Games on the New Year tree in elementary school. Congratulations from Snow Maiden

Reservoirs 10.10.2019

It comes the new 2017 year - it means it's time to prepare! People around the world are trying to fill the holiday by contests, games, gifts. In schools also goes to the preparation for the New Year's Tree. We bring to your attention contests for the new year for children of younger and older school age.

New Year's contest "Hold Snezhinka"

From pieces of syntheps or wool you need to roll fluffy, not very dense snowflakes, such that would be easily flushed in the air from easy blowing air. Two players are selected from each team, which is given one such snowfish. Players on the team throw snowflake and blow it on it, not allowing to fall. Who will last longer in the air - he won.

"Catching snowball"

All kids need to divide into two teams and distribute each one by one large package or on a wicker basket. Santa Claus gives a team, and a snowman spreads a lot of snowflakes on children (they are made of pieces of fabric or cotton. You can also make them from ordinary paper, hardworthy it into the ball and decorates sparkles, clean the rain). Children must collect snowballs in their basket. At the end, when all the snowflakes are collected, Santa Claus recalculates the number of snowflakes from each team. Who else - he won.

"New Year Tantahmarski"

This kind of free leisure organization is not new. Even in Soviet times, various characters were depicted on the Watmansk sheets, and the place was cut into the insertion of the children's lyrics.

Tanthamarsky on the holidays were bottled back in Soviet times

Such fun is suitable for a photo session or selfie, so popular among modern children. Currently, you can use the latest technology and, creating a layout in the Corel or Photoshop program, to print and get an excellent tantaamarsk banner for the new year. If there is no such possibility - draw pictures on Watman, cardboard, old wallpaper, etc.

If tantaamarskok is a lot, then you can organize the game "Guess your character." For this, the child "is trying on the" face cutting banner and is trying to guess who he is. The conditions of the game - ask such questions to which others can answer only "yes" or "no".

With the help of tantaamarskok, you can spend the game "Guess the character"

For example, to reveal the secret of the character will help such questions:

  • "this animal?";
  • "Cartoon character?";
  • "Hero of fairy tales?";
  • "He is red (green, blue, white, etc.) color?";
  • "He has a hat?" and etc.

So gradually, asking her friends and getting one-way replies, a boy or girl should guess who they are depicted. Tantahmareska on the eve of the new 2017 can be represented in the form of a snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas trees, a Christmas tree, a rooster.


Beautifully decorated com (paper, twisted into the ball and decorated with a rain) gives children, all players become in a circle. Music plays, and Santa Claus or a master considers it out loud to five, while children should be transferred from hand to com. As soon as the master pronounces the number "Five" - \u200b\u200bmusic stops, and that baby, in whose hands it remains com, should either read the poem, or to dance, or let him guess the mystery (coming down Santa Claus or lead).

"Christmas trees are"

Children become around the Christmas tree, do not hold out, and Santa Claus explains the rules. He pronounces the phrase: "Christmas trees are ..." and adds words: "wide", "narrow", "high", "low". When phrase "Christmas trees are wide" - children must go in a circle, making it as wide as possible. With the phrase of Santa Claus "Christmas trees there are high" - the children of the hands should raise to the top and go on tiptoe. When phrase "Low Christmas trees" - babies to sit down, with the phrase "narrow Christmas trees" - children narrow a circle. The step in a circle does not stop. Thus, Santa Claus should confuse children as much as possible, but not saying phrases very quickly. Competition cheerful and noisy

Competition "Combay Gazeta"

Two participants are selected from the team, the newspaper deployed in front of them is laid out. Santa Claus gives a signal, and participants must most quickly try to squeeze the newspaper in a tight lump, which would fit in one palm.

"Come up with the words"

In the competition "Think of the Words" from children will need an email and knowledge

In this competition, you will need to show your seamless and knowledge. Such a game is suitable for children of younger and senior school age.

The goal of the competition is to come up with as many words that begin with the letters scream Cockerel: on the "ku", on the "ka", "re" and again "ku".

For example, on the syllable "KU" you can call such words - pendant, fudelki, vigorous, turmeric; on "ka" - careta, pocket, cardboard, carlson, card; on "re" - repair, craft, record, edge, etc.

Wins the one who last names the desired word.

"Distributing a bowl foot"

This competition is held between the two players, everyone gives a small balloon (inflated and tied), the balls in front of the players are stacked on the floor, and the players themselves are tightly tied with a golk. The team is given, and the players must come to the ball (each to their own) and crush it. The whole joke of this contest is that the balls secretly are removed from the players and they are trying to crush the non-existent balls.


Children are all appointed mice, all adults become in a circle and hold hands. At the team, children run and must run inside the circle, while adults are lowered their hands, thereby closing the "Mousetrap". Those kids who "fell" are also taken by arms with adults, expanding the circle. Gradually, the circle becomes big, and all the mouses fall into a mousetrap.

New Year's competition for the senior school "Newton Law"

Children themselves choose from each team on the player, players are given ten peas or small caramels, such that would be easily in the neck of the champagne bottle. At the team, children are becoming every bottle and, without leaking, try to throw all the peas (caramel) in the neck of the bottle. Bottles from under champagne can be replaced with tri-liter banks, but in any case, leaning, throwing candy or pea, it is impossible.


Such a contest will like both boys and girls

Such contests are more suitable for boys, but also girls are not allowed to feel themselves by blowing cockerels - a symbol of the upcoming year on the eastern calendar.

This cheerful competition does not require special training. It requires a small drawn circle in which the Petushkov will be held. Children stand on one leg, the second hold on hand and try to push the enemy from the circle. Instead of a circle, you can use a small carpet - to designate boundaries.

Games for children's company

This is me, it's me, it's all my friends

Host, having learned the questions in advance, asks them to children who respond to the same phrase. There are still a lot of questions. The main thing is to have fun.

- Who is Vatago cheer every day walks to school?

- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in the lesson?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Who is frost not afraid, flies like a bird?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you, how will it grow up, only go to astronauts?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you, so good, sunbathing in caloes?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Who does his home lesson performs exactly on time?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you keeps in order of books, handles and notebooks?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you, from kids, walks dirty to ears?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you on the pavement goes upwards?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you, I want to know, with arrogant for five?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

- Which of you comes to the class late for an hour?

- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.

What is on the Christmas tree?

The presenter in advance learn the belowned poems. You can come up with many more new ones. Children explains the challenge of the game: Having heard the name of the Christmas toys, you need to raise the hand and say: "Yes!", And when it is called what it happens on the Christmas tree, you must stop and silent. The master pronounces the text not very quickly, but not giving the children time especially to think. Very soon it becomes funny, because it is inevitably errors arise.

Text: Soft toy, wake-up clap, Petenka-parsley, old row.

White snowflakes, sewing machines, bright pictures, ribbon shoes.

Tiles - Holds, horses and horses, bunnies from the molding, winter tents.

Red lanterns, bread crashes, bright flags, caps and scarves.

Apples and bumps, panties, tasty candy, fresh newspapers.

Or: Multicolored flappers,

Blankets and pillows.

Clamshells and cribs

Marmalaka, chocolates.

Glass balls,

Wooden chairs.

Teddy bears,

Buvari and books.

Multicolored beads

And garlands are bright.

Snow from Wat White,

Rangers and portfolios.

Shoes and boots,

Cups, forks, spoons.

Balls brilliant,

Tigers are real.

Golden cones,

Asterisks radiant.


This game requires good visual memory. Participants are in turn suggest the task: within a minute, consider toys hanging on one or two branches of the Christmas tree, and remember them. Then you need to get out of the room - at this time there are several toys (three or four) ignore: Some will be removed, others will add. Entering the room, we must consider your branches and say what has changed. Depending on age, you can complicate and simplify tasks.

Games and contests with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden


Traditional New Year's dance can be complicated, make it busy. The presenter sets the tone of the conception, changes the pace of movement, direction. After one or two circles, the dance can be a snake, labby between guests, furniture. The coolest snake loops, the more fun. Leading along the course may invent different options: include in the chain not participating in the dance, dramatically slow down the move, etc.

Dress the Christmas tree

Two artificial Christmas trees are installed in the hall. - Before the new year, a few minutes remained, "said Snow Maiden, - and these Christmas trees are not yet dressed. Perhaps there are two clever people in the hall who will quickly do it. Cardboard toys, papier-mache and other unbreakable decomposed on the tables 5-6 steps from the Christmas tree. But to perform the task of the Snow Maiden is not so easy.

Snow Maiden reports that a short circuit happened, and the Christmas trees will have to decorate in the dark (blindfolded). Perhaps someone will hang their toys on the Christmas tree of a neighbor, but will win the one whose tree will be elegant.

