Taurus zodiac sign appearance. Erogenous zones of the bodies

Engineering systems 28.06.2020
Engineering systems

> Appearance by zodiac sign

A horoscope in the modern world is a lifesaver for those who want to build their lives in a harmonious way. And surprisingly, most choose to go blind when the stars provide a universal beacon in the form of zodiac signs. Knowing only which zodiac representative a person belongs to, one can get acquainted with his positive and negative features, inclinations and fears, hobbies and irritants. Furthermore, Zodiac sign even predicts appearance!

What do zodiac signs look like

You can guess the zodiac if you train your eye and remember the main features. At Aries thinness prevails, but the body is embossed. I remember the long neck, long face and dark hair. There may be scars, because he is a bully and has fought more than once.

First of all, eyebrows and a thick mop of hair are striking. There is no specific advantage in the direction of color, but it should always be pronounced. That is, if the blond, then literally shines, and the brunette - darker than the night. However, red-haired representatives often flash by. Eyes blazing with fire and a cheeky expression, which gives the impression that you are being challenged, attract attention. He is a strong and muscular man with dark skin.

There are moles on the face and head, and one should be larger, and next to it there are several small ones. Both sexes are endowed with narrow hips and broad shoulders. They can be tight and thin. But among them you will not notice the full ones, since the temperament of the choleric constantly makes you move. He does everything abruptly and without grace.

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A wide nose, thick and often dark hair (in men - a mustache), swarthy skin. This is a strong and often overweight person, because most Taurus have a sweet tooth, and a sedentary lifestyle only exacerbates the situation. Men in old age face a big belly, but remain attractive. He is confident in his every move, but gesticulates little. He is generally stingy with body movement and tries to remain as calm as possible.

I haven’t heard of grace, so it can be awkward, like an elephant in a china shop. Full lips on a broad face, cheeks blush. On one of them you can find a noticeable mole. With the ears, everything is not so good, because they either stick out or are too pressed to the head (women are especially embarrassed). The main advantage is the eyes, endowed with depth and wisdom.

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The physique is rather weak and sometimes too thin. Slender, with outstretched arms and legs. Often distinguished precisely by their height. The face is elongated and sometimes asymmetrical, freckles are possible, the features are thin, the lips are narrowed or elongated. Of course, it happens that he gains weight, but then his mobility and the usual active pace decrease. The eyes, though small, but liveliness and speed are read in the look.

They have to tinker a lot with their hair, as they are often thin and not amenable to styling. Therefore, both sexes reconcile and choose a short type of hairstyles. The nose is usually elongated and may even have a sharp tip. This sign gets used to using facial expressions, so distinctive facial wrinkles appear with age. He speaks very quickly and in high tones. It also moves quickly and surprisingly easily.

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Tends to gain weight, especially as it approaches adulthood. Moreover, several times in a lifetime it can dramatically lose weight and again return kilograms. The body can hardly be called muscular or strong. Features are soft and smooth. Shapes are rounded. The face is full, with pale and thin skin. The hair is either deep black or blond. You rarely see a red Cancer, as well as a curly one. The teeth are small or large and move forward.

Give out the sign of the zodiac eyes, which are divided into two types. The first ones are round, watery and with a noticeable bulge (usually looks sad). The second - the incision is narrow or bright in color, they look as if not at the interlocutor, but somewhere inside themselves (looks detached). Girls often have large breasts with a mole. Facial expressions are incredibly highly developed, so you can always see when you are happy, offended or angry. A charming smile, sometimes reminiscent of childish mischief.

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Muscular, with an excellent figure and a wide bone. Men are endowed with narrow hips, broad shoulders and thin legs. And girls are not so often faced with narrow hips (this goes away with age). Communicating with Leo, it is difficult not to note the special solar energy and charm that he radiates. It is Lionesses who are perceived not only as alluring beauties, but also as sexual predators. True, in this they are second only to Libra.

If over time the sign becomes lazy and suspends its usual activity, then this chic image may disappear. Cheekbones stand out brightly on a wide face. The head is often large and always proudly raised. It is unlikely that you will see a Leo hunched over or hiding his face behind a hood. Eyes sparkle and look at everything with interest. Hair burns out quickly. The voice is velvety and rich, so it is an excellent speaker and interlocutor.

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The physique is usually average, as Virgo watches her diet and tries not to go to extremes. Can be lean or obese, but definitely not fat. An oval face, and the gaze is often tense due to criticality and restraint. Usually the part below the waist feels heavy. The guys have an elongated and sometimes too prominent nose. There may be a hump or a sharp tip.

