Learn white magic. How to learn magic at home? What is the meaning of black magic

garden equipment 20.09.2019
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Black magic, or as it is better and more correct to call it Aggressive magic was born at the very moment when people realized their place in the world and began to distinguish the concept of their own dignity. AT different times they showed different attitudes towards magic, including towards magic and witches. During the time of the Grand Inquisition, the use of black magic was considered an unforgivable sin. In those days, those who were aware and felt the presence of the gift did not even have thoughts on how to learn black magic. This meant death for the magician. Later, the attitude towards magic changed and magicians began to be revered as healers and people endowed with a gift. White magic at home began to be reduced to rituals for happiness and luck. And Black magic at home was reduced to household curses and damage.

White magic for beginners does not require self-sacrifice, unlike Black

Magic training

Learning magic and sorcery is no easy task, especially if your choice is to engage in aggressive rituals. White magic for beginners does not require self-sacrifice, unlike Black. Engage in aggressive rituals as well as study real world damage and a curse is much more difficult than learning the magic of water, earth and other elements.

What is the meaning of black magic

Many novice practitioners think that learning magic on their own at home is very simple. But here it is important not only to know to understand the rituals, but also to be aware of your power. Despite the fact that Black Magic is aggressive, the rule “Do no harm!” also applies among dark practitioners, only this rule has its exceptions. If the rituals are aimed at punishing the offender, or taking revenge on the enemy, it is the rituals of Black Magic that will come to the rescue. The only problem is that not everyone can use aggressive magic, but only those who know the measure and are aware of their responsibility. And learning magic at home is not so easy. Rarely does anyone think about how to learn White magic, how to use White magic. Most practitioners wish to learn how to use Black magic.

An independent study of Black Magic does not begin with rituals, but with the teaching to control the flows of energy to distinguish them and give them the right charge.

It is not for nothing that Black Magic is called aggressive, the thing is that it is based on complex rituals and some of them can not only harm, but also destroy. At the same time, only such witchcraft can guarantee the maximum effect.

Rituals of Black Magic

Among the rituals of Black Magic, it is especially worth highlighting:

  • love spells;
  • damage;
  • evil eye;
  • curses.

As you can see, even love magic associated with dark rituals.

Black Magic spells

The peculiarities of black magic love spells are that such rituals are aimed not just at attracting a particular loved one, but at enslaving him, depriving him of his will and suggesting the necessary thoughts. A person who is affected by a love spell does not really love, he is simply affected by a special force that binds him to the one who performs the love ritual. Speaking of the significance of such an impact, this is the same law that refutes the rule “You won’t be forced to be nice!”. As a black magician, I will not hide from you the reverse side of the love spell. Such a cruel binding does not evoke tender feelings in the bewitched, to the one who bewitches. It takes a lot of effort to inspire love. Here you will not get off with one ritual or one love spell.

Features of black magic love spells are that it is aimed at enslaving a person

Most love spells are based on the sexual attachment of one person to another. That is, the impact is aimed at creating in the bewitched an irresistible craving for the one who bewitched him, but the craving is based on sexual attraction. If the love spell is not done professionally, its effect practically disappears in the first minutes of orgasm after sexual intercourse, that is, the victim of the love spell for a while realizes the whole absurdity of what is happening. But then the action resumes.

But don't be afraid. Not everything is as bad as it might seem at first glance. Any person is very sensitive to the manifestation of kindness, love and care. And if the one who does the love spell has really strong feelings for his victim, he will be able, with his love and care, to give rise to real feelings in the soul of the bewitched person, that is, love, real human love. If a love spell is done by a professional magician, he acts so carefully and gently on the subconscious of his victim that he will not cause much harm to her.


The training of White Magic says that damage cannot be used as a weapon of revenge. But at the same time, I always say that the choice of weapons in the world of magic dictates the situation. There are certain situations in which there is no other solution than to apply damage.

A feature of damage is an aggressive effect on a person in order to harm him. Damage is very different, the blow can be aimed at:

  • family;
  • business;
  • appearance;
  • family;
  • personal relationships;
  • a life.

The most terrible and most severe damage will rightfully be cemetery damage to death. With such rituals, the goal is precisely the punishment of destruction, the physical destruction of the enemy, that is, his death. If damage is caused by a professional magician, then the victim may not even guess that magic affects her. Also, a non-professional magician will not immediately see the work with the energy of the victim, and if he does, he will not be able to remove the damage quickly enough to save the spoiled one from death.

