Laughs)

Toshka: It's Santa Claus! Let's call him together! (The name is Santa Claus. Solemn music sounds, Santa Claus and his granddaughter come on stage.)

Father Frost: happy new year, happy new year
Congratulations to all guests!
How many faces around acquaintances,
How many of my friends are here.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! Oh, why are you so hot?

Stepan: The Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost, it’s all the Swamp Swell and Forest Lokhudra, they turned on the magic boiler, they want to spoil our holiday.

Swell: Hi Morozych! Right now, you'll be thawed out like a refrigerator! (Laughs.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, I'm melting!

Lokhudra: (screams happily) Look, look, the Snow Maiden has flowed!

Swell: My finest hour, until the onset of summer there is one minute left!

Toshka: Santa Claus, do something, one minute left!

Father Frost: Well, I'll try. I walked through the forest, I walked through the field and I met a bear-bear.

Stepan: Grandpa, it's winter now, bears must sleep!

Father Frost: That's right, cockerel, only these swamp boogers turned on the boiler, the bear woke up.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

The jingle "Magpie plus" sounds.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's invite a bear to our holiday? Let's all together, together! Three four...

Swell: (interrupts, screams) Stop! No tragedy! (Lohudra.) Why are you standing, cut down the boiler, otherwise the bear will break all parts of the body for us now.
(Lokhudra turns off the boiler, the howl of a blizzard.)

Snow Maiden: Oh, grandfather, somehow it became easier, frostier.

Lokhudra: Forgive us, Santa Claus,

Swell: You are welcome!

Lokhudra: And if you want, Frost, when summer comes, we will turn on the super-mega freezer, and you will celebrate two New Years.

Father Frost: No, you don't need a freezer. Well, guys, forgive them? (Children answer.) Okay, get into a round dance, just don't include anything else here.

Lokhudra: We won't, we won't, only if the TV. (They get up with the guys in a round dance.)

Father Frost: And now I want to check how the guys got ready for the New Year. Can you answer my riddles? (Children answer.) Then, my friends, do not yawn, answer in chorus together.

In the yard the snow is sweeping,
Holiday coming soon... (New Year)

The needles are soft,
Coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas trees)

On a fun skating rink
Falling from the sky... (Snowball)

Who painted the cheeks, nose?
Well, of course … (Father Frost)

Like soft fluff
Curly white ... (Snowflakes)

On these winter days
We will play… (Snowballs)

The stars dance
Holiday coming soon... (New Year)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, mess!

Father Frost: What happened, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden: The lights on our Christmas tree do not burn!

Father Frost: Oh, I'm an old fool - a head with a hole. Nothing, this is fixable, repeat everything together after me:

Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree. (Children repeat.)
Green needle.
Light up with red lights
Green and clear.
Shine in honor of the year of the former
And the coming year.
And now all together, together!
One, two, three - Christmas tree, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit.

Snow Maiden: The Christmas tree lit up with bright lights,
Sing and dance, have fun with us.

Lokhudra: Grandfather Frost, can Tsatsochka and I also play with the guys?

Father Frost: Well, try it, have fun guys.

Lokhudra: And this game is called "Snow Maidens and Frosts". Let's see who is more fun at the party, boys or girls.

All the girls at our holiday will be Snow Maidens, and the boys will be Frosts. So, who will slap whom? First, Frost clap their hands! Boys! (Boys clapping.) And now the Snow Maidens! Girls! (Girls clapping.)

Variants of tasks: who will “stomp” whom, “bark”, “bridge”, “shut up”.

Snow Maiden: Well done guys, well played! And now it's time to start our New Year's disco!

Disco program.

Snow Maiden: Well, well, friends, you need to say goodbye,
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart.
Let the New Year be celebrated together
Both adults and kids!

Father Frost: Yes, it's time to say goodbye
And we want to wish you:
Always eager to learn
Always willing to work
And never lose heart!

Toshka: And I wish you all good luck
In my happy year Canine!
When you hear a loud bark,
So make a wish!

Snow Maiden: A clean forest, a blizzard field,
The winter holiday is upon us.

Father Frost: So let's stand together
In the New Year's round dance!

The final song sounds, everyone leads a round dance.

Dmitry Filin


It's just outrageous, lokhudra ... Well, you need to come up with such a name, and even so that the child preschool and in the first grades wondered who it is? Dear author, your script should be sent for verification to the Ministry of Education!!!

14.12.2018 02:23:00, Lyubov Ivanovna

Comment on the article "New Year's scenario for children: many New Year's songs and games"

New Year's Eve ... Scenario of the New Year for the school. How to spend a New Year's holiday for children. New year - gangster party. Good afternoon everyone. Games for adults at the New Year's party. Section: (game guess a song about the new year for adults on questions).

light (blue) '82. These wicked men. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. Scenario of the New Year for children: a lot of New Year's songs and games. Snow Maiden: The lights on our Christmas tree do not burn!

Scenario of the family New Year. How to spend a home New Year's holiday for children and adults in the family circle. Family relay race: how to organize fun outdoor games in nature. Ideas for competitions, examples of slogans and design of emblems.

Scenario New Year for the school. How to spend a New Year's holiday for children. New Year's Eve ... Scenario for holding a New Year's party at school.

Yesterday my 5th grader had an NG light.
Of the competitions were:
1. Drawing on the board blindfolded the symbol of the year (2 people participate at the same time, the class determines the winner from the pair)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a verse.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to get from one end of the class to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed - puts a foot on it, then another sheet, the second leg on it, etc.
4. "Sticky": parts of the body are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and should stick to the previous participant in written parts. It turns out a funny caterpillar)

Scenario of the New Year - competitions for a children's holiday at school and at home. New Year's scenario - pirate Party with contests Not the best Games for kids. A gift for the New Year - new "Skylanders". 10 best children's books of 2014 and 10 Christmas gift ideas.


Ours just had a light: the "fashion show" competition - different, pre-prepared clothing items are piled up, two teams, on a signal, rush to disassemble and dress up their model, the condition is that there must be a headdress, some kind of top-shirt and accessories who will dress up better. Competition "magnetism", teams in a row, each cocktail straw, pulling the air with a straw from one to another, pass a paper napkin (should stick to the straw :)))), whose napkin will fall less and get to the last one faster player, hands do not help!

Number for the New Year's party. School. Child from 7 to 10. Number for the New Year's party. The son is a first grader. They asked for a matinee number for 3-5 minutes on NG (possible with mom).


tricks can be shown. Entourage is easy to do. There are spectacular tricks such as inflating a balloon with a bottle of vinegar and soda, coloring water in a transparent bottle in different colors, guessing the words and actions of the presenter (according to key words-tips. There are generally cool ones like cutting or hovering in the air .
The child shows, you assist.
A good number comes out if you prepare a simple prop - a box with fools, sew gloved hands on it, as if holding a box, and insert your hands into the box and stick out with a glove toy. The final impression is that the toy in the box is alive. Usually this the number delights even adults. Last year I did it with a talking fish.

I will do it myself a little later, I already know what suits our 5th graders and what does not. Remind me in a week, I'll throw it off.