Toy in a circle

Santa Claus offers participants to get face to each other. Music starts playing, and a toy, such as a doll with the image of the Snow Maiden, moving from hand to hand, moves in a circle. Music stops, the transfer of toys stops. The one who has a doll is left out of the game. The game goes until one person remains. If there are many playing, several dolls can be used in a circle.

Compliments Snow Maiden

Santa Claus causes the circle of a young man who wants to play a young man who must say the Snow Maiden's compliments, reaching the matches from the apple, completely covered with matches. His Santa Claus hands the player before the start of the competition.


In suspended (or standing on the floor) a basket must be thrown from a distance of 6-7 steps 6 "Snowball" - white tennis balls. Win the one who will cope with this task most accurately.


Snow Maiden offers several guests to take a lung cotton snowflake with a tray. Each player throws his snowflake and, blowing on her, tries to hold it as long as possible in the air. The one who dropped his empty can approach the comrades and help him perform the task of the Snow Maiden.

Magic words

Snow Maiden behaves, she invites two teams of 10 people, presents them in a set of large letters that make up the word "Snow Maiden", each participant gets in one letter. The task is as follows: in the story read by the Snow Maiden, words compiled from these letters will meet. As soon as such a word is spoken, the owners of their letters must come forward and, rebuilding, to form this word. The team, ahead of rivals, gets a point.

Approximate story

Fast river got up. Snow fell on the fields. White became a mountain behind the village. And the bark on the birch flashed from Inea. Somewhere crept the crawling sled. Where do they keep their course?

Racing Sorokhonozhkov

In a fairly spacious room, you can spend the race "Sorryokozhek". Playing are divided into two teams and are built in the back of each other, taking ahead standing in front of the belt. The opposite wall has a chair that the chain of playing should be turned out, and then return back. If the chain ripped, the lead can count the defeat command. The task can be complicated and done more funny if the commands will move the semi-drives if both commands will perform the task at the same time.

The option of this game is "Snake." "Head" - the first in the column - should catch the "tail", which eludes it. Catching him, "head" goes to the end of the column, the game is repeated again. "Running" links of the chain are considered to be the losers and come out of the game.

Two frost

The group of guys is at one end of the hall (rooms) behind the conditional feature. Wasing - frosts are located in the middle of the hall. They appeal to the guys with the words:

We are two young brothers, (together): Two frost are removed.

I am a frost-red nose.

I am a frost-blue nose.

Who of you will decide

In the path of the road to empty?

Everyone responds:

We are not afraid of threats, and the frost is not afraid of us! Plays run on the other side of the hall for the line "Houses". Both frosts catch and "frozen" overgoing. Those now stop at the place where they are "frozen". The frosts again turn to the playing, and those, responding, move the hall, exhauscing the "frozen": they are touching them with your hand, and they join the rest.

Auction Santa Claus says:

In our hall a wonderful tree. And what toys on it! Name what Christmas decorations do you know? This magnificent prize will receive one whose answer will be the last.

Playing in turn call words. During the pause, the presenter begins to count slowly: "Clamp - times, a clapboard - two ..." The auction continues.


Santa Claus announces the gathered that none of those present will be able to repeat the three short phrases that he will say. Of course, no one agrees with him. Then Santa Claus, as if looking for words, pronounces a short phrase. For example: "Today is a wonderful evening." All confidently repeat this phrase. Santa Claus in embarrassment is looking for and speaks uncertainly in the second phrase. It is also easy to repeat everything. Then he quickly and happily says: "Here you are mistaken!" The gathered protests. And Santa Claus explains that his third phrase that had to be repeated was: "Here you are mistaken!"

Two are better than one

On the floor put some three toys: a ball, a cube, a kega. Two players come out and begin to dance around them (the game can be done to the music). As soon as the music interrupts or Santa Claus serves the "Stop!" Command, each player must try to grab two toys. Who will get alone, he lost. The game can be complicated: increase the number of participants and, accordingly, the number of toys or items. Wins the one who grab a greater number of toys.

Under happy star

The winner of this game will be the one who first will find a hanging star hanging from the ceiling with a number announced by the lead. An asterisk with largely written on both sides by the room is pre-suspended on the threads to the ceiling of the room (or hall), where dancing will be held. In the course of the dance, the music is for a minute he grows, and Santa Claus proclaims: "Happy star- 15!" Dancing try to quickly find a star with this number. The winner is awarded the prize.

Watch your back

Santa Claus or Snow Maidochka serves various commands in a circle, and it is necessary to perform them, only if the word "please" is added to the team, for example, "please put the hands up", "right hand omit!", "Please praise in your hands" and etc. The game is carried out fun, in a fast pace. Those who were mistaken come out of the game. The remaining is assigned the title of "Attentive Guest" and awarded a prize.

New Year's games

1. Tiger's tail

All players are built into the line, keeping behind the belt or shoulders standing in front of themselves. The first in this line is the head "Tiger", the last - "tail". At the signal "Tail" begins to catch up with "head", which tries to escape. The task of the rest of the "Tig" tiger is not to disclose. After several attempts of the "tail" catch up "head", children change places and roles.

2. Smeshanka

Each player gets the name: Snowflake, Clapper, Christmas tree, Tiger, Candle, Flashlight, etc. All names must be associated with the New Year. One lead is selected, which sets various questions to everyone in turn. The presenter should not know the names of the participants. Participants respond to any question leading by their name. For example:


What is it for you (shows on the nose)?


What do you like to eat?

He who shines leaves the game.

Alternatively, the one who laughs must guess the mystery or perform any task. After the first round, you can change the names to the participants, choose another leading and continue the game until it gets bored.

New Year's entertainment


Team game. Before each team at a distance of 5-7 meters on the floor, a thick sheet of paper is lying, divided into cells in which the end end is written (TA; nya; la, etc.). Another sheet of paper from the first half name name is permanently cut into parts in the form of cards that fold into cushion bags.

The first numbers of the teams wear bags on the shoulder, at a lead signal in a hurry to the paper sheet on the floor -press, take out a postcard from the first half of the first half name and put it to the desired end. Returning, transfer the bag to the next player of his team. The team whose mail will quickly find their addressee, wins the game.

Traveling in the dark

For this game you will need a bow and eye bandages by the number of participants. Command game. The kegli is set up "snake" before each team. Teams, holding hands, blindfolding trying to pass the distance, do not rip the kegli. Whose team will be less than drowned kegiles, the one will win in the "travel". How many not killed kegiles are so many points.

Collect potato

Inventory: baskets by number of participants, cubes, balls, balls - an odd amount. Preparation: "Potatoes" -kubiki, etc. put "potatoes".

Game: each player gives a basket and tie their eyes. Task - blindly assemble as much as possible "potatoes" and fold it in the basket. Winner: participant who collected more "potatoes".

Dance with hoops

Inventory: hoops by number of participants. Game: A few players are given by plastic (metallic) hoop. Game options:

a) rotation of the hoop around the waist, neck, hands ... Winner: Member, whose hoop will rotate longer than everyone.

b) teammates hand send the hoop forward in a straight line. Winner: Member, who has a hoop will go further.

c) rotation of the hoop around its axis movement with the fingers of one hand (like wolf). Winner: Member, whose hoop will turn longer.

Great Hudini

Inventory: Ropes by the number of participants Game: Participants are tied behind their hands with a rope. At the signal of the leading players try to unleash the ropes. WINNER: Member of the liberated first.

Robin the Hood

Inventory: ball or apple "Basket" from hat, buckets, boxes, rings, stool, various objects. Game: Several options:

a) Task - to shoot down the ball with various items standing on a tray on a stool.

b) Task - throw a ball, apple, etc. In the "Basket" at a distance.

c) Task - to sketch rings on the legs of an inverted stool. Winner: Participant, better cope with the task.


Inventory: 2 chess officers, buttofa swipes from rubber or foam rubber. Preparation: the edge of the stop is made a chess figure. Game: Participants are 2 meters from the table. Follow - make a drop (step forward) and to get into the shape. Winner: Participant, who fell into the figure. Option: Duel between the two participants.

Contest poems

You can prepare in advance cards with the rhymes of the future New Year's congratulations (toast) and distribute them to guests (including school children) at the beginning of the evening.

Reef options:

nose - Moroza

year - is coming

three - millennium

calendar - January

The results of the competition are summarized at the table, or when presenting gifts.


The repurchase of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus bag can be furnished as follows. In a circle and adults and children transfer a specially prepared "snowball" - from cotton, or white cloth. "KOM" transmit and Santa Claus sentences:

Snowball we all ride

To "five" we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

You have a song to execute.

You dance to be saved.

You will pue a riddle ...

The bought prize comes out of the circle, and the game continues further.

Christmas trees are

We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the woods of the Christmas tree we grow different, and wide, and low, high, thin. That's if I say "High" - Raise your hands up. "Low" - squat and lower hands. "Wide" - make a circle wider. "Thin" - do the circle already. Now play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse children).

