How to print a cash receipt printer. cash receipt

reservoirs 30.09.2019

Cash receipts - an agreement between the buyer and the seller. A financial document confirming the sale (purchase) of goods.

Order a check printer to print cash receipts.

Buy a check printing machine on which you can punch any cashier's checks. Sample checks can be viewed below. I must warn you that forgery of cash receipts is punishable by law.

Ordering check printing machines in the section of payment and delivery methods.

Types of cash registers and samples of cash receipts:

Sample checks of some cash registers, which are most often used in stores:

New checks from ON-Line cash desks:

Old cash registers with ECLZ:

How cashier's checks are counterfeited

Sample receipts from some popular stores and other organizations:

  • Sberbank
  • Castorama
  • McDonald's
  • Pyaterochka

Mandatory details on the check

Each cashier's check must have the following details. If at least one item from this list is missing on the check, the cashier's check is fake and cannot be considered valid.

  • name of the organization or individual entrepreneur
  • TIN of the organization or individual entrepreneur
  • the amount for which the check is broken
  • time
  • document number (check)
  • cash register number
  • ECLZ number
  • PDA number in order
  • PDA value - control verification code

Consider, for example, a cash register KKM check Mercury 180K:

Optional details, with which manufacturers usually protect checks from their cash registers from forgery:

sign of the fiscal regime

Cash receipt SPARK-115-f (new on-line cash desk)

Used at McDonald's.

Cash receipt ATOL 77F (new on-line cash desk)

Used in Crossroads

Cash receipt Mercury 180

A miniature, very popular lately Mercury 180K cash register, it is possible to print a company logo on a check (optional), any cash receipts can be printed on it.

Receipt tape width 44 and 57 mm.

Programming the CPM Mercury 180 check printer for the desired organization is done through a computer, and it will not be difficult even for a novice lamer. Also, all data can be entered through the cash register keyboard, or you can order programming from us.

Price Mercury 180: 3550 rubles.

Data programming: 600 rubles.

Printing checks costs from 1 rub/piece due to the low cost of thermal printing.

Cash receipt Mercury 130K

One of the most common cash registers, Mercury 130K, prints cash receipts on thermochemical paper 57 millimeters wide. At the checkout, you can print in several fonts, the fonts change in the programming mode.

Cash receipt Minik 1102 F (without EKLZ)

Width of a check tape is 44 mm. This cash register is already outdated, and also does not include ECLZ.

Cash receipt EKR 2102K with EKLZ

Almost similar to the Minik 1102K cash receipt, it can print in two types of font: narrow and wide.

Cash receipt AMC 100K

cash receipt AMS 100 K can be of two types, the print font can be small and large. Also on the right check you can see that the ECLZ is close to filling and should be changed soon.

Cash receipt Casby 02K

Here is a check from a Kasby 02K cash register connected to a network with a computer. In this combination, the cash register can print the names of goods - it turns out inexpensive trade automation.

Cash register with automation Plain Print Casby 02 K Compressed Seal Casby 02K

Cash receipt Samsung ER4615RK

Now it is rare where you can find a Samsung cash register. He is the last of the stand-alone cash registers to have dot-matrix printing. Now he has been replaced by Alpha 400K with thermal printing.

Cash receipt Ladoga K

Cash receipt Bar M FR K (fiscal registrar)

Cash receipts from this device differ depending on where it is located: in a cafe, restaurant, store or gas station. Width of a check tape is 80 mm.

Cash receipt Barcode FR K (fiscal registrar)

Receipt tape width 57 mm.

Cash receipt Elves-Micro K

Elves-Micro-K uses 57 mm wide thermal tape

Cash receipt Orion 100 K

Cash receipt OKA-102K

The miracle of the Russian cash register equipment OKA-102K, which has a MEGA bewitching design, issues the following documents on a receipt tape 44 mm wide.

Cash receipt Shtrih-Mini-K

The Shtrikh-Mini-K cash register prints on thermal paper 57 mm wide, up to 24 characters per line.

Agate 1K

Receipt tape width: 57 mm.

Printing type: thermochemical printing

See also: crazy cash receipts.


Receipt width: 57 mm

Printing type: thermal printing.

Cash receipt in the EGAIS system

It is these checks that must be printed when selling alcoholic products. It must have a QR code, a link to the EGAIS database and a code by which the buyer can check the license and the quality of the goods.