First, the text is written with large quantity place for definitions. For example- On this... night... of the year, our... company... gathered in... the house... the name, which is also... the owner, and so on and so forth. No one sees the text except the presenter. The host asks those present to name adjectives, according to the number of gaps in the text. The more creatively the guests react to the choice of adjectives, the better it will turn out. Then everything is inserted into the text in order and read out.
The second idea is to play a scene from a song, and the point is that EVERY word should have its own actor, even prepositions, it turns out very funny.
Again, there are eternal forfeits, tasks can be selected on the desired topic.

The tradition of holding matinees in kindergartens and schools on the eve of the New Year in our country was formed at the beginning of the last century. And since then, kindergarteners and students of the younger and high school annually come up with a script and rehearse interesting, funny and modern New Year's scenes. Now, on the eve of matinees and winter holidays, teachers and educators are looking for scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school and high school students that both the children themselves and the guests of the holiday would like. And with the greatest joy, children and teenagers learn modern scenes with jokes and comic congratulations, as well as short KVN performances and mini scenes about the New Year. Our site contains scripts and videos of the funniest New Year's scenes for elementary school students, grades 5-7, high school students and for children up to school age which are sure to please modern kids and teenagers.

  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school
  • Funny and modern scenes for high school students for the New Year 2018
  • Sketches for the New Year 2018 - funny and modern for grades 5-7 of the school
  • Funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children
  • Funny short New Year's sketches for schoolchildren

Comic and funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school

Pupils in grades 1-4, unlike teenagers, sincerely believe in Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, so they prepare with all diligence for the New Year and enthusiastically learn New Year's songs, poems and funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for elementary school. And since modern children watch a lot of films and cartoons, their imagination in preparation for the festive event is almost limitless.

In order to interest children and make them want to participate in skits and theatrical performances dedicated to the New Year, it is important for teachers to draw up interesting scenario holiday. In this scenario, it is best to include active games and creative contests, modern scenes based on cartoons and films, and of course, a lot of presents from Santa Claus.

Modern funny scene "Battle of the Titans" for children 7-11 years old

Children of primary school age have a lot of energy and talents, which they will gladly demonstrate to teachers, classmates and parents. And the New Year's scene "Battle of the Titans", in which 8-13 children can take part, will give the kids the opportunity to fully reveal their talents and have fun at the festive matinee.

Characters: 2 grandfathers (Frost and Heat), Snow Gingerbread Man, Snow Maiden, Snake, Fireman, children (from 2 to 5 people).

Action one.

On the stage - scenery imitating snowdrifts. Children and the Snow Gingerbread Man appear. They bring a small Christmas tree, decorate it.

Snow Gingerbread Man: - Well, the Christmas tree is ready, Santa Claus will come soon with gifts.

Masha: - It's good that there is a New Year! It’s so beautiful around: snowflakes, fluffy snowdrifts… holiday, gifts…

Petya: - And in hot countries, we were told at school, there is no snow at all!

Masha: - How do they, poor things, live there? Without snow, Christmas trees, Santa Claus?

Snow Gingerbread Man: - I heard they have the main Grandfather Zhara there.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear and bring a globe.

Santa Claus: - Children, I heard your conversation. I'll tell you a secret: we have an agreement with Grandfather Zhara. His possessions are on the equator, mine are here. He has cacti, I have trees. We do not interfere in each other's affairs! Look!

He takes out a bag of snow (it can be confetti), carefully sprinkles snow on the globe, bypassing the equator.

- This is my magic snow, but I sprinkle it only on my possessions. Snow Maiden, hold the globe, it's time for me to go for gifts.

Santa Claus is leaving. The Snow Maiden and the children look thoughtfully at the globe.

Masha: Have the children who live at the equator ever seen snow?

Petya: - No, of course, there is only sand!

Snow Maiden: - And let's make them new year gift- snow surprise.

Children: - Great! Here they will rejoice!

The Snow Maiden takes magical snow and sprinkles it on the equator.

After that, everyone leaves.

Action two.

There are cacti on the stage, decorations imitating sand lie. There is a snake on the sand.

Suddenly it starts to snow. The snake screams:

- What's going on here? What is this powder?

Grandfather Heat enters: - It's snow! So I thought he would break the treaty! Well, Santa Claus, beware, now you will melt with me!

Together with the Snake, they take cacti and hit the road.

Action three.

There is a tree and snowdrifts on the stage again. Children play snowballs. Suddenly, Grandfather Heat and the Snake appear. They remove the Christmas tree, arrange cacti around the stage. Snowdrifts disappear (melt).

Snowball: What's going on? Why is it so hot? I'm growing up now!

Children loudly call Santa Claus. He comes, sees Grandfather Zhara:

Colleague, are you here? What fates? Has it overheated?

Grandfather Zhara: - You violated the contract. Why do I have snow at the equator now?

Santa Claus: - You definitely overheated. There can be no snow at the equator, every schoolchild knows this. Really, kids?

The children are silent, looking at the floor.

Snow Maiden: - Grandpa, I'm sorry, it's my fault, you left the globe and magic snow ... We wanted to surprise the children at the equator ...

Grandfather Heat: - And you succeeded! All right, enough talk. The agreement is no longer valid. Now here are my possessions. Children, take off your boots, it will be hot here soon.

Santa Claus: Forgive us, colleague. My granddaughter, young, inexperienced, has done things. And the kids are not to blame, out of the kindness of their hearts they wanted to surprise your children.

Grandfather Zhara: - And they surprised me. I even started to sneeze cacti, caught a cold. No, dear, I can not forgive this!

He gives a sign to the Snake, she grabs Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, ties them with a rope.

The snow bun hides in fear behind the backs of the children.

Masha: We must do something!

Petya: - They can melt! The heat is dangerous for them!

Snowball: - I have something in stock. Secret weapon.

Runs away.

Children: What have we done? Everything is lost. No Santa Claus, no New Year, no gifts, just cacti...

The Snow Gingerbread Man returns, with him goes the Fireman in a helmet and in large mittens.

— What happened? Is there a fire here?

Snowball: - Worse! We now have heat and cacti. Grandfather Zhara captured us.

The fireman comes up to Grandfather Heat, grabs him with his mittens: - Well, hello! You and I agreed that we would not interfere in your affairs, and you in ours. Do you remember at the last fire you promised me this? Why are you breaking the contract?

Grandfather Heat: - It's just a New Year's joke! Just don't spray me with a hose, please! I will release your Santa Claus!

Unties the prisoners.

Firefighter: - Now you understand that promises must be kept? That is great! And now - stop quarreling in the New Year! Reconcile immediately.

Grandfather Heat: - Everything, the world. Just don't hug. I'll catch a cold.

Santa Claus: - And I will melt.

Fireman: - Then we celebrate!

Cheerful New Year's music is turned on, everyone is dancing.

A very interesting and funny scene for the New Year for children in grades 1-2 - video

In the video below, you can watch an interesting scene prepared by the children of one of the Russian schools. In this skit, some fairy-tale characters were played by high school students, who took on the role of leaders. However, both primary school teachers and the kids themselves can cope with these roles.