Hair comes in a variety of colors, but they are even and thin. You rarely see him with curly curls. Whatever the natural color, closer to old age it becomes still darker. Common eye colors are blue and brown. This person attracts attention with his accuracy and neatness in everything, even in the smallest details. The movements are fast and elegant, as if everything has been rehearsed several times.

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The bone is thin, but in appearance it looks very harmonious. This is not surprising, since the zodiac tends to balance. Fragile, graceful, elegant and in some ways even decorative, like an ideal figurine made by a professional. Girls are recognized as the most attractive of the entire zodiac circle, due to their beauty, femininity and sweet character. Height is usually below average, so women appear petite. The chest and waist, buttocks and hips are always highlighted in ideal proportions.

Even in old age, it will look incredibly fresh and toned. Men, though handsome, but definitely not jocks. The lower lip is swollen, a clearly defined eyebrow line. Attractive cheeks with dimples. The hair is slightly curled and very beautiful. Guys can afford a luxurious beard or mustache. Behavior shows mannerisms.

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This is an extraordinary and remarkable character. Scorpio, in fact, in appearance may not stand out at all. But he cannot hide his gaze: as if it pierces you with fire and reaches the very heart. The color is different, but always concentrated. In most cases, brown or cold blue. The nose is thin and resembles a hawk's beak (downward tip and hump).

The shape of the lips and mouth most often create an expression of sarcasm. Hard and thick mop of hair (usually brunettes). Prone to weight gain, especially in old age. But this is a disciplined sign, so it does not allow itself to be launched. If not an athlete, then very strong. He is above average in height. Although he looks calm, he is always able to break away and rush into battle. Attracts sexually and radiates intimate desire. Massive neck and broad forehead.

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Strong body, often muscular. The physique is dense and exceeds the average height. Nature is endowed with a tendency to be overweight, but even with extra pounds it does not lose its presentability. If this happens, then the girls will have the weight concentrated in the hips, leaving the upper part attractive, and the guys will face a "beer" tummy. The nose can be of any shape, but always slightly elongated. The eyes are set wide (usually brown), and in the look you can read not just a mockery, but real insolence.

There is a dimple on the chin, and the face is elongated and with a high forehead. The hair is thick and soft (especially for the fair sex), but a man can go bald. Among the representatives, brown-haired women are predominantly found. In behavior rather unleashed, but devoid of elegance and grace. Strongly gesticulating, waving his arms. Therefore, it is better to remove all valuable and fragile items, otherwise your favorite table clock and vase will turn into fragments. He gets used to shuffling his feet when walking.

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Looks too thin and dry. True, rarely, but still there are stocky representatives. But still, in reality, they are rather strong in spirit and character than in body. The neck is thin and the chest is narrow. The skin is pale and the face is elongated. Height can be anything, but the facial expression is always strict, focused on his thoughts and calculations, and also not very emotional. Nasolabial folds and a narrow lip line are noticeable. It is better not to grow a beard, as it will not be thick. The hair is usually even and closer to black.

It can be recognized by the way the outer corners of the eyes are lowered. Because of the detached, extinct and devoid of interest look, one gets the impression that he does not care about everything that happens around him. However, every year it is more and more revealed. Closer to maturity, real metamorphoses take place and the person seems to be getting younger. Confident gait with well-thought-out movements.

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It is not an athlete or an athlete, but with a strong average body constitution. In most cases, these are tall people with an oval face. Thanks to this appearance, make-up artists and makeup artists adore them, as they are easy to make up and take on any look. Often has completely unique features that are remembered only after a long acquaintance. He is completely devoid of the forms of the face, nose and lips inherent only to him. True, it is worth noting that the hair is mostly wavy, the lips are raised in an eternal smile.

The patron planet Venus endows Taurus with beauty, exquisite taste, charm and sensuality. Therefore, requests can be quite high. In addition to practicality and quality, clothes should not be cheap. If funds allow, then they will certainly acquire expensive things that are very in harmony with the appearance of the calf.

How does a Taurus dress?

Attitude towards fashion is partially conservative. On the one hand, they follow fashion and will not wear what they wore a few years ago. But on the other hand, they do not always dare to embody new fashion trends in their appearance. But no matter what clothes you choose, the bodies will always look decent in it. If possible, they can acquire a chic classic wardrobe. However, everything classic is also well suited for the appearance of Taurus and complements his image well.

