How and what is the best way to wash an acrylic bath at home (with chemical and folk remedies)? How to clean an acrylic bath at home, tips and tricks How not to clean an acrylic bath.

The buildings 04.03.2020
The buildings

If you are interested in the question How to wash an acrylic bath?”, then this article is just for you. The peculiarity of acrylic baths is that they are completely unstable to mechanical damage, although they have nice shape. This is something to keep in mind when choosing a cleaner for your plumbing.

Let's look at the main types of products that cannot be used to wash an acrylic bath:

  • solvent;

  • hard powders.

Since an acrylic bathtub is a rather delicate piece of plumbing, it must be treated with great care. The use of products containing the above substances, as well as the use of boiling water and solid powders, can significantly reduce the quality of the top coat, cause yellowing or cause scratches on the surface of the bath.

“Then how to wash an acrylic bath at home?” - you ask. We will tell you more about this.

To date, household chemicals can offer a large number of means for cleaning acrylic sanitary ware. With their help, you can easily wash an acrylic bath from yellowness, as well as get rid of limescale and water stone, which is deposited on the bottom, thanks to the quality of the water entering our house. In addition, an acrylic bathtub requires particularly careful daily care. First, after any water treatment, plumbing must be wiped dry with a cloth, avoiding the presence of moisture on the acrylic surface. This leads to the appearance of plaque and yellowness. Secondly, such a bathroom should be looked after daily, wiping it with a soapy cloth or sponge, rinsing with water and wiping it dry. In this case, the appearance of spots and yellowness is unlikely. But if you still launched the plumbing, then returning it to its previous appearance will not be very difficult. To do this, you need to choose the right cleaning agent and our article will help you with this.

Cleaning chemicals

Tool name

Mode of application

The method of application depends on the consistency of the product. It can be in the form of a cream, spray and paste. The spray must be sprayed on the surface of the bath, and the cream and paste should be spread on problem areas. It is necessary to leave the product for the amount of time indicated in the instructions, and then rinse it off. large quantity water and dry the surface. This is a very effective way to clean a bathtub.

Apply foam to the problem area and leave for a while, then rinse thoroughly with warm water and wipe dry. Do not let the product dry and do not mix it with other products.

Acrylan effectively fights all types of plaque and mold formation, and also helps to prevent their reappearance.


The product is sprayed onto the bath and washed off with plenty of water after the time indicated on the package has elapsed.

Apply the product to the surface, leave for seven minutes, then rinse with plenty of water. When using it is better to wear rubber gloves and a face mask, as the product has a rather pungent smell.

This product should be applied to the problem area and after the time indicated on the package, rinse with water. It perfectly fights with soap stains, deposits and corrosion, and also prevents their reappearance.


Spray or smear on acrylic coating, leave for the time indicated on the package. Then rinse well running water.

Team Pro

Apply to the surface of the bath, after the amount of time indicated on the package, rinse thoroughly with water. The tool actively fights against bad smell, helps to restore the shine of the bath and prevent subsequent contamination.

The list of household chemicals indicated in this table is far from final, because on this moment There are dozens of different products for the care of acrylic bathrooms. You can determine for yourself which one suits you best, but before you do, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with folk methods for cleaning acrylic bathtubs.

Cleaning an acrylic bath with folk remedies

If you are not impressed with household chemicals, you do not want to spend money, and there is little sense from these funds - try using folk ways acrylic bath cleaning. Most of them have been tested over the years and help to cope with most of the problems that arise when operating such delicate plumbing..

    Lemon acid helps to get rid of limescale and whiten the bath. To do this, you need to take hot (not boiling) water into the bath, then pour a packet of citric acid into it and leave it for two hours. After that, drain the water, rinse the tub with plenty of water and wipe dry with a cloth. This procedure is recommended to be carried out no more than once every six months.

    To get rid of various stains, try to apply on them toothpaste with whitening effect and rub it with your fingers over the problem area. Leave the paste on the surface of the tub for a few minutes, then rinse with water and pat dry.

    By using soda and soap solution you can get rid of most contaminants. To do this, apply the solution to problem areas, leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with water. Do not forget to wipe the bath after each water procedure.

    Helps fight rust a solution of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. To do this, mix them in the same proportion, take a sponge, soak it in this solution and wipe the problem area. As a rule, the effect will not keep you waiting.

