Pirate party for elementary school students. Script with presentation

Encyclopedia of Plants 15.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Nadezhda Khryashcheva

Here we have our first anniversary - 5 years! Every day birth I try to make my children interesting and be sure to compose scenario. Only when my daughter was growing up did I for some reason her birthday scripts I didn't and now I regret it. And now grown up son and it's already interesting to celebrate the days birth in the company of children. I offer my scenario a little entertainment for kids 4-5 years old pirate Party".

Hello guys! Do you want adventure? Then let's turn into fun pirates! But pirates there can only be brave, dexterous and skillful guys. Here I am now and will test your dexterity, whoever can handle it will be real a pirate.


Everyone dances!

Left hand drive! - everyone should turn to the right and continue dancing;

Rudder right! - everyone should turn to the right and continue dancing;

Stern! - the circle expands;

Nose! - the circle narrows;

Raise the sails! - everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;

Clean up the deck! - everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;

Cannonball! - everyone squats;

Admiral on board! - everyone stand at attention and salute

GOOD FELLOWS! Now you're ready to get real pirates. Let's dress up. (Children dress up in different costumes) pirates, bandanas, hats, etc.)

Names are played out pirates(names are printed on the cards, children choose who gets what). The birthday boy is given the honorary name CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW.

So we have a captain, but where is the treasure? And they were buried by the oldest and scariest Pirate MARBOS, and he tore the map into several pieces and scattered it all over the ocean. To find the treasure, we need to go through many obstacles and find all the pieces of the map.

Well, is the team ready? Then go! Forward for treasure! (children sit in an imaginary ship, come up with a name for it, distribute roles: responsible for the map, for pirate flag, captain with helm, lookout with spyglass, etc. depends on the number of children)

1. The first piece of the map is on the horizon!

To get you the first piece, you must solve all the riddles. Ready?

He is the worst villain. They scare all the children

Carries a gun and a knife, He commits a robbery.

He is either poor or rich and is always looking for treasure.

Answer quickly Who is this ....? (BARMALEY)

A block shot up above the water - This is a very angry fish. She showed her fin And again disappeared in an instant. (Shark)

A giant swims across the ocean And he starts up a fountain. (WHALE)

How they swim beautifully -

Very fast and playful!

We are shown backs

From sea ​​water(dolphins)

Are you not familiar with me?

I live at the bottom of the sea

Head and eight legs

That's all I am... (octopus)

She lives in the water, there is no beak, but she pecks. (FISH)

1. Throws from afar

2. Throws from behind

3. Throws blindfolded

4. Throws with the left hand.

Well done, you defeated the octopus and get the second piece of the card. Now we need to move on.

3. We swim into the cave where the sea mummies live and in order for them to give us the third piece of the map, we must turn into mummies ourselves and scare them. (The players are given a roll of paper. The task of each is to shove this paper into pockets, by the collar, into trousers, into socks, whoever can. Whoever does this first will receive a prize and the opportunity to scare away sea mummies (you can draw mummies or change clothes for someone)

Thunder me! Guess I'm hungry. And you? I suggest you swim to the tavern for refreshment. (children's buffet)

4. Well, what pirates refreshed themselves. Time to go! Here is the next piece of the map. Do you want to receive it? Then we'll take a lesson in saber fencing. (in pairs they fence with long sabers made of long balls) Amazing battle! Now we are not afraid of the enemy, we will defeat him!

5. You will receive the next piece of the card if you guess correctly pirate words. Get ready, pay attention!

1. Rear end ship (stern)

2. Kitchen on the ship (galley)

3. The front of the ship (nose)

4. Side of the ship (board)

5. Room for sailors (cockpit)

6. Board for descent from the ship (ladder)

7. Ship steering wheel (steering wheel)

8. Window on the ship (porthole)

9. Floor on the ship (deck)

10. Clock on the ship (flasks)

11. Ship's bell (bell)

12. Toilet on the ship (latrine)

(words are difficult for children, but it is interesting to listen to their guesses, and then suggest what it is)

6. You did it! you now know the real pirate words. We swim further to the last piece of the map. You have to draw your portrait pirate. (color or draw an image pirate) .

Now we collect the map! (from the mined 6 pieces, children assemble a map)

Hooray! Victory! Let's celebrate our victory and dance. (incendiary music turns on, and at this time, disguised pirate imperceptibly takes the birthday captain to another room)

Our map is ready...let's go look for the treasure...but what happened where did Captain Jack Sparrow go? Without it, we won't be able to find the treasure. Someone stole it and hid it. Who is it?

(appears pirate Zhanka Vredinka: Yeah, gotcha, now I'll be your captain and I'll look for treasures and take all the treasures for myself. HA-HA-HA)

well, I do not pirate we are smart, brave pirates, we have gone through many difficulties and now we will show you. (saber battle; we fight on the spot a pirate and save the captain.)

