Designation of colors in psychology. The meaning of white in psychology

landscaping 16.10.2019

Color- this is what surrounds every person every day, causes special emotions and sensations. The choice of clothes, interior items, improvised means and much more according to shades and palettes directly speaks of a person’s preferences, his state of mind and inner feelings. Preferences in colors also characterize the temperament and mood regarding the upcoming event.

Choosing the right tone contributes to various effects and can even guarantee success in various endeavors (at work, dating, meeting important people, etc.).

Understanding what certain shades and combinations carry in themselves, it will be easier for each person to navigate and even direct the course of events in the right direction. You can understand your condition, see changes in your friends and acquaintances, help improve your mood and much more by choosing and combining certain colors in your style and environment (objects on the desktop, home interior etc.).

Experts have proven that certain events or memories are directly related to a particular color. Almost everyone associates various holidays and events with bright colors, such as red, orange, green, pink, yellow, etc. Sad events always blow in black or gray tones.

Subconsciously, people similarly perceive and react to colors. Since childhood, a person gets used to perceive red as an alarming sign, prohibition and anxiety. Green, on the contrary, allows you to perform the desired actions, confidently move forward without feeling danger. Each of them has its own characteristics, differently affect the perception and psychological state of a person.

Purple color in psychology

When you combine red and blue, you get purple. Deciphering this shade has certain difficulties and several nuances. Most artists in antiquity painted pregnant girls using this palette shade. This phenomenon is explained by consonance with sensuality.

AT modern world experts argue about its negative and even depressive effects on a person. Most self-critical, gloomy, dissatisfied personalities prefer to surround themselves with purple objects and clothing. Using it in small amounts can be beneficial, because purple overestimates self-esteem. It should be noted that this color is not used when working with the elderly and young children.

Blue color in psychology

The blue option is preferred by many people. This happens because of the palpable magnetism. It is when contemplating saturated blue things that a person tends to immerse himself in thoughts, reflect on the meaning of life and the eternal. In films and stories, magicians are depicted in blue robes. Buddha and Krishna are blue in color, which speaks of wisdom and inner harmony.

Most often, this option is preferred by purposeful, selfless people who have personal views and points of view. Clothing in such colors exudes rigor, high spirituality and a serious life position. Blue is good for nervous system, has calming properties and extinguishes excessive passion.

Yellow color in psychology

This color is one of the brightest and most positive. The color of summer, sun and heat has a positive effect on brain activity, improves mood and makes the imagination work. Of course, the excessive use of yellow shades in clothes and interiors can lead to overexcitation. In the interior, it must be harmoniously combined with darker and more peaceful tones.

Yellow is preferred by positive and talented individuals. Those who have great amount ideas and talents. Purposeful, positive and able to adapt to the interlocutor people. In addition to all these positive characteristics yellow has the other side of the coin. It is he who is considered a symbol of dementia and insanity.

Green color in psychology

The symbol of spring, rebirth and peace of mind is exactly green color. Healing and relaxing properties have long been proven. Prolonged contemplation on green brings absent-mindedness and boredom.

Lovers of the green palette have balance, efficiency, inner harmony and the ability to logically assess the situation. Green extinguishes negative impacts depressive and negative colors. That is why it is combined with dark depressive tones (purple, black, etc.) to create the perfect clothes and interiors.

Red color in psychology

A victorious color characterized by excessive activity, purposefulness, rigidity and even aggressiveness. Also, it is red that compares passion, love and self-sacrifice. It is most often used in marketing concepts (posters, advertisements, etc.) and in danger signs (traffic, traffic lights). Experts do not recommend getting carried away and looking at the red color of the palette for a long time.

Persons who sympathize with red have a strong character, obvious courage and determination. Passion, impulsiveness, dominance and perseverance can play both for the good and for the harm of a person.

Orange color in psychology

Orange is pretty close to yellow. It has similar features and properties. Cheerfulness, positive attitude, passion, willingness to solve challenging tasks, joy and spontaneity - all this carries this version of the palette. Orange has a positive effect on a person and takes him out of a depressive state after heavy losses and disappointments. Included in the list best colors for psychotherapy.

Lovers of this color have forgiving, easy-going, bright character traits. It is worth considering that their feature is inconstancy and arrogance.

Lilac color in psychology

Lilac is the symbol of affection and warm feelings. He suggests a philosophical outlook on life, peace of mind and the feeling of flying.

