Thai massage: what is it? Detailed description. Massage technique

landscaping 11.10.2019

Thai massage is an excellent preventive measure for many diseases. It is performed more likely to prevent the onset of the disease than to treat it. The main object of influence is the back, since by maintaining it in a healthy state, many chronic diseases can be prevented.

According to many experts, a person suffering from back pain rarely experiences problems with the spine. Often, back pain indicates weak muscles that do not support the spinal column well, and a delay in the passage of energy through the channels. For example, if the muscles are weak on one side, this can lead to a curvature of the spine, and in the future it will adversely affect the functioning of internal organs.

An experienced Thai massage specialist is able to cure any chronic pain. It is best to familiarize yourself with the technique of execution in practical classes. But, in our article, you can familiarize yourself with useful information and some basic tricks that will help you get rid of pain right now.

The Thai massage system is based on soft tissue massage and manipulation.

The main technique for soft tissue massage is pressure. But that's not all, for the massage to be effective to the full extent, the massage therapist must be able to calculate the force of pressure. When changing the strength of the impact, it is imperative to monitor the patient's reaction, he should not feel pain and discomfort.

The power of ancient medicine

Basic techniques of Thai massage

Consider the basic techniques in Thai massage.

Thumb pressure. This technique is performed using a pillow thumb. In some cases, the technique is combined with a stretch technique. This combination of techniques makes the skin more pliable for further treatments.

"Steps" with fingers. This technique is performed as follows: the thumbs are located almost close to each other, pressing alternately, the fingers gradually move in the direction of the energy flow. The "step" of one finger is 2-3 cm.

palm pressure. With the help of pressure with the palm, you can act on a larger surface of the body. Pressing can be performed from a few seconds to several minutes. There are three types of pressure:

  • with one palm, where the emphasis is on the base. It is used for strong pressure;
  • two palms located on top of each other, where the force of impact is regulated by the hand from above;
  • butterfly pressure, where the bases of the palms are located at each other. This technique allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​​​impact.

Elbow pressure. With this type of pressure, deeper techniques are performed. As a rule, this technique is used to massage thick muscles.

Knee pressure. Knee pressure allows the massage therapist to additionally perform stretching. By this, the effect of the reception increases several times. Use this technique in the buttocks and back of the legs.

Foot pressure. Reception of pressure of the feet allows you to influence a vast area of ​​the body. If thick muscles are massaged, massage is performed with the heel, or the front of the foot.

Standing pressure. The impact of this approach is very strong. Therefore, the massage therapist must perform it very carefully. This technique is used for , .


Manipulation is the movement of one of the body parts to achieve the maximum effect when twisting or stretching. Performing manipulations, the massage therapist must be able to vary the strength of the impact and make certain efforts.

The maximum effect of Thai massage is that the movements should be carried out with a greater range of motion than with which the patient can perform without outside help. With regular and systematic massage, there is a restoration of flexibility and ease of body movements. Manipulations are carried out when a complete understanding is reached between the massage therapist and the patient.

Limb stretching

Limb stretching is performed as follows:

  • climb- one of the main techniques of Thai massage. Easy to perform, you need to perform very smoothly, without jerks;
  • shaking- the essence of this method lies in intensive up and down movements when performing a massage of the limbs. The greatest effectiveness of the reception is manifested in the case when the masseur pulls the patient's torso towards him;
  • rotation- This technique allows you to evenly stretch the tissue around the joint. This technique is useful for arthrosis;
  • pulling with pushing- Performing the stretching technique, the rest of the body must be motionless. Greatest effect achieved when the massage therapist uses the weight of his body.

A set of techniques for various pains

Consider a set of techniques carried out to eliminate pain in various parts of the body.

Pain in the upper back

If the patient complains of pain in the upper back, between the shoulder blades, the following complex is performed:

  1. the patient lies on his stomach, face down. Pressure is applied over the entire surface of the back for 5 minutes. Special attention given to the area above the lower back;
  2. then the patient lies on his back, the massage therapist starts lifting with straightened legs;
  3. then the patient lies on his side. The rotation of the shoulder is performed, it is necessary to rotate the shoulder with support on the elbow. Then you need to raise your hand and stretch it;
  4. the patient sits down, the massage therapist performs the “Butterfly” shoulder stretch;
  5. the patient lies face down again, the massage therapist repeats all of the above techniques.

Massage points for pain in the upper back

Pain in the lower back

If the patient complains of pain in the lower back, the following set of techniques is performed:

  1. the patient lies face down on the stomach. Within 5 minutes, the massage therapist performs a series of pressures in the lumbar region. With special attention, the points indicated in the figure are massaged;
  2. the patient lies on his back. Rotation of the hips, shaking and swaying of the legs are performed. Then the masseur performs stretching of the leg with forward abduction, rocking the body back and forth, pressing on the outer side of the leg from the half-lotus position;
  3. then pressure is applied over the entire surface of the back: on the knees, the “Cobra” technique, bending the leg back. Each appointment is given 5 minutes;
  4. then repeat all of the above.