But at the same time, influencing any sphere of life, you can bring a person to suicide. Which is also not enough. If you are afraid that you will have to answer for such work, you may not even start, fear and doubts can only harm the magician himself in the worst case, at best - the work simply will not give the expected effect.

Evil eye

In principle, speaking about the power of influence, then a purposefully made evil eye is no easier than a purposefully made damage. In principle, the evil eye can be divided into two categories:

  • the evil eye is involuntary;
  • the evil eye is intentional.

The involuntary evil eye is a rather mild effect, as there is no deliberate work of the magician invested in it. Such an evil eye is induced quickly and imperceptibly, and often passes quickly and without special consequences.

The involuntary evil eye is a rather mild effect.

The intentionally made evil eye is classified as light damage. The work of the magician is also present here, but more often such an impact does not carry enough power in itself to cause significant harm. When it comes to beauty, the evil eye will temporarily bring problems with appearance. This may be the appearance of inflammation on the skin, hair loss, sometimes conjunctivitis, and so on. People who are so affected rarely turn to a magician, more often looking for solutions in the application medical preparations. The evil eye gradually loses its power on its own, and the person thinks that specialized preparations helped him. If we compare the evil eye and damage with physical impact, then we say that damage is a blow, and the evil eye is a push.

A curse

The category of curse should be given a special place in the hierarchy of the negative magical influence. A curse is a conscious impact, under the influence of anger or weakness, it is damage, but special. Such an impact is not based on the ritual of inducing damage through magical tools, but precisely the impact through words. With words and the anger that is present in these words, a person charges a certain flow of energy and directs it towards his enemy. Sometimes this flow is formed consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Removing an unconscious curse is much easier and faster than a conscious one. But even an unconscious blow can become an impetus for a person’s self-destruction. The most terrible is the curse of a mother directed at a child (this happens) or the curse of a woman directed at a man who bore him a child. In my practice, I have often met people who fell victim to just such an unconscious, but very strong curse.

Moreover, to independently find a mentor in of magic almost unrealistic, since most of them are charlatans who simply chose this exotic form of income to lure you out of your money. Moreover, as you know, a real "teacher appears when the student is ready."

So you've decided to learn of magic on one's own. The first thing to keep in mind is to learn of magic possible in practice and personal experience and not just books. And this practice requires self-discipline, since the practice of magic must be regular. Therefore, it will be useful to make a lesson plan for yourself and stick to it.

Another one useful thing for the magician, this is keeping a magical diary, which should become a habit. In the pagan Wiccan tradition, such a diary is called the Book of Shadows. What can be written in magic? Analysis of magical operations, phases of the moon and planetary influences of the day, your thoughts and feelings related to magic and other comments that you see fit.

Necessary condition in teaching of magic- development of the qualities of a magician. This is a strong will, developed imagination, self-confidence, unshakable calmness, self-control and other qualities. These qualities are extremely important in of magic. To have these qualities, The best way- do not fight with something (with laziness, lack of will, impulsiveness, etc.), but imagine that you already have these qualities. Always act as if you already have these qualities. This method is called self-hypnosis. And one more thing: you must remember about responsibility, because. if yours is directed to harm someone, it will return to you like a boomerang. For example, this applies to a love spell that violates free will and refers to black of magic.

Develop your sensitivity: smell, touch, hearing, sight, taste. For example, you pour yourself jasmine tea. Don't rush to drink it right away. Breathe in the aroma, enjoy this aroma, and then take a sip of tea. Feel the taste of tea, its shades. Another example. You are walking in the park. You inhale the smell of leaves, admire the sunset, listen to the silence or the sounds. Etc. That is, you are aware of every moment, and at the same time, all your five senses are revealed. Thus, you learn to look at the world with different eyes - not an ordinary look. You learn to see what is not visible at first glance.

The next step is the development of intuition, the sixth sense. At the beginning of the day, try to anticipate what events it will bring. At the same time, try to feel the energy of the day (it is useful to pay attention to the phases of the moon and the days of the week). When talking, try to anticipate what he will say or what he is thinking. In this case, you can concentrate on the chakra of the "third eye" - ajna. In general, there are many ways to develop intuition. The main thing is to learn to trust your feelings and inner understanding.