Lilac lovers are very romantic, sentimental, dreamy, romantic and sensual natures. Despite the softness of nature, they have impeccable mental abilities and excellent ingenuity. Careful attention to your appearance and to the appearance of others, readiness to help - another quality is an integral quality of "lilac" people.

Blue color in psychology

Surrounding yourself with blue flowers, a person feels comfort, security and reliability. It allows you to disconnect from all problems, not to think about tomorrow and existing problems.

All those who prefer this shade option are concentrated, self-confident, straightforward and concentrated personalities. They are great office workers. Those who know how to quietly but confidently achieve the desired result.

Pink color in psychology

Pink is the color of naivety, childhood, carelessness and love. Naive dreams and fantasies, calming and distracting from bad thoughts - these are the properties that pink colors have.

Pink lovers are very hardworking, dreamy and dedicated to their work. They are touchy, whiny, have a good temperament and even childish naivety.

Black color in psychology

Despite associations with grief and sadness, black always attracts the attention of others. The embodiment of strength, confidence, intrigue, wealth and mystery also carries this version of the palette. In moments of depression, it only aggravates the situation, delays the process of sadness and detachment from the outside world.

Black lovers are most often gloomy, self-contained and too serious personalities.

White color in psychology

Purity, innocence and exceptionally light associations carry white tones. New beginnings, a symbol of freedom, inspiration, peace and faith.

Medical staff wear white coats. This is due to the color's associations with goodness, honesty and perfection. In many countries, this color is present in traditional robes. It is impossible to accurately reveal the character of white lovers, since it is widely used as work clothes. It looks spectacular in combination with other color options and is a classic option.

Turquoise color in psychology

It is the coldest of the entire palette of shades. It has a very attractive appearance and leaves no one indifferent. Brings coolness sea ​​waves, healing, peace and creativity. Many people prefer to wear jewelry with turquoise, bringing good luck and protecting its owner.

Gray color in psychology

A mixture of completely opposite colors (black and white) carries a neutral feeling. The "golden mean" is mostly ignored by people, associated with everyday work and everyday life. Despite the fact that few people pay attention to grey colour, it carries friendliness, calmness, stability, realism and common sense.

A small percentage of those who prefer gray are friendly, courteous and patient by nature. Preference and surrounding yourself with gray tones indicates emotional exhaustion and nervousness of a person.

Brown color in psychology

The symbol of industriousness, reliability, stability, devotion to work and one's work is precisely cinnamon. The negative side is the association of brown with doubts and disappointments.

Those who prefer the brown colors of the palette are purposeful and loving life personalities. They are reasonable, rational and optimistic.

Psychology of color in clothes

For business meetings and work promotions, strict blue, light blue, brown, gray outfits are ideal. Combinations of white and black colors also have a positive effect.

Meeting with friends and relatives, walking in the park, around the city require brighter and richer colors, especially if it is a warm period of time. Clothes of green, yellow, turquoise, lilac, orange tones cannot be ignored and left hanging in the closet.

For a date and a romantic dinner, the weaker sex quite often resorts to outfits with red accents and elements. This move kindles passion and has an exciting effect on partners.

The psychology of color in the interior

Bright shades (yellow, orange, green, red) are most often used in the design of the kitchen. Furniture of these colors helps to increase appetite and improve mood.

Blue, purple and blue are actively used in bathrooms.

It is undesirable to use blue, purple and white in children's rooms. It is best to organize children's rooms in pink, peach and other warm colors.

Very often, public institutions (cafes, restaurants, hotels) resort to decorating the room with the help of brown and red shades.

Grey+red. According to the famous psychologist Max Luscher, this combination means impulsiveness or ill-considered actions. When a protective or camouflage gray color precedes an active red, impulsive actions are covert, they are carried out in the hope that they will not cause serious consequences and will not require responsibility for them.

Grey+black. Structural meaning - complete isolation or absolute non-participation.

Grey+yellow. Indecisiveness or lack of decision.

Grey+Green . Emphasizing one's independence or defending one's own superiority.

Grey+Purple . Cautious sensitivity. A person has a desire to identify himself with someone or something, but he does not allow himself to openly declare such a desire, therefore all his actions are of a cautious nature of probing and exploration.

©Flickr/Rex Boggs

Blue+white means coldness, remoteness, purity.

Blue+pink. Shyness, shyness, disunity.

Blue + green. The meaning is strict control or internal order.