The location of points for massaging for pain in the lower back

Pain in the neck and shoulders

As a rule, pain in this area indicates muscle strain.

  1. the patient assumes a sitting position, the massage therapist begins to massage thoroughly upper part back. Then, within 5 minutes, pressure is applied to the indicated points in the figure. This is followed by stimulation of both sides of the neck. Then a “butterfly” is performed to the shoulders, a “butterfly” with a slope;
  2. the patient lies on his stomach, pressing on the shoulders, stretching the neck, turning the head, rocking the legs;
  3. then in a sitting position, repeat the entire complex.


If the patient complains of a headache, this indicates a blockage of the energy channels located at the base of the skull, in the temples and forehead.

  1. the patient assumes a supine position. The masseur performs neck stretching, head turns;
  2. then, for 5 minutes, presses the points indicated in the figure.

Location of massage points for headaches

Description of the techniques used

Many do not know how to do Thai massage. We offer you to get acquainted with the basic techniques that are used in Thai massage.

Twisted leg lift

The patient lies down with the right leg at a right angle to the body. The masseur puts the right leg under the patient's knee, the left - under the back. The masseur slowly lifts the patient by left hand, then holds for a few seconds in this position, after which it returns to its original position.

Butterfly Shoulder Stretch

The patient should fasten his hands behind his back. The masseur presses the patient's elbows to himself, slightly pulling them up and down. Having fixed the reception, it is held for several seconds. The patient should not feel any pain.

Butterfly Shoulder Stretch

Shoulder and knee stretch

The massage therapist places his left hand on the right shoulder of the patient, right hand puts on the bent knee of the patient. In this position, the massage therapist performs stretching movements.

Shoulder and knee stretch

Cobra on your knees

The patient lies on his stomach. The masseur kneels on his hips, then they wrap their arms around each other and the masseur begins to lift the patient, leaning back with all his weight. This position is held for 10 seconds.

Cobra on your knees

The patient places his legs along the body of the massage therapist. The masseur grabs the wrists and begins to pull the patient towards him, helping with his whole body. Having reached the maximum tension, in this position you need to linger for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. All tricks are performed smoothly.

During the performance of the techniques, the massage therapist should not forget about the state of his body, the weight should be distributed evenly, otherwise you can damage your own muscles. The patient and the massage therapist should feel a harmonious sense of comfort.

Thai massage is an ancient technique that activates vital energy by influencing specific points on the human body. It is based on the techniques of Chinese medicine, yoga and the postulates of the Indian health system - Ayurveda.

The technique consists in pressing, kneading, stretching, passive exercises resembling yoga postures - these actions are aimed at restoring the energy balance in the body.

According to Eastern philosophy, human health is directly dependent on the state of mind. And let in different countries energy distribution channels have different names(qi - in Chinese healing, this - in Thai), the essence is the same - a violation of energy flows leads to physical and mental suffering. You can correct the situation with the help of Thai massage.

Its history spans several centuries. According to legend, its founder is Dr. Shivaka (Jiva Kumar Bhikku), who lived about 2.5 thousand years ago, who at that time served as the personal physician of the Indian ruler. The massage technique was passed down orally from generation to generation, much has been lost, but herbal compresses, aromatherapy are still used today, foot massage is still practiced, like many centuries ago.

How is Thai massage different from traditional?

Basic rules of Thai massage:

  • calmness
  • relaxed state of both the patient and the massage therapist
  • atmosphere of trust between them
  • soft transitions between acupressure points
  • lack of discomfort

There is no strict sequence in the movements performed: it is impossible to fit all patients to a single template, only a creative approach makes massage so effective.

But there are several other differences between the Thai technique and the traditional massage we are used to:

  • no creams or oils are used here, only the use of herbal extracts is possible;
  • Thai massage session lasts 1-3 hours; The longer the better, say the experts. Of course, if you deal with a certain part of the body (for example, feet), then the duration of the procedure can be 20 minutes, but then you should not count on the desired effect;
  • during the procedure, the thumbs, palms, elbows, wrists, feet, knees are used;

There is one more nuance: feedback is obligatory - if pain occurs during the procedure, the master asks to inform about it, the “rule” of the European version “the massage therapist knows best” is unacceptable here.

What to Expect from Thai Massage and Techniques

The massage begins with the feet, gently stroking and pressing on the points responsible for relaxation, the master gradually rises to the hips, abdomen, shoulders, head, carefully working through each zone. The rhythm of the massage therapist's movements coincides with the patient's breathing. Twisting allows you to reach deeply located skeletal muscles, which is impossible with classical technique. When exposed to points in a tense zone, signals are transmitted to the brain, the hidden forces of a person are launched, which are responsible for the functions of internal organs. They say that the results of one session of Thai massage are comparable to three days of outdoor recreation.

What are the benefits of Thai massage?

