Disadvantages of liberal democracy. Liberal Democracy

Gardening 21.09.2019

The concept, so often used in our time and therefore has become already familiar, once constituted the phenomenon is unthinkable and impossible. And this is exclusively due to the fact that until the middle of the XIX century, the ideas of liberalism and democracy were in some contradiction with each other. The main discrepancy was on the definition of the object of protection of political rights. They sought to ensure equal rights not all citizens, but mainly owners and aristocracy. A person who possession of property is the basis of society that needs to be protected from the arbitrariness of the monarch. The ideologists of democracy deprivation of electoral law was perceived as a form of enslavement. Democracy is the formation of power on the basis of the will of the majority of the world. In 1835, Alexis de Tokville "Democracy in America" \u200b\u200bwas published. The model of liberal democracy, presented to him, showed the possibility of building a society in which personal freedom could coexist, private property and democracy itself.

The main characteristics of liberal democracy

Liberal democracy is a form of a socio-political device, in which representative democracy is the basis for the legal state. With such a model, the person is distinguished from society and the state, and focus on the creation of guarantees for individual freedom that can prevent any personality suppression by the authorities.

The purpose of liberal democracy is equal to ensuring each right to freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, for private ownership and inviolability of the individual. This political system, which recognizes the Board of the Law, the separation of the authorities, the protection of fundamental freedoms certainly implies the existence of an "open society". Open Society is characterized by tolerance and pluralism, makes it possible to coexist of various socio-political views. Periodically, the elections are allowed to obtain the power of each of the available groups. A characteristic feature of liberal democracy, emphasizing the freedom of choice, is the fact that the political group is not obliged to share all aspects of the ideology of liberalism. But regardless of the ideological views of the Group, the principle of rule of law remains unchanged.

Liberal democracy is a model of the socio-political organization of the legal state, the basis of which is such a power that seizes the will of the majority, but at the same time protects the freedom and rights of a separate minority of citizens.

Such a type of power is a goal to provide each individual citizen of his country the right to private property, to freedom of speech, to comply with legal processes, protection of personal space, life, freedom of religion. All these rights are registered in such a legislative document, as a constitution, or another form of legal formation, adopted by the decision of the Supreme Court, endowed with such powers that can ensure the fulfillment of citizens' rights.

The concept of democracy

The current name of this political direction has happened from Greek words. demos. - "Society" and kratos. - "Board", "Power" that formed the Word demokratia., meaning "Power of the People".

Principles of democratic building

Principles of liberal democracy:

  1. The main principle is to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  2. The Board is provided by the adoption of the will of the people clarified during the voting. Wins the party that scored the majority of votes.
  3. Respected and guarantees adherence to all rights that the minority seizes.
  4. The organization of competitiveness of various directions of management, because democracy is not a means of resource, but a means of limiting the ruling parties with other power organizations.
  5. To participate in the voting must, but it can be refrained.
  6. Civil society restrains the activities of the state's power by self-organization of citizens.

Signs of the Democratic Device of the State

Eliminate such signs of democracy in the state:

  1. Fair and free elections are an important political tool for election of new representatives of the authorities or the preservation of the current.
  2. Citizens take an active part in both the political life of the state and public.
  3. Ensuring legal protection to each citizen.
  4. The supreme power extends to all equal parts.

All this is both the principles of liberal democracy.

Formation of liberal democracy

When began to form such a flow? The history of liberal democracy has many years of formation and a long history. Such a type of management is the first principle of the development of the Western civilized world, especially the Roman and Greek heritage, on the one hand, as well as Judo-Christian heritals - on the other.

In Europe, the beginning of the development of this type of power was the sixteenth-seventeenth century. Previously, the majority of already formed states adhered to monarchies, because it was believed that humanity is prone to evil, violence, destruction, so he needs a strong leader who can keep the people in heroic mittens. People assured that the government is elected by God, and those who were against the head equalized to blasphemers.

Thus, a new branch of thought was to emerge, which assumed that human relationships are built on faith, truth, freedom, equality, the basis of which is liberalization. A new direction was built on the principles of equality, and the election of the highest power by God or belonging to noble blood has no privilege. The ruling authority is obliged to be in the service of the people, but not on the contrary, and the law is equal to all. The liberalistic direction was included in the mass in Europe, but the formation of liberal democracy was not completed so far.

Theory of Liberal Democracy

From how the population takes part in the organization of the state, as well as the one who manages the country, depends on the division of democracy on species. The theory of democracy divides it to the types:

  1. Direct democracy. Implies the direct participation of citizens in public stricture States: lifting the issue, discussion, decision-making. This ancient appearance was key to ancient times. Direct democracy inherent in small communities, towns, settlements. But only when these the most questions do not require the participation of specialists in a particular area. To date this species It can be observed against the background of the structure of local self-government. Its prevalence has a direct dependence on the decentralization of the issued issues, decisions taken, From transfer to the right to take them to small collectives.
  2. Plebiscitar democracy. She, as well as direct, implies the right to the will of people, but different from the first. The people have the right only to accept or reject any decision, which, as a rule, is put forward by the head of power. That is, the power of people is limited, the population cannot accept the relevant laws.
  3. Representative democracy. Such democracy is carried out through the adoption by the people of the head of the authority, its representatives who undertake to consider and take the interests of citizens. But to solve more important problemswho require the participation of a qualified specialist, the people have nothing to do, especially when the participation of the population in life is difficult due to a large habitat.
  4. Liberal democracy. Power is a people who expresses their needs through a qualified representative of the dominant power, which is elected to fulfill its powers for a certain period. He enjoys the support of most people, and the people trust him by using constitutional provisions.

These are the main types of democracy.

Countries with Liberal Democracy

European Union, United States, Japan, Canada, South Africa, Australia, India, New Zealand are countries with a liberal democratic system. This opinion is adhered to most specialists. At the same time, some countries of Africa and the former Soviet Union They consider themselves democracies, although the facts that the ruling structures have a direct impact on the outcome of the elections have long been identified.

Decision of disagreements between the authorities and the people

The authorities are not able to support every citizen, therefore disagreements arise between them quite expected. To resolve such disputes, such a concept has emerged as the judiciary. In fact, it is authorized to resolve any conflicts that may arise both between citizens and power and within the population as a whole.

The main difference between liberal democracy from classical

Classical liberal democracy is based on English-Saxon practices. However, they were not founders. A great contribution to the process of the formation of this model of the Board was brought by other countries of Europe.