Telegram Santa Morozou

The guys ask to call 13 adjectives: "thick", "red", "hot", "hungry", "sluggish", "dirty" ... when all the adjectives are recorded, the leading text of the telegram, and inserts the missing adjective on the list .

Telegram text:

"... Grandfather Frost! Everything ... Children look forward to yours ... arrival. New year is the most ... holiday per year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... Dancing! Finally That comes ... New Year! How I do not want to talk about ... study. We promise that we will receive only ... Evaluations. So open your own ... Bag and give us ... Gifts.

With respect for you ... Boys and ... Girls! "

We produce lid

Participants of the game Santa Claus suggested from a distance to a set of cans of various sizes and shapes. You can not take into hand. Each player is a piece of cardboard from which they must cut the cap so that they exactly coincide with the holes of the cans. The one wins, who has more covers exactly coincided with holes of cans.


For this contest, make some kind of gentle dish - for example, jelly. The task of participants is to eat it as quickly as possible with matches or toothpicks.


Each player gets some name, say, cracker, lollipop, icicle, garland, needle, flashlight, snowdrift ... Drinking bypasses everyone in a circle and asks various questions:


And what is the holiday today?


And what is it with you (showing on the nose)?


And what drips with icicles?


Each participant must answer any questions with its own "name", while the "name" can be inclined accordingly. Assigning questions should not laugh. Who laughs - drops out of the game and gives his phanta. Then the tasks are drawn for phantas.

Mask, I know you

Leading dresses a player mask. The player sets different questions to which the answers receive - Tips:

This animal?



She caches?


This is a duck!

Guessing as a prize is awarded and mask itself.


The task of players of each team is as quickly as possible without the help of the hands to transfer to a certain place of oranges. Santa Claus - presenter. He gives the start and declares the winner.

Porn newspaper

Santa Claus chooses 2 participants in the competition. The task is to break the newspaper as soon as possible. One hand right or left is still to break the newspaper into small pieces, the hand is stretched forward, it is impossible to help free hand. Who will work fine.


When you have at least 5-10 guests (the age does not matter), offer them this game. Take the children's book with a fairy tale (the simpler - the better, ideally suited - "Ryaba chicken", "Kolobok", "Rack", "Teremok", etc.). Choose the host (it will be a reader). From the books on separate leaflets, write all the heroes of the fairy tale, including, if the number of people, trees, hemp, river, vendor, etc. allow. All guests pull papers with roles. The presenter begins to read the fairy tale, and all the characters "come to life" ....


Plays any number of participants. All game participants, if this is a free area, form a large circle. In the center - leading (Santa Claus) with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws up the handkerchiefs, while he flies to the ground everything loudly laughs, handkerchiefs on Earth - everyone subsides. Only handkeys touched the earth, here it starts laughter here, and with the most honeybee, we take a fanta - this is a song, verse, etc.


It is necessary that most of those who gathered to do not play it. A long rope is taken in an empty room, and a labyrinth is stretched so that a person passing, somewhere sat down somewhere, passed. Inviting the next player from the neighboring room, he explains that he should pass this labyrinth with the blindfolded eyes, after this I remember the location of the rope. Spectators will suggest him. When the player gets his eyes, the rope is cleaned. The player goes into the path, crossing and praying for a non-existent rope. Spectators are asked not to issue a secret of the game.


This game will help to meet all your guests. Guests sitting at the table are transmitted in a circle of a roll of toilet paper. Each guest takes off so much blocks as he wants, the more, the better. When each guest is a stack of Klochekov, the lead announces the rules of the game: each guest must tell so much facts as he has broken off bulls.

With signs

At the entrance, each guest receives its new name - it is attached to his back a piece of paper with the inscription (giraffe, hippopotamus, mountain eagle, bulldozer, bread, rolling pin, cucumber, etc.). Each guest can read what the other guests are called, but, of course, cannot read what it is called himself. The task of each guest - during the evening, learn from the rest of its new name. Guests on questions can only answer "yes" or "no." Wins the first learned what is written on his piece of paper.

Game joke

All guests are in a circle and put hands to each other on the shoulders. Lead (Santa Claus), everyone in the ear talks "Duck" or "Goose" (in the scatter, "duck" to say a greater number of players). Then explains the rules of the game: "If I say now:" Goose "- then all the players who I called the way, press one leg. And if the" duck ", then the players, whom I called" duck ", press both legs." A bunch of mala is guaranteed.

Mysterious chest

Each of the two players is their chest or a suitcase, in which various clothing items are folded. The players tie their eyes, and on the team lead they begin to wear things from the chest. The task of players is to dress up as quickly as possible.


Players are in a circle. Lead Commander: "Touch Yellow, Once, two, three!" Players try as quickly as possible to take over the thing (subject, part of the body) of the other participants in the circle. Who did not have time - dropping out of the game. The presenter repeats the team again, but already with a new color. Wins the remaining latter.

Ride on the ball

All competitors are built into teams of 3 people. Each "Troika" players get a tight volleyball ball. At the signal of the lead one of the top three players, supported by the elbows in two other players, crossing on the ball, rolls it. The group, the first reached the finish, wins.

Draw Sunny

Teams take part in this relay game, each of which is built into the column "one by one". The start in front of each team is gymnastic sticks in the number of players. Ahead of each team, at a distance of 5-7 meters, put the hoop. The task of the participants of the relay is alternately, on the signal, running out with sticks, decompose them with rays around his hoop - "draw the sun". The team wins, which will cope with the task faster.


Participants are offered, putting one foot on the base of the dumbbells, and the second pushing out of the floor, overcome the specified distance.


Plasticine or clay is issued to participants. The presenter shows or calls some letter, and players should make the subject as quickly as possible, the name of which begins with this letter.

All the opposite

Players are invited to try to draw or paint something, but left hand, and who is left-handed right.

Combay newspaper

Inventory: newspapers by the number of participants. Game: In front of the players on the floor, the deployed newspaper is hardened. Task - on the leading signal to squeeze the newspaper, trying to collect the whole sheet into a fist. Winner: participant, the faster of all the gathered newspaper in a lump.

If the company gathered large, it is necessary to include in the game program of the holiday and other contests and entertainment. For example, such.

Contest poems

This is a competition for younger students. Cook cards with rhymes and distribute all guests at the beginning of the holiday. Come up with "New Year's" rhymes or use such: years - grandfather, nose - frost, calendar - January, year - goes.

At the end of the holiday, before serving gifts, everyone read their poems and receive prizes for the best works.

Father Frost goes

First offer all participants to remember the text:

Forest Forest Santa Claus,

For a holiday to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

Gifts carries us.

After players repeat the text, offer such conditions: you need to gradually replace words by movements and gestures. The first word that is replaced - "We". Instead, each shows it. With each new performance of words, it becomes less, and gestures are more.

This is what can be gestures.

"Santa Claus" - show the door. "Holiday" - jump and clap your hands. "Found" - walk in place. "We know" - the index finger to touch the forehead. "Gifts" - gesture to depict a big bag. Etc. In the last execution, only the prepositions and the verb "carries" will remain.

What hung on the tree

The presenter may come up with its own option:

- We will play the guys to an interesting game: what is hanging on the tree, I will challenge the kids.

If I say, I'm sure, say "Yes!" in reply.

Well, if suddenly incorrectly, say boldly:

"Not!" Ready? Begin!

- Multicolored flappers?

- Blankets and pillows?

- clamshells and cribs?

- Marmalaka, chocolates?

- Glass balls?

- Wooden chairs?

- Teddy bears?

- Buvari and books?

- Multicolored beads?

- And the garlands are bright?

- Shoes and boots?

- Cups, forks, spoons?

- Candy shiny?

- Tigers real?

- Golden cones?

- Stars radiant?

I see you can decorate the Christmas tree. Do you know who Santa Claus? If you agree with me, say "true", and disagree - "incorrectly."

True False

The presenter starts dialogue:

- Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

- He comes exactly at seven,

- Invalid!

- Santa Claus - the old man is good, right?

- Wears a hat and calosa, right?

- Invalid!

- Soon Santa Claus comes, right?

- He will bring gifts, right?

- The trunk is good at our tree, right?

- He was cut from doubles, right?

- Invalid!

- What grows on the tree? Cones, right?

- Tomatoes and rugs, right?

- Invalid!

- The view is beautiful at our tree, right?

- Everywhere red needles, right?

- Invalid!

- Santa Claus is afraid of the jewel, right?

- Invalid!

- He's friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

That answers are given to questions

You know everything you about Santa Claus,

And that means - it's time to come,

Which is waiting for the entire defores.

Let's call Santa Claus!

The game in which he is checked as far as children are attentive.