In teaching of magic Nutrition also plays an important role. It's best if it's vegetarian. Try this experiment: eat meat food one day, vegetable food (salads, nuts, etc.) the other day and compare your feelings. If a vegetarian diet is not for you, stick to a magical diet on the day of the ritual or ceremony.

With regard to magical exercises, you must decide for yourself where to direct your efforts. At the beginning of training of magic it is useful to do exercises for visualization, concentration, relaxation. You can also practice tarot, runes or hexagrams of the I Ching, skrying (for example, working with a magic mirror or crystal ball), lucid dreaming, entering a trance or meditation. However, it must be remembered that there should be a gradual approach when exercising and care must be taken.

And of course if you want to learn of magic, you need to read occult literature. In order to implement something in practice, you need to study the issue thoroughly. Another important point. Although nowadays you can find a huge number of books on of magic, not all of them carry true information. Therefore, you need to be able to "separate the wheat from the chaff" and be able to analyze so as not to get lost in the wilds of pseudo of magic or not hurt yourself. In general, information can and should be filtered.

To learn of magic, you need to be prepared to devote a significant part of your time to practicing magic. If you read somewhere what to learn of magic you can simply and quickly - know that you are simply being cheated. For example, there is an opinion that one can learn of magic easily and quickly, devoting one hour a day or a week to magical practice. It sounds tempting, of course, but it's ridiculous. For example, you want to learn how to play . If you learn a few notes and learn how to play a simple melody, this does not mean that you have learned how to play. But if you play scales for several hours a day, learn pieces of music, devote to music most time, you can become a real virtuoso. So, magic is also an art. If you are serious about learning of magic, it will become your mindset and way of life. You will have to make a lot of effort to go through the path "through thorns to the stars", other ways to learn of magic no.

Fascinating, mysterious and frightening - all this can be said about magic. For a new person, the world of magic is a dense forest. And now we will talk about the magical foundations.

In order to start using the tools of magic, you must first understand them. There are many types of witchcraft. Such as palmistry, clairvoyance, various divination, conspiracies, rituals, spells and a lot more.

What is palmistry?

Let's start with palmistry. This is a very interesting science that studies the fate of a person along the lines in the palm of your hand. As in the case of rings on stumps in the forest, not only age can be determined by the hand, but also how long a person will live, the hand can tell about intellectual indicators and heart affairs.

To practice palmistry, you need to learn the names of the lines and their meaning. AT modern world Fortunately, there is a sufficient amount of literature on this topic. After all, palmistry, among other things, is also a very fashionable science.

Different types of divination

1. Fortune telling according to the "Book of Changes". This is an ancient Chinese divination that came to us along with the science of Feng Shui. You will need 3 coins of the same rank and the book itself. You can also easily find it on the Internet, there are also online fortune-telling.

The meaning of fortune-telling is that you ask a question and toss 3 coins 6 times, write down the values ​​​​described in the book. You should get a pictogram of 6 characters. You look for this icon in a book and read what it means.

2. Divination with the call of souls. This is another divination with a book, but this time this item will be more of an inventory. We take a book, scissors and a rope. You need to insert the scissors with the tip between the pages in the middle of the book, and the rings should stick out. All this splendor is fixed with a rope.

To conduct fortune-telling, you will need at least one more person besides you. Sit opposite each other. Both stretch your index fingers towards each other. Place the rings of scissors on them so that each of you gets a ring.

After that, call any deceased character and ask yes and no questions. If the answer is yes, then the rings will begin to move along with the book in your hands.

3. Well, the easiest way to figure something out is to flip a coin. But in our case, you don't need to watch heads or tails. The answer will come by itself while the coin is in the air. The first thing that comes to mind is the answer to your question.

White magic spells for beginners

Practical white magic is a serious step. For successful witchcraft, some people train for years. Therefore, we do not recommend immediately actively conjuring. Especially if you do not have a gift from birth or do not have a sorcerer in your inner circle who will help you figure it all out.

Let's take the basics. White magic spells for beginners that will allow you to develop the necessary skills:

  • We prepare the charmed water. To do this, we use a simple spell that energizes. We take a jug with clean drinking water, we lean towards the water and quietly whisper: “Voditsa will be positively charged, will allow me to get drunk and then sparkle myself.”
  • We make ourselves a guardian. Choose your favorite small item. It can be a pendant or a bracelet, or a stone. In general, anything that you could put in your pocket or put on yourself. The following spell will help charge this thing with powerful protective energy: "I'm going under the dome, I'll push everything away from me."