Principles of classical liberal democracy:

  1. Independence of the people. All power in the state belongs to the people: constituent and constitutional. People choose the artist and remove it.
  2. Most solves questions. To implement this provision, a special process is needed, which is governed by election law.
  3. All citizens definitely have equal voting rights.
    The election of the primary chair is the duty of the population, as well as its overthrowing, control and observation of public activities.
  4. Separation of power.

Principles of modern liberal democracy:

  1. The main value is freedoms and rights of the population.
  2. Democracy is the board of the head of society from the people and for the people. Representative democracy is modern view Liberal democracy, the essence of which is built on the competitiveness of the political forces and forces of voters.
  3. Problems and wishes are carried out by the voting of the majority, while not violated, minority rights are supported.
  4. Democracy is a way to limit the government and other power structures. Creating the concept of separation of power through the organization of the work of competitive parties.
  5. Achievement of agreements through decision-making. Citizens cannot vote against - they can vote for either refrain.
  6. The development of self-government contributes to the development of democratic liberal principles.

Advantages of liberal democracy

The advantages of liberal democracy are:

  1. Liberal democracy is based on the constitution and universal equality before the law. Therefore, the highest level of legality and order in society is achieved through democratic views.
  2. Accountability of organs state power Before the people are fully ensured. If the population does not suit political administration, then in subsequent elections the opposite party has a big chance to win them. The prevention of past mistakes of the new power is a great way to resist on top. Thus, low corruption is ensured.
  3. Important political issues solves a qualified specialist, which eliminates the people from unnecessary problems.
  4. No dictatorship is also an advantage.
  5. People are protected by private property, racial, religious affiliation, the defense of the poor. At the same time, the level of terrorism is sufficiently small in countries with such a political system.

Government's non-interference in entrepreneurs' activities, a low percentage of inflation, a stable political and economic situation are a consequence of a democratic liberal system.


Representatives of direct democracy are confident that in a representative democracy, the power of most of the population is very rarely implemented - exclusively in elections, referendums. The actual power is in the hands of a separate group of representatives of the Board. This may mean that liberal democracy belongs to the oligarchy, while the development of technological processes, the growth of citizens' education and the involvement of them in the public life of the state provide conditions for the transfer of power to the authority directly into the hands of the people.

Marxists and anarchists believe that the actual power is in the hands of those who have control over financial processes. Only those who have most of the finance are able to be at the top of the social and political system, through funds mass media Introducing your importance and qualifying in the masses. They believe that money is solved by everything, and therefore the manipulation of the population becomes easier, the level of corruption is growing, the inequality becomes legalized.

The implementation of long-term prospects in society is very difficult, and therefore short-term prospects are both an advantage and more efficient means.

To hold the weight of the voice, some voters support certain social groups involved in the uprests. They receive public benefits and conquer solutions that correspond to their interests, but do not correspond to the interests of citizens in general.

Critics believe that elected government officials often replace laws without any need. This contributes to the difficulty of compliance with laws by citizens, creates the conditions for the abuse of the situation by law enforcement agencies and the agencies of the people. Problems in the legislation also entail the braking and massiveness of the bureaucratic system.

Liberal democracy in Russia

Establishment of this form state Device Passed with special difficulties. When liberal democracy has already dominated Europe and America, in the early twentieth century, the remains of the feudal system remained in the form of absolute monarchy. This contributed to the beginning of the revolutionary movement, which seized power during the 1917 revolution. For the next 70 years, the communist system has established in the country. Civil society was inhibited, despite the development economic activity, the independence of the powers, because of this freedom, operating in the territories of other countries for a long time, were not implemented.

Liberal democratic changes in Russia occurred only in the 90s, when such political regimewho implemented global changes: It was allowed to privatize housing belonging to the previously established multiparty in the government, etc. At the same time, the creation of numerous cells of the owners who could be the basis of liberal democracy in Russia was not organized, but on the contrary, contributed to the creation of a narrow circle of the rich workers who could Install control over the main wealth of the state.

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, the country's leadership reduced the role of oligarchs in the economy and policy of the country by returning the part of their property to the state, especially in the industrial direction. So, the further path of the development of society today remains open.

It is believed that democracy and liberalism - the concepts are extremely close, almost non-identical. But it's not always the case. What are their most popular interpretations?

What is democracy?

Democracy - This is a political regime in which the decision-making of the country management is carried out by directly or through elected representative bodies. At the same time, in democratic regimes, power is usually divided into 3 branches - legislative, executive and judicial. This scheme eliminates the concentration of the prevailing amount of powers in someone or arms - as it happens during authoritarianism and totalitarianism, which are traditionally opposed to democracy.

What is liberalism?

Liberalism - This is an ideology, in the center of which is to proclaim the rule of law and freedoms of man, the lead leading role in socio-economic and political Development societies. The state in accordance with liberal concepts should contribute to various ways to ensure that its citizens have all the possibilities to implement their rights and freedoms. According to some ideologues, it should be expressed primarily in the non-interference of the country's authorities in social processes. However, if necessary, the authorities must implement the legal protection of the interests of their citizens, ensure the equality of all residents of the country before the law.

The main freedoms that proclaim traditional liberalism are:

  • freedom of speech;
  • freedom of choosing religion;
  • freedom of political views, cultural values;
  • freedom to choose a representative of a representative to the authorities;
  • freedom of choosing a profession, doing business.

Thus, liberalism is an ideology that affects 3 major public institutions - politics, society and economy.


The main difference between democracy from liberalism - in determined social phenomenon. The first term denotes the political regime, the second is ideology. However, the concepts of democracy and liberalism, as we noted above, in many aspects are very similar. What is this due?

The fact is that the practical implementation of the ideas of liberalism can be fully implemented only under democratic political mode. Only those people who have political freedoms - that is, the freedom to choose views, values, representatives to the authorities, are able to count on the adoption of laws guaranteeing other liberal preferences.

In turn, not every democracy may assume the introduction of liberal concepts into the life of society. It is possible that the people of the country decide that excessive freedom of speech or choice of political views is not very necessary, and will choose those people who will accept laws that limit such freedoms (or the relevant laws on the referendum itself).

Thus, liberalism is possible only during democracy, but democracy is quite capable of exist without liberalism.

Deciding what the difference between democracy and liberalism, fix its key criteria in the table.