Guys at the end of two, where it is suitable in meaning, shouting "and me!". But you need to listen to Santa Claus well. Sometimes it is better and silent.

- I love to walk through the snow

And I love to play snowballs.

- I love skiing,

And I love skates.

- I love in winter and summer

Sing, play and dance.

- I also love candy

Straight with frentity chew.

- I love to fly on sledding,

So that the wind witnessed!

- I am inside out today

The fur coat was warm.

- I gave way to riddles

And gifts received.

- there was a lot of sweet apples,

Never missed a minute!

- Girls, and boys

In the dance, soon run.

- and fluffy bunny

Sleep under the Christmas tree in the snow.

- So danced our legs,

Even started to creak!

- And in the forest, in his Berorgogue,

Before the spring fell asleep bear.

- This holiday is New Year

I will never forget.

- composed all day today -

It turned out nonsense!

Well no

The game similar to the previous one. An important condition: here you need to be able to say loud not only "yes!", But also "no!".

- Does love jokes and jokes?

- Does songs and riddles know?

- Eat all your chocolates?

- He will hear the guys a Christmas tree?

- Wear shorts and t-shirt?

- Does he not grow soul?

- Will we warm on the street?

- Santa Claus - Frost's brother?

- Are you good birch?

- New year is going closer?

- Is there Snow Maiden in Paris?

- Santa Claus carries gifts?

- Does he drive on a foreign car?

- Wear a cane and hat?

- Sometimes like dad?

New Year's Ugadayka

The guys really like to finish with the poems with his grandfather.

Santa Claus. On the courtyard snowball goes,

Soon a holiday ...

Children. New Year!

Santa Claus. Softly glow needles

Coniferous spirit goes ...

Children. From the tree!

Santa Claus. Branches weakly rustle

Beads bright ...

Children. Shine!

Santa Claus. And swing toys -

Flags, stars ...

Children. Flap!

Santa Claus. Nights of Petrow Mishura,

Bells ...

Children. Balls!

Santa Claus. Fish fragile figures,

Birds, skiers ...

Children. Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus. Belous and Krasnonos,

Under the branches of the grandfather ...

Children. Frost!

Santa Claus. Well, the Christmas tree, just Divo!

How is the hardest, like ...

Children. Beautiful!

Santa Claus. Here already lit on it,

Hundreds of tiny ...

Children. Lights!

Santa Claus. Doors manifest, exactly in a fairy tale,

Horticulture is worn in ...

Children. Dance!

Santa Claus: And above this round

Speaking, songs, ringing laughter ...


Children. Happy New Year!

Santa Claus. With new happiness immediately ...

Children. All!

I wanted to make a ball

For this game, the poem of Daniel Harms may be useful "I wanted to arrange the ball." The lead precedes this fun with such an entry. "Do you know how to receive guests?" - he asks. Children, of course, answer "yes!". "It is very good," continues the lead. - Unfortunately, some do not know how to do it. Here we are talking about such strange people with you and poet Daniel Harms poem. I will start, and you have the main role: you will come up with rhymes. "

Leading. I wanted to make a ball

And all guests to yourself ...

Children. Called!

Leading. Bought flour, bought cottage cheese,

Purifying crumbly ...

Children. Pie!

Leading.Pie, knives and forks here,

But something guests are not ...

Children. Go!

Leading.I waited until the strength had enough

Then a piece ...

Children. Bucked!

Leading. Then she pulled the chair and sat down,

And the whole cake per minute ...

Children. Ate!

Leading. When guests come up,

Then even crumbs ...

Children. Did not find!

It is guessing for the smallest, they gladly show how the bunny jumps, as a closing teddy bear walks and how "speak" different animals.

Santa Claus. In the woods in the tree in the new year

There is a cheerful dance.

Sit down tightly on bitch,

Shouts cock ...

Children. Ka-ka-re-ku!

Santa Claus. And every time in response to him

Mice cow ...

Children. Mu-y, mu-y, mu-y!

Santa Claus. To say the singers wanted "Bravo", but only a cat came out ...

Children. Meow!

Grandfather Frost. Do not disassemble in any way, the frogs are stolen ...

Children. Kva-kva-kva!

Santa Claus. And something whispers Snegyr

Funny pig ...

Children. Oink oink oink!

Santa Claus. And, smiling itself,

Delivered goats ...

Children. BE-BE-BE!

Santa Claus. And who is there on the bitch? Cuckoo shouting ...

Children. Ku-ku!

In the zoo seen

This is a musical game where Grandfather Frost sees, and children answer:

- A huge hippopotam sleeps behind the gate.

- Here is a misunderstanding a quiet sleep guarded an old elephant.

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- Chernozhaya Cuckit - a wonderful bird!

- Angry-teeting gray wolf on the guys with teeth puck!

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- Suddenly the penguins above spruce and aspen.

- You confuse, confuse, grandfather, you confuse!

- Pony - small horses, to what funny pony!

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- The insatiable beast jackal from the wall to the wall of Chagall.

- Seen, saw, saw in the zoo!

- And the green crocodile is important in the field went.

- You confuse, confuse, grandfather, you confuse!

Children must answer correctly without having a rhythm.

New Year's game "Answer on the contrary"

This game is held at the end of the New Year holiday. The presenter passes in a circle and asks questions. Answer them can someone who he asks them is, and all the guys should help choir. Gradually (this is the responsibility of the lead) meet more and more guys. And the word "end" should already say the whole hall.

I will say the word "high",

And you answer - "Low".

I will say the word "far",

And you answer - "close".

I will tell you the word "full",

You will answer - "Hungry".

I will say "hot" I am

You will answer - "Cold".

I will tell you the word "lie",

You will answer me - "Stand".

I will later say "Father" to you,

You will answer me - "Mother".

I will tell you the word "dirty",

You will answer me - "clean."

I will say "slow" to you,

You will answer me - "fast."

I will tell you the word "coward",

You will answer - "Harvest".

Now "Start" I will say

You are responsible - "End".


Distribution of gifts is the most pleasant and long-awaited moment on the New Year holiday. He is always accompanied by some attraction or game. The proposed game is suitable for a few domestic and a few "family" holidays. The redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag is furnished like this: in a circle, adults and children transmit specially prepared "snowball" - from cotton or white cloth. Grandfather Frost is nice to have such in her bag. "KOM" transmit, Santa Claus sentences:

Snowball we all ride

To the "five" we all believe -

One, two, three, four, five -

You have a song to execute.

You dance to be saved.

You will pue a riddle ...

The bought prize comes out of the circle, and the game continues.

Fabulous Chepukha

Children are scared when grandfather confuses something. For example, how "speak" animals. The guys "teach" Santa Claus and straighten it. For the same principle, the fun, in which the "Dark" Baba Yaga or someone from her surroundings confuse the names of all fabulous heroes. For example:

Led(Baba Yaga). Here, old, I go yesterday in the woods, but I will meet the crocodile this green with my Burachka!

Baba Yaga. Not a burachka, stupid you are unsolving, but a bucket!

Lie No, Burachychka!

Yaga. Buchekashka!

LieAnd here are the guys asking, Burachyka or Burchekashka?

Children. Cheburashka!

LieSo I say, Cheburashka! They go, hence, and ask me, I have not seen this, Ti-Boo-ra.

Yaga. Here is the olukh! You're olhuh, slave! Remember, not Tinoburo, and Robutino!

Lie So guys?

Children. Pinocchio!

Lie In, Pinocchio!

Yaga.Why do they need Pinocchio?

Led. So I ask, why? And they say to me: "Today there will be a big holiday. There everyone will gather: both inchomovka, and the salon "...

Yaga.Who is who?

Led. Inchomovka, salon ... so, children?

Children. No not like this.

Led. But as?

Children. Thumbeller, mermaid!

LieIn, in, and the grandfather of this Romosis will come to them with her SgUnerochka!

Children.Santa Claus with Snow Maiden!

This approximately the scene may be present in the New Year scenario, or a leading for the holiday can prepare a funny story. The older children, the wrong and funnier you can reinstate the names. If the guys are a bit, then you can even reveal the connoisseur of the fabulous heroes and give him a prize.

On a visit to Grandfather Frost

This is a game for kids. Santa Claus offers children to go to his forest hut. When the guys stand behind the grandfather "train", he leads them, saying and showing different movements that children must perform.

We took a friend together

Like horses rocked.

(Grandfather shows how horses will jump, high raising her knees, and children repeat.)

For each other we are -

The cold is not terrible to us!

And now howles we

Along the path went.

(Grandfather goes slowly, roll over from foot to foot, children repeat.)

We are walking

And not at all the tire -

Like trigger bunny

Both girls and boys!

(Everyone jumps like bunnies.)

Jump, pursuit,

On a fun holiday!

- So we came! - declares grandfather. - Dance, having fun from the soul!