It is difficult to fit a huge mountain of information in a small article, so if you are seriously interested in this topic, stay with us and we will tell you more!

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People who like everything related to magic start looking for a description of how to master this art. However, not every one of them is attentive to the main actions when studying this direction. In magic, the main thing is not the technique, but the internal abilities of the person himself, who decided to become a magician or sorcerer. Therefore, painstaking work is required to find these abilities in oneself.

How to learn to conjure with your hands at home

For every person, a good trait is the desire for knowledge. This is what will give you the opportunity to study what you do not know. The main thing is related to this special attention. Perhaps it seems to someone that he will be able to conjure and has access to the secrets and mysteries of the Universe. You shouldn't be so sure. Because real magicians and sorcerers know more than an ordinary person. They have great power to achieve great results, being able to wield magic.

It is tempting for the novice magician to discover these possibilities in himself. Although this requires reading a lot of books, attending conferences of those magicians and sorcerers who have to put into practice magical knowledge.

Since not every person can discover abilities in himself, it is advisable for him to find a mentor. Without his help, it is difficult to master the knowledge of turning to an invisible otherworldly force in order to achieve the desired result. Only teaching and practice will allow you to discover the truth about the universe and develop the ability to conjure.

Magic is the flow of energy of our World, which cannot be seen or touched. To achieve the desired result or goal, you need to allow this power to control you. It is she who becomes the conductor. The student is required to serve, obedience, the ability to control this force. Before learning how to start conjuring with your hands at home, you need to know what magic happens in order to choose a certain direction for yourself.

Information about the variety of magic and witchcraft

It is generally accepted that white magic is pure and good, black magic is evil and blackness. This is not entirely true. Both types of magic can bring both evil and good. It all depends on what forces the magician or sorcerer begins to attract to help.

First you need to understand what light forces of white magic will help you. This ability to control this power, and not to transfer it, is achieved by painstaking means over several years. Never play with magic, it may end badly for you. Your actions should be aimed at helping a person to restore his health, removing damage and the evil eye, cleansing the home, etc.

Possessing the skills of white magic, everything should be done in such a way as not to harm. But at the same time, you need to remember that it can carry a certain danger for you personally. When the process of removing or extracting another person takes place, you lose strength and health, which must be restored in the future.

Sorcerers and magicians who have chosen the direction of black magic strive to take possession of the souls of people throughout the universe. More often they begin to draw strength from the dark and deep corners of human life. They call for help only the forces of evil. Such magicians, revealing their abilities, can rise above themselves, becoming a superman. All the actions of black magicians are rituals and rituals that have a very fine line between white and black magic. You should not cross this line.

Gray magic is fidelity and energy of sexuality. Western and Eastern magicians resort to it. With its help, it is possible to accumulate this energy and use it correctly. Therefore, each magician is responsible for the actions that he carries out. This is a must for every beginner magician.

How to start learning

Every student who wants to learn how to perform rituals with his hands should know that he will need the skill of influencing other objects in order to succeed in carrying out his plan. You can not make mistakes in finding a teacher who will help you master the knowledge in the field of magic of your chosen direction. Do not share your skill with those whom you do not know and who will not be able to evaluate your actions.

Let's start learning witchcraft with our hands

Having become acquainted with the variety of magic, find the necessary literature, where there is detailed description about this kind of witchcraft. The source must be verified.

Be sure to keep a notebook in which to write down successes or failures. Write down in it all the spells and conspiracies that helped in solving the problem. This book will be your guide to next steps. Never show it to anyone. Otherwise, unfriendly people use your abilities not for good, but for harm. Do not forget that the world of magic is very cruel and dangerous. Because you have to interact with human beings.

Starting to learn, do not forget to use the magic of words. These are phrases or text. Together with the movement of the hands, you can achieve the desired result.

First of all, start using the conspiracies and spells written there, the results of which can be seen immediately. Meditation will reveal whether you have the ability and ability to listen to you. Reading a conspiracy to attract good luck and protection will require you to perform magical rituals, you always need to use words. When it is said aloud, it is necessary to convey the meaning of what was said and the strength of the emotion. Direct all your energy and concentrate on achieving the result.