Cool, funny modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students

High school students are often reluctant to take part in the preparation of school New Year's events, as traditional matinees seem boring and out of date to them. But it is very easy to change the attitude of teenagers to the school holiday - just invite them to play funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for high school students with actual jokes and jokes.

Also great idea will arrange a New Year's Eve in the style of a humorous show or KVN, where students will be able to laugh a lot themselves and make the guests of the event laugh. Moreover, part of the jokes and numbers can be found by the teacher, and part can be prepared by the high school students themselves. After all, perhaps one of the guys has a real talent for writing jokes and humorous scenes, and at the New Year's holiday everyone will see the first performance of the future Stand Up star.

New Year's skits for KVN on a festive evening - video

There are a lot of ideas for cool New Year's scenes, the humor of which will be understandable to modern high school students. And in the video below you can see the brightest and most interesting ideas for scenes for New Year's Eve in KVN format.

Scenario of a cool scene for the New Year for high school students

New Russian grandmothers, Matryona and Flower are recognizable characters in our country. Therefore, the images of these heroines can be used to stage a New Year's skit at a festive event in high school. Teenagers will surely like funny scenes with congratulations and modern jokes, and they will be happy to take part in the performance. And here we will provide exemplary scenario sketches for the New Year 2019 for high school students about new Russian grandmas.

(Grandmothers come, immediately go to the Christmas tree. Matryona in the costume of a Snowflake, Flower - Squirrel.)

Matryona: Well, you see, Little Flower, the Christmas tree is real, and you - deceived, deceived ...

Flower: Yeah! .. She is the most, just like in childhood, wow! I'm just worried about everything - the rhyme flies out of my head, and without a rhyme Santa Claus will not give a gift! .. (sobs)

Matryona: Come on, don't worry, Grandfather Frost will give you a discount on your sclerosis!

Flower: Yeah ... if only they would have made a discount on it in stores, or at least in pharmacies! ..

Matryona: Oh, dreaming! So, and we already have a discount, minus 30% of the pension, have you forgotten?

Flower: Well, yes, well, yes ... (examining Matryona) And you, Matryon, what kind of New Year's costume is this?

Matryona: Well, don't you see? (proudly) Snowflake!

Flower: Yeah... Oh, I don't know... You're too old, in my opinion, for a snowflake, well, if only a snowwoman...

Matryona: You are a grandmother! Yes, look at yourself! Here you are - who?

Flower: (embarrassed) Squirrel...

Matryona: I would tell you what a squirrel, but there will be tears - Santa Claus will have all his boots soaked!

Flower: (crying)

Matryona: All right, everything, calm down! (stroking her)

Flower: Listen, Matryon ... (embarrassed)

Matryona: Well, let's talk already, she was embarrassed, how red the girl is!

Flower: Matryon, tell me, do you believe in Santa Claus?

Matryona: As a child, I really believed! When I was young, I had some doubts, but now I believe again!

Matryona: (with irony) Of course! Only a miracle can now change our lives for the better! Well, where is Santa Claus, to whom to tell poems? Until my memory faded!

flower : Come on, get out, let's tell everyone!

Together: Happy New Year!

We wish you all good health!

May this New Year

Bring good luck to everyone!

Sketches for the New Year 2019 for grades 5-7 of the school - funny and modern ideas

Sketches for the New Year 2019 for grades 5-7 of the school can be funny and modern, fabulous and comic, in the form of a short dialogue or a theatrical performance, with jokes and serious ones. Children of middle school age are happy to participate in amateur performances, and often even argue among themselves for the best roles in artistic performances at matinees.

In order for each student to be able to demonstrate their talents, it is necessary to select such funny and modern scenes for the scenario of the New Year's party, in which many students participate. And of course, the teacher should give the children the opportunity to choose their own role in the New Year's scene, and, if desired, supplement its plot with a funny joke or a beautiful congratulation.

Video with funny and original New Year's scenes for high school students

Get interesting and original ideas modern scenes for the New Year for students in grades 5-7 of the school can be found in the videos below. These videos were filmed in conventional Russian schools, which means that middle school students of any school will be able to organize and stage an artistic performance no less talentedly and with humor than in the video.

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children based on fairy tales

Whatever is fashionable this year, Russian folk tales remain relevant at all times. Therefore, funny and modern scenes for the New Year for children cannot be imagined without famous fairy-tale characters - Baba Yaga, Kolobok, Wolf, Bunny, Three Pigs. Moreover, the children themselves are very fond of imagining themselves as heroes of fairy tales and are happy to prepare costumes, learn their roles and take part in staging such scenes.

Very funny scene of Baba Yaga for children

Baba Yaga is one of the most famous characters in children's fairy tales, and modern children are not afraid of a grandmother living in a hut, but laugh at her. And some girls New Year's party at school or kindergarten dress up not as princesses or snowflakes, but as grandmas Ezhkas. Therefore, the scene of Baba Yaga for children, the script of which is given below, will be relevant at any children's holiday dedicated to the New Year.

(Baba Yaga comes out)

Did you recognize Grandma Yozhka?

Why didn't they call me?

Well, tea is also a person,

Even though I'm already a century old.

And even though I'm old, I know

I'm such an entertainer.

I compose for you now

Amazing story.

you help a little

Nice to ask!

(Children in chorus ask Baba Yaga to tell a fairy tale)

... That's it, the fairy tale is ready ...

(Reads a story)

Here the story ends

Now let's dance.

Don't be lazy, don't sit

Break up your bones.

Don't sit still.

Tea is not two hundred for you!

I have something for you.

Here I beg you, lottery.

Pull the ticket first

Is there a gain or not?

Don't look far.

Tea I'm good Yaga!

(A win-win lottery is held - each child pulls out some sweetness from Santa Claus's bag)

It's fun with you, funny,

But we need to say goodbye quickly.

Don't be angry when

I love you dearly!

Kiss, smack, smack over the shoulder!

Scene for children for the New Year "Three Little Pigs" - video

Another interesting and funny scene based on fairy tales new way for children - the scene "Three Little Pigs". This scene can be played both at a matinee in a kindergarten or school, and at a home celebration of the New Year.

New Year's sketches for schoolchildren - funny and short creative numbers

Many schoolchildren want to prepare their own skits and artistic performances for the New Year's party. And as a rule, children prepare such numbers together or three together - together with best friends. For such cases, short and funny New Year's skits for schoolchildren for a company of 3 people will come in handy. Scenarios of such short scenes are given below.

Scene "Tested way"

Daughter: - Mom, do you think dad will give you a fur coat for the New Year?

Mom: Probably not. It is very expensive.

Son: - Have you tried lying on the floor, yelling and kicking? I checked it works!

Scene "Things must be planned in advance"

The snail slowly crawls along the tree, on the way it meets a worm.

Worm: - Happy New Year, snail! Where are you heading?

Snail: - I’m crawling for berries, otherwise I didn’t have time last time, they ate everything before me.

Worm: - What berries? Winter, New Year! They will only be in the summer.

Snail: - And now I'm smart, I left in advance! I'll definitely make it by summer!

Scene "Excellent teacher"

Child: - Yeshkin cat!

Mom: Son! Who taught you such a bad word?

Child: Santa Claus! I heard him say this when he tripped over a bicycle in my room at night.

