How to sharpen a game mill. Sharpening and worm cutting mill

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Properly completed tool sharpening reduces its consumption and accordingly increases its resource. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the cutting edges and produce timely sharpening of the tool, not allowing excessively large wear and even more so its breakdown.

Sharpening and worm cutting mill

The production complex of the SPETSSTANMASH plant offers the full range of services for the manufacture and repair of parts and structures from metal, including: production and sharpening cutters for metal, wood, cast iron, aluminum, graphite or plastic.

The cutter is an important tool in industry and in workshops. Is a detail different in shape, with a distinctive feature sharp teeth. Its main function is the mechanical processing of the harvested material.

The principle of milling is in the progressive rotational movement of teeth cutters.

Depending on the type of tool, the result is obtained:

  • small grooves or grooves when using terminal mills;
  • milling of large surfaces;
  • milling baguettes, window Rams, gear, etc. by means of spiral cutters,
  • cutting with a disk cutter (plinth, panel, clapboard, wall timber, etc.).

An important characteristic of the cutter is the material of its manufacture, in particular the cutting part. It can be a trough of high-speed steel, mineral cells, metal-ceramics or diamonds.

Diamond cutters due to natural physical characteristics. But they are most expensive. All other materials after a while during operation are blocked, especially if possible. Buying new tools requires large costsBut our qualified masters and high-precision modern equipment allow the quality to perform this type of repair, like sharpening knives for cutters of any geometry:

  • sharpecker worm milling
  • Sharpening disk milling
  • Coroned mills and other species.

Professional work on sharpening cutters increases the dignity of the part, and significantly reduces the consumption of cutting teeth.

Cherry cutter cut: from 600 rubles. / PC. (depending on wear)
Minimum sharpening period: from 10 business days
Minimum order amount: 3500 rub.
* Accurate cost can be found by using the form or by phone

Hundreds of types and thousands of sizes of all sorts of mills are manufactured by domestic and foreign manufacturers, which are classified according to technological features and constructive features.

Sharpening is carried out on specialized and universal machines for sharpening cutters, less often manually.

Material cutter

For the manufacture of cutters use various materials: Carbonaceous and doped tool steel, high-speed tool steel, solid alloys, mineral cells, elbui, diamonds.

From the instrumental steels, U7a, U8a, U9a, Hg, Red, 9xc, Hg, etc. are used.

Filingual tool steel, which comes on the manufacture of cutters, is divided into steel of normal performance (P6M5, P9, P12, P18, etc.) and elevated. The latter category includes steel doped with cobalt, vanadium, tungsten and molybdenum (P6M3, P18F2K5, R9F2K10, R9F2K5, etc.).

Solid alloys from which the trees make cutters are produced in the form of plates standard sizes and forms attached to the casing of the cutter by high-temperature soldering (for example, silver solder PSR-40) or with threaded compounds (combined cutters). They consist of tungsten carbides, titanium and tantalum connected by cobalt. Cutters made of tungsten-cobalt alloys (VK2, VK3, VK6, VK6M, VK8, etc.) are used to treat cast iron, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic materials. Titanium-tungsten-cobalt alloys (T5K10, T15K6, T14K8, T30K4, etc.) less durable than VK alloys, but they have a higher wear resistance when processing parts from different species become. Three-darbium alloys consisting of tungsten carbides, tantalum, titanium and cobalt (TT7K12, etc.), are also mainly used to process steels.

If cutters cutters from soldered platinum, this does not mean that they are from a solid alloy. They, for example, can be from high-speed steel.

According to the design of the teeth, cutters with pointed (witty) and hidden teeth are distinguished. In pointed teeth part rear surface The width F adjacent to the cutting edge is a plane. Pointed teeth are sharpened along the rear surface. Although if necessary, their sharpening is possible and on the front surface of the tooth.

Geometry of teeth cutters: A - Outly releasing tooth, B - a hidden tooth

In the hidden teeth, which are equipped with shaped cutters, the rear surface is performed on the archimedean spiral. Since the processing of the shaped surface is very difficult technologically, the sharpening cutter with holded teeth is carried out along the front surface.

