Romania Time of World War II. Romanian troops

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At dawn on June 22, 1941, when Germany, violating the Soviet-German pact of nonsense of 1939, attacked the USSR, the army of the fascist Romania immediately unfolded hostilities against the Red Army along the rod and the Danube. In a number of seats, German-Romanian troops crossed the left bank of the Prut, seeking to seize the supporting points of the border making, as well as highway and railway bridges. The aviation took off from the Romanian territory collapsed strikes to Soviet cities and villages.

At the Soviet-Romanian border, the fascist command concentrated three armies (11-German, 3 and 4 Romanian) and a number of other parts whose total number exceeded 600 thousand people. For more than half of this army, Romanian soldiers and officers were. According to the Romanian General Staff, in July 1941, the number of personnel of the army under the gun was about 700 thousand people, including directly at the front there were 342 thousand soldiers and officers. He subsequently noted Y. Antonescu in one of his conversations with the German general Ganzen, Romania put up much more divisions during joining the war against the USSR than the German command required.

In appeals to the army, King Mihai and Y. Antonescu declared a war against the USSR "sacred". The soldiers were said that they were fulfilling the historical mission to "liberate their brothers", defend the "church and European civilization from Bolshevism." Without hoping, apparently, it seems that the high words "about the liberation of their brothers", "the protection of civilization", etc., inspire hundreds of thousands of simple Romanian peasants, dressed in Soldiers, M. Antonescu, inspire for tact exploits. The Government Deputy Prime Minister appointed on the first day of the war, and a few days later, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, announced in his speech on the radio, which, in the "conquered the lands, the peasant hands will find due to fair reforms due to the broken blood in the name of these lands." In the army, Circular No. 1500 / A was distributed, which said that "military units should draw up registered lists of distinguished officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who deserve to be endowed with the Earth. Lists should be made up of military units every 15 days. "

In the first days of the war, the Soviet government warned the Royal Romania about the consequences of its participation in Hitler's aggression against the USSR. Gafenka in his book reproduces a conversation held from him on June 24, 1941 with the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs B, M. Molotov. The latter, according to Gafenka, said that "Romania was not entitled to violate the world from the USSR", the Soviet government after the settlement of Bessarabsky repeatedly declared its desire to improve relations between the two countries, to have on its border "peace-loving and independent Romania". The Soviet opposite noted that the Italian-German "guarantees" meant "the end of Romanian independence," the occupation of the country by German troops followed them. Stressing at the end of the conversation that Romania "there was no reason to join the aggression of German gangsters against the USSR", V.M. Molotov warned the Romanian envoy that his government would have to be responsible for the consequences of this aggression and that it would regret the deed. But the Government of the Fascist Romania did not return these warnings.

In Romania, he met war against the USSR with satisfaction and approved the actions of General Y. Antonescu. King Mihai in a telegram directed by Conductor, who was at the front, expressed appreciation for the "joy of the days of the former Glory." M. Antonescu, choking away from delight, exclaimed in his speech on the radio: "Today, the general is a country, General is our future." The Chairman of the National-Taranted Party of Y. Maniu in his letters of Y.ANTONESCU from July 11 and 18, 1941 called the fighting "For Great Romania with all its provinces." He expressed confidence in the victory of the fascist armies and the hope that it would lead to the "Fall of the Bolshevik regime" and "returning Russia to the system of private property." The Deputy Chairman of the NCC I. Mikhalak, on the second day of the war, demonstratively went to the "volunteer" to the army, followed by the Deputy Chairman of the NLP, G. Bratyan, who was honored with Hitler's awards. Describing the position I. Mikhalaka, K. Ardzhetoyan wrote in his diary in 1941: "... Baron de Toproad (he ironically called I. Mikhalaka. - I.L.) is aware that the British will be destroyed by Russia, which We can not eliminate otherwise as with the help of Germans. " Ardzhetoyan himself, having learned about what extensive Soviet territories are promised by Hitler his country for participating in the war against the USSR, he entrusted with his delight into his diary: "I am writing and ask yourself: is it not a dream?"

It should be said that at the beginning of the war, under the influence of a nationalist ugon, created by the fascist propaganda, militant sentiment showed some layers of small bourgeoisie, who had honesting at war, part of the soldiers who believed promises about the endowment of their land at the conquered territory. Regarding the last V. Adam wrote: "Some of them should be assumed, seduced by the Earth in Bessarabia and on the territory between the Dniester and the Bug, which Hitler walked Marshal Antonescu, the surroundings of her transnistria.

Militant moods were maintained in many ways about the invincibility of the Wehrmacht, boastful promises of quick victory. P. Kirosaige recognizes that many Romanian officers and soldiers believed "in the power of the German army", they were convinced that "the war will be short and victorious, with a promotion of the Russian territory, an uprising against the communist regime will occur." In fact, everything is different.

On Bessarabsky, as in all other sites of the Soviet-German front, German-Romanian troops came across the resistance of the Red Army and Soviet border guards. The task of creating an order to the end of June "Bridgeheads in Eastern Prut" could not be implemented. As noted in the management report of the Politpoopagaganda (UPP) of the Southern Front for the period from 22 to 30 June 1941, "Attempts by the German-Romanian troops to force the rods are repulsed with significant losses for the enemy, and the state border, with the exception of the whisen, which the Germans managed to capture; It is firmly held by our troops. "

In June fights in the Soviet-Romanian border, the Romanian army suffered especially large losses. July 1, 1941, for the ninth day of war, the police did not disagree without anxiety in Bucharest that the wounded Romanian soldiers "appear at railway stations in the windows of cars in bloody shoes or show their wounds" and thereby "affect the mood of soldiers of other parts heading to their shelves. " Large losses have affected the moral state of the population. Police authorities were given an indication during the arrival of trains with wounded "to arrange good reception And encourage them ", access to the peer" private individuals ".

In early July 1941, German-Romanian troops were transferred to the offensive on the Bessarabian section of the Front. The day before (July 1) in a letter addressed to Hitler. J. Antonescu expressed "the confidence that the final victory is already close," and assured that the offensive operation at the Romanian front section "should lead to the final destruction of the Soviet Armed Forces on the South Flan."

Having created a large superiority in troops and technique on the Mogilev-Podolsky and Baltsky directions, the enemy army was able to move forward in the first decade of July. In connection with the difficult situation, created at the junction of the South-Western and South Fronts, the Soviet command of the South Front decided to take the right of the 18th Army on the Rate Khotyn - Liphany. During July 5-12, the German-Romanian troops occupied the city of Chernivtsi, Balti, Soroki, Hotin and went to the Dunstra on this site. On July 12, General Verekulesk was appointed "authorized General Antonescu" on the management of Bessarabia, and Colonel Rizyhanan - Bukovina. In the Directive sent by him, M. Antonescu stressed that in these territories "before signing an annexation decree, the Military Occupation regime establishes." In a statement to print, he announced that "Traces of Communism will be diverted with the root."

In this regard, the "authorized" conductor and military administration in the occupied territory was put as the first task of "cleansing territory from communists, the removal of the Bolsheviks, unreliable elements and the Jews," and then the "preliminary census of all property and owners", taking into account the situation to On June 28, 1940, the "adoption of harvest measures" announced by the "property of the Romanian state", the immediate removal of Soviet money on the equivalent for the ruble - one lei.

Having visited on July 17 in the city of Beltsy, Conductor gave an occupying administration to additional instructions. Here are some of them, in what they were recorded by subordinates: "Roads to restore with the help of the population. Labor subsitude to introduce both conquered territories. With the most insignificant resistance from the population - to shoot in place. The names of the executed publish ... Population of Bessarabia Take the inspection, suspicious and those who oppose us, need to destroy ... No Jew should remain in villages and cities, they should be interbored to the camps ... ". Terror and mass destruction of Soviet citizens, mockery of them were erected by the rulers of military-fascist Romania in the rank of official policies.

In the spirit of these instructions, the Romanian fascists sometimes themselves, and sometimes together with the Schedule, having broken into one or another settlement, organized a hunt for communists, destroying thousands of people without trial, including children, women, old people. In the indictment in the case of the main Romanian war criminals, the following facts are contained on the atrocities of the occupiers: "On July 8, 1941, all the Jewish population was collected in the m. Markuleshta Sorokh district. Men, women and children are bred on the outskirts of the settlement, shot and buried in anti-tank Rips. In this way, 1000 people were destroyed. In the following days, in the same way came in Florests, Gora-Kamenka, Gura Caynars. In the village of Klimaussa Sorokh district, 300 children, women and men and men and July 12, 1941 were shot and buried on the outskirts of the village in a common pit ... ". Mass executions from the first day of the occupation were made on Bukovina.