As a result, the work of the circulatory, respiratory and nervous systems improves, blood flow and lymph flow normalize, blood microcirculation and tissue nutrition improve, which contributes to better regeneration, the skin acquires elasticity. When the muscles relax, pain decreases or disappears. Removing puffiness, reducing body fat, smoothing wrinkles - this is all the effect of massage.

Moreover, in the process of massage, a gradual change in human consciousness begins. According to patients, you can suddenly understand the source of your problems, reconsider your outlook on life, tune in to a creative or positive way.

By the way, the tourism industry uses a very modified form of Thai massage, the real technique has nothing to do with sexual massage.

Are there contraindications?

Of course, there are contraindications:

  • pregnancy
  • acute conditions or exacerbations of chronic diseases
  • skin diseases
  • fresh injuries
  • oncological pathologies
  • intoxication

Therefore, if you are planning to visit a Thai massage master, check with your doctor first.

Oksana Matias, general practitioner

Illustrations: Anastasia Leman

There are different legends about Thai massage - sometimes not the most decent ones, but it's all a myth. In fact, it is a pleasant relaxing procedure that has nothing to do with eroticism. It is not considered medical, but can be used for healing or prophylactic purposes. For those who just want to relax, relax, it is also shown. Everything you need to know about Thai massage, including technique, contraindications, timing, and prices, is below.

What is Thai massage

A special technique of massaging, kneading and pressing, based on the action of its own weight on the muscles, is called Thai massage. During the procedure, asanas are used - postures that are used during yoga. The actions are completely controlled by the specialist, and the person remains relaxed. Because of this feature, another name for the procedure is yoga for the lazy.

Thai massage is a whole wellness complex, consisting of exposure to certain points and energy channels. The latter term refers to Eastern philosophy, in which it is believed that a person's health depends on his peace of mind. An unusual technique is designed to restore this balance. From the point of view of conservative medicine, yoga for the lazy has a positive effect on the bone, nervous, muscular systems of a person, blood circulation and lymph flow, thereby improving his well-being.

Indications for use

Classical Thai massage is a non-traditional treatment method. He is not assigned to without fail in medical institutions. It is not able to cure, but can bring relief from such diseases and symptoms:

  • discomfort in the muscles, spasms and pain;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • headaches (including migraines);
  • insomnia;
  • increased fatigue.

Deep muscle work acts like therapeutic exercises, so yoga for the lazy is recommended as a preventive or restorative procedure. It should be remembered that massage therapists, although they know the anatomy of the body well, do not have a medical education, therefore they cannot make a diagnosis, and yet do not guarantee the disappearance of symptoms. It is recommended that you first visit a doctor, and then only go for a session if something bothers you. If you want to sign up for a procedure to relieve stress and have no contraindications, you do not need a referral.


Thai massage originated over 2500 years ago under the influence of Buddhism, which came to Siam ( former name Thailand) from China and India. Together with the monks, yoga masters arrived in the country. The fusion of Buddhist philosophy with Indian practices resulted in the birth of a new healing technique. The "father" of the procedure is considered to be Dr. Jivaka, the personal physician of the king, who was the first to use it as a medical one.

The principles and methods of technology were transmitted orally, so some of them have not survived to this day. In addition, in 1776, the Burmese attacked the capital of Thailand, looting treasures and destroying the few manuscripts that contained a description of the unique therapy. The remaining texts and diagrams were carved in stone in 1832. Since then, they have graced Wat Pho in Bangkok, where they can still be seen today.


It should be noted right away that the Thai technique has nothing to do with sexual services, during it the pubic bone is not affected - this is a myth that appeared during the Vietnam War, when american soldiers went to Thailand for a vacation. When performing the procedure, both, the client and the master, are dressed - in clothes made of light breathable fabrics - and barefoot. The technique affects 10 main energy channels (7200 in total). They are affected along and through the points of intersection of the lines. So, not all muscles are directly worked out, but the overall effect on them is better than from Western techniques.

The massage therapist does not use special oils and creams for yoga for lazy people, but he can use it to improve the result. herbal infusions. If in the salon you are still offered to use additional funds - do not be alarmed, these are not scammers. Traditional Thai massage is performed without them, but its "softer" versions may contain a deviation from the rules. Please note that the healing effect of this will be less, but you will still get general relaxation, lightness in the body after the session.

Another one distinguishing feature Thai technique in the duration of the massage. The procedure takes 2 to 3 hours. During this period, the master manages to relax and fully work out the client's muscular system. If you perform the exercises faster, there is a risk not to cure, but to harm. If it is not possible to allocate so much time for a session, you can ask to focus only on a certain part of the body.

During Thai massage, the client and the master have close contact, and the specialist is the leader in it, but the patient is a full-fledged participant. He is given directions by pressing on the necessary points with the feet, elbows, palms and knees, raising and lowering the limbs, stretching the spine. For the convenience of this technique, the client does not lie on a traditional massage table, but on special mats with a soft surface.