Now you can go look for treasure (find a treasure on the map) Hooray! The treasure is in our hands. Let's have fun and celebrate like real pirates! (disco and sweet table) .

P.S. In addition to scenario not to forget a cheerful mood, table decorations, rooms, costumes for all guests, forget about the treasure (I had pirate chests with pirate coins and all sorts of goodies in it) and of course more improvisation and riddles and the children will be delighted!

I had a big bag where I put all the props that came in handy for me. because I didn't have any assistants.

And this invitation, which I also printed, was soaked in coffee, burned

That's what happened

Birthday congratulations
Schooner "Black Pearl"
Looking for the Treasure of Billy Bones
Tavern "Admiral Benbow"

Ha! I see the whole gang assembled. Hello young hooligans!
I'm a pirate mom and my son's birthday is today! He is turning 11 years old, and he is still not officially accepted as a pirate !!! So I decided to correct this oversight. And since good boys you can’t be friends with pirates - I decided to make out of you notorious sea wolves, a thunderstorm of all seas and oceans, favorites of Tortuga and Jamaica !!! I suspect that d / r will be fun and easy in a pirate way! And, piranha by the scruff of my neck, I am glad to welcome adventurers and treasure seekers to our pirate haven! So…

How are the pirates feeling?
And who has a birthday today?
So let's have fun and play? (Yes!)
Raise your mood even higher! (Yes?)
Well, birthday boy, it's your day
And we will not be too lazy to congratulate you!
We wish you great happiness
And we shout loudly, loudly: CONGRATULATIONS!
Oh, I can't hear you
Come on, louder again!
play the game "Karavai".???

And today is my birthday
We are starting a great sea adventure!
To make everyone happy today
We're off to find the treasure!

2. initiation into pirates
To become a pirate you need to change your name
Since a woman on a ship is a bad omen, let's agree that the names will be mostly male.
The cards with names were printed in the "Word" and covered with adhesive tape, I also attached a pin to each card.
Captain John Silver
Captain Flint
Just Jack
Captain Black
Captain Flint
Jack Red Hand
Merry Smee
Lanky Jim
Red Bill
Swift Hook
Baby Starkey"

To go on the road and find the treasure sooner
You now need to pass our medical examination!
The doctor comes out
We measure height (with slippers, chocolates, spoons, etc.)
props: put a chocolate bar, a spoon, a cucumber, slippers in a separate bag.

Now we know everything about you
We will check you for jumping ability,
Then volatility and buoyancy,
And of course, creep!
Who easily copes with the test
He immediately joins the team!

The most foul-mouthed pirate

So, can you swear like pirates? Who knows pirate curses? Well done, but not enough! Now I'll teach you how to swear!
Props: I printed out all the curses on a sheet, cut them into strips and twisted them into a tube. She sewed another bag and put it there. I handed out one swear word to each. Then one more.
Freshwater mollusk, a cat in the heel, a coral eater (shells, crocodiles, leeches ...), a jellyfish in your liver, an anchor in the throat, a mast in the skull, A thousand devils! Thunder and lightning! Blue Crab and Three Little Pigs, to hell! Burst my spleen! Pitchfork in the liver! Tooth for meat! Piranha in your fly, that is, by the scruff of the neck! We'll feed your shy pug to the sharks! to thunder your anchors forever, to scrub your deck all your life! Fore-grot-bramsel in my left ear, sweaty eater of fish giblets, greenery, latrine worm, tearing an octopus into tentacles, port rat.

Now ready to walk on the mast. Walk the rope with your eyes closed.
Yes I watch the swear words you have mastered well
A real sea wolf is not afraid of storms and waves, not any kind of rocking. Now we will check you circled around us and walked along the ruler, as if on a yard ... More evenly, more evenly, how will you set the sails? (Go through the rope on the floor without falling before circling the child)
Props: rope on the floor
Well done, now you are not afraid of storms and waves, not any pitching is afraid
And now let's find out which of you is the most resourceful pirate"
"The most resourceful pirate"
- Fastest of all from fear
Rushing ... (not a turtle, but a hare).

Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... (not a wolf, but a bear)

In his warm puddle
He croaked loudly ... (not a sparrow, but a frog).

Passed along the steep mountain
Overgrown with wool ... (not a crocodile, but a ram).

More often with his head up,
Howling with hunger ... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).

Like a bus showroom
Mom jumped into the bag ... (not an elephant, but a kangaroo).

Above the forest the sun's ray went out
The king of animals is sneaking ... (not a rooster, but a lion).

Having overcome all obstacles,
The faithful one beats with a hoof ... (not a lion, but a horse).

Takes hay with a trunk
Thick-skinned ... (elephant, not hippopotamus).

Fan tail, crown on head.
There is no bird more beautiful than ... (not a crow, but a peacock).