Sketches for the New Year - an opportunity for children to show their imagination and demonstrate their talents

Funny and modern scenes for the New Year 2019 for children, rehearsed under the guidance of their beloved teacher, is a great opportunity for schoolchildren to demonstrate their talents and acting inclinations to classmates, teachers and parents. Short and funny New Year's skits will be easy to learn and play for elementary school students, and scripts are suitable for high school students cool scenes with up-to-date humour. The main thing for teachers is to give children the opportunity to choose interesting scenes and roles, as well as allow them to show their imagination when creating a festive image, because already for grades 5-7 of the school this task will not be difficult, but on the contrary, it will allow children to feel like adults and reveal the talent of an artist in themselves.

Christmas decorations, homemade snowflakes, frosty patterns on glass, congratulations from Santa Claus and gifts tied with beautiful ribbons... Children have been waiting for all these little things for a whole year. But the most important thing for them is, of course, an unforgettable holiday!

Games for children 3-5 years old

Not a single children's holiday can do without games and competitions in dexterity, speed, luck. If your kids are still playing mother-daughter and building castles in kindergarten, they will surely enjoy these seemingly simple fun.


For the game, prepare a real New Year's ice hole: let it be a hoop to which a fabric is attached, a huge box (for example, from under a TV or a refrigerator), an old children's playpen, a large bag or suitcase, or just a place fenced with ribbons or ropes. In addition, stock up on small gifts (keychain, pencil, eraser, tiny toy, magnet), pack them in miniature boxes and attach a wire hook or eyelet to each.

  • Tell the children that Santa Claus decided to go fishing and boxes with gifts fell into his hole. There were so many gifts that Grandfather could not pull them out. He needs help guys.
  • Give each assistant a "fishing rod" - any stick with a hook at the end will replace it. At the signal of the presenter, the music turns on and the children begin to pull out the boxes from the "hole", hooking on the loops with a hook. Wait for each of the children to pick up at least one gift for their bait, and then turn off the music. This is a signal that the "fishing" is over, and the guys can open their gifts.


For the competition you will need "snowballs", two buckets different colors, scoops according to the number of participants.

  • With the help of a fun New Year's rhyme, divide the children into teams, for example, "bunnies" and "bears". Together, choose a captain and give him a bucket, and all players - scoops (or shovels).
  • "Snowballs" scatter on the floor of the room. At the signal of the presenter, the music is turned on and the competition begins. Each child must use a scoop to pick up a "snowball" and bring it to their team's bucket. Agree that at a time you can take only one "snowball" and only with a scoop without the help of a second hand.
  • The contest lasts as long as the music is playing. As soon as the melody is over, all the players return to their buckets, and the leader counts how many "snowballs" each team has collected, and announces the winner.

How to make snowballs
For 20 "snowballs" you will need:

  • 20 sheets of A4 white paper
  • several packs of cotton
  • starch
  • oilcloth or plastic wrap
  • Brew a cool solution of starch. Crumple a sheet of white paper into a tight lump and wrap it with cotton wool. Dip the resulting "snowball" in starch. Put the finished "snowballs" on oilcloth or bags and place them near the radiator or cooling oven. As the starch dries, turn your snowballs over so they dry evenly.
  • If you don’t have time to make “snowballs”, they can be replaced by ping-pong balls, a synthetic winterizer twisted into lumps (for density, you can wrap it with gauze), white pompoms, or even crumpled foil.


The host (Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden or one of the adults) is put on a large mitten on his hand - it can be made especially for the holiday (sew or knit a bright mitten with New Year's motifs or draw it on a sheet of thick cardboard).

  • The rules of the game are the same as in ordinary tags: on a signal, the children scatter, and the leader has to catch up and overdo the kids with his magic mitten. The salted ones sit under the Christmas tree, and the last and, therefore, the most dexterous and nimble baby is declared the winner.
  • Another option for salads. Take mittens of two colors. The participants of the game stand in a circle. We choose two leaders with a counting, give each one a mitten and put them in a circle opposite each other.
    On a signal, the children begin to pass mittens to each other. The red one will "run away", and the blue one will "catch up". Children should hand over the mittens as soon as possible so that they do not "meet". The participant, in whose hands the blue mitten overtakes the red one, is out of the game, and the game starts over.

What else to entertain kids?

  • At a holiday for kids, you can’t do without a traditional round dance. But you can complicate the task for the kids if you offer not just to hold hands, but to change the position of the arms and legs. "Let's now put our hand on the neighbor's shoulder," the host commands. "And now let's hug each other by the waist!" Let the round dance move in different sides- to the right, to the left, to the center and back, and the children hold on to each other's little fingers, elbows.
  • "Snowballs" from the game we have proposed, you can arrange serious snow fights, falling asleep the enemy, and then counting how many "shells" were on each side. The team whose "base" is less "damaged" wins.
  • Bake a real gem in the New Year's cake (by the way, this is what they do on Christmas in many European countries, for example, in France, a porcelain figurine is baked in a cake, bringing good luck). Let it be no less than half the case from a kinder surprise, otherwise the kids may accidentally swallow your "secret". The finder, of course, is entitled to wishes of good luck in the new year, and the surprise itself!
  • Prepare a performance for Santa Claus with the children. In addition to traditional songs, riddles and poems about the New Year, show him an impromptu performance with finger puppets. You can either buy them or make them yourself from paper or from old knitted gloves.

New Year's games for children 7-9 years old

If your child is not meeting Santa Claus for the first time and knows exactly how he differs from Santa Claus, it's time to introduce him to the world New Year's traditions. Moreover, in terms of fascination, they are in no way inferior to the games already familiar to us.

Relay race

For the game, prepare a broom for each participant and bright caps.

  • Start the game with short lesson entertaining geography. Far to the West there is a boot peninsula, where lively and witty Italians live. Not Santa Claus comes to the kids of Italy on Christmas Eve (or rather, on January 6, on St. Epiphany's Day), but an old witch with a funny face and a hooked nose. The witch's name is Befana, she flies on a broomstick and wears a pointed hat. Behind her back is a backpack with chocolates and coals. For those who behaved well last year, Befana will put chocolate in the traditional Christmas stocking, and the guilty kids will get only burnt coals...
  • Offer the children a relay race in the guise of Befana. All participants are divided into two teams, each receives its own broom (or mop, broom, etc.) and a cap (it can be rolled up from a sheet of ordinary colored cardboard, or you can buy ready-made bright caps). Prepare two New Year's stockings with gifts and put them near the Christmas tree. As soon as the host starts the game, the participants need to put a cap on their heads, run on a broom to the stocking, take the prize, return to the team and pass the broom and cap to the next player. The winner is the team that managed to make the fastest way to the Christmas tree and back. You can complicate the game a little and invite the children to ride a broom in twos, around the Christmas tree, and also change places.


The game will require rice or any other cereal, almonds, a bowl, plates, small glasses.

  • Put one almond in a deep bowl and cover it with rice (you can use millet, semolina and other small cereals).
  • Divide the children into two teams. Each team receives an empty plate or tray, and each participant receives a tiny glass (the size of a vodka glass).
  • As soon as the relay race has begun, the children take turns running up to a bowl of rice, scooping up cereal with a glass, running to their team, pouring cereal onto a tray and checking: did they manage to catch an almond nut? The team that hits the nut wins.


