How to bathe a parrot. How to tame budgerigars to bathe at home - practical recommendations

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Place a bath tub in the parrot's cage. Pour clean water at room temperature into it. Most begin to splash actively, especially in hot weather. After swimming dirty water be sure to remove it, otherwise the parrot will start drinking it. If for some reason the parrot refuses to bathe, try putting his favorite toy or treat in the tub. There should be little water in the bath - about 2-3 ml, this automatically excludes the possibility that the bird will drown.

If the budgerigar refuses to bathe in a bath or under a tap, then you can refresh it with a spray bottle. The water in this case should be warm enough so that it does not cause discomfort to the bird when sprayed. At the same time, do not direct the water strictly at the parrot, it is better to aim above the head so that drops of water fall from above. Regular spraying is also beneficial in that it helps to get rid of the common habit of plucking your feathers.

Sometimes the sex of budgerigars is also distinguished by the color of the chin. In adult males, the chin has the same color as the cere - rich blue.

Also, a distinctive feature of male budgerigars is that their feathers on the front upper part of the head (“forehead”) tend to fluoresce when exposed to ultraviolet rays. A person can distinguish this glow only in, and the eye of parrots can see it even in bright. This factor matters when females choose a breeding partner.

You have a budgie in your house. And now periodically it needs to be bathed in order to monitor the feather cover of the pet. Simple Tips will help you to easily accustom the parrot to bathing.


Wavy ones are very clean. To do this, you can swim in a pet store. Since most people like to swim in a cage, it can be hung on the door. Make sure that the water is always at room temperature and always clean. Immediately after the pet bathes, remove the swimsuit from the cage so that he does not drink dirty water. Once a week will be enough. But if it is very hot, you can hang a bathing suit more often.
If the parrot does not show interest in bathing, you can put his favorite toy in this container - a mirror, or favorite treat. Or you can try to first pour some food into the bathing suit, and when the parrot gets used to climbing there, pour some water.

In addition to bathing, you can use a pallet. Ordinary cat tray for example. This is where the real space for the parrot is. He can spread his wings and tail, as well as underwater. Some people really like to have their owners nearby. To do this, just be near him. If the parrot ignores this method, do not be discouraged.

Can be used alternative way- wet salad. Indeed, in nature, parrots bathe in the grass when there is morning dew. This will be great fun for your pet. And if you have a hand parrot, you can put it in running water. But it is necessary to monitor the flow and temperature of the water.

Useful advice

Do not dry the parrot with a hair dryer or towel, this can harm him. And never force bathing. This can cause stress for the parrot.


  • how to bathe a budgerigar in 2019

Many people are probably wondering why two parrots of different sexes, living in the same cage, do not breed? The answer is very simple - they need a nest. It is it that serves as a signal for reproduction. You can, of course, buy it at a pet store, but you can do it yourself. Now let's find out how.

You will need

  • - board 16 cm wide;
  • - board 20 cm wide;
  • - self-tapping screws - 20 pcs;
  • - 2-3 cutting boards;
  • - hacksaw;
  • - drill;
  • - jigsaw;
  • - a hammer.


First you need to draw everything on the boards necessary elements for the construction of budgerigars. On the one that is 20 centimeters, we draw the bottom, lid, front and back walls. On the second board - a mounting plate, side walls and a sleeve for the lid. The most suitable height of all sides of the nest is 30 centimeters.

Then you need to cut out all the drawn parts with a hacksaw. This is, of course, laborious, but useful.

Now you need to cut a hole in the front wall of the future nest. This will be a letok. Please note that it should be done 5 centimeters from the top edge of the board.

It remains only with the help of a drill to drill holes for self-tapping screws one centimeter from the edge of the elements, and their diameter should not exceed 4 millimeters.

We collect all the details. The budgerigar nest is ready! As you can see, it's pretty easy to do. By the way, this is a good idea to earn money - their eggs are bought by pet stores.


Boards should not be planed.

Useful advice

For convenience, it is necessary to make a removable cover.

Someone gets one parrot for himself and teaches him to speak, and someone wants to try breeding budgerigars, so he buys a couple and looks forward to the offspring. What do you need to know so that expectations are not in vain?


Parrots also know how to love, so pairs do not always turn out exactly from those birds from which we would like. If you watch the perfect couple, you can immediately see how the male carefully touches the female with his beak, lovingly pulling her feathers, treats her with a treat.

It is advisable to take young unrelated birds for breeding, but females can only be allowed to lay from 1-1.5 years. By this time, it will be fully formed and will be able to carry the first egg without harm to health.