Feedback is important in this kind of tactile conversation. If during classic massage there may be short-term pain to relieve tension, then in the case of Thai, you should immediately report discomfort and even more pain - after all, the limits of muscle stretching are different for each person. For the same reason, and also because clients come with various complaints, the technique does not have a template instruction, it can be modified, taking into account individual preferences.

Basic principles

Yoga for the lazy requires the participation of the client: in the process it will not work just to lie down, feeling pressure and stroking, as in the usual. The patient must follow the master directing him. At the same time, adhere to the following main principles of the Thai procedure:

  • trust the massage therapist - everything for the session contributes to relaxation: incense, lighting, atmosphere, but without trust you will not be able to enjoy it to the fullest;
  • wear loose clothes, leaving bare feet - this is a mandatory rule, therefore, most likely, in the salon you will be reminded of this again, given time to change clothes and prepare; in some places things are provided, but if you are uncomfortable, you can take your own;
  • free yourself from all thoughts, focus on action;
  • breathe freely, do not strain during squeezing and kneading;
  • mentally prepare for the fact that the session will take up to three hours, while all this time the master will smoothly move from one exercise to another.


Thai massage is a beneficial effect on the human body on several levels at once. After it, a person feels cheerfulness, a surge of energy, vitality. After a course of several sessions, even more significant changes are possible: reduction of cellulite, stretch marks, general improvement conditions, weight loss, rejuvenation. During the procedure, the specialist touches upon such areas as:

  • lymphatic system - due to the acceleration of the lymph, edema is removed (in severe cases- for several sessions);
  • circulatory system - a rush of blood improves the condition of the skin;
  • muscles, tendons, internal organs - the effectiveness of the impact is higher than that of the classical Western technique;
  • bones, spine - stretching makes them more flexible and mobile, due to which there is a general relaxation;
  • psyche, nervous system - Thai massage techniques relax not only on the physical level, so many clients come to sessions for inner peace in order to reduce stress and remove anxiety.


Although it was already mentioned above that the Thai massage technique can be modified, and, in addition, some masters perform a “softer” version with oils, there are only two main types. Among them:

  1. General.
  2. Royal.


Thai massage, which is offered in Western salons (including Russian ones), is more often understood as just this type of technique. During it, there is close contact between the client and the master: the specialist works with the thumbs, palms, the outside of the wrist, forearms and other parts of the body. In addition, he uses bamboo sticks, and, in addition to pressing, uses stretching positions.


There are no stretches in this type of Thai massage. Less contact than general type. The masseur moves on his knees around the client, while maintaining a distance of at least 30 cm. The main method of the procedure is acupuncture, pressure on certain points. The master touches only with the working surface of the hands, while the person being massaged never lies on his stomach. Scheme of the technique: from the knees up the legs, then, after completing the main part of the session, kneading the calves and feet.

Basic tricks

The choice of techniques depends on the problem with which the client came for a massage, and also on the individual characteristics of the body and personal preferences. The main set of techniques that the master uses includes:

  • Thumb pressure. It is used to prepare the skin and muscles for further study, making them supple. It is pressure with the pad of the thumb. Often used in combination with stretching;
  • "Steps" with your fingers. This technique is performed exactly as it is called. The thumbs are placed close to each other on the skin and moved, "stepping" a distance of 2-3 cm each movement. It is important that the trajectory follows the line of the energy channel;
  • Palm pressure. Can be done in three different ways. The main advantage of the reception is to act on a larger area of ​​​​the body. At the same time, with one palm, pressure is made with emphasis, and with two they are pressed softer, placing them like a “butterfly”, wrists to each other. Another option: hands are placed one on top of the other, with the upper (left or right, it does not matter) control the force of the impact;
  • Elbow pressure. Used to work out thick muscles, as this technique helps to work deeper. Do not apply on delicate parts of the body, such as the buttocks. For some people with particularly sensitive skin, it may leave traces (it is better to discuss this point with a massage therapist);
  • Knee pressure. Performed in the gluteal and back muscles legs. Provides the effect of not only pressing, but also stretching;
  • Foot pressure. Either the heel or the front of the foot is used. Thick muscles are processed, as in the case of the elbows. Allows you to cover areas of large width;
  • Pressing while standing. This technique is performed with extreme caution, as it has a strong effect and can cause damage. Used to massage the back, buttocks and limbs.


Special preparation for Thai massage is not required, but some rules still need to be followed. Among them are:

  • take a change of clothes with you natural materials or make sure that they give it out in the salon (exception: a session of Thai massage with pouches, which is performed on bare skin);
  • eat at least 2 hours before the procedure, it is not recommended to choose fatty, heavy food, drink alcohol; You cannot do Thai massage on an empty stomach - therefore, in good salons, hungry customers are even offered a light snack;
  • go to the toilet before the session - you can’t interrupt the procedure, and due to 3 hours of massage + additional impact on the abdominal area, discomfort may occur (if this still happened, do not hesitate to tell the massage therapist about it, he will at least ease the pressure );
  • take a shower, but do not use scented cosmetics - incense will be present in the office, and a mixture of different smells is rare a good idea; painting or wearing jewelry for a session is also not recommended.