You will need 9 whites to play. balloons, pieces of double-sided tape and a black marker. Inflate 6 small balloons, 1 large, 1 extra large and 1 medium.

  • We attach four pieces of adhesive tape to a large ball, 4 tiny balls-legs of a snowman are attached to them. Add a piece of tape on top and strengthen the middle ball. Glue two tiny balls to it - the snowman's handles. The topmost tier is the snowman's head. Once you've secured it, have the children draw the snowman's face.

What else to entertain kids?

  • Write a letter to Santa Claus together. Summarize the year, brag about the success of the child, admit to missteps. Let the child ask Grandfather for a gift or describe his cherished dream. The envelope can be hidden in the old fashioned way in the refrigerator, taken to the post office or used modern technologies and contact Grandfather by e-mail.
  • Before decorating the Christmas tree, prepare riddles about various Christmas toys. Think of them to the child and offer to find the answer in a box with balls, cones and tinsel.

Alternative New Year

If Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are already pretty tired of your child, there is nothing easier to come up with an unconventional holiday for him that will look no worse under the Christmas tree than the usual round dances and tags in carnival costumes.

Attention: with children under 4 years old, psychologists do not recommend spending holidays according to non-standard scenarios. At this age, attachment to traditions is still strong.

  1. New Year favorite songs
    Age: from 7 years old.
    Props: CD with children's karaoke, drawn on cardboard or made from papier-mâché (salt dough, etc.) figurines of "music awards", envelopes with the names of invitees, bright lamps, a red carpet, a camera and a computer with a downloaded program Adobe Photoshop and a connected printer to edit and print photos of the "stars" and capture the holiday itself.
    Ideas: When inviting guests, don't forget to ask them to wear their best outfits and jewels that look great under the spotlights on the red carpet! All evening we sing our favorite winter and New Year's songs under karaoke, take pictures by the Christmas tree, and then print photos in funny frames (we draw the frames in Photoshop beforehand) and sign autographs for other guests. At the end of the evening, we present the Grammy or Ovation awards to the most vociferous, the most rhythmic, the most... Together with the figurines, we do not forget to give our guests our New Year's gifts.
  2. Toons invite
    Age: from 7 years old.
    Props: a disk with your child's favorite cartoon, dolls, posters, any paraphernalia on the theme of this cartoon (usually all this is in the house where the cartoon fan lives, in extreme cases, you can ask guests to grab what they have, or buy it specially for the holiday) .
    Ideas: Favorite cartoon character (doll or soft toy) meets guests and instead of Santa Claus leads the whole holiday. The program includes contests that repeat the script of the cartoon or adapted (for example, we run the usual relay race, but in the masks of Shrek and Fiona, or we play "edible-inedible", but we think of names from the cartoon about Nemo or from others). On the menu, let all the dishes repeat the spirit of your favorite cartoon. And wrap gifts using cartoon paper.
  3. I'm going on patrol
    Age: 12-16 years old.
    Props: pocket torches, dark glasses, the blood of the innocently killed (cherry juice), the Gorsvet and Cosmos Hotel emblems, any symbols from the films about the Watches are on the menu.
    Ideas: We divide all the guests into Dark and Light and play great battle. Every now and then we move with flashlights into the Twilight (under it you can take private room). We organize competitions in intuition (we solve riddles, we blindfold recognize objects by touch, taste, smell, recognize other guests by description or by touch), that is, we demonstrate paranormal abilities. In the evening, as a sign of the Great Truce, we sign the Great Treaty between Good and Evil and, as a sign of reconciliation, we exchange prepared gifts.


Comment on the article Children's holiday New Year"

New Year for kids. Simple Scenario new year holiday. Print version. 3.8 5 (371 ratings) Rate the article. Games for adults at the New Year's party. Section: (game guess a song about the new year for adults on questions).

Scenario of the family New Year. How to spend a home New Year's holiday for children and adults in the family circle. Family relay race: how to organize fun outdoor games in nature. Ideas for competitions, examples of slogans and design of emblems.

New Year's contests for fifth graders. Leisure, hobby. Child from 10 to 13. New Year's competitions for fifth graders. Help, throw ideas or links. My daughter and her girlfriend were given the task today to prepare competitions for the spark, which will be the day after tomorrow.


1. "Happy New Year!"
The guys stand in a circle, blindfolded, in the middle. Everyone holds out their hands to the driver, he shakes his hand (one) and says: "Happy New Year!". The owner of the hand replies: "And you too!". You can change the voice. If the presenter guesses by voice who answered him, then he becomes the leader.
2. Homework required.
A hole the size of a child's face is cut out on a sheet of thick paper (for drawing) of A3 format. A recognizable object is drawn around the hole (snowflake, butterfly, sailor, Dr. Aibolit, fungus, etc.). The driver sits on a chair, looks out through the hole, as if through a window. Everyone sees who he is, except for himself. With the help of questions Is it alive (non-living, animal, can fly, etc.)? must guess who he is.
This is the third year that this contest has been going on with a bang. Drawings are sketchy, but easily recognizable.
3. Gemini
Two children take each other by the belt. They have one hand free. And they have to do something that requires both hands: cap the bottle, cut out a circle from a sheet of paper.

Yesterday my 5th grader had an NG light.
Of the competitions were:
1. Drawing on the board blindfolded the symbol of the year (2 people participate at the same time, the class determines the winner from the pair)
2. Children stand in a circle and pass the tangerine from hand to hand to the music. The music stops. The one who has the tangerine in his hands sings, dances or recites a verse.
3. Pair competition: Participants are given 2 sheets. You need to get from one end of the class to the other without stepping on the floor. One sheet is placed - puts a foot on it, then another sheet, the second leg on it, etc.
4. "Sticky": parts of the body are written on small pieces of paper (thigh, hand, head, waist, elbow, etc. can be repeated)
Children take turns pulling out pieces of paper and should stick to the previous participant in written parts. It turns out a funny caterpillar)

Children's recipes for the New Year 2015 with a photo. During new year party it is not easy for children to sit sedately Give the children a New Year's holiday. All participants are waiting for holiday competitions Section: Toys and games (competitions for the new year for second graders for girls).


small souvenirs, and with the remaining money invite an animator, magician, Crazy Professor with experiments to the school

19.10.2013 23:42:40, in

we bought a compact puzzle for everyone on the DR
(bought in my-shop.ru for 306 rubles, it is now more expensive there, but you can wait a week or two, the price will drop)

10/19/2013 10:37:15 PM, ahhh

How to entertain children in a cafe?. Hobbies, hobbies, leisure. Child from 7 to 10. Girls, help me out! My daughter's birthday is Friday. On Saturday, I booked a table in a cafe - my daughter is going to invite classmates.


Calmly! %) Look here on the site, "holiday scenarios" search. there will be a sea of ​​​​articles.