If you provide 16 hours of daylight and full parrots(fruits, vegetables and herbs), then you can breed at any time of the year. The main thing is to follow temperature regime, embryos require 20 to 30 degrees Celsius.

The incentive to start breeding is a special nesting house for wavy parrots, although some females can lay eggs on the floor of the cage without waiting for the owner to equip. It represents wooden box with a removable lid and a small round hole in the side wall, which is suspended from the outside of the cage. To do this, several rods are removed in the upper part of the side wall of the cage.

Parrots are heavily fed foods containing many vitamins, a mixture of boiled eggs, semolina, carrots. Put crushed chalk or calcium gluconate in the feeder.

The female begins to prepare the nest, then plucks the feathers near the cloaca, becomes slow, sits in the nest almost all the time. She lays the first egg after the date of the appearance of the nesting house. Immediately reduce additional mineral supplements to limit egg laying. The female carries up to 12 eggs every other day.

17-19 days after the start of incubation, they appear. They are naked and blind. Only on the 10th day do hemp feathers begin. And two-week-old wavy chicks parrots already fully pubescent, have small feathers on the tail and wings.

The chicks grow quickly and come out through. After that, they are kept with their parents until they learn to eat on their own. Then young parrots are transplanted into a separate spacious cage.

Have you decided to get a budgerigar at home or are you going to give your friends such a gift? And you are worried about a reasonable question: how can a parrot determine floor? After all, if you want to teach a bird to speak, then it is better to take a male, and if you already have a wavy male, then only a female will suit him in the company. Parrots are a motley people and it is simply impossible to distinguish between males and females by color.


Take a close look at the birds offered to you. The main feature that can be used to identify floor- this is a wax. It is an influx in the upper part of the beak and in it races floor congested nasal openings.

If you pick up a young bird (before floor chime), determine floor it will be more difficult, because the cere in females and males is always light: pinkish or almost. At the age of 2 to 4 months, the color of the cere in birds begins to take on a shade. In males, it becomes pinkish-lilac, and later acquires a rich bright blue color. In females, the coloration of the cere is uneven: whitish. Keep in mind that sometimes during a period of strong

life span of wavy parrots

Budgerigars can often be found in. Not surprising, because they are quite easy to care for, and they are inexpensive. In addition, they are easy enough to teach to pronounce some words and expressions, which makes them stand out from other pets.

How many years budgerigars live in captivity largely depends on the attention and care of the owners. At proper care these birds can live up to 15 years, while in the wild they rarely live more than 5 years. History also knows cases when they lived for almost 20 years.

Budgerigars were first described in 1805 by the English naturalist George Shaw.

Proper care of budgies at home

In order for your feathered friend to live as long as possible, you need to properly care for him. First of all, budgerigars need a balanced diet in the form of a grain mixture consisting of meadow grass seeds, flax, oats, small sunflower seeds, millet and others. The optimal amount is 1.5-2 teaspoons per day. In addition, additional food should be included in the diet from time to time: boiled egg, low-fat cottage cheese and mineral supplements with high content calcium.

The parrot's cage should be spacious enough to fully meet its needs for movement. For his entertainment in the cage, you can hang a mirror, a swing and put a couple of perches. The parrot also needs to pay attention every day, talk to him, because budgerigars can get sick from loneliness and boredom. There must be clean water in the cage at all times.

In the room where it is located, you can not smoke, draft, greatly lower or sharply increase the temperature. It is also very important to closely monitor the condition of your feathered pet, as a ruffled appearance, lack of appetite, disheveledness, severe loss and dryness of feathers can be a sign of serious illness. In this case, it is important to consult a veterinarian in a timely manner.

Budgerigars are quite often exposed to various diseases, among which ornithosis and knemidokoptosis are especially common. If left untreated, the birds will die.

Important for the normal well-being of birds is the duration of daylight hours. In summer, it should be 12-14 hours, and - 10-12. If there is not enough light, you need to turn on additional electric lighting, otherwise the parrot will not have time to eat the daily grain rate.

Sooner or later, the owners of wavy beauties begin to notice that a drinking bowl or other containers with water are used by their wards as a kind of shower cabin. This strange behavior is justified by the natural need of birds for bathing. So, why not create a personal bathroom for your feathered friend? A parrot bath is a must for small exotic birds.

So that bathing does not harm your pet, learn everything you need about this procedure and create such an atmosphere that bathing days bring joy and pleasure, and not fear of the water element. How to do this, read below.