Thai massage technique

The session lasts up to 3 hours. The minimum time is 1 hour. But it takes time to relax, so it’s better not to try to save money and do everything faster - then the massage will be harmful. The initial techniques are very soft, smooth and deep: they are designed to bring the mind to a state of rest, set up the body and psyche for a further procedure, and free thoughts. Incense, music, and pressure on the feet contribute to this - the specialist affects the special points responsible for relaxation.

In general, working with the feet is an important part of Thai technique. The client does not just relax, but begins to talk with his subconscious, tunes in a positive way. Some say that at such moments new ideas and bright insights come. The smoothness of the movements is maintained throughout the session: from the outside, the massage looks like a dance in which the master leads. There is no specific instruction on which techniques to do for which. After the initial pressure, you can move on to strokes, twists and folds.

The choice of techniques depends on the problem with which the client came. Twisting helps to influence deeply located skeletal muscles - they are not available for classical massage. These exercises are similar to yoga poses, but don't worry - the master will listen to your preferences and everything will happen smoothly and gently, without tension. After stretching, the muscles return to their original state. Techniques are useful, but they cannot be considered as an alternative to stretching - the massage therapist does not violate the limits of the client's body.

The master especially lingers in places where there are clamps: these can be shoulders, back and sides. These areas are kneaded, twisted and stretched. Unlike Western techniques, in Thai they work out the whole body: including the ribs, stomach, navel. This is because the energy points are located all over the surface. The master may not knead some part of the body, but still apply pressure, through external influence influencing the work internal systems organism - digestive, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular.

The latest techniques used by the massage therapist are aimed at the face: thanks to them, puffiness, nervous tic disappear, mimic wrinkles. By this time, the client's body is completely relaxed, so the movements, as in the beginning, become very soft and light, do not leave redness behind, like some cosmetic procedures. The same neat techniques are used for the upper body - due to blood circulation, it is affected even when the master massages the legs.


Most of the contraindications are relative, therefore, they require additional consultation with both the massage therapist and the attending physician. Strict conditions include only extremely difficult conditions and the postoperative period, since the patient's seams can open from the movements of the procedure. Please also note that the technique can only be performed by a person with a basic medical education and the appropriate certificate. Do not try to conduct a session to yourself or loved ones based on instructions on the Internet. Relative contraindications to yoga for the lazy:

  • pregnancy - Thai massage for women in position can help relieve cramps, but many movements will be impossible due to the stomach; it is permissible to conduct a session only for the legs;
  • mental illness - depends on the frequency of attacks and is not associated with physical ailment, but with the behavior of the client;
  • respiratory disorders, acute respiratory diseases - incense and the procedure itself can contribute to the deterioration of the condition, therefore, if you are unwell, it is better to postpone the session;
  • hypo- and hypertension (problems with pressure), heart disease, diabetes - consultation with your doctor is required;
  • varicose veins veins - yoga for the lazy is possible, but it is better not to influence problem areas;
  • dermatological lesions (skin rash, etc.) - the master has the right to refuse the client to perform the procedure, since with this type of massage there is close contact and infection is possible;
  • digestive disorders, stones - can cause discomfort during the session.


Unique massage services are offered in salons and at home. The latter option is cheaper, but before signing up for a master, it’s better to check with him for certificates and make sure that the procedure will be performed in accordance with all the rules. It is easier to check salons for compliance with standards - both on the site and on reviews on the Internet. The breakdown of prices for the procedure in the Moscow region is shown in the table below.


Thai massage is a very special type of massage that originated more than 2500 years ago in India. It is based on the traditions of Chinese medicine, which is perhaps the oldest of all that exist today, as well as the teachings of India's oldest healing system - Ayurveda.

Thai massage some sources say yoga massage or "Thai system of healing". It is a holistic wellness complex, which consists in the direct interaction of a Thai massage specialist with the energy of a massaged person through various techniques and techniques such as deep pressure on muscle tissue, stretching, activation of energy flow, reflexology, acupressure. Like many others healing systems practiced in Eastern countries, Thai massage is based on the principle of restoring the balance of energy in the human body.

Based on the ideas of Eastern healers, any physical illness or mental illness is the result of a violation of the circulation of life-giving energy through special energy channels. During the Thai massage, pressure is applied to special reflex points that are located on the projections of energy flows, and deep work with the muscles is performed, due to which the obstacle that prevents the proper movement of energy disappears. As a result, the energy balance is normalized and the cause that led to the disease is eliminated.

This Thai massage fundamentally differs from classical massage, where all attention is paid to a purely mechanical effect on the problem areas of the patient. Thai massage has become widespread in the countries of the East, and is an important component of many well-known healing systems. Apparently for this reason, residents of Asian states do not face many diseases that are relevant for the population of Europe.