Draw them a crossword for some interesting topic. Let them guess.
Phantoms - pull out, perform (jump three times on the left foot, jump around the table, sing the song of the Turtle and the Lion Cub, list all the fabulous mice (Jerry, Ratatouille (rat), Lariska the rat, the mouse in the Turnip, the Ryaba chicken, the Mouse and Suteev's pencil ),

then at the age of 8 you can already play "Nonsense". We take a sheet of paper and each writes the answer to the host's question. Questions - Who? (everyone writes what they want - a cat, Tanya, a teacher, a hare), when? (in the morning, after the rain, on Tuesday), where?, what did you do?, who came? what did you say? how did it end? After each question, a piece of paper is passed to a neighbor. Then the presenter artistically and cheerfully reads the resulting stories. Usually it's funny. My son loves her.

Mini Super Winning Lottery. Just a bunch of small gifts (key chains, stickers, rubber bands, candies) in a dark bag. Everyone pulls out a present. Just atk.

It can be traditional - whoever winds the rope on a pencil faster. Two ropes are tied to a pencil and given to opponents in their hands.

Congratulations with a candle looks beautiful. Each guest is given a candle. He / she says a wish to the birthday girl, hands over a gift and passes the candle on. It is better to warn about this ceremony of presentation and congratulations in advance so that they do not hand over ahead of time. :)

Attention game. take a bright and realistic picture with you, show it for 10 seconds. Then questions about the picture.

You can recognize animals that are pinned to the player's back. He does not see them and must ask questions to which the others answer "Yes, no." The rest see what kind of animal he has behind.

Do you have any books at home on the topic of organizing holidays or how to keep children busy? Or watch some competitions here or in the Sun. For example, the well-known "nonsense": answers to the questions are written on the leaves: who, with whom? what they were doing? where? what came out of it. Do you remember this game or do you need more details? Mine also played something similar (on sheets) about animals, I don’t remember. In general, remember, there are a lot of sit-down games and very funny ones. I don’t remember anymore - I don’t like it myself, but the children cope better than me.

New Year in three. How to proceed?. About his own, about a girl's. Discussion of questions about the life of a woman in the family, at work, relationships with men. at home, if it is one entrance. At the same time, the boy will find friends. On New Year's Eve, if no one is sick, it's the same.


I really enjoyed celebrating the New Year at the skating rink - we were on clean ponds, two years ago, we took a couple of bottles of champagne with us, skates - we drank and skated! we were without children, they were still too small, and a couple of days later we went on vacation with them, so we didn’t dare to drag them on the subway, our friends were just with their seven-year-old daughter, she endured normally. There are not many people, but the mood is festive

And I really like to celebrate the New Year at home the three of us. I always met my parents like that when I was little, and then with my family. A delicious table is laid, with beautiful dishes, candles, etc. You can sit comfortably, watch TV, make plans for the future, look at the snow outside the window, dance later ... Real family celebration! And on other days you can go to visit, to relatives, to the cinema, theater, etc.

12/26/2006 05:10:54 PM, nuts

New Year's party for kids. New Year. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. Tell me where you can take the kids for the New Year's holiday (1 year old and 3 years old).


Today I read in the magazine "my child" that the children's centers "I myself" hold New Year's holidays for children from 9 months to 7 years old. It is written on their website that performance scenarios are developed with a child psychologist and differ by age. There will also be gifts and tea drinking, New Year's folk games. It sounds tempting. Maybe someone went, write about your impressions.

and I think that you are great, it’s better early, and not to catch yourself in adolescence. I also have a difference between children of 2 years and it seems that the older one needs to be taken to the holiday, but without the younger one the heart is not in place, and it’s not a holiday at all. You can try go to the "world of childhood" on Tulskaya. a pleasant place, just such a place is suitable for a baby. the theater itself is in a small room - 3 rows of adults and 3 rows of children - there are mainly puppet shows so that the child does not have to explain what it is not an uncle, but as if a squirrel. You can try to go to New Year's performance"Like a hare was waiting for the new year" or "New Year's concert" - there different little animals come to the little red cap to learn to sing and dance with the children. or the very the best way- On December 17 and 18, there will be performances of "3 little pigs" - you should understand this fairy tale. You can also try to go to the puppet theater, it is very praised, and they also say there is a good puppet theater "albartos" (there is also "3 little pigs" "and" kolobok "). just if the younger one is restless, you will either have to leave together, or one of the parents will walk with the baby in the foyer until the end of the performance, and doing this in the "world of childhood" is much more pleasant. even if you don’t watch the performance, you will still gain impressions and feel the atmosphere of the holiday. There the children are met by clowns (although I like the clown with soap bubbles more of all the performances), the make-up artist paints faces, there is a crafts workshop, a cafe where a magician performs and they play cartoons, there is a paid platform with clowns who organize different games and there is a free children's corner with a house, a slide, rocking chairs and toys, a stove and a washing machine (we went there to gain communication experience - I didn’t think that my fighter would turn out to be quiet and shy outside the house - at first we just stood at the fence with mom and watched for children, the main thing here is not to rush). so there is plenty to choose from. why pull, of course, that a one-year-old, that a three-year-old is unlikely to remember this new year, but you don’t wait for them to grow up to read books, tell fairy tales, and , of course, dress up the Christmas tree. But how many new impressions, sometimes parents have more joy than children, if you see what they liked. And in case it is difficult for him to sit, take something distracting with you marmalade, chupu-chups kremosa) - they helped us out a lot when we tried to rush to the stage in the fool's corner, chewing, but we sat through.
please write and tell us about your cultural trips. maybe you know more interesting places. so far we have only been to the zoo, durov corner (small stage), on the carousel in children's world and we go to all kinds of children's game rooms: in rostix, in ramstore on kashirka, real on sevastopol, etc. (where there are all sorts of dry pools with balls, slides, etc.). it seems that there are children's performances in the "mega" every week. where do you go?
happy new year to you and your children. happiness and health!

Until the New Year - 7 days! Unusual New Year's greetings and active games from a professional team of animators, as well as a New Year's holiday scenario for children. Children's scenario for the New Year. Sketches for the New Year's holiday in the first class.

Scenario New Year's Eve for 5th graders. Toys and games. Child from 7 to 10. New Year's holiday scenario for 5th graders. Where can I find? I looked here, in the section "Scenarios for children's holidays", but I didn’t find anything New Year’s for this particular age ...


Ready for this age is unlikely to find, though somewhere I met the scripts of some lyceum or gymnasium, it seems "Luminaries", look for it.
I will do it myself a little later, I already know what suits our 5th graders and what does not. Remind me in a week, I'll throw it off.

Modern New Year's interpretation of the fairy tale "Turnip" for the New Year's corporate party

Characters:presenter, Christmas tree, Santa Claus (DM), Baba Yaga (BYA), Snow Maiden, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Mouse. Props - according to the scenario.

- In one distant abandoned forest, a Christmas tree grew. She grew, she grew, and she grew. Yes, she has grown up so slender, beautiful and tender, even now from the forest right to the podium. All dimensions are maintained, the posture is set, the outfit is swaying, he knows his own worth. Tired of Elka hanging around in the forest alone, she changed her image and leaned into the stars (at the same time, the Christmas tree is transformed and puts a star on her head).

- I was all green,
prickly, branched,
Was completely deserted
In that distant forest.
Now I'm all beautiful
Tall and slim
And happiness I
I will bring to any home.