Blue+red means joining forces with other people or the fullness of emotional sensations. Ability to build mutually beneficial relationships with friends and colleagues. In personal life, it is considered a symbol of a harmonious combination of sexual activity and tenderness.

Blue+yellow. Emotional dependence or willingness to help a group of people. The "blue" desire to understand and be understood and the "yellow" desire create behavior that people like, and their sympathies will be on your side.

Blue+black. Absolute peace.

©Flickr/Rilind Hoxha

Green+red means purposeful activity or controlled initiative. This is a purposeful and domineering group of two colors independent of each other.

Green+yellow. Demanding recognition or ambition.

Green+white. Purity and clarity.

Green+purple. Irresponsible coquetry. A person makes efforts to achieve recognition from other people, but having received recognition, does not want to feel bound by obligations.

Green+black. Stubborn rejection or sanctimonious sense of self-righteousness.

©Flickr/Lemuel Cantos

Red+orange. Sharp irritation.

Red+yellow . Development of new areas. Both red and yellow are directed beyond the personality, so this combination is very active and directed to the outer sphere. It can also mean radiance, warmth, joy.

Red+black. Exaggeration of desires, dramatization of reality. It also means danger and suppression of life.

Yellow+white. Clarification, enlightenment.

Yellow + purple. Meaning: thirst for adventure, often unrealistic, leading to an escape from reality.

Yellow+black. Sudden crisis or willful decisions. It can also mean a break and attract attention.

©Flickr/Alias ​​0591

Orange+Green. Impulsiveness

Orange+purple. Intoxication, stun

Orange+black means violence.

Orange+blue. Hidden, rushing energy, a combination of isolation and energy.

Purple+blue. Aesthetic sensibility or erotic sensuality. Such people have a well-developed aesthetic sense of beauty.

Purple + red. Meaning: the ability to react quickly, susceptibility to external stimuli.

Purple+black. A person feels a need to identify with someone or a desire to become a part of something.

Brown + gray. This combination indicates a decline in strength.

Brown+blue. Sensual lightness or "sluggish attachment".

Brown+Green. The demand for physical relief, more comfortable conditions for something.

Brown+red. Sense gratification or self-indulgence.

Brown+yellow. Complete security or unlimited relaxation.

Brown+purple means sensuality or carnal attraction.

Brown+black. Self neglect.

Be attentive to what combinations of colors you yourself wear, your loved ones wear, what colors prevail in your home interior, and draw conclusions about what you unconsciously broadcast to others, and what they, in turn, want to “tell” you .

Each person, to a greater or lesser extent, feels the influence that the color of things and objects has on his mood and even well-being. Choosing a color or shade, we show our special associations in relation to it. If we like a color, then we are pleased to wear clothes in its tones, to be in a room where our favorite palette prevails in the interior. It is not surprising that many sciences study the meaning. In psychology, for example, the choice of shade will tell in detail about the character of the individual, his temperament, habits and behavior.

History of the method

Mankind has always been aware of the influence that the world. He also argued that all dark colors excite consciousness, and dark colors calm. The meaning of white and other colors must be interpreted depending on the area in which the shade is applied. So, in clothes, a person may have one preference, and in interior design others.

Despite this, the value white color allows you to draw conclusions about the nature of the individual. Such a theory was put forward many years ago by abstract artists: Wassily Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich, Piet Mondrian, Johannes Itten. Thanks to their research, they determined that in psychology, white color affects the well-being and physical condition of body systems through subconscious processes. In ancient Egypt, China and India, healers and shamans, who then acted as psychologists, knew about the influence of white color on the state of the psyche. The well-known Avicenna made his conclusions about such a phenomenon in his time.

Today's color treatment system has its roots in 19th century developments. A group of American and British scientists led by Edwin Babbit studied in detail the degree and nature of the influence and meaning of white color in practical psychology. Today, all specialists in this area use the improved developments of these specialists.

general characteristics

White is the fusion of all the colors of the rainbow. Surprisingly, it is. The fact is perceived by a person quite symbolically. It seems as if the whole material world merges at one point, so we are able to see the white color, which in psychology has many meanings.

Even without carrying out scientific research ancient people elevated it to the rank of a divine principle. And to this day, this perception remains relevant. The meaning of white flowers often indicated purity and light. And light is a symbol of divine power, the mind of the individual. In psychology, perhaps, there is no such symbolic color as white. He is everything and nothing. A white surface inherently reflects all light rays that hit it. Therefore, we see just such a color of the object. The meaning of white colors in this plane is very important, as it is interconnected with the peculiarities of human perception.