Description of the Thai massage procedure

When implementing this type of massage, the specialist affects every joint, every muscle, every finger, starting with the feet and ending with a head massage. Depending on the area that is affected, pressure can be applied with the palm, fingers, elbow joint, knee, feet, as well as the entire surface of the massage therapist's body. In this case, the force with which pressure is applied is determined by such parameters as the nature of the disease, the weight and age of the patient, and his general condition.

The Thai massage procedure, as a rule, lasts from sixty minutes to three hours. The session begins with the patient putting on light cotton clothes and lying down on a low couch or special mat. Such clothing is needed so that when performing difficult pressure manipulations, the specialist’s hands or knee do not slip off.

As already mentioned, the massage begins with a relaxing pressure on the feet at the locations of the reflex points that are responsible for relaxing the body. Soft, unhurried, deep pressures are performed in the same rhythm and imperceptibly slow down the brain, introducing the patient into a state of complete relaxation.

In this bodily practice, some passive yoga techniques are used: there is no kneading and stroking, as in the traditional one, but pressure, stretching and twisting techniques are used, and all of them are aimed at achieving bodily harmony and restoring the balance of life-giving energy. In addition, when performing twists, the massage therapist manages to stimulate striated muscle tissues, which are so deep that they are inaccessible to the traditional one.

The whole body of the patient is well stretched, muscle tension slowly disappears, and the muscular system returns to its normal state. Due to the impact on biologically active points that stimulate the functioning various systems body and the work of its internal organs, an even greater therapeutic result is achieved.

Along with this, due to the fact that the movement of energy through the channels is normalized, the activity of the cardiovascular and nervous systems improves. Due to the fact that yoga massage follows the leg-trunk-head sequence, by the time the specialist begins to work on the upper parts of the body (cervical region, shoulder joints and head), they are so well relaxed that they receive maximum benefit from healing manipulations.

After the massage procedure, the patient, as a rule, feels rested, full of strength and vivacity. Masters of the Thai healing system assure that one procedure of therapeutic Thai massage can only be compared with a three-day vacation at the sea or somewhere in nature.

And do not be surprised if, at the end of the massage session, you feel a state similar to meditation - this is the skill of the massage therapist. And if you have experienced such a state, it means that the massage was performed with high quality and correctly.

  1. Frequent headaches that are chronic. In the event that headaches occur due to pinched nerves in the neck or due to vascular spasm, the Thai healing system will be especially useful to the patient. In such a situation, the master should direct all his efforts to deep physical stimulation of the shoulder muscles, cervical, as well as the area of ​​the head. But it should be noted that before turning to this method of treatment, it is necessary to first make a diagnosis and identify the real sources of headaches.
  2. Rapid fatigue and constant state of fatigue. The systematic performance of Thai massage can lead to both physical and energetic renewal of the patient's body. This technique has a positive result on the general well-being of the patient. Yoga massage well removes muscle spasms, normalizes natural blood circulation, and increases the overall tone of the body. To the greatest extent, this procedure is indicated for those people who are engaged in sedentary activities (office workers).
  3. Insomnia and depression. Such problems are most often caused by a malfunction of the nervous system. Thai massage produces a great calming effect on the human body. After the first procedure, the patient will feel healthier and younger, he will feel a surge of energy, a charge of vivacity, and relieve fatigue.

The influence of the Thai healing system on the body

Thai massage has a beneficial effect on the human body and gives healing in seemingly the most difficult cases. This is due to the fact that during the massage procedure, the specialist performs a physical impact on the hands and feet of the patient, on which the projections of most of the internal organs are located. So, by stimulating these parts of the body, the master can influence the body as a whole. This type massage helps:

  • recuperation;
  • stress relief;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • relief of pain syndromes of different genesis;
  • increased flexibility and mobility of the joints;
  • relaxation of muscle tissue;
  • deep relaxation;
  • opening energy channels.

Traditional Thai massage in the understanding of a modern European is not massage at all, it differs so much from classical (Swedish) massage. In traditional Thai massage, the client remains fully dressed throughout the session. This massage does not use massage oils and any mechanisms and devices. The only tool a massage therapist uses is his own body. Moreover, when performing Thai massage, not only fingers and hands are used, but also elbows, feet, legs, knees, and even the masseur's buttocks. A soft, but deep impact is achieved as a result of a competent, centuries-old application of the mechanics of the human body: having taken the desired position, the massage therapist tilts his body, smoothly moving the center of gravity to the client's body. At the same time, there are no hard blows and shocks, painful pressure and rubbing.

Thai massage begins with relaxing pressure on the feet. Since the projection zones of all internal organs are located on the foot, due to the work with the feet, they are activated, which means that the impact on the internal organs.

The session ends with a massage of the upper body (shoulders, neck and head), when the whole body is already sufficiently relaxed.