Important rules for a bath day at home

For a parrot, water procedures are natural and important.

To keep feathers in good condition, a bathing suit for cockatiels and other feathered breeds is a must. In addition, the adoption of water procedures is for Pernatics fun entertainment and a way to improve your mood.
In order not to wonder how to bathe a parrot and not make mistakes when accustoming a pet to taking baths, use these tips and everything will be in order:

    1. Bathe your pet in a separate container from which he will not drink.
    In this case, a do-it-yourself parrot swimsuit made from plastic bottle.

    2. The water in the bath tub must be clean. Don't let your pet splash around in cups of tea, as the drink will cause feather fading and an untidy appearance.
    3. So that the pet does not get sick after bathing, the temperature in the room and the temperature coefficient of the water must be the same and be at least 23 and not more than 25 degrees.
    4. In the cold season, it is better not to bathe your pet, but if a wavy handsome man climbed into a container of water, put his cage in a warm place so that he does not catch a cold. Also make sure that there are no drafts in the room.
    5. Not all birds love water procedures, so many owners face the question of how to teach a parrot to swim without harm to his health? Try to be patient with your baby's fear, show him the water from afar, gradually introducing him to the bath. Perhaps you will help the bright bird overcome his fear, and he will begin to clean his feathers with water on his own. The main thing is not to rush and be patient.

    6. If you decide to bathe your pet in winter, then do it no more than twice a month. In this case, the pet should take a bath only in your presence. After bath procedures, it must be heated and dried. In summer, the bathing container can be left right in the cage, so he can not only care for feathers, but also cool during the heat.

How to accustom a feathered to water procedures

As a bathing suit, you can use shallow bowls, bowls, basins with a small amount of water.

Do you want to teach your pet to take a bath, but do not know if it is possible to bathe a budgerigar in a makeshift bath? The answer to this question is quite simple: it is possible and necessary. Bathing for birds is not only fun, but also a great health benefit.

To arouse your pet's interest in water, show him a bathing place. If your parrot likes to sit on your finger, bring it to a container of water and offer to explore.

But do not rush, if the pet does not want to, then you do not need to force it. You can first put a parrot in a bath or a toy, let it look like it and get used to it, and then, you can pour water there.

How and where is it better to bathe a "wavy" pet?

Not everyone knows how to bathe budgerigars at home. Most birds like to take baths in an ordinary deep plate with warm vodka. But the owner must take into account that when swimming, the wavy handsome man will spray water and flood the entire cage with it. A budgerigar bath may look like this: a plastic bottle bath with an entrance for a parrot and walls so that the bird does not splash water around. Below are some more tips!

Waves - lovers of swimming
  • Some owners use a cat tray as a bath. Such a spacious bath for cockatiels and budgerigars will be received with a bang, as it is very convenient to splash in it with spread wings, and for them such freedom of action is a real pleasure.
  • Wavy babies are active and sociable, so they can keep the bathing owner company. But it is better not to allow this, since in the bathroom, the bird can simply drown.
  • If you want to arrange a pet natural shower, grow oats for him and from time to time spray the green grass with water, offering it to the parrot. In nature, they bathe in this way, in the morning dew gathering on the leaves of plants and grass.
  • You can bathe tame pets under running water. To do this, you need to make a small pressure and adjust the water to a temperature of 25 degrees. Such a shower will surely please the feathered one and improve his mood.
  • You can also arrange a pernatika of souls with the help of a spray bottle. It is necessary to spray water above the bird's head. So, she will not be afraid and perceive water procedures as a tropical rain.

.Useful advice

Give your pet time to get used to the water temperature

Despite the fact that parrots love to swim, they need to arrange a bath day with caution in order to avoid disastrous consequences. Having decided to arrange water procedures for the bird, do not fill the bath to the brim. The parrot bath should be less than half full so the bird can splash around and not drown. It is not necessary to dry the feathered one, it is enough to put the cage in a warm place or under the lamp, then the pet will dry on its own. There should not be any hair dryers and towels - for a parrot, such drying methods are deadly.

How to make a bath for budgerigars with your own hands

Almost every observant owner of birds notices that from time to time a parrot does not miss the opportunity to plunge into any container of water. In this way, the natural need for bathing is manifested. Why not give the feathered the opportunity to take baths when he wants to? In this case, it is worth considering some rules.

The water must be clean and its temperature must not fall below 23°C and not exceed 25°C. The temperature should start at 25 degrees. Definitely, you should not force a parrot to bathe, since not everyone likes to do this, but you can easily get distrust in this way.