Unlike Aries women, Taurus generally rarely borrow men's clothing styles. Therefore, shirts, trousers, jeans, if they are worn, then out of necessity, which is so practical and convenient. Most of all, Taurus women like clothes that can emphasize their femininity, seductiveness. Taurus women are not indifferent to dresses with a deep neckline, short skirts and dresses.

As already mentioned, no less attention is paid to practicality, convenience and practicality. As well as not only clothes, but also shoes. And the most comfortable shoes, according to the ladies of this sign, should be without high heels. As for the material of clothing, the main thing is not only practicality, but also that the fabric is pleasant for the body. I especially like satin, velvet, silk, cotton, wool.

Taurus favorite color

I like natural colors that are close to nature. I especially like green, brown, aquamarine, beige. Also prefer soft pastel shades.

Jewelry and accessories Taurus

Regardless of the wardrobe itself, no less attention is paid to jewelry. Without accessories and jewelry, the appearance will not be as desirable as the calf would like. And he wants to look expensive, therefore, jewelry should be expensive, made of natural stones, gold, silver.

Taurus Makeup

Nature has taken care of the women of this sign so much that they always look attractive and well-groomed. Therefore, cosmetics are treated moderately, applying war paint is considered superfluous. They like to use traditionally several colors. By the way, Taurus, like Aries, are not indifferent to the color red.

Taurus hairstyle

If anyone allows himself to appear in public in a disorderly manner, but not a Taurus woman. Her hair is always well-groomed, beautiful. Prefers medium to long hairstyles, and often wears her hair down. Doesn't spare money for hair care. He likes to use foams, mousses, gels, with which you can come up with a beautiful hairstyle. Often wear hairstyles with bangs.

Taurus Manicure

As a practical and hardworking sign, they don't really like to grow large nails, because with them it will be difficult to perform most of the manipulations of the hands, which Taurus does very successfully. Therefore, there is no particular predilection for long nails. But the nails will always be well-groomed. I like it if the color of nails or painting is the same as the color of lipstick.

Have an impact Venus and Moon- two heavenly bodies, symbolizing the feminine. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign often have a very beautiful appearance, and Taurus women are the personification of sensuality, femininity, beauty and charm.

The main distinguishing external feature of Taurus can be called their large, very expressive almond-shaped eyes with a haze. The eyebrows of Taurus are thick, thin, often rising slightly to the temples, as if they further emphasize the beauty and expressiveness of their eyes. The forehead of Taurus is small, smooth and clean, Taurus rarely frowns. The nose of representatives of this sign is usually small and neat, sometimes slightly upturned. The mouth of Taurus is small, with tender and sensual lips. The lips of Taurus are often plump, which speaks of their sensitivity and love for sensual pleasures. The chin is often quite small and has a small dimple - the symbol of Venus. The oval of the face of Taurus is most often rounded, the skin is delicate, thin. Moon-dominated Taurus are often very white-skinned. A characteristic feature of the appearance of many typical Taurus - round cheeks with dimples, which gives them a special charm and good looks. Taurus hair is thin, obedient, sometimes a little curly.

Typical Taurus have beautiful figures, but sometimes they are spoiled by a tendency to be overweight, often making itself felt with age. The body of Taurus is rarely muscular and pumped up; for Taurus men with the negative influence of Venus, some effeminate figure may be characteristic. But Taurus women, especially in their youth, often boast a very beautiful "guitar" figure, with rounded hips, a large bust and a thin waist. Taurus hands and feet are often very small and graceful.

Fashion and Style

Typical Taurus usually attach great importance to clothing. Both men and women of this sign follow fashion, love expensive, beautiful and high-quality clothes and have a good sense of style. Most Taurus have impeccable taste. In clothes, Taurus prefer pastel colors and the colors of Venus: pink, green, aquamarine, blue. Of the fabrics, Taurus most of all like silk and velvet. They also really like clothes with a variety of embroidery and appliqués. With clothes, Taurus first of all try to emphasize their beauty. Both women and men of this sign like to look seductive and sexy. Taurus women prefer to wear mini skirts that fit the figure, short dresses and blouses with a deep neckline. Taurus men wear tight jeans and shirts unbuttoned at the chest.