Who likes to rush through the branches?
Of course, a redhead ... (not a fox, but a squirrel).

A simple question for kids:
Who is the cat afraid of? ... (not mice, but dogs)

Pass through the marshy swamp.
There is only one way to get through the swampy swamp, with the help of magical footprints (to overcome the room, putting your feet on two sheets of paper with painted footprints). First you need to overcome the swamp with the help of two pieces of paper - "bumps", shifting them as you move

All sailors should be able to listen to the captain and follow his orders Imagine that we are on a pirate schooner and I, as your captain orders you, and you must follow my commands:

Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the port side
Rudder right! - everyone runs to starboard
Nose! - everyone runs forward.
Stern! - everyone runs back.
Raise the sails! Everyone stops and raises their hands.
Clean up the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.
Cannonball! - everyone sits down.
Admiral on board! - everyone freezes, stand at attention and give
honour. - I didn’t have these competitions so few children came

tying sea knots

Well done, now let's see how you can tie knots. Yes, not simple, but marine..

PROPERTIES:Knots printed on paper and rope. I took paper tape and after the children tied the knots, then each tape was glued to his rope and signed. then back off to the child

I see I see the knots are tied now so you will tie your shoelaces. And suddenly you get hungry along the way.
Let's make barbecue.

PROPERTIES: gummies and fish-shaped biscuits. I took a three-dimeter bucket to the bottom of the worms and on top of the fish cookies. so that the kids dig deeper there. (you can use bread crumbs) and blunt wooden skewers and also paper tape at the end for signing.

"Lame Pirate"

Participants are divided into pairs. In each pair, the legs are tied (the left leg of one with the right leg of the other). Couples must walk a certain distance, reach the flag, turn around and go back.

Pirate Initiation.

I see that everything is in order with jumping, buoyancy and volatility,
The team of treasure hunters is the highest class!
I see that you guys are what you need,
And everyone prepared to search for the treasure.
Now you are real pirates !!!, and this is a document confirming your piracy.
(give diploma)

printed on A4 soaked in coffee and decorated just the title

Dedicated to pirates

I took a fabric of red and black color (old grandmother's stocks). Red went to scarves on it with the help of a stencil, foam rubber and white gouache applied a drawing. The black cloth was torn into handkerchiefs around the neck. I cut out circles from black leatherette and bought hat elastic in sewing stores. 0.5 meters per bandage. I bought bags and put uniforms for one child in each bag. Our grandmother has a real chest. We took him outside for props. That's where I put all these packages.
- puts on an eye patch, or a bandana on his head, a scarf around his neck or draws a "black eye" under the eye or a beard-mustache.
- And I won’t give you a weapon, because you are still small.
According to this principle, I drew a map.

Unfortunately I don't have my card because the kids took it

In the chest, there is a rolled-up tube task number 1

And 1 piece of card.

In total, the map is divided into 4 parts.

I am an old pirate who has hidden his treasures, but only cunning and brave pirates can find them!! The treasure map was divided into 4 parts and hidden in different parts of this island, in order to find it you need to work a little more and cope with my tasks. But the reward will make you happy.
Go my pirates!!!
Task one: look for the entrance to the tavern!!!

(on the front door a crossword puzzle on a marine theme will hang in the house. The main word will be a watering can; there will be a piece of the map the second task.

B- Rudder of the ship in al)

L- When there is no wind at all (calm)

E- large body of water with salt water less ocean(mor e) –
th Sea pirates (razbo th nicks)
K - A physical device for recognizing the countries of the world, consisting of
magnetized needle that always points north ( to compass)
E- That which inflates the sails (vet e R)

Word in a watering can
get out of the watering can a bundle with the task2

and the second part of the map
Well done to my first task, and so quickly. I thought you would guess for a long time !!!
Here is the second part of the map.
But a real pirate should have a cocked hat!!! Every pirate should be able to make them.
After all, without a cocked hat they will not let you into the tavern

I say guys, let's ask our captain to make cocked hats for us. In a book about origami, my son found a story about how a sailor made 5 caps from a newspaper sheet, then it gradually turned into a boat and at the very end into a vest

. we decided to use it. and I had time to prepare the table.
representation of Tolya folding caps. Then I go out and hand out PRE-MADE TRIANGLES
. Is everyone wearing hats? And now I propose to drink rum to the health of our captain Anatolio!! Yes, and refreshment would not hurt before a long journey. YES? But the pirates eat in the tavern. and since you are all in hats, now they will definitely let us in there. where is the entrance to it??? Ah, you already know. Well then, go ahead. Welcome to the Admiral Benbow Tavern.
there was a poster in the inscription Tavern "Admiral Benbow"

pizza bundle - it was planned to wrap a piece of pizza with a tube and bandage it with suluguni cheese. but since the dough was thick, I just transported it as a parcel.
sandwiches tomato with cucumber and sausage with cheese in the form of boats

Children sit down to eat, on the back of the plate it is written with a marker where to look for the third task. I had it written on the table. as the table is foldable.