    In the event that the bath is too dirty, this can be corrected with vinegar. To do this, take a bath hot water and add a liter of ordinary table vinegar to it. Leave the water in the bath for 12 hours, then drain and rinse with plenty of water, then wipe the surface of the bath dry.

The effect of one method or another may be different. It depends on your bathtub, the correct operation of it and the composition of the water that enters the plumbing. Someone can help any of these methods, but someone will not be lucky with any of them. This is an individual indicator, so do not rush to scold the tool in case of failure. In extreme cases, if you follow the basic rules for caring for an acrylic bath, then you won’t have to resort to cleaning it from stains or rust. Below is a video with details.

Almost everyone faced the problem of how to clean an acrylic bath at home. modern hostess. It is these fonts that are most popular today, because it is these models that are distinguished by the most sophisticated design and good operational characteristics. But polymer material requires special care and the use of certain household chemicals. In this article, we will share with you the secrets and recommendations for cleaning acrylic surfaces.

Features of acrylic bathtubs

Acrylic - plastic material, which has a certain level of rigidity and durability. Acrylic bathtubs are lightweight, comfortable and easy to maintain, and therefore quickly replace cast iron products with modern market sanitary equipment.

Acrylic sanitary ware is manufactured according to one of the following technologies:

  1. Extrusion - to stiffen the plastic, a certain amount of fiberglass is added and epoxy resin. Such plumbing products are installed on a specially made frame made of metal or moisture-resistant wood.
  2. Casting - allows you to create a stronger and more rigid structure that can be installed directly on the legs. Such products are resistant to mechanical damage, and therefore much easier to clean.

Important! Acrylic bathtubs are easy to care for thanks to special additives that prevent the growth of bacteria, fungal infections and mold.

Another advantage of acrylic is its resistance to corrosion, and, accordingly, the absence of rust streaks.

How often to clean?

To keep your acrylic bathtub clean at all times, it needs to be cleaned as often as possible. It is much easier to regularly wash off minor stains from an acrylic surface than to spend a lot of time looking for ways to wipe off serious and deeply ingrained stains:

  1. After each bath, the bath should be rinsed with water with a small amount of detergent e.g. liquid soap.
  2. After performing the procedure, dry the surface with a clean soft cloth or terry towel.

Important! It is necessary to clean the bath with more aggressive products once every 2-3 weeks.

All recommendations for cleaning an acrylic surface are similar to the rules for caring for other materials, but they have certain features. To quickly and efficiently get rid of any contaminants, use the following materials:

  • Foam sponge with soft surface.
  • fabric material

As detergents, you can use as folk methods cleaning, and household chemicals- various powders, pastes and gels.

Use of household chemicals

If you appreciate a quick and high-quality result, then when deciding how to clean an acrylic-covered bathtub, pay attention to one of the following cleaning products from trusted and well-established manufacturers:


One of the main positive qualities This detergent is the versatility of use. The cleaning composition is available in the form of a gel or spray, which does not contain abrasive substances that can scratch or otherwise damage the surface of the bath.

This product is suitable for cleaning both acrylic and other surfaces - ceramics, plastics, stone or enamel coating. This detergent trademark has a high efficiency of cleaning stains of rust, grease, yellowness or lime.

Important! It is also worth noting that this detergent has an affordable cost.


A liquid cleaner designed specifically to remove dirt from the surface of bathtubs and showers. To achieve the desired cleaning result, use given substance follows the following algorithm:

Important! To restore the shine of the surface, treat it with a special polish, which can be bought at any household chemical store.

Mr Chister

This tool is available in the form of a spray, which includes polymeric substances. They provide the following effect:

  1. Antifungal effect.
  2. cleansing property.
  3. Antibacterial treatment.

Important! Before you clean the acrylic bath from limescale with this tool, carefully read the instructions that are indicated by the manufacturer on the package.


Cleaning composition, which is designed specifically for the treatment of acrylic surfaces. A product is produced in the form of foam, which is applied to the surface of the bath or shower.

Important! Especially effectively this tool copes with such contaminants as mold, rust, soap solutions, fungal formations and limescale.

Folk remedies for cleaning

If for some reason you do not want to use household chemicals, then popular and time-tested folk remedies, such as citric acid and vinegar solution, will come to your aid. You can use these substances in one of the following ways.

Method #1:

  1. Dilute half a packet of citric acid in 1 cup of warm water.
  2. Stir the resulting solution until the granules are completely dissolved.
  3. Soak a soft foam sponge in the resulting product.
  4. Treat the entire surface of the acrylic bathtub with the solution.
  5. Leave the treated plumbing for 10-15 minutes.
  6. After wetting the sponge again in a solution of citric acid, treat the contaminated area.