Regardless of how many teeth are available on the mill, each of them can be considered as a separate cutter, characterized by standard parameters for any cutter - front (γ) and rear (α) angles, the size of the cruise site (F), the angle of inclination of the teeth (λ) .

Playground F. It is part of the rear surface of the tooth, subjected to grinding when draining over the rear surface. On this surface, the main wear of the teeth occurs, its size affects the magnitude of the friction force between the mill and the work being processed, so it should be maintained in a specific range.

Main front angle γ - The angle between the tangent to the front surface and the axial plane. It is measured in the plane, which passes through this point perpendicular to the main cutting edge.

Main rear angle α - The angle between the tangent to the rear surface in the considered point of the main cutting edge and tangent to the circle of rotation of this point. The function of the angle α includes a decrease in friction between the cutter and the workpiece.

Auxiliary rear angle α 1 It characterizes the increased lumen between the treated surface and the body of the tooth. The need for sharpening cutters at auxiliary corner occurs at a certain amount of wear of the cutter and an increase in the site F. Its goal is to reduce friction between the tooth and the material being processed. Not all cutters have this angle.

Depending on the shape and direction of the cutting edge, the teeth can be straight or screw. Tilt slope cutters are characterized angle λ. Between the turned screw edge and the axis of the cutter.

The values \u200b\u200bof the angles depend on the type of cutter, the brand of alloy or steel, of which it is made, and the type of material, for the processing of which is intended.

When processing viscous materials, the main front angle is selected in the range of 10-20 ° and more. W. carbide mills For processing steels, it is close to zero or even negative. The rear angle can also vary widely.

The shaped end mills can be sharpened without special fixture For sharpening cutters, on the front surface, a thin diamond bar. The bar either falls on the edge of the table, or if the cutter is deeply seized as shown in the photo below. The cutter is found along the fixed bar.

In the process of sharpening the bar is wetted with clean or soapy water. After sharpening it is clean and dried.

As the front surface is heard, the edge will sharpen, and the diameter of the cutter will decrease slightly.

If there is a guide bearing on the cutter, it must be removed first (if possible) and only then sharpen. An attempt to save a minute will end with a ruined bearing and spoiled cutter. You still need to clean the cutter from the residues of the wood resin using the solvent.

As when sharpening any other tool, you need to use bars of different grainability, depending on the thickness of the material being removed and the necessary cleanliness of the surface. Before sharpening, you need to make sure that the bar has the correct form.

Ichping each cutter, to preserve symmetry, you need to try to make the same number of hutting movements and with the same pressure.

If the cutter material is soft enough, instead of a bar, you can use abrasive paper glued to a flat surface (solid wood rail or steel strip).

The end mills on a tree can be sharpened on a sharpening machine with a small speed of rotation of the circle using the appropriate abrasive circle.

Circles for sharpening

Depending on the material from which the cutters are made, their sharpening can be made with circles of white or normal electrocorund, circles from ELBN (CBN), green silicon carbide or diamond (PCD). For example, electrocorundum circles can provide high-quality sharpening of the cutter cutter or metal made only from the tool or high-speed steel of normal performance, while elboronic can sharpen milling mills from high-speed steel, diamond circles and circles from green silicon carbide - solid cutters Alloys.

When using abrasive circles (especially diamond), it is desirable to cool the coolant.

One of the essential drawbacks of the diamond is a relatively low temperature stability - at a temperature of about 900 ° C, the diamond combines.

With an increase in temperature, the microhardness of abrasive materials is reduced. The temperature rise to 1000 ° C reduces the microhardness almost 2-2.5 times compared to the microhardness at room temperature. An increase in temperature to 1300 ° C causes a decrease in the hardness of abrasive materials by almost 4-6 times.

The use of cooling water can lead to the appearance of rust on the details and nodes of the machine. To eliminate corrosion to water, soaps and certain electrolytes are added (sodium carbonate, soda Calcined, trinitium phosphate, sodium nitrite, sodium silicate, etc.), which form protective films. With ordinary grinding, most often use soap and soda solutions, and with chisty grinding - low-concentrated emulsions.