Well, my dear pirates, after a glorious feast, I suggest you have some fun!
I also prepared a gift for our glorious captain!!! this terrible sea monster Kraken It needs to be caught and beaten with a stick. Where are the monsters? in the sea. Forward my brave sailors!
Just be careful, remember about the tasks!

Ball piñata game.

According to legend, this is a terrible sea monster Kraken. And the monster does not have to be beautiful at all, so you can paint from the heart! (together with sweets, the 4th task and the 4th part of the map drop out)

Task 4. Well, the monster is defeated!!! And here's to you the last part cards. And now collect all the parts together and in search of treasure!!! Good luck!!!

treasure hunt
Congratulations on finding the treasure!!! Billy Bones.
chest buried with coins and bundle
8. convolution game

"Pass the parcel game for a pirate party

from the Internet:
Here is such a magical bundle, in addition to chocolate, was hidden in a treasure chest. This is a template for the popular UK children's game Pass the parcel (pass the parcel), which is often played at children's birthdays. I learned about this game by chance, looking at the catalog of all sorts of unreasonably expensive, but insanely desired British comforts Pedlars, which fell into my hands. Finding the rules of the game on Wikipedia was not difficult, and I got excited about making a magic bundle with my own hands.

The rules are very simple. The main prize is hidden in the middle of a large bundle. He's wrapped in great amount layers of paper. In our well-fed and bourgeois times, it is also customary to put all sorts of things between these layers - small prizes. And for older children, riddles are also possible. The kids sit in a circle and pass the bundle to each other to the music. The music suddenly stops, and if the bundle is in your little hands at this moment, you can safely remove the next layer of paper and grab the prey that fell out from under it! And the thinner package continues to travel from hand to hand until the music stops again. That's all the rules! And the winner is the one who was lucky enough to remove the last wrapper from the main prize, hidden in the very middle of the parcel.

How it's done
So, in order to make a bundle at home, you need wrapping paper different colors, one big prize, many small ones, scissors and adhesive tape (it is convenient to use both double-sided and regular ones. The main thing is that it should be put on the "snail". Otherwise, it will turn out to be wrapped at a snail's speed)) In addition to the new paper in rolls, I had still accumulated for some time already used clothes from received gifts. Sometimes it happens that it is possible to remove the paper even without tearing it. For such a material-intensive business as Pass the parcel, such BUS pieces of paper are what you need. Work comfortably on big table. In my package, the main prize was a small lego duplo set.
Picking up small prizes, I tried to reflect the theme of the party. Pirate erasers:
I have seen a lot on the Internet different options parcels. There was one completely fabulous, girly, scrapbook-like, all handmade by the designer, including prizes! But that wouldn't be enough time for that. Therefore, my own "scraped" button badges were enclosed in my parcel. The goal was twofold - so that the prize would not look so insignificant compared to others and so that the kids would not get pricked at least while they were playing.
And then the fun began! Step by step! Layer by layer...
I tried to choose the next paper in a contrasting color. First of all, it's so beautiful! Secondly, it is more difficult to get confused and accidentally tear off two layers of paper instead of one.

At first, my "snowball" grew very slowly, and then suddenly I had to remember what a "geometric progression" is! So in the end, I still began to get greedy and, trying to brighten up my greed with a joke, several times used sheets of the Vedomosti newspaper instead of wrapping paper. The children didn't understand the joke. I joked for their mothers, my fellow auditors.
Last, upper layer wrappers had to be a) the most beautiful; b) similar to a real parcel; c) stylized within pirate theme. I found a wonderful plain paper from IKEA, with which you could do anything. My choice fell on the "marine" stamps of the St. Petersburg scrap club, jute lace, a real shell and all the same wax seal that I used for old pirate cards."


A children's holiday in the style of a pirate party is a favorite among children and a common theme.

Whether you're wondering how to make a pirate-themed kids' birthday party or are thinking about how to host a pirate-themed kids' party, in this article you'll find a great selection of ideas for preparing a pirate-themed kids' party.

Children's Pirate Party

1. Invitation to the nursery pirate party

Invitations to a pirate party can be made by parents in Photoshop or a child with their own hands with the help of their mother. A few weeks before the holiday, send the invitations by mail or hand them in person if it is, for example, an invitation to a pirate in a bottle holiday. Create a festive atmosphere before it even starts - invite guests to meet on the street. Choose a place, draw a map, mark large objects and go on an adventure! With invitations in the form of a treasure map, the kids are already looking forward to the pirate-themed party!