Besides, white is its Antipode black paints. This fact is taken into account by psychologists. After all, the struggle of light and shadow, good and evil is eternal. It should also be noted that white color is perceived differently by women and men, adults and children. When analyzing the mental state of a person, it is necessary to take into account every nuance in the study.

Features of physical perception

The meaning of white color in psychology is largely determined by its physical qualities. When a surface reflects light rays, the human eye can detect a white color. But at the same time, radiation increases the volume of the body. This can be easily verified by comparing two identical objects of different colors. The white thing definitely looks bigger and bigger than the black one. Even if they are completely identical products.

Therefore, when they want to increase space and volume, they use white color. But in clothes like this color scheme visually add a few centimeters to the figure. Therefore, you should also be careful here. Looks good on a white background bright colors- the basis of them only emphasizes. Therefore, drawing paper most often resembles clean, freshly fallen snow. On it, the palette “plays” even more colorful and more fun.

White color in psychology has a lot of interpretations. They all come down to a few simple facts. This should be taken into account when choosing a similar color for a specific purpose. After all, every color has its positive and negative characteristics.


White color is often associated with many concepts. It evokes both positive and negative emotions. Positive associations include purity, innocence, completeness and perfection. It symbolizes freedom and finally decision. This is lightness and unity, openness to new impressions and horizons. The fundamental quality is equality, since all colors merge in it in equal proportions. White color in psychology is associated with the sky and the highest radiance of the pure human mind. However, this color also has negative associations. These include isolation, boredom, sterility, and stiffness. It's a rejection and a disappointment. After fruitless attempts, the person was disappointed in obtaining the required result of his work. He has not gained anything, so he starts his life with a clean slate.

However, most often people perceive these colors in positive aspects. It all depends on the proportions and scope. If there are a lot of snow-white tones, the probability that their negative sides will appear increases significantly. Only by controlling the use of this associative means can reconciliation be achieved, because it is not for nothing that a white flag in battle means surrender.


Many religions of the world consider white as a symbol of divine energy, the basis of life. In ancient Greece, there was a mythical legend. It said that the souls of the dead, flying past it, forgot their past. It is a symbol of purification, renewal and liberation.

In Christianity, they have also long paid attention to the strengths that the white color has in psychology. What do psychologists say about this? They take into account the religious basis of the color, saying that it is overly associative. Just think: all the most significant events in the life of an Orthodox person are accompanied by dressing in snow-white robes. They flaunt during baptism, communion, confession, weddings.

Buddhism, on the other hand, perceives such symbolism as purification and liberation, gaining control over oneself and one's desires. It is enlightenment of the mind and spirit. Even the widely known concept of " white magic" means good, magic that serves the benefit of people, improves the situation, clears karma. It is because of such interpretations that the white color in psychology means purity and innocence, a new beginning and liberation.

Other color interpretations

Depending on the nationality, the white color can also be quite negative. Therefore, representatives of one nation will see positive features in it, and people of another nationality will be able to associate color with the negative aspects of its manifestation.

White color in human psychology requires individual approach to interpretation. For some nations, this color means grief and mourning, and sometimes it is even associated with betrayal, cowardice and blindness. In the countries of Asia, Africa and China, white has always meant sorrow and crying. Representatives of the Eastern states impeccably believe that in black clothes the soul of the deceased will be lost in darkness and will not find a way out of the darkness. Therefore, the dead were always dressed in white outfits.

Whether negative or positive, the associations with snow white have always been very strong. That is why you should not repaint everything in white colors. It must be used wisely, thoughtfully. Dilute light shades with details - it will never be superfluous.

Psychology of people of different categories

Not only different nationalities have their own characteristics in representatives of different ages and social groups also has its own vision for the tint palette. For example, the white color in the psychology of children is too complicated. First of all, it inhibits healthy development. It is important for a child to be surrounded by bright, iridescent colors. This gives the baby energy, prompting him to action, forcing him not to stand still. It has been proven that in such conditions children develop faster. White clothes for the little ones are chosen for the christening process. This symbolizes purity and protects the baby in the future.