  • 1 Structure of the socio-political device
    • 1.1 Political system
    • 1.2 Rights and Freedom
    • 1.3 Conditions
  • 2 History
  • 3 Liberal Democracy in the World
    • 3.1 Types of liberal democracies
    • 3.2 Liberal democracy in Russia
  • 4 Critical analysis
    • 4.1 Dignity
    • 4.2 Disadvantages
  • Notes


Legality · Equality
Freedom · Human Rights
Right to self-determination
Consensus · Pluralism
Theory of Democracy
History of democracy
Russia · USA · Sweden
Portal: Politics
Capitalism · Market
Human rights
Domination of rights
Public contract
Equality · Nation
Pluralism · Democracy
Internal currents
Social liberalism
National liberalism

Liberal Democracy It is a form of a socio-political device - a legal state on the basis of a representative democracy, in which the will of the majority and the ability of elected representatives to implement power are limited in the name of the protection of the rights of minority and freedoms of individual citizens. Liberal democracy aims to equal support to each citizen of rights to comply with adequate legal procedures, private property, inviolability of personal life, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. These liberal rights are enshrined in higher laws (such as the Constitution or the Statute, or in the case decisions made by the Supreme Courts), which, in turn, emphasize various state and public authorities with powers in order to ensure these rights.

A characteristic element of liberal democracy is "Open Society", characterized by tolerance, pluralism, coexistence and competition of the widest spectrum of social and political views. Thanks to periodically election, each of the groups that hold various views, has a chance to get power. In practice, extremist or marginal points of view extremely rarely play a significant role in the democratic process. However, the model of an open society makes it difficult to conservate the power of the ruling elite, guarantees the possibility of bloodless shift of power and creates incentives that the government responds flexibly to the requests of society.

In the Liberal Democracy, the political group in power is not obliged to share all aspects of the ideology of liberalism (for example, it can perform for democratic socialism). However, it is obliged to obey the principle of rule of law mentioned above. Term liberal In this case, it is understood as in the era of bourgeois revolutions of the late XVIII century: providing each person to protect against the arbitrariness from the authorities and law enforcement.

1. Structure of the socio-political device

1.1. Political system

The democratic nature of the state structure is enshrined in the basic laws and supreme case decisions that constitute the Constitution. The main objective of the Constitution is to limit the authorities of officials and law enforcement agencies, as well as the will of the majority. This is achieved with the help of a number of tools, the main of which are the rule of law, independent justice, the separation of the authorities (according to branches and in the territorial level) and the system of "checks and counterweights", which ensures the accountability of the branches of the government to others. Givenly are only such actions of the authorities that are carried out in accordance with the law published in writing and in due order.

Although liberal democracies include direct democracy elements (referendums), the overwhelming majority of supreme state decisions Accepted by the government. The policy of this government should depend only on representatives legislative power and the heads of executive, which are established as a result of periodically conducted elections. The government's submission by anyone not elected forces is not allowed. In the interval between elections, the government should operate in openness and transparency mode, facts of corruption should immediately indulge in publicity.

One of the main provisions of Liberal Democracy is the universal eligible right, which gives each adult citizen of the country an equal right to vote, regardless of race, gender, material status or education. The implementation of this right is usually associated with a certain registration procedure at the place of residence. The election results are determined only by those citizens who actually took part in the voting, however, the appearance should exceed some threshold so that the vote is considered to be.

The most important task of elective democracy is to ensure the accountability of the elected representatives before the nation. Therefore, elections and referendums must be free, fair and honest. They should be preceded by free and honest competition of expressives of various political views, combined with equality of opportunities for election campaigns. In practice, political pluralism is determined by the presence of several (minimum two) political parties that have significant power. The most important prerequisite For this pluralism is freedom of speech. The choice of people should be free from the prevailing influence of the army, foreign powers, totalitarian parties, religious hierarchies, economic oligarchy and any other powerful groups. Cultural, ethnic, religious and other minorities should have an acceptable level of participation opportunities in the decision-making process, which, as a rule, is achieved by providing them with partial self-government.

1.2. Rights and freedoms

The most frequently cited criteria for liberal democracy are of the form of civil rights and freedoms. Most of these freedoms were borrowed from various limits of liberalism, but they acquired a functional importance.

  • The right to life and the dignity of personality
  • freedom of speech
  • Freedom of media and access to alternative sources information
  • Freedom of religion and public expression of religious views
  • The right to union into political, professional and other organizations
  • Freedom of Assembly and Open Public Discussion
  • Academic freedom
  • Independent justice
  • Equality before the law
  • The right to comply with the proper legal procedures in the conditions of the rule of law
  • Privacy and right to personal secret
  • Right to own property and private entrepreneurship
  • Freedom of movement and choice of place of work
  • Right to education
  • The right to free work and freedom from excessive economic exploitation
  • Equality of opportunities

Some of the listed freedoms are limited to a certain extent. However, all restrictions are required to respond by three conditions: they must strictly comply with the law, pursue the righteous purpose and should be needed and adequate to achieve this goal. Laws imposing restrictions should strive to be unequivocally and not allowed for different interpretations. Among the legitimate purposes are the protection of reputation, the dignity of the person, national security, public order, copyright, health and morality. Many restrictions are forced to ensure that the rights of one citizens do not detract from the freedom of others.

It deserves special attention to the fact that people who are fundamentally disagreeable with the doctrine of liberal democracy (including cultural or religious motifs), along with the rest they have the same rights and freedoms. This follows from the concept of an open society, according to which the political system must be capable of self-implantation and evolution. Understanding the importance of this situation is relatively new in liberal democracy, and a number of her supporters still considers legitimate legal restrictions on the promotion of any ideologies hostile to this regime.

1.3. Conditions

According to a common opinion, for the occurrence of liberal democracy, a number of conditions are followed. As such conditions, a developed justice system is given, legislative protection of private property, the presence of a wide middle class and strong civil society.

As experience shows, free elections themselves rarely provide liberal democracy, and in practice, they often lead to "defective" democracies, in which either part of citizens are devoid of electoral law, or elected representatives do not define the entire government policy, or the executive authority subordinates the legislative and Judicial, or the justice system is not able to ensure compliance with the principles laid down in the constitution. The latter is the most common problem.

Level material well-being In the country, it is also hardly a condition for the transition of the country from an authoritarian regime to liberal democracy, although research shows that this level plays a significant role in ensuring its sustainability.