Both women and men of the Taurus sign are very fond of various jewelry made of expensive metals and precious stones. Taurus women adorn themselves with massive gold and silver bracelets, earrings with expensive stones, and Taurus men love to wear gold rings, chains and bracelets.

Thanks to impeccable taste, any Taurus woman with makeup can make herself a real beauty. Taurus women love to make up, but they always keep a sense of proportion and never overdo it with cosmetics. Taurus women do not like short haircuts, they believe that hair is the main decoration of a woman, so they are carefully looked after, pampering them with nourishing masks and balms. Of all the hairstyles, they prefer long flowing hair. Many Taurus Women love to wear bangs.

Both men and women Taurus are happy to use perfumes. They prefer delicate, slightly sweet, floral scents. Smells mean a lot to these representatives of Venus, so they will never save on price and perfume themselves with cheap and not very good-smelling toilet water. Perfumes they prefer the best quality and do not spare money for the most expensive and well-known perfumes.

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Complete general summary horoscope for Taurus

Strong planets: Venus, Chiron, Moon

Weak planets: Mars, Pluto, Uranus

Element: Earth

Symbol: head and horns of a bull

Colour: yellow

Metal: copper

Landscape: hills

Favorable numbers: 6, 2, 15

Unfavorable Numbers: 3, 8

Happy Days: Monday Friday

Characteristics of Taurus

Taurus born in different decades, differ from each other.

For Taurus born in the first decade - April 21 to May 1, - Venus influences more. They have good mental abilities. Propensity for business and agriculture, love to work on the land. An integral part of their character is sincerity.

Important years: 16, 24, 30, 33, 39, 45, 51, 57.

For Taurus born in the second decade - from 2 to 11 May, - influences Mercury. These Taurus are practical, inclined towards politics and art. Eager to achieve success.

Important years:

For Taurus born in the third decade - from 12 to 20 May, - Saturn influences. These Taurus are unsociable, pessimistic, afraid of poverty and prone to loneliness. At the same time, they are prudent and patient.

Important years: 16, 21, 24, 33, 41, 50, 60, 64.

Venus makes Taurus charming, beautiful, able to create comfort in the house. Many of them she gives singing talent. Thanks to the influence of Venus, Taurus are able to soberly assess the situation, never overestimating their abilities. They strive with all their might to avoid conflicts, and if they arise, then it is a matter of honor to settle them for them.

Moon influence makes Taurus hospitable, economic, careful, attentive to the needs of their children and parents. They respect the traditions of their kind.

Taurus love comfort, try to equip their home with the most modern and expensive devices.

They are self-possessed, practical, conservative, patient, do not like change, constant in their life principles, hardy, disciplined and honest. By nature, they strive for a prosperous life.

They have "golden hands" - everything they do, they do thoroughly. Taurus has everything in place, everything is in business. They are economical, frugal, thrifty and always have a stash for a rainy day.

Striving for harmony, completeness and beauty, Taurus often become collectors of antiques, that is, everything that is solid, durable, will serve for a long time and is not cheap. They love things that increase in value over time - books, gold, securities, luxury goods, real estate, land, paintings, and expensive brands of cars. Like a magnet, they attract money and things. The heap of good things they have collected provides them with the peace of mind that they yearn for. Living surrounded by expensive things, Taurus feel confident in their present and future. Taurus appreciate everything material, the instinct of accumulation of material values ​​is in their blood.

Taurus know how to make and spend money. They can conscientiously work in one place for many years. They do not like unfinished business and at the first opportunity they try to complete them.

Nature endows Taurus with many abilities, so their ambitions develop with age.

Taurus by nature is given good health. Which is important to keep. Don't squander. Mentally, Taurus is stable. They live a long time thanks to a large supply of vitality. As long as their health permits, they smoke, drink and talk a lot.

Taurus are domestic people, but sometimes they lack subtlety. They can afford rude jokes. In relationships with loved ones, they prefer not beautiful, tender words, but expensive gifts.

Taurus Appearance

Many Taurus have a beautiful appearance. Taurus women have a strong, tightly knit figure, a powerful neck, and a magnetic look. The forehead is steep, high. Women have a crease in the neck.

Taurus Man firmly knocked down only in the upper part - he has a powerful scruff, broad shoulders, but below there is not enough massiveness.

Taurus skin is good, hairless. And both in women and men.

Many Taurus have a big belly. The nostrils are strongly pronounced.

Bad sign for Taurus– narrow face, black hair.