But the white color in the psychology of a woman has always been considered a symbol of innocence, purity and virginity. Therefore, the bride wears a white dress. So she shows her husband and all those present that she is chaste and did not know love passion before. Also, in the understanding of a woman, white has never been solemn. Rather, it is associated with good taste. White clothes rarely look vulgar. She is often chosen for business meetings, interviews, official receptions. Overalls are also quite often sewn from white fabrics. This emphasizes its conciseness, purity, conscientious attitude of the employee to his work.


To understand the psychology of white color, you should familiarize yourself with its influence on some areas of human life and creativity. The interpretation of this paint in fine arts. Depicting pure white has always been problematic. Yes, and the artists did not want this: against the background of a blank canvas, such a palette would be inappropriate. Therefore, they mixed warm or cold shades and received various variations of a whitish color. However, in the visual arts, this color has always been equated with a divine, majestic influence.

Medieval masters used it when drawing pictures, icons with gold and diamonds. The immaculate purity of the Virgin Mary was emphasized by the materials. The clothes of the clergy also had a white color. With emperors and rulers different countries outfits had a similar light palette. White color surprisingly harmoniously looks both in a solid and artsy Empire style, and in gentle, romantic Rococo. It serves as the basis for highlighting other shades. After all, against its background, other colors look brighter.

Interior design

The psychological meaning of white is not the same. Much, as already mentioned, depends on its application in different areas human life. If in clothes or art some associations are formed with him, then when decorating the interior, a slightly different picture emerges. Designers use such paints to create the effect of lightness, completeness and volume of the room. This allows you to visually enlarge the space. Such an influence is similar to the principle of operation of mirrors.

In the interior, the walls or ceiling can be snow-white. But darker shades are selected for the floor. Most often, the designer uses whitening of walls and ceilings to create a base on which various stylistic effects will be applied. At the same time, there are no restrictions. Almost any style of interior design can be created on a similar foundation. If you turn to the principles of Feng Shui, you can find out that the northwestern rooms, decorated in white, will purify the energy of people in the house. It will restore activity and give strength for new achievements.

Human character and physiology

White color in the psychology of perception has a powerful effect on the physical condition of a person, even changing his character traits. The influence is carried out on the endocrine and visual systems. At first it calms, but after a certain time it starts to tire. The pupils constrict, all the senses sharpen. Including pain.

White clothes make the skin softer over time. It increases the energy of the body. If a person seeks to choose this particular color for his everyday clothes, this may indicate an insufficient level of vitality. The use of white fabrics can also symbolize the inner need of a person to free himself from the sad events of the past that burden his soul. It is possible to determine the true reasons for the choice of white color only with a more detailed analysis.

General symbols

The value of white in the modern world is great. Hue has long been a symbol of many events, things, objects, signs that are known throughout the world. For example, the dove of peace and the house of the government must be white, it is also associated with a verse without rhyme, a flag during surrender, etc.

It is a universal language understood by many. Therefore, it is this paint that is considered a universally reconciling, global force. Having become acquainted with such a concept in psychology as the meaning of white, we can conclude that this is a powerful flow of energy that can influence a person and entire nations. In the hands of intelligent people, its influence will always be creative.

anna base

“There are no comrades for the taste and color,” says the common phrase. Have you ever wondered why this is happening? What is visual perception? What secrets of the human psyche are hidden behind banal color preferences?

Physiology of color perception

The ability to distinguish colors is not inherent in us from birth. A newborn child has contrast vision: he distinguishes between light and dark. The next stage - notices the movement, after - the shape and shape, and lastly begins to distinguish colors.

Getting on the receptors of the eye retina - cones (they are responsible for color and black and white vision) and rods (responsible for black and white vision), color photons cause their excitation and inhibition, thus transmitting information to the brain.

Retinal receptors responsible for color vision (cones) in humans and primates have a certain type of light-sensitive pigment that allows you to distinguish colors:


Thomas Jung at the beginning of the 19th century empirically showed that all visible colors spectrum can be obtained by mixing these three colors.

The physiology of color perception is connected with the higher and primitive areas of activity of the cerebral cortex. The functions of perception, distinctions and the ability to name colors are the results of human development, and not instinctive reactions, therefore, are under the control of higher areas of the cerebral cortex. Primitive areas of the brain control reflex reactions to color (light and dark).

Psychology of color perception

Color perception is biased, since many factors affect the preference for one color or another:

life experience;
health status;
place and living conditions;
mental condition;
belonging to a certain culture;
brightness, saturation, color change rate;
background color, neighboring objects, illumination.