The magic of sorcery and sorcery become the result only with the right attitude and behavior of the magician. It takes practice to learn to listen to yourself and everyone around you. There are secret words of some spells that are rarely publicly available. They have power, and therefore are not transmitted to just anyone.

Stages of witchcraft with hands

Hands are the conductor of energy and intentions in the world around us. Gestures are important, which at first glance seem to have no special power. All power is in the hands. Check it out yourself. Start rubbing your palms. Then take them apart. Listen and you will definitely feel a tingling sensation in your fingers. As soon as the hands become hot, this is evidence of the accumulated energy. It is it that you can transfer or use to achieve the desired result.

Passing the palm over a certain object, a miracle can happen. The magic of sorcery and sorcery become the result only with the right attitude and behavior of the magician. With the help of hands, you can start the mechanism of cause and effect relationships. This gives the desired result.

Once you understand that you are aware of the process of influence and can achieve results, you can begin to conjure with your hands. To do this, you should focus on seeing and feeling the following.

Those who concentrate can feel how the wind begins to blow, the branches of the trees begin to move, and the leaves tremble. Looking at the clouds, notice how they move in the direction you need. Only after that you can begin to perform the movement with your hands. This will be the launch of the mechanism of the desired action. You can achieve this on your own, through hard work, or with the help of an experienced mentor.

Exercises in teaching witchcraft with the help of hands

Not everyone is given to know what is the internal state of the magician, who begins to work with his hands. He needs to put his intentions into action at this moment. First, a certain plan is formed, and only after that the plan can be fulfilled.

The human hand is the most powerful tool. Or he is able to move energy. For beginners, simple movements are very difficult. In front of you, you can hold your palms in your palms so that between them there is small space. Then you need to concentrate on fantasy, which must be presented in the form of some object located between the palms.

It should not be forgotten that witchcraft is an art. You need to be prepared for it. When you are a beginner, the first time you are required to follow three main points. It is to have the power of imagination, faith in yourself. When teaching witchcraft at home, the following exercises should be observed and performed:

You must have several church candles. Light them in front of you and put them on the table. Look closely at the flame. Try to separate yourself from the space you are in by moving with this light into the universe. Stay in this state for as long as possible. Such an exercise, performed daily, will allow you to learn to concentrate on objects without being distracted.

You should train on switching attention to different objects. Then be sure to analyze and work on the bugs.

Witchcraft with hands allows you to relieve headaches from relatives and friends. To do this, you need to hold your hands above your head. At the same time, imagine that the pain looks like some kind of blackness that goes away. Learning to conjure with your hands is enough long time to achieve the desired results.

Know thyself

By studying your abilities, you can find out if you have the ability to predict events. For development, use meditation and practice it constantly.

To conjure with your hands is to influence the biofield of another person. Using your biofield, such witchcraft becomes healing. In addition to the movement of the hands, it is important to control the magic of thought. Saying out loud what you want, conducting a magical ritual, you need to point in the direction of the person or object for which it is intended.

If you want to become a real magician, follow all the steps daily. Only hard work and self-knowledge will allow you to become a real sorcerer or magician who will learn how to conjure hands at home.

Professionals believe that, by and large, magic has no color. Although they are inclined to believe that some spells work at high frequencies, which is commonly called white magic, while others are activated at low frequencies, that is, they belong to black magic.

Beginners need to understand that spells, like other magical actions, are subject to the laws of the Universe and the ability to control energies. To comprehend this skill, a person needs to have high energy, certain knowledge and experience.

What does a beginner need to know?

Let's start with the fact that since ancient times, people have turned to secret knowledge, which is called in one word - white magic. Conspiracies, spells were used in various purposes. Nowadays, they are aimed at strengthening the financial situation, moving up the career ladder and attracting love.

Esotericists emphasize that in order for spells to work, individuals must learn to think correctly. Moreover, in the depths of the soul there must be a strong conviction that a person really needs this. And it is important to be sure that everything will work out. During the ritual, you must first concentrate on it, and after its completion - let go of thoughts about it.

White Magic: Spells for Beginners

So let's look at specific example the order of the ritual. Much depends on what magical tool the spell will be cast with. White magic implies an appeal to the Divine Forces. As a rule, the one who asks resorts to the Christian egregor, the basis of which is prayer.