- Suddenly I saw - someone scratches, hid, and formed in my soul.

Father Frost:
- I am the new Russian Santa Claus
Came from afar.
Quite tired
And all froze -
The road is not easy.
On the way there was a fluff:
Snegurka Merce took my away,
But I'm not an easy guy
Got Adidas on
He quickly attached skis to them
And here I am with you.
DM sees Christmas tree:
- Oh-ba, what kind of green splinter is standing in front of me?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- She chatted, prickly, so be it.

- Santa Claus began to pull the Christmas tree. Pulls, pulls, but can not pull. DM began to call grandma.

Father Frost:
- Grandma, grandma, uuuu ...

Baba Yaga appears:
- I'm only 145,
Baba is a berry again.
I got up this morning
I drove it to my hair,
She brought the whole marafet.
Look, Grandpa is not at home!
The old stump has already rolled up.
He ran into the forest behind the Christmas tree.
For me to follow him.
I had to wear roller skates.
My roller skates are good skates.
I would never have caught up with the old man without them.

BYA sees a DM pulling a Christmas tree:
- Wow, what a flower stalk. Are you a botanist collecting a herbarium?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Father Frost:
- Don't sip, old lady! You don't see, I found the Christmas tree. Help me get it out!

Baba Yaga:
- Easily!

- And they began to pull the Christmas tree together. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. They decided to call their granddaughter.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga:
- Granddaughter, granddaughter! A-uuuuu...

The Snow Maiden appeared:
- I new Snow Maiden
Girl-get it!
I stole the Merc from my grandfather,
Went for an encore.
But there was a problem -
My Merc is stuck in the snow
Now I'll be a goodie -
Help Grandpa!
The Snow Maiden sees DM and BYA:
- What kind of collection of old bones?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga:
- Help pull the tree!

Snow Maiden:
- Easily!

- And now the three of them are pulling the Christmas tree. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. They began to call Zhuchka.
Santa Claus, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden:
- Bug, Bug! A-uuuu….

- I am an evil and terrible gray wolf,
I know a lot about green money.
I will scout any arrows
Frost instantly help
- Both, what kind of shooter?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too!

All wolf:
- Help pull the tree!

- Easily!

- And they began to pull the Christmas tree again. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. The Wolf offered to call the Fox.

- Lisa, Lisa!!!

A fox:
I'm a beautiful fox
Modelka, anywhere!
Me in any company
You will always find.
Away - I'm a decoration,
It's warm in the forest
Think guys
How lucky grandpa!
- Oh, why are we flaunting?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too

- Help pull the tree!
A fox:
- Easily!

- And again they began to pull the Christmas tree. They pull, they pull, but they can't pull. The Fox Hare suggested calling.

- Bunny, Bunny!!!

- Jump and jump,
Jump and jump!
ICQ(ICQ) is silent!
Jump and jump
Jump and jump!
Sotik does not call!
- Oh, what are we rustling about?

- I'm Elochka - beautiful
I stand all alone.
You went to the holiday
Take me too

- Help pull the tree!

- Easily! Mouse! Mouse!

- Well, you are dark forest dwellers!

The mouse takes out an ax and cuts down the Christmas tree. D.M. takes Yolochka by the hand and leads to the center of the circle. All guests stand in a circle and sing a song for the Christmas tree.


Fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way"

Roles: (Grandma, grandfather, gingerbread man, Santa Claus, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox, Snow Maiden.)

Grandma and Grandpa talking
Grandfather: Grandma, you know that the New Year is coming soon.
Grandmother: I know, so what?
Grandfather: And the fact that the New Year is on the nose, and in the house at least roll a ball. Bake a bun.
Grandmother: Yes, from what can I bake you?
Grandfather: How from what? Forgot what? They gave us humanitarian aid, there should be flour

Grandmother: Oh, grandfather, I'm sorry, I forgot ... It became completely bad with memory. Now I'll go and bake. Only..
Grandfather: Well, what else?
Grandmother: So there is no firewood at all?
Grandfather: Here is sclerosis! So after all, the gas was carried out, forgot? Or do you remember this only when the receipt for payment arrives?
Grandma: It's true! All right, I'm going to the kitchen.
Grandmother leaves, grandfather sits down and reads a newspaper.
Grandma comes in.
Grandmother: Well, the bun is ready, I'll put it on the window, let it cool.
Grandfather (putting down the newspaper) That's good. In the meantime, I'll go and bring a Christmas tree from the forest.
Grandfather goes into the forest, and grandmother goes to the kitchen.

The bun is waking up.
Kolobok : my parents too! They put their child on the window. They don't think I can catch a cold!?
He climbs down from the window and looks around and goes to the mirror.

Well, who sculpts such koloboks? (shakes his head) Darkness! (puts on dark glasses, ties a dark scarf on the back of his head, looks in the mirror) Here!
Now it's different!

Knock on the door.
Kolobok: Who else is there? (opens the door, Santa Claus is on the threshold)
Gingerbread Man: What kind of natural phenomenon is this?
Santa Claus: I'm Santa Claus.
Kolobok: Who?

DM: What don't you like?
Kolobok: Grandfather, you are behind the times. Who walks like that these days? Is your razor broken, can't you shave? Here my grandfather has a modern vest, I can borrow it. (Santa Claus takes a razor, goes to the mirror and shaves off his beard) And your sheepskin coat is not modern. Take out my grandfather’s sheepskin coat, you’ll still be cooler. (Changes Santa Claus) And a hat, who wears such a hat now? You should have put on a hat with earflaps! Now they wear black, cool hats (they change their grandfather's hat). Now you have a normal outfit. And what kind of stick do you have?
DM (proudly) It's a staff!
Kolobok: What? Yes, with this stick, with your staff, only drive the raven. Better take a machine gun (gives grandfather a machine gun (or pistol) Like this! What do you have in your bag? (peeps in) Ugh, bunnies and bears? Who needs such gifts today. or a mobile phone. And look, grandfather, what did you come in? Only Chukchi ride reindeer! And a cool grandfather should drive a Mercedes. And where is your snow maiden?
D.M. Yes, I left it at home. The time is now, it is dangerous to walk at night.
Kolobok: Understood. Well, now you are a normal, cool Santa Claus!
D.M. Do you think that's how the kids recognize me?

Santa Claus leaves, and the gingerbread man puts on a fashionable jacket and goes into the forest.

Walks through the forest, towards the hare.
Gingerbread Man: Who are you?
Hare: I am a hare, and who are you?
K: And I'm a bun, don't you see, or what?
Z: Oh, bun! Wow you are so cool! Sorry, I didn't acknowledge it. Will you dance for me?

Against the wolf.

Wolf: Who are you?
K: I'm a bun, can't you see?
B: (licking his lips) That's the meeting! And I'm hungry!
K: What about me?
B: I'll eat you!
K: Well, yes! So I will climb into your mouth and climb! You smell from your mouth, ugh! Are you not brushing your teeth? Ashamed! There are so many toothpastes these days! Blendamet, Colgate. At least chew gum. Here's Orbit, chew on it.
The wolf takes the gum.