2. Scenario of a pirate party for children

Half the success in holding a children's holiday is the script. Of course, the party itself in the end may not go exactly as it was originally planned, but in this case the script will be useful. Having written the day before rough plan of a pirate holiday, you will definitely not lose sight of anything. Try to schedule everything you want to do by the clock - what time the guests will be invited, when is the best time to serve snacks, what games you want to play with the children at the pirate festival, and what props you need to prepare for this. Be sure to set aside time for photos at the children's party, because such a bright and unusual event is being prepared! You can make your own backdrop for photos in the form of a pirate ship and for more fun use pirate photo accessories on a stick.

Book a photographer for children's holiday, in which case you won't have to worry about not taking a picture because you were busy with the kids.

3. Pirate treats for a children's party

Keeping the theme of the holiday, decorate the sweet table and snacks in the style of pirates. Here are some ideas to help you decide how to make children's table for a pirate party. Cake in the form of a pirate ship or with figurines of pirates, "cake pops" or "cupcakes" with a pirate design.

How to make cake pops - biscuit recipe for kids party.

Bake a sponge cake according to your favorite recipe, crumble it, add a few tablespoons of jam or condensed milk, mix well. The mixture should be sticky enough to form into balls. Cover bowl with cling film and refrigerate for half an hour. Then, with wet hands, roll up small balls, put on a tray and put away again for half an hour, now in the freezer. Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath, remove the balls, make a hole in the middle of each with a skewer. To prevent cake pops from falling off sticks, first dip them in hot chocolate and then stick them into the ball. Let the chocolate cool and set inside the ball in the freezer. After that, you can decorate - pour a biscuit on a stick with milk or white chocolate, sprinkle with small nuts or colored sugar sprinkles. You can let the white chocolate cool by fixing the pop cake vertically (stick it into the foam), and draw pirate faces with colored icing.

If the children's party is in the summer, make a pirate ship out of a watermelon or an open shark's mouth and fill it with fresh fruit.

All children love bananas - a little imagination and they turn into little pirates. Another way to decorate bananas for a pirate kids party. Download the monkey template, print it on brown paper, cut out and decorate bananas - little robbers will definitely be happy with such a surprise!

Pizza or puff salad on a flat dish - a treasure map, jelly in cups - a blue sea with an orange boat, fruit canape with a pirate flag chicken fillet on a skewer in the form of a real sword, stuffed eggs or sandwiches "ships" - be inspired by ideas, fantasize and think of how to decorate food for a children's pirate party.

4. Decorating a Pirate Party

For the decor of a children's pirate holiday, a marine theme is suitable - ships, sea, sand, octopuses, fish, turtles and sharks. As well as the obligatory attributes of the pirate holiday - black flags with skulls, treasure chests, ship's steering wheel, black marks, parrots and monkeys, treasure hunt maps and so on.

The main colors that are used to decorate a children's pirate party are red, black and white. Look at examples of decorating a children's holiday of pirates:

5. Pirate costume and accessories

Children love to dress up and act as brave heroes. You can sew a pirate costume or buy ready-made. Or simply complement the image of a child with pirate accessories.

How to dress a child for a pirate party? For example, denim breeches, a striped jumper, a vest, a bandana scarf and a pirate eye patch that any mother can sew herself.

How to sew a pirate eye patch with your own hands:

From cardboard, you can cut out the frame of a saber for little pirates, glue it with felt and sheathe it.

Master class - how to make a pirate hat out of black construction paper.

Older children can be offered to make a pirate face painting:

6. Games and contests for a children's pirate party

When choosing contests or games for a pirate holiday, be guided by the age of the invited children and the location of the party. On the fresh air can do more active games, and for a home holiday, choose calmer contests.

- “Water and land” - put a “island” hoop on the floor, explain that the space around will be considered “sea”. Children stand around the hoop and, at the command of the host, “Water!” or "Land!" move inside the circle or jump out of it. Confuse children by saying the same command in a row.

- "Raise the anchor!" - Attach a cardboard anchor exactly in the middle of a long rope, tie a stick or a pencil on both sides, two participants, on command, begin to wind the rope around the pencil. The one who reaches the anchor first wins.

- "Look out, shark!" - when the leader commands "Day!", all players swim around the sleeping "shark". On the command "night", the players freeze, the "shark" wakes up and hunts. Whoever moves first, the "shark" takes prisoner. The next "shark" is the previous loser.

- Walk the bridge is an outdoor kids party game.

- "Diver" - the player is put on a tight blindfold, the leader puts on the floor an object that the child has not seen before (a fish toy, a shell, an anchor, a plastic bottle, the child does not), the player tries to find an object on the floor, and then guess what he is holding in his hands.

- "Pirate nickname" - pirates do not call each other by name, so at the very beginning of the holiday you can come up with a competition for the most original nickname by the first letters of the last name and first name. And then each hang a badge with his nickname. For example, Sidorov Misha can be called the Bold Sailor.