In the central and southern regions of Moldova and in the Izmail region of Ukraine, bloody battles were still conducted. Attempts by the German-Romanian troops who undertaken in the early days of July an offensive in the Chisinau direction, to capture the capital of Moldavia from the go failed. Summing up the fights in the specified direction in the first decade of July 1941, the headquarters of the land forces of the Hitler's army, Colonel-General Galder, recorded in the service diary: "Attacks on the right flank of the Army von Scheret, apparently caused a significant weakening of Romanian compounds. The command of the 11th Army is coming that it considers these compounds non-visible for further offensive. Necessary "New Operation" against Chisinau ". Only during one counterattack of the 90th rifle regiment of the 95th Moldavian Rifle Division in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow region, the 63rd Artillery and 67th Infantry Shelves of the Romanian Army were almost completely defeated, and the 8th and 9th of July as a result of a counter-projective operation 241 "The rifle regiment of the same division large damage was caused by the 15th and 55th Infantry Romanian regiments. Unfortunately ended the offensive operations of the 4th Romanian army in the area of \u200b\u200bFelchiu - Leka - Epuren in order to support the offensive on Chisinau from the south. During July 5-12, fierce battles went on this site. Parts of the Soviet 14th Rifle Corps caused a group of an enemy in Felchiu's great damage in a living force and technique, without giving her to move forward.

The resistance of the Red Army, the sudden counterattacks of the Soviet troops, which, according to the Romanian Colonel, taken captivated on July 8, 1941, "acted stunningly" to the Romanian troops and caused a "full panic", argued the anti-war moods in ordinary soldiers. Among the documents captured from the Front defeated in battles at the Bessarabsk section of the Romanian regiment, there is circular No. 81, which states that "some soldiers instead of being in battle shy, hide and return to their units only after the end of the battle ..." 3. In another document, signed by the commander of this regiment, Simeonesca and the officer of the Chumik. It is noted that the shelf occurs in the regiment in order to see from the war (the case that happened to Theodore Vasilio from the 3rd company, to which the soldiers of Eshan V. shot his leg). " At the end of the circular, Simeonesca ceases to "betray the military-field court as the wounded and those that wounded."

Rebuilded by the German-Romanian troops on the part of the Red Army on the border and in the rod and Dniester interference, made the many officers who had previously worked on a slight victory. After just a month later, the secret police have reported to Bucharest after the start of the war: "Among the personnel officers there is some concern because of the death of many of them on the front." And in the mentioned Circular Colonel, Simeonescu directly said: "I have established a bitterness that there were many violations of your debt on the part of the officers subordinate to me." And although the Romanian press still continued to cut about the "ambulance", but worrying notes began on her pages. The weekly "times" ("beam"), who in early July, wrote with full confidence that "the days of the Bolshevik regime are considered" and "the victory of the civilized world ... already provided", in the middle of the same month they spoke that in vain many hoped for The rapid ending of hostilities in Bessarabia, that the Russians will not fight, and from the very first days of war will be surrendered by the masses. "

Together with the calculations on the weakness of the Red Army, the hopes for the fact that after the first blows fascist troops There will be conflicts between Russian and non-Russian peoples. Romanian soldiers and officers, which the fascist propaganda idle thought about the fact that they are "liberators" convinced. The overwhelming part of the population did not meet them as "liberators". During the battles in June-July 1941, Romanian soldiers and officers saw how quite often, fighter battalions and filling troops from the local population, tens of thousands of people were digging the trenches, were built by defensive structures, maintained other assistance. Soviet troops.

Despite heavy losses, on July 16, German-Romanian troops managed to seize Chisinau. On July 17, on the orders of the rate began the decoration of the 9th Army for the Dniester. He ended mostly on July 22, and the 14th Rifle Corps finished crossing the left bank of the bottom course of the Dniester on July 26. The plans of the Hitler's command about the environment and destroying of the Soviet troops in the rifres of the rod and the Dniester were not implemented.

Romanian rulers tried to use the exit of their troops to the Dnest to raise the new wave of nationalism in the country and strengthen the dictatorship of Antonescu. The press was famous for the "general-winner", "General Savior" nation. The occupation administration was installed with a large pump. Paradians took place in Chisinau and Chernivtsi. The presence of the Reich Pflavumemer on all these ceremonies of the "Plenipotentiary Representative" was to emphasize that the Royal Romania receives Bessarabia and North Bukovina thanks to Germany.

Romanian fascist propaganda migrated to the Romanian-German Commonwealth. All the seal reproduced the words of the Conductor, expressed in an interview with the Italian newspaper "Tribune" that "Romania woven perfectly into a new European order" and she "forever with the states of the axis." The fascist leaflet of the "Help time" announced the German-Romanian Union is no more and not less than the "axiom of the national existence" of the Romanian people. "He will continue," the newspaper swore, "the permanentness of Romanian politics in New Europe."

On July 27, Hitler sent a letter to J. Antonescu. He congratulated the Conductor with the "return of the provinces" and thanked him for the decision to fight "to the end on the side of Germany." At the same time, he pointed to him the front sections in Ukraine, where the Romanian army had to participate in battles, and proposed "to carry protection" in the occupied territory. In early August, Hitler awarded J. Antonescu Iron Cross.

Meanwhile, fascinated by official propaganda "about Romanian revival", fascist young people continued to "wash off the shame of 1940" and "Eradicate" communism by organizing mass executions of Soviet citizens.

According to the recognition of the occupation authorities themselves, in this atmosphere of the wrong terror "the sense of irresponsibility was dominated, which heated and excited low-lying instincts, and many plunged into the sea of \u200b\u200babuses." In the information bulletin of the Chisinau Quest police from August 19, 1941 we read. "Military who arrived in the first days, robbed at home, without making exceptions to Christians, leaving many without movable property." It is further said that some locals were robbed right outside: "... They were stopped and secured with their valuable things when searching." Colonel Tudosa, the first Romanian commandant occupied by the Nazis Chisinau, although she tries to whitewash the Romanian army, was forced to admit that not only the German parts "the rights of the conquerors committed acts of violence, took all the best and valuable from warehouses, houses," but Romanian troops , allegedly "imitating" them, joined these robberies that "searches and assigning values \u200b\u200b... were universal hobbies."

Often on the soil of deductible between the "allies" conflicts occurred. The same Tudosa complained that the German units were assigned to themselves all the best, which was found in warehouses and enterprises of the occupied Soviet territory. Similar complaints came from North Bukovina. On August 5, 1941, the ruler of Bukovina Rioshyan was telegraphed in Bukharest that German soldiers, "opening a pre-fire from machine guns, removed Romanian security from various warehouses and loaded cars with all sorts of things."

Robberies, like mass executions, were legalized. As already noted, all agricultural products were announced by the "property of the Romanian state", and the whole livestock is "blocked". In the prescriptions of the army parts and the occupation administration, it was indicated that the troops will be supplied at the expense of its zone and nothing will be brought from driving "; It is necessary to "take everything you need, all that is, to take without any ceremonies; "Bread, large cattle Must be withdrawn from the population for the army, "" In each house, it is necessary to make a thorough search and take everything without a residue "; "For the fortification of food, the slightest resistance is to shoot in place, and the house burn." The robbery, accompanied by the murder of Soviet citizens, took such sizes that the prefect of the Baltsky County Colonel Khanchiu in a letter dated August 26, 1941 in the name of the ruler of Bessarabia, General Verekuleska was forced to admit: "Bessarabia rather than it could be assumed, it would be quite cable."

Some statements that characterize the position of the Romanian authorities and their attitude towards Bessaratsham. And vice versa:

From the speech I. Antonescu at a meeting of the Romanian government on July 8, 1941: "Risching to be incomprehensible to some traditionalists, who may have among you, I advocate for the violent migration of the entire Jewish element of Bessarabia and Bukovina, it must be put out of our borders. I also for the violent migration of the Ukrainian element, which there is nothing to do here at the moment. I do not care if we enter the story as barbarians. The Roman Empire made a whole series of barbaric acts towards contemporaries, and yet it was the most majestic political structure. In our story there was no more suitable moment. If necessary, shoot from machine guns. "

From the report of the Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda Propaganda from July 4, 1942: "... First of all, it is necessary to introduce an idea about the existence of a single Romanian state and a single Romanian nationalist living throughout the country, therefore, in Bessarabia ... Since Bessarabian The peasant always considered himself Moldovan, and not Romanian and looked at the immigrants from the old kingdom with some disregard, which is the result that he was in the Great Empire ... ".

Occuping Bessarabia, Romanian authorities seized all Soviet and Romanian identity cards. Instead, it was issued a certificate of three colors: for Romanians (Moldovan) - white colorFor national minorities - yellow, for the Jews - green. Special figures were also introduced, indicating the "loyalty" of the residents of the Romanian regime.

By order of the Governor of Bessarabia dated November 15, 1941, it was forbidden to talk in public places on Neuruman (meant in Russian). Talking "in the language of enemies" was punishable by imprisonment from one month to two years. Simultaneously with imprisonment, the court could sentence the "guilty" to a major cash fine and deprive the right to hold a state position for six years.