To increase the performance of grinding abrasive circles and reduce specific wear, you should choose the greatest graininess, which provides the required class of cleanliness of the surface tool.

To select abrasive grain, in accordance with the sharpening stage, you can use the table in the article about the bars for sharpening.

The circumferential speed of the circle at sharpening carbide teeth should be about 10-18 m / s. This means that when using a circle with a diameter of 125 mm, the speed of rotation of the engine should be about 1500-2700 rpm. The sharpening of more fragile alloys is performed at a lower rate of this range. When sharpening carbide tools, the use of hard modes leads to formation increased stresses and cracks, and sometimes to the coloring of the cutting edges, while the wear of the circle increases.

The shape of the circle for sharpening the rear angle of teeth on the cylindrical surface is a cup (CHC or CC) or a plate (1T, 2T, 3T), front angle - a plate or flat.

Machine for sharpening cutters

Given the very complex cases - Spiral teeth, machine for sharpening cutters should provide rotational and translational movement of the cutting mill. The figure below shows the machine for sharpening the terminal cutters E-90 Darex.

The entity of the end mill sharpening is that when it is longitudinal movement relative to the circle, simultaneously occurs a synchronized rotation around its axis. Thanks to this, the stuffed edge is all the time in contact with the circle on the same height (the same sharpening angle is ensured). Synchronization of translational I. rotational motions It is achieved with a copier needle, resting in the depression on the front surface of the tooth. Clicking the sharpeble tooth to the needle and smoothly shifting the mill in the axial direction, the operator in one movement produces the tooth sharpening for its entire length.

Sharpening side teeth. In the simplified form of the sharpening of the screw teeth, it looks like. The cutter is installed in the collet.

The copier's needle is installed in the position at which it is in the highest position, and its tip concerns the outer edge of the terminal cutter groove.

The milling cutter is installed in the original (extended) position at which the needle is located near the shank, resting in the tooth groove.

The grinding wheel with a side displacement handle moves to a position at which its outer edge coincides with the needle.

The engine is turned on, and the handle of direct feeding the circle is slowly supplied to the cutter until the springs begin. After that, using the feed scale, the thickness of the metal is installed (usually 25-50 microns).

The sharpening of the tooth for its entire length is made by pulling the spindle with the cutter until the latter comes from the needle. It is necessary to ensure that the cutter is constantly in contact with the needle. This ensures the turn of the cutter, which is necessary in order for the stuffing edge in contact with the circle at the same mutual position.

To ensure the purity of processing, the cutter passage is repeated for another time without changing the thickness of the metal removable. This processing of one tooth ends, and a similar operation is repeated for all other teeth. In order for the sharpening of all teeth to be the same, you should not change the thickness of the removable metal installed at the beginning using the handle of direct feed.

By changing the position of the needle so that its tip rests on different points on the tooth groove (to the edge or middle, for example), the magnitudes of the angle α and α 1 can be changed.

Sharpening end teeth. For sharpening end teeth endill It is necessary to set to a position in which the styled tooth would be strictly horizontally. The sharpening system E-90 is equipped with a graded ring, which allows you to easily and simply install the end teeth horizontally. If the machine is used for sharpening a cutter, not equipped with a similar mechanism, to set the horizontal of teeth with the help of a square.

The sharpening of the tooth exhibited horizontally is made by moving the edge sharpening Circle Along the edge of the tooth. The magnitude of the sharpening angle is regulated by the displacement of the circle vertically or the slope of the spindle with the cutter (if possible).

Quality control sharpening

After sharpening the mill must be controlled. A visually naked eye or with a magnifying glass, the presence of chips, risks, cracks, with devices - the bias of the teeth, the values \u200b\u200bof the corners, roughness of the surfaces are checked.

The permissible deviations of the front and rear angle of sharpening of all cutters is ± 1 °. Corners can freeze a special tilter 2 or a pendulum courier.