(Sounds of funny music sounds, children jump, dancing.)

Santa Claus puts kids to the dance, himself in the middle. Sinks and shows the children movement:

Long holiday I was waiting for

Children chose a Christmas tree. (2 times)

(Looks from under the palm right and left.)

Like this look

Children chose a Christmas tree!

(Children sing the last two lines of each couplet and repeat the grandfather of the movement.)

Long holiday I was waiting for

I was looking for my boots. (2 times)

(Santa Claus, dancing, shows his boots.)

Like this look

I was looking for my boots!

Long holiday I was waiting for

Gauntlets put on. (2 times)

(Shows how he pulled mittens.)

Like this look

Mittens put on!

Long holiday I was waiting for

This fur coat tried. (2 times)

(Shows how I put on a fur coat.)

Like this look

Long holiday I was waiting for

Shawned with a fur hat ...

I waited a long holiday

And gifts collected ...

At the end of the game, Santa Claus with the guys is started into the dance.

New Year's riddles

Tablecloth Belarus

All light dressed. (Snow)

White bedspread

On the ground lay.

Summer has come -

It all went away. (Snow)

White carrot

All winter grew.

Sun values

And the carrot ate. (Icicle)

Transparent like glass

And do not insert the window. (Ice)

From the sky - star,

On palm - water. (Snow)

Old man at the gate

Heat wilts.

He himself is not running

And it does not stand. (Frost)

Babes sat on the cornice

And grow down all the time. (Icicles)

On the courtyard mountain, and in the waterproof water. (Snow)

It grows down the head,

It is not growing in summer, and in winter.

But the sun will pay it -

She will pay and die. (Icicle)

Without hands, without legs,

And it knows how to draw. (Frost)

At night, he, while I slept,

Came with a magic brush

And drew on the window

Sparkling leaves. (Frost)

He set up rollers for us,

Snow Street Vacan

Ice bridges built,

Who is it? .. (Santa Claus)

All his winter is afraid -

It may hurt.

Hide ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street ... (frost)

We glanced in the window -

Already my eyes do not believe!

All around white-white

And sweaters ... (Metelitsa)

In winter, in the watches of fun,

Vice on bright ate me.

Shoot, exactly gun,

Your name is ... (slap)

Name-ka, guys,

Month in this riddle:

His days - in short,

All nights are longer than a night.

On the fields and on the meadow

Before spring lay down snow.

Only one month will pass,

We meet New Year. (December)

Bumping ears, pinch nose,

Climbs in felt boots.

Splash water - falls

Not water is already, but ice.

Even the bird does not flies

From frost is a bird.

Turn the sun by the summer.

What, tell me, for the month it? (January)

Snow Bags Walit from Sky

From the house there are snow drifts.

That buran and blizzards

At the village fled.

At night, Frost Sillen,

Daily droplets are heard ringing.

The day was noticeable.

Well, so this month is it? (February)

What kind of stars through

On the coat and on the scarf?

All through, cut,

And take - water in hand? (Snowflakes)

Softly glow needles

Coniferous spirit comes from ... (Christmas trees)

He is busy all the time,

He can not go in vain.

He goes and paints white

All that sees on the way. (Snow)

It is always in the forest to find,

Let's go for a walk and meet.

Worth a barbed like a Yozh,

In winter in a summer dress.

And comes to us

Under the New Year -

Guys will be happy

Salmon merry full mouth:

Prepare her outfits. (Christmas tree)

To our home under the New Year

Someone from the forest will come,

All fluffy, in needles,

And the name is that guest ... (Christmas tree)

She was born in the forest,

There grows and bloomed.

And now your beauty

I brought us to Christmas. (Christmas tree)

Snow goes, under white cotton

Streets hid at home.

We are glad to snow all the guys -

Again came to us ... (winter)

According to the first, he goes,

New year will begin with him.

Open the calendar rather

Read! It is written ... (January)

I will not get warm:

Spinning blizzards

All glades wishes

Spray ate

Notice snow at home

Because I ... (winter)

He was a black cloud, first,

He is a white fortune lying on the forest.

Covered the whole earth with a blanket,

And in the spring, it completely disappeared. (Snow)

Became in the stars

In the air a little

Village and melted

On my palm. (Snowflake)

We blinded a snowball

Hat done on it,

Nose attached, and in a moment

It turned out ... (Snowman)

Appeared in the yard

He is cold December.

Clumsy and funny

The roller stands with a broom.

To the wind of the winter used

Our buddy ... (Snowman)

Who in winter will be angry and angry

Blowing, howl and spins

Steel White bed?

This is a snowy ... (blizzard)

If the cat decided to lie down

Where warmer, where the oven,

And the tail covered his nose -

Expect us ... (frost)

Small, white,

On the leaf jump jump!

Snow Tyk-Tyk! (Hare)

Winter on branches apples!

Mostly collect them!

And suddenly apples suddenly felt

After all, it ... (bullfinches)

All summer stood

Winter expected

Waited for pores -

Rushed from the mountain. (Sledge)

Two birch keys

On snow carry me.

Horses these reds

And their name is ... (Ski)

Winter sleeps

In the summer - the hives are grumbled. (Bear)

Feet from joy not sick

From a snow slide down I'm flying!

I became a sports relative and closer.

Who helped me in this? .. (Ski)

Well, guys,

Who guesses:

On ten brothers

Two fur coats. (Mittens)

They are drill, ride

And the winter is dragging. (Felt boots)

He and the Christmas tree, and gifts,

And candy for us brought.

It's kind and fun

Our favorite ... (Santa Claus)

Who guys under the New Year

Do not get tired?

Who gives children to children?

Who are the guys to all in the world

Tree from the forest brought?

Guess! (Santa Claus)

He comes in winter evening

Loan candles on the tree.

Beard gray rose,

Who is it? .. (Santa Claus)

He comes in winter evening

Loan candles on the tree.

He turns round dance -

This is a holiday ... (New Year)

Game "Grandfather Frost"

The presenter says the quatrain, the last string of which the children finish with the words "Grandfather Frost".

Leading: I gave fluffy snow and shook a big skid long-awaited and loved by everyone ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: In the warm fur coat of the New Year, rubbing the red nose, the defector carries a kind gifts ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: There are chocolate Mandarin and Apricot chocolate - tried nice for the guys ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: Loves songs, dance and laughs People to tears near the Christmas tree chicken ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: After dancing, the deprivable drowned, as a locomotive, who, tell me together, children? It...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: With a naughty hare at dawn, the trope of snowy holds cross, well, of course, your sports, fast ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: He walks with a staff across the forest among pines and birch, singing a quiet song. Who?
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: I will braid the in the morning a couple of snow-white braids, and then goes for a holiday to children ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: On the holiday, the wondrous New Year walks without a bouquet of roses to visit the small and adult only ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: Who is the joy to you guys, the tree coniferous brought? Answer - this is ...
Children: Santa Claus!

The game "What does Christmas tree love?"

The presenter gives answers to the question "What does Christmas tree love?", And children in confirmation say "yes" and in disagreement - "no".

What does a Christmas tree love?
- Chapter needles ...
- Gingerbread, candy ..
- Chairs, stools ...
- Mishuru, garlands ..
- Games, Masquerades ...
- boredom from idleness ...
- Devora, fun ...
- Lily of the valley and roses ...
- Frost Grandfather ...
- Call laughter and jokes ...
- boots and jackets ...
- bumps and nuts ...
- Chess pawns ...
- Serpentine, lanterns ...
- lights and balls ...
- Confetti, clappers ...
- Bied toys ...
- Cucumbers in bed ...
- Waffles, chocolates ...
- Miracles for the New Year ...
- With the song friendly dance ...

Game "New Year's Bags"

2 players are obtained by an elegant bag and get up at the coffee table, in which the boxes are fragmented by tinsel, Christmas treeless toys, as well as small things that are not believed to the New Year holiday. Under the merry music, participants of the game with tied eyes fold the contents of the box in the bags. As soon as Music will appeal, players unleash their eyes and they look at the collected objects. Wins the one who had more Christmas items. The game can be held 2 times with different players.

Game "Lying Christmas Tree"

Children form 2 teams and get up in the column. The captains of the teams receive a set of New Year flags with a picture of fabulous characters, the third from the end is the checkbox with the Christmas tree. Under the merry music, the captains are transmitted back the rest of one checkbox. The last player collects the checkboxes transmitted by the command. As soon as the captain detects a Christmas tree, he shouts: "Christmas tree!", Raising your hand with this flag - the team is considered the winner.

Game "Christmas Crochets"

The presenter says the quatrains, and the children shouted the words of each final line.