However, the population continued to ignore the order of the Romanian administration. Military field courts were littered with the affairs of "criminals".

From the report of the Chisinau Quest Police Regional Inspectorate: "Today, on May 17, 1942, the attitude of the 3rd Army Corps to the local prosecutor's office of the 3rd Army Corps to the local prosecutor's office is the case with the documents for Ivanov Trofim from Chisinau for the fact that the above-mentioned on May 14 p. G., while the honored company passed the ceremonial march to the Romanian and German authorities on the street. Sfatul Caryry, heading on the cemetery of German heroes, stood with his head and hands behind his back and did not welcome the banner of the part ... ".

From the reporting of the Chisinau Regional Inspectorate of the Police of the General Directorate of the Police of May 22, 1942: "Police Quest G. Chisinau ratio N 3511 from 18.V. G. sent to the prosecutor's office of Lapusnyansky Tribunal case with decorated documents for Kravachuka Efim, living in the suburbs of Chisinau, Melley, ul. N 98, d. N 8, for the fact that he did not comply with the order of the N 6 military command of the 3rd Army Corps from 19.VSh 1941, for books in Russian were discovered in his house. "

From the report of the Orgene's police, the Chisinau Regional Inspectorate of the Police dated May 29, 1942: "In addition to our report for N 11 458 from 2.III.1942, honor to report that the sentence for N 1987 from 19.V.1942 of the Kishinevian military field court of the 3rd Army Corps of the accused by Pear Andrei, living In Orheyev on the street. St. Dumitru, N 77, by the profession of the agriculture, was sentenced to three months of correctional conclusion, and on the basis of Art. 326 Military Code to the fine of 200 lei for what spoke in the language of enemies is punished on the basis of Art. 6 of the order N 5 from 16.XII 1941 of the 3rd Army Corps. We ask you to integrate the disposal about whether it should be included in the list of suspicious persons. "

From the report of the Chisinau Regional Inspectorate of the Police of October 5, 1942: "Among the Russians recently, a lively anxiety is noticeable, caused by fear of being sent to transnistra. Such a mood has developed mainly as a result of the implementation of certain measures of the authorities, somehow: the inventory of the property of the Russian population and prohibition under the threat of punishment to speak Russian. Nevertheless, this is a national minority in a family circle, among buddies or acquaintances and, most dangerous, in public places, not embarrassed, speaks Russian. "

From the report of the Bendendian Police, the Chisinau Regional Police Inspectorate of July 23, 1942: "In connection with foreign policy events, a part of the population does not show any joy on the success of the axis. Some of this Taucher category express optimism and confidence in the victory of the Russians. They whisper that the Germans themselves admit that if the war drops to winter, then the "Germans".

From the prescription of the Governor of Bessarabia dated June 6, 1942: "It has been established that since the dyeing of Bessarabia and so far in schools, government agencies, and unfortunately, in the villages were not redeemed from some customs and trends that prove the fullest misunderstanding of the spirit of the present time and the program of universal romania, the fulfillment of which occupies the first Place in terms of today's concerns. These tendencies are manifested in the use of Russian names with students, employees and even rural residents who replace purely Romanian names with their equivalents in Russian. Students, employees and some peasants continue to call themselves instead of Dumitar, Vasile, Ion, Konstantin, Mihai, etc. - Mitya, Vasya, Vanya, Kostya, Misha, etc. But the saddest and incomprehensible is that this anomaly It is also noted by most of the purely Moldovan families, which for incomprehensible reasons persistently use Russian names, thus preserving, thus, in a sober and active state, the Russian Spirit. The elimination of these bad habits is the primary and main task in the fulfillment of the universal and obligatory romanization of the spirit, mood and atmosphere in Bessarabia. "

In April 1942, the governor K. Werekuleska acknowledged that his disposal about the ban to talk in Russian even to the Moldovan employees: "The old system of exclusion of the Romanian language was resumed little from the appeal of the public servants of Bessarabia, the use of Russian language becomes custom . In the halls and cabinets of institutions, Russian speech is constantly heard [...]. On the streets, in stores, public places Russian prevails. What is especially regrettable, cases are established when priests are inferior to the inferidal believers and conduct a service in Russian. " The governor stated that "Bessaratsa retained the genuine nostalgia in the" Russian old times. "

In April 1942, the General Directorate of the Police of Romania reported that "the peasants who, with the communist strictly in rural settlements of Bessarabia, were members of the village councils, continue to challenge and threaten to local authorities, arguing that they would punish them on the return of the Communists in this area," At the same time, the last names of the residents of the Moldavian village of Synhera Lapusnyansky county, which "currently lead to propaganda in favor of the councils and threaten the authorities."

The attempt was faced with the occupying authorities to mobilize among Bessarabsev. By the beginning of the war in the Romanian army, 7.8 thousand natives of Bessarabia were served, mainly Moldovan, mobilized until June 28, 1940. The Romanian command avoided using them at the front. In the spring of 1943, 8.8 thousand Bessaratsev was mobilized. In the spring of 1944, the order of mobilization was obeyed from 2 to 10% of recruits, the rest were hidden.

From the sentence of the military field court in the case of Soldier-Moldovan, who refused the oath of the Romanian state of March 20, 1943: "... Soldiers from the Nearbyment of Bessaratsev, mobilized for training and refused to make an oath of loyalty, were sent with decorated documents to the Chisinau Military Field Court 3rd territorial army corps. "

The military field court sentenced 11 Moldovans from the villages of Ryshkany and Zaicans of the Belki county and one of the s. Mandyk Soroksky County, condemning them by 25 years of religious work with confiscation of property and degradation.

From the report of the governor of Bessarabia Cabinet of Ministers of Romania on February 18, 1944: "February 1, this year From the Fokshan station, a detachment of the 20th Doraganzsky and the 53rd infantry regiments, consisting of 189 Bessarats, to the destination - Odessa. The detachment was equipped with military uniforms, but without a weapon ... only 88 people looked to Odessa, and another 71 more on the second day. There are no 30. "

Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Romania in World War II 1939 - 1945. The main goal foreign Policy Romania was the return of the territories transmitted in 1940 Soviet Union, Hungary and Bulgaria. Despite the tensions of relations with the two recent states, Romania, under the auspices of Germany, could apply only to the return of land (North Bukovina and Bessarabia), employed by the USSR. In addition, she had the opportunity to increase its territory at the expense of the south-western regions of the Soviet Union that were not previously not Romanian.

Until 1940, the Romanian Military Thought and the practice of conducting military affairs were focused on French Military School. However, after the defeat of France in June 1940, the Romanian military began to give preference to the German school. In October of the same year, a permanent German mission arrived in Romania. Its main goal was the preparation of the Romanian army to war, while the greatest attention was paid to the fight against tanks and the training of junior commanders.

The modernization program was successful only in part. 7.92 mm Czech production rifle replaced the old 6.5-mm Mannikher (Mannlicher) system, and the cavalry received a lightweight Czech machine ZB 30. At the same time, there were still many weapons of obsolete samples in the army. Anti-tank artillery was weak, although the Germans and supplied Romanian trophy 47-mm implements. Only the mining corps received modern artillery guns "Skoda". Most of the field guns were in service with the beginning of the First World War, although the Army received both trophy and polish 75-mm guns. Most of Artillery was still on horseback.

On September 1, 1939, the Romanian army consisted of 1 guards and 21 infantry division. In 1940, the intensive formation of new compounds began.

The overall leadership of military construction was carried out by the Supreme Council of Defense chaired by the Prime Minister. With the beginning of the war, this post was taken by the leader (Conducător) Ion Victor Antonescu (Ion Victor Antonescu).

Directly armed forces managed military Ministry (through the General Staff).

The Armed Forces of Romania consisted of ground forces, air force and navy, as well as border guard buildings, gendarmerie and building hull.

The composition of the ground forces included 3 of the general army (21 infantry division and 14 brigades). There were 3850 guns on their armament, up to 4 thousand mortars, 236 tanks.

Romania's infantry division on the state of 1941 included 3 infantry regiments, 1 artillery brigade (2 shelf), a battery of anti-aircraft guns, the company of anti-tank guns and machine guns, a reconnaissance squadron, a communications battalion, an engineering battalion and service divisions. In total, there were 17,715 people in the division, it had 13,833 rifles, 572 machine guns, 186 guns and mortars (75 mm field weapons, 100-mm warm-up, 37-mm and 47-mm anti-tank guns).

The registers of the regular army carried the numbers from the 1st but 33rd and from the 81st to the 96th, and the shelves of the first tradition group were called "Grenadiers" - "Dorobanti" (Dorobanti). Some divisions had a "Vanatori" shelves (Vanatori), i.e. Rifleers who wore numbers from the 1st to the 10th.