For kids younger age prepare treasure-hunting containers that can be filled with small pebbles or sand. For warm weather year will do a pirate gelatin sensory box or an ice "block" with treasures frozen in it, which must be taken out with warm water.

So, preparing a pirate party for children is not at all difficult. The main thing is to get down to business in advance and think over everything well. I hope the tips and ideas for celebrating a pirate holiday in this article will be useful to you.

This year we celebrated my son's 8th birthday in the country with wonderful fun and amusing. I borrowed many ideas from friends and on the net, processed and this is what happened.

Registration kids pirate party

You will need:

Papers depicting bottles, flags, daggers, money bags, etc.
- the schooner "Sea Pearl" (for a while we turned the gazebo into a ship, cut out the steering wheel from cardboard and attached it to the pipe, made the nose out of a cardboard box, hung the gazebo with ropes)
- pirate flag
- jolly roger balloons
- checkboxes
- chest (I attach the diagram at the bottom of the article)
- steering wheel
- draperies-sails
- anchor (express from cardboard)
- map
On the map, approximately according to the scheme of the house and the yard, they drew: the Treasure Island itself (courtyard), a round bay (pool), a swinging cradle (swing), a valley of wisdom ( desk), coral bay (bathroom), banana grove (kitchen), cave entrance (cellar), jungle (garden), sleepy hollow (sofa), mammoth glacier (refrigerator), volcano (stove), waterfall (outdoor shower), bridge (path from the gate to the house), plateau (balcony), onion grove (garden with onions and lettuce), etc. Ideally, the map should be drawn on paper soaked in tea and dried with torn edges.

Part 1 of the pirate party. Silver's test

The host meets the guests (it was me in a pirate costume), offers to join the pirates and go for treasures. To do this, you need to pass tests.

So, are you ready to become a pirate?

To become real pirates, you need to show that you are brave, dexterous, combative, cunning and quick-witted and pass the test.

- A pirate must be fearless.
Jump up to the ceiling - the guest is blindfolded, someone with a board stands behind him. Then we ask the guest to jump, he jumps, but does not reach the ceiling. We ask you to jump again, while raising the board above the guest’s head to such a height that the guest can reach it.

- Pirates must be smart.
Of course, I did not use all of these riddles, just choose the ones that you like the most.
Riddles of old Flint in a keg
What can't be eaten for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)
What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (get wet)
Two birches grow, each birch has four cones. How much? (Cones do not grow on a birch).
The crow flies, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (Maybe because the dog sits on the ground on its tail).
Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, because he can't speak)
What is between the window and the door? (Letter "and")
Which hand is best for stirring tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon)
What kind of comb should not be combed? (Petushin)
What tree does a crow sit on when it rains? (on wet)
What dishes can not be eaten? (From empty)
What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
What are we eating for? (At the table)
When the car is moving, which wheel is not spinning? (Spare)
Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
What is the name of the steering wheel on a ship? (steering wheel)
What is the name of the ladder on the ship? (ladder)
What is the name of the kitchen on the ship?
A giant swims across the ocean and releases a fountain of water. (Whale)
What rocks are not in the sea? (dry)
Lives between stones head with four legs. (Turtle)
She lives in the water, there is no beak, but she pecks. (Fish)
If it lies at the bottom, the ship will not run far. (Anchor)
sea ​​vessel (ship)
The main person after the captain on the ship (boatswain)
Sailor apprentice (cabin boy)
high wooden support for sail (mast)
Side of the ship (board)
Room for sailors (kubrick)
Board for descent from the ship (ladder)
Sea robbers(pirates)
Man-eating fish (shark)
Ship's rudder (steering wheel)
Ship duty (watch)
Mooring place for ships (port)
The front of the ship (bow)
Ship cook (cook)
Room for the captain or passengers (cabin)
Large body of salt water smaller than an ocean (sea)

- Pirates must be fighting.
Teams are given inflated balloons. The task is to burst the opponent's ball and save your own. Or you can just play with water pistols in the battle of pirates in teams (don't forget to prepare spare dry clothes).

- Pirates must be accurate.
We make shells out of paper and distribute them to two teams. The task is to get into the bucket from a short distance. At first I wanted this contest, but in the end we just threw apples into buckets)

- Pirates must be able to fish.
The leader keeps time. Whoever pulls out the largest amount in the allotted time wins.