Important! To fully restore the appearance of the acrylic surface, the cleaning procedure must be repeated 2-3 times.

Method #2:

  1. Fill the bath with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20C.
  2. Add 1.5 liters of table vinegar solution or a pack of citric acid to the water.
  3. Stir the resulting composition until the active substance is completely dissolved.
  4. Leave the plumbing in this state for 12 hours.
  5. Drain the liquid from the bath.
  6. Rinse the acrylic surface thoroughly with running water.
  7. Wipe the tub dry with a soft cloth.
  8. Polish the surface with a special household cleaner for acrylic.

Relatively recently, acrylic baths, a plastic that was previously widely used in dentistry, have entered the ranks of sanitary ware products. A variety of shapes, strength and hardness, antibacterial qualities contribute to the popularity of such plumbing. But since the composite material is quite capricious to detergents, it is worthwhile to find out in advance how to clean an acrylic bathtub and how to do it correctly.

In order not to spoil the sanitary ware, it should be noted that the polymer is sensitive to cleaning powders with abrasives and aggressive chemical solutions. Before you start processing the bath, carefully study the composition of the product and instructions for its use. The following is a list chemical products not recommended for the care of acrylic.

  1. Any detergents with abrasive particles (including dry soda). They cause the appearance of micro-scratches on the treated surface of the bath, as a result of which it loses its inherent luster and becomes matte.
  2. chlorine-containing preparations. After their application, the acrylic tarnishes, the gloss disappears. In hot tubs, silicone gaskets can be damaged by bleach.
  3. Acetone and others organic solvents. They contribute to the destruction of the polymer structure. With prolonged contact, acrylic reacts with the drug and deforms.
  4. Ammonia, liquids with ammonia. They give almost the same effect as solvents, but less pronounced.
  5. Formaldehydes. Acrylic bath cleaner should not contain such harmful and dangerous components that have a destructive effect on the material.

Acrylic plumbing is not cleaned with concentrated alcohols, alkalis, acids: they cause small cracks, discoloration of the bath.

Important: When caring for a plastic bath, do not use hard metal washcloths or brushes. It is best to clean acrylic with a soft sponge or rags. Dangerous for plastic and too hot water: because of it, deformation of the tank may occur.

Purchased cleaning products

Experienced housewives advise: before proceeding with the procedure and cleaning the acrylic bath, you should test the product yourself. To do this, it is squeezed out onto the hand and “probed”: there should be no sharp crystals in the preparation.

Another test option is to apply a small amount of detergent to an inconspicuous area of ​​​​the surface. If after applying appearance coverage has not deteriorated, it is possible to carry out processing on the entire area. But it's better to buy special preparations to ensure they are safe to use on acrylic, or mild all-purpose cleaners.

It is important to properly care for an acrylic bathtub to extend its life.

Nowadays, there are many tools with which you can clean the acrylic bath. Here is a list of the most effective developments from well-known manufacturers.


Its popularity is explained by the speed of action and versatility: the drug helps to remove the remnants of detergents, get rid of rust, mold, salt deposits. "Acrilan" does not damage the surface of the bath - on the contrary, it becomes glossy due to the creation of a thin protective film.


The line includes several products at once, each of which performs its own function: cleaning, disinfection, restoration of the protective layer.

"Acryl Polish"

The brand is represented by a line of drugs from the manufacturer Koipa. In addition to cleaning gels, it includes products for restoring and polishing the bath.

"Team Pro"

This is an environmentally friendly product without harmful components. The drug gently disinfects the surface, eliminates odors, removes salt deposits, grease stains.


Universal spray or cream suitable for all types of coatings and plumbing. Due to the absence of abrasives, "Sif" is safe for acrylic surfaces. With it, you can wash the bath from yellowness, rusty streaks, grease, lime.


This liquid formulation is ideal for daily care.


Effective spray, when using which you have to wear a respirator due to the characteristic pungent odor.


Universal cleaner suitable for bathtubs and other sanitary ware. Carefully cleans acrylic from grease and rust stains, traces of soap. The formula of the drug contains a polymer that prevents the reproduction of the fungus and the adhesion of dirt.

Having solved the problem of choosing a cleaning agent, it remains only to clean the bath. Usually the instructions can be found directly on the packaging.