M. Who are you?
K: Well, damn it, and the animals went! They don't recognize me at all! Yes, I'm a bun!
M. Oh, little bun, it's good that I met you, and I'm hungry.
K: Listen, bear! When did you look in the mirror? Do you look? You need to go on a diet, and you rolled your lip on me! And anyway, why are you running around in the woods? You sleep in a lair and suck your paw, and you're here!
M: So I haven’t eaten in the summer, my stomach is growling (strokes my stomach)
K: So it's because you need to eat natural food, and not all these convenience foods from the supermarket.

A fox in a fashionable fur coat, in a beautiful hairstyle, all made up.
Gingerbread Man: Wow! I met at least one advanced animal in the forest! Who are you, fox?
L: Yes, I am Lisa Patrikeevna.
K: Listen, what do you wash your hair with?
L: Shaum Shampoo.
K: Cool! And your teeth are white!
L: So this is Blendamet.
K: What kind of perfume do you have!
L: So this is ZHADOR (the fox comes up to the bun and hugs him). Oh how delicious you smell!
K: So this is my deodorant, Menen Spitstick.
L: What a good one you have!
The bun moves away from her.
K: Well, you give me these tricks of yours! I know you, you will circle your finger in an instant!

L: Oh, I like you, I like you very much. You're so cool, I'm with you even to the ends of the world!

Scenario of children's New Year's party
"Winter pranks"

Baba Yaga:

Oh, this winter for me! Winter is called! She poured snow, everything was white and white around. good man nowhere to spit! Either a blizzard will leap, then frost will strike, life is not calm, you run like a scalded one!

Kesha! Kesha! Where are you? Still alive?


Yes, I'm alive, alive ... Well, dubak! So after all, you can give the ends!

(folds his arms over his chest, closes his eyes) Leshy is gone! Kesha is dead! Frozen! Gave up the ends! Played in the box! (falls).

Baba Yaga:

Kesha! What are you? Drop it! What are you?

And you're as cold as an iceberg in the ocean

And all your sorrows under dark water!


Kesha, semindra! Someone is coming here!

(Goblin jumps up, the Snowman appears).


Hello! Here I am!

Happy New Year to you, friends!

A blizzard swirled in the forest,

All roads covered.

I almost lost my way

It was difficult for me to go.

But I was in such a hurry, I was in such a hurry! Because I can't be late for the party. Santa Claus gave me a responsible task: to start the festivities without him. And soon he will come.


Santa Claus came today

Have fun all the people.

And our New Year's holiday

Leshy will spend with you!


Hello Santa Claus!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, you are wrong.

We walked a long road

through forests and fields.

He is cold and a little tired.

Get some rest, my friend from the road.

Hello dear Snowman!


What is this miracle?

And where did it come from?

Baba Yaga:

You yourself are a miracle!

I'm a beauty

Why don't you like my look?


Stop arguing, stop arguing! See, the kids are cold. It's time to play games, our holiday continues!


We have come to celebrate.

No objection?

How good it will be here!

Games! Laugh! Motion!


I'm a big prankster at heart

I love funny laughter

I want this holiday

Well gone for everyone!

Baba Yaga:

I can shake everyone

to get hot!

Move friend,

will immediately become warmer!


Stomp your feet together!

Clap your hands louder!

And not that, you Santa Claus

You can freeze your nose!

(round dance, dance,)

Baba Yaga:

The people have always believed that B.Ya. and the goblin are such evil pranksters, they do only evil and unkind deeds. But today, before the New Year, we will do only good, because we want to have fun with you and play fun, mischievous games!


And now we will prepare for the meeting of Santa Claus. Imagine that I am Santa Claus and I say to you: “Happy New Year!” and you shout "Hurrah!" and throw up hats, mittens, boots! Whoever throws the highest will get the prize. Now let's rehearse. And yes, I am Santa Claus. And I say "Happy New Year, kids!"

Wonderful! And now for real! For the prize!


And who has thrown the boots above all of us?

Get a prize!


Naughty rigmarole -

A blizzard is blowing in the yard,

The New Year is rushing towards us,

Makes you move!

To have a good year

To give us joy

We need to meet him together

And you need to get out of the hut!

Baba Yaga:

Come on, well done, quick,

Remove everything quickly.

Come on, young girls

They flew away!

We throw together, to the neighbors everything that is not needed,

More accurate and faster

Whose hut is brighter with us?

(1st contest: Children throw cones to the opponent's side. 2nd contest: Collect cones in a basket, whoever gets the most)


Well done you are ours! Everything just sparkles!

Clean, sharp!

Only colors are missing

For the decoration of fairy tales!

Baba Yaga:

We lay carpets together,

and for this we need

Just a little fantasy

cover your huts,

Whose hut is more comfortable, more beautiful?

(draw on the snow, wallpaper carpets)


All carpets are spread

The walls are all whitewashed.

And now at the gate

Looking forward to the New Year!


And for the new year it is customary to give gifts, and our next game is called "someone else's gift"

(Leshy holds a contest)


My friends, who is missing at our holiday?

Correctly! Santa Claus and Snow Maiden!

Let's call them together!

(children call D.M. and Snegurochka)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, I hear, I hear! Oh, I hear, I hear!


Oh, I see, I see!

Together: Father Frost and Snow Maiden are coming to us!

Guys, let's greet our long-awaited guests with thunderous applause!

Father Frost:

Hello boys and girls! Grandmothers and grandfathers! Students. Engineers, kids, pensioners, workers, peasants, Ust-Pristan residents - earthlings! Happy New Year to you! With new happiness!

Snow Maiden:

I walked along the forest path,

She sang songs.

Suddenly behind a snowy veil

The tree is sparkling!

Let me friends

It's in your power

Have a holiday with you.

Happy New Year! Hello!

(song of the Snow Maiden)

Father Frost:

Today, in this winter hour

I'm here to congratulate you!

Snow Maiden:

Guys! You forgot to tell us

How can you praise all of you?

Honor us,

On command, together, together,

What is urine shout,

Say your name out loud.

One, two, three, four, five!

What are all of you guys called?

(children call their names loudly, recite poems, songs)

Baba Yaga:

Listen, D.M., but I wonder if you can make this Christmas tree sparkle with different lights?

Father Frost:

Certainly! That's why I came here to light the main beauty of the holiday!

Snow Maiden:

And I think that the time has come to decorate our Christmas tree and sing our favorite songs together for her!

Father Frost:

Come on, tree, move!

Come on, tree, turn around!

And with bright lights, Christmas tree, light up!

Let's shout together: one! Two! Three!

Our Christmas tree, burn!!!

Snow Maiden:

Apparently no one was screaming.

Looks like someone was talking!

Come on, together, one more time

Let's repeat the words now!

(the Christmas tree lights up, near the Christmas tree there are games with D.M., round dances)


We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Haven't seen each other for a whole year!

Sing, sound under the tree,
New Year's dance!


And now for the guys

Dance of little ducks!

Baba Yaga:

We wish you a New Year...


Saved you from all worries!


May all cherished desires

In the coming year will come true.

Snow Maiden:

And dear, dear friends,

We say: Goodbye!

Father Frost:

Until we meet again

We wish you happiness!


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