There is a dispute between political scientists, how stable liberal democracies are created. The most common two positions. According to the first of them, there is a sufficiently long split of the elites and attracting legal procedures to the emergence of liberal democracy, as well as wider segments of the population to resolve conflicts. The second position is that a long history is needed to form the formation of democratic traditions, customs, institutions, etc. These nations.

2. History

Until the middle of the XIX century, liberalism and democracy were in a certain contradiction with each other. For liberals, the basis of the Company was a person who has property needs its protection, and for which it cannot be acute the choice between the survival and preservation of its civil rights. It was implied that only the owners participate in the public contract in which they give the government agreement to ensure that it is the rule, in exchange for guarantees to protect their rights. On the contrary, democracy means the process of the formation of power on the basis of the will of the majority in which participates all People, including the poor.

From the point of view of democrats, deprivation of poor election law and the possibility of submitting their interests in the lawwriting process was the form of enslavement. From the point of view of Liberals, Dictatorship of Cherni represented a threat to private property and guarantees of freedom of personality. These fears were particularly intensified after the Great French Revolution.

Aleksis de Tokville

The work of Alexis de Tokville "Democracy in America" \u200b\u200b(1835) was the turning point, in which he showed the possibility of society, where personal freedom and private property coexist with democracy. According to Tokville, the key to the success of such a model called " liberal Democracy"Is equality of opportunities, and the most serious threat to it is the sluggish intervention of the state in the economy and grow civil liberties.

After the revolution of 1848 and the state coup, Napoleon III (in 1851), the liberals began to recognize the need for democracy. Events showed that without the participation of broad masses in a public contract, the liberal regime turns out to be unstable, and the implementation of the ideas of liberalism fully remains utopia. In parallel, the power of social democratic movements, which denied the possibility of a fair society built on private ownership and the free market was taken. From their point of view, a full-fledged democracy in which all citizens have equal access to all democratic institutions (elections, media, justice, etc.), could be realized only within the framework of socialism. However, making sure the increase in the number of middle class, most Social Democrats refused the revolution, decided to participate in a democratic process and to achieve legislative reforms in order to smooth evolution towards socialism.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Social Democrats of Western countries achieved significant success. The voting rights were significantly expanded and reforms were launched, which raised the level of social protection of the population. These processes accelerated after October revolution 1917 in Russia. On the one hand, the revolution and the subsequent nationalization of private ownership is very frightened by the right (classical) liberals, which recognized the need to smooth social contradictions and ensure equality of opportunity. On the other hand, the socialists saw a threat to democracy in Soviet regime and began to support the strengthening of the protection of minority rights and individual citizens.

3. Liberal democracy in the world

██ Free countries
██ partially free countries
██ non-free countries

States on their board
██ Presidential Republic
██ Pedaman Republic
██ Semoupresident republics
██ Parliamentary republics
██ Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchies
██ Constitutional monarchy
██ Absolute monarchy
██ single-party modes
██ Military dictatorships

Selective democracies on their board system. According to Freedom House experts, in these countries, the government's change by elections is possible.

A number of organizations and political scientists are rated the level of liberal democracy on the countries of the world. Among these ratings, Polity Data Set (English), Freedom In The World, compiled by the American Organization of Freedom House, and the Economist Magazine Democracy Index (English) have the greatest fame.

3.1. Types of liberal democracies

The presence of liberal democracy is largely determined by actually implemented principles and compliance of the regime to the above criteria. For example, Canada is formally monarchy, but actually managed by a democratically elected parliament. In the UK formal higher power The hereditary monarch has, but in fact, the people, through the representatives of the representatives elected, also has such power (there is also an opposite point of view that parliamentarism in the UK is just a screen for an absolute monarchy). Monarchy in these countries is largely symbolic.

There are many election systems for the formation of parliament, the most common of which are the majoritarian system and a proportional system. In the majority system, the territory is divided into district, in each of which the mandate goes to the candidate who scored the majority of votes. With a proportional system of space in parliament, they are distributed proportional to the number of votes given by the party. In some countries, part of the parliament is formed on one system, and part on the other.

Countries also differ in the formation of the executive and legislative power. In the presidential republics, these branches are formed separately, which ensures the high degree of their separation by function. In the Parliamentary republics, the executive power is formed by Parliament and is in partial dependence on it, which ensures a more uniform distribution of the volume of powerful powers between the branches.

Scandinavia countries are social democracies. This is associated with a high level of social protection of the population, equality in the standard of living, free secondary education and health care, a significant public sector in economics and high taxes. However, in these countries, the state does not interfere in pricing (even in the public sector, with the exception of monopolies), banks are private, and there are no obstacles to trade, including international; Effective laws and transparent governments reliably protect the civil rights of people and the ownership of entrepreneurs.

3.2. Liberal democracy in Russia

Until 1905 in autocratic Russian Empire The official ideology denied liberal democracy, although such ideas were popular among the part of the society. After the publication by Nicholas II of Manifesto on October 17, 1905, many essential elements of liberal democracy (such as popular representation, freedom of conscience, words, unions, assemblies, etc.) began to integrate into the political system of the Russian state. Victory February Revolution 1917, held under democratic slogans, formally turned a liberal democracy into the official ideology of a new political regime, but this regime turned out to be extremely unstable and was overthrown during the October Revolution of 1917. The Soviet political regime established after she was denied the liberal-democratic ideology, no longer "Right", like an autocracy, and "left". Erosion and fall (so-called "Perestroika") of the Soviet regime in Russia The late 1980s - early 1990s had origins, mainly under liberal-democratic slogans. The main values \u200b\u200band principles of liberal democracy are explicitly spelled out in the current Constitution of Russia and explicitly never been doubtted by the official authorities of Russia in the post-Soviet period. Nevertheless, in the West, the point of view is common that in Russia, liberal democracy has never been implemented. According to the rating "Freedom in The World", USSR in 1990-1991. And Russia in 1992-2004 They were considered "partially free countries", but since 2005 Russia fell into the list of "non-free countries".

In Russia itself, part of the population mistakenly connects the doctrine of liberal democracy with the nationalist party of the LDPR. Democracy as a whole is supported, however, most of the social rights are higher than political.