An interesting way to fake cashier's checks

Friends recently suggested interesting way forgery of cashier's checks, but before telling you, I must warn you that this is not a guide to use, since forgery of documents is pursued by our valiant police officers and personally by Vladimir Vladimirovich.

To emulate a cash receipt, you will need a fax. And the program for forging checks Kassy.

  • Download a check sample and modify it in Photoshop, or generate it using the Kassy program.
  • Print a cash receipt on a printer.
  • Copy the printed cash receipt via fax.
  • Cut out the receipt from the sheet.

Such cash receipts are very similar to real ones, as they are printed on thermal paper. Unfortunately, such a fake is easily identified. And in general, now, after the introduction of EKLZ, any emulation of cashier's checks is easy to determine by checking the PDA code at the end of the check.


How to print a check on a printer. Printing sales and cash receipts

Before printing a check yourself, you need to decide what exactly needs to be printed. As you probably know, there are cash and commodity checks. There should be no problems with printing product listings: we make a document in Word and print it on a regular printer. You can also use special programs for printing sales receipts.

If there is a need to print cash receipts, then first, please note that receipts are usually printed with a special thermal printer (it is just used in cash registers) on thermal paper. If you use a laser printer model for this purpose, then the entire receipt tape may darken from heating. As for the usual inkjet device, the cash receipt printed with it is quite easy to calculate, because. it can be smeared with a wet finger.

It turns out either you need to buy a special thermal printer, or try to pick up thin paper and use a laser printer. Let's consider in more detail the possible options.

Printing with Word

If you plan to print receipts at home and use a laser printer (more suitable option than inkjet), then for this you can download special templates designed for Microsoft Word. To use this option, find in the folder of this software a folder called "Templates", which is used to store templates from Microsoft Office. Then copy the check template you downloaded there and restart the program - if it was open at the moment.

Click on "File" and go to "Project Gallery". Find the template you need in the "Templates" list, and a new document will open that will match the template you selected. If necessary, enter in open document the changes you are interested in (they will not affect the template itself), and then print a few test receipts. Please note that the receipt must contain the name of your company, various organizational data (for example, TIN, ORGN), printing date, price, as well as the product designation and some other equally important information.

You can also use special services that allow you to print a check on a printer online. For this purpose, you do not need to download a special check template for Microsoft Word. All you need is to open one of these web services, fill in all the required fields for the future cash receipt and click on "Print".

Special programs

As for applications specifically designed for printing checks on a printer, there are a lot of them today.

  • For example, a utility called Kassy, ​​which is absolutely free to use, is quite popular. The developers of this software are constantly updating their product, so that the development of the program does not stop there. Another important advantage of this utility is the support of the Russian language, which allows you to easily understand its interface.
  • Another good software application for creating layouts and printing cash receipts without using special cash registers is SNEgCheck. The program has support for an unlimited number of profiles, which can be added, deleted and edited. With its help, you can set the font size, color and appearance of the text on the receipt. In addition, it allows you to put down fonts that mimic dot matrix printers. When creating a cash receipt with SNEgCheck, you can use the result preview function to make sure that the printed receipts satisfy you.
  • To prepare sales receipts, you can also use a program such as "VisualData Sales receipt". It is a very simple and intuitive software that can store the entire history of sales. This program, in addition to filling and printing checks, has a number of other features. For example, it has a database of goods, it can be used to analyze sales, draw up summary reports, control product balances, etc.

Thus, it is still possible to prepare and print receipts for the cash register on a conventional laser printer without using a special apparatus.

Before you start printing cash receipts yourself, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the laws and possible liability for their violation.

How to print a cash receipt? Where can I get a cash register? Receipt printer!

UTII exempts from the cash register (except for Moscow, but people still want to receive them), but then you must issue a sales receipt of a special sample. You can refuse application of CMC, and instead of a cash receipt, issue to buyers other documents containing the details required by law. It was easier to continue using cashier's checks.

In the original, the check is printed on thermal paper, with a thermal printer (thermal transfer is another thing). Some people can immediately see that the paper is not the same, or that the printing principle (dot) is different. And scandals, loss of time, analysis, complaints begin.