- Pirates must be cunning. Pirates must be cunning and not fall for tricks. Need it fast and right
answer riddles:
- Fastest of all from fear
Rushing ... (not a turtle, but a hare).
- Who knows a lot about raspberries?
Clubfoot, brown ... (not a wolf, but a bear)
- In his warm puddle
He croaked loudly ... (not a sparrow, but a frog).
- Passed along the steep mountain
Overgrown with wool ... (not a crocodile, but a ram).
- In more often with his head up,
Howling with hunger ... (not a giraffe, but a wolf).
- Like in the bus salon
Mom jumped into the bag ... (not an elephant, but a kangaroo).
- The ray of the sun went out over the forest
The king of animals is sneaking ... (not a rooster, but a lion).
- Overcome all obstacles
The faithful one beats with a hoof ... (not a lion, but a horse).
- Takes hay with a trunk
Thick-skinned ... (elephant, not hippopotamus).
- Fan tail, crown on head.
There is no bird more beautiful than ... (not a crow, but a peacock).
- Who likes to rush along the branches?
Of course, a redhead ... (not a fox, but a squirrel).
- A simple question for toddlers:
Who is the cat afraid of? ... (not mice, but dogs)

After all the tests, the children need to be fed, and only then continue the game. It is desirable that the table was also decorated in a pirate style. We bought right away. disposable tableware and napkins with pirate symbols, and we no longer have such a question.

Part 2 of the pirate party. Pirate Initiation

Pirate's Oath

“When I join the ranks of pirates, I swear to honor the pirate code, to help my comrades, to share the treasures found by honor, otherwise let me be thrown to be eaten by sharks.” Who agrees, calls his name.

Now let's dress up as pirates!

Puts on an eye patch
- headband
- draws a "black eye" under the eye
- draws a beard or mustache.
- distributes sabers made of cardboard wrapped in foil.
- give everyone a scary pirate name

Shouting a pirate cry

Fifteen men for a dead man's chest, yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Who's who on the team

The captain chooses a cook
The cook must be the most attentive in order to choose him - we play the game "Edible - not edible" with the ball.
The captain chooses the boatswain
Must be able to listen to the captain's orders.
Left hand drive! - everyone runs to the left side (left side of the sidewalk).
Rudder right! - everyone runs to the starboard side (right side of the sidewalk).
Nose! - everyone runs forward.
Stern! - everyone runs back.
Raise the sails! Everyone stops and raises their hands.
Clean up the deck! - everyone pretends to wash the floor.
Cannonball! - everyone sits down.
Admiral on board! - everyone freezes, stand at attention and salute.
The captain chooses the cabin boy
Young must be fast and agile. We play ball in a bag. We put the ball in a bag, tie the handles with a rope, put the children around us and crouching, twisting the ball below, the children must jump over it, whoever did not have time, is eliminated.

Part 3 of the pirate party. treasure hunt

Let's refresh our strength and drink rum (lemonade with a "Rum" sticker) to the health of our captain!
They eat sandwiches and drink rum (replacing the bottle with a bottle with a note).

While the children are having a snack, you can play the game "Pirate Secrets". You need 2 envelopes or boxes with questions and answers, the children take turns pulling them (question and answer). It turns out very funny.


Do you like read?
Do you help your mom clean up?
Do you have a chamber pot under your bed?
Do you eat in the shower?
Do you eat semolina in the morning?
Do you sleep with a teddy bear?
Are you eating ice cream alone?
Do you write obscene words on the walls?


Yes, I love this job!
It's embarrassing to admit, but yes!
I have been addicted to this since birth.
What an obscene question!
Only when no one is watching!
Every day three times a day!
It's in the mood!

Old Flint's letter

Silver reads old Flint's letter
"Greetings, young pirates! In honor of the captain's birthday, I decided to reveal my secret and give the birthday man and his friends a map of Treasure Island, where I hid a priceless treasure. Moor your ship in the round bay of Treasure Island and proceed 30 paces south. The secret is kept by the SKELETON. The storm of the seas is Captain Flint.
The captain says loudly: “Raise the sails! Full speed ahead!”

Round Bay Treasure Island

With the help of a map and a compass, we find a skeleton (a Legovian skeleton, you can draw it). Under it is a cache with clues:
“What you need to look for will be prompted by a crossword puzzle”, we solve a crossword puzzle:
The sun setting over the horizon (sunset) - (S)
Kitchen on the ship (galley) - (A)
Place of parking of vessels (port) - (P)
The most famous pirate whose treasure we are looking for (Flint) - (And)
The front of the ship (nose) - (C)
Ship cook (cook) - (C)
Room for the captain or passengers (cabin) - (A)
We are looking for a note in the bay of Treasure Island “You are in the wrong bay! Look for another near the Kodunya field!

Field of the Sorceress

We tell a legend about an insidious sorceress who does not sleep at night and is just waiting to bewitch someone. You can cross the valley, respectively, only during the day, when the "night" is announced, we freeze and do not move.

coral bay

We swim to Coral Bay (we have only 2 bays on the map, the one that is connected with water). In the bathroom, the children see a mark painted on the wall (an abandoned black mark factory).