4. Critical analysis

4.1. Dignity

First of all, liberal democracy relies on the rule of law and universal equality in front of it. [ the source is not specified 221 days]

In the publication funded by the World Bank, it is argued that liberal democracy ensures the accountability of the authorities before nation. If the people are dissatisfied with the government's policies (due to corruption or excessive bureaucracy, attempts to bypass laws, errors in economic policy, etc.), in the following elections the opposition has a high chance to win. After it comes to power, the most reliable way To resist is to prevent the progenitor errors (to dismiss corrupt or ineffective officials, to comply with the laws, attract competent economists, etc.) Thus, according to the authors of the work, the liberal democracy reflects the desire to power and forces the government to work for the benefit of the nation. This provides a relatively low level of corruption.

At the same time, a number of countries (Switzerland, Uruguay) and regions (California) actively use elements of direct democracy: referendums and plebiscites.

Due to the fact that the minority is able to influence the decision-making process, liberal democracy ensures private property protection for secured. [ the source is not specified 221 days] American author Elvin Powell argues that the most democratic countries in the world are characteristic of the lowest level of terrorism (English). This effectPerhaps it extends even beyond the region: Statistics shows that since the late 1980s, when Eastern Europe Many countries fell on the path of liberal democracy, the total number of military conflicts, ethnic wars, revolutions, etc. in the world decreased sharply (English) [ not in the source] .

A number of researchers believe that these circumstances (especially economic freedom) contribute to economic lifting and increase in the level of welfare of the entire population, expressed in the GDP per capita (English). However, despite the high rates economic growthSome liberal-democratic countries are still relatively poor (eg, India, Costa Rica), and a number of authoritarian regimes, on the contrary, thrive (Brunei).

According to a number of researchers, liberal democracy is more efficiently disposed of available resources if they are limited than authoritarian regimes. According to this opinion, liberal democracies are characterized by a higher life expectancy and less children's and maternal mortality, regardless of the level of GDP, inequalities in income or the size of the public sector.

4.2. disadvantages

Liberal democracy is a kind of representative democracy, which causes criticism by adherents of direct democracy. They argue that in a representative democracy, the power of the majority is expressed too rarely - at the time of elections and referendums. The real power is concentrated in the hands of a very small group of representatives. From this point of view, the liberal democracy closer to the oligarchy, while the development of technologies, the growth of people's education and the increase in their involvement of society create prerequisites for transmitting all the large powerful powers in the hands of the people directly.

Marxists and anarchists fully deny that liberal democracy is democracy, calling it "plutocracy." They argue that in any bourgeois democracy, the real power is concentrated in the hands of those who control financial flows. Only very wealthy citizens can afford political campaigns and disseminate their platform through the media, so the elected can only be elite or those who conclude deals with the elite. Such a system legishes inequality and facilitates economic operation. In addition, critics continue, it creates an illusion of justice, so that dissatisfaction with the masses does not lead to riots. At the same time, the "lobster" of certain information is able to cause a predicted reaction, which leads to the manipulation of the consciousness of the masses from the financial oligarchy. Supporters of liberal democracy consider this argument by an extensive evidence base: for example, the media rarely voiced radical points of view because it is not interesting to the general public, and not because of censorship [ the source is not specified 766 days]. However, they agree that the financing of election campaigns is an essential element in the election system and that in some cases it should be state. For the same reason, in many countries there are public media conductive policies of pluralism.

In an effort to keep power, the selected representatives are primarily concerned about the measures that will allow them to preserve the positive image in the eyes of voters on following elections. Therefore, they prefer such decisions that will bring political dividends in the coming months and years, to the detriment of low-foot solutions, the effect of which will manifest itself only in a few years. However, doubts were expressed whether this flaw Really disadvantage, for the implementation of long-term forecasts for society is extremely difficult, and therefore emphasis on short-term purposes may be more efficient.

On the other hand, to strengthen their weight, individual voters can support special lobbying groups. Such groups are able to receive state subsidies and achieve solutions that meet their bottleproof interests, but at the same time do not meet the interests of society as a whole.

Libertarians and monarchists criticize the liberal democracy for the fact that the selected representatives often change laws without visible. This makes it difficult for citizens to comply with laws and creates prerequisites for abuse from law enforcement agencies and officials. The complexity of the legislation also leads to the slowness and cumbersome of the bureaucratic machine.

There is a common belief that regimes with a high concentration of power are more effective in the event of war. It is argued that democracy requires a long coordination procedure, the people may object to the call. At the same time, monarchies and dictatorships are able to quickly mobilize the necessary resources. However, the last statement often contradicts the facts. In addition, the situation varies significantly subject to the availability of allies. Definition in foreign policy leads to greater effectiveness of the military union between democratic regimes than between authoritarian.


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1. Political system

2. Liberal democracy

2.1 Rights and Freedoms

2.2 Conditions

2.3 Liberal democracies

3. Liberal democracy in Russia

3.1 Dignity

3.2 Disadvantages




The political system of society is a complex, multifaceted system of relations between state and non-state social institutions that perform certain political functions. She is designed to reflect diverse interests. social groupswhich directly or through their organizations and movements have an impact on state power.

The modern political system of Russia, being a form of civil society, reflects democratic changes in society (an increase in the role of personality in political processes, the formation of a new party system, consolidation of regions, a change in the election system to the State Duma Federal Assembly and etc.).

At the same time, it is necessary to see in the political system of modern Russian society and pros and cons, perceive it with all the advantages and disadvantages, strong and last sides. The latter are due to the fact that there is a transition from previous period - Socialism - to a qualitatively new post-socialist legal system. This determines inconsistency in the separation of authorities, a fragile balance between the federal center and regions, as well as between the regions themselves, the instability of federal legislation peculiar to it contradictions and inconsistencies.

Apparently, in official data, it is often drawn to the fact that "the political system of modern Russia is not developed enough. The state apparatus is ineffective. "

It seems that this is exactly what is predetermined. relevancetopics Research. It is impossible to improve the activities of the political system as a whole, not knowing its devices and the principles of operation. Despite the abundance of articles related to the political system, its content, modernization, there is still no clarity regarding what the political system of society is what its purpose is how it functions and what includes. Without responding to these questions, it is impossible to prepare scientifically based proposals for reforming the political system and recommendations for more productive activities of its elements.

In this paper, consider the liberal-democratic system, its essence, function and development prospects in Russia.