In each specific situation, whether it is the choice of the color of an outfit, an interior, a car, we are guided by additional factors: whether the outfit will be in harmony with other details of clothing, whether the color of the interior matches the residential purpose of the room, and so on. The choice is completely conditional.

Arguments about which color is better are meaningless, since each individual perceives colors through the prism of his own subjective experience.

To make it clear why this happens, let us turn to the origins of the origin of mankind.

Then two factors were decisive for life on earth: day and night. Light and darkness. At night, a person ceased to engage in vigorous activity, instinctively devoted this time to rest, sleep, and recuperation. All processes in the body, in particular, the work of the endocrine glands, slowed down.

The day brought with it the possibility of active actions (producing food,). Metabolism, the work of the glands intensified, the influx of energy pushed for active actions.

Sympathy for a particular color is due to the peculiarities of the brain and the functioning of body systems in a certain period of life.

To make it clear what meaning each color has, which reflects the favor for some colors and the rejection of others, let's turn to the research of the Swiss psychologist Max Luscher.

Luscher color test

Psychologist Max Luscher long time studied the phenomenon of visual perception. As a result, data were obtained on the direct relationship of the psychological state of the individual with the most preferred colors. Luscher created a unique method of color diagnostics. It is called the Luscher test.

We'll tell you in in general terms about a simplified, but quite informative, version of the test.

The test is carried out by laying out cards colored in eight different colors on the principle of decreasing sympathy for flowers. The cards are numbered:

primary colors: blue (1), green (2), red (3), yellow (4);
auxiliary: purple (5), brown (6), black (7), gray (0).

When passing the test, you need to distract from the relationship of colors to each other. Perceive only the color itself abstractly, without any assessments, do not think about whether you like clothes of this color, whether such tones are acceptable in the interior.

This procedure is carried out twice. When making a choice for the second time, you do not need to think about or remember which tones were chosen earlier. This will result in two rows of numbers that must be written in order of preference. Based on the data obtained during the test, a person receives an exhaustive analysis of his personal psychological state.

Interestingly, the Luscher color test is sometimes used as an auxiliary diagnostic method when making a medical diagnosis, it can warn about the occurrence of painful conditions: heart failure, contractions of cerebral vessels, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The objectivity of the test is due to the perception of color through contrasts. So, if the body is subject to excessive stress, needs appeasement, peace, emotional and physical rest, stress relief - the choice will instinctively fall on more dark colors. If there is a desire for energetic activity, engaging in creativity, brighter tones will become the result of the choice.

Color blindness (the inability to distinguish one or more colors) does not prevent you from passing the test and getting reliable results.

Colors for the test were selected thoroughly on the basis of psychological and physiological significance. These data are universal for any person. The main condition is a clear understanding of how the diagnosis is carried out: the subject must arrange the colored cards in order of their preference on an intuitive level.

The interpretation of the test results is based on the interpretation of:

places (order) of each card;
the values ​​of the selected colors;
the values ​​of the ratio of colors in pairs of cards that are in the same position at each choice (for example, at the first choice, green took the leading place, and at the second yellow).

People taking the test are often shocked by the fact that simply by laying out colorful cards, it is possible to reveal the psychological state so deeply.

Here is a brief meaning of the positions of the cards

The color of the very first card in each row means the method of moving towards the goal, the state in which a person strives to achieve what he wants. For example, if the first color is blue, then main method- peace, tranquility.

The second position is the true goal, what a person strives for.

The third and fourth places reflect the situation, the circumstances of the current period of life at the time of testing.

The fifth and sixth cards denote indifference, their meaning is not rejected, but has no place in the current situation.

The seventh and eighth - hostility, rejection, antipathy, forcedly suppressed needs.

Meaning of eight colors

Each of the eight colors has a specific meaning, below are brief characteristics.

Blue colour symbolizes the depth of feelings, peace, concentration. People who choose blue are sensitive, receptive, and want wholeness. They need love, tenderness, mutual affection. This is the color of fidelity, it promotes philosophical reflections, concentration. Not for nothing that you can endlessly look at the sea. Rejection of blue color testifies to unsatisfied needs of an emotional nature, a suppressed desire for peace.

Green color indicates the flexibility of the mind. Its psychological components: stubbornness, perseverance, resistance to change, self-confidence. People who choose green are firm in their opinions, true to principles. It is important for them to strengthen their own significance, self-respect, dominance over others.