Good in his outfit, the bastard is always glad to her, on the branches of her needles, in the dance calls everyone ... (Christmas tree)
There is on the Christmas tree of the New Year in the cap, a mixed clown, silver horns and with pictures ... (checkboxes)
Beads, stars Color, wonderful masks painted, squirrels, cocks and pigs, very ringing ... (slappers)
Mozyushka will win the tree, the brown bear will smile; Zainka hangs from the molding, lollipops and ... (chocolates)
Old Borovka, next to him Snowman, Red Cat-Fluff and Top ... (Bryer)
There is no colorful outfit: Multicolored garland, gilding tinsel and shiny ... (balls)
Bright foil Flashlight, bell and boat, train and machine, snow-white ... (Snowflake)
Christmas tree, all surprises know and wishes to everyone; For happy defensions light up ... (lights)

Music game

(on the motive of the song "Good Beetle" from the film-tales "Cinderella")

1. Statta, children, stand up in a circle, stand in the circle, stand up in a circle! Chloat the palms, do not regret your hands! Jump like bunnies - jump yes Ich, jump yes IC! Now sweep, do not regret your feet!
2.3A Hands we will seek, cheerful and raise your hands up, jumping above all! Hands we lower down, with the right foot, the left left we feet and twist your head!

The game is repeated 2 more times.


The presenter puts under the tree a prize. 2 player's baby becomes from different sides at a certain distance from the tree. Merry music sounds. Participants of the game, jumping on one leg, try to get to the tree and take the prize. Wins the most agile.

Game "Snowflakes"

Paper snowflakes are attached to horizontally suspended long tinsel. Under the merry music, players with blindfolded eyes remove with tinsel snowflakes. Wins the one who will have the greatest number.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"

Children form 2 teams. Near each team, the presenter has a box with Christmas tailed toys. At a distance from the teams stands on a small dressed artificial Christmas tree. The first players take one toy from the box, run to the Christmas tree of their team, hang a toy and return back - and so to the last player. The team wins, the first dressed up Christmas tree.

Gift Auction game

(Santa Claus puts a large elegant satin bag in the middle of the hall.)

Santa Claus: Here is a bag - he is elegant! Cut the auction! Who is actively responsible, that gift gets!
(In the satin bag there are 7 paper multi-colored bags having a shape. Bags are placed one to the other from a large - 80 cm high to the small - 50cm tall (type of matryoshka), and tied with bright bows. On each bag is largely marked by one letter, the word " Gifts. "In the process of the game, Santa Claus unleashes the bow and takes out a bag of a bag, conducts auction for each letter and presents a gift to a child, who gave his answer. The latest - gifts begin to the appropriate letters. At the beginning of the game, Santa Claus descends on the floor satin bag and before children It appears a paper bag with the letter "P".)
Santa Claus: The letter "PE" to name everyone asks songs winter now! If you want to sing - please, after all, on that fun hour! (Children call songs about winter.)
Santa Claus: Good winter snow. But the song is good! Gingerbread I hand you hand, you eat well! (Santa Claus unlock the bag, gets a gingerbread, hands it, then takes out another bag from this bag - with the letter "O"; the previous bag puts on the other side of yourself, therefore, the playback bags will substitute next and at the end of the game, children will read the letters from All bags in a single word "gifts".)
Santa Claus:The letter "Oh" is noticed - a festive dinner is served and a friend with friends! On the table what's wrong! What friends do you treat? Calling! (Children list festive treats.)
Santa Claus: In the treats, you are a scientist, a prize - a litter of gold! (Santa Claus unlock the bag, gets walnut in the gilded foil, and then the bag with the letter "D".)
Santa Claus: The letter "DE" trees to remember very asking for, kids, you! Dressed them in Silver Iney, I already! (Children tell the names of the trees.)
Santa Claus: You are an exemplary student, I will give you a diary! (Santa Claus unlock the bag, hands the diary and takes out a bag with the letter "A".)
Santa Claus:The letter "A" about the orange woman wants to ask for children! Well, tell me, he knows how to be? (Children describe the external and taste of orange.)
Santa Claus:How beautiful the Christmas tree, manits her outfit! I am very happy to give an orange on health! (Santa Claus hands an orange and takes out a bag with the letter "r".)
Santa Claus: The letter "ER" is given to all the joy: everyone let him give the fact that the joy of attitude delivers, without a doubt! (Children remember everything that pleases them.)
Santa Claus: For me, today in the joy of the school prize to you to deliver - you can write this handle, something to "five"! (Santa Claus Hands the handle and takes out a bag with the letter "K".)
Santa Claus: The letter "ka" about carnival and costumes says; Asks you to name the carnival appearance! (Children call carnival costumes.)
Santa Claus: Good things were masks, okay you know fairy tales! I remember this this (calls the last answer) get you candy! (Santa Claus Hands Candy and takes out a bag with the letter "and".)
Santa Claus: The letter "and" hear wants the game of winter snowy days! You know them, guys, say quickly! (Children list winter games.)
Santa Claus: These winter fun me, admit, soul! I want to give a toy - there is nothing more! (Santa Claus unlock the last bag, gets out of it a Christmas tree toy, hands her, then turns the bag upside down and shakes, showing that it is empty.)
Santa Claus: My bag is empty and the lung he - our auction is finished! Gifts I distributed my own way to arrange a carnival!

Game "Because the new year!"

For the questions of the leading children, the choir correspond to the phrase "because the new year!".

Why is there fun, laughter and jokes without worries? ..
Why do guests are expected to arrive? ..
Why does the desire for everyone fuss in advance? ..
Why will the trail of knowledge of you will lead to "tops"? ..
Why do you raise the Christmas tree with fires? ..
Why is the Snow Maiden with grandfather everyone here is waiting today? ..
Why in the elegant hall children water dance? ..
Why good luck, Mira Santa Claus guys shout? ..

Game "Yelochka - Surpriznik"

The presenter exposes the cardboard silhouette of the New Year tree, which, instead of balls, round holes with pockets on the back side. Players in order of odds throw a ball from ping-pong in the tree, trying to get into one of the holes. At the time of hitting the ball turns out in the pocket. The most deft is removed from the main Christmas tree a red sac with a surprise.

Game "Chalubashiki"

All children are located around the hall of 4 people in a circle. Merry music sounds, players are dancing. As soon as Music will subscribe, lead announces: "Puffers!" (Children puff) Then the fun music sounds again, players are dancing. At the end of music, the master announces: "Foods!" (Children singing) So the game continues on with different cereals: "Scarms!" (children shout); "Junisks!" (children squeal); "Moveshakes!" (Children laugh) and again first. The order of the declarations of pranks changes periodically.

Game "Winter Gadls"

The maritime marriage does not like to stand in a griest, the whole shy from the dress, the new year meets with us. (Christmas tree)
Friend Ivashka is a white shirt, glad to the jelly frost, and heels tears in warmth. (Snowman)
Two girlfriends that there are strength upstairs raised the noses and traveled their feet on white paths. (Skiing)
Fast coach resting in the summer. How winter will come, it will pull it into the path. (Sledge)
Brug-rollers-Belolians respect mittens. Throw them - they do not cry, even crumble in the opinion. (Snowballs)
Two twin brothers in the mirror admire, hurry to walk along it, they are trained in running. (Skates)

Game "do not miss"

Children form 2 teams. At a certain distance from each team there are small knots. Near the commands the presenter puts on an elegant box with balls from ping pong by the number of participants. Under the merry music, the first players take from the box of the ball and from the scene can be drunk, trying to get into the knot, after which they occupy a place at the end of the team. The second participants join the game, etc. The team wins in the gates of the largest number of balls.

Relay "Fish"

Children form 2 teams. The captains of the teams are obtained on a small fishing rod with a crochet. At a certain distance from the teams there is a large blue hoop, which personifies the pond, in which there are medium-sized toy fish with a loop at the number of participants in both teams. Under the merry music, the captains follow to the hoop, draw the fishing rod on the hook on the fish and put them in the shoulder of their teams standing on both sides of the hoop. Then the captains return to the team and transfer the rod to the next participant. The team wins, the first finished fishing.

Game "Cabbage"

Children form 2 teams. All players put on the bold ears. At a certain distance from the commands the lead puts the cabbage on the Boutaphoric Kochhan. Merry music sounds, the first players, jumping like bunnies, get to Kochan, remove one sheet and, also jumping, return back. Second players enter the game, etc. The smallest worshes raise their cabbage sheets, thereby proclaiming about the victory of the team.

Game "Well done, hammer, milk"

Children form a circle. In the middle of the circle there is a leading. He is ahead (not in order) calls the words "well done", "hammer", "Milk", after which the players perform the following movements: - "Well done" - bounce in place 1 time; - "Hammer" - clap your hands 1 time; - "Milk" - they say "meow". The presenter stretches the first syllables of words to confuse the participants of the game ("Mo-Lo-decen"). The game from a slow pace takes a declined character. Inattentive remain on their gaming places, and performing movements in accordance with words without error make a step forward. Thus, the winners are the participants of the game, the fastest of the rest who have reached the lead.