1. Politicalsystem

The democratic nature of the state structure is enshrined in the basic laws and supreme case decisions that constitute the Constitution. The main objective of the Constitution is to limit the authorities of officials and law enforcement agencies, as well as the will of the majority. This is achieved with the help of a number of tools, the main of which are the rule of law, independent justice, separation of the authorities (according to branches and in the territorial level) and the system of "checks and counterweights", which ensures the accountability of the branches of the government to others. Givenly are only such actions of the authorities that are carried out in accordance with the law published in writing and in due order. Basics political science. Tutorial for higher educational institutions. Part 2. - p.67

Although liberal democracies include elements of direct democracy (referendums), the overwhelming majority of supreme state decisions are accepted by the Government. The policy of this government should depend only on the representatives of the legislative power and the head of the executive branch, which are established as a result of periodically feasible elections. The government's submission by anyone not elected forces is not allowed. In the interval between elections, the government should operate in openness and transparency mode, facts of corruption should immediately indulge in publicity.

One of the main provisions of Liberal Democracy is the universal eligible law, which gives each adult citizen of the country an equal right to vote, regardless of race, gender, material situation or education. The implementation of this right is usually associated with a certain registration procedure at the place of residence. The election results are determined only by those citizens who actually took part in the voting, however, the appearance should exceed some threshold so that the vote is considered to be.

The most important task of elective democracy is to ensure the accountability of the elected representatives before the nation. Therefore, elections and referendums must be free, fair and honest. They should be preceded by free and honest competition of expressives of various political views, combined with equality of opportunities for election campaigns. In practice, political pluralism is determined by the presence of several (minimum two) political parties that have significant power. The most important condition for this pluralism is freedom of speech. The choice of people should be free from the prevailing influence of the army, foreign powers, totalitarian parties, religious hierarchies, economic oligarchy and any other powerful groups. Cultural, ethnic, religious and other minorities should have an acceptable level of participation opportunities in the decision-making process, which, as a rule, is achieved by providing them with partial self-government.

2. Liberaldemocracy

liberal Democracy Russian Political

Liberal Democracy (Other Name - Polyasonarchy) is a form of a socio-political device - a legal state on the basis of a representative democracy, in which the will of the majority and the ability of elected representatives to implement power are limited in the name of the protection of minority and freedoms and freedoms. Liberal democracy aims to equal support to each citizen of rights to comply with adequate legal procedures, private property, inviolability of personal life, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of religion. These liberal rights are enshrined in higher laws (such as the Constitution or the Statute, or in the case decisions made by the Supreme Courts), which, in turn, emphasize various state and public authorities with powers in order to ensure these rights. Politology. Lecture course. / Ed. M.N. Markchenko. - p.53

A characteristic element of liberal democracy is an open society characterized by tolerance, pluralism, coexistence and competition of the widest spectrum of social and political views. Thanks to periodically election, each of the groups that hold various views, has a chance to get power. In practice, extremist or marginal points of view extremely rarely play a significant role in the democratic process, since the public sees a threat to them for the most liberal democracy. However, the model of an open society makes it difficult to conservate the power of the ruling elite, guarantees the possibility of bloodless shift of power and creates incentives that the government responds flexibly to the requests of society.

In the Liberal Democracy, the political elite in power is not obliged to share all aspects of the ideology of liberalism (for example, it can perform for democratic socialism). However, it is obliged to obey the principle of rule of law mentioned above. The term liberal in this case is understood as in the era of bourgeois revolutions of the end of the XVIII century: providing each person to protect against arbitrariness from the power of people.

2.1 Rightsandfreedom

The most frequently cited criteria for liberal democracy are of the form of civil rights and freedoms. Most of these freedoms were borrowed from various limits of liberalism, but they acquired a functional importance:

The right to life and the dignity of personality;

Freedom of speech;

Freedom of media and access to alternative information sources;

Freedom of religion and public expression of religious views;

The right to unite into political, professional and other organizations;

Freedom of assembly and open public discussion;

Academic freedom;

Independent justice;

Equality before the law;

The right to comply with adequate legal procedures in the conditions of the rule of law;

Inviolability of privacy and the right to personal secret;

The right to own property and private entrepreneurship;

Freedom of movement and choice of place of work;

Right to education;

The right to free labor and freedom from excessive economic exploitation;

Equality of opportunities. Solovyov A.I. Political science: Political theory, Political technologies: Tutorial for university students. - p.46

Some of the listed freedoms are limited to a certain extent. However, all restrictions are required to respond by three conditions: they must strictly comply with the law, pursue the righteous purpose and should be needed and adequate to achieve this goal. Laws that introduce restrictions should strive to be unequivocally and not allowed for different interpretations. Among the legitimate purposes are the protection of reputation, the dignity of the person, national security, public order, copyright, health and morality. Many restrictions are forced to ensure that the rights of one citizens do not detract from the freedom of others.

It deserves special attention to the fact that people who are fundamentally disagreeable with the doctrine of liberal democracy (including cultural or religious motifs), along with the rest they have the same rights and freedoms. This follows from the concept of an open society, according to which the political system must be capable of self-implantation and evolution. Only those who call for violence are affected. Understanding the importance of this provision is relatively new in liberal democracy, and a number of supporters of its supporters still consider legitimate legal restrictions on the promotion of any ideologies hostile to this regime.

2.2 Conditions

According to a common opinion, for the occurrence of liberal democracy, a number of conditions are followed. As such conditions, a developed justice system is given, legislative protection of private property, the presence of a wide middle class and strong civil society.

As experience shows, free elections themselves rarely provide liberal democracy, and in practice, they often lead to "defective" democracies, in which either part of citizens are devoid of electoral law, or elected representatives do not determine the entire government policy, or the executive power subordinates the legislative and Judicial, or the justice system is not able to ensure compliance with the principles laid down in the constitution. The latter is the most common problem.

The level of material well-being in the country is also hardly a condition for the transition of the country from an authoritarian regime to liberal democracy, although research shows that this level plays a significant role in ensuring its sustainability.

Until the middle of the XIX century, liberalism and democracy were in a certain contradiction with each other. For liberals, the basis of the Company was a person who is entitled to require its protection, and for which it cannot be acute the choice between the survival and preservation of their civil rights. It was implied that only the owners participate in the public contract in which they give the government agreement to ensure that it is the rule, in exchange for guarantees to protect their rights. On the contrary, democracy means the process of the formation of power based on the will of the majority in which all the people participates, including the poor.