Sexual horoscope Taurus

Taurus - lovers of all carnal pleasures. They need an object of constant affection. Because of their innate conservatism, they are more likely to count on marriage than on a casual relationship. Treat your loved one like property. Sensitive, tireless, traditional and conservative in sex. Sex occupies an important place in their lives.

Man born under the sign of Taurus

He is self-confident, has self-esteem. You can’t call him a refined and refined lover, but his passion is strong and exciting for women. He loves sex and tactile caresses (touches). In closeness, he is inclined towards equality, does not seek to suppress a woman. He is open in all manifestations of intimacy and offers the same openness to a woman. Very jealous. In choosing women, he is absolutely independent and relies only on his own experience. It is difficult to seduce him with all sorts of female tricks. To do this, he is smart enough, careful and insightful. Retains excellent physical shape until old age. Appreciates marriage and cherishes it.

Woman born under the sign of Taurus

This is a sensual woman. She strives to surround herself with beautiful things and beautiful men. She loves sex, can be rude, but is able to give refined sensual pleasure. Love relationships are easy. The joy from the fullness of sensations is transmitted to her chosen one. However, his joy is short-lived, after a short time he finds it in the arms of another. She follows a new attraction recklessly, trying to draw in a new partner an unexplored pleasure.

For men, she is attractive and alluring, but unreliable and wasteful. Likes expensive gifts.

Erogenous Zones of Taurus

The sensitive area of ​​Taurus is the neck.

Horoscope of fidelity and betrayal of Taurus

Taurus love stability, stable well-established life. They are homebodies. In essence, they are not prone to treason.

You can guess about the infidelity of Taurus by the fact that he became emotional, stopped giving gifts, stopped paying attention to you, became indifferent to family affairs and order in the house.

Taurus marriage horoscope

In their youth, Taurus has many novels, as they love carnal pleasures, but having gained experience, they strive for a permanent partner and a stable family environment.

Taurus men almost perfect husbands. They are faithful, reliable, generous, homely, love home comfort and their own home.

Taurus Women pleasant, practical, a partner for marriage is chosen carefully. They can offer a husband a lot: housekeeping, taste, charm, sexuality, but they also require moral and material satisfaction.

The best partners for Taurus- Cancer, Pisces, Virgo.

failed marriage- Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

Taurus health horoscope

Usually Taurus have a strong physique and can live to old age without disease. By nature, they are given good health.

When Taurus deviates from the line of fate, the neck, throat, lower jaw, thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus gland, tonsils and oral cavity become vulnerable.

They are haunted by frequent headaches, colds and depression.

Most diseases of Taurus- a consequence of intemperance in food, stress and overwork.

Taurus need to limit themselves in food, but not starve.

Taurus needs to move more, to be in the fresh air more. The best medicine for them is a trip to nature, to the country house - to dig in the beds.

Taurus Professions

Suitable Professions for Taurus: businessman, realtor, manager, engineer, doctor, artist, farmer (livestock breeder or farmer), florist, cook, confectioner, baker, restaurant owner, designer, builder, artist.

Western Compatibility Horoscope for Taurus

Taurus– Aries. The union of two self-sufficient, temperamental people. But it doesn't last long. Inevitably, mutual irritation appears, because they do not want to hear each other and do not want to make concessions. Real feelings between them are rare.

Taurus- Taurus. The union of two Taurus is favorable and can be happy and lasting. They are sincerely attached to each other. The fear of losing a relationship makes them look for compromises. Home, work, and family are priorities for Taurus. And they are ready to build a house, create comfort, invest in the family.

Taurus- Twins. It is unlikely that marriage can be successful. Different lifestyle, different values, different temperament, different sexuality. But if the relationship is friendly, related or partner, and sex is not important to them, then they can live together.

Taurus- Cancer. A strong alliance is possible. Marriage is possible on the compatibility of the elements, as patriarchal. Both strive for material wealth. One works, the other enjoys the results. Taurus will have to drag Cancer through life, and Cancer will most likely cheat. The relationship of these two signs can attract monetary energy.

Taurus- A lion. A tiring difficult relationship, with constant quarrels. Daily routine can bring both to a boil. But if there is a common goal, then they will keep the marriage.

Taurus– Virgo. A strong bond of similar kindred spirits. Common interests, love for home comfort and peace strengthen their union. However, Virgos are cold in sex, which can cause problems in love relationships. If the relationship is partnership, then the marriage can be saved.