Game "Friends - Divine"

On the statements of the leader, children in agreement say "yes" and in disagreement - no.

Uncle Fedor - the boy is smart, very kind and cultural.
Cinderella of hardworking, in a ballot dress beautiful.
Everyone knows here from you - good uncle Karabas.
Your grandmother Yaga will always become true to you.
Love the gnomes Snow White, sleep behind it hastily.
Lisa Alisa will teach you a better mind.
Rides on Emely furnaces, manages it boldly.
Do not have friends, it is impossible to live without them.
You will nap a bigger nice grandfather of Koschei.
I chastered the flying ship Vanya per night is the best.
Pinocchio greedy is very, - Five Saldo will fit at night.
Masha from the vita hooligans, - put the capacan trees.
Cheburashka with Gena is friends, sings a song, not fuss.
Loves Carlson Cookies. Sweets and entertainment.
The evil girl of Malvina walks with a long bunch.
Lesy - the guy is what the kids are happy to be friends with him.
Pechkin is a nice postman, he will deliver mail on time.
From Chukotka to Brazil love all Cota Basilio.
The hare jumps ahead, the wolf shouts: "Well, wait!"
The best of friends is the wild cat Matvey.
The turtle does not fly, lion rolls on himself.

Competition "Scooter"

Children form 2 teams whose captains are obtained by a children's scooter. In front of the teams at a certain distance from each other, small artificial Christmas trees are placed. Under the merry music, the captains are circulating around the Christmas trees and, in the same way, return to their team, passing the scooter to the next participant. The team defeats, who managed not to go on the Christmas tree.

Cat-Mouse game

Three players put on caps of cats and give a wand to which a long rope is attached. At the end of the rope is tied a bout. Under the merry music, players wake up the rope on the wand, thereby bringing the mouse to him. The prize is awarded to the most prompt cat, who managed to quickly "catch" the mouse faster.

Sucking game

Children form 2 teams. Near each team there is a large saucepan with inflatable sausages of medium size by the number of participants. To the ends of the sausages are tied by a pair of small hooks. Merry music sounds, the first participant gets from a saucepan of a sausage and transmits it to the second participant, etc., until it is at the last participant of the team. Then, the first participant transmits the second savage that the penultimate participant joins the hook to the TV screen of the last participant. Thus, each participant connects the sausage transmitted to him next to him. The last Sosisian finishes the bunch of the first participant. The most prompt team lifts up their bunch of sausages, commemorating the victory in the game.

Game "Chrum-chum!"

Children are located in a circle and repeat for the leading standing in the center of the circle, movement, saying "Chrum-chum!".

Leading: Praise together, chrum-chum!
Children: (clap) Chrum-chrum!
Leading:Praise together, chrum-chum!
Children: (clap) chrum-chum!
Leading: And if more friendly, chrum-chum!
Children: (clap) Chrum-chrum!
Leading: More fun, chrum-chum!
Children: (clap) chrum-chum!
Leading:For each other now we get up, chrum-chum!
Children: (Children get up each other) Chrum-chum!
Leading: And take each other's shoulders, chrum-chum!
Children: (take each other by the shoulders) Chrum-chrum!
Leading: Circle quietly go, chrum-chum!
Children:(slowly go in a circle) Chrum-chum!
Leading: Play with me not tired, chrum-chum!
Children: (continue to go in a circle) Chrum-chum!
Leading: Let us pass, chrum-chum!
Children:(go for each other to the eddie) Chrum-chum!
Leading: Usefully quietly go, chrum-chum!
Children: (continue to go to the eddie) Chrum-chum!
Leading: On the legs, all together get up, chrum-chrum!
Children: (Get on your feet) Chrum-chum!
Leading: And everything will turn to the Christmas tree, Chrum-Chrum!
Children: (Turn the face in the center of the circle) Chrum-chum!
Leading: Let's catch the foot, chrum-chum!
Children: (Top by foot) Chrum-chum!
Leading:Let's try another, chrum-chum!
Children: (Top by another foot) Chrum-chum!
Leading: On the spot by jumper, Chrum-chrum!
Children: (bounce in place) Chrum-chum!
Leading: And again bounce, chrum-chrum!
Children: (Jump again) Chrum-chum!
Leading: Falling each other, chrum chum!
Children: (Masut to each other) Chrum-chum!
Leading: Feel the hand of another, chrum-chum!
Children: (Masut by the other hand) Chrum-chum!
Leading: We all come to each other, Chrum-chum!
Children: (Wink to each other) Chrum-chum!
Leading: Take each other for the handles, chrum-chum!
Children: (take hands) Chrum-chum!

Game "New Year Casket"

The presenter reads for children of 3 tips, with the help of which surprises undergoes in an elegant box.
The most curly gets sweet prizes.

Not a Christmas tree, but an elegant; Not a musician, but he loves to play; Not a baby, but "Mom" says. (Doll)
Not watermelon, but round; Not hare, but jumps; Not a bike, but rolls. (Ball)
Not a gnome, but in the cap; Not a car, but refueling; Not an artist, but draws. (Feltaster)
No fox, but redhead; Not waffle, but crispy; Not mole, and under the ground is sitting. (Carrot)
Not a cake, but sweet; Not ebony, but dark-skinned; Not orange, but with slices. (Chocolate)
Do not bucket, but stresses; Not the door, but with a handle; Not a cook, but feeds. (The spoon)
Not a plate, but a round; No heron, but on one leg it is; Not a wheel, but promoted. (Yula)
Not pyryshko, but light; Not snowflake, but flies; Not a kidney, and burst. (Balloon)
Not a ruler, but thin; Not a mother, but caring; Not a crocodile, but a toothast. (Hairbrush)
Not wool, but white; Not snow, but cold; Not sugar, and sweet. (Ice cream)

Game "Tiger"

Players form 2 commands at a certain distance from which it stands on a tiger cone-shaped figure 80 cm high made from cardboard and painted in orange. The tiger neck is tied a long rope with attached on the end of a black marker. Under the merry music, the participants of the game in order of odds run to the tigra and the marker draw on one strip, then return to their team. Wins the most prompt team.

Dance game "We are funny kittens"

Rhythmic music sounds, children dance in pairs. The lead announces: "We are funny kittens," the couples are disconnected and each depicts a dancing kitten. The game is repeated several times.

Relay "Carrot"

Children form 2 teams. At a certain distance from the teams stands on a small artificial Christmas tree. Merry music sounds, the first participants with a carrot on a plate run to a small Christmas tree and back, passing the plate to second participants, etc. The team defeats, who managed the smallest number of times to starve carrots from a plate.

Game "Hello, Hello, New Year!"

On the phrases of the leading agreement, children respond: "Hello, Hello, New Year!".

Christmas tree in a festive dress, we all glad today ...
Santa Claus, seeing kids, gets a bag of candy ...
Nobody wants singing songs, their words barely mumble ...
The tree branches lowered, he drove himself very much ...
Around the Christmas tree in this glorious hall of our ...
From the slingshot shoot and raise the balls ...
Make a color flashlight of our Christmas tree as a gift ...
To tell the poem, everyone is ready with the attitude ...
Snowman in Panama walks, games children do not hold ...
Everywhere joyful faces, it means that we have fun ...

Gaming song "This is the new year!"

(Polyka danced to the Polka Melody ... "from the film-fairy tale" Adventures of Pinocchio ")

Leading: Trees in the balls fit!
Children: This is a holiday New Year!
Leading: All friends will congratulate your friends!
Children: This is a holiday New Year!
Leading: Moving together for your arms, they go around the Christmas tree and, of course, smile!
Children: It is a New Year!
Leading:Friends came to us from a fairy tale!
Children: This is a holiday New Year!
Leading: Round in the glorious dance masks!
Children:This is a holiday New Year!
Leading: We play the Christmas tree, play songs together, joke and do not be disappeared!
Children: It is a New Year!
Leading: Santa Claus in an elegant fur coat!
Children: This is a holiday New Year!
Leading: Have fun with our grandfather!
Children: This is a holiday New Year!
Leading:For poems, he will praise us and gifts will give, with a wonderful holiday congratulate!
Children: It is a New Year!

Gaming game

Players form 2 teams. Captains The lead gives a large body combosity, personifying hooves, and Boutaphoric horns. Under the merry music, the captains circle a bucket with the inscription "Milk", top-covered with white paper - "milk" (for each team, its bucket), returns back and transfer the horns with calicists to the next players. Wins the team of the most frowning bourgeois.

The game "Who is ahead?"