From the point of view of democrats, deprivation of poor election law and the possibility of submitting their interests in the lawwriting process was the form of enslavement. From the point of view of Liberals, "Dictatorship of Cherni" represented a threat to private property and guarantees of freedom of personality. These fears were particularly intensified after the Great French Revolution.

The turning point was the work of Alexis de Tokville "Democracy in America" \u200b\u200b(1835), in which he showed the possibility of society, where personal freedom and private property coexist with democracy. According to Tokville, the key to the success of such a model called "Liberal Democracy" is equality of opportunities, and the most serious threat to it is the sluggish state intervention in the economy and giving them civil liberties.

After the revolution of 1848 and the state coup, Napoleon III (in 1851), the liberals began to recognize the need for democracy. Events showed that without the participation of broad masses in a public contract, the liberal regime turns out to be unstable, and the implementation of the ideas of liberalism fully remains utopia. In parallel, the power of social democratic movements, which denied the possibility of a fair society built on private ownership and the free market was taken. From their point of view, a full-fledged democracy in which all citizens have equal access to all democratic institutions (elections, media, justice, etc.), could be realized only within the framework of socialism. However, making sure the increase in the number of middle class, most Social Democrats refused the revolution, decided to participate in a democratic process and to achieve legislative reforms in order to smooth evolution towards socialism.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Social Democrats of Western countries achieved significant success. The voting rights were significantly expanded and reforms were launched, which raised the level of social protection of the population. These processes accelerated after the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia. On the one hand, the revolution and the subsequent nationalization of private ownership is very frightened by the right (classical) liberals, which recognized the need to smooth social contradictions and ensure equality of opportunity. On the other hand, the socialists saw a threat to democracy in Soviet regime and began to support the strengthening of the protection of minority rights and individual citizens. Solovyov A.I. Political science: political theory, political technologies: textbook for university students. - p.46

In the second half of the 20th century, an open society, the rule of law, equality before the law, equality of opportunities and protection of liberal freedoms became priorities in countries that are against the proliferation of fascist and communist ideologies. Today, the liberal-democratic regimes include such different cultural and level of economic well-being of the state, like Finland, Spain, Estonia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Canada, Uruguay and Taiwan. In all these countries, liberal (in wide sense) Values \u200b\u200bplay a key role in the formation of the new goals of society, even despite the gap between ideals and reality.

At the same time, today Islamic fundamentalism is considered as the main ideology, hostile to liberal democracy. Much of the population democratic countries Sees in a number of modern currents of Islam, a threat to personal and national security, as well as for civil rights and freedoms. At the moment, only two Muslim countries are Indonesia and Mali - have features of liberal democracy.

2.3 Typesliberaldemocratic

The presence of liberal democracy is largely determined by actually implemented principles and compliance of the regime to the above criteria. For example, Canada is formally monarchy, but actually managed by a democratically elected parliament. In the UK, the hereditary monarch has a formally higher authority, but in fact, the people, through the representatives elected by him, possesses such power. Monarchy in these countries is largely symbolic.

There are many election systems for the formation of parliament, the most common of which are the majoritarian system and a proportional system. In the majority system, the territory is divided into district, in each of which the mandate goes to the candidate who scored the majority of votes. With a proportional system of space in parliament, they are distributed proportional to the number of votes given by the party. In some countries, part of the parliament is formed on one system, and part on the other.

Countries also differ in the formation of the executive and legislative power. In the presidential republics, these branches are formed separately, which ensures the high degree of their separation by function. In the Parliamentary republics, the executive power is formed by Parliament and is in partial dependence on it, which ensures a more uniform distribution of the volume of powerful powers between the branches.

Scandinavia countries, being liberal democracies, are simultaneously social democracies. This is associated with a high level of social protection of the population, equality in the standard of living, free secondary education and health care, a significant public sector in economics and high taxes. However, in these countries, the state does not interfere in pricing (even in the public sector, with the exception of monopolies), banks are private, and there are no obstacles to trade, including international; Effective laws and transparent governments reliably protect the civil rights of people and the ownership of entrepreneurs.

3. LiberaldemocracyinRussia

In Russia, liberal democracy has never been implemented. According to the rating "Freedom in The World", the USSR in 1990-1991. And Russia in 1992-2004 considered partially free countries, but since 2005 Russia has fallen into a list of non-free countries.

In Russia itself, a part of the population is mistakenly binds the doctrine of liberal democracy with the ultranationalist part of the LDPR. Democracy as a whole is supported, however, most of the social rights are higher than liberal. Chudinova I.M. Political myths // Socio-political magazine. 2011. №6

3.1 Dignity

First of all, liberal democracy relies on the principle of law and universal equality in front of it. Therefore, it is precisely during democracy that the greatest level of legality and order is ensured.

Further, liberal democracy ensures the accountability of the authorities before nation. If the people are dissatisfied with the government's policies (due to corruption or excessive bureaucracy, attempts to bypass laws, errors in economic policy, etc.), in the following elections the opposition has a high chance to win. After it comes to power, the most reliable way to stay is to prevent the errors of the predecessors (to dismiss corrupt or ineffective officials, to comply with the laws, attract competent economists, etc.) Thus, the liberal democracy reflects the desire to power and forces the government to work for the benefit of the nation . This provides a relatively low level of corruption - which, with an authoritarian mode, it is possible to achieve only the price of extremely rigid dictatorship.

Since politically important decisions are taken by elected representatives - professionals consisting of political elites - it frees the people from the need to spend time studying and discussing many state issues. At the same time, a number of countries (Switzerland, Uruguay) and regions (California) actively use elements of direct democracy: referendums and plebiscites.

Constitutional protection against the dictatorship of the majority is the essential advantage of this regime and distinguishes it from other varieties of democracy. In fact, each person for some signs belongs to a certain minority, so in conditions of comprehensive subordination of the will of most civil rights are suppressed. In the conditions of liberal democracy, it has opposite consequences, because it makes the current majority to consider themselves as a temporary coalition and therefore treat the point of view of the current minority.

Due to the fact that the minority is able to influence the decision-making process, the liberal democracy ensures the protection of private ownership for secured, social defense For poor, as well as smoothing cultural, ethnic and religious conflicts. The most democratic countries in the world are characterized by the lowest level of terrorism. This effect, possibly extends even beyond the region: Statistics shows that since the late 1980s, when in Eastern Europe, many countries have risen on the path of liberal democracy, the total number of military conflicts, ethnic wars, revolutions, etc. in the world sharply decreased.