To begin with, you should tune in a certain way, that is, try to retire and create a working environment for the ritual. To strengthen communication with Higher Powers you can light a church candle and fumigate the room with incense.

The tickling aroma and the crackling of the candle will help the person not only to tune in psychologically, but also make mental thoughts activate twice as much as usual. You can sit down and write your desire on a piece of paper. For example: “I want to move up the corporate ladder. To do this, I need to successfully pass the certification at work.

Of course, the spell is not a panacea. And service material must also be taught, but, as you know, a lot depends on Her Majesty Luck. Therefore, in this case white magic will help a person. Good luck spells are quite diverse.

ritual for luck

The rite is simple in its execution. Here is the text of the spell: “Our Father, I ask you to give your servant of God (name) luck in my work. If it's dry for me - give me rain, if it's fierce for me - give me the sun. Protect from human hatred, envy and malice. Send me good luck, Heavenly Father. Good luck and luck. May everything that I have planned come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the ritual, it is recommended to burn a leaflet with a written wish, scatter the ashes in the wind, and blow out the church candle or let it burn out. The most basic point is to try to disengage from the spell of white magic. It is recommended to forget the words of the sacrament for a while and switch your attention to something else.

Every novice magician must understand that, whether it be conspiracies or ancient spells of white magic, their basis is a combination of certain words and sounds. It is they who accumulate energy that can help achieve the goal.

There are also spells aimed at neutralizing the problem and stimulating the appearance of positive events in the life of the individual. It must be understood that the main magical power is not only in words and gestures. It is in the person himself. Therefore, it is important for him to believe in what he says. An important role is played by the ability to visualize, that is, to vividly represent the desired in an already executed form.

White magic: spells for money

There is no such person who would not dream of financial prosperity. After all, money is not only comfortable housing, a car, clothes and food. This is a material energy that can give a person the freedom to manage their destiny as they please.

However, it happens that an individual makes a lot of efforts in this direction, but does not see the result. In this case, white magic will help. Spells especially advanced magicians are advised to supplement the rite of purification. To do this, light a white candle on the table and stand in front of her face. Spread your arms wide, allowing energy to flow freely through all vital centers (chakras). Then clearly chant the spell of purification:

“God have mercy on me. Please forgive me for my mistakes and bad deeds. Cleanse me from all sins. After that I will be white as daylight and clear as spring water. God, give me a pure heart and righteous thoughts. Forever and ever, amen." If the person is baptized, then you can cross yourself and blow out the candle while pronouncing the words.

Before proceeding to the rite of white magic, you should pay attention to the lunar cycle. Money spells work well on a waxing moon. During the period of decline, a conspiracy can also contribute to the influx of money, but it is likely that their waste will be quick.

So, after the rite of purification, you need to choose a specific spell. Recommends to do this, based on his intuition, white magic. Spells for beginners are not just a suitable text, but also a special ritual of actions. In other words, choosing from a large number examples, a person should focus on their feelings. Did the heart respond, warmth spread throughout the body? So you need to stop your choice on this spell.

Money rite

There is a popular this moment ritual with a certain spell. Best to choose next days weeks: Thursday or Sunday on the growing moon. The next step is to prepare a deep container, earth, wheat grains and small coins.

They are best taken from the wallets of all family members or from a common piggy bank. It should be understood that the coins in this case serve as a kind of sacrifice in the name of future growth. After the ritual, they should be given to the beggar or simply thrown at the crossroads.

But first, the earth, grains and money must be mixed in a container, poured with water and cast the following spell: “Mother wheat, you feed everyone: both old and young. Help me too (say your name). Let money be born like this wheat. How it grows day and night, how it feeds everyone - so let the money grow for me, but feed me. Let it be so!"

At the time the spell is being cast, it is important to visualize the desired amount and where it might come from. In conclusion, mentally imagine the hidden bills in your hands.

After a certain period, wheat grains will sprout. You can feed them to the bird, and do the same with the coins, as mentioned above. This spell should work quickly. It is focused not on a constant influx of money, but on one specific amount.

man love spell

There is no individual in society who does not care about personal relationships. How many girlish tears shed every night in the pillow! Perhaps the guys are secretly brushing off a mean tear, grieving about unrequited love.

Are there love spells? White magic provides a wide range of magical rites. Of course, this is not about love spells, since it should be understood that white love spells do not exist.