The standard cutting volumes are regulated by the radial beating of two adjacent (σcm) and two opposite (σ) teeth, as well as the ends. The permissible values \u200b\u200bof the radial and ending bats of teeth cutters are shown in the table below (for mills that do not have ended teeth, the allowable beating of support ends).

Checking the quality of sharpening or finishing produce an external inspection with a magnifying glass. The cutting edges cutter should be without jar and chosel.

If the surface of the tooth is notched, the protrusions will be chosen during the operation of the cutter, and it fits very quickly. It is necessary to strive for the surface of the tooth is very smooth.

The presence of cracks on solid alloy plates is determined by using a magnifying glass, wetting kerosene plates. In this case, when there are cracks, kerosene acts.


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In the modern manifold of services presented in the market building materials, it is easy to find help in draining cutters.

But you should not hurry this work You can perform yourself. This is characteristic not only for work on sharpening cutters, but also for other types of work.

There are two clamping cartridges in a sharpening machine different configuration. One of them for three perica mills, and the second for two and four perica. Be mistaken by this case It is difficult, since with not correctly establishing the number of feathers cutters, insert the mill into the cartridge is not possible.

Deciding with the choice of cartridge, you can move to the immediate stages of sharpening cutters:

  • sharpening on the ribbon;
  • sharpening at the end.

Sharpening on a ribbon

You must use one of the corresponding glass nests. Of standard Set Tsang choose corresponding to the size of the collet (8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm).

We bring the collet into the cartridge and fix the clamping nut. This procedure is done without any effort, the clamp nut freely rotates and it is not necessary to delay it.

  1. In the slot of the glass, set the length of the ribbon the ribbon. As a rule, this distance is regulated by unscrewing the screws located in the glass slot. By moving the lower part of the socket up or down, select the length, after which it is retracted by screwing the screws.
  2. We set the cutter into the cartridge through the top hole, while in order to install the cutter diameter and the sharpening angle on the adjusting screw. The prepared cartridge is fixed in the glass, while setting the mill lines in relation to the decayable element. That is, the cutter should be cling to the pin.
  3. Then we turn on the machine and the feed regulator to bring the mill to a sharpening circle before the sound of contact and make the ribbon ribbon from all sides. The metal with a sharpened cutter can be reduced and increased using regulators installed on the machine. This adjustment is necessary when changing the diameter of the cutter and the correction of the existing irregularities on the processable milling mill.

Sharpening cutters

For sharpening cutters in the end, you must use the second cartridge socket located on the machine.

It is necessary to do the previously described actions on the installation of diameter and length.

  1. Depending on the hardness of the metal being processed, settings are displayed on the nest. The harder metal, the turn of the rings of the socket more towards the sign "+".
  2. Next, we turn on the machine, insert the prepared cartridge with a cutter into the socket and process the item to stop the characteristic noise. Each groove cutter is processed.
  3. In an additional nest, the machine is carried out sharpening cutters from the end, for which the actions described above are done.
  4. The last operation is the processing of the rear wall of the cutter, which is performed by inserting a cartridge with a cutter into the appropriate nest of the machine.
  5. Thus, a sharpening cutter was carried out in compliance with all the required geometric features separately and for each other. The uniformity of sharpening on all parties is observed.

Sharpening cutters with your own hands

This procedure can be performed by yourself and use the remedies.

This opportunity will save money, and in the case of repeated use will save precious time.

  1. First we clean the cutter from the car, for which we use a special fluid, like those that are used to clean the engines of cars. It is necessary to pour the mill and wait about three minutes, then clean the mill from all sides with a brush.
  2. Next, we take the diamond bar and begin to sharpen the milling cutter on the front edge (the movement of the channel cutter on a diamond bar).
  3. The bar is wetted by ordinary water. After sharpening it is necessary to wipe the cutter with a rag.

Hand sharpening quality differs significantly from sharpening using special machineBut in the manual version it saves time.

Sharpening cutters is an operation to restore the cutting properties that were lost as a result of wear of the teeth.

Modern equipment that our company uses, allows you to sharpen cutting mills with perfect accuracy:

  • when sharpening cutters, like any other tool, we observe all the necessary parameters;
  • we provide the best indicators when processing materials, the absence of chips, an increase in the service life of the cutter between sharpeners.