It is not allowed to take pet water procedures near his food, as when wet it can become a breeding ground for bacteria, which will accordingly lead to diseases.

Well, now in detail about how to make a bath for parrots with your own hands. To do this, you will need: an empty container from a plastic square bottle of 5 liters, a vinyl tube, a piece of a wooden twig, plastic fasteners, stainless steel wire.

  1. We cut the workpiece.

2. With a felt-tip pen, draw a future entrance.

3. We connect the bottom and top of the bottle and pierce with an awl in several places.

4. We put the screed and fix it.

5. It is necessary to repeat on all sides.

6. Having measured the required length of the tube, cut along.

7. Having processed with glue, we attach it to the sides.

8. We make hooks from wire.

9. Insert them from the inside.

10. We bend the ends.

11. Now we make a perch. We pierce the branch (maple is ideal) with wire.

12. We bend.

13. Here's what happened.

14. Fix at the entrance below, crimp.

15. This is the bath we got as a result.

16. Water is collected and drained through the hole at the top.


Bathing parrots is not only a way to clean their feathers, but also a great reason to have fun. The splashing feathered mischief-maker causes affection not only among its owners, but also among their guests.

By following the tips described above, you can not only teach the bird to swim, but also establish contact with your pet. The main thing is that there is no coercion, and then water procedures will become a real joy for you and your pet.

To the question - is it possible to bathe a parrot - only the bird itself can give an answer. If your pet likes to splash from a drinking bowl or flies up and plays with the water turned on in the bathroom, strives to dive into a jar of liquid, then it is obvious that he loves to swim. If the bird is calm or even nervous about water procedures, you should not force it to observe hygiene in this way. The parrot will figure out how best to clean his feathers.

There are several options for taking baths:

  • in a plastic birdbath, which is hung in a cage;
  • in a large plate, which is placed at the bottom of the cage;
  • some owners adapt a cat tray for bathing;
  • in bundles of wet grass;
  • in the sink.

The parrot, most likely, will choose the way he likes. But in any case, bathing should take place in clean, warm (slightly above room temperature) water. How often to bathe a parrot depends on the temperature outside. On hot days, you can bathe the bird every other day, in winter it is enough once a week. You can put a toy in the bathing suit to make the parrot more fun, or splash your fingers with it. If you leave the bathing suit for the whole day, it is better to place it near the cage so that the bird does not drink dirty water and wet the food. Also take care of the furniture and carpets around the birdbath - they can get damaged.

If the parrot does not even look in the direction of the swimsuit, this does not mean at all that he does not like to swim. Perhaps you just need to try other ways of bathing, for example, you can bathe a parrot with a spray bottle. A feathered friend should like such a tropical rain, but if it only makes him nervous, it is better not to insist.

Is it possible to bathe parrots - this question is asked by every new pet owner. After observing the bird for some time and seeing its love for rinsing in a saucer of water, one can only give an affirmative answer.

You can and even need to bathe a parrot!

Often, parrot owners are interested in whether it is possible to wash birds in water and is it not harmful to health? All veterinarians, without exception, say that if your pet likes to splash in the water, then bathing it is a must.

Even if you watched a video on how to properly bathe a budgerigar, then most likely you do not know everything. Some things are invisible on the screen.

It is very important to know the basic rules for bathing budgerigars:

  1. You need to bathe a parrot in a deep saucer, in a tray or under a tap in a sink.
  2. It would be better if your winged friend takes water procedures in silence, at least exclude sharp noisy sounds that can scare him.
  3. Try to ensure that water from the tap does not get into the bird's eyes and ear holes.
  4. It is necessary to wash the parrot in water at room temperature.
  5. Washing water must be clean. Do not add soap or shampoo.
  6. It is necessary to arrange water procedures for birds at the beginning of the day. So that by the evening the parrot has time to dry all the feathers before the temperature in the house begins to decrease. You can not carry out water procedures before bedtime. Otherwise, the bird may freeze and get sick when it sleeps.
  7. After bathing, it is forbidden to dry the bird with a hairdryer. Spiral with non-stick coating inside the appliance, when heated, releases substances that are deadly to birds. In addition, you risk overheating it.
  8. To prevent the wavy from drowning, watch the volume of water in the container. It is better if it is a third of the parrot's height.
  9. Check rooms before bathing for drafts. Close all windows and vents, otherwise, after such washing, the feathered one may get sick.
  10. Never leave a bathing bird unattended.
Before you start washing your budgerigar, one thing to remember is that the bathing water should not be hot. Optimum temperature water: 20-25 degrees.