Everything that is connected with the subordination of the will of a person should be attributed to low-frequency magic (black). But such methods as attracting the opposite sex, white magic welcomes. After all, mostly love spells are aimed at improving their own energy. And this will certainly attract the attention of the object of sympathy. In addition, a certain energy message is sent to the partner by a white conspiracy, forcing him to evaluate his friend in a new way. Here is one example of love spells that girls can use.

It is necessary to find a piece of red fabric and, stitching its edges, say 3 times in a row: “I sew, but I say: let my heart beat at the sight of me (name of the guy). When he sees me, let him tremble and agitate. Let him want to hug me and kiss me. Let only me be in his thoughts, and he will not be able to eat or drink without me. As soon as he sees me, let him run right away. Let it be so! Amen".

This patch should be placed under the pillow before going to bed. Experienced spellcasters believe that if a girl dreams of a guy that night, then the rite has begun its work.

For a long time it was believed that the representatives of the stronger sex do not resort to magic. But practice shows otherwise. Many guys are interested in this side and try to apply white magic for private purposes.

girl love spell

A ritual is known that should be performed 3 times: in the morning, afternoon and evening. It's great if you have a photo of a girl at hand. But if it is not there, then you can mentally imagine the image of the chosen one. The spell is pronounced before sunrise:

“I am grateful to nature that you (name of the girl) live on Earth. I take you for left hand, and with the right I draw to my heart. I draw you to me, I attract.

The second part is pronounced at noon. A small nuance: you need to find a silver knife (fork or spoon), take the item in your hand and say: “As birds strive for the sun, so you strive for me (the name of the girl). As the stars reach for the night, so you reach for me. My love is pure silver. Love me as I love you."

Completion of the rite

To do this, take three candles and light them. Then cast the spell: “As these candles burn, so you (the name of the girl) will burn with love for me. As the earth dries up without water, so you cannot do without me. You are sad without me. Neither a bright morning, nor a sunny afternoon, nor dark night They won't comfort you when I'm not around. I conjure you with white magic - let desire lead you to me. Amen".

Experienced people believe that love spells should work within 5 days. White magic requires the cleric to pronounce the text without stammering. If he doubted his actions even for a moment, the spell would not only not work, but could even harm him.

Mistakes of beginner magicians

Many beginners often do not achieve positive results from spells. What's the matter? After all, all the rules of the ritual were observed, and there were resources to fulfill the desire.

In fact, inexperienced individuals make a number of mistakes that affect the outcome of the intended business. At the same time, they equally affect the spells of black and white magic.

Experienced esotericists emphasize that during the ritual it is necessary to create an unemotional mood (detachment) in oneself. This state can be compared to relaxation and calmness. To bring yourself into this state, you need to close your eyes and imagine a sparkling ball that smoothly flies around the body.

It is recommended to imagine that with its flight it envelops the entire torso of a person, starting from the legs and ending with the top of the head. At the same time, he carefully collects all the negative. After that, you should mentally release the ball into space. Over time, such a simple exercise will allow you to relax in a matter of minutes.

A spell to gain renunciation

There is one more option to consider. In the world of magic, it is called the "Spell of Tranquility and Peace." It also helps beginners develop an emotionless state.

To do this, fill the bath with warm water. Then pour 1 tablespoon of milk into a separate bowl, shake it up and throw rose petals there with the words: "Let's calm the milky waves ...".

After the petals come into contact with the surface of the milk, you should say: "Calmness has flown in like rose petals...". Then the contents of the dishes should be poured out of the bath and complete the action with the phrase: "The world has become calm and carefree ...".

In such wonderful water, you can swim as much as your heart desires. The main thing is not to forget to think that it tirelessly washes away anxiety, restless thoughts and nervousness from a person, absorbs all the acquired negativity, and in return gives emotional calmness and confidence.

Concentration and Visualization

Another important point is the ability to concentrate on time. This should take place during the ceremony itself. For example, at the moment when a person holds his gaze on a burning candle or utters the spell itself.

Finally, at the end of the ritual, you need to imagine a vivid picture of what you were thinking. In order for magical actions to work, some nuances must be taken into account.

For example, one should not perform white magic spells in Latin if there is no knowledge of this language. Perhaps the plot seems simple and attractive, but its incorrect pronunciation can cause a negative result.

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