  • Thai Foot Massage

This massage is part of the traditions of different cultures, especially Chinese. Documents have been found, from which it follows that 3000 years ago foot massage was used in China.

On the surface of the foot there are reflex points associated with various organs of the body. Stimulation of these points through certain manual techniques allows you to influence the corresponding internal organs. The sequence of techniques is designed so that all reflex points are massaged several times in various ways in order to normalize all body functions and improve internal organs.

The Thai foot massage technique is a compilation of original Chinese techniques and typical manual techniques of the traditional Thai massage school. Some techniques are performed using a specially designed massage stick, which provides a deeper effect on the reflex points of the foot.

This technique allows to achieve excellent results, both therapeutic and preventive.

The effect of foot massage is reflected throughout the body.

As a result of regular foot massage, there is a stable positive result in disorders gastrointestinal tract(GIT), respiratory diseases, circulatory disorders, local diseases of the feet, legs, ankles, hips, knees, as well as headaches, neuralgia.

  • Thai Oil Massage

Despite its softness, oil massage works well on different levels - physical, energetic, emotional. The oil nourishes and rejuvenates the skin well, which gives a good cosmetic effect.

Oil massage is very effective method relaxation for those who experience constant stress, suffer from a disorder of the nervous system, and at the same time are sensitive to the stretch marks used in traditional Thai massage.

Using aromatic oils, you can get additional effects of the normalization of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, hormonal systems.

Oil massage is a powerful stimulating, toning, cleansing and rejuvenating procedure. Massage slows down and corrects the aging process, normalizes sleep, metabolic processes in the skin and the activity of all internal organs, eliminates congestion in the body and even sharpens eyesight.

Oils, penetrating deep into the pores, soften the skin, make it more elastic, and toxins released during the massage are removed.

  • Thai therapeutic massage (Thai Therapy massage)

it medicinal look Thai massage. It is based on tactile and energy impact on energy meridians (sen), biologically active points (BAP), as well as muscles, ligaments, fascia, joints.

According to the theory of Thai medicine, the so-called vital or internal energy circulates in the human body. It moves along the energy channels associated with all tissues and organs, along the so-called sen. In total, Thai medicine has 72,000 sen lines in the human body. Of the many channels that run in the human body, 10 main ones stand out in Thai massage. "Sen" in Thai means "line", "ten" - "sib". It turns out "Sen Sib" - "Ten lines". It is very important for the massage therapist to know the anatomy and location of the main Sen on the human body.

In the Thai system of healing, it is believed that a person is healthy only when his energy flows freely, harmoniously distributed throughout the body. A normal physical condition causes a feeling of cheerfulness, self-confidence, an optimistic attitude. Any obstacle in the way of the energy flow leads to illness. When the energy imbalance is eliminated as a result of exposure to Sen and BAP, the cause of the disease also disappears. In the process of massage, obstacles to the movement of energy are removed, and movement is activated. Over the centuries, a lot of empirical data has been accumulated on the healing of a person through the impact on special points on the human body.

The duration of the therapeutic session is from 2 to 3 hours, sometimes, according to indications, this massage lasts longer. At the same time, it is even possible to replace the massage therapist during the massage process. It can be painful, but in any case it is extremely effective. There are many cases when the master during one session removed the pathological conditions that tormented the patient for many years.

  • Thai massage with hot herbal compresses (Hot Herbal Ball).

Massage with hot herbal compresses is one of the most ancient procedures based on the gentle effect of heat combined with elements of aromatherapy and acupressure, muscle and connective tissue massage, and Thai massage techniques.

Specially made fabric bags with a long handle, which contain a composition of crushed herbs, leaves, roots, camphor, sea ​​salt steamed in a water bath. Multiple herbal component options solve various problems- from relaxation to enlargement male power.

There are many variations of massage with herbal bags - on the open body and on the body in clothes, with the help of various liquids and oils, and without any additives. This technique is very popular. There are also a lot of work schemes: fast pressure, slow unhurried, calming and relaxing movements. You can work with one bag, two, several, successively applying them for stronger warming up to various parts of the client's body - the lower back, feet, stomach, etc. Massage can be performed on the face, on the entire surface of the body or on individual problem areas, as an independent procedure and in combined with oil or traditional massage.

During this massage, the muscles and joints are warmed up, which increases their mobility. The smell of the herbal composition additionally has an aromatherapeutic effect. Organs and tissues are better saturated with oxygen, metabolism occurs faster. In addition, there is a relaxation of tense muscles, metabolic products and toxins are removed from the body.

Massage with bags can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for osteochondrosis, intense physical exertion, pain in muscles and joints. With acupressure use, they can regulate the activity of internal organs, fight constipation, relieve residual effects after bronchitis and pneumonia. Another action of massage is the correction of the psycho-emotional background.

This massage is especially indicated for insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome, spasms and tension, chronic and acute muscle pain, fluid retention in tissues, intoxication, physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle, warming up tissues before massage, manual therapy.