Well done sharpening cutters increases its durability, which significantly reduces consumption cutting tool. If you are operating a milling mill for a long time or only planning to exploit it, then remember that the value of the milling cutters should not exceed the established optimal values \u200b\u200bthat are taken as a blurry criterion. In order to keep the cutter in its almost original form, it is required to monitor the condition of the cutting edges and of course producing the cutter in time, trying to prevent too much wear or breakdown of teeth.

As a rule, the sharpening disk cutter is made on universal-sharpening machines. In order for the sharpening process, it happened correctly, you need to comply with the existing and introduced certain norms of allowable beats, set to ensure the quality of the cutting edges and quality of surfaces.

Our company offers you the work of the highest quality. Turning to us, you appeal to highly qualified professionals of your case, which are suitable for fulfilling their work with full responsibility.

Sharpening cutters for us will provide a long life and performance of your instrument, will ensure the reliability of operation, since the blotted milling cutter is very dangerous! Remember this when performing a specific task, in which you may need this tool. And in case of problems or approach to the end of the area of \u200b\u200bcutting disks - contact our company.

Rules for receiving disk cutters

1. For sharpening disk milling mills, the "Customer and the Contractor should be concluded" a contract for the processing of Davalic raw materials. "

2. Cutters are accepted only if there are an overhead M-15 form from the Customer, in which it is necessary to specify the number of the contract and the nomenclature of disk cutters.

3. When passing cut cutters, the Customer must receive from the artist "outfit", signed by the Contractor, which indicates the cost and deadline for the work.

4. The resulting cutter is carried out only by proxy.

Fixtures for sharpening the terminal cutting elements of the milling and seaming machine are separated by the nature of the work and two types are divided - universal and special.

Below will consider each of these options.

1 Machines for sharpening Metal cutters - Review of factory models

Sharpening cutter for metal and wood is performed with your own hands using worm universal devices.

In addition, the cutting elements of the milling machine can be sharpened using special devices.

Both homemade and universal Machine For sharpening end mills on wood, equipped with devices that provide fixation, installation and sharpening parts.

When choosing the presented tool for sharpening the knives of the milling and brusing machine, it is necessary to take into account such parameters as:

  • versatility of the machine;
  • dimensions;
  • speed;
  • machining accuracy class;
  • electric motor power;
  • installation method;
  • the ability to connect to the power grid.

The most acceptable device for dragging the end knives of milling and seed equipment is KAINDL CCC.

This small unit is able to produce a professional sharpening of the end knives quickly and efficiently.

There is such a device several times cheaper professional equipment and differs simplicity in use.

KAINDL CCC is used to adjust the cutting edge of diamond disk saws and cutters and also perfect for home use. Presented equipment for sharpening drills, end knives, diamond disk saws.

Efficient sharpening milling mills of worm milling units is performed thanks to the exact fixing of the tool in any position.

For this, prisms and stubborn pins are applied. The grinding disk itself can be configured to work in any position using a special hinge holder.

The main feature of such a machine is the use of an ordinary drill instead of an electric motor. The universal hinge fixing system allows you to connect to the device drill of any type.

Sharpening knives of milling and worm units can be done using the device brand RUKO, which is equipped with a laser regulator.

This equipment can work with cutting edges with a diameter of 12 to 100 mm. The device presented is quickly and easily installed with your own hands, it contributes to a special step holder.

Before installing the cutting edges of worm milling units, a laser pointer can be used for accurate location.

The angle of sharpening changes smoothly (Nezchagovo). The process itself occurs with the use of diamond disks with a diameter of 125 mm, and for more correct treatment, you can attach a magnifying glass equipped with neon backlight.

2 Make the machine for sharpening with your own hands

For the manufacture of the device for sharpening the milling blade, the electric motor will need an electrical engine, with a power of no more than 1 kW, two pulleys and bearings with a shaft.

The homemade machine must begin to collect from the bed. The bed is made with steel corners. Moreover, homemade Machine Must be equipped with a girlfriend. To install it, a swivel plank is built.