General rules for the use of household chemicals at home are as follows:

  • liquids are applied with a sponge, left for some time (from 5 to 20 minutes) on the surface, washed off with water under pressure;
  • the spray is sprayed, kept for the specified time, washed off;
  • wipe clean bath with a dry cloth.

How to clean an acrylic bath with improvised means

And how can you wash an acrylic bath if it is not possible to use household chemicals? The choice of option depends on the nature of the contamination.


A weak solution of citric acid will help get rid of limescale (instead of it, you can add 1.5 liters of table vinegar to the bath). Hot water is drawn into the bath (temperature up to +50 o C), 50 g of lemon is added, left for several hours to soften salt deposits. Drain the working solution, rinse the surface with running water. Finally, remove any remaining moisture with a soft cloth.


The yellowed bottom and walls of the bath are bleached with an apple bite, lemon juice or citric acid (20 g per glass of water). The problem areas are wiped with liquids, after a few minutes they are rinsed with a stream of water under pressure. The surface is blotted with a dry cloth.


Rusty streaks are cleaned with soda. Water is added to the powder first. The resulting slurry is applied to the “reddened” places (no need to rub), washed off after 10-15 minutes.


Deep-seated dirt can be removed with a non-abrasive toothpaste. It is squeezed out in a small amount on a cloth, wipe the stains with it.

You can wash the bath folk remedies

Features of washing bathtubs with hydromassage

Special acrylic bathtubs for hydromassage procedures are equipped with nozzles (sprayers) connected to circulation pump. He creates overpressure water, which then exits with pressure through the small holes of the atomizers in a given direction. If moisture remains on the nozzles, this causes the growth of mold, the multiplication of microorganisms, the formation of a layer of lime deposits.

What is the best way to clean a hot tub? The process of cleaning and disinfection is combined, carrying out it in several stages:

  1. Fill the tank sparingly hot water so that its level is 5-7 cm higher than the sprayers.
  2. Turn off the air supply.
  3. Pour in 50 ml of liquid for cleaning dishwashers.
  4. For the purpose of disinfection, a glass of vinegar is added to the solution.
  5. For 10-15 minutes, turn on the hydromassage mode. During this time, all accumulated dirt will come out of the nozzles into the bath.
  6. Open the plug and drain the dirty liquid.
  7. They collect clean water into the container and start the hydromassage again - this is necessary to wash all devices from detergent and prepare the bath for use.

Having learned how to clean an acrylic bath at home, it is easy to keep the original decor of the sanitary ware for a long time.

Advantages of acrylic

Acrylic bathtubs have dirt-repellent characteristics, which, with regular cleaning, reduces the number of harmful microorganisms.

Acrylic products are easy to care for. This is facilitated by:

  • lack of porosity and, as a result, a low degree of absorption of contaminants;
  • high smoothness, which does not allow microorganisms and particles of soap, dust, dirt to clog into the structure of the material.

Means for solving the problem, rather than washing an acrylic bath at home, are selected based on the characteristics of the material, so as not to damage the coating and preserve the original decor.

Characteristic pollution

Despite the dirt-repellent characteristics of acrylic planes, with irregular care, they appear common for sanitary products.

  • Yellowness. The reason is the quality of tap water.
  • Lime scale. It is formed due to hard water - from the presence of metal salts.
  • Color spots. Appear from contact with the surface of dyes.

By ensuring that the new font is regularly washed off, it is possible to avoid solving the problem of how to whiten an acrylic bath at home quickly and reliably. However, over time, you have to look for suitable detergents.

To wash an acrylic bathtub allow special ready-made formulations for cleaning. Hand protection with rubber gloves is required when working with them.

  • Acrylan. Foam cleans lime, soap deposits, as well as mold, rust. After processing forms the protective film protecting the planes from a raid. After application, do not wait until the foam dries completely. Do not use other cleaning agents in parallel.
  • cif. Available in the form of a paste, cream, spray. Contains no abrasive so will not damage acrylic products.
  • Bass. Liquid that carefully cares for plumbing. Used for daily care.
  • Team Pro. One of the environmentally friendly cleaning compounds. Destroys persistent pollution, returns shine to the processed surfaces. Does not contain harmful components. Allows you to wash the bathroom, eliminate odors, disinfect.
  • Acrylic Polish. This brand is represented by a variety of cleaning products. There are specialized tools with which polishing is carried out in order to restore the surface layer of the bath.
  • Cinderella. The product washes away any dirt on acrylic bathtubs. At the time of spraying, a pungent odor appears, so it is recommended to wear a mask. After application, stand for seven minutes and wash off the product with water, then wiping the surfaces with a soft cloth.
  • Chister. When deciding how to clean an acrylic bath, choose this universal remedy, which includes a protective acrylic polymer. Thanks to it, we remove grease, soap deposits, rust, limescale, and also whiten the surfaces to be treated.
  • Rawak. The compositions disinfect, clean, create a protective film.