Also, it is worth deciding on a bath and choosing a less “stressful” place for water procedures. As a bath for washing a bird, you can use an ordinary deep plate, which can be found in every home.

You can also pre-purchase a special tray for bathing parrots. And if your pet will show a negative attitude towards such baths, you can try other ways of washing: in the shower or under the tap. Many parrots love to have water sprayed on them.

Such procedures are laid down in them at the genetic level. In tropical countries, where wavy come from, very often birds bathe in dew. But do not forget that the water after spraying cools quickly. Therefore, when bathing a bird in this way, add hot water to the spray bottle.

How to start

If your feathered friend has never taken water treatments, you should approach this issue with caution. The main thing is to decide how and where to teach a parrot to swim. Do not rush things, but look for a way that will be pleasant for your pet, encouraging any wishes of the bird to play in the water.

Do not force the parrot into the water by force. This can lead to behavioral problems (the bird will stop trusting you) and fear of water.

Are water procedures mandatory for parrots

Budgerigars are very neat birds. It is not necessary to wash them regularly in baths or under the tap, only in cases where they are dirty. Birds regularly brush their feathers to keep them clean.

The main thing that is required of you is to regularly clean the pet's cage. But, if you see how a feathered one, instead of drinking water from a bowl, tries to get into it and plays in this way, then you must understand that bathing brings pleasure to your pet and therefore it is worth bathing it.

If your friend is not afraid of water and splashes in it himself, be sure to change the drinking water after bathing to clean water. And in a cage with a feathered one, you can put a tray or a deep dish for washing.

If the parrot loves to splash in the water, then you don’t need to accustom him to these procedures. Just make sure the water is warm and the parrot is comfortable in the tub.

Wavy bathing methods

Consider all the ways of bathing parrots that will help turn bird washing into exciting game. Most pernatics, as socially active birds, always love company in everything.

So let your pet watch you take a shower first. If he is afraid of such a procedure, then it is better to offer the feathered bath in a container filled with water.

To make washing your winged friend easy and fun, you can throw a few rubber toys or something edible (grapes, apple slices, etc.) into the water tray. This does not mean that your winged friend will immediately climb into the water.

But if curiosity takes over, he will definitely try to get something out of the water. In cases where your pet refuses to shower and wash in baths, try to attract him with a small trickle of water from the tap. Even simple wash will be an excellent option for water procedures for birds.

Another way to teach a wavy to swim is to encourage. What feathered one does not like praise and sweets? Praise your budgerigar for everything he does right, treat him with treats.

For example, if he refused to swim for the first time, but wet his paws out of curiosity, treat him with candy and emotionally praise him. Then next time the parrot will do more for you, which means it will try to do the same thing, but with more perseverance.

To bathe a wavy or not to bathe

If, after all of the above, you are still wondering: is it possible to bathe a budgerigar, then the main points should be clarified.

A small motley parrot appeared in the house, and over time, the owner is faced with the problem of how to properly bathe the bird. AT different situations find individual approach to a pet. In any case, the bird needs to wash, but not everyone knows how to gently encourage her to clean her feathers.

Some budgerigars are not very clean and refuse to bathe voluntarily. It happens by different reasons. Often this is done by young individuals who have recently appeared in a new house and are still afraid of the environment, do not make contact with the owner.

The second reason could be stressful situation associated with water. Perhaps someone in the household inadvertently gave the bird a cold shower or unexpectedly sprayed it with a direct stream from a tap or spray bottle. In this case, you must wait a while and again offer the parrot to swim.

In such a situation, the question of how to tame a budgerigar to swim becomes especially acute. The bird should stop being afraid of moisture. Pure drinking water and filled bathing suits for birds should always remain in the cage in the field of view of the parrot. If the pet does not pay attention to the filled containers, you can gently spray warm water around it and observe the reaction. If the bird likes the semblance of tropical rain, then soon he will be happy to splash in his own bath. If it was not possible to redeem the wavy in this way, you will have to find another method.

How to properly bathe a parrot

For beginners in bird hygiene, it is extremely important to know how to teach a budgerigar to bathe. The main thing is not to force him and turn the whole process into a game. For example, you can take a small bowl of water slightly warmer than room temperature, and put it near the cage. Open the door and splash your hands in the water, creating small waves. The parrot will definitely be interested in this process, and he will fly up closer to better see what the owner is doing. When the bird becomes bolder and feels free near an impromptu pond, you can sprinkle a few drops of water in its direction. If the bird likes this procedure, over time it will get used to the bathing suit.