Taurus- Scales. For this couple, complete harmony and a happy marriage are possible. (The common strong planet is Venus). These signs have similar temperaments and goals: domestic comfort, willingness to compromise, holidays with family and friends, a quiet, calm coexistence. Common children and joint projects strengthen this alliance. Quarrels between Taurus and Libra are rare.

Taurus- Scorpion. This union is first characterized by mutual attraction, the desire to learn as much as possible about each other. But as the relationship develops, unreasonable jealousy and excessive suspicion appear. Quarrels are possible.

Taurus– Sagittarius. Such friendly and matrimonial unions are rare. These are too different people, they have nothing to talk about. Good relationships are possible subject to a large age difference, or a radical change in lifestyle on the part of Sagittarius.

Taurus- Capricorn. Quite a harmonious union. Time only strengthens it. These two signs develop in the same direction over the years, do not lose the freshness of feelings. They have common goals, both are material, practical, hardworking. Such families, as a rule, are happy and have many children, like business partners, their profits are growing rapidly, and as friends, they always come to each other's aid.

Taurus- Aquarius. This is a union of representatives of different elements. A difficult and difficult union. It is characterized by the opposite in views and goals, the difference in sexual behavior, unwillingness to concede in disputes. But their relationship, oddly enough, is stable. They can tolerate each other for many years, although all these years they are burning with the desire to leave. What keeps them together is their unwillingness to seek a better life. Friendship is possible.

Taurus- Fish. Great union, strong relationship, good compatibility. There is a difference in temperaments, Pisces are coldish. But at a more mature age, the difference in temperaments is no longer so obvious.

Born under the sign of Taurus: I. Kant, P. Tchaikovsky, Alexander P, Nikolai P, Marie Medici, Delacroix, Catherine II, O. Cromwell, Robespierre, O. Balzac, I. Brahms, Z. Freud, V. Lenin, G. Truman, A. Barbusse, V. Vasnetsov, J. Hasek, A. Krupp, N. Machiavelli, K. Marx.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Complete general summary horoscope for Taurus

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Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Consider how the sign Taurus and the type of appearance are connected in astrology. Taurus () - densely built, inclined to be overweight, with a strong neck and shoulders.

Taurus - the appearance of the zodiac sign

The hands are short and fleshy, and the same can be said about the feet. When walking, first step on the heel, and waddle. The skin is thick and becomes wrinkled with age. Gray hair appears later than usual. Dimples on the cheeks or a cleft chin give the Sun in Taurus or Taurus on the Ascendant.

The same may be in connection with Venus near the Ascendant or in conjunction with the Sun. The hair is thick, and baldness is less common, unless, of course, other factors of the horoscope indicate this, for example, when the element of fire is enhanced.

He usually has large brown eyes, dark curly hair, a round head with a wide forehead and thick lips. The hands and feet are often small and fleshy. Taurus belongs to the element of Earth.

Taurus women, regardless of height, are well built. Men usually have a muscular neck, chest and back, broad shoulders. Movements are slow (in women they are gracefully lazy).

Taurus eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly, so they almost always have good digestion. The ears are small, tightly pressed to the head. The skin is usually dark. Taurus is characterized by a confident, silent behavior and a charming smile of Venus (this planet rules it).

What does a Taurus look like?

This sign, like the other three fixed signs Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, is among the strong. Taurus is an aesthetic sign. If your Sun or Ascendant is in Taurus, then this does not mean at all that you are terribly beautiful, although, no doubt, attractive.

Eyebrows, a small nose, mouth and chin are directed up or down. The ears are small and close to the head. The chin is rounded and the jaws are large. The eyes are slightly protruding, often blue with heavy eyelids and a passionate look. In races where there are generally no blue eyes, the eyes will be light brown, and the round eyes of the white race correspond to almond-shaped yellow.

Appearance of the zodiac sign Taurus. If Taurus occupies a dominant position in the horoscope, then the person may look like he has no neck, and there will be something bullish in his appearance. Taurus is considered a shorter stature sign, and people born under this sign are often stocky and broad-shouldered with relatively short arms and legs.

In Taurus, like Leo, the front teeth are bifurcated, but this will not always be noticeable, especially if the teeth have been corrected. The famous tennis player Pancho Gonzalez can serve as an example of the characteristic appearance of Taurus. His Ascendant, the Sun and Venus, the ruler of both, are in Taurus, as is Mercury. This is a natural and beautiful (Venus) person, of a large build, front teeth forked, hair thick and wavy.

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