Pirate Label Factory

You need to find 6 pirate marks in the barn. Each label has one letter. Having collected all the marks, you need to add a word from the letters - and then it will become clear where to go next. The word p-e-sch-e-r-a is composed.

After the children find all the marks and run to the cave (they guess that the cave is a basement), a ghost appears and does not let them through to the cave. It says it will let the kids in for 10 red berries. Children run and pick cherries and bring them to the ghost. it passes them to the cave.

Entrance to the cave

The note is hidden in a black box with a label. The box is in plain sight. Children take out a note and realize that it has been cut into pieces. First you need to assemble it like a puzzle and read the contents.
Note 3 says: “It is impossible to enter the cave, as it is guarded the bats. Find 10 first bats, put them in a bag, and then look into the cave.
Children look for 10 bats in the hallway and put them in a bag lying right there. When all the hidden bats are found, the host will offer to look into the cave (the cave can be a large closet), where in the most visible place there is a piece of paper with a palm tree image. Children look at the map and understand: the palm tree symbolizes the jungle.


In the garden, a scroll of note 4 hangs on the upper branches: “From the old volcano to the north, 15 steps. Dig! .
In the box, bury the word note 5 "Dream". It is concluded that the next point of the route is a swaying sleepy hollow.

Swinging cradle (swing)

On the sofa lies a bag with empty plastic bottles, instead of labels on which there are pirate marks) and a scarf.
Note 6: “Everyone falls asleep in the sleepy hollow: both people and animals. Here you can fall asleep forever and never wake up again. Many tried to leave the hollow in a sleeping state, but they did not succeed. Will you be able to pass through the hollow in a sleeping state and come out of it safe and sound?
The facilitator places the skittles as the border of a winding path. The children take turns trying to walk this path blindfolded without knocking over a single skittle. When at least someone manages to pass without hitting the pin, you can start looking for the mark. An onion is drawn on the leg of a swing.

onion grove

On one of the bulbs there is a note 7 “25 steps to the north” - on the way we see a skeleton, we look where it points. You need to hide a paper snowflake with a pirate mark. After finding the snowflake, the children will conclude that the next destination is a glacier.

Glacier mammoth

A glacier is a refrigerator.

Encounter with the Ghost

Here comes the Ghost. I ask Ghost if the pirates can take the treasure. Ono says that Flint's curse hangs over the treasure, and only the bravest can get it.
To determine courage, you need to: break 5 eggs on your forehead, one of which is raw (5 people).
To determine cheerfulness, you need to come up with a dance of little foals and ducklings.
To determine resourcefulness, you need to add a word from the letters (letters hang on the refrigerator). Children add up the word "Treasures".
The ghost says that all Flint's conditions are met, and you can go to the glacier. And here are the treasures! The treasure lies in the chest (candies and chocolate coins).

And as the scheme of the pirate chest promised...

I wish everyone have a fun day birth!!!

is a black mark. You can hand it over with the words: “Cancellations are not accepted! Otherwise, you face dire consequences! ” The invitee simply will not have options. The black mark can be done very easily. You need to print an image of a jolly Roger, and on the other side place a message about how, where and what time your merry meeting will take place. Be sure to write everything in a humorous way. Let your friends smile. Can print here is an image:

Pirate party invitation - message in a bottle.

What do you associate pirates with? I think you immediately imagine treasures, maps of the seas, skulls and bones, ships, steering wheels, jolly Roger, rum, caramba !!!, hook and the like. Choose what you like best and decorate. Add to invitation text a bit of pirate jargon.

How to do pirate party invitation with your own hands and what is required for this? Read more…

For a message in a bottle, you will need the following attributes:

- plain sheet A4,
- black tea bag
- black marker
- transparent glass bottle
- if possible, find sand and shells,
- a grid of natural material, for example, hemp or flax (optional).

Let's start!

We brew and let the tea bag stand, soak a sheet of paper in tea for several minutes, then let the sheet dry, you can help it with a hairdryer, or put it in the oven. You can burn the edges a little to give the sheet signs of antiquity.

With ink we will write the text of the invitation, and with a marker we will draw a black mark (instead of printing).

We fold the sheet into a tube, you can tie it with twine, lower it into a bottle and cork it (if there is no cork, you can use a well-crumpled and then folded newspaper). You can fill the bottle with some sand and shells for entourage. Then put it on the grid. Invitation is ready!

Invitations or invitations to a pirate party in the form of a bottle of rum.

Perhaps everyone knows the favorite drink of pirates. Therefore, we can make an invitation in the form of a bottle of rum. You can cut out the silhouette of a bottle on cardboard and stick a piece of paper to write the text of the invitation on it. Everything is simple and looks, in the end, like this:

The following are images of possible invitations to pirate party. There are a huge number of them. On them you can peep the text for invitations using humor and pirate jargon.

Photos and pictures of various invitations to a pirate party

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