After the First World War, elite mountain parts were formed on Italian sample, like the Alpine shooters. Each of these 4 brigades had 1 artillery and 2 rifle shelf, as well as an intelligence squadron.

A squad of skiers from Romanian mountain shooters. 1941

Romanian mountain arrows at positions in the Crimea. 1942

Attack of Romanian mountain shooters. Crimea, 1942

Especially strong was considered romanian cavalry. In addition to the equestrian guard for the summer of 1941, there were another 25 linear cavalry regiments.

Romanian cavalry in the Ukrainian steppes. 1941

In 1941, the only separate tank regiment (existed since 1939) was combined with a motorized rifle regiment in a brigade. Basically, the Skoda Ltvz 35 tanks 35 were in service with the Romanian army, and there were some lung CKD tanks in parts. Most of the "Skod" was lost in battles near Stalingrad (some later are converted to self-propelled 76-mm guns), and they were replaced by German PZKPFW 38 (T) and T-IV.

Romania Air Force included 11 aeroflootyl: fighter - 3, bomber - 3, intelligence - 3, hydraulic agents - 1, balloons - 1. Total 1050 aircraft numbered in the Air Force, of which about 700 combat: fighters - 301, bombers - 122, others - 276.

Romania's naval forces consisted of the Black Sea Fleet and Danube Flotilla. The Black Sea Fleet of Romania to the beginning of the war had 2 auxiliary cruisers, 4 squadrock docks, 3 destroyers, submarine, 3 gunboats, 3 torpedo boats, 13 trawls and mine barrels. Danube river flotilla included 7 monitors, 3 floating batteries, 15 armored meters, 20 river boats and auxiliary ships.

In the summer of 1941, for an attack on the Soviet Union of Romania, 2 field armies (3rd and 4th), which appeal 13 infantry divisions, 5 infantry, 1 motorized and 3 cavalry brigades, about 3 thousand tools and mortars, was allocated to the Soviet Union of Romania. 60 tanks.

The offensive of the ground forces should have been provided by 623 combat aircraft. In total, for participation in the war against the Soviet Union, troops were attracted by the number of 360 thousand people.
Romanian military uniforms.

1st stage of war against the USSR

For war against the Soviet Union, the Romanian army used mainly infantry weapons of its own production. In 1941, 2.5 thousand manual machine guns were produced in Romania, 4 thousand automata, 2250 60-mm and 81.4-mm mortars, 428,75-mm artillery guns, 160 47-mm anti-tank guns, 106 37- mm and 75 mm anti-aircraft guns, over 2.7 million mines and shells.

The German command of the Romanian troops was entrusted with the tasks of deploying the 11th German army in Romania and its attack on the Right Bank Ukraine. The headquarters of the 11th Army were reconciled from the 3rd Romanian Army 4 Infantry Divisions, 3 minority and 3 cavalry brigades. The remaining Romanian troops, minted in the 4th Army, were deployed at the extreme right wing of the Soviet-German front.

For hostilities on the Black Sea, Germany, not having there its warships, used the Navy Romania.

The 3rd Romanian army included the mining (1st, 2nd and 4th mining brigades) and cavalry (partially motorized 5th, 6th and 8th cavalry brigades) of the hull. In the 4th Army included the first three of the Division prepared by German instructors (5th, 6th and 13th) and other selected formations (Guards division, border and armored brigade).

During the siege of Odessa (August 5 - October 16, 1941), Romanian troops received significant reinforcements and ultimately began to include the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8, 10 , 11th, 14th, 15th, 18th and 21st infantry and 35th reserve divisions, 1st, 7th and 9th Cavalry Brigades; In addition, the armies were granted separate German units.

Under Odessa, due to poor preparation and lack of weapons, Romanian parts suffered heavy losses - on September 22, 2 infantry divisions were defeated. After from October 1 to October 16, 1941, the garrison of Odessa was evacuated, the 4th Romanian army had to be sent to re-formation.

Military units from the 3rd Army (as well as the 1st, 2nd, 10th and 18th Infantry Divisions) remained at the front, although they switched to the command of German generals. The mining corps fought in Crimea as part of the 11th German army, and the Cavalry Corps in the 1st Tank Army. Smaller divisions, such as the Romanian mechanized regiment and skiers, also acted in a winter campaign with German parts.

2nd stage of war against the USSR

In the summer of 1942, the Romanian forces on the Eastern Front occurred. The mining corps (later the 18th infantry and 1st mining division) was attracted to the occurrence of Sevastopol. In 1942, the brigade was reformed according to the standards of the Wehrmacht and created the 1st armored division (later the named "Great Romania").

In August, a strong Romanian corps (included the 18th and 19th infantry, the 8th cavalry and 3rd mining divisions) with battles forced Kerch Strait. At the same time, the 2nd mining division, which was on vacation from the end of 1941, was transferred to the North Caucasus, where it entered the 3rd German tank corps. The 3rd Army of General Dumitresco (5th, 6th, 9th, 13th, 14th, 9th, 9th, 13th, 14th, and 15th infantry, 1st and 7th cavalry, 1st armored Division ) And in October, it took a plot north of Stalingrad. Meanwhile, the Romanian corps reached the advanced frontiers on the southern flank.

In November 1942, he was replenished with other parts, and then transferred the 4th German Tank Army (only 6 Romanian divisions: 1st, 2nd, 4th and 18th Infantry, 5th and 8th Cavalry ). Hitler suggested that in the 4th Army of General Konstantinesca, most parts of the 4th German Tank Army passed, and then together with the 3rd Romanian and 6th German armies formed a new group of the Don Army under the command of Marshal Antonescu.

The 4th Army advanced forward and began the deployment just at the moment when Soviet troops began an operation on the surroundings of the Stalingrad grouping. Most Romanian divisions were defeated, and the two (20th infantry and 1st cavalry) were inside the "Stalingrad boiler". The remnants of the parts were collected in the hastily organized Army groups "Goth" (1st, 2nd, 4th and 18th Infantry, the 5th and 8th cavalry divisions) and "Hollid" (7th, 9- I, 1 1st and 14th Infantry, 7th Cavalry and 1st armored division), but they suffered such heavy losses that by February 1943 they were taken to re-form.

The moral spirit of the Romanian military has fallen significantly. This allowed the Soviet command to start in the fall of 1943 to the creation of former prisoners romanian formations in the Soviet Army.

3rd stage of war against the USSR

The counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops led to the fact that many Romanian divisions were under threat of surroundings in the Kuban bridgehead and in the Crimea (10th and 19th infantry, 6th and 9th cavalry, 1st, 2nd, 3- I and the 4th mining divisions). The Germans sought to remove them with the advanced and during the whole 1943 used Romanians mainly on the protection of the coastline and in the fight against partisans.

In April 1944, the "resistant" infantry and 6th cavalry division were broken in Crimea. Most units derived from battles and returned to Romania to re-form. The troops were reserved in Romania were used to protect Bessarabia.

4th stage of war against the USSR

To May 1944, the 3rd and 4th Army went to the front. Now Romanam managed to insist on establishing some parity when distributing team standards in the German-Romanian grouping. The 3rd Romanian and 6th German army were on the right flank in the army group of the Army Group (the 2nd, 14th and 21st infantry, the 4th mining and 1st cavalry Romanian divisions were fought here.

The 4th Romanian Army, together with the 8th German army, formed the Weller army group (in its composition there were the following Romanian compounds: Guards, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 11 - I, 13th and 20th Infantry, 5th cavalry and 1st armored divisions). With the beginning of the offensive of the Soviet troops in August 1944, this front collapsed.

Romania in the war against Germany and Hungary (1944 - 1945)

King Mihai arrested Antonescu, and Romania joined the anti-Hitler coalition. Her participation in the war on the side of Germany ended. At the same time some the number of convinced Romanian fascists voluntarily entered into the MS troops.

After some hesitation, the Soviet command decided use Romanian formations on the front. The 1st Army (created on the basis of the divisions and curriculum derived from the Crimea) and the new 4th Army (almost completely composed of the curriculum) began the fighting in transylvania again. In combat actions against the German-Hungarian troops the Romanian Air Force was actively showed.

Total Romania lost 350 thousand people in battles with Soviet troops, and at the end of the war another 170 thousand in battles with German and Hungarian troops.

When Germany attacked the Soviet Union, after the Germans, their allies moved to Russia. Each wanted to tear the part of the Russian cake. At the beginning of the war, the troops of German satellites were few and mainly subordinate to the German command. The only Finnish and Romanian army, as well as part of the Hungarian fought truly fought. After the battle near Moscow and the failure of Blitzkrieg, the situation has changed. After the loss of the best fighters, the elite of Wehrmacht and the SS Hitler simply needed human reserves to fill the Eastern Front. Kaitel and Goebbels were rushed in Europe, demanding from the subjecting countries to increase the contingents of their troops in Russia.