Red color symbolizes willpower, blood, fire, masculinity. Embodies desires, passionate aspirations. Exciting effect on the nervous system. Raises blood pressure, enhances the work of the endocrine system.

The rejection of red expresses irritation from a lack of vital energy, hostility to excited activity. This may be due to physical weakness, fatigue, or heart failure.

Yellow- spontaneity, spontaneity, a source of bright joy and cheerful optimism. Those who prefer yellow are characterized by the desire for happiness, hope, impulsiveness. The expectation of happiness is manifested in various forms: from an intimate adventure to a spiritual quest culminating in enlightenment. If the yellow color is denied, then this is a clear indication that hopes and desires have collapsed, the person feels alienated.

Purple- a combination of red and blue. Represented by a separate color that combines the impulsive passion of red and the deep peace of blue. The person who likes purple believes in miracles, expects magic, wants to impress, wants to be admired. Retains childish spontaneity in adulthood. Not without reason, babies, after they learn to distinguish colors, choose purple from the multi-colored toys offered.

Brown color signifies the importance of physical perception. Choice Brown color indicates that a person has certain physical ailments, problems, the inability to ensure their own safety, a sense of anxiety. There is a desire to get rid of problems that cause physical discomfort.

When the Luscher test was given to people who had gone through the war, most of them preferred brown due to psychological decline and health problems.

Black color embodies the rejection of color. Black color is "no", the termination of life, destruction. People who put black at the top of their list of preferences - reject everything, protest, proclaim what they don't like established order of things. Riot is their lifestyle. Here it is appropriate to recall the movement called "Goths", which deny the rules, conventions, do not recognize other colors.

Grey colour symbolizes neutrality. It is not light and not dark, not bright and not pale. He is nobody's, psychologically neutral. People who have chosen gray and put it in the first place want to protect themselves from the outside world, they want no one to interfere in their lives. When solving their own problems, they take an observant position.

The psychology of perception is a subtle, complex science, but insanely interesting. External sense organs receive signals from outside and send them to the brain. The brain at the reflex level (automatically) correlates the received signals with the internal state of the body, processes the information, and gives the result. Thus, knowing what colors a person likes, one can easily analyze not only his internal psychological state, but also his physical health.

December 25, 2013, 09:19

A lot depends on the right color in clothes, interior and even hair. Choosing the right color for the room office space or your own style, you can succeed in business and love affairs. In addition, the character of a person can be determined by his favorite shades. Below we will tell you the meaning of colors in psychology, which one and how it affects others, what it tells people.

Personality by favorite color

Why do some people like red and others like green? It seems to be impossible to explain. But not everyone thinks so. Psychologists are sure that there is a certain pattern here between character traits and the chosen shade. According to them, it looks something like this:

Personality Features


Symbolizes the desire of a person to become successful. The one who loves red is distinguished by strong-willed character, courage and determination. However, there is also a downside here - the unrestrained energy seething in you haunts you and those around you.

If, on the contrary, you put this shade at the end of the list, you often doubt yourself, have a number of unnecessary complexes.


Close to red, but softer and less aggressive. Associated with a subtle nature, a romantic mood, living in a world of dreams all his life. It is dangerous to have serious business with such a person; he can fail due to his airy nature.


Symbolizes light and warmth. This is a sign of optimism, calmness, a friendly attitude towards people. His lovers are sociable, easily find contact with others, original and imaginative. However, they are often selfish and distrustful.

If, on the contrary, you don’t like yellow, then this person is a pessimist, unsociable and extremely serious in business.


Such a person is romantic, dreamy and has extraordinary intuition, original, sometimes reckless. Among the shortcomings can be noted inconstancy and hypocrisy. If a person’s orange is in last place, he is a loner, it is difficult to get along with people and has only a couple of close friends. However, he is faithful to them and will never betray.

Green, blue and their shades: how do these colors affect the personality?