How people pervert to analyze what the check will look like before choosing and buying a cash register (or bypassing the tax office, but this is not legal):

1) Regular printer - 3 thousand rubles. Attach a cash tape to the sheet. Laser printer - the entire tape darkens from heating. Inkjet printer - smeared with a wet finger. Calculated. The check is scanned, corrected in a graphics editor, printed, scanned and printed - long and tedious.

2) Gray cash register, KKM - 5-15 thousand rubles. The ECLZ block must be changed annually, it is illegal, it is hard to find someone who agrees. Official replacement of ECLZ in a cash register in the presence of paper from the tax - 8.5 thousand rubles. Does not require registration with UTII (single fixed tax, payment at a rate, regardless of turnover), change ECLZ anyway. If a cash register is found, a prison threatens. EKLZ - protected electronic control tape (the letter "K" at the end of the name of the cash register). The check must contain a line - EKLZ + a set of numbers. 3) Fax (equipped with a thermal printer) - 2.5-5 thousand rubles. The check is scanned, corrected in a graphical editor, printed, scanned and printed via fax. A lot of paper consumption, which is also more expensive. Not everyone fits. You can not quickly change the details of the company. 4) Receipt printer - 5 - 12 tons. Legal, no need to hide, no registration required. Because used for UTII. The cheapest and legal option, no need to set up for a long time, prints quickly a large number of checks. A receipt printer does not require investments in the future, like a cash register. Cheap consumable- tape from the cash register, 30 rubles. If you have 2 firms, then checks can be printed with one receipt printer almost instantly for different firms! The receipt printer is connected to the computer. The driver is installed and that's it.

For me, the choice is clear.

Buyers want to see the check, they are indignant at its absence. The cash register is last century. Receipt printer have the right to store everything. To punch checks on a receipt printer - single tax payers (UTII) have the right, these are all firms except for the time being in Moscow (it will appear from 2011). A label printer is also suitable, because. uses the principle of thermal printing. Look at the models on the site, the price is from 4600 rubles.

A receipt printer (thermal printer) in many cases is able to replace a cash register. Does not require maintenance and registration. You can generate any type of check and print it. Prints on receipt tape (thermal paper). Nothing different from a cashier's check. Receipt printer - perfect option for an individual entrepreneur.

It's just a printer. To generate a check, you need some special program. 1) You can set up Microsoft Office Word, programmers in firms charge 1 thousand rubles for this. 2) There is a Quasar Trading House, the minimum program package is 30 thousand rubles. 3) All printers are connected to 1C, almost all drivers are already installed in it, you can also generate a check from 1C. I think you can’t do without a 1C programmer either - 1.5 thousand rubles.

Only our company gives a gift when buying a receipt printer - a program for generating a receipt (only works in Windows XP and older versions of Windows). And a template in Microsoft Office Word (works everywhere!)

We offer turnkey solution! Printer + program as a gift + template base + Word templates + compatibility + reliability + launch guarantee + installation assistance + assistance in creating templates. Demonstration is possible. Printers >>>

Keywords = how to start your business quickly and easily, buy, choose a cash register, ECLZ replacement, registration of KKM, CCP, receipt printer, cash receipt.

How to print a check in a special program for printing cash receipts on a printer?

It happens that it becomes necessary to print a check, but there is no cash register. It's okay - you can print a check by installing a special program on your computer. So, how to print a receipt on a printer?

First you need to install the Kassy program. This is a special program for printing cash receipts. The program is used to print checks of various cash registers. The program has an information base, which contains all the data relating to various cash registers. There is general and technical information, price and type of receipt. The receipt printing software is easy to use. Any PC user can print a cash receipt on the printer.

To print cash receipts on the printer, you need to buy special paper. A check printed in the Kassy program practically does not differ from a check printed on a cash register. This program can help you choose a cash register suitable for your activity, see how a cash receipt will look like.

Using a conventional laser or inkjet printer, you can print sales receipts different sample. Restoring the lost or at home is a painstaking task and requires preliminary practice. Attempts to print a cash receipt on a regular printer at home for free do not always end in success: the resulting copy has dark marks on the edges, the font does not fade as quickly as the original and “smeared” when in contact with greasy or wet fingers.

What will be discussed:

Option one

A sales receipt is printed using a Word template downloaded from the Internet or prepared in advance. It is possible to fill out a sales receipt template online, and then download a ready-made document, which will only be printed on any printing device at home or sent to print at work.