Romania, who planned war only to the Dnieper and in the Crimea, was forced to drag on, deep into Russia. Hungarians increased their current army in two and a half times. Mussolini brought his expeditionary building to the army in the amount of 220,000 soldiers and officers. By the summer of 1942, more than half of millions of bayonets of German allies were involved on the Eastern Front. The whole mass, which consists mainly of infantry, crawled behind the German mechanized columns and performed mainly occupying functions in the rear, or provided the flank cover of the main shock groups of the Wehrmacht. So, in the Stalingrad battle, the 6th Army Paulus and the 4th Goth's Tank Army were applied. The flanks of these armies covered the Romanians. Next, the 8th Italian army was located on the north, then the 2nd Hungarian Army. It was not recommended to put Romanians and Hungarians nearby, they hated each other and would definitely worry.

All these parts of the allies were less efficient than German troops, they did not have any decent artillery or normal means of communication. The technique was an obsolete sample, inferior to both German and Soviet counterparts. The moral spirit was low, the supply of disgusting to feed, accounted for the local population. Especially this concerned the Romanian army, as if came from the 19th century, from the times of serfdom, scented, with painted eyelashes and their eyes, some, even with flies on the cheeks, and gray, eternally hungry soldiers, are contemptuously remembering the Romanian army German veterans.
After the war, the broken German generals accused Hitler that he, putting the allies on the flanks, lost to the Stalingrad battle. And he simply did not have a choice, there were no German parts in order to plug all holes. Remove combat-ready regiments from the central group, from under Moscow, he could not - the beetles had already begun a powerful attack on Rzhev. Although the offensive choked in the blood, it pulled all the available reserves of the Wehrmacht.

On November 19, 1942, powerful Soviet armored corps hacked the defense of the Romanian army. Romanians were broken in fluff and dust, a few German reserves, desperately trying to save the situation, could not change anything, they simply crumbled. By mid-December, all Romanian parts on the Eastern Front have almost ceased to exist. According to the memoirs of the German officers, they threw rifles in a panic, threw guns with shells, not even trying to destroy them, the columns were captured. There were cases when the Soviet regiments, having lost a few people killed and wounded, were captured by 7-8 thousand Romanian soldiers. The peeled German pilots were even fired by the allies running in a panic panic. We can say that as a result of the defeat of the Romanian army, our troops slammed in the Stalingrad "bag" of the troops of Paulus.

In mid-December, the onset of the Voronezh Front began. In two-month battles, he defeated Italian and Hungarian army. The defeat was terrible: Italian parts were almost almost all destroyed, the Hungarians lost two thirds of their composition. It also got into the Germans: only alone alone remained from the 24th tank corps. Under the city of Rossosh five Italian divisions and the three Germans were surrounded. The breakdown was a little, and then mostly the Germans. They took the cars from the Italians and Hungarians and left, throwing allies under the caterpillars of Soviet tanks.

For Europe, it was shock. It's nice when you know that your compatriots with a triumph walk across Russia, it is nice to get rich parcels, but when the funerals come instead of parcels with Kuban oil, there is no reason for joy. Romanian peasant and Italian winemaker do not understand that their children are doing in the snowless Russia, why they must die there.

Soon the houses began to return those few of the Allied troops who survived in the Stalingrad Savory. Exhausted, hungry, frostbed, evil on their politicians, primarily on the Germans. Human you can understand them. It is difficult to hate Russians visible only in the rifle sight. But it is easy to wave a neighbor that rolls on the car, when you are taking on foot in dust, ally, the firing lad and drinking the Schnaps, when you swallow simple water and get a semi-seeding horse. When you and your comrades are contemptuous, as the second grade, namely the German soldiers and officers to the allies. Food and fire supply primarily provided Germanic parts, the remains were delivered to allies. It concerned the warm things, fuel and all the other necessary in the war.

Konstantin Simonov described such a case. They captured two Romanian artilleryrs. Crawled peasants B. military formThe officers relate to their officers, as an inevitable evil. But about the Germans spoke with hatred, not only readily showed the location of the German battery, but also asked permission to shoot on it! Here they are, idyllic relationships between brothers in arms.

As a result of the Stalingrad battle, profascular regimes in Europe were stunned. Hitler had to support his allies to introduce selected divisions into their territory, so necessary to him at the front, in the north, away from Stalingrad, the far-sighted Finnish Marshal Mannerheim began to look for a truce with the Soviet Union. Hitler's Spanish "Blue Division" was sent to the aid was not under Stalingrad, but he participated in the battles near Leningrad, but she had enough Lija - in February 1943 under the Red Bor, the division was half destroyed.

On July 18, 1943, the remaining Spanish Falangists decided to hold lush celebrations on the occasion of a 10-year coming to power. They invited German generals and officers, discharged variety, but Soviet intelligence worked perfectly. In the midst of a banquet on the Palace in Tsarist Slavyanka, a powerful artillery strike was inflicted. Many killed and wounded, variety broke on ravines, in general, the banquet failed. After that, the division was rapidly withdrawn from Russia. In Spain itself, they were not particularly rooted on the defeat of the "Blue Division": half of it consisted of frantic fascists, the second half is from the recoverable criminals.

As a result of the Stalingrad battle, Hitler's allies lost about 800,000, a person, including 300 thousand, prisoners. For such small countries as Romania and Hungary, such losses are simply huge. The same Konstantin Simonov in his diaries describes a small village in the north of Romania. One and a half hundred yokes, on the building of the rural board hanging the board in a mourning car, on the board, a list of thirty-seven surnames who died in the Russian front of soldiers and nonsense officers. Thirty-seven killed on such a village - it means that in every hut mourge or your dead man, or someone from relatives. And there are wounded and cripples. And in addition, this village is due to some missing missing and prisonered.
The defeat of the German Allies under Stalingrad was not secret, but in the Soviet press about this was mentioned somehow reluctantly, more attention was paid to the defeat of the German army, indecent were considered to remind comrades to the Warsaw Agreement on hundreds of thousands of their countrymen, who pretended their heads under the city on the Volga.