People who prefer these colors tend to be calm and peaceful. But they also have disadvantages, in more detail below:

  • Green. If you prefer it, you lack confidence. Someone else's influence is constantly pressing, and you cannot get rid of it. However, these are far-fetched complexes, you are smart by nature, you know how to arrange others, you are interesting in communication. And if you listen, you will feel a considerable stubbornness in yourself, which is capable of conquering a lot;
  • light green characteristic of powerful individuals with cynical views, trying to suppress everyone around. But if it is in your last place, you are rather shy than domineering and cynical;
  • Blue inherent in people who are calm, those who are difficult to unbalance. In addition, you are a naive nature, pure in front of others, like the sky on a fine summer day. If you don’t like this shade, you are a Protestant, constantly looking for something new and, most importantly, that this new one is very different from the ordinary;
  • Blue- a sign of impressionability, the ability to be faithful friends all your life, to be attached to people. This shade is loved by many artists, artists and musicians. It symbolizes success and recognition. If you discard blue - you lack change, something is going wrong in life, you are unhappy with it and are looking for updates.

Black and white, what can they say about temperament?

Black and white are the two most symbolic colors, completely opposite to each other. Also, people who prefer one or the other:

  1. White- a symbol of purity and innocence. It is believed that the person who chooses it is open, peaceful and tolerant. It has a lot of positive qualities, like an angel, who is depicted in bright robes for a reason. But, for all their spirituality, white lovers are very critical both to themselves and to others. Hence the frequent problems in communicating with colleagues or other little-known people;
  2. Black- the color of passion and unbridled character. He is chosen by emotional natures, capable of both destroying and building with their energy. But this fact is always hidden, such a person is secretive, unsociable and often prone to depression due to the lack of an opportunity to throw out energy. At the same time, he is a reliable friend, he can be trusted with any secrets, even the most intimate ones.

Personality by eye color

If you want to determine what kind of person is standing in front of you, pay attention not only to what colors of clothes he prefers, but also to his eyes. They have a lot to say:


Their owner is impulsive, emotional, needs a constant change of impressions. But for all their impulsiveness, they are workaholics gifted with violent imagination.


Usually found in people with oriental roots. And they are known to strive for leadership and have incomparable charm. Main disadvantage- intolerance to people, spaces and impressions.


These eyes are always associated with tenderness, naivety and openness. Their owner seems defenseless and vulnerable to others, but this is not always the case. Although there is some truth in this and excessive touchiness is inherent in them.


The rarest, but if you already met such - you are in luck. These are spiritual personalities, sensual and romantic.


The owners of such eyes are almost always friendly and peaceful. No wonder they write songs and poems about them. These are honest and decent people, with a slight note of recklessness.

Character by hair color in women

And you can pay attention to this if you want to understand the essence of someone or learn more about yourself:


it sunny people. Despite the fact that they are considered cunning and insidious, nothing of the kind can be expected from them. Usually they are kind, radiate positive and warm. But getting along with them is not easy due to their secrecy.


Their owners are often very beautiful and charming. They are tolerant and industrious, making good wives and mothers. True, their beauty is not always noticed, but if someone appreciates it, they will get a great friend and life partner.


Usually they are associated with witches and femme fatales. But in fact, these are just extremely purposeful and independent girls. However, their soul is bright and trusting, only hidden behind seven locks from prying eyes.


Always positive and open to communication. A cheerful disposition is combined here with exactingness towards oneself and others. Whether it's an annual report or preparation for a birthday, the owner of brown hair will treat matters equally responsibly.

6 shades of clothing that will help you succeed

Sometimes it doesn’t matter what color you prefer, but what matters is what it can tell others about you, for example, at an interview or in another significant place:

  • Black others perceive as a sign of prestige, intelligence and seriousness. Going to an interview or other serious event, choose it;
  • Brown symbolizes reliability, rationality and intelligence. A characteristic coat or skirt can be worn for an interview, and for an exhibition, and for a theater, and even for a date;
  • Blue exudes reliability and confidence, so this fabric is often used in business suits and school uniforms. In addition, its shades soothe others, make it possible to relax in your presence. If you need to win people over and inspire confidence in them - choose a blue jacket;
  • Green gives a feeling of peace, lightness and satisfaction. For social events or outings in the company of nature, he fit better Total;
  • Red- bright and effective. When you need to make a lasting impression, attract a man and leave an exciting memory in his memory - wear it;
  • Yellow- just for relaxation and fun. If you want to cheer up others, focus on yourself, captivate and conquer - choose yellow.

The meaning of colors in psychology is enormous, experts give them leading role in all directions. But at the same time, the inner world of a person is also important, do not forget that, having a bad character, it will not work to win over people, even wearing clothes of all shades at the same time.

Video: the influence of shades on a person's personality

In this video, psychologist Kira Rogozina will tell you what your favorite color can tell about your character and preferences:

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