  • Thai hot stone massage (Hot Stone Therapy).

This is a delightful treatment that caresses the body from head to toe! Born by the earth, polished by water, sun and wind, stones are a source of natural and cosmic energy.

Stone massage (stone therapy) eliminates tension and stress, neutralizes negative energy.

The main effect of the procedure is associated with increased metabolism, regulation of the autonomic nervous system, activation of the endocrine and immune systems and a complete degree of relaxation.

The Thai technique differs from the more common American version. In the Thai tradition, only warm stones are used. In the process of work, the stones fall into hot water, from which they are removed using a special slotted spoon.

Just like any kind of Thai massage, stone massage begins with the legs, then the back, arms, chest, stomach, face are massaged.

In a massage session, oil massage with hands alternates with stroking the body along a certain trajectory with stones - large, medium or small.

In conclusion, the procedure for aligning the chakra system is performed by applying multi-colored semi-precious stones to them.

  • Current- sentherapy(Tok Sen Ancient Thai Therapy).

To this day, Thai medicine has preserved such rare practices as Tok-Sen therapy - Thai massage in combination with tapping with a special hammer and wand of sen energy lines. The hammer and wand are made from tamarind wood and blessed in the monastery.

Especially recommended for people with severely blocked channels and a low pain threshold. In the process of tok-sen, the deepest study of energy channels and relaxation of the muscles, which are affected by the master, take place.

Tok Sen is an ancient serious practice and even has its own mantra. Before picking up the tools, the master raises the Tok-Sen mantra.

Since the master affects the main sen with consecrated objects, any deviation from purity in worldview and thoughts can negatively affect the client. A Tok-Sen practitioner is required to follow a certain way of life. In particular, he is prescribed a vegetarian diet, regular meditation.

  • Chad Hak.

A rare ancient technique is a way to rid the body of toxins.

In modern Thailand, this technique is owned by a few masters in the North of the country. It is rather difficult to find a master Ched-Hak.

A mango leaf is used, as well as the tusk or claw of a strong animal, such as a tiger or an elephant. The master dips a leaf or a fang into the water and runs it over the body, as if peeling off a dirty layer from the skin, while concentrating on reading a mantra to himself.

Medicine would refer to this technique as gentle lymphatic drainage. However, the results of using Ched-Hak are much wider, because it is not just manipulation, but a spiritual practice.

According to the principle of action, it resembles the Chinese gouache massage, but much softer.

  • Yam Kang - fiery foot (Yam Kang).

Perhaps this is the most spectacular of the surviving ancient techniques.

Workplace consists of a wooden bed on which the mattress is laid. On top of the crossbar, resembling bars. Nearby are two bowls - one with oil, the other with water and a brazier with burning coals, covered with a sheet of iron.

The master holds on to the crossbar (he can use an additional stick), lowers his foot into the oil, touches the hot sheet, and then massages the client's body with his foot - back, legs, arms. He lowers his leg into the water, touches the leaf - and again the massage. For one dipping of the foot in oil - three water ones. This is done rhythmically and quickly, one-two-three. "One" - dipping in oil, "two" - touching a hot leaf, "three" - massage.

At the end of the procedure, the master takes a herbal bag, lowers it into oil, then touches the brazier with it and works through the whole body.

Both the audience and the massaged have quite strong impressions. When the master touches a sheet of iron with his foot, the oil evaporates and hisses, and if the droplets of oil fall into the fire, it flares up, and a foot appears from this fire!

  • Erotic massage (Body Massage).

Our story about the types of Thai massage would be incomplete if we did not touch on the widespread practice of erotic body massage, the so-called body massage.

This species originated during the war between the United States and Vietnam. On the territory of modern Pattaya, the American naval base Utapao was located. Here soldiers and officers rested and received treatment. Thai girls used every opportunity to earn money.

The war is over, but body massage is popular and flourishes today thanks to a special order from the travel industry. Unfortunately, for many people in our country who are not familiar with the ancient Thai massage and who have not been to Thailand, the phrase "Thai massage" is associated with eroticism.

Meanwhile, in Thailand itself, Thai massage is precisely a healing practice.

Body massage has nothing to do with ancient Thai massage, but it has the same name with it. Hence the confusion.

The technique is very simple. Can be done by one girl or two. At the beginning of the procedure, the masseuse acts on the client's body with the help of various soft devices (brushes, pieces of fur, etc.). Particular attention is paid to erogenous zones. Gradually, the effect on the client's body changes: oil is applied to the body, and the masseuse begins to stroke the client's body with her hands, and then touches it with her whole body, tongue, lips, while achieving erotic arousal and complete sexual discharge of the client. Whether the continuation will follow or not depends on the desire of the client and the amount of payment.

Today, the Thai government is making serious efforts to return Thai massage to its original healing meaning.

Our SIAM school also contributes to the popularization of this ancient art to the best of its ability.

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