Option two

Most reliable option get the required document at home - print a cash receipt on a printer specifically designed for this. The receipt printer is easy to set up and requires only a driver to connect to any PC. This device cannot print a sales receipt, but it copes well with the main task, is reliable and durable.

Option three

Before printing a cash register "stub" on a conventional printer, it is necessary to scan and enter into a conventional graphic editor a damaged original or a document identical to the required font and design. There it should be adjusted to the desired parameters.

Plain paper in this case does not fit, so you need to carefully stick a strip of cash tape on a thin A4 sheet. Fasten the upper and lower edges of the strip and sheet with a thin layer of glue. These edges after processing go "into the gap".

The edited document should be placed on the inkjet printer's print queue. Trying to print a cash receipt on tape using a laser device is doomed: the heat-sensitive paper will come out completely black.

Option four

There is a program for creating cash receipts Kassy. It contains an extensive library of fonts and technical information by cash registers various production, which allows the entrepreneur to choose a cliché according to the type of check. The program is easy to use. Its sections "text editor", "font editor" and "printing" allow you to process about 60 cliché options.

The finished receipt can be printed as described above, or thin facsimile paper can be used and then trimmed as needed.

Before printing a check yourself, you need to decide what exactly needs to be printed. As you probably know, there are cash and commodity checks. There should be no problems with printing product listings: we make a document in Word and print it on a regular printer. You can also use special programs designed to print sales receipts.

If there is a need to print cash receipts, then first, please note that receipts are usually printed with a special thermal printer (it is just used in cash registers) on thermal paper. If you use a laser printer model for this purpose, then the entire receipt tape may darken from heating. As for the usual inkjet device, the cash receipt printed with it is quite easy to calculate, because. it can be smeared with a wet finger.

It turns out either you need to buy a special thermal printer, or try to pick up thin paper and use a laser printer. Let's consider in more detail the possible options.

Printing with Word

If you plan to print check tapes at home and use a laser printer (a more suitable option than an inkjet), then you can download special templates designed for Microsoft Word for this. To use this option, find in the folder of this software a folder called "Templates", which is used to store templates from Microsoft Office. Then copy the check template you downloaded there and restart the program - if it was open at the moment.

Click on "File" and go to "Project Gallery". Find the template you need in the "Templates" list, and a new document will open that will match the template you selected. If necessary, make the changes you are interested in to the open document (they will not affect the template itself), and then print a few test checks. Please note that the receipt must contain the name of your company, various organizational data (for example, TIN, ORGN), printing date, price, as well as the product designation and some other equally important information.

You can also use special services that allow you to print a check on a printer online. For this purpose, you do not need to download a special check template for Microsoft Word. All you need is to open one of these web services, fill in all the required fields for the future cash receipt and click on "Print".

Special programs

As for applications specifically designed for printing checks on a printer, there are a lot of them today.

  • For example, a utility called Kassy, ​​which is absolutely free to use, is quite popular. The developers of this software are constantly updating their product, so that the development of the program does not stop there. Another important advantage of this utility is the support of the Russian language, which allows you to easily understand its interface.
  • Another good software application for creating layouts and printing cash receipts without using special cash registers is SNEgCheck. The program has support for an unlimited number of profiles, which can be added, deleted and edited. With its help, you can set the font size, color and appearance of the text on the receipt. In addition, it allows you to put down fonts that mimic dot matrix printers. When creating a cash receipt with SNEgCheck, you can use the result preview function to make sure that the printed receipts satisfy you.
  • To prepare sales receipts, you can also use a program such as "VisualData Sales receipt". It is a very simple and intuitive software that can store the entire history of sales. This program, in addition to filling and printing checks, has a number of other features. For example, it has a database of goods, it can be used to analyze sales, draw up summary reports, control product balances, etc.

Thus, it is still possible to prepare and print receipts for the cash register on a conventional laser printer without using a special apparatus.

Before you start printing cash receipts yourself, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the laws and possible liability for their violation.