On the back of two chairs hanging on a winter jacket with twisted sleeves, and on the seats lies on the fur hat, scarf and a pair of the mobs. Under the merry music, 2 players turn the sleeves of the course, after which they put on them, and then go to the header, scarf and mittens. The prize receives one who is forward to take place on his chair and crying "Happy New Year!".

Competition "Mishura"

Children form 2 teams. The presenter issues every tinsel. Song melody "Jingle Bells" sounds. The first participants tie their tinsel to the second participants to the node, after which the second is the third, etc., the latter run to the first and tie Mishur to them. The team wins, the participants of which in a short period of time coped with the task and raised their hands with tied tinsel.

Game "Winter Mood"

The presenter says the quatrasion, which children give answers "right", "incorrectly."

1. On the birch of fishers with a pack of a pedestrine flew. Everyone to see them is glad, wonderful praise. (Right)
2. Frames among frost on the pine large roses. They are collected in bouquets and the Snow Maiden are handed over. (Wrong)
3. Forced frost in the winter melting and bored under the Christmas tree - there was a puddle from him; It is not necessary for the holiday at all. (Wrong)
4. WHO Snow Maiden Snowman to Children to come used. He loves to listen to poems, and then eat candy. (Right)
5. In February, under the New Year, a good grandfather goes, he has a big bag, the whole noodles filled with. (Wrong)
6.Poda end of December is broken by a calendar sheet. He is the last and unnecessary - the new year is much better. (Right)
7. It is grown in winter toadstools, but they ride sledges. With them joyfully kids - and girls, and boys. (Right)
8. For us from the hot countries in the winter, the wonderful butterflies fly, sometimes some kind of collecting nectar wants. (Wrong)
9. In January, the swelling sweatshirt, fir-snowing. Bunny in the fur coat of his white on the logo jumps boldly. (Right)
10. In the New Year's holiday, the nice cactus for the Children is the chief - he is green and spiny, the Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)

Game "Christmas tree"

The leading exhibit the cardboard silhouette of the New Year tree, which in four balls are in the letter: "E", "L", "K", "A". Then they make riddles. In the process of guessing the upper part of the ball with the letter is removed and a ball with a picture - a prominent on this letter appears.

Lead: He puffs like a steam locomotive, brings WHO. From the neighbors and passersby to protect themselves he can. (Children say options for fading.)
Leading: Your answer is similar to the truth - undoubtedly, this is a Yozh! Come, my friend, here, the prize is handing you then!
Leading: Bright outfit with her like a suit on masquerade. Before what the cherry of the row, deceive to deceive. (Children give their answers.) Leading: From fox you, hello for your correct answer! You need to hurry, the prize is wonderful to get!
Leading: In the house he lives with a paper with the view Gordy and brave, and when it leaves, the sweet appearance will immediately accept. (Children offer their deposits.)
Leading: Good prom is good - I made a candy! Come to me later, take your as soon as possible!
Leading: As if the sun shines, juicy it always happens, round and looks like a ball, just not embroiled. (Children announced guesses.)
Leading: Here is a riddle to the riddle! The prize is not sorry for you! Orange you guess - I heard this whole hall!

The game "Dr. Aibolit"

Children form 2 teams and become in the ranks. Dr. Aibolit wants to know if the temperature did not rise during the New Year holiday and puts under the mouse to the first participants of both teams on a large cardboard thermometer. Merry music sounds. The second players take a thermometer at the first players and put themselves, then they take the singer of third players and so on to the last players. Now, in the same way, the thermometer moves from the last players to the first. The team wins, the first player of which in a short period of time returned the thermometer to Dr. Aibolita.

"Christmas-tree playing"

Before the two players, the presenter places a prize on the chair, wrapped in a bright wrapper paper, and says the following text:
On New Year's hour, friends, it is impossible! Digit "Three" do not miss, - take a prize, do not yaw!
"The Christmas tree gave guests. Five children came first to not miss the holiday, they began to count everything on it: two snowflakes, six clappers, eight dwarves and parses, seven golden nuts among mushura curled; Ten cones numbered, and then read tired. Tripped three girls ... "
If the players did a prize, - His lead and says: "Where were your ears?"; If one of the players proves more attentive, then the presenter concludes: "Here is the attentive ears!"

Gaming song "Yolki do not miss"

(on the motive of the song "There is nothing better in the world ..." from M / F "Bremen Musicians")

1.Leading: There is nothing better in the world than the pores of the funny winter! We all encounter the new year and we don't miss our trees!
Children: And our trees do not miss our! (During loss, the children put their hands on each other on the shoulders and go to the right in a circle; at the end of the loss stop and clap the hands of music.)
2.Leading: How beautiful everything in the spacious hall, we do not know the holiday of a wonderful holiday! We all encounter the new year and we don't miss our trees!
Children: And our trees do not miss our! (During loss, children put hands to each other on the shoulders and go to the left in a circle; at the end of the loss stop and clap your hands in the tact of music.)
3.Leading: Santa Claus gifts will give us, and the Snow Maid will play the game! We all encounter the new year and we don't miss our trees!
Children:And our trees do not miss our! (During the loss, the children form a couple with nearby and, holding each other for the raised right hands, are circling on the right side; at the end of the loss stop and clap into your hands in the tact of music.) 4. Leading: Let the snowflakes whirly spin; Blosti let each other be friends with each other! We all encounter the new year and we don't miss our trees!
Children: And our trees do not miss our! (During the loss, the children form a couple with nearby and, holding each other for the raised left hands, are circling on the left side; at the end of the loss stop and clap into your hands in the tact of music.)

Game "New Year's reversals"

Santa Claus says phrases, and children must answer "yes" or "no" regardless of rhyme.

You, friends, came here to have fun? ..
I'm discovering a secret: did you wait for the grandfather? ..
You frost, cold scare mind? ..
Are you still ready to dance in the tree? ..
Holiday is nonsense, bite better? ..
Santa Claus brought candies, you will eat them? ..
With Snow Maiden Do you always play ready? ..
Are you disappearing without everyone around? Sure...
Never melts grandfather - you believe it? ..
Sneaking at the Christmas tree, a vehicle in the dance need? ..

Maybe many people have a new year associated with tangerines and champagne, but for real caring parents of the New Year - exclusively a children's holiday. After all, it is the children who believe in Santa Claus and are waiting for New Year's joys and miracles, it is for the kids that the Christmas tree is dressed up and a house is decorated. And the pre-New Year Justice of Parents is connected not only with the fact that and how to give a child to make it like a miracle, and also with how to organize New Year's competitions for children so that the holiday is sincerely cheerful.

Encyclopedia of the best New Year competitions for children

That's right - in front of you a complete collection of scenarios of competitions for children to the new 2019!

To turn a holiday in a celebration and carefree fun, you can even at home, especially if children are a lot, and you take care of conducting contests among children.

New Year is a great reason to get together with friends and their children, spend various New Year competitions for children and see how your child does everything for victory. And the victory in the children's competition is pride for the baby and his parents.

New Year's fun: games, quiz, competitions for children of all ages

You are going to a large family or a loud friendly company. Everyone has children, but for no hope - children of different floors and ages. No problem! In the encyclopedia of the "home holiday" you will find entertainment for every taste.

We advise you to take care of preparation for the holiday. Do you already know that there will be children 12, 13 and 14 years old on the holiday? - It's just fine. They have some interests and fun for them you will find in the section of contests for school children. At the same time, you are favorably distinguished in their eyes, because you can easily find the most original and funny New Year competitions for children. For children from 5 to 7 years old, you can find successful ideas of entertainment - among New Year's competitions for children of preschool age or primary classes. Here you can not only find ready-made festive contests for children, but also to take something as a basis to refine yourself and implement in a new competition for children.

New Year 2019 - From morning to joyful fatigue

Starting to give a New Year's miracle long before the feast of the house. For example, in schools, holidays are carried out slightly in advance. Therefore, you can take the initiative to your hands and suggest teachers of your child New Year's competitions for children in school, and believe me, they will be originality, and will be able to truly please the guys.

And with competitions for children at home, you can consider a whole program for all the celebration. Of course, it is impossible to leave musical and dance competitions for children for the new year, they are also assembled in encyclopedia. Find or think up competitions for children at the table, so that during the New Year's feasting children did not become boring from adult conversations - and then they will begin to stitch. After a meal, it's time to move to active and mobile New Year competitions for children, they need to go to their energy somewhere. The funniest contests for children are better to spend in the interruptions between performances of young singers and dancers to have fun. If after the home holiday you are planning to go to the tree on the street, then find the scenarios of New Year's contests in the fresh air for children. It will be unexpected and very interesting!

And for your adult children who, after a family feast, are planning to gather a youth company, you can prepare a whole New Year party, respectively, look for contests for parties for children.

To give a miracle - no need to be a wizard, it is quite sincerely to love and give a close thing about what they dream.

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