There are several more proven ways to bathe budgerigars at home:

  1. Teach the bird from the first days of being in the house to wash in the bath. This is the simplest and safe way how to wash budgerigars. The size and depth of this container is designed for a small bird, it will not choke or drown in it. The bathing suit should always be filled with clean warm water and be in a cage: in this case, the parrot will not consider the water container to be something dangerous and scary.
  2. Spraying water from a spray bottle is one way to bathe a parrot. In this case, a natural instinct will work - in the homeland of parrots it often rains warmly, under which they clean their feathers. Mimicking it a natural phenomenon at home, you can wash the wavy without any problems.
  3. At the moments of free movement of the parrot around the room, you can open the tap in his presence and watch the reaction of the bird. The sound of water will remind him of the sounds of rain, and the parrot will be interested in the overflowing liquid. It is not uncommon for a budgerigar to bathe only under a tap or shower, and the bird does not experience the slightest discomfort.
  4. most natural and unusual way how to wash budgerigars - bathing in plants. Well-washed wet greens are placed in the cage, usually garden or garden herbs. This method is 100% suitable for parrots: this is how they bathe in nature, in the dew of green thickets.

Can you make a parrot bathe?

Bathing a budgerigar is an absolutely natural and natural process. The love for water procedures is inherent in the bird by nature. But there are individuals who are absolutely indifferent to water. Finding a way to make a pet bathe will not work. The parrot itself can clean its feathers, and the presence of water in the bath will sooner or later induce the bird to take water procedures.

Do not be upset if it is almost impossible to make a budgie swim at home. Perhaps dislike for water is his individual feature.

Conditions for home ablutions

Ornithologists are often asked if it is possible to bathe a budgerigar in apartment conditions. Experienced breeders of variegated pichugs answer in the affirmative. It is only necessary to observe the temperature regime during water procedures.

Note: the air temperature in the room should not be lower than +25°C.

The water temperature is not colder than room temperature. It is important to protect your pet from drafts and wind. Usually a budgerigar bathes in a special bath and copes with its hygiene without the participation of strangers.

If the bird is an old-timer at home, trusts the owner and makes good contact with him, in this case, bathing under a tap or shower is organized for budgerigars. Such pets feel great in a regular wash. The problem may be too high pressure, unregulated water temperature or loud noise. In this case, the water is turned off - for bathing the bird, the moisture that remains on the walls of the sink is enough.

Also, feathered breeders are faced with the question of whether it is possible to wash a bird in a drinking bowl. Parrots love to bathe in a container designed for drinking, even if there is a bath next to it. It is unlikely that it will be possible to wean a feathered pet from this habit, so it remains only to change the water after each such “swim”.

How often to bathe a feathered

Another problem for newly minted owners of a motley bird is whether it is necessary to bathe a pet on purpose and how often to do it. Intentionally trying to bathe a bird is not worth it. The natural instinct itself will tell the pichuga how to wash its feathers. A person should only offer a pet one or another option for taking baths. The task of the owner is to provide the feathered with clean warm water on an ongoing basis. A filled bath should always be in a cage.

It should also be noted that bathing is not only a hygiene procedure for birds, but also a fun pastime and a water attraction. The more often the parrot splashes in the water, the better his mood, good spirits and health. Limit water procedures for your pet is not worth it.


The owner of the feathered one needs to know how to bathe the bird without consequences. To do this, you should know some prohibitions and taboos for bird water procedures.

  1. Bathing budgerigars should take place in specially sized baths. Too large and deep containers designed for larger birds can become a source of danger for a small bird.
  2. The room should be warm and dry. During bathing, the birds in the room close all windows and doors.
  3. If bathing takes place in a bath or sink, there should be an owner nearby who knows how to wash the bird without consequences.
  4. After the budgerigar has bathed, it should not be dried. The bird will dry itself, naturally, and the use of a hair dryer or a fireplace will only harm the feathered skin. Also, after budgerigars are bought, it is not recommended to wipe them with a hard towel - this can ruin the plumage.

Note: the water in the bath should always be warm, especially in the cold season.

The owner of the feathered one needs to know how to bathe the budgerigar easily and without consequences at home. This knowledge is necessary for a person to create right conditions the life of a feathered friend. It is impossible to force a budgerigar to bathe, but there are many ways to teach him to love water. Water procedures- a pledge of healthy and happy life motley parrot. Watching the water games of feathered pets will bring a lot of positive emotions to their owner.

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