The ability to change the government or his politics peacefully and without violence contributes to stability and certainty in society. The fact that democracy is forced the government to work openly, to report its strategic goals and report on current measures to achieve them. Freedom of speech also allows the authorities to be better informed about the real state of affairs in the state.

The consequence of liberal democracy is the accumulation of human capital, low inflation, smaller political and economic instability and relatively low state intervention in the activities of entrepreneurs. A number of researchers believe that these circumstances (especially economic freedom) contribute to the economic rise and increase in the level of welfare of the entire population, expressed in the GDP per capita (English). At the same time, despite the high rates of economic growth, several liberal-democratic countries are still relatively poor (India, Costa Rica, Estonia), and a number of authoritarian regimes, on the contrary, flourish (Brunei).

Studies also show that liberal democracy is more efficiently disposed of available resources if they are limited than authoritarian regimes. Thus, liberal democracies are characterized by a higher life expectancy and less children's and maternal mortality, regardless of the level of GDP, inequality in income or public sector size.

3.2 disadvantages

Liberal democracy is a kind of representative democracy, which causes criticism by adherents of direct democracy. They argue that in a representative democracy, the power of the majority is expressed too rarely - at the time of elections and referendums. The real power is concentrated in the hands of a very small group of representatives. From this point of view, the liberal democracy closer to the oligarchy, while the development of technologies, the growth of people's education and the increase in their involvement of society create prerequisites for transmitting all the large powerful powers in the hands of the people directly.

Marxists and anarchists completely deny that liberal democracy is democracy, calling it "plutocracy". They argue that in any bourgeois democracy, the real power is concentrated in the hands of those who control financial flows. Only very wealthy citizens can afford political campaigns and disseminate their platform through the media, so the elected can only be elite or those who conclude deals with the elite. Such a system legishes inequality and facilitates economic operation. In addition, critics continue, it creates an illusion of justice, so that dissatisfaction with the masses does not lead to riots. At the same time, the "challenge" of certain information is able to cause the predicted reaction, which leads to the manipulation of the consciousness of the masses by the financial oligarchy. Proponents of liberal democracy consider this argument by an extensive evidence base: for example, the media rarely voiced radical points of view because it is not interesting to the general public, but not because of censorship. However, they agree that the financing of election campaigns is an essential element in the election system and that in some cases it should be state. For the same reason, in many countries there are public media conductive policies of pluralism. Chudinova I.M. Political myths // Socio-political magazine. 2011. №6

In an effort to keep power, the selected representatives are primarily concerned about the measures that will allow them to preserve the positive image in the eyes of voters in the following elections. Therefore, they prefer such decisions that will bring political dividends in the coming months and years, to the detriment of low-foot solutions, the effect of which will manifest itself only in a few years. However, doubts were expressed, whether this drawback is really a lack of deficiency, because the implementation of long-term forecasts for society is extremely difficult, and therefore emphasis on short-term purposes may be more efficient.

On the other hand, to strengthen their weight, individual voters can support special lobbying groups. Such groups are able to receive state subsidies and achieve solutions that meet their bottleproof interests, but at the same time do not meet the interests of society as a whole.

Libertarians and monarchists criticize the liberal democracy for the fact that the selected representatives often change laws without visible. This makes it difficult for citizens to comply with laws and creates prerequisites for abuse from law enforcement agencies and officials. The complexity of the legislation also leads to the slowness and cumbersome of the bureaucratic machine.

There is a common belief that regimes with a high concentration of power are more effective in the event of war. It is argued that democracy requires a long coordination procedure, the people may object to the call. At the same time, monarchies and dictatorships are able to quickly mobilize the necessary resources. However, the last statement often contradicts the facts. In addition, the situation varies significantly subject to the availability of allies. Definition in foreign policy leads to greater effectiveness of the military union between democratic regimes than between authoritarian.


Having considered the main parameters and principles of the liberal-democratic political system, we turn to the analysis of the main modes of this system. As mentioned earlier, the classification of liberal-democratic regimes is made on the basis of the nature of the separation of the authorities, the configuration of state institutions, their functions, etc. According to this basis, parliamentary, presidential, mixed presidential regimes differ.

In Russia, the established regime can be called mixed presidential. We have the head of state - the president and the head of government - the Prime Minister. The President is a guarantor of preserving the unity of the state. It defines the strategic directions for the development of the country and is endowed with broad powers in the implementation of these areas. Although the government is responsible to the President, the parliament has a certain impact on its formation, in particular, the consent of the parliament to the appointment of the Chairman of the Government, and the Parliament decides the issue of confidence in the government. But the operational activity of the latter was derived from under the control of the Federal Assembly.

It should be noted that the question of which of the three main regimes is to the greatest extent of Russia, is by no means simple and remains the subject of sharp disputes and discussions. And the presidential, and the parliamentary regime has both positive and negative sides. In countries surviving totalitarianism or relatives to it, regimes (Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan), parliamentary regimes were established (although in the last two in the form of a constitutional monarchy). It was the parliamentary institutions here in many ways made it possible to negotiate, overcome the main attributes, values \u200b\u200band installation of antidemocraticism. But in the context of Russia without a strong center, bonding all regions of the country into a single whole, parliamentarism in its pure form is fraught with unpredictable consequences. It is possible that for Russia, taking into account its age-old traditions, policies, etc., taking into account the authoritarianism, presentation, personification, etc., would be the best regime. Especially since it seems to be in the light of what happened in the country for last years Transformations of the prospects for sliding to dictatorship in whatever form is not so significant, as some publicists depict. There are no sufficient mechanisms, structures, socio-psychological, ideological-political and other prerequisites for this. But nevertheless, given the Russian traditions, we must very carefully assess the suitability and this regime for Russia.

In other words, the parliamentary regime in the conditions of the transition is able to encourage instability and inhibit stabilization processes, and purely presidential regime at a certain coincidence is fraught with rolling to one or another form of authoritarianism. The mixed regime, combining the institutions of parliamentarism and the presidential rule, is able to provide stabilization and consolidation of a huge country around the center, when taking into account the interests of various socio-political forces, peoples, regions and republics. Chudinova I.M. Political myths // Socio-political magazine. 2011. №6


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11. Chudinova I.M. Political myths // Socio-political magazine. 2011. №6

Posted on www.allbest.ru.

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