Whatever printer is equipped workplace cashier, it will require not only a driver that connects the printing device with a computer terminal, but also a program for printing checks on a printer. Thanks to this program, a cash receipt is generated in accordance with a given template, lines are entered into it with information about the purchased goods and their quantity, total information about the cost of the entire purchase, the date and name of the store where the purchase was made is added. Sometimes, if the width of the receipt tape allows, the program for printing cashier's receipts allows you to place the store's logo on the receipt.

When the check is fully formed, at the command of the cashier, the printer starts printing, and after the printing process is completed, it cuts off the finished check.

Programs for KKM

Cash registers require the use of an appropriate program for compiling and printing a receipt. One of the most famous programs is Kassy 0.72, which can run on 60 different types of cash registers. it software also allows you to use a regular computer or tablet to prepare a check and output it to a printer.

This task is sometimes set if it is necessary to restore lost or damaged checks for a store: in this case, printing is done on a regular inkjet printer. At the same time, software capabilities allow you to adjust the design style to a typical style for a particular model. cash register. The instructions for this program describe in detail how to set up the printing of a receipt, choosing from among the available adjustments the indications that are most suitable for the user.

Often they have built-in printer designs and all the necessary drivers and programs for making up cash receipts are already included in the software. To master the work and study the principles of generating a check, you only need to study in detail the instructions for the cash register and practice a little.

Programs for POS-terminals

Modern computerized POS-terminal operating under the control operating systems Windows or Android, can be equipped with different software. As an example, you can use a specialized section of the well-known program "1C: Retail 8". Its capabilities are much wider than those of a conventional cash register, since the terminal performs operations related to the commodity and financial accounting of a trading enterprise, allows different types analytical research.

But at the same time, it also includes a program for printing checks on a printer, which allows you to configure without any special skills appearance check. To do this, a template is used in which you can change the details of the header and footer labels and immediately see on the terminal screen how the finished check will look like.

If the program for printing cash receipts supplied with the terminal does not suit you, it can be easily replaced. Often manufacturers of receipt printers include not only a driver for communication with the terminal, but also a program for printing cash receipts on a specific printer.

The program for printing checks on a printer can be purchased separately and installed on the terminal, and also specially written by an experienced programmer for the needs of a customer who is not satisfied with the traditional layout of a cash receipt provided by templates. Writing new software for a programmer is not particularly difficult, but the program for printing receipts developed by him will issue such beautiful cash documents that no one else has.

Printing from a personal computer

On the desktop computer you can have powerful software systems for creating graphic and text images. But these systems, which take up a lot of space and are quite difficult to use, are inconvenient and completely irrational to use on a POA terminal. Therefore, highly specialized programs for portable cash computers are being developed.

In the absence of it, a laptop or tablet can replace it, on which there is no need to have complex software, and the program will print cash receipts in a simple and convenient way. The printer can also be used as an office printer, but it will print on sheet paper, and in order to use roll paper, you will have to purchase a special device designed to print on a narrow ribbon.

Confirmation of payment for the purchased goods is a cash receipt. Using a special direct link, you can download a sample for free, fill it out online and print it.

Everyday, several times a day, people buy and sell items material world, services. Needs and supply will exist forever as long as society exists. Confirmation of payment for the purchased item, service is a cash receipt, invoice, receipt, cash receipt and other written documents. cash receipt most common in the retail network of goods. Let us consider in more detail the essential features of this paper. Using a special direct link, you can download a sample for free.

Despite the abolition of cash registers and the simplification of the procedure for providing cash papers, the population is used to receiving this sheet. Accounting departments of enterprises are also accustomed to using this written act in tax reports before the state. A cashier's check is an excellent proof in case litigation. The pay slip has unique properties and carries only positive traits for all subjects of legal relations. That is why it is still in demand by society and the state.

Mandatory check items

  • The name of the company that issued the check is at the top, in the middle;
  • TIN, ORGN, address and other organizational data of the institution;
  • Date of printing of information paper, price, designation of a thing or service;
  • Brief explanations about discounts;
  • Data of the operator who carried out the sale;
  • Delivery information and more.
The structure of the check has exceptional characteristics. A cash receipt is an information paper that does not contain the signatures and seals of the organization. The symbolization of the amount, the name of the product, the date of purchase, the name of the institution that carried out the sale, the TIN of the company are quite sufficient for the client to confirm the fact of the legal relationship with the specified seller, in certain time. The recommendations of institutions for the preservation of these important sheets are well founded.

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