This design will help in adjusting the level of inclination of the cutting part of the milling machine towards the grinding circle.

The sharpening cutter is made in such a way that the installed cutting item can be minimally in contact with the rotating circle.

When working it, it is necessary to slowly lead to the disk. The homemade cutting machine can be made according to a predetermined scheme. In the calculation takes the location grinding Circle Regarding the girlfriend.

A homemade machine for sharpening the knives of milling and lining equipment should be equipped with a protective casing that will cover the gap circle.

When assembling it follows that the gap between set stove And the circle producing sharpening should not exceed 3 mm.

Homemade mini sharpening machine The cutters of the milling unit must be equipped with flanges that will provide clamps.

It is worth considering the flange length should not be less than the fourth part of the grinding circle diameter.

For self-assembly In the gap between the nut and the flange you need to put a paronite gasket. Thanks to her, the Nut is tightly tightened on the gross area.

2.1 How to sharpen the cutter with your own hands?

Sharpening a knife of the milling-overbringing unit can be carried out without the presence of special mechanisms and devices.

To do this, you can use a diamond bar, which is placed on the edge of the workbench or desktop. Sharpening the edge of the knife is carried out by carrying out for its front surface Bru.

The pre-cutting element must be cleaned of dirt and dust using a solvent. If the cutter is equipped with the guide bearing, before it sharpening it must be removed.

If this is not done, then the mill is probably deformed. When sharpening the bar periodically needs to be made with a small amount of water, and after the work is finished to wipe it dry.

It is important to know that in the process of heating the front surface, the edge of the blade will be pointed, and its diameter will slightly decrease.

In addition, when sharpening the knives of the milling machine in order to preserve the symmetry of the edge, it is necessary to move the movement repeatedly, providing uniform pressure.

Depending on the material from which the cutter is made, instead of a bar, you can apply abrasive (emery) paper.

It is attached on the steel strip or wooden rail. You can also adjust the blade with a sharpening machine rotating at low speed. The device can be equipped with an appropriate abrasive circle.

2.2 Right sharpening cutters (video)

2.3 safety rules when sharpening

When working it is extremely important to adhere to the following security requirements:

  • the grinding wheel must complete the preliminary test of rotation;
  • check whether the permissible speed of rotation of the circle indicated in the marking value;
  • do not use the enrichrix of a water-shaped form, so it does not allow adjustment of the gap from the sides of the circle;
  • before starting work, the abrasive circle should be balancing.

It is important to take into account that when installing a girlfriend, the gap between it and the circle did not exceed 3 mm. At the same time, the playground of the girlfriend should be located on the horizontal axis damage no higher than 10-15 mm.

If the gap will exceed the specified value or the girlfriend will be below the horizontal axis, it can be cut and rolled around.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the absence of jar and chosel on the rotating sharpening element.

It is strictly forbidden to touch the rotating circle, in order to avoid injury to the fingers, it is necessary to use leather attacks or construction mittens from dense tissue.

When carrying out the work, the blade should be tightly pressed to the girlfriend, it is forbidden to sharpen it, holding it on weight. In the process of adjusting the cutting edge it is impossible to bring the tool to a circle quickly.

It should be pressed gradually by moving along the surface of the girlfriend. With this operation, the circle will be evenly, and it can be reused.

If you sharply feed the circle to the sharpened tool, it will be produced unevenly and quickly comes in disrepair.

When working with a milling milling steel, it is necessary to interrupt the swelling as often as possible, since the blade can be warm and lost from excessive pressed to the rotating surface surface.

When installing the tool, it should be securely secured in a vice or sharpening device. If the cutter is poorly fixed, it can snatch, which will entail damage to the circle.

With sharpening work, it is forbidden to lean to the tool to observe the process. The moment of touching the circle to the blade can be determined by the spark that appeared.

It is possible to determine the degree of sharpening after the tool will be moved to a safe distance.

If the NOK machine starts to vibrate during operation, it must immediately turn off and check the moving connections. Following these uncomplicated security rules, you can perform all required manipulations Quickly and efficiently.

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