From the history of World War II, it is well known that the Royal Romania has taken the most active part in the attack on the Soviet Union, the Romanian army has passed after the Germans to the Stalingrad. Then, disagreeing the most severe trials and defeat defeats from the Red Army, Romanians ended up again there, on the shores of the Dniester, from where they started their conquering hike In the name of the creation of "Great Romania".
However, in the history of the Second World War, it is not quite detailed that the Romanian army at the final stage of the war is quite resistant and skillfully fought in some rows with the Red Army against now the general enemy is the German Wehrmacht.
The history of such an unexpected combat community was as follows:
By August 1944, it became clear that the site of the Soviet-German front, which held Romanian troops no longer permanently and soon could simply collapse, plus the craftsmanship began to the Romanian army, the soldiers were diverged by houses with whole divisions.
The highest leadership of the country understood that some more and Romania would be simply occupied, moreover, it will be willing to ruiner reparations and will be in the overall system of the countries of the defeat in the next World War.
The main obstacle to the exit from the war was the Romanian Military Dictator of Antonescu, it was he who interfered with Romania to have time to rinse into the last car along with all countries winners.
Events occurred rapidly On August 23, 1944, Antonescu was called by King Miham I at the palace, where he demanded that he demanded an immediate conclusion of the truce with the Red Army. Antonescu refused, offering to continue the war against the USSR and that about the truce need to be prevented by his ally Germany at least in 15 days. Immediately after that, Antonescu was arrested and imprisoned, and on August 24, Romania announced his exit from the war. 12-th of September1944 Romania and the USSR signed a truce.
From the Armistice Agreement with Romania on September 12, 1944 (extraction):
I. Romania from 4 o'clock on August 24, 1944 completely stopped military operations against the USSR at all theaters of the war, out of the war against the United Nations, a relationship with Germany and her satellites took root, entered the war and will lead the war on the side of the allied powers against Germany and Hungary in order to restore their independence and sovereignty, for which it exposes at least 12 infantry divisions with reinforcement.
The military actions of the Romanian Armed Forces, including the Naval and Air Fleet, against Germany and Hungary will be conducted under the general guidance of the Union (Soviet) Commander-Commission ...
4. The state border between the USSR and Romania, established by the Soviet-Romanian Agreement of June 28, 1940, is restored ...
II. Losses caused by the Soviet Union by military actions and the occupation of Romania of Soviet territory will be Romania refunded to the Soviet Union, and, taking into account that Romania did not just come out of the war, but declared war and leads it in fact against Germany and Hungary, the parties are ascended about That compensation of these losses will be produced by Romania not completely, but only partially, namely: in the amount of 300 million amer. dollars with redemption for six years in goods (petroleum products, grain, forest materials, sea and river vessels, various machinery, etc.) ... ( In subsequent years, this amount was significantly reduced by the Soviet government. - Ed.)
14. The Government and the General Command of Romania undertake to cooperate with the Allied (Soviet) Communion in the detention of persons accused of war crimes, and the courts over them.
15. The Romanian government undertakes to immediately dissolve all progressive (fascist type), political, military, militarized, and other organizations leading hostile to the United Nations, in particular, to the Soviet Union, propaganda, and continue to prevent the existence of this kind of organizations. ..
19. Union governments consider the decision of the Vienna arbitration ( Viennese arbitration is so called a decision taken. Gitlerian Germany and fascist Italy In August 1940 in Vienna, rejection from Romania North Transylvania. - Ed.) Non-existent and agree that the transylvania (all or most of them) was returned to Romania, which is subject to the statement with a peaceful settlement, and Soviet government Accordingly, Soviet troops for this purpose take part in joint military operations against German and Hungary.
"Foreign policy of the Soviet Union in the period Patriotic War", vol. II, M., 1946, p. 206, 208 - 209.
As can be seen from this agreement, Romania was given significant reliefs to reimburse the Soviet Union of the losses incurred by him during the war, but the most important Romanians received a strategic area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Transylvania for their allies, which had previously been given to Germany as a bonus. For the future alliance.
However, transylvania was needed to still win in Germans and Hungarians, Romanians have rush to form a grouping of their troops for joint actions with the Red Army as part of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. For these tasks, the Romanian command was re-created 1st Army based on previously derived from the Crimea of \u200b\u200binfantry divisions and curriculum andthe new 4th Army (almost fully compiled from the curriculum), the entire Romanian group numbered 15 infantry divisions.
On September 1, it was announced the creation of the 1st Romanian Air Corps (Corpul 1 Aerian Roman) to support the Soviet offensive in Transylvania and Slovakia. Only 210 aircraft, and half, of which were German production, thus, it was so that ground troops RKKA in certain directions supported Romanian pilots on "Hensels", "Junkers" and "Messera". Later, another Romanian air case was formed.
After some hesitation, and they were, the Soviet command was finally decided to use Romanian troops on their front, the Soviet commanders had concerns about the combat capability of the Romanian troops, but the subsequent events showed that they were in vain.
Soon the Romanian royal army took part in the hardest battles that were carried out at the time for most of the territory of Hungary, the last ally of the German Hungary understood that their fate was among the defeated and therefore, they were not going to give to Transylvania to Romanians.
At the end of 1944-1945, Romanian land forces took the most active part in Bucharest-Arad and Debrecen operations.
Especially large losses Romanian troops suffered, participating in the Budapest operation, in this direction two Romanian armies were operating at once, it was then, in the hardest street fights, when taking Budapest, Soviet and Romanian fighters acted together, in close cooperation and with mutual support.
So, for example, the 2nd tank regiment of the "new" Romanian army, as part of the headquarters, intelligence company (8 armored vehicles and 5 armored personnel carriers), the 1st tank battalion (8 pz. IV and 14 TAS) and the 2nd tank battalion (28 R-35/45 and R-35, 9 T-38, 2 R-2, 5 TACAM R-2), in March 1945, was directed to the front, to Slovakia.

It is noteworthy that he was subordinate 27th Tank Brigade
RKKA - precisely against her Romanian tankers fought in August 1944
On March 26, crouching across the Khron River, Dumitru's division broke into German positions, destroying 6 anti-tank guns and captured the battery of 15-centimeter haubs. Further promotion was stopped by the counterattack of German "tigers". Romanians had to retreat. Surprisingly, they never suffered losses from experienced Germans.
On March 28, also a tank division under the command of Dumitra again attacked Germans at the village of Mal-Schetnus, where his crew, together with the crew of Sergeant Cojocaru, destroyed Stug IV assault gun, armored personnel carrier and two PTOs, as well as several conveyors. The Germans retreated, and the village was taken by the Soviet infantry.
On March 31, Romanian tank workers and Soviet infantrymen met a strong German group - it included the Tiger platoon, the platoon of heavy anti-tank self-propelled plants (Dimitra believed that this was "Ferdinanda"), as well as the company's Hungarian tanks. PZ. IV. Allies attacked and German aviation. At the same time, one German bomber was shot down and fell next to those who stood "tigers", damaging two of them. Incredible military luck! Taking advantage of the opponent's confusion, Romanian tankers began an attack, destroying two and having hanged two more Hungarian tanks.
The Germans retreated, but did not throw damaged "tigers", pulled with them taking on a tug.
In the future, Romanian troops participated in the West Carpathian operation and at the final stage of war in the Prague offensive operation.

The total losses of the Romanian troops after August 1944 amounted to 129,316 people, of which 37,208 people were dead, died from wounds and missing, 92 108 people were injured and sick % E2% EE% E9_% E2% EE% E9% ED% E5
According to other data, the total losses of the Romanian troops were dead and missing in battles with the Wehrmacht amounted to 79709 people.
One more of the sources indicates that all Romania lost 170 thousand in battles with German and Hungarian troops. The correct digit is probably somewhere in the middle.
But especially actively and effectively fought in the composition of Soviet troops - these are Romanian pilots, even despite the end of 1944. Romanian military aviation was in a rather deplorable state.

The first combat units over Czechoslovakia Romanian aviation performed as part of the 5th Air Force Air Force of the RKKA. The attack aircraft worked in the interests of the 27th and 40th Soviet General Army.

In the second half of December, when the fighting moved to the territory of Slovakia, there were 161 combat aircraft as part of the Romanian aviation corps. Actually, the number of aircraft suitable for flight was much less: due to the lack of spare parts, the combat readiness did not exceed 30-40%. The largest group that Romanians sent to combat missions was six, but more often flew fours. The critical situation that pretended to the spare parts for German-made technique, made the cannibalization of several serviceable aircraft. Some serviceable and damaged trophy aircraft transferred to Romanians Soviet command.

Despite all the efforts of Romanian pilots, they were not able to satisfy the demand of the Soviet command distant from reality. Two - three combat departures per day at the attachment of the positions of German-Hungarian troops were an unbearable task. Nevertheless, permanent strikes that were applied "Hencheli" and "Junkers", according to the reinforced points of defense, railway stations, the conduct of intelligence brought the troops of the Red Army tangible benefits.
The importance of the actions of the Romanian pilots was repeatedly marked thanks in orders, some pilots received Soviet combat orders and medals.

February 14, 1945 Air war accepted an even more fierce character. The five Romanian HS-129 destroyed four trucks and a few carts in the vicinity of the Podricians. Then the "Hencheli", together with the JU-87 dive bombers, hit the Railway station of Lovin Kan. This day also did not cost losses: one Henchel crashed in the Mischiknets when they are repaired after the repair of the engines, the pilot adjutant Vasile Skripchak died. Skriphecch was known in Romania not only as a pilot, but also as a talented reporter and artist.
On January 15, the first goal of an offensive operation was reached - Soviet troops liberated Luchinets. During the offensive, Romanian aircraft performed 510 flights, hailing 610 hours and dropping about 200 tons of bombs. The pilots bombed nine teams of echelons, three echelon with flammable, three important bridges and a large number of Units of technology. The reports of Romanian pilots were reflected in the operational reports of the command of the Soviet 27th general and 5th air armies.

On February 20, the Commander of the 5th Air Army General Yermachenko and the head of the 40th Army headquarters, the head of the 40th Army, arrived at the command post of the 1st Romanian Air Corps. The generals discussed with Romanian officers the plan of upcoming actions. On the morning of February 21, the guidance officers of the 1st Air Corps of the Air Force Romania have advanced to advanced observational posts for a detailed study of the terrain and preparation of the data necessary for the planning of aviation strikes. In speech in front of the Romanian pilots, the Soviet general in particular said an interesting phrase: "... We hope that our Romanian comrades will not let down." And they did not let down.

In some directions, direct aviation support for the upcoming troops was imposed solely on the Romanian Air Force. Bad weather delayed the beginning of aviation combat work for one day. On February 25, the sky was clear from the clouds, the planes got the opportunity to rise into the air.
This day is noted in the history of the Romanian Air Force, unusually high activity, victories and losses. In 148, the Romanian pilots dropped the Romanian pilots in the position of the German troops in the triangle of Ochiva Dita-Zvolsca Slatina 35 tons of bombs. Pilots reported three of the three-destroyed hemhead armored cars, one self-propelled-artillery installation, two cars, five horse-drawn carts and eight machine gun nests, about the many destroyed soldiers and opponent officers. With the storming of the ground targets, the direct hit of the projectile of the anti-aircraft gun received "Hensel" Adjutant Viktor Dumbrava, the pilot pulled the front line through the front line and slapped on a forced landing near the Deet.
The 25th number was tense and for fighters. In the fifth departure on this day, the captain of Cantakuzino and his slave ADJ flew out. Traian DBRJAN. On the front line, they found the eight of FW-190F, stormed by Soviet troops. Without thinking, they rushed into battle, and one one.

So Romanian pilots do not regret their lives, covering our air troops.
On May 6, the last offensive operation of the war in Europe - jerk to Prague began. Romanian aviation supported the ground forces, advancing on proteis. On May 7, Romanian pilots managed to destroy the north-west proteva 15 cars.
On May 8, the pilots stormed the columns of troops and equipment of the enemy on the roads in the surroundings of Urchitsa and Swovers. The 2nd Fighter Group lost its last pilot in the war - it was SLT. AV. Remus Vasilescu.
On May 9, 1945, only IAR-39 biplans under the escort of the Messerschmittov, which scattered leaflets rose into the air. The Germans gave a captive without resistance.

However, the war for Romanian aviators ended somewhat later. On May 11, Romanians were performed, struck strikes in parts of the Russian liberation army General Vlasov. Vlasovs had nothing to lose, and they desperately resisted in the forests near Hungarian Brod. On the evening of May 11, 1945, airplanes (several bombers under the cover of four BF-109G) returned from the last combat departure of the Romanian Air Force in World War II. Over the territory of Czechoslovakia, Romanian pilots fought 144 days.
In total, until the end of the war (for May 12, 1945), 8542 departures and the destruction of 101 enemy aircraft (along with zenitchiks) were listed on the account of the 1st corps. The losses were 176 aircraft shot down by fighters, air defense and broken in numerous accidents in conditions of bad weather - Spring 1945.

Specific data is only in the participation of "Hensels", by the rest - detachment data. So, for five months of hostilities, from December 19, 1944 to May 11, 1945, the pilots of the 41st assault squadron ("Henseli") performed 422 aircraft departures, having flown 370 hours and dropping 130 tons of bombs. As a result of the actions of the squadron, 66 opponent's troops were scattered, 185 cars and 66 equestrian wagons were destroyed, 13 trains were smashed at the railway stations, among other things of the destroyed property of the enemy - artillery guns, mortars, machine guns. Squadron losses amounted to eight HS-129B attack aircraft. The pilots "pieces" only in Slovakia made 107 combat departures, having flown 374 hours. They dropped 210 tons of bombs at 37 railway stations and 36 positions of the enemy. Three tanks, 61 truck and 6 anti-aircraft batteries were recorded in the destroyed.

For the entire war, the Romanian Air Force lost 4172 people, of which 2977 fighting for Germany (972 dead, 1167 wounded and 838 missing) and 1195 - fighting against Germany (respectively, 356, 371 and 468).
Thus, the Romanian royal army, starting the war as one of the main allies of the German Wehrmacht, has completed it as one of the main allies of the Red Army, on the south-west direction of the Soviet-German Front.
The paradox of history, however, in many Romanian soldiers and officers in the victorious 1945 on their front uniforms were located both the Romanian awards received by them for the capture of Sevastopol and Soviet medals for taking Budapest.
Romanian king MihaiI. Still remains the only live cavalier of the Supreme Soviet Military Order "Victory"

Unfortunately, the historical lessons reach the consciousness of not all politicians, so at the time of the USSR put an end to dreams of "Great Romania" (at the expense of our lands), but modern Romanian politicians again cut about the "great power". So, on June 22, 2011, President of Romania Traian Basescu stated that if he were head of Romania in 1941, he also, as well as Antonescu, sent Romanian soldiers to the war with the Soviet Union. The statement is quite in the spirit of century-old Russophobia inherent in the European elites.

After the First World War, in which Romania was placed on the side of the Entente and on the side of Germany, Bucharest seized the territory of the Russian Empire - Bessarabia. After the defeat of Germany, Bucharest again moved to the side of the Entente and took part in 1919 in the war against Soviet Hungary. Even before this war in 1918, Romanians, taking advantage of the collapse of the Austria-Hungarian Empire, captured Transylvania from Hungarians.

"Great Romania" in the 1920s.

After that, Romania focused on London and Paris, entering the composition that "Small Entente". Therefore, when the Second World War began - Germany attacked Poland, Bucharest retained partnerships with France. But after the Hitler Germany began his victory march in Europe, and the Wehrmacht captured Paris, Bucharest moved to the side of the strong - Third Reich. It did not save Romania from territorial losses, the lands captured after the First World Earth had to return, "Great Romania" actually collapsed: the USSR demanded to return Bessarabia, on June 27, 1940 he led the army to combat readiness, the Koroon Council of Romania decided not to resist, 28- The Red Army crossed the border - taking Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. Most of these territories entered on August 2, 1940 in the Moldavian SSR, part of the territory was included in the Ukrainian SSR. Hungary took advantage of this - demanding to return to transylvania, with the mediation of Berlin, after the second Vienna arbitration, Romania had to give half of this territory - the Northern Transylvania. I had to give Romania to give way to another ally Berlin - Bulgaria, on the Kraiovian peace treaty on September 7, 1940, Bulgarians gave the region South Dobrudj, which Romania received after the Second Balkan War of 1913.

Romania after the territorial concessions of 1940.

Romania these events caused a political crisis - since September 1940, power in the state moved into the hands of the Government of Marshal Ion Antonescu, who actually became a full-awake dictator. At the same time, Formally Romania remained the monarchy. On September 6, 1940, Romanian King Kalol II under pressure from public opinion was forced to renounce the throne of Romania in favor of his son Micah, and he himself fled with his wife in Yugoslavia. The new government finally takes a coupling rate with the Third Reich, planning to restore the "Great Romania" due to the USSR - on November 23, 1940, Romania joined the Berlin Covenant. Romanian politicians planned not only to receive Bessarabia, but also to attach to the land of the Earth until the southern Bug, the most radical believed that the border should be carried out on the Dnieper and even east, creating, following the example of Germany, his "living space", "Romanian Empire".

The beginning of the war from the USSR

A half-million German group arrived in Romania back in January 1941, under the pretext of protecting the Antonesca regime from the Iron Guard (an extremely right political organization founded in 1927, headed by Cornelio Zel Codryan, initially Antonescu collapsed with her, but then their way Divided), which in November organized a wave of political killings, terror and Jewish pogroms, in January, legionnaires generally raised the rebellion. Their leader Horia Sim thought that they would support the third Reich, but Hitler preferred to support the Antonsecia mode. At the same time, the headquarters of the 11th German army arrived, the Germans took control of petroleum fields, Hitler gave them great importance.

The Romanian army did not imagine their own strength, the main reasons: poor weapons, lack of armored vehicles (the German command was widely applied, for arming Romanov, a trophy technique, - before the war began to supply weapons to the Polish army, then Soviet and even American weapons, low combat qualities of Romanian themselves soldier in the field of the Air Force, half of their needs covered Iar Braşov air facility in Brasov, he was one of the largest aircraft factories in Southeast EuropeIt worked on it about 5 thousand people. Released models - IAR 80, IAR 81, IAR 37, IAR 38, IAR 39, Aviamotora. Accessories. The rest of the needs covered foreign products - French, Polish, English, German aircraft. Romanian Navy had only a few combat units (including 7 destroyers and destroyers, 19 gunners, boats), not imagining the threats for the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR. A significant part of the land divisions were cavalry brigades, divisions.

By the beginning of the war from the USSR, 600 thousand forces were torn to the border, as part of the 11th German army, part of the 17th German army, the 3rd and 4th Romanian armies. According to Romania, in July 1941, on the Eastern Front, it was fought against the USSR - 342,000 Romanian soldiers and officers. As in the case of other states, or proofashistan organizations in the occupied countries, this war "sacred" announced this war in Romania. Romanian soldiers and officers were reported that they fulfill their historical mission to "liberate their brothers" (implied Bessarabia), defend the "church and European civilization from Bolshevism."

At 3:15 am June 22, 1941 Romania attacked the Soviet Union. The war began with the blows of Romanian aviation at the Soviet territory - the Moldavian SSR, Chernivtsi and Akkerman regions of Ukraine, Crimea. In addition, from the Romanian shores of the Danube and the right bank of the rod began the art footer of Soviet border settlements. On the same day, the Romanian-German forces forced Prut, Dniester and Danube. But the plan with the seizure of the bridgehead could not be fulfilled completely, already in the first days, the Soviet border guards, with the support of the parts of the Red Army, eliminated almost all enemy bridgeheads, except for the cheerlee. Opposed the invasion of the enemy: border guards, 9th, 12th and 18th soviet army, Black Sea Fleet. On June 25-26, the border guards (79th frontier) and parts of the 51st and 25th rifle divisions were even seized by a springboard in Romania, the Romanian army could not destroy it. As a result, the Soviet forces left the territory of Romania independently during the general retreat in July.

Romanian-German troops on June 22, 1941 on the river Prut.

At the same time, by the end of June, the Germans formed a powerful impact group in the North-West Romania, preparing an operation to surround the Soviet forces. July 2, the 11th German and 4th Romanian army began an offensive in the Beltsy area, the Soviet command was awaiting such a blow, but was mistaken in choosing the place of the main strike of the enemy. He was waiting for the Mogilev-Podolsk direction, 100 km north of Baltz. Command Start a gradual removal of troops to prevent their surroundings: July 3, all the frontiers on the river Prut, July 7 (fights for him from July 4) were left by Khotyn, in the middle of July, North Bukovina was left, on July 13 battles began for Chisinau - 16 July, he was left, the 21st Soviet forces left Bender, the 23rds included Romanians. As a result, all Bessarabia and Bukovina were already under the control of German-Romanian troops, and the front line moved to the Dniester River. On July 27, Hitler thanked Antonescu for the decision to fight for Germany and congratulated him with the "return of the provinces". The positive outcome of the border battles was the disruption of the plans of the German command about the environment and destroying the troops of the Red Army in the rod of Prut and Dniester.

Cross over the rod.

Battle for Odessa

Antonescu accepted the proposal of Hitler, to continue the military actions for the Dniester: the 4th Romanian army under the command of Nicolae Chuperke, its number was 340 thousand people, on August 3, forced the Dniester from the mouth and the 8th received an order to attack Soviet forces in the south of the defensive positions of the Soviet garrison. But, the Black Sea Fleet prevented these plans, so the 13th Romanians went around the city from the north, fully interrupted his connection on land. The city of August 4 received an order for the rates of the Supreme Command on Defense - initially, the garrison of Odessa was 34 thousand people.

On August 15, the Romanian army struck in the direction of Buldinka and Sakek, but the assault failed, on August 17 and 18, attacked already around the perimeter of defensive frontiers, the 24th Romanian troops were able to break through to the city itself, but then were stopped. The enemy is trying to break the resistance to air strikes: the main goals were the port and sea approaches to the city to interrupt the supply of the Soviet garrison. But the Air Force of Romania and Germany did not have marine non-contact mines, so it was not possible to block the marine supply. On September 5, the Romanian army stopped the offensive, the 12th, when reinforcements approached their attempts to take the city. On September 22, Soviet forces consisting of the 157th and 421th rifle divisions, as well as the 3rd regiment of the marines, counted on the left flank, Romanians carried large losses and the 4th Army was on the verge of defeat. Romanian command requires reinforcements and raises the question of the feasibility of further siege. As a result, Moscow decided to bring his strength - the Red Army was fastened far to the east, Odessa lost strategic value. The operation was successful, Odessa was left without losses, leaving not defeated. The Romanian army lost significant losses - 90 thousand killed who disappeared and wounded, and more than a quarter, this is a team composition. Soviet irrevocable losses - more than 16 thousand people.

Ion Antonescu - Romanian Marshal, Prime Minister and Conductor (Leader).

Terror, bills of occupiers

In the territory of Romania and the occupied lands of the USSR, Romanians unleashed the policies of the genocide and terror, in relation to Roma, Jews, Bolsheviks. Antonescu supported the politics of the "racial purity" of Hitler and considered it necessary to clear the territory of "Great Romania" from "Bolshevism" and "racial unclean" peoples. He said the following: "I will not reach anything if I do not clear the Romanian nation. Not borders, but the homogeneity and purity of the race give the power of the nation: Such is my highest goal. " A plan for the destruction of all Jews Romania was developed. First of all, they planned to "clean" Bukovina, Bessarabia, Transnistria, after their "stripping", planned to destroy the Jews in Romania itself, and their total in these territories were approximately 600 thousand people. The process of creating a ghetto (created in Chisinau), concentration camps, the largest of them are Vertyuzhansky, Secure and the United States. But the first prisoners and victims were Roma, they were arrested 30-40 thousand, in total during the war years, Romanians destroyed about 300 thousand gypsies.

Then they decided the Gypsies and Jews from the camp of Bessarabia and Bukovina to completely translate into the concentration camp of the transnistria, for the Dniester. For these mass deportations, Jews and Gypsies have developed a special plan and routes. Their hiking marches were called - "Marches of Death": they went in winter, lagging and unable to go, they were shot at the place, for every 10 km, pit was dug, where the corpses of the dead were drunk. The camp of the Transistria was overflowing, a huge number of people died of hunger, cold and diseases, to their execution. Golta County was called - "Kingdom of Death," here were located here the largest concentration camps of Romania - Bogdanovka, Domaniska, ankhotku and bridge. In the winter of 1941-1942, large-scale mass executions were produced in these concentration camps. The executioners were shot by 40 thousand unfortunate prisoners in just a few days, another 5 thousand were burned alive in Bogdanovka. According to some reports, only during this period, 250 thousand Jews were destroyed here.

At the occupied lands, Bukovinsky governorate were created (under the control of Rizyhanan, the capital - Chernivtsi), Bessarabian Governor (Governor - K. Werekuleska, the capital - Chisinau) and the transnistry (Governor became G. Alecsia, the capital Tiraspol, then Odessa). These lands were carried out by the economic exploitation and romanization of the population. The dictator of Antonescu demanded that the local Romanian occupation authorities behave as if "the power of Romania was established on this territory by two million years." All property of the SSR was transferred to the administration and Romanian cooperatives, entrepreneurs, allowed to use free forced labor, injected by corporal punishment of workers. In Germany, more than 47 thousand people were vigorously from these lands. All cattle is selected in favor of the Romanian army. The norms of food consumption were introduced, everything else was withdrawn. There was a deruitation of the territory - Russian books were seized and destroyed, the Russian language and the Ukrainian dialect forbade use in the state, business spheres. Romanization of educational institutions was going, even the Russian names were changed to Romanian: Ivan - Ion, Dmitry - Dumitru, Mikhail - Mihai, etc. This policy is currently used by the Ukrainian "Elite" - "Ukrainianizing" small Russia.

Romania, the arrest of Jews for further deportation.

Further fighting, defeat of the Romanian troops

The Romanian people then paid the high price for the mistakes of their political elite, despite the captured huge territories, Bucharest did not bring troops from the front and continued the war. The 3rd Romanian army took part in the battle under Uman, when Romanians reached the Dnieper, they lost about 20 thousand people. Romanian parts participated in the invasion of Crimea, in the battle for Sevastopol, during the Crimean campaign they lost about 20 thousand people. In general, it is necessary to note the rather high combat capability of a number of divisions of the Romanian army, especially with the support of the Wehrmacht, sometimes they showed an amazing perseverance in battle, such as: the 4th mountain division during the assault of Sevastopol. But the highest losses were expected by Romanian parts in the battle for Stalingrad - Stalingrad took more than 158 thousand people from the Romanian people, another 3 thousand soldiers were captured. Romanian Air Force during the Stalingrad battle lost 73 aircraft. Of the 18 Romanian divisions deployed on southern direction, 16 suffered heavy losses, were actually defeated. In total, Romania lost 800 thousand people, from them on the Eastern Front - 630 thousand people (of which 480 thousand killed). These figures show the whole seriousness of the involvement of the Romanian people in this war and dreams of "Great Romania".

1944 became a sad finale for fascist Romania: during the fighting for Kuban and Taman, the German command could evacuate the main forces, but Romanian troops lost about 10 thousand people; In May, German-Romanian parts left the Crimea. In parallel, an offensive was going to the East: during the Dnieper-Carpathian, Umansky-Botoshanskaya, Odessa, the Yaskovo-Chishansk operations of March-August 1944, Odessa, Bessarabia, Bukovina, Transventian were liberated. 23 Avgutes Antonescu was overthrown, the power passed Mihai I and the Communist Party, Berlin could not suppress the uprising - the Red Army intervened and on August 31, the USSR troops occupied Bucharest. King Mihai I announced the termination of the war from the USSR, Antonescu was issued to Moscow, who supported his service (Sigurana - the Secret Police) dissolved. However, later the USSR was returned to the former Romanian Conductor (Chief) back to Romania, there him, after the court in Bucharest sentenced to the death penalty as a military criminal (June 1, 1946, Antonescu of Kaznili). The USSR returned Bessarabia and Bukovina (along with the hertz district), in addition, on May 23, 1948, Bucharest handed over the Soviet Union Snake Island and part of the Danube delta (including Maikan and Ermakov Islands). South Dobrudja remained in Bulgaria, Hungary gave Romania to North Transylvania. In the 1947 Paris Peace Agreement, the USSR installed an unlimited military presence in Romania.

Currently, in Romania, the active processes of the growth of nationalism are going again, the plans of "Great Romania" are rehabilitated - Moldova, Transnistria, should be included in it, there are territorial claims to Ukraine in Romania. It is used to repeat and for its not learned lessons pay a huge price of peoples that succumb to the demagogy of politicians ...

The Red Army entered Bucharest.

Levit I.E. Participation of fascist Romania in aggression against the USSR. Origins, plans, implementation (1.IX.1939 - 19.xi.1942). Kishinev. 1981.
Russia and the USSR in the wars of the XX century, "ed. Krivosheev. M., 2001.

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