The instructions for the selected product should contain an indication that they can wash an acrylic bath without fear of causing damage.

Before cleaning the pollution, they master the methods of working with certain types of products.

  • Liquids are spread over the inner surfaces of the bath with a soft sponge. Withstand, given the degree of contamination, up to 20 minutes. Then the residues must be thoroughly washed off with a stream of water.
  • The gel is applied gently in an even layer using a soft sponge.
  • The spray is sprayed for several minutes, trying to capture the entire inner surface of the bath.
  • On minor contamination, the cleaning composition is kept for five minutes before rinsing. If deposits of soap, salts have eaten in, then it is better to extend the time to 20 minutes.

After washing off the residue, wipe the bath with a dry soft cloth.

Folk remedies

From the arsenal of folk remedies with cleansing characteristics, options that are safe for acrylic products are selected.

  • limescale

Deciding how to whiten the bath, while eliminating salt deposits, apply citric acid. Take four standard bags, pour into a liter of warm water and stir until completely dissolved. Pour the solution into a tub filled to the top with hot water. With light pollution withstand water for two hours. To be safe, leave overnight.

How to clean significant lime marks yet? Table 6% vinegar. On the full bath one liter is required. Leave the bath filled for 12 hours.

  • Yellowness

The question is how to wash acrylic surfaces from yellowness, is removed after treating problem areas with hydrogen peroxide mixed with ammonia in equal volumes.

It is possible to achieve good results in the fight against yellowness by wiping the affected planes with a solution of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. For 200 ml of water, add 20 ml of one or the other.

  • Rust

Remove rust spots baking soda diluted with water to the consistency of gruel. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse off.

Use the composition of the chips laundry soap and three tablespoons of baking soda. Dilute in 100 ml of water. Apply to rusty stains and hold for 30 minutes.

A layer of fine salt is placed on the old rust. A kitchen sponge is moistened with turpentine and the dirt is carefully rubbed off with a hard side, trying not to scratch the surface.

  • Other tricks

An effective way to show how you can clean an acrylic bath is to rub stains with toothpaste white color applied to a piece of soft cloth.

After treatment, be sure to rinse the product with clean water and wipe the surfaces with a cloth.

How to clean a bath equipped with a whirlpool

In the presence of hydromassage in an acrylic bath, how to clean the nozzles. Due to moisture, mold develops in them, limescale accumulates.

Perform cleaning as follows:

  • hot water is poured into the bath at a level of 7-10 cm above the nozzles;
  • with the air supply turned off, pour in a quarter cup of liquid to clean dishwashers;
  • for disinfection add table vinegar - 200 ml;
  • turn on the hydromassage mode for 15 minutes so that the dirt accumulated in the nozzles comes out;
  • drain contaminated water.

At the last stage, clean water is drawn into the tank and the hydromassage is turned on again. This will flush the device

Inappropriate tricks

Despite the strength of acrylic products, some products can damage it, so they are prohibited for use:

  • brushes with metal needles and stiff bristles;
  • powders containing abrasive particles, including dry soda;
  • cleaning gels with strong acids in the composition, corroding acrylic planes;
  • chlorine-containing products;
  • acetone, formaldehydes and solvents that can cause deformation of acrylic;
  • undiluted ammonia, concentrated alcohol, acid, alkali.

The listed products leave microscopic scratches on acrylic, lead to the disappearance of gloss, tarnishing of the surface layer. Hydromassage installations quickly fail due to the deformation of silicone gaskets.

Preventive actions

If you follow the simple rules for the operation of acrylic bathtubs, then you will not need to look for methods on how to polish or clean contaminated surfaces.

In addition to daily care, it is recommended to clean the bathtub after two weeks with a suitable chemical agent. Disinfection should be carried out every six months, adding for 20 minutes to a bath filled with warm water special remedy from the Team Profi or Ravak line. If there are scratches or dirt that cannot be cleaned, invite specialists to